Tolerance Tourism and Development: Konya Sample

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Tolerance Tourism and Development: Konya Sample TOLERANCE TOURISM AND DEVELOPMENT: KONYA SAMPLE 1ABDULLAH KARAMAN, 2KURŞAD SAYIN 1,2Selcuk University Tourism Faculty, Selcuk University Silifke – Taşucu Vocational School, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Absract- Historically, Konya has carried all of its wealth while coming from Ikonion to day. It has historical roots having the characteristics of good examples ranging from Anatolia first settlement, Alacahöyük to Klistra and Hittitien civilizations. It has carried a lot of Seljukian and Ottoman magnificent figures because it had been the capital city of Seljuk’s and one of the splendid cities of Ottoman Empire. There are a lot of mosques, churches, madrasahs, caravansaraies and tombs. The geographical beauties of Konya are beyond our images. The green valley Ereğli with İvriz Relief,Beyşehir with its lake and historical ruins, Ilgın with thermals and Akşehir with Nasreddin Hodja call us to see them. Konya has a great importance with this antique cities been employed. (1) Tolerance is a moral principle as Siyata, Ak Monestry, Çatalhöyük,Hittien that holds every kind of differences in peace and Monument Eflatunpınar and Klistra. welfare. (1) Tolerance is a principle holding every However, the most effective sound comes kind of differences together in peace and tranquillity. with Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi’s this statement In his work “A Letter on Tolerance” John Locke “Come, whatever you’re, come again.” This unique consider tolerance as “main characteristic quality of sound aims that to gather all of the desperates and all virtual religion”. (2) Voltaire, who has an important of beliefs. This boundless tolerance spreads its contribution to French Revolution, answers the sincerity to the whole world. With this reason ever question of “what is tolerance?”: “Tolerance is a part year over one million people comes and visits this of humanity. Each of us has faults and deficiencies; tomb, from the sound coming from. let’s forgive them, for tolerance is the first law of The development of the tourism activities in nature”. (3) a region is investigated mainly under the three basic headlines. These are transportation, dynamic “Tolerance is a functional communication process marketing and accommodation. established by showing outright love, respect, Tolerance Tourism: A lot of people like confidence and empathy to people in order to renaissance humanists in 16. century, the great artist understand and accept the feeling, opinion and Rembrandt in 17. century, music composer Ludwig behaviours of all people we find sincere or stranger. Von Beethoven in 17. century writer Joseph Von Based on this functional definition the components of Hammer in 18. century Goethe, Ruckert, Prof.R tolerance can be revealed. These components can be Nichelson, Prof. Arbey was affected by Hz. Mevlana ranged as: love, respect, understanding, facilitating, in 20. century sharing, collaboration, functionalize and Belief Tourism: The three big religions communicate. [4] Islam, Judaism and Christianity is an important A tolerance culture is needed in which potential for the belief tourism as regard to holy differentiation is allowed to form a real freedom in places in Anatolia. The Ministry of Culture and society. The most concrete expression of this is the Tourism has prepared a project for the sacred places right of being different. Some people’s/group of of three religions. Konya is one of the points which is people’s being excluded from society as they are traditional to visit in Islam and a city present and different from majority and they think or behave in a always on the ways of tours different way, and their freedom’s being confined by Culture Tourism: Çatalhöyük, Glistra, İnce the state is a desperate situation. To express through a Minare Museum, Karatay Museum, Mevlana motto; the right of to be a human, the right of to be Museum, Nasreddin Hodja Tomb, many mosques, different is the right of unique in his/her species. [5] tombs from Seljuk’s and Ottoman should be counted Mevlana and Nasretin Hodja who are the in culture tourism. most important representatives of the culture of tolerance spent their lives in Konya. These values I. TOLERANCE TOURSIM AND KONYA which have about an 800 year of past have contributed to the culture of tolerance remarkably. Tolerance has been identified in TLA (Turkish The year of 2007, the 800th year of the birth Language Association) as the situation of of Mevlana, was declared as “The year of Mevlana”. condonation, indulgence and toleration to everything. It has been announced that Mevlana would be While the word for tolerance in West languages is memorialized in every member countries in 2007. As given as tolérance (French), tolerance (English) and part of this year, a number of organizations were held toleranz (German), in Arabic language the word around the world. Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi, who tesâmuh which means tolerance and flexibility has has an indisputable place unapproachable position, Proceedings of 24th ISERD International Conference, Cairo, Egypt, 30th December 2015, ISBN: 978-93-85832-90-1 52 Tolerance Tourism And Development: Konya Sample especially in Turkish-Islam culture, has been 1. Tomb of Mevlana regarded as “The Master of Tolerance”. In his all 2. Lake of Meke works, especially in his Mesnevi, Mevlana, who loves 3. Çatalhöyük and embraces Allah and the ones he created 4. Tomb of Nasreddin Hodja regardless of their language, religion and race, 5. Tınaztepe Cave attributes tolerance as the most glorious of all virtues. 6. Alâaddin Mosque In accordance with this definition we can mention 7. Yerköprü Waterfall about the concept of tolerance in his Mesnevi. We Involving of Mevlana Museum and Tomb of laid emphasize on this above with some examples. Nasreddin Hodja in these values shows the An another point we laid emphasized on is the main importance the city gives to the subject. In the same source of the love of human being stems from the survey, other important historical heritages were love for Allah. We can say that there is a “concept of ranged as Monument of Ivriz Kaya, Klistra, Eşrefoğlu tolerance based on religion”. In accordance with this, Mosque, Eflatun Fountain, Monument of Fasıllar tolerance is to tolerate the differences, and to invite (Taşbaba), Aya Elena Church, Kubad Abad Palace, for the truth. The call of Mevlana “come” is a Köşk Hot Springs, Karapınar Potholes, Salt Lake, discourse for this invitation. (6) Ince Minaret Medrese and Karatay Medrese, Ilgın Our Anatolia, in his adventure in history, Hot Springs, Oymalı Underground City, Aziziye raised a number of heroes of love and tolerance. From Mosque. Yunus Emre to Mevlana, Hacı Bektaş Veli to Konya has an important world class Nasreddin Hodja are a number of historical characters destination potential with its touristic supply sources have become the symbol of tolerance. Today these in terms of “Belief Tourism”. Especially Mevlana and historical characters are well known around the world the strong doctrine and culture will bring Konya and they are appreciated thanks to their attributes. among the most important belief centres of the world. Sense of tolerance, which exists in Turkish people of Besides Mevlana, existing of other cultural and belief Anatolia, by joining Sufi understanding, has been elements in Konya supports the tourism strategy of brought to the peak by Yunus Emre. This the city in a positive way. Therefore, the tourism understanding is clearly seen in the poems of Yunus industry potential of Konya has been designed over Emre. Yunus, who regards everyone as equal, by these values. The competition superiority in this area saying “we love the created for the creator’s sake” has also a positive effect on other types of tourism drew attention to the necessity for tolerating people as services. The assets of Konya in belief tourism area: a requirement to respect to the Creator. (7) 1. Mevlana Tomb and Museum The year of 1996-1997 was declared as The 2. Şems-i Tebrîzî Mosque and Tomb Year of Nasreddin Hodja by UNESCO. For this 3. Şeyh Sadreddin Konevî Mosque and Tomb reason, a number of organizations were held in this 4. Ateşbâz-ı Velî Tomb year. (8) Nasreddin Hodja has been a symbol of 5. Kilistra (Church, Chapel) humour and critical thinking that is the basis of 6. Sille (Historical Mosque and Churches) science for approximately eight hundred years. In one 7. Seyyid Mahmud Hayranî Tomb (Akşehir) sense, Nasreddin Hodja, a wise sage of Turkish 8. Seyyid Harun Veli Külliye (Seydişehir) world, has educated many followers at his wisdom 9. Ebu Said Muhammed Hadimî Tomb (Hadim) school for centuries. The problems and secrets of life 10. Handevî Kandevî Zawiya and Tomb (Ilgın) [10] can be solved by humour and critical thinking. They It is a city which has Çatalhöyük that is one create and nourish each other. Analysing life in of the earliest settled life centres. Çatalhöyük has reverse and creating original questions and answers is hosted Paganists, Zarathustra, Christians, Muslim and the foundation of Nasreddin Hodja School. All others on this city. In its 9-thousand-year history, aspects of life constitute the subject of Nasreddin Çatalhöyük which was taken into the list of UNESCO Hodja anecdotes. While the great Sufis such as Yunus World Heritage List in 2012, has hosted a number of Emre and Mevlana being Hodja’s contemporaries civilizations. For this reason, various ethnic, symbolize the heart of Anatolian people, Nasreddin religious, Sufi and intellectual groups have an impact Hodja is symbol of the mind. The harmony of mind on the social and cultural structure of Konya. and soul constitutes Turkish folk philosophy. The Unifying of cultures coming from different countries way of wisdom is opened by this harmony. (9) (Iran, Central Asia, India and Arabic countries) with Christian Culture ongoing pre-Seljukian period II.
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