The ”close” concept has become a fashionable word for residential areas wishing to describe how conveniently they are situated. But in actual fact, in many of these places, “close” means quite some way away.

Staffanstorp is located exactly where it should be. Everyone in the Öresund region can get here very quickly. Copenhagen is 30 minutes away. Malmö is 15 minutes away… is a 15 minute bike ride – or ten minutes on the bus.

We’re not saying we are located “close-by” We’re saying we are a lot closer than that.

Production: Staffanstorps kommun Projectmanaging: Ivar Sjögren, incl text and photo Design: Johan Bergstrand Print: Bildcenter i Lund ab Other photos: Lisbeth Svensson, Lars Andersson, Perry Nordeng, Ola Winqvist, Anita Wallin, Bengt Bengtsson, Ulrika Vendelbo. Translation: Nigel Ford, MT International, CLOSER THAN CLOSE-BY COMMITMENT has been working for the future for thousands of years. Our ancestors have laid a lasting foundation and active inhabitants of the community are still getting on with the job. All the doors in the municipality are open so that everyone wishing to participate can. This is how people do it in Staffanstorp. Commitment is one of the factors that make Staffanstorp an oasis in life for those wishing to live in the Öresund region. SECURITY COURAGE Staffanstorp is an agreeable place where every- Several years ago we rebuilt central Staffanstorp one knows each other. entirely. You might well have seen the results. And looks after each other. Now we’ve drawn up the guidelines all the way Newcomers are always made welcome by those to 2038. who have been here a while. Staffanstorp is a place for happy childhoods. We can keep an eye on each other in Staffans- Our municipality is growing and will remain a torp. wonderful, welcoming, secure place to live, in Our children can run around and play outside the heart of the Öresund region. when and where they like. Most children can get Courage is essential to change and development. to school by themselves without crossing a main We have always had the courage to invest in the road. future. Security is one of the factors that make Staf- Courage is another of the factors that makes fanstorp idyllic for those wishing to live in the Staffanstorp idyllic for those wishing to live Öresund region. in the Öresund region. Jessica and Niklas commute to Denmark daily From close to QUALITY TIME ‘We even have a good restaurant – Gästis. ‘It takes no more time to commute to Denmark from Staffanstorp than it did This makes it really from Malmö.’ perfect for us!’

Jessica Duah, Niklas Johnsson and their small ‘In Malmö we had to take Nicholas to school children live in Staffanstorp and work in Denmark. every day because the traffic made it too dange- They drive over the Öresund Bridge every day. rous for him to walk there by himself. Now he ‘We have more time over living in Staffanstorp goes off to school by himself and he can run than we did in Malmö. But the peace and quiet around outdoors and play with his friends just as and security for our children is the best thing of he likes.’ all.’ Staffanstorp’s safe surroundings give children It takes Niklas just 35 minutes to drive to his job more freedom. Everything they need is easily as a deputy chef at Hotel Scandic in Hvidovre, accessible and close at hand. west of Copenhagen. ‘ Staffanstorp has a very pleasant atmosphere. It takes Jessica a little longer; 45 minutes in When they’re out playing the children rarely get the rush hour traffic to her job in Hærløv in the into any fights or trouble and we can enjoy our- accounts department at the Elgiganten Norden selves too – a meal at the restaurant or just pop office. out for a beer.’ ‘Usually I leave just before seven and I’m home again by half four,’ she said. The family used to live in central Malmö, deci- ded to move to an environment better suited to bringing up a family and chose Staffanstorp. One year old Milton goes to the Åkerhus nur- sery school and ten year old Nicholas to Annero primary. QUALITY TIME

People, living in Staffanstorp have more Perfect location with good connections time, more meaningful recreation and Staffanstorp has excellent communications and better quality and flexibility in their daily Lund, Malmö, Copenhagen, Sturup (Malmö Air- lives. There is no rush and no stress. port) and the south-west coast ferry ports are all within easy reach. Quality time does not mean having the The regional bus service runs frequently to Lund, time to be efficient, but having enough Malmö, , and . space in which to dream and reflect. Hjärup is on the main line and stopping trains leave from here for Lund and Malmö several times an hour, a journey of just a few minutes. Roads to Staffanstorp are of high European standard with main traffic routes from Malmö and Copenhagen and country roads from Lund, Sturup and Trelleborg. Well-lit bicycle tracks run from Lund to Staffans- torp and Hjärup, from Malmö to Hjärup, be- tween Staffanstorp and Hjärup and from and Hjärup. A total of 120 km of bicycle tracks, with plans for a further 28 km within the near future. The railroad – the track to the future

Staffanstorp municipality works actively to deve- lop rail and tramway traffic. Examples being the Simrishamn line from Malmö to Simrishamn and track bound traffic from Lund/Brunnshög/ESS. Other activities include working to develop and improve commuter routes within the municipality. Almost 8,000 Staffanstorp residents commute to jobs in other municipalities, primarily in Lund and Malmö, but also in e.g. Copenhagen. Existing Almost 3,000 people arrive each day to work in Planned the Staffanstorp municipality. A road can be used for football and other activities. From housing to a LIVING OASIS

‘Not many people move from here. I “We’re all good friends think we belong to the newcomers in our and help each other road and we’ve been here ten years.’ out.”

‘Social life here is easy and natural. Everyone in football, but Ida and Elvira still play for the club. our road is friendly. We knock on each other’s The Olin family moved from Malmö to Hjärup doors for this and that, to ask a favour, have ten years ago. a beer or a glass of wine together out on the ‘We were looking for peace and quiet. It was front steps. We sometimes just eat together time for our eldest child to go to school. Maria spontaneously and we have frequent barbeques was already working here, she liked it and I wan- together in the summer,’ said Maria and Anders ted to live near a train station so I could com- Björk Olin, Hjärup. mute to Malmö quickly and easily,’ said Anders. ‘Every year we get together and have a tradi- ‘There’s a good sense of security here, especially tional crayfish party out in the road. We kick off when you have small children. They can bike to with games in the afternoon, take our chairs and school without having to cross a single road, tables into the road and sit there until the small and that’s what I call real quality. There’s a great hours. Usually between 12-15 families altogether. sense of social security too, everyone knows This is a popular event with the children, who each other, which is probably a better deterrent thinks it’s great fun to run around in each other’s than any mechanical alarm system,’ said Maria. houses and play hide-and-seek.’ Maria works as a social guidance officer in Staf- fanstorp and Anders is a recreation instructor in Malmö. Of their three children, Mathilda, 16, goes to upper secondary school in Malmö, Ida, 13, goes to the Hjärupslund secondary school and Elvira, 6, is in her first year at primary school. Anders is an ex-football player and coaches the girls’ team at Uppåkra IF. Matilda no longer plays LIVING OASIS Staffanstorp is an oasis for all stages Active leisure time of life and where everyone can find the Staffanstorp offers a rich choice of culture, sports kind of housing best suited to them. A and outdoor recreation for all those looking for place where families, young and old, active leisure time. Our future plans include the making of an even greener and more beautiful can live a secure and safe life in an Staffanstorp, with more parks, jogging trails and attractive, creative, educational, lively other green spaces. and dynamic environment. A place to Some hundred associations occupied with build happy childhood memories. sports, culture, preservation, pensioners, etc. are A place to call home. all open for new members. A wide choice of recreational activities such as music, bowling, scouting, dog training, mini- racing, riding, shooting etc. The indoor and open-air swimming baths organise family activities all year round. Four indoor sports centres in Staffanstorp and Hjärup and several other sports facilities open to all. A large sports stadium is to be built in Staf- fanstorp and a large recreation and sports park is planned in Hjärup. Three new multi-sports arenas equipped with synthetic grass are to be built in Staffanstorp and Hjärup. Excellent jogging trails running through attrac- tive countryside have been opened in both Staf- fanstorp and Hjärup. Pre-schools Recreation centres with rehearsal rooms, cafés, 1,400 children attend our pre-schools. And we computers, TV and Wii and modern skating faci- provide an open pre-school for those who prefer lities in both Staffanstorp and Hjärup. to stay at home with the children. The public art gallery in Staffanstorp is very ac- Secondary schools tive and puts on at least seven exhibitions each There are eight municipal and two private secon- year. dary schools to choose from. The music school for children of 5 years and up Upper secondary schools in both Staffanstorp and Hjärup teaches children Hvilan Utbildning provides three upper secon- to play most kinds of musical instruments. dary school courses: Gardening, Florist and Home and Garden Design. Other courses are Well-stocked libraries with computers, talking provided by upper secondary schools in Lund books and book buses in both Staffanstorp and and Malmö. Hjärup. Higher education For the elderly there are activities and social 14 universities and other institutions of higher get-togethers at Medelpunkten, Pilegården with education are within commuting distance. restaurant, pleasant outdoor seating, refreshments and lunch served daily. Care of school children Children up to 12 are looked after at after-school recreation centres, family day nurseries and after-school clubs. Care of the elderly A varied life all your life Our goal is to provide the best quality of life for the elderly in , comprising short-term Staffanstorp provides variety through all of life’s care, safety living, sheltered housing or private stages. carers, 24-hr home nursing, home care, special Choose between one of our many beautiful housing for the chronically ill, support for close newly built, fairly new or older green terrace relatives and dementia network. houses and detached houses, houses in country settings or in one of the pretty villages within Health care centres the municipality. There are well-equipped health care centres with Senior citizens are provided with well-equipped physicians in both Staffanstorp and Hjärup. There sheltered housing with high service standards. are two university hospitals only a few minutes away. Anitha and Sven-Olof make an important contribution to town life From small town to TOWN LIFE

‘There’s lots of exciting GO in our municipality since the town centre was ‘Extending and developing “Gästis” redesigned. People have lots of initia- was the most fun thing tive, are committed to the community we’ve ever done!’ and have a strong belief in the future.’

‘More and more is going on these days in our cultural life, in the library, the church, the mu- sic school and the art gallery. There are often here than to the city centre, and here they get entertainment evenings at the Gästis restaurant/ an entirely different and very positive expe- pub, with troubadours, jazz or interesting people rience. The guests have said as much.’ talking about fascinating subjects. Sometimes we The Thorstenssons have lived for more than 35 arrange whisky tasting and there’s a pub night years in Staffanstorp and have witnessed the every Thursday.’ entire process of the reconstruction of the town Sven Olof and Anitha Sweder Thorstensson make centre. a big contribution to developing town life in ‘Culture Night and Bonna Market have made a Staffanstorp. real difference to town life in Staffanstorp. We’re ‘The best thing we’ve done is to renovate Gästis, looking forward to seeing more events of this the hub of Staffanstorp you might say, and an kind, people love it!’ important part of the change. We were met with The couple intend to keep on bolstering town so much enthusiasm.’ life. Soon they will be opening a café with bak- ‘It’s very nice to see entire families coming here ery, tourist information office and bikes for rent for dinner. They don’t need to bring the car and in the old Gästis annexe. they don’t need a taxi home. Everyone can walk ‘Staffanstorp has an ideal position with really to Gästis.’ good communications. The local council are very ‘The landlord told us that a good many guests open to development ideas, they are good at visit Gästis from out of town. For many people encouraging progress and looking at things from living in Lund, it’s no more expensive to come the greater perspective. TOWN LIFE

You can meet other people whenever you like in Staffanstorp. You can move about naturally and freely in the streets and squares. Alone or in company. The choice is yours. Loneliness and vulne- rability disappear when others besides ourselves are out and about, on their way home, to the shops, the bus stop or waiting for some cultural event to begin. A dynamic town life There could be 40,000 of us soon… In Staffanstorp and Hjärup town centres you will We can’t control the future. But we can influence find most of what you are looking for. it to be a good future for us who live here in Staffanstorp. Cafés, lunch restaurants and two restaurant/ pubs open in the evenings. Local shops, the off- The population is expected to continue to in- licence, banks, painting and decorating stores, crease in all the municipalities in this region. newsagents, photographic equipment, clothes, A good many people want to live in Staffans- opticians; all you need in the day-to-day life. torp. By 2038 the population could have reached For supermarkets you can choose between ICA 40,000. Supermarket, Coop, Citygross, Netto and Lidl. A young municipality like Staffanstorp looks Willys have opened a store just beside the Skå- upon people moving in as a positive factor. New neplantor Lusthuset in our expansive shopping people provide new impulses, new opportun- area along route 108, also featuring MacDo- ities, new companies, more jobs, new work nalds, Härliga Hem, Hulténs, Göranssons El and mates, more friends, new school friends and new Byggmax. members for clubs and associations. Hjärup Jakriborg provides a hairdressers, sola- In order to welcome new Staffanstorp residents, rium, cake shop, restaurant and a well-stocked more housing is planned for districts near the grocery store, Tempo, with a cash dispenser just railway stations in both Staffanstorp and Hjärup. outside the door. More inhabitants improve conditions for culture, Bonna Market entertainment and trade. Lions Club and Staffanstorp municipality orga- New meeting places materialise: more cultural nise the popular Bonna Market in Staffanstorp oases, art exhibitions, events and festivals, per- in early May each year. Market stands crowd haps an activity park, maybe an activity house. Storgatan all the way down to Torget, with a By developing Staffanstorp an even better muni- funfair, theatre and refreshments tents in front of cipal service standard can be attained. More the town hall. inhabitants expands the basis for new service Culture Night companies, more stores, restaurants, cafés, sports facilities, spas and other things that stim- Staffanstorp Culture Night is arranged in October ulate and create a vibrant town life. each year and features artists, arts and crafts, theatre and music. One thing leads to another, and development benefits us all. The future looks very exciting indeed! Only five minutes from the town centre on horseback. From rural to local community

‘All my friends live close by ‘It’s super living here. Almost all the and it only takes five minutes neighbours have horses. There are at least a hundred horses in this lane.’ into Staffanstorp.’

Julia, Felicia and their parents once lived in a flat in Staffanstorp. Two years ago the family found a million kronor grant from Framtidens Kultur their dream farm in Grevie, just five minutes to study African music. The entire class will be from Staffanstorp town centre. visiting Africa in 2013. The sisters take turns riding their joint-owned Parents Therese and Thomas commute by car to pony, Råryd Juvel, out in the countryside. Both their jobs in Malmö. sisters compete in speed and endurance, dres- ‘Staffanstorp is our oasis. The town centre is sage and show jumping. They have a showcases just five minutes away and we can be in Lund or full of cups in their rooms. Malmö in fifteen. It doesn’t feel very far to any- Mum and Dad have fixed up a lit riding-ground where when you live here.’ They sound totally on the farm, complete with jumps, and the sta- agreed on this. bles include four horse boxes and a garage for Dad’s Hot Rods, two Fords from 1929 and 1937, both fitted with 200 hp Chevrolet engines. Felicia, 16, attends the Polhems upper secondary in Lund. She rides, plays piano and has been known to play the violin. Sometimes she takes her moped to school, but usually she travels the few kilometres to Lund by bike or bus. Julia, 13, attends Staffanstorp secondary. She rides, plays an African instrument called the marimba, and sometimes the tuba and the trom- bone. She attends the music class that received THE COMMUNITY

Staffanstorp is a place where it is possible to enjoy all the good things Over 110 agricultural businesses within the muni- of life contained in the concept of a cipality provide jobs directly or indirectly for 550 community. people. 150 of these are full-time farming jobs, Accessible, secure, safe, pro-environ- 120 to do with the foodstuffs industry and with sub-contractors accounting for the remainder. ment, open, fun, active, restful, beauti- ful, exciting, dynamic… Not least important is being able to walk or ride freely and safely out into The increasing importance of the horse the countryside whenever the mood Horses are becoming more and more important to Staffanstorp. There are now 430 horses living takes you. in the municipality, some quartered at the muni- cipal riding school and the rest in the 120 private stables, large and small, within the community. Some of which have boxes for rent. All-important agriculture Future municipal plans include a new eques- Farming has always been important to the eco- trian centre in Kabbarp in cooperation with the nomy and to employment in Staffanstorp muni- Staffanstorps Ridsportförening. cipality. The little village of Grevie has the highest horse 80 percent of the district is agricultural land. Of population in the district and is just a couple of 108 square kilometres, farming answers for 86.7. minutes by car from Staffanstorp town centre. Countryside and recreation Staffanstorp is beautifully situated in the province of Skåne with its banks of willows and many “Beträdor” (public ride- and footpaths) pretty country villages. were created in Staffanstorp To the north, the municipality spreads out over Staffanstorp is an agricultural district and public Lundaslätten plain and to the south over a won- right of access does not apply to arable land in derful landscape of rolling hills. Sweden. The district is laced with small streams and In the late nineteen eighties, land owner Anders wetlands, including the famous green marshes Björkman of Staffanstorp came up with the idea where more than 160 bird species have been of walking strips he called “Beträdor”, in order seen. At least 60 species breed in the district. to open up the countryside to the public despite Beside Staffanstorp lie Gullåkra and the Vesums the absence of land with public right of access. marsh. The municipality also encompasses the Beträda is a pun on the verb ”beträda” meaning Vallby marsh nature reserve, and Bliss, Dynge, tread on and the noun ”träda” meaning fallow Alberta and Kolböra marshes, beautiful marl-pits, field. old grazing land surrounded by willows and in- teresting animal life. While the small river Höje, A Beträda is a four metre wide strip along the with its pretty valley, winds away towards Lund. edges of fields that can be used by the public for walking or riding. The municipality makes large investments in the careful restoration of the landscape and in There are now more than 10 kilometres of Beträ- making the countryside easily accessible to dor in Staffanstorp municipality and the ambition the public. is to increase this to 92 kilometres. Staffanstorp is a great place to be a competitor From garden furniture to INSPIRATION 1

‘The geographical position is unbeat- able and is a definite success factor with 40,000 vehicles passing by here “The municipality of the future” every day. Our competitors are not here is a favourable concept in our town, but more likely to be in for entrepreneurs. Malmö.’ And confirmation of the Hulténs furniture store lies beside route 108, op- posite Skåneplantor Lusthuset with Härliga Hem municipality’s go-ahead spirit.” situated a few hundred metres down the road towards Lund. ‘Staffanstorp is a terrific location for selling cap- ital goods. We reach an enormous population; 3.5 million people within a 30 kilometre radius. Lusthuset with 30 employees and also run Mims ‘There are several successful businesses in the Invest AB, owning 63,000 sq.m. of local land same place, and we generate strength, both for leased out to such companies as Willys, Mc- ourselves and for the district. All of us occupy Donalds, Göranssons Elbyrå, Ditt nya badrum, slightly different market positions,’ says entre- Wates kök & bad, Skostallet, etc. preneur and local trade association chairman ‘We have an excellent business milieu here in Mårten Mårtensson, B.Sc.(Econ), who runs Skå- Staffanstorp. We have a very good and business- neplantor and Lusthuset with his wife Ingrid. oriented local council irrespective of political Mårten’s grandfather Oscar, was a gardener and colour with a staff who regard business life as an purveyor to His Majesty the King, his father, essential part of the community. Bengt, started his own business in Staffanstorp in This favourable cooperation is, of course, deci- the late nineteen sixties and Mårten himself has sive to our success. And as companies we too, been a part of the company since he was five. have a number of obligations – including presen- Mårten and Ingrid own and run Skåneplantor ting our opinions in an honest and open manner.’ Tirups Örtagård is run by Bente Falck, pictured here with her children Sofia, Simon and Sara. From garden furniture to INSPIRATION 2 ‘Everyone is very welcome to come here and enjoy our herb gardens. There is no ‘On beautiful days people sit obligation to buy anything.’ everywhere in the herb gardens.

Between 80,000 and 100,000 people visit the Some sit and write, others play the herb and coffee paradise that is Tirups Örtagård, guitar, some just sit and enjoy.’ just three kilometres from Staffanstorp town cen- tre. The small eighteenth century farm is one of in the herb gardens every year with her own Staffanstorp’s and the Öresund region’s most music group. popular spots – a place to relax, inhale the Tirups Örtagård sell over 600 spices and herbs herbs, breathe fresh air and enjoy. used for colouring dyes and for medicinal pur- Tirups Örtagård was the first of its kind in the poses. country when it was started by Eva Falck in In the summers, the café tables stretch far out 1975. The gardens are now run by Eva’s daugh- into the gardens and in the adjacent Repskogen ter, Bente and her partner Lars. woods children and adults romp in the gardens’ ‘Mum was a pioneer when she put up two jungle gym. stands in the farm, bought in seeds and smug- The herb gardens, nursery, shop and café are gled in cuttings, e.g. dragon, from abroad,’ open almost all-year round, closing only in Jan- Bente smiled. uary and February. ‘In those days people had only heard of dill, parsley and wormwood. Basil and lemon balm were almost unheard of. All the Swedish nat- ional dailies wrote us up. Bente’s mum has now retired from working in the gardens and runs the Skånska Örtasällskapet (The Skåne Herbs Society) that organises inter- esting lectures. Originally, Bente had intended to become a mu- sic teacher, but now organises her own concerts INSPIRATION

Many home interiors, gardening, recrea- tion and design businesses have chosen to establish themselves in Staffanstorp. Being filled with enthusiasm and inspira- tion is one of the secrets of a happy life.

Staffanstorp has been voted business community No 1 in Skåne province. Our business climate is highly rich and varied, As confirmation of the community’s business life represented by 1,900 companies, mostly sole successes, in 2009 the municipality was elected trader companies and none with more than 100 Årets Företagarkommun Skåne (approx. entre- employees. preneurial municipality in Skåne of the year) by The Swedish Federation of Business Owners and UC in Skåne province. This is an honorary award for companies in Skåne municipality that has developed most during the year. We are proud of winning this award and our ambition is to stay at the top every year. Partners for entrepreneurs and those The Swedish Federation of Business Owners wishing to establish businesses in Staffanstorp The Swedish Federation of Business Owners in in Staffanstorp. Staffanstorp work with building up networks Business Port Staffanstorp AB within the business community and inspiring Business Port is our trade and industry company those in positions of power to make things easier and is owned by company organisations and the for those wishing to run profitable companies. municipality. Its task is to support companies and Our inspirational international market our municipality as an attractive place in which to establish a business. cooperation Staffanstorps Handelsförening Fantastic inspiration and knowledge are to be This trade association has started recently and its had out in the world. ambition is to put Staffanstorp well and truly on Staffanstorp sustains a rewarding exchange the map as an inspirational centre of trade and with many twin towns and municipal coopera- industry. tive partners in both and the rest of the Företagsgruppen in Staffanstorp (approx. world. Staffanstorp’s business association) Our seven twin towns are Kohtla Järve in Estonia, The Företagsgruppen in Staffanstorp works to Wolin in Poland, Viitasaari in Finland, Vallens- maintain a general Staffanstorp entrepreneurial baek near Copenhagen in Denmark, Grimmen spirit and develop local trade and industry by in north-east Germany, Ozzano near Bologna in simplifying contact between local companies Italy and in Ireland. and between companies and the community. We are members of a municipal partnership that The Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF) in carries out tasks for Sida in Namibia. Staffanstorp LRF in Staffanstorp participate actively in develop- Our international cooperation allows us to ment of local business life in our municipality, overcome cultural differences and language bar- primarily in the green enterprise areas of land riers in both Staffanstorp and in the rest of the management, forestry, gardens and country world, to increase tolerance and understanding environment along with tourism and recreation. for other cultures the situation of others and to combat xenophobia. Uppåkra – our fantastic heritage

Staffanstorp municipality has been inhabited since A foundation to preserve and develop the Upp- at least 10,000 BC. Several ancient remains from åkra cultural heritage has recently been set up by settlements have been found dating back to the Staffanstorp municipality, Region Skåne, early stone-age, the bronze age, the iron age and stift, , the parish of Uppåkra to the days of the Vikings. and Staffanstorpshus AB. Uppåkra is the largest, the richest in archaeolo- An archaeological park with visitor’s centre, the gical remains and the most long-lasting iron age Uppåkra Arkeologiska Centrum, is scheduled to settlement in Scandinavia and has been inhabited be opened in 2014. for more than a thousand years, from c:a 100 BC This is to be an international science centre for until c:a 1000 AD. iron-age archaeology, accessible to all, with The iron-age town in Uppåkra was discovered in premises for education, teaching and preserving 1934 when a farm was to be built on the land and archaeological artefacts etc. it was found to be rich in archaeological artefacts The purpose of the centre is to visualise Uppåkra and remains going down through several cultural and Skåne in the iron age. All artefacts found layers. Excavations however, were not to start – so far more that 20,000 in gold, silver and until 1996. bronze – are to be stored and exhibited here Archaeologists are now sure that this large 100 together with the heritage bank of the Histo- acre site was a financial, political and religious riska Museet, containing more than ten million centre of power for a major part of Skåne, per- archaeological artefacts from Skåne. haps the royal seat of the kingdom of Skåne. Digs are organised by the Uppåkra project at the Arkeologiska Institutionen in Lund in cooperation with the Historiska Museet at Lund university. A young, future-oriented municipality Staffanstorp is a young municipality, formed in 1952 when 12 parishes, containing a total 5,840 inhabitants, were joined up; Brågarp, Nevishög, Uppåkra, Flackarp, Knästorp, Tottarp, Görslov, Särslov, Mölleberga, , Esarp and Bjällerup. The name “Stafnsthorp” was first noted in a text inn, Stanstorpa Kru, was built at the crossroads from 1304. The name “Stanstorp” has also fig- to provide travellers with food and accommoda- ured in previous times. tion.

By the 18th century the roads to Lund, Malmö The railway was built in 1875. The establishment and Trelleborg met and crossed here, and an of the sugar works (Sockerbruket) beside the rail- way marked the start of the community that was The municipality in brief to become Staffanstorp.

Population: Approx. 22,000. Average age 38.9 Area: 108 sq.m. of which approx. 80 percent is arable land. The municipality of Urban areas: Staffanstorp pop. 14,000 and Hjärup pop. 4,000 Strategic position: Between Lund and Malmö. the future 2038 Business community: Approx. 1,900 registered The Staffanstorp municipality’s plan for the companies future “Framtidens kommun – perspektiv 2038” Commuting: Approx. 8,000 Staffanstorp residents commute to jobs outside the municipality, approx. (approx. The municipality of the future from the 3,000 people commute to Staffanstorp to jobs 2038 perspective) was passed by the council in inside the municipality. November 2009 and is now being used as an Schools: 11 municipal and 12 private pre-schools, instrument to achieve the municipality’s vision 8 municipal and 2 private secondary schools, of the future and develop into the secure, safe, municipal music school, I V program (individual exciting and dynamic living oasis that we are all programs), upper secondary education at Hvilan Utbildning and in Malmö and Lund. looking for. Safety and security: In 2007, Staffanstorp was certified by WHO (World Health Organisation) Welcome to Staffanstorp as A Safe Community. The municipality of the future

Rådhuset Torget 1 245 80 Staffanstorp Sweden Citizen’s advice bureau: +46 (0)46 251100 E-mail: [email protected]