Village Survey Monographs, Kaginelli Village, No-16, Part VI, Vol-XI
PRO. 174. 31 (N) 1,000 CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 VOLUME XI MYSORE PART VI VILLAGE SURVEY MONOGRAPHS No. 16, KAGINELLI VILLAGE Byadgi TaIuk, Dharwar District Editor: K. BALASUBRAMANYAM, of the Indian Administrative Service, Superintendent of Census Operations in Mysorc. 1970 PRINTED IN INDIA AT THE MANIPAL POWER PRESS. MANIPAL (SOUTH KANARA) AND PUBLISHED BY THE MANAGER OF PUBLICATIONS, DBLH(.6 Price: Inland Rs. 3.15 or Foreign 7 sh. 5 d. or 1 S 14 Cents. 7 . 7 • -. 17' 13' istrict J./~GcI·QuRrtus a/uk " illig'~ S~}ected tate boundary ., 7 S· VILLAGE SURVEY REPORT ON KAGINELLI Field Investigation, Tabulation and Draft Report Sri M. S. Ramachandra, B.SC. Invej tigator. Supervision and Guidance Sri K. L. Suryanaraynan, B.A.,B.L. Deputy Superintendent of Census Operations in Mysore (Socio-Economic Survey) Final Report Sri C. M. Chandawarkar. B.SC. DepulY Superintendent of Census Operations in Mysore, (District Hand Books) Bang%re Photographs Sri S. Ramachandra. B.SC. Senior Technical Assistant FOREWORD Apart from laying the foundations of demography (a) At least eight villages were to be so selected in this subcontinent, a hundred years of the Indian that each of them would contain one dominant Census has also produced 'elaborate and scholarly community with one predominating occu accounts of the variegated phenomena of Indian life pation, e.g. fishermen, forest workers, jhum sometimes with no statistics attached, but usually cultivators, potters, weavers, salt-makers, quarry with just enough statistics to give empirical under workers, etc. A village should have a mini pinning to their conclusions.' In a country, largely mum population of 400, the optimum being illiterate, where statistical or numerical comprehen between 500 and 700.
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