RCAF Overseas

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RCAF Overseas THE R.C.A.F. OVERSEAS THE FIRST FOUR YEARS SENIOR OFFICERS, R.C.A.F. OVERSEAS: I. A/C G. V. Walsh, M.B.E. 2. G/C F. V. Heakes. 3. A/M H. Edwards, C.B. 4. A/C L. F. Stevenson. THE R.C.A.F. OVERSEAS THE FIRST FOUR YEARS With an Introduction by MAJOR THE HONOURABLE C. G. POWER P.C., K.C., M.C., LL.L., LL.D., M.P., MINISTER OF NATIONAL DEFENCE FOR AIR TORONTO OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1 9 4 4 COPYRIGHT, 1944 by OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission in writing from the publishers. All royalties from this publication will accrue to the R.C.A.F. Benevolent Fund. Printed in Canada Their shoulders held the sky suspended; They stood, and earth’s foundations stay. A. E. HOUSMAN: Last Poems PREFACE The names of a considerable number of individuals have been included in this informal narrative, either (as in the case of squadron commanders) to distinguish units, or because of their association with the particular incidents described. They represent, of course, but a small fraction of the total number of personnel who, in the air and on the ground, have carried on staunchly, month after month, per- forming the deeds of heroism and endurance which are rou- tine among the overseas squadrons of the Royal Canadian Air Force. While the limitations of space and security do not permit the inclusion of more names, this narrative is the story of (and tribute to) all such personnel. In the Appendix, no decorations other than those for gallantry in action have been included. Thus, it has been necessary to omit awards of chivalry, honours in recogni- tion of good work on the ground and mentions in des- patches, both for flying and ground duties. In view of the large number of individuals and units mentioned in this volume and the fact that their names have a place in the in- dex, it has been necessary to forego the indexing of other subjects. This course has been followed since it was felt that the majority of readers would identify passages by ref- erence to the personnel or squadron concerned rather than to the place name or type of aircraft or operation involved. The index has also of necessity been further curtailed by the omission of certain names mentioned casually, which vii viii THE R.CA.F. OVERSEAS have no direct connection with the story. In no instances are such omissions the names of personnel of the Royal Canadian Air Force. The editors, members of the Historical Section of the Royal Canadian Air Force, tender their apologies for any inconveniences which may be suffered by this curtailment. The editors gratefully acknowledge the kindness of the Hon. Cyrus MacMillan, M.A., Ph.D., M.P., Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of National Defence for Air, in reviewing the manuscript of this publication. Photographs are from the British Ministry of Information, the National Film Board of Canada, and the Royal Canadian Air Force. All photographs, other than those which bear a credit line to a commercial agency, are Crown Copyright Reserved. Except where otherwise stated, the rank and decorations given for individuals shown in the illustrations are those held on 31st August, 1943, or at the death of the individual. The lines by A. E. Housman are used by permission of the Society of Authors representing the trustees of the estate of the late A. E. Housman. FOREWORD The following pages are part of Canada’s Epic of the Air. That Epic which, some day when the war has ended, will be written in complete detail without the restrictions of censorship, is an immortal story of initiative and courage, of sacrifice and undying devotion to duty. The present vol- ume covers the period from February 1940 to August 1943. It is based only on such records as can now be revealed without endangering security. It is confined largely to the activities of the Royal Canadian Air Force, and does not, of necessity, describe the work of the thousands of Canadians in the Royal Air Force. Canadian flyers are fighting today on all the battle fronts of the world. Wherever they are in action, in the Royal Canadian Air Force or in the Royal Air Force, their achievements form a golden record of glory of which Canada is justly proud. Their story is precious to our country. It is my earnest hope that the pages which follow may give to our people a deeper knowledge and apprecia- tion of our airmen’s way of life, their duties, their intrepid heroism and their steadfast honour, and that the valorous deeds here recorded may be an inspiration to the young whose future responsibility will be to maintain in our be- loved land the justice and the freedom for which our youth- ful airmen fought and died. C. G. POWER Ottawa, February, 1944. ix CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PREFACE vii FOREWORD: C.G. Power ix GLOSSARY xiii I. THE EARLY DAYS OF THE R.C.A.F. 3 II. THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN 11 III. EXPANSION 35 IV. THE AIR OFFENSIVE OVER NORTHERN FRANCE 41 V. FIGHTER OPERATIONS AFTER DIEPPE 66 VI. CONVOY PATROLS AND INTERCEPTIONS 128 VII. NIGHT FIGERTERS 135 VIII. INTRUDERS 151 IX. THE BATTLE OF GERMANY 168 X. EARLY MINE-LAYING OPERATIONS 193 XI. BOMBER OPERATIONS EXPAND 197 XII. THE SUMMER OFFENSIVE 241 XIII. COASTAL COMMAND 269 XIV. THE NETHERLANDS COASTAL WATERS 284 XV. THE BATTLE OF THE ATLANTIC 300 XVI. THE BATTLE OF THE BAY 311 XVII. ARMY CO-OPERATION 330 XVIII. THE FAR EAST 355 XIX. FROM ALEXANDRIA TO TUNISIA 362 XX. AND ON TO SICILY 373 XXI. L’ENVOI 390 ORDERS, DECORATIONS AND MEDALS 393 INDEX 403 xi GLOSSARY Ack ack: anti-aircraft, from the former Clouds, 8/10ths, 10/10ths, etc.: area of sky service phonetic pronunciation of the covered by clouds, 10/10ths being com- letters A.A. plete overcast. AC1, AC2: Aircraftman First Class, Air- C.O.: Commanding Officer. craftman Second Class. Coned: caught in a concentration of search A/C: Air Commodore. light beams. AG: Air Gunner Coop: safety-glass hood covering pilot’s A/M: Air Marshal. seat in fighter aircraft. A.O.C., A.O.C.-in-C.: Air Officer Com- Corkscrew: take sharp action, alternately manding, Air Officer Commanding-in- to right and left, to avoid enemy attack. Chief. Cpl.: Corporal. A.S.I.: Airspeed Indicator. A.S.R.: air-sea rescue. Datum: pre-assigned map point. A/V/M: Air Vice-Marshal. D.C.O.: duty carried out; an abbreviation used to report completion of a routine Bandit: enemy raider (aircraft). assignment. Black out: lose sight and consciousness, Deck: ground (or sea) level. momentarily, when blood is drained Dispersal area: area in which aircraft are from the brain by excessive centrifugal dispersed as a precaution against enemy force encountered in pulling out too air attack. sharply from a dive or in a very tight Ditch: make a forced landing in the sea. turn. Diversionary sweep: operation in which a Bounce: take unawares from a higher smaller formation of aircraft flies over altitude. an area other than that attacked by the Bowser: gasoline (or petrol) refuelling main force in order to divert the enemy’s truck. fighter defence. Briefing: instructions given to fighter Do: any event, from an action in the air to pilots and bomber crews before taking a social gathering in the mess; if it in- off on an operation. volves, or just escapes, unpleasant con- Buck: jump or shudder as when hit by sequences (aerial or social) it is referred cannon fire. to as a shaky-do. BV.: Blohm and Voss, German aircraft. Do.: Dornier, German aircraft. Dogfight: confused air battle, usually Cat: Catalina flying-boat. involving a considerable number of air- Ciné-gun: motion picture camera operated craft. simultaneously with machine-guns Drink: the sea. and/or cannon; it gives a photographic Duff: poor or bad. record of what happens when the guns Dust-up: heated action. are fired and thus is of great value in the E/a, e.a.: enemy aircraft. assessment of combat reports and in the Erks: Aircraftmen, the lowly but vital study of fighter tactics, firing procedure, foundation upon which the whole Air etc. Force is built. xiii xiv THE R.CA.F. OVERSEAS E.T.A.: estimated time of arrival. weapon. Evasive action: avoiding action; aerobatics to escape from an attack or flak. Mae West: life-saving jacket; its bulges Fix: determination of position, obtained by give the pilot a buxom appearance. radio or wireless or from observation of Mayday: distress signal; from French stars or sun. m’aidez. M.V.: Merchant vessel. F/L: Flight Lieutenant. Me.: Messerschmitt, German aircraft. Flak: enemy anti-aircraft fire (or gun); N/F: night fighter. from German abbreviation Fl.A.K. for Flugzeug Abwehr-Kanone, anti-aircraft- O.C.: Officer Commanding. gun. Oleo leg: shock-absorbing leg to which air F/O: Flying Officer. craft wheel is attached. Fort: Fortress, American heavy bomber. Ops.: operations against the enemy. FS: Flight Sergeant. Orbit: circle. FW.: Focke-Wulf, German aircraft. Pack up: cease to function. G.A.F.: German Air Force. Perspex: shatter-proof, glass-like material Gaggle: formation of aircraft. used in windscreens, cockpit and gun G/C: Group Captain. turret covers. Gen: intelligence or information; it may be P.F.F.: Pathfinder Force. pukka or duff, q.v. Piece of cake: cinch.
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