DIAMOND TIRES Viilraniyino Rpfriahin It
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s THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, MAT 31, 1914. FAMOUS RACERS WHO HAVE MANY TIMES WON PRIZES OF ALL KINDS TAKE PART IN INDIANAPOLIS' GIGANTIC EVENTS ' YOU FIGURE IT American-Mad- e Are-I'arvT- oo DIAMOND SQUEEGEE Foreigners Think Cars Slow for International Tracks, Though They Have Eeason toFear Some of Them and the Men Behind the Wheels Eecords Made hy TREADS ARE CHEAPER Drivers, Narrow Escapes. They Have Had, Features of Some Contests Entered Europe and Home Tracks Are AH parts Kacing History. Tread. Trad. of Sli. PricM. 81m. Prior. NON-SKI- D S0x3 12.65 E4X4 H 35.00 v. NONE 30x3 H 17.00 SSx4i 86.05 .vS2x3 18.10 S6x4W 87.10 BETTER 3x :5.!5 17x5 44 45 . 84x4 28.05 SSX3H 37.30 ARCHER AND OAK STREET. CORNERWIGGINSSIXTH. All Roads SmoothRoads when equipped iviih Velvet Shock Absorbers See Our Demonstration rDALLOU & WRIGHT BROADWAY AT OAK GASOLINE and OIL TANKS STORAGE SYSTEMS FOR Pi ni.IO AND PHI. BOWSER VATB GAHAGES. S. II. Stoddard. Krpmcnll-tlv- c, 413 Corbet Hid. Mala 1478. DIAMOND TIRES Viilraniyino RpfriaHin it. F RLnnnFTT ,48-- 3 l- - "th. r Couol, Main 700S NORTHWEST AUTO CO. - Factory Distributors of Cole, Lozier, Reo Cars BROADWAY AT COUCH STREET Main 8887 A 4959 ation. The motor is the same that car- ski ,i or Xijinski In their, respective ried Goux to victory last year. fields. He is not a brute driver who Exploits of the foreign drivers, their hurls his car over the winning line by achievements and records: sheer strength and determination, but Georgres T. Bqillot (Peugeot) No- studies every problem connected with body contest Georges Boillot the title his machine and every inch of the road of the world' champion driver. There before he starts. He knows how every are too many facts for any possible ar- bnd should be taken and every hill gument. First he won the French tackled, and never varies In his meth- Grand Prix of 1912. after a heroin ods from the beginning to the end of a struggle with the late David Bruce-Brow- n, race. the greatest driver America Unlike most race drivers, Bolllof" is ever sent across the Atlantic and then responsible for the design of the ma- repeated the following year, on the chine he pilots. As head of the Peu- Amiens course, after a fine fight with geot racing department he supervises Delage and Sunbeam. In 1913 Boillot the work of the draftsmen, and of the captured every race in which he was machine and assembly shops, without entered. Hejs now at the sunrmlt of overlooking a single one of the thou- his career. sand details which go toward the pro- There are reasons for. Bolllot's suc- duction of a successful racing car. The cess. Eight or nine years ago he was 1914 500-mi- le race marks not only his sitting behind single-cylind- er motors first appearance in America, but also which every year grew higher and his first Important contest ; on any higher, as their stroke was lengthened, track. j. until it becsrnTe a difficult matter for Jules Goux Peugeotl, winner of the him to see over the top of the bonnet. 1913 speedway race, though not born The sporting world in general did not in the Peugeot factoryT was brought pay much attention "to these aljuost up in it. schooled in It, and met his freak cars. But Boillot was learning first success there. Goux has a kind lessons. He was studying race driving of family interest in Peugeot. His as a fine art, and after a gradual rise father, his uncles, his cousins and his from singles to twins, and from twins cousines are all connected in some way to small four-cylind- er motors, he made or other with the famous establish his debut In the two-da- y big-ca- r Grand ment. To begin with they gave Jules Prix in 1912. He won, and his repu- small cars to race with the tation was made. as they called them at that Boillot is an antist just as much an time. Forming a team with Boillot artist in his specialty as are Paderew- - (Coiifluried on Page 8.) By WALTER G1FPARD. 4. Gray Fox. WIK-ox- America 4 and perhaps the most unusual practice, staying qualities are four-cylind- er 100 by 3. B. Keene. 4 feature but its monbloc motor of Is to give a of what BuHl American ISO . futile forecast n". Peujteot. Ooux. French, 4 is the entire absence of fly wheel. The unknown. The Duesenbergs and Mason millimeters, bore and stroke (3.9 already has taken place, besides be- T. Peugeot. Boillot French. 4 total weight t the car-i- 2100 pounds. are fne workmanship of Fred Duesenb- by 7.1 inches), having a piston dis By . right of conquest the Forcl IT 8. 4 erg1, suc- 345.08 ing somewhat of an anachronism, Maxwell. v Tetzlaff. American They carry 32 gallons of gasoline and reckoned as one of .the most placement of cubic Inches. It 3. Exceleior. Chrietlaeng. Belgian. - we fully expect "6 13 gallons of oil. cessful of our engineers; y has the same general design as .the is cars. where so that beyond saying 10. Delage. Ouyot. French. 4 cars, king of it matter big Indianapolis 500. mile race 12. Sunbeam. Chafcgaffne. English 0 V. Burmans Have Special Features). Marmon Good as Ever. stanaara xJugatti with 12 over that the 13. Mason. Mason, French. 4 head valves, operated by an inclosed you go you'll year gone again to the other 14. ' ' Bob Burman constructed his own Joe Dawson's Marmon was built for find the Ford the this has Peugeot. Duray. American 4 1911 race.- valve gear. By the use of exceedingly pond, we will content our- 13. Kinff. Klein. French. ... 4 cars 'in the workshop- of liis backer at the In it Dawson took fifth tough well-earne- d, side of the 1)5. Bur-man'- fine and materials the weight of ruling favorite. has a some of inner Delage. ThumaA American 4 Battle Creek. Mich. Like all of place in the race of hat year. It has exceed- It selves with giving the 17. Burman. Birrman. German creations, they are remarkably been campaigned extensively since, be- the car has been reduced to cars and their drivers. 15. Mercedes. D Palma. American 4 being1 ingly low limits. world-wid- e reputation history of the 10. Mercer. "Wlshart. American 4 fast. Their staying powers alone are sides a pleasure car". Burman By the time these lines are read, the 21. Mercer. Brags. - American 4 questioned. "Burman Is to drive one of handled it at Santa Monica and in the Belgian Car Is J.lent. - er race will have been won and . lost, of 24. &tutz. Anderson. American 4 them, and he expects much from any Vanderbilt. At Elgin last year Dawson The Excelsior which had for dependable and economical course, but that does not detract in the 2.1. Maxwell. Carlson. American 4 car. They have a piston displacement was unable to finish with it. This year, Its baptism in the French Grand Prix the details; it 1'6. Marmon. Dawson. American 4 Amiens year, where finished service. the Universal Car. slightest from some of -- 7. Sunbeam. Grant English of 449.9 cubic inches, which is press- however, the car has been reconstruct- at last it 'It's rather enhances them. 31. Keeton. Knipper. American 4 ing the limit closely. The valves are ed and looks as good as new, eighth, is one of the lightest cars in There is one great difference between 33. Mulford. Italian 4 in head of the cylinders and are A number of changes have been made the race, weighing only 1980 pounds. It the natives. Ixn? Husattl. Friedrich. American 4 the has a bore and stroke of 3.8 by 6.2. The Five hundred dollars is the price of the Pord he foreigners and S&.i. Ger.-Fren- 4 operated by an overhead cam Bhaft. in the bqdy and motor. New parts have cars Braender. Chandler. - 446.6 before the race alt the European 42. Dueuenberff. Klchenbacher American 4 According to Burman the engine been fitted, and, according to Dawson, piston displacement is cubio runabout; the touring car is five fifty; the were ready to start except for a few 43. Duesenberg. Haupt American 4 shows ISO horsepower at 2400 revolu- the car is in as good shape as it was inches. The. car Itself presents rather town car 6even fifty f. o. b. Detroit, com- mall trilling adjustments. No Ameri- 48. Ray. Brock. American 4 tions a minute, which will give car when it started in 1911. It has four of a ramshackle appearance with its was ready at all three date I.ot,t Out in Trials.. the cylinders - a of rounded radiator and abbreviated cowl plete with equipment. Get catalog' and par- can car adjust- the a speed of 120 miles an hour on the .with bore and stroke before the race, each having 2?. Mercer. Puilen. American 4 speedway. 1600 per min- 4.5x7. The piston displacement is 44? dash, offering no protection to the ticulars from Ford Motor Company, Elev- which are to be classi- 25. Stafford. Callahan. American 4 At revolutions cubio inches. driver. enth, Division ments to make 2!). Metropol. Horan. American 4 ute the cars will travel 102 miles an and Sts., Portland. fied as of the major variety. That, nat- S'J. Kngltsh Sunbeams Speedy. " on Maxwell. American 4 hour, which engine speed Burman ex- Delaare Europe's Road Champion.