''•:.':••',:••'. •"'*"'':.]:'.'£'.':- :;<:/.':"•:" "I'-;"-'':.;-.->."".^.^: mi •* on the Los 'Angeles Ascot Speed- the cars and-made it 'possible for' told the jury they did not ask the C.'B. "VOOltH.IS TEJJJS manufacturing- practices,.: way. :. ' - . • .'other courses to have : big ..fteldg/'girl's. entire freedom; rather they OF MOTOR 'TRUCK _-^.ing. with its,res'buT.(.'e3-_r..,..^:. .. -' --' Tommy Milton will drive" an-eight- where for the two years that-Indian-; thought 'she shou]d""be confined'is ,. MERCHANDISING OlKl'HOBS "He ifii; }'3T.V' ^I'Viffi*^.. i fmgT' cylindered Duesenberg ariridd Eddie O'-japolis .has riot opened .its gates the some state' institution for treatment I ir-cylindered ' fields were often .very scant. ,. .1 for .'the. criminally insane'."''Her .'rela?:' There are a number of important ; : "Duesy." .. The two boys are -well | tives also desired •thi3;_they''said''> T ..; (f_factors -that must be-reckoned with .i-nte known on the.speed circuit, and have j Judge Jnrey, in;.' hig' .'.instructio'iis "by-'a .-man who undertakes " to;':,"mer- ' " always had a-j>enchant for cars built i pointed out '-'tha'-'that-evert -every -uj^so-jjjirson is-'cha.n'd'iseis-'chand'iee . motor^ltruciksVaccordinmotor-ItruciksV accordingg to .-'resent'th.-'rese e by Fred Duesenberg and have made j j proving insanity as a defense to . a C. .B^riOrhis, general salesr manager ness .methods':.',.'•']£,:* •Most Noted Drivers in Country Will winners of .these cars. Wilbur D'-| i crime is upon the defendant to es- 'of the. Nrash Motor's Company.-'-;_MT~ dealer lacks--a ^praerrL.™ i'' Compete for Indiunapolis Pr^ze. 1 Alene, "the?: wild man from tt\e tablish by a preponderance of the-eyi- Voorh'is has maue a close study of.th'e' 'knowledge/of -tra.nspopcitronr-aSfi.lte- *. Coast Drivers Enter. 1 ; i West," will, also drive a Duesenberg: j dence, and, unless .insanity is so es-..problem' of motor transport -and .he c'ause' of this.-"lick -oS/Thw3J»1a<ikpij*Kf- W. W.-. Brown, o^ Kansas 'City, will ; : • tablis'hed, such a'pre'sumption of san-..h'as" carefully .aiializec! the ..applica- sells a man. Iheifav^ty^^jtoaaBf*. > .. INDIANAPOLIS'. Saturday, May 10 have a. Richards Special. This is a, ; : ity muet prevail." "'••(. ' ^ '}• tion of--principle-5 .laid out'for sue- he «annot-<apec't-'t6 'roaRte<^:tfl&.alB»B& —Prospects of a field of more than rebuilt Hudson with steel, cylinders The evidence made it plain, he said" cessl'ul merchandising 'or trucks. .. ..a satisfied .owner1:, WTthout:iSfeaiaB7T thirty-three cars for the- Liberty and twenty-tour valves." l at the WilLuuu Scale; ^ S>>"1 committed' ibe .crime..' .. "There are three moat important ity to develop'- sati Sweepstakes race on the Indianapolis Among the other pilots named are \ ;. .".£ I-The po.int *n Question .is -her'mental- requirements that musn.be'met by"a either to his lack Speedway on May 31, for which a 1'wradc of Kurt Hitke, Roamer; Arthur Thur- V-ii^ei— '• l'esponsil'-"li.tJ"- • . : •'-.','•..,. Meale-''in motor trucks,-", siys Mr.- hjs-merchandise^ a..m.o.tor.-. -' prize of $5.000 has been ottered,'are i man Thurman special; Denny Hie'k- on .Day Treaty [ ' Sei-frt. Scale';'- Heji'ister Signed by dealer'can expect yery bright. The field-of drivers in-j fiv. Stickel..Special; H. C. Simmons |. "_He must have a practical working ness. " ' eludes some of the greatest lumi- Scven More Men. and J. M. Reynolds, Hudson Super- -•IDDITIONAJL. SOCIETY j knowledge of transportation prob- . ...jt ,-s: my. beli( naries of ihe speed sort.. .Sixes and another Hud3On~~entered by j len>s. with reference to types of truck observation, that a motor toidt ' While ihe armistic -has been signed .A-parade of discharged, service Mrg Helej) Judd Qf Reynolds without a driver being nani- . _ __ ! best suited to tfce specific require- ha.s'back of it a faoto-cy *S less than six months, and peace has men OB the that the peace .treaty , . ed; Elmer T. Shannon. Mesaba Spe-j ig the house gues Qf and.Mrs_ ^nents of various individual indus-'iarge .resources is the;mp'd, noi been concluded, the field will!cjai ' jis signed is being planned~t-y Sergt. ' trie's' ..'... l-tory-'truck and'the'I<»«c'Bkafe have foreign drivers among its num- Among the prospective 'entrants'WilHam Scales' a'local business man i.. "He must offer for the solution of '^mp' an •nrnV,.^-'. ,- '^.V,'^ beres. Jules dUux. 'winner of the who come' an ..'orphan'- inn I*3T I whos,ns«e blankhinnts hflvp'nn—t hppr, rponivpr. t ^imself recently returned from these problerns a motor truck that France Mrs. Florence Grindley of Pacific .an o.wjier. ..This ik'tlie 1913 event, wilfpilot a Peugeot and lure Roscoe Searles, Pacific Coast - ' Following the parade It .is by a fa?wr w hostf S abilit v hopees to repeat his five century ex- proposed to nold an is a 7reei;-.snd visitor in this * - 5 ' ,tr,uck,v/it,, h '.which . .' sensation3CllnUI,lUil,. billedIJ111CU, tLoU drivU11VeC Barne-DtllllCyV OVlt.1ld-- | . ... "arm. y A..feed,".; . and permanency are assured by large rtb buiw a plosnt of six years ago. Jean Chai-' neM.g Go]den Submarine, whijh h:is utilizing some local basement : resources and whose equipment and . i d-oj years. ' -will come over and drive an . , „ , . ,, -,,., ,A,"dueout" —o-— i per o been rebuilt and is now the Oldfield ""6"u<-. ., ~~~ 1 . ' "ThJ he ability to.. give' serVfoe' is. English Sunbeam. While ^Andre More si Special; Joe Boyer, the Detroit mil- . K" Miss Mabel Brown is the week-end C-Iarence. Mehlenbeck is spending a"vitial factor in' the' merehafl3Bi*RCr«Di^Rc;MEi : Boillot, brother of the late Georges lionaire. who " has a penchant for During the past week seven more j guest of her sister. Mrs. Albert Boillot, the famed Peugeot star, has c isc lar :w days on a .business trip at Grays motor trucks. H •servic'f-'-ii.-jSiujnnf Chevrolet's Frontei.acs."Lieuten-J ' ' £ed men have signed the reg- Smith of this city. Harbor points. I'ant to the owner it is-, -osjnv not officially entered, he is on his nt Anhur H; Klein> thi , .. , *m ^.^ul *.+. I,..,..,., ^^ U11V ttrack.Uv.,v js. ter -bein -g maintained by Sergt. • -o-— I important, to the deafer'for l^te^Tl™^^*^*** who'saw, service in.Pranch with Scales at his store, bringing the t* Miss Florence Jaraes,0, Rochester ?virs. Frank Trc-:-:e3 and baby pi'-Se-"neiii man can possibly- the air service tHe A E Dave tal :'".<'. are die guests of Mr. and "-Mrs., lect. anything, that is: < drives »*uMot one of the tm-a, 1 ^ - ' ^ , "^atares to 55. The latest men is Bending the day with friend, in "2-A-htr. :. e* jous; . it' °he \brough 7t i.t with i' Lewis, another Pacifi• c coast star, is to sign.are' : Sergt. Clarence B'.- Shain, i' this citi-"-..v '. • Ai:,ort-Trorel for a. t'eiv day's v.^sit. ic.'bis customei'S.'" expected to get in line before the lists Doty, .49th C. A. C.; J. 5^. Mettie.l,, him, or a mate to the ca that Goux close, with a Duesenberg and. Omar, Ukiah, .Ore., 63rd Infantry; F. E. will tool. .. Mrs. G. B. Williams and little son I Toft is said to have-; ed his Mil-,Fisher, Seattle; Ambrose Fitzgerald, The American field is topped lel-t this mornisg for Portland where " i ler Special from Los Angeles and is Centralia, Ralph DePalma, the winner of the 3] 6th Engineers: Sergt. they will visit friends over th« v,-oek- GOODYEAR . tlriving through from the coast. Toft -Ear] V. Acker, Oantraiia. 10th- Aero 'end". 191 f> five century grind, who has '" ' ' nominated a Packard "l2." This is1 Pla"S l° enter °" reaching hcre' The,s"ua<3r°»: X. C, Hall, Centralia, Vhe men who make big mileage each .year have nearly all sft r Cull list of cars and drivers named to'479th Aero Squadron, and Capt. S. not the car that he holds the world's -Miss Zada Z^mmer of Hoquiam is -i/:ed on Goodyear ' straightaway record of 150 miles''an date follows: . B. Lund, Centraiia, Canadian Engia- the guest of friends here over the MOST UliKI.SA.^ GIJ.-UIAX.TEK hour with, but a smaller edition of R. C. Durant, Chevrolet Special. week-end. Dario Resta, Sunbeam. this famous line of aviation engined '• : '•- -—o— space eaters, which for two years has W. W. Brown, Richards Special. : been burning up the tracks and now! Earl Cooper, Stutz. .Miss'-Goidie Plainer left last night XI. W. SODERLING for Seattle where the was called by Xc.vt to Posrot't'ice has a string of records to its credit- .Eddie O'Donnell, Duesenberg. 112 Weft Main .St. as long as the tail of a small boy's] Kurt Hitke, Roamer Special. the illness of her father who will 0* kite. The car has been entirely re- Ralph De. Palma^ Packard Special. •operated upon today. - | built, and DePalma will be ready to Denny Hickey", Stiekel Special. show the other drivers a few bursts Arthur Thurman, Thurman Special. of.speed during the long grind. Wilbur D'Alene, Duesenberg. Pacific Coast Represented. J. M..Reynolds, Hudson'Special. Along with'DePalma may be reck- Ralph Mulford. Frontenac. er her insanity or mental irfespori-"] oned such scars as Earl-Cooper in a' Jean Chassagne, Sunbom. s-ibility' continues and exists7''a"r ' Stutz, Dario Resta. 191G champion, Jules Goux, Pej.^eot. time of the trial. piloting a Sunbeam; Louis Chevrolet, Louis Chevrolet, — — ' Girl Must, Ue Held.
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