
FAO: Louisa Brown,

South District Council,

Brympton Way,


BA20 2HT email [email protected]

Dear Louisa

Planning Application Reference 16/02414/FUL

As resident of Village I wish to object to the aforementioned Planning application.

The application proposes a huge increase in the number of vehicles using the junction with Redscript and Knapps Lane and the junction of Redscript Lane and the A30. With up to 300 extra lorry movements per week residents of the villages, together with the wider population of the surrounding area, will have to endure months of delays and traffic congestion.

The proposal for the unclassified road (New Lane) to be used as the preferred diversion route is unrealistic. The road is hardly wide enough to accommodate one car let alone two attempting to pass, there are very few passing places and it is certainly not wide enough to accommodate milk tankers and other heavy goods vehicles looking to access the A30 from Chaffcombe direction.

We are very concerned that the development will lead to unacceptable levels of noise, smell and dust and that the land will be simply used as a dumping place for large quantities of waste material from the surrounding area.

This planning application, if allowed to go ahead, will have a significant impact on the local Environment and on the Quality of Life of all those who live and work in Chaffcombe and for this reason we would like to register our objection to it.

Yours Sincerely

Residents name and Address

Deadline for letters to reach SSDC is 5th August 2016 please send as soon as possible.

Thank You.