O, the Record
q !--_,o,¯ " Ne,ghborly The Record’ ] .Townshlp’s , .| News and Views [ Own ble Vol. XVll.--No. i5. MIDDLEBUSH,N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH30, 1951 Price Five Cehts ’ omeYour.Ma, n J Gnggstown" i- Lets’Face It r Laughs,Applause ,., Mark.. ,F:rst" .., N,ght!’N" .’.for rrosecuror,- CD Heads i "* *"." I! , ut tommumtyhre Co. s M,nstrel!i ,,,. two hottest .oo.political questions in By the time this issue of the l A cast of more th~n 60 person,~ presented a minstrel show last the Somerset primary eampaign RECORD"hits the strec-?’ we’ll be ¯ night. with Ihe Community Fire Co. No. 1 and the Community FlrstIMonday evening at a crowded can- I in Washington, D. C We’ve been Aid Squad as co-sponsors The m nstreL which was staged at the:dldates, meetln ........... [l~m IS oz ¢Ne till|SOOt- wanting to take this trip for a Ion~ firehouse, will be given again ¯ontght ]~_.,. .......... [ II~l~dllh~ ¯ ¯ " uu ~] .rl, p e Ileal1UU ~IUO, Flaglown, time, and now that we have a few:¯ " , Each of the 25 individual acts was met with a round of applauseI ~ tsenat ........ [llgllll@U , , . from the large aud enee, as was each song rendered by tne. 3[’-voice.. ~spiran¢ e MalCOlm Forbes --t.da Y’.s vacat|on, ~e re going to make : chorus The show was fnlla~-orl hv Hnnt.[ng ,concluded his remarks by turning Following close on the heels of to " ¯ [ It w~$ in v ..... Senator Hess and asking, the East Franklin district, Gricus.-.. ~l~ Three days probably lsn t enough,milstre’ "’ s thate If&Die,the scenery,as II! rlloF,,’e,#.’r l[ .........................*ISlLA~--Am [[~:~..A.
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