WETLANDS IN AGRICULTURAL AREAS Complementary measures to reduce nutrient transport to inland and coastal waters By: Ekologgruppen July 2000 Life fund beneficiary: Lunds kommun Tekniska förvaltningen Sweden Start date: 960701 Project No: LIFE96ENV/S/346 Reporting period: NV/S/346 960701-991031 FINAL REPORT Front page: Wetland in the watershed of Kävlinge river (1999). Photographs: All photographs have been taken by Ekologgruppen, except figure No 10 and 11(right) which were taken by Olle Nordell Ekologgruppen i Landskrona AB Contributory authors: Tette Alström, Karl Holmström, Johan Krook, David Reuterskiöld, Cecilia Torle, Lena Tranvik and Bengt Wedding E-mail:
[email protected] Investigations: Studies of biological diversity, David Reuterskiöld (vegetation), Johan Krook and Cecilia Torle (macroinvertebrates), Martin Granbom (birds) Analysis of water chemistry: Bengt Wedding in co-operation with the laboratory at Lunds sewage plant Thanks to Lars Jacobsson for constructive comments on the manuscript and to Emilie Björling for valuable linguistics comments. Life-coordinator: Lars Jacobsson Lunds kommun, Tekniska förvaltningen, Park- och naturkontoret Byggmästaregatan 4, S-222 37 Lund, Sweden Tel +46-46-35 50 00, Fax +46-46-35 67 10 E-mail:
[email protected] Wetlands in agricultural areas Final report TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY..............................................................................................................................1 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................3