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on the Los 'Angeles Ascot Speed- the cars and-made it 'possible for' told the jury they did not ask the C.'B. "VOOltH.IS TEJJJS manufacturing- practices,.: way. :. ' - . • .'other courses to have : big ..fteldg/'girl's. entire freedom; rather they OF MOTOR 'TRUCK _-^.ing. with its,res'buT.(.'e3-_r..,..^:. .. -' --' will drive" an-eight- where for the two years that-Indian-; thought 'she shou]d""be confined'is ,. MERCHANDISING OlKl'HOBS "He ifii; }'3T.V' ^I'Viffi*^.. i fmgT' cylindered Duesenberg ariridd Eddie O'-japolis .has riot opened .its gates the some state' institution for treatment I ir-cylindered ' fields were often .very scant. ,. .1 for .'the. criminally insane'."''Her .'rela?:' There are a number of important ; : "Duesy." .. The two boys are -well | tives also desired •thi3;_they''said''> T ..; (f_factors -that must be-reckoned with .i-nte known on the.speed circuit, and have j Judge Jnrey, in;.' hig' .'.instructio'iis "by-'a .-man who undertakes " to;':,"mer- ' " always had a-j>enchant for cars built i pointed out '-'that-ever'-'that -every -uj^so-jjjirson is-'chand'ieis-'cha.n'd'isee . motor-Itruciksmotor^ltruciksVaccordinV accordingg to .-'res.-'resent'the e by Fred Duesenberg and have made j j proving insanity as a defense to . a C. .B^riOrhis, general salesr manager ness .methods':.',.'•']£,:* •Most Noted Drivers in Country Will winners of .these cars. Wilbur D'-| i crime is upon the defendant to es- 'of the. Nrash Motor's Company.-'-;_MT~ dealer lacks--a ^praerrL.™ i'' Compete for Indiunapolis Pr^ze. 1 Alene, "the?: wild man from tt\e tablish by a preponderance of the-eyi- Voorh'is has maue a close study of.th'e' 'knowledge/of -tra.nspopcitronr-aSfi.lte- *. Coast Drivers Enter. 1 ; i West," will, also drive a Duesenberg: j dence, and, unless .insanity is so es-..problem' of motor transport -and .he c'ause' of this.-"lick -oS/Thw3J»1a .. INDIANAPOLIS'. Saturday, May 10 have a. Richards Special. This is a, ; : ity muet prevail." "'••(. ' ^ '}• tion of--principle-5 .laid out'for sue- he «annot->"1 committed' ibe .crime..' .. "There are three moat important ity to develop'- sati Sweepstakes race on the Indianapolis Among the other pilots named are \ ;. .".£ I-The po.int *n Question .is -her'mental- requirements that musn.be'met by"a either to his lack Speedway on May 31, for which a 1'wradc of Kurt Hitke, Roamer; Arthur Thur- V-ii^ei— '• l'esponsil'-"li.tJ"- • . : •'-.','•..,. Meale-''in motor trucks,-", siys Mr.- hjs-merchandise^ a..m.o.tor.-. -' prize of $5.000 has been ottered,'are i man Thurman special; Denny Hie'k- on .Day Treaty [ ' Sei-frt. Scale';'- Heji'ister Signed by dealer'can expect yery bright. The field-of drivers in-j fiv. Stickel..Special; H. C. Simmons |. "_He must have a practical working ness. " ' eludes some of the greatest lumi- Scven More Men. and J. M. Reynolds, Hudson Super- -•IDDITIONAJL. SOCIETY j knowledge of transportation prob- . ...jt ,-s: my. beli( naries of ihe speed sort.. .Sixes and another Hud3On~~entered by j len>s. with reference to types of truck observation, that a motor toidt ' While ihe armistic -has been signed .A-parade of discharged, service Mrg Helej) Judd Qf Reynolds without a driver being nani- . _ __ ! best suited to tfce specific require- ha.s'back of it a faoto-cy *S less than six months, and peace has men OB the that the peace .treaty , . ed; Elmer T. Shannon. Mesaba Spe-j ig the house gues Qf and.Mrs_ ^nents of various individual indus-'iarge .resources is the;mp'd, noi been concluded, the field will!cjai ' jis signed is being planned~t-y Sergt. ' trie's' ..'... l-tory-'truck and'the'I<»«c'Bkafe have foreign drivers among its num- Among the prospective 'entrants'WilHam Scales' a'local business man i.. "He must offer for the solution of '^mp' an •nrnV,.^-'. ,- '^.V,'^ beres. Jules dUux. 'winner of the who come' an ..'orphan'- inn I*3T I whos,ns«e blankhinnts hflvp'nn—t hppr, rponivpr. t ^imself recently returned from these problerns a motor truck that Mrs. Florence Grindley of Pacific .an o.wjier. ..This ik'tlie 1913 event, wilfpilot a and lure Roscoe Searles, Pacific Coast - ' Following the parade It .is by a fa?wr w hostf S abilit v hopees to repeat his five century ex- proposed to nold an is a 7reei;-.snd visitor in this * - 5 ' ,tr,uck,v/it,, h '.which . . .' sensation3CllnUI,lUil,. billedIJ111CU, tLoU drivU11VeC Barne-DtllllCyV OVlt.1ld-- | . ... . "arm. y A..feed,".; . and permanency are assured by large rtb buiw a plosnt of six years ago. Jean Chai-' neM.g Go]den Submarine, whijh h:is utilizing some local basement : resources and whose equipment and . i d-oj years. ' -will come over and drive an . , „ , . ,, -,,., ,A,"dueout" —o-— i per o been rebuilt and is now the Oldfield ""6"u<-. ., ~~~ 1 . ' "ThJ he ability to.. give' serVfoe' is. English Sunbeam. While ^Andre More si Special; , the Detroit mil- . K" Miss Mabel Brown is the week-end C-Iarence. Mehlenbeck is spending a"vitial factor in' the' merehafl3Bi*RCr«Di^Rc;MEi : Boillot, brother of the late Georges lionaire. who " has a penchant for During the past week seven more j guest of her sister. Mrs. Albert Boillot, the famed Peugeot star, has c isc lar :w days on a .business trip at Grays motor trucks. H •servic'f-'-ii.-jSiujnnf Chevrolet's Frontei.acs."Lieuten-J ' ' £ed men have signed the reg- Smith of this city. Harbor points. I'ant to the owner it is-, -osjnv not officially entered, he is on his nt Anhur H; Klein> thi , .. , *m ^.^ul *.+. I,..,..,., ^^ U11V ttrack.Uv.,v js. ter -bein -g maintained by Sergt. • -o-— I important, to the deafer'for l^te^Tl™^^*^*** who'saw, service in.Pranch with Scales at his store, bringing the t* Miss Florence Jaraes,0, Rochester ?virs. Frank Trc-:-:e3 and baby pi'-Se-"neiii man can possibly- the air service tHe A E Dave tal :'".<'. are die guests of Mr. and "-Mrs., lect. anything, that is: < drives »*uMot one of the tm-a, 1 ^ - ' ^ , "^atares to 55. The latest men is Bending the day with friend, in "2-A-htr. :. e* jous; . it' °he \brough 7t i.t with i' Lewis, another Pacifi• c coast star, is to sign.are' : Sergt. Clarence B'.- Shain, i' this citi-"-..v '. • Ai:,ort-Trorel for a. t'eiv day's v.^sit. ic.'bis customei'S.'" expected to get in line before the lists Doty, .49th C. A. C.; J. 5^. Mettie.l,, him, or a mate to the ca that Goux close, with a Duesenberg and. Omar, Ukiah, .Ore., 63rd Infantry; F. E. will tool. . .. Mrs. G. B. Williams and little son I Toft is said to have-; ed his Mil-,Fisher, Seattle; Ambrose Fitzgerald, The American field is topped lel-t this mornisg for Portland where " i ler Special from Los Angeles and is Centralia, Ralph DePalma, the winner of the 3] 6th Engineers: Sergt. they will visit friends over th« v,-oek- GOODYEAR . tlriving through from the coast. Toft -Ear] V. Acker, Oantraiia. 10th- Aero 'end". 191 f> five century grind, who has '" ' ' nominated a Packard "l2." This is1 Pla"S l° enter °" reaching hcre' The,s"ua<3r°»: X. C, Hall, Centralia, Vhe men who make big mileage each .year have nearly all sft r Cull list of cars and drivers named to'479th Aero Squadron, and Capt. S. not the car that he holds the world's -Miss Zada Z^mmer of Hoquiam is -i/:ed on Goodyear ' straightaway record of 150 miles''an date follows: . B. Lund, Centraiia, Canadian Engia- the guest of friends here over the MOST UliKI.SA.^ GIJ.-UIAX.TEK hour with, but a smaller edition of R. C. Durant, Chevrolet Special. week-end. Dario Resta, Sunbeam. this famous line of aviation engined '• : '•- -—o— space eaters, which for two years has W. W. Brown, Richards Special. : been burning up the tracks and now! , Stutz. .Miss'-Goidie Plainer left last night XI. W. SODERLING for Seattle where the was called by Xc.vt to Posrot't'ice has a string of records to its credit- .Eddie O'Donnell, Duesenberg. 112 Weft Main .St. as long as the tail of a small boy's] Kurt Hitke, Roamer Special. the illness of her father who will 0* kite. The car has been entirely re- Ralph De. Palma^ Packard Special. •operated upon today. - | built, and DePalma will be ready to Denny Hickey", Stiekel Special. show the other drivers a few bursts Arthur Thurman, Thurman Special. of.speed during the long grind. Wilbur D'Alene, Duesenberg. Pacific Coast Represented. J. M..Reynolds, Hudson'Special. Along with'DePalma may be reck- . Frontenac. er her insanity or mental irfespori-"] oned such scars as Earl-Cooper in a' , Sunbom. s-ibility' continues and exists7''a"r ' Stutz, Dario Resta. 191G champion, Jules Goux, Pej.^eot. time of the trial. piloting a Sunbeam; , Louis Chevrolet, — — ' Girl Must, Ue Held. who has not named his mount; Ralph Tommy Milton. Duesenberg. Under the state law tbe court is Mulford, a Vanderbijt winner, who Eddie Hearne, Durant Special. compelled, as a reesult of the~verd:ct. j- 'sits behind the wheel of a Frontenac, Louis LeCocq, Roamer Special. to sentence Miss Garrison to the state and Eddie Pullen, the only American H. C. Simmons. Hudson Super-Six .penitentiary at Walla Walla for treat- driver to ever win a grand prize event Special. uien for the" criminally..-insane. Bu; 'with an American car. Pullen will H. C. Pullen, Hudson Super-Sfc \ ?s there are. no accommodations at drive a Hudson Super-Sii. ! Special. Lho penitentiary' for women of this The Pacific Coast's interest will be! Elmer T .Shannon, Mesaba Special. .type she will' be." transferred- to the divided this year. Clifford Durant, With a field of this size before the slate hospital for fecbie-ijiiTicle'd at the millionaire automobile manut'ac- final closing of the entries' and the: Lak'e. For the present she!' turer of Oakland, will drive a Chev- usual method'of many drivers in mak- will, remain in custody of- tii'e King rpiet Special. This is the same caring eleventh'hour nominations,- T. E. ; county sheriff. with which, he won the^Tacoma race Myers, general manager of the Speed-' Miss Garrison received the last July^acd the Santa Monica road way, believes -that the field win-'ex- verdict, then with a laugh she kissed race in March and gained the Paci-jceed the regulation thirty-three card her mother/ Of the two women jur- fie coast championship. Earl Coop-j that the A, A: A. rules permit on the) °rs. one sobbed as the verdict was er has a big following in California;. 2%-mile brick oval and elimination' read a"d several of the male jurors Hearne elvives Durant's sec-j trials to bring the field down to thir-. oride. Many spectators were moved Sid car, labeled Durant Special, but'ty-thrce will be necessary. j to tears. Miss Garrison,, as she was being originally the car that Gil An- The Indianapolis Speedway^ races led from the courtroom, was laugh- . de-son drove to third place in the always bring out a record field of en- ing gaily. 1915 race. Louis LeCocq is also com-'tries, as the- race is the premier of Freedom Xot Asked ing East, and . the Frenchman who 'all speed contests in the old and new Ending of the Garrison case fol- gaine.d fame on the dirt tracks has'world, and the revival of its 5.00-mile lowed four hours of closing argu- QUICK AND ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION the Roamer, with which Rosooe event this year has put the racing ments for the state.and defense,, in . Searles topped two races this season' game back on its feet, brought out which attorneys for Miss Garrison

HE reputation and standing HONEST WORKMANSHIP Tin the industry of the big Nash institution is your best assurance of the high quality of Combined with the know how, honestly trucks bearing the Nash name- - charged for, is the standard of service in our Tire Repair work. "We DO-have men plate. ^;. who understand their business and we DO use the highest grade of materials possi- Although Nash Trucks have been on the market ble to obtain—and this .combination gives le»* than two years, they are already in;ihe T-eal results. . - ' service of tucL concern* as: .The r Palmolive Company; The Boston Store, of Chicago; Morris u_ WE .CARRY ;(>KELLY SPRINGFIELD" & Company; The Standard Oil Company; and .btliers." '. ,,' ."._--• .-..' ... /. . - -• • .', :. -; -• ^ V^-AND- "'•'•"""'• '.-•' *l

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CENtltALIA; 110 W MAIN S : i : ; :: ''• '••-•"• ,£v3:. :i'" *r"? ;'f2i~"'..?»-. - ;i"<.'*-'' ~'..''?~?'\: '••' ••'•'••'" '~'.. .-'^L"'''' '-'• V';" •'• ".'*"- ,-'•'.'•-•'•. ••:| il^^lOR-?*:^-**^-*--** JJLIJLL. _.. ...-,-...... ''''•'•.:•-•" '•,.- .-." • .'•" "'.i'V-'•••' ^t:?i'-^.. -^'''<';^i^-:^--i'.ir'r?-:v:v'. -o^''i&'';-5-..' .':-'-'-V "A-.'