
!--_,o,¯ " Ne,ghborly The Record’ ] .Townshlp’s , .| News and Views [ Own ble

Vol. XVll.--No. i5. MIDDLEBUSH,N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH30, 1951 Price Five Cehts ’ omeYour.Ma, n J Gnggstown" i- Lets’Face It r Laughs,Applause ,., Mark.. ,F:rst" .., N,ght!’N" .’.for rrosecuror,- CD Heads i "* *"." I! , ut tommumtyhre Co. s M,nstrel!i ,,,. two hottest .oo.political questions in By the time this issue of the l A cast of more th~n 60 person,~ presented a minstrel show last the Somerset primary eampaign

RECORD"hits the strec-?’ we’ll be ¯ night. with Ihe Community Fire Co. No. 1 and the Community FlrstIMonday evening at a crowded can- I in Washington, D. C We’ve been Aid Squad as co-sponsors The m nstreL which was staged at the:dldates, meetln ...... [l~m IS oz ¢Ne till|SOOt- wanting to take this trip for a Ion~ firehouse, will be given again ¯ontght ]~_.,...... [ II~l~dllh~ ¯ ¯ " uu ~] .rl, p e Ileal1UU ~IUO, Flaglown, time, and now that we have a few:¯ " , Each of the 25 individual acts was met with a round of applauseI ~ tsenat ...... [llgllll@U , , . from the large aud enee, as was each song rendered by tne. 3[’-voice.. ~spiran¢ e MalCOlm Forbes --t.da Y’.s vacat|on, ~e re going to make : chorus The show was fnlla~-orl hv Hnnt.[ng ,concluded his remarks by turning Following close on the heels of to " ¯ [ It w~$ in v ...... Senator Hess and asking, the East Franklin district, Gricus.-.. ~l~ Three days probably lsn t enough,milstre’ "’ s thate If&Die,the scenery,as II! rlloF,,’e,#.’r l[ ...... *ISlLA~--Am [[~:~..A. ,him: In fairness (o the people of .town has become the second area lime.to see all there is to see bul , ,_ . ’ ,_ ",_ . ~’ . ;..* ’’" |lllgm~l~l[I IIJl~llll~lr ’this county, name the man w o :In the townshl to show r . :av~ut a snowooaz, out wzm lOCal i ] h ITI . p p ogre~ w * -you will recommend to the gee. I toward becoming a functioning ¯_ eemgere goingpossmu~ to. m[opack our all wakingthe sight-veovle-~’, "strut’inu their stuff" the: A66m~ ku [~[~ ~’ .,’~ .:., jPtum~uu~w sly j~, iernor for prosecutor" civil defense unit hOUPS. ~ ’ !, : ’ " . And you know--it might d~ mine ] WhOle snow lakes on new 111~ . Jack Taylor is the captain and; Ralph W. Thomson of Middle-i. Se,napr. Hess" next to speak, rose ,_Charles Battle, Gr|ggstownja_rea citizens of this eotlntry a I~ of the e.na melt are James Mundy. ibush was given a dinner in Colonial i~ ms wet ann ae.elared that "My [c,.awman, n_as. name?.~ne negus o z ~ood If thpv * ...... iuavlo Melvil) Ernest Napolitano, ’ F-ring os, .i~,~,, . k.~.^...,r k;o lUpponem says I have made the line VariOUS groups ~tmm nxs unn...... ~. tuu, .wellt tO OUI’ l~i- ’ i " .~ ,, ~,,,~ ,s .,v,,vs v. ,,,~ tton’s capital. Henry Pletrucha. Charles Sicra and i27 years’ service on the Bo:rd ox, pros~c~:or~hip a pollHcal question, i Th.ey are George BRemire,flrst aid What with the war |n Korea, tile !Joseph Rosey. John Burke is di- ! Education It was attended by 55 s. exaetl_y.what he has done 12el~l~ruc1°l’~, ,tort|ev ~osuof?, emer- . . [rector t ,. i ~Ln :t nere. The governor Mr I g ncy po,ee; anu ztre c.mez r,r- "hre-"ac oz* commumsm which hangs " . . ~pe,sons, , ¯ over the world, snd yes, even the [ Songs and specm] acts were gzven i Many of’ Thomson’s former a~so-, Pyne and I have ’an agreement thur CaroH, fire reserves: . way oroanh-.~ ~,,.~.--’t-’-,,-...--,-.- : by Margaret Kolesar Day d Me- :cla*es off the board were nresent ;ao°ut the prosecutor. When we’re ~:awara TornqulsL WhO is In =..y it dim- JosephP..l, Zd. d .lth omci., y..m. .o.t. be ott.he uaseu Just a word which is defined n l ltano and Plc-.rucha. Jean Calve ISmlth, county superintendent of I on n,s record. [n~. puS~, also in ~le ~,~p~own the dictionary as being "govern. ’.sees a whistling act and Barbara !schools was toastmaster. [ Forbes charged that the naming ;a’eoa’ .s .,ea,.e.~ ~.y ..,~ ue.~en:. ment by the people." They are lie-[and Marion Klinger te~m up for a [ Speakers included G, Clifford i Of the prosecutor had become *’a ’....ross,as In ,.~. :t~w .~.rtlehon lag in a country which Is dame laen,ce" INevlus of Franklin Park a for-IP°, lltlcal football, with reports ,vegan |n ~ne ~,~rlgg~w’,~n re nou~. erz,’.ic, but they still lack that cer~ A.ISO Included was a quartet "mer member of the board: Robert jwldely circulated that Clarkson i;;°nu~ay;n""’;, -he ...:;:.use .~ ,.e ~tn something--that bit ot tang-’Whlch did the Charleston. Others ’,Sanford of Somerville, former l Cranmer would be named to re-~c.~; ~e.ense ..eaor.qua[~ers. xo ~e evlde,ee which will show [hem! who did |ndwidual acts Include !county superlfltendent of schools: I place Wharton, while close friends I the real meaning of democracy l,vlary Baron, Fred Dohn. Winffred Louis P. Hasbrouck ot Franklin I °t Mr. Wharton were. assured Just ] ia In ~a ,.,H~na.w~l f:~o,~oO~^ :,. Oh sure, they have automol)iles !C°le’ Vincent Jefferles, Kack No- Park, former president of the la few~ days ago by. high sources’ ;,s’~Tnose s, persons uc, o in , tne...~ ]~ast,, A!vun. refrigerators and they send Ihei~" wltzke! , Charles Steers, Eleanor beard David Jenks pa~.or. of ’thathe, he - would be reappointed after ". .... r-ranx : children to a church of their choos., ¯ rumulty, Mundy, Rosey and Taylor. Mlddlebush Reformed Church, and "the primary, when It wouldn’t eo~t ~m area nave ~wo nours more ot Ing, but this is not enough. Members of the ehor ...... us ,~r,.. ’the senator votes"¯ instruction before they finish their [ James M. Lynch, supervis|ng prln- ,, course in first’aid," he said. They need to stand before the ;Angela and Llnda Armae, Peter clpal of local schools. ° [ The prosecutor’s !erm expires -" " M:n~C~l;~ AW~,~hlong o~s Bascelll Ann and Jean Calve, Win- Dr. C, Rexford Davis honored ;Saturday; the senators reeommen. When the course is finished In ent :lfred Cole. Marion Cuttle, Ethel Mr. Thomsonwith a letter praising darien Is past due. Last week, after the East Franklin dls<.rlct, the in- .onal-" ~eme~ery- ..... to really aosorb " Czeke, I[elen, Ann and Doris Dor- him for his long and worthy service a lengthy conference bc,’ween Sen- ¢Contlnued on Page 16) the meaning of democracy--to know ofachuk. Grace Darezzl, Arlene as a board member. Dr. Davis was ator Hess, County Chairman Pyne and understand what has made, FIIkohazo. Madellne and Lorraine In Chicago and was unable to at- and the governor, Mr. Drlseoll said is making, and will continue to Hensperger. lend the dinner. I he was making’a stud,’ and would Annual Flower make the United States the "land Also, Marion Kllnger. MarJorle Dr. Langwlth, former pastor of ~not submit any prosecutor heroins- Kolsar. Roland I~emlre, Katherine ~ the Mlddlebush Reformed Church, lions to the Senate until It was eom- of *.he free and home of lhe bravo,’ Melnyk. Carmllle MaraehL .Marie:also sent a etter honoring Thorn-pleted. Mr. Hess Is quoted In the Show In myUa- Pfelffer. Joan Revolinsky, Bits ~son. THE FOLLOWING¯ * is* *an open ,R°ssl" tlelvn Sleora, Jean S’.ewnrL t Thomson was presented with a l [paperstn view asof havingthe governor’ssaid then ’,:hatstand letter to the Republican adml stra.. Mary Jane Webster Mae ~aturn, :fountain pen desk st," and a gues! i we’ll Just have ~o walt until he[ Plans for the Franklin Club’s lion "nd the Better Government i Steres Slcora, Josephine Znngaro :. book signed by the persons pres. i Is ready to receive nominations.’ [annual flower show, seheduled for Association. land Wiener. Whats that got to do with it? The ~Monday evening. May 28, a; Co- The calendar shows that today* Usher.~ ~re Edward Jenkins, Jog-[orchidlent. Mrs.corsage. Thomso. received an ;governor didn’t say he wasn’t go-:.lonial Farms, were made at a Is Maech 30. Using some simple i eph Lupo. Manuel Calve, John I Thomson was on the board [or ’ng :o open his mall or reft~se to eommRtee meeting held at the

~l~learithmetlc’day ofWethefindprimary:hatAprllelectlon,17, P_ ,-;Keefe; I ticketJo~eMelynk’h collector,r~Anth°ny, iwas , presidentNa[arelll andfrom 24 19,38 years fromto 1946. 1927 tolhe 1951 wasn’t ~nd [acceptgoing Iorecommendations, act on them Ira-tie saidW. II.home Zabrlskte,of the general Can-, chairman, Rd. Tues- Mrs. "-Is only two and a half weeks off ,I. II. Thompson: adverti.~ing corn- ilia did not run In the board elee- !mediately. day afternoon. We want to know when the all- mlttee, Thomson and Casimlrties last month. The show will be divided into out campaign for your candidates "Calve. The committee which planned [ "Surely, after a lifetime in Sem- Is going to begin. We have been . The ml.streL which company of- :the affair included Mrs. James J.i’ ervllle,decades and an with bothacquaintanceship Mr. Whartonof three qeetlons,cons sting of flower Hchlng to write about the cam- flclals say will becomt an annual’Slade Jr. of Middlebush. Smith, :and Mr Cranmer, Mr Ho&q doe-"* arrangements, specimens and palgn, but so tar ~hcre ha~ been affair ,is "headed by Genera! Chah’- land Dr. Eugene S. Grlggs. a for. * ...... potted plants It s open to the lltle to write about need a mere four more weeks to public and entry blanks may be It seems to us the administrathm manassisted Ernest Napolttano.hy Thomas Dellie isCastle. being mar member of the board. ’ make up his mind. Nothing is like y , procured from Mrs. James Torrans. has a lot of groundwork to lay for Calve, John Kurekes, Charles .to happen--except of cot rse he Colonial Farms. Middlebu~h. Carrie J-"ekson. Its candidate. An,,. Smith. Lemireand Pletrucha. :primary. ’ Additional information as to the although Bit! Nag:,’, [he BGAhope- i Proceeds from :he minstrel are Auxiliary Plans I This ,~" . , various classes in each section and ance fuL ran last In las[ year’s primary, going toward the pureha,;e ot a ril ard Par enforcement’o,o, t;eofficial rn:oleS:r~i ~ ~Oemx:r~tnPeHo°rm j The!rules Iollowlng governing membersentries willwill be as-re- a Ap .leased at a later .,od . it must be remembered his was ,new ambulant’e and new fire equip-Community The LadiesVolunteerC Auxiliary Fire Co.ofty theNo. County~hhna~n;’l~:iogp o,typifies toW~tuh,., my in0~) ~::~21 losing effort. Therefore, it would’ment. I appearthat he. to~. should be give,,’ Y slat [n the arrangements: er~trtes. : 1 made plans Tuesday night for n r I ~boost. ~. zty P *~ w ~o~ 1¢ At the risk uf being accused of CordParty Plans Told its April 27 card party, re-e;eSen’a’u’,~sVoters don t elee their~Ou;:: leg h%s ative " - ’:7iIvan.. o ,’v,_ma,e"’’:’" os :,~ rsewo :! m ’.nnar I "’ ""~rs. trying to tell you gentlemen how to ’ The Griggstown Fire So. Is apes- The previous card party was ca]]- nlmoly ;Charles McClure: floor committee. run .’,’our campaigns. We suggest goring a card part}’ to be hekl iin. celled due to the tlamihon St, th caned c’ s n ogethe Mrs.Edward Smith and ,Irs.~ Samp- the sehol tomorrow night. that .the two men appear together ~ schoOlforelapses.Children using the firehouse responsibilities ot the office, The ~ ...... at a series of meetings. incumbent is not nl~uln,~ ¢ ~ .~. :son ~mltn; e~ean-up, ~rs. t:arol yn Chief Arthur Carroll says repairs [ ~" LH the public see these two on the inside ot the firehouse are ~ Miss Ruth Calve is chairman as- the voter- ~ uy . re:using.%.-~...~ to.a,r namew.~, r Ferguson and Mrs. [rein Walner: men on the same platform so It Rolng along according to piss. The ’slated by Mr.~. llarry Sleora, Miss before the primary his reeommon- hosp|tslity, the Misses Hllda and may be better able to decide whowork workers. Is beingThe donecompany’s by v.:unteer paper andi Lind~Mrs. Amae,Jack Taylor.Mrs. Casie,:Pr~’es Calveand dalton tot one of the most Impor- Viola Pennetl and Mrs. W. Bruee is [he best man for Ihe .township rant Jobs In the county. His recom- Armstrong; publicity, Mrs. Wainer; committeeman’s post. drive is being continued, refreshments will be part ot the mends[ion is rightly a part of his treasurer, Mrs. Benjamin Strata.on. Mrs. MeClure, president of the One thing more In closing. V/’e ...... { program, record. Does he have SOme ques- [ The auxiliary has bought new tion about the fitness ot the men club, will serve as honorary chair- willnothingprintmore,WhateVernothingiSless.glvenlf US--onefact. he wouldprobbaly pick up I linen for the ambulanceof Ihe first now being discussed? Ir not, delay man,An admission charge of 25 cents o~ the opposing tac[tuns in Ibis ~ec- some votes he might not otherwise [ aid squad, seems to be for purely political ties has 20 lnche~ of copy tn the have gotten. Can we expect you I reasons, will be made and refreshments will be served. RECORDand the other only I0. [Mr. Forbes? "It the Kefauver hearings have * * " o ParkGirl Hit by Cor 4aught us any lesson, it is the lm- Mrs. Torrans and Mrs. Armstrong ; are ,eochatrmen of the club’s talent dO~’yptrintblamewhatUS.weWereceiveareonly1,, ableithe wile IS THEFELLOW Ih, ing Sandra Stellatella, 6-year-old portanee ot having public officials oi" copy. ’ near Itamilton School who her. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Stella- who will act when aetlon ]s re- sho’~ slated for Monday, April 9. Sincerely yours, i rowed a station wagon to take hls[tella of Lincoln l[wy., Franklin [quired. We are fortunate in Som- at 8 p. m., "at Colonial Farms. The Editorial Staff girl friend out only to discover Park, was struck by an automobile ~erset; we have honest oflleials, and C.E. Turner, baritone, will sing .- of the RECOIID. she refused to go with him? We driven by Robert Coleman of Pleas- men ot the same high integrity as three seleetions: Blanche Archam- were told she would rather walk an~. Plains Rd. at the corner of Senator Hess. But It Is terribly Ira- bault, soprano, will render .three ~-- ¯ * * ~ because the station wagon is used that road and Lincoln Hwy. at portant not to make the proseeu- original pieces ~or which Mrs. Tor- .~ SPI~.AKING OF POLITICS, we to carry bodies to a New Brunswick about 5 p. m. Tuesday, .tots office political bait. :rans eomposed the music; and ’ wonder when Malcolm Forbes is undertaking establishment. The child was taken to the tam- "If elected senator, I’ll guarantee three numbers will be sung by =~ going to give a talk tn the town- * * * * Ily’s physician In New Brunswick that I will not duck the responsl- Mrs. Sampson Smith. We ship. hope he has us on his AND FINALLY a word to the for examination, and though she billUes of the office. I want to sue- The program will also include a agenda for a campaign speech. Town Hall officialdom. Some one suffered cuts on her taee and she eeed In public life standing for and dramatic reading by M~. Leonard After all, Franklin township rates has suggested that the Kefauver was badly bruised, a prellmirmry fig, hUng for the things I believe In Bardsley ~nd a comedy skit with the very h|gh Jn number ot regis- crime investigating committee examination did not reveal any se- .-and not through the ability to feted ~epubllcnns In the county, look into your activities. Why not Mrs. Carl Hallengren, Mrs. William Hous Injuries, 8he is at home and say lttUe or nothing about anything Fairhur~t St., Mrs. SamPson Smith He ,~n’¢ Jose any votes by visit- Invite them here- Franklin town- being kept under observation to that might cost me votes," Forbes and Mrs. James J. Slade Jr. Partic~ in]{ ~b~.townsbip. As a matter of ship would become ’fsmous. ipatlng. determine the ex.:ent of.inJurie~, concluded. F ,,,.::io~ ~YP. .... ~ ,~_.~ ¯ TI’tE.RECO~.D, . ". "¯ Friday,, March30,, ...{951 ~.. ,~.., ,: o, ~. ,~,~.. k. ~ ~. ~"~’T."~¯~i~ ~.,~. ~ ¯...~,. ,fie--..~ ~. ,~ Of Dr, ~ IL 4Wlilll@~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ woe U ol, W ~ ng Autborl~ Ut4{r {ncfividual ¢on¢41~oes~r Now re4ev~q~l ~’a~ei Mwuld"leek.

"" fie ~p~ptcomqdential, - ~ .. ~f~-:...... - ..,ell[ ’" 7’..~.-":" -~-’)~,~---~-, ...... ! . . J ¢ . ,. - . .- .... .~, .~ ~:~ /- ¯.b theHe. t "r" ¯ ¢~ ~ . ...~- ,=~ ~ i It . ::::": ----’::n’’ . ~ ~y,.,,) ~- N~WJersey Stale Departmentl ~,~C. ~’~’~ ~ ;’.{~% "’=_.a" ~’---~ ~ ’...... "l~f HeaUh, the TB trailersI’,rill

mu~t7and every industrial ph, uL ! ". ~., ~ ~ ~... , *.[~’~ ~ 3Jl II~. *~. { ~,.l.d~,,.l,, su~ .l,, ,,,.~ .., , .-.--. ~,..~...... ~¯-.L~ r.k~. ’~|)’ \\ ttoons while the residential ar,]~, () . .~.t~ ¢¢~rt~ 14o ",. * "~]h~"" . , ] , ¯ ..... ~ : ...... r--J~t ¯ ~#.’at.t,.~,e~,a~ ,, ¯ ¯ ~ I night: I Mrs, R. G. Schirber is ~xeeut!v, ." aegret~ry of lilt) league. Juhn ’~R’, ~a~l,~l’r ~m~l,~ ~t - ~’" * ...... , e * ] SLrongis president aad K(d)vrt; r-~ ¯ ~),(.~*/ ,uwa,) m ~#~,~ ¯.’ " ""’ " . l¯{" Blunt i.s ehairmah of the permaz~-~ ¯ 1 ; #~ 4wa " . : ent t’dueatiolt committee, att)ff~4,~’~r , . ; ~ ~ ~P ~t*rt.~’* Other eommRtee members are . .... ¯i Detective James A, Bates,Ne’~ lit l~re~.~ ...... Branswiek’s Health officer John d. DO’)OI.~" MANLEY’Slayout, shownhere. {S on the conservative , retaining ¯ good portion of the existing structures end provid- Hanson; Robert Williams. manager ing for their improvementand use in the ~ture. Henley WOuldmake some feirly sweeping changesin the business item. such as Mimineting ’1[ " " " ( : ~ "~ :(~tl (-i*.l~er, Pu~li:;llc’r ~ ramEL, but the present synsgngueand cbercheswould be retained. Underhis plan. i group of high buildings for use as a luxury housing of the SPOKESMANtlewspaper~ { area wou d be conltructad near NJCto taka ldvantepe of tha view~ of the river end the . The rest of his residential buildings would and John Quad, Home News man- be in two storv-un{ta. Their off-street parking ~d p[~¥ areas would m~keuse of the riverside park. proviliOO for which has already been ~ging edilor, madeby /l~e city commissioners. A similar survey was made last year in Perth Amboy,

Elizabeth Durham Assists .la FoundeVs Day Plans .~ l.]~iza[iLqh Lhlrham nf 1~ t Weltoo El, I~ on the coromitlee for a Founders Day program to be held at New Jersey College f~r Wom- eJ Tue~day. The program. Jnitl~.~ed by the Asaoe[ale Alumnae in 1946. was timed this year to coincide with the visit of Dr. TheodoreM. Green, Yale philosophy professor, who ¯ will b~ on the campusTuesday .~ ~ through’Friday under the Gttspteee ":" .’~l of the Mabel Smith Douglu Fac- ulty F~rid. Alumnae and special puesL~will

Midgh{pmonLens Tours No’folk Nnval Centers ¯ Midshipman~;ugene E. Lens,son o" ~

,qtntlon at Norfolk. Va.. recently. VA~....,(r;~NAm JR. visualizes ¯ weli-orsanized buslnellS dislrlct split off from the residential area by ¯ boulevlrd connecting OeOrge as guosL~of the AtlanUe Fleet Air- St, and the Burner St, Parkway. He provides for direct access to o~-street parking orals in the center of oath business block. A hotel a~d b"rn, glee’reales TraininS Unit, o~ce ou{ I be build edJacent to the p~rk end perkway. About sight skyscrlper~ would serve It{ | buffer betweenthe business The students, all membersof the and relidential arees. Each ikyscraper would be located in the center of i landscaped recreational ores. The rest of the r~idential area Naval Beae~’e Officer Training would be designed around the existing church and parochial school to form s neighborhoodunit. The buildings would be designed to afford C’,rns, were flown from Durham. views over open courts and would take advantageof the riling ground in the area. 1~" C,, by an :drIifl of seven Navy ,,h,go..transport planes providtld lay the , , x ,: : ...... =.... ¯ .... - ’ ’*," ~ : ;i~ " - t.--.._,li’l-tN ~__" "or Seal Drive : " ’ . . ~ , " :" i !--’-~ t ";~h~’ofGoo’ h " . " i , - ...... "~: I!

i),,i,./t I,i :lid Ih[, c,rip,>l,I ;)):,. rh.

) the Uq) ifth,, puhl;,’, ~," ...... f? ’%W~’~t ~ ’ I/"7 . : 0 ~-. " ,’~’..~ . ~ . , : ~_Uj~- It" :. ~_- ,~,,-,.,,m,,,,~,,, .,-..,.,,,-,,,.."*""r’""’ ...... O~ ~ , ...’" :-", ;’ r. _. ’.._’__’__’_.~,iLH~:5",.!~

h,’,,:= ...... r ..... ,’ t eau,ai ...... " ...... ’~’" i .__..d. ~.’ewJ,’,’..~>" C),~,,,.r ,,," ,,,’ ’- v--~ .--~.’).a "’ "" (""’"" . - .." :’ : ¯ " . "~ "’~ ~ I t I Society f.r t.’rq,p,.*i n,:. " ~ "~:: -, ~ . I ~ ;; . " ~ ~ I,. ] ~[’~--~ r and Adn]t~. . " " . ; " ~ .... ~- ,’: ¯ ..~/ .". ~ ...... :- .... -"~t ’,~t ~~-~." * . Nigh)s~.io.~ ’o, "/" 7 ~..~/."x=. ~ a a au --~...... ¯ "t " ? ~F Trai!e Scheduled ,//;.;~.~ ) ...... ~ ...... ,{i t’ f" , t%,n-weekatay. ";h,.o~hm,! .//~-/f:’ "~ J/Y~ .... " { ~gp" M~gS~ b t’t ’,veePs, employe~t,t the t’lIv’s ’~’/ . " .... ;-{r’~ ~.j/- ~£#;e...’ , . .... ¯ : . ~ . l: duatrlew will rueei%.e X.l’iX.~ . ¯, , ¯ ~.. { Ot~:rs will be X-raved on Tuck- ¯ ’ " , * .~ ~ a*~)~*~¢ - ~ ~¢~ ,,*m,.*. .... ¯ ," d’". Wednesday a:td Thursday "1¯ * er~t. * ~.l e . ... ~ , , _~ * . .. . . , >. # ~ { ) ,LS of ~oth weeks. ~I .y., ~* ! tu~. . ,~ ...... ; ..~ ,;,.~.. : ...... -:..~..~>~. ,.,. _..;i~..,~..~;~ ~ >~

{rrI’*.’ U’aUerduring .’he ~lght ses- .~.u THROUOHTRAFFI~ w~JM be di$coureged by the street pattern conceived by Le~x ~. Youngfor the resldentlal arH. All of y~tmg’s heuslr~ units W:mJdhave’their own pa~kiag and play tress closeby. Comrtructlon of l~St~ry luxury |pertmenta would add t~ tht Ire~s . E~LtSTS IN NAVY ratable~, in Young~ vleW~ In~QIhOPP~B Jrem~ p~dm~rl¯n ~rel would be se~ from i~{i@ trw~flc. ~;iKlem ~wardILm.~o,t ,)f P]~n- t~uld be ¯ I~mg, ~ it {~ elld- lind- ~alff their . ..M0moretMasielloW, ns i st Pnze ,,__._ n_ ¯ " - - ¯ I Polestine tri--, ’For smwonEmnlovinnDimbled III q, oscs I(eqglre gxI]l UoU$ " : 7 ---r / ~ ]~teul ¯w¯ IV ~|l,I I ’. .. M.rg..t t0f $350,000for Sewerin Morgan]RecitalApril t , Mm~ello, daugh- Rising costs forced the Sayrevill¯ SchmiU ¯lso fsvoNd IutallatJoa [ The PalesUnc String Quartet will tat ~ of Mr. and ’torough Council l-sat Wednesday of 100-candlepower light on Third appear in ¯ recital st gArkps~,/ek ¯ Mrs. Jamco Mug- night to approve ¯ resolution auth- St.. Morgan, Marshall" PI., Chescent Chapel Wednesday. April 4, at e ;rttlng issuance of an additional Ave. and Eisenhower Ave. p.m., under the ¯uapk, os 4]/ WJ~l ella o4 ~ AI- $~0,~0 worth of bonds to fin¯nee Water and sewer lines In Her- R’rith HUlel Foundation. born’he St., won the Morgan-Bay View Manor sew- eules Villa were adopted on reso- The quartet comprises Paul B#1- R/rat prize, ¯ ~ or system, luUon. !am, and Hy Renaln, vtollnIMJ; war bond, in the The new bonds, supplementing Uriah W. Conover of West Long dor Kleinman, violinist, and Jsdg 1961 essay contest l~,50,000 previously issued, will be Branch, the solo bidder, was award- Yablokoff, cellist. sponsored aa part in el,000 unLts dated May )S, 1951. ed the contract to clean cesspools The program will be aa follows: of Employ t h ¯ They will be sold to the highest ’for $15 each, " Saleinu al K’Tetah|u I With B~,- Physically Hsndi- bidder at an early meeting of the i reportedCouncilman on civil Andrew defense MaLszewskl progress, keLs on Our ShouldersL arranged capped Week pro- Council. by Jaeobi: Havdolah (Ancient Sab~. gram of the New bath Prayer), Secunda: Kaeh¯, Jersey Stlte Era- An ordinance approved on first !pralsing partleularly the work of re~ding will permit expansion of the communications and public re- Kacha (Dte Alte Kashe -- The Old ployment Service, QuestlonL arr, Lichstein: Day and The local girl, a the National Lead Co. plant by per- :, lations committee. A police re- mitting it the use of an, unopened ;.serves elas~ is scheduled to start Night. arr. Liehstein; Chusldie Junior at South ~Danee. Olsheneizky: Quartet in G R i v e r High )orb/on of Chevalier Ave. This sex; week, School, competed "paper street" runs from the plant Cou.cilman Ray Presnal report- Major Opus ,54 No. l, Beethoven. against entrants entrance to the river. The ordl-’ed that efforts are being made to[ Di-Ya-Noo lit Would Have Been from New Bruns- nance, which will be consldcecd :improve the conditions of the Sufflcieet), acr. Jacobl: Hebrew after a public hearing Apr. 4. per-, streets as quickly as possible. . Melody. Arhron-Rensin; Nigun HighlandWiCk’St.paPeter’S’rk, mite the borough to take back the I Transfer of the liquor license of Bialik -- Art~a Menu |We Shall Go street on alx months notice. John E. Armstr0ng, 163 Washington Up to Our Land), art. Rensln, end Sayrevllie a n d liaganah Kroll. Jamesburg High Councilman Fred C. Sehmit corn- Rd.. to Leo P. Grazidc was ap- plaiued that no new lights have "proved. An application was received Tirk~t.~ are available at Reed’s, Schools. the Varsity Music Shop, and the Her essay, en- been erected by Jersey Central from Robert E. Buekley of New titled "Doville, U. Power and Light since the begin- Bruoswick to transfer the license to ; Foundation. in New Brunswick. S. A", emphasized MISS MARGARET MASIELLO sing of the year. He suggested his name. This was referred t°~ski reported February fines of in an imaginary tour of the town, Personal Products, and Bruce Mac- that Borough Clerk Frank Kolb be, Police Chief Glees. $1,490 of which o~ly $96 remains in that tntellectu.al ability is far more Phail, designer at Johnson and instructed to write to the u~llity I A resolution memorializing John,the borough, The state gels the important than physical character- Johnson, were judges, company seeking immediate ac- Fritz, Jr., was passed, lion’s share---$1,381--and the county lstlcs. She strewed the fact that I Miss Masiello recently was tion. i Magistrate Edward A. Modzelew- lgets $13. the problem (f the handicapped!named delegate to Girls State at ...... can be solved if ’he public is suf- New Jersey College for Womenin flelently interested. "June. She will ,attend under the The South River whiner, who will auspices of Frandsen-Levandowski receive her prize at a school as-~ Unit 271, American Legion. FOR A BETTER-LOOKING, LONGER-LASTING sembly soon, will be eligible to [ Her other extra-curricular school compete in the state contests. Na-iactlvities include the vice-presi- HOME, SAVE AT SEARS ON TOP QUALITY... SIGnal prize winners will be select-, dency of the French club, treasurer ted from state winners, of the bridge club. secretary of the Fra.k Grower, employment man- debating club. She also is a mere- aser of Johnson & Johnson, Mauro; bar of the B-naturals and the Dra- I .. Chechio, employmentmanager of !maUcs Club. I ,r,, - 3 - in - ! Shingles 9’nsu’o*’n- ~,m""ng GUILD TO MEET I COMPLETE TUXEDO The Mother’s Guild of the Sts. "~ Peter and Paul Russian Or~.ox RENTAL SERVICE ~ Church will meet Wednesday at Consistingof 7:30 p. m., in the perish school, 3HIRT - TIE- STUDS - COL- tNS.~t~.L~o ...... , ,s, I ¯ LARBUTTONS - CUFF -m~s Bee LATEST STYLE TUXEDO - ~t~t a ~O Y LOCKS ~RMgANGS - SUSPeNDeRS ~lrsz-e-. s Repaired Arrangements Should Be Made a 10 Days in Advance Installed O11 ~oteftas RELIABLE oc.,ou ¯ Full thick Asphalt SHOP WALL’S Dennis St. ¯ Westh¯r-tight 99 MAIN ST. SOUTH RIVER N¯w Brunsw’k @Go. looking m .o,, oois329" IIII II O=._...... I_ _.I ¯Self spacing ¯Top Quality ¯ 10% down Sl29. ¯ Buff, red, gray $ Saves oainting ¯ Avg. 24x24 ft. home ¯ 24x24St. home

SAVE14.62 TODAY! GleGmin93-pc. BothroomEnsemble YeSt s goldmine of comfort and fuel savings! Yon start to enjoy it us soon as yaw insulate your attic with . . .

ROCK WOOL . ing ensemblefeat

e Roomsup to IS de~roescooler w~k (lu~’t~;~/:ilh(’thn:l:~i:=m:~l in hottest summerweather!

¯ Cozy warmth all winter long. ~ room buy! See It, save today! I~[~ @WaterproofMetal Tile ...... ¯ Fuel savings soon repay cuat sq.ft. and continue year after year, SEARS, ROEBUCK& CO. ¯ AddedSire protection. 101 AlbanyStreet, CheckItems Below Naw Brunswick,N. J. Gold Bond Rock Wool comes In handy sizes ready to tuck be. [] Roofing [] insulation tween your attic joists or raft- Gentlemen: era. Phone us today for quota- I am interested In further information about the following: [] SidingI-] Plastic Tile tton on your attic area. NAME...... ; ...... [] Combinotion Windows ADDRESS...... [] Plumbing [] Heating PHONE...... RIVERSIDECOAL CO @ 6 WASHINGTON RD. SAYREVtLLE S. R. 6-0593 New Brunswick 2-9800 #~f~ ~ ~ )

THE RECORD Friday, March30, 1951 Four i i OBITUARY Rec. Com. MaPs John Sack Succumbs, J SummerCrafts, Funeral services for John SackJ~ - ~ Qu ce, ’n 3 ~~.cOP ~a/~]o or3at) oR 18 Whitehead Ave,: who died ~)porlrs rrogrom .. u ’J.’uesday In St. Peters Hospital. will be held at 9 ¯ a m. tomorrow Tentative plans for the summer . .) from sishis .ere,home anda.d atPaul 9:30 Ru~s~a.,’,,~a, m.,irecreatlonto he J.~me~h.rgprogram ~cre.ocrea~lon present- W. Barman & Co. Orthodu× Church. The Hey, An-Icommissiv n by Robert C. Johnson, drew Van.yush will officiate. Burlal~iits dh’ecior at ,the group’s meet- in the~, chur¢’h cemetc’y will he ( irected hv the ,Maliszewski Fun..’ Ing On Monday night, has again collected into (,ral ltome. J Io additiu|l to arts, crafts and one book the finest pat- Sack. who lived in South Ricergames for youn;;er children, a full ~, 4?years, was emph)ye(I by Parag(m program nf group games such terns for room distinction. 13rlck Co¯ ., ] .oftballs " soccer, basketball, horsr- Ile leaves his wifE, Mrs. r’lorenee. Everypattern is createdby Silvanovich Sack; Six children, shops, V( ’3¯b ) aud badnl|n[on 5’!rs. Joseph Nm~(’i, Mrs. Castro r will be ofTered. Al~ interest ques- the leading wallpaper de- Lepkowski and Peter Sack, all o[, tip)moire will he distributed ~nuth River: .Mz’~. Benjamiu Przy- i through the school~ and a eomple’.e signers. blowski and 3Iirhael Sack nf Say- after ycville and Mrs. Cortland White of program will" b(. ouHil|ed If it’s color, texture, or pattern-- preferences are talml;;ted. I~ Oak i’,~)k, Mich, Eigh, t gr.allcl- "File commie suppor[ lilt, comnlis- Tip Ilcv. Gotlliel) ) Rtusch, IHIOU~pastoci’"~’~olk ,lie.- J)tulg. . )lO~.IcJc- .... . by emeritus of lhe Savreville I)resby - h)eal (-ivw grotlps. tcrian, thatch,¯ wilt "officiate, . i the"" ;)lo~ram¯ ¯ will" he held on the ! Priced Low". " 1.20to 3.90Single Roll Singer. wht) died "t’uesday at .g ~ .sehnol livid from I It) 5 p.m. "rhompsmfs Rest llonte Jalnes.’: c’) ily (lurillg July and August. burg, is survived hy his wife.! M ss Mary l’:llen .~h.vt.ll,, will be Anna, six ohildreu, Mrs. Alex i as,¢istanl director. Anasiewiez and Mrs. Stanley Woj-i ¢ieehowlcz of South Rh’er; Wllltanl of Sayreville; August Jr. of New "Brunswick; Edward of Spotswood; CLASSIFIED Pat. Alfred Singer of Ft. Eustis, t ~,’a., a brother, Carl, of Sayrevllle, ART WOOD,REFINISHER, PIANO :Jnd eight grandchl.]dren. & FURNITURE¯ PHONE KIL- I I I .Ills soldier son spent Ihe Easter ,.. weekend at home. ’MER 5-1588.

... ii i i iiiii I SEWINGAf tCtllllE ,$ #FER$

Old SINGERtreadle "head" Mhcellaneous-brend refinished to look like new replacementparts.

yet,,, sac lots of machines like on" or "bait" to sell other make this ;~dvert sod by at ~ers whohave machinesat higher prices. I~ no connection whatsoever with Obviously these "rebuihs" are not SINGER. really SINGERMachines. Andthe)" Manyof these people take old are not backed or guaranteed by SINGFRtreadle heads (some of them SINGER.(The only place you cau 50 years old,l--add motor and parts that are not SINGER--putthe ma- get a used SINGERthat has been chines in new-looklng cases or cab- guaranteed aud reconditioned by SINGERexperts with all.SINGER* incts of different makes--andsell the .,~ results as "rebuilt" SINGERS.Often parts is at your SINGERSEIVING these machines are used as "come- CENTER.)II"by take a chance... /" .,,.n.Odd-makech.pcase c.nstr or cabinet c,.n Motor from a dlffeten| ) ...... ¢,R.#¢,-#,w ,lN,ER ,t.rc,.¢/c #,~c//,t/,

lures for smooth,easy sewing construction ~~! EASY BUDGETTERMS -- LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE With every new SINGER,you get: you can enjoy all the smooth-stitch- ing features---all the dependability ¯ Warrantyof manafact~rlng perfection --of a brand-new SINGER*Electric ¯ Iksslc set of SINGER"Attachmunts Portable Machine for onlyS89.50. completewith case. And,behlnd your ¯ FamousSINGER Coarse In homedress- makingor de~oratlng(g two-hour /,hachine the.re !s a .~.mpanyknown lessens underpersonal Instructorsat for the superiority of its productsand your SINGIIR SLEWINGCENTER) serviceto its customers. There are manyfine cahlnet mad- ---all at no extra easEl els, too. biodern, colonial, period Doesn’t it makesense to choosethe styles, in a wide range o~ prices. ~nest? PROTECTION ~ SINGER~olls and ~mrvlceaFOR Its YOUR Sowing M~,ldne~, Vacuum Oearm’e, and other D~pendabb~rvlm lmm coast products onl~ through SINGERSEWING CgN’g~RS, id~itifl~xl by the RED Quiet=del~eRdeble SINGER te coast from over a thom~ml "S" Tmda M~’k and the "SINGER SEWING (~N~" emblem On the mo~or SINOIR$~ING ~’f,J~ffF.NI $ window,xssd. laev~" thgoltgh, e~,.z.r,,~.~t,...~sn~wn.~.dnpartmlmt~tor~, doalm%or ~ outletlk ...... #~mll~[l~ .... -. l~¢l!ljlll ..... ~ .....

/" n#¢#et, a,t SING l I SlWlg G,,U’|R,~;:"¢ N i ’<(’ "3[ Thenyou can be suro of SINGERQuality, ~69 GEORGEST, REET NEWBRUt~S~ICK world-fbmoqg$1N@ER S~r~tco OPENTHURS. TILt. 9 P.M. -’ ~ ~ I. t~HAI~rER7-0~ ". i II I I I q )51 L Friday, March 30, 1951 .... . THE RECORD PageFive , Bmbi Bennythe Beaverpond1 for children,""’ IIU.S. Businessmen@ to Be Told thea,ee..r, THE WA-XO-BE ARCHERSwill Hostof ExhibitsSet for SportShow ..,arrows used [or I d~JP ~l___ __ ~" _E -- ¯ ¯ dP e,, ¯ .oo m Area mausmalLtlptlcIry Bambi the deer and a host of hix iauditoriunl ~nd the adJoing parlors ishootlng, The archers also plan neighbors, including Stinky the, will be used for exhibits, r DeWayne Nelson, Middlesex ~for this type of work skunk and Benny tile beaver, musk-[ Other exhibits listed are. Dave ire show a collection at ....lnaJlln,County industrial dj~artment" chief, I Nelson said that over’ 25 percen~ rat~. opossums, chipmonks. ,quir-~Schwcndeman of Milltown, hawks, ! arrow heads, w II attend a three:’day meeting of, of Ihe county mgnufaetm’ers haw rcls. rabbits, pheasants, quall..owls and snakes, native to New[ The entire front parlor of [he lth e American Industrial Develop-ireplied. lie will lake these replies ~U’iPed bass and a variety of fresh Jersey: Willard T. Case of NeW.building will be used to demon-lment organization which begins !with him to Washlngon and meet water fish -- they’ll all m:~kc per. BrttllSWick, Imm| carved minaturcs stra[e the art of fly tying and con- Sunday night ill Washington. D. C. :with the ~mal[ bu:~ine~s division o~ ~onal appearances at the fourfl~ of North Ameritan Water[or, t: W. istruction of artificial fishing lures l The ~,~sociation. cumposcd of 125 . the Department of Commurce0.~ al]Jlua[ Junior SI)ortsmclfs Show at. Ca;’y Nicholas. New l’runswick, i~nd bass bugs. Alex Gold of Iligh- I)t2rsolls prominent ill. various :, allow H~emwhat coun’y itldtlsh’v Ihe Veterans’ Center. Carroll i’I.. (’~)]qy American ;llltl ]nodcrn fire- |alld Park will be in charge, as- phases of ir~dush’ial devcIopmenl, !i~ capable of d(.ing. ¯ We( ~day. Thursday aml Fl-idav. ]’ms Middlesex: C t y Sheriff’s ~i~led by a large group of cxpeJ’t is holdil~ 3 ils 26Hi ammal c(mfer-: S~CVCl’alllew f,,altlr(,s have bcelt Ol’fic’e, lypcs of f "(, r s a I safely ¯ fly t vipg Sl)Ol’lSfflen. "(,i]ct;. added to the show lhiu year ira.at(l-(h rice~: lhe Slate Health Depart-J "the Rev. Julius Sathnmry. pa~-: .~Iember.~ of file orgalfiTa~i(m GIo. Bloivers to Start ¯ lug a safely exhibit by the l)cputy racnt Rabies Co,re’el aud the No- tar of lhe Ilungarian l.ulheran rtl)rc~eniativcs l;f the larger Cl~am-, Wardens’ Associalion: a display of’tk:,lal Wildlife Fedcralitm. CJmrch, who makes fishiug rods lbers of Commerce. public utililics,. Negotiations Wednesday birds by Jacob l.’ricdcrich of ()ld The Bowl-O-l)ronl(. Rod and (.:us as a hobl)y, will delnonstrate hislrailroa.’ls and .~.at~."’ imlu~trial i Wc(lle.,-d,~y has bcetl set as Ihe a Bri(Igt,: luminous rocks by David.Cirri) will again have display de--work and repair Junior sport,;- boards. ,,clay rot (lie beginning tff cmltrac~: Sositl of llighland Park a,d a pictillg ;; Canadian h~tlllling camp. men’s fishing rods free of charge i Nelson ~aid discussion ’,*,ill cell-:.negotiations bclwcen I’.ocal 269. ~ ~l~’ildlifc feed patch to be Irans-’The display will feature a fishi]b: during lhe show, "ter on imlu.strial cxpam,iot~ po!iclc.-: .(-;lass BlowersAssocialion. aml Ih,. laled in the audiloriuiI1 hy the Outdoor movies will again be’and localion lrell¢ls of new i[~(ltls- Owens-lllilleiS Glass (’o., Kay|.: Metuchen Rod and (-lUll Club. Chemical Operator ’shown. Fhe¯ movies, hl .~ottnd and Icy. The sportsmen’s allow is Divisiom Sessions will be held al: ,:o- Enlists in Air Force ’color and touching on hunting.! Effoc:s of the County lndush’ial Ihe Hotel Astor, New York. ¯ sponsored by the Re(rcation De- " : partment and the Junior Sports- A New Brunswick ttigh School fishing’shown ce~t|lltlou,$lY,and censervalion,a[tI2FIIOOnS willalld i be.Dcparlmentprime er .~ll[)COIlll’;l(.qs to obtain"~ , qllothcrdefense ’ lo (..;.llUlliml wh representativesich re pre$ellb; wo l’kffr$ 3iof liw men Committee. II is who y a gradu.,le and a former chemical oP- volunteer, ¢oopt.rative project, of eralcr is now werking for Uncle evenings, reason for Nelson’s Washiugtol] : the Sayreville plallt and in Berli~ ,Sam ia the capacily of an Air i Charles A. Campbell and Re-’,trlp. ;will meet with management repre- county sportsmen. creation Director KenncalLv are J Nclson’.,~ department last June’sentatL’cs from the two plants and A(Inds~iell, as i~l pa.’it ycflrs, will l*’t~]’ec recruit at Sampson.N. Y. The new recruit. Stanley E. :ca’chairman of the show." Cam-" undertook’ a survey of prhne con- the Toledo headquarlers. he free. :: .: 1:. Watke’. nf RI’D 2. Xex~ Br nswick, -missi°ner Luke J. ltorvath is boo-,tractors, mainl) 1~ the New York [ President Ernest lleller heads the local union bargaining commit- HIGHLIGHTof the exhibits will enltslcd for four years, lie is 20 .urary chairman. City and areas, to in- be a display of wildgame and fish iycars eld. ,I About 200 sportsmen and el.~er ,farm the contractors of the avail- -’.cc while lhe Sayreville plant will , l interested Individuals are asslstmg,abi ty ef small Industry here and be represented by plant manager native to New Jersey arranged by, Dr. James R, Westman el Rut~ers.:A. f l~th Rirthclnv Party with the project. !its eapacR¥ to assist with war con- O, W. Pleifer, J. J. l[offman, pet’- the State Fish and Game Council.’ MarJene Chondo Feted The show will be open dailY[trae.*3 as e~ther sub or prime con-.scnnel manager, and other officl:~Is. tram noon to ll p. m. After 6!traetors. A questionnaire was sent’: Lee 11. Mlnton. president of the marine bielogist, will present all:..- - ~-’. ------z-- ~.... ’p. m. ehddren’ must be aeeom-,eut’to all small industries’ ’ in the international union, will also lake cY:.htbit en developments of the Miss Marlene Chanao. aaugn, anied b an adult i county to del~r~nit]e their’ facilities , part In contract talk~. recent lake and pond survey n terof ¯.M~ ". anu-~ ?,Ira. : klex Chando o[ , p ...... Y ’ New Jersey. Striped bass wilt be’9 Lexington Ave.. was guest of. shown, and strtped bass tagging honor at a 161h hlrthday party,

One iof the highlights ef the show Guesls included the Misses Fran will be the exhibition of Fld. Ch. Karnew~.k|, Diane Welch. Kather- e it a ~’~oo~1,~ a ,Ja~[~ Connell’s colonelctte prize wimfing lne Kosa, Dolly Marlin, Elaine th t beagle bitch owl]cd by Peter Mk4-Barnowski, Carol Fersythc, Jean kovlteh of New Brunswick. !Outealt, Walt Weber, Frank The ltamilton Junior Spert’;-’Dlstro. Ray Presnal, Jerry Weis, in~ Comfortable men’s Club will sponsor an out- ISlanley Oleslnskl, Joe (’arstens door exhibit including a eaml)ing and Bobby Anderso ~. " , | | I I I~ -.~,~.)1 "’,. ’ 1 ~ ’~ ~" ~ ~ ~ q scene, [ Mal’]el|e Is a sophomere at South | I I I I h~’x ~J .[l’i**,~’7:.’r.~. .t~._~, I All availableBrooklsSl)aee_,ll~t, huge " Iliverin. lllgh...... ! _ !C:.~’ t t

..,.,, NoSubstitute ,o, Qu,,/ty ThreePiece Suites in Genuine FLEECE SOLID MAPLE,,ith Fine Coverings TOPPERS .n,,Home,,in BrightLook.Colors to Givethat :::; 39" , Maple Lamps IN ALL THE NEWEST SHADES BRIDGE LAMPS FLEECE FLOOR LAMPS,Mvs COATS The Most Complete Assortment Anywhere Reg. " n.95 Thereis , ~, ][ ][j $125 /7 NO EXTRA CHARGEFOR CREDIT FORSTMANN’S WITll RIIINESTONE TRIM A’I" ., . TIIE NECK. GOLD. GREY, WIIITE AND HOUND’S TOOTII CIIECK, RICE

NEWBR4JN~WICK o, ..w FineFu-ni-urert 337 GeorgeStreet

L~~:~ "~ -’=~’ "-- ,,,’ .~" " ".~..- ~ - ,,tl ,, ~" ~ ~ !~ ...... - t.:’P.,...__ ¯ ¯ .-".- "-- ’ , . . :i...... !: Oouble-Ri.r~, .Cer~-Ptonn.~ ~y~.. ~v~,eW, d Leo~ Witkowski, JosephJ. Hess . - =o~lor freak /eOrOWSKI . .. i. FOr K.rzYw ckI .-Go..rl~..’1 skyL.Nupt!ols r- .A .,m,~e-~..I ~mn~m .~ u_uen_wu, ~..n.,y7 a mtu,.o~. ~ ~..~ of or. ~,~,-d Mr,, ~,-, runnel.Unman d,~ ToBeutu. ~onaWed mu on wiuc,wal, Saturday bHdsom.ta,Afternoon ’r~tr r*Jlaw... ~ ¯ s~arTs un~.en at 4.:.~ ~amraay wut.er bt..~a, wjonn unrDo~, of 13 RadelIHe St., aM Frank daughter of Mrs. Bertha WltkowskI end bo~ntts wUl be styled liket&e : ~nernoon wm unzce mass r~orence nremer of me groom. Zebrowxklofthe Navy,sa~ ofthe u,-",,"~" ...... rue~c, ann me tare Leon bonor attendant’s an..,’ .,I..I- ,,- ,,...--.l,’-a~’~ L, Gach4~W, daughter of Mr. and A reception will be liven at the Irte Mr, and Mrs. Peter Zehvowxk/ will eomprise their bouquets. Mrs. John Gnrbosky of 20 Obert Polish NaUonal Home, after which of Sayreville, WIll be married st Wltkowsld, and Joseph J. Hess, son Felix Stei2le of Main St.. Sayre- St. and Stanlex Kr-zywicki, son cf the couple will leave on a wedding 5 o’clock S~tuMay a£teruoon in J of Mr. and Mrs. ~les Hess of 510 vllle, will serve as best man nd It.s, Sophie Kr~ywickl of 22 Wit- trip to the Peconos. They wUl llve St. Stephen’s Church. The Rev. David St., South Amboy. wUl ex- Jack Pawlowski of Main St., Sayre- 4 emx Ave. and the late Joseph Krzy.,’ in New Rrurmwlek. Albert Poor wlU perform the cere~ change nuptial vows at 4 o’clock v/lie, coualn ~f the bride, will usher, slag. w/~Ki. Mrs. Mary Bodak will ] Both the bride ;,nd groom ~tndied runny. Saturday afternoon in St. Mary’a A recepUon will be given at the Given in marriage by her father, at South River Hlgh School. the bride will wear white nylon I ML~ Glwbosky, who works for The bride, who studied at South Church. Pollah NaUonal Rome, after which mbrquisette with illusion neckline, the telephone company, was honor- River High School, i~ employed I E~orted by her brother, Leon, the oouple will leave on s weds’lag eff-tbe4houlder effect, puRed ed at a pre-nuptlal sbower given at Owens-llllnob. Her fiance, an the bride will wear white ChaatU1y trip. They will live on Fnirview sleeves and full .skirt embellt~hed by her sla(er and slster-lu-law end alumnus of Sayreville High School, lice with sweetheart neckline, Ave., Morgan. with lace and rhinestones, ending the gttoom’s sister at the J:alian- enibted in the Navy in Deeember. prlncess lines end terminating in The bride, an alumnus at South River High Sehocl. is employed It In a long "r01n with a ruf~e of lace American Community CooLer. He completed boot at Newport and a satin train, Her fingertip yell will is stationed at Norfolk, Va. be draped from a crown cf lace du Pont Photo Products. She wul and rhinestones, ’ and she will carry Easter ll!tcs honored at a pre-nuptlal shower .& Mrs. Joseph Sos of 8 Wilcox Ave.. Born AquomoidComposes ! ¯ ...... , ...... ~ _ l MissLorraine Korygowski of2 given st the Polish National Host~r mstJ’on ,f honor. ’,,,’ill be gowned Number in College Show Xlbourne St., the maid of honor, by her maid of honor, Mrs. Edna [i| decep urehid with bodice and Ml~s Navey Van Ness, daughter will be dzessed in blue with Jacket Wl?kow~ki, Mrs, Mary Yetsko and buat:r o: f~llle t,fl’eta and not of Mr. and" ?,lr~. E~rl Van Ness of .~.~O/’~ Ci#ty of lace and skirt and bonnet of net. Mrs, llenrietta Brasno, all of South aktrt. Brklesmald.~ will bc 3"1i.~.~ 191 Main St., comOosed one of the She wilt carry yellow glad/oil River. lrem: Zvskowski.... ,of sumatra7 Fra~.:dh~ ’for the "Water Parade" Miss Joanna ltess, sister of the Mr. Hess, an alum,ms of St. and M;.~ Charlotte Milch o. -’.;t. ¯ (~e.~t.., ~t WcEC’sIeyCollege last ¯ ...... groom, will be bridesmaH and Miss Mary’s High School, South Amboy. Yate.~ A,e. who ,,’ill bc .....,.:..,.,.~.,,.., ,,-,,.i,,~..~..~.~.. ,:hogradu,te,I Joalme Yctsko of 69 De Voe St., and Wocdbridge Vocational School, dr(..~d. Pitts b urgh N urse .l~,,,.:.,:.,:-;,,,.~:. ,,~ l, fl...~ ,,,.~,,Sm:::~ s,....,,,.., Ri,’cr llL~h l,School o:,:..,’de,,lia sw,m~i,,g is,,.Wed inBaltimore nieceof ...... the bride, will be Juolor’.al~oworks at Photoi’roduels. w,,,who:;,~: .,, :,:j,:;,,.,,:,,. ,,,.r:,,,,,’s ,’.i" :,,.,ou-~:,’,. .~~,.,j~,~,~,ttt;:~:,,;:!.,,... ,0rt,:,,’e,,,, who were ~mo,,~. ~l,e0,.~to~s o, the s~u~,.,de. ToDr.Golojuch Jennie Csen..,~ ger,,,,,,,w;ii;am./C.z;~e+,, c vi/t¢’d thcir son and daughter-h,- T O We d In naS pdragon-I~ose- ettingS d dab:i~-.. . ,law, Mr. and Mrs. WllUam Van tloly Cross Chul"ch, BaR/more, Mr. S~..; will seres, .~s best man. i Ness of W. Hart/oN, Conn., was the setting at 9 o’clOck yes- Miss Jennie Kathlocn Csen~gcr,.ton Inn, New Brunswick, the co;~- -- ...... terday morning for the nuptials of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius ple will leave on s wedding trip =- I I Miss Frances Torek of Pittsburgh Csugery of 1 Henry St.. will be-;t° Miami, Fla., by car. They will and Dr. Severyn GoloJaeh. son of come the bride of William 8zi~et , I live at 7 Laurel PL, North Bruas- -- ’ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew GoloJueh of son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Szigety~ Y wl-kc . The bride, who graduau~d from The B/9 "Store That Service Built" 16 Stanton St. of NewBrunswick. at 4 o’clock Sat- The bride is a nurse nt 8outh urdey afternoon in the rectory of St. Peter’s High School, is era- At the FOOTOF CHURCH ST. Baltimore Hospital, where the St. Stephan’s Church. played by I. Taylor, New Bruns-,~ groom is a resident physician. The Rev. A/bert Poor will per- nuptialwick. shower She wasgiven honored by her atsl.~ter, a pre- sPeclallalngin pediatrics’He "ll farm the "remnny&~alnnt a beck"Mtlclred" competehis residencythere July L groundof white snapdragonsand , Dr. GoinJuch studied at Rut, gets Mrs. Szigety, an elumnu~ of Hl~hLqtownlligh School, also .~tud- f~ B~ R~ University and New York Univer- roces. dty-Bellevue Medical School He K~corted by her father, the bride led at Rutgers and Drake’s Budnees completed an internship at St. will wear white Chantllly lace with College¯ . :’~"~ before accepting the BaR/morn tulle with a double ruffle at the an Chan-, and JUVENILE Peter’s Hospital,test. New Rrunswiek. an hemlineIllusion and neckHn,,ove~ktrt of skirt ~r. of Mrs.nylon Jack Be.(.... :t ~ ’Vi[-..d HIS parents and brother.in.-law till)’ lace.She will havea quPt, lt’~’ children,it:trry and l,iml, - ... ¯ ¯ ¯ .’rown of orange blossoms, a Ch:uP "ingers, Ferndale, N. Y. nd sister, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley beuquetcox A.v.,. :,re vae~li,min~. ~ergel, left Tuesday to attend the Ully Ioce-.edged veil and a __ ceremony. The ant/re family was of orchids, Robert Wroblewski, a .h,~" r .~/ ,mazed tn see their longtlme ,}’ FURNIT ML~sMildred Cs, engery, si~t(,r or ,/llh~l~-~t’,]l~kln-;, apt, hi P~:,""" i~ neighbors, Mrs. Pe4~r l,lchtensteln ’he bride ~iml maid .f ill)at I’. will hi- It: "1~ ~Ir. ;Hid .\:-" -- ~ t~r) aml Mr. slid M.,’K. John Llchten- we:." bab) I)tllP laec ’,,,’Jilt net in..Y,n,l,h,v-kl ]r II; F:iH’~ " ~’.... ~teh] of 14 SlanLon.cK., walk in Just .;e, rt~ on the skirt and a matching’ Sho,’lsh,p o0 th(, busch,,, ., , . "n ’lme for Ihe nuptial ma.c,.~l. They ’~alf-hat of lace..~teve Martyr.k ! he had to Tel)t~rt hack !o ~, ..’1, had left South Rh’er In the wee ~f (’r.lnbtlry will act as best Ohqtt.’ tho .t ,ll.,~.;l, l)kllis-littl~t’t .lit. hloirsof W(,(h;es(y m,)ruil]~ F ;]lo;vl/~ ~I rt’C(’l}l.I}ll at llnm~; ..... ¯ ";’ ~-- ~

I ftr~l

i ? ::

/ 4. 1.... : MONDAY- APP~!, ~ )",* : ~.,,i liP. st ’~: ]~’i!tllif~ l) ilp~’~ I’tla~tll, " (;: .. ;itP Ilt~e.~l. ,.:lr(,~l m;~dP. . . nl:l(l¢, ’, "..: :-.,,; ,,r i,,,-,! ,,~.~(.’o.~l~: l~’. a’r WE MUSTDISPOSE 0! ’ """ { ’" ~. ,,,l i] ;H)p,’,’ciah’ (l’]d low I}ri(’Ps : ,,,.,.~.’ t~,,,,~,.,"r,-,.,,,. $15,000~_ WORTHOF MERCHA"S L kYS C-i[,s $14 H;ghChairs .... :~~ RETIRINGFROM BUSINESS-~’.’.~’. . f’="~,o~es ¢’~ PL&Y PENS $9 ~’ ":; ~,~ x.,’, ,~;~ $~z GIRLS’ 1 1. ’" ,.,.-~. V/INTERar~dSPRINGCOA’~S ..’,. AlsoStrollers, Carriages andall other KATE GREENAWAY formerly2.~:~ - .. I Juvenile....Furniture Items. DRESSES Now$1.49 ’: 2,~9 CO~V~E~’rBUOG~T T~R~S CH,CmR~H’S T~pho.~ H.B.2-90~0 CORDUROY BONNETS $1.29 BOYS’-GIRLS’ JACKE3S ¯ ~..... ’"~ ALL SUMMERGOODS ~./~,~’~ Pedal Pushers, Shorts, "Sun Drcssesa,,,J ~,,;: .’ ,oo,o, ChurchSt. Brungwlck.- CHILDREN’SCLO1ff i {LOSE]’ Footof 25 JACKSONSTREET RIVER

¯ PageElght . THE RECORD Frick)y, March30, I~1 " .I -- J i H as DrunkenDriver relaters to Visit Re|istration1 .. . ¢lwin| ; Knlghtsto" Present 75 unt for Eggs, HeldArthur Booker o( 48 Elizabeth , , _ , ¯ -- . -- !For riot Aid Class Prizes Awarded Ave.¯ Plu’lln, will be arraigned M...... i...,ont /,t~kdlbW aim Ilia Ph Tonightl, the last night tot""- reg-. UIrrS- " tO"--- Bn,,srees [charges of drunken drlviug :omor- Z ..... aster for the first aid eiau which Members o! South River Coun- At Owens-Illinois row n/ght . before Magistrlte-John A ...... l~nlP~’ 74 ’llr/sJlmr~ the Sayrevllie Junior Chamber of cU 3001, K,ight~ o/ Columbus. - I E. Muilane of South Amboy. pti. Mrs,’f William Schurr of 529 Main Commerce is eooducUng at Wish- leevlng for the armed tor~,s Will Ne W") "’/5 childrenY of Owens-...... Thomu Kuist cluwged that Becket’s ~t g.v.,.utlt,...a.-~ ...... h..~ .,.,3~ ~h-. ington School, Al~lleations will be be gleen farewell SlltJ, the ¢Ouncll |llinols Glass Co, employee and I ear almost ¢ollldeG...wRn a police I Chris PrP.z of Springfield. will taken at T p, m. in the school, voted Monday night. Gifts will also took.art In an aste*,car ?dh;e ¯ !,.ve byPoo-^meriean .’.rwh,ch th. ctinn will begin, be..t men.Ire. ell hunt at the Sayreville plan~ ..~;e y t t g e Y ’ "[ plane for Grossviliars, Germany. Herman Gallaher will be lu Knights will attend servle~s at Saturday. El~esuse of unce~aln Weoer. They Irn looking forward to a charge o[ the classes. There will Corpus Chrls’i Church Sunday to weather, the program was held in- I ..... I reunion with their mother whom be six sessions from "/ to 10 p. m. I pray for persecuted priests and ¯ doorS. ~ a ¯ ¯ ~ ¯ I they have not seen In 24 yee~. a~ Washlngtoo School. ’~ bishop¯ behind the Iron Curtaln. The kids, their parents and rar.n s Kale as !They had originally planned their Trained first aiders are needed i Emil Bevaequa was named chair- JrrJends gathered lu the Onlzed it.rip in June but advanced the date to man Sayreville’a 30 volunteer i m3n of the May Day communion Club recreation rooms tar colored R esearc h C enter , because their mother, who i~ 84, has emergency ambulances under :demonstration, inaugurated as s ...~a~.. ~na oomedles Wh le the 1 m s ¯ - i not bee~ feeling well¯ i JurladlcUon of the Sayrev lle De- ’.d/splay o~ ioyaltv to counter the ¯ ;.’o’;le--.%e-;;b;i.gsho;’n,the oh,- I-oat increasing [ Mrs¯ Schurr and Mrs. Fritz will i fense Council. The emergencyam- i CommunistMay Day. dren were taken by age groups to ¯ , . [also visit with their four sister¯ ibulanc~ include station wagons i Easter donations to the four par- the Main omce floor to hunt for I Parlin is becoming increasingly i and make the acqualntance of sev. i and other vehicles for which equip-, ashes comprising the council, Car- the brilliant colored eggs. Thelimportant as a center tar aU.~on:lera] nlcees and nephews whom they ;meal is being acquired. ! pus Chrls’i, S~. Mary’s, St. Ste- youngsters scrambled about the of- jPhoto products reset’oh ~orK. a I have never met. They plan to stay Frank Kuntne, Paul Smith. Ed- ; phen’s and St. Thomas’, Old Bridge. rice looking under desks and in ’,story in the current issue of the! five o" six weeks !ward Stewart and the Rev. F. M. ~were voted A donation was also waste baskets seeking a special iPh°t° Produeta News indicates. 1 Mrs. Edwin Lockh=rt cf Lower i Patterson of the Sayrcville Moth- voted to New Jersey Boys Town & eggs which mennt a prize. : Eight technical division trans- Main St, entertained Wednesday i odist Church comprise the commit- The Knl~ht~ were invitedto at- Kiddle¯ who found prize eggs’[era, aunouneed by Dr, Frank’night at a ban voyage par’y for tee. tend the profession of a nun a~ were ~usan SiJkwood. in the I to 4 iSingalg°’ manager, include trans- i Mrs, Schurr. i the Carmelite convent, New Bruns- age group: Betty Leo Clayton, 5 to. fers of men in the Rochester and [ ..... ,., wick, Monday. Bishop George Ahr 7: Ray St los. 8 to 10. and Wtlliam Towaada Photo Producls plants. " Hit --on --Bordentown -- Tpke’ I..orpus ’ " t.,nrlgh rlotes , will attend. , : __ *1 [ : , Goodwin tn an ex ra hunt organ- : Emery Mesehtt.r research ab-’ .- ~. t ~.~,^ ,,~^,.. ~ .... , ..... ~ Motion pie’,urea of the 1950 Holy zed for chi dren who arrived late ,.,.t~r., director at ’rowanda wil’ t.,onoYer peeKs ;lizM,u~lni,i [ lee l(osary ano Altar ~ocm.y oz. Name narade in Carteret wcrc a|d m ~sed the earlier huntm<.,., ! ...... [ John Conover of Rose’s Corner, :Corpus Christi Church will meet "s’hown - ,rcporl here "Monday.. to Join-- Wil- Whoa all’ the Ea~tcr- c--s~ had" ,tiara Vinton and norman t)~gen- Sayrevillc, is seeking $21000 In a.Tuesday evening in the church[ ...... __~ been faired and lhe prizes awarded, i fus as one of three research ’ man-IC:Ur~dXt)anC°uRrtos;*~i;;omage.aib~tthEdof’ ’" ": " [hal, Mrs. Donald CaltahaniRENE SMITHis *.hair- QUEEN .... s covered dish tk ^, ~t i:’o every child was gk’en a treat of ’ t ndcr Dr D R White To-’ " ’ , m)n" of the supper. ~,..., .-,-,e c...-.,..,-, .;.t,l..a~----.~-...... s. Easter ¢oodles and tardy J " . ..’ ’. ’ .~ " M’tawan. Papers filed in the office[ which viii.’ follow the meeting " Brunswick. was crowned Cookie " " "’ t~anda speelal!.~.es in lee menu-, r’~ .iv t"l,,rt, I~rl,,i-~,rtl J ~.*.,.. Pla~ s were completed at a meeting ’ Larry Samuel, Onlzed Club pres.- ;raeture of ohnsohors used in tele-I o....ou,,.~ ...... : :Queen ,, of Troop 40 at the Girl ldent, served as general chairman ~.,,~.,.,; ...... r’’ .6f the executive committee iu the ocou~~ o ¯ mce.ng. a~ .,c. ,,....-a-ls,~ ~ .... -.-,u.. and x" re" -" intenslfvin , allege that they were the owner I .... ¢,.. tko .n’o, r ~,, h ",~olon".’ Mane.t ...... " " 1 and driver, respectively. ( f an ante- rec~.ory.tucsnay evcn~l~g. ~, last Tuesday night. Marie Mennona a,~a . ;mobile-which hit the plaili’;ff while’ .vlcmoers will recer.e corporate . .y..J.u~;"~ ~.’: "t~"~,~’;a-’,-’~*’~"a.. ~o ..... ;.. ~,1,~.~"...... ’-- screens.Several men from the ’cseartn...... ! ., .or llighway S-28 ~as second m i nc was wazKmg on norae lzown, commun]oo. at ’he¯ 7 :.,O mass"’* Sun i r the dozens of e--s Members of the ~ElaborateD" in Rochester. which is ’ Tpkc., SavreviUe. Dec. 12. 1949. " [ the sale of cookies, Both girls a e ,.~ . z ,4 ~-"~ ...... " . do). ; from District 0. pe.~on,le.¯ .ewartllicllh x-reStart [ being dissolved, will be transferred, GtllI~ Rex Smith and ’,’/hlile" Huff" [ to the technical division tn Par 1 Li I ...... I ...... man, arranged the hunt assisted by t Lou Huber will report here Mini- : Ed Fielek, Jack McAllisler and ’day as a research supcrvi.,or to re-~ I I I I p many other Onlzers. )lace Larry Transue. who i~ may- , ing to Rochester...... Four senior chemists and their MIDDLESEX FURNITURE CO Rosethai Glass,~oarcb s,,pe~i~or. ~ ,.a~e n will report here June I. ¯ .A large new photo prodnets C ompany, no.I pla.t wa,~ completed last )’car i~: Auto GlossInstalled ~rn~P:lrlin. faciUt~es embodying the in.~t mad- Mirrors Made-To-Order _. and Re-silvered T.b,eTops M.d. to Ord.r Store Front Windows Vote AGAINST 5 HARVEYSTREET "14 TERMSIN OFFICE" " RRO.WI - Kilmer S-32e,, Vote onAp riI 17 - FOR SENATOR ONE-MTh’UTE NEWS Joseph T. FROM f JOHHS-MANVXLLE Each Job at J-M KAR(HER Costs the Company Morethan $8,000 What does it c~mt I. provide a job at Johns-Manville? ! If it were necessary today to re- place J-M s work benches, ma. ehin~, tools, buihling~ and other assets needed todo business, it for each and every J-Memployee. That figure representa the in- REDUCTI0 N S vestment J-M .~tockholders have in e¯ehJ’fliJ°l)’fli’~ltypicll°f Amerlean industry. ~" The mason Americans can pro- duet more things and have a OF 20% to 50% higher standard of living than any other country in the world is be- eauasthey have better tools to THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY ONLY work with- tool~ which have been provided by the savings of erda- nary people who are willing to risk theirsavinplnthehopeof We’re clearing our floor for new summer earning u fair return on their money. Able- Experienced- furniture. Odds and ends, one-of-a-kind, No other system e~er devised Fearless has wine even close to the Am~r- floor samples tremendously reduced for quick l¢~n system tn providing more thlnpfor more people, Lawyer- Author - Speaker j clearance. This ts one o/a series o/brb/ [ " art/el, b.,.~/n~~vu/o.a of co,.-I Pamilyman - Businessman Mantlliemunitll orlnterest about conditionsabout Johns- affeel- [J 1 Paid tar iiy Campaign Mgr. Budgei Terms Arranged i Our ~l/o~oleco~,~. j ; , __ II ,Ill II I I ’ --’-- ...... ~- ~’...,lllt/al~Jqll~R~ ] Y OU R S. For*he Asktn. i I i I J $25 TO $500 QUICKLY I I ~~; i S,o.atur.--.0rn,tureor I I i Only.S8.08 Monthly Repays e $I00 Loan ¯ l I I I . - =: ¯ ] I Other Amounts in Proportion J:il ~ I. ~ . J I ,o. PHONE Iii 1 I SOUTHRIVER LOANCO. .IJ i I ~ MAIN STREET, SOUTH RIVER I, Ic. ,. lil 183 Neillon Street . .o. Bm.ewick -I I . LOANS MADE IN NEARBY TOWNS ill I " i 2~1%monthly on unpaidbalance up to $300, ,~t~ on balanceover $300 |l li

l~:X’~l;’~i.r--~,+--’li’--~i411.11~ ¯’~’~l TT T 1 I ~’1 .’. .... ; isgreatest in fulfilling thetasks of theirown specialized :, functions.You can be surethat in en emergencythey t11" willbe onthe ~ob of maintaining se~wice to you. Tobe sureof warranted SINGER*p~rt0 andgust- antlmdSINGER ml~tr~ ¯ ¯ ¯ T ,I-t "11"1 ¯ ¯ e,~,,~n :~.:’T~L":::~.:~Z Jersey~entral 1"~wer¯ l~lght......

UWlNO CIENIIR ad,n. fat" y~z IpproylL , ",, "" ; ’ " - ~

~9 OEOROE STREET NEW BRUNSWICK , , ~ : j ~ ...... -,~,-~-" " ~--- ...... ~ ~’~":~"~v’TJtl..9 ~,~M...... , .:::.~..m’W..:: ;. ,"r, -’;~:,~ ...... r- Po?~:To,...... ~e " "~Ecom,, ’ r.,:ioy. ~ 3o,l~l D~tem Survey PoradersOn ~r.?~’2~~~,°".~" ~1~,e<,",~-.bL" ,,.,-..>.,<- p,.,,,.,, n.. I IDieriMid, , ...... o,-. 1¢ still very ’ tttll~li i " 0 .elli if ipe¢lll’ulillq.ill to ~millrt L...... SchCOil .Ch~lyF’I’6T Iday Ithe reactivation "M Ca- KLlmer J ~il Pont Nero .... ’ I .... , I I . 1 I-Illl I lllri~ I i propllld lude Oll peop¢il~ nllg aK.a,¯ %,..air A--.r 7IID 11"21 iI Localproluenaot-rs at . Asour~ ,/andthe newplants in the~"el I P lieu to worksince 44 I~l~entof llaJteb~tdAve, reharr~ to tl Iw I~IP- ¯, l.Ur. ~ ¯ J Park lntluded MI’ and "its’ HenwImske rental housing more In de-lisa employes have 10ye~rl Off ler~!the ~xronlh C~nefl . El-~rd l__An__m_tt~!~.d.ii..~te.s ,e/.se-nT:i- I Weuzei auU d.u~h’cl’. ~ett~ A.n; i,uand man ever. /i. I.d I,etter tills.= =ll.~t lid. ’.l ..,,...-- ~.’C--",~ .... ,i. ll~..~l~. Will De nelu ill the IMiss Betty Ust, bliss Peggy Musll. I i lig ~arl. Im-li=tiU-~,Tt~ ---:::__-TT’~f~" "~."7"~. t." .... l , l ...... ~, N~L-’ I IilU oonll~uonil I ~." ~ seboole ~ 6outh Rlvel from lno and ML~ Florence Welch, .-...... "- / ;-i’--" ...... tWk ...... t--- ...... s I~1 ~4zdl~-l$,a~ordJn toDr Maurlee i . ,tmh,, ...... i..t tk u.~. I wire ~ Nr¢et~t~,?~_ .... lI.Owu| u ..m ,,,uracr ~ ~lt.~ Inure ~!Gnullltl~l lqe¢llon to l~lll llttli L" P.,~l~,~m. ,,..---~,-,-- ~.-, ..... South...... ,, ~.:,.o,~ ..... e ,,’,-,,- |memberst~rnlng out to vote In the |y~lrl and thr~. other1 hive M ’,Klplm. Ill* ~,+VlI, li~a~/ili,I ! Vl-lllelpll. !lets; ~r. an(] ,vlr~. Edwin Hatter ; unl^-o~.---,-...*,;-,-- --vv ~l,~.~,m, ,, ,--,-;sl l~ aa’ a ,, lye to theh"’ ef~llt , tt domm’t t ns. e. O. | Tile lUrVlurvey, Which is beng con- ~ and daoghter, Nan£y; Mr. and Mrs, [ ...... _ L Jamm as if the o~ law ,,~-,,-* ,t,. I .tOltiUyl by the ,Middlesex illenry Sch egcI and (laughter La it-,= u.~u.~ o~ulil ~el’lMIUlly (ellen lli,A.,.,~., .,,t .,,^_...=.. -’..~.’~’_.~_M~_ ~ ~olin~ qlMbcrt’lil~ls and Health ;Verii#; Pilyllii Jen~ amid El’~tue pistil cluzeni ~elnmg ammt get- +~.~"~"-~. ,’2, 2~_~_,’. .~l =mr i+ll ~ i ...... lr~uglle and tile South R ver Board t Sieknick 7" " hog out thtvote. The Olluis Bottlo II oe,et M)eti el work is all tiue, I ¯ r w #lllIpIroylll ¯ BIo~.’el’S ~oclatiph at Owens- ~i Edueatlon, has thn cndo,’.~emcnt ! A1no, bh’. and .Mrs. " ¯ ’ (ClnlMiili~ ~ Pile 1) Wallace Illinois also Mid aboul. IM petleht ql’would seim to Us It if ~ hlltld Jolul llllbowllkl toe the po- til~. A. A. Pansy. lOCal health of- ; niekGrant, and theirMr, and son-iil-la~" Mrs. Chsrie~ aud Sick- Rememberof theseIts members ~gukel Wh4htturn out,"the ~ w~io’siart stiffb~Qih l~usltlesfires omrwlela-~r" foe some ~(}ielra,|of the off~tw~j~l¢of trtlit~truil~’i ~JAN~tyet .st. addtUon to ellnl!estm which daughter: .~Lr, and .Mrs. Charles April primary reiurrm come" ~, or ly might well b.~ In order, iNu’Ue- expired. ¯ lie(ermine the presence of sugar in ~ Wi~i of New Brun.~wiek: Mr. aud (-yen the general clue(loll llsulta, ullrly in view" off the Gllewldd tl~ urine, bumlnteste will ’also be I Mrs. Edwin Hang of Sayrt~ille; . . Ot~’er~ will be. inst~led at Be made to determine whether alhu-iMiss Joline Armstrong and her ¯ ~’a~edy... :-. Ap¢II 10 m4N~ off.tl~ i~IL ~1 prelent In the urine speei- ]escort. Ralph Quackenbush of New Candidates ~or’the.¢K)ltee ~’leD~- ..... ~ I~lell~t4m t@ tl~ Cotlmty Co, nell ~btattted by the chtldreu. [ Brunswick; Miss Barbara Caunon eies ~’an get Some expe~ IciCle /~1 oasenaI’ i ~am.... an¢l itl cha~, ~ ~l~ ff(l~ W~lemeyer. TIlll prnaence of albiimen .usua I,v !and her eSCort, Alan Skis(haas. of ¢~.-am w~...... v,. i^~.~./ ~.~.....d .J el*0nes are enj,ukqng" ’sun and fun Wflllem ~ ~ Smlnl. ¯ z....o.~, ,=..v’,,~.-tV~. ~!11 Miami¯ Beach. aceurdz~ng" . to their ~ ...... ¯ ~ltOlltlll IIn lrregularit* of the kid- [ East Bruliswiek: Joseph MrozekI home Friday on a brief telwi,. Koll. ¢ .. , . .... ~¯ err Dlilll l)(mist,. ]tlle~i~l lll’J~l, of South River, and Ted Petersun low,ki who Wilt high man-~ hilt IL~._~. name ._’:.-l.~ona¥ is moving ;lln ImdOot’ll~Siei/i.. Clll~llllllrd eon~.alne~ with ex- I of Say~ldile, ,ear~. ,. ¯ ~ tar the lloara o! Education ~ ~llleit lnstz’~t.;ons will be given to i Mr. and .%h’~. Stanley Berrlas and examination, served o I!. Iv,_ i wlth...... W.lt, t: Sch.,’ol¯ ¯ , "the¯ new admln-i ;PoppyTheodol~ DaY" ebllnlllm I~Wi wla named etleh pupils b3 take ~aome for the daughters paraded tn Asbu~’ Park pnren~ to read. l while Ltobby Mortenson arid Gary .. -- Those wlllL, lg to participate in :Gatewood Viewed the Fifth Ave. ~.. nrP.":’:,m v,:,; i,rlng u li%e speci- Easier parade. ~lel|S to ,~’hr,.*ll u’here they win be ’l.ested by Esth-r K. Kormondl, B, N., O( tile league’s ’s ff .end Ann 3. Z; q:’,i,’k~..xlh,:¯ ;.’:"~ t,.r the River At Ran dom School Board. Continued from Page I, I ntliv,,I,m-.@,, ..... ,~ . "," "... b,! .lent to fourth term as ’l,’i-’~v corcnianderIs iJI; ii-lrl ¯;I., OI thi" ’f:12,h’eP and to virlnaliy linpl’ecedl.,llLt, d in II’PlX ¯ :,,.r," .~... "-:".: ",. L,., ~ master annals, we .hear. Loolcs like L,vons~ ¯ gt.p~rt "; "’ ::,. ,,!t Ha’sodto Dr, Sehepseo members know a good Pansy. mau when they sec ant,.

The’gardenapar’.-,nents proposed Girl Scoutsto Hold for the Turnpike and Prospect St. All-Do#Co..r-ere.el is,,D,- ’.,,A; h,. ¯ ;’hi-, FOR YOU!*

;-rig Together:,1 ",’: ":- i I’(itine|l" TroopCanlill.lg, 11.. ,I...’~1 iiin( Greet17 I~h GL~IIII0~I~ i.~ta~ltuimrpldult In mmll.lamll ~.he World," n,,d"VCh ¯ !’ ~t, a’ " t teleYlll,lfl e,lnlolewith mlel~l ~e a B’.ard ;~!,,l~.r d,~r~,Split.sound lIWllight AC circuit provllllitopI in viewing andIlls*nine IAmure.Avilhlbkl - -+ " ...... in rich mahogmnl-,llmnd~om¯ ,,. I~nd pairCedCldne~.


m o wmerlca ¯ , S C-- +: favoriteHouse ’+"J+’+ ::"+ Paintbrings yon ~fe UBU "<’"’"’t,llek telilllSq[at"’’" :"""’ )"hilt ~;Ih:":~ ¯ ~-<.-. ¯ t Oivrltpic ¯ tinlrli:.e:l It ¯ .tl¯.ll

¯ #B’lltl I U+,dC., :¢;...." " , : t. " ~. nf+++ ~-nuinr m,~l,+;6aily or +++ YEAROF B£Ab’IT’/ ’ PgC/AL "i~:*"+ -~- .- --.,,"’ .+: It "’~’ +’":<>"’~>~~+".~i.-<~: .-...~

THISI’¯’EEF i’.";,_y -- 1947 PONTIAC ~ " :’. ¯ ~.,. ~;; ,~.~,~,,~.-.-..+ 4-Door Sed,ln+.+R & H ~ ., .~ . ~ .:- SH£RWIN-WI£LIAIW.~ Veryc;c,a,L " -- "" -- -" SWPHOUSE PAINT Be~ut,#ul blao< f ",+h. +,.,,,,.,...,v,,, Whiter wh’tes,,, brll;hter ...... ++095 #NVOLVED Colors ~ Smoother, glos. IJer. Keepsthat #teza hick We Do Our Own Fin(acing a ]Nll year lon&er ~//~:~’IItLillUIllr’-// ~ ,~ ----,C")? @We Do Our Own Servicln Ihlln bei%rel " "~ /S 9 tt ,,ow.,,, ,,,~i,P"~’ ,_,,t, New~ru.~’vlck, ¯ WeDo Our OwnInstallation

Used Car D-p~.fment # SA~FFMp(,,~. , ]0~ WOOO~t~,OGrAV~..... s sHoP PAINTS-. ’:.’ALl P/,PER Hi~h’,.m

¯ h

Located at,-- I.


After 33 Years in Our Old Plant at 11-15 P: St. New’:’’ Brunswick’’° We Have Expanded Our Fa . To CopeWith An Ever-lncre, i.9 Volume of Business

--" " . °



¯ So,;;;,-~.i,,-er Spokesman ¯ MiddlesexReci)rder ¯ ~." Brun~’,e.. S.,okesman ¯ The Record ¯ UnionCounty ::~.~- "° ;


* P. S.: Plentyof ParkingSpace Pa~ Twelve . THE RECORD Friday, March30j "SAD SHAD"

GO IT’S THE SAM / ! ’ II J .on saltei " ioeto ! coneuer cancer/!

@~b There’s one chance In fh’e WINNIE~S WIT WORKING’-WIthhiJ ever-present cigar in hand, ¯ Britain’s wartime Prime Mln/ster, Winston Churchill, at right, gave that you will have cancer. A {~fty- " forth with a few words that brought chuckles from Italian Foreign fifty chance that someoneyou love : M/~l~er Count Carlo Sfor~a, at left, and Britain’s Lord Privy Seal will need help in fighting cancer. " l~rnut Bevln. The occasion was a party at the Itallan FanlmSsy in London. Yourd|me, yourdollar.what-’, ever you give helps change these ¯ ...... oddsin your favor.., helps t,-Y for more research on the cause and ...... Personals ~-"’~" ~ ~ cureofcancer.And your contribu- i Mr. arid Mrs. Geza Ba]az.s of 13 ~~- tion helps us furnlsh, hospitals,~:~ ~= :Rose St., have named their baby doctors and equipment wheno ....,6~.4 , / ’’¢~’~~" [Richard Steven. The infant, born ~ they re needed. :Mar. 13 at St. Peter’s llo.~;l)ital, has Pr~tta year,d/and your family~ ;two brothers, Robert and Louis. ~.,_~ ~ by gltn’ng to lh¢Ca,leer Crusadd"~ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mennona ! ; and family of Highway S-28, spent ,~..~#,,... ~ ~.. S,mday In New York City. family of 129 Jackson St, are co. a [joying a trip to Virginia. Joyce. a I Miss Jeanne Stewart o[ 34 Bel- " g: ~ moot Ave., entertained Joseph ~,...~,... sophomore home.economies major ,.i.. 9 , I,.u, fie and Charles Collins of Beth- at the College of St. Elizabeth, Con- ’ [vent Station. a id Charles. a tru~ ,Ichem. Pa., Sunday. Her parents,. "~’’" 1511". and .’slrs. William Stewart. had I~ , man pre.med student at the ! Mrs. Frank Bliss and daughler of i :- verst y cff Pennsylvania, arrived !home last week for their spring lst’lin as guest.~. I ...... t par- BIll Stou, sont of Mr. alld Mr.~. ivaeations. They will return F, ttn. Arthur J. KJrwatt ,ff Hilhide sit:," it| Vermont. ~lsited his Ave. will celebrate his birthday ofeats. Coifax Mr. St.and l’heMrs. suphomoreRudolph Eberle. E. Stout or 43 .q. and it ’ day. . " ’ StHlday. ©co-, f reshmart at Yale Onl’,ers~|3 spent i Capl. nnd Mr.-L .loseph Pedieini Birthday of Twins ! nomles major returned to his books [ Easter weekend with his percale left last weekend for El Paso Tax., , I Monday. tHIs brother Elmer, a Junior allfrom th,: home of her parents.’ Mr. Vincent Waranowicz of 7G Iren-{ on spring |alld Mrs. Leslie IIolthausen of 16 lice Ave. and hi.~ twin si~!er. Mrs. i Mr. and Mrs. }lussen llowarth of iWest Point. was home | Dcerfleld lid Parlln Capt Ped[- Jennie I’rzybylowskl of 20 Walling 33 Albourne St. were the ~uests of.[ vacation¯ . . the weekend¯ before. -, ¯ _ . ’St,, Sayreville, will celebrate their : Mr. and Mrs. llarold Reeves of On V,rgm~a Tr,p [tint is a doctor on the medical staff Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jaequart aml "~;f a hospital at Ft. Bliss. hirthday.~ h, morrow. I Indian Lake last weekend. Mr. a:ld Mrs. Frank l)unninglon ...... ¯ t~J~’~.... ~i~,~i of Ale×andna,Va.. spent part of ’ the he [day weekend with her ,~~ ’ aunt. Miss,Marion Scht, idig of (korg(, St. Mrs. Bealo is the form- :: er Virgi,ia Scheidlg. ~ Mr. a:~d Mrs. Emil Ft.~tner o[ 8

~llv,’tck,-lncl ,trlotlsly illvishin~ itl ,1their Mi(lcllelo’,vn. attnt who N. ~.. ho..q~ilal. ~,h, nlhl r~ of Ilw I"l’id;ly I:.vt.lling No waste overh~lng.., every ¢ Pll|t,chle Club will altt.ml the Eas- int:h of spiel is used inside the j Let pageant ,,l Radio City Sat on’day. ~ car for pm~sengercomfort. {This ’.:roup inchldes Mrs. Adam [~;i iwslin MHmIINI [commly Fees’ban. Airs. C.ecrge .lullf.. Mrs. I Frank Ch.rstenaeker. Mrs. Emil , ,~" ~..,,~,.,c..,Hlllholt Trade-in Veluo ~,.,.. Festner,,,~,!~. Mrs.~..,0~.., Fred Weinhlemer and BUY DIRECT FROMOUR ’k L~wosfM~l@ldyPiymonts , oho C, robelnY.,Jr...%(}11 {If ~|1". St i,~v~tt Upkeql land Mrs. John Grohe|ny ,ff l I l.ee SALESROOM Lew~| Consumption ."it.. eeh.bralcd his thh’d birthday """’-~’" ~°""’~°," FACTORY AND SAVE[ ~;.¢O1’ ANY QUAtffY CAt Mr. and Mrs. Lee l,tleas of 12"/ Prospect St.. became parents of a daughter Friday’ at l’t.rth Amboy Every Garment Reduced for Spring Clearance ~nrauner-nerman C.~,,~r~.o.p..~ Mr,~,,~... th~ former Ilelen Sebeny. returned ¯ from the hospital yesterday. Fri-[ Don’t Miss These Sensational Values. Auto Sales She celebrated her birthday p ...... day while her sisterJanet observed rosp.l~lr O’e,.., IurnplKe hers Monday. Their parents, Mr. pike. spent Easier weekend in TOPPERS . . . . hem _.007 S. R, 6-0656 Washington.D. C. r r o1:~r n.a r$.s evil’ at’/e’Nf: ’.~: i ~’l’ r La" ;;~.et:;.k. G| RL~’ ...... COATS . ¯ . ¯ from 8.99 We’re Paying Extra Money! SUITS ..... 14" WASTE PAPER ~RAGS METAL OLD MATTRESSES~ RUBBER AND CARD BOARD ¯ " NO AMOUNTTOO SMALL Hm°Uo~:p m ~..~~~, ~.~~,


~T~ CAPO SONS,. INC. Highway5-28 SR. 6-I 7~2 .East Brunswick SUNDAY It a. m. *o3p. m. ~.: ~ ’~’" "--l~,-z~" - HOURS:8 A. M. - 5 P. M. Monday- Friday, 8 A. M. - 12 N. Sit. . ~[ -. ~___._= -\ _--~ . _ Ll~l,.j[,~lMlw~l~/, Friday, March 30, 1951 THE RECORD Page Thh~en MaroonNine Hopesfor Even Split in Florida:

The South R|ver baseball team ’will return home Sunday night between 5 and 6. After losing the first two con- tcst~, the Rlvermen broke into the whl c’oJumn wilh a 5-I victory over ~lvcrsidu M|lita~, Academy Mull- day afternoon aT lloll3~ood, Fla. "1, "l’hc Maruun played its final game of lhe Irip against Miami Beach ] igJ SrhoolyeMe’d y afternoon. IIopes were high of winning this, game, since Riverside, the Ma- rootl’s 5-i victim, haddrubbed tile Miami Beach nine in an earlier . ;. vngagemont. I Ill .Monday’s colltesl, B()|) -~ "net’s steady pitching and l)ick ~leade’s timely hilling l)rov(~l lhe difference. The Rlvermen ~.ke(| tll) two run~; in the, very ;firm lnt~illg, and then at|deal sin/.’fe 1allies 11| tile fllird, fottrlh and sevenlh to h’ad eon’ffurlably all 111=,i Way. I Cna(’h Filzpatrlck was pleased with Ihe fact that. for the first lime thi’; year. his squad was ])erfec’t on defense. Tile .~,larooH committtd 19 misrtn,s alit’ld in lilt’ first two games. Me~dedrove in Wllat proved to ¯ be the willning runs in lhe [ir,,t frame. Art Rossi drew a walk to alart lhe illl|itLg. Joe Zctm,m reached Iirst on a seralt’h singh,, ~111(| holh I’tlII/ICI’S advancedtin a long fly from the bat u[ Mike |{a/. zano. Then Meade came th’(n gh with a (’lean single. Dick Reiehenbach, herctofor.

~tll wart.t h River’sscored thechief Maroon’s offensive third HOMEWARD-BOUND---Beforewinding up their spring training se$sions in the sunny Southland, the South River High baseball ~lquad run. Reiehenbaehwalked, advanced posed for a picture for the folks back home. Distinguished personag ese tn the gathering include (center, standing) Postmaster Charles on a sln,~le by John Clencie- Hausserman, Mayor.Coach John Fitzpatrick, and Mayor Harold Turk of Palm Beach. Standing at the extreme leCt in the second row is wlekl, and scampered across the Bert Palo of the faculty, who madearrangements for the spring tour. plate when Carl Btfffalino singled ’~ sharply to left. to Bob Yahnel in the sixth after ball, and an overthrow by Relehen- The South River expedition has [other points of Interest. They con. In the fourth, Meade drove in giving up six runs. However, tour baeh brought in the fourth Jackson been kept constantly occupied by[eluded the holiday wltha_, splendid hhl third tally of the day, scoring miscues and tour bases on balls score, a Jammed social calendar. In be-[Easter meal at Sabatlnos. Zerman, who had walked and did the damage as Serves only South River’s second run proved . stolen second, with ~ single. Rel- allowed live hits, Yahnel yielded to be very costly. Buffnllno walked tween workouts at Flamlngo Park I Monday night, the Maroon Baw chenbaeh produced his fourth four hits in the one Inning he in the fifth, moved to second with In the morning, playing ballgames an exhibition basketball game safety in three games in the final pitched, a stolen base, and advanced to In the afternoon, and the r evening P~’oert the touring ltarlem Globe frame, stole second and raced home South River :took a short-lived third when he was hit In .the engagements, the squad must be Trotters, one of the most tabtflous when Bert Pale’smashed a double, lead when Relchenbach, who had shoulder by a thrown ball. Rossi pretty well worn out by now. the only extra-base hit of the the Maroon’s only hlt~ of the game, then reached first with a walk and Last Friday, the Rlvermen were cage outfits In the world, Itnd the contest, singled In the /Irst Inning to score Coach Fitzpatrick called .tot a guea.b~ of the chamber ot com. Kansas City A|l-StarS. Meanwhtle Yahnel pitched mas- Rosst, who along with Meade double steal, meree at the Cartb Theatre on Aside from being able to swim terfully all the way, allowing only opened the frame by drawing tree ltowever, the strategy backfired Lincoln Road, one ot the most In the nearby ocean, the South four hits and two walks while lpasses, as Clenelewlekl took a third strike modern theatres In the Souh. Tha’. River aggregation was invited to fanning six. Riverside scored its: llowevor, Sorvon’s wildness In at the plate. Buffallno scored, but night, they were Invited to a dance use the Indoor pools at the Shel- only run in the CadeL~’ half of the the last half of the first enabled Rossi was thrown out at second at the Miami Beach Auditorlum. lbourne and Robert Richter hotels. third. Two singles and a stolon [ the Miami Jackson nine to takeland the double steal resulted In a After attending Easter services Many familiar faces have been d~ase spoiled Yahners whitewash complete command. Screen Issued Idouble play. at St. Patrick’s Roman Catholle appearing at the Maroon baseball ~ffort. [ t!tree walks and two singles, ae- [ Miami came back with two runs Church, the group were once again [games. Schoolmates Don Stout, Miami Jackson, wllh a four-run[Counting tar two Miami runs, lin the bottom of the fl[’~h and guests of the chamber at cam- Tom Medvar, and George and Don first hmlng outburst, conquered .Meade opened the door for further added two more in the sixth to merce, on this occasion a scenic Krosnowskl drove down to Florida the Maroon, 8-2, Thursday after- bllaml scoring by dropping a fly turn the game into a rout. boat ride to Indian Village and to see the Maroon in action.. noon on th e Oran g e Bowl...... din- --::: ...... --" ,,, -- mood. Loose fielding and a lack "’" of batting power hurt the River- melt,oo most..o, ooo omon and went five Innings, giving way The public Is Cordlfly a Invited to the GRAND OPENING ,L--~ IT’S AI-noIRHAII Of MommyBaab’s Nursery School N i ,w,w,, AFI YOUTHAIll ¢ --~ndI.~, ~,,,., "~lhe BABYHOOD AT THEIR NEW LOCATION ,CANAL ROAD~-SOUTH’ BOUND BROOK WONDA-CHAIRIs tops |flcomfort Safe,f# and ¢ol~flniln¢l value[ , ’ .TI~~lurdy, versat~il*ll I III ,F co~l,41ton . b Pll I Ill SUNDAY,APRIL 1st, 2 P. M. TO 5 P. M. TAIIL~ILC14AISI~14111 On]t through~’11111t --’- tkorl~d~l~nn, w,ii i Ill low,low Is prk#, II I -II ¯ NEW, MODERNEQUIPMENT ¯ INDOORAND OUTDOORFACILITIES ¯ SPACIOUSGROUNDS ¯ SCHEDULEDACTIVITIES ¯ ~..~.9.~.~., IIl’ll ¯ c~s~ ~""~’~"~"", ~[I[ ,- e DAILY RECREATIONALPROGRAMS ~’ eTRANSPORTATION FURNISHED " A. S. Kosobuckl|111 OpeningsNow Available for Children Ages2 to 6 " 211FRENCH STREET, r ~{i ; $AYREVILLE | , , . ,i APPROVEDBY N. J. STATE BOARDOF EDU(:,A~’ION , ,, " S.R. ~-2261J " ( ’/4 Mile PastCharnor Lodge) ’ ~ ¯ . .L...... _ . I el i i i . I i ii ii i iii _ ii i 1 -.. ",- ¯ ¯ ¯ NOTI~,I (W MALl OF latNDl . PkllCEL "B" Loll I-II II- Tow~lhlpj’" M Co., N. J. ...? 1 .. "By vh’tue o~ ¯ rewlutl6n of 4he duslve in Block 4 on the Map oi Cm~tnln8 Two asd SevantS,-tour Township Comml~, Franklin Boulavard Plaza, also known M Tall on~hondredtlB (2.74) ~res ot land. Township, tdopted March 22, 195L Map Block 251), lots 3~42 inclusive. All oOnveyed to the Township the Townahlp Committee will offer Judgment dated July 7, 1941, and f ~ of the NaUonnl Bank of . for sale at public auction and’sell ’ recorded July 22, I~18, In the Coon- New Jerley, dated October 5, 1942, to ~ hlghest bldder at the Town- ty Clerk’s office of Somerse*. CourP and recorded December 9, 1942 ship H~II, In Middlehtmh, Township ty in Book O9 page 450. MinimumIn the County Clerk’s office of of Ft’anklln, Somerset County, Newsale price $400.00. Somerset County In Deed Book 625, Jersey, on the l~th day of April, i PARCEL’T" Lots 33-36 Inelu- page 301. M/nlmum ule prle¢ I~I, it S:00 P. M,, p~v|Jllng time, siva In Block 53 on the Map of ’ l~/&00. all the right, title and interest el Salerno Park, alan known us T~x PARCEL"H" Lot 16 on the Map the Township of Franklth In and M~p Block 659; lots 83-36 Inclusive, of New Brunswick Park Rlvercrest. to those ce~taln lots or paresis of Judgment dated May 4, 1944 and also known as Tux Map Block 214, land and prenllsea, hereinafter recorded May 11, 1944 In the Coon- lot I0. Judgment dated January partJcularly described situs’e, iyln~ ty Clerk’s office of Somerset Coon- 22, 1946, and recorded February Ind being In the Township of.ty in Rook 634. page 15, Minimum 21, 1946, In the County Clerk’s , Franklin, Somerset County, New. sale price $,300,00. office of Somerset County In Book Jersey: 1 PARCEL"G" Lots 1-42 Inclusive 647, page 10, Minimum sale price PARCEL"A" Lots 7, 8 and 6 on In Block 63 co the Map of Salerno $500,00, the Map of Simplex Terrace, also Park, also known as Tax Map PARCEL "i" Farm Section 11, known as Tax Map Block 52, lots Block 653, lois 1-42 inclusive, Also Lot 12 on the acreage map ~:f 1, 2 and 13. Lots 1 and 2, Judg-described as: ment dated June 15, 1949 and re-I BEGINNINGat the Intersection County,Franklin StateTownship. of New Jersey;Somerset to corded June 22, 1949 in the County of the Northwesterly llne of Willow wit Clerk’s office of Somerset County Avenue with the Southwesterly All that wood lot, Beginning in in Book717, page 260. Lot 13. Judg- line of Fifteenth Street; thence the middle of the road leading ,~ meat dated Angus; 26, 1949 and re- running ~I) Southwesterly along from Weston to John Herrmann’s corded September 28, 1949, In the the Northwesterly line of Willow corner in the Randolvh line: County Clerk’s office of Somerset Avenue, Two Hundred (~0°) feet ’~hence (I~ along the middle of County In Bo=k 722, page 215. to the former Northeasterly llne road, South Seventy-eight degrees MiniMumsale price $250.00, of Sixteenth Street; thence (2) Eight minutes East (S. 78" 08’ E.). PARCEL "B" Lots 169, 170 & 171 on the Map of New Brunswick Southeasterly along the former rThree Hundred Ninety-four and Terrace, also known as Tax Map Northeasterly line of SL~teenth Fifty-five one-hundredths 1394.55’J Street, Twenty-five t25’} feet; to Rlehard’s land; thence (2~ along -’Block 60, lots 27, 28 & 29. Lot 27, ~ judgment dated August 14, 1947, thence (3) Southwesterly parallel his line, North Nine degrees Forty MARVIN "DROP-KICK" ~E~C with the first course, Twenty-five minutes East (N. 9" 40’ E.L Six Marvin Mercer of Reading, Pa.,.and Jack Steele and recorded September 9, 1947, in , the County Clerk’s office of Sore- ,25’~ feet to the former center line Hundred Ninety-fiVe and Seventy- labelled "’The Atomic Drop-Kick I Pitted in Thursdays semi-final erset County in Book 686, page 1"/5. of Sixteenth Street; thence (41 six one-hundredths ~695.76’) fee: Artist," will grapple with law stu- will be "Gorgeous Billy" Darnell: Lots 28 & 29, Judgment dated Janu- Northwesterly along the former to a pin oak tree/ thence ~3~ dent Mike Lord/ of Flushing, N. Y., of Camden. and Billy Sandow of ary 30, 1948 and recorded March center line of Sixteenth Street along the G. Dewltt Garretson in the main event, one fiHI to alRlehmond, Vs.. cnrrent SJuthern 16, 1948 in Book 691, page (Now vacatedL Five hundred See- line, North Seventy-nine dcgrccs finish, at Highland Park Masonic champ. 304.!enty.flve (575’~ feet; thence ~5) Fifty-seven minutes West ~N. 79 Hall next Thursday night. [ The opener, a tag !’:am n=.a,,.:|. MlnimumpARcELsale,,C,,priCeLots$300.00.370,371, 372 ’ Northeasterly parallel with the 57’ W.), Four HundredOne end Promoter Bill Johnston says[ will pair The Super Zc,ra Kid, 26.5- & 373 on the Map of EImore TeE. first course, Twenty-five 125’) feet Eleven one-hundredths [401.11’0~ Thursdays program Inaugurates a[pound giant, sad To,~y "The !lull’" race, also known as Tax Map Block to the former Northeasterly line feet to the Randolph line; thence "new deal" for area wrestlln,g fans.iMfisno of the Bronx agam.~t I,.~,r,~l 193, Iols 17, 18, 19 & 20. Lots 17 & of Sixteenth Street; thence 19~ ~4) along said Randolph line¯ The deal will include "new faces.!Kowaiski of Poland anJ Bob Rl~r 18, judgment d~tcd June 6, 1949,, Southeasterly along the former Sou!h Nine degrees Seven minutes new wrestling stars, and thrilling of St. Louis. "~ and recorded July 28, 1949. in the iN°rtheasterly line of Sixteenth West (S. 9" 07’ W.L Six Hundred matches,’ according to Johnston. Mercer is junior .hcavyweig~ County Clerk’s office of Somerset Street, Twenty-five 125’) feet to Eighty-three and Twenty-nine one- i Stars booked for appearances io champ and holder of the Triple County tn Book 719, page 80. L ts the Soulhensterly line of Walnut hundredths t683.29’~ feet to the the near future include Nature Gold Shield Ed "Strangler" Lewis 19 & 20, Judgment dated October { alongAvenue; the thenceSoutheasterly ~7~ Northeasterly line of placeJudgment of Beginning.dated October 22. 1945, RoyLone Buddy Eagle Rogers, and IdaJungle Indian Boy. Prln- Belt. sonLordi, of a anprosperous NYUstudent, Manhattan la the 19, 1946, and recorded January 18, 1947 in .~he County Clerk’s office Walnut Avenue, Two Hundred and recorded November 5, 1945. in cess , Super Swedish Angel, construction contractor. of Somerset County in Book 667, ’200’, feet to the Southwesterly the County Clerk’s el’flee of Sore- price togetl~er-wPh--’aadvertislng" any valid legal objection In sueh page lt5. Minimum sale price:line of Fifteenth Street; thence erset County In Book 641, ()age gB00.00. ~8) Southeasterly along the South-128L Minimumsale price $625.00. and eonveyaneJng fees, shall "be title, Upon the happemng el such PARCEL "D" Lots 5. 6 & 7 in westerly line of Fifteenth Street, Minimumprice as fixed by reso- paid to the Township Treasurer event the bidder shall be entitled Riock 23 on the Map of Bound Five Hundred Twenty.five {525’) lotion on the above parcels of within thirty ~30~ days after tl,e lo the re’.urn of the neposlt pakL Brook Park. also known as Tax feet to the place of Beginning, lands and premises are as follows: date of the aeeep°.anee of the bid 4 Map Block 235, lots 5, 6 & 7. Judg- The said streets and avenues PARCEL"A" -- $250.00 st which time a bargain and sale ~wtli beThe sold said subject lands toand the premises follow- meat dated June 15, 1949 and re- above referred to are as shown on PARCEL "B" -- 300.00 deed without covensat~ will b,, de- log exeept ons: la) rights of any PARCEL "C" -- 600.00 corded June 22, 1949, In the County [a certain map rli.ed In the Somer- Ilvered to the purchaser. In de- ’public utility serving the dram- Clerk’s office of Somerset County set County Clerks Office entitled PARCEL "D" -- 375.00 fault thereof, the purchaser will ises, ib) deed restrictions, if any, in Book 717, page 260¯ 3tlnimum "*Map of Salerno Park, Franklin PARCEL "E" -- 400.00 forfeit any deposit made by him running with the land, ~c)the zoo- sale price $375,00. July 1926," PARCEL "F" -- 300.00 and the lands and premises may ing ordinance of the Township, ...... _ PARCEL"G" -- 875.00 be resold. II II I II I ~d~ occupancy of the premises. Is, I ~ PARCEL"11" -- 500.00 3. The Township of I"ranklin such facts as may be dlsclo.~ed by PARCEL ’T’ -- 626.C0 will not be liable or nceountahte a survey, ~f~ easemcn!s and rl~lll, p. CONDITIONS OF SAI,E [for any damages or losses st,s- bid price shall bc paid in cash at [by reason of its inability l,, c,m- L’b the concJnsioH of lhc t; c. I vey t ) such bidder or biders a {or(I FRED L. BASCO;d. 2. The balance of the p*~rchasc and marketable title or because ~,f’ Township Clerk. ¯ li ’ i i OHBurners[ w A N T INSTALL’EM QUICKLY, TOO! $60.00

t veyou CZ,an, .ho,p ¢omp/etnZy i= automattooil he,,* at ~ I~! Call ue PER WEEK? 4 fOr tll expert lalstJllatlon, ¯ w. CALLS. R. 6-0862 oar* of anyadj~l~mts or repatm. ¯ Automat|o deliveryon clelll WE GUARANTEEYOU’LL EARN AT LEAST THAT MUCH eompbte-bur~m8MobUheat.toot IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCED ON SECTION WORK. Or Almost That MuchOn u Part-Time Basis We Need: M,L,,,o,,M,L, M,,,,NO ,,M,,, |1 OPERATORS PRESSERS TELEPHONE:S. R. 6-2323 =,e. If You’ve Only Nod SOMEExperience--We Went You ! Thomas& Chadwick, Inc. 148 WhiteheadAve, SouthRiver, DORA DRESS COMPANY S. R. 6-0862 Blue Coal. Ice. Charcoal " zs WHITEHEADAVENUE SOUTHgIVER ¯ c..,. o,. Emri ,rEs Y. ~ s.n, r~ds C,mst, g#e ’l~mhm of the Jl~vtsb Com- .. ~un|ty Center may=ll~ncl the two Wi. ValuddeMerdmdbe Prim:, New Jers~" YM-YWHA c~mpJ. F~nE eathuitm=t=, both y~ur~g ~=~e~ve ,~ me,halide J~ ~leh ©over glmmt $o0 acres th u,~d old, will have an opporlul~ty f CI;hia~ t~hl,’, The first the Pecans. AppJieatJon blanks to put theSr hobby to ~ ~ hllk’e Ilwa~ W’lllEe frail BBth are avaHabte at the toeal ,fCC oG when Dl~=ler’n apt’tinS Goods 121~1, Uz ~ whUe /~ ~NI~.. L Sre. opens J~ Ahnua.! FUld~ C~ntmd EI¯~ ~ wm be lk,.’F~ Namedto the ~lale-wlde campsi Ih=turday. The. com~sLvS~l~h wff nr~z~ valn,,d ~ IBJ~ to I1~. leom~Ittee this week were Mr. and run tarouBh Nov. 3~. will enab]( Mrs. Abrabunl H. HalF¯tit. H~ma,mthe eontea~nts to win ll=hiag Lt]tT~l) D; JloMdrd ~ Adter j , ¯ - . L~jo pment ¯ ~Iued bevr" I c eft gg~ Barold Bru~km and Joseph Pert- ~nd hiS00. Perg. IH o.~ NewRrunswick, The’rule~: - t, c,),~l l~ U,ni~cd~o n~l ’Beyl ndO "irl~ I elkW " Laban"~’llh rod L’eel anti line. with To EePlanned Tuesday ~. a ;S-n.le r=l.,~ ,,f ~*~* m’..~ I A luncheon meeting will be held wick. I ~Tues ~.ay at th~.. B~gct. Smlth. ~ole] 2. Conte~t Js opeJl I~ everyone ~by the Roy. and G[rl~ Week tom- 3 Fish mtzst be caught ope mitt~e, i legs] season. Pans for be ~ ude s o take 4 No fsh cau~lht rein ~ Sat ~over he city ~over n~ w ) . be!-.’-~uluo or t’rl~,te-’, ~tait’fi~y"" "~r l~~c’"’il~ INOTA PROP.ERL~Nl~N~Apptrlmtly not consoled by the ,"dscussed ¯ ~’. 1 he evmnut’.ee. wdl be able for entr. ~t that he made ¯ perfect belly-landlnS and walked Iway 1in- ,to charge of eleclion of a student )’ ~tt’tl~l,L~G,J,~od~ho~,ofChicigo,ltlt~sad] at the warped :mayor and otht, r Madeal *’ily olli- ~. All.persons et~terlag mu~ ¯ Ipi~l~lhl¢ blades of hi= IPdF "~eai~at," Boderbo~/m~ one of the till out an entc:~ blank, wht(,h ma! ¯I e~erVll~ tra nthg at the Naval Air Station at Ol~ ~o~ka, PIn., was ,i clals, ’ be obtained from Dreier’s, 135 Llv , ~’efrt~ to eriC-tend when the wheels ot hal p]ene would not I MIDDLESEXCOUNTY COURT ’tngston Ave., New Bruns~ick, LAW DIVISION i 6..All fish must be brought t ...... "" "" ~." ...... ~--- ..... " i 14-179~i the store to be welgi]ed a,d mea ] CIVIL ACTION NOTICE cured. ¢ ... /f~ ,~ ,, ~ , .IARIEB, McCORMICK¯Plaintiff," 7. In the eveal of two or ntor~ M~ IN~drq~,#~.~. ~FF I.~l~(lllbliblF~lYlr~ ] ¯EDWARD AUGUSTUS MeCOR-;aei]y the same. dupticate prJz~ ...... ~ I MICK. De[e]ida~L Willbe awarded. ITo: ~DWARD AUGUSTUS ~c-~ The lollowh]g fresil water Hsh N~jss Ju Abram~.c aUgn ¯ ~=SlAV t~Ol]eJEe d ~ Honor r ~*o~iely¯...... =laroJ¢] . , of ~,tr and Mrs Murr br . " ~-ON3flC~(: ~[/Is~be {uk(’t] hl" <¯a.’tlrlg¯ ~rr~lfb.lzl. ,3~’ Hg[ ’.t, Bl,h[aada~YPa~rk~mpe°ft’o~ht~eks°~i3p~.~°prrlshtdeS~’Prt~e~t. yotl are hereby given notice that rhea an~, lores ,,r any cornbi.oit)e,, three day° in New York El y She kja~iol) wb ch ~o owed a d nner a writ of attachment was issued ill ~f artlfl¢,ial Jurt,s and ilahu’al ;11 Is ,lt s zd. l at S ate TeachersCo - a the Essexlouse n Newark the above entitled cause on JBnu- Ill NewJ/,rsp~. wllh fly, halt m" , ~. ’ "O ’L’4Tr 01on, nowo..cation I ~’ ~. ~"d ~[r’l K o""~th "~"~’ "’Y "~]" ag~"]" ~"d~. ~ I’d ~PJ~,; :’ ,°1’ Lr;’,~ :‘ ,, 1 . ,, , ]., ,k ~l] Walker be son of Mrs.... ~of Ward St havearrived homechalles ~o~ey~ and"f[~" .~ rlgb # ]~¯ ¯. ": -- ’ " . Esthe Walker ~f 259 Powers S s after honeymooning in Palm Beach ’and erediL~, lands and lenemenLs. ITr°ul¯ .._, ~LLEN s sto~nB ’ ho! e 8 J’~Sc,~S ~r~p Ill Ten*F]a ] be Ollg ng to you 3s a nob "’sJdefl ’ Class ~ -- ]’at’Re’’~ J°tlth HIae’ rid detlpn ng the Jew ah Com- II(-,.~see, ’ I’lealth Officer John J Hanson munity Center’s production May ideb=°r’ for the sumof ~,f]50.(x/ and(Bass. Eastern Chain Pick ~,frs¯ .,~ : := Kesslerof 120 Mar- president of the New Jersey ithal the Sheriff of the (llnlnly el) C]a~.s C -- I-2 of Gilbert and Sulllvln’$ wrh@ par SI. ,~.," " ~d her son and HeaMhOfficers Association as- i M]dd~sex pursuanl thereto, o] erel. likado." Allen will tile take the daugh,c ,, , ,Mr, and M~, Ed- slated with arrangementsfor the . January 15, 1951, levied upon t03 Theabove rulex abP Y for th lead baritone roll of "Ko KO." He m Jnd K ,, Ne~; York City, 40th manual conference of state ,sbere~ of Johnsonand Johnson8% ’following salt water f sh, has played roles in aura¯real local atz Sand and local health officia(s being , PreferYed Stork and/or 206 .sb~res ~ospectatlyClass D --for StriPed ~hltdren Sara. of a~ ~’Td out-o~town productions, e*~d of Johnson and John~Otl 4%pie- e ~)anJe . of T Bazelhumt held todir at the War Memorial Class E -- Fluke¯ will be fla~ll~d in the JCC’I May ferred StOCk,~.,alued at approxi- : Twoclasses have been sel asid produ¢Uon of "The Late Christ. ") from lhe Free ¯ h e I r~her Balfl," Tick¯el for "The ~" : :, . S tsk~ f Oar "Pub ie L brow attended a one-day . ¯ and u~der. In Class AA a~ th Mikado," which will be pl’O~l~ I"~InIov "~ Pq $" Ill homeattar i l .st’Lule on library sery~c~ at In cash. Rue G s a~d in C ass RB TT0U onilty costumed,will po on 14111 v .sitino ,~,.. narentsMr. and Mrs. I ~ "c t-on Slale TeaChersCollege t The complaint ~lleges that put’- The winner and second plae ~ext w~k at the dec lad R~¯ Ahe pr of 504 Itlitn to a Decree of D v0ree sran +’ ’:N So+ Serei~ d i L " 1 " U ¯ --geS ~er¢ L - ’1 * wlnne rin ¯ehe cla~lf IclUon wL Rlvofl agile Shop. ,~ve.. H. I! ’ ’. " Perk. brat.an F i am Re er. M ss ,hnne ed to plalntl~ bY the Cl~ult Cou~I Nilus J ;I e :inn ¯ student at ,,/ W3_;1. assistant to the libra- of S~llltmore City, biar~land, you ! ~t n i i S. ateT , ,,.,leg( ,’rent.on, is r~an. and Mrs. llarold Robinson are thdebthd to plaintiff in the h-~r pare Mr, and Mrs, Irving- . . _ your eh dlen, and demltndl J~tdS- B-!rrnan ; ’o. Sevoidh 4:]~ertt for 6MidamOUtlt. VOU lie, Ave, Youth Canteen rk Giving [further notBJed that pursuant *o jl,=J.., ’ - Concerto-April 13 ;the terms o~=n Order ot the Mid- Fi~f’l- SuFlios ¯ f~ ~en ~ aso;~d b dlesex Court y Co rt dated hfltrch 0 sl~,"l ’ . . ’ ¯ "~ ur a h, 9511 you ~’e required to we~ve GET YOUR EIGOI[R AND EETTER Patrl: " cencort featuring EliZabeth Outhrte ’, your Answerto the Complaintfiled FISHING TACKLE DEPARTMI[N’~ to FISHING ~1. is %o’q Scott , t~ aetto/t UpO~John A. Ly~’h. ¯ LICENSE WITH e~. home¯ of Ne,e Brunswick, vocalic’, and ;Plalntfft’, Attorney,whine address. HERE, John a llcldlcbof tth NO, grd R,;land Sleward. dramIRsL April = ,s l Elm Row, NewBru.swlcb, New: LO’, ,:~. P "~|CES 13 ~t 8:310 p. m. at the Ebe.ezer dewey, or to moveagainst the at- ,~chmeo~or thv~, o~ eo,.p].l~t ". "~:-’f P, ODS’kFly REELS ’ ~ o5up 89c up i* Nylon Level up Li...... 69¢

¯ ~r.o,, 2.29 Wi’low .... ¯ Landing 1 .#$ rat; ...... F _

Poqe S,xteen THE RECORD Friday, March30, ;951

FranklinPark ,,..,0=.,.,.....,.,,,-,.., J snd Mrs. Fernand Ll~t, of HlgM1and, BOWLING i Park, were the dinner guests of St=nding$: W L The followinz were admitted ~o i the latter’s mother at the shore en Millstone Valley ...... 32 4 mernbe.’sh|p in the Six Mile Run : Easter Sunday. Second District ...... 26 I0 Reformed Church at the Good Fri- ! Arthur Burns and son. Arthur, Middlebush Na. I ...... 25 I I day evening service: the Ml~es[and daughter, Lorraine, left Man- CommunityNo. ! _..-... :15 I I Jea..e Suydam,Rosemary Potts,’ day by car far Warsaw, N. Y., where Frinklln Park ...... 11 111 Barbara Laird. Stella Sklpwarth, they spent Eas.:er week visiting East Franklin NO. 2 ..... 15 21 22 and William Laird, Richard Glng-. relatives. Mrs. Bur.,= returned from East Franklin No. I ..... 14 ten. Mrs. Vance Dunn. and Robert Winston-Salem.S. C.. Thursdaytel- == Community No. 2 ...... t 27 Y. Moore,the latter three by letter, lowing a three-day trip. Middlebush No. 2 ..... 8 28 The Bey. George Moore, pastor, fire company’s penny sale Griggstown 7 29 The ...... announces-’.hat the two lectures will be held this evening at 8 in whieh Julius A. Graeves, profes- the firehouse. RefreAhmentswill be Franklin Park [3) slonal engineer, will give on The 155 147 179. sold. Thepublic is l,vited. F. Ricci ...... Great Pyramid of Egypt at the A. executive coalLm[ttee meeting O, Pusher ._ _ 188 164 132 Church on Sundays, April ]5 and of the Franklin Park PTA will be I’;. Lewless _ . . 167 124 lll 22, at 7:30 p. m.. are worth attend° I,;. Newton .... 138 148 116 held in the school Tuesday a.t 3 /ng because they will not only be p.m. D. [,ockwood . 162 162 146 educational,but timely. i , Mr. and Mrs. WilliamE. Halsllp ~I(~URIf FLVII~The Navy’s new helicopter training program i Installation at the new elders and and children, Harold. William. Ran. 810 745 684 deacons will take place at-:his Sun- aid and Dorothy, of Blsckstone,~. East Franklin No. I (0) at Pel~llICo|& A|t Station, Fla,, includes this fllure eight flyi,g ] exerdle. At a he~ht of 10 feet, the craft is maneuveredover the day mornl.g’s worship service, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. . I.. Collier . .. 134 94 ___ nUl’t~tltl Painted on the runway. Tht new helicopter |,atruetlon ’. W, Eas’on . .. 114 . .. 140 A meeting of the Women’s Serv- liam Banks of Emerson Ave.. Sat. Will It|rted in response to the growing proof o! the value of the ! ice League %viii be held at the home urday through Tuesday. Mrs. Hais- T. Szabo ...... 122 96 - planes in Korea. -" " J N, Tobias ..... 166 125 10! J of Mrs. John Bill on April 4, at lip is "he Banks’ daughter. p. m. ,I. Ktt|l ...... 151 180 159 _ . 8 ...... dPl~ II / " i "The Easter Story" was the title ...... East’Millstone t.U .eus ’ I ~C,nhnued 1.ram Page ] ~ - i,eonard Ruppert is recuperating I ~ morning. ThL~ was .the first of a | 1 East Franklin No. 2 (3) :from a tons/leetomy performed in ~slructur will then begin a period of series of films which will be shown ls0’St. Peters Hospital on March 26.1instruett°n {, one of the reran|a-’once a mo,th to" pupfl~ ;,,d their’|TELEV, I$1ON $|RVIC|| H. Voorhees .... 125 124 -ling " i.. Gc~s ...... 173 129 [ Mrs. R/ta Freemanflew .to Call districts. The s~meplan hold~ parenL~ ;| Electrical Appliances | i76 !fornia last Friday to spend her tr.u.e..for Grlggstown. . _ ! The Superintendents’ Round I Sales & SbrHce E. Tobias 124 ’wrote some peopm may look Table of New Brunswick wtl hold I S. Papp ...... 150 "’" 155 ’~Easter vacation. I I ...... ]upon this method of instructing as its next me tin~ at th l*r~l P.A. SYSTEMS T. Cayne i29 It8 ! Middlesex and Somerset Pomona be Its!: ~hee a I G. Kocsis ...... 126 I i Grange will sponsor a card patty lnvgit~l°~a a . b,~ ~’eerea:e - : Mrs.next-Friday Augustus evening" B. Vlle!. a; ; :;’,o~ek,who be-’1 526 Hom!lton St. | M. Za.~tock, .... ;87 147 ;80 ,at the East Millstone Grange Hall’ plalneu.. ¯ ~ March 30 at 8:30 p.m. "came i In New Brunswick last I E, Franklln.Twp. [ I llo said that at present stress is : "~ 655 779 3’he Ladies Aid of the East Mill- " week and w ¯a_ t .aken ...... to M|ddl sexo .|’ Phone N, B, 2 10467 | being placed on the formation of ~’ ~v Community No. 2 ~0) stone Church will meet at the home an efficiently organized group of HMrSP o itand r (Formerly Tad’t) I J M. Hrapsky . 128 I.",3 134 of Mrs. William Bird on April 4. first aid workers. The creation of . , eturnedMs. r aMrvlh°meB n aresSaturd_~.n a _ nd’~ ul._._..!l P. Basce]li .... 143 131 131 Miss Bc.’.ty Ann Gerhard is vis- a well organized group of police ..... Blind ...... 125 125 125 iting her grandmother, Mrs. Peter reserve, is also being given atten- II II I Ill II II Ill " Blind ...... 125 125 125 Gerhard. tie.. J J. Yarush ..... 126 133 149 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Metlh, r on- Maher. who with his assl.~’.a,,t. i tertatned Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Jenkins. has been addre.~s- FRANKLINHARDWARE 647 647 667 ¯ SIoke~ of Nov.’ Bruzlswlck and Mrs. o.o,,,, PAINT William Mettle=" of Princeton on needs, said that approximately 400 and CO. Middiebush No. t ’I~ EJster. person, have registered for ~..tvli . PLUMBING SUPPLIES C. Gllberl . . 120 148 137 ’ Mrs. Mary Esdek Is a petit, n! in derense. : * R. MereS! ._ 146 143 148 .Somerset Hospital. "This ~ ¢a~ .~ort o¢ t~, t.ooo HARDWARE-- PAINTS Blind ...... 125 125 125, persons we have called for." he. ¯ L Youn~ .... 144 149 126 said. Franklin townsh|p is ahe:,d Op@ttSundays 8 a. m. to 2 p. m. o,somo common,ties In the number "’ ’" r ’ v,.,,yn’ ;’aa-" Of registrations, but behind others. ~98 Hamilton St., New Brunswick 680 682 619 ! I can not emphasize too strongly j Kllmer 5.0220 Griggstown {21 ! ~.he nee(] v/e have for more . --~ 10] R. BJelke 129 140 Mrs. Emma T. Cushman worke"s. ’ I ~ J Pixcadlo 122 98 I Funeral services for Mrs. Emma " " ~:=- -~~-L- " "~ .... - - - " ..... ~-~- 3,1. Smith .. 143 148,T. Cu,hman, wife of Gerald It. H. ,,oepfner 188169 I"/9 Cushmanof 166 .No. 6th St.. New- , WILLIAM R. T. LAIRD O. lloepfner 204 149 ,ark. and mother of the late Edwitt -¢n’a’emen*s K, IIoagland 160 107 157I[and Ruth Geraldine Cushman. . were, Mr, and Mrs, Karl F. W, Mcyt, r- : held Tuesday. March 20. at the C,le sons of DeMott Lane. Middlebush. " Agricultural Implements -- Fsrtiliser ~ Lime 803 669 722 i Funeral Home, Newark. ’have announcerd the engagement Fermend Poultry Supplies ...... I Interment was |. Elm P,|dge Cam- of their daughter Mi~s :}m’othy B Planet Jr. Garden Troctors and Equipment Millstone Valley (I) (.cry’, Frankllt~ Park. The flee. MeYertons.to Louis (.harl,:~ (.;licit. .I. Karu’t.as .... 170 t63 102 ;George Moore. pa~tor of the Six i Jr.. son or Mr. and Mrs. Gild,, of ; BHEK!~J[N-W~,LIAM,~ IPULJ[,.O.I[qr~P W. I’arl~ .. 113 124 117 I~flle nun Reformed Church. Frank- Colllngswood. ]PAINT FEEDS , 193189~]In Park, conductedthe SOl’vices. I ,Miss Meyerlorls v.’a~ g;’.ldua,ed ~i[{upper!,iojtsen .. 220166185189 Mrs. Cushman was the daughter from New Brtt/Iswlck High School FRANKLIN PARK ~;. Paris .. l~s 12.~ 2c~ or the Ray. Mershon. nne .r the ~and New Jersey College ;,r Women’ Phone: E. Millstone 8.6609-R-I 900 early pastors of Ihe MIddlebu~hRe- ’ a,d is employedIn the N’~,,v !h’,i*.s- ; a 817 784 formed Church. ]wick omce of the telephone cam- "~’~’=’~ ...... SecondDistrict t2~ i pany. Her fiance Is a grdthtJ!e i)f ...... W. I,ap’~yn~ki . 215 161 173 ’ " ...... ; Colllngswood High I School II a,~dII Ill I|ut I ..... B. Weseotl . . 129 125 174 B. Lawson ..... 180 149 151 igers Untversl.~y. A Workl %/,~¢ ~I (’. Tanora . 16G 143 172 J. Reeky ..... ,,. . W.,,oo ..... 195 175 188 veteran, heso Is. employed I)y.a,,,,,..,. the E. li.erler . 142 ;76 167 . ; en~.Ineer. WhenFriends Call... 843 "/98 796’ An autumnwedding i,~ .’~!:*,~rc[. &s2 ~.~ ass ...... You’ll wont to show them reel hos- ,~, , , ,,, ,,,, I. CommunityNo. ! (3, ~ -~ pitality by serving Limmy’s fine .:. P..-~. . ~’, t.~:):~:~ T, lephone2-1100 J. K(,tekes . 166 138 t47 liquors and wines and refreshing A. Bessenyei 186 182 ,36 .I. Laps.vnski .171 148 t73 beers. And you’ll like our John- W.Kllnger J AM.. U M A H E R ny-on-tP.e-spof’.,free delivery, too! .... 89415981’’, SO,A iD" $ 0N ;/liddlebush No. I (0) w..~K,,.~y. ,ST ,s.~ ,s.~ FUNERALDIRECTORS J. Kline ...... 158 162 115 LIMMY’S LIQUORSTORE 2, Ec=$ron Avenue New Brunswick, N..I. 534 Hclmilton St. Phone2-9455 NewBrun,witk The RECORD ...... -" - III _ Franklin Township’s Own ...... 4~ Newspaper ~,,. .. ~ubli¢.tion Office: 284-8GRemsen Av*., New Brunswick, New Jersey. HAMILTON SERVICE CENTER ! WE’LL KEEP YOURAUTO IN GOODREPAIR ;SlCORA ESSO SERVICE means complete servia, for y¢’ar Sure WARREN GLASER .... Publisher 6~6 Hamilton Street N.B. ~-9~8 ~..*. We do everything to keep it in tip top shape . ¯ . the beat ~¢ALPII J, AHRENS JR. Editor: ALL KINDS OF MECHANICAL REPAIRS me¢hanic$ and the finest equipment , , , take advantaa- ’~¢ both RUDOLPH V. MARZAN(). ,... and the prices are right. ,. drive in TODAY. I Motors Rebuilt . . , Motors Exchanaed. , , Bcake Work . . . ~ A~sistant Editor- Complete Front End Work . . , Expert Carburetor Work TIRES, TUBES, BATTERIES,. ACCESSORIES We are Completety Equipped to Expertly Strvite and Repair RubserLptioa Rate $2.00 Per Year All Makesof Automobiles. Phones~Nqw Bru.swLek 2-3900. SlCOR Ease SEitVICF Towing Service Available ~ Body Work and PalntIP41 MOTORS [;TEAM CLEANED I*iTZ A COMPLETELINE OF GULF ACCESSORIES, GAS, OIL, Township Pub[|sht.g Company. Pholte: N. B. ~-8~7~ TIRES, TUBES AND BATTERIES I Entered as second-elm matter at Ltn¢.~" ~.Ohway & Franklin Ave, NEWBRUNSWICK, -’~. J. I "Estimates Cheerfully Given" 24-Hou- Seevlce N J., undyr ,the act ,f March $, J N.~ekinli I .... : the Post ~l~tee tat Mlddlebush [11 II III II III III I i-

~ ...... ~r-,-~,~K-~-~--.~ ~ ~" .... .*~L~ ..... " .... ~...:~. ,"~:"’~’’--"~ ......