A STUDY of the CONTROVERSIES ABOUT the BATTLE of JUTLAND APPROVED: Lajor Professor Minor Profess Irector O De
BROADSIDES OF INK: A STUDY OF THE CONTROVERSIES ABOUT THE BATTLE OF JUTLAND APPROVED: lajor Professor Minor Profess irector o Dea*n of the Graduate School /9/. Summers, Herbert R., Broadsides of Ink; A Study of the Controversies About the Battle of Jutland. Master of Arts (History)/ August, 1973, 197 pp., 2 appendices, bibliography, 54 titles. This thesis is an analysis of the arguments over the major questions about the Battle of Jutland. These questions include ones on naval strategy, tactics, materiel, and the effect of the battle. The major sources are The Times (London) 1916-1937, Times Literary Supplement 1918-1964, The Spectator 1920-1921. The most important secondary sources were Bacon's Jutland Scandal, Corbett's Official History of the War: Naval . Operatj ons, Churchill's World Crisis, 1916-1918, Gibson and Harper's Riddle of Jutland, Frost's Battle of Jutland, Chalmers's Life and Letters of David, Earl Beatty, Harnett's Swordbearers, Bennett's The Battle of Jutland, Marder's From the Dreadnought to Seapa Flow, and Irving's Smoke Screen of Jutland. The first chapter narrates the battle to provide basic information. The second chapter discusses the controversies revolving around the battle. Next follows an analysis of letters to newspapers. Major themes concern naval doctrine, strategy and. tactics, the comparison of the modern navy with Nelson's navy, and the storm over the Barper Report. The next chapters are a chronological analysis of book length studies of the battle as well as letters. The final chapter sums up the major questions of strategy, tactics, materiel, and the conduct of individual commanders.
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