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THE PALI LITERATURE Or BURMA ABBREVIATIONS ’ ’ ’ B ull tin de l Eeole Fran aise d Ex rém r BEF . e t e O ient EO p . e t c 1901 , . dhava sa. 1886 . Inde x 1 89 6 Gan . m (J , h Pali Text Societ Journa l o t e . Lo do 1882 e t c f y n n . , . u rnal o the Ro a l Asiatic Societ Lo do Jo f y y. n n. ham ain . R o o 1906 kat t . Pita ang n . o Pali Text S ciety. nava sadi a. Co o o . 1881 Sesa m p l mb . BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES Students m ay consult with advantage ’ I The o of t he So l o for t he o d , wh le Pali Text ciety s pub icati ns ( l er Pali e Frowde . Lo do 1 882 et c . lit rature) . n n, , o of the d in o II. Translati ns same which have appeare vari us languages Mr. Ed se e the s io of o on B dd b . ds ( u eful bibl graphy w rks u hism, y A J mun , in t he o of the So J urnal Pali Text ciety, Particularly interesting for c omparison of Burmese versi ons with i are t he o o f at akas o m the B e b Mr. R. Pal translati ns J fr urm se, y F d S o in the o of t he Ro A So St . t An rew . J hn, J urnal yal siatic ciety, Cf the a a he s 1892 1 893 1 894 1 896 . e d o t year , , , [ J t ka, translat fr m he d o of E. B Co . 6 ol . Pali b y various hands under t e it rship . well v s C d 895 e c 1 t . ambri ge, , ] II B o and C o o o I. ibli graphies atal gues as f ll ws 1 B o . ibli graphies . S o o riental B iblio ra h . ( a ) General . cherman ( Pr fess r O g p y B Lo do and Ne w Yo (! uarterly ) erlin, n n, Paris, rk. ’ 6 - C d H Essai d u n bibl ra hi ales do C o . e io c ( ) In hina. r ier ( enri) g p ’ - r r r o uvrages rela tifs a la p resqu ile indo chino ise. P emie e p a tie Bir manie c t Assa m Tou n Pa o é 1 1 vol vi . g , s rie , . B . l The Pro vince o B u a e or c d . rm a r t ( ) urma Irelan (A leyne) f , p re a r r h v r h p p ed fo t e Uni e sity of C icago (with extensive bibli ography) . H Mitfiin B o nd Ne w Yo 1 o o Co o a 906. ught n, , . st n rk, 2 C o . atal gues . a The a o of and B MSS and e d oo in ( ) c tal gues Pali urmese . print b ks t he O D of the B M riental epartment ritish useum . b T he in t he d O L ( ) same In ia ffice ibrary. ( 0) The alphabetical list o f manuscripts and bo o ks in t he Bernard L R n oo b C . D uroiselle o o o f Free ibrary at a g n, y . This c llecti n f ers an d fo r e d the of o o excellent fiel research , b ing un er care Pr fess r D uroiselle who in and o d of B , , his large intimate kn wle ge urmese d o o Palists literature, stan s al ne am ng . d C o of and B MSS in t he B o e ( ) atal gues Pali urmese . ibli th que N o ati nale, Paris. IV . fe w m a b e i o t he o f and Finally, a examples y g ven fr m mass Pali B oo in the B M o f d o urmese b ks ritish useum. They consist chiefly e iti ns o f d o o b B o o o celebrate Pali w rks, c mmentaries y urmese auth rs, anth l gies, and o o t he The d o are o o d o translati ns int vernacular. escripti ns b rr we fr m ’ Dr. B o arnett s catal gue. Ca nonic a l ar/c Min W s. S Ed d b K0 uttapitaka (entire) . ite y Aung Hsa a and o 1904 y thers. BIBLIOGRAPH ICAL NOTE S Cari a i aka B o . M d y p t , with urmese exegetical c mmentary an alay, 1 899 . Milinda afihavat thu . Bu o o t he M p rmese translati n fr m ilinda . 882 R o o 1 . ang n, d/z a mm a Ab hidham m a thasan aha An Abhi . t of u ru ddha o g , , f ll owed ’ b y Su mangalasam i s Tika- Kyaw o r Ab hidham m at tha- v ib havani in d o o and o o B o R o o eluci ati n there f, c pi us urmese c mmentary. ang n, 1898 . k A B Manim edhaj o t a a Kyan. urmese treatise o n Buddhist o o d o n the Ab hidham m att hasan aha and d psych l gy, base g , illustrate Mau lm e in 1 882 o . fr m Pali texts , v karana B e o f Ab Sankhep a ya . urm se epit me o hidham m a doctrine od d in the Ab hidham m at thasafi aha d o as c ifie g , illustrate fr m Pali Ra o o 1 89 9 texts . ng n, . m a ham e dhani o n the o o d o Para t t Kyan . Treatise f ur c n iti ns of t he 8 d o . R 1 o o o 95 . abs lute . Illustrate fr m Pali Texts ang n, Maharu asiddhi B Gramma r. o R o o p , with urmese interpretati n. ang n, 1 906 . N ad - Mo allana n G b San harakkhi . o t a v i gg Pali treatise rammar, y g , - d o n the G of Mo allana B n iesa a base rammar gg , with urmese y . Ra o o 1900 . ng n, kara -nissa B the Su odhalam kara of San har k h Alan ya . eing b g a k it a in o Ra o o 1 889 . Pali , with c mmentary. ng n, hu di ak in o n t he si nific at io ns o f Dhat vat t p a. Treatise Pali verse g o o b A adham m alamkara B o Pali r ts, y gg , with urmese c mmentary. R o o 1 89 9 . ang n, a w Navadham m sa ha - - m a- o f o L . a t b H u o o t . , y sin p y y shin, king T ung ‘ A d o f - Law of Ed d o o . Pali igest nine law b ks . Inheritance ite with B o A 1 89 4 urmese translati n . kyab , . Veda Makaranda d le t o i a o m a o n t he . be in y T k , c ment ry Makar nda- d d a oo of o o M d 1905. be in, han b k astr l gy. an alay, INTRODUCTION T H E Pali lite rature of Burm a owes its existence to the Pali lite rature o f India . It is many years since the latter was fi o —Fau sb oll rst expl red by the great scholars and pioneers , L R Tre nc kne r — assen , hys Davids, , Childers , Oldenberg whose reward has been a gain to Oriental learnin g vast enough to o f content even them . With time a part the mate rial disc overed has been bro ught within the reach o f students by critical editing . Buddhistic literature is imm ense in quantity and bewildering in varied interest , and it was never more difficult than no w to avo id being to o much o f the h i specialist . But the student of Budd ism who limits h mself t o o ne language o r lo oks for solution o f all questions in o ne o lite rature risks slipping into an rthodoxy of his own . A sounder principle has long gu ided Buddhist studies ; ’ ’ o o mi modern research has gone f rth , like As ka s ssionaries , di n to Further In a , Chi a , Japan , Tibet, Siam , and French o - a vi Ind Chin , armed with patience as they were with con ction , i t o as resolutely determ ned learn as they were to te ach . o d t o u There is need n wa ays seek f rther in Burma , or rather, need to be bette r acquainted with what has alr eady been o and fou nd there . Am ng the countries in which the ideas traditi o ns of Buddhism are inseparably boun d up with the Pali ca non Burma possesses a special interest which we hardly o ho w feel in the case of Ceyl n , for Burma shows the leaven of Indian thought worked in a race and idiom having none o f the close relatio nship with India which we recognize in all that is most characte ristic o f the lite rature of Ceylon .
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