Pp-0-0(1 PUB DATE 30 Nov 70 GRANT OF(1-0-701910(C09) NOTE 61Fp
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 046 255 24 EN 00e F$14 TITLE Public l,roadcasting tivironment Center. Final Percrt. INSTITUTION Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Washircitor, D.C.; Public BroalcaFting Environment Center, Washington, D.C. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHTW) ,Washington, D.C. Durcau of Research. BUREAU NO pp-0-0(1 PUB DATE 30 Nov 70 GRANT OF(1-0-701910(C09) NOTE 61Fp. EDRS PRICE FDES Price MF-$0.6 PC-1;21.01 DESCRIPTORS *Broadcast Industry, *Fcoloav, Educational Finance, Educational Radio, Educational Television, *Education Service rcnters, *Environment, t.stimmtpa Costs, Financial Needs, Manpower Development, Manpower Needs, Pollution, Public Education, Public Policy IDENTIFIERS Corporation for Public Broadcasting, PPP', *Public BroEdcasting Fnvironrent Center ABSTRACT Created in 1970 to apply the capabilities of public broadcasting to the challenge of environmental education, the Public Broadcasting Environment Center (PBFC) has completed its irst planning phase. (;oals and objectives have been determined; strategies for action have been envisoned; radio and television programs gave been planned; manpower training inforration, orientation, and technical assistance have been estimated, and funding is being sought. Phase T activities of PBFC arc described and 11 protects are reported on.'these reports are concerred with surveys, information services, advisory bodies:, target audience characterization, rrolcrt objectives, administration, production of proorams, communications, manpower training and coordination, ervironmental education, and environmental action. "Fxh;bits" are interspersed in the rer,orts.(Mr) U 6 DEPARTMENT Of NE AL711 EDUCATION N WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BESN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROA THE PERSON OR Lt1 ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING ITPOINTS Of VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED D01101 NECES SARITY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFIKE OF EVU .40 CATION PCSTION OR POLICY .4- FINAL REPORT CD Project No.
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