New York Rabbisrequest Halt to Telecast of 'Merchant of Venice' NEW YORK - the New to Having C.B.S
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Temple Beth El 10 TEMP L BCT:l·· L UBRAR'I' 70 Orchard Ave. PrQvlde~~e, R. I. New York RabbisRequest Halt To Telecast Of 'Merchant Of Venice' NEW YORK - The New to having C.B.S. 'televise the York Board of Rabbis requested play loca))y he would hesitate THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . a halt to the scheduled telecast to cancel the program. of "The Merchant of Venice" "If the play's good enough •in Central Park, It was report VOL. XLVI, No. 15 JUNE 22, 1962 16 PAGES for our audiences In Central ed by Arthur Gelb In the New Park," be said, "It's good York Times. A delegation of the enough for the rest of the city. Dr. Caroll Silver To Address board, representing 800 Reform, I have great sympathy with the Report Hitler's Conservative and Orthodox rab Board of Rabbis and for the bis In Greater New York, met good work they have done In with Parks Commissioner New Orthopedic· Group In Yugoslavia Deputy Lives (Continued on PB&"e 13) by Cella Zuckerber&' bold Morris and Joseph Papp. director of the Shakespeare "I am looking forward with In S America Festival, to protest the produc great pleasure to great you and PARIS - Martin Bormann, tion of what they termed an Legislators your family In my country and deputy to Adolf Hitler, Is alive. anti-Semitic play. I will arralnge everything to resides In South America, and After the hour-long meeting Undecided On make your short stay a pleas visits Europe once every year, In Commissioner Morris' Office, ant one. 2 month ago I have according to disclosures made Mr. Papp said he was bound by tryed a bilateral Stoffel and here by Angel Alcazar de Velas contract to allow the Columbia Sunday Laws Sllfversklold operation with a co, a Spaniard who was form Broadcasting System to televise BOSTON The Massa- girl 6 year old, and the im erly Spain's press attache In the play loca))y. But he assured mediate result Is excelent. By chusetts State Senate and the London. Velasco, who Is 52, had the rabbis he would ask the House of Representatives were now she Is tricycle riding; she won from Hitler the award of network not to release the tape was never on her feet before split last week on propasals to the Iron Cross "for services to stations outside of New York. amend the Sunday blue Jaws In operation." performed." '"I am doing this," Mr. Papp This quotation from a letter such a way that business enter According to Velasco, he was explained last night, "not be prises that observe Saturday as written to Dr. Caroll M. Sliver of the chief of Nazi counter cause I feel the play Is anti Providence by Dr. Rudi Kandel the Sabbath may remain open espionage ln Spain In 1940, and Semitic, but because the rabbis on Sundays. of Yugoslavia Is perhaps the continued to work for the Nazis seemed to sincerely concerned." best commentary on the work when Spain sent ·him to the During the meeting the rab The House rejected a pro which Dr. Silver and his part post In London, where he served bis said they deplored the selec posed amendment two weeks ner Dr. Stanley D. Simon, ln 1941 and 1942. He said that tion of the play for the park ago. The Senate passed the orthopedic surgeons, have been In 1945, a Nazi agent, bearing but realized It was too late to amendment by a vote of 21 to doing for several years. Dr. Caroll M. Silver- the code name of '"Fellpl," ap substitute another work. They 14, but there are demands that Although both are well proached hlm In Madrid. and added that "they were more the Senate reconsider the lib knowri for the orthopedic work could expect was through phy told him to await the arrival concerned with the possible im eralization of the blue Jaws. ◄ whlch they do, they have been slcal therapy. Although physl Rabbi Samuel J . Fox, vice ◄ of "a most Important person pact of the stereotyped charac ◄ partlcularly Interested In the cal therapy Is important, lt age" within a month. The per ter of Shylock on an amor president of the Massachusetts ◄ help which surgery can give has been found that surgery Council of Rabbis, and chair ◄ son turned out to be Bormann, phous, Invisible mass television ◄ those who are afflicted with can also be helpful. he said. and he took Bormann audience.'' man of the council's social ◄ cerebral palsy. According to Dr. Sliver, sur- In a submarine from a fishing One rabbi said he was · upset actions committee, has praised Caused by brain Injury. cere- gery will not make a palsy vlc port In northwest Spain to by the fact that the play was the Senate for Its action, say j bral palsy affects muscles which tim normal. but It will allow southern Argentina, near Pata being presented with the sanc Ing it has provided "equality control expression .and action, him to use muscles over which gonia. The voyage, he said, tion of the city. The city has and freedom to every religious an~ f2! this re!!50n _pr .. Sliver he would have had no control took 21 days. appropriated $100,000 of the belief." says, the people afflicted often • before. Velasco said he last met Bor $285,000 needed to run the The Pilot. organ of the Catho 1j are classed as under par In In order to spread the lnfor mann In Ecuador In 1958. The summer season. lic Archdiocese here, has bitter braln capacity. This, Dr. Sliver matlon about the surgical pro Hitler deputy by that time. he The play, which will open the ly assailed the Senate, declar says, Is not the case most of cedures which he and Dr. Si said, had aged considerably, and new Shakespeare Festival am ing specltlca))y that the Senate the time. "There are bad cere- mon use, they have traveled to several countries where they had changed his appearance phitheatre near Belvedere Tow vote favors · "prlncipa))y Jews bral palsy cases where the per- have lectured and demonstrat through plastic surgery on his er Lake will be haped by and · Adventists." charging the son ls Incapable of taking care face. C.B.S. at a preview perform amendment "clearly gives com of himself, but the brain Is not ed surgical procedures. Meanwhile In Rome. Eva ance. mercial advantage to one min onty perfectly clear. but close Dr. Sliver and his family <his Bormann, the daughter of Hit Mayor Wagner will dedicate ority In the community." Rab to that of a genius. There ls no wife, Gall; their two daughters, ler's chief aide, Insisted her · the theatre at a special per bi Joseph S. Shubow, gplr!tual real correlation between the June and Susan, and their son, father died In the battle for formance for the festival's do leader -of Temple B'nal Moshe, physical and the brain." Paul) will On June 27 and will Berlin. She said she plans to nors on ·Monday. stated he was "rather aghast at At one time, and It Is still return August 28. They Intend get married and lead "a quiet Mr. Papp said that even It he the harsh tone used by the true In many places, It was to Jive In Italy - In San Remo ll!e." weren't committed by contract Pilot." thought that the only help - In a "penslone" with an Ita- whlch a cerebral palsy victim (Continued on PB&"e 13) Rabbi Eli Bohnen Finds No Conflict Fear Possible Persecution Of Between Community Center, Temple Jews In Algeria By Moslems "Synagogue - Center Rela To this Introduction Rabbi tionships In Providence" was Bohnen replied: "I'm glad that NEW YORK Warnings "Some members of the Jew discussed at the Century Club Bert Bernhardt began by read against the possible persecu ish minority," he said, had "Cookout" held recently at the Ing from this clipping. Until tion of Jews In Algeria by the lined up with the Europeans home of Richard Loebenberg. very recently, when I told the Moslem majority there, after killing Moslems In Algeria, nominating committee of the Algeria becomes Independent of stating "it Is even acknowledged Rabbinical Assembly that I France, were voiced here by a by many Jews." didn't want to rise any higher group of experts participating Senators Jacob K. Jav!ts and In the ranks, I was secretary of In a radio discussion on Station Kenneth B. Keating, members the Rabbinical Assembly. WNEW, erttltled "The Algerian of the panel, advocated the I'm somewhat · familiar with Jew: The Man In the Middle." need for International aid to what happens. It Is true that The warnings came after one those Algerian Jews who wish the Assembly and Its publica of the participants In thepanel, to emigrate either to France or tion "Conservative Judaism" Is Abdel A. Chanderll. permanent to Israel. Other participants In usually thought of as the voice representative In New York for the radio discussion included of Conservative Judaism. Actu the provisional Alger!anNat!on Samuel Blumenfeld, secretary ally, It Is not, although I be allst Government, declared that, of the American Committee for lieve people have a right to as while Algerian Jews will be France and Algeria; Dr. Wil sume It Is. The editor of "Con "welcome to stay," some Jews liam Korey. of the B'na! B'r!th servative Judaism" decided may face prosecution for hav that the question of the "Place ing been lined up on the side International Council; and Hal Lehrman, Journalist.