
rated programs on network television. was broadcast. The ’s Final Season Fugitive was so Now Available On DVD Television viewers took Kimble’s search skillfully produced and for his wife’s killer seriously. The 120th popular that TV Guide rom 1963 to 1967 large numbers of and final episode of The Fugitive, titled honored it in 1993 as Ftelevision viewers tuned in weekly to “Judgment,” was broadcast on August 29, the Best Dramatic The Fugitive to see the latest episode of Dr. 1967. Four decades haven’t diminished the series of the 1960s. Richard Kimble’s quest to find the one- gripping drama of that episode as Kimble Best-selling author armed man who either murdered his wife or finally cornered the one-armed man. Stephen King wrote, knew who did so he could overturn his “The Fugitive ... was murder conviction and death sentence. Almost 3/4ths of the U.S.’s television absolutely the best viewers saw The Fugitive’s finale, and it was series done on American television. There Kimble, played by David Janssen, was the the highest rated program in TV history up to was nothing better than The Fugitive – it just ultimate underdog. He was a homeless, that time. Forty-four years later, and after turned everything on its head.” penniless, hunted man who more than sixty years of had to spend his hours awake regular TV broadcasts, it Now for the first time the final episode of the looking over his shoulder and remains the third highest rated The Fugitive is available on DVD. The sleep with one eye open to episode of a television series in Fugitive’s Final Season Volume Two was stay ahead of Lieutenant history: Only the final episode released on DVD on February 15, 2011. It Philip Gerard who was of M*A*S*H (1983) and the consists of four disks with 772 minutes of hunting Kimble after he Who Shot JR? (1980) episode episodes. The list price is $39.98, but its dis- escaped from the train that of Dallas outrank it. By count price is about $29 from Amazon.com was taking him to ’s audience share The Fugitive’s and other online retailers. As of June 30, 2011 death row. final episode remains the fifth the DVD is Amazon.com’s #1 seller in the most viewed broadcast in U.S. television crime drama category. The series was unusual for its television history. time in that it was filmed on Read Justice Denied’s Issue 35 articles about location across the country The Fugitive’s unique place in actor David Janssen and The Fugitive at, from Washington to , television history continues to www.justicedenied.org/issue/issue_35/lost from Maine to , and be recognized by those with a _days_of_the_fugitive_jd_issue_35.pdf it was one of the more highly memory of the time when it

Robert Lee Stinson In May 2010 the same DNA tests that exonerat- Visit the Innocents Database Awarded $25,000 For 24 ed Stinson were matched to a man convicted of Includes details about more than 3,200 Years Of Wrongful rape and murder in anoth- wrongly convicted people from the U.S. and other countries. Imprisonment case. When confronted with the test results he http://forejustice.org/search_idb.htm Robert Lee Stinson hugs his Visit the Wrongly Convicted obert Lee Stinson was 21 when convict- sister Charlene after his re- confessed to the murder lease from prison on January Stinson had been con- Bibliography Red in 1985 of first-degree murder in the 30, 2009. (Andy Manis – AP) 1984 death of a 63-year-old woman in Mil- victed of committing. Database of hundreds of books, law waukee, Wisconsin. The prosecution’s key review articles, movies and documenta- evidence was the testimony by two experts Wisconsin’s wrongful conviction compen- ries related to wrongful convictions. that Stinson's teeth matched bites on the vic- sation statute allows a maximum award of http://forejustice.org/biblio/bibliography.htm tim. The experts said the woman, who was $25,000. Stinson filed a claim and on De- Stinson's neighbor, had been bitten by a man cember 28, 2010, it was announced that the missing a tooth, and Stinson was missing a Wisconsin Claims Board, had unanimously tooth. Stinson was sentenced to life in prison. voted to award Stinson $25,000. The board Freeing The Innocent also stated it was recommending that the A Handbook for the Stinson was able to obtain new expert den- Wisconsin legislature approve an additional Wrongfully Convicted payment of $90,000 to Stinson. tal evidence that he was missing a tooth By Michael and Becky Pardue where the bite marks indicated a tooth Self-help manual jam packed with should have been, and he had an intact one Stinson is now 46. He was 20 when he was hands-on - ‘You Too Can Do It’ - where the perpetrator didn’t. In addition, arrested the morning after the murder by DNA tests of crime scene evidence exclud- police canvassing the area. The police arrest- advice explaining how Michael Par- ed Stinson as the woman's assailant. Based ed him because they said he couldn’t ade- due was freed in 2001 after 28 years on the new evidence Stinson’s conviction quately explain his whereabouts the night of wrongful imprisonment. Soft-cover. was overturned in January 2009. before when his neighbor was murdered. Send $15 (check, m/o or stamps) to: Sources: Justice Denied; PO Box 68911; Seat- On January 30, 2009, Stinson was released Robert Lee Stinson, the Milwaukee man exonerated of a tle, WA 98168. (See Order Form on murder conviction, will get at least $25K from Wisconsin p. 21). Or order with a credit card from on bail after 24-1/2 years of wrongful incar- Claims Board, Appleton Post Crescent, December 29, 2010. ceration. His murder charge was dismissed JD’s website, www.justicedenied.org on July 27, 2009.