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Об издании Основной титульный экран Дополнительный титульный экран непериодического издания – 1 Дополнительный титульный экран непериодического издания – 2 Содержание

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Алтайский государственный педагогический университет»


Барнаул ФГБОУ ВО «АлтГПУ» 2016

Об издании - 1, 2, 3. ISBN 978-5-88210-842-6 Содержание

УДК 811.11.111(075) ББК 81.432.1я73 П692

Практический курс английского языка [Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / cост. Н. П. Широкова, Н. Н. Шацких. – Барнаул : АлтГПУ, 2016. – Систем. требования: PC не ниже класса Intel Celeron 2 ГГц ; 512 Мb RAM ; Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 ; Adobe Acrobat Reader ; SVGA монитор с разрешением 1024х768 ; мышь.

ISBN 978-5-88210-842-6

Рецензенты: Козлова Л.А., доктор филологических наук, профессор (Алтайский государственный педагогический университет); Исаева И.П., кандидат филологических наук, доцент (Алтайский государственный гуманитарно- педагогический университет им. В.М. Шукшина)

Учебное пособие представляет собой часть учебно-методического комплекса по практическому курсу английского языка и предназначено для практических занятий по практике устной и письменной речи на 3 курсе специальных факультетов. Пособие знакомит студентов с основными принципами анализа текста, включающими толкование заголовка рассказа, анализ структуры художественного произведения, определение типа рассказчика и писательской техники, а также особенностями языкового содержания произведения. Данная работа является начальным этапом подготовки студентов к обучению чтению с глубоким пониманием текста – аналитическому чтению. Материалы для самостоятельной работы включают упражнения на словарь, разнообразные проектные (индивидуальные и групповые) задания, направленные на самостоятельный поиск информации, логическое осмысление обсуждаемой проблемы, формирование умения презентации созданного проекта. В издание также включены темы для написания эссе и приложения с тематическими статьями для реферирования. Материалы пособия рассчитаны на обучение студентов свободному высказыванию (подготовленному и спонтанному) по изучаемым темам. Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов факультетов и институтов иностранных языков всех форм обучения и студентов гуманитарных факультетов, где английский язык изучается по углубленной программе. Рекомендовано к изданию редакционно-издательским советом АлтГПУ 24.11.2016 г.

Деривативное издание. Текстовое (символьное) электронное издание.

Системные требования: PC не ниже класса Intel Celeron 2 ГГц ; 512 Мb RAM ; Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 ; Adobe Acrobat Reader ; SVGA монитор с разрешением 1024х768 ; мышь.

Об издании - 1, 2, 3. Содержание

Электронное издание создано при использовании программного обеспечения Sunrav BookOffice. Объём издания - 15 250 КБ. Дата подписания к использованию: 20.01.2017

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Алтайский государственный педагогический университет» (ФГБОУ ВО «АлтГПУ»)

ул. Молодежная, 55, г. Барнаул, 656031 Тел. (385-2) 36-82-71, факс (385-2) 24-18-72 е-mail: [email protected], http://www.altspu.ru

Об издании - 1, 2, 3. Содержание

Содержание Предисловие Course Book Cinema Section 1. Introduction into the topic Essential vocabulary on the topic Vocabulary work Section 2. Movie genres Introduction into a genre study Main film genres Activities Make a pitch! Guide steps to writing a film review S. King, "Why we Crave Horror Movies" Language focus Discussion How to write an essay Section 3. Text Analysis Plan for text analysis Literary terms handbook Text for analysis: E. Waugh, "Excursion in Reality" Language focus Interpretation and discussion Activities Discussion: Жизнь это только тень Topics for final writing assignment Humanity in the 3d Millennium Section 1. Introduction into the topic Essential vocabulary on the topic Vocabulary work Содержание

Future trends Section 2. The Healing Arts Holistic medicine Genetic Engineering Articles for discussion Section 3. Space Exploration Vocabulary work Role-play Space (text for discussion) Smart Homes (text for discussion) Project work: Space dwellings Section 4. Literary Genre of Science Fiction Text for analysis: R. Bradbury, "The Smile" Interpretation and discussion Language focus Activities Topics for final writing assignment Personality Profile Section 1. Introduction into the topic Essential vocabulary on the topic Vocabulary work Section 2. Talking about people What kind of a person are you? Vocabulary work The Signs of the Zodiac Section 3. Text Analysis Sh. Jackson, "The Lottery" Comprehension questions Interpretation and discussion Creative work: R. Kipling, "If" Section 4. Gender study Содержание

Gender differentiations J. Brady, "I Want a Wife" (text for discussion) E. Goodman, "In the Male Direction" (text for discussion) Vocabulary work Text for individual analysis: W.S. Maugham, "Louise" Language focus Activities Topics for final writing assignment Upbringing Section 1. Introduction into the topic Essential vocabulary on the topic Vocabulary work Section 2. Parents-children relations What makes a good parent? Vocabulary work Are you fit to be a parent? Section 3. Onlyhood It doesn’t hurt to be alone Language focus Discussion Writing assignment Sibling rivalry Project work Reading comprehension and discussion Project work “Which bond is the strongest?” Correction work Section 4. Genealogy Language focus Project work: The Roberts Family Reunion Section 5. Children of Different Ages Listening to children ages five to eleven Содержание

A teenager talks back Talk show task Project work: Family Values in Different Religions Section 6. Watching the movie: Kramer vs. Kramer Custody: Kramer vs. Reality Kramer vs. Kramer vs. the way it is Discussion: Custody of children after divorce Writing assignment Text for individual analysis: B. Neely, "Spilled Salt" Language focus Interpretation and discussion Activities Commentary work Topics for final writing assignment Comments on the questionnaire Key for correction work Language and Culture Section 1. Introduction into the topic What is culture? Section 2. Verbal communication: the way people speak Vocabulary work Comprehension questions Discussions questions Conversation activities Section 3. Non-verbal communication: speaking without words Comprehension questions Discussions questions Vocabulary work Writing assignment Section 4. Culture stereotypes Language focus Содержание

R. Linton, "One hundred percent American" Section 5. Culture shock K. Oberg, "Culture shock and the problem of adjustment in new cultural environments" Text for analysis: Sh. Jackson, "Pillar of salt" Interpretation and discussion Topics for final writing assignment Приложения Приложение 1. Supplementary Materials Cinema Humanity in the 3d Millennium Personality Profile Upbringing Language and culture Содержание

Предисловие Настоящее учебное пособие представляет собой переработанное и дополненное издание по практическому курсу английского языка и предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлениям «Иностранный язык» (педагогическое образование), «Лингвистика», «Перевод и переводоведение». Данное пособие, благодаря своей структуре и наполненности языковым материалом, может использоваться и при обучении студентов других гуманитарных специальностей, поскольку тематика, предложенная авторами, позволяет обсудить ряд актуальных проблем современного общества. Основной целью авторов издания является развитие и совершенствование коммуникативных навыков и умений студентов во всех видах речевой деятельности. Учебное пособие состоит из 2 модулей: Course Book, Supplementary Materials. Учебное пособие включает 5 тем, обсуждение которых невозможно без опоры на культурологические и исторические факты: “Cinema”, “Humanity in the 3d Millennium”, “Personality Profile”, “Upbringing” и “Language and Culture”. Структура разделов унифицирована: словарь по теме с набором упражнений; аутентичные статьи и тексты для анализа, которые отбирались авторами из англоязычной художественной и научно-публицистической литературы; материалы для самостоятельной работы. Структура разделов Course Book включает в себя следующие компоненты: • Vocabulary work – тематический словарь с набором упражнений продуктивного, репродуктивного и креативного характера. Авторами ставилась задача создать систему упражнений, направленную на практическое, активное владение языком. В каждую тему включены упражнения на перевод. • Text analysis – тексты, предлагаемые для анализа, представляют собой законченные произведения небольшого объема (короткие рассказы или эссе). В качестве авторов предложены как классики литературы (И. Во, Р. Брэдбери), так и современные авторы (Ш. Джексон, Б. Нилли). Данный раздел пособия знакомит студентов с основами филологического анализа текста. • Project work – проектные (индивидуальные и групповые) задания, направленные в первую очередь на организацию самостоятельной работы. • Writing – задания, направленные на совершенствование письменных навыков студентов. В раздел включены задания по написанию письма (личного и официального), рецензии на фильм, на завершающем этапе работы над предлагаемой темой студенты пишут эссе по одной из предложенных тем. Второй модуль (Supplementary Materials) представляет собой набор научно- публицистических текстов, подобранных в соответствии с предложенными темами. Тексты даны на русском языке и предназначены для комментирования на английском языке. Данный вид работы позволяет студентам значительно расширить словарный Содержание запас, а также четко и логично высказать собственную точку зрения на обсуждаемую проблему. Расположение разделов пособия внутри темы не обязывает к жесткой последовательности изучения изложенного в ней материала. В пособие включено достаточное количество материала, что позволит варьировать его в зависимости от уровня подготовки студентов и количества часов, выделяемых на дисциплину в рамках учебной программы. Таким образом, данный комплекс направлен на овладение различными видами речевой деятельности; на обучение языку в конкретных сферах общения; на развитие коммуникативных компетенций, которые состоят из лингвистического, социолингвистического и прагматического компонентов. В заключение авторы выражают искреннюю признательность рецензентам профессору Л.А. Козловой и доценту И.П. Исаевой, а также приносят благодарность всему коллективу кафедры английской филологии лингвистического института АлтГПУ за ценные замечания и рекомендации. Содержание

Course Book Cinema Section 1. Introduction into the topic Essential vocabulary on the topic Vocabulary work Section 2. Movie genres Introduction into a genre study Main film genres Activities Make a pitch! Guide steps to writing a film review S. King, "Why we Crave Horror Movies" Language focus Discussion How to write an essay Section 3. Text Analysis Plan for text analysis Literary terms handbook Text for analysis: E. Waugh, "Excursion in Reality" Language focus Interpretation and discussion Activities Discussion: Жизнь это только тень Topics for final writing assignment Humanity in the 3d Millennium Section 1. Introduction into the topic Essential vocabulary on the topic Vocabulary work Содержание Future trends Section 2. The Healing Arts Holistic medicine Genetic Engineering Articles for discussion Section 3. Space Exploration Vocabulary work Role-play Space (text for discussion) Smart Homes (text for discussion) Project work: Space dwellings Section 4. Literary Genre of Science Fiction Text for analysis: R. Bradbury, "The Smile" Interpretation and discussion Language focus Activities Topics for final writing assignment Personality Profile Section 1. Introduction into the topic Essential vocabulary on the topic Vocabulary work Section 2. Talking about people What kind of a person are you? Vocabulary work The Signs of the Zodiac Section 3. Text Analysis Sh. Jackson, "The Lottery" Comprehension questions Interpretation and discussion Содержание Creative work: R. Kipling, "If" Section 4. Gender study Gender differentiations J. Brady, "I Want a Wife" (text for discussion) E. Goodman, "In the Male Direction" (text for discussion) Vocabulary work Text for individual analysis: W.S. Maugham, "Louise" Language focus Activities Topics for final writing assignment Upbringing Section 1. Introduction into the topic Essential vocabulary on the topic Vocabulary work Section 2. Parents-children relations What makes a good parent? Vocabulary work Are you fit to be a parent? Section 3. Onlyhood It doesn’t hurt to be alone Language focus Discussion Writing assignment Sibling rivalry Project work Reading comprehension and discussion Project work “Which bond is the strongest?” Correction work Section 4. Genealogy Содержание Language focus Project work: The Roberts Family Reunion Section 5. Children of Different Ages Listening to children ages five to eleven A teenager talks back Talk show task Project work: Family Values in Different Religions Section 6. Watching the movie: Kramer vs. Kramer Custody: Kramer vs. Reality Kramer vs. Kramer vs. the way it is Discussion: Custody of children after divorce Writing assignment Text for individual analysis: B. Neely, "Spilled Salt" Language focus Interpretation and discussion Activities Commentary work Topics for final writing assignment Comments on the questionnaire Key for correction work Language and Culture Section 1. Introduction into the topic What is culture? Section 2. Verbal communication: the way people speak Vocabulary work Comprehension questions Discussions questions Conversation activities Section 3. Non-verbal communication: speaking without words Содержание Comprehension questions Discussions questions Vocabulary work Writing assignment Section 4. Culture stereotypes Language focus R. Linton, "One hundred percent American" Section 5. Culture shock K. Oberg, "Culture shock and the problem of adjustment in new cultural environments" Text for analysis: Sh. Jackson, "Pillar of salt" Interpretation and discussion Topics for final writing assignment Содержание Содержание

INTRODUCTION INTO THE TOPIC Essential vocabulary on the topic Vocabulary work Содержание

Essential vocabulary on the topic Study the following words and expressions, give the Russian equivalents. 1. cinematography cinema (AE movies, movie theatre, movie house) a cinemagoer / a moviegoer (e.g. I’m not much of a cinemagoer) a cinema addict / a film buff cinema audience / cinema program 2. film / picture (AE movie) to go into films (e.g. He used to be on the stage but then he went into films) a film version / a screen version of a story / play to screen a play / a novel a joint production 3. to make a film / to shoot a film (in color) / to release a film a shot / a close-up / a flashback a review of a film (e.g. The reviews were favorable / unfavorable / rave) a quickie – a film shot very quickly sequel / prequel on location / on set scene to dub a film subtitles / credits screenplay / script / scenario soundtrack trailer film billboard / movie billboard screen test / film test 4. types of films: feature films, documentary, newsreel, cartoons, silent films, sound films (talkies), black-and-white films, color films, a romance / romantic films / Cinderella stories / soap operas, a western, a war film, an epic, a musical, a comedy, a suspense thriller, a horror film, a science fiction film, a blockbuster, art house movie 5. huge-budget / low-budget films 6. a commercial / box-office success to make a hit (e.g. The film made a great hit) a failure / a flop Содержание 7. publicity / publicity department / publicity agent to publicize a film 8. cast and acting: a film star (AE a movie star) /a long-term star / an ephemeral star / an all-star cast to star / to co-star 9. Adjectives for describing a film: superb, magnificent, unforgettable, true-to-life, boring, dull, artificial, mediocre, stilted, authentic, complex, convincing, entertaining, fantastic, lifelike, mushy, profound, thought-provoking, realistic, superficial, tedious, thrilling, breathtaking, witty The action is dynamic (dragged out) to have the right look for the part to consider casting possibilities visual / sound / special effects 10. People, engaged in film-making: film-maker (AE moviemaker), director, casting director, producer, executive producer, script-writer, camera-man, director of photography, camera crew, actors, extras, stunt men, maker-up, costume designer, sets designer, composer, soundman, agent, critic, editor, technician 11. Useful adjectives for describing works and performances:

Adjective Meaning Example overrated not as good as people say It's an overrated film / play hackneyed done so often it is boring The plot was so hackneyed! complex and impossible to impenetrable His films are impenetrable understand

disjointed unconnected and not in a clear The play was disjointed and order difficult to follow The film Green Aliens from Mars far-fetched impossible to believe was a bit far-fetched

risqué slightly immoral and likely to The play was a bit risqué, and shock some people some religious leaders criticized it exciting and keeping your It was a gripping film from start to gripping attention the whole time finish It was a harrowing documentary harrowing extremely upsetting about war and refugee camps Содержание moving making you feel strong emotion, It's a moving story about a child especially pity or sadness whose mother dies That was a memorable memorable you remember it long after performance understated done or expressed in a simple but The whole plot is really attractive style understated Содержание

Exercise 1. Explain the difference between the following. 1. A film and a movie. 2. An art house film and a blockbuster. 3. A co-star and an extra. 4. A cameraman and a projectionist. 5. The cinema and the pictures. 6. The cast and casting. 7. Action! and Cut! 8. A cartoon and an animation film. Exercise 2. Cross the odd word out. 1. film: mediocre, cautious, true-to-life, gripping, harrowing

2. plot: thrilling, understated, dedicated, hackneyed, mushy

3. characters: realistic, convincing, lifelike, unanimous, authentic

4. script: disjointed, mediocre, witty, impenetrable, greedy

5. acting: spacious, moving, artificial, entertaining, magnificent

Exercise 3. Movie Timeline Here are some key moments in the history of cinematography. Read the facts and match them with the years of their occurrence. What information is new to you? Do you know any other important and interesting facts about the evolution of the cinema which you can share with your groupmates?

a) 1899 e) 1927 i) 2001 m) 1924 q) 1995 b) 1906 f) 1889 j) 1910 n) 1905 r) 1960 c) 1914 g) 1952 k) 1990 o) 1897 s) 1895 d) 1939 h) 1997 l) the 1890s p) 1928 t) 1968 Содержание

Key Events Years 1. The history of film began 2. William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, commissioned by Thomas Alva Edison, built the first motion-picture camera and named it the Kinetograph 3. The Lumier brothers shot “The Arrival of a Train”. In fact, when “The Arrival of a Train” was first screened in France, audience members were terrified and literally believed the train was going to fly right out of the frame and run them over! The image of an oncoming train is said to have caused a stampede 4. Georges Méliès built one of the first film studios. It was Méliès who would give birth to the first known special effects used in films. In fact, most of his special effects were discovered by accident! 5. Animation was used in movies for the first time 6. The first successful permanent movie theater “The Nickelodeon” opened in Pittsburgh 7. The first feature length film was an Australian production called The Story of the Kelly Gang 8. Regular newsreels were exhibited and soon became a popular way for finding out the news 9. In his second big-screen appearance, Charlie Chaplin played the Little Tramp, his most famous character 10. Walt Disney created his first cartoon, “Alice’s Wonderland” 11. Warner Bros released The Jazz Singer, with the first synchronized dialogue (and singing) in a feature film 12. The Academy Awards were handed out for the first time. Wings won Best Picture 13. The big-screen adaptation of Gone with the Wind premiered, and went on to gross $192 million, making it one of the most profitable films of all time. It’s also one of the longest films, clocking in at 231 minutes 14. Joe Biroc shot Bwana Devil, the first successful 3-D movie. Bwana Devil was a huge success at the box-office that year 15. Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho terrified audiences and became one of the most successful films, as well as one of the most memorable psychological thrillers Содержание

16. The motion picture rating system debuted with G, PG, R and X 17. The first feature length computer-animated feature, Toy Story, was produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Disney 18. Titanic crashed into theaters. It is the most expensive film of all time, costing between $250 and $300 million to produce and market. Titanic captured a record-tying 11 Academy Awards, including those for Best Picture and Best Director (James Cameron) 19. The X rating was replaced by NC-17 (no children under 17) 20. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences created a new category for the Oscars: Best Animated Feature. Shrek won the trophy Exercise 4. Match the words to their synonyms.

1. realistic A. hackneyed 2. boring B. mushy 3. touching C. gripping 4. unforgettable D. profound 5. exciting E. artificial 6. deep F. tedious 7. incomprehensible G. true-to-life 8. commonplace H. moving 9. far-fetched I. memorable 10. sentimental J. impenetrable 11. breathtaking K. thrilling Exercise 5. Match the words to their opposites.

1. simple A. convincing 2. profound B. artificial 3. overrated C. boring 4. coherent D. complex 5. decent E. understated Содержание

6. unpersuasive F. disjointed 7. interesting G. risqué 8. realistic H. superficial Exercise 6. What do we call the following? Read the definitions and guess the word. 1. A story someone writes for a film. 2. A photograph of someone or something taken very near. 3. A man whose job is to perform dangerous actions in a film. 4. A short cinema film of news. 5. A part of a film in which events happen in the same place or period of time. 6. A translation of what people are saying in a foreign language film that appears at the bottom of the screen. 7. Someone who operates a camera for making films. 8. A film that deals with real people and events. 9. A scene in a film that goes back in time to show what happened earlier in the story. 10. A list of the people involved in making a film that is shown at the end or beginning of it. 11. A single part of a cinema film made by one camera without interruption. 12. A full-length cinema film with an invented story and professional actors. 13. Someone whose job is to organize the work and money involved in making a film. 14. A place where a film is made away from a studio. 15. The art or science of making films. Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box.


plot, special effects, terrifying, production, stars, disadvantage, atmosphere, action-lovers, predictable, scenes, the leading role, succeed, stunts, directed, performed, action- packed, action If you like 1) ______, “Eraser” is the film to see. Arnold Schwarzenegger 2) ______in this film, and Charles Russel 3) ______it. Schwarzenegger plays 4) ______as John Kruger, a dedicated federal marshal whose Содержание code name is Eraser. He protects government witnesses who are in danger, by erasing their old identity and giving them a new one. His mission is to protect a beautiful woman, 5) ______by Vanessa Williams, who can uncover a scandal which involves people in the government. Her enemies stop at nothing to keep her from revealing the truth. But Eraser does everything to keep her alive. He alone must guard her from some of the most 6) ______forces in the world before time runs out. But will he 7) ______? This multi-million dollar 8) ______has some breathtaking 9) ______. It is a film full of suspense. The special effects and 10) ______are spectacular and create a(n) 11) ______of tension. The film’s one 12) ______is that it has a weak 13) ______and the ending is 14) ______, unlike other Schwarzenegger films. All in all, this 15) ______film will not appeal to everyone. I would recommend it to 16) ______and to those who enjoy 17) ______.

Motion Picture Rating System A motion picture rating system is designated to classify films with regard to suitability for audiences in terms of issues such as sex, violence, substance abuse, profanity, impudence or other types of mature content. A particular issued rating can be called a certification, classification, certificate or rating. Ratings typically carry age recommendations in an advisory or restrictive capacity. Study the age-rating systems of the UK and the USA. What is similar and what is different? Find the information on the Russian rating system and compare it with the classifications presented below. Which system seems to be the most efficient?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) classifies films to be publicly exhibited in the United Kingdom. If the BBFC refuses a classification, this effectively amounts to a ban. The current BBFC system is: Uc – Especially suitable for pre-school children. The category is now retired, although older video works still in circulation may carry the label. U (Universal) – Suitable for all. A U-rated film should be suitable for audiences aged four years and over. PG (Parental Guidance) – General viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. 12A – Cinema release suitable for 12 years and over. No one younger than 12 may see a 12A- rated film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Содержание 12 – Video release suitable for 12 years and over. Video recordings with this rating are not to be supplied to anyone below that age. 15 – Suitable only for 15 years and older. No-one under 15 is allowed to see a 15-rated film at the cinema or buy/rent a 15-rated video. 18 – Suitable only for adults. No one under 18 is allowed to see an 18-rated film at the cinema or buy/rent an 18-rated video. R18 (Restricted 18) – Films may only be shown to adults in specially licensed cinemas, and video works may be supplied to adults only in licensed sex shops. R18-rated video works may not be supplied by mail order.

The United States of America In the United States of America, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), through the Classification and Rating Administration (CARA), issues ratings for movies. The system was established in 1968 and is voluntary; an unrated film is often informally denoted by “NR” in newspapers and so forth. G (General Audiences) – All ages admitted. PG (Parental Guidance Suggested) – Some material may not be suitable for children. PG-13 (Parents Strongly Cautioned) – some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. R (Restricted) – Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. NC-17 (Adults Only) – No one 17 and under admitted.


The Golden Globe Awards are presented annually by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) to recognize outstanding achievements in the entertainment industry, both domestic and foreign, and to focus wide public attention upon the best in motion pictures and television. The formal ceremony and dinner at which the awards are presented is a major part of the film industry’s awards season, which culminates each year with the Academy Awards. Содержание

The Academy Award (informally known as the Oscar) is an accolade by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) to recognize excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers. The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is one of the most prominent award ceremonies in the world and is televised live in more than 200 countries annually. It is also the oldest award ceremony in the media; its equivalents, the Grammy Awards (for music), Emmy Awards (for television), and Tony Awards (for theatre) are modeled after the Academy. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences itself was conceived by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio boss Louis B. Mayer. The 1st Academy Awards ceremony was held on May 16, 1929, at the Hotel Roosevelt in Hollywood to honor outstanding film achievements of the 1927–1928 film season. It was hosted by actor Douglas Fairbanks and director William C. deMille.

The Berlin International Film Festival (German: Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin), also called the Berlinale, is one of the world’s leading film festivals and most reputable media events. It is held in Berlin, Germany. Founded in 1951, the festival has been celebrated annually in February since 1978. With 274,000 tickets sold and 487,000 admissions it is considered the largest publicly- attended film festival worldwide. Up to 400 films are shown in several sections, representing a comprehensive array of the cinematic world. Around twenty films compete for the awards called the Golden and Silver Bears.

Moscow International Film Festival abbreviated as MIFF, is the film festival first held in Moscow in 1959. From its inception to 1995 it was held every second year in July, alternating with the Karlovy Vary festival. The festival has been held annually since 1995. The festival’s top prize is the statue of Saint George slaying the dragon, as represented on the Coat of Arms of Moscow. Federico Fellini’s 8½ is the most famous film to premiere at the MIFF and win the top prize. Nikita Mikhalkov has been the festival’s president since 2000. The Stanislavsky Award has been introduced recently to be presented to outstanding actors visiting the festival, such as Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep. Содержание

The Cannes Film Festival (French: le Festival de Cannes), founded in 1946, is one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious film festivals. The private festival is held annually (usually in May) at the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès, in the resort town of Cannes, in the south of France. The most prestigious award given out at Cannes is the Palme d’Or (“Golden Palm”) for the best film.

The Film Festival (Italian: Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica) is one of the oldest film festivals in the world. Founded by Count Giuseppe Volpi in 1932 as the “Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica”, the festival has since taken place every year in late August or early September on the island of the Lido, Venice, . Screenings take place in the historic Palazzo del Cinema on the Lungomare Marconi. It is one of the world’s most prestigious film festivals and is part of the , a major biennial exhibition and festival for contemporary art. The festival’s principal awards are the Leone d’Oro (Golden Lion), which is awarded to the best film screened at the festival, and the Coppa Volpi (Volpi Cup), which is awarded to the best actor and actress. In 2002, the San Marco Award was introduced for the best film of the Controcorrente (“Against the stream”) section.

The Golden Raspberry Awards, called the Razzies for short, is an annual award ceremony held in Los Angeles to recognize the worst in film (the worst acting, screenwriting, songwriting, directing, etc.). The term raspberry is used in its irreverent sense, as in “blowing a raspberry”. Current awards are voted upon by the membership of the Golden Raspberry Award Foundation (GRAF). Traditionally, nominations are announced one day before the Motion Picture Academy announces its Oscar nominations, and the awards are presented one day before the Oscar ceremony. PREPARE a 3–5 minutes’ talk on the world’s most famous and prestigious film festivals or the award ceremonies that have been held in the world this year. Speak about the history of the festival, its top prizes, contests, nominations and laureates, opening and closing ceremonies, celebrities who have visited it, etc. Содержание

MOVIE GENRES Introduction into a genre study Main film genres Activities Make a pitch! Guide steps to writing a film review S. King, "Why we Crave Horror Movies" Language focus Discussion How to write an essay Содержание

Introduction into a Genre Study Any movie in genre study is as important as any other. Some are more interesting, certainly some produce better results when studied than others, but there is democracy in genre. Some genres are more interesting, but none is “better” than the other: there are Westerns and Space Operas and High School Pictures. A number of pictures involve generic mixtures. Movies come from movies, and any given movie repeats things from hundreds of others. The several ways repetition functions in genre give a hint of its blind force and mercurial flexibility. Every genre produces a sense of new scenarios. Each genre describes, devises its scenarios so they differ from those of the other genres. This in turn relates to the way each genre works, resembling but differing from all other genres; and this is determined in part by the genre’s source, its heritage, its individual evolution. Everyone is an expert on movies; even more people claim to be experts on movie genre. Genre study is one of those things that goes without saying: you know like they did in the old movies. To let anything go without saying is a mistake if you are attempting to make study serious. Such a sentence as – “Star Wars” is a Western – is not a serious statement. A movie’s genre is its chief label. One can then refine that label by more labels: subgenres, sub- subgenres, ramification of place and profession, conventions of character and story line (boy meets girl, boy loses girl). In this case we could even make a checklist of types, situations and elements included. It might make a system, but the system wouldn’t tell us much about the way film genres work. Any movie is formed by generic language, with exchanges, transfers, transformations, exceptions. Genre is not stereotype or cliché; genre is a dynamic flow of interchangeable parts involved in combinations which resemble organic growth, not a set of laws. Every movie is the product of its historical context, and the exchange between movies of whatever period is paramount in genre study; this is how movies talk to each other, and to us. What are the genres? We may choose to name them this way; the three great families of genre are: 1) Western 2) Women’s Some British critics call Women’s Pictures Melodrama, but this term is useful in dramaturgy, but Women’s better suggests how this powerful genre affects all the other genres. 3) War War Film is Combat Films of World War II. Movies about other Wars don’t belong in this genre because they are not defined, do not work the same way. Содержание The next three major genres are translations from drama or fiction: 1) Comedy 2) Musical 3) Costume Four more are simply great subjects: 1) Crime 2) Spy/ thriller/ private eye 3) Action/ adventure 4) Horror Science Fiction and Epic complete an even dozen major genres. There are many more genres: they are the great movie places – city, jungle, outer space; great movie conveyances (also great subjects) – the car, the train. There are motifs that move from genre to genre – birth and death and marriage and theft; there are events – dream, chase – so intrinsically filmic that when they appear in a movie, sometimes only for a moment, the movie tilts in their direction. There are Family Pictures and High School and Inventor. Finally there are auteur genres. Содержание

Main Film Genres

Action films usually include high energy, big-budget physical stunts and chases, possibly with rescues, battles, fights, escapes, destructive crises (floods, explosions, natural disasters, fires, etc.), non-stop motion, spectacular rhythm and pacing, and adventurous, often two-dimensional “good-guy” heroes (or recently, heroines) battling “bad guys” – all designed for pure audience escapism. Includes the James Bond “fantasy” spy/espionage series, martial arts films, and the so-called “blaxploitation” films.

Adventure films are usually exciting stories, with new experiences or exotic locales, very similar to or often paired with the action film genre. They can include traditional swashbucklers, serialized films, and historical spectacles (similar to the epics film genre), searches or expeditions for lost continents, “jungle” and “desert” epics, treasure hunts, disaster films, or searches for the unknown.

Comedies are light-hearted plots consistently and deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter (with one-liners, jokes, etc.) by exaggerating the situation, the language, action, relationships and characters. This section describes various forms of comedy through cinematic history, including slapstick, screwball, spoofs and parodies, romantic comedies, black comedy (dark satirical comedy), and more. Содержание

Crime (gangster) films are developed around the sinister actions of criminals or mobsters, particularly bankrobbers, underworld figures, or ruthless hoodlums who operate outside the law, stealing and murdering their way through life. Criminal and gangster films are often categorized as film noir or detective-mystery films – because of underlying similarities between these cinematic forms. This category includes a description of various “serial killer” films.

Dramas are serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying realistic characters, settings, life situations, and stories involving intense character development and interaction. Usually, they are not focused on special-effects, comedy, or action. Dramatic films are probably the largest film genre, with many subsets.

Epics include costume dramas, historical dramas, war films, medieval romps, or “period pictures” that often cover a large expanse of time set against a vast, panoramic backdrop. Epics often share elements of the elaborate adventure films genre. Epics take a historical or imagined event, mythic, legendary, or heroic figure, and add an extravagant setting and lavish costumes, accompanied by grandeur and spectacle, dramatic scope, high production values, and a sweeping musical score. Epics are often a more spectacular, lavish version of a biopic film. Some “sword and sandal” films, Biblical epics, or films occurring during antiquity qualify as a sub-genre. Содержание

Horror films are designed to frighten and to evoke our hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining us at the same time in a cathartic experience. Horror films feature a wide range of styles, from the earliest silent Nosferatu classic, to today’s CGI monsters and deranged humans. They are often combined with science fiction when the menace or monster is related to a corruption of technology, or when Earth is threatened by aliens. The fantasy and supernatural film genres are not usually synonymous with the horror genre. There are many sub-genres of horror: slasher, teen terror, serial killers, satanic, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc.

Musical/dance films are cinematic forms that emphasize and showcase full-scale song and dance routines in a significant way (usually with a musical or dance performance integrated as part of the film narrative), or they are films that are centered on combinations of music, dance, song or choreography. Major subgenres include the musical comedy or the concert film.

Sci-fi films are often quasi-scientific, visionary and imaginative – complete with heroes, aliens, distant planets, impossible quests, improbable settings, fantastic places, great dark and shadowy villains, futuristic technology, unknown and unknowable forces, and extraordinary monsters (“things or creatures from space”), either created by mad scientists or by nuclear havoc. They are sometimes an offshoot of fantasy films, or they share some similarities with action/adventure films. Science fiction often expresses the potential of Содержание technology to destroy humankind and easily overlaps with horror films, particularly when technology or alien life forms become malevolent, as in the “Atomic Age” of sci-fi films in the 1950s.

War (and anti-war) films acknowledge the horror and heartbreak of war, letting the actual combat fighting (against nations or humankind) on land, sea, or in the air provide the primary plot or background for the action of the film. War films are often paired with other genres, such as action, adventure, drama, romance, comedy (black), suspense, and even epics and westerns, and they often take a denunciatory approach toward warfare. They may include POW tales, stories of military operations, and training.

Westerns are the major defining genre of the American film industry – a eulogy to the early days of the expansive American frontier. They are one of the oldest, most enduring genres with very recognizable plots, elements, and characters (six-guns, horses, dusty towns and trails, cowboys, Indians, etc.). Over time, westerns have been re-defined, re-invented and expanded, dismissed, re-discovered, and spoofed. Genre Categories: They are broad enough to accommodate practically any film ever made, although film categories can never be precise. By isolating the various elements in a film and categorizing them in genres, it is possible to easily evaluate a film within its genre and allow for meaningful comparisons and some judgments on greatness. Films were not really subjected to genre analysis by film historians until the 1970s. All films have at least one major genre, although there are a number of films that are considered crossbreeds or hybrids with three or four overlapping genre (or sub-genre) types that identify them. The Auteur System can be contrasted to the genre system, in which films are rated on the basis of the expression of one person, usually the director, because his/her indelible style, authoring vision or “signature” dictates the personality, look, and feel of the film. Certain directors (and actors) are known for certain types of films, for Movie Genres. Содержание

Activities Match the movie genres to their definitions and their examples.

Movie Genres Definition Examples Action A. intended to provoke fear in audience adventure B. Intended to be attractive for people of all ages and suitable for viewing by a young audience. Examples of this are Disney films comedy C. battlefields and locations pertaining to a time of armed conflict drama D. mainly focuses on character development crime E. involving danger, risk, and/or chance, often with a high degree of fantasy horror F. intended to provoke excitement and/or nervous tension into audience fantasy G. illusion of motion by consecutive display of static images which have been created by hand or on a computer romance H. generally involves a moral interplay between “good” and “bad” played out through violence or physical force thriller I. dwelling on the elements of romantic love animation J. intended to provoke laughter family K. places its character within realm of criminal activity war L. speculative fiction outside reality (i.e. myth, legend)

1. Ice Age: The Meltdown 10. Parents’ Trap 19. Flyboys 2. Titanic 11. Pearl Harbor 20. Snakes on a Plane 3. Scary Movie 4 12. American Pie: Band Camp 21. Signs Содержание

4. X-Men: The Last Stand 13. Memories of a Geisha 22. House of Wax 5. Final Destination 3 14. Monster House 23. King Kong 6. Brokeback Mountain 15. Freaky Friday 24. Downfall 7. James Bond: 007 16. Superman Returns 25. Crash 8. The Devil Wears Prada 17. Capote 26. The Bourne Identity 9. The Pink Panther 18. Pirates of the Caribbean 27. The Constant Gardener

CHOOSE the genre that appeals to you most and prepare a 3–5 minutes’ talk on it. Speak on the characteristic feature of the genre, its specific language. Prove all the information with the examples (you may show an extract from a movie). Содержание

Make a Pitch! A pitch is a short description to sell an idea. Film producers look at thousands of pitches. They say you can decide if a story is good with a pitch of less than 50 words. Read the pitches below. Do you recognize any of the films? 1. A rich girl meets a poor boy. They fall in love. The girl decides to leave her rich boyfriend. She and the boy are happy. But wait. This story happens on the world’s most famous ship in history. 2. A woman steals money from her office and runs away. She stops for the night at a hotel. The hotel manager is a strange man. The hotel is empty, and the woman is alone. 3. On the coast of California there is a very big shark. It kills people. Three men go out in a boat together. They want to kill the shark. 4. A spaceship answers an SOS call from another spaceship. The other spaceship is empty. They continue their journey. But now there is a new passenger on the ship. It is an alien. And it is hungry. Work in pairs and choose one of the tasks below. A. Think of a famous film. Write a pitch in no more than 50 words but don’t write the name of the film. Let your fellow students identify the film. B. Look at the pictures. Choose one picture and think of an idea for a film. Write the pitch for your film in no more than 50 words. Present your pitch to your fellow students. Содержание

Guide Steps for Writing a Film Review Writing a film review Writing a film review can seem easy at first, but is really quite a challenge. Instead of watching the movie as you would normally watch a movie, you now have to watch the movie with a critical eye while paying attention to various details. You can look at it as if you are writing a book report. You have to inform the reader what the film is about, who directed the piece and which actors star in the movie. Giving details about the historical period, characters and settings is also required. Aside from this, you also have to comment on various technical aspects such as the editing of the movie and the filming style that is used. Finally you will have to tell the reader whether or not the movie is worth seeing. Writing a movie review is easier if you go at it step by step. This way you can prevent leaving anything out. Hopefully the instructions mentioned below will set you on the right path. Step 1: Overall Impression and Plot Summary The first thing to do when planning on writing a movie review is to pick the movie. It may be that you have already been assigned a movie to write a review about. Once you have a film to review, you can start watching it. Some people prefer to take notes while watching the film so they don’t forget about things that they noticed while watching the movie. It’s always a good thing to watch a movie twice. You may notice things the second time around, that you didn’t during the first time that you watched the movie. Overall Impression. The first thing to write when doing a film review is your overall impression of the film. Make sure you know what your target audience is and use the notes that you took while watching the movie. You need to mention the film’s title, genre, time period and the names of the leading actors in the film. Don’t give away too much at this point; since this is the start of your review, you want to make it exiting and interesting for the reader to read. You want them to want to read the whole article. Plot Summary. Next you want to give a summary of the plot of the film. The plot is a pattern of events in the main story of the film. A film reviewer should summarize the key events but leave some mystery so that the reader is interested in seeing the film. Think about the beginning, middle and end of the film and select the key events that shape the story. Summarize these but don’t include the surprises that might ruin the enjoyment of the film for the viewer. Keep in mind that what you write might make the reader decide to go see the movie or not. For example, you could summarize a film based on the Cinderella fairy tale as the story of a young girl who struggles in a difficult relationship with her stepmother and stepsisters and her search for love with the magical support of a fairy godmother. Step 2: Acting, Technical Aspects and the Theme This part of your film review should talk about the actors and technical aspects of the film making process. You want to include detailed information as to why you felt a certain way. For Содержание instance, if you thought the music during the movie wasn’t appropriate, describe why you felt that way. Maybe the music wasn’t appropriate for a particular scene. Keep in mind that when writing a review, you have to have an open mind. You have to report both the positive and the negative. This should be the most opinionated part of your review. Characters. Your review should evaluate the most interesting characters in the film. Certainly you will include the major roles but may also select some of the minor characters that are especially interesting. You can discuss how the characters are developed or revealed through what they do and say. You can also consider how they interact with other characters. In a film that has popular actors you may choose to discuss their acting ability and compare or discuss their roles in other films. If you think the acting is very good, or very bad, make sure to explain why you feel this way. If an actor is an Oscar winning performer, don’t forget to mention this fact. Also discuss the appropriateness of the casting (selection of actors) to play certain roles. Using the example of the Cinderella story, you could discuss how appropriately certain actors were cast to play the roles of the wicked stepmother or stepsisters (have they played similarly wicked roles in previous films?). Technical Elements. Technical elements are used by the film director to enhance communication and make the film experience more entertaining. Each effect in the film represents a choice that the director made. As a film reviewer you could comment on how these effects contribute to the improvement of the film. Are they entertaining? Do they improve the film? There are several types of technical elements that you can consider: direction, the use of camera, editing, lighting, special effects, background music, costumes, set design, etc. Editing represents the choices that the director makes in arranging the order of the scenes in order to tell the story. Just as each sentence and paragraph adds together to tell a story, each scene builds to form the story or narrative in the film. Lighting is important to every scene but not every scene requires lighting that will be obvious to the viewer. The film reviewer could comment on lighting that they feel especially contributes to the overall effect of the film. For example, in a deserted cabin in the woods or in a haunted castle the lighting may be dark and shadowy to create the effect of mystery. Special effects are used to improve the film experience. The use of these effects varies from film to film. In some films this can have a major or critical influence on the film as a whole. Films involving magic, fantasy, science fiction and animation are some obvious examples of where special effects deserve some comments by the film reviewer. Some of these effects will involve very detailed technical knowledge. It is not necessary that you explain or understand how they were done. Instead, you could comment on the success or failure of the effects to improve the film experience. Try to be specific and use examples. Sound will be most noticeable to a young film reviewer in the form of specialized effects and music. You may choose to comment on the success of sound effects by indicating how they add to particular scenes or stimulate or reinforce an emotional response. In films that use Содержание music it will be important to comment on how this affected your response to the film as a whole. Be guided by your emotional reaction and be confident to express these feelings when evaluating the contribution of sound to the film experience. Theme. The theme is the message or recurring idea in the film. In addition to a major theme, there may be minor themes that you may also choose to discuss. You can evaluate how effectively the director communicates the theme by commenting on specific scenes and characters. As always, the more specifically you support your ideas with examples, the clearer your argument will be to the reader. In addition to commenting on the film’s effectiveness in communicating a theme or message, you may also choose to comment on the message itself. You may support the position expressed in the film or take a contrary (opposite) point of view. Again be sure to support your opinion with examples. In the classic fairy tale Cinderella, you might discuss the main theme of good triumphing over wickedness since the desirable handsome prince recognizes Cinderella’s goodness over the evilness of her two stepsisters. You could indicate how the film communicates that Cinderella is good and how the wickedness of her sisters is illustrated. In addition, you could also comment on other themes or messages in the film such as the challenges of living with stepsisters and the film’s realistic or unrealistic portrayal of this relationship. Step 3: Comparing the Movie and Conclusion Comparing the Movie. Many movies are based on books or plays. For instance, “The Twilight Saga” is based on Stephanie Meyer’s books. In this section of your review, you have to do some comparing. Is the movie similar to the book or play? If not, make sure to mention how it’s different. If the movie is a remake, obviously you want to compare it to the original. Sequels of movies can be compared in quality to the first movie. In order to do an honest review of a movie that is based on a play or book, you will have to have seen the play or read the book. If needed, this should be another step in your movie review. Conclusion. This final section of your review is your last attempt to reach the readers. You should tell them clearly to either go see the movie or to skip seeing the movie. Don’t keep readers guessing whether or not to go see the movie. State your opinion clearly. Based on all the previous comments you’ve made, they should be able to understand why you feel that they should or should not go see the movie. Checklist • I have included a title for my film review. • I have expressed my overall impression of the film. • I have summarized the plot without giving away the ending. • I have discussed significant characters and actors. • I have evaluated the film stars’ acting abilities. Содержание • I have discussed the important technical elements. • I have stated and evaluated the theme. • I have done some comparing. • I have included a strong conclusion summarizing my ideas. • I have edited my review for spelling and grammatical errors. • I have included submission details with my review. HOME TASK: Read the sample film review given below and assess it. Then write your own review of a film you have watched recently that has made a great impression on you.

Father of the Bride, directed by Charles Sayer, is a modern remake of the 1950’s film starring Spencer Tracy. This time the role of a doting father is played by Steve Martin, and Diane Keaton plays his long-suffering wife. The story begins with Martin’s daughter announcing her imminent marriage. Reluctant to see his beloved daughter leave the family nest, he feels more like he’s losing a daughter than gaining a son-in-law. As preparations for the big day get started, there follows a chain of comic events, helped along by the delightful Martin Short, superb as the wedding organizer for the occasion. Steve Martin gives just as admirable a performance as Tracy did in the original film, and brings his own unique brand of humor to the part. Father of the Bride is essentially a funny, enjoyable film, suitable for old and young alike. For those of you who like a good chuckle, it’s well worth going to see. Содержание

Stephen Edwin King, America’s best-known writer of horror fiction was born in Portland, Maine in 1947. King is one of the most popular authors in America, and a very prolific writer as well. He is a huge fan of the short story. “1408”, “The Mist”, and “Hearts in Atlantis” are just a few of the 35 short stories he wrote that have been made into movies, though perhaps the most famous is “Stand By Me”. He has written 8 story collections and a total of 124 short stories and 17 Novellas in his career. He was also selected to be the editor of The Best American Short Stories of 2007, and also won the O. Henry Award in 1996.

In the following essay King speculates about the popular appeal of horror movies. Before you begin reading, think about your own attitude toward horror films. Do you enjoy them? “Crave” them? Dislike them? Or are you indifferent? As you read, notice how assertively King presents his assumptions about people, such as the ones in the opening sentence. How does he try to get you to accept these assumptions? Is he successful? WHY WE CRAVE HORROR MOVIES I think that we’re all mentally ill; those of us outside the asylums only hide it a little better – and maybe not all that much better, after all. We’ve all known people who talk to themselves, people who sometimes squinch their faces into horrible grimaces when they believe no one is watching, people who have some hysterical fear – of snakes, the dark, the tight place, the long drop and of course, those final worms and grubs that are waiting so patiently underground. When we pay our four or five bucks and seat ourselves at tenth-row center in a theatre showing a horror movie, we are daring the nightmare. Why? Some of the reasons are simple and obvious. To show that we can, that we are not afraid, that we can ride this roller coaster. Which is not to say that a really good horror movie may not surprise a scream out of us at some point, the way we may scream when the roller coaster twists through a complete 360 or plows through a lake at the bottom of the drop. And horror movies, like roller coasters, have always been the special province of the young, by the time one turns 40 or 50, one’s appetite for double twists or 360-degree loops may be considerably depleted. We also go to re-establish our feelings of essential normality; the horror movie is innately conservative, even reactionary. Freda Jackson as the horrible melting woman in Die, Monster, Die! confirms for us that no matter how far we may be removed from the beauty of a Robert Redford or a Diana Ross, we are still light-years from true ugliness. And we go to have fun. Содержание Ah, but this is where the ground starts to slope away, isn’t it? Because this is a very peculiar sort of fun, indeed. The fun comes from seeing others menaced – sometimes killed. One critic has suggested that if pro football has become the voyeur’s version of combat, then the horror film has become the modern version of the public lynching. It is true that the mythic, “fairy-tale” horror film intends to take away the shades of gray. It urges us to put away our more civilized and adult penchant for analysis and to become children again, seeing things in pure blacks and whites. It may be that horror movies provide psychic relief on this level because this invitation to lapse into simplicity, irrationality, and even outright madness is extended so rarely. We are told we may allow our emotions a free rein … or no rein at all. If we are all insane, then sanity becomes a matter of degree. If your insanity leads you to carve up women like Jack the Ripper or the Cleveland Torso Murderer, we clap you away in the funny farm (but neither of those two amateur-night surgeons was ever caught, heh-heh-heh); if, on the other hand, your insanity leads you only to talk to yourself when you’re under stress or to pick your nose on your morning bus, then you are left alone to go about your business … though it is doubtful that you will ever be invited to the best parties. The potential lyncher is in almost all of us (excluding saints, past and present; but then, most saints have been crazy in their own ways), and every now and then, he has to be let loose to scream and roll around in the grass. Our emotions, and our fears form their own body, and we recognize that it demands its own exercise to maintain proper muscle tone. Certain of these emotional muscles are accepted – even exalted – in civilized society; they are, of course, the emotions that tend to maintain the status quo of civilization itself. Love, friendship, loyalty, kindness – these are all the emotions, that we applaud, emotions that have been immortalized in the couplets of Hallmark cards and in the verses (I don’t dare call it poetry) of Leonard Nimoy. When we exhibit these emotions, society showers us with positive reinforcement; we learn this even before we get out of diapers. When, as children, we hug our rotten little puke of a sister and give her a kiss, all the aunts and uncles smile and twit and cry, “Isn’t he the sweetest little thing?” Such coveted treats as chocolate-covered graham crackers often follow. But if we deliberately slam the rotten little puke of a sister’s finger in the door, sanctions follow – angry remonstrance from parents, aunts, and uncles; instead of a chocolate-covered graham cracker, a spanking. But anticivilization emotions don’t go away, and they demand periodic exercise. We have such “sick” jokes as, “What’s the difference between a truckload of bowling balls and a truckload of dead babies?” (You can’t unload a truckload of bowling balls with a pitchfork … a joke, by the way, that I heard originally from a ten-year-old). Such a joke may surprise a laugh or a grin out of us even as we recoil, a possibility that confirms the thesis: If we share a brotherhood of man, then we also share an insanity of man. None of which is intended as a defense of either the sick joke or insanity but merely as an explanation of why the best horror films, like the best fairy tales, manage to be reactionary, anarchistic, and revolutionary all at the same time. Содержание The mythic horror movie, like the sick joke, has a dirty job to do. It deliberately appeals to all that is worst in us. It is morbidity unchained, our most base instincts let free, our nastiest fantasies realized and it all happens, fittingly enough, in the dark. For those reasons, good liberals often shy away from horror films. For myself, I like to see the most aggressive of them – Dawn of the Dead, for instance – as lifting a trap door in the civilized forebrain and throwing a basket of raw meat to the hungry alligators swimming around in that subterranean river beneath. Why bother? Because it keeps them from getting out, man. It keeps them down there and me up here. It was Lennon and McCartney who said that all you need is love, and I would agree with that. As long as you keep the gators fed. Содержание

Language focus The essay abounds in high literary words (that is one of the major characteristics of essay writing). Look up the dictionary and find colloquial synonyms for the following words; translate them into Russian: Literary Colloq. Translation crave squinch dare province depleted essential menaced voyeur’s version combat urge

lynch exalted status quo immortalize exhibit reinforcement coveted deliberately sanctions remonstrance recoil brotherhood reactionary anarchistic morbidity shy away Содержание

Discussion 1. What value do horror movies have for your personality? 2. What do you think about the social value of horror films – or of some other kind of film? It might help to think in terms of a specific film you’ve seen recently. 3. What is the theme of the essay? 4. What techniques does the author use to accomplish the purpose: - sensory details, - facts, - statistics, - examples, - opinions. 5. A successful argument often depends on a careful definition of a key term. What term does King define? What significance does the definition have for King’s argument? How convincing do you find his definition? Find the topic sentence of the essay. 6. Why do you think King begins as he does? What advantage do you see in this topic sentence? 7. Casual arguments must be carefully organized and developed. To discover King’s plan, make a scratch outline of the selection. Then, to follow one way he keeps readers on track, analyze the transitions at the beginning of each paragraph. Begin by underlining the word or phrase that makes the exact connection with the previous paragraph. 8. How effective do you find the analogy in paragraph 3? To analyze its effectiveness, consider carefully the ways in which horror movies and roller coaster rides are similar and dissimilar. Can you think of another analogy that would work? 9. What is the concluding idea of the author? Comment on it. Содержание

How to write an essay Writing an essay can be a difficult process. Usually, an essay requires research on a specific topic. This research will serve as the information bank for the essay. Actually, the key to writing a good essay is having a well-written outline. An outline will make your essay more structured and will help with organization. Usually, an outline consists of a chronological assessment of ideas that need to be incorporated into the essay. An essay is divided into three basic parts: the Introduction, the Body, and the Conclusion. First, we will deal with the introduction. When analyzing how to write an essay, the introduction is basically the most important part of the essay. The introduction serves as the hook; it gets the reader interested, and summarizes the entire essay. A good introduction should tell the reader exactly what the essay is about. In fact, the introduction should attract the reader, and produce interest in whoever is reading the essay. The introduction shouldn’t be too long, and it should contain a thesis statement. When learning how to write a cohesive essay, it is important to remember that the thesis statement is crucial. What is the thesis statement? A thesis statement is what the writer believes and/or intends to prove. The next section of a comprehensive essay is the body. When analyzing how to write an essay it is also important to understand that the body of an essay is the primary component of a good essay. The body is what English professionals call the “meat” of the essay. Actually, when writing an outline, it is important to consider the information one wants to include in the body of the essay. The body of a good essay usually consists of several (at least two or three) paragraphs. Each paragraph should begin with what English majors call a topic sentence. The topic sentence serves a similar purpose as the thesis statement. The topic sentence is supposed to tell what the paragraph is about. When a writer develops the topic sentence and does not deviate from it, unity is achieved. If you digress, you merely confuse your reader. The topic sentence can help you maintain unity if you keep asking yourself if the example you are citing really is an example of your topic sentence. The last part of a good essay is the conclusion. The conclusion is very similar to the introduction in that it restates the main idea of the essay. It’s basically a restatement of the thesis. Always include a call to action statement in your conclusion. A call to action statement should try to ask the reader to do something or take action. A call to action statement is a great way to make the reader think right before you throw in your tagline. Finally, try to end your conclusion with a great tagline. What is a tagline? A tagline is just like the first sentence of the introduction paragraph. Some great ideas for tagline are quotes, jokes, or something that will grab the reader’s attention. It should be noted that preparation is key when learning how to write an essay. Getting started on your essay Before you start writing an essay, you need to decide three things. What are you writing about? Содержание Who do you imagine will be reading your essay? What do you want to tell them? A popular kind of essay is to offer your reader an opinion or argument. The key to doing a successful essay is to break the writing down into short, simple steps. Pre-writing for your essay Begin by brainstorming. Brainstorming doesn’t involve writing complete sentences or paragraphs. Brainstorming involves coming up with ideas in words or short phrases. Building an outline for your essay Building an outline is like drawing a map of your essay. The job of an outline is to sum up each paragraph in your essay. Outlining doesn’t involve writing complete paragraphs. But outlining is a good time to write a few sentences. Think of these as your topic sentences. Writing a draft of your essay A lot of people get nervous when it’s time to write. Don’t worry. This is going to be your first draft. The important thing is to add more to your topic sentences. • Introductory paragraph of your essay Reread your introductory sentence. Add two or three more sentences explaining the main idea. Remember that the job of your introductory paragraph is to get the reader’s attention. This sounds obvious but many students are careless about introductions, saying either too much or too little. A good introduction sets out clearly your response to the topic and how you are going to present that response. It is commonly agreed that quotation should be omitted from your introduction as this is where you are going to say what your response is, not that of others. Remember to keep your introduction short and to the point ending with a ‘feed’ into the opening paragraph of the main body of your essay. • Essay body Reread your topic sentences. Each topic sentence now becomes the first sentence of a new paragraph. Add to the first sentence of each paragraph. Write four or five more sentences to each. Use these new sentences to support and explain your ideas. You can do this by offering facts, details, or examples. Try to end each paragraph in the main body of the essay with a ‘hook’ to the next, i.e. an idea that introduces the topic of the subsequent paragraph; follow this up by opening the next paragraph with reference to the link. This will help your essay flow better and lead to your conclusion. Remember that the job of your essay body is to share ideas with your reader. See if you can convince your reader to share your opinions. Tips to follow while writing your essay: 1. As a general rule, do not write in the first person unless specifically asked to do so, i.e. Содержание avoid the use of phrases such as “I think” or “in this essay I am going to”. Rather, allow your essay to reflect a personal perception whilst being presented in an objective manner. It is useful to look at how professional writers construct essays to gain style tips (though remember, do not plagiarize under any circumstances as this is sure to be detected, is unfair on the writer whose ideas you are stealing). 2. Do not use colloquial expressions, stick to Standard English throughout. Lists (enumeration) are not a good idea unless the essay specifically requires them, as they can appear to be rushed, presenting a lot of information without sufficient explanation. 3. Use strong verbs and avoid modals to state your opinion. It is better to write: “The workplace has evolved” than “The workplace seems to have evolved.” 4. Do not translate from your mother tongue. It will quickly get you into trouble! 5. Quotations should not be too long, never more than a few lines at most, except in special circumstances. Quotations should be enclosed within quotation marks.

The complete short tips collection

Answer the A clear, logical Give your own Have a clear, relevant question. structure is essential. analysis, not mere introduction and description. conclusion.

Clear, consistent Base your essay on Try to avoid formulas, Argue your case, with references are extensive relevant clichés, and the your own point of essential. reading and research. obvious approaches. view.

Use commas We want to see Avoid a purely Don’t waffle. It’s not properly. Learn how evidence of “journalistic” style in cunning, it just to deploy semi- independent thought. academic essays. suggests you’ve got colons. little to say.

Check your spelling Don’t allude to Use the Internet – but Don’t fill an essay and punctuation. anything you’ve read with care and with irrelevant without giving a discrimination. historical detail. reference for it.

Illustrate your Construct your Seriously. Ensure your Bring the subject to points with up-to- sentences carefully. essay is the required life! date examples. length.

• Conclusion Содержание It’s time to write a final paragraph – your conclusion. A conclusion restates the main idea of your essay, and sums up what your essay is about. Do this in three or four sentences. Remember that the job of your conclusion is to leave your reader with something to think about. It is acceptable to use quotations in conclusions but not to introduce new ideas at this stage. By now, your reader should have been given such a strong sense of your central argument that no further information is necessary anyway. In your conclusion, you are just giving a more generic context to your specific thesis and tying up any loose ends which you feel have occurred during the writing of the essay. Reviewing and revising to improve your writing You can always improve your writing. The way to complete a successful essay is by looking over your work. Try reading your draft aloud. Ask yourself questions. Do you like the order of your essay? Do you need to add words so your sentences make better sense? Do you need to add any sentences so your paragraphs connect? Do you have ideas that you’d like to add more to? Do you like your introduction? Your essay body? Your conclusion? Make at least three changes that could improve your essay. Remember that even professional writers make lots of changes! Proofreading your essay to improve your writing It’s time to check your work. Read your improved essay aloud slowly. Look at details of punctuation and grammar in your writing. Are your sentences complete? Do your verbs go with your nouns? Do you need to add any missing punctuation? How’s your spelling? Remember that the job of proofreading is to catch and change anything that would stop your reader from enjoying your essay. Try catching and changing at least six mistakes. Publishing your writing Congratulations on completing your essay! Finish by saving it on your computer, and by printing it. Share your essay with a family member, friend, classmate or teacher. WRITING ASSIGNMENT Write an essay on any movie genre. Try to follow the structure of an essay: in your introductory sentence define the purpose of the essay: give not fewer than three arguments; finish up with the concluding paragraph. Содержание

TEXT ANALYSIS Plan for text analysis Literary terms handbook Text for analysis: E. Waugh, "Excursion in Reality" Language focus Interpretation and discussion Activities Discussion: Жизнь это только тень Topics for final writing assignment Содержание

Plan for Text Analysis I. Are you familiar with the author of the story? II. Look at the title. What is your prediction? Is it suggestive? Does it give any clue to the contents or not? What feelings and expectations does the title arouse? III. What is the subject matter or contents? Give a summary of the story. Remember the rules of making a summary (short, given in Present tense. Avoid detailing. Give the plot). What is the setting? Which details in the story define the setting? What is the sequence of events? Are they presented in chronological order or are there flashbacks? If any, what is their role in the narration? IV. Composition (structure): Plots generally follow a standard arrangement of parts. They are: • Exposition • Conflict • Complication(s) • Climax • Resolution Does each complication has its own resolution or do they all lead to a common resolution? Comment on the ways the author creates the stages of complication in a given narrative. How is the climax traced? V. Character study: Who are the main characters? Who are the minor characters? What is their function? What are the physical and moral features of the characters? What are the feelings the characters express? What is the way of author’s portraying the characters: direct or indirect? VI. The narrator: ¹ • First-person narrator • Third-person narrator: omniscient narrator (who knows everything about the characters and events). Limited omniscient narrator (the readers view the events and the characters through Содержание what he sees, hears and thinks). Objective narrator (the readers are presented only with facts, but they must draw inferences themselves). VII. What is the purpose of the story? Was the author successful in getting to the purpose? VIII. Comment on the language of the story: choice of words, syntax. A first-person narrator recounts events in which he or she has been involved either as a major or a minor participant. Because an “I” narrator must stay in character, he is restricted in what she knows, how she can interpret, and how he can express himself. A first-person narrator offers some advantages. An “I” narrator who is a major character can give us insight into that character’s thoughts and emotions, perhaps enable us to understand some inner transformation. Sometimes we can be drawn into an understanding that goes beyond the narrator’s limitations. This technique is effective for creating humor or irony. One variety of first-person used in this way is the innocent eye. The three types of third-person narrator range from an almost complete freedom of movement and knowledge to a strict limitation of what can be seen and heard in a particular place at a particular time. The omniscient narrator is all knowing. He is able to go anywhere, see anything, enter into the minds of any of the characters, and make comments on the story. He is clearly not a character but an author representative telling a story in which he himself is not a participant. Many authors choose to narrow that omniscience until it zeros in on the thoughts and experiences of a single character, creating what is called the limited omniscient narrator. We seem to stand, unseen, at the shoulder of his character. We view the events and the other characters through what he sees, hears and thinks. The third-person narrator that we call the objective narrator is often described as a combination of tape recorder and camera. We are not taken into the mind of any character. We are given only what could be recorded and photographed – dialogue, setting, actions. We are presented with facts, but we must draw all of the inferences ourselves. The author seems to have disappeared, but that is an illusion. Objective in this narrator’s label doesn’t mean without judgment, for the author is in control, editing the tape and directing the camera. Содержание

Literary terms handbook Characterization: Direct: when an author directly states facts about a character’s personality and his appearance. Indirect: when the author reveals a character’s personality through the character’s words, actions, behavior, or through what other characters say and think about the character. Complication – disturbs an existing situation in some way. In some stories an event takes place that becomes a complication in the main character’s life and produces a CONFLICT for the character. Conflict – is a struggle between two opposing forces which creates a tension in a narrative. Climax – is the point of our highest interest and greatest emotional involvement in the story. So it’s the point of greatest tension, that often involves the most critical decision which the central character must make and which will determine the RESOLUTION. Exposition – refers to background information, to the context in which the story takes place. Exposition includes both setting and information about characters, so the author introduces us to the people, places and situations we will need to know. Plot – is the sequence of events or actions. The plot is usually what you tell people about when you share a story with them. Resolution – it may be a moment of insight, of new understanding, on the part of the main character. In many stories, the resolution is presented in one or two sentences and may not therefore seem like a resolution. Thus “no” resolution can be one kind of resolution; the author’s point may be that the character’s life will be an endless series of complications because the character cannot or will not resolve the central conflict. Setting – it anchors a story in time and space. Setting includes landscapes and buildings, weather, seasons, physical props and characters’ clothing, as well as the wider culture, working conditions and traditions with which conflicts and action occur. The setting may be as important as any character, becoming a vital force overshadowing characters and plot. Theme – or the main idea, or the purpose, is a generalization about life that the author wants to communicate by writing a specific piece of literature. It is more than just the subject of a story or its topic. The theme involves an opinion about the subject or topic. Word choice – the selection of words in a piece of literature to convey meaning, suggest attitude and create images and general atmosphere. Содержание

Text for analysis

Evelyn Waugh Arthur Evelyn St. John Waugh (28 October 1903 – 10 April 1966), known as Evelyn Waugh, was an English writer of novels, travel books and biographies. He was also a prolific journalist and reviewer. His best-known works include his early satires “Decline and Fall” (1928) and “A Handful of Dust” (1934), his novel “Brideshead Revisited” (1945) and his trilogy of Second World War novels collectively known as “Sword of Honour” (1952–61). Waugh is widely recognized as one of the great prose stylists of the 20th century. EXCURSION IN REALITY - 1 - he commissionaire at Espinoza’s restaurant seems to maintain under his particular authority all the most decrepit taxicabs in London. He is a commanding man; across his great chest the student of military medals may construe a tale of heroism and experience; Boer farms sink to ashes, fanatical fuzzi-wuzzies hurl themselves to paradise, supercilious mandarins survey the smashing of their porcelain and rending of fine silk, in that triple row of decorations. He has only to run from the steps of Espinoza’s to call to your service a vehicle as crazy as all the enemies of the King-Emperor. Half a crown into the white cotton glove, because Simon Lent was too tired to ask for change. He and Sylvia huddled into the darkness on broken springs, between draughty windows. It had been an unsatisfactory evening. They had sat over their table until two because it was an extension night. Sylvia would not drink anything because Simon had said he was broke. So they sat for five or six hours, sometimes silent, sometimes bickering, sometimes exchanging listless greetings with the passing couples. Simon dropped Sylvia at her door; a kiss, clumsily offered, coldly accepted; then back to the attic flat, over a sleepless garage, for which Simon paid six guineas a week. Outside his door they were sluicing a limousine. He squeezed round it and climbed the narrow stairs that had once echoed to the whistling of hostlers, stamping down to the stables before dawn. (Woe to young men in Mewses! Oh, woe to bachelors half in love, living on £ 800 a year!) There was a small heap of letters on his dressing-table, which had arrived that evening while he was dressing. He lit his gas fire and began to open them. Tailor’s bill £ 56, hosier £ 43; a reminder that his club subscription for that year had not yet been paid; his account from Espinoza’s with a note informing that the terms were strict, net cash monthly, and that no further credit would be extended to him; ‘it appeared from the books’ of his bank that his last cheque overdrew his account £ 10 16s. Beyond the limit of his guaranteed overdraft; a demand from the income-tax collector for particulars of his employees and their wages (Mrs. Shaw, Содержание who came in to make his bed and orange juice for 4 s. 6 d. a day); small bills for books, spectacles, cigars, hair lotion and Sylvia’s last four birthday presents. (Woe to shops that serve young men in Mewses!) The other part of his mail was in marked contrast to this. There was a box of preserved figs from an admirer in Fresno, California; two letters from young ladies who said they were composing papers about his work for their college literary societies, and would he sent a photograph; press cuttings describing him as a ‘popular’, ‘brilliant’, ‘meteorically successful’, and ‘enviable’ young novelist; a request for the loan of two hundred pounds from a paralysed journalist; an invitation to luncheon from Lady Metroland; six pages of closely reasoned abuse from a lunatic asylum in the North of England. For the truth, which no one who saw into Simon Lent’s heart could possibly have suspected, was that he was in his way and within his limits quite a famous young man. There was a last letter with a typewritten address, which Simon opened with little expectation of pleasure. The paper was headed with the name of a Film Studio in one of the suburbs of London. The letter was brief and businesslike. Dear Simon Lent (a form of address, he had noted before, largely favoured by the theatrical profession), I wonder whether you have ever considered writing for the Films. We should value your angle on a picture we are now making. Perhaps you would meet me for luncheon to-morrow at the Garrick Club and let me know your reaction to this. Will you leave a message with my night secretary some time before 8 a.m. to-morrow or with my day secretary after that hour? Cordially yours. Below this were two words in pen and ink which seemed to be Jewee Meccee with below them the explanatory typescript (Sir James Macrae). Simon read this through twice. Then he rang up Sir James Macrae and informed his night secretary that he would keep the luncheon appointment next day. He had barely put down the telephone before the bell rang. ‘This is Sir James Macrae’s night secretary speaking. Sir James would be very pleased if Mr. Lent would come round and see him this evening at his house in Hampstead.’ Simon looked at his watch. It was nearly three. ‘Well… it’s rather late to go so far to-night…’ ‘Sir James is sending a car for you.’ Simon was no longer tired. As he waited for the car the telephone rang again. ‘Simon,’ said Sylvia’s voice, ‘are you asleep?’ ‘No; in fact I’m just going out.’ ‘Simon… I say, was I beastly to-night?’ ‘Lousy.’ Содержание ‘Well, I thought you were lousy, too.’ ‘Never mind. See you some time.’ ‘Aren’t you going to go on talking?’ ‘Can’t, I’m afraid. I’ve got to do some work.’ ‘Simon, what can you mean?’ ‘Can’t explain now. There’s a car waiting.’ ‘When am I seeing you – tomorrow?’ ‘Well, I don’t really know. Ring me up in the morning. Good night.’ A quarter of a mile away, Sylvia put down the telephone, rose from the hearthrug, where she had settled herself in the expectation of twenty minutes’ intimate explanation and crept disconsolately into bed. * * * Simon bowled off to Hampstead through deserted streets. He sat back in the car in a state of pleasant excitement. Presently they began to climb the steep little hill and emerged into an open space with a pond and the tops of trees, black and deep as a jungle in the darkness. The night butler admitted him to the low Georgian house and led him to the library, where Sir James Macrae was standing before the fire, dressed in ginger-coloured plus-fours. A table was laid with supper. ‘Evening, Lent. Nice of you to come. Have to fit in business when I can. Cocoa or whisky? Have some rabbit pie; it’s rather good. First chance of a meal I’ve ever had since breakfast. Ring for some more cocoa, there’s a good chap. Now what was it you wanted to see me about?’ ‘Well, I thought you wanted to see me.’ ‘Did I? Very likely. Miss Bentham’ll know. She arranged the appointment. You might ring the bell on the desk, will you?’ Simon rang and there instantly appeared the neat night secretary. ‘Miss Bentham, what did I want to see Mr. Lent about?’ ‘I’m afraid I couldn’t say, Sir James. Miss Harper is responsible for Mr. Lent. When I came on duty this evening I merely found a note from her asking me to fix an appointment as soon as possible’. ‘Pity,’ said Sir James. ‘We’ll have to wait until Miss Harper comes on tomorrow.’ ‘I think it was something about writing for films.’ ‘Very likely,’ said Sir James. ‘Sure to be something of the kind. I’ll let you know without delay. Содержание Thanks for dropping in. He put down his cup of cocoa and held out his hand with unaffected cordiality. ‘Good night, my dear boy.’ He rang the bell for the night butler. ‘Sanders, I want Benson to run Mr. Lent back.’ ‘I’m sorry, sir. Benson has just gone down to the studio to fetch Miss Grits.’ ‘Pity,’ said Sir James. ‘Still, I expect you’ll be able to pick up a taxi or something.’ - 2 - Simon got to bed at half-past four. At ten minutes past eight the telephone by his bed was ringing. ‘Mr. Lent? This is Sir James Macrae’s secretary speaking. Sir James’s car will call for you at half-past eight to take you to the studio.’ ‘I shan’t be ready as soon as that, I’m afraid.’ There was a shocked pause; then the day secretary said: ‘Very well, Mr. Lent. I will see if some alternative arrangement is possible and ring you in a few minutes.’ In the intervening time Simon fell asleep again. Then the bell woke him once more and the same impersonal voice addressed him. ‘Mr. Lent? I have spoken to Sir James. His car will call for you at eight forty-five.’ Simon dressed hastily. Mrs. Shaw had not yet arrived, so there was no breakfast for him. He found some stale cake in the kitchen cupboard and was eating it when Sir James’s car arrived. He took a slice down with him, still munching. ‘You needn’t have brought that,’ said a severe voice from inside the car. ‘Sir James has sent you some breakfast. Get in quickly; we’re late.’ In the corner, huddled in rugs, sat a young woman in a jaunty red hat; she had bright eyes and a very firm mouth. ‘I expect that you are Miss Harper.’ ‘No. I’m Elfreda Grits. We’re working together on this film, I believe. I’ve been up all night with Sir James. If you don’t mind I’ll go to sleep for twenty minutes. You’ll find a thermos of cocoa and some rabbit pie in the basket on the floor.’ ‘Does Sir James live on cocoa and rabbit pie?’ ‘No; those are the remains of his supper. Please don’t talk. I want to sleep.’ Simon disregarded the pie, but poured some steaming cocoa into the metal cap of the thermos flask. In the corner Miss Grits composed herself for sleep. She took off the jaunty red hat and laid it between them on the seat, veiled her eyes with two blue pigmented lids and allowed the firm lips to relax and gape a little. Her platinum-blonde wind-swept head bobbed and swayed with the motion of the car as they swept out of London through converging and diverging tram Содержание lines. Stucco gave place to brick and the facades of the tube stations changed from tile to concrete; unoccupied building plots appeared and newly-planted trees along unnamed avenues. Five minutes exactly before their arrival at the studio Miss Grits opened her eyes, powdered her nose, touched her lips with red, and pulling her hat on to the side of her scalp, sat bolt upright, ready for another day. * * * Sir James was at work on the lot when they arrived. In a white-hot incandescent hell two young people were carrying on an infinitely tedious conversation at what was presumably the table of a restaurant. A dozen emaciated couples in evening dress danced listlessly behind them. At the end of the huge shed some carpenters were at work building the facade of a Tudor manor house. Men in eyeshades scuttled in and out. Notices stood everywhere. Do not Smoke. Do not Speak. Keep away from the high-power cable. Miss Grits, in defiance of these regulations, lit a cigarette, kicked some electric apparatus out of her path, said, ‘He’s busy. I expect he’ll see us when he’s through with this scene,’ and disappeared through a door marked No admittance. Shortly after eleven o’clock Sir James caught sight of Simon. ‘Nice of you to come. Shan’t be long now,’ he called out to him. ‘Mr. Briggs, get a chair for Mr. Lent.’ At two o’clock he noticed him again. ‘Had any lunch?’ ‘No,’ said Simon. ‘No more have I. Just coming.’ At half-past three Miss Grits joined him and said: ‘Well, it’s been an easy day so far. You mustn’t think we’re always as slack as this. There’s a canteen across the yard. Come and have something to eat.’ An enormous buffet was full of people in a variety of costume and make-up. Disappointed actresses in languorous attitudes served cups of tea and hard-boiled eggs. Simon and Miss Grits ordered sandwiches and were to eat them when a loudspeaker above their heads suddenly announced with alarming distinctness, ‘Sir James Macrae calling Mr. Lent and Miss Grits in the Conference Room.’ ‘Come on, quick,’ said Miss Grits. She bustled him through the swing doors, across the yard, into the office building and up a flight of stairs to a solid oak door marked Conference. Keep out. Too late. ‘Sir James has been called away,’ said the secretary. ‘Will you meet him at the West End office at five-thirty?’ Back to London, this time by tube. At five-thirty they were at the Piccadilly office ready for the next clue in their treasure hunt. This took them to Hampstead. Finally at eight they were back at Содержание the studio. Miss Grits showed no sign of exhaustion. ‘Decent of the old boy to give us a day off,’ she remarked. ‘He’s easy to work with in that way – after Hollywood. Let’s get some supper.’ But as they opened the canteen doors and felt the warm breath of light refreshments, the loud- speaker again announced: ‘Sir James Macrae calling Mr. Lent and Miss Grits in the Conference Room.’ This time they were not too late. Sir James was there at the head of an oval table; round him were grouped the chiefs of his staff. He sat in a greatcoat with his head hung forward, elbows on the table and his hands clasped behind his neck. The staff sat in respectful sympathy. Presently he looked up, shook himself and smiled pleasantly. ‘Nice of you to come,’ he said. ‘Sorry I couldn’t see you before. Lots of small things to see to on a job like this. Had dinner?’ ‘Not yet.’ ‘Pity. Have to eat, you know. Can’t work at full pressure unless you eat plenty.’ Then Simon and Miss Grits sat down and Sir James explained his plan. ‘I want, ladies and gentlemen, to introduce Mr. Lent to you. I’m sure you all know his name already and I daresay some of you know his work. Well, I’ve called him in to help us and I hope that when he’s heard the plan he’ll consent to join us. I want to produce a film of Hamlet. I daresay you don’t think that’s a very original idea – but it’s angle that counts in the film world. I’m going to do it from an entirely new angle. That’s why I’ve called in Mr. Lent. I want him to write dialogue for us.’ ‘But surely,’ said Simon, ‘there’s quite a lot of dialogue there already?’ ‘Ah, you don’t see my angle. There have been plenty of productions of Shakespeare in modern dress. We are going to produce him in modern speech. How can you expect the public to enjoy Shakespeare when they can’t make head or tail of the dialogue? D’you know I began reading a copy the other day and blessed if I could understand it. At once I said, “What the public wants is Shakespeare with all his beauty of thought and character translated into the language of everyday life.” Now Mr. Lent here was the man whose name naturally suggested itself. Many of the most high-class critics have commended Mr. Lent’s dialogue. Now my idea is that Miss Grits here shall act in an advisory capacity, helping with continuity and the technical side, and that Mr. Lent shall be given a free hand with the scenario...’ The discourse lasted for a quarter of an hour; then the chiefs of staff nodded sagely; Simon was taken into another room and given a contract to sign by which he received £ 50 a week retaining fee and £ 250 advance. ‘You had better fix up with Miss Grits the times of work most suitable to you. I shall expect your first treatment by the end of the week. I should go and get some dinner if I were you. Must eat.’ Содержание Slightly dizzy, Simon hurried to the canteen where two languorous blondes were packing up for the night. ‘We’ve been on since four o’clock this morning,’ they said, ‘and the suppers have eaten everything except the nougat. Sorry.’ Sucking a bar of nougat Simon emerged into the now deserted studio. On three sides of him, to the height of twelve feet, rose in appalling completeness the marble walls of the scene- restaurant; at his elbow a bottle of imitation champagne still stood in its pail of melted ice; above and beyond extended the vast gloom of rafters and ceiling. ‘Fact,’ said Simon to himself, ‘the world of action… the pulse of life… Money, hunger… Reality.’ * * * Next morning he was called with the words, ‘Two young ladies waiting to see you.’ ‘Two?’ Simon put on his dressing-gown and, orange juice in hand, entered his sitting-room. Miss Grits nodded pleasantly. ‘We arranged to start at ten,’ she said. ‘But it doesn’t really matter. I shall not require you very much in the early stages. This is Miss Dawkins. She is one of the staff stenographers. Sir James thought you would need one. Miss Dawkins will be attached to you until further notice. He also sent two copies of Hamlet. When you’ve had your bath, I’ll read you my notes for our first treatment.’ But this was not to be; before Simon was dressed Miss Grits had been recalled to the studio on urgent business. ‘I’ll ring up and tell you when I’m free,’ she said. Simon spent the morning dictating letters to everyone he could think of; they began – Please forgive me for dictating this, but I am so busy just now that I have little time for personal correspondence… Miss Dawkins sat deferentially over her pad. He gave her Sylvia’s number. ‘Will you get on to this number and present my compliments to Miss Lenox and ask her to luncheon at Espinoza’s… And book a table for two there at one forty-five.’ ‘Darling,’ said Sylvia, when they met, ‘why were you out all yesterday, and who was that voice this morning?’ ‘Oh, that was Miss Dawkins, my stenographer.’ ‘Simon, what can you mean?’ ‘You see, I’ve joined the film industry.’ ‘Darling. Do give me a job.’ Содержание ‘Well, I’m not paying much attention to casting at the moment – but I’ll bear you in mind.’ ‘Goodness. How you’ve changed in two days!’ ‘Yes!’ said Simon, with great complacency. ‘Yes, I think I have. You see, for the first time in my life I have come into contact with Real Life. I’m going to give up writing novels. It was a mug’s game anyway. The written word is dead – first the papyrus, then the printed book, now the film. The artist must no longer work alone. He is part of the age in which he lives; he must share (only of course, my dear Sylvia, in very different proportions) the weekly wage envelope of the proletarian. Co-operation… co-ordination… the hive endeavor of the community directed to a single end…’ Simon continued in this strain at some length, eating meantime a luncheon of Dickensian dimensions, until, in a small miserable voice, Sylvia said: ‘It seems to me that you’ve fallen for some ghastly film star.’ ‘O, God,’ said Simon, ‘only a virgin could be as vulgar as that.’ They were about to start one of their old, interminable quarrels when the telephone boy brought a message that Miss Grits wished to resume work instantly. ‘So that’s her name,’ said Sylvia. ‘If you only knew how funny it was,’ said Simon scribbling his initials on the bill and leaving the table while Sylvia was still groping with gloves and bag. * * * As things turned out, however, he became Miss Grits’ lover before the week was out. The idea was hers. She suggested it to him one evening at his flat as they corrected the typescript of the final version of their first treatment. ‘No, really,’ Simon said aghast. ‘No, really. It would be quite impossible. I’m sorry, but…’ ‘Why? Don’t you like women?’ ‘Yes, but…’ ‘Oh, come along,’ Miss Grits said briskly. ‘We don’t get much time for amusement…’ And later, as she packed their manuscripts into her attaché case she said, ‘We must do it again if we have time. Besides I find it’s so much easier to work with a man if you’re having an affair with him.’ For three weeks Simon and Miss Grits (he always thought of her by this name in spite of all subsequent intimacies) worked together in complete harmony. His life was redirected and transfigured. No longer did he lie in bed, glumly preparing himself for the coming day; no longer did he say every morning ‘I must get down to the country and finish that book’ and every evening find himself slinking back to the same urban flat; no longer did he sit over supper tables with Sylvia, idly bickering; no more listless explanations over the telephone. Instead he pursued a routine of incalculable variety, summoned by telephone at all hours to conferences Содержание which rarely assembled; sometimes to Hampstead, sometimes to the studios, once to Brighton. He spent long periods of work pacing up and down his sitting-room, with Miss Grits pacing backwards and forwards along the other wall and Miss Dawkins obediently perched between them, as the two dictated, corrected and redrafted their scenario. There were meals at improbable times and vivid, unsentimental passages of love with Miss Grits. He ate irregular and improbable meals, bowling through the suburbs in Sir James’s car, pacing the carpet dictating to Miss Dawkins, perched in deserted lots upon scenery which seemed made to survive the collapse of civilization. He lapsed, like Miss Grits, into brief spells of death-like unconsciousness, often awakening, startled, to find that a street or desert or factory had come into being about him while he slept. * * * The film meanwhile grew rapidly, daily putting out new shoots and changing under their eyes in a hundred unexpected ways. Each conference produced some radical change in the story. Miss Grits in her precise, invariable voice would read out the fruits of their work. Sir James would sit with his head in his hand, rocking slightly from side to side and giving vent to occasional low moans and whimpers; round him sat the experts – production, direction, casting, continuity, cutting and costing managers, bright eyes, eager to attract the great man’s attention with some apt intrusion. ‘Well,’ Sir James would say, ‘I think we can O.K. that. Any suggestions, gentlemen?’ There would be a pause, until one by one the experts began to deliver their contributions… ‘I’ve been thinking, sir, that it won’t do to have the scene laid in Denmark. The public won’t stand for travel staff. How about setting it in Scotland – then we could have some kilts and clan gathering scenes?’ ‘Yes, that’s a very sensible suggestion. Make a note of that, Lent…’ ‘I was thinking we’d better drop this character of the Queen. She’d much better be dead before the action starts. She hangs up the action. The public won’t stand for him abusing his mother.’ ‘Yes, make a note of that, Lent.’ ‘How would it be, sir, to make the ghost of the Queen instead of the King…’ ‘Yes, make a note of that, Lent…’ ‘Don’t you think, sir, it would be better if Ophelia were Horatio’s sister. More poignant, if you see what I mean.’ ‘Yes, make you a note of that…’ ‘I think we are losing sight of the essence of the story in the last sequence. After all, it is first and foremost a Ghost Story, isn’t it?’ And so from simple beginning the story spread majestically. It was in the second week that Sir Содержание James, after, it must be admitted, considerable debate, adopted the idea of incorporating with it the story of Macbeth. Simon was opposed to the proposition at first, but the appeal of the three witches proved too strong. The title was then changed to The White Lady of Dunsinane, and he and Miss Grits settled down to a prodigious week’s work in rewriting their entire scenarios. The end came as suddenly as everything else in this remarkable episode. The third conference was being held at a hotel in the New Forest where Sir James happened to be staying; the experts had assembled by train, car and motor-bicycle at a moment’s notice and were tired and unresponsive. Miss Grits read the latest scenario; it took some time, for it had now reached the stage when it could be taken as ‘white script’ ready for shooting. Sir James sat sunk in reflection longer than usual. When he raised his head, it was to utter the single word: ‘No.’ ‘No?’ ‘No, it won’t do. We must scrap the whole thing. We’ve got much too far from the original story. I can’t think why you need to introduce Julius Caesar and King Arthur at all.’ ‘But, sir, they were your own suggestions at the last conference.’ ‘Were they? Well, I can’t help it. I must have been tired and not paying full attention… Besides, I don’t like the dialogue. It misses all the poetry of the original. What the public wants is Shakespeare, the whole of Shakespeare and nothing but Shakespeare. Now this scenario you’ve written is all very well in its way – but it’s not Shakespeare. I’ll tell you what we’ll do. We’ll use the play exactly as he wrote it and record from that. Make a note of it, Miss Grits.’ ‘Then you’ll hardly require my services any more?’ said Simon. ‘No, I don’t think I shall. Still, nice of you to have come.’ Next morning Simon woke bright and cheerful as usual and was about to leap from his bed when he suddenly remembered the events of last night. There was nothing for him to do. An empty day lay before him. No Miss Grits, no Miss Dawkins, no scampering off to conferences or dictating of dialogue. He rang up Miss Grits and asked her to lunch with him. ‘No, quite impossible, I’m afraid. I have to do the continuity for a scenario of St John’s Gospel before the end of the week. Pretty tough job. We’re setting it in Algeria so as to get atmosphere. Off to Hollywood next month. Don’t suppose I shall see you again. Good-bye.’ Simon lay in bed with all his energy slowly slipping away. Nothing to do. Well, he supposed, now was the time to go away to the country and get on with his novel. Or should he go abroad? Some quiet cafe-restaurant in the sun where he could work out those intractable last chapters. That was what he would do… sometime… the end of the week perhaps. Meanwhile he leaned over on his elbow, lifted the telephone and, asking for Sylvia’s number, prepared himself for twenty-five minutes’ acrimonious reconciliation. Содержание

Language focus I. Find the following adjectives in the text and translate them into Russian. stale blue-pigmented impersonal final steep sensible listless interminable decrepit subsequent languorous urban deserted prodigious precise jaunty radical disappointed incalculable miserable improbable invariable steaming emaciated

II. Find the English equivalents. 1. газетные вырезки 2. популярный, блестящий, быстро добившийся успеха молодой писатель, которому можно позавидовать 3. тщательно продуманные оскорбления 4. безотлагательно 5. остатки ужина 6. вход воспрещен 7. демонстративно пренебрегая этими предписаниями 8. ценить чье-либо мнение о фильме тотчас 9. Его жизнь перевернулась и переменилась 10. немедленно 11. договориться, условиться о встрече Содержание

12. в состоянии приятного возбуждения 13. по срочному делу 14. дать свободу действий в написании сценария 15. не проявлять признаков усталости 16. в полной гармонии 17. пережить упадок цивилизации 18. сюжет развивался быстро 19. готовый к съемкам сценарий 20. самодовольно Содержание

Interpretation and discussion 1. What do you know about the writer of this work? 2. Comment on the title of the story. What are your predictions about the contents of the story? 3. Where is the scene of the story laid? 4. Name the main character of the story. How is he portrayed by the narrator? 5. What is the exposition of the story? What are the readers presented with in the exposition? 6. What is the conflict of the story? 7. How does the plot develop next? Find all the complications of the conflict. 8. How was Simon’s life transfigured when he began to work for the studio? How did it reflect on Simon’s behavior? On his relations with Sylvia? 9. What was the outcome of their retreatment of Shakespeare’s play? 10. Comment on two Realities depicted in the story. 11. What is the message of the story? 12. What vices of the world of arts are shown by the author? 13. Comment on the language of the story. Содержание

Activities 1. Suppose you are Elfreda Grits and you are to write a report on your collaboration with Simon. How would you characterize him? Do you think you would promote Simon Lent for other producers? Why/Why not? 2. How do you think Sylvia viewed Simon? Imagine that she kept a diary and write two short entries for it: one for the first night’s parting, and the other for the day of meeting Simon when he got his job. 3. Imagine that Simon is an assertive, strong personality, who got used to defending his point of view. Think of what he would say during the last but one reading of the scenario, when all the present tried to introduce a great number of strange amendments to the scenario: How about setting it in Scotland…, I was thinking we’d better drop this character of the Queen…, Don’t you think, sir, it would be better if Ophelia were Horatio’s sister.., etc. HOME TASK Analyze the story according to the plan. Содержание

Discussion In the story “Excursion in reality”, having conceived a new version of “Hamlet”, Sir James admits that there have been plenty of productions of Shakespeare in modern dress. This is not just fiction. A lot of directors all over the world have tried to interpret Shakespeare’s plays and characters in their own way. Here is an article about one of such attempts. Read the article and discuss in groups of 3 or 4 all the pros and cons of such “new” interpretations and productions. Are alterations to original (classical) stories worth making? Why / why not? Express your opinion. Give arguments. ЖИЗНЬ – ЭТО ТОЛЬКО ТЕНЬ Кама Гинкас собрал в одном спектакле всех трагических шутов Шекспира. Кама Гинкас впал в дерзость простоты. Он превратил всех трагических персонажей Шекспира в шутов. Что может быть естественней? Ведь Шекспир сам позволил ему это, сказав, что весь мир – театр. В его спектакле действуют «Гамлет, Ромео, Макбет, Джульетта, король Лир, Офелия, Ричард III, леди Анна, Просперо и другие шуты». Их монологи, диалоги, трио и квинтеты перемешаны в причудливой карнавальной логике, где зловещий горбун поёт любовную песенку Юрия Антонова, а Ромео, только что «паломничавший» к губам Джульетты, уже держит в руках череп бедного Йорика, вспоминая, как целовал его в губы. Этой логике карнавальных и роковых перемен, смешных и зловещих метаморфоз подвержены, по Гинкасу, все герои Шекспира, образуя одну человечью семью, в начале своих дней не ведающую, что станет в следующий миг. Они просачиваются в мир спектакля сквозь занавес, прямо из зрительного зала – вереница трагических персонажей в шутовских колпаках и одеждах, сопровождаемые двумя профессиональными шутами – актёрами А. Дубровским и С. Лавыгиным. Безукоризненно элегантная комическая пара – их интонации не натужны, их, порой мрачноватый, если не сказать чёрный, юмор звучит по-детски непосредственно. Впрочем, и с ними судьба играет в такой же карнавал, как и с другими, превращая то в убийц, то в могильщиков, то в привратников ада. На заре шекспировских трагедий – великая любовь. Джульетта (Т. Рыбинец) так чудесна, что и добавить нечего. Хрупкая, нервная, юная, всего ждущая, на всё готовая, она уже через несколько мгновений узнаёт шутовские гримасы жизни. Её любимый Гамлет в дерзко-юном обличье Ромео (С. Белов) внезапно скажет «Я не люблю тебя» и отправит в монастырь, снабдив обидными словами. Шут, превратившийся на миг в Полония (С. Лавыгин), прошествует с табличкой «Полоний или будет хуже». Но куда уж хуже – любовь не просто скончалась под сводами семейного склепа, сражённая ненавистью посторонних, но была убита самим любимым, так что и жаловаться некому. Содержание Они открывают вереницу Шутов, «шествующих стезёю удовольствия в этот весёленький вечный огонь». Невинная юная любовь преображается в страшную сцену женской похоти, у гроба мужа празднующей свою вечную победу над душой. Леди Анна, стареющая и жеманная примадонна этого адова карнавала (О. Демидова), готова отдаться Ричарду (И. Балалаев), убийце мужа, прямо тут, у его тела (а телом «прикинулся» Ромео–Гамлет). Он превратится в Калибана, он станет кровавым Макбетом, а у Эдгара, сына Глостера (Р. Бондарев), прикинувшегося блаженным Томом, под бумажной юбкой юродивого окажется огромный накладной фаллос из папье-маше. Через юность и зрелость семья шекспировских «шутов» неукротимо движется к пропасти конца, и прямо над нею – то есть буквально свесивши ноги со сцены, яростно и страстно кричит «Дуй, ветер, дуй!» Лир в бумажном колпаке. Уже не до шутовских ужимок, только тишина и ярость остались на краю этой пропасти. Яростный, пылающий Лир Игоря Ясуловича и смиренный, ослеплённый Глостер Валерия Баринова бьются в тисках своей безумной мысли, пытаясь понять метаморфозы судьбы. «Жизнь – это только тень, комедиант, / Паясничавший полчаса на сцене. / И тут же позабытый; это повесть, / Которую пересказал дурак: / В ней много слов и страсти, нет лишь смысла». Содержание

Topics for inal writing assignment Read the following quotations. Choose one that appeals to you most and write an essay on this topic. 1. Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world (Jean-Luc Godard). 2. Cinema should make you forget you are sitting in a theatre (). 3. Cinema is the ultimate pervert art. It doesn’t give you what you desire – it tells you how to desire (Slavoj Žižek). 4. The cinema is an invention without a future (Louis Lumiére). 5. A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the baby-sitter were worth it (Alfred Hitchcock). 6. There’s no thief like a bad movie (Sam Ewing). 7. Having your book turned into a movie is like seeing your oxen turned into bouillon cubes (John LeCarre). 8. Never judge a book by its movie (J.W. Eagen). 9. “I would have practically done all my films in 3D. There is something that 3D gives to the picture that takes you into another land and you stay there and it’s a good place to be…” (Martin Scorsese). 10. It would have been more logical if silent pictures had grown out of the talkies instead of the other way around (Mary Pickford). 11. “I’ve spent several years in Hollywood, and I still think the movie heroes are in the audience” (Wilson Mizner). 12. Acting is like a Halloween mask that you put on (River Phoenix). Содержание Содержание

INTRODUCTION INTO THE TOPIC Essential vocabulary on the topic Vocabulary work Future trends Содержание

Essential vocabulary on the topic Study the following words and expressions, give Russian equivalents.

I. Future Trends 1. recession / economic recession / business recession / recession in demands affluence / to live in affluence / affluent (society) unsurpassed expenditure receipts and expenditures expenditure account alleviate loophole 2. personal computers / portable computers computer network via computer computer graphics wireless access to data credit card personal robots high-speed magnetically levitated trains (maglev) domestic carriers fast-food places modular plastic housing fusion reactor virtual reality II. The Healing Arts a beacon of hope to conduct an experiment (a meeting / a campaign / an inquiry) to combat the disease malignancy / malignant tumour / AmE tumor malignant tumor, tumorcells antitumor hormone to transfuse / transfusion Содержание to implant / implant / implantation to transplant / transplant / transplantation nerve cells viral infection home health-care monitoring system nutrition, malnutrition intestinal and respiratory diseases life-threatening diseases skin cancer enzymes DNA helix nanotechnology biotechnology protein engineering immune system to immunize / immunity / immunization to vaccinate / vaccine / vaccination gene, genome memory enhancing drugs / memory recall drugs senility / premature senility / senile diseases holistic medicine acupuncture artificial kidney, blood, etc. body tissues III. Space space program / technology / flight spaceship / spacecraft / space rocket spacesuit space-vehicle launching site outer space / universe cosmos / cosmic galaxy asteroid meteorite Содержание comet constellation satellite solar system planet / planetary / interplanetary low gravity planet / low level gravity attractive force / power Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Orion orbit / orbital to put / to place (a rocket, a spaceship, etc.) into orbit to launch (a rocket, an artificial earth satellite, etc.) to explore / exploration / explorer NASA = national aeronautics and space administration astronaut / cosmonaut shuttle cockpit a space dwelling / a space station velocity / speed (of light, of sound) eclipse (of the moon/of the sun; lunar/solar; full, total/partial) a being from outer space / an extraterrestrial / an alien UFO = Unidentified Flying Object flying saucer poltergeist Содержание

Exercise 1. Some of the amazing achievements of modern technology are listed here. Match the names with their definitions.

1. photocopier 7. modem 13. plasma screen 2. DVD player 8. word processor 14. satellite dish 3. fax machine 9. camcorder 15. laptop / notebook 4. three-D / 3-D 10. scanner 16. cable TV 5. laser printer 11. palmtop / handheld 17. liquid-crystal 6. smart buildings 12. interactive TV display (LCD) a) a system for broadcasting TV programs in which signals are sent through underground wires; b) a computer small enough to fit in your hand; c) a camera which records moving pictures and sound; d) a machine for transferring pictures and texts into a computer; e) a film or picture made so that it appears to be three dimensional; f) an object like a dish which is fixed to the outside of a house where people wish to receive satellite television; g) a type of TV or computer screen that is much thinner than other types of screens; h) a piece of equipment allowing you to send information from one computer down telephone lines to another computer; i) a machine that can play a digital versatile disk (an object like a CD that has a film or TV program recorded on it); j) the part of a watch, calculator, or computer where numbers and letters are shown by means of an electric current that is passed through a special liquid; k) a machine, especially one connected to a computer system, that produces printed material by means of laser light; l) a machine which makes copies of documents and sends them down telephone lines to another place; m) a lightweight portable computer that usually fits in a briefcase; Содержание n) a machine which makes copies of documents; o) a kind of sophisticated typewriter using a computer; p) a TV set where you can choose exactly what to watch and when, and which can also be used as a computer for the Internet, etc.; q) computer-controlled buildings where things like lighting, heating, security, etc. are completely automatic. Exercise 2. Read the sentences connected with computers and the Internet. Translate them into Russian. Explain what the words in bold mean. 1) Some ISPs (Internet Service Providers) allow you to screen out unwanted mail. 2) Our server at work was down yesterday so I didn’t get your message till today. 3) Someone hacked into our company server and destroyed all our files. 4) Do you have good anti-virus software? It’s worth updating it frequently. 5) If your computer has a virus it may crash. Because of this you should make a back-up copy. 6) Some computers are more user-friendly than others. 7) In order to get online you must connect your computer to a phone line using a modem. 8) On the Internet, there are different search engines you can use such as “Yahoo” or “Rambler” to find what you are looking for. 9) When you go online, you can browse different websites and download stuff from the Internet. 10) She must have changed her e-mail address – the e-mail I sent her bounced. 11) The file you sent me as an attachment was unreadable. The text was completely garbled. 12) If you subscribe to newsgroups, you often get hundreds of messages. 13) Do you ever visit any home pages for pop stars or film stars? Some of them have photos and music too. 14) I belong to a great chat room (chat forum). There are about ten people who are all interested in 1960s music. We text one another almost every day, and can talk live to one another. 15) I’ve bookmarked the CNN home page as I use it regularly to get the latest news. 16) I sent a photo of my house by e-mail to my friend in Canada, but it took ages to upload and I spent 20 minutes online. Содержание 17) I’ve had your message in my inbox for two days but haven’t had time to read it yet. 18) I checked my outbox and there must have been about 6000 messages with an attachment! Exercise 3. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with a proper term given in the table. There is one extra term which is not used. Where Are We Going?

electricity friction elimination susceptibility deformity access synthesis genetic engineering dissemination of magnetism retardation combustion information levitation genetics computer networks transplantation metaphysics In the near future, there will be advances in almost every area. Consider transportation. Pollution from (1) ______of gasoline will have become so bad all over the world that future cars will run on (2) ______. Long-distance transportation will be handled by new high-speed maglev, or magnetic (3) ______trains. These trains will “levitate”, or float, over guideways. Since they do not touch the guideways, there will be no (4) ______to restrict their speed. The force of (5) ______will be used in powering them. Another area in which we’ll see great changes is (6) ______. So much progress has been made in genetic research that scientists will soon master the isolation and (7) ______of certain “negative” genes which cause such phenomena as (8) ______to debilitating diseases, mental (9) ______, mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and physical (10) ______. We will also make great progress in agriculture and food development. (11) ______will provide new varieties of drought- and pest-resistant wheat, corn and soybeans, allowing much greater quantities of these crops to be raised. Greater strides will be made in food (12) ______; we’ll be able to make food that tastes exactly like steak or pasta out of materials such as soybeans and other food bases that will be developed. Probably the greatest advance of all, however, will take place in the (13) ______. We live today in what is called the Information Age, and the centrality and availability of information will accelerate. We will have offices without paper. Through membership in (14) ______, most citizens will have (15) ______to much of the world’s knowledge through their own home computers. What this all means is that we’ll have developed the how. What we need to think about is the why and the if. For this reason, there will come a corresponding interest in (16) ______Содержание and mysticism; there seems to be a natural human tendency to want some things to remain unexplained. Do we really want to know everything and be able to control everything? How many of these advances are desirable or even necessary? Will we be able to use them ethically? Only time will tell. Exercise 4. The following verbs are useful in scientific contexts. Read the sentences below and fill in the gaps with suitable verbs in the right form.

invent analyze experiment combine react intensify press discover switch on/off rotate find examine patent dissect research increase pull conclude flash insert decrease synthesize push 1. He ______with a number of different materials before ______the right one. 2. The technician ______a button and lights started ______. 3. When she ______a control lever, the wheel began to ______. 4. The zoologist ______the animal. 5. When they were ______, the two chemicals ______violently with each other. 6. Luckily, the new system ______the risk to public health. 7. Green plants ______carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. 8. After ______the problem, the physicist ______that there was a flaw in his initial hypothesis. 9. We are ______for a ban on nuclear testing. 10. James Watt ______the steam engine and Alexander Fleming, another Scot, ______penicillin. 11. She ______the hair sample under a microscope. 12. After ______the computer, ______a floppy disk into the disk drive. 13. However, excess vitamin C can ______some of the side-effects of the pill. 14. You must ______your invention as quickly as possible. 15. What’s the use of worrying? The machine ______automatically. 16. The physician ______the dosage from one to four pills. 17. Scientists have spent years ______into the effects of certain chemicals on the human brain. Содержание Exercise 5. Match the words in the left-hand column with those in the right to make common collocations. 1. personal a) network 2. fusion b) places 3. credit c) account 4. computer d) computers 5. economic e) robots 6. expenditure f) card 7. fast-food g) recession 8. affluent h) reactor 9. portable i) carriers 10. domestic j) society Exercise 6. What type of technology or scientific achievement would you associate the following with? Find the answer in the box below. 1. A round the world yachtsman/woman trying to establish his/her exact position. 2. A designer creating a new type of computer keyboard which would be more efficient. 3. A scientist producing a new type of wheat which does not need to be sprayed against insects. 4. A computer that could make decisions for itself. 5. A camera that does not use film. 6. The near-reality you can get with certain computer programs. 7. The process of treating defective genes to get rid of diseases. 8. A sheep identical in absolutely every respect to the sheep standing next to it. 9. A baby whose genetic features have been chosen by its parents. 10. Doing business via a computer. 11. Traveling to other planets. 12. Artificial organs (hearts, kidneys, muscles, etc.) made of materials practically identical to human tissue that are not rejected by the recipient’s immune system. artificial intelligence (AI) e-commerce virtual reality GPS navigation system designer babies biotechnology protein engineering gene therapy cloning Содержание

Exercise 7. Complete the following list with the name of specialists in the particular fields. What do these new branches of science study? Science Scientist genetics ______molecular biology ______cybernetics ______information technology ______geopolitics ______bioclimatology ______ergonomics ______nuclear engineering ______astrophysics ______voice technology ______cryogenics ______eugenics ______Exercise 8. Rephrase the following sentences using your active vocabulary. 1. The medication instantly relieved the patient’s pain. 2. The charitable organization urged citizens to donate by asserting that more wealthy nations have a responsibility to help impoverished countries. 3. His attorney has been looking for an excuse that would allow him to get out of the deal. 4. Everything had gone wrong except the quality of the magazine, which remained unequalled. 5. His prosperity is a result of a large family inheritance, not hard work. 6. The economy will begin to pull out of decline in the second quarter of this year. 7. The company’s profits exceeded $ 2 million. 8. Our monthly expenses are exceeding our budget, so we’ll have to make some cutbacks. 9. Finland’s 200 members of parliament are due to vote on May 23 whether or not to build a new nuclear reactor. 10. Right from the start, I could see there was no obvious let-out. Содержание

Future Trends The coming of the 21st century hardly went unnoticed, for certainly it became a time of change. For some people the turn of the century represents hope: an end of current troubles, a time of reconciliation with nations and with nature. For others it’s a time that evokes fear: a climax to the world’s present course of destruction, a time to face the inevitable consequences of our actions. And still others view the coming century scientifically – as a logical extension of today’s world. So, what does our future look like? • In general, are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future? Why? • More specifically, is human civilization advancing or declining? What indications do you see to support your idea? • Name five countries which to your mind will be most powerful in the year 2500? Give the foundation for your choice. • Using your artistic abilities, draw a picture of what you imagine a human being will look like one million years from today. HOME TASK: Compile your predictions for the coming 50 years in the following spheres. Use your active vocabulary. • Technological advances. • Medicine. • Education. • Social life. • Occupations and jobs. • Means of transportation. • Urbanization. • Space exploration. • Computing. • Trends in future art. • Fashion. Содержание

THE HEALING ARTS Holistic medicine Genetic Engineering Articles for discussion Содержание

Holistic Medicine Holistic medicine is a term used to describe therapies that attempt to treat the patient as a whole person. That is, instead of treating an illness, as in orthodox allopathy, holistic medicine looks at an individual's overall physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing before recommending treatment. A practitioner with a holistic approach treats the symptoms of illness as well as looking for the underlying cause of the illness. Holistic medicine also attempts to prevent illness by placing a greater emphasis on optimizing health. The body's systems are seen as interdependent parts of the person's whole being. Its natural state is one of health, and an illness or disease is an imbalance in the body's systems. Holistic therapies tend to emphasize proper nutrition and avoidance of substances — such as chemicals — that pollute the body. Their techniques are non-invasive.

Exercise 1. Nowadays a lot of people prefer alternative medicine to typical western systems. What’s the difference between the following types of non- traditional medicine? Which one(s) do you find most effective and trustworthy? Do you know any other reliable methods of alternative medicine?

Acupuncture, herbal therapy, aromatherapy, homeopathy, chiropractic, hirudotherapy (leeching), hydrotherapy, bioenergetics, hypnotherapy, manual therapy, magnetotherapy, vibrotherapy, thalassotherapy, api(o)therapy, Tibetan medicine, holistic medicine, image therapy, starvation diet (nestitherapy). Exercise 2. Match the words in the left-hand column with those in the right to make collocations. 1. protein a) tissues 2. holistic b) system 3. antitumor c) diseases 4. to conduct d) helix 5. skin e) infection 6. artificial f) tumor 7. nerve g) hormone 8. premature h) engineering 9. body i) kidney Содержание 10. viral j) an experiment 11. malignant k) medicine 12. DNA l) cells 13. immune m) cancer 14. senile n) senility Exercise 3. What are the noun derivatives from the following verbs? 1) to enhance, 2) to immunize, 3) to infect, 4) to experiment, 5) to vaccinate, 6) to recall, 7) to transfuse, 8) to transplant, 9) to implant, 10) to acupuncture, 11) to threaten, 12) to monitor. Exercise 4. Give synonyms from your active vocabulary. 1) resistant to, 2) non-natural, man-made, 3) illness, 4) decrepitude, 5) ability to remember, 6) untimely, 7) to inoculate, 8) improving, strengthening, 9) old, 10) to carry out, 11) a ray of hope, 12) graft, 13) nourishment, 14) observing, controlling, 15) enteric, 16) health protection, 17) dangerous, harmful, 18) to fight, 19) malnourishment, 20) swelling, neoplasm, 21) spiral. Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with a suitable word or expression from your active vocabulary. 18. Sunbathing is not a good idea these days anyway as it can lead to ______if overdone. 19. The doctor assuaged my worries when she told me that the ______in my breast was most likely benign. 20. Computer simulations have shown that such devices could transmit signals similar to a pulse from a ______. 21. Researchers now need to conduct further ______. 22. The Queen Mother is still recovering from a blood ______for anemia a month ago. 23. Rabies is a ______that affects the nervous system. Содержание 24. Some 30,000 people in Ireland suffer from Alzheimer’s ______. 25. Making a fresh resolution to eat properly I was tempted to attribute a large part of my recent debility to inadequate ______. 26. The psychological libido is dominated by the female ______estrogen. 27. The patient had undergone complicated head surgery for removal of a large ______. 28. The owner’s name and address is stored on a microchip and ______in the dog’s body. 29. However, their injuries are not thought to be ______. 30. Food shortages and ______have had their biggest impact on Afghan girls. 31. According to recent research, the human ______consists of surprisingly few genes. 32. My three-year-old daughter Daisy needs a heart and lung ______– she’s been desperately ill since the day she was born. 33. The food is now reduced to molecules tiny enough to slip through the ______wall into the bloodstream. 34. The ancient medical system of ______and acupressure is going mainstream for the first time in India. 35. Whether the ______system consists of one ______or more than one is not known. 36. Developments in ______will enable growers to change key features of their crops. 37. In addition to flu many people – especially the elderly – have been hospitalized with other severe viral ______problems. 38. The company’s diagnostic ______biochip is the first commercially available of its type. 39. At IBM, ______research is focused on understanding the basic principles of how things work at the molecular or subatomic level. 40. ______abnormalities can make it dangerous for many affected children to receive certain live vaccinations. 41. Sports scientist Ross Tucker suggests that certain ______are associated with injury. 42. Initial tests and X-rays revealed nothing more serious than ______damage and bruising. Содержание 43. We can get ______identification from a single hair you’ve got on your head. 44. To you youngsters my advanced age of fifty-two represents ______. 45. As a pediatrician, I regularly encounter the issue of parents refusing to ______their children. 46. The Maple Leaf Pharmacy in Twickenham, west London, specializes in alternative and ______alongside its conventional chemist business. 47. Evans said a difference can be made for children trapped in extreme poverty with a polio ______that costs just 30 cents. 48. Researchers hope the advance can someday help engineers design better ______hearts and other muscular organs. 49. Farms in China, where bird flu is considered endemic, already ______their flocks regularly. 50. Using your brain more at work may protect you from becoming ______, researchers say. Exercise 6. A person with the sixth sense may experience different unusual phenomena. Which of the phenomena listed in the box below have you experienced if you: 1) suddenly think of someone two minutes before they phone you? 2) feel certain someone cannot be trusted although you have no real reason to believe so? 3) walk into a strange room and feel you have been there before? 4) refuse to travel on a plane because you feel something bad is going to happen? 5) see someone in white disappearing into a wall? Содержание

Exercise 7. Grammar revision. Read the following composition about genetic engineering. Find and correct the errors in the use of articles. Some of the errors appear more than once. Genetic Engineering

People say we will soon be able to perform a genetic engineering. I am against this for several reasons. First, it is dangerous to tamper with the nature because we don’t know what will happen. We could upset the balance of the nature. For example, people are against the mosquito because it carries a malaria. Suppose we change the DNA of the mosquito so that it will die off. That will end a malaria, but it will upset the balance of the nature because certain other species eat mosquitoes and won’t be able to survive. Second, genetic engineering will take away a people’s control over their own lives. Suppose scientists develop the capability to end violent behavior by eliminating a particular gene from future generations. This may stop a violence, but this type of genetic engineering will make people behave as someone else has determined, not as they themselves have determined, and it will reduce a responsibility. Third, a genetic engineering will remove a chance from our lives. Part of what makes life interesting is the unpredictability. As far as I am concerned, we should leave a genetic engineering to the Creator. Содержание

Articles for discussion Study the following article. Answer the questions below. “Dave, call your doctor.” It wouldn’t stop. Even now the nagging continued. “Quiet!” he hollered. He knew it wouldn’t help. The sensors in the arms of his LaZ-Boy rocker had already detected his quickening pulse, his systolic pressures. The impulses went directly to a medical computer programmed with everything from his particular genetic sequence to the details of his personal nutrition. In general it helped: at fifty Dave still looked thirty-five. But today he didn’t want help. It had been only two months since the divorce. Today he wanted privacy. “Dave, your blood pressure is way up,” said a voice within the chair. “Your pulse is too fast.” “Dammit!” said Dave. He didn’t need the furniture to tell him about stress. He got off the chair and went to the bathroom. A display flashed over the toilet. URINALYSIS IMBALANCE OF STRESS-RELATED HORMONES. He went to the refrigerator and punched the button for a beer. Nothing happened. “Given your current stressful state, alcohol ingestion is not recommended,” the fridge said. “All right already. I give up!” He stomped to the telephone and called his doctor’s number. “I’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Frank,” he told the secretary. “He knows,” said the secretary. Dave’s vital statistics had long since been transmitted to Dr. Frank’s computer. “We’ve been expecting your call.” * * * Advances in biotechnology will make Homo sapiens the first species capable of controlling its own evolution. The current project to decode the human genome will eventually produce a genetic road map of specific human characteristics. With this map it may be possible to manipulate the genes, thus stimulating the production of specific hormones and enzymes before a child is even born. Using this technique, parents and doctors may be able to eliminate genetic disease, select for blue eyes, or engineer athletic ability in the unborn. Application of Biotechnology in medicine: 1. Gene therapy is one of the application of biotechnology which is used to diagnose and treat diseases like cancer and Parkinson. 2. Through various genetically modified animals and plant scientist are trying to make various Biopharmaceuticals to treat various disease. 3. Pharmacogenomics is one of the applications in which the genetic information of an individual is studied. Using this genetic information the behavior of certain drugs on body can be studied. So that according to the genetic information favorable drugs can be prepared. Содержание 4. Genetic testing is also an important application in which the genetic disease in children and parents can be identified. 5. Many hormones, chemicals and enzymes for pharmaceuticals industries are produced using biotechnology. 6. The gene of interest can be introduced into the body using genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology. 7. With the help of biotechnology various antibiotics are developed and are used. 8. Production of vaccines for animals and humans. By 2020 home health-care monitoring systems will diagnose disease, recommend treatment, and communicate with physicians’ and pharmacists’ computers. Monitoring technology will be embedded in the home. The toilet will analyze urine; a favorite chair will take blood pressure and feed it to a computer filled with medical intelligence. If the patient’s blood pressure has increased since the last reading, the system will recommend a course of action. Patients’ genetic sequences will be on file at the pharmacy, enabling the pharmacist to tailor medications to each individual’s genetic makeup. Tiny computers will be implanted at nerve cells to stimulate artificial limbs, enhance memory, and improve the ability to taste, smell, see, and hear. Some, like the futurist Ray Kurzweil, predict that nanotechnology will lead to a revolution, allowing us to make any kind of product for virtually nothing; to have computers so powerful that they will surpass human intelligence; and to lead to a new kind of medicine on a sub- cellular level that will allow us to abolish ageing and death. Doctors will inject tiny submarine like machines capable of attacking bacteria and viruses. Some will travel the bloodstream, destroying foreign bacteria. Others will fight viral infections. They will enter a cell, unwind the DNA helix, proofread the genetic material, edit out any viral material, and then repackage the cell with all the proteins back in place. Eventually people may choose to walk around with nanomachines inside as an integral part of their immune system. Nanotechnology will make us look back at surgery with scalpels the same way we look at the use of leeches today. We'll learn more about intervening in our biology at the sub-cellular level and this nano-medicine will give us new hope of overcoming really difficult and intractable diseases, such as Alzheimer's, that will increasingly afflict our population as it ages. Life expectancy will inch toward age ninety and beyond. For the Japanese, average life span may reach as high as one hundred in the next century. But it is doubtful that much further progress will be made, because of the basic instructions that are programmed into the body's DNA. Treatment of senility will become a growing concern, and the aging population will place a heavier toll on public health-care systems. In the end society will object to heroic lifesaving measures for the very old. Содержание Traditional Chinese Medicine refers to a broad range of medicine practices sharing common theoretical concepts which have been developed in China and are based on a tradition of more than 2,000 years, including various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage (Tui na), quichong (typically a qigong practice involves rhythmic breathing, coordinated with slow stylized repetition of fluid movement, and a calm mindful state) and dietary therapy. These practices are a common part of medical care throughout East Asia, but gain increased stature in the Western world. In the near future more Americans and Europeans will travel to China to search out cures for cancer, AIDS, and other life-threatening diseases. Special clinics just for foreign patients will emerge as a staple of the Chinese medical establishment. Artificial hearts, kidneys, and muscles will become commonplace. Protein engineering will make it possible for doctors to create artificial organs with materials that are virtually identical to human tissue but that resist rejection by the recipient’s immune system. People will die not from disease but from the natural breakdown of body tissue. The main health problems of South America will remain the “poverty diseases”, including intestinal and respiratory disease, malnutrition, and infectious disease that can be prevented through vaccination. Pollution-born disease will increase. Periodic epidemics will arise as First World pharmaceutical companies dump stocks of expired medicines or of medicines not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Such epidemics will fall into two categories: diseases such as diphtheria and polio, which spread due to expired vaccines and because people do not get vaccinated; and deformities from inadequately tested medications such as thalidomide. AIDS will spread across southern Africa along transportation and migration routes. A number of AIDS-like epidemics may emerge as the HIV virus continues to change. QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. What is the general essence of the extract? 2. What are the advantages of monitoring technology embedded in the home? What are the disadvantages? 3. How do you follow the idea of monitoring technology? Would you like to have this system embedded in your home? Why?/Why not? 4. What does biotechnology deal with? What are the recent achievements in biotechnology? 5. Surf the Internet to find information about nanotechnology? In what spheres is it used nowadays? 6. What is traditional Chinese medicine? Is it popular nowadays? 7. What are the advantages of protein engineering? 8. What are the main health problems in the world today? What are the reasons of life- threatening diseases? HOME TASK: Search for the information about the most interesting issues of modern medicine. Render the material; prepare the vocabulary on the topic (if necessary). Содержание

SPACE EXPLORATION Space exploration is redefining what we think of as “travel”. Just as the early explorers were pioneers in long-distance travel, astronauts are now expanding the usable territory of the universe. The idea of living in space is also becoming more of a reality. Furthermore, given the expense of such exploration, space travel is also offering new opportunities for global cooperation.

Speculate on the following.

Should people colonize space? What is your opinion? Give your pros and cons.

Vocabulary work Role-play Space (text for discussion) Smart Homes (text for discussion) Project work: Space dwellings Содержание

Exercise 1. What do we call the following?

1. Space and everything that exists in it. 2. A group of stars in the sky named after the pattern they form. 3. A mass of rock like a very small planet that goes around the Sun, especially between Mars and Jupiter. 4. A journey into space. 5. An extremely large group of stars and planets. 6. A large body in space that moves round a star, especially round the sun. 7. A round flat object believed to be a spacecraft from another planet. 8. A short period when all or part of the Sun or Moon becomes dark. 9. A bright object in space that has a tail of gas and dust. 10. The path taken by an object moving around a larger object in space. 11. A vehicle shaped like a tube that travels in space. 12. An object that is sent into space to travel round the Earth in order to receive and send information. 13. A piece of rock that has fallen from space and landed on the ground. 14. A laboratory in space that people can live in for long periods of time. 15. A vehicle that travels into space and back to Earth and lands like a plane. Exercise 2. WORD SEARCH Hidden in the grid below are words related to space exploration. They can occur forward, backward, horizontally, vertically, or even diagonally. As you find each word, write it down in your paper. The first one is done for you. Содержание















U Z S P A C E S H I P G H I E Содержание

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the word in bold. 1. The cargo vessel is scheduled to dock at the ………… station on Saturday. ORBIT 2. There is uncertainty how much ………… radiation reaches the Martian surface. COSMOS 3. The …………, in its vastness, is populated by myriad alien life forms. UNIVERSAL 4. The next step is to survey stars closer to the sun, looking for habitable worlds in Earth’s own ………… neighborhood. GALAXY 5. Mr. Day said that Russia’s ………… exploration program had suffered with the country’s economic woes. PLANET 6. All strongly magnetized planets in our ………… system have radiation belts. SUN 7. The two things that drive engineering, science and technology strongest are space ………… and war. EXPLORE 8. Held, 40, is an American …………… engineer who has worked on NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. AERONAUTICS 9. China is considered a leader in the business of ………… satellites, but analysts say it is still years behind the United States. LAUNCH 10. And let me tell you, no matter what they call it now – space probing, ……… or what have you – it’s still flying. ASTRONAUT 11. Neil Armstrong spent nearly three hours walking on the ………… surface, collecting samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs. MOON 12. Gravitation, or gravity, as it is often called, is the ………… force which, for instance, causes objects to fall to the earth. ATTRACT 13. Scientists searching for signs of ………… life have started looking in a pretty unexpected place. ALIENATE 14. Man defeats ………… life form and again becomes master of his world. ARTIFICIALITY 15. His specialized knowledge and resourcefulness assisted in investigations into two ………… shuttle accidents. Содержание SPACIOUS 16. Particles had no mass and moved through space at the ………… of light. SPEEDY 17. The middle of the year saw a very rare ………… event: a transit of the planet Venus across the face of the Sun. ASTRONOMY

Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English using your active vocabulary.

1. Гравитация – это невидимая сила, называемая еще силой тяготения, которая притягивает планеты друг к другу. 2. Роль Земли в Солнечной системе уникальна: это единственная планета, на которой есть условия для жизни. 3. У Земли есть только один спутник – Луна, – двигающийся вокруг Земли по орбите. 4. Энтузиасты надеются, что к 2030 году первые астронавты смогут ступить на Марс. В ходе дальнейших полетов будут, возможно, построены космические базы. Разрастаясь и совершенствуясь, они, в конце концов, смогут стать площадкой для запуска космических кораблей в более отдаленные глубины космоса. 5. Астероиды – это большие глыбы калия и металла, оставшиеся без употребления 5 миллиардов лет назад. 6. В 1687 году английский физик и астроном Исаак Ньютон написал книгу под названием «Математические начала натуральной философии», которая навсегда изменила представления людей о Вселенной и об их месте в ней. 7. Вселенная – это все, что существует, от атома до галактик. В соответствии с теорией Большого взрыва, Вселенная возникла в результате ужасного, невообразимо мощного взрыва более 15 миллиардов лет назад. 8. Существование внеземных цивилизаций всегда привлекало внимание ученых. 9. Тихо Браге, датский ученый, открыл первую звезду в 1572 году. Это открытие принесло ему славу. Всего же он открыл 700 звезд. 10. Хотя космическая программа началась в США в 1962 году, первая женщина- космонавт полетела в космос в 1983 году. Она была отобрана НАСА из 8370 кандидатов. 11. Найдена планета, потенциально пригодная для жизни, которая находится на расстоянии 20 световых лет от Земли за пределами Солнечной системы. По версии американских астрономов, на поверхности небесного тела может быть вода в жидком состоянии, а оцениваемая сила гравитации указывает на наличие атмосферы. Как Содержание сообщают авторы открытия из Калифорнийского университета в городе Санта-Круз и Института Карнеги в Вашингтоне, если эти заключения соответствуют действительности, то речь идет о планете с наиболее оптимальными для жизни (помимо Земли) условиями среди всех до сих пор открытых небесных тел. Exercise 5. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the suitable words from the box. Russian Space Science

resources research (2) rockets expenditure satellites atmosphere equipment orbited cosmonautics surface spaceship launched sputnik planets gravitation outer space Earth space sun exploration

Mankind always dreamed of overcoming 1)______and reaching other 2)______. At the beginning of the 20th century the great Russian scientist Tsiolkovsky predicted that “mankind will not remain on 3)______forever”. Half a century later his words came true, the dream became a reality. It happened on October 4, 1957, when the 1st artificial satellite, the 4)______, was launched. Then the most remarkable event in the history of 5) ______took place. On April 12, 1961 the 6)______“Vostok”, piloted by Yuri Gagarin went up. He 7)______the Earth only once, staying in space for 108 minutes. Mankind will always remember him. A new era of man’s exploration of 8)______began. This day went down in history of mankind as an outstanding achievement, opening the 9) ______era. Many space 10)______went up by Russian cosmonauts. Russia has 11) ______more than 2300 space vehicles designed to perform a variety of functions. Unmanned 12)______have been of great significance in the exploration and peaceful use of outer space. They help us learn more about the relations between processes occurring on the 13)______and near the earth and study the structure of the upper 14) ______. These satellites are provided with scientific 15)______for space navigation of civil aviation and ship, as well as 16)______of the World Ocean, the earth’s 17)______and its natural 18)______. Recently there have been calls to reduce 19)______on space 20)______programmes. It would be a serious mistake to allow this to happen. There is a direct link between the development of space 21)______programmes and different earth technologies. The higher the former are the more developed the latter are. Содержание

Role-play Work in a small group. Imagine that a committee is now interviewing people who will live on the space station. Two people should form the committee, and the rest should be potential inhabitants. The committee should ask questions about a person’s fitness and qualification and motivation for living in space. The applicants can be anyone you choose – an “invented/ imaginary person” or you personally. Conduct the interview and select the people who will be best suited for life in space.

WRITING ASSIGNMENT Imagine that you are now living on the space station on some planet. You may write a letter, a poem, a story, a newspaper report; use any form you feel is appropriate and explain what your typical day is like. But, whatever you do, FIB! The entire composition is to be one outrageous fabrication – the wilder, the better! Содержание

The following two texts describe the near future as far out habitation is concerned. Study them and get ready to discuss. SPACE Someday people will inhabit worlds other than Earth. When that day comes, they may find themselves living in colonies already on the drawing boards, thanks to the National Space Society (NSS), a 25,000-member advocacy group that recently sponsored the “space Habitat Design Competition”. Intended to get people thinking about housing on the outer frontier, the contest inspired 59 designs, ranging from outlandish proposals for zero-gravity playgrounds to carefully engineered prototypes for our future homes in space. To stand a chance of winning, the habitats had to be self-sufficient, serve some economic purpose (such as mining), and offer radiation shielding, internal and external transportation and recreation. The prize, offered by a society member who had requested anonymity, was $ 2.000 for each of the winners in three design categories – lunar base, Bernal sphere (a large, rotating cylinder), and free-form – but officials actually chose only two winners. According to David Brandt, a program director for the NSS, no first prize was awarded in the Bernal sphere category because none of the entries were true Bernal spheres. First prize in the lunar base category went to Christopher Bartz’s moon dwelling. Built by robots along the perimeters of four craters, this collective society would house 600 people. It would start with only one crater, a landing base, then expand to make way for satellite assembly facilities. “It’s much easier to launch satellites from the moon than from Earth because it takes less fuel to reach escape velocity,” explains Bartz, an architect from Austin, Texas. The winner in the free-form category, “The Asteroid Resource Colony”, designed by New York City architects, combines the economic incentive with the prospect of homesteading in space. Steel tethers would attach its four pods to an asteroid and hold them in orbit. Inside these pods, some of the 14,000 inhabitants would tend gardens, raise livestock, or study the universe. Others would monitor robots working beneath the asteroid’s surface, mining metals and minerals, extracting water, and producing marketable products such as rocket fuel and steel. The habitat would be constructed from asteroid materials. First a mining and processing station, which might be cone shaped, would land on the surface and begin burrowing. Workers would take the lode and turn it into concrete and steel, which they would use to build four huge capsule-shaped pods – their homes. These would attach to the central station with steel tethers and, propelled by low-powered boosters, would slowly revolve around it. The centrifugal force would simulate low-level gravity. The colony would be a Shangri-la in space. Each capsule would have a different climate – Содержание tropical, arid, aquatic, or temperate – in which the inhabitants could grow all types of food and raise livestock. Fiber optics would bring light in from outside the colony. Large elevators would run inside the steel tethers. The colony’s self-sufficiency earned it the prize. “Asteroids are so distant that designs must stress self-sufficiency,” says judge John Spencer, a Los Angeles architect and developer. “But such capabilities are not implausible. Nuclear submarines are nearly self-sufficient and can stay underwater for several months.” The design is not without flaws, however, “I admit that what I’ve suggested is very naive,” explains Veliz, who designs lobbies and office space. “But in forty to fifty years, I’m sure that advances in space technology will knock our socks off. What I have proposed is like living in 1939 and trying to say what a 2747 would look like.” Will we actually live on asteroids? “Some may say it’s far-out,” states Leonard David, “but not impossible.” “It’s not a crazy concept. We would see something like this in our lifetime.” Even with its tight budget, NASA hasn’t ignored asteroids. “We’ve tried to understand near-Earth asteroid evolution, orbits, numbers, distribution,” notes Carl Pilcher, director of the science division at NASA’s Office of Exploration. “And we have studied the potential for resource utilization since the late Seventies. The question is whether it is practical to consider gathering those resources. It may not be.” One drawback is that most asteroids are between one and three years travel from Earth. Whether NASA uses any of these ideas, the NSS’s David calls the contest a success, and Brandt says the organization may hold another competition next year. “Anytime you can get people thinking about life in space, and other people considering those thoughts, you’ve won something. Once the interest is there, the reality follows.” DISCUSSION 1. What is the main idea of the text? 2. What style does it belong to? Comment on the topic of discussion and vocabulary. 3. What was the competition held by the NSS devoted to? 4. How many designs were presented for the competition? 5. What were the requirements to the designs? Enumerate them. 6. How many categories were chosen for the competition? 7. Why wasn’t the first prize awarded in the Bernal sphere? Describe the winner moon dwelling in the lunar base category. 8. What was the winner in the free-form category? 9. What material will be helpful in the construction of the habitat? 10. What will the inhabitants eat? 11. Will we actually live on asteroids? Содержание

Smart Homes. What are they?

Cars have central locking, electric windows, remote controlled mirrors, CD auto changers – and the rest! And factories, offices and shops are often highly automated, giving staff control over the environments, and making buildings more efficient. Automatic doors, blinds that close when the sun comes out, infra-red lighting controls – they are all becoming commonplace. But you don’t find that sort of thing in people’s homes much or do you? We do have remote controls for our TVs, we do have smoke detectors and passive infra-red burglar alarms, we do have timers on our central heating. But all these devices are separate entities. Each affects only one activity or aspect of the home. Smart Homes are about something much more exciting. They are about using the latest information and communication technology to link all the mechanical and digital devices available today – and so create a truly interactive house. We are not just talking about mansions for the very rich, or sheltered houses – although this technology is a godsend to people with disabilities, of course – we’re talking about tower blocks, terraced houses, stately houses, crofts and cottages as well as newly-built homes. And it’s not just new build. Smart Homes retrofitting involves less effort than rewiring – so existing buildings can easily be converted. The system is flexible and the components are getting smaller and more affordable all the time. In reality the applications are limited only by the imagination of the person installing it. So here, just as a taster, are some of the things you can do, starting with the front door. You walk up to your house. One contact with the tag reader, and the alarm switches off, the door unlocks and the lights and fire go on. And when a visitor calls, you could have any kind of alarm, such as lights flashing, for those who like listening to loud music, or a spoken message, for the partially sighted. Then thanks to a tiny camera in the doorbell, the TV is automatically switched on to display a picture of the caller door instant identification. Everything is completely controllable. This can be done by something that most people are probably comfortable with – a normal TV remote control. But instead of just changing channels, this can be used to open the front door, turn on the l lights, light the fire, close the windows, and even switch on the hi-fi. There are infra-red sensors in every ceiling, so it doesn’t matter which room you are in – you can make things happen anywhere in the house. For example, special extensions can give you remote control over any household appliance that plugs into a normal mains socket. Or you can build motors into the furniture, and do some more radical things like having cupboards that Содержание glide down for easy access, solving the dilemma of whether to have workspace or storage space in the kitchen. Or you can have a sink that goes up and down – ideal for households where one person is in a wheelchair. Or where the children can actually be persuaded to do the washing-up! And of course you can have normal switches for all these features, as well as the remote control. But the Smart Home is not just about push button control. It really comes into its own when your choices are enhanced by information from the various sensors that are built into the house. The system knows which door and windows are open, which are closed, how warm each room is, what the weather’s doing, if there’s any smoke or gas in the atmosphere – it even knows which rooms have people in them thanks to the passive infra-red detectors. It can also be programmed to do certain things at certain times of the day, like switch on the central heating – or changing the lighting, or checking for activity around the house. So, say you like to listen to the radio in the evening while you are getting ready for bed. You can set up the system so that the radio will come on automatically when you step into the bedroom but only if it’s after 10.30 p.m. Or you can have it so that the radio wakes you up in the morning, the kettle comes on to boil as soon as you sit up, and the bath starts running as soon as your feet hit the floor. And don’t worry about it overflowing, there are checkers and safety mechanisms built into everything. For example, the bath is timed to fill for exactly seven and a half minutes, and it can even add hot water to take account of the air temperature in the bathroom! There are virtually no limits to this kind of thinking. Curtains which close when it gets dark are already available – but wouldn’t it be handy if the windows also closed – to just a crack when it’s chilly, or nice and wide on balmy sunny nights? Or, again only in the summer, how about if the windows stayed shut to keep insects out while you read your book, then opened automatically when you turned off the light! Of course Smart Homes also offer some serious benefits when it comes to safety and security. The gas detectors will detect any gas leak, so the system can switch off the gas before the explosion can happen. Or the smoke detectors can be hooked up to a local monitoring system. You could use infra-red to check that people are OK, maybe sending an alarm to a warden – or by phone to a relative – of there’s been no movement by, say, 10.00 in the morning. In creating Smart Homes the aim is not to automate for the sake of it, but to build up a specification that responds to real needs which people may have. The report identifies four groups of people who might benefit especially – households in which both partners are working, highly mobile households, families in middle age, and people with physical disabilities and older people. Smart Homes ideas can help people to make better use of their homes, do more things there and (in many cases) live more independently. Many people are convinced that Smart Homes will be commonplace within a very few years. This study looks at the potential and the possibilities, based on experience of the two trial homes (two prototypes are a bungalow in New York and a flat in Edinburgh). Much of it is Содержание concerned with the technicalities – but with the aim of bringing the concept of the Smart Homes closer to reality, especially for those who are elderly or have disabilities, for whom the benefits are only too obvious. We hope that it will start a debate about the usefulness of Smart Homes technology and lead too much greater awareness of its possibilities. QUESTIONS FOR COMPREHENSION AND DISCUSSION 1. What is a “smart Home”? (Surf the Internet for additional information about Smart Homes). 2. What are its benefits? 3. Does it sound matter of fact to you or is it like a sci-fi? 4. Imagine a Smart Home is your reality, assess the possible pros and cons! 5. What things around the house would you like to be controlled in the way it’s described in the text? 6. Thinking globally about the convenient future where else would you like the similar technologies to be introduced to make our life more comfortable and efficient? Содержание

Space Dwellings

Group of 3–4 persons will work out the project of either a space dwelling or a smart home. You should define the following aspects: • purpose of your dwelling (a habitat, a scientific research station, an interplanetary station, etc.); • design; • means of communication; • who and what the future inhabitants will be. Present your projects in class. Содержание


The genre of science-fiction is a specific literary genre, dealing with the world of imagination, peopled with invented characters – monsters or ghosts, or extraterrestrials. Science fiction stories feature the exploits of engineers, inventors, and scientists. They are preferably written by people who were fully qualified to talk about scientific matters, present or future. The list below contains some definitions of this literary genre: • Science fiction is fiction dealing with recent or imaginary discoveries and technological advances. • This branch of literature looks into the future of mankind. • Science fiction describes travels through time and space. • Science fiction deals with probable, possible and impossible scientific discoveries and inventions. • Science fiction is a kind of escapism. • The language of science fiction stories is very peculiar: it contains many technological terms. • These stories differ from an ordinary story in many ways: in time, in location, in types of characters. 1. Are you familiar with science fiction stories? 2. Get ready with the example of a sci-fi story – show its peculiarities in language, plot and types of characters. 3. Comment on the following ideas expressed by a famous science-fiction writer R. Bradbury: 1) Science fiction is really sociological studies of the future, things that the writer believes are going to happen by putting two and two together. 2) Science Fiction has always been and will always be a fable teacher of morality.

Text for analysis: R. Bradbury, «The Smile» Interpretation and discussion Language focus Activities Topics for final writing assignment Содержание

Text for analysis

Ray Bradbury (August 22, 1920 – June 5, 2012) was a very well known science fiction writer. He was famous for writing a short story every day, a ritual that many other writers attempted to follow. He wrote 11 novels (3 of which are made up of loosely connected stories) and over 40 short story collections, for a grand total of over 400 short stories and novellas. But it was not just quantity that earned him a place on this list. His best known short story “A Sound of Thunder” was the origin of a common science fiction theme called “the butterfly effect”, it is also the most republished science fiction story of all time. THE SMILE

In the town square the queue had formed at five in the morning while cocks were crowing far out in the rimed country and there were no fires. All about, among the ruined buildings, bits of mist had clung at first, but now with the new light of seven o’clock it was beginning to disperse. Down the road, in twos and threes, more people were gathering in for the day of marketing, the day of festival. The small boy stood immediately behind two men who had been talking loudly in the clear air, and all of the sounds they made seemed twice as loud because of the cold. The small boy stomped his feet and blew on his red, chapped hands, and looked up at the soiled gunnysack clothing of the men and down the long line of men and women ahead. “Here, boy, what’re you doing out so early?” said the man behind him. “Got my place in line, I have,” said the boy. “Whyn’t you run off, give your place to someone who appreciates?” “Leave the boy alone,” said the man ahead, suddenly turning. “I was joking.” The man behind put his hand on the boy’s head. The boy shook it away coldly. “I just thought it strange, a boy out of bed so early.” “This boy’s an appreciator of arts, I'll have you know,” said the boy’s defender, a man named Grigsby. “What’s your name, lad?” “Tom.” “Tom here is going to spit clean and true, right, Tom?” “I sure am!” Laughter passed down the line. A man was selling cracked cups of hot coffee up ahead. Tom looked and saw the little hot fire and the brew bubbling in a rusty pan. It wasn’t really coffee. It was made from some berry that grew on the meadowlands beyond town, and it sold a penny a cup to warm their stomachs; but not many were buying, not many had the wealth. Содержание

Tom stared ahead to the place where the line ended, beyond a bombed-out stone wall. “They say she smiles,” said the boy. “Aye, she does,” said Grigsby. “They say she’s made of oil and canvas.” “True. And that’s what makes me think she’s not the original one. The original, now, I've heard, was painted on wood a long time ago.” “They say she’s four centuries old.” “Maybe more. No one knows what year this is, to be sure.” “It’s 2061!” “That’s what they say, boy, yes. Liars. Could be 3000 or 5000, for all we know.* Things were in a fearful mess there for a while. All we got now is bits and pieces.” They shuffled along the cold stones of the street. “How much longer before we see her?” asked Tom uneasily. “Just a few more minutes. They got her set up with four brass poles and velvet rope, all fancy, to keep folks back. Now mind, no rocks, Tom; they don't allow rocks thrown at her.” “Yes, sir.” The sun rose higher in the heavens, bringing heat which made the men shed their grimy coats and greasy hats. “Why’re we all here in line?” asked Tom at last. “Why’re we all here to spit?” Grigsby did not glance down at him, but judged the sun. “Well, Tom, there’s lots of reasons.” He reached absently for a pocket that was long gone, for a cigarette that wasn’t there. Tom had seen the gesture a million times. “Tom, it has to do with hate. Hate for everything in the Past. I ask you, Tom, how did we get in such a state, cities all junk, roads like jigsaws from bombs, and half the cornfields glowing with radio-activity at night? Ain’t that a lousy stew* I ask you?” “Yes, sir, I guess so.” “It’s this way, Tom. You hate whatever it was that got you all knocked down and ruined. That’s human nature. Unthinking, maybe, but human nature anyway.” “There’s hardly nobody or nothing we don’t hate,” said Tom. “Right! The whole blooming caboodle of them people* in the Past who run the world. So here we are on a Thursday morning with our guts plastered to our spines, cold, live in caves and such, don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t nothing except have our festivals, Tom, our festivals.” And Tom thought of the festivals in the past few years. The year they tore up all the books in the square and burned them and everyone was drunk and laughing. And the festival of science a month ago when they dragged in the last motorcar and picked lots and each lucky man who won was allowed one smash of a sledge hammer at the car. Содержание

“Do I remember that, Tom? Do I remember? Why, I got to smash the front window, the window, you hear? My God, it made a lovely sound! Crash!” Tom could hear the glass fall in glittering heaps. “And Bill Henderson, he got to bash the engine. Oh, he did a smart job of it, with great efficiency. Wham!*” “But best of all,” recalled Grigsby, “there was the time they smashed a factory that was still trying to turn out airplanes.” “Lord, did we feel good blowing it up!” said Grigsby. “And then we found that newspaper plant and the munitions depot and exploded them together. Do you understand, Tom?” Tom puzzled over it. “I guess.” It was high noon. Now the odors of the ruined city stank on the hot air and things crawled among the tumbled buildings. “Won't it ever come back, mister?” “What, civilization? Nobody wants it. Not me!” “I could stand a bit of it,” said the man behind another man. “There were a few spots of beauty in it.” “Don’t worry your heads,” shouted Grigsby. “There’s no room for that, either.” “Ah,” said the man behind the man. “Someone’ll come along someday with imagination and patch it up. Mark my words. Someone with a heart.” “No,” said Grigsby. “I say yes. Someone with a soul for pretty things. Might give us back a kind of limited sort of civilization, the kind we could live in peace.” “First thing you know there’s war!” “But maybe next time it’d be different.” As last they stood in the main square. A man on horseback was riding from the distance into the town. He had a piece of paper in his hand. In the center of the square was the roped- off area. Tom, Grigsby, and the others were collecting their spittle and moving forward – prepared and ready, eyes wide. Tom felt his heart beating very strongly and excitedly, and the earth was hot under his bare feet. “Here we go, Tom, let fly!” Four policemen stood at the corners of the roped area, four men with bits of yellow twine on their wrists to show their authority over other men. They were there to prevent rocks being hurled. “This way,” said Grigsby at the last moment, “everyone feels he’s had his chance at her, you see, Tom? Go on, now!” Tom stood before the painting and looked at it for a long time. “Tom, spit!” His mouth was dry. “Get on, Tom! Move!” Содержание

“But,” said Tom, slowly, “she’s beautiful!” “Here, I’ll spit for you!” Grigsby spat and the missile flew in the sunlight. The woman in the portrait smiled serenely, secretly, at Tom, and he looked back at her, his heart beating, a kind of music in his ears. “She’s beautiful,” he said. “Now get on, before the police –” “Attention!” The line fell silent. One moment they were berating Tom for not moving forward, now they were turning to the man on horseback. “What do they call it, sir?” asked Tom, quietly. “The picture? Mona Lisa, Tom, I think. Yes, the Mona Lisa.” “I have an announcement,” said the man on horseback. “The authorities have decreed that as of high noon* today the portrait in the square is to be given over into the hands of the populace there, so they may participate in the destruction of –” Tom hadn’t even time to scream before the crowd bore him, shouting and pummeling about, stampeding toward the portrait. There was a sharp ripping sound. The police ran to escape. The crowd was in full cry, their hands like so many hungry birds pecking away at the portrait. Tom felt himself thrust almost through the broken thing. Reaching out in blind imitation of the others, he snatched a scrap of oily canvas, yanked, felt the canvas give, then fell, was kicked, sent rolling to the outer rim of the mob. Bloody, his clothing torn, he watched old women chew pieces of canvas, men break the frame, kick the ragged cloth, and rip it into confetti. Only Tom stood apart, silent in the moving square. He looked down at his hand. It clutched the piece of canvas close to his chest, hidden. “Hey there, Tom!” cried Grigsby. Without a word, sobbing, Tom ran. He ran out and down the bomb-pitted road,* into a field, across a shallow stream, not looking back, his hand clenched tightly, tucked under his coat. At sunset he reached the small village and passed on through. By nine o’clock he came to the ruined farm dwelling. Around back,* in the half silo, in the part that still remained upright, tented over,* he heard the sounds of sleeping, the family – his mother, father, and brother. He slipped quickly, silently, through the small door and lay down, panting. “Tom?” called his mother in the dark. “Yes.” “Where’ve you been?” snapped his father. “I’ll beat you in the morning.” Someone kicked him. His brother, who had been left behind to work their little patch of ground. Содержание

“Go to sleep,” cried his mother, faintly. Another kick. Tom lay getting his breath. All was quiet. His hand was pushed to his chest, tight, tight. He lay for half an hour this way, eyes closed. Then he felt something, and it was a cold white light. The moon rose very high and the little square of light moved in the silo and crept slowly over Tom’s body. Then, and only then, did his hand relax. Slowly, carefully, listening to those who slept about him, Tom drew his hand forth. He hesitated, sucked in his breath, and then, waiting, opened his hand and uncrumpled the tiny fragment of painted canvas. All the world was asleep in the moonlight. And there on his hand was the Smile. He looked at it in the white illumination from the midnight sky. And he thought, over and over to himself, quietly, the Smile, the lovely Smile. An hour later he could still see it, even after he had folded it carefully and hidden it. He shut his eyes and the Smile was there in the darkness. And it was still there, warm and gentle, when he went to sleep and the world was silent and the moon sailed up and then down the cold sky toward morning. Содержание

Interpretation and discussion 1. What is the general mood of the story? What language means help to create it? 2. How does the author set the scene: what key words contribute to making the reader feel what it was like in the town square? 3. What was to happen that day? Why do you think the Mona Lisa is chosen by the author among the most famous masterpieces of art? Find the information about this tremendous creation of Leonardo da Vinci: davincilife.com/monalisa.html or davincilife.com/monalisa.html. 4. What are main and minor characters in the story? How are they portrayed? 5. What details of the narration prove it to be a science-fiction story? Содержание

Language focus 1. There are many sentences with Participial Constructions in the story. Translate them into Russian.

Tom, Grigsby, and the others were collecting their spittle and moving forward – prepared and ready, eyes wide Tom felt his heart beating very strongly and excitedly, and the earth was hot under his bare feet The woman in the portrait smiled serenely, secretly, at Tom, and he looked back at her, his heart beating, a kind of music in his ears Tom hadn’t even time to scream before the crowd bore him, shouting and pummeling about, stampeding toward the portrait The crowd was in full cry, their hands like so many hungry birds pecking away at the portrait Tom felt himself thrust almost through the broken thing. Reaching out in blind imitation of the others, he snatched a scrap of oily canvas, yanked, felt the canvas give, then fell, was kicked, sent rolling to the outer rim of the mob Bloody, his clothing torn, he watched old women chew pieces of canvas, men break the frame, kick the ragged cloth, and rip it into confetti He ran out and down the bomb-pitted road, into a field, across a shallow stream, not looking back, his hand clenched tightly, tucked under his coat He lay for half an hour this way, eyes closed Содержание

2. Find synonyms to the following words and phrases in the text:

a) frosty, freezing

b) to scatter

c) to tread

d) everything ruined

e) dirty, filthy

f) extremely hungry

g) to break into pieces

h) to throw with great force

i) to scold harshly

j) to rush in panic

k) to grasp

l) to get smth smoothed

Why do you think the author uses these high literary words? What atmosphere does it help to create? Содержание

Activities 1. Some might say that science fiction is only a kind of modern fairy-tale, providing escapist fantasies, a long way from reality. Others say that science fiction is a tremendous vehicle for ideas – social, political, religious, philosophical, psychological, and so on – all of which relate to the human condition. Brian Aldiss, in his history of science fiction, argued that ‘science fiction is the search for a definition of humanity and its status in the universe which will stand in our advanced but confused state of knowledge.’ Which opinion do you agree with? How do science fiction stories you have read support your idea? 2. What kind of the future society is portrayed in the story? Is this an optimistic or a pessimistic picture? Make a short report and say which social changes seem to be the most likely. 3. There is scarce physical description of Tom in the story. But there are glimpses in the story of what people looked like. What do you imagine Tom could look? Make your own short description of the boy, using the clues you can find in the text. Compare your notes with those of the other students. 4. “Someone'll come along someday with imagination and patch it up. … Someone with a heart. … Someone with a soul for pretty things.” Do you agree with this view? Or do you believe our destinies are already planned or “written”, and no decision or action on our part can change them? Do you think Tom is portrayed in the story as a kind of Messiah? Write a short paragraph speculating on this idea. 5. The people in the story seemed to have one kind of entertainment – festivals. Why do you think objects of civilization are chosen for destruction? Find the clues in the story that indicate people’s behavior during these festivals. What are they guided by? Imagine that Tom is trying to stop the crowd from destroying the painting. Make a speech with which he is addressing the crowd. 6. How would you interpret the end of the story? Do you see a chance for the civilization to survive? Write another paragraph to add your ending to the story. 7. Soil exhaustion, food-stuff deficiency, nuclear disaster – are these environmental worries present in today’s world? But the most important problem is our attitude to nature. Write brief notes for a talk or a debate describing the problem and saying what should be done about it. Содержание

Topics for inal writing assignment

Read the following quotations. Choose one that appeals to you most and write an essay on this topic. 1. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic (Arthur C. Clarke).

2. The technologies which have had the most profound effects on human life are usually simple (Freeman Dyson).

3. We’ve arranged a civilization in which most crucial elements depend on science and technology (Dr. Carl Sagan).

4. All technology should be assumed guilty until proven innocent (David Brower).

5. The only thing we have to fear on the planet is Man (Carl Gustav Jung).

6. The greatest danger in modern technology isn’t that machines will begin to think like people, but that people will begin to think like machines (author unknown).

7. A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy (Joseph Campbell).

8. One day the Gillette company will announce the development of a razor, that, thanks to a computer microchip, can actually travel ahead in time and shave beard hairs that don’t even exist yet (Dave Barry).

9. Artificial intelligence is a wonderful thing. I told my computer that today is my birthday, and it said that I needed an upgrade (author unknown).

10. The robot is going to lose. Not by much. But when the final score is tallied, flesh and blood is going to beat the damn monster (Adam Smith).

11. The impact of nanotechnology is expected to exceed the impact that the electronics revolution has had on our lives (Richard Schwartz).

12. Even minor tampering with nature is apt to bring serious consequences. Genetic engineering is tampering on a monumental scale, and nature will surely exact a heavy toll for this trespass (Eva Novotny). Содержание 13. The cloning of humans is on most of the lists of things to worry about from Science, along with behavior control, genetic engineering, transplanted heads, computer poetry and the unrestrained growth of plastic flowers (Thomas Lewis).

14. NASA spent millions of dollars inventing the ball-point pen so they could write in space. The Russians took a pencil (Will Chabot).

15. In this age of innovation, perhaps no experiment will have an influence more important on the character of happiness of our society than the granting to females the advantages of a systematic and thorough education (Sarah J. Hale).

16. We stand on the threshold of creating a future that will revolutionize the practice of medicine by allowing us to predict disease, develop more precise therapies and, ultimately, preempt the development of disease in the first place (Elias Zerhouni).

17. Vast amounts of money will be poured into stem cell research in the coming decades because everyone thinks that’s the future of medicine. The temptation (to cheat) is great (Dr. Harvey Marcovitch). Содержание Содержание

INTRODUCTION INTO THE TOPIC Essential vocabulary on the topic Vocabulary work Содержание

Essential vocabulary on the topic Study the following words and expressions, give Russian equivalents.

I. Affable, amiable, good-natured, good-humored, kind, friendly, kind-hearted, communicative, sociable, modest, discreet, generous, considerate, attentive, thoughtful, earnest, sincere, enthusiastic, calm, quiet, composed, honest, self-possessed, merciful, impartial, just, patient, forbearing, sympathetic, respectable, cordial, broad-minded, witty, intelligent, dignified, capable, benevolent, philanthropic, scrupulous, consistent, easy-going, affectionate, devoted, loyal, courageous, persevering, industrious, hard-working, sweet, gentle, proud. II. Ill-natured, unkind, hard-hearted, reserved, unsociable, hostile, uncommunicative, haughty, arrogant, dashing, showy, indiscreet, greedy, tactless, unscrupulous, inconsistent, insincere, hypocritical, false, vulgar, double-faced, fussy, indifferent, dispassionate, unrestrained, dishonest, cruel, partial, intolerant, conceited, self-willed, willful, capricious, perverse, insensible, inconsiderate, servile, deceitful, presumptuous, harsh, sulky, sullen, obstinate, coarse, rude, vain, impertinent, impudent, revengeful. Содержание

Exercise 1. GIVE synonyms (A) and antonyms (B) to the following words using your active vocabulary.

A. Give synonyms B. Give antonyms haughty patient patient benevolent insincere greedy rude reserved obstinate scrupulous considerate coarse amiable considerate presumptuous sincere industrious tolerant devoted cheerful Exercise 2. CHOOSE the most appropriate variant from the suggested ones. 1. Yesterday we discussed a lot of important cases with Mr. Smith. It was a most friendly discussion. a) amiable b) earnest c) amicable d) discreet 2. She looked very thoughtful while he begged her for help standing on his knees. a) pensive b) impartial c) considerate d) sincere 3. We had a friendly and cheerful evening drinking. a) sociable b) calm c) communicative d) social 4. Michael can be a first-rate guard. He is strong, calm and confident and has a quick reaction. a) thoughtful b) quiet c) self-possessed d) just 5. She shows boundless interest and admiration for her work. a) attention b) quietness c) enthusiasm d) honesty Содержание 6. It is extremely hard to be morally right and proper while considering a case of a murder. a) impartial b) genuine c) merciful d) unfair 7. Tom Robinson was too judicious to show his adherence to principle. a) serious b) sensitive c) sensible d) modest 8. He was too kind and conscientious at once to leave me friendless. a) just b) merciful c) generous d) honest 9. There is no denying the fact that he is one of the most philanthropic men in all the world. a) generous b) kind-hearted c) sincere d)composed 10. Holden was hardly one of the hard-working students at Pencey. a) benevolent b) industrious c) presumptuous d) persevering 11. Richard always seemed to me a most devoted friend. The disillusionment was unbearable. a) patient b) loyal c) sensitive d) sweet 12. When I was asked in the court what I could say about Mary, the first thing that came to me was: “She is very well-disposed.” a) generous b) sociable c) benevolent d) proud 13. The defendant is consistent in denial of the charges. a) scrupulous b) dignified c) continuous d) witty 14. It’s very hard for John to become friends with people. He is too calm, formal and serious in his manners. a) dignified b) proud c) affectionate d) sensible 15. Be gentle when you brush the baby’s hair. a) scrupulous b) attentive c) kind-hearted d) soft 16. Human beings are much wittier than animals. a) more intellectual b) more respectable c) more intelligent d) more persistent 17. Jack Morrison is very nice to communicate with. He is always willing to accept your views. Содержание a) respected b) passionate c) broad-minded d) clever 18. This doctor is very skillful. A great future awaits him. a) capable b) capacious c) judicious d) sensible 19. Nobody could call Alexander arrogant, he was reasonably respecting himself. And appealed to all of us. a) gentle b) kind c) haughty d) proud 20. She turned out to be very understanding, when my mother died. a) sympathetic b) sensitive c) affectionate d) sensible Exercise 3. CROSS the odd word out. 1. affable – amiable – friendly – kind-hearted 2. communicative – easy-going – social – sociable 3. discreet – modest – sensible – judicious 4. kind – benevolent – generous – philanthropic 5. witty – clever – intelligent – respectable 6. affectionate – passionate – loyal – devoted 7. respected – respectable – respectful – estimable 8. patient – tolerant – forbearing – gentle 9. persevering – industrious – persistent – dogged 10. sweet – kind – soft – devoted Exercise 4. FILL IN the gaps with a suitable word or expression from your active vocabulary. 1. She was a proud, even a ______creature. 2. What’s the matter with you both tonight? You sit there as ______as the mules at the funeral. 3. An ______man looks down upon others and with lowered eyelids barely condescends to see them. 4. He wanted to be ______to his sister, who was good, and who, in her way, he knew loved him. 5. She is a museum piece. She’s a ______wife. Содержание 6. She was so kind and ______to them in their grief. 7. He was ______and awkward with women. 8. In spite of the honors he received the scientist remained a ______man. 9. He was ______enough to interpret this strange phenomenon. 10.His face had become ______and wolfish, and the thin lips were drawn very tightly. Exercise 5. TRANSLATE the sentences into Russian, paying attention to the underlined words. Your Russian should be perfect. 1. Aileen turned and examined critically a tall, dark, slender woman of the high world of the West, very remote, disdainful, superior (Th. Dreiser, The Titan). 2. He was at the same time haughty, reserved, and fastidious, and his manners, though well- bred, were not inviting (J. Austen, Pride and Prejudice). 3. Mrs. Garstin was a hard, cruel, managing, ambitious, parsimonious, and stupid woman (W.S. Maugham, The Painted Veil). 4. There was no servant so stupid that she did not find some redeeming trait of loyalty and kind-heartedness, no girl so ugly and disagreeable that she could not discover grace of form or nobility of character in her, and no man so worthless or so boring that she did not view him in the light of his possibilities rather than his actualities (M. Mitchell, Gone with the Wind). 5. There was neither vice nor wickedness in him, but only sincerity and loving kindness (W.S. Maugham, On Human Bondage). 6. On specific orders from his attorney, Craig kept his facial expression neutral. He had been instructed to act dignified, respectful (whatever that meant), and humble. He was to guard against appearing arrogant and angry (R. Cook, Crisis). 7. Remember, I’m a much more diffident person than you are. As well as being much more spiritually arrogant. I hate competing unless I’m certain that I’m going to win. 8. If the story didn’t indirectly involve his sister, he would have thought it an entertaining script for a soap opera, since the colorful characters’ personalities leapt off the pages. There was the gifted and dedicated but arrogant and adulterous doctor; the nubile, spurned, and angry lover; the precise and rather laconic bereaved spouse; the knowledgeable but contentious experts; the parade of other witnesses; and finally the apparently hypochondriac victim (R. Cook, Crisis). 9. He had an incisive, quick-motioned, self-sufficient manner, and was forever asking questions with a keen desire for intelligent answers (Th. Dreiser, The Financier). 10.John was quite inconsistent in his talks, impudent in actions, in one word unrestrained in everything. 11.Gladys Van Schellinger was a year younger than Basil – a tranquil, carefully nurtured girl Содержание who, so local tradition had it, was being brought up to marry in the East (F. Scott Fitzgerald, A Night in the Fair). 12.He was thirty-five, and good to look at; many girls wanted to become his wife as he was not only a loyal friend, witty companion, honest and respectable businessman but also a gentle, sweet and thoughtful man (F. Scott Fitzgerald, Babylon Revisited). 13.I was prepared to be persuasive, touching, and hortatory, admonitory and expostulating, if need be vituperative even, indignant and sarcastic; but what does a mentor do when the sinner makes no bones about confessing his sin? (W. S. Maugham, The Moon and Sixpence). 14.Between the hounds and the horses and the twins there was a kinship deeper than that of their constant companionship. They were all healthy, thoughtless young animals, sleek, graceful, high-spirited, the boys as mettlesome as the horses they rode, mettlesome and dangerous but, withal, sweet-tempered to those who knew how to handle them (M. Mitchell, Gone with the Wind). Exercise 6. The words in the right-hand column mean roughly the same as the words in the left-hand column except that they have negative rather than positive connotations. MATCH the positive characteristics with their synonyms. 1. unconventional/original a) naive 2. confident/self-assured b) pushy 3. thrifty/economical c) pig-headed 4. frank/direct/open d) extravagant 5. broad-minded e) aggressive/bossy 6. determined f) inquisitive/nosy 7. ambitious g) unprincipled/permissive 8. generous h) self-important/full of oneself 9. inquiring i) blunt/abrupt/brusque/curt 10. innocent j) eccentric/odd/peculiar/weird 11. assertive k) stingy/mean/tight-fisted/miserly Exercise 7. WRITE the opposite using the correct prefix.

1. considerate 7. reliable 13. communicative 2. passionate 8. tolerant 14. scrupulous 3. friendly 9. reserved 15. consistent Содержание

4. patient 10. sociable 16. discreet 5. partial 11. sensible 17. sincere 6. honest 12. pleasant 18. kind Exercise 8. DESCRIBE the person in the sentences in one word.

1. My brother is in the office from 8 am to 6 pm every day. 2. He has never bought me a drink in ten years. 3. She often promises to do things but sometimes she forgets. 4. My teacher explains things again and never gets angry. 5. Kate finds it difficult to meet people and talk to strangers. 6. Brett is practical and doesn’t do anything stupid. 7. Our teacher is nice, but he’s quiet and doesn’t laugh a lot. 8. Ann is very relaxed and doesn’t seem to worry about things. 9. My boss is really good at using his imagination to think of new ideas. 10. Jack can play several musical instruments. 11. My sister can’t wait for anything. 12. Sally hasn’t done a thing since she’s been here. 13. If Mike says he’ll do it, then he’ll do it. 14. The little boy is able to understand new ideas so quickly. 15. Peter always says exactly as he thinks. 16. Diana doesn’t think about the needs of others. 17. Helen easily becomes angry with others. 18. He thinks about the needs of others. 19. They always tell the truth and obey the law. 20. Tom always arrives on time. 21. My friend has a strong wish to get what he wants. 22. My roommate is unkind and not willing to spend money. 23. She understands the feelings of others. Содержание Exercise 9. CHOOSE the right variant. 1. When her bicycle was stolen, Jill became extremely angry / nervous / flabbergasted / atrocious. 2. Sam felt ashamed / embarrassed / embarrassing / shameful when he had to make a speech. 3. I always write thank-you letters, just to be gentle / mannered / flattering / courteous. 4. Mr. Jackson is very annoyed / bad-tempered / argumentative / gregarious and often shouts at people. 5. I think you have to be very imaginary / imaginative / imagined / imaginable to write a novel. 6. Our teacher is very solid /sound /strict /steadfast and won’t let us talk in class. 7. Thanks for bringing us a present. It was very wistful / grateful / thoughtful / thankful of you. 8. I think I’ll stay on my own, I’m not feeling very sociable / socially / socialistic / socialite today. 9. Paula has worked at this college for three years. She is a conscious / conscienceless / conscience / conscientious employee, and gets on well with the other members of the department. 10. You can’t tell what someone is like just from their character / appearance / personality / outlook. Содержание

TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE What kind of a person are you? Vocabulary work The Signs of the Zodiac Содержание

What kind of a person are you? Here is a questionnaire about personal characteristics. Find a partner in the group and work with him or her. After asking questions draw a portrait of your partner. Use adjectives from your active vocabulary.

1. What do you do in your spare time? 2. What’s your favorite color? 3. What’s your favorite type of weather? 4. Do you enjoy traveling? 5. Do you like children? 6. What’s your favorite food? 7. Do you prefer to be a guest or a host? 8. Do you make friends easily? Do your friends think you are easy-going? How many best friends do you have? 9. What quality do you appreciate most of all in women? 10. What quality do you appreciate most of all in men? 11. Do you appreciate getting compliments or do you get embarrassed? 12. Do you have rapid changes of mood? 13. Do you show your feelings in your expression or in the way you speak? 14. What is the nicest thing that’s happened today? 15. What are you looking forward to most of all this week? 16. Do you live for the moment? 17. Do you work hard? 18. Do you like to get up late? Are you an early bird or a night owl? 19. Do you make decisions quickly? 20. Do you think you are flexible? Do you easily compromise? Are you susceptible to criticism? 21. Are you an organized and practical person or rather a spontaneous and romantic one? 22. What are your ambitions? 23. Are you a happy person? What things in life make you happy? 24. What things make you sad? What things can make you angry? 25. What do you enjoy most in your studies? Why are you studying English? Содержание

Exercise 1. The following is a list of colloquial names for various social types, i.e. different kinds of people one meets at parties and elsewhere. Use the most suitable one to complete each description below.

Social Types wet blanket good company Don Juan good mixer trouble-maker early bird wallflower social climber killjoy jet-setter femme fatale gossip socialite gate-crasher loner parasite chatterbox bore snob life and soul of the party 1. He’s a pleasant, interesting person to have with you at any time. He’s a ______. 2. She thinks she's socially superior. She looks down on others. She’s a ______. 3. He’s very strict and correct. I think he doesn’t like other people to enjoy themselves. He’s a ______. 4. She’s always the first to arrive at a party. If the party’s due to start at seven, she’s there on the dot, or earlier. She’s an ______. 5. Не likes to spend a lot of time alone. He’s not keen on parties and usually does things on his own. He’s a ______. 6. She goes on and on telling people about her children, her house, her job, her opinions... I could go to sleep. She’s a ______. 7. She’s very rich and spends her time between grand social occasions and luxury holidays in different parts of the world. She’s a ______. 8. He’s always borrowing money and asking help from other people. He’s a ______. 9. He’s an upper-class person and he’s often seen at high-society parties and other social events. He’s a ______. 10. She’s always causing difficulties for other people by interfering in their lives. She’s a ______. Содержание 11. He’s very lively and the centre of any group he’s in. People always have a good time when he’s there. He’s the______. 12. She’s so negative and boring. She has a depressing effect on any group of people she’s with. She’s a ______. 13. She’s confident and interested in other people. She likes to meet different kinds of people. She’s a ______. 14. He goes to parties and other occasions without an invitation. He just walks in. He’s a ______. 15. Unfortunately she is not usually asked to dance by anyone. She just stands there hoping. She’s a ______. 16. He just can’t stop talking. He goes on and on excitedly, about totally unimportant things. He’s a ______. 17. He loves to discuss and pass on news or rumors about people’s private lives. He’s a ______. 18. She’s dangerously attractive to men. Half the men she meets fall in love with her. She’s a ______. 19. He knows he’s attractive to women. They always fall for him. He’s got lots of girl-friends. He’s a ______. 20. She’s very conscious of her social position and is always trying to improve it by meeting “upper-class” people. She’s a ______. 21. Whenever we are laughing, joking or playing a fun game, it bugs Jim’s father so much that he runs downstairs and ruins it for us. Tsk, tsk...such a ______. 22. Her father had never seen her with any special boy before tonight. What would he think of her leaving for the evening with a group of old friends and coming home with an unknown young man she’d picked up at the dance? He should be delighted that she hadn’t been a ______, she thought. What type of person/types of people from the list above. a) is/are extroverted? b) is/are introverted? c) might be class-conscious? d) do you find interesting? e) would get on well together? Make pairs, e.g. socialite and snob. f) would be good to have at a party? Содержание g) would you especially avoid? h) might have a lot of romantic relationships? i) makes/make friends easily? j) are you? Exercise 2. MATCH each of the following colloquial names for certain types of people with the correct description below. a day-dreamer a busybody a slob a rolling stone a dare-devil a crank a fare-dodger a battle-axe a miser a jay-walker a golden boy a sponger a slowcoach a breadwinner a layabout a tear-away a name-dropper a road-hog a litter-lout a clock-watcher a scapegoat a wind-bag a pain in the neck a slave-driver

1. She talks on and on about her opinions and ideas. 2. He keeps count of every penny he has and only spends money if he must. 3. She likes to mention all the famous and important people she’s met. 4. He makes his employees work extremely hard. 5. She crosses the road without bothering to look at the traffic. 6. He’s lazy and prefers not to work. 7. She drops rubbish anywhere and never puts it in the bin. 8. He drives very inconsiderately of other drivers. 9. She’s only interested in leaving work and going home. 10. She avoids paying when she travels on public transport. 11. He dresses and behaves in a very careless, often disgusting, way. 12. He’s a bit wild, always getting into fights and other trouble. 13. He’s always got his head in the clouds, always fantasizing. 14. She’s very inquisitive about my private life. Содержание 15. He loves taking dangerous risks. 16. He can’t settle down. He goes from job to job, place to place. 17. He’s always borrowing money and living off other people. 18. She’s very aggressive and bossy. She likes to dominate. 19. Everyone thinks he’ll get rapid promotion. He’s destined to succeed. 20. He’s always slow and behind the others in his work or studies. 21. She’s got extremely odd, eccentric, unconventional ideas and theories. 22. He’s a real nuisance. I can’t stand him. 23. He is often blamed for the wrongdoings of others. 24. His wages provide what the family needs to live on.

Exercise 3. MATCH the idioms describing people with the definitions (A). Then complete each sentence with the appropriate idiom (B).

A. 1. He wouldn’t hurt a fly. 7. His bark is worse than 2. He is a party animal. his bite. 3. He acts as a guinea pig. 8. He’d love to be a fly on the 4. He is a dark horse. wall. 5. He is a lone wolf. 9. He is the black sheep of 6. He is a cold fish. the family. a) someone who would love to be present to see an important private or secret event; b) someone who is not very friendly and does not show their feelings; c) someone who loves parties and socializing; d) someone who is regarded as a disgrace or failure by his family or peer group; e) someone who may seem fierce or tough, but is not really; f) someone who has hidden or unexpected skills or talents that no one knows about; g) someone who is totally harmless and would never hurt anyone; Содержание h) someone who is the subject of an experiment or trial of something new; i) someone who does not mix socially with other people. B. 1. I’m perfectly willing to be a ______for many routine medical procedures. 2. Often thought of as a ______, Shaw is in fact full of emotional complexity. 3. Sarah’s a ______– she likes to dance all night. 4. Big Joe is quite harmless really, although he looks tough. He wouldn’t ______. 5. I would have given a lot to be a ______so I could hear what final entreaties Ellen was making. 6. Harry never seems to want to go out with other people. He’s a bit of a ______. 7. Perhaps, thought the French nun, the little ______had not a very happy home. 8. – Philip scared everyone yesterday. He looked really angry. – Oh, don’t worry about him. His ______. 9. He is a ______, but I did find out that he once played football professionally. Exercise 4. What comes to your mind when you are asked to describe: 1. a family doctor; 2. a lecturer (quantum physics); 3. a man you’re sharing a compartment with; 4. a tycoon’s lover; 5. a manager of a prosperous bank; 6. a waitress; 7. a woman-secretary; 8. a general-governor; 9. a housewife; 10. a Hollywood starlet; 11. a rock musician. Содержание

The signs of the Zodiac Do you believe in horoscopes? Even if you don’t, your character and behavior is, to a certain extent, determined by the zodiac sign you were born under. Complete the adjectives below (a), then study the table (b), and speak on your personality. Say what qualities describing your zodiac sign can be used to characterize you personally and what traits don’t bear any relation to you. What other features should be added to the description? A. Aries (March 21 to April 19). He never frowns. c.e..f.. She’ll tell you that she doesn’t like your dress. f…k She tells no lies. h…s. Sometimes she can be caring only about herself and not about other people. s.l..s. He always makes it clear about his feelings and opinions and never hides anything. st…...f.….d Taurus (April 20 to May 20). She never gives up without a fight. d.t.r.i..d He thinks he’s the best. s.l.- as….d He always tries to escape any kind of activity, preferring to take a nap or reading a book. l..y..n.s She works 18 hours a day, jogs and plays tennis. e.e.g…c He is very hard to persuade. st…..n Gemini (May 21 to June 20). She won’t share her presents with her sister. s..f..h Math never presented a difficulty for him, and he always helped his classmates with calculations. i…ll….t He looks down at anyone who hasn’t got a PC and an indoor swimming-pool at home. s..b…h She likes to speak with excessive pride about her abilities and achievements. b..s.f.. Содержание She has all the chances to become the Queen of England as she is never late. p..c…l Cancer (June 21 to July 22). If you have a problem, she is the right person to ask for advice or help. sy…t.…c He’s like a donkey. s…b..n She always thinks twice before doing something, trying to avoid risk and danger. ca..i..s He puts a lot of effort in his work, sometimes working extra hours. h…-.or…g She is not likely to open up, keeping her thoughts and feelings to herself. s..r.t… Leo (July 23 to August 22). He doesn’t want any help or advice, he can do everything by himself. i.d…n…t There are two things that I don’t like about her face – her face! t..-f…d She cleans her flat 6 times a week and still thinks that it’s such a mess! n..t Be careful what he’s doing while your back is turned. d..h….t She throws parties every week, money isn’t a problem for her. g….ou. Virgo (August 23 to September 22). He always thanks people for all kinds of things they do for him. th…f.. She’s good at managing the household, never throwing out money on unnecessary things. e..n…c.. If you are his girlfriend, never flirt with other guys Содержание as he is … j..l… If you are her boyfriend, take her out on a romantic date as she is … d.e..y She is always careful not to do or say anything that will upset other people. t..t..l Libra (September 23 to October 22). She never starts a fight and always listens to all your arguments without interrupting. p.t…t He wants to be even bigger, even better – the best! a…t…s She has very few secrets, willing to share all her thoughts and emotions with everybody. o..n He never frowns. c…r..l She uses her common sense, seldom doing silly things. s.n..b.. Scorpio (October 23 to November 21). She’d solve all the problems on a desert island, p..c….l and nothing would upset her. e…-g…g He’s got both feet on the ground and he is rather realistic. d..n-.o-.ar She can make people suffer if she thinks they deserve it. c…l It takes her HOURS to get ready for something. s.o..ok. Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21). He enjoys the truth and never tells lies. .o..s. She is not afraid to go mountain climbing. b…e She puts her heart and soul into her profession. d…c.t.d They like to communicate with people. s.c…l. Sometimes he can embarrass you without any intention to do so. t…l..s Содержание Capricorn (December 22 to January 19). He will always stop to help a disabled person to cross the road. s..p..h…c She will never hurt even a fly. g..t.. He won’t be grouchy because of her noisy neighbors. t.l….t They expect bad results even if there is no chance for a misfortune to happen. p.s..m…i. You can relax if you put a Capricorn in charge of some work, as he’ll do everything perfectly. .i.i.e.t Aquarius (January 20 to February 18). She is definitely not realistic believing in love at first sight and that your destiny is decided in the heaven. i..a..st.. You don’t want to visit him without invitation as you’ll find his flat in SUCH A MESS!!! l.p.y When a child, she never presented a problem for her parents as she is … o..d..n. He likes changes and it doesn’t take him long to adjust to new circumstances. f…ib.. She can talk with her friends non-stop as she is … a..a.i.e Pisces (February 19 to March 20). She is always nervous about talking to other people, especially someone she doesn’t know. s.. He can see beauty in a pile of rubbish. i..g..a…e They are able to understand other people’s feelings and problems. s..s.t… He is kind and caring in character and behavior. g.n.l. If anything goes wrong, she may not believe her abilities. p.s….s..c Содержание B. Star Sign Your best qualities Your worst qualities Your appearance medium height, Aries clever, lively, energetic, warm, selfish, rude, bossy, square face, generous, sensitive, artistic often bad-tempered long nose patient, organized, hard-working, lazy, selfish, short, Taurus calm, friendly, obstinate, jealous, greedy, beautiful eyes, interested in business, money, friends resentful, rigid thick hair and family nervous, dishonest, tall, Gemini intelligent, witty, friendly, interested in changeable, intelligent face, books, people and ideas too talkative small mouth round face, Cancer careful, sensitive, humorous, nervous, rude, anxious, small nose, often happy, interested in history shy, conservative nice eyes square face, Leo imaginative, optimistic, independent, proud, bossy, selfish, generous mouth, generous, passionate sometimes very untidy attractive eyes patient, friendly, practical, punctual, nervous, unimaginative, medium height, Virgo hard-working, perfectionist, interested inflexible, critical, jealous, pleasant face, in nature interfering, fussy kind eyes friendly, warm, energetic, pleasant, lazy, disorganized, beautiful hair, Libra argumentative, interested in sport and changeable, indecisive, long fingers, animals dependent, timid calm eyes jealous, dark eyes, Scorpio imaginative, confident, brave, impatient, sometimes thick hair, passionate, often very religious violent, extremist, interesting face possessive Sagittarius rude, arrogant, tall, intelligent, optimistic, self-confident, sometimes too talkative, curly fair hair, cheerful, interested in sport and travel likes living dangerously straight nose pessimistic, unimaginative, small, Capricorn patient, honest, polite, serious, sociable, conservative, sometimes slim, interested in home, politics, people shy serious face impatient, difficult, good-looking, sociable, friendly, generous, tolerant, Aquarius unstable, stubborn, quite tall, interested in sport and politics sarcastic, rebellious, aloof fair hair over-sensitive, sensitive, emotional, thoughtful, medium height, disorganized, depressive, Pisces imaginative, round eyes, very interested in artistic kind face themselves Содержание

TEXT ANALYSIS Sh. Jackson, "The Lottery" Comprehension questions Interpretation and discussion Creative work: R. Kipling, "If" Содержание

The Lottery Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson (December 14, 1919 – August 8, 1965) was an American author who wrote short stories and novels. Born in San Francisco, California, she graduated from Syracuse University in 1940. While a student there, she met her future husband Stanley Edgar Hyman, who was to become a noted literary critic. Shirley Jackson’s most famous work is her short story “The Lottery” (1948), a chilling tale about the sinister underside of small- town America. Her most popular novels include: “The Bird's Nest”, “We Have Always Lived in the Castle”, “The Road Through the Wall” and others. Her 1959 novel “The Haunting of Hill House” was twice made into a film (in 1963 and in 1999). In addition to her novels, Jackson also wrote a children’s novel, “Nine Magic Wishes”. She also wrote two humorous memoirs, “Raising Demons” and “Life Among the Savages”, about her marriage and the experience of bringing up four children. The tone of most of her works is odd and macabre, with an impending sense of doom, often framed by very ordinary settings and characters. Jackson’s reputation as a master of gothic horror and psychological suspense is sealed by her influence on modern writers. Before you begin, answer the following questions: 1. What is a lottery? 2. Why do you think lotteries have become popular throughout the world? When “The Lottery” first appeared in the “New Yorker” in 1948, letters flooded the magazine expressing admiration, anger and confusion at the story. For a long time Shirley Jackson refused to discuss the story, apparently believing that people had to make their own evaluation of it and come to a personal understanding of its meaning. Whatever may people think of it, they all agree that it is unusual. Read “The Lottery” carefully and make your own judgment. Write down your first impression of the story in 2–3 sentences. 1. The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely, and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank, around ten o’clock; in some towns there were so many people that the lottery took two days and had to be started on June 26th, but in this village, where there were only about three hundred people, the whole Содержание lottery took only about two hours, so it could begin at ten o’clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner. 2. The children assembled first, of course. School was recently over for the summer, and the feeling of liberty sat uneasily on most of them; they tended to gather together quietly for a while before they broke into boisterous play, and their talk was still of the classroom and the teacher, of books and reprimands. Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones; Bobby and Harry Jones and Dickie Delacroix – the villagers pronounced the name “Dellacroy” – eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and guarded it against the raids of the other boys. The girls stood aside, talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at the boys, and the very small children rolled in the dust or clung to the hands of their older brothers or sisters. 3. Soon the men began to gather, surveying their own children, speaking of planting and rain, tractors and taxes. They stood together, away from the pile of stones in the corner, and their jokes were quiet, and they smiled rather than laughed. The women, wearing faded house dresses and sweaters, came shortly after their menfolk. They greeted one another and exchanged bits of gossip as they went to join their husbands. Soon the women, standing by their husbands, began to call to their children, and the children came reluctantly, having to be called four or five times. Bobby Martin ducked under his mother’s grasping hand and ran, laughing, back to the pile of stones. His father spoke up sharply, and Bobby came quickly and took his place between his father and his oldest brother. 4. The lottery was conducted – as were the square dances, the teen-age club, the Halloween program – by Mr. Summers, who had time and energy to devote to civic activities. He was a round-faced, jovial man, and he ran the coal business; and people were sorry for him, because he had no children and his wife was a scold. When he arrived in the square, carrying the black wooden box, there was a murmur of conversation among the villagers, and he waved and called, “Little late today, folks.” The postmaster, Mr. Graves, followed him, carrying a three- legged stool; and the stool was put in the center of the square, and Mr. Summers set the black box down on it. The villagers kept their distance, leaving a space between themselves and the stool, and when Mr. Summers said, “Some of you fellows want to give me hand?” there was a hesitation before two men, Mr. Martin and his oldest son, Baxter, came forward to hold the box steady on the stool while Mr. Summers stirred up the papers inside it. 5. The original paraphernalia for the lottery had been lost long ago, and the black box now resting on the stool had been put into use even before Old Man Warner, the oldest man in town, was born. Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box, but no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was represented by the black box. There was a story that the present box had been made with some pieces of the box that had preceded it, the one that had been constructed when the first people settled down to make a village here. Every year, after the lottery, Mr. Summers began talking again about a new box, but every year the subject was allowed to fade off without anything’s being done. The black box grew shabbier Содержание each year; by now it was no longer complete black but splintered badly along one side to show the original wood color, and in some places faded or stained. 6. Mr. Martin and his oldest son, Baxter, held the black box securely on the stool until Mr. Summers had stirred the papers thoroughly with his hand. Because so much of the ritual had been forgotten or discarded, Mr. Summers had been successful in having slips of paper substituted for the chips of wood that had been used for generations. Chips of wood, Mr. Summers had argued, had been all very well when the village was tiny, but now that the population was more than three hundred and likely to keep on growing, it was necessary to use something that would fit more easily into the black box. The night before the lottery, Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves made up the slips of paper and put them into the box, and it was then taken to the safe of Mr. Summers’ coal company and locked up until Mr. Summers was ready to take it to the square next morning. The rest of the year, the box was put away, sometimes one place, sometimes another; it had spent one year in Mr. Graves’s barn and another year underfoot in the post office, and sometimes it was set on a shelf in the Martin grocery and left there. 7. There was a great deal of fussing to be done before Mr. Summers declared the lottery open. There were the lists to make up – of heads of families, heads of households in each family, members of each household in each family. There was a proper swearing-in of Mr. Summers by the postmaster, as the official of the lottery; at one time, some people remembered, there had been a recital of some sort, performed by the official of the lottery, a perfunctory, tuneless chant that had been rattled off duly each year; some people believed that the official of the lottery used to stand just so when he said or sang it; others believed that he was supposed to walk among the people; but years and years ago this part of the ritual had been allowed to lapse. There had been also a ritual, which the official of the lottery had had to use in addressing each person who came up to draw from the box, but this also had changed with time, until now it was felt necessary only for the official to speak to each person approaching. Mr. Summers was very good at all this; in his clean white shirt and blue jeans, with one hand resting carelessly on the black box, he seemed very proper and important as he talked interminably to Mr. Graves and the Martins. 8. Just as Mr. Summers finally left off talking and turned to the assembled villagers, Mrs. Hutchinson came hurriedly along the path to the square, her sweater thrown over her shoulders, and slid into place in the back of the crowd. “Clean forgot what day it was,” she said to Mrs. Delacroix, who stood next to her, and they both laughed softly. “Thought my old man was out back stacking wood,” Mrs. Hutchinson went on, “and then I looked out the window and the kids was gone, and then I remembered it was the twenty-seventh and came a- running.” She dried her hands on her apron, and Mrs. Delacroix said, “You’re in time, though. They’re still talking away up there.” 9. Mrs. Hutchinson craned her neck to see through the crowd and found her husband and children standing near the front. She tapped Mrs. Delacroix on the arm as a farewell and began to make her way through the crowd. The people separated good-humoredly to let her through; Содержание two or three people said, in voice just loud enough to be heard across the crowd, “Here comes your Mrs. Hutchinson,” and “Bill, she made it after all.” Mrs. Hutchinson reached her husband, and Mr. Summers, who had been waiting, said cheerfully, “Thought we were going to have to get on without you, Tessie.” Mrs. Hutchinson said, grinning, “Wouldn’t have me leave m’dishes in the sink, now, would you Joe?” and soft laughter ran through the crowd as the people stirred back into position after Mrs. Hutchinson’s arrival. 10. “Well, now,” Mr. Summers said soberly, “guess we better get started, get this over with, so’s we can go back to work. Anybody ain’t there?” “Dunbar,” several people said. “Dunbar, Dunbar.” Mr. Summers consulted his list. “Clyde Dunbar,” he said. “That’s right. He’s broke his leg, hasn’t he? Who’s drawing for him?” 11. “Me, I guess,” a woman said, and Mr. Summers turned to look at her. “Wife draws for her husband,” Mr. Summers said. “Don’t you have a grown boy to do it for you, Janey?” Although Mr. Summers and everyone else in the village knew the answer perfectly well, it was the business of the official of the lottery to ask such questions formally. Mr. Summers waited with an expression of polite interest while Mrs. Dunbar answered. “Horace’s not but sixteen yet,” Mrs. Dunbar said regretfully. “Guess I gotta fill in for the old man this year.” “Right,” Mr. Summers said. He made a note on the list he was holding. Then he asked, “Watson boy drawing this year?” 12. A tall boy in the crowd raised his hand, “Here,” he said. “I’m drawing for m’mother and me.” He blinked his eyes nervously and ducked his head as several voices in the crowd said things like “Good fellow, Jack,” and “Glad to see your mother’s got a man to do it.” “Well,” Mr. Summers said, “guess that’s everyone. Old Man Warner make it?” “Here,” a voice said, and Mr. Summers nodded. 13. A sudden hush fell on the crowd as Mr. Summers cleared his throat and looked at the list. “All ready?” he called. “Now, I’ll read the names – heads of the families first – and the men come up and take a paper out of the box. Keep the paper folded in your hand without looking at it until everyone has had a turn. Everything clear?” 14. The people had done it so many times that they only half listened to the directions; most of them were quiet, wetting their lips, not looking around. Then Mr. Summers raised one hand high and said, “Adams.” A man disengaged himself from the crowd and came forward. “Hi, Steve,” Mr. Summers said, “Hi, Joe.” They grinned at one another humorlessly and nervously. Then Mr. Adams reached into the black box and took out a folded paper. He had it firmly by one corner as he turned and went hastily back to his place in the crowd, where he stood a little apart from his family, not looking down at his hand. Содержание “Allen,” Mr. Summers said. “Anderson … Bentham.” 15. “Seems like there’s no time at all between lotteries any more,” Mrs. Delacroix said to Mrs. Graves in the back row. “Seems like we got through with the last one only last week.” “Time sure goes fast,” Mrs. Graves said. “Clark … Delacroix.” “There goes my old man,” Mrs. Delacroix said. She held her breath while her husband went forward. “Dunbar,” Mr. Summers said, and Mrs. Dunbar went steadily to the box while one of the women said, “Go on, Janey,” and another said, “There she goes.” 16. “We’re next,” Mrs. Graves said. She watched while Mr. Graves came around from the side of the box, greeted Mr. Summers gravely, and selected a slip of paper from the box. By now, all through the crowd there were men holding the small folded papers in their large hands, turning them over and over nervously. Mrs. Dunbar and her two sons stood together, Mrs. Dunbar holding the slip of paper. “Harburt … Hutchinson.” “Get up there, Bill,” Mrs. Hutchinson said, and the people near her laughed. “Jones.” 17. “They do say,” Mr. Adams said to Old Man Warner, who stood next to him, “that over in the north village they’re talking of giving up the lottery.” Old Man Warner snorted. “Pack of crazy fools,” he said. “Listening to the young folks, nothing’s good enough for them. Next thing you know, they’ll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work any more, live that way for a while. Used to be a saying about ‘Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.’ First thing you know, we’d all be eating stewed chickweed and acorns. There’s always been a lottery,” he added petulantly. “Bad enough to see young Joe Summers up there joking with everybody.” 18. “Some places have already quit lotteries,” Mrs. Adams said. “Nothing but trouble in that,” Old Man Warner said stoutly. “Pack of young fools.” “Martin.” And Bobby Martin watched his father go forward. “Overdyke … Percy.” “I wish they’d hurry,” Mrs. Dunbar said to her older son. “I wish they’d hurry.” “They’re almost through,” her son said. “You get ready to run tell Dad,” Mrs. Dunbar said. 19. Mr. Summers called his own name and then stepped forward precisely and selected a slip from the box. Then he called, “Warner.” Содержание “Seventy-seventh year I been in the lottery,” Old Man Warner said as he went through the crowd. “Seventy-seventh time.” “Watson.” The tall boy came awkwardly through the crowd. Someone said, “Don’t be nervous, Jack,” and Mr. Summers said, “Take your time, son.” “Zanini.” 20. After that, there was a long pause, a breathless pause, until Mr. Summers, holding his slip of paper in the air, said, “All right, fellows.” For a minute no one moved, and then all the slips of paper were opened. Suddenly, all the women began to speak at once, saying, “Who is it?” “Who’s got it?” “Is it the Dunbars?” “Is it the Watsons?” Then the voices began to say, “It’s Hutchinson. It’s Bill.” “Bill Hutchinson’s got it.” “Go tell your father,” Mrs. Dunbar said to her older son. 21. People began to look around to see the Hutchinsons. Bill Hutchinson was standing quiet, staring down at the paper in his hand. Suddenly, Tessie Hutchinson shouted to Mr. Summers, “You didn’t give him time enough to take any paper he wanted. I saw you. It wasn’t fair!” “Be a good sport, Tessie,” Mrs. Delacroix called, and Mrs. Graves said, “All of us took the same chance.” “Shut up, Tessie,” Bill Hutchinson said. 22. “Well, everyone,” Mr. Summers said, “that was done pretty fast, and now we’ve got to be hurrying a little more to get done in time.” He consulted his next list. “Bill,” he said, “you draw for the Hutchinson family. You got any other households in the Hutchinsons?” “There’s Don and Eva,” Mrs. Hutchinson yelled. “Make them take their chance!” “Daughters draw with their husbands’ families, Tessie,” Mr. Summers said gently. “You know that as well as anyone else.” “It wasn’t fair!” Tessie said. 23. “I guess not, Joe,” Bill Hutchinson said regretfully. “My daughter draws with her husband’s family. That’s only fair. And I’ve got no other family except the kids.” “Then, as far as drawing for families is concerned, it’s you,” Mr. Summers said in explanation, “and as far as drawing for households is concerned, that’s you, too. Right?” “Right,” Bill Hutchinson said. “How many kids, Bill?” Mr. Summers asked formally. “Three,” Bill Hutchinson said. “There’s Bill, Jr., and Nancy, and little Dave. And Tessie and me.” “All right, then,” Mr. Summers said. “Harry, you got their tickets back?” Содержание 24. Mr. Graves nodded and held up the slips of paper. “Put them in the box, then,” Mr. Summers directed. “Take Bill’s and put it in.” “I think we ought to start over,” Mrs. Hutchinson said, as quietly as she could. “I tell you it wasn’t fair. You didn’t give him time enough to choose. Everybody saw that.” Mr. Graves had selected the five slips and put them in the box, and he dropped all the papers but those onto the ground, where the breeze caught them and lifted them off. “Listen, everybody,” Mrs. Hutchinson was saying to the people around her. “Ready, Bill?” Mr. Summers asked, and Bill Hutchinson, with one quick glance around at his wife and children, nodded. 25. “Remember,” Mr. Summers said, “take the slips and keep them folded until each person has taken one. Harry, you help little Dave.” Mr. Graves took the hand of the little boy, who came willingly with him up to the box. “Take a paper out of the box, Davy,” Mr. Summers said. Davy put his hand into the box and laughed. “Take just one paper,” Mr. Summers said. “Harry, you hold it for him.” Mr. Graves took the child’s hand and removed the folded paper from the right fist and held it while little Dave stood next to him and looked up at him wonderingly. 26. “Nancy next,” Mr. Summers said. Nancy was twelve, and her school friends breathed heavily as she went forward, switching her skirt, and took a slip daintily from the box. “Bill, Jr.,” Mr. Summers said, and Billy, his face red and his feet overlarge, nearly knocked the box over as he got a paper out. “Tessie,” Mr. Summers said. She hesitated for a minute, looking around defiantly, and then set her lips and went up to the box. She snatched a paper out and held it behind her. 27. “Bill,” Mr. Summers said, and Bill Hutchinson reached into the box and felt around, bringing his hand out at last with the slip of paper in it. The crowd was quiet. A girl whispered, “I hope it’s not Nancy,” and the sound of the whisper reached the edges of the crowd. “It’s not the way it used to be,” Old Man Warner said clearly. “People ain’t the way they used to be.” “All right,” Mr. Summers said. “Open the papers. Harry, you open little Dave’s.” 28. Mr. Graves opened the slip of paper, and there was a general sigh through the crowd as he held it up and everyone could see that it was blank. Nancy and Bill, Jr., opened theirs at the same time, and both beamed and laughed, turning around to the crowd and holding their slips above their heads. “Tessie,” Mr. Summers said. There was a pause, and then Mr. Summers looked at Bill Hutchinson, and Bill unfolded his paper and showed it. It was blank. “It’s Tessie,” Mr. Summers said, and his voice was hushed. “Show us her paper, Bill.” Содержание 29. Bill Hutchinson went over to his wife and forced the slip of paper out of her hand. It had a black spot on it, the black spot Mr. Summers had made the night before with the heavy pencil in the coal-company office. Bill Hutchinson held it up, and there was a stir in the crowd. “All right, folks,” Mr. Summers said, “Let’s finish quickly.” 30. Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box, they still remembered to use stones. The pile of stones the boys had made earlier was ready; there were stones on the ground with the blowing scraps of paper that had come out of the box. Mrs. Delacroix selected a stone so large she had to pick it up with both hands and turned to Mrs. Dunbar. “Come on,” she said. “Hurry up.” Mrs. Dunbar had small stones in both hands, and she said, gasping for breath, “I can’t run at all. You’ll have to go ahead and I’ll catch up with you.” 31. The children had stones already, and someone gave little Davy Hutchinson a few pebbles. Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now, and she held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved in on her. “It isn’t fair,” she said. A stone hit her on the side of the head. Old Man Warner was saying, “Come on, come on, everyone.” Steve Adams was in the front of the crowd of villagers, with Mrs. Graves beside him. “It isn’t fair, it isn’t right,” Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and then they were upon her. Содержание

Comprehension questions 1. What time of year is it? Where does the lottery take place? Who participates in it? 2. What atmosphere is felt in the beginning of the story? 3. What are the children doing while waiting for the lottery to begin? 4. In the third paragraph, what suggests that the lottery is a serious event? 5. How are the villagers grouped as the lottery begins? 6. Who conducts the lottery? Who helps him to set up the lottery? Why are the villagers reluctant to help? 7. What indications do you have of how many years the lottery has been going on? 8. What activities immediately precede the formal opening of the lottery? How have these activities changed over the years? 9. Who is the last person to arrive? Why is she late? 10. What are the rules concerning people who can’t attend the lottery? 11. What happens in the first round of drawing? What indication is there in the text that another round is to follow? 12. What are the signs of people’s nervousness during the drawing? 13. What saying about the lottery does Old Man Warner remember? What does that suggest about a possible origin of the lottery? What arguments does Old Man Warner present for keeping the lottery? 14. Normally someone “wins” a lottery, but that word is never used in the story. What expression is used instead? 15. A lottery winner is generally very pleased with his luck. How does Bill Hutchinson react when he “gets it”? What is Tessie’s reaction? Is her accusation fair? 16. What’s the finale of the lottery? Who participates? Содержание

Interpretation and discussion 1. The story must be the allegory of some sort. For example, it might be a portrayal of fertility rites in primitive cultures or a parody of religious services in modern times. Or is it a commentary on the fragility of family loyalties? What other possibilities occur to you? Which can best be supported by evidence within the text? 2. The lottery is run by two men named “Graves” and “Summers”. What significance can you see in the choice of names? Comment on other names of the villagers. 3. Trace the changes in Tessie Hutchinson’s attitude in the course of the story. What do these changes suggest about a possible theme of the story? 4. The story is full of details about small-town life, for example, the children’s play before the lottery begins. What other details suggest a peaceful rural setting? What is the effect of the contrast between the setting, the characters and the plot? 5. Watch a short movie based on this story and compare the expressive means used by the writer and the director. Are they alike or different? What helps the director to create the tension of the situation? Mind the details. Содержание

Creative work

Here is one of the poems by Rudyard Kipling “If”. Translate it into Russian. IF If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated, don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream – and not make dreams your master, If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim, If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two imposters just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken And stoop and build ‘em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch and toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on!”

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much; Содержание

If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run. Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son! Содержание

GENDER STUDY Some psychologists say that there exist “male” and “female” features of character. Do you agree with it? Please, define each of the following features as “male” or “female”. Explain your point of view. presumptuous courageous sympathetic industrious consistent composed revengeful ambitious sensitive devoted tolerant cruel Give your own differentiation in characters. Explain what the differences between men and women are based on.

Gender differentiations J. Brady, "I Want a Wife" (text for discussion) E. Goodman, "In the Male Direction" (text for discussion) Vocabulary work Text for individual analysis: W.S. Maugham, "Louise" Language focus Activities Topics for final writing assignment Содержание

Interpretation and discussion 1. Express your opinion on the following: Absolute gender equality isn't going to happen; we have gender equality now. Even if in a million years, men and women somehow made this unrealistic ideal happen, there will always be a sexual distinction between men and women causing some sort of inequality. 2. Do you think feministic movement is still popular in a modern society? Why or why not? 3. Could you produce examples of gender inequality in a modern society and comment on them? In what spheres, to your mind, this inequality (if any) is more clearly seen? Before you read the text, answer the following questions. 1. What is feminism? 2. When and where was feminism formed as a movement? Give historical references. 3. What are the main postulates of feministic movement? Have they changed for the last decades? 4. What are the peculiarities of feminism in different cultures (from legal rights to extremism)? Содержание

Text 1 I want a Wife Judy Brady

Judy Brady was born in 1937 in San Francisco and was educated at the University of Iowa where she received her B.F.A. in 1962. She became a free-lance writer during the 1960s and wrote articles on such issues as abortion, education, labor and women’s movements for a variety of publications. The provocative essay first appeared in “Ms” Magazine in 1971 and has become a classic of feminist satire. According to the dictionary, a wife is a “woman married to a man”. But, as many women know, a wife is much more than that: a cook, housekeeper, nutritionist, chauffeur, friend, sex partner, valet, nurse, social secretary, ego-builder and so on. Rather than complain about all the responsibilities she and other women assume, the author explains why she herself would like to have a wife. I belong to that classification of people known as wives. I am A Wife. And, not altogether incidentally, I am a mother. Not too long ago a male friend of mine appeared on the scene from the Midwest fresh from a recent divorce. He had one child, who is, of course, with his ex-wife. He is obviously looking for another wife. As I thought about him while I was ironing one evening, it suddenly occurred to me that I, too, would like to have a wife. Why do I want a wife? I would like to go back to school so that I can become economically independent, support myself, and, if need be, support those dependant upon me. I want a wife who will work and send me to school. And while I am going to school I want a wife to take care of my children. I want a wife to keep trap of the children’s doctor and dentist appointments. And to keep track of mine, too. I want a wife to make sure my children eat properly and are kept clean. I want a wife who will wash the children’s clothes and keep them mended. I want a wife who is a good nurturant attendant to my children, arranges for their schooling, makes sure that they have an adequate social life with their peers, takes them to the park, the zoo, etc. I want a wife who takes care of the children when they are sick, a wife who arranges to be around when the children need special care, because, of course, I cannot miss classes at school. My wife must arrange to lose time at work and not to lose the job. It may mean a small cut in my wife’s income from time to time, but I guess I can tolerate that. Needless to say, my wife will arrange and pay for the care of the children while my wife is working. I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs. I want a wife who will keep my house clean. A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will pick up after me. I want a wife who will keep my clothes clean, ironed, mended, replaced when need be, and who will see to it that my personal things are kept in their proper place so that I can find what I need the minute I Содержание need it. I want a wife who cooks the meals, a wife who is a good cook. I want a wife who will plan the menus, do the necessary grocery shopping, prepare the meals, serve them pleasantly, and then do the cleaning up while I do my studying. I want a wife who will care for me when I am sick and sympathize with my pain and loss of time from school. I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation so that someone can continue to care for me and my children when I need a rest and a change of scene. I want a wife who will not bother me with rambling complaints about a wife’s duties. But I want a wife who will listen to me when I feel the need to explain a rather difficult point I have come across in my course of studies. And I want a wife who will type my papers for me when I have written them. I want a wife who will take care of the details of my social life. When my wife and I are invited out by my friends, I want a wife who will take care of the babysitting arrangements. When I meet people at school that I like and want to entertain, I want a wife who will have the house clean, will prepare a special meal, serve it to me and my friends, and not interrupt when I talk about the things that interest me and my friends. I want a wife who will have arranged that the children are fed and ready for bed before my guests arrive so that the children do not bother us. I want a wife who takes care of the needs of my guests so that they feel comfortable, who makes sure that they have an ashtray, that they are passed the hors d’oeuvres, that they are offered the second helping of the food, that their wine glasses are replenished when necessary, that their coffee is served to them as they like it. And I want a wife who knows that sometimes I need a night out by myself. I want a wife who is sensitive to my sexual needs, a wife who makes love passionately and eagerly when I like it, a wife who makes sure that I am satisfied. And, of course, I want a wife who will not demand sexual attention when I am not in the mood for it. I want a wife who assumes the complete responsibility for birth control, because I do not want more children. I want a wife who will remain sexually faithful to me so that I do not have to clutter my intellectual life with jealousies. And I want a wife who understands that my sexual needs may entail more than strict adherence to monogamy. I must, after all, be able to relate to people as fully as possible. If, by chance, I find another person more suitable as a wife than the wife I already have, I want the liberty to replace my present wife with another one. Naturally, I will expect a fresh, new life; my wife will take the children and be solely responsible for them so that I am left free. When I am through with school and have acquired a job, I want my wife to quit working and remain at home so that my wife can more fully and completely take care of a wife’s duties. My God, who wouldn’t want a wife?

QUESTIONS FOR CLOSE READING 1. What is the selection’s thesis? Locate the sentence (or sentences) in which Brady states her Содержание main idea. If she doesn’t state the thesis explicitly, express it in your own words. 2. What event sparked Brady to think about why she would like to have a wife? How is this event related to her thesis? 3. What are the duties of a wife, according to Brady? 4. How does Brady develop her definition of a wife? Does she ever provide a direct summary statement of what a wife is? 5. What is Brady’s tone in the essay? How does this tone help readers understand her definition of what it is to be a wife? 6. Why do you suppose the author repeats “I want a wife” over and over? How does this repetition add to the essay’s effectiveness? 7. Refer to your dictionary to define the following words used in the selection: nurturant, replenished, entail, adherence.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER THOUGHT 1. This essay was first published in 1971, when the women’s movement was still new. Have times changed? Or is Brady’s message still relevant today? 2. Brady concludes, “My God, who wouldn’t want a wife?” Would you? Why or why not? 3. Brady casts herself in the role of a certain kind of spouse. What’s your opinion of this spouse? How do you think most husbands would react to this essay? 4. Do you know any married women who are the kind of “wife” that Brady describes? Are these people happy? Do you see any positive aspects in such a relationship?

WRITING ASSIGNMENT 1. Adopting either a positive or negative viewpoint, write an essay defining a husband. Use either “I want a husband” or “I don’t want a husband” as your theme. Build your definition around numerous examples of the ways husbands behave. 2. Define what you mean by the phrase “a good marriage” – that is, the kind of marriage you would like to have. Develop your definition in an essay that explains what a couple should do to make a good marriage a reality. Содержание

Text 2 In the Male Direction Ellen Goodman

Ellen Goodman was a Pulitzer prize winning columnist, author, speaker, and commentator, a chronicler of social change in America, especially the women’s movement and its effects on our public and private lives. Goodman’s columns covered a wide range of topics, including parenting, divorce, alternative lifestyles, feminism, male- female employment roles and so on. For some readers Goodman’s commentary was meaningful and penetrating; others found it to be predictable. Consider Goodman’s tone, and ask yourself whether this essay could be enjoyed equally by men and women. There was a time in my life, I confess, when I thought that the only inherent differences between men and women were the obvious ones. In my callous youth, I scoffed at the mental gymnastics of sociobiologists who leaped to conclusions about men and women from years spent studying bugs. I suspected the motives of brain researchers who split the world of the sexes into left and right hemispheres. But now, in my midlife, I can no longer deny the evidence of my senses or experiences. Like virtually every woman in America who has spent time beside a man behind a wheel, like every woman in America who has ever been a lost passenger outward bound with a male driver, I know that there is one way in which the male sex is innately different from the female: Men are by their very nature congenitally unable to ask directions. The historical record of their unwillingness was always clear. Consider, for example, the valiant 600 cavalrymen who plunged into the Valley of Death… because they refused to ask if there wasn’t some other way around the cannons. Consider the entire wagon train that drove into the Donner Pass… because the wagon master wouldn’t stop at the station marked Last Gas before the Disaster. Consider even my own childhood. My father – a man with a great sense of humor and no sense of direction – constantly led us on what he referred to as “scenic routes”. But for centuries we assumed that this refusal was a weird idiosyncrasy. We never dreamed that it came with the testosterone. In recent years, I have from time to time found myself sitting beside men who would not admit they were lost until I lit matches under their fingertips in an attempt to read maps in a box canyon. One particular soul would consult an astronomical chart for his whereabouts before he would Содержание consult a police officer. Another would use a divining rod or a compass before he would use a gas station attendant. In the 1970s, people believed in roles instead of genes, and I assumed that this behavior came from growing up male in America. I figured that males were taught that being lost was a challenge and seeking help was a cop-out. I assumed that the lost highwayman thought of himself as the Daniel Boone of Route 66. Finally, however, the new breed of scientists is offering us new insights, not into upbringing but into biology and brains. The male brain, according to researches, is organized differently than the female. Men have better spatial abilities; women have better verbal abilities. Thus, we see the problem: Men read maps and women read people. The average woman uses the voice. Due to this fact, the husband who is able to adequately drive into a tall booth and roll down the car window is handicapped with the inability to then ask the question: “Where is Route Twenty?” A man who can stick-shift and double-clutch, using his right hemisphere, is handicapped by his left hemisphere when it comes to asking, “Do we take a right here?” It isn’t his fault, you understand. It has to do with our Darwinian roots (what doesn’t these days?). The primeval hunter couldn’t ask a highway patrolman which way the antelopes were running. He had to shut up and follow the tracks. A good berry picker, on the other hand, could follow advice. These primitive differences have all the value of the appendix. They are likely to rupture in modern life. In my own life, the differences between the sexes have led to all sorts of misunderstandings and midnight hysterics. In other cases, they have led to deserted roadways, and divorce instead of doorsteps. It is time for the female who finds herself in the passenger seat on a scenic tour to take the wheel or to be more understanding. After all, anatomy may not be destiny – but it has a lot to do with destination.

QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Why do you think Goodman begins her essay by claiming that she once thought that men and women were basically the same? Does this strategy give her any advantage? 2. Consider the sequence of examples in paragraphs 5–7. Why does Goodman site her own father last? 3. What exaggerations suggest that we shouldn’t take this essay literally? 4. According to Goodman, what is the difference between the male and female brain? 5. Has Goodman succeeded in calling humorous attention to a basic difference between men and women, or is she simply exploiting a questionable stereotype? Содержание

Gender awareness A number of vocabulary changes are being introduced as a result of the feminist movement and heightened awareness of the sexist nature of some English vocabulary. Work with the following Exercises. Exercise 1. A modern editor would probably alter these sentences. REPLACE “male” words with a generic meaning by neutral items.

1. Three firemen helped put out a fire at a disused warehouse last night. 2. A spokesman for the Department of Education provided us with a statement. 3. Cleaning lady wanted for house in Priory Street. 4. The switchboard is continuously manned even during holiday periods. 5. All our airhostesses are fluent in at least three languages. 6. Miss Jones is in charge of the Manpower Department of the company. 7. Policemen today spend more time in cars than on the beat. 8. Brenda’s husband is a male nurse. 9. It took a great many man-hours to clean up the stadium after the concert. 10. This was a great step for mankind. 11. The man in the street has little time for such issues. 12. They manhandled the hostage into the van.

Exercise 2. MAKE examples of your own using the given words in proper collocations. Words Meaning/comment Example male, female used for gender classification in biology masculine, feminine having qualities felt to be typically male or female manly, womanly having positive qualities felt to be typically male or female virile manly (mature, grown-up) Содержание effeminate resembling a woman (used of men, negative) mannish resembling a man (used of women, negative) a tomboy a young girl who behaves and dresses like a boy a sissy a boy who behaves like a girl, or a weak and cowardly person (informal, negative) butch used of men and women, aggressively masculine in looks and behavior (informal)

DISCUSSION 1. How would you explain this expression: male words with generic meaning? 2. Why do you think there have been attempts to introduce non-sexist language? 3. Does you native language use male words generically? If so, have there been attempts to change them to avoid sexual stereotyping? 4. Do you think using sex-biased words does affect people’s attitudes to men’s and women’s roles in society? 5. A grammatical problem in this area is the use of he/his to refer to a person of either sex in the sentence “A government minister may have to neglect his family.” the minister could be a man or a woman. However the use of “his” assumes, perhaps wrongly, that it is a man. How could you rewrite this sentence to avoid this problem? Содержание

Text for individual analysis

Louise Somerset Maugham William Somerset Maugham (January 25, 1874 – December 16, 1965) was a British playwright, novelist and short story writer. He was among the most popular writers of his era and the highest paid author during the 1930s. Maugham’s masterpiece is generally agreed to be “Of Human Bondage”, a semiautobiographical novel that deals with the life of the main character Philip Carey, who, like Maugham, was orphaned, and brought up by his pious uncle. Two of his later novels were based on historical people: “The Moon and Sixpence” is about the life of Paul Gauguin; and “Cakes and Ale” contains thinly veiled characterizations of the authors Thomas Hardy and Hugh Walpole. Among his short stories, some of the most memorable are those dealing with the lives of Western, mostly British, colonists in the Far East. “Rain”, “Footprints in the Jungle”, and “The Outstation” are considered especially notable. Maugham’s restrained prose allows him to explore the tensions and passions without appearing melodramatic. I could never understand why Louise bothered with me. She disliked me and I knew that behind my back, in that gentle way of hers, she seldom lost the opportunity of saying a disagreeable thing about me. She had too much delicacy ever to make a direct statement, but with a hint and a sigh and a little flutter of her beautiful hands she was able to make her meaning plain. She was a mistress of cold praise. It was true that we had known one another almost intimately, for five-and-twenty years, but it was impossible for me to believe that she could be affected by the claims of old association. She thought me a coarse, brutal, cynical, and vulgar fellow. I was puzzled at her not taking the obvious course and dropping me. She did nothing of the kind; indeed, she would not leave me alone; she was constantly asking me to lunch and dine with her and once or twice a year invited me to spend a week-end at her house in the country. At last I thought that I had discovered her motive. She had an uneasy suspicion that I did not believe in her; and if that was why she did not like me, it was also why she sought my acquaintance: it galled her that I alone should look upon her as a comic figure and she could not rest till I acknowledged myself mistaken and defeated. Perhaps she had an inkling that I saw the face behind the mask and because I alone held out was determined that sooner or later I too should take the mask for the face. I was never quite certain that she was a complete humbug. I wondered whether she fooled herself as thoroughly as she fooled the world or whether there was some spark of humour at the bottom of her heart. If there was it might be that she was attracted to me, as a pair of crooks might be attracted to one another, by the knowledge that we shared a secret that was hidden from everybody else. I knew Louise before she married. She was then a frail, delicate girl with large and Содержание melancholy eyes. Her father and mother worshipped her with an anxious adoration, for some illness, scarlet fever I think, left her with a weak heart and she had to take the greatest care of herself. When Tom Maitland proposed to her they were dismayed, for they were convinced that she was much too delicate for the strenuous state of marriage. But they were not too well off and Tom Maitland was rich. He promised to do everything in the world for Louise and finally they entrusted her to him as a sacred charge. Tom Maitland was a big, husky fellow, very good-looking, and a fine athlete. He doted on Louise. With her weak heart he could not hope to keep her with him long and he made up his mind to do everything he could to make her few years on earth happy. He gave up the games he excelled in, not because she wished him to, she was glad that he should play golf and hunt, but because by a coincidence she had a heart attack whenever he proposed to leave her for a day. If they had a difference of opinion she gave in to him at once, for she was the most submissive wife a man could have, but her heart failed her and she would be laid up, sweet and uncomplaining, for a week. He could not be such a brute as to cross her. Then they would have a quiet little tussle about who should yield and it was only with difficulty that at last he persuaded her to have her own way. On one occasion seeing her walk eight miles on an expedition that she particularly wanted to make, I suggested to Tom Maitland that she was stronger than one would have thought. He shook his head and sighed. “No, no, she’s dreadfully delicate. She’s been to all the best heart specialists in the world, and they all say that her life hangs on a thread. But she has an unconquerable spirit.” He told her that I had remarked on her endurance. “I shall pay for it tomorrow,” she said to me in her plaintive way. “I shall be at death’s door.” “I sometimes think that you’re quite strong enough to do the things you want to,” I murmured. I had noticed that if a party was amusing she could dance till five in the morning, but if it was dull she felt very poorly and Tom had to take her home early. I am afraid she did not like my reply, for though she gave me a pathetic little smile I saw no amusement in her large blue eyes. “You can’t very well expect me to fall down dead just to please you,” she answered. Louise outlived her husband. He caught his death of cold one day when they were sailing and Louise needed all the rugs there were to keep her warm. He left her a comfortable fortune and a daughter. Louise was inconsolable. It was wonderful that she managed to survive the shock. Her friends expected her speedily to follow poor Tom Maitland to the grave. Indeed they already felt dreadfully sorry for Iris, her daughter, who would be left an orphan. They redoubled their attentions towards Louise. They would not let her stir a finger; they insisted on doing everything in the world to save her trouble. They had to, because if she was called upon to do anything tiresome or inconvenient her heart went back on her and there she was at death’s door. She was entirely lost without a man to take care of her, she said, and she did not know how, with her delicate health, she was going to bring up her dear Iris. Her friends asked why she did not marry again. Oh, with her heart it was out of the Содержание question, though of course she knew that dear Tom would have wished her to, and perhaps it would be the best thing for Iris if she did; but who would want to be bothered with a wretched invalid like herself? Oddly enough more than one young man showed himself quite ready to undertake the charge and a year after Tom’s death she allowed George Hobhouse to lead her to the altar. He was a fine, upstanding fellow, and he was not at all badly off. I never saw anyone so grateful as he for the privilege of being allowed to take care of this frail little thing. “I shan’t live to trouble you long,” she said. He was a soldier and an ambitious one, but he resigned his commission. Louise’s health forced her to spend the winter at Monte Carlo and the summer at Deauville. He hesitated a little at throwing up his career, and Louise at first would not hear of it; but at last she yielded as she always yielded, and he prepared to make his wife’s last few years as happy as might be. “It can’t be very long now,” she said. “I’ll try not to be troublesome.” For the next two or three years Louise managed, notwithstanding her weak heart, to go beautifully dressed to all the most lively parties, to gamble very heavily, to dance and even to flirt with tall, slim young men. But George Hobhouse had not the stamina of Louise’s first husband and he had to brace himself now and then with a stiff drink for his day’s work as Louise’s second husband. It is possible that the habit would have grown on him, which Louise would not have liked at all, but very fortunately (for her) the war broke out. He rejoined his regiment and three months later was killed. It was a great shock to Louise. She felt, however, that in such a crisis she must not give way to a private grief; and if she had a heart attack nobody heard of it. In order to distract her mind, she turned her villa at Monte Carlo into a hospital for convalescent officers. Her friends told her that she would never survive the strain. “Of course it will kill me,” she said, “I know that. But what does it matter? I must do my bit.” It didn’t kill her. She had the time of her life. There was no convalescent home in France that was more popular. I met her by chance in Paris. She was lunching at the Ritz with a tall and very handsome Frenchman. She explained that she was there on business connected with the hospital. She told me that the officers were too charming to her. They knew how delicate she was and they wouldn’t let her do a single thing. They took care of her, well – as though they were all her husbands. She sighed. “Poor George, who would ever have thought that I, with my heart, should survive him?” “And poor Tom!” I said. I don’t know why she didn’t like my saying that. She gave me her plaintive smile and her beautiful eyes filled with tears. “You always speak as though you grudged me the few years that I can expect to live.” “By the way, your heart’s much better, isn’t it?” Содержание

“It’ll never be better. I saw a specialist this morning and he said I must be prepared for the worst.” “Oh, well, you’ve been prepared for that for nearly twenty years now, haven’t you?” When the war came to an end Louise settled in London. She was now a woman of over forty, thin and frail still, with large eyes and pale cheeks, but she did not look a day more than twenty-five. Iris, who had been at school and was now grown up, came to live with her. “She’ll take care of me,” said Louise. “Of course it’ll be hard on her to live with such a great invalid as I am, but it can only be for such a little while, I’m sure she won’t mind.” Iris was a nice girl. She had been brought up with the knowledge that her mother’s health was precarious. As a child she had never been allowed to make a noise. She had always realized that her mother must on no account be upset. And though Louise told her now that she would not hear of her sacrificing herself for a tiresome old woman the girl simply would not listen. It wasn’t a question of sacrificing herself, it was a happiness to do what she could for her poor dear mother. With a sigh her mother let her do a great deal. “It pleases the child to think she’s making herself useful,” she said. “Don’t you think she ought to go out and about more?” I asked. “That’s what I’m always telling her. I can’t get her to enjoy herself. Heaven knows, I never want anyone to put themselves out on my account.” And Iris, when I remonstrated with her, said: “Poor dear mother, she wants me to go and stay with friends and go to parties, but the moment I start off anywhere she has one of her heart attacks, so I much prefer to stay at home.” But presently she fell in love. A young friend of mine, a very good lad, asked her to marry him and she consented. I liked the child and was glad that she was to be given the chance to lead a life of her own. She had never seemed to suspect that such a thing was possible. But one day the young man came to me in great distress and told me that his marriage was indefinitely postponed. Iris felt that she could not desert her mother. Of course it was really no business of mine, but I made the opportunity to go and see Louise. She was always glad to receive her friends at tea-time and now that she was older she cultivated the society of painters and writers. “Well, I hear that Iris isn’t going to be married,” I said after a while. “I don’t know about that. She’s not going to be married quite as soon as I could have wished. I’ve begged her on my bended knees not to consider me, but she absolutely refuses to leave me.” “Don’t you think it’s rather hard on her?” “Dreadfully. Of course it can only be for a few months, but I hate the thought of anyone sacrificing themselves for me.” “My dear Louise, you’ve buried two husbands, I can’t see the least reason why you Содержание shouldn’t bury at least two more.” “Do you think that’s funny?” she asked me in a tone that she made as offensive as she could. “I suppose it’s never struck you as strange that you’re always strong enough to do anything you want to and that your weak heart only prevents you from doing things that bore you?” “Oh, I know, I know what you’ve always thought of me. You’ve never believed that I had anything the matter with me, have you?” I looked at her full and square. “Never. I think you’ve carried out for twenty-five years a stupendous bluff. I think you’re the most selfish and monstrous woman I have ever known. You ruined the lives of those two wretched men you married and now you’re going to ruin the life of your daughter.” I should not have been surprised if Louise had had a heart attack then. I fully expected her to fly into a passion. She merely gave me a gentle smile. “My poor friend, one of these days you’ll be so dreadfully sorry you said this to me.” “Have you quite decided that Iris shall not marry this boy?” “I’ve begged her to marry him. I know it’ll kill me, but I don’t mind. Nobody cares for me. I’m just a burden to everybody.” “Did you tell her it would kill you?” “She made me.” “As if anyone ever made you do anything that you were not yourself quite determined to do.” “She can marry her young man to-morrow if she likes. If it kills me, it kills me.” “Well, let’s risk it, shall we?” “Haven’t you got any compassion for me?” “One can’t pity anyone who amuses one as much as you amuse me,” I answered. A faint spot of colour appeared on Louise’s pale cheeks and though she smiled still her eyes were hard and angry. “Iris shall marry in a month’s time,” she said, “and if anything happens to me I hope you and she will be able to forgive yourselves.” Louise was as good as her word. A date was fixed, a trousseau of great magnificence was ordered, and invitations were issued. Iris and the very good lad were radiant. On the wedding-day, at ten o’clock in the morning, Louise, that devilish woman, had one of her heart attacks and died. She died gently forgiving Iris for having killed her. Содержание

Language focus Find these expressions in the story and explain what they mean. 1. a mistress of cold praise 2. to worship smth./smb. 3. to be dismayed 4. to be well off 5. to entrust smb. to smb. 6. her life hangs on a thread 7. inconsolable 8. to distract one’s mind 9. to survive the strain 10. to sacrifice smb. for smb./smth. 11. to carry out a bluff 12. to be as good as one’s word Содержание

Activities 1. The story is told mostly from the author’s viewpoint, and we are given only a few insights into Louise’s thoughts. During the conversation about her husbands’ death Louise doesn’t object to her interlocutor, but gives a sad smile as if she were having an internal debate with herself. Imagine that you are Louise and express your thoughts as you talk to the author. 2. How do you think Louise viewed the author? Imagine that she kept a diary and write two short entries for it: one for the day of his remark: “I sometimes think that you’re quite strong enough to do the things you want to”, and the other for the day of their talk about Iris’s marriage. 3. Both husbands worshipped Louise, but “George Hobhouse had not the strength of Louise’s first husband and he had to brace himself now and then with a drink for his day’s work as Louise’s second husband”. Write down his thoughts about this “job”. 4. How do you interpret the end of the story? (On the wedding-day, at ten o’clock in the morning, Louise, that devilish woman, had one of her heart attacks – and died. She died gently forgiving Iris for having killed her). Do you think Iris would be blaming herself till the end of her life? Write a paragraph as a postscript to the story, describing the author’s emotional state during the next month or two. Содержание

Topics for inal writing assignment Read the following quotations. Choose one that appeals to you most and write an essay on this topic.

1. Character is what God and the angels know of us; reputation is what men and women think of us (Horace Mann). 2. Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody (Mark Twain). 3. A modest man is usually admired – if people ever hear of him (Edgar Watson Howe). 4. To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are (Anonymous). 5. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power (Abraham Lincoln). 6. Every man has his follies – and often they are the most interesting things he has got (Josh Billings). 7. Wealth stays with us a little moment if at all: only our characters are steadfast, not our gold (Euripides). 8. Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved (Helen Keller). 9. It is thus with most of us; we are what other people say we are. We know ourselves chiefly by hearsay (Eric Hoffer). 10. You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one (James A. Froude). 11. To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved but at what he aspires to. 12. Nothing of character is really permanent but virtue and personal worth. 13. Sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny. 14. We are builders of our own characters. We have different positions, spheres, capacities, privileges, different work to do in the world, different temporal fabrics to raise; but we are all alike in this, – all are architects of fate. Содержание Содержание

INTRODUCTION INTO THE TOPIC Essential vocabulary on the topic Vocabulary work Содержание

Essential vocabulary on the topic Study the domain charts and be ready to do the exercises. The Stages of Life Domain Beginnings Childhood Adolescence birth childhood adolescence origin youth teenage years creation boyhood puberty conception girlhood Early Childhood infancy Adulthood Old age Death womanhood old age death manhood declining years passing on prime of life twilight of life passing away demise decease People of a Certain Age Minor Adult minor girl boy child adult grownup woman man Informal: kid lady gentleman Baby Toddler Over 3 years baby infant crawler toddler tot youth youngster 10 to 12 years 13 years to adulthood Older adult pre-teen adolescent senior citizen pre-adolescent teenager old timer teen octogenarian (80+) centenarian (100+) Содержание

Exercise 1. Complete the sentence with a proper word from the chart. 1. Ronald Reagan was elected when he was 69 years old. He became President of the United States when he was a/an ______. 2. Some Americans were so eager to fight in the Civil War that they joined the army when they were only 14 or 15 years old. They were only ______, but they were fighting in a dreadful war. 3. In the United States it is illegal for a/an ______to drink alcohol. 4. A/an ______requires almost constant care from its mother or father for the first few months of its life. 5. A ______who does not attend school regularly is called “a truant”. 6. In your country, is it common for ______who are still in high school to have part- time jobs? 7. Because many ______are retired and have small incomes, they are often given discounts at restaurants, stores and theatres. 8. Some children under the age of 3 go to special pre-school. Some of these ______stay there from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day. 9. Some men open doors for women because they think ______should go before ______. 10.Many children like to dream up. They say things like, “When I’m a/an ______I’m going to be a pilot”. Exercise 2. Choose the word or expression that best completes the sentence. 1. This movie is for adults and not for children. It should only be seen by ______audience (youthful, senile, mature). 2. My grandparents are 70 years old, but they are very active. They go to parties and like to play games with me. I like to visit them because they are so ______(mature, childlike, senile, young at heart). 3. Nancy is 25 years old. She has a good job and just got her own apartment. Her parents are very proud of her because she is so ______(old in years, grown up). 4. A little girl asked the librarian a question. The librarian couldn’t understand her because she spoke in a high ______voice (grown-up, elderly, childish). 5. My father said that his new boss was ______(over the hill, in her prime, mature). My Содержание mother said that it was not polite to talk about an older person like that. 6. That company likes to hire people who have worked for another company for several years. It wants employees who have experience and are ______(over the hill, immature, in their prime). 7. Mr. Kowalski is 78. He often forgets things and can’t find his way home. He is getting ______(juvenile, senile, middle-aged). 8. Those children have been playing hockey for hours. I admire their ______energy (youthful, elderly, grown-up). Exercise 3. Put the words and expressions in each line in the correct order starting with BIRTH and going to PASSING AWAY. 1. adolescence adulthood childhood 2. puberty decease origin 3. prime of life girlhood declining years creation 4. twilight of life passing away boyhood birth manhood 5. infancy demise conception teenage years manhood Содержание

PARENTS-CHILDREN RELATIONS What makes a good parent? Vocabulary work Are you fit to be a parent? Содержание

What makes a good parent? Place these qualities in order of their importance and motivate your reason. Cross out the qualities that you find undesirable or harmful and account for your opinion. Add other qualities that you think are essential for making a good parent. Exchange your opinions within the group.

1. An ability to take yourself as a parent at your worth. 2. An ability to manage your child. 3. An ability to handle your child’s “whys”. 4. Tolerance and patience. 5. Ambition. 6. An ability to socialize with your child. 7. An ability to respect your child’s opinion. 8. An ability to sacrifice your own interests for the sake of your child. 9. Good humor and ingenuity. 10. An ability to control your emotions. 11. Justice. 12. Mercy. 13. An ability to admit your mistakes. 14. Love. 15. Confidence in your child. 16. Strictness. 17. Permissiveness. Содержание

Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place below. One word is extra. How Much Freedom Should Children Have?

1. possessive 2. upbringing 3. permissive 4. suppress 5. rebelliousness 6. formative 7. juvenile 8. run wild 9. inhibited 10. authoritarian 11. delinquency 12. adolescence It is often said that we live in a (a) ______age, one in which people are allowed to do almost anything they like. Is this good for children? They are going through their (b) ______, which is a very (c) ______stage of their development since their final adult characters are beginning to take shape. Some parents think it is good for children to be allowed to (d) ______, without control or supervision. They say that this enables children’s personalities to develop naturally and that they will learn to be responsible by the mistakes they make. However, this might lead to (e) ______, with the children ending up in the courts, or it might simply make children self-centered, without any consideration for others. Other parents believe in being strict, but taken to extremes this can produce a too (f) ______atmosphere in the home, with the children being dominated and ruled by their parents. Parents can also be very (g) ______and try to keep their children dependent on them. These last two attitudes can encourage (h) ______(against parents, school, authority) in a child, or, conversely, (i) ______a child’s natural sense of adventure and curiosity. A strict (j) ______by over-caring parents can make a child so timid and (k) ______that he or she is unable to express freely his or her emotions and form mature relationships. To bring up children to be normal, well-adjusted human beings requires great wisdom, and perhaps a bit of luck. Содержание

Are You Fit to be a Parent? What sort of parent are you (would you be)? Strict, soft-hearted, or somewhere between the two? Answer the questions and check your score.

1. You have just been for a healthy five-mile 4. What do you think about physical run. Your pulse is somewhere over 200 and punishment? you wonder whether you are going to live. a. It’s all right to smack a child occasionally As you step out of the shower, your child for something very serious. walks into the bathroom, waves a paper in your face, and starts telling you all about the b. Children need to be smacked when they wonderful story he/she has just written about are naughty – it’s much better than telling a rabbit with pink ears. As you stand there, them off. dripping wet and searching for your glasses, c. what do you say? It’s always wrong to smack a child. 5. a. Lovely, dear. What’s the rabbit’s name? Your child refuses to eat anything except crisps and ice-cream. Do you: b. Super, darling. But could you just wait a. until I’ve dried myself and got dressed? let him/her live on crisps and ice-cream? b. c. If you and your bloody rabbit don’t get make the child eat up everything that is on out of the bathroom right now, you’re both his/her plate at mealtimes? going down the toilet. c. let the child have crisps and ice cream if 2. You have told your child, about seventeen he/she eats a certain amount of other food? times, to calm down and stop jumping on the 6. Your child is playing in the middle of the living-room furniture. Your child climbs up kitchen floor. When you say that you need to on the window-ledge and breaks a window. clean the floor, the child kicks and screams You tell the child that he/she will have to put and refuses to move. Do you: two weeks’ pocket money toward the cost of the repair, and you say that he/she can’t a. forcibly move the child and his/her toys? go into the living room again for three days. b. explain to the child why it is important that Is this punishment: you clean the floor now? a. too strict? c. put off cleaning the floor till later? b. not strict enough? 7. At weekends, your child watches an c. just right? average of eight hours’ TV a day. He/she is developing square eyes. Do you: 3. Your child is generally pretty well- behaved, but when his/her best friend Pat a. have a discussion with the child, comes to play he/she turns into a wild beast. explaining why he/she should watch less Содержание

One day, they steal some lipstick and draw TV? pictures all over the kitchen walls. Do you: b. ration the child to three hours a day? a. say that Pat can never come again? c. let the child watch what he/she wants? b. try to explain to both of them why this is a 8. Your child’s room looks like a rubbish bad thing to do? dump that has been hit by a bomb. Do you: c. make them clean off the lipstick as well as a. leave the child to tidy up the room when they can? he/she feels like it? b. ask the child to tidy up the room? c. tell the child to tidy up the room? Score table

1. a – 3 b – 2 c – 1 2. a – 3 b – 2 c – 1 3. a – 1 b – 2 c – 3 4. a – 2 b – 1 c – 3 5. a – 3 b – 1 c – 2 6. a – 1 b – 2 c – 3 7. a – 2 b – 1 c – 3 8. a – 3 b – 2 c – 1 (See comments) Suggest the rules parents should adhere to make their child’s adjustment to kindergarten/ school smooth. Write a list of psychological “tips” for parents. Содержание

ONLYHOOD It doesn’t hurt to be alone Language focus Discussion Writing assignment Sibling rivalry Project work Reading comprehension and discussion Project work “Which bond is the strongest?” Correction work Содержание

Read the following text, study the underlined vocabulary, be ready for the discussion of the problem of onlyhood. It doesn’t hurt to be alone

Behavior. Debunking the myths about only children. “Being an only child is a disease in itself,” the noted psychologist G. Stanley Hall asserted more than a century ago. Old myths apparently die hard. For years, a growing body of research has suggested that only children are more likely to be helped than to be hurt by their solitary status. Yet the portrait of only children as spoiled and maladjusted and their parents as selfish or eccentric retains a firm hold on the popular imagination. Even as the number of one-child families in America continues to grow, surveys show that most people still believe the ideal family contains two children. A major new study of only children has now provided the strongest evidence yet that the myth is just that. This sweeping study of 150,000 adults and children found that onlys are better educated, score higher on IQ tests and develop better social skills than children from larger families. Demographer Judith Blake of the University of California at Los Angeles, author of Family Size and Achievement, has found that, on average, children from one-child families get 20 percent more years of education than do children from families with several siblings. Onlys scored higher than any other group on verbal IQ tests, believed to be the best predictor of educational success. There is no scientific basis for the idea that life without brothers and sisters makes a child overly self-absorbed, either. In fact, the opposite holds true. “Onlys are at no disadvantage whatsoever when it comes to personality attributes,” argues psychologist Tony Falbo of the University of Texas at Austin, who has analyzed hundreds of studies on growing up without siblings. In the two personality categories where onlys differ significantly from other children, self-esteem and achievement, they fare better. “Every year, I ask my medical students how many are onlys or firstborns, and 85 percent of the class raise their hands,” says child psychiatrist Selma Kramer, a professor at the Thomas Jefferson School of Medicine in Philadelphia. Getting more. The simplest explanation for the benefits of onlyhood, researchers say, is that only children receive more parental attention and a larger slice of the family resources than children from large families. Researchers note that there are a few significant differences between children who grow up in one-child and two-child families. But, says Blake, “adding children dilutes the material resources in a family and, more important, the amount of parental attention each child receives.” She found, for example, that onlys are more likely to have been read aloud to as children and to have been given music, dance and art lessons. Because only children are forced to become “more socially sophisticated” at seeking companionship outside the family, they are also more likely to get involved in extracurricular activities than are other children. The enforced solitude that goes with being an only child may even have benefits. “Only Содержание children don’t easily assimilate into large groups, and when they do they tend to dominate,” says pediatrician Murray Kappelman, author of Raising the Only Child, who notes that the first group of astronauts contained a significant number of only children. Among the onlys who have made their mark in politics are Ihdira Gandhi, Joseph Stalin and Franklin Delano Roosevelt (who had a half brother 28 years his senior). “I compete against myself,” says Governor Ray Mabus of Mississippi, who at age 40 was the youngest governor in the US until Governor Evan Bayh of Indiana, 33, also an only child, was elected last year. For others, having to rely on imagination rather than the constant company of playmates may set off a creative spark. “Onlys have more of a sense of creating their own worlds than other kids,” says Michele Slung, author of The Only Child Book. Many notable artists, including Leonardo da Vinci, Frank Sinatra, Ansel Adams, Ezra Pound, Lilian Hellman, John Updike and Cary Grant were only children. “Being alone was easier,” noted British writer John Mortimer, “if you became two people, the actor and the observer. The observer was always the same; the actor played many parts: an officer in the Foreign Legion or a ruthless private detective... or a brigadier in Napoleon’s Army.” The experts concede, however, that conventional wisdom is not all wet. Children with siblings develop thicker skins from frequent teasing and squabbling. “One of my lifelong struggles is to forgive and forget and not to carry grudges,” admits Darrel Sifford, author of The Only Child. As a child, he fought mostly with his parents, and, because they were adults, they took the initiative for making up, he explains. Other onlys have trouble expressing anger because they never had to stand up for themselves. “If there was one red lollipop, I always got it,” says Washington, D.C., consultant Sheila Reines, 38. Some experts even suggest that onlys run a higher risk of becoming adult hypochondriacs, the result of parents who treated every sniffle as a life-threatening illness. “Parents have a heightened fear of losing their only child, even if Johnny simply has an earache,” Kappelman says. With 52 percent of women with children under age 1 working, strained family budgets and the frenzied schedules of two-career couples contribute to the preference for smaller families. Despite the growing ranks of one-child families, however, many parents feel guilty for denying their child a sibling or two. “We made the decision (to have one child) in the face of tremendous opposition,” says Alice Morris of Medford, N. J., mother of a 7-year-old daughter. “It’s hard to think of yourself as selfish and inadequate, which is what other people say or imply.” Whether such criticism is rooted in the belief that people should reproduce to perpetuate society or envy of the fewer strains on one-child families, the stereotypes are hard to dispel. Author Stifford admits being convinced that real-estate tycoon Donald Trump was an only child because he was “a perfectionist, driven, a high achiever and knows how to get what he wants.” In fact, Trump is the fourth of five children. Little emperors. Even the world’s biggest research experiment on only children is a victim of misperceptions. China imposed a one-child-per-family rule in 1979 to control population growth. This policy resulted in appearing of the so-called “Little Emperor Syndrome”. Worldwide press reports soon followed, detailing “spoiled little emperors” who tyrannize their Содержание parents and grandparents with outrageous behavior. In this situation the parents lavish their love, attention, resources on this one child of theirs, and as a result, the child becomes spoilt and, well, behaves like a “Little Emperor.” This sort of excessive attention and care can prove detrimental in the long term for the child. The child gets used to having everything done, managed, taken care of – by his/her parents. When they have to live in the real world and face real problems, they might not be able to cope with it. They may lack self-confidence to go out in the world and get things done for themselves. They might feel lost outside of the cocoon that their parents created for them. This of course need not always be the case and can be overcome by good parenting. Thus the media “widely exaggerated the problems,” says Falbe, who has participated in two major studies on onlys in China. She found that, on average, Chinese onlys fared no worse than children with siblings in terms of personality and achievement. The biggest problem Chinese youngsters face, especially in a culture that reveres its elders, Palbo says “is not whether the kid will grow up to be a little spot” but how they will cope as the sole caretakers for aging parents and grandparents. Anecdotal evidence, at least, suggests, that taking care of elderly parents is, in fact, the single biggest drawback only children face when they reach adulthood, in China and elsewhere. “As you get older, you know your world may diminish,” says author Slung, 41, who’s an only child herself. Only children are forced to confront that particular family crisis all alone. And when a parent dies, only children have no siblings with whom they can share mutual grief and happy memories. Perhaps the most apparent disadvantage of being an only child is the feeling of loneliness – not having a sibling to play with regularly and to be able to share your thoughts and memories with. When you parents are no longer around, not having a sibling to talk about things with or look up to for any kind of help or support can be quite a disadvantage. Also, when you parents get older, being an only child, you would have to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of your parents on your own, which might be overwhelming. As an only child, you may also face an immense pressure put on you by your parents; for example, to keep the family name going or to do well in your academics. As an only child, you would also be watched with an eagle eye by your parents and this may be quite suffocating and stressful for you. If you had siblings, the pressure wouldn’t be as much and you may perhaps be able to lead a more stress-free life. This again would be a highly subjective experience. There may be many who may feel no stress at all and are able to take this pressure, real or perceived, within their stride. The negative myths will persist, no doubt, as long as only children continue to be outnumbered by people with siblings. But onlys can take great solace in America’s changing demographics. The number of one-child families had increased sharply in recent years: only 1 in 5 American mothers who has completed childbearing now has one child, double the percentage 10 years ago. In the coming years, only children will be able to find plenty of company. Содержание

Language focus Match the synonymous words or expressions from the article with the following definitions.

1. to expose falseness of some idea 2. to declare something as the truth 3. a wide inquiry 4. a person saying something in advance 5. to get greater attention of the family 6. when a person is interested in himself 7. the status of being alone 8. to influence smb greatly 9. to weaken, to make weaker or thinner 10. when a child is unable to adapt himself properly to his new environment we say that he is ... 11. when the person is experienced we call him ... 12. aloneness 13. to leave a remarkable trace in smth 14. to get on better 15. a noun for an only child 16. when a person shows better results in smth we say that he ... 17. a noun for both a brother and a sister 18. good opinion of oneself is called ... 19. quarreling 20. an eminent person 21. to protect oneself 22. to give smth to, to add 23. to rule cruelly and unjustly Содержание

24. to preserve smth from being forgotten 25. to have deep respect for smb 26. to drive smth (stereotypes) away 27. to face smth (neg.) 28. consolation 29. a person who makes success 30. to weaken, to decrease 31. the desire to be superior Содержание

Discussion 1. What problem is underlined in the article? 2. What are the advantages of onlyhood? 3. What are the disadvantages? 4. What is your personal opinion of the problem? Summarize your experience. Содержание

Writing assignment The letters below are sent to your magazine asking for advice on the subject of “onlyhood”. Write the appropriate reply to the letter and advise a person how to cope with the problem. 1)

2) Содержание


4) Содержание

The previous article is closely connected with the following one – “Sibling Rivalry”. Study it and get ready for group work.

Sibling rivalry

Nine-year-old Tom and five-year-old Camilla can fight like cat and dog. Never mind that their father is an eminent child psychologist. “Sibling rivalry” – as the professionals smoothly term these quarrels – is as old as the Bible and affects most families. During half term, Britain will resound with maternal cries of “stop fighting” and childish rejoinders of “he hit me first”. Now that the quick smack is increasingly out of fashion, especially since the recent recommendations that hitting a child violently should be made illegal, how should a parent retain their sanity? “Break the rules,” says Charlie Lewis (lecturer in psychology and father of Tom and Camilla). “Bribery is not only acceptable, but essential. Offer them chocolate or a trip to the park if they stop quarreling.” Sending a child to a grandparent’s or friend’s house can also help, says Dr Lewis, who battled with his four brothers in an 18-year-long fight. “If you can’t do this, avoid pressure building up during the day by organizing an outing during the later afternoon or early evening. A walk can ease tension and calm you down for the forthcoming bath and bed battles.” If warfare has already broken out, Dr. Lewis will threaten the aggressor with “severe trouble” if the fighting escalates. If that does not work, punishments range from sending children to separate rooms and (for gross misdemeanors) a withdrawal of treats. In the heat of the moment, it is easy to be rash. Dr. Lewis recently forbade Tom from playing in a long-awaited football game, but relented without losing face by making him tidy up his room as an alternative correction. Sarcasm, adds Dr. Lewis, is a handy retort for the common childish accusation that “you love her better because you never tell her off”. If he replies “yes, that’s right” in a joking way, it takes the power away from Tom’s statement because his son can see his father is not taking him seriously. Ask yourself too if there’s a grain of truth in the complaint. Pay some attention to the aggressor and find out why he’s behaving badly. This is precisely the stage when one feels like smacking. So what does the organization End Physical Punishment of Children advise? The best method is diversion, says Peter Newell, the organization’s coordinator and father of Finn, aged two, Joe, five, and Matthew, six. “If the two-year-old has the five-year-old’s construction bricks, I produce something which the younger one is equally interested in.” Содержание “And how about multi-age activities like cooking? That’s something you can get all the children involved in. Introduce laughter – arguments often start because a parent is tired. It’s easy for that mood of desperation to affect them. When I come home at night, I stand on the doorstep for a few moments to ask myself, what kind of mood I am in and to jolly myself up.” Analyzing your own reactions is wise according to Dr. Penny Munn, a psychologist at Strathclyde University, who studied 43 toddlers and their siblings at play. “Mothers who reprimanded children by talking about feelings (“He didn't mean to hurt you”) had more effect than those who simply said “Don’t do that,” Dr Munn says. She confesses to being “speechless with admiration” at other techniques displayed by mothers who would “nip in with drinks or other diversions when the atmosphere got tricky”. Persuading your children to sort out their own fracas is a technique learned by Jan and Peter Breed through a counseling course run by Parent Network. “If they’re arguing over a toy, get them to tell you their side of the story,” advises Mrs. Breed, whose offspring (Rhiannon, aged seven, Cerys, five and Joel, two) are constantly at each other’s throats. (The baby – 12-week-old Sadie – is as yet too young to join in.) “Then say: ‘This is the situation. You want it and he wants it so what are you going to do about it?’ They usually come up with a solution such as taking it in turns.” If all else fails, tell yourself that sibling arguments can be positive. So says Dr. Lynn Beardsall, a psychologist at Sunderland University who sat in on 20 six-year-olds with their older brothers or sisters aged between seven and 12 when writing her thesis on conflicts between siblings. “Younger children who had had physical fights with older brothers or sisters were best at identifying how people feel. We tested them by playing audio tapes of adults discussing their own problems. These children were more sensitive at identifying with the dilemma than others.” The study also revealed that out of the younger children, those who were most often the victim were better peace keepers partly because they had learnt sharing and negotiation strategies. Gender, too, made a difference. Boys tended to be more physically aggressive, whereas girls favoured the sneaky pinch. There was also proof that some fighters are best left alone. “One third of the children reached a mutually acceptable solution over an argument without parental interference,” Dr. Beardsall says. “I watched some very nasty punch-ups which mothers ignored before the children sorted it out themselves.” How to help kids get along better? The basic rules are as follows: • Don’t play favorites. • Try not to compare your children to one another. For example, don’t say things like, “Your brother gets good grades in math – why can’t you?” • Let each child be who they are. Don’t try to pigeonhole or label them. • Enjoy each of your children’s individual talents and successes. • Set your kids up to cooperate rather than compete. For example, have them race the clock to pick up toys, instead of racing each other. Содержание • Pay attention to the time of day or other patterns in when conflicts usually occur. Are conflicts more likely right before naps or bedtime or maybe when children are hungry before meals? Perhaps a change in the routine, an earlier meal or snack, or a well-planned quiet activity when the kids are at loose ends could help avert your kids’ conflicts. • Teach your kids positive ways to get attention from each other. Show them how to approach another child and ask them to play and to share their belongings and toys. • Being fair is very important, but it is not the same as being equal. Older and younger children may have different privileges due to their age, but if children understand that this inequality is because one child is older or has more responsibilities, they will see this as fair. Even if you did try to treat your children equally, there will still be times when they feel as if they’re not getting a fair share of attention, discipline, or responsiveness from you. Expect this and be prepared to explain the decisions you have made. Reassure your kids that you do your best to meet each of their unique needs. • Plan family activities that are fun for everyone. If your kids have good experiences together, it acts as a buffer when they come into conflict. It’s easier to work it out with someone you share warm memories with. Make sure each child has enough time and space of their own. Kids need chances to do their own thing, play with their own friends without their sibling, and to have their space and property protected. Содержание Содержание

Reading comprehension and discussion Read an article about the relationship between mothers and their sons. For questions 1– 7, choose which of the paragraphs A–H fit into the numbered gaps in the article. One night, not so long ago, just as I was drifting off to In his teens, he used many of these same tricks to keep sleep, the phone rang. It was my 19-year-old son, who me at bay. If I drove him anywhere to meet his friends, is at university in Edinburgh, calling to say that he had he insisted I drop him off out of sight of where they broken up with his girlfriend at midnight and he had were waiting. There were girlfriends I never met, and been wandering around the city ever since, not knowing phone conversations which were all in code. But what to do. I told him to catch the first train home. He occasionally, a confidential mood would come over him arrived looking a wreck, but after a good sleep and and he would tell me whatever happened to be on his some home cooking he began to feel his old self again. mind. 1 5 Girls I knew then were fairly open with their mothers, “And there’s another important change,” she adds. but none of my male contemporaries would ever have “Most of us took pains to reassure our sons that it was admitted asking their mothers for advice. Despite all our okay for them to show physical affection or cry when talk about how important it was for men to let down they were upset. If our boys are not so anxious now their defenses and learn how to express their feelings, about showing their emotions, our efforts in this area most of us still secretly felt that any man who depended have not been in vain.” This seems to be backed up by on his mother too much was a bit of a mummy’s boy. research, which shows that boys call their mothers on their mobile phones more than anyone else. 2 6 But things don’t work that way any more. In a world of The mothers at the other end of the line often have short-term contracts, downsizing and redundancy, even correspondingly low expectations. But we try to keep the most promising and ambitious of our children will go our anxieties at manageable levels by saying: “All right, through many career highs and lows during their you can stay out until four in the morning, but only if you twenties; and whenever they hit those depths, many of call me every hour to let me know you’re okay.” Those them will return to the nest. A typical son will continue of us who add the offer “And if you need a lift, let me to be at least partly dependant on his mother well past know” often regret it. Most phone calls will begin: “I’m the age of 18. at the station. When can you pick me up?” 3 7 They’re also better able to see through the mask of What I didn’t anticipate was for the same thing to apparent self-confidence. When my boy was growing happen to my son. I assumed I would lose him, just like up, he always maintained an invincible front. His early all the experts said. It may be that they were wrong all imaginary play involved sieges, ambushes and surprise along – that sons have always confided in their mothers attacks. His starting point, though, was always a danger – and just made sure that no one else knew. Have I against which he needed to defend himself. He used the stumbled on motherhood’s best-kept secret? Even if I games to convince himself that he could prevail. have, it doesn’t diminish my sense of wonder. It’s still like getting a present you never expected. 4 8 Содержание

A. These days, however, mothers can E. “But don’t assume that girls are any expect to be relied on almost indefinitely for tougher than boys,” says Celia Pyper. the type of advice that calls on our “Daughters need their mother too.” experience of the outside world. A Certainly, I know how much my own generation ago, it was accepted that sons daughters need me. But this continuing would eventually leave their mothers to join mother-daughter bond is something I the world of men and work. Mothers put expected. their 18 years in and then opened the door to allow their sons to move into jobs for life. B. Friends told me that they, too, were F. This, alone, may not imply closeness, getting the same volume of confidences. however. Rob rings his mother from Celia Pyper says this is normal behavior for university three times a week, but says he is today’s boys: “Our sons will tell us more careful to edit what he tells her. And than their fathers told their mothers, because although he’ll approach her for advice on we have brought them up to do so. Our practical issues, when it comes to matters of norm has been to empathize with our the heart: “Why would I go to my mother or children when they tell us about their actions my father after the mess they’ve made of or feelings, whereas the previous generation their lives?” he asks. tended to be shocked.” C. Many of my friends are surprised at this G. The next afternoon he told me what had reluctance of their 20-something sons to happened. Then he told me more. And break away. But according to more. A moment arrived when I couldn’t psychotherapist Celia Pyper, the mother-son help asking myself, should I be hearing all of intimacy is nothing new. “Mums have always this? It wasn’t that I was shocked. He been easier to talk to,” she observes. “They reminded me of myself in my own student are cuddlier than their fathers, and sons years, but with one important difference – I realize early on that their mothers are more would never ever have confided in my accepting of human frailty.” parents this way. D. They are not in any doubt how to H. As he got older and had to ride to school respond to the situation. As one friend said on a bus, with other children, all too often, of her rather reticent son: “My job is to give there were situations in which he didn’t. I my son courage.” And whilst we might had to teach him how to put new defenses welcome the chance to see more of our so that his rougher classmates would not see children, one does have the feeling that there his weakness. is something antinatural in all this. Содержание

Which bond is the strongest?

Split into 4 groups. Each group should discuss the relationships between the marked objects (schemes 1–4). After discussion each group presents their opinion to share with the other groups. While discussing, remember to point out the following: a) what feelings characterize this relationship; b) find arguments to prove this bond to be the strongest. Exemplify it. Содержание

Correction work Try yourself in correction work. Proofread the following letter for 20 errors.

Mom and Dad, I really do apreciate you. When you had left for your extended vacation last month, you put me in the charge of the house. The result: I know now the agony you've put up with us, kids. For first three weeks things ran smooth. I did everything per your instruction. But when Kari, your daughter, got home from summer camp, I had to become the part-time parent. Thats when the trouble all started. First, she squabled when I returned home from market. She tyrannized me furiously to ask what kind of yogurt was that and why couldn't I have bought some real ice-cream. Then she invited a friend to stay overnight, which I really didn't mind. I did mind them to drink the half- gallon of lemonade. Soon Kari enlivened my week even more. One morning I gave a kitchen floor a good moping. But when I got home, I found it sticky, because she spilled the sugar. I'm glad you are coming home, because I can't take all these much longer. I can't confront to that particular crisis lonely. What with rising a family, teaching proper morals, emptying dishwashers and walking dogs, I just don't see how you find any time for yourselves. It takes me 20 years to understand it, but I appreciate of you, I really do. I understand now what empathy is. It is a powerful means of debunking the myths about happiness of parenthood. Содержание

GENEALOGY • To what generation can you trace your family tree? • Would you love to learn more about your ancestors? • Does your family clan make any attempt to perpetuate the history of your family? • Do you have “stories” about some distant family member which are passed from generation to generation? What are they? Genealogy, or researching your family tree, is a hobby that can rapidly develop into an obsession. Read this article by genealogist Maria McLeod and comment on her advice. The first question to ask yourself is why you want to research your family tree. Genealogy is not about discovering that you are the heir to the throne of an unknown country. It’s about finding out more about yourself. For most people the important question is “why am I like I am?” You might not look like other members of your immediate family and you want to know where your green eyes or curly hair come from. You may be curious about why you have such a quick temper or are utterly hopeless at mathematics. You may even be suffering from a medical condition and want to know if something in your genetic makeup has caused it. Another common motive for researching your family tree is that you plan to visit the place that your ancestors came from and you secretly hope that you will find some long lost cousins with whom you can share your memories. There can be few more exciting things than meeting a distant cousin who is living on the other side of the globe and finding that she looks just like your younger sister. But you should also bear in mind that they may not necessarily want to have anything to do with you. Sometimes there are skeletons in the cupboard that you and your branch of the family are unaware of, but which are still fresh in the minds of your more distant relatives. This brings up an important aspect of this kind of research that some people do not anticipate. Of course, you want to find out about yourself and what makes you “you”, but you may not be so keen on discovering some unpleasant facts about your relatives. Your ancestors were human beings too and there is no reason to expect them to have led blameless lives. It is all part of your own history, after all, and if you are going to do the research, you should accept this fact and understand that you cannot change it. Once you are clear about your motives, you need to take a moment to think about just how many ancestors you might have and how far back you intend to go. You have, no doubt, thought about your parents’ parents and your parents’ parents’ parents; you may even know quite a bit about them. But go back ten generations and the picture becomes much more complicated. To begin with, many more people are involved. You can work it out for yourself. Содержание You may be descended from no fewer than 1024 people through ten generations and that means there are a lot of different individuals to trace and stories to check. This can mean that you spend hours going through official records, either in person at the records office or on the Internet. Are you prepared for such a huge task? Simply starting the search can be overwhelming and right now you are probably asking yourself “Where do I begin?” I have prepared a report which will put you on the right path to finding your family history. When you get thins report, you will have a step-by-step method to follow. The report tells you where to begin and what kind of items you are searching for. It will also provide you with a great way to organize what you find so that future generations will benefit from your search. There will be dead ends and false trails that will have you tearing your hair out but once you start to experience a little success, you will be hooked. And, with my report, you will experience success. I guarantee it!

Language focus Project work: The Roberts Family Reunion Содержание

Language focus I. Read the text and find words or phrases that mean the following:

1. resemble 2. combination of biological qualities 3. reason for doing something 4. shocking and secret events from the past 5. without any faults 6. find 7. searching thoroughly 8. very large 9. a point from which you can’t continue 10. unable to stop doing something because you like it so much II. Reading comprehension task. Find the right answer to questions 1–6. 1. According to the author, which of the following is not a valid reason for researching your family tree? A. You think you may have a hereditary illness. B. You want to know if any of your ancestors looked like you. C. You suspect you may have royal relatives. D. You think you may have a character similar to your ancestors. 2. Why might some relatives be reluctant to meet you? A. You bring back bad memories for them. B. You remind them of their younger relatives. C. They think they might have to tell you family secrets. D. They suspect you of having wrong motives. 3. You might have to accept that your ancestors… A. did not want to be found out. B. were not like you at all. Содержание C. were rather unpleasant. D. did some things that were wrong. 4. What does the word “it” (paragraph 4 in the text) mean? A. How far back you should go in your research. B. How many people you are descended from. C. Why doing genealogical research is so complicated. D. When the tenth generation was alive. 5. Why should you think twice about researching your family tree? A. You already know about your great-grandparents. B. Going back ten generations is too far. C. You don’t have time to do it. D. You have a lot of relatives. 6. Maria McLeod has written the article to… A. encourage people to research their family history. B. put people off researching their family’s past. C. share an experience of researching the past. D. promote instructions on genealogy research. Содержание

The Roberts Family Reunion

Imagine that you belong to the Roberts family. The family members have not met for a very long time. In fact, their last meeting dates from so long ago that they do not recognize each other at first sight! Today is a special occasion – the family reunion – and the whole family has come together once again. Each student is given the Identity card which he/she MUST NOT show to the other students. You should try to find each other’s identities by socializing and exchanging information about yourselves. When you clarify the family relationships, fill in the Roberts Family Tree: Содержание

CHILDREN OF DIFFERENT AGES Listening to children ages five to eleven A teenager talks back Talk show task Project work: Family Values in Different Religions Содержание

Study the text “Listening to Children Ages Five to Eleven” and get ready for the discussion of the described issues of the article. Listening to children ages ive to eleven In the age bracket of five to eleven, children do not always clearly indicate when something is bothering them, or what the real problem is. Therefore, learning to recognize the signs and the words your children use to express buried feelings of sadness, confusion, worry, fright, or any other emotional distress is one of the difficult tasks of parenting. Youngsters in this age group appear so much more easy-going than preschoolers who are often frustrated in their attempts to master the developmental challenges of the first few years, and then teenagers who are trying to cope with the physical and emotional growing pains of adolescence. Though it was once thought that ages five to eleven were the least turbulent years of a child’s development, it is now known that much emotional and physical development is going on in this period also. Robert Haggerty, M. D., President of the William T. Grant Foundation which funds research on the emotional problems of children, cites the following as problems of the five-to-eleven-year period: emotional upheavals with peers, adjustment to school and to teachers, separation from parents, facing new social and intellectual demands, mastering physical skills, developing self-image, sex-role identity, mastering group skills and social cooperation, moral development, and increasing personal independence. Haggerty says about 15 % of children do not adjust well. While the small child communicates feelings straightforwardly, the child at about five becomes adept at hiding his true feelings: he is now capable of pretending. So, parents must learn through experience to read signals from their children. Children may use certain phrases, words, or even mannerisms when trying to cover up their feelings. One mother learned that when her daughter said, “I’m not hungry,” curled around her mother like a kitten, and did not look her mother directly in the eye, these were signs that what the child really wanted to say was “Something is wrong, and I need your help”. Any change in a child’s life arouses anxiety, Ildiko Monacsy, M. D., psychiatrist at Mt. Sinai Hospital in N. Y., says that children often express their worries indirectly, through questions. Before a move to a new home, for example, the child might ask, “Where will my bed be?” The child is really asking, “Will everything be the same, will you and Daddy still be there?” So parents need to give special attention to questions. Also, be willing to believe your child. If the child says frequently that the teacher is mean, the parents need to make every effort to get to know the teacher, the classmates, school routine, and after-school activities of the child. Then the parent can know the context of the remark, thereby having a better clue to the meaning of the words. The child may use acting-out behavior to express feelings – tantrums, sullen or quiet behavior, throwing things, etc. While there is no definitive measure like a thermometer reading to indicate that a behavior is the sign of an underlying emotional problem, there are two questions that can Содержание help analyze the seriousness of a behavior problem: 1) Is the behavior pervasive? If a problem doesn’t affect all the child’s relationships – at home, in school, with friends – parents don’t have to worry much. 2) Is the behavior persistent? Does it occur frequently? If the problem is neither persistent nor pervasive, there is probably no underlying emotional problem. It is helpful to remember that children ages five to eleven have more problems interacting with parents than with anyone else. Most important in understanding the problem of a child is this: recall what it is like to be a child – then begin to think like a child. The process is known as empathy – the capacity to imagine how another human being feels. Ask, “What would compel me to act the way my child is acting?” One can thereby understand a child’s unspoken feelings. Empathy tells a child that he is understood, and this is great support and comfort for a child in the five to eleven age group. Empathy is a powerful means of translating parental love into action. By putting yourself in your child’s shoes, you let him know that he is an important person worthy of trust and understanding. Paraphrased from “Ladies Home Journal”, April 1986, by Olie Wesheimer DISCUSSION There are several age brackets which are considered to be tough (crisis) in Psychology. They are: 1) the birth; 2) the period of infancy through the first year of life; 3) early childhood, probably between 2 and 3½ years of age; 4) later preschool years (from about 3½ to entry into formal school); 5) the “school age”, presumably up to and possibly including some of junior high school; 6) adolescence: “early” adolescence from about 12 to 15, and “late” adolescence up to about 20. Refer to the books in psychology to find the information on these “crisis periods in a child’s life” and explain reasons for children’s critical behavior. Try to make a scheme and distribute physiological, psychological and intellectual challenges according to their significance in each period. Share your opinion with your group-mates. Which of the problems, enumerated in the third paragraph, are universal for all tough periods? What pieces of advice are given in the article for parents’ correct behavior? Comment on them from your personal point of view. Содержание

Read the following article. Get ready for the discussion on the problem of tough children. I. Pre-reading questions. 1. Interpret the title of the essay. What can you infer from it? 2. What do you think is the main aim of the author? A Teenager Talks Back Graham Charles Graham Charles wrote his essay when he was in high school. Later he became a student at the University of California at Berkley and planned to major in the dramatic arts. Imagine the average American adult walking down the average city street and seeing several teenagers walk toward him. Brightly dressed, some are listening to suggestive music on portable stereos while others talk loudly about parties and recreational opportunities. As an advocate of peace and quiet, the God-fearing grown-up feels intense disappointment and fear on seeing the “Future of America” personified, and may even display a contempt almost bordering on hatred. From where does this animosity come? Why are adults attacking me, the American teenager? As I see it, it begins with the unflattering images of adolescents in the media. Television and movies portray teens as an alien race with below-average intelligence and an insatiable appetite for sex, drugs and rock music. Newspaper and magazine articles document our hideous deficiencies in science, math and geography. The pop-philosophy books about the generally poor state of students’ minds are marketed to an all-too-hungry public by professors who spend more of their lives with Rousseau and Plato than with the people they write about. These books become best sellers, sucked in by adults-on-the-street who believe that young people constitute a separate species. This classification is only reinforced by our style of dress and by our music. The line between the generations is drawn; teenagers are subhuman. Adults visualize us as drunk drivers, illiterate delinquents, punk rockers in leather, and then judge every young person they meet by that stereotype. They seem chilly when they deal with us; they keep their distance and segregate us by age. And we begin to dislike them for withholding the right to their friendship. Such skirmishes drive a wedge between us, solidifying the sides of the battle. I propose a truce. • First, adults must stop using studies designed to show how stupid we are. The statistics are fascinating, but they amount to little more than teen bashing. Too many articles today are halfhearted attempts to discover “why Johnny can’t read”, and barely disguise the perverse pleasures taken in seeing how stupid Johnny can be. To know what we do not know is only the starting point of an education, yet the most publicized findings detail how many students cannot locate the United States on a world map or say when Columbus landed in the new world. Unfortunately, the real problem of what teachers do or do not teach us is almost glossed over. Содержание • Adults should avoid the trap baited by Allan Bloom, William Bennet and the other overlords of education who take statistics from misdirected studies and use Enlightenment philosophy to attack teenagers. As intellectual name-droppers, they blame kids for causing education’s problems. They deprecate teenage Lifestyle in their books and at their press conferences. We are ready targets: we sport easy-to-criticize clothes and haircuts; we do not vote, and we have relatively little purchasing power. Call us shallow, call us lazy, call us stupid, but adults know there is little chance of retaliation. Using teenagers as scapegoats is too easy. • The ceaseless grading of students must be stopped. The various numbers that are attached to us are not much different from astrological forecasts: they seem about right, but they just don’t fit the individual at all. SAT scores and grade-point averages are only rough indicators of our worthiness. But the need to get high numbers puts enormous pressure on us to achieve. “Successful” students, get measurably more respect than underachievers, as well as scholarship money and their first choice of colleges. Unfortunately, many work so hard to gain that illusory image of success that they remain ignorant about the qualities that are needed to be a successful human being. The constant categorizing of students as successful or not only serves to strengthen the insidious process that treats teenagers as statistics, which, in turn, increases the pressure on them to distinguish themselves in some way. Eventually, the vicious cycle collapses, as do too many students. Research should be devoted to improving education, not tearing students apart. Cut out these worthless surveys, as well as standardized tests administered to bolster both school and state rankings; they are only depleting school budgets. Use the money to improve schools in the inner cities and to bring teachers’ salaries up from the range of those who collect garbage. I am not trying to blame all our problems on these heavily publicized studies or the philosophers who have had a field day interpreting the portents for the future. Solving the education crisis cannot be done in 1,000 words. But America’s fascination with teen bashing hurts. We are belittled while we are being studied. And I’m simply tired of being talked about as percentage and not as a person. Aside from our parents and teachers, few adults even spend time with us. To keep the truce, all adults must begin to talk to us. The infamous generation “gap” is caused less by grown-ups and teenagers not being able to talk to one another as by them not being willing to talk. Talk with a young person, not as one of “them” but as a person who just happens to be young. Accept our strange ways and dress; then perhaps we will accept yours. Only by coming together will we be able to begin resolving our educational shortcomings. By pulling apart, we have only compounded them. From “Newsweek”, October 24, 1988 GLOSSARY The Enlightenment – the eighteenth century in Europe, called The Enlightenment because there was a new confidence in science and reason, and less reliance on religion and faith. SAT – Scholastic Aptitude Test; a general examination taken by high-school students planning Содержание to attend college. Rousseau – a French writer and philosopher of the Enlightenment. Plato – considered to be the most important ancient Greek philosopher. “Why Johnny Can’t Read” – the title of a popular article discussing the failures of American education. Allan Bloom – a modern social critic and author of a popular book, The Closing of the American Mind, in which he argues that American education is in crisis. William Bennett – the former Secretary of Education, 1985–1988. II. Comprehension check. Say if the following statements are true or false. 1. Most grown-up feel trepidation on seeing the future of America personified. 2. Television and movies usually present an unfavorable image of teenagers. 3. Most people form their opinion about teenagers by books of Rousseau and Plato. 4. Many studies on teenagers aim at finding their social and intellectual faults. 5. Teenagers are being criticized for their unwillingness to vote and having little purchasing power. 6. Judging a teenager by his or her SAT score and grade-point averages is about as effective as astrological forecasts. 7. The generation gap is a product of adult imagination. III. Try to guess the meaning of the following words: 1. animosity a. liveliness b. hostility c. attitude 2. deficiency a. lack b. drawback c. fault 3. segregate a. classify b. separate c. persecute 4. truce a. solution b. truce c. a 3-point plan 5. deprecate a. deplore b. discuss c. humiliate 6. retaliation Содержание a. reconciliation b. response c. revenge 7. insidious a. invisibly harmful b. constant c. gradual IV. What do the following words and expressions mean? • suggestive music • scapegoats • underachiever • to interpret the portents for the future • teen bashing DISCUSSION 1. What reasons does the author find to explain why adults dislike teenagers? 2. Why does the author object to grades and tests? 3. What is the author’s suggestion for improving relations between teens and adults? 4. The article was written several years ago. Has the situation changed since that time? 5. How do you visualize a “typical modern teenager”? What is your stereotype based on? How can you characterize the relations between teens and adults in Russia nowadays? Содержание

Adolescence is the time when a person is trying to find his place in the world, and during this search teenagers come across different problems which are as important as those of adults. Split up into 3 groups and role-play a television talk show in which teens aged 13–18 from different countries discuss their problems with a group of adults (parents and grandparents) and a group of experts (teachers, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, etc.) and try to find solutions to the problems all together. One person will be the host of the program. He/she should introduce the guests to each other, ask questions, direct the flow of the conversation and participate with his/her own expertise. You can touch upon the following issues in your discussion: generation gap, peer-pressure and competition, education and exams, bullying, career choice, money, youth employment/ unemployment, interests and hobbies, free time activities and recreation, love and relationships, fashion, cyber addiction, communication, drug-taking, alcohol, smoking, obesity, violence and aggression, low self-esteem, inferiority complex, depression, and so on. Содержание

Project work: Family Values in Different Religions

When we speak about family values, it is important to remember that values may vary from subculture to subculture. The family is the key unit of any society. Proponents of family values assert that the nuclear family is the holder and teacher of basic moral and ethical principles that guide family members as they interact in the community. Most fundamentally, values define how family members interact with one another and with the members of the society in which they live. Marriage and family are sacred and central to most world religions. A number of studies have examined the role of religion in holding a family together. Many have found that being part of an organized faith may offer community and emotional stability to a family, helping the members support one another in difficult times and giving the parents guidance about their marriage and parental responsibilities. Split into small groups (2–3) and prepare presentations speaking about basic family- oriented postulates as propagated in: • orthodox Christianity, • Buddhism, • Catholicism, • Judaism, • Islam. Make sure the following issues are discussed: 1. Basic family postulates as propagated by the religion. 2. The role of men and women in the family. 3. Basic postulates of children’s upbringing. Remember to give a short historical introduction into the essence of the religions you’ve chosen. Содержание

WATCHING THE MOVIE: KRAMER VS. KRAMER Watch the movie “Kramer vs. Kramer” and be ready for the discussion and written work. • Before You Watch the Movie About the Movie The movie starts as advertising executive Ted Kramer has just been told by his company’s vice-president that if he does well on a new advertisement campaign, he will receive a promotion. That same evening, Ted comes home late, after celebrating with his boss, to find his wife Joanna preparing to leave him. At first he thinks she is not serious, but soon he realizes she is going to leave him and their son Billy. She leaves that night. The next morning Ted Kramer begins his life as a single father with his son Billy. Cultural Points about the Movie “Kramer vs. Kramer” literally means Kramer versus (against) Kramer. The term “vs.” is used in legal action when one party sues or brings legal action against another party. The last names of the two parties are used. Movie Vocabulary Burberry raincoat (noun phrase): a brand of raincoat. Con artist (noun phrase): someone who attempts to con, to cheat, another person. Hot shot (noun phrase): someone who is an expert at something and shows off that expertise. Madison Avenue (noun phrase): a street in New York where most of the major New York advertising agencies are located. Open and shut (adj.): clear and already decided. Schlock (noun): front Yiddish, meaning someone or something of low class. The guys upstairs (noun phrase): the important leaders or bosses in an organization or corporation. The writing on the wall (noun phrase): a clear sign or indication of something. To beat the pants off (verbal idiom): to clearly and forcefully beat an opponent. Содержание To bring home the bacon (verbal idiom): to bring home money to support a family. To get into therapy (verbal idiom): to receive psychotherapy. To get the show on the road (verbal idiom): to start an action. To give someone a shot (verbal idiom): to give someone a chance. To give them a tap dance (verbal idiom): to make a sales pitch to someone; to try to persuade someone to do something. To play your cards right (verbal idiom): to do the right things. To take one’s stripes (verbal idiom): to demote a person. Women’s Lib (noun phrase): The Women’s Liberation Movement is a movement, organized to fight for and advance women’s rights. • As You Watch the Movie This is a movie about how an individual, Ted Kramer, changes and grows as a person and father. As you watch the movie, consider how Ted Kramer develops as a father, a friend, and a person. Specifically, consider how he relates to his son Billy, his neighbor, and Joanna, his wife, at the beginning of the movie and how he relates to them at the end of the movie. • Post Movie Discussion Questions

1. When we first see Ted Kramer, is he portrayed as a good husband? How does the director show the type of father Ted was at the beginning of the movie? 2. Why does Joanna not want to return to the apartment when she and Ted are arguing in the hall at the start of the movie? 3. What does Ted’s cleaning the house of Joanna’s things symbolize? 4. Why do you think Billy behaves the way he does after he receives his mother’s letter? 5. Why DO YOU THINK Joanna left? 6. The directors use a technique of showing a scene two or more times with slight variations in the action to show some change in the characters. For example, the director of this movie shows Ted Kramer making breakfast three times. How does Ted change with each scene? 7. What change is shown in the three elevator scenes? In the scenes where Ted brings Billy to school? Содержание 8. How do you think the ice-cream eating incident contributes to the growth of the father-son relationship? 9. How does Joanna explain in court that she left her child?

Custody: Kramer vs. Reality Kramer vs. Kramer vs. the way it is Discussion: Custody of children after divorce Writing assignment Text for individual analysis: B. Neely, "Spilled Salt" Language focus Interpretation and discussion Activities Commentary work Topics for final writing assignment Содержание

You will read two contradictory reviews on the movie. Express your own point of view on the problem under discussion. Custody: Kramer vs. Reality In divorce cases, as in society, rules are changing. From: Newsweek, February 4, 1980, Newsweek, Inc. While moviegoers have been weeping this winter over the wrenching divorce drama “Kramer vs. Kramer”, lawyers have been shaking their heads. Their complaint is not that the couple’s attorneys in the film are the least appealing characters since the Wicked Witch of the West, but that the courtroom scenes are legally out of date. Meryl Streep, playing a restless housewife trying to find fulfillment, has walked out on her marriage to Dustin Hoffman, a hustling young Manhattan adman, leaving him with their young son; eighteen months later she wins custody of the child despite the husband’s devotion to the boy during her long absence. In the real world, psychiatrists or psychologists would have testified, the judge would have at least interviewed the child and probably would have allowed the father to retain the custody he had since the split-up. More and more, single dads are rearing their children. While women still get custody in the overwhelming majority of divorces, between 1970 and 1978 the number of children under 18 living with divorced fathers jumped by 136 percent; close to 500,000 divorced U.S. fathers are now rearing sons and daughters without the help of a wife. At the same time, many other ex- spouses are trying another fast-spreading arrangement: joint custody, in which fathers and mothers share the responsibilities for the rearing of their kids. In Roman times and after, the man was king: offspring were considered his property even if the marriage ended. That principle died in the nineteenth century as courts took on a guardian role and began to favor the mother, especially if the child was in his first five to seven years. The rule that generally prevails in the U.S. today – that custody must be based on the “best interests of the child” – was articulated in a landmark decision in 1925 by Benjamin Cardozo, then a New York State Court of Appeals Judge. Though the rule is sex-blind in principle, men seldom win custody in the 10 percent of the cases that go to court. “The courts are prejudiced against fathers,” insists Leonard Kerpelman, a Baltimore lawyer who champions fathers’ rights. “Unless the mother is a prostitute, a drug addict, or a mental defective, she is automatically assumed to be the better qualified to have custody.” While many judges cling to this “unfitness” test, things are changing. …But once a father has obtained custody, whether by agreement or by court ruling, he faces lots of adjustments. If his work hours are a problem, he may have to find a new job. Most single fathers rely on female friends or parents to help; day care is often a must. Yet most appear to cope and find the sacrifices worthwhile, Says Brandeis University sociologist Kristine Rosenthal. “It is very interesting to see what it does to a man to pay the kind of attention to children that women usually do.” Her study of 130 single dads showed that they Содержание became “more people-oriented” and less concerned about work. One told her: “I actually made dinner for my kid, instead of taking him to McDonald’s, and he really liked it!” Some advocates of divorce-law change believe that only joint custody makes sense. Says Carry Brown, former head of Equal Rights for Fathers of New York State: “I don’t care how inadequate a parent is, a kid is entitled to his two loving parents.” Brown favors a system under which the child lives with one parent, while the other has unlimited visitation rights and a full voice in decisions involving the child’s rearing. On January 1, California became the fourth state (after Oregon, Iowa, and Wisconsin) to adopt a statute specifically providing the option of joint custody. While few lawyers quarrel with the goals of joint-custody advocates, many question the wisdom of this arrangement. “It’s the easiest thing for a judge to decide,” says Family Law Expert Henry S. Poster, Jr., professor emeritus at New York, University Law School. “He then abdicates his responsibility. The judge represents the conscience of the community: he should meticulously examine all the facts from the perspective of the child and then decide.” Of course, such an arrangement can succeed only if the parents are able to work out details harmoniously, a hedge that can be tough for a warring couple to jump. If nothing else, an amicable joint-custody agreement usually costs less than a full-scale battle for sole custody; few lawyers blinked at the moment in “Kramer” when Dustin Hoffman was told that his legal bill would be at least $ 15,000. Содержание

Kramer vs. Kramer vs. the way it is Gene Lichtenstein From: Atlantic, March 1980, pp. 96–98. Maybe I should start by saying that I have been divorced, have been a “single parent” and, moreover, have worked, as a psychologist and therapist, with people in the same boat. All of which made me see the film “Kramer vs. Kramer”, even without the advance publicity; so I went with considerable expectations. The film directed by Robe Benton and starring Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman had been praised lavishly by both The New Yorker and New York magazines, had been the recipient of a gloving Time cover story and a glowing Newsweek cover story, had been acclaimed by the New York Times review and in a profile of Dustin Hoffman, and had been approved by my week alternative newspaper, the Boston Phoenix. Unlike the reviewers, however, I left the theater irritated, even angry. Why the critics’ unreserved praise? Part of their enthusiasm, I suspect, was occasioned by the star presence of Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman. She clearly had an extracinematic role as media personality of the year, appearing everywhere (in films, theater, and magazines), while his story came under the heading of Star Makes Comeback. And to some extent, the attention was related to Robert Benton’s role as director. More than ten years ago, he wrote “Bonnie and Clyde”, with David Newman; later he directed an imaginative and beautifully constructed film, “Bad Company”, and then went on to write and direct the offbeat comedy “The Late Show”. His films have tended to be wry and ironic, almost literary, but the two films he directed were box office failures. And while the critics had liked his work, they had not until now singled him out for the kind of publicity and favor they had dispensed to other directors. But part of the reason for their attention is undoubtedly the subject matter of “Kramer vs. Kramer”: divorce and the plight of the single parent, in this instance, the single male parent. The statistics are boring, but presumably one out of every two marriages ends in divorce, and in California, so the joke goes, the casualty rate has jumped to three out of every two. Divorce, new roles for men and women, adaptation to modern life, these are the issues now confronting many in the middle class. That’s where the changes are taking place; that’s where the action is. Like most revolutions, this one proceeds in tandem with all the older forms and way of doing things. So, for example, many divorces are handled the way they have been during the past forty years; there are just more of them. Similarly, many judges (and couples) still assume that the mother is the logical parent for child custody when a family dissolves (though California and five other states no longer automatically make that assumption), and joint custody arrangements are a solution for only a minority of divorced couples nationally. It is no accident, for example, that in “Kramer vs. Kramer” the protagonist is an art director in an advertising agency, and not say, an insurance agent or a factory worker (just as the star of “An Unmarried Woman” works in an art gallery and the abandoned husband in “Starting Over” Содержание is a writer). For Dustin Hoffman’s problems in the film, divorce and coping with being a single parent, are presented in terms of cultural style. It is a beautifully rendered style (the film’s first conversation concerns the social implication of a Burberry raincoat), but our sympathies for the man depend too much on our identification with the details of his wardrobe, menus, verbal habits. The film’s inner movement is the change that is wrought in the behavior and character of the single parent, who is altered because he allows himself to attend to his seven-year-old son, accepting the nurturing role that he and we have heretofore defined as mothering. The change itself, Ted Kramer’s coming of age, is a moving one. But the path to that change, so artfully rendered by quick vignettes and the director’s perceptive eye for details, seemed to me rather counterfeit. Let me give some examples. In one of the early scenes, Ted Kramer tries, during his first morning as “the” parent, to prepare breakfast for his son Billy, while getting the boy ready for school and himself off to work. He starts with an air of forced geniality, but in rapid order everything turns chaotic. He mixes the French toast batter in a coffee cup, bums the breakfast, grabs for the hot frying pan with his bare hand, and drops the pan and French toast on the floor. It is a funny 1970s version of the old Blondie cartoon, with Dustin Hoffman playing Dagwood, the bumbling but well-intentioned husband. That scene is followed in rapid succession by other cartoon sequences. Kramer and Billy in the supermarket demonstrating Ted’s unfamiliarity with shopping and culminating in a clever one-liner; Ted Kramer’s night of sex, ending with Billy and Ted’s nude girlfriend meeting en route to the bathroom in the early morning hours; Ted’s boundaries scene, in which he forbids Billy to eat ice-cream until dinner is finished and, when tested, permits himself to lose his temper and punish the boy, thereby giving in to his own feelings and showing that he really cares for his son; Ted’s presence at school during the Halloween play, the only man among all the mothers, coaching Billy from the audience, involuntarily, when the boy forgets his line; and, finally, the climactic scene when Ted sees his son fall from the top of a jungle gym in Central Park and dashes, the boy cradled in his arms, to Lenox Hill Hospital, where, over the doctor’s objections, he insists on being present while the stitches are sewn into Billy’s face. That last scene particularly bothered me. In itself, it was authentic and powerful; the pain and fright of the child, the fear and guilt and rush of love of the parent, evoked in all of their dramatic intensity. It is a central scene in the film, for it marks the emotional conversion of Ted Kramer from self-absorbed, ambitious careerist to caring parent. My difficulty with it was that little before it had led me to expect a genuine, three-dimensional response from Ted Kramer. Where had this person come from? Certainly not from the film I had been watching. For the incidents that led up to his conversion, that are compressed and sketched in so cleverly, are little more than clichés: situations oversimplified, characters stereotyped, the whole reduced to what Herbert Gold once described as “Happy Problems for Happy People”. How could someone, you ask, be characterized as having “happy problems” when he loses his wife, his job, and his child? Easy. In place of his wife he realizes his potential, becomes a person, learning to love his son and to empathize with a close friend who is herself lonely and abandoned. In place of a job where his boss is brittle and uncaring and where the values are Содержание tinsel, he settles for a more modest position at less money, but in art advertising agency where the creative director looks you in the eye and gives you a firm, human handshake. And though his son is taken from him by an impartial and nasty judicial system, he regains both his son and the friendship of his wife, for she returns the boy to Ted. In the process, Ted Kramer, his wife Joanna, and all of us in the audience are imbued with the love and humanity and virtue that at times seems so elusive. For the audience, there are truly “happy problems” – the kind that make you glad to be sad. What “Kramer vs. Kramer” actually offers us is a portrait of the ideal divorce and the ideal parent. Consider what does not happen. Neither parent belittles the other to their son. Neither one exhibits jealousy, behaves outrageously, or tries to hold onto or pursue the other. Instead, each parent matures and becomes better able to function once separation and divorce occur. Nothing like alimony or child support sullies the divorce; there are no battles over money, except for Ted’s brief display of anger when Joanna says she wants custody of the child, the feelings of one toward the other are affectionate and caring; in fact, they are downright ennobling. It is a fantasy divorce, to which many divorcing couples may aspire, but few experience. Nor are family life and parenthood any less idealized. Ted Kramer frustrations come under the “poor dad” comic-strip heading, and his sacrifices, the loss of a job and of the possibility of a vice-presidency, we realize, are no losses at all. That firm, that boss, that life survive, we are shown, only at the death of feeling. He gives up death and is rewarded with life. After it is a life with some of the more tedious domestic details missing. There are no babysitters, no day care, no cleaning lady or man, no mundane hours and the telephone arranging for after-school pickup or who will play with whom at whose house. On a deeper and more pervasive level, there is no sense of the enclosed, unremitting quality of parental life, particularly when the other partner has moved beyond easy commuting distance. What’s absent in “Kramer vs. Kramer”, ultimately, is any sense of conflict for a parent, and the real choices that he or she makes by giving priority to parenting over career, or over anything else. Most single parents of Ted Kramer’s age and class spend a considerable amount of time thinking about another partner, of reaching out for one, particularly when it is they who have been abandoned. Instead, “Kramer vs. Kramer” takes the situation and plays it fortunes: the date, embarrassed, trying to conceal her nudity desperately attempting to think of something to say; the boy apparently unaware of anything untoward and talking to her in a natural way about things on his mind; and the father clapping hand to forehead in the bedroom, sliding under the covers. “Yipes” you can hear him say in a cartoon caption. Amusing. Such a portrait falsifies an experience, a condition of life that we need to comprehend more fully. Presumably, for many parents, the rewards are worth the price. At times, the single-parent life for some adults leads to great depression. They hold on to that role out of a mixture of love and honor, sometimes out of their own dependence, and in some Содержание cases because they have no other choice, finding it preferable to abandoning their child. Little, if any, of this dimension is present in “Kramer vs. Kramer”. Yet it is precisely because parenthood is such a mixed blessing, precisely because parenting carries such a high price, precisely because the powerful pull of love that an adult feels for a child prevails for some parents over other equally strong attractions, that it has such value. My feelings throughout “Kramer vs. Kramer” were that somehow important experiences were being dismissed. The film is not without its accomplishments. The details create such a textured surface of authenticity, the images, like some rich inkblot or Thematic Apperception Test card, seem so familiar and affecting, that we are quick to provide the story and the background of the characters ourselves. We recognize Ted Kramer instantly as someone familiar to us. It is almost like reading a short story by Irwin Shaw or John O’Hara. We know all the characters by their style, by the places they eat lunch, by the ties they wear in particular settings, by the kitchens they create and the clichéd phrases they use. When the director’s eye and sensibility are refined and witty, the effects can be charming; when he or she is truly gifted, they can be dazzling. The difficulty, however, is that in film the story often becomes reduced to details that correspond in some dictionary sense to the contemporary “social problem”, with characters flattened into engaging stereotypes, all in the service of realism. This may be an inevitable fact of life, given the industry’s multimillion-dollar budgets and the need for a mass audience. The result, though, is that our most important social dilemmas get obscured and trivialized by sentimentality. Содержание

Discussion: Custody of children after divorce 1. Do you think children should be informed about parents’ divorce? Why / Why not? Together with your groupmates formulate the recommendations for telling children about the impending separation or divorce. 2. Should parents stay together for the sake of the children? 3. In the majority of the countries mothers are still more likely to get custody when parents divorce. What is your personal opinion on the point? 4. Why do you think most parents ask not for joint but sole physical custody? 5. What do they need to prove a custody battle? 6. How does divorce negatively affect children? 7. How does divorce positively affect children? 8. Is being divorced a social stigma in your country? 9. Does custody practice in your country differ from other countries? Содержание

Writing assignment Write a two-page composition on one of the suggested topics.

1. Ted Kramer: a good father or no father? 2. Mrs. Kramer: “I’m still his mother... and I love him dearly...” 3. It is always children who suffer most. 4. Kramer vs. Kramer vs. Reality. Write a response to the review. 5. Which character do you mostly sympathise with? 6. The growth of the father-son relationship. Содержание

Text for individual analysis

Barbara Neely (born in 1941) is an American short story writer, novelist, feminist, and community activist. Neely is the author of several short stories and two novels. The connecting link between Neely’s professional life as an advocate for social issues and women’s rights first surfaces in her short fiction. In 1981 her first nationally published story, “Passing the Word”, appeared. It involves the dreams of two women about marriage, fulfillment, and taking control of and assuming responsibility for one’s own life. A 1990 story, “Spilled Salt”, illustrates a single mother’s unmitigated pain when she must confront conflicting emotional duress because her son, whom she raised alone, has raped a young woman, gone to prison, and returned home. Neely’s fiction reflects her clear intention of illustrating, often with a measure of humor, the issues of race, class, gender, and social values as these impact on her characters.

Spilled Salt “I’m home, Ma,” Myrna pressed down hard on the doorknob and stared blankly up into Kenny's large brown eyes and freckled face so much like her own. But he was taller than she remembered. He’d written to say he was getting out. She hadn’t answered his letter, hoping her lack of response would keep him away. “You’re here.” She stepped back from the door, pretending not to see him reach out and try to touch her. But a part of her had leaped to life at the sight of him. No matter that she was glad he hadn’t been maimed or murdered in prison. At least he looked whole and healthy of body. She hoped it was a sign that he was all right inside, too. She tried to think of something to say as they stood staring at each other in the middle of the living room. A fly buzzed against the window screen in a desperate attempt to get out. “Well, Ma, how’ve you –” “I’ll fix something to eat,” Myrna interrupted. “I know you must be starved for decent cooking.” She rushed from the room as though a meal were already in the process of burning. For a moment she was lost in her own kitchen. The table, with its dented metal legs, the green- and-white cotton curtains, and the badly battered coffeepot were all familiar-looking strangers. She took a deep breath and leaned against the back of a chair. Содержание In the beginning she’d flinched from the very word. She couldn’t even think it, let alone say it. Assaults, attack, molest, anything but rape. Anyone but her son, her bright and funny boy, her high school graduate. At the time, she’d been sure it was a frame-up on the part of the police. They did things like that. It was in the newspapers every day. Or the girl was trying to get revenge because he hadn’t shown any interest in her. Kenny’s confession put an end to all those speculations. She’d have liked to believe that remorse had made him confess. But she knew better. He’d simply told the wrong lie. If he’d said he’d been with the girl but it hadn’t been rape, he might have built a case that someone would have believed – although she didn’t know how he could have explained away the wound on her neck where he’d held the knife against her throat to keep her quiet. Instead, he’d claimed not to have offered her a ride home from the bar where she worked, never to have had her in his car. He’d convinced Myrna. So thoroughly convinced her that she’d fainted dead away when confronted with the semen, fiber, and hair evidence the police quickly collided from his car, and the word of the woman who had seen Kenny and Crystal Roberts ushering into his car on the night Crystal was raped. Only then had Kenny confessed. He’d said he’d been doing the girl a favor by offering her a ride home. In return, she’d teased and then refused him, he’d said. “I lost my head,” he’d said. “I can’t sleep. I’m afraid to sleep.” The girl had spoken in barely a whisper. The whole courtroom had seemed to tilt as everyone leaned toward her. “Every night he’s there in my mind, making me go through it all over again, and again, and again.” Was she free now that Kenny had done his time? Or was she flinching from hands with short, square fingers, and crying when the first of September came near? Myrna moved around the kitchen like an old, old woman with bad feet. After Kenny had confessed Myrna spent days that ran into weeks rifling through memories of the past she shared with him, searching for some incident, some trait or series of events that would explain why he’d done such a thing. She had tried to rationalize his actions with circumstances: Kenny had seen his father beat her. They’d been poorer than dirt. And when Kenny had just turned six, she’d finally found the courage to leave Buddy and raise their son alone. What had she really known about raising a child? What harm might she have done out of ignorance, out of impatience and concentration on warding off the pains of her own life? Still, she kept stumbling over the knowledge of other boys, from far worse circumstances, with mothers too tired and worried to do more than strike out at them. Yet those boys had managed to grow up and not do the kind of harm Kenny had done. The phrases “I lost my head” and ”doing the girl a favor” reverberated through her brain, mocking her, making her groan out loud and startle people around her. Myrna dragged herself around the room, turning eggs, bacon, milk, and margarine into a meal. Содержание In the beginning the why of Kenny’s crime was like a tapeworm in her belly, consuming all her strength and sustenance, all her attention. In the first few months of his imprisonment she’d paid a neighbor to drive her the long distance to the prison each visiting day. The visits were as much for her benefit as for his. “But why?” she’d kept asking him, just as she’d asked him practically every day since he’d confessed. He would only say that he knew he’d done wrong. As the weeks passed, silence became his only response – a silence that had remained intact despite questions like: “Would you have left that girl alone if I’d bought a shotgun and blown your daddy’s brains out after the first time he hit me in front of you?” and, “Is there a special thrill you feel when you make a woman ashamed of her sex?” and, “Was this the first time? The second? The last?” Perhaps silence was best, now after so long. Anything could happen if she let those four-year- old questions come rolling out of her mouth. Kenny might begin to question her, might ask her what there was about her mothering that made him want to treat a woman like a piece of toilet paper. And what would she say to that? It was illness that had finally put an end to her visits with him. She’d written the first letter – a note really – to say she was laid up with the flu. A hacking cough had lingered. She hadn’t gotten her strength back for nearly two months. By that time their correspondence was established. Letters full of: How are you? I’m fine... The weather is... The print shop is... The dress I made for Mrs. Rothstein was... were so much more manageable than those silence- laden visits. And she didn’t have to worry about eye contact with Kenny in a letter. Now Myrna stood staring out the kitchen window while Kenny ate his bacon and eggs. The crisp everydayness of clothes flapping on the line surprised her. A leaf floated into her small cemented yard and landed on a potted pansy. Outside, nothing had changed; the world was still in spring. “I can’t go through this again,” she mouthed soundlessly to the breeze. “Come talk to me, Ma,” her son called softly around a mouthful of food. Myrna turned to look at him. He smiled an egg-flecked smile she couldn’t return. She wanted to ask him what he would do now, whether he had a job lined up, whether he planned to stay long. But she was afraid of his answers, afraid of how she might respond if he said he had no job, no plans, no place to stay except with her and that he hadn’t changed in any important way. “I’m always gonna live with you, Mommy,” he’d told her when he was a child, “Always.” At the time, she’d wished it was true, that they could always be together, she and her sweet, chubby boy. Now the thought frightened her. Содержание “Be right back,” she mumbled, and scurried down the hall to the bathroom. She eased the lock over so that it made barely a sound. “He’s my son!” she hissed at the tense woman in the mirror. Perspiration dotter her upper lip and glistened around her hair line. “My son!" she repeated pleadingly. But the words were not as powerful as the memory of Crystal Roberts sitting in the courtroom, her shoulders hunched and her head hung down, as though she were the one who ought to be ashamed. Myrna wished him never born, before she flushed the toilet and unlocked the door. In the kitchen Kenny had moved to take her place by the window. His dishes littered the table. He’d spilled the salt, and there were crumbs on the floor. “It sure is good to look out of window and see something besides guard towers and cons.” Kenny stretched, rubbed his belly, and turned to face her. “It’s good to see you, Ma.” His eyes were soft and shiny. Oh, Lord! Myrna moaned to herself. She turned her back to him and began carrying his dirty dishes to the sink: first the plate, then the cup, the knife, the fork, and spoon, drawing out the chore. “This place ain’t got as much room as the old place,” she told him while she made dishwater in the sink. “It’s fine, Ma, just fine.” Oh, Lord, Myrna prayed. Kenny came to lean against the stove to her right. She dropped a knife and made the dishwater too cold. “Seen dad?” “Where and why would I see him?” She tried to put ice in her voice. It trembled. “Just thought you might know where he is.” Kenny moved back to the window. Myrna remembered the crippling shock of Buddy’s fist in her groin and scoured Kenny’s plate and cup with a piece of steel wool before rinsing them in scalding water. “Maybe I’ll hop a bus over to the old neighborhood. See some of the guys, how things have changed.” He paced the floor behind her. Myrna sensed his uneasiness and was surprised to find that she felt pleased at his discomfort. Содержание After he’d gone, she fixed herself a large gin and orange juice and carried it into the living room. She flicked on the TV and sat down to stare at it. After two minutes of frantic, over- bright commercials, she got up and turned it off again. Outside, children screamed each other to the finish line of a footrace. She remembered that Kenny had always liked to run. So had she. But he’d had more childhood than she’d had. She’d been hired out as a mother’s helper by the time she was twelve, and pregnant and married at sixteen. She didn’t begrudge him his childhood fun. It just seemed so wasted now. Tears slid down her face and salted her drink. Tears for the young Myrna who hadn’t understood that she was raising a boy who needed special handling to keep him from becoming a man she didn’t care to know. Tears for Kenny who was so twisted around inside that he could rape a woman. Myrna drained her gin, left Kenny a note reminding him to leave her door key on the kitchen table, and went to bed. Of course, she was still awake when he came in. He bumped into the coffee table, ran water in the bathroom sink for a long time, then quiet. Myrna lay awake in the dark blue-gray night listening to the groan of the refrigerator, the hiss of the hot-water heater, and the rumble of large trucks on a distant street. He made no sound where he lay on the opened-out sofa surrounded by her sewing machine, dress dummy, marking tape, and pins. When sleep finally came, it brought dreams of walking down, brilliantly lit streets, hand in hand with a boy about twelve who looked, acted, and talked like Kenny but who she knew with certainty was not her son, at the same time she also knew he could be no one else. She woke to a cacophony of church bells. It was late. Too late to make it to church service. She turned her head to look at the crucifix hanging by her bed and tried to pray, to summon up that feeling of near weightlessness that came over her in those moments when she was able to free her mind of all else and give herself over to prayer. Now nothing came but a dull ache in the back of her throat. She had begun attending church regularly after she stopped visiting Kenny. His refusal to respond to her questions made it clear she’d have to seek answers elsewhere. She’d decided to talk to Father Giles. He’d seen Kenny growing up. Perhaps he’d noticed something, understood something about the boy, about her, that would explain what she could not understand. “It’s God’s will, my child – put it in His hands,” he’d said, awkwardly patting her arm, avoiding her eyes. Myrna took his advice wholeheartedly. She became quite good at quieting the questions boiling in her belly with “His will” or “My cross to bear”. Many nights she’d “Our Fathered” herself to sleep. Acceptance of Kenny’s inexplicable act became a test God had given her. She began visiting the sick, along with other women from the church; working on the neighborhood cleans-up committee avoiding all social contact with men. With sex. She put “widowed” on job Содержание applications and never mentioned a son to new people she met. Once she’d moved away from the silent accusation of their old apartment, prayer and good works became a protective shield, separating her from the past. Kenny’s tap on her door startled her back to the present. She cleared her throat and straightened her covers before calling to him to come in. A rich, aromatic steam rose from the coffee he’d brought her. The toast was just the right shade of brown, and she was sure that when she cracked the egg it would be cooked exactly to her liking. Not only was everything perfectly prepared, it was the first time she’d had breakfast in bed since he’d been arrested. Myrna couldn’t hold back the tears or the flood of memories of many mornings, just so: him bending over her with a breakfast tray. “You wait on people in the restaurant all day and sit up all night making other people’s clothes. You need some waiting on, too.” Had he actually said that, this man as a boy? Could this man have been such a boy? Myrna nearly tilted the tray in her confusion. “I need to brush my teeth.” She averted her face away and reached for her bathrobe. But she couldn’t avoid her eyes in the bathroom mirror, eyes that reminded her that in spite of what Kenny had done, she hadn’t stopped loving him. But her love didn’t need his company. It thrived only on memories of him that were more than four years old. It was as much a love remembered as a living thing. But it was love, nonetheless. Myrna pressed her clenched fist against her lips and wondered if love was enough. She stayed in the bathroom until she heard him leave her bedroom and turn on the TV in the living room. When he came back for the tray, she told him she had a sick headache and had decided to stay in bed. He was immediately sympathetic, fetching aspirin, offering to massage her neck, to lower the blinds and block out the bright morning sun. Myrna told him she wanted only to rest. All afternoon she lay on her unmade bed, her eyes on the ceiling or idly roaming the room, her mind moving across the surface of her life, poking at old wounds, so amazingly raw after all these years. First there’d been Buddy. He laughed at her country ways and punched her around until he’d driven her and their child into the streets. But at least she was rid of him. Then there was his son. Her baby. He’d tricked a young woman into getting into his car where he proceeded to ruin a great portion of her life. Now he’d come back to spill salt in her kitchen. I’m home, Ma, homema, homema. His words echoed in her inner ear and made her heart flutter. Her neighbors would want to know where he’d been all this time and why. Fear and disgust would creep into their faces and voices. Her night would be full of listening. Waiting. And she would have to live with the unblanketed reality that whatever anger and meanness her Содержание son held toward the world, he had chosen a woman to take it out on. A woman. Someone like me, she thought, like Great Aunt Faye, or Valerie, her eight-year-old niece; like Lucille, her oldest friend, or Dr. Ramsay, her dentist. A woman like all the women who’d helped feed, clothe, and care for Kenny; who’d tried their damndest to protect him from as much as of the ugly and awful in life as they could; who’d taught him to ride a bike and cross the street. All women. From the day she’d left Buddy, not one man had done a damned thing for Kenny. Not one. And he might do it again, she thought. The idea sent Myrna rolling back and forth across the bed as though she could actually escape her thoughts. She’d allowed herself to believe she was done with such thoughts. Having accepted Kenny’s crime as the will of God, she immediately saw that it wouldn’t have made any difference how she’d raised him: this was God’s plan for him. It was a comforting idea, one that answered her question of why and how her much-loved son could be a rapist. One that answered the question of the degree of her responsibility for Kenny’s crime by clearing her of all possible blame. One that allowed her to forgive him. Or so she’d thought. She closed her eyes and saw her outraged self dash wildly into the living room to scream imprecations in his face until her voice failed. Speck of froth gathered at the corners of her mouth. Her flying spit peppered his face. He cringed before her, his eyes full of shame as he tore at his own face and chest in self-loathing. Yet, even as she fantasized, she knew Kenny could no more be screamed into contrition than Crystal or any woman could be bullied into willing sex. And what, in fact, was there for him to say or do that would satisfy her? The response she really wanted from him was not available: there was no way he could become the boy he’d been before that night four years ago. No more than I can treat him as if he were that boy, she thought. And the thought stilled her. She lay motionless, considering. When she rose from her bed, she dragged her old green suitcase out from the back of the closet. She moved with the easy, effortless grace of someone who knows what she is doing and feels good about it. Without even wiping off the dust, she plopped the suitcase on the bed. When she lifted the lid, the smell of leaving and good-bye flooded the room and quickened her pulse. For the first time in two days, her mouth moved in the direction of a smile. She packed in a rush, as though her bus or train were even now pulling out of the station. When she’d packed her clothes, Myrna looked around the room for other necessary things. She gathered up her comb and brush and the picture of her mother from the top of the bureau, then walked to the wall on the left side of her bed and lifted down the shiny metal and wooden Содержание crucifix that hung there. She ran her finger down the slim, muscular body. The Aryan plaster- of-Paris Christ seemed to writhe in bittersweet agony. Myrna stared at the crucifix for a few moments, then gently hung it back on the wall. When she’d finished dressing, she sat down in the hard, straight-backed chair near the window to think through her plan. Kenny tapped at her door a number of times until she was able to convince him that she was best left alone and would be fine in the morning. When dark came, she waited for the silence of sleep, then quietly left the room. She set her suitcase by the front door, tiptoed by Kenny, where he slept on the sofa, and went into the kitchen. By the glow from the back alley streetlight, she wrote him a note and propped it against the sugar bowl: Dear Kenny, I’m sorry. I just can’t be your mother right now. I will be back in one week. Please be gone. Much love, Myrna Kenny turned and frowned in his sleep as the front door clicked shut. Содержание

Language focus 1. The word “salt” in the story has two meanings, one literal and one figurative (metaphorical). What are they? What does it symbolize in this very story? 2. Find the following expressions in the story and explain what they mean: – a part of her had leaped to life; – remorse had made him confess; – Myrna took his advice wholeheartedly; – prayer and good works became a protective shield, separating her from the past; – a tap on her door startled her back to the present; – when she lifted the lid, the smell of leaving and good-bye flooded the room and quickened her pulse. 3. There are great number of structures with modal verbs and expressions in the story. Find and distribute them into the groups showing:

uncertainty improbability possibility

4. Find Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions. to leap to life maim to flinch (from) a frame-up Содержание to get revenge confession / to confess to do smb a favor to mumble to litter crumbs а crucifix а shield to bully into to roam to creep 5. The story abounds in high-literary words. Find colloquial equivalents to substitute them with. to flinch to rationalize ushering reverberated scurried down begrudge a cacophony inexplicable avert thrived cringed imprecations self-loathing contrition agony Содержание

Interpretation and discussion 1. What superstition lies behind the spilled salt? Is this a good title for this story? 2. This story is presented in a two-plain narrative. Comment on the role of flashbacks in the development of the plot. 3. Make a compositional scheme of the story defining the exposition, the conflict, the complications, the climax and the resolution of it. 4. Speak on the narrator of the story. Do you think Myrna “participates” in narrating as well? 5. With Kenny back home, Myrna no longer feels comfortable in her own house, similar to rape victims who also report not feeling safe anywhere or anytime. Find the episodes in the story showing Myrna’s discomfort, fear, uneasiness. 6. Myrna is torn between her feelings as a mother and the feelings of revulsion she experiences when she thinks of what her son has done. Find and comment on the episodes showing her inner fight. 7. What does the mirror symbolize? Comment on the mirror episodes. 8. Speak about the role of religion in Myrna’s life. Did the priest help her in her grief? Dwell on the crucifix episode at the end of the story. 9. Why did Myrna leave? Comment on her note to Kenny. 10. Kenny’s release and return opens up old wounds and dormant feelings of being victimized. Ironically, this painful reopening of an emotional wound actually helps Myrna to face her insecurities and to begin her journey toward healing. How is this idea traced in the story? 11. Do you sympathize with Myrna? Is she a strong or a weak woman? Do you approve of her final decision? Содержание

Activities 1. Myrna seems to be paranoid about her son’s coming back into her life. But as once she managed to find the answer in church (“It answered the question of her responsibility for Kenny’s crime by clearing her of all possible blame...”) she decides to appeal to father Giles again. Invent a conversation between Myrna and Father Giles. Give her advice. 2. Forgiveness is a positive force. Dwell on the following ideas – “To err is human, to forgive, divine” (Seneca and others) and – “The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness” (Honoré de Balzac). Do you find any contradictions in Myrna’s behavior? Why do you think she could not forgive her child? Rewrite the end of the story and imagine that during that sleepless night Myrna came to another decision. 3. How would you interpret the end of the story? Imagine Kenny wakes up and finds the note. Do you think that the sense of guilt would never leave him? Give a postscript to the story, describing Kenny’s emotional state after reading the note. 4. The story is told by the third person narrator, but the point of view is exclusively Myrna’s. How different do you think it would be if told in Kenny’s point of view? 5. Crime and punishment: do you think Kenny has paid his debt to society? Did he deserve further punishing by his Mom? Discuss the problem in small groups and then share your ideas. Содержание

Commentary work Choose a point for discussion and comment on it.

1. What solution to the problem can you offer: to the average child his parents are kill-joys. They’re always saying “No”. No getting dirty, no jumping on the sofa, no running around naked, no hitting the little sister. 2. Children begin by loving their parents. After a time they judge them. Rarely, if ever, do they forgive them (O. Wilde). 3. A rebellious child chooses the weak point of its parent – with unfailing uncanny accuracy – and proceeds to exploit it. 4. The childhood shows the man as morning shows the day (J. Milton). 5. The basis of any society is the strength of the family. 6. What qualities do you think should be cultivated in children? How can this be achieved? 7. What are the best ways, to your mind, to praise and punish children? 8. What solution to the problem can you offer: much more than a direct rebuke, sarcasm infuriates children. It makes them completely irrational and they direct all their energies to planning counter-attacks. They will be completely preoccupied with revenge fantasies. Sarcasm not only serves to deflate a child’s standing in his own eyes, but in the eyes of his friends as well. 9. It is a wise father that knows his own child (W. Shakespeare). 10. What is, to your mind, the proper climate at home? Содержание

Topics for inal writing assignment 1. Which is more important: a child’s upbringing or a parents’ upbringing? 2. Is an only child in the family always a misfortune? 3. Roots of children’s and parents’ cruelty. 4. One-parent families: problems and solutions. 5. Which spoils a child more – parental strictness or laxity? Содержание

Comments on the questionnaire TOTAL 8–13: You are (or would be) a pretty strict parent. Don’t forget that children need patience, understanding and love as well as firmness. TOTAL 14–19: You (would) try to be neither too strict nor too easy-going. This can be very good if children know what to expect; but it is no good being strict about something one day and soft about it the next. TOTAL 20–24: You tend towards soft-heartedness. Be careful: children need some limits, so they can define themselves as people and set their own limits later on. The children will know that you love them if you set the limits in a firm but loving way. Содержание

Key for correction work Mom and Dad, I really do apreciate (appreciate) you. When you had left (left) for your extended vacation last month, you put me in the charge of the house. The result: I know now the agony you’ve put up with us, kids. For (the) first three weeks things ran smooth (smoothly). I did everything per your instruction. But when Kari, your daughter, got home from (the) summer camp, I had to become the (a) part-time parent. Thats (that’s) when the trouble all (all the trouble) started. First, she squabled (squabbled) when I returned home from (the) market. She tyrannized me furiously to ask (asking) what kind of yogurt was that (that was) and why couldn’t I (I couldn’t) have bought some real ice-cream. Then she invited a friend to stay overnight, which I really didn’t mind. I did mind them to drink (drinking) the half-gallon of lemonade. Soon Kari enlivened my week even more. One morning I gave a kitchen floor a good mopping. But when I got home I found it sticky, because she spilled (had spilled) the sugar. I’m glad you are coming home, because I can’t take all these much longer. I can’t confront to (Ø) that particular crisis lonely (all alone). What with rising (raising) a family, teaching proper morals, emptying dishwashers and walking dogs, I just don’t see how you find any time for yourselves. It takes (took) me 20 years to understand it, but I appreciate of (Ø) you, I really do. I understand now what empathy is. It is a powerful means of debunking the myths about happiness of parenthood. Содержание Содержание

INTRODUCTION INTO THE TOPIC The purpose of this topic is to present some of the fundamental aspects of different foreign (mostly British and American) cultures and life in the hope that you will develop an informed sense of the culture of the countries under study. We hope that you will come to see that a foreign culture is a rich and variegated tapestry – woven of many strands of ethnicity, race, class and gender. We hope that when you finish the topic, you will be better informed and prepared to evaluate and understand foreign culture.

What is culture? Содержание

And now, read the following article and get ready for the discussion. What is Culture? “Without culture, and the relative freedom it implies, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. This is why any authentic creation is a gift to the future.” Albert Camus

In fact, culture is so ubiquitous that we probably take it for granted. Our own culture is second nature to us. But just what do we mean by the term “culture”? The anthropological definition of culture is the “pattern of activities, beliefs and artifacts characteristic of a group, which is not haphazard or random.” American anthropologist E.A. Hobell defines culture as “the integrated system of learned behavior of the members of a society which is characteristic of those members and which is not the result of biological inheritance.” In other words, culture is learned, not inherited. There are four major characteristics of culture. It is passed from one generation to the next through the process of inculturation. All of us learn to be functioning members of our own culture through inculturation. Second, culture is shared. This is not to say that idiosyncrasies do not exist, but simply that most members of a given culture share many basic beliefs and attitudes. Third, culture is symbolically expressed and transmitted. For example, the most important symbolic system that all human beings depend upon is language. Through language each generation passes on its values, information, experiences and history to new generations. Finally, culture is adaptive. This means that human societies are constantly adapting to the environment in order to survive. A person straddling two cultures has the perspective form which to observe, to compare and to evaluate. Culture shock is an accurate turn of phrase. Part of the thrill of visiting foreign lands is precisely this astonishment of finding oneself in the midst of the spectacle of alien customs, values and beliefs. In fact, most of us are likely to feel “out of step”, if not downright perplexed or irritated by a new culture. When these feelings lead us to conclude that our own culture is superior to the culture in question, we are practicing what is called ethnocentrism. But as we begin to acclimate ourselves, we are able to view and understand the other culture on its own terms. Anthropologists call this cultural relativism. Stepping into other cultural systems reminds us that our own system is by no means universal, or superior, for that matter. It is only familiar. For you to make informed and intelligent observations and conclusions about American culture you must learn to evaluate it from a relativistic rather than ethnocentric perspective. Содержание Interpretation and discussion 1. Would you agree with A. Camus’s idea? Why? Why not? 2. There are many definitions of the word “culture”. Use dictionaries and find all possible definitions to this term. 3. What elements may be considered constituent of the notion “culture”? 4. Four basic characteristic of culture are mentioned in the article. What are they? Comment on each of them giving your own examples. 5. What do you think is universal and what is different in all existing cultures? Complete the diagram with the appropriate constituent elements of culture. Explain your ideas to the group. Содержание

VERBAL COMMUNICATION: THE WAY PEOPLE SPEAK “To know another’s language and not his culture is a very good way to make a fluent fool of one’s self.” Winston Brembeck PRE-READING DISCUSSION 1. What does the above quote mean? How do you think it is related to verbal communication? 2. What, if anything, have you observed about Americans and their way of having conversations? Is it similar to the way people carry on conversations in your language and culture? 3. In your native language, is it considered acceptable for people to interrupt each other when talking? Or, do people wait for others to finish what they are saying? What are your observations of different cultures regarding interruption? (A) Culture influences communication styles. Although this point may seem obvious, cultural styles can and do create “misunderstandings” in conversations among people from different cultures. (B) For example, consider the following conversation between an Italian and an American. The Italian made a strong political statement with which he knew his American friend would disagree. The Italian wanted to involve the American in a lively discussion. The American, rather than openly disagreeing, said, “Well, everyone is entitled to an opinion. I accept that your opinion is different than mine.” The Italian responded, “That’s all you have to say about it?” In general, the American didn’t enjoy verbal conflicts over politics or anything else. The Italian actually became angry when the American refused to get involved in the discussion. He later explained to the American, “A conversation isn’t fun unless it becomes heated!” (C) What does this example say about culture and its influence on communication? Surely, there are many Americans who do get involved in verbal conflicts over politics, just as there are some Italians who wouldn’t become involved. However, the above conversation represents types of communication patterns that are related to cultural differences. Conversational Involvement (D) In her book “You don't understand”, the sociolinguistic researcher Deborah Tannen discusses the notion that people from some cultures value “high involvement” conversation patterns, while others value “high considerateness” patterns. Many people from cultures that prefer “high involvement” styles tend to: 1) talk more, 2) interrupt more, 3) expect to be interrupted, 4) talk more loudly at times, and 5) talk more quickly than those from cultures favoring “high considerateness” styles. Many “high involvement” speakers enjoy arguments and might even think that others are not interested if they are not ready to engage in a heated Содержание discussion. (E) On the other hand, people from cultures that favor “high considerateness” styles tend to: 1) speak one at a time, 2) use polite listening sounds, 3) refrain from interrupting, and 4) give plenty of positive and respectful responses to their conversation partners. Most teachers of English as a Second Language in multicultural classrooms have observed that some students become very involved in a classroom conversation and discussion, whereas others tend to participate only in a hesitant manner. The challenge for the teacher is not to allow the “high involvement” group to dominate discussions! (F) The cultures that Tannen characterizes as having “high involvement” conversational styles include Russian, Italian, Greek, Spanish, South American, Arab and African. In general, the various communication styles in Asian cultures (e.g., Chinese and Japanese) would be characterized as “high considerateness”, although it differs significantly from the various Asian patterns. There are important regional and ethnic differences in conversation styles within the United States. Incorrect Judgments of Character (G) Americans can have problems when talking to each other because of differences. For example, New Yorkers tend to talk faster and respond more quickly (“high involvement”) than Californians (“high considerateness”). To some New Yorkers, Californians seem slower, less intelligent, and not as responsive. To some Californians, New Yorkers seem pushy and domineering. The judgments that people make about regional differences within a country are similar to those they make about people from another culture. The reaction to such differences is not usually expressed in the following reasonable fashion: “The way she speaks is different from my way of speaking. She must have had a different cultural upbringing. I won’t judge her according to my standards of what is an acceptable communication style.” (H) Instead, people tend to make judgments such as, “She is loud, pushy and domineering”, or “He doesn’t seem interested in talking”. He’s very passive and uninvolved.” The people interacting are forgetting that their respective cultural styles are responsible, in part, for their mannerisms and habits of communication. The important differences in communication create problems of stereotyping and incorrect judgments among members of diverse groups. Directness or Indirectness (I) Cultural beliefs differ as to whether directness or indirectness is considered positive. In the mainstream American culture, the ideal form of communication includes being direct rather than indirect. (“Ideal” here means that the culture values this style, although not everyone speaks directly.) There are several expressions in English that emphasize the importance of being direct: “Get to the point! Don’t beat about the bush! Let’s get down to business!” These sayings all indicate the importance of dealing directly with issues rather than avoiding them. One way to determine whether a culture favors a direct or indirect style in communication is to find out how the people in that culture express disagreement or how they say “No”. In Japan, there are at least fifteen ways of saying “No” without actually saying the word. Similarly, In Japan, it would be considered rude to say directly, “I disagree with you”, or “You’re wrong.” Содержание (J) Many Americans believe that “honesty is the best policy”, and their communication style reflects this. Honesty and directness in communication are strongly related. It is not a surprise, then, to find out that cultural groups misjudge each other on the basis of different beliefs about directness and honesty in communication. American Male-Female Differences in Directness (К) It is impossible to say that everyone in one culture communicates similarly. Older people often communicate according to more traditional norms than younger people, and as mentioned, there are regional variations in the way people speak and carry on conversations. In addition, there are gender differences in communication styles. (L) To generalize (and we do not want to stereotype), American women have traditionally been less direct (i.e., more polite and soft) than men in making requests, expressing criticism, and offering opinions. However, when talking about emotional issues and feelings, women tend to be more direct than men. In the workplace, women have learned that in order to compete and communicate with men, they have to be more direct when making suggestions, giving criticism and expressing ideas. In the mid-1980s “assertiveness training” courses were designed to help women communicate more directly, especially in the business world. In the 1990s, however, there is more recognition of the “feminine” contribution to work relationships (e.g., nurturing, interpersonal sensitivity, etc.) The emphasis in the workplace is on cultural diversity: women are defined as a “cultural group”. Cross-Cultural Implications (M) Americans may judge members of cultural groups that value indirectness (i.e., hesitating, not “getting to the point” and “beating about the bush”) as not being assertive enough. However, many Americans in the business world do not realize that a large percentage of the world’s cultures value indirectness and consider it rude to insist on “getting to the point”. (N) When Americans go to work in countries where indirectness is valued (e.g., in Latin America or Asia), they may need to modify their communication style. In such cultures, Americans should not be too direct when giving criticism, making requests, and expressing needs and opinions. Some of the goals of indirect communication include not angering, embarrassing, or shaming another person. North Americans working in Latin America would benefit from understanding the cultural values of “saving face” (and not causing someone else to “lose face”), and maintaining harmony. These two values in personal and business relations almost always mean a more indirect style of communication. (Interestingly, although Latin American conversation style is considered “high involvement”, and many Asian styles are considered “high considerateness”, they both tend to value indirectness.) (O) Let’s look at another example of how people’s communication patterns differ: the way people converse. Some foreigners have observed that when Americans hold a conversation, it seems like they are having a Ping-Pong game. One person has the ball and then hits it to the other side of the table. The other player hits the ball back and the game continues. If one person doesn’t return the ball, then the conversation stops. Each part of the conversation follows this pattern: the greeting and the opening, the discussion of a topic, and the closing and farewell. If either person talks too much, the other may become impatient and feel that the other Содержание is monopolizing the conversation. Similarly, if one person doesn’t say enough or ask enough questions to keep the conversation moving, the conversation stops. (P) Many North Americans are impatient with culturally different conversation styles simply because the styles are unfamiliar. For example, to many North Americans it seems that some Latin Americans monopolize conversations, or hold the ball too long. (Remember the ‘high involvement” style mentioned.) Speaking of her co-workers from several Latin American countries, one North American woman said, “I just can’t seem to get a word in edgewise. They seem to take such a long time to express themselves. They give you a lot of unnecessary details.” When she talked with them, she became tense, because she found it so hard to participate. Yet she also noted that when they talked to each other, nobody seemed uncomfortable or left out. (Q) The North American woman didn’t know how to interrupt the Latin American conversations because North American ways of listening and breaking in are very different. She had been taught to listen politely until the other persons had finished talking. (Once again, there are gender differences; it has been observed that men tend to interrupt women more than women interrupt men.) The American woman did what was “natural” or “normal” for her (i.e., listen politely without interrupting); she was not comfortable in the conversation with the Latin Americans. The result was that she became more passive in her conversations with her co- workers. The differences between the unspoken rules of conversation in “Ping-Pong” and “Bowling” conversation styles (R) The conversation style that contrasts with the American “Ping-Pong” conversation style has been compared to bowling. For example, each participant in a Japanese conversation waits politely for a turn and knows exactly when the time is right to speak. That is, they know their place in line. One’s turn depends on status, age, and the relationship to the other person. When it is time to take a turn, the person bowls carefully. The others watch politely, and do not leave their places in line or take a turn out of order. No one else speaks until the ball has reached the bowling pins. Answers to questions are carefully thought out, rather than blurted out. In Japanese conversation, long silences are tolerated. For Americans, even two or three seconds of silence can become uncomfortable. Americans do not like the feeling of “pulling teeth” in conversation. (S) The American who is used to the “Ping-Pong” style of communication is probably going to have some difficulty with someone whose conversational style is like a bowling game. According to some Japanese, Americans ask too many questions and do not give the other person enough time to “formulate” a careful answer; the American, however, is not doing anything “wrong” or insensitive on purpose. The Japanese feels that the American is pushy and overly inquisitive because of the difference in cultural conditioning. (T) To the American, the Japanese speaker appears passive and uninterested in the conversation. The Japanese style takes too long for the average American. The Japanese person is not doing anything “wrong” and is not less interested in conversation. Each person has misjudged the other because neither is familiar with their culturally different conversational Содержание styles. (Conversely, to many people having “high involvement” styles of communication, the American doesn’t seem pushy and inquisitive. From their viewpoint, the American seems more passive!). Ethnocentric judgments (U) The judgments that people make about each other are often ethnocentric. That is, they interpret, judge, and behave in a way that they assume to be normal, correct, and, therefore, universal. However, “normal” and “correct” often mean what is “normal” and “correct” in one’s own culture. When two people from different cultures communicate, they must continually ask themselves, “Do people understand me the way someone from my own culture would understand me?” There may be a gap between what a person is communicating and how people understand the message. (V) People cannot assume that their way of communicating is universal. If people from another culture seem to be communicating in what you feel are “mysterious ways”, consider the following four points: 1. It is possible that the way they speak reflects a cultural style. 2. Your success in developing cross-cultural rapport is directly related to your ability to understand others’ culturally influenced communication styles. 3. Your ways seem as “mysterious” to others as their ways seem to you. 4. It is often valuable to talk about cultural differences in communication styles before they result in serious misunderstanding. (W) It is not possible or necessary to know everything about the way cultural group communicates before having contact with that group. It can take years to understand verbal style differences. However, if you can anticipate differences in communication style, your judgments about people will be more accurate, and you will have less cross-cultural misunderstanding. Vocabulary work Comprehension questions Discussions questions Conversation activities Содержание

Exercise 1. Choose the word that best defines the italicized word.

1. Sometimes a great notion may develop into a successful project. a) movement b) nature c) idea d) criticism 2. I worked very hard and I’m entitled to a rest. a) wanting b) having c) deserving d) due to 3. Honesty is the best policy. a) rule b) idea c) culture d) view 4. If you are late, I will be impatient! a) pleased b) furious c) intolerant d) irritated 5. My friend doesn’t say much, so people think she is passive. a) bored b) uninvolved c) alone d) single 6. If you ask many questions, people will think you are inquisitive. a) old b) detective c) curious d) knowledgeable 7. Sam does his mathematics homework, so he will get accurate answers. a) correct b) good c) improved d) new 8. People may feel shame if hey make a mistake. a) shock b) sadness c) happiness d) embarrassment Exercise 2. Match the words with their definitions. Place the letters of the definition in the space next to the word.

a) based on the belief that one’s own race, nation, group, 1) high involvement etc. is better and more important than others b) a conversation pattern usually accompanied by many 2) high considerateness words, interruptions, loudness, and quickness 3) direct communication c) able to express oneself positively; strong d) a conversation style characterized by avoiding issues, 4) indirect communication hesitating, and “talking in circles” 5) conversation structures e) type (female or male) Содержание

6) regional f) argumentative; passionate g) the ways people converse; the patterns of the 7) gender communication h) a conversation style in which speakers do not avoid 8) assertive issues but rather “get to the point” 9) ethnocentric i) specific to a certain geographical area 10) heated j) affect k) describing an interpretation, judgment, or behavior 11) influence based on an assumption of what is normal l) a conversation pattern usually typified by turn-taking, 12) refrain politeness, respectful responses, and fewer words 13) standards m) hold back; prevent Содержание

Comprehension questions This section contains multiple choice and open-ended questions. 1. According to the authors (A), cultural styles: a) create misunderstandings in conversation between people from different cultures; b) help people from different cultures understand each other; c) are all the same. 2. How did the American respond to the political statement made by the Italian (B)? 3. The authors say that many “high involvement” speakers (D): a) consider politeness more important than verbal involvement; b) enjoy arguments; c) may think someone is not interested if he or she does not want to participate in a heated discussion; d) both b) and c). 4. People who have “high considerateness” styles tend to (E): a) speak at the same time; b) be polite and respond respectfully; c) interrupt frequently; d) both a) and c). 5. Name three cultures with “high involvement” conversation styles (F). 6. The authors say that various Asian as well as mainstream American communication styles can be characterized as “high considerateness”, although the two styles do differ. Is the difference significant or slight (F)? 7. The authors suggest that Americans can have problems when they talk to each other. What examples do they give (G)? 8. According to the authors, differences in communication can (H): a) solve disagreement for most people; b) create problems of stereotyping; c) result in incorrect judgments among members of diverse groups; d) both b) and c). Содержание 9. What is one way to determine whether a culture favors a direct or indirect communication style (I)? 10. The authors say that cultural groups misjudge each other. How does this happen? 11. According to the authors, when Americans go to work in countries where indirect communication is valued, they may need to (N): a) criticize the new country; b) “go native” in order to adapt; c) modify their communication style. 12. Many Americans are impatient with culturally different conversation styles because the styles are (P): a) heated; b) regional; c) unfamiliar. 13. Give an example of a conversation style that contrasts with the American “Ping-Pong” style. What analogy do the authors use to describe the example (R)? 14. The authors discuss differences between American and Japanese speakers. Sometimes, both speakers can misjudge the other because (T): a) they are familiar with the other’s conversation style; b) they have taken too much time to give an answer; c) they are not familiar with each other’s conversation style. 15. In their discussion of ethnocentric judgments, the authors talk about a “gap”. What does this mean (U)? 16. What advice do the authors give regarding judging people more accurately? Содержание

Discussions questions 1. What does the example of the Italian and American given in Paragraphs C, D, and E have to do with culture and its influence on communication? 2. Reread the list of characteristics of “high involvement” styles in Paragraph D. Based on your experience, can you add anything to the list? 3. Reread the list of characteristics of “high considerateness” styles in Paragraph E. Based on your experience, can you add anything to this list? 4. In Paragraph G, the authors say that the reactions to cultural differences in communication style are not usually reasonable. What example of a reasonable response do they give? Why don’t people usually respond in this way? 5. In Paragraph I, the authors state that the ideal form of communication in American culture includes being direct rather than indirect. Can you think of an example to prove this idea? Describe the situation. 6. In Paragraph J, the authors say that honesty and directness in communication are strongly related. Is this reflected in the American conversation style? According to the authors, what is the result of different cultural beliefs about directness and honesty in communication? 7. The authors discuss American male-female differences in Paragraph K. Can you make any generalizations about the way men and women communicate in your culture? Discuss similarities and differences regarding male-female communication in your culture as compared with American culture. 8. According to paragraphs L and M, when should women be more direct in order to compete and communicate with men? 9. As discussed in Paragraph L, in the 1990s the emphasis in the workplace was on cultural diversity, and women were often considered a “cultural group”. What do you think this mean? 10. What advice would you give to American businesspeople regarding communication, based on the discussion in Paragraphs L, M and N? Think of three tips, and indicate which one is the most important. 11. In Paragraph 0, the authors talk about the conversational “games”. What game does the American conversation resemble according to the authors? Describe your experience, if any. Did the conversation go according to the game? 12. In Paragraph R, the Japanese conversation style is compared to bowling. How do Americans usually react to silence in a conversation? 13. The authors suggest in Paragraph T that one reason people misunderstand each other is that they might not be familiar with different conversation styles. Do you think it would be easy to talk directly about conversation styles with your friends or associates from another culture? What would you ask people from a different culture about their conversation style? Make a list of the questions. Содержание

Conversation activities Exercise 1. Rules of speaking. In language, there are unspoken rules of speaking. These rules exist in every language, but differ significantly from culture to culture. The rules have to do with permissible degrees of directness, politeness, and formality, and they affect many of the functions of communication. The following communication functions are common to all languages, but their expression can be very different across cultures. Work in pairs. Read the list of communication functions below and choose one. In your native language write a short dialogue containing that function. Then translate the dialogue word for word into English. Discuss with your group-mates how culture affects the way we speak. Communication functions: praise compliment evaluate criticize request agree inquire clarify correct offer refuse interrupt disagree Exercise 2. Initiating and Maintaining Conversations. Initiating and maintaining conversations are necessary skills when one is learning a new language. In English, one of the best ways of initiating and maintaining a conversation is for at least one of the speakers to ask the other questions. Read the following conversation and discuss the problem with it. (Rick sees Debbie at the party and decides he would like to get to know her.) R.: Hello. Where are you from? D.: From New York. R.: Why did you come to California? D.: To study. R.: Oh, what are you studying? D.: Architecture. R.: How long do you plan to stay here? D.: Two years. R.: When did you come? D.: Three weeks ago. Содержание What do you think Rick feels? Change the dialogue so that it is not one-sided by adding a question or a comment after Debbie’s short answers. Add something in Rick’s responses to Debbie’s questions. Exercise 3. Write a suitable response in dialogue to the following situations. 1. Your friend sneezes. You say, “______.” 2. Your friend has hiccups. You suggest ______. 3. You’ve dropped a precious vase belonging to your landlady. You say, “______.” She says, “______.” 4. Your friend has come to visit you. You think he might want to visit the lavatory. You say, “______.” 5. You want to find out whether a guest would prefer tea or coffee. You say, “______.” 6. You are playing chess with your friend. It’s his turn. You say, “______.” 7. You didn’t quite hear someone’s name when you were introduced to them. You say, “______.” 8. You are on a diet and cannot eat something you are offered at a dinner party. You say, “______.” 9. Your car has stuck and you want to ask a passer-by to help you push it. You say, “______.” 10. Someone asks you the way and you don’t know. You say, “______.” 11. You are trying to work and the people upstairs are making a terrible noise. You go upstairs and say, “______.” 12. Your hostess asks you how you take your coffee. You say, “______.” 13. You want to suggest that someone should telephone you. You say, “______.” 14. You want to suggest that someone should visit you casually (without a definite invitation). You say, “______.” 15. You have walked into a room without realizing that the two people in it are engaged in a private discussion. You apologize and withdraw saying, “______.” Содержание 16. You meet your friend in the street and enquire how he did in his exams. He tells you that he failed them. You say, “______.” 17. A colleague has been appointed to a new job. You want to congratulate her but also not to make her feel you want her to go. You say, “______.” Exercise 4. For each of the following remarks there is an appropriate reply, which might be given by an English person. Choose from the selection given after the remark which reply you think would be most appropriate. Where necessary, suggest in what context the remarks might be found. (You may write more of the dialogue if you wish). 1. “It’s my birthday today!” a) Congratulations! b) Many happy returns! c) Good day! 2. “I say, look here!” a) What’s wrong? b) I am looking. c) I can hear you perfectly well. 3. “Here you are.” a) Am I? b) Thanks! c) Where? 4. “There you are, you see.” a) Oh, you always think you know best! b) Have we arrived already? c) I knew I was somewhere. 5. “Oh, I’m afraid I’ve spilt ink all over the table-cloth!” a) Careful! b) Bless you! c) Oh, don’t worry about that. 6. “What’ll you have?” Содержание a) Half of bitter, please. b) Stomach ache. c) A new sports car. 7. “Oxford 41150. Mrs. Swan speaking.” a) Oh, here is Kate. b) Oh, this is Kate here. c) Oh, Kate is here. 8. “Excuse me, I wonder if you’ve got the right time?” a) Thank you very much. I don’t think I have. b) One can’t be sure of anything these days. c) Of course. It’s ten past eleven by my watch. 9. “How do you do?” a) How do you do? b) Extremely carefully at sharp corners. c) I’m not too bad, thanks, although I always get a twinge of rheumatism in the wet weather. 10. “What’s he like?” a) Smoked salmon and champagne. b) Uncle George – you know, the one with the funny nose. c) Quite nice really when you get to know him. 11. “Her father died last week.” a) Do send her my consolations. b) Express my sincere condolences. c) Do say how sorry I am. 12. “Why don’t we go to the pictures tonight?” a) Yes, let’s. What a good idea! b) I don’t know. c) Because we never thought of it. 13. “Got a light?” Содержание a) Yes, I should have a torch somewhere. b) It’s fused. c) Yes, I should have some matches somewhere. 14. “Could I have a word with you?” a) Hullo! b) There’s no need to be like that! c) Of course. What can I do for you? 15. “Am I right for the new theatre?” a) I think you ought to wear a long dress. b) I don’t think you’ll ever be a great actor. c) Yes. Carry on across the traffic lights and you’ll see it on your left. 16. “What’s it like out?” a) Bitterly cold. I’d take a coat. b) Like nothing on earth. c) It likes fighting other dogs. 17. “Excuse me, but I could I trouble you for some change?” a) No, all my money is perfectly all right. b) Let me see. Do you want coppers or silver? c) No, you’ve got it! 18. “Mind out!” a) I never forget a face. b) I’ll write it down. c) Thanks. I didn’t see that hole at all. 19. “Do keep in touch.” a) Of course. I’ve got your address. b) I practice as hard as I can. c) I’m too sensitive really. Exercise 5. Verbal Communication Tips. Содержание Every day we use a variety of communication skills to convey our thoughts, feelings and ideas. We communicate verbally all day long both over the phone and in person. There are a few key things you can do to improve your verbal communication skills. Split into groups and make a list of verbal communication tips which, to your mind, will help to avoid being misunderstood and to more effectively express yourself. Share your ideas with the group-mates. Exercise 6. Idiomatic responses. An idiom (Latin: idioma, "special property", from Greek: – idíōma, "special feature, special phrasing, a peculiarity", f. Greek: – ídios, "one’s own") is a phrase or a fixed expression that has a figurative, or sometimes literal, meaning. An idiom's figurative meaning is different from the literal meaning (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiom).

Idiom or set phrase Meaning A Bob’s coming, isn’t he? used to say you don’t expect sth to happen even though sb said it would. B Don’t hold your breath. A Are they sure to win the election? used to say that sth is a result that is certain to happen B Yeah. It’s a foregone conclusion. A Are you going to the party? used to emphasize that you are keen to do sth. B You bet. A It’s very cold today. used to agree completely with what sb has just said. B You can say that again. A Have you got Saturday off? used to express your disappointment that sth is not going to happen. B No such luck, I’m afraid. A Sal said she’s too busy to help us. used ironically to say you don’t believe what sb has told you. B A likely story. A Where’s Patsy? used to say you don’t know sth./ SYN Don’t ask B I haven’t the faintest idea. me. Your guess is as good as mine. A You look very stressed. used to say you have had a hard day. B Yes, it’s been one of those days. A Shall I apply for that job? used to say there’s no reason for sb not to do sth. B You’ve got nothing to lose. A Rani’s going out with a film star. used to say that you think sth cannot be true and Содержание

B You’re kidding! must be a joke. A I hurt my toe, then I burnt my hand. used when several unpleasant or unfortunate things happen on the same day B Oh dear, it’s not your day, is it? A Can we go in if we are not members? used to say that sth is not at all possible or not allowed. SYN No chance B No way. Complete a suitable idiom in response to these statements or questions: 1. I’ve just won the lottery. ~ You ______. 2. Could I borrow your car? ~ No ______. 3. Why did they leave so early? ~ ______. 4. Has it been busy in the office today? ~ Yes, ______. 5. Are you going to the wedding? ~ Yes, you ______. 6. Do you think they’ll win? ~ Definitely. It’s ______. 7. I won some money. Did you? ~ No ______. 8. Shall we enter for the completion? ~ Why not? ______. 9. It’s hot in here, isn’t it? ~ Yes, you can ______. 10.My car broke down this morning, and a tooth fell out this afternoon. ~ Oh, it’s ______. Содержание

NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION: SPEAKING WITHOUT WORDS “I am convinced that much of our difficulty with other people in other countries stems from the fact that so little is known about cross- cultural communication… Formal training in the language, history, government, and customs of another nation is only the first step in a comprehensive program. Of equal importance is an introduction to the non-verbal language which exists in every country of the world and among the various groups within each country.” Edward T. Hall PRE-READING DISCUSSION 1. Can you think of what culture hides in the area of non-verbal communication? 2. What are some of the ways that people communicate without using words? Compare your answers with those of other students. “He didn’t look at me once. I know he’s guilty. Never trust a person who doesn’t look you in the eye." American Police Officer “Americans smile at strangers. I don’t know what to think of that.” Russian Engineer “Americans seem cold. They seem to get upset when you stand close to them.” Jordanian Teacher (A) The American police officer, the Russian engineer, and the Jordanian teacher made these comments about interactions they had with someone from a different culture. Their comments demonstrate how people can misinterpret non-verbal communication that is culturally different from their own. Of course, this can also happen in conversation among individuals of the same cultural background, but it doesn’t usually happen as often or to the same degree. Many people think that all they really need to pay attention to in a conversation is the spoken word. This is far from the truth! (B) Language studies traditionally emphasized verbal and written communication. Since about the 1960s, however, researches seriously began to consider what takes place without words in conversations. In some instances, more non-verbal than verbal communication occurs. For example, if you ask an obviously depressed person, “What’s wrong?” and he answers, “Nothing, I’m fine.” you probably won’t believe him. Or when an angry person says, “Let’s forget this subject. I don’t want to talk about it anymore!” she hasn’t stopped Содержание communicating. Her silence and withdrawal continue to convey emotional meaning. (C) One study done in the United States showed that 93 percent of a message was transmitted by the speaker’s tone of voice and facial expressions. Apparently, we express our emotions and attitudes more non-verbally than verbally. Cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication (D) Non-verbal communication expresses meaning or feeling without words. Universal emotions, such as happiness, fear and sadness, are expressed in a similar non-verbal way throughout the world. There are, however, non-verbal differences across cultures that may be a source of confusion for foreigners. Let’s look at the way people express sadness. In many cultures, such as Arab and Iranian cultures, people express grief openly. They mourn aloud, while people from other cultures (e.g., China and Japan) are more subdued. In Asian cultures, the general belief is that it is unacceptable to show emotion openly (whether sadness, happiness, or pain). (E) Let’s take another example of how cultures differ in their non-verbal expression of emotion. Feelings of friendship exist everywhere in the world, but their expression varies. It is acceptable in some countries for men to embrace and for women to hold hands; in other countries, these displays of affection are discouraged or prohibited. (F) As with verbal communication, what is considered usual or polite behavior in one culture may be seen as unusual or impolite in another. One culture may determine that snapping fingers to call a waiter is appropriate, whereas another may consider this gesture rude. We are often not aware of how gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and the use of conversational distance affect communication. To interpret another culture’s style of communication, it is necessary to study the “silent language” of that culture. Body movements (Kinesics) (G) The study of kinesics attempts to examine how such things as slight head nods, yawns, postural shifts, and other non-verbal cues, whether spontaneous or deliberate, affect communication. Every movement conveys information about psychological and physical states of the person moving, regardless of that person’s culture. Everyone can interpret body movements and use them for communication purposes. Just think of the numerous gestures we utilize in our daily contacts with others. We wave “goodbye” to the family, wave “hello” to our friends, point at something we want, shrug our shoulders to say “I don’t know”, etc. These gestures may infer that we are rested or weary, happy or sad, angry or placid. Our body “is talking” to the outside world at each moment of its existence. Each culture displays certain unique facts of movement and posture. For example, beckoning people to come with palm up is common in the United States. This same gesture in the Philippines, Korea and parts of Latin America as well as other countries is considered rude. In some countries, only an animal would be beckoned with the palm up (H) As children, we imitate and learn to use these non-verbal movements to accompany or Содержание replace words. When traveling to another country, foreign visitors soon learn that not all gestures are universal. For example, the “OK” gesture in the American culture is a symbol for money in Japan. This same gesture is obscene in some Latin American countries. (This is why the editors of a Brazilian newspaper enjoyed publishing a picture of a former American president giving the OK symbol with both hands!) (I) Many American business executives enjoy relaxing with their feet up on their desks. But to show a person from Saudi Arabia or Thailand the sole of one’s foot is extremely insulting, because the foot is considered the dirtiest part of the body. Can you imagine the reaction in Thailand when a foreign shoe company distributed an advertisement showing a pair of shoes next to a sacred sculpture of Buddha. Facial Expressions (J) Facial expressions carry meaning that is determined by situations and relationships. Because emotional expressions are culturally learned, their display differs from culture to culture. For instance, in American culture the smile is typically an expression of pleasure. Yet it also has other functions. A woman’s smile at a police officer does not carry the same meanings as the smile she gives to a young child. A smile may show affection, convey politeness, or disguise true feelings. It also is a source of confusion across cultures. For example, many people in Russia consider smiling at strangers in public to be unusual and even suspicious behavior. Yet many Americans smile freely at strangers in public places (although this is less common in big cities). Some Russians believe that Americans smile in the wrong places: some Americans believe that Russians don’t smile enough. In south-east Asian cultures, a smile is frequently used to cover emotional pain or embarrassment. Vietnamese people may tell the sad story of how they had to leave their country but end the story with a smile. (K) Our faces reveal emotions and attitudes, but we should not attempt to “read” people from another culture as we would “read” someone from our own culture. The degree of facial expressiveness one exhibits varies among individuals and cultures. The fact that members of one culture do not express their emotions as openly as do members of another does not mean that they do not experience emotions. Rather, there are cultural restraints on the amount of non-verbal expressiveness permitted. For example, in public and in formal situations many Japanese do not show their emotions similarly. Many teachers in the United States have a difficult time knowing whether their Japanese students understand and enjoy their lessons. The American teacher is looking for more facial responsiveness than what the Japanese student is comfortable with in the classroom situation. (L) It is difficult to generalize about Americans and facial expressiveness because of individual and ethnic differences in the United States. People from certain ethnic background in the United States tend to be more facially expressive than others. The key is to try not to judge people whose ways of showing emotion are different. If we judge according to our own cultural norms, we may make the mistake of “reading” the other person incorrectly. Eye contact Содержание (M) The number of messages we can send with our eyes is almost limitless. The quantity and the quality of our interpersonal relationships are affected by our establishing eye contact, avoiding eye contact, looking downcast, shifting our eyes, squinting, staring straight ahead, or even closing our eyes. Direct, sensual, sardonic, expressive, intelligent, penetrating, sad, cheerful, worldly, hard, trusting, or suspicious – these are associations with a person’s eye. These words express judgments and decisions based on the non-verbal cues received from a person’s eyes. As with facial expressions, there are no specific rules governing eye behavior in the US, except that it is considered rude to stare. Especially at strangers. In parts of the United States, however, it is quite common to glance at strangers when passing them. For example, it is usual for two strangers walking toward each other to make eye contact, smile, and perhaps even say, “Hi”, before immediately looking away. This type of contact doesn’t mean much; it is simply a way of acknowledging another person’s presence. In general, Americans make less eye contact with strangers in big cities than in small towns. People would be less likely to make eye contact in bus stations, for example, than in more comfortable settings such as a university student center. (N) Patterns of eye contact are different across cultures. Some Americans feel uncomfortable with the “gaze” that is sometimes associated with Arab or Indian communication patterns. For Americans, this style of eye contact is too intense. Yet too little eye contact may also be viewed negatively, because it may convey a lack of interest, inattention, or even mistrust in the American culture as stated directly in the expression, “Never trust a person who doesn’t look you in the eyes.” In contrast, in many other parts of the world (especially in Asian countries), a person’s lack of eye contact toward an authority figure signifies respect and deference. Conversational Distance (O) Unconsciously, we all keep a comfortable distance around us when we interact with other people. The distance has had several names over the years, including “personal space”, “interpersonal distance”, “comfort zone” and “body bubble”. This space between us and another person forms invisible walls that define how comfortable we feel at various distances from other people. (P) The amount of space changes depending on the nature of the relationship. For example, we are usually more comfortable standing closer to family members than to strangers. Personality also determines the size of the area with which we are comfortable when talking to people. Introverts often prefer to interact with others at a greater distance than do extroverts. Cultural styles are important too. A Japanese employer and employee usually stand father apart while talking than their American counterparts. Latin Americans and Arabs tend to stand closer than Americans do when talking. So, a culture’s use of space and distance also reflects that culture’s values – it is an affirmation of what they deem important. Personal space in many Asian countries is used to communicate respect. Students do not sit close to their teachers; the distance demonstrates esteem. Distance Содержание is also used in England to reflect the cultural value of privacy. In Latin America, Greece and Italy, where physical contact is important, people communicate in close proximity. Yet in Scotland, Sweden, and England, noncontact cultures, people do not stand very close together when they talk. Edward T. Hall has developed a model of personal space and distance among people in the United States. His scheme is concerned with basic communication distance used in business and social relations. The following table illustrates the distance for each category and provides examples of how shifts in voice volume might occur. This table provides a basis for comparison of American patterns with other cultures and their use of distances. Table American Cultural Impersonal Distances for Various Categories of Interaction

Distance Type of encounter Voice Volume Very close (3 in. to 6 in.) awareness of physical soft whisper involvement; love-making, comforting and protecting Close (8 in. to 12 in.) details of face are easily audible whisper, very visible; highly personal, confidential seldom used in public Near (12 in. to 20 in.) can hold and grasp the other indoors, soft voice, person; many dyadic social outdoors, full voice interactions occur Neutral (20 in. to 36 in.) others are kept at arm’s soft voice, low volume length; most common distance for social conversation Neutral (4½ ft. to 5 ft.) most social gatherings and full voice business transactions Public distance (5½ ft. to 8 business and social full voice with slight ft.) discourse, more formal; overloudness desks in offices are placed to hold off visitors Across the room (8 ft. to 20 used by teachers or speakers hailing distances, public ft.) at public gatherings address systems Far distance (20 ft. and public speaking by public hailing distances, public more) figures address systems Содержание (R) For Americans, the usual distance in social conversation ranges from about an arm’s length to four feet. Less space in the American culture may be associated with either greater intimacy or aggressive behavior. The common practice of saying “Excuse me” for the slightest accidental touching of another person reveals how uncomfortable Americans are if people get too close. In cultures where close physical contact is acceptable and even desirable, American may be perceived as cold and distant. (S) Culture doesn’t always determine the message of non-verbal communication. The individual’s personality, the context and the relationship also influence its meaning. However, like verbal language, non-verbal language is linked to a person’s cultural background. People are generally comfortable with others who have “body language” similar to their own. One research study demonstrated that when British graduate students imitated some Arab patterns of non-verbal behavior (making increased eye contact, smiling, and directly facing their Arab partners), the Arabs felt that these students were more likable and trustworthy than most of the other British students. (T) When one person’s nonverbal language matches that of another, there is increased comfort. In nonverbal communication across cultures there are similarities and differences. Whether we choose to emphasize the former or the latter, the “silent language” is much louder than it first appears.

Comprehension questions Discussions questions Vocabulary work Writing assignment Содержание

Comprehension questions 1. The quotations at the beginning of the reading are examples of how people can misinterpret: a) non-verbal communication; b) verbal communication; c) cultural values. 2. Many people think that it is the spoken word that is most important in conversation. This perception is often (A): a) true; b) not true; c) exact. 3. According to the authors, when do people express themselves more verbally than non- verbally (B, C)? 4. The authors say that non-verbal communication expresses the meaning of feelings (D): a) with many words; b) with song and dance; c) with no words. 5. According to the authors, feelings of friendship are universal, but their expression is (E): a) not always the same; b) usually exactly the same; c) not very different. 6. The authors state that if people want to understand other cultural styles of communication, they should study the “silent language” of that culture. Of what four aspects of non-verbal communication do the authors say people are not usually aware (F)? 7. The authors tell us that hand movements can convey meaning. Are the meanings of gestures the same in all cultures? Give some examples of differences (G). 8. According to the authors, when do people imitate and learn their non-verbal communication (H)? 9. The authors say that the meaning of facial expressions is determined by: a) relationships; b) situations; c) feelings; d) both (a) and (b). 10. According to the authors, facial expressions show emotions and attitudes. Can you assume that people from other cultures know the exact meaning of your facial expressions? Give an example of a situation in which there might be cross-cultural misinterpretations (K). 11. The fact that members of one culture don’t express their emotions as openly as members of another means that (K): a) they do not experience emotions as intensely as others do; b) cultural rules affect how expressive a person can be; c) cultural rules forbid any non-verbal expressiveness in some cultures. 12. Eye contact is important because too much or too little eye contact can create (M): Содержание a) communications barriers; b) interesting relationships; c) strange expressions. 13. According to the authors, what determines the comfortable distance when we interact with other people (P)? a) personalities; b) all of the above; c) cultural styles; d) the nature of the relationship. 14. The authors say that in cultures where close physical contact is important, Americans are sometimes perceived as (Q): a) distant and cold; b) cold and close; c) all of the above. 15. The authors say that when the non-verbal language of one person matches the non-verbal language of another person, there is (S): a) increased discomfort; b) decreased comfort; c) increased comfort. Содержание

Discussions questions 1. In Paragraph A, the authors discuss how people can misinterpret non-verbal language that is culturally different from their own. Has this ever happened to you? Describe what took place and your reactions to the incident. 2. In Paragraph C, the authors describe a study that found that 93 percent of a person’s attitude was communicated non-verbally and only 7 percent with words. If this study were done in your country, do you think the results would be the same? Explain your answer. 3. The authors discuss the expression of emotions in Paragraph D. Do people from your culture show their happiness and sadness openly? What cross-cultural similarities and differences in the area of facial expressiveness have you observed? 4. Do you think it is important to understand other cultural communication styles? Explain your answer. In Paragraph F, what do the authors suggest that people should do to understand other cultural styles of communication better? 5. In Paragraph H, the authors tell us that not all gestures are universal. What gestures do you know that have the same meaning in more than one culture? What gestures have different meanings across cultures? 6. In Paragraph J, the authors tell us that Americans smile at strangers, although this is not so common in big cities. Why do you think this is true? What is your experience? 7. What explanation for an American teacher’s difficulty in a Japanese classroom do the authors suggest in Paragraph K? What advice would you give a new American teacher in Japan? 8. According to the authors’ statements in Paragraph L, should people judge others according to their own cultural norms? Do you agree? Why? / Why not? 9. What is the American expression about eye contact that is quoted in Paragraph N? Why is it not a universal belief? 10. In Paragraph O, the authors describe conversational distance as the space that forms “invisible walls” around a person. If someone is standing too close to you (because of that person’s cultural practice), what would you do or say? Would you inform that person? Would you use verbal or nonverbal communication? Explain your answer. 11. What other non-verbal cues are used by people to display information? Give examples. The site may help you to find information: https://www.pearsonhighered.com/ samplechapter/0205353908.pdf Содержание

Exercise 1. Choose the appropriate synonym from the list to replace the italicized word and rewrite each sentence. Change the tense, singular and plural usage and part of speech where necessary.

1. The student emphasized his ideas by speaking more loudly. 2. Her withdrawal from the group showed her dislike of its members. 3. The message was transmitted by radio. 4. Handshaking is not a universal gesture in introductions. 5. Affection can be shown emotionally and physically. 6. I beckoned the waiter to come to our table. 7. Children learn gestures by imitating their parents’ movements. 8. Did you accompany your younger brother to the movie last night? 9. The exhibit was closed because some of the photographs were said to be obscene. 10. After years of research, smoking was linked to birth defects. Exercise 2. Match the words with their definitions.

1. body bubble a) movements of the body or part of the body, especially the hands 2. convey b) communication that is “silent” and includes the use of gestures, facial expression, eye contact, and conversation distance 3. non-verbal communication c) not to understand correctly 4. mourn d) feel or express sorrow 5. responsiveness e) spread, delivered 6. deference f) existence 7. gestures g) fixed, intent stare Содержание

8. distributed h) formal respect 9. misinterpret i) without knowing; not purposefully 10. presence j) the personal space that surrounds an individual 11. gaze k) demonstration of emotion or feeling visible on the face 12. unconsciously l) degree of reaction 13. facial expression m) communicate; send Exercise 3. Choose the word that best defines the italicized word. 1. Children tend to be loud when they play, whereas adults are more subdued. a) quiet b) active c) patient d) sleepy 2. The sad child tried to disguise her feelings by smiling. a) discover b) expose c) hide d) resist 3. My sister exhibits such rude behavior that no one wants to be her friend. a) displays b) announces c) becomes d) permits 4. Insufficient knowledge of his job caused him many problems at work. a) not enough b) incorrect c) too much d) inappropriate 5. Excessive spending may result in poverty. a) thrifty b) exclusive c) careful d) extravagant 6. It takes time to build emotional intimacy. a) privacy b) closeness c) expression d) sanity 7. She showed her mistrust of doctors by ignoring her doctor’s advice. a) lack of loyalty b) disdain c) disease d) lack of trust 8. A gesture in one country often signifies a different message in another country. a) means b) says c) shows d) argues 9. The nature of their conversation was professional. a) type b) outdoors c) category d) talk 10. The lion became aggressive when he was hungry. a) tired b) sad с) hostile d) moody Содержание 11. The man left the store without buying anything and the owner thought his behavior was suspicious. a) mean b) questionable c) rude d) poor Exercise 4. Study some examples of how we indicate emotions and feelings through facial expressions and body language and choose the best of the two underlined words to complete each of the sentences below.

Verb What it indicates 1. flutter one’s eyelashes at flirting (used of female behavior towards a man) smb. 2. blow smb. a kiss to kiss one’s hand and blow on it in the direction of someone 3. ogle look with great interest, especially sexual interest 4. raise one’s or others’ surprise or shock eyebrows 5. frown a serious or displeased look, causing lines on the forehead 6. smirk self-satisfaction (a smile/negative associations) 7. beam happiness (a broad smile/positive associations) 8. sniff at smth. disapproval 9. snort disgust or great amusement 10. squirm embarrassment or nervousness (to move from side to side on your chair in an awkward way) 11. twitch nervousness (repeated small movements with part of the body) 12. flinch pain or fear (sudden small movement) 13. shrug one’s shoulders an expression of doubt or lack of interest, or because one does not know smth. 14. glower at smb. look with an angry expression 15. scan look very carefully, examine closely 16. leer at smb. a sideways look expressing cruel enjoyment, rudeness or thoughts of sex Содержание

17. gawp at smb. look at smb. in a foolish way, especially with the mouth open 18. whimper speak or say in a weak trembling voice as if about to cry 19. sob cry noisily making short bursts of sound because of sadness or fear 20. titter laugh quietly in a nervous or silly way 21. chortle a laugh of pleasure and satisfaction 22. guffaw laugh loudly, and perhaps rudely a) Willy sniffed/snorted with laughter all through the play. b) Whenever I’m tired or nervous, my eyelid starts to twitch/flinch. c) Sit still and don’t squirm/smirk like that. d) The children’s language on the bus raised a few of the other passengers’ eyelids/eyebrows. e) Look at the photo. Meg’s smirking/sobbing and Tanya’s scanning/beaming. f) He frowned/guffawed with displeasure as he read his son’s school report. g) Priscilla fluttered her eyebrows/eyelashes at Rob. h) Please don’t titter/sniff – here’s a box of tissues! i) Dan was chortling/ogling all the women as they walked past. j) Stop leering/twitching at those young girls! k) There was an occasional whimper/titter at the comedian’s jokes. l) The dentist stopped drilling as soon as he felt me flinch/snort. m) She just gawped/shrugged, saying she didn’t know and didn’t care. n) Walking gingerly and raising her eyebrows/blowing kisses, she made a triumphant return to the U.S. o) The little boys frowned/gawped at the princess as she stepped out of the taxi. p) I stood irresolute a moment, shifting my feet and glowering/chortling at him, my face on fire. q) “Don’t hurt me!” she whimpered/tittered. r) Then he chuckled and finally he broke out into a ringing beam/guffaw. “You are a pretty girl,” he said boldly, ogling/snorting her. Содержание s) His face was buried in his hands as he scanned/sobbed. t) The farmer only tittered/shrugged and said, “Good luck, bad luck, who knows?” u) He gawped/flinched at the most beautiful blonde he had ever seen. Содержание

Writing assignment The letters below are sent to your magazine asking for advice on the subject of ‘good manners’. Write the appropriate reply to the letter and advise a person how to behave. 1)


3) Содержание

CULTURAL STEREOTYPES We are surrounded by cultural stereotypes. In everyday use, the concept of the stereotype is used in various contexts: usually the word stereotype is used to refer to members of some kind of collective: firemen are courageous, blondes are less intelligent, Italians are noisy, and so forth. When a person makes inferences about a new person or about some social event, they use their existing knowledge to reduce the uncertainty in the situation. The less one knows about the object, the more one uses stereotypical generalizations. Stereotypes can be found for every race and ethnicity. In fact, notwithstanding any prejudicial purposes, stereotypes commonly are simple truths usually relating to a few folks that are generalized and applied most often to a whole category of people.

Language focus R. Linton, «One hundred percent American» Содержание

Language focus

Exercise 1. Very often different nations (nationalities) get their nicknames in a foreign surrounding due to various factors, for example:

According to gastronomic preferences an ethnic group as a whole has:

According to professional activities an ethnic group as a whole has:

According to the appearance or details of clothes:

Choose from the following options and try to explain your choice. Содержание

The French the Dutch Latin Americans Mexicans Hungarians The English Afro-Americans Americans the Chinese Arabs Asians Spaniards Italians Scots Germans DO YOU AGREE THAT… • National stereotypes are dangerous because they may provoke racial prejudice? • Stereotypes contain a certain amount of truth? • There is no such thing as national character and therefore the idea of national stereotypes is rubbish? • The reason stereotypes exist is because people are afraid of diversity, change and what is unknown. They prefer to cling to simple classifications, which maintain an old, familiar and established order. • Stereotypes are simply harmless sorts of jokes we tell about other nationalities or groups of the people. Choose four adjectives that you think describe the nationalities listed below. Choose two countries of your own to describe. Explain your reasoning for the adjectives you have chosen.

American British French ______

Japanese Russians Germans ______

• punctual • outgoing • hospitable • aggressive • tolerant • nationalistic • talkative • polite • romantic • well-dressed • sociable • rude • respectful • humorous • serious • arrogant • hard-working • lazy • quiet • ignorant • emotional • sophisticated • formal • casual Содержание Exercise 2. Very often people misread verbal signals as what people say does not always coincide with what they mean. Let’s play Anglo-EU Translation Guide. Divide into several groups and after discussion fill in the middle column “What the British mean”, then compare your answers. Check the correct answer with your teacher. Содержание

Exercise 3. Complete the table below with corresponding nouns and adjectives.

Country Nationality Language Argentina Afghanistan Belgium Brazil Canada Chile Cuba Cyprus Denmark Finland Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Indonesia Iceland Jamaica Kenya Libya Lebanon Luxemburg Содержание

Madagascar Malaysia Malta Netherlands/Holland New Zealand Nigeria Portugal Pakistan Saudi Arabia Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Thailand Turkey The Philippines Venezuela Exercise 4. Cultural assumptions are an important aspect of understanding context. Understanding cultural assumptions and how they work will help to analyze written texts. Writers often use cultural assumptions to reach their audience. There are several examples from literature where the authors appealed to cultural stereotyping. Translate the extracts into Russian and explain your personal understanding of these stereotypes. Содержание 1) Occasionally a garishly painted truck passed us, raising a cloud of dust, and away to the west, hanging over us and clearly visible now that the clouds had lifted, the coastal range of the Cordilleras towered pale and trembling in the heat. I think what attracted me most about the country round was its Englishness, meadows deep in grass and wild flowers, and willows wherever there was water. It wasn’t truly English, of course. It had a different feel to it, a different look, a different smell. And there was Iris Sunderby’s recumbent body sprawled in the back. Nevertheless, the countryside reminded me of East Anglia, the willows in particular making me realize how far I was from home (British National Corpus). 2) “I admire lovely things,” she agreed cautiously. “Why do you ask?” There was a pause as he stretched his arms into the sleeves of a plain white T-shirt and pulled it over his head, powerful chest muscles expanding with animal efficiency. “I noticed the way you – what is the word the Americans use? Cased? Yes, that is it, I think. I noticed the way you “cased my joint!” His English was superb, accentless and totally without the structured rhythm of some Scandinavian speech. The Americanism made Gina want to laugh, but there was something in those beautiful blue eyes with their clear, piercing quality which made her think better of it as they dwelt consideringly on her face (British National Corpus). 3) “How about a cup of hot, sweet tea?” she says eventually, and I nod. “You are so English,” I manage with a small smile when Lauren comes back with two steaming mugs. “I’m not that English. You won’t find any milk or sugar in there. It’s fat-free dairy substitute and sweetener.” (J. Greene “Jemima”, 2001, 325). 4) Germans are Germans. They will remove their clothes in any occasion. The German tourists are also world famous for reserving the sun beds in any hotel resorts (The Local). 5) “It runs in the family,” Meniucci said. “His father is a melon millionaire. The son will be a bulldozer millionaire. They are very serious, despite being Spanish.” (P. Mayle “A Year in Provence”, 2000, 178). 6) Alexa now forced herself to focus on Jack Wilton. He loved her, wanted to make her his wife, and she had actually accepted his proposal. All that aside, he was a truly decent human being, a good man, honourable, kind, loving, and generous to a fault sometimes. His success had not spoiled him, and he was very down-to-earth in that humorous English way of his, not taking either himself or life too seriously (B.T. Bradford “Three Weeks in Paris”, 2009, 34). 7) “Henri, old chap,” slurred Conder with British formality, “let me intr’ my ol’ frien’ Oscar Wilde. Marv’lous writer, and all that sort of thing. Just breezed in from London...” (P. Moor “Moulin Rouge”, 2004, 167). 8) They began with a creamy vegetable soup. Rohan chose escargots as his next course, but Sabine laughingly declined to share them with him. “I’m not quite French enough – not yet,” she said (British National Corpus). Содержание 9) “Are you English?” I asked, perhaps, rather, tactlessly. “Rather. You don’t think I look an American, do you? British to the backbone, that’s what I am.” His long black hair was sleek and curly. He spoke with a fluency in which there was nothing English and his gestures were exuberant. I felt pretty sure that a closer inspection of that British passport would have betrayed the fact that Mr. Kellada was born under a bluer sky than generally seen in England (W.S. Maugham “Sixty-Five Short Stories”, 1988, 196). 10) As always, she responded first to his masculinity, his good looks. Then she noticed that he was exceptionally well turned out, yet he wore his expensive clothed with American forthrightness, a kind of brusque immaculateness that proclaimed his origins (J. Krantz “Mistral’s daughter”). Содержание

Some visitors to the USA remain permanently baffled with endless paradoxes in the typical American. Friendly on the surface, but hard to know intimately. Hospitable and generous socially, but hard-driving and competitive professionally. Self-satisfied, at times, to the point of smugness but self-critical, at other times, to the point of masochism. The following article is written by an American writer about national characteristics of his compatriots. Express your point of view on the essence of the article. One Hundred Percent American Ralph Linton There can be no question about the average American’s Americanism or his desire to preserve this precious heritage at all costs. Nevertheless, some insidious foreign ideas have already wormed their way into his civilization without his realizing what was going on. Thus dawn finds the unsuspecting patriot garbed in pajamas, a garment of East Indian origin, and lying in a bed built on a pattern which originated in either Persia or Asia Minor. He is muffled to the ears in un-American materials: cotton, first domesticated in India; linen, domesticated in the Near East; wool from an animal native to Asia Minor; or silk, whose uses were first discovered by the Chinese. All these substances have been transformed into cloth by methods invented in southwestern Asia. If the weather is cold enough, he may even be sleeping under an eiderdown quilt invented in Scandinavia. On awakening he glances at the clock, a medieval European invention, uses one potent Latin word in abbreviated form, rises in haste, and goes to the bathroom. Here, if he stops to think about it, he must feel himself in the presence of a great American institution; he will have heard stories of both the quality and frequency of foreign plumbing and will know that in no other country does the average man perform his ablutions in the midst of such splendor. But the insidious foreign influence pursues him even here. Glass was invented by the ancient Egyptians, the use of glazed tiles for floors and walls in the Near East, porcelain in China, and the art of enameling on metal by Mediterranean artisans of the Bronze Age. Even his bathtub and toilet are but slightly modified copies of Roman originals. The only pure American contribution to the ensemble is the steam radiator. In this bathroom the American washes with soap invented by the ancient Gauls. Next he cleans his teeth, a subversive European practice which did not invade America until the latter part of the eighteenth century. He then shaves, a masochistic rate first developed by the heathen priests of ancient Egypt and Sumer. The process is made less of a penance by the fact that his razor is of steel, an iron-carbon alloy discovered in either India or Turkestan. Lastly, he dries himself on a Turkish towel. Returning to the bedroom, the unconscious victim of un-American practices removes his clothes from a chair, invented in the Near East, and proceeds to dress. He puts on close-fitting tailored garments which form derives from the skin clothing of the ancient nomads of the Содержание Asiatic steppes and fastens them with buttons whose prototypes appeared in Europe at the close of the Stone Age. This costume is appropriate enough for outdoor exercise in a cold climate, but is quite unsuited to American summers, steam-heated houses, and Pullmans. Nevertheless, foreign ideas and habits hold the unfortunate man in thrall even when common sense tells him that the authentically American costume of gee string and moccasins would be far more comfortable. He puts on his feet stiff coverings made from hide prepared by a process invented in ancient Egypt and cut to a pattern which can be traced back to ancient Greece, and makes sure that they are properly polished, also a Greek idea. Lastly, he ties about his neck a strip of bright-colored cloth which is a vestigial survival of the shoulder shawls worn by seventeenth-century Croats. He gives himself a final appraisal in the mirror, an old Mediterranean invention, and goes downstairs to breakfast. Here a whole new series of foreign things confronts him. His food and drink are placed before him in pottery vessels, the popular name of which – china – is sufficient evidence of their origin. His fork is a medieval Italian invention and his spoon a copy of a Roman origin. He will usually begin the meal with coffee, an Abyssinian plant first discovered by the Arabs. The American is quite likely to need it to dispel the morning-after effects of overindulgence in fermented drinks, invented in the Near East; or distilled ones, invented by the alchemists of medieval Europe. Whereas the Arabs took their coffee straight, he will probably sweeten it with sugar, discovered in India, and dilute it with cream, both domestication of cattle and the techniques of milking originated in Asia Minor. If our patriot is old-fashioned enough to adhere to the so-called American breakfast, his coffee will be accompanied by an orange, domesticated in the Mediterranean region, a cantaloupe, domesticated in Persia, or grapes, domesticated in Asia Minor. He will follow this with a bowl of cereal made from grain domesticated in the Near East and prepared by methods also invented there. From this he will go on to waffles, a Scandinavian invention, with plenty of butter, originally a New-Eastern cosmetic. As a side dish he may have the egg of a bird domesticated in the same region, which have been salted and smoked by a process invented in northern Europe. Breakfast over, he places upon his head a molded piece of felt, invented by the nomads of Eastern Asia, and, if it looks like rain, puts on outer shoes of rubber, discovered by the ancient Mexicans, and takes an umbrella, invented in India. He then sprints for his train – the train, not the sprinting, being an English invention. At the station he pauses for a moment to buy a newspaper, paying for it with coins invented in ancient Lydia. Once on board he settles back to inhale the fumes of a cigarette invented in Mexico, or a cigar invented in Brazil. Meanwhile, he reads the news of the day, imprinted in characters invented by the ancient Semites by a process invented in Germany upon a material invented in China. As he scans the latest editorial pointing out the dire results to our institutions of accepting foreign ideas, he will not fail to thank a Hebrew God in an Indo-European language that he is one hundred percent (decimal system invented by the Greeks) American (from Americus Vespucci, Italian geographer). Activity Содержание Work in pairs. Role-play the conversation based on the following situation. A tourist traveling around the USA goes to a gift shop in New York to buy souvenirs for his family and friends. He looks at different things and explains to the shop assistant that he needs something authentically American to present to his relatives and friends. However, to his great surprise, the traveler gets to know that the majority of goods were created somewhere else, but not in the United States of America, and the only pure American contribution to choose from is the steam radiator, a gee string and moccasins. Содержание

CULTURE SHOCK Warm-up: Have you ever experienced culture shock? If yes, how did you manage to cope with it?

K. Oberg, «Culture shock and the problem of adjustment in new cultural environments» Text for analysis: Sh. Jackson, «Pillar of salt» Interpretation and discussion Topics for final writing assignment Содержание

Culture shock and the problem of adjustment in new cultural environments Kalvero Oberg 1. Culture shock might be called an occupational disease of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. Like most ailments, it has its own symptoms and cure. 2. Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. Those signs or cues include the thousand and one ways in which we orient ourselves to the situation of daily life: when to shake hands and what to say when we meet people, when and how to give tips, how to make purchases, when to accept and when to refuse invitations, when to take statements seriously and when not. These cues, which may be words, gestures, facial expressions, customs, or norms, are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are as much a part of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept. All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues, most of which we do not carry on the level of conscious awareness. 3. Now when an individual enters a strange culture, all or most of these familiar cues are removed. He or she is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded or full of goodwill you may be, a series of props have been knocked from under you, followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety. People react to the frustration in much the same way. First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort. “The ways of the host country are bad because they make us feel bad.” When foreigners in a strange land get together to grouse about the host country and its people, you can be sure they are suffering from culture shock. Another phase of culture shock is regression. The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance. To the foreigner everything becomes irrationally glorified. All the difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered. It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality. 4. Some of the symptoms of culture shock are excessive washing of the hands, excessive concern over drinking water, food dishes, and bedding; fear of physical contact with attendants, the absent-minded stare; a feeling of helplessness and a desire for dependence on long-term residents of one’s own nationality; fits of anger over minor frustrations; great concern over minor pains and eruptions of the skin; and finally, that terrible longing to back home. 5. Individuals differ greatly in the degree in which culture shock affects them. Although not common, there are individuals who cannot live in foreign countries. However, who have seen people go through culture shock and on to a satisfactory adjustment can discern steps in the process. During the first few weeks most individuals are fascinated by the new. They stay in hotels and associate with nationals who speak their language and are polite and gracious to foreigners. This honeymoon stage may last from a few days or weeks to six months, depending on circumstances. If one is very important, he or she will be shown the show places, will be pampered and petted, and in a press interview will speak glowingly about goodwill and international friendship. 6. But this mentality doesn’t normally last if the foreign visitor remains abroad and has Содержание seriously to cope with real conditions of life. It is then that the second stage begins, characterized by a hostile and aggressive attitude toward the host country. This hostility evidently grows out of the genuine difficulty, which the visitor experiences in the process of adjustment. There are house troubles, transportation troubles, shopping troubles, and the fact that people in the host country are largely indifferent to all these troubles. They help, but they don’t understand your great concern over these difficulties. Therefore, they must be insensitive and unsympathetic to you and your worries. The result, “I just don’t like them.” You become aggressive, you band together with others from your country and criticize the host country, its ways and its people. But this criticism is not an objective appraisal. Instead of trying to account for the conditions and the historical circumstances, which have created them, you talk as if the difficulties you experience are more or less created by the people of the host country for your special discomfort. 7. You take refuge in the colony of others from your country, which often becomes the fountainhead of emotionally charged labels known as stereotypes. This is a peculiar kind of offensive shorthand, which caricatures the host country and its people in a negative manner. The “dollar grasping America” and the “indolent Latin Americans” are samples of mild forms of stereotypes. If you come out of it, you stay; if not, you leave before you reach the stage of a nervous breakdown. 8. If visitors succeed in getting some knowledge of the language and begin to get around by themselves, they are beginning to open the way into the new cultural environment. Visitors still have difficulties but they take a “this is my problem and I have to bear it” attitude. Usually in this stage visitors take a superior attitude to people of the host country. Their sense of humor begins to exert itself. Instead of criticizing, they joke about the people and even crack jokes about their own difficulties. They are now to the way of recovery. 9. In the fourth stage, your adjustment is about as complete as it can be. The visitor now accepts the customs of the country as just another way of living. You operate within the new surrounding without a feeling of anxiety, although there are moments of social strain. Only with a complete grasp of all the cues of social intercourse will this strain disappear. For a long time the individual will understand what the national is saying but is not always sure what the national means. With a complete adjustment you not only accept the food, drinks, habits and customs, but actually begin to enjoy them. When you go home on leave, you may even take things back with you; and if you leave for good, you generally miss the country and the people to whom you became accustomed. Discussion 1. What is a “culture shock”? Give your personal explanation of the term. 2. What stages of culture shock can you trace through the text? 3. How many rises and falls of your mood can you come across while being in a completely new surrounding? Give characteristic to all of them. 4. Try to draw a scheme of a culture shock – with all rises and falls. Содержание

Text for analysis Pillar of Salt Shirley Jackson Preview Questions What does the title of the story suggest? Look up the biblical story of Lot’s wife. What image is conveyed by a pillar of salt? If you have ever visited a very large city, or if you live in one, discuss your reaction to the pace of life, to the frenzy of city living. What is a phobia? How do phobias affect people? Key words and Expressions Panic n. – a sudden, unreasoning fear, often spreading quickly. Trapped adj. & pp. – caught without hope of escape. Insecurity n. – the quality or state of being not safe from danger, of feeling more anxiety than seems warranted. Apprehensive adj. – troubled by fears, anxious, uneasy. Hysterically adv. – in an emotionally uncontrolled and wild manner. Do these words suggest anything about the theme of the story?

or some reason the tune was running through her head when she and her husband got on the train in New Hampshire¹ for their trip to New York; they had not been to new York for nearly a year, but the tune was from further back than that. It was from the days when she was fifteen or sixteen, and had never seen New York except in movies, when the city was made up, to her, of penthouses filled with Noel Coward2 people; when the height and the speed and luxury and gaiety that made up a city like New York were confused inextricably with the dullness of being fifteen, and beauty unreachable and far in the movies. “What is the tune?” she said to her husband, and hummed it. “It’s from some old movie, I think.” “I know it,” he said, and hummed it himself. “Can’t remember the words.” He sat back comfortably. He had hung up their coats, put the suitcases on the rack, and had taken his magazine out. “I’ll think of it sooner or later,” he said. She looked out the window first, tasting it almost secretly, savoring the extreme pleasure of being on a moving train with nothing to do for six hours but read and nap and go into the dining-car, going farther and farther every minute from the children, from the kitchen floor, with even the hills being incredibly left behind, changing into fields and trees too far away from home to be daily. “I love trains,” she said, and her husband nodded sympathetically into his magazine. Two weeks ahead, two unbelievable weeks, with all arrangements made, no further Содержание planning to do, except perhaps what theatres or what restaurants. A friend with an apartment went on a convenient vacation, there was enough money in the bank to make a trip to New York compatible with new snow suits for children; there was the smoothness of unopposed arrangements, once the initial obstacles had been overcome, as though when they had really made up their minds, nothing dared stop them. The baby’s sore throat cleared up. The plumber came, finished his work in two days, and left. The dresses had been altered in time; the hardware store could be left safely, once they had found the excuse of looking over new city products. New York had not burned down, had not been quarantined, their friend had gone away according to schedule, and Brad had the keys to the apartment in his pocket. Everyone knew where to reach everyone else; there was a list of plays not to miss and a list of items to look out for in the stores – diapers, dress materials, fancy canned goods, tarnish- proof silverware boxes. And, finally, the train was there performing its function pacing through the afternoon carrying them legally and with determination to New York. Margaret looked curiously at her husband inactive in the middle of the afternoon on a train, at the other fortunate people traveling, at the sunny country outside, looked again to make sure and then opened her book. The tune was still in her head, she hummed it and heard her husband take it up softly as he turned a page in his magazine. In the dining-car she ate roast-beef as she would have done in a restaurant at home reluctant to change over too quickly to the new tantalizing food of a vacation. She had ice cream for dessert but became uneasy over her coffee because they were due in New York in an hour and she still had to put on her coat and hat relishing every gesture and Brad must take the suitcases down and put away the magazines. They stood at the end of the car for the interminable underground run picking up their suitcases and putting them down again moving restlessly inch by inch. The station was a momentary shelter moving visitors gradually into a world of people and sound and light to prepare them for the blasting reality of the street outside. She saw it for a minute from the sidewalk before she was in a taxi moving into the middle of it and then they were bewilderingly caught and carried on uptown and whirled out on to another sidewalk and Brad paid the taxi driver and put his head back to look up at the apartment house. “This is it all right,” he said as though he had doubted the driver’s ability to find a number so simply given. Upstairs in the elevator and the key fit the door. They had never seen their friend’s apartment before but it was reasonably familiar – a friend moving from New Hampshire to New York carries private pictures of a home not erasable in a few years and the apartment had enough of home in it to settle Brad immediately in the right chair and comfort her with instinctive trust of the linen and blankets. “This is home for two weeks,” Brad said and stretched. After the first few minutes they both went to the windows automatically; New York was below as arranged and the houses across the street were apartment houses filled with unknown people. “It’s wonderful,” she said. There were cars down there and people and the noise was there. “I’m so happy,” she said and kissed her husband. Содержание

They went sight-seeing the first day; they had breakfast in an Automat3 and went to the top of the Empire State Building . “Got it all fixed up now,” Brad said at the top. “Wonder just where that plane hit.” They tried to peer down on all four sides but were embarrassed about asking. “After all,” she said reasonably giggling in a corner, “if something of mine got broken I wouldn’t want people poking around asking to see the pieces.” “If you owned the Empire State Building, you wouldn’t care,” Brad said. They traveled only in taxis the first few days and one taxi had a door held on with a piece of string; they pointed to it and laughed silently at each other and on about the third day the taxi they were riding in got a flat tire on Broadway 5 and they had to get out and find another. “We’ve only got eleven days left,” she said one day, and then, seemingly minutes later, “we’ve already been here six days.” They had got in touch with their friends they had expected to get in touch with, they were going to a Long Island summer home for a week end. “It looks pretty dreadful right now,” their hostess said cheerfully over the phone, “and we’re leaving in a week ourselves, but I’d never forgive you if you didn’t see it once while you were here.” The weather had been fair but cool, with a definite autumn awareness, and the clothes in the store windows were dark and already hinting at furs and velvets. She wore her coat every day, and suits most of the time. The light dresses she had brought were hanging in the closet in the apartment, and she was thinking now of getting a sweater in one of the big stores, something impractical for New Hampshire, but probably good for Long Island. “I have to do some shopping, at least one day,” she said to Brad, and he groaned. “Don’t ask me to carry packages,” he said. “You aren’t up to a good day’s shopping,” she told him, “not after all this walking around you’ve been doing. Why don’t you go to a movie or something?” “I want to do some shopping myself,” he said mysteriously. Perhaps he was talking about her Christmas present; she had thought vaguely of getting such things done in New York; the children would be pleased with novelties from the city, toys not seen in their home stores. At any rate she said, “You’ll probably be able to get to your wholesalers at last.” They were on their way to visit another friend, who had found a place to live by a miracle and warned them consequently not to quarrel with their appearance of the building, or the stairs, or the neighborhood. All three were bad, and the stairs were three flights, narrow and dark, but there was a place to live at the top. Their friend had not been in New York long, but he lived by himself in two rooms, and had easily caught the mania for slim tables and low bookcases which made his room look too large for the furniture in some places, too cramped and uncomfortable in others. “What a lovely place,” she said when she came in, and then was sorry when her host said, “Some day this damn situation will let up and I’ll be able to settle down in a really decent place.” Содержание

There were other people there; they sat and talked companionably about the same subjects then current in New Hampshire, but they drank more than they would have at home and it left them strangely unaffected; their voices were louder and their words more extravagant; their gestures, on the other hand, were smaller, and they moved a finger where in New Hampshire they would have waved an arm. Margaret said frequently, “We’re just staying here for a couple of weeks, on a vacation,” and she said, “It’s wonderful, so exciting,” and she said, “We were terribly lucky; this friend went out of town just at the right...” Finally the room was very full and noisy, and she went into a corner near a window to catch her breath. The window had been opened and shut all the evening, depending on whether the person standing next to it had both hands free; and now it was shut, with the clear sky outside. Someone came and stood next to her, and she said, “Listen to the noise outside. It’s as bad as it is inside.” He said, “In a neighborhood like this someone’s always getting killed.” She frowned. “It sounds different than before. I mean, there’s a different sound to it.” “Alcoholics,” he said. “Drunk in the streets. Fighting going on across the way.” He wandered away, carrying his drink. She opened the window and leaned out, and there were people hanging out the windows across the way shouting, and people standing in the street looking up and shouting, and from across the way she heard clearly, “Lady, lady.” “They must mean me,” she thought, “they’re all looking this way.” She leaned out farther and the voices shouted incoherently but somehow making an audible whole, “Lady, your house is on fire, lady, lady.” She closed the window firmly and turned around to the other people in the room, raising her voice a little. “Listen,” she said, “they’re saying the house is on fire.” She was desperately afraid of their laughing at her, of looking like a fool while Brad across the room looked at her blushing. She said again, “The house is on fire,” and added, “They say,” for fear of sounding too vehement. The people nearest to her turned and someone said, “She says the house is on fire.” She wanted to get to Brad and couldn’t see him; her host was not in sight either, and the people all around were strangers. “They don’t listen to me,” she thought. “I might as well not be here,” and she went to the outside door and opened it. There was no smoke, no flame, but she was telling herself, “I might as well not be here,” so she abandoned Brad in panic and ran without her hat and coat down the stairs, carrying a glass in one hand and a package of matches in the other. The stairs were insanely long, but they were clear and safe, and she opened a street door and ran out. A man caught her arm and said, “Everyone out of the house?” and she said, “No, Brad’s still there.” The fire engines swept around the comer, with people leaning out of the windows watching them, and the man holding her arm said, “It’s down here,” and left her. The fire was two houses away; they could see flames behind the top windows, and smoke against the night sky, but in ten minutes it was finished and the Содержание fire engines pulled away with an air of martyrdom for hauling out all their equipment to put out a ten-minute fire. She went back upstairs slowly and with embarrassment and found Brad and took him home. “I was so frightened,” she said to him when they were safely in bed, “I lost my head completely.” “You should have tried to find someone,” he said. “They wouldn’t listen,” she insisted. “I kept telling them and they wouldn’t listen and then I thought I must have been mistaken. I had some idea of going down to see what was going on.” “Lucky it was no worse,” Brad said sleepily. “I felt trapped,” she said. “High up in that old building with a fire; it’s like a nightmare. And in a strange city.” “Well, it’s all over now,” Brad said. The same faint feeling of insecurity tagged her the next day; she went shopping alone and Brad went off to see hardware, after all. She got on a bus to go downtown and the bus was too full to move when it came time for her to get out. Wedged standing in the aisle she said, “Out, please,” and, “Excuse me,” and by the time she was loose and near the door the bus had started again and she got off a stop beyond. “No one listens to me,” she said to herself. “Maybe it’s because I’m too polite.” In the stores the prices were all too high and the sweaters looked disarmingly like New Hampshire ones. The toys for the children filled her with dismay; they were so obviously for New York children: hideous little parodies of adult life, cash registers, tiny pushcarts with imitation fruit, telephones that really worked (as if there weren’t enough phones in New York that really worked), miniature milk bottles in carrying case. “We get our milk from cows,” Margaret told the salesgirl. “My children wouldn’t know what these were.” She was exaggerating, and felt guilty for a minute, but no one was around to catch her. She had a picture of small children dressed like their parents, following along with a miniature mechanical civilization, toy cash registers in larger and larger sizes that eased them into a real thing, millions of clattering jerking small imitations that prepared them nicely for taking over the large useless toys their parents lived by. She bought a pair of skis for her son, which she knew would be inadequate for the New Hampshire snow, and a wagon for her daughter inferior to the one Brad could make at home in an hour. Ignoring the toy mailboxes, the small phonographs with special small records, the kiddie cosmetics, she left the store and started home. She was frankly afraid by now to take a bus; she stood on the comer and waited for a taxi. Glancing down at her feet, she saw a dime near it, and a nickel. Someone dropped a pocketbook, she thought, and put her other foot on the quarter, stepping quickly to make it look natural; then she saw another dime and another nickel, and a third dime in the gutter. People were passing her, back and forth, all the time, rushing, pushing against her, not Содержание looking at her, and she was afraid to get down and start gathering up the money. Other people saw it and went past, and she realized that no one was going to pick it up. They were all embarrassed, or in too much of a hurry, or too crowded. A taxi stopped to let someone off, and she hailed it. She lifted her feet off the dime and the quarter, and left them there when she got into a taxi. This taxi went slowly and bumped as it went; she had begun to notice that the gradual decay was not peculiar to the taxis. The buses were cracking open in unimportant seams, the leather seats broken and stained. The buildings were going, too; in one of the nicest stores there had been a great gaping hole in the tiled foyer, and you walked around it. Corners of the buildings seemed to be crumbling away into fine dust that drifted downward, the granite was eroding unnoticed. Every window she saw on her way uptown seemed to be broken; perhaps every street corner was peppered with small change. The people were moving faster than ever before; a girl in a red hat appeared at the upper side of the taxi window and was gone beyond the lower side before you could see the hat; store windows were so terribly bright because you only caught them for a fraction of a second. The people seemed hurled on in a frantic action that made every hour forty-five minutes long, every day nine hours, every year fourteen days. Food was so elusively fast, eaten in such a hurry, that you were always hungry, always speeding to a new meal with new people. Everything was imperceptibly quicker every minute. She stepped into the taxi on one side and stepped out the other side at her home; she pressed the fifth-floor button on the elevator and was coming down again, bathed and dressed and ready for dinner with Brad. They went out for dinner and were coming in again, hungry and hurrying to bed in order to get to breakfast with lunch beyond. They had been in New York nine days; tomorrow was Saturday and they were going to Long Island, coming home Sunday, and then Wednesday they were going home, really- home. By the time she had thought of it they were on the train to Long Island; the train was broken, the seats torn and the floor dirty; one of the doors wouldn’t open and the windows wouldn’t shut. Passing through the outskirts of the city, she thought, “It’s as though everything were traveling so fast that the solid stuff couldn’t stand it and were going to pieces under the strain, cornices blowing off and windows caving in.” She knew she was afraid to say it truly, afraid to face the knowledge that it was a voluntary neck-breaking speed, a deliberate whirling faster and faster to end in destruction. On Long Island, their hostess led them into a new piece of New York, a house filled with New York furniture as though on rubber bands, pulled this far, stretched taut, and ready to snap back to the city, to an apartment, as soon as the door was opened and the lease, fully paid, had expired. “We’ve had this place every year for simply ages,” their hostess said. “Otherwise we couldn’t have gotten it possibly this year.” “It’s an awfully nice place,” Brad said. “I’m surprised you don’t live here all year round.” “Got to get back to the city some time,” their hostess said, and laughed. “Not much like New Hampshire,” Brad said. He was beginning to be a little home- sick, Margaret thought. Since the fire scare she was apprehensive about large groups of people gathering together; when friends began to drop in after dinner she waited for a while, Содержание telling herself they were on the ground floor, she could run right outside, all the windows were open; then she excused herself and went to bed. When Brad came to bed much later she woke up and he said irritably, “We’ve been playing anagrams. Such crazy people.” She said sleepily, “Did you win?” and fell asleep before he told her. The next morning she and Brad went for a walk while their host and hostess read the Sunday papers. “If you turn to the right outside the door,” their hostess said encouragingly, “and walk about three blocks down, you’ll come to our beach.” “What do they want with our beach?” their host said. “It’s too damn cold to do anything down there.” “They can look at the water,” their hostess said. They walked down to the beach; at this time of year it was bare and windswept, yet still nodding hideously under traces of its summer plumage, as though it thought itself warmly inviting. There were occupied houses on the way there, for instance, and a lonely lunch stand was open, bravely advertising hot dogs and root beer. The man in the lunch stand watched them go by, his face cold and unsympathetic. They walked far past him, out of sight of houses, on to a stretch of grey pebbled sand that lay between the grey water on one side and the grey pebbled sand dunes on the other. “Imagine going swimming here,” she said with a shiver. The beach pleased her; it was oddly familiar and reassuring and at the same time that she realized this, the little tune came back to her, bringing a double recollection. The beach was the one where she had lived in imagination, writing for herself dreary love-broken stories where the heroine walked beside the wild waves; the little tune was the symbol of the golden world she escaped into to avoid the everyday dreariness that drove her into writing depressing stories about the beach. She laughed out loud and Brad said, “What on earth’s so funny about this Godforsaken landscape?” “I was just thinking how far away from the city it seems,” she said falsely. The sky and the water and the sand were grey enough to make it feel like late afternoon instead of midmorning; she was tired and wanted to go back, but Brad said suddenly, “Look at that,” and she turned and saw a girl running down over the dunes, carrying her hat, and her hair flying behind her. “Only way to get warm on a day like this,” Brad remarked, but Margaret said, “She looks frightened.” The girl saw them and came toward them, slowing down as she approached them. She was eager to reach them but when she came within speaking distance the familiar embarrassment, the not wanting to look like a fool, made her hesitate and took from one to the other of them uncomfortably. “Do you know where I can find a policeman?” she asked finally. Brad looked up and down the bare rocky beach and said solemnly, “There doesn’t seem to be any around. Is there something we can do?” “I don’t think so,” the girl said. “I really need a policeman.” “They go to the police for everything,” Margaret thought, “those people, these New Содержание

York people, it’s as though they had selected a section of the population to act as problem- solvers, and so no matter what they want they look for a policeman.” “Be glad to help you if we can,” Brad said. The girl hesitated again. “Well, if you must know,” she said crossly, “there’s a leg up there.” They waited politely for the girl to explain, but she only said, “Come on, then.” And waved to them to follow her. She led them over the dunes to a spot near a small inlet, where the dunes gave way abruptly to an intruding head of water. A leg was lying on the sand near the water, and the girl gestured at it and said, “There,” as though it were her own property and they had insisted on having a share. They walked over to it and Brad bent down gingerly. “It’s a leg all right,” he said. It looked like part of a wax dummy, a death-white wax leg neatly cut off a top-thigh and again just above the ankle, bent comfortably at the knee and resting on the sand. “It’s real,” Brad said, his voice slightly different. “You’re right about that policeman.” They walked together to the lunch stand and the man listened unenthusiastically while Brad called the police. When the police came, they all walked again to where the leg was lying and Brad gave the police their names and addresses, and then said, “Is it all right to go on home?” “What the hell you want to hang around for?” the policeman inquired with heavy humor. “You waiting for the rest of him?” They went back to their host and hostess, talking about the leg, and their host apologized, as though he had been guilty of a breach of taste in allowing his guests to come on a human leg; their hostess said with interest, “There was an arm washed up in Bensonhurst, I’ve been reading about it.” “One of these killings,” the host said. Upstairs Margaret said abruptly, “I suppose it starts to happen first in the suburbs,” and when Brad said, “What starts to happen?” she said hysterically, “People starting to come apart.” In order to reassure their host and hostess about their not minding the leg, they stayed until the last afternoon train to New York. Back in their apartment again it seemed to Margaret that the marble in the house lobby had begun to age a little; even in two days there were new perceptible cracks. The elevator seemed a little rusty, and there was a fine film of dust over everything in the apartment. They went to bed feeling uncomfortable, and the next morning Margaret said immediately, “I’m going to stay in today.” “You’re not upset about yesterday, are you?” “Not a bit,” Margaret said. “I just want to stay in and rest.” After some discussion Brad decided to go off again by himself; he still had people it was important to see and places he must go in the few days they had left. After breakfast in the Automat, Margaret came back alone to the apartment, carrying the mystery story she had bought on the way. She hung up her coat and hat and sat down by the window with the noise and the people far below, looking out at the sky where it was gray beyond the Содержание houses across the street. “I’m not going to worry about it,” she said to herself, “no sense thinking all the time about things like that, spoil your vacation and Brad’s too. No sense worrying, people get ideas like that and then worry about them.” The nasty little tune was running through her head again, with its burden of suavity and expensive perfume. The houses across the street were silent and perhaps unoccupied of this time of day; she let her eyes move with the rhythm of the tune, from window to window, along one floor. By gliding quickly across two windows, she could make one line of the tune fit one floor of windows, and then a quick breath and a drop down to the next floor; it had the same number of windows and the tune had the same number of beats, and then the next floor and the next. She stopped suddenly when it seemed to her that the windowsill she had just passed had soundlessly crumpled and fallen into fine sand; when she looked back it was there as before but then it seemed to be the windowsill above and to the right, and finally a corner of the roof. “No sense worrying,” she told herself, forcing her eyes down to the street, “stop thinking about things all the time.” Looking down at the street for long made her dizzy and she stood up and went into the small bedroom of the apartment. She had made the bed before going out to breakfast, like any good housewife, but now she deliberately took it apart, stripping the blankets and sheets off one by one, and then she made it again, taking a long time over the corners and smoothing out every wrinkle. “That’s done,” she said when she was through, and went back to the window. When she looked across the street, the tune started again, window to window, sills dissolving and falling downward. She leaned forward and looked down at her own window, something she had never thought of before, down to the sill. It was partly eaten away; when she touched the stone, a few crumbs rolled off and fell. It was eleven o’clock; Brad was looking at blowtorches by now and would not be back before one, if even then. She thought of writing a letter home, but the impulse left her before she found paper and pen. Then it occurred to her that she might take a nap, a thing she had never done in the morning in her life, and she went in and lay down on the bed. Lying down, she felt the building shaking. No sense worrying, she told herself again, as though it were a charm against witches, and got up and found her coat and hat and put them on. I’ll just get some cigarettes and some letter paper, she thought, just run down to the corner. Panic caught her going down in the elevator; it went too fast, and when she stepped out in the lobby, it was only the people standing around who kept her from running. As it was, she went quickly out of the building and into the street. For a minute she hesitated, wanting to go back. The cars were going past so rapidly, the people hurrying as always, but the panic of the elevator drove her on finally. She went to the corner, and, following the people flying along ahead, ran out into the street, to hear a horn almost overhead and a shout from behind her, and the noise of breaks. She ran blindly on and reached the other side where she stopped and looked around. The truck was going on its appointed way around the corner, the people going past on either side of her, parting to go around her where she stood. Содержание

No one even noticed me, she thought with reassurance, everyone who saw me has gone by long ago. She went into the drugstore ahead of her and asked the man for cigarettes; the apartment now seemed safer to her than the street – she could walk up the stairs. Coming out of the store and walking to the corner, she kept as close to the buildings as possible, refusing to give way to the rightful traffic coming out of the doorways. On the corner she looked carefully at the light; it was green, but it looked as though it were going to change. Always safer to wait, she thought, don’t want to walk into another truck. People pushed past her and some were caught in the middle of the street when the light changed. One woman, more cowardly than the rest, turned and ran back to the curb, but the others stood in the middle of the street, leaning forward and then backward according to the traffic moving past them on both sides. One got to the farther curb in a brief break in the line of cars, the others were a fraction of a second too late and waited. Then the light changed again and as the cars slowed down Margaret put a foot on the street to go, but a taxi swinging wildly around her corner frightened her back and she stood on the curb again. By the time the taxi had gone the light was due to change again and she thought, I can wait once more, no sense getting caught out in the middle. A man beside her tapped his foot impatiently for the light to change back; two girls came past her and walked out into the street a few steps to wait, moving back a little when cars came too close, talking busily all the time. I ought to stay right with them, Margaret thought, but then they moved back against her and the light changed and the man next to her charged into the street and the two girls in front waited a minute and then moved slowly on, still talking, and Margaret started to follow and then decided to wait. A crowd of people formed around her suddenly; they had come off a bus and were crossing here, and she had a sudden feeling of being jammed in the center and forced out into the street when all of them moved as one with the light changing, and she elbowed her way desperately out of the crowd and went off to lean against a building and wait. It seemed to her that people passing were beginning to look at her. What do they think of me, she wondered, and stood up straight as though she were waiting for someone. She looked at her watch and frowned, and then thought, What a fool I must look like, no one here ever saw me before, they all go by too fast. She went back to the curb again, but the green light was just changing to red and she thought, I’ll go back to the drugstore and have a Coke, no sense going back to the apartment. The man looked at her unsurprised in the drugstore and she sat and ordered a Coke, but suddenly as she was drinking it the panic caught her again and she thought of the people who had been with her when she first started to cross the street, blocks away by now, having tried and made perhaps a dozen lights while she had hesitated at the first; people by now a mile or so downtown, because they had been going steadily while she had been trying to gather her courage. She paid the man quickly, restrained an impulse to say that there was nothing wrong with the Coke, she just had to get back, that was all, and she hurried down to the corner again. The light changed before she was ready and in the minute before she collected herself traffic turning the corner overwhelmed her and she shrank back against the curb. She looked Содержание longingly at her cigar store on the opposite corner, with her apartment house beyond; she wondered, “How do people ever manage to get there?” and knew that by wondering, by admitting a doubt, she was lost. The light changed and she looked at it with hatred, a dumb thing, turning back and forth, with no purpose and no meaning. Looking to either side of her slyly, to see if anyone was watching, she stepped quietly backward, one step, two, until she was well away from the curb. Back in the drugstore again she waited for some sign of recognition from the clerk and saw none; he regarded her with the same apathy as he had the first time. He gestured without interest at the telephone; He doesn’t care, she thought, it doesn’t matter to him who I call. She had no time to feel like a fool, because they answered the phone immediately and agreeably and found him right away. When he answered the phone, his voice sounding surprised and matter-of-fact, she could only say miserably, “I’m in the drugstore on the corner. Come and get me.” “What’s the matter?” He was not anxious to come. “Please come and get me,” she said into the black mouthpiece that might or might not tell him, “please come and get me, Brad. Please.” CULTURAL NOTES 1. New Hampshire – New Hampshire was one of the original thirteen colonies. It was first settled in 1623 just three years after the establishment of the first colony in Massachusetts. Located in New England in the extreme northeast of the United States, New Hampshire is nicknamed the Granite State for its hard rugged mountains and rocky soil. Mount Washington, at 6288 feet (1917 meters) is the highest peak in the whole eastern mountain chain. New Hampshire has cool summers, and the heavy snows in winter make it a popular ski area. 2. Noel Coward (1899–1973) – a British actor, singer, composer and playwright, known especially for his witty comedies of sophisticated people. 3. Automat – an expensive self-service cafeteria where patrons may get food from small compartments with doors opened by putting coins into slots. New York City used to have many of these popular restaurants. 4. The Empire State Building – a skyscraper at the corner of the 34th Street and Fifth Avenue in New York which has 102 floors. It was opened in 1932, and for a long time remained the tallest building in the world. It is a famous tourist attraction. Содержание

Interpretation and discussion 1. What is Margaret’s initial feeling about her vacation to New York? 2. What does Margaret expect New York to be like? 3. Which details in the story seem to foretell that such feelings would soon change? Scan paragraphs 6–7 (In the dining-car she ate roast-beef as…) of the story for indications. Where do these feelings of insecurity first begin to take hold of her? 4. As the story develops, we see a gradual transition process (process of change) as Margaret’s feelings of excitement give way to feelings of anxiety, hysteria, paranoia and panic. We can see she is becoming vulnerable and is gradually losing her self-confidence. Consider the signs of erosion and decay that Margaret sees, the details that suggest that her view of New York City is changing and her reactions to images of speed (pace of life). 5. What do you think was the most significant occurrence during her visit to Long Island that increased Margaret’s panic? 6. What do you think is the significance of the tune that keeps roaming through Margaret’s head? Follow this symbol through the whole story and analyze how the meaning of it changes. 7. What caused Margaret’s final breakdown? 8. Compare Margaret’s reaction to the city and the events that take place there to that of Brad’s. Does her fear seem to be unreasonable? Would you consider Margaret to be paranoid? 9. Can we identify Margaret’s encounter with New York as a culture shock? Analyze the story according to the plan. Present the compositional structure of the story in the form of a scheme. Follow the idea of a culture shock. Содержание

Topics for inal writing assignment 1. Language and culture cannot be separated. Language is vital to understanding our unique cultural perspectives. Language is a tool that is used to explore and experience our cultures and the perspectives that are embedded in our cultures. 2. One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. 3. Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going. 4. The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said. 5. There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all. 6. Body language is a very powerful tool. We had body language before we had speech, and apparently, 80 % of what you understand in a conversation is read through the body, not the words. 7. Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit. 8. Cultural differences should not separate us from each other, but rather cultural diversity brings a collective strength that can benefit of humanity. 9. Without culture, and the relative freedom it implies, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. 10. Preservation of one’s own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures. Содержание

Приложения Приложение 1. Supplementary Materials Cinema Humanity in the 3d Millennium Personality Profile Upbringing Language and culture Содержание

SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Cinema Humanity in the 3d Millennium Personality Profile Upbringing Language and culture Содержание

Cinema 1. Эпоха немого кино Первые короткометражные фильмы (15–20 метров, примерно 1,5 минуты демонстрации) были по большей части документальные, однако уже в комедийной инсценировке братьев Люмьер «Политый поливальщик» отражаются тенденции зарождения игрового кино. Небольшая длина первых фильмов была обусловлена техническим несовершенством киноаппаратуры, тем не менее уже к 1900-м годам длина кинокартин увеличилась до 200–300 метров (15–20 минут демонстрации). Совершенствование съёмочной и проекционной техники способствовало дальнейшему увеличению длины фильмов, качественному и количественному увеличению художественных приёмов съёмки, актёрской игры и режиссуры. В этот период с усложнением и удлинением сюжета фильмов начинают формироваться жанры кинематографа, оформляется их художественное своеобразие, создается специфический для каждого жанра набор изобразительных приёмов. Наивысшего своего расцвета «немое» кино достигает к 20-м годам XX века, когда оно уже вполне оформляется как самостоятельный род искусства, обладающий своими собственными художественными средствами. 2. Цифровой кинематограф В начале XXI века, с развитием цифровых технологий записи изображения, появилось понятие «цифровой кинематограф». Под этим термином понимают новую технологию фильмопроизводства, позволяющую обходиться без использования кинопленки. В цифровом кино съёмка, обработка, монтаж и демонстрация фильма происходят при помощи цифрового оборудования. Исходный материал записывается при помощи цифровой кинокамеры прямо на цифровой носитель данных. В этом случае обычный кинопроектор заменяется цифровым. Часть копий фильма печатается на кинопленке при помощи фильм-рекордера. Современные цифровые камеры обеспечивают очень высокое разрешение изображения, хорошую цветопередачу и широчайший, недоступный до недавнего времени, спектр манипуляций с цветовой гаммой изображения. Цифровые технологии также предоставляют большие возможности для использования видеографики и спецэффектов в кино. Однако до сих пор киноплёнка, особенно больших форматов, превосходит по разрешающей способности большинство цифровых кинокамер. На несколько лет раньше полностью бесплёночных технологий получила распространение технология, предусматривающая сканирование негатива изображения и последующая цифровая обработка полученных данных, Digital Intermediate. Такая технология обладает большей гибкостью, чем пленочная, и позволяет обойтись без многих промежуточных стадий фильмопроизводства. 3. Художественное и документальное кино Содержание Произведения кинематографа принято делить на художественные (игровые) и документальные (неигровые) фильмы. В первых показаны события, сыгранные актёрами, во вторых – заснятые в реальной жизни. Однако такое деление часто подвергается критике в связи с тем, что существуют документальные фильмы, в которых реальные события реконструируются актёрами. В силу того, что актёры стали частым явлением в фильмах, которые признаны документальными, в документальном кино часто выделяют полностью неигровое кино и кино с элементами игрового, но реконструирующее реальные события. При этом необходимо отличать документальное кино от художественных исторических фильмов. В настоящее время документальное кино прочно вошло в киноискусство всего мира и часто транслируется по телевидению. Темой для документальных фильмов чаще всего становятся интересные события, культурные явления, научные факты и гипотезы, а также знаменитые персоны и сообщества. Мастера этого вида кинотворчества нередко поднимались до серьёзных философских обобщений в своих произведениях. 4. Короткометражное кино На первый взгляд короткометражное кино отличается от полнометражного только небольшой продолжительностью фильма (в основном 15–20 минут). Но так кажется только на первый взгляд, ведь в узкие временные рамки короткометражного фильма нужно вместить весь спектр зрительских переживаний, который существует в кино полнометражном. Поэтому короткометражное кино является с художественной точки зрения совершенно отдельным видом киноискусства и отдельным видом кинематографического творчества. Его еще называют «киноминиатюрой». 5. Киноляпы в чистом виде ОШИБКА В ПОСЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬНОСТИ (НЕПРЕРЫВНОСТИ) Самая распространенная разновидность киноляпов. К ошибкам в последовательности относятся: внезапная перестановка, исчезновение/появление персонажей или предметов антуража, путаница во временах или названиях, нарушение очередности событий и т. д. Подобные ляпы трудно обнаружить во время первого просмотра, когда все внимание сосредоточено на знакомстве с картиной в целом. ЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ОШИБКА Нарушение элементарной логики. Например, герою невозможно находиться одновременно в двух местах, быть старше живых родителей и т. п. ФАКТИЧЕСКАЯ ОШИБКА Непреднамеренный ввод в заблуждение относительно того или иного факта из реальной жизни, незнание или неправильная трактовка событий или законов природы. На первый взгляд, большинство фактических ошибок простительно, так как их Содержание совершают персонажи наподобие Сары Коннор, которая могла и не знать, сколько в человеческом теле костей, но, увы, такая ошибка может надолго отложиться в памяти как откровение. ЗАСВЕТКА Видимое в кадре съемочное оборудование или посторонние люди явно не из массовки, накладки с монтажом и т. п. Такие ляпы, как появление журавля микрофона или отражение объектива кинокамеры, – злейшие враги кинематографа середины прошлого века. Впрочем, и сейчас встречаются уникумы, умудряющиеся засветиться даже на тележке с камерой. ШТАМПЫ Часто встречающиеся фактические ошибки, либо закономерности, ставшие негласными правилами. У зрителей давно уже выработался эффект привыкания к ляпам, характерным для большинства жанров (в частности боевиков). Например, никого не удивляет тот факт, что неподготовленный человек может продержаться в ледяной воде более пяти минут. КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНЫЕ ЛЯПЫ Не являются киноляпами вообще, поскольку упираются в режиссерский замысел, а замысел – понятие растяжимое. Если режиссер решил, что Вторую мировую войну выиграла Америка, пусть так и думает, неуч. 6. Из отличных книг получаются ужасные фильмы, и наоборот В золотой век Голливуда в ходу было такое выражение: «Из отличных книг получаются ужасные фильмы, а из ужасных книг – отличные сценарии». Если персонажи решают сложные нравственные проблемы или осознают что-то, если мы не можем увидеть или услышать их проблемы, то сюжет фильма кажется простым, скучным, а герои – бездействующими. Все, что делает книгу интересной, происходит в голове персонажа! Поэтому, когда продюсеры выбирают книгу для экранизации, обращают внимание на конфликт, на изменение персонажа. Все это должно иметь хорошее визуальное выражение. Рассказ об алкоголике, который каждый день борется с собой, может быть историей постоянного конфликта: вот он проходит мимо бара, куда раньше постоянно заходил по пути на работу, вот официант спрашивает его, не желает ли он заказать коктейль. Да, ему живется очень сложно, но эта битва – внутренняя. Основной конфликт этой истории протекает внутри героя – там, куда мы заглянуть не можем. Единственный способ показать это – экспозиция. Один персонаж может рассказать другому, что он думает. Но первое правило кино – показывай, а не рассказывай. 7. Пять самых выдающихся, популярных и влиятельных режиссеров за всю историю существования кино Содержание Стэнли Кубрик (1928–1999) Стэнли Кубрик был очень эмоциональным человеком и отличался, прежде всего, умением выражать и показывать эти эмоции в своих фильмах. В основном работы Кубрика были экранизациями, и режиссёр мастерски умел вызывать интерес к персонажам своих фильмов, наделяя их яркими и интересными характерами. Многие его фильмы гораздо глубже фильмов его коллег, и для их понимания зачастую одного просмотра не достаточно. Основными творческими пристрастиями режиссёра были психологические фильмы, фильмы ужасов и экранизации литературных произведений, а зачастую смесь многих жанров. Его фильмы слишком сложные, поэтому справедливее было бы отнести его фильмы к чему-то особенному, назвав их просто «фильмы Стэнли Кубрика».

Орсон Уэллс (1915–1985) Хотя у Орсона Уэллса совсем не было опыта работы в кинематографе, известная в первой половине 20-го века кинокомпания “RKO Pictures” подписала с будущим режиссёром контракт, поскольку его радиоспектакль «Война миров» произвёл большой фурор. В итоге Орсон Уэллс в 1941 году снял фильм «Гражданин Кейн», который получил признание во всём мире, и сейчас этот фильм считается одним из лучших за всю историю существования кино. Позже Уэллс снимал фильмы в Европе. Все его фильмы отличались тем, что режиссёр всегда пытался внести что-то новое. И это у него всегда хорошо получалось.

Мартин Скорсезе (1942 – настоящее время). Мартин Скорсезе относится к плеяде «нового поколения» Голливуда, зарекомендовавшего себя в 1970-х годах. Он по праву считается одним их лучших режиссёров мирового кино. Мартин Скорсезе не является режиссёром, пропагандирующим жестокость и насилие, скорее он просто украшает и наделяет их естественностью. Взять, к примеру, сцену боя в фильме «Бешеный бык». Все фильмы режиссёра полны испытаний для главных персонажей, зачастую драматичны. Многие из фильмов Мартина Скорсезе основаны на реальных событиях. У режиссёра всегда были любимчики, и он один из немногих, кто использует один и тот же актёрский состав. Содержание Альфред Хичкок (1899–1980) Альфред Хичкок является одним из самых известных режиссёров во всем мире во все времена. Его фильмы знают многие, а его имя знают практически все. «Окно во двор», «Головокружение», «Ребекка» – эти и многие другие фильмы режиссёра принесли Хичкоку огромную популярность. Практически все картины режиссёра выдержанны в жанре «мистический триллер». Его подход к съёмке, его приём съёмки от лица главного персонажа, его виртуозная работа со звуком будоражат. Всё это сделало его почерк очень индивидуальным и зрелищным. Режиссёр снял более 60 фильмов и стал легендой при жизни. Хичкок не растерял поклонников своего творчества и по сей день.

Стивен Спилберг (1946 – настоящее время) Стивен Спилберг, как и Мартин Скорсезе, стал популярным и востребованным режиссёром в 1970-х годах. После нашумевших и прославивших Стивена «Челюстей» были картины «Индиана Джонс», «Инопланетянин», «Парк Юрского периода», «Список Шиндлера», «Война миров» и многие другие, ставшие классикой культового кино уже сегодня. У Стивена Спилберга всегда был интересный и необычный подход к пересказу событий и необыкновенно многогранная фантазия, которая не навязывается режиссёром. Спилберг на данный момент является самым успешным в мире режиссёром. Он снял больше всего многобюджетных фильмов. В конце 90-х режиссёра признали лучшим режиссёром 20-го века, он же является самым кассовым режиссёром за всё время существования кино. На самом деле выделить пятерку лучших режиссёров не так просто, помимо этой пятерки, нельзя не отметить таких режиссёров, как Ингмар Бергман, Билли Уайлдер, Федерико Феллини. А также режиссёров, которые обогащают своими работами кинематограф сегодня: Джеймс Кэмерон, Кристофер Нолан, Ридли Скотт, Девид Финчер и многие другие. 8. Возникновение и популяризация жанра «фэнтези» Популярность жанра «фэнтези», наравне с ростом популярности кинематографа и интерактива, в наше время приобрела невиданный размах. Изначально жанр «фэнтези» нашел свое проявление на обложках и в иллюстрациях первых романов и рассказов. Современные каноны определяют прародителем «фэнтези» научную фантастику. Данная теория имеет место быть, но звучит скорее безосновательно и спорно, учитывая тот факт, что «фэнтези» существует вопреки науке, но, безусловно, являясь при этом истинной фантастикой. Содержание Повсеместно принятые стереотипы вымышленных существ определяют законы, в которых создаются современные произведения «фэнтези». Именно этими стереотипами пользуются критики в определении качества фильмов и книг. В основном так называемые «расы» условно классифицируются следующим образом: 1) эльфы – древние долгожители, похожие на людей, склонные к магии и защите природы; 2) орки – варвары, похожие на обезьян (придуманы Дж. Толкином); 3) тролли и огры – великаны, часто не отличающиеся особым интеллектом (могут быть людоедами); 4) халфлинги – существа невысокого роста, являются производными от хоббитов Толкина. Сказать и определить, когда именно жанр «фэнтези» занял значимое место в кинематографе, очень непросто. Тот «фэнтези», который соответствует нашему сегодняшнему представлению, закрепился в большом кино в конце 20-го века. Культовым и самым глобальным произведением в «узком» жанре «фэнтези» является крупнобюджетная трилогия «Властелин колец», снятая Питером Джексоном. Что касается сказок и фильмов, в которых фигурируют вымышленные персонажи, то такое кино снималось с самого появления кинематографа. В любом случае популярность жанра «фэнтези» на стыке 20-го и 21-го веков значительно возросла, и можно с уверенностью утверждать, что поклонников жанра ждет изобилие экранных и литературных работ в будущем. 9. Ассоциативный ряд Кино может помочь тебе разобраться в отношениях с друзьями, родителями, любимыми и – главное – с самим собой. Каждый человек чувствовал на себе влияние комедий и мелодрам. С терапевтическим действием комедий всё понятно: они повышают нам настроение, а смех способствует выработке гормонов, снижающих стресс. А мелодрамы, которые начинаются грустно, а заканчиваются триумфом, показывают путь и дают тебе надежду. На самом деле всё далеко не так примитивно, как кажется. Хотя во многих случаях даже кино, трактующее проблему «в лоб», работает – причём с самыми циничными персонажами. Если фильм заставляет тебя плакать, с его помощью ты избавляешься от внутреннего напряжения, даёшь выход эмоциям. Иногда у тебя даже происходит катарсис – сильное эмоциональное переживание, вызванное не реальными событиями жизни, а их символическим отображением. Вот в моём случае с бывшим мужем после просмотра фильма ничего такого не произошло, потому что… ничего не изменилось в моём отношении к нашей бывшей любви, она так и осталась прошлым. Зато мой друг Олег после просмотра фильма «Телефонная будка» рассказывал мне, что испытал самый настоящий катарсис, после чего пересмотрел своё отношение ко лжи, казалось бы, повседневной и безобидной, на самом деле не оставляющей места искренности, превращающей всю жизнь в игру и бессмысленную тренировку памяти. 10. Страсти по сериалам Содержание Не надо бояться, что каждый просмотр киноленты будет неминуемо наполнен самокопаниями. Следует внимательно прислушиваться к себе: если после выхода из кинотеатра ты чувствуешь, что в тебе что-то изменилось, проанализируй это, а еще лучше обсуди с кем-нибудь. Важное для тебя событие не всегда должно быть реальным! Помнишь, какой популярностью пользовались мексиканские сериалы? Они покорили почитателей голубых экранов яркой драматичностью сюжета: бесконечными разводами, изменами, неожиданными амнезиями – всем тем, что было бы не принято демонстрировать в нашем обществе, в котором развод считался делом если не постыдным, то уж точно неодобряемым. Люди получили возможность переживать свои чувства через экран, обсуждая подлость дона Педро и немыслимые страдания Марии с соседями, друзьями и всеми интересующимися, с полной отдачей и полноценными переживаниями за героев. Недаром сериалы у нас с каждым годом всё более и более популярны. 11. На практике Не стоит подходить к делу слишком серьёзно, подбирая вечернее кино по энциклопедиям. Просто не стесняйся просмотра романтических комедий с молодым человеком, поверь, ему тоже хочется, но он не может себе позволить в этом признаться – это будет «не по-мужски». Если эпизод фильма умиляет тебя до слёз, позволь им пролиться, а потом обсуди его со своим мужчиной. Проявляя эмоции, ты помогаешь ему прожить их через тебя. С этой же целью можно просмотреть фильм ужасов, потому что можно спрятать лицо в крепкое мужское плечо – и он будет чувствовать себя героем-защитником! Если тебя ждёт испытание (экзамен или сложный разговор) – возможно, тебя правильно настроит боевик (известно, что чемпион мира по шахматам Анатолий Карпов перед сложным матчем всегда смотрел «Рэмбо»). Главное, не забывай, что ты сценарист и режиссёр своей жизни. Не нравится «сцена»? Перемотай, нажми на паузу, посмотри внимательно, проанализируй или просто переключи на другой канал. Только осторожно, а то получится как в фильме «Клик». 12. Сам себе режиссёр Если у тебя в жизни случилось что-то плохое или ты в принципе чувствуешь себя неуверенно – не знаешь, чего тебе нужно и как этого добиться, если ты не в состоянии объяснить любимому человеку, чего ты от него хочешь, если ты не можешь найти общий язык с родителями, – тебе требуется помощь. Кто-то или что-то, что выудит из тебя позабытую уверенность в себе, откроет новые ресурсы. Хорошо, если рядом есть умный друг. Или ещё лучше – психотерапевт. А если друзья- родственники не видят дальше собственного носа, а живёшь ты в городе, где психотерапия едва перешла из полного отсутствия в зачаточное состояние? Не переживай. Кинотерапия как раз хороша тем, что работает в системе «сделай сам». Ты прекрасно справишься. Всё, что тебе нужно, – это хороший видеосалон. Когда лондонский психотерапевт Берни Вудер работал с пациентами, он заметил, что Содержание некоторые проблемы они формулируют легче, если проводят аналогию с фильмами. Нельзя сказать, что с тех пор кинотерапия превратилась в общепризнанную область психологии, но ей стали пользоваться на практике. У кинотерапии есть великолепное качество – она не может навредить! Нет ведь ничего плохого в том, что ты посмотришь кино. А если работа над какой-то проблемой всё же происходит в группе, её участники могут высказывать своё мнение, используя ситуации и героев кино в качестве «прикрытия». Если человек по какой-либо причине не может высказать свои мысли вслух, боясь осуждения, непонимания или просто из-за стеснения, то такой способ оказывается наиболее безопасным. Целебную силу искусства осознают и создатели фильмов. Так, на вручении кинопремий Британской академии кино и телевидения продюсер лорд Паттнэм, принимая свою награду, сказал, что фильмы помогают не только разобраться в самих себе, но и во взаимоотношениях с другими людьми и с целым миром. Содержание

Humanity in the 3d Millennium 1. Будущее человечества Земную цивилизацию неминуемо постигнет конец, как логический результат бесконтрольного развития, как следствие истощения ограниченных ресурсов планеты, как итог духовной деградации человека. Наука из любознательной музы превратится в слепую машину для обслуживания каких-то физиологических нужд населения и военно-агрессивных наклонностей тех, кто ими правит. Материальная алчность достигнет апогея. Потребительское отношение к природе, волчьи повадки в социуме, законы стаи у власть имущих – всё это, вместе взятое, приведет к вырождению человека и гибели мира. Люди настолько испоганили свой Дом, что ему вряд ли чем можно помочь. Современная цивилизация уже в наше время может выйти на финишную прямую существования и исчезнуть в течение ближайших трёхсот лет. Нас ожидают страшные последствия увеличения прироста населения Земли и, соответственно, техногенной нагрузки на планету. Из-за нехватки ресурсов (нефти, газа, воды, пищи и пр.) между многими странами вскоре будут вспыхивать конфликты, которые со временем перерастут в настоящие войны. Использование оружия массового уничтожения приведет к вымиранию и загрязнению многих процветающих теперь территорий, которые превратятся в безжизненные пустыни. Большинство оставшихся стран объединятся в союз под управлением группировки политиков-тиранов. Население государств, не пожелавших вступать в этот союз, будет безжалостно истреблено. Впоследствии между оставшимися странами возникнет военное противостояние за жалкие остатки ресурсов Земли. Мировые эпидемии ужасных болезней будут косить и без того сильно поредевшее население. Если не наступит ядерная зима, то парниковый эффект растопит льды полярных районов и под водой окажется половина суши. Планету постигнут небывалые катаклизмы. Есть вероятность падения крупного метеорита. Уровень радиоактивного и химического загрязнения достигнет небывалых значений. Будут рождаться люди и животные с ужасными аномалиями. Как следствие, появятся новые виды и расы. Остатки человечества найдут последнее прибежище под землей и там постепенно выродятся и наверняка вымрут. Вряд ли кто сможет приспособиться к жизни на поверхности. Во всяком случае, эти существа будут совсем не похожи на современного человека. 2. Космос – главное направление усилий человека будущего Космос – будущее нашей цивилизации. Человеку нужно осознать (но мало осознать, надо и действовать), что сейчас все усилия необходимо направить на исследование и освоение космического пространства. Без международного сотрудничества тут не обойтись. Ведь кто первым освоит Луну, тот первым доберется до Марса, а в перспективе такой лидер получит весь космос и сможет диктовать свои условия Содержание остальному человечеству. Если владеющие космическими технологиями государства земного шара найдут в себе мужество объединить усилия в этом направлении, прогресс в покорении звёздных бездн не заставит долго ждать. В противном случае космическая экспансия землян произойдет далеко не так быстро, как бы нам того хотелось. Так или иначе, но человечество все равно будет осваивать космос. Сначала ближайшие планеты, а потом и более отдаленные объекты Солнечной системы. Пустынные и неуютные планеты станут преобразовываться соответственно потребностям человека. В межпланетном пространстве будут строиться гигантские космические города. Между орбитами Земли и Марса, возможно, возникнут целые населенные миры- кольца. В более далеком будущем (а может быть, параллельно с деятельностью, описанной выше), наша цивилизация займется проектами галактического масштаба, такими как добыча энергии из черных дыр, включение и выключение звезд, создание червоточин в пространстве для преодоления светового барьера и так далее. Есть неплохие шансы, что человечество когда-нибудь займет почетное место рядом с другими высокоразвитыми космическими цивилизациями, и наши потомки будут гордиться своим происхождением. 3. Перспективы эволюции человеческого рода Человек в будущем будет заниматься своим физическим и психическим здоровьем более серьезно, чем сейчас. С помощью самосовершенствования, духовных практик он изменит к лучшему многие параметры биологического вида. Большое внимание станет уделяться развитию интеллектуальных и психических (даже паранормальных) способностей. Люди будущего должны жить в гармонии с природой и друг другом. Человек в грядущем будет больше полагаться на науку. Генетика, геронтология, нано- и биотехнологии позволят людям избавиться от всех болезней и жить неограниченно долго. Наступит эра практического бессмертия человека. По мере развития когнитивных и нейротехнологий, станут использоваться прямые интерфейсы: мозг- компьютер, чипы и внешние программы, дополняющие мозг человека. Это несравненно увеличит интеллектуальные способности каждого члена будущего общества. Эволюция человека пойдет по пути кардинальной переделки тела как вместилища разума и сознания. Впрочем, переделка коснется и разума, дабы он соответствовал все возрастающим потребностям сознания. Элементы искусственного интеллекта будут встраиваться в человеческий разум. Люди и ИИ смогут объединяться в единые интегрированные системы. Все это приведет к стиранию грани между человеческим разумом и искусственным интеллектом. В какой-то момент останутся просто «разумные существа», наделенные сверхразумом. 4. Достижения техники и технологии будущего Содержание Труд человека в будущем практически полностью возьмут на себя различные автоматизированные механизмы, компьютеры, роботы и клоны. Человечество будет уделять значительное внимание поиску новых энергетических источников, а также усовершенствованию применения естественных: эффективнейшему использованию энергии солнца, ветра, приливов и отливов и так далее. Как восстанавливающийся источник широко будет применяться биотопливо, созданное на основе переработки органических отходов. В целом техника и технологии завтрашнего дня будут развиваться по пути увеличения эффективности и надёжности. Транспортные средства станут намного мобильнее и практичнее современных аналогов. Вероятно, в ближайшее время будут созданы аппараты (в том числе и индивидуального пользования), перемещающие пассажиров в трехмерном пространстве с большой скоростью и маневренностью. Генная инженерия подарит нескончаемый сонм новых, генетически модифицированных организмов. Молекулярная нанотехнология сделает шаги к созданию изобилия продуктов, необходимых каждому человеку. Достижением научно-технического прогресса станет изобретение невиданных доселе сверхлегких и сверхпрочных материалов, в результате чего выиграют все сферы промышленности. Компьютерные технологии войдут во все сферы жизнедеятельности нашей цивилизации и займут там главные роли. Вскоре будет рожден программистами, а потом станет развиваться самостоятельно искусственный интеллект, который на бесчисленное количество порядков превысит человеческий. Со временем им, с помощью нанотехнологий, можно будет наделять практически все устройства, создаваемые человеком. Тогда различие между материей и сознанием будет практически стёрто. 5. Этические и политико-социальные аспекты будущего общества Будущее должно объединить людей в единую нацию и государство. Глобальные интеграционные процессы сегодняшнего дня тому свидетельство. Правда, возможно, за это будет заплачена высокая цена, но оно того стоит. Прогрессу науки и техники наверняка будет сопутствовать передел духовных ценностей. Так как людей будут окружать послушные и быстродействующие механизмы, роботы, компьютеры, могут сильно видоизмениться или вовсе исчезнуть такие человеческие качества как любовь, дружба, преданность, милосердие, благодарность и так далее. Тем более изменится моральный облик наших потомков, если человечество эволюционирует в какой-нибудь иной, более развитый биологический вид или перейдет на неорганические носители разума и сознания. По этой же причине, вероятно, отойдут в прошлое или превратятся во что-то экзотическое музыка, живопись, театр и вообще искусство, так как технологически высокоразвитому миру будет уже не до этого. Чем же наполнится духовная жизнь Содержание следующих поколений, и какие ценности будут котироваться в будущем – нам остается только гадать. 6. «Тиражирование» людей по принципу клонирования Наступивший век высоких технологий принёс человечеству много благ, но одновременно и массу испытаний: бешеный темп, стрессы, психологическое давление. Нам уже не хватает времени, чтобы работать, любить и развиваться как личность. Может быть, можно раздвоиться? Двойники, похожие как две капли воды на оригиналы, всегда были в центре внимания. Ученые, занимающиеся генной инженерией, говорят, что у двойников на 50 % схожи черты характера и практически на 70 % совпадает интеллект. А можно ли добиться 100 % совпадения? Оказывается, с помощью клонирования можно. Совершенно идентичные внешне, оригиналы и клоны с большой вероятностью будут наделены и одинаковыми способностями: к науке, музыке и пр. Исследователи утверждают, что и склонность к лидерству, имеющаяся у оригинала, передастся клону. По мнению ведущих российских генетиков, при современном уровне развития биомедицинских технологий можно произвести на свет человека из одной клетки. Другой вопрос, приемлем ли такой способ размножения с нравственной и религиозной точек зрения? Человек – это не агрегат, который можно разбирать на запчасти, не сырье для изготовления препаратов, не топливо для развития научно- технического прогресса. Благие цели не достигаются дурными средствами. Если говорить о клонировании, у нас нет возражений против выведения новых пород животных, создания отдельных человеческих органов и тканей, но при этом недопустимо удовлетворять научное любопытство, превращая в экспериментальный объект уже саму человеческую жизнь. 7. Проблемы генной инженерии Актуальность генной инженерии человека понимается сразу, как только мы обратимся к необходимости лечения больных с наследственными болезнями, обусловленными геномом. При этом особенно актуальна забота о будущих поколениях, которые не должны расплачиваться собственным здоровьем за недостатки и ущербность своего генома и генофонда сегодняшнего поколения. Проблемы, связанные с генной инженерией сегодня, приобретают глобальный масштаб. Заболевания на генном уровне все чаще и чаще обусловлены развитием цивилизации. В настоящее время человечество пока не желает отказываться от определенных технологий, несущих не только комфорт и материальные блага, но и деградацию естественной среды обитания людей. Поэтому в ближайшей перспективе побочные явления научно-технического прогресса отрицательно скажутся на организме человека. Развитие атомной энергетики, получение синтезированных химических соединений, использование гербицидов в сельском хозяйстве и так далее создают новую природную среду, которая очень часто является не то что идеальной, а Содержание просто вредной для здоровья человека. Повышенная радиация и увеличение доли химических веществ в пище и атмосфере становятся факторами, вызывающими мутации у человека, многие из которых как раз и проявляются в виде наследственных болезней и аномалий. Необходимость исправления «ошибок природы», т. е. генной терапии наследственных болезней, выдвигает на первый план такую область молекулярной генетики, которую называют генной (или генетической) инженерией. Генная инженерия – это раздел молекулярной биологии, прикладная молекулярная генетика, задачей которой является целенаправленное конструирование новых, не существующих в природе сочетаний генов при помощи генетических и биохимических методов. Она открывает широкие просторы и множество путей решения проблем медицины, генетики, сельского хозяйства, микробиологической промышленности и т. д. С ее помощью можно целенаправленно манипулировать генетическим материалом для создания новых или реконструкции старых генотипов. Имеющиеся достижения в этой области показывают перспективность генной терапии в лечении наследственных болезней. 8. О будущем медицины Уже сегодня мы активно используем роботов для проведения операций; сеть Интернет позволяет любому желающему получить обширную информацию о том или ином симптоме или диагнозе; широко распространены лекарственные средства, которые позволяют продлить активную жизнь человека, и телемедицина, наконец. Через 10 лет телемедицина станет дешевле, появятся персональные теледатчики, которые будут способны самостоятельно передавать данные о «хозяине» в медицинский центр; широкое распространение получат нанотехнологии и наноматериалы (ну куда же без них); появятся роботы-хирурги, способные проводить операции полностью самостоятельно без участия человека; огромные залежи медицинской информации, накопленные в сети Интернет, будут объединены в экспертную систему. Еще через 5–7 лет информационные технологии позволят построить индивидуальную модель человека, спрогнозировать его будущее здоровье и эффективность выбранного курса лечения. К 2040 году нанороботы будут способны не только практически моментально поставить диагноз, но и «отремонтировать» организм. А к 2060 году футурологи предсказывают полное исчезновение медицины в ее традиционном виде. Медицина окончательно сольется с кибернетикой и информационными технологиями. Возможно, к этому времени появится «человек будущего»: что-то среднее между киборгом и виртуальной личностью. Что же, всё может быть… 9. Прикосновение к «бессмертию» или биотехнологии недалёкого будущего Содержание Специалисты медицины антистарения сходятся во мнении: чтобы прожить 120 лет, принципиальных препятствий нет, человеческий организм на это рассчитан. Может быть, всё дело в неправильном образе жизни? Но человечество живет, как живется, на протяжении веков более-менее успешно, борясь с болезнями и не оставляя надежды изобрести эликсир молодости и найти формулу бессмертия. Чего только не пытались изобрести люди в погоне за бессмертием! Но большинство сенсаций оказывалось мыльным пузырем. В конце 70-х со скандалом был повержен оптимизм мечтателей-шестидесятников по поводу идеи глубокого замораживания и последующего размораживания людей. Суть идеи: после биологической смерти человека, страдающего неизлечимым заболеванием, тело обрабатывают специальными растворами, вводимыми в кровяное русло, и особым образом замораживают до лучших времен, когда наука шагнет так далеко, что сможет справиться с любыми недугами. В XX веке было сделано три основных открытия в области биологии. В 50-х годах Уотсон и Крик открыли двойную спираль ДНК. Все 90-е годы шла расшифровка генома человека, который был расшифрован в 2000 году. Было определено, где наследственная информация хранится и как она работает. Это открытие изменило мышление в биологии. Хотя осталось много неясностей. Во второй половине 90-х заговорили о бессмертных линиях стволовых эмбриональных клеток. Ученые пришли к выводу, что, если воздействовать на стволовые эмбриональные клетки особыми веществами белкового происхождения, можно получить линии клонов соответствующих органов. Ранее считалось, что стволовые клетки есть только у зародышей, но в дальнейшем было обнаружено, что и во взрослом организме практически во всех органах и тканях присутствуют стволовые клетки. Больше всего их костном мозге, c возрастом их количество снижается. Сегодня разрешено применение собственных (аутогенных) стволовых клеток, которые берутся из костного мозга человека и выращиваются для дальнейшей трансплантации их в его же организм. Чем раньше, в как можно более молодом возрасте, человек подстрахует себя, создав свой «банк стволовой клетки», тем больше шансов, что в будущем у него не будет проблем со здоровьем и активным долголетием. Сейчас мы являемся свидетелями возникновения новой науки – медицины антистарения (anti-ageing medicine), получая возможность стать «немного бессмертнее». 10. Самое гиблое место Нет в космосе более загадочного и пугающего объекта, чем чёрная дыра. Одно словосочетание уже наводит безотчётный страх: оно рисует образ всепоглощающей бездны. Перед нею робеют не только обыватели, но трепещут и астрофизики. «Из всех творений человеческого разума, от мифологических единорогов и драконов до водородной бомбы, пожалуй, наиболее фантастическое – это чёрная дыра. Дыра в Содержание пространстве с вполне конкретными краями, в которую может провалиться все, что угодно, и из которой ничто не в силах выбраться. Дыра, в которой гравитационная сила столь велика, что даже свет захватывается и удерживается в этой ловушке. Дыра, которая искривляет пространство и искажает течение времени. Подобно единорогам и драконам черные дыры кажутся скорее атрибутами научной фантастики или древних мифов, чем реальными объектами. Однако из физических законов с неизбежностью следует существование черных дыр. В одной нашей Галактике их, возможно, миллионы», – так сказал о чёрных дырах известный ученый, заведующий кафедрой Калифорнийского технологического института (США), член Национальной академии наук США, член учёного совета NASA Кип Стивен Торн. Помимо своей фантастической мощи чёрные дыры обладают удивительным свойством менять внутри себя пространство и время. Внутри чёрной дыры, за краем этой своеобразной гравитационной бездны, откуда нет выхода, текут удивительные физические процессы, проявляются новые законы природы. По мнению многих специалистов, чёрные дыры являются самыми грандиозными источниками энергии во Вселенной. Предполагается, что чёрные дыры в будущем станут источниками энергии для человечества. 11. Путешествие в космос В 1960–1970-х годах все мальчишки и многие девчонки хотели стать космонавтами. И так было не только в СССР, но и во всех индустриально развитых странах. Однако в космонавты брали не многих, а сложные тренировки отсеивали ещё часть людей. Но уже в 1990-е годы космическая промышленность достигла таких успехов, что в космос стало возможным отправить практически любого человека. И в 2001 году мир узнал о первом «официальном» космическом туристе. Сегодня организацией туров в космос занимается российская компания «Роскосмос» совместно с американской компанией «Space Adventures Ltd». Первоначально предлагалось посетить российский сегмент Международной космической станции. Стоимость 8–10-дневного тура составляла $ 20–23 миллиона. Со второй половины 2007 года стоимость тура выросла, составив $ 30–40 миллионов. Известно, что сразу несколько частных и государственных компаний из нескольких стран мира ведут свои разработки по направлению космического туризма. Однако все они испытывают ряд трудностей (финансовые, материальные и т. п.) и в ближайшие 50 лет не смогут составить конкуренцию российской программе космического туризма. Первым космическим туристом признан гражданин США, мультимиллионер Деннис Тито, который был в космосе с 28 апреля по 6 мая 2001 года. Однако, в 1989 году станцию «Мир» посетил первый «коммерческий космонавт», гражданин Японии Тоёхиро Акияма. А в 1991 году орбитальную станцию «Мир» посетил второй «коммерческий космонавт», гражданка Великобритании Хелен Шарман. Акияма и Содержание Шарман почему-то не считаются «космическими туристами», хотя они и попали в космос за плату. Со времени Денниса Тито по «космическим путёвкам» МКС посетили 8 туристов, один из которых – гражданин США и Венгрии Чарльз Симони – посетил МКС дважды: в 2007 и 2009 годах. Так что космический туризм – вполне реальное явление. Появление космических туристов вновь сделало полёты в космос мечтой многих людей. И если сегодня это очень дорогое удовольствие, то через 10–15 лет космический туризм станет доступен и обычным туристам. При этом космические туры станут более разнообразными и интересными. 12. Одежда с климат-контролем Индийский изобретатель разработал линию одежды с климат-контролем, благодаря которой обладатель таковой будет чувствовать себя комфортно при любых экстремальных температурах. Свое дело Кранти Киран Вистакула (Kranthi Kiran Vistakula) начал с разработки жилета, сейчас эту бизнес-идею уже применяют для создания обуви, шарфов и даже обеденных тарелок. В комплектации одежды с климат-контролем использованы легкие пластмассовые пластины с термоэлектрическим устройством. Оно работает от батарей, способных заряжаться при движении и даже от солнечных лучей. Одна полностью заряженная батарея обеспечивают работу термоэлектрического устройства в течение 8 часов. Жилет с климат-контролем, который спасает мистера Вистакулу в летний зной, был успешно протестирован бойцами индийской армии при критически низких температурах, достигающих 40 градусов мороза. Это говорит о том, что одежда, разработанная индийским изобретателем, обеспечивает комфорт как в жару, так и в холод. При этом, например, тот же жилет весит не более одного килограмма. «Мы уже разработали линии обуви, согревающей в холод и охлаждающей в жару», – говорит м-р Вистакула, – «она также была успешно протестирована индийскими бойцами и явно пришлась им по нраву. Обморожение – большая проблема для армии, и наши ботинки действительно помогают». В своем интервью телекомпании BBC Кранти Киран Вистакула сообщил, что планирует даже создание жилета с климат-контролем для коров. Он объясняет это так: «Когда корова летом не страдает он знойного солнца, скажем так – она охлаждена, тогда она дает больше молока. Это научно доказано». Вот пример того, как одна гениальная идея может не только принести неплохой доход, но и решить проблемы во многих сферах жизнедеятельности человека. Так, одежда с климат-контролем от индийца по фамилии Вистакула решила ещё и некоторые проблемы армии и сельского хозяйства его родной страны. 13. Электронные пилюли помогут врачам контролировать приём лекарств Содержание Традиционная электроника не предназначена для приёма внутрь, но если эксперты уверены, что гаджеты в будущем начнут сливаться с телом человека, то должны появиться и электронные пилюли. Их разработала компания «Proteus Digital Health». Пилюли эти уже прошли процедуру одобрения в американском управлении «FDA» («the Food and Drug Administration»). Данные устройства смогут самостоятельно оповещать лечащего врача о каждом приёме прописанных медикаментов пациентом. Необходимость в устройстве такого рода для разработчиков очевидна, около половины пациентов не принимают прописанных медикаментов должным образом, ошибаясь то в дозировке, то во времени приёма. Поэтому инженеры «Proteus» решили, что пациенту следовало бы сообщать врачу о каждом приёме лекарства, а чтобы больной не забыл и об этом, этот процесс решили автоматизировать. Схема работы электронных пилюль «Proteus» такова. Помимо собственно препарата, каждая из них снабжена микрочипом, состоящим из кремния, магния и меди. Попав в желудок, чип взаимодействует с желудочным соком (а это кислота) и вырабатывает электричество, которое обнаруживается сенсором, закрепленным на поверхности кожи. Получив электрический импульс от пилюли, сенсор отправляет сигнал на смартфон пользователя, а тот, в свою очередь, сообщает о приёме медикамента лечащему врачу. Чип быстро распадается в желудке и переваривается, добавляя пациенту лишние минералы в обмен веществ. Однако основное применение своего изобретения инженеры видят в другом. Существуют болезни, при которых пациентам приходится регулярно принимать одни и те же лекарства в течение нескольких лет, и потому врачам необходимо собирать статистику относительно эффективности тех или иных лекарств, значит, максимальная точность при учёте является насущной необходимостью. Кроме того, инженеры сейчас работают над имплантируемым устройством с контейнером, который содержит необходимые медикаменты и регулярно по часам высвобождает их в организм. 14. Французских робототехников не печалит повесть о Ромео Универсальный андроид сопоставимого с человеком роста в 2011 году начнёт обслуживать пожилых и инвалидов. К 2015-му машина встанет на конвейер и поступит в магазины как электромеханическая домохозяйка. Это будет один из самых продвинутых андроидов на свете – реальное воплощение сложившегося в массовом сознании образа робота-слуги. Проект «Romeo» развивает парижская компания «Aldebaran Robotics» вместе с дюжиной промышленных и академических партнёров. Каждый член консорциума взял на себя определённую задачу. Одни озаботились динамикой, то есть ходьбой и обращением с предметами. Другие корпят над интеллектом для естественного общения с владельцем и так далее. «Француз» научится открывать и закрывать двери, брать в руки чашки и бутылки, Содержание связки ключей и, конечно, приносить их по просьбе хозяина. При этом робот будет запоминать расположение важных вещей в доме и находить их, даже если сам владелец забыл, что и куда подевал. Важно, что «Romeo» проектируется в расчёте и на прямую физическую помощь – он сумеет поддержать пожилого человека при ходьбе и поможет ему встать в случае падения. По замыслу парижской фирмы, «Ромео» также научат контролировать самочувствие своего владельца, и в случае необходимости робот вызовет членов семьи или медицинскую помощь. Робот будет понимать голосовые команды и считывать эмоции, поддерживать на примитивном уровне беседу и даже угадывать намерения, чтобы адекватнее реагировать и действовать согласно ожиданиям хозяина. «Romeo» придётся и ходить по-человечески. Конечно, сама по себе ходьба роботов – давно не новость, но зачастую от неё отказываются в пользу других механизмов передвижения. Особенно это верно, когда речь заходит о помощниках в быту или в клиниках. Роботы с колёсами вместо ног уже умеют носить людей на руках и даже выполнять некоторые несложные задания по дому. Таких устройств в последние годы появилось немало. А вот ходячих электронных слуг можно пересчитать буквально по пальцам одной руки; подобные проекты, к сожалению, не спешат выйти из «стадии обнадёживающих» на прилавки магазинов. Остаётся добавить, что по прогнозам создателей андроида, «Ромео» станет доступен для публики в 2015 году, и цена его составит примерно 250 тысяч евро. Содержание

Personality Pro ile Read the following articles. Render them in English.

1. Оценки личности и характера Когда даются оценки характера и личности одного и того же человека, то эти оценки могут не только не совпадать, но и быть противоположными по знаку. Бывают великие люди (личности) с ужасным характером. Бывают мелкие личности с золотым характером. Вспомним для примера личности выдающихся людей. Возникает вопрос: известны ли истории великие люди с плохим характером? Да сколько угодно. Существует мнение, что тяжелым характером отличался Ф.М. Достоевский, очень «крутой» характер был у И.П. Павлова. Однако это не помешало обоим стать выдающимися личностями. Характер и личность – далеко не одно и то же. Интересно в связи с этим одно высказывание П.Б. Ганнушкина. Констатируя тот факт, что высокая одаренность часто сочетается с психопатией, он пишет, что для оценки творческих личностей недостатки их характера не имеют значения. «Историю, – пишет он, – интересует только творение и главным образом те его элементы, которые имеют не личный, индивидуальный, а общий, непреходящий характер». Итак, «творение» человека есть по преимуществу выражение его личности. Потомки используют результаты деятельности личности, а не характера. А вот с характером человека сталкиваются не потомки, а непосредственно окружающие его люди: родные и близкие, друзья, коллеги. Они несут на себе бремя его характера. Для них, в отличие от потомков, характер человека может стать, и часто становится, более значимым, чем его личность. 2. Характер и темперамент Характер нередко сравнивают с темпераментом, а в некоторых случаях и подменяют эти понятия друг другом. В науке среди господствующих взглядов на взаимоотношения характера и темперамента можно выделить четыре основных: 1) отождествление характера и темперамента; 2) противопоставление характера и темперамента, подчеркивание антагонизма между ними; 3) признание темперамента элементом характера, его ядром, неизменной частью; 4) признание темперамента природной основой характера. Необходимо отметить, что общей для характера и темперамента является зависимость от физиологических особенностей человека. Формирование характера существенно зависит от свойств темперамента, более тесно связанного со свойствами нервной системы. Кроме того, черты характера возникают тогда, кода темперамент уже Содержание достаточно развит. Характер развивается на основе темперамента. Темперамент определяет в характере такие черты, как уравновешенность или трудность вхождения в новую ситуацию, подвижность или инертность реакции и т. д. Однако темперамент не предопределяет характер. У людей с одинаковыми свойствами темперамента может быть совершенно разный характер. Несмотря на то, что характер относят к индивидуальным особенностям личности, в структуре характера можно выделить черты, общие для определенной группы людей. Даже у самого оригинального человека можно найти какую-то черту (например, необычность, непредсказуемость поведения), обладание которой позволяет отнести его к группе людей с аналогичным поведением. В данном случае можно говорить о типических чертах характера. Характер не является врожденным, он формируется в жизни и деятельности человека как представителя определенной группы, определенного общества. Поэтому характер человека – это всегда продукт общества, чем и объясняется сходство и различие в характерах людей, принадлежащих к различным группам. Нетрудно описать типический характер врача, военного, в то же время каждый типический характер имеет свои индивидуальные черты. 3. Формирование характера Характер человека несколько изменяется на протяжении всей его жизни. Эти изменения протекают чаще всего неосознанно, хотя иногда человек сознательно меняет какие-то черты. Но основные, базисные черты закладываются еще в далеком детстве и можно с уверенностью утверждать, что к 5–6 годам ребенок уже имеет свой собственный характер. Уже ко второму году жизни ребенок демонстрирует волевые черты характера, а к 3–4 годам формируются деловые черты. Явные признаки коммуникативных черт характера проявляются к 4–5 годам, когда ребенок начинает принимать активное участие в групповых ролевых играх. В этот возрастной период на характер ребенка сильнейшее влияние оказывают взрослые, то, как родители обращаются с малышом. Если родители уделяют внимание ребенку, разговаривают с ним и интересуются его желаниями, то у такого ребенка, вероятнее всего, разовьется доверие к людям, общительность и жизнерадостность. В противном случае вероятно появление таких черт как замкнутость, закрытость. В школьные годы продолжается формирование характера ребенка, но в младших классах приоритетным является мнение родителей и учителей, а в средних классах большее влияние на характер оказывают ровесники. В старших классах картина опять меняется: мнение взрослых вновь становится более весомым. Также в этот период большее влияние на характер человека приобретают средства массовой информации. В дальнейшем изменения характера будут складываться из событий личной жизни, встреч с яркими харизматическими личностями, а также под влиянием возрастных изменений. Самыми заметными из последних являются изменения характера личности Содержание в старшем возрасте. В 50 лет человек оказывается как бы на стыке прошлого и будущего. Ему уже не присуща привычка строить планы и жить будущим, но еще рано предаваться воспоминаниям. После 60 лет начинается новый этап в жизни человека, когда прошлое и настоящее приобретают необыкновенную ценность. Проявляются такие черты характера, как неторопливость, размеренность. Также несколько меняет характер и начинающиеся проблемы со здоровьем. 4. Как изменить свой характер Человек всегда может изменить черты характера, которые ему не нравятся. Для этого существуют множество методик, но все они базируются на одном: желание измениться должно быть внутренним и осознанным. Хорошим помощником в изменении характера станет системный подход. Выпишите на отдельный листик черты характера, от которых вы хотите избавиться. Напротив каждой черты напишите, в чем она проявляется. Зная это, вам будет легче контролировать себя и не допускать неприятных вам действий. Характер человека создается долго, избывать неприятные черты сложно, это требует кропотливого и длительного труда. Но это не невозможно и особую трудность представляет буквально первая неделя. Когда контроль над проявлением «темной» стороны вашего характера перейдет в привычку, следить за своим поведением станет значительно легче. И очень скоро то, что вам не нравилось в вашем характере, перестанет осложнять вам жизнь и общение с близкими. Например, вашей отрицательной чертой является гневливость. Она проявляется в том, что вы, не дослушав собеседника, успеваете нагрубить ему. Вам стоит начать контролировать свои действия: попытайтесь дослушать собеседника до конца, посчитайте до пяти или десяти, прежде чем сказать резкость. Также хорошие результаты в изменении своего характера дает образец для подражания. Выбрав какой-то образец (им может быть как реальное, так и вымышленное лицо), вы начинаете равняться на него. И спрашиваете себя, как бы он поступил на вашем месте. Копируя желаемую манеру поведения, вы также будете вырабатывать у себя правильные привычки и минимизируете проявления отрицательных черт характера. Не старайтесь при этом скопировать чье-либо поведение в точности, как оно есть, поверхностно. Нужно понимать, что вы по- своему индивидуальны, а потому некоторая черта будет проявляться со своим свойственным только вам оттенком. Неважно, какой системой исправления себя вы воспользуетесь. Важно, чтобы вы искренне хотели измениться к лучшему, тогда для вас не будет ничего невозможного. Помните, что нет предела совершенству, развивайте в себе все самое лучшее. 5. Характерология – отрасль психологии личности Характерология имеет длительную историю развития. Важнейшими проблемами характерологии на протяжении веков было установление типов характера и их Содержание определения по его проявлениям с целью прогнозировать поведение человека в различных ситуациях. Одной из наиболее древних попыток прогнозирования поведения человека является объяснение его характера датой рождения. Разнообразные способы предсказания судьбы и характера человека получили название гороскопов. Практически все гороскопы составляются одинаково: общепринятый временной период разбивается на определенные интервалы, каждому из которых присваивается определенный знак, символ. Описание характера человека дается через призму различных свойств этого символа. Однако характеры людей, родившихся в одно и то же время, по разным гороскопам оказываются различными. Так, например, в соответствии с гороскопом друидов, проводящих связь человеческих характеров с деревьями, человек, родившийся в интервале с 22 декабря по 1 января, является яблоней. Согласно гороскопу яблоня редко бывает высокой, много в ней симпатичного, много обаяния, сердечности. По астрологическим знакам зодиака человек, родившийся в период с 22 декабря по 20 января, – Козерог. По данному гороскопу это предполагает упрямый характер, наиболее стойкий, выносливый, скрытый, тайно самолюбивый. Живет реальной действительностью, преодолевая неприятности и препятствия. Не менее популярны попытки связать характер человека с его именем. В последнее время эта ветвь характерологии получила новый импульс развития. Теоретики данного направления считают, что люди с одинаковыми именами похожи друг на друга. Значительное влияние на развитие характерологии оказала физиогномика – учение о связи между внешним обликом человека и его принадлежностью к определенному типу личности, благодаря чему по внешним признакам могут быть установлены психологические характеристики этого типа. Уже Аристотель и Платон предлагали определять характер человека, отыскивая в его внешности черты сходства с каким- нибудь животным, а затем отождествляли его характер, как в восточном гороскопе, с характером этого животного. Не менее знаменитую и богатую историю, чем физиогномическое направление в характерологии, имеет хиромантия. Хиромантия – система предсказаний черт характера человека и его судьбы по кожному рельефу ладоней. В своих истоках хиромантия тесно связана с астрологией, поскольку главными признаками руки, которые принимаются во внимание, являются «7 холмов» на ладони, называемые именами Солнца и планет: Венеры, Юпитера, Сатурна, Меркурия, Марса и Луны. 6. Физиологические основы характера При определении характера человека физиономисты используют в качестве определяющих самые различные признаки. Так, помимо носа, большое внимание уделяется рту человека. Это объясняется тем, что даже когда человек смеется, на его лице рефлекторно возникает определенная маска, соответствующим образом связанная с характером. Улыбка может быть самодовольной, сладкой, счастливой, Содержание светлой, холодной, насмешливой, кроткой, глупой и пр. Однако самым важным показателем характера являются глаза человека. Л.Н. Толстой различал, например, хитрые глаза, лучистые, светлый взгляд, грустный, холодный, безжизненный. В настоящее время американские психологи Дж. Глайв и Э. Клери после пятилетнего изучения черт характера примерно 10 тыс. детей доказали, что дети с темными глазами обладают большей жизненной силой, инициативой и более неспокойным характером, нежели дети со светлыми глазами. Авторы утверждают, что люди с темно-голубыми глазами весьма настойчивы, но имеют склонность к сентиментальности. Они легко поддаются настроению, долго помнят обиды, бывают капризны, иногда их поступки непредсказуемы. Люди с темно-серым цветом глаз – упрямы и смелы, они настойчивы и добиваются своего, несмотря на различные трудности. Бывают вспыльчивы и злопамятны. Ревнивы, большей частью однолюбы. Те, кто обладает темно-карими глазами, веселы, остроумны, вспыльчивы, но отходчивы. Они влюбчивы, но не очень постоянны. Как правило, общительны, любят юмор, легко сходятся с людьми. Обладатели светло-карих глаз застенчивы, склонны к уединению, мечтательны, тяжело переносят нанесенную им обиду. Трудолюбивы, старательны, на них можно положиться – они не подведут. Синие глаза свидетельствуют о романтических наклонностях, но в то же время об эгоизме и самомнении. Синеглазые легко поддаются порывам, но быстро остывают. Их несомненно положительная черта – правдивость. Что же касается людей с зелеными и серо-зелеными глазами, то, как утверждают Дж. Глайв и Э. Клери, в большинстве случаев они имеют сильную волю, решительны и неукоснительно идут к своей цели. Они отличаются постоянством. Бывают жесткими и несговорчивыми. Однако следует заметить, что в настоящее время ни психология, ни анатомия, ни антропология не располагают никакими сколько-нибудь достоверными данными о том, что характер человека напрямую зависит от цвета глаз, конфигурации лица, строения тела и т. д. 7. Психологические типы людей Отличительная черта холерика – это сильные эмоции и быстрая смена настроений. То есть за одну минуту он может быть очень весёлым, потом сникнуть, а дальше начать злится. При этом он сам может не понимать, отчего только что смеялся, а теперь плачет. Движения резкие, голос громкий, речь быстрая. Начиная что-то, вкладывает туда всю свою энергию, быстро истощается и бросает это дело, потому что сил больше не остается. Например, может по нескольку раз переписывать статью и так и оставить недописанную. Холерикам нежелательно выбирать работу, требующую монотонности. Для них некоторое время это будет интересно, а потом наскучит. На первом месте у них стоят виды деятельности, подразумевающие общение с людьми. У холерика – сильная, неуравновешенная, подвижная нервная система. О сангвинике можно сказать, что он жизнерадостный и энергичный, распространяет вокруг себя радость и теплоту. Как и у холерика, эмоции сильные и подвижные, но Содержание уравновешенные. То есть он внешне очень активен, зато внутри царит спокойствие. Если случается неудача, то сангвиник за счет своих качеств быстро приходит в себя и продолжает жить как ни в чём не бывало. Сангвиник занимается тем, что хочет, и из- за этого не может долго находиться на одном месте. При этом у него огромная работоспособность. И если что-то делает, то делает это запоем, за один раз. У этого типа темперамента преобладает хорошее настроение, поэтому сангвиники легко сходятся с другими людьми. Движения быстрые, как у холериков. Преобладает торопливая речь и громкий голос. Нервная система сильная, подвижная, уравновешенная. Меланхолик – это печальный человек, который ведет себя так, что вот-вот заплачет. Грусть распространяется вокруг него на много метров. Мысли в голове меланхолика о неизбежном и обязательно скорбном. Примечательно, что всё это происходит внутри и почти не видно снаружи. Если его обидеть, то на лице и теле мало чего отразится, зато в душе останется глубокая рана. Внешне меланхолики выглядят худыми, грустными и суетливыми. Они тянутся к людям и очень хорошо реагируют на то, что происходит вокруг. При этом быстро выпадают в эмоции и не могут их контролировать. В основном боятся или печалятся. Например, девушки-меланхолики читают советы в женских журналах и безукоризненно следуют им. В нашем обществе типичный пример меланхоликов – субкультура эмо-кидов. Лучше всего меланхоликам удаются виды деятельности, не связанные с эмоциональной сферой, – бухгалтерия, конструирование, программирование. Меланхолик – слабый, подвижный, неуравновешенный тип нервной системы. Про флегматика можно сказать, что он очень нетороплив. Его эмоции медленны и очень трудно сдвигаются из одного положения. Он мало смеётся и раздражается, практически всегда спокоен, и его трудно вывести из этого состояния. Когда о чём-то говорит, то безо всяких эмоций, монотонно, поэтому с ним трудно общаться. Флегматик копит в себе эмоции и, когда наступает переломный момент, он их выплёскивает. Думает и принимает решения флегматик очень долго, зато, сделав выбор, он от него не отступится. Попав в новую обстановку, флегматик, скорее всего, будет одинок, так как ему нужно время, чтобы привыкнуть к ситуации. Для флегматика лучше всего будет однообразная, постоянная работа, без смены вида деятельности. Тут он проявит себя лучше других, потому что очень работоспособен, когда входит в колею. Пример флегматика – это Терминатор. У флегматика сильная, уравновешенная, инертная нервная система. 8. Любимый цвет и характер человека Любимый цвет может рассказать о характере человека и его эмоциональном складе. Что может поведать цвет о характере человека? Белый – это синтез всех цветов. Он является идеальным цветом, «цветом мечты». Белый имеет многогранный смысл, в нём мы видим и отблеск света, и холод снега. Белый цвет символизирует чистоту и невинность. Те, кто другим тонам предпочитает Содержание чистый белый, обычно отличаются аккуратностью во всем, они осторожны и проницательны, критичны и несколько суетливы. Нелюбовь к белому не значит, что вы – неорганизованный или неопрятный человек, но вряд ли вами всецело владеет страсть к порядку. Слегка асимметричные вещи для вас гораздо интереснее идеальных пропорций, а несколько пылинок на книжной полке не вызывают у вас желания немедленно приступить к большой уборке. Вы раскованны, и в компании с вами приятно проводить время. Если человеку нравится чёрный цвет, то это может свидетельствовать о мрачном восприятии действительности. Жизнь нередко воспринимается таким человеком в мрачных тонах. Недаром чёрный цвет символизирует траур. Если человек любил черные вещи и вдруг стал одеваться в яркие одежды, то, возможно, его мировоззрение изменилось, и он стал смотреть на мир более оптимистично. Серый – нейтральный цвет. Его предпочитают те, кто не склонен слишком громко заявлять о себе. Любители серого, прежде чем принять решение, проверят и перепроверят все несколько раз, что иногда бывает и неплохо. Отдельно стоит сказать о красном цвете и характере человека. Красный цвет повышает внутреннюю энергию, это цвет страсти. Красный способствует активизации кроветворения, повышает либидо и сексуальность. Человек, любящий красный цвет, скорее всего, волевой, смелый, активный и общительный. А вот людей, которых раздражает этот цвет, отличает склонность к уединению, нежелание конфликтов и, возможно, комплекс неполноценности. Люди, которым нравится оранжевый цвет, – мечтатели, они любят привлекать к себе внимание. Такие люди обладают интуицией, но им свойственны также лицемерие и притворство. Оранжевый цвет помогает победить усталость, хандру, депрессию. Вазочка с яркими апельсинами, красивые оранжевые занавески на кухне, оранжевый шарфик вернут хорошее настроение. Коричневый – цвет земли. Любимый коричневый цвет говорит о характере человека, который твердо стоит на ногах. Эти люди ценят свой дом и свою семью, семейные традиции и ценности для них не пустой звук. И в то же время они скрытны и немного самолюбивы. Жёлтый цвет обладает антидепрессивным действием. Этот цвет символизирует спокойствие, открытость в отношениях с людьми. Характер человека, любящего жёлтый цвет, – общительный, смелый, он любит быть в центре внимания, ценит веселье и юмор. Те, кому этот цвет неприятен, – люди пессимистически настроенные, имеют трудности в общении с другими людьми. Розовый – цвет добра и любви. Он нравится тонким, ранимым натурам. Это доброжелательные, часто слишком ранимые люди, быстро обижающиеся, но также быстро забывающие обиду. А вот рациональных, практичных людей розовый цвет раздражает. Содержание Фиолетовый цвет символизирует высокую духовность, эмоциональность. Этот цвет отвечает за связь человека с космосом. Фиолетовый цвет любят гармонично развитые люди. Если фиолетовый вызывает раздражение, значит, что человек стремится жить только настоящим. Синий – цвет неба, гармонии и спокойствия. Хорошо помогает при бессоннице, снимает напряжение, вызывая чувство спокойствия и комфорта. Если человеку нравится синий цвет, то, возможно, ему нужно чаще отдыхать, он быстро устаёт и нуждается в поддержке окружающих. Не любят синий цвет люди замкнутые, неуверенные в себе. Зелёный – цвет листвы, цвет самой жизни. Любители зелёного ценят хорошее к себе отношение, но не любят жизненных трудностей. Ради любви способны на самопожертвование, но разочарование переносят крайне тяжело. Зелёный цвет нравится тем людям, которые не терпят чужого влияния и стремятся самоутвердиться в жизни. 9. Характер человека и его группа крови Группа крови 1 Плюсы характера. По мнению ученых, эта группа крови самая древняя. По разным данным составляет около 44 % всего населения. Люди, имеющие 1-ю группу крови, отличаются явно выраженными лидерскими качествами: уверены в себе, самодостаточны, склонны к смелым поступкам, сильны, ставят перед собой амбициозные цели и идут к ним до последнего. Склонны к независимости. Обычно это трудоголики, на них можно положиться в любой ситуации, поскольку очень развито чувство ответственности. Верят в свои силы и многого добиваются. В коллективе чаще неформальные лидеры. Их девиз: «Бороться и искать, найти и не сдаваться». Люди редко их любят. Минусы характера. Подозрительны, мало кому доверяют. Могут быть упрямы. Эти люди очень эмоциональны. Порой эмоции у них просто зашкаливают, справиться им с собой не удается, пока их девятый вал не отбушует. Самовлюбленные и высокомерные, не терпят кому-либо подчиняться, очень не любят критику, даже в виде безобидных шуток. Плохо приспосабливаются ко всему новому: месту, питанию, людям. Не умеют прощать, могут быть просто в ярости, если их предают или обманывают. Люди тянутся к ним, как к вожакам, доверяют им, но боятся их чрезмерной эмоциональности. Группа крови 2 Плюсы характера. Умеют здраво мыслить, к делу подходят хладнокровно, с головой. Добросовестны, отличаются исполнительностью, любят анализировать, прислушиваются к мнению других. Обращают внимание на детали. Эти качества помогают им в профессиональной деятельности идти вперед. На них можно Содержание положиться, они не любят разочаровывать своё окружение, и если им что-то поручено, то будут стараться изо всех сил выполнить на 5 баллов. Самые надёжные и верные друзья, которые спокойно могут выслушать вас, подбодрить, дать разумный совет. Любят гармонию, порядок и спокойствие. Во взаимоотношениях всячески стараются предотвратить конфликт, а если не получается, то просто отходят в сторону. Очень хорошо проявляют себя в коллективной работе, со всеми умеют находить общий язык. Видят людей насквозь, чувствуют их и могут к любому подобрать ключик. Всегда доброжелательны. В душе романтики. Минусы характера. Упрямство и неспособность расслабляться. Некоторая медлительность, слабоволие. Пожалуй, это основные минусы этой группы крови. Люди со второй группой крови могут не отдыхать, не спать ночами, выполняя порученное. Всегда нацелены на то, чтобы закончить начатое. Именно это может подкосить их здоровье. Именно это делает их раздражительными в периоды наибольших нагрузок. Не приспособлены к лидерству, однако, при определённых условиях могут занимать руководящие места. Очень чувствительны. В моменты раздражительности могут быть резкими, что очень удивляет окружающих. Группа крови 3 Плюсы характера. Люди третьей группы крови творческие, находчивые, могут проявлять гибкость, могут ужиться в любом обществе, при этом целеустремлённы, честны и справедливы. У них высокая умственная активность. Очень уравновешенны, умеют легко контактировать в любом коллективе, любят говорить, дадут дельный совет, при этом с удовольствием могут выслушать чью-то точку зрения, известны как эрудированные люди. Очень впечатлительные, но могут это скрывать, влюбляются с головой и навсегда. Проявляют недюжинные способности в любой сфере деятельности. Из них получаются хорошие руководители – высококвалифицированные профессионалы. Миролюбивы, при этом очень деловиты. Минусы характера. Глубоко ранимы, не любят переживать неудачи на глазах у других людей, могут быть «взрывоопасными», когда это касается сердечных чувств, предъявляют высокие требования как к себе, так и к тем, кто рядом с ними. Их радость и удовольствия могут быть безудержными. Группа крови 4 Плюсы характера. Люди с этой группой крови своего рода хамелеоны, они многогранны. Легко адаптируются к новым условиям, более других групп способны к сочувствию, бескорыстны в дружбе, ничего не требуют взамен за свою любовь, реалисты, хорошие советчики, их девиз – «Всё, что не делается, делается к лучшему». Ими восхищаются, их любят, они популярны, к ним прислушиваются. Любят приносить людям радость. Разбираются во многих вопросах, особенно в экономических. Если знают, что могут огорчить, то считают, что лучше сладкая ложь, чем горькая правда. Наиболее обаятельные и привлекательные личности. Содержание Минусы характера. Неразборчивость в деталях. Имеющие четвертую группу крови – личности, действия которых не подвергаются никакой логике. Иногда кажется, что они играют, но они так живут! 10. Типы характера человека «Сколько людей, столько и характеров», – часто повторяем мы. И это действительно так, двух одинаковых людей нет, и даже близнецы, столь неотличимые на первый взгляд, на второй оказываются совершенно разными людьми. Люди имеют различные системы ценностей, увлечения, принципы и мировоззрения, по-разному реагируют на внешние раздражители. Характер человека обуславливает его поступки, из которых и складывается жизнь. В современной психологии нет общей классификации типов характера человека. Да и как можно классифицировать характеры при том богатстве сочетаемости их черт у разных людей? Тем не менее такие попытки предпринимались учеными с давних времен. Так, например, есть разделение характеров по их доминирующим волевым и эмоциональным качествам. В результате выделяют волевой тип характера (действенный, с доминирующей волей), эмоциональный (руководствующийся эмоциональным фоном) и рассудочный (трезвомыслящий, опирающийся на доводы разума). В свое время немецкий врач-психиатр Э. Кречмер классифицировал людей по их сложению и высказал гипотезу, что людям определенной конституции присущи определенные черты характера. Ученый выделил три основных типа телосложения человека и соответствующие им типы характеров. Пикники (от греч. «толстый, плотный») – склонные к ожирению или полноватые люди среднего роста с большой головой, короткой шеей и широким лицом с весьма мелкими чертами. Пикники – эмоциональные, контактные, общительные люди, легко приспосабливаются к разным новым условиям. Атлетики (от греч. «свойственный борцам») – широкоплечие, высокие люди, с развитой мускулатурой, крепким скелетом и мощной грудной клеткой. Атлетики – властные, практичные, невпечатлительные, спокойные люди, сдержанные в мимике и жестах; не любят никаких перемен и очень плохо приспосабливаются к ним. Астеники (от греч. «слабый») – это худые люди, со слабой мускулатурой, плоской грудной клеткой, длинными ногами и руками, а также удлинённым лицом. Астеники – упрямые, серьёзные, замкнутые люди, которые трудно приспосабливаются к разным новым условиям. Швейцарский психиатр и психолог Карл Густав Юнг разработал свою типологию характеров, в основе которой лежат доминирующие психические функции (ощущения, интуиция, чувство и мышление). Он классифицировал всех людей по преобладанию внутреннего или внешнего мира (интровертивный и экстравертивный типы). Содержание Интроверт – замкнутый, внутренне сосредоточенный мыслитель, обращённый в себя, человек отгороженный от всего окружающего мира, тщательным образом анализирующий все события, при этом всех подозревающий в противоречивых действиях. У него очень мало друзей, поскольку ему очень сложно даются новые контакты, ему ближе одиночество, он не меняет собственные привычки. Интроверт – весьма мнительный человек с завышенной степенью тревожности, он прислушивается к ощущениям в себе и дорожит своим здоровьем. Экстраверт – прямой, открытый человек, чрезвычайно общительный, активный и всем понятный, он имеет много знакомых и друзей, он не переносит одиночества, мало интересуется собственным здоровьем, любит путешествовать, старается взять от жизни по максимуму. Он становится душой компании, является инициатором разных встреч и вечеринок, любит рассказывать анекдоты, в повседневной жизни ориентируется не на субъективное мнение, а на обстоятельства. 11. Типология характеров Существует мнение, что ребенок рождается без характера или что черты характера у ребенка не проявляются, пока он маленький, но это не так, ребенок уже рождается с определенным типом характера. В целом мы не можем изменить характер ребенка, но мы можем повлиять на проявление отдельных качеств его характера – развить хорошие, уменьшить негативные. Поэтому крайне важным считается определить тип характера ребенка и воспитывать его в соответствии с его типом. В рамках традиций Ведической культуры люди делятся на четыре типа личности. Первый тип личности – это учёные (люди склонные к эффективному обучению и изучению). Они стремятся к познанию и хотят делиться и давать знание другим людям. Они с раннего детства стремятся познать истину, желают что-то изучать. И испытывают трудности, если в голове не укладывается какая-то информация, которую получили от родителей. Для таких детей самое главное – это понять истинный смысл. Они беспокоятся и не удовлетворены, если чего-то не понимают. Основная главная черта этих людей – честность. Такого человека просто невозможно купить. Второй тип личности – это люди, склонные к эффективному управлению, руководству, защите, установлению правил, законов. Они, чего бы это ни стоило, стремятся сделать жизнь справедливой, правильной. Такие люди часто руководят или как-то участвуют в структурах власти, в политической деятельности. Основная их черта характера – стремление к милосердию и справедливости. У таких людей заметно желание защищать слабых. Также они имеют большое чувство долга и ответственность. Третий тип личности принадлежит людям, склонным заниматься торговой и хозяйственной деятельностью. Их основная черта – щедрость и одновременно желание богатства и наживы. Также люди этого типа обладают высокой практичностью. В детском возрасте такие люди любят меняться предметами, вещами, Содержание что-то коллекционировать, стремятся к выгоде. Четвёртый тип – люди, которые любят мастерить, делать какую-то практическую работу. Они получают удовольствие от работы своими руками. Часто испытывают большое удовлетворение, если занимаются любимым практическим делом, им не интересен бизнес или управление, нет стремления к глубоким знаниям, истинам. Основная их черта – трудолюбие. Пятый тип характера (не ведический) возникает в результате того, что родители не выявили характер ребёнка при рождении или пресекали проявление его наклонностей, которые были предопределены судьбой. В результате предначертанные проявления его характера были загублены, и такой человек не знает, чем ему заниматься в жизни. Он не понимает своих наклонностей и в чём заключается цель его жизни, бросается от дела к делу и испытывает глубокую неудовлетворенность. Эта пятая категория людей, говорится в Ведах, считается неудавшимися людьми, и их удел – пытаться найти себя в жизни. Такие люди очень страдают. Поэтому понять какой тип характера у ребёнка – это основная и очень важная задача родителей. 12. О чём говорят губы? Можно ли узнать характер человека по губам? Наряду с глазами рот является наиболее выразительной частью лица. Наука физиогномика позволяет по размеру и форме рта определить внутреннюю энергию человека. Большой рот и опущенные уголки губ говорят о сильной воле, то есть на такого человека трудно повлиять. Хотя мнение в отношении уголков рта довольно неоднозначно. Чарльз Дарвин, например, считал, что опущенные книзу уголки рта свидетельствуют о плаксивом настроении или депрессии. По другому мнению, обладатель небольшого дугообразного рта со слегка опущенными уголками сентиментален и раним. Приподнятые уголки губ соответствуют простодушной, добросовестной и умственно одаренной натуре. По мнению физиогномистов, маленький рот свидетельствует о слабом характере и озабоченности в борьбе за выживание. Японцам, например, импонирует большой рот у мужчин и маленький у женщин. Женщина с большим ртом считается мужественной, а это очень не нравится волевым мужчинам. Замечено, что плотно сжатые губы и стиснутые зубы говорят о настойчивости человека. Плотно закрытый рот – о целеустремленности и решимости. Напротив, открытый рот, особенно с отвисанием нижней челюсти, выражает снижение психической активности. Симметричное, без перекосов открытие рта свидетельствует о сбалансированности эмоций. Также большое значение в физиогномике придается величине, форме и цвету губ. Представители различных школ физиогномистов по-разному трактуют эти параметры. Так, например, одна из школ физиогномистов различает и характеризует следующие виды губ, главным образом у женщин: Содержание 1) губы бантиком – самые женственные. Они свидетельствуют об обаянии, кокетстве, чувственности и в то же время о неискренности и лживости; у мужчин это признак тщеславия и легкомыслия; 2) сочные губы бывают у живых, разговорчивых, открытых людей, которые быстро приобретают друзей, легко приспосабливаются к любой ситуации и отличаются темпераментом и чувственностью; 3) маленькие губы – нежные, тонкие, с мягкими линиями, говорят о великодушии, уме, честности и скромности; 4) тонкие губы – холодные, но очаровательные; они выдают натуру страстную, очень нежную, но иногда слишком сдержанную. Такого человека трудно увлечь, в любой ситуации он красноречив и остроумен. Слишком тонкие губы бывают у жестких людей, способных на подлость; 5) гармоничные губы – тонко прорисованные и несколько ироничные, могут принадлежать поэтессе и интеллектуалке, умеющей сочетать реальность с сентиментальностью; 6) несимметричные губы, за счет большой верхней губы, принадлежат властному, сухому человеку с рациональным разумом, лишенному эмоций; 7) толстые (пухлые) губы – одновременно признак чувственности и твердости характера, отличительные черты которого – великолепный контроль над собой, непоколебимое спокойствие и потребность в удовольствиях. 13. Имя – это характер Имя, судьба, характер человека – это три взаимосвязанные вещи. Психиатры из США провели исследование и выяснили, что люди с забавными и странными именами в четыре раза больше остальных предрасположены к разного рода психическим комплексам, а ребенок с именем, вызывающим насмешки, с самого детства находится в оборонительной позиции, он вынужден бороться за нормальное отношение к себе, что формирует определенные черты его характера. Специалисты из университетов Сан-Диего и Джорджии установили, что учителя в школах упорно ставят низкие оценки учащимся с одними именами, высокие – с другими. Девушки с привлекательными именами плохо продвигаются по службе в деловом мире, но зато могут достичь заметных успехов в шоу-бизнесе. Английский терапевт Тревор Уэстон определил, что лица, чьи имена начинаются с букв последней трети алфавита, в три раза чаще подвержены сердечно-сосудистым заболеваниям. Чем же объяснить эту загадочную связь имени человека, его судьбы и характера? Существует несколько теорий, объясняющих, каким образом складывается характер по имени человека. Социальная теория. С точки зрения этой теории имя человека представляет собой сгусток социальной информации о его носителе. Мы можем определить Содержание происхождение, национальность, возможное вероисповедание, характер человека по имени. Представления эти приблизительно одинаковы у разных людей, что, в свою очередь, определяет приблизительно одинаковое отношение к носителю данного имени. Ну а когда тысячи людей встречают человека «по имени», то это не может не формировать у разных носителей одного имени схожих черт характера. Эмоциональная теория. Согласно этой теории, имя человека рассматривается в качестве эмоционального раздражителя. Одни имена звучат мягко, ласково и вызывают у окружающих своим звучанием чувство приятного, нежного, возвышенного, другие, наоборот, вызывают неприятные эмоции, заставляют внутренне съежиться, напрячься, похолодеть. Это так называемая «музыка имен». От того, какова она, будет во многом зависеть изначальное отношение окружающих к носителю имени. В дальнейшем это отношение может коренным образом измениться, но когда неприятно звучащее имя вызывает у тысячи человек однотипную негативную реакцию, то это не может не сказаться на особенностях характера человека. Звуковая теория. Имя представляет собой набор звуков разной высоты и тембра. У младенцев очень силен так называемый механизм первой памяти, поэтому имя, к которому человек привыкает сразу после рождения, намертво врезается в подсознание, становясь неким «идентификационным кодом» личности. Этому коду- имени свойственны вибрации звуков, приводящие в возбуждение различные участки мозга. И в зависимости от того, из каких звуков состоит этот «код» – звонких или глухих, твердых или мягких, – у малыша бессознательно формируется характер по имени и отчеству. Звуковая нагрузка на одни мозговые образования у одного ребенка и совершенно другая по своему физиологическому рисунку нагрузка у другого не может не отразиться на формировании различий в психике детей. Есть еще один механизм возможного влияния имени на формирование характера. Он действует на уровне бессознательных ассоциаций и ощущений человека. К такому выводу пришли ученые в результате исследований, в ходе которых просили людей ответить на вопрос, с каким цветом у них ассоциируются разные имена. Оказалось, что у статистически преобладающего большинства исследованных имя «Татьяна» вызывает представление о красном и близких к нему цветах, имя «Елена» обычно ассоциируется с голубым и близким к нему цветами. Из психологии цвета известно, что красный цвет пробуждает у человека состояние тревоги, опасности, страдания, голубой же, напротив, вызывает чувство успокоения и умиротворенности. По данным Б. Хигира, Татьяны в основном натуры властные, несколько грубоватые и несдержанные, упрямые, стараются в чем-то походить на мужчин и присваивать их функции. Елены же, наоборот, есть олицетворение мягкости и нежности. Можно предположить, что Татьяны, вызывая своим именем чувство бессознательной тревоги и опасности, принуждены с самого детства испытывать к себе настороженно- отрицательное отношение людей и быть в постоянной «глухой защите». Отсюда – такой тип характера. Девочки же с именем Елена, получив от родителей в подарок имя, вызывающее у окружающих бессознательную реакцию покоя, растут и Содержание формируются в обстановке куда более доброй и благожелательной. Взаимосвязь между именем человека, его судьбой и чертами характера уже доказана. Но это совсем не значит, что если вы назовете ребенка именем «Виктор», означающим победителя, он будет во всем успешен. Немалое значение имеет социальная среда, в которой растет ребенок, его воспитание и образование. Но в любом случае к выбору имени малыша будущим родителям стоит подойти со всей ответственностью, ведь от этого выбора во многом будет зависеть характер и судьба человека. 14. Влияние даты рождения на характер человека Многие профессиональные психологи утверждают, что характер по дате рождения узнать достаточно просто, к тому же можно определить особенности личности и темперамента человека. Дата рождения оказывает на каждого из нас определенное воздействие на протяжении всей жизни. Чтобы узнать характер по дате рождения достаточно просто сложить все цифры и проанализировать полученный результат. Допустим, человек появился на свет 20 апреля 1979 года, эти цифры складываются следующим образом, при этом нули не учитываются: 2+4+1+9+7+9=32=3+2=5. Как видно из примера, необходимо получить однозначное число, оно и будет определять характер человека по дате рождения. Так, число 1 показывает, что его обладатель наделен развитыми лидерскими способностями и харизмой. Деловитость и импульсивность – основные черты этой личности. Как правило, это люди, достигающие завидных высот в карьере, находящиеся всегда в центре событий, они властны, авторитетны, но в то же время весьма справедливы и готовы откликнуться на просьбы о помощи. Однако и среди них встречаются исключения, которые замыкаются в себе и существуют в своем внутреннем мире. Знак 2 относительно характера по дате рождения отличается эмоциональностью и своеобразным умением приспосабливаться даже к самым сложным обстоятельствам. Эти люди настороженны, часто прислушиваются к голосу своего сердца, что позволяет им с легкостью обходить преграды на своем пути. Знак 2 наделяет своего обладателя такими качествами, как верность и уважение к семье. На пути к задуманному не идут напролом, а предпочитают дипломатию, советы окружающих чаще всего игнорируют. Личности символа 3 по праву считаются самыми воинственными, не терпят, когда кто-то им возражает или кто-то что-то делает, не посоветовавшись с ними. Их характер можно назвать излишне импульсивным. Благодаря своей огромной силе воли и мужественности добиваются практически всех поставленных целей. Препятствием в отношениях для них нередко служит их больное самолюбие. Полагаются лишь на себя, занимают лидерские позиции, не пропускают никого вперед себя. Считается, что число 4 наделяет своего носителя излишней инициативностью, а также довольно изворотливым умом. Эти люди стремятся попробовать себя во Содержание всевозможных редких, даже экзотических профессиях. Нудную, однообразную работу они просто не приемлют. Излучают жизненную энергию, у них буквально все горит в руках, за что бы они ни взялись. Любопытны, хозяйственны, популярны среди окружающих. Под числом 5 чаще всего рождаются оптимисты, позитивно настроенные ко всем окружающим. Также для них характерен высокий уровень интеллекта. Своему окружению дарят заботу и любовь, тем самым выстраивая гармоничные отношения и избегая возможных проблем и недопонимания. В жизни одним из главных приоритетов для них служит саморазвитие, но часто носители 5 бывают нерешительны и нуждаются в поддержке и совете. Характер символа 6 несколько высокомерен и в то же время справедлив. Эти личности любимы практически всеми, что помогает им избежать множества препятствий. Среди них множество талантливых ораторов, так число 6 наделяет человека красотой и важными для этой сферы навыками. Число 7 говорит о душевной теплоте, которая часто скрыта за внешней неприступностью. Его представители нередко бывают одиноки, так как не находят понимания и имеют своеобразное мировоззрение. Они настойчивы в достижении поставленных целей, при этом благоразумны, пунктуальны и прагматичны. Уверены в каждом своем шаге, но меланхоличны. Из них получаются отличные друзья, на которых можно положиться в трудную минуту. Знак 8 наделяет личность упрямством и нежеланием жить по общим правилам. Независимы, отвергают общепринятые стереотипы поведения. В то же время стремятся к общению, заводят множество друзей, стараются никогда ни с кем не ссориться и не вступать в споры. Характер знака 9 очень уступчивый, к жизни относятся философски. Капризны, не доводят начатое до конца, неуверенны, с великим трудом принимают решения. Нередко слабы здоровьем, находят свое призвание в социальной и музыкальной сферах. Содержание


Read the following articles. Render them in English.

1. Ребенок и родители – друзья на всю жизнь Все родители хотят стать друзьями для своих детей, но, увы, не все могут сделать это. То ли из-за негативного примера своих родителей, то ли из-за отсутствия навыков общения, то ли из-за... Список можно продолжать до бесконечности. Деструктивная критика – одна из наиболее опасных линий поведения родителей. Она снижает самооценку, обедняет собственный образ ребенка, расшатывает его уверенность в себе. Ребенок приходит в напряженное состояние и постоянно совершает ошибки в той области, в которой был подвергнут критике. На каждый случай похвалы среднего родителя в адрес собственных детей приходится 8 критических замечаний. И происходит обратное. Из-за того, что самоуважение падает, эффективность критики снижается. Ребенок становится не лучше, а хуже. У детей, критикуемых за школьные ошибки, скоро вырабатываются негативные ассоциации между школьными занятиями и собственными ощущениями. Они начинают ненавидеть все это и по возможности избегать. Они рассматривают школу как источник боли и разочарований. По закону соответствия они начинают водить дружбу с детьми, разделяющими тот же подход. Если начать критиковать детей с самого раннего возраста, они скоро обучатся критиковать самих себя. Они унижают сами себя, недооценивают свои способности, негативно интерпретируют свой опыт. Они постоянно чувствуют, что недостаточно хороши, вне зависимости от того, насколько упорно трудятся и насколько хороши их результаты. Как превратить критику из деструктивной в конструктивную? Вот несколько советов современных психологов. Перед тем, как начать критиковать ребенка, защитите достоинства ребенка. Начните свою речь фразой: «Я тебя люблю…». Концентрируйтесь на поведении, на результате, а не на личности. «Твои результаты ниже, чем я ожидала…», «Ты приложил недостаточно усилий для…», а не «Ты тупица, как ты мог…», «Ты бездарность…» и т. д. Говорите о своих чувствах: «Я злюсь, когда ты не слушаешь меня», «Я расстроена твоими результатами», «Я сержусь, когда ты разбрасываешь свои вещи». Сконцентрируйтесь на будущем, а не на настоящем. Не плачьте о том, что уже Содержание произошло, поговорите о том, что можно сделать: «Почему бы в следующий раз…», «Давай попробуем завтра…». Предложите свою помощь, ведите совместный поиск решений. Сделайте ребенка своим союзником, договоритесь о том, что собираетесь менять, когда и насколько. Исходите всегда из того, что ребенок (так же как и любой человек) поступил так не намеренно, а просто допустил ошибку. Помните, он поступил так не специально! Эти простые советы могут коренным образом изменить ваши взаимоотношения с ребенком. Они превратят вас в лучших друзей. Ребенок будет знать, что в родителях он всегда найдет поддержку и станет доверять вам. С помощью этих простых методов вы формируете здоровую самооценку у своего ребенка, что в дальнейшем поможет ему стать успешной личностью. 2. Ошибки родителей при воспитании детей За детство, в котором родителями были допущены грубейшие педагогические ошибки, расплачиваются и несостоявшиеся гении, поражавшие в ранние годы своими физико-математическими, музыкальными, рисовальными, поэтическими и другими способностями. Со временем способности эти преобразуются в обычные, иногда даже ниже среднего уровня. Или, как образно сказал поэт, такие дети остаются «по-прежнему умными», но их ум, способности уже никого не удивляют, потому что другие дети в подростковом возрасте подтягиваются до интеллектуального уровня бывших вундеркиндов, а нередко и обгоняют их. А ребенок при этом избалован, захвален родителями, он уверовал в свои необычайные способности. К сожалению, бытует еще мнение, что завышенный уровень притязаний наряду с избалованностью и изнеженностью – недуг единственных в семье детей. Это далеко не так! И в многодетных семьях нередко появляются любимчики, на которых родители делают ставку и которым свойственны все черты единственного ребенка. Так что призывы к созданию многодетной семьи как панацеи от всех педагогических бед не вполне оправданны. Необходимо учитывать и то обстоятельство, что институт однодетной семьи в последнее время имеет тенденцию к расширению. Это факт! Утверждать же, что единственные дети – это обязательно избалованные дети, по меньшей мере неверно. И единственный ребенок может вырасти гармонически развитой личностью – здоровым нравственно, физически и психически. Несмотря на многочисленные призывы, большинство современных семей не торопятся заводить не только третьего, но даже и второго ребенка. А главное, все больше появляется приверженцев, горячих сторонников и защитников однодетной семьи. Вот что пишет один из таких приверженцев: «Для одного правильно понятые интересы семьи – это куча детей, не очень хорошо ухоженных, с минимумом ласки, Содержание игрушек, развлечений. А для моей семьи это означает иметь достаток в доме, хорошо питаться, это модная одежда для жены, посещение театров, музеев, кино, хорошо воспитанный веселый ребенок, поездки на отдых в Крым. Чтобы испытать радость отцовства и материнства, хватает и одного ребенка. Кто мне докажет, что моя позиция менее убедительна? Сочетать же первое со вторым – троих детей с достатком свободного времени и средств – трудновато». Вроде бы убедительно, не правда ли? Но вот что мы находим в письмах единственных детей в семье: «Я был (была) единственным ребенком в семье. Это страшно (ужасно, тяжело, плохо...), поверьте!» Почему же – страшно, ужасно, тяжело, плохо? Да потому что «Берегли чрезвычайно», «Никуда не пускали – ни на танцы, ни на празднества, оберегали от дурных знакомств», «Все ребята шли в поход, а мне родители говорили: это опасно!», «У меня был хороший друг, но родители не давали мне с ним встречаться, я плакала в подушку, а что я могла еще сделать? Теперь у меня никого нет!» Вот вам хорошо воспитанный веселый ребенок, вот вам поездки с родителями в Крым! 3. Сила материнской любви, или Откуда берутся «маменькины сынки» В некоторых семьях складываются очень тесные психологические и эмоциональные отношения между мамой и сыном, некоторые мальчики до окончания школы не могут без мамы шагу ступить. Но оставим на время этого сына-подружку, мамину маленькую «жилетку», куда она все выговаривает, а порой может и поплакаться. Разве мы не знаем другой типаж мальчишек из неполной семьи: он огрызается с учителями, невыносим с одноклассниками, но до дрожи обожает свою брошенную мать и готов буквально «горло перегрызть» тому, кто скажет про нее дурное слово. Он страшно мучается и переживает, что доставляет ей столько неприятностей (ведь на него жалуются – и в школе, и соседи), он жалеет ее, просит прощения, но на следующий день вновь хулиганит и безобразничает. Но такого мальчишку мы же не считаем маменькиным сынком. Совсем необязательно, что маменькины сынки вырастают в неполных семьях. Бывает, что и в очень даже полных – полных родителей, бабушек, дедушек, добра, внимания и заботы. Сначала, когда мальчик маленький, мамочка воспринимает его как игрушку: наряжает его как куклу, гуляя с ним, смотрится в витрину: как она выглядит в новой шубе с голубой коляской? Потом чадо подрастает, начинает такую маму слегка раздражать (у нее очень много дел: болтовня с подружками по телефону, массаж, шоппинг…), и мамуля, чмокнув сына в щечку, бросает его на няню или на бабушку. А мальчик ждет маму, тоскует. Потом ребенок вырастает, и они вместе с мамой сочиняют записки классной руководительнице, когда ему неохота идти в школу, а потом втайне от отца мама разрешает сыну пользоваться машиной, купив ему права. Но все типы наших «маменькиных сынков» объединяет одно – они не хотят и не могут оторваться от мам, и чаще всего виноваты в этом сами мамы. Эти мамы и их Содержание сыновья связаны неразрывно. В неполной семье сын – это единственное, что есть у матери, он единственный, кого она любит, и единственный, чья любовь ей нужна. А в полной семье мамочка так же боится отпустить от себя свое чадо, так как знает, что, во-первых, он без нее просто пропадет, а во-вторых, она уже вполне осознала, что муж, образно говоря, женат на своем бизнесе, и ни жена, ни сын его не волнуют. Как же правильно выстроить отношения? Очень часто они строятся на крайностях. Или мы любим детей до безумия, до потери рассудка, душим их своей гиперопекой, или, заведя детей, быстро обнаруживаем, что они нас раздражают, стесняют, часто от общения с ними мы испытываем страшную усталость и неудовлетворенность, чувство горечи и обиды. Ответственность за детей лежит на родителях, значит, как говорится, «что посеяли, то и пожинаем». Но отчаиваться не стоит. Жизнь заставит маменькиного сынка брать на себя ответственность и принимать решения. А его повышенная эмоциональность, мягкость и чуткость могут даже обернуться плюсом. Социологи считают, что сегодня женщины склонны выбирать себе в спутники не гипермужественных представителей сильного пола, а мужчин более уступчивых, чувствительных. И как раз с мальчиками, выращенными мамами, им будет легче найти общий язык. Возможно, именно такие семьи будут более счастливы. 4. Похвала как наука Похвала обладает свойством наркотика: еще и еще! И если было много, а стало меньше или совсем не стало – возникает состояние лишения, жестокое страдание, доходящее до депрессии, до нежелания жить. Причина страдания, как правило, не осознается. Это может случиться и с вашим ребенком, если: родился второй ребенок и все внимание и восторги, принадлежавшие раньше ему одному, направляются на новоприбывшего; он перестал быть отличником; вы внезапно решили: хватит ублажать, пора воспитывать… Ребенок может тут же забыть, что его хвалили, но сам факт похвалы никогда не проходит бесследно: наркотик уже попробован. Будет искать ситуации, где можно себя показать только с похвальной, выгодной стороны; начнет подстраиваться под мнения и оценки, будет их вымогать; может развиться кокетство, неискренность, лживость. «Какая прелесть, какая умница! Все понимает, исключительные способности! Ну, прочти еще стишок!..» Если вы восторгаетесь рисунками, стихами ребенка или его игрой на музыкальном инструменте, то он может всерьез возмечтать стать художником, поэтом или музыкантом только потому, что его хвалят за это больше, чем за другое. Если хотите навредить человеку, чаще его хвалите в присутствии других. Восторгайтесь, превозносите, ставьте в пример. Так рождается ревность между братьями и сестрами, неприязнь между друзьями. Похвали: главные «НЕ» Содержание Не хвалить за то, что достигнуто не своим трудом. Не подлежат похвале красота ребенка, сила, ловкость, здоровье, смекалка, сообразительность, ум, талант – все природные способности как таковые и добрый нрав, легко дающиеся хорошие отметки, игрушки, вещи, одежда, случайная находка, выигрыш в лотерее, везение. Не хвалить за прирожденное бесстрашие, хвалить только за отвагу – преодоление страха. Это правило имеет множество исключений – такое множество, что его, впрочем, как и остальные, нужно рассматривать не как правило, а только как пожелание при прочих равных условиях. Да, что не заработано, что не достигнуто собственными усилиями, за то не хвалить! Но ведь не все могут заработать, и не все зарабатывается. Мама и папа тоже не заработаны, но их хвалить можно. Они имеют полное право хвалить и друг друга, и в присутствии, и в отсутствие ребенка, и сообщить ему наедине о взаимных достоинствах – эффект превосходный. Если есть сомнение: хвалить или нет – хвалить! Но в любом случае не хвалить больше двух раз за одно и то же, из жалости, из желания понравиться. Кого и когда хвалить больше? В похвале нуждается каждый человек, каждый ребенок. Но у каждого своя норма похвалы, своя степень потребности в одобрении. И эта норма – всегда в движении, в изменении. 5. Десять «золотых правил» воспитания счастливых детей 1. Стимулируйте интеллект ребенка. Создав благоприятные условия, можно повысить умственное развитие ребенка. Поэтому не теряйте времени. Позже это сделать гораздо труднее. 2. Формируйте самоуважение. Высокая самооценка придает смелости браться за новое, рисковать и, даже потерпев неудачу, все же побеждать. Необходимо развивать у ребенка такие способности, прививать такие навыки, которые бы отличали его от других, вызывали бы уважение сверстников и взрослых. Дети должны знать, что успех, будущее благосостояние зависят от них самих. 3. Научите ребенка общаться. Есть шесть условий, при которых у ребенка вырабатываются полезные навыки: - искренняя любовь родителей дает ощущение защищенности; - дружелюбное отношение к окружающим, не только к близким и родным; - внешняя привлекательность: одежда, манеры; - возможность наблюдать правильное социальное общение: поведение родителей, учителей, сверстников; Содержание - высокая самооценка, а отсюда – уверенность в себе; - иметь хотя бы средний запас слов, уметь поддерживать разговор. 4. Следите, чтобы ребенок не стал «зависимым» от компьютера или телевизора. Телевизор, компьютер как злые колдуны, способные воровать у ребенка часы, дни и годы. Чрезмерное сидение перед телевизором или компьютером тормозит у детей развитие речи. Дети становятся нервными, мгновенно реагируют действием, не пытаясь осмыслить и обсудить события. Нужно привлечь детей к занятиям спортом, музыкой, чтением, полезной работой и т. п. 5. Воспитывайте ответственность и порядочность. Не только постоянно объясняйте, что такое хорошо, а что плохо, но и закрепляйте хорошие привычки, наказывайте за недостойные поступки. Примером ребенку должно служить достойное поведение родителей, а позже сверстников. 6. Научите ребенка уважать семью. Чтобы вырастить нежных и любящих детей, окружите их заботой, лаской с первых дней жизни. Любовь и уважение между членами семьи лучше любой лекции дадут понять ребенку, что семейная жизнь – это прежде всего равноправие в отношениях, ответственность перед любимым человеком, желание сделать для него добро, проявление нежности и взаимного уважения. 7. У каждого ребенка должен быть хороший друг. Друзья, которых выберут себе ваши дети, будут влиять на их ориентиры и поведение. Родители направляют и укрепляют эту дружбу и заботятся о широком круге знакомств с ровесниками из благополучных семей. 8. Будьте требовательными. Дети с высокой самооценкой, чувством собственного достоинства, умением делать что-то лучше других воспитываются, как правило, в семьях, где к ним предъявляют высокие требования: соблюдать порядок в доме, организовывать свой досуг, достойно вести себя. Не будьте тиранами. Запомните, что ответственными, умными и послушными дети становятся не сразу. На это нужно потратить годы. 9. Приучайте ребенка к труду. В определенной степени вы можете запрограммировать жизненный успех своих детей. Позаботьтесь, чтобы они без принуждения получили трудовые навыки, заполните их жизнь интересными и полезными делами, требующими определенных усилий на пути к успеху. Пусть учатся преодолевать трудности. 10. Не делайте за детей то, что они могут сделать сами. Пусть все перепробуют, учатся на собственных ошибках. Участвуют в семейных Содержание совещаниях. Пусть пораньше приучаются делать что-то для других, особенно то, что у них хорошо получается. 6. Диалог с ребенком – учимся говорить и слушать Разговаривать с ребенком, обращая к нему ласковые слова, мы начинаем задолго до его появления на свет. Родившись, он также постоянно слышит наш монолог. Родители восхищаются его красотой и умом, рассказывают ему о том, что происходит вокруг, называют окружающие предметы. Со временем, когда малыш подрастает, он становиться равноправным собеседником, а диалог с ним требует он нас все больших усилий, часто сталкивая с разного рода препятствиями. Чтобы диалог получился полезным и поучительным для обоих, необходимо соблюдать пропорции между «слушать» и «говорить». Во-первых, важно считать ребенка полноправным собеседником. Во-вторых, нужно, чтобы форма разговора соответствовала его содержанию: важные жизненные вопросы не удается решить за одну минуту, а длительное обсуждение мелочей зря расходует нашу энергию и зачастую раздражает. Кроме того, чтобы беседа не превратилась в перебранку, вам просто необходимо владеть культурой слова и сохранять спокойствие. Вот с этим последним условием у нас нередко возникают проблемы, и, несмотря на самые лучшие намерения, мы не всегда можем правильно выстроить диалог со своим ребенком. Научитесь слушать своего ребенка. Мы зачастую даже не пытаемся понять своих детей. Не признаем за ними права на собственное мнение, критикуем их, поучаем и морализируем. А иногда дело доходит до весьма агрессивных нападок. Однако родителям следует помнить, что, даже когда есть основания для нашего раздражения незрелыми суждениями и поступками, подобная тактика не приносит желаемого результата. Ребенок утверждается в убеждении, что мама и папа не в состоянии его понять и все услышанное обращают против него. Кроме того, навязывая свое мнение по поводу сложившейся ситуации, мы отнимаем у малыша возможность самостоятельно размышлять, иметь собственное суждение. В этом случае ребенок сосредотачивается на защите своей правоты, своей позиции. Родителям, прежде всего, необходимо внимательно выслушать ребенка. Постараемся не перебивать малыша, пока он говорит. Утверждения типа «понимаю», «могу себе представить» выражают наше согласие, одобрение его чувств, располагают к разговору. Не лишним будет помочь ребенку выразить более определенно его эмоции: «Конечно, это расстроит кого угодно». Тем самым мы «не закрываем рот» ребенку и поддерживаем его монолог, а также увеличиваем шансы на то, что он самостоятельно найдет выход из ситуации. Содержание Не ограничивайтесь только словами. Диалог с ребенком – это не только слова и заложенный в них смысл, но и то, как мы их произносим, и «язык тела». Обращаясь к малышу, следует смотреть ему в глаза, адекватно реагировать на то, что он говорит, пользоваться понятным для него языком и при этом сохранять соответствующее моменту и содержанию разговора выражение лица. Каждый раз, когда наше поведение не согласуется с нашими словами, ребенок бывает растерян. Это не значит, что мы должны постоянно быть настроены и готовы его активно слушать, поскольку в жизни такое не всегда возможно. Бывает, наши мысли, чувства в определенный момент так заняты другими, важными для нас событиями, что в мы не в состоянии заниматься ребенком. В этом случае не будем притворяться, что слушаем. Скажем прямо: «Я сейчас очень расстроена тем, что произошло на работе. Я не могу спокойно разговаривать. Давай вернемся к разговору через полчаса». Только сдержать слово мы должны обязательно, ведь ребенок вам верит. Если мы хотим жить в мире со своими близкими, мы должны научиться слушать друг друга, научиться контролировать эмоции, реагировать на слова, сказанные спокойным, тихим голосом. 7. Психология тихони Тише воды, ниже травы... Родителям послушного малыша многие завидуют. Еще бы – умница, чуткий, внимательный! А к маме с папой как привязан! Умиление, однако, частенько сменяется недовольством, особенно если речь идет о мальчике: с ровесниками не общается, за себя постоять не умеет, как же он будет жить! Конечно, у каждого человека есть свои сильные и слабые стороны. Это относится не только к сорванцам, но и к тихоням. У послушных детей есть свои проблемы, решить которые самостоятельно ребенку очень трудно. Как же мы можем помочь малышу? Как быть родителям? Предоставьте малышу свободу выбора. Каждый из нас чем-то отличается от других. Это важно понять родителям и объяснить ребенку. Ему необходимо чувствовать свою уникальность и неповторимость. Не менее важно, чтобы это было оценено окружающими. Малыш и сам знает, что он «не такой как все». Но если вы приучите его к мысли, что все люди разные и что именно в его «непохожести» – основа его будущих успехов в жизни, ребенок не создаст себе комплекса неполноценности. Ведь часто бывает, что, даже добившись всего, о чем мечтали, некоторые люди в глубине души так и остаются несчастными и недовольными собой, а причина – детские комплексы. Не забывайте, что тихони обычно критически относятся к себе. Поэтому, воспитывая ребенка, не «перегните палку», старайтесь меньше обращать внимание на недостатки, но чаще подчеркивать его достоинства. Не сравнивайте малыша с другими детьми. Пользы от этого никакой, а комплексы приобрести можно. Позволяя ребенку исследовать мир не торопясь, вы даете ему возможность изучать предметы и явления в естественном для него темпе. Малышу необходимо дать время для выполнения самостоятельных действий без вмешательства Содержание взрослых. Искренняя похвала поможет крохе чувствовать себя уверенно. Фальшивые восторги могут принести только вред. Поощряйте стремление ребенка помогать вам по хозяйству. Но при этом давайте только те задания, с которыми он справится сам (разложить за столом ложки или салфетки, выложить на тарелку печенье). Малышу важно чувствовать свою значимость для семьи. В совместных делах оставляйте за ним «последнее слово» (нажать кнопку на стиральной машинке, поставить верхушку в игрушечной пирамиде). Ничто так не укрепляет веру в себя, как радость от успехов. Чаще спрашивайте его мнение. Малышу важно знать, что вы относитесь к нему как к равному, это поднимает его авторитет в собственных глазах. О самостоятельности. Не секрет, что тихони обычно сильно привязаны к родителям и не спешат выбираться из-под маминого крылышка. Нам кажется, что малыш еще мало знает и умеет, чтобы быть самостоятельным, и мы стараемся дать ему как можно больше знаний «на все случаи жизни». Такие дети обычно рано начинают читать и писать, запросто первенствуют в интеллектуальных играх – опыт собственных проб и ошибок, побед и набитых шишек. Поэтому часто бывает так, что умный, внимательный и аккуратный ребенок, попадая в непривычную для него ситуацию, чувствует себя растерянным и беспомощным. А секрет прост – малыш привык четко следовать указаниям взрослых и не умеет проявить самостоятельность. Родители должны понять, что, приучая ребенка к беспрекословному повиновению, они убивают в нем творческую личность. А ведь во взрослой жизни не будет «готовых рецептов», там придется самому принимать решения в сложных ситуациях. И легче будет тому, кто привык надеяться на себя, кто умеет найти свое, нестандартное решение. Никогда не делайте за ребенка то, что он может сделать самостоятельно, а если малыш просит вас о помощи, сделайте вместе, но не вместо него! Малыш тоже имеет право на ошибки – не старайтесь предостеречь его от каждой возможной неудачи. Неспортивные дети. О том, что ребенку необходимо физическое развитие, уже никто не спорит: и мальчику, и девочке важно быть сильными и здоровыми. Но не стоит ради этой благой цели чуть ли не насильно записывать ребенка в спортивные секции, ведь не все дети приходят в восторг от спортивных игр. И далеко не каждому малышу приятно соревноваться с другими. Некоторые из них с гораздо большим удовольствием будут копаться в песочнице или раскрашивать картинки, чем гонять мяч во дворе. Если ваш ребенок именно такой, нет смысла ломать его характер. Просто подберите для него такой вид занятий, чтобы он не чувствовал себя «белой вороной» и не только набирался сил, но и получал удовольствие. Идем в детский сад. Тихие и послушные дети легко находят общий язык с воспитателями, у них не бывает проблем с соблюдением режима. Но все-таки есть моменты, на которые стоит обратить внимание. Чтобы малыш легче освоился в группе, несколько дней погуляйте на площадке детсада, познакомьтесь с ребятами. Содержание Расскажите крохе, что скоро он станет большим и сможет ходить в сад, как мама и папа ходят на работу. Тогда и расставание с вами не будет восприниматься как трагедия. Забирая малыша из садика, интересуйтесь, как прошел день. Теперь, сделав шаг во взрослый мир, кроха особенно нуждается в вашей поддержке. Сохраняйте в семье теплую обстановку, учитесь вместе радоваться жизни. 8. Если ребенок в семье единственный? Однодетные семьи преобладают в российской жизни (в особенности в больших городах) уже на протяжении нескольких десятилетий. Конечно, единственные дети могут рассчитывать на большее внимание и заботу, обожание, уступчивость и любовь. Родители могут быть ближе к ребенку, активно развивать его способности и природные задатки, водить в художественные студии, творческие и спортивные центры, учить своего единственного языкам... Но велик и соблазн «перегнуть палку» по части любви и заботы. По мнению специалистов, в однодетной семье чаще наблюдается культ ребенка, когда вся жизнь взрослых сосредоточена вокруг единственного «сокровища», и в семьях с единственными детьми промахи и ошибки родителей оставляют более яркий след в их личности. Вот ребенок старается сделать что-то самостоятельно, но помощь уже идет, всегда найдется кто-нибудь, кто избавит «маленького лорда» от трудов. Вот ваш единственный пытается выяснить отношения со сверстником на детской площадке – они бы и сами договорились, однако взрослые уже спешат на помощь. Нередко родители единственных детей не дают им принимать решения и воплощать свои намерения – во всем, начиная с выбора еды и одежды и заканчивая самостоятельным решением регулярно возникающих мелких проблем. Практика показывает, что родители единственных детей по-разному относятся к необходимости устанавливать ребенку четкие границы-«рамочки». Некоторые так никогда и не научатся говорить своему единственному «нет», предупреждать различные детские «безобразия». Взрослому легче самому убрать за ребенком разбросанные игрушки, вытереть запачканный стол, тем самым вольно и невольно поддерживая ситуацию избегания взросления. В результате родители единственных детей часто «валятся с ног» от любимого чада как от тяжелой работы, чувствуют себя замотанными и обескураженными. Если единственный ребенок с рождения окружен лишь взрослыми, в детский сад или в школу он приходит с низким потенциалом социальной адаптации в обществе ровесников. А если к тому же привыкший к своей исключительности человечек пытается «построить» и сверстников, горькое разочарование может наложить серьезный отпечаток на его дальнейшую «карьеру». Дети, наверное, инстинктивно предчувствуют что-то в таком роде. Думаете, случайно единственные дети часто настойчиво просят «купить» им братика, сестричку, собаку? Им часто отчаянно не хватает общества равных. Единственные дети нередко прибегают к капризам и манипуляциям, чтобы вызвать Содержание жалость к себе и заставить себя обслуживать. Не поддавайтесь на провокации! Спокойно и ясно обозначьте свою позицию по поводу происходящего – на что можно рассчитывать, а чего не будет ни при каком раскладе. Вместе с тем важно разглядеть за упрямством, капризом или истерикой истинную потребность ребенка, не обесценить ее, а поддержать ребенка, дать ему ощущение честного и искреннего присутствия взрослого. Полезно дать ребенку возможность испытать на себе неизбежные последствия своего поведения, оставаясь в контакте с ним. Жизнь единственного ребенка не так и легка в нынешнем мире стрессов и эмоциональных нагрузок. Часто они оказываются вовлеченными в сложные взаимоотношения собственных родителей. В результате – закладываются основы серьезной эмоциональной и психологической травмы. Поэтому так важны широкие социальные связи однодетной семьи – бабушки, дедушки, двоюродные и троюродные братья и сестры, семейные друзья… Единственным детям труднее адаптироваться к любым изменениям эмоционального баланса в семье. И здесь незаменимы ролевые игры – в том числе классическая «Игра в дом». Кстати говоря, при правильно найденном подходе мальчики строят собственную «семью в семье» не менее охотно, чем девочки. Играя вместе со своим ребенком, вы узнаете много нового о его представлениях об устройстве семьи и семейном взаимодействии. Если ребенок обладает некоторым игровым опытом, скорее всего, он сам выберет сюжет для игрушечной семьи, будет пытаться реализовать свой замысел, создаст игровые ситуации с фигурами. Взрослый же может стать равным партнером ребенка – не сомневайтесь, он это оценит! Какими домашними делами займутся члены игрушечной семьи? Может, игрушки отправятся в отпуск к морю или станут готовиться ко дню рождения? Следуйте за развитием сюжетной линии, задаваемой ребенком, а свои идеи к развитию сюжета предлагайте исключительно из игровой роли. К примеру, семья собралась в гости, а у игрушки-ребенка, чья роль досталась вам, поднялась температура. Ребенок сам разовьет ход игры в связи с новыми сюжетными подсказками. Объедините сразу несколько игровых сюжетов и играйте на здоровье! 9. Как обойтись без кнута в воспитании? Рукоприкладство – это веками взращиваемый способ подавлять волю ребёнка. Оно ещё никогда не решало проблемных ситуаций, а наоборот, всегда усугубляло их. Ремень в руках – это тупиковый путь, указывающий на полную беспомощность и нежелание подумать о действительно приемлемых действенных методах воспитания. Наказания в виде подзатыльника или обычного шлепка – привычный обряд, передающийся из поколения в поколение. Люди любых возрастов любят рассказывать, как им прекрасно удавалось таким методом приучить ребёнка к порядку, заставить уважать старших. Конечно, каждый сам решает, прислушиваться Содержание ему к подобным советам или отвергать их. Эта тема весьма деликатна, и в данном случае всё на совести родителей. Плохое поведение ребёнка – это выпячивание своих желаний, умение добиваться того, чего он хочет. Дети таким образом проявляют свою позицию, заявляют о своём «я», стараясь занять в семье определённую нишу. Начинается такое самоутверждение иногда уже в 2 года и часто застаёт родителей врасплох. Ребёнок становится капризным, настырным, способным на мелкие пакости. Как выражаются многие родители, «никто ему не указ». Мама с папой сердятся на своё чадо, сетуя, что оно не думает о них, что они ему не нужны, не понимая, что в такой период ребёнок нуждается в них как никогда. Дети ждут от родителей нужных реакций, а не угроз и пустых наставлений. Любое поведение – это своеобразная проверка окружающих. Дети с самого раннего возраста тонко усваивают, что желаемого можно добиться не только примерным поведением, но и капризами. Любое их действие – это желание обратить на себя внимание. При этом ребёнок часто действует импульсивно, неосознанно, только со временем осознавая, зачем ему это было нужно. У детей всё происходит этапами: отношения с родителями, родительское внимание, последовательность действий, реакция родителей на поведение ребёнка. Если поведение ребёнка вдруг резко изменилось, не надо спешить громогласно ругать его. Многие дети не всегда способны справиться со своим темпераментом, характером, проявлениями. Надо хорошо изучить своего ребёнка, постоянно наблюдая за ним, отмечая, как он ведёт себя в различных ситуациях. При этом его следует не одёргивать, а постепенно направлять в нужное русло. Лучше заострять внимание на похвалах и поощрениях, чем доводить дело до слёз и бурных истерик. Но похвала всегда должна быть заслуженная, с ней надо работать, как с подарками, которые хороши в меру. Детей надо поощрять за их работу, конкретные дела и полезные поступки. Иногда следует похвалить ребёнка в присутствии сверстников, не забывая и о других детях. Воспитание без условий и перегибов, умение находить с детьми общий язык повышает самооценку. Исследования показали, что дети, сомневающиеся в своих силах, всю жизнь боятся неудач. Из них вырастают крайне нерешительные люди, избегающие ответственной работы и сложных ситуаций. А ведь некоторые родители, сами того не подозревая, морально готовят своё чадо к неудачам с детства. К наказаниям и поощрениям надо подходить строго индивидуально. Чем лучше родители видят эмоциональные особенности своего ребёнка, тем легче им вести диалог. Физическое наказание – очень опасный путь, дающий лишь сиюминутный успех и таящий в себе много негативных проявлений в будущем. Озлобленность, неконтролируемые эмоции, ложь, трусость, необъяснимое упрямство – это лишь малая толика всех последствий рукоприкладства. Не стоит ставить над своими детьми Содержание губительные эксперименты. 10. Как не сделать дочь несчастной женой, а сына – неуспешным бизнесменом? Если папа не будет обнимать дочь пять раз в день, не исключено, что она станет несчастливой женой, а сын – неуспешным в работе. Чем меньше родители уделяли вам внимания в детстве, тем более никудышный вы профессионал сегодня. При этом, по мнению психологов, дело не столько в количестве кружков, на которые они вас водили, сколько в том, как часто вы видели их дома и как часто они с вами в этот момент говорили. Мамы делают это в среднем час в сутки, папы и вовсе не более пяти минут. А ведь неуспешность – не единственная беда из-за недостатка общения. «Когда родители уделяют слишком мало времени ребенку, он старается компенсировать его недостаток. Как? Самый очевидный способ – привлечь к себе внимание», – говорит психолог Елена Лукьяненко. Есть позитивный способ привлечения внимания, когда ребенок хочет чем-то похвастать, рассказать секрет. Но занятой родитель в лучшем случае отмахивается: «Подожди», «Не сейчас», «Потом», «Отстань», «Поиграй», а в худшем этого родителя нет дома вообще. И тогда ребенок переходит на негативный способ. Малышня капризничает, отказывается одеваться, кушать, прыгает, бегает, – словом, стоит «на ушах». А школьники лгут, плохо учатся, воруют. Притом даже в совершенно благополучных и богатых семьях. Взаимосвязь между невниманием и тем же воровством кажется невероятной. Но это так. Это просто более глубокие формы привлечения к себе внимания. Конечно же, подсознательные. Дети создают проблему, которую вам придется решать, а значит, вы обратите внимание и на него. Как правило, реакция родителя – отчитать, упрекнуть и даже покричать. Таким образом, занижается самооценка у ребенка, он начинает чувствовать себя нехорошим, нелюбимым. У такого человека во взрослой жизни могут не заладиться отношения с сотрудниками, он вообще может не состояться как личность. Протест в подростковом возрасте бывает неспроста, просто в этот период у детей гормональный всплеск, и все, что копилось до того, вырывается. «Вот случай из моей практики», – говорит психолог, – «пришли ко мне на прием мама с сыном. Сын матерится, устраивает с ней драки. Оказалось, с ним маленьким она практически не говорила – в перерывах между работой давала тумаки, спрашивала: «Как дела?», сильно не вникая в ответы сына, и на каком-то этапе он и перестал откровенно отвечать – мать все равно не слушает, а бежит дальше на работу. Она не давала ему эмоционального внимания. Невнимание вызывает раздражение и нелюбовь у детей. И тогда сами, став родителями, они будут выстраивать с собственными детьми чисто формальные отношения. И одинокая старость – не такой уж призрак». Откуда неудачный брак? Всё оттуда же. Если папа был невнимателен к дочери, в будущем она будет воспринимать как данность невнимательность потенциальных Содержание женихов, потом мужа. И снова будет несчастлива. Точно такой сценарий в браке мальчик будет прорабатывать при невнимательной маме. А вот невнимательность родителя к ребенку одного с ним пола грозит ему социальной нереализованностью в будущем. Папа для мальчика – калька социальной позиции, для девочки – мама. И если отец будет невнимателен к сыну, то у него может развиться страх перед доказыванием своего мнения, он может утвердиться в мысли, что он ничего не умеет, он может вырасти просто безынициативным, точно так же у девочки с мамой. А без этих качеств достичь в жизни чего-то, в том числе в карьере, трудно. Чтобы свести негативные последствия родительской занятости к минимуму, психологи рекомендуют следовать всего трём, но эффективным правилам. Три раза в неделю устраивайте полчаса свиданий с ребенком. «В эти минуты ребенок ведущий, и вы делаете только то, что хочет он. В особо критичных случаях я советую устраивать свидания каждый день по 15–20 минут», – говорит психолог. Второе: нельзя выпускать ребенка из дому, пока вы не обняли его пять раз и 10 раз не поцеловали. Число тактильных контактов лучше не уменьшать, а в течение дня шлите ребенку нежные СМС-сообщения. И третье: если отчуждение уже произошло, покажите ребенку, что он значим для вас, и все наладится. «У одной учительницы и мамы троих детей со старшей 15-летней дочкой проблемы росли как снежный ком. И однажды мама ночью, при её-то загруженности на работе и троих детях, написала сочинение на тему «Почему я люблю рок». В фан-клубе, куда её дочь ходила, был конкурс на лучшую работу о кумирах. Мама прослушала для этого все записи дочки, что были в доме. Сочинение тогда заняло первое место. Обалдели все, а особенно ее собственная дочь. У дочери пошел ответный позитив к маме, и сегодня они большущие друзья». 11. Как нейтрализовать воспитательный пыл бабушек? Нередко провокаторами разногласий в семье оказываются бабушки. Воспоминания о своей родительской роли воспринимаются ими несколько идеализированно, что подталкивает их к критике своих детей – молодых родителей. С другой стороны, им бывает достаточно сложно подстроиться под современные течения – интенсивное раннее образование детей, сложно сориентироваться в их играх и интересах, принять, что ребенок засыпает с электронным щенком «Пучи», а не с традиционным плюшевым зайцем. Конечно, к мнению бабушек необходимо прислушиваться. Горячая любовь бабушек к внукам и теплые чувства, которые она вызывает, потом проносятся в сердце через всю жизнь. Но главную роль в воспитании все же должны играть мама с папой. Именно родители отвечают за всестороннее и гармоничное развитие своих детей. На их плечах лежит забота об умственном, физическом, эстетическом и нравственном воспитании ребенка. Если вам кажется, что позиция бабушки категорически идет вразрез с вашей Содержание педагогической установкой, если вы видите, что после общения с ней ребенок капризничает, не слушается, его трудно «собрать», успокоить, значит, ее действия неэффективны и идут вразрез с родительской стратегией воспитания, поэтому скорее вредят ребенку, чем помогают. В таком случае лучше по возможности уменьшить влияние бабушки на ребенка. Но сделать это надо деликатно, продуманно. Какие здесь можно предложить способы? Во-первых, можно сослаться на то, что у вас теперь меньше работы, и вы можете больше времени уделять ребенку, а бабушку хотите поберечь, потому что вполне возможно, что вскоре вам понадобится ее помощь. Во-вторых, в критическом случае, когда семейный конфликт по поводу воспитания зашел далеко, необходим прямой, открытый разговор, но это – крайняя мера, которой по возможности лучше избегать. В любом случае старайтесь не привлекать в качестве судьи третье лицо, например кого-то из родственников, иначе разногласия разрастутся как снежный ком, и разобраться в их хитросплетениях будет намного сложнее. Лучше проанализировать, в каких сферах бабушка действительно успешно занимается ребенком, не вступая в противоречие с родительскими взглядами на воспитание, и доверить ей этот фронт, а другие нюансы взять на себя или поручить еще кому-то. Помните, что только вместе, общими усилиями вы сможете выработать наиболее оптимальный стиль воспитания маленького человека. Характеры членов семьи могут быть сколь угодно разными, но объединять их должна общая идея – любовь к детям, доверие и уважение к человеческому достоинству, бережное отношение к хрупкому миру детства. 12. Ой, мама, что же ты наделала?! Быть родителями – это великое искусство. Сначала обретите в себе это качество, а потом приглашайте ребенка к рождению. И тогда у вас будет возможность передать ребенку свой праздник, свою песню, свое счастье. Каждому родителю необходимо учиться у своих детей. В действительности же все происходит наоборот. Вы поучаете детей лишь потому, что старше, что вы родители своего ребенка. Но что вы можете передать своему ребенку кроме своих ложных верований, тревог и психозов. Давайте вместе разбираться. Ребенок появляется на свет чистым листом бумаги. В нем нет записей, что это плохо, а это хорошо, это красиво, а это нет. В младенчестве каждый ребенок естественен и гармоничен. Он ковыряет пальцем в носу и не задумывается, а что скажут об этом соседи, что подумают об этом другие дети или другие взрослые. Он не умеет ходить, читать и много чего еще не умеет делать или делает не в совершенстве. Но именно в этот ранний период детства малыш не думает о своей красоте, о своей фигуре, об одежде и о тысяче других вещей. Он просто наслаждается жизнью. Ребенок полноценен, невинен и простодушен – Содержание понаблюдайте за младенцами и вы сами в этом убедитесь. Оценки появляются чуть позже, и происходят они от сравнения. Первыми, кто провоцирует детей на оценочное сравнение, являются сами же родители, потом воспитатели, далее учителя, преподаватели и т. д. Уже годам к 3–4 ребенок начинает сравнивать себя с другими детьми. Ведь это уже делали взрослые, а ребенку остается всего лишь подражать. «Ты плохой, руки не мыл, а Юля, она аккуратная», «Ты получил двойку, а Маша вот отличница». Вот так незаметно и подготавливается почва к прорастанию цветка под названием «комплекс неполноценности». Как подготавливается почва? До тех пор пока взрослые не наведут ум ребенка на сравнение, показывая ему, что «другой хороший, а ты плохой», сам ребенок не будет сравнивать. Кто-то из взрослых подготавливает эту почву, удобряет ее, показывая состоятельность других детей и несостоятельность своих собственных. А удобряют эту почву все, кому не лень, потому что сравнивают своих детей с другими, а других со своими. В действительности же воспитание маскируется под неприятие родителями собственных детей. Проявление комплекса неполноценности. Сначала родители отказываются от ребенка, не принимая его таким, какой он есть, сравнивая его и оценивая. Подрастая, мы отказываемся от самих себя. Проявляется этот комплекс в тревоге, в беспокойстве, в страхах, в стеснительности и застенчивости. «Когда я стесняюсь, я всё время думаю, что на меня смотрят и меня оценивают, и, как мне кажется, не в лучшую сторону. Попробую описать, что я чувствую и думаю, когда стесняюсь. Заметила, что стесняюсь я больше перед своими сверстниками, всегда пытаюсь сделать так, чтобы меня не заметили, не увидели, начинаю думать, как меня оценивают (в положительную или отрицательную сторону?). Боюсь отрицательной оценки, так как начинаю думать, что я плохая, хуже всех. Начинаю заикаться, не могу правильно выразить свою мысль, краснею». Манипулирование ребенком. Каждый родитель воспитывает ребенка так, чтобы им можно было управлять, манипулировать и обладать. При таком подходе к воспитанию теряется уникальность ребенка, она пропадает, и ребенку никогда не удастся познать самого себя, свою индивидуальность, свой талант. Вот так дети становятся рабами собственных родителей, вот так теряется каждый ребёнок. Берегите цветы жизни! Если не сломать бутон цветка в самом начале, если не вырвать его с корнем из земли, то такой бутон обязательно расцветет. То же самое произойдет и с нашими детьми. Дети нуждаются в любви, а не только в том, чтобы их кормили, одевали и обували. Им надо не мешать расти. И тогда они вырастут и раскроются, как тот бутон цветка, и будут прекрасны в своем проявлении и естестве. 13. Проблемы воспитания подростков Взаимоотношения детей и родителей не всегда бывают гармоничными, полными Содержание любви и взаимопонимания, как хотелось бы. Нередко это связано с определёнными стереотипами в воспитании и поведении, сложившимися в окружающем обществе и в семье. Большинство родителей, основываясь на опыте своих предков (родителей и прародителей), воспитывают своих детей так же, как когда-то воспитывали их. Если воспитание подростков в семье было агрессивным – с помощью наказания, упрёков, криков, шлепков, осуждения, то они, впоследствии став родителями, неосознанно применяют такие же методы по отношению к своим детям. Считая агрессию единственно эффективным и доступным методом, многие просто не знают других способов воздействия. Когда дети вступают в подростковый период развития, отношения родителей с ними становятся особенно проблематичными. Зачастую проблемы воспитания подростков ложатся на плечи психологически неподготовленных родителей. К тому же родителям приходится решать и собственные вопросы в отношениях с партнёром, в продвижении по карьерной лестнице и в обеспечении материального достатка. Читать же книги о воспитании, заниматься поиском новых методов взаимодействия с детьми им некогда. Родителей приводит в замешательство агрессивное поведение подростков или, наоборот, чрезмерная замкнутость и отстранённость. У подростков появляются свои секреты, которые они тщательно скрывают от родителей. Подростки стремятся казаться взрослыми и самостоятельными. Они активно познают мир, нередко примыкая к различным группировкам: эмо, готов, пацифистов и т. п. Им хочется попробовать все, вплоть до вредных привычек – курения, алкоголя, наркотиков. В этот период родителям важно понять, что подростковое воспитание отличается от воспитания маленьких детей. Прежние методы воспитания могут не действовать и даже вредить. Если в младшем возрасте крики и угрозы могли присмирить ребёнка, то в подростковом возрасте он может хлопнуть дверью и уйти из дома. Подростковый возраст характеризуется эмоциональной неустойчивостью и полярностью. Поведение подростка может быть резко противоположным – от нежного и романтичного до жестокого и циничного. Самое главное – проявите терпение, понимание и любовь к своему ребёнку. Постарайтесь больше общаться с ним. Интересуйтесь его увлечениями и потребностями. Хвалите за успехи в учёбе, в спорте или в творчестве. Не ругайте за ошибки, а научите делать из них логичный вывод. Объясните, что нужно сделать, чтобы не повторять однажды совершенных ошибок в будущем. Позвольте подростку самостоятельно принимать решения и уважайте его мнение. Ведь неоднозначное подростковое поведение связано с серьёзным периодом формирования личности, оценки окружающего мира и поиска своего места в этом мире. Помогите своему ребёнку утвердиться как личность, направьте его интерес к познанию мира в положительное русло. Содержание Если подросток трудно управляемый и непредсказуемый в своих действиях, а вы не знаете, как наладить с ним контакт – обратитесь за консультацией к профессиональному психологу или примите участие в тренинге для родителей и педагогов. Опытный психолог поможет вам найти «точки соприкосновения» с ребёнком. Владея знаниями возрастной психологии и подросткового воспитания, он определит причины поведения подростка, подскажет вам, как лучше действовать в той или иной ситуации. Содержание

Language and culture 1. Врожденные, генетические, приобретенные и культурно обусловленные сигналы Несмотря на то, что проделано много исследований, ведутся горячие дискуссии по поводу того, являются ли невербальные сигналы врожденными или приобретенными, передаются ли они генетически или приобретаются каким-то другим путем. Доказательства были получены через наблюдения за слепыми, глухими и глухонемыми людьми, которые не могли бы обучиться невербалике благодаря слуховым или зрительным рецепторам. Проводились также наблюдения за жестикулярным поведением различных наций, и изучалось поведение наших ближайших антропологических родственников – обезьян и макак. Немецкий ученый Айбль-Айбесфельдт установил, что способность улыбаться глухих или слепых от рождения детей проявляется без всякого обучения или копирования, что подтверждает гипотезу о врожденных жестах. Во всем мире основные коммуникационные жесты не отличаются друг от друга. Когда люди счастливы, они улыбаются, когда они печальны – они хмурятся, когда сердятся – у них сердитый взгляд. Кивание головой почти во всем мире обозначает «да» или утверждение. Похоже, что это врожденный жест, так как он также используется глухими и слепыми людьми. Покачивание головой для обозначения отрицания или несогласия является также уни- версальным и может быть одним из жестов, изобретенных в детстве. Проследить происхождение некоторых жестов можно на примере нашего первобытнообщинного прошлого. Оскаливание зубов сохранилось от акта нападения на противника и до сих пор используется современным человеком, когда он злобно усмехается или проявляет свою враждебность каким-то другим способом. Улыбка первоначально была символом угрозы, но сегодня, в совокупности с дружелюбными жестами, она обозначает удовольствие или доброжелательность. Жест «пожимание плечами» является хорошим примером универсального жеста, который обозначает, что человек не знает или не понимает, о чем речь. Это комплексный жест, состоящий из трех компонентов: развернутые ладони, поднятые плечи, поднятые брови. Как любой язык, язык тела состоит из слов, предложений и знаков пунктуации. Каждый жест подобен одному слову, а слово может иметь несколько различных значений. Полностью понять значение этого слова вы можете только тогда, когда вставите это слово в предложение наряду с другими словами. Жесты поступают в форме «предложений» и точно говорят о действительном состоянии, настроении и отношении человека. Наблюдательный человек может прочитать эти невербальные предложения и сравнить их со словесными предложениями говорящего. Содержание 2. Культурные различия невербального общения Как и семантические барьеры, культурные различия при обмене невербальной информацией могут создавать значительные преграды для понимания. Один и тот же жест или выразительное движение у разных народов означает разные вещи. Поэтому при общении с иностранцами лучше всего придерживаться правила: если неизвестны точные значения жестов, лучше вообще их исключить. Так, приняв от японца визитную карточку, следует сразу же прочитать ее и усвоить. Если вы положите ее в карман, вы тем самым сообщите японцу, что его считают несущественным человеком. Еще один пример культурных различий в невербальной коммуникации – склонность американцев с недоумением реагировать на «каменное выражение» лица у собеседников, в то время как улыбка не часто гостит на лицах русских и немцев. Если в Голландии повернуть указательным пальцем у виска, подразумевая какую-то глупость, то нас не поймут. Там этот жест означает, что кто-то сказал очень остроумную фразу. Говоря о себе, европеец показывает рукой на грудь, а японец – на нос. В США, например, «ноль», образованный большим и указательным пальцем, говорит: «все нормально», «все о’кей». В Японии этот же жест означает просто «деньги», во Франции – «ноль». В Португалии и некоторых других странах он вообще воспринимается как неприличный. Итальянец или француз, если считает какую-либо идею глупой, выразительно стукнет ладонью по лбу, как бы восклицая: «Да ты с ума сошел!» А британец или испанец этим же жестом показывает, как он доволен собой. Если голландец, стуча себя по лбу, вытягивает указательный палец вверх, это означает, что он по достоинству оценил наш ум. Палец же в сторону указывает, что слегка «поехала крыша». Немец в знак восхищения чьей-то идеей поднимает вверх брови. У англичанина тот же жест означает крайний скептицизм. Европейцы в общении не придают особой роли левой или правой руке. Но нужно быть осторожным на Ближнем Востоке: нельзя кому-либо протянуть еду, деньги или подарок левой рукой, этим можно нанести оскорбление собеседнику, так как у тех, кто исповедует ислам, она считается нечистой. В ходе деловых встреч можно обращаться по имени: - в Австралии, так как отсутствие формальностей является правилом в этой стране; - в Китае, так как у китайцев имя – это одновременно и фамилия. Никогда не предлагайте дорогие подарки хозяевам встречи в Китае, так как если Содержание они не могут ответить взаимностью, то почувствуют себя униженными. Визитная карточка вызывает уважение: - в Японии – наличие визитной карточки у служащего зависит от его работодателя; - на Тайване – здесь она характеризует ранг и статус лица. При ведении дел в Японии необходимо соблюдать следующие правила: - не прикасаться к кому-либо; - не оставлять палочки для еды в рисе; - не приглашать людей в более дорогие рестораны, чем те, куда пригласили вас. Обильные завтраки неуместны везде, за исключением США, так как именно американцы и изобрели эти завтраки. В ряде стран цвету придают смысл. 3. Вербальная коммуникация Вербальная коммуникация использует человеческую речь в виде знаковой системы. По сути дела, речь – это самое простое средство передачи информации. Данное мнение можно подтвердить тем, что при помощи ее можно передать информацию без потери смысла, к тому же быстро и надежно. Стили вербальной коммуникации различны. Речь в свою очередь может быть не только устной, но и письменной. Устная делится на монологическую и диалогическую. Диалог – это наиболее распространенная форма устной речи. Можно сказать, что это разговор, который поддерживают два собеседника. Во время него они оба передают и воспринимают какую-либо информацию. Успешной вербальная коммуникация будет здесь только в том случая, если оба собеседника действительно понимают то, о чем говорят и адекватно воспринимают сказанное своим оппонентом. Это очень важно. В противном случае вербальная коммуникация будет нарушена. Монолог – это еще одна разновидность устной речи. В отличие от диалога, при монологе говорит только один человек. Количество воспринимающих информацию может быть неограниченным. Монолог всегда имеет сложную конструкцию, так как любая мысль должна быть завершена логически. Вся информация должна излагаться последовательно. Вербальная коммуникация – это также и письменная речь. Люди овладели ею намного позднее, чем устной. Возникла она по той причине, что людям стало необходимо общаться (передавать информацию) на расстоянии. Также ее появление обусловлено необходимостью передачи своих знаний следующим поколениям. 4. Язык жестов Содержание

Существуют такие знаковые жесты, которые понятны без слов практически в любой точке земного шара – и не важно, на каком языке говорят собеседники: на русском, английском, китайском или хинди. Например, поднятые вверх два пальца левой руки (средний и указательный) символизируют победу, вытянутый указательный призывает посмотреть на что-то. Однако есть жесты, которые в разных странах обозначают разные понятия и действия. Начнем, пожалуй, с жеста, который известен со II века до н. э. и давным-давно понятен всем. Это рукопожатие – традиционный символический жест приветствия или заключения сделки. Считалось, что таким образом демонстрируются дружеские намерения – в руке нет оружия. А в спорте это символизирует равенство и уважение к сопернику. При рукопожатии, относящемся к сделке, правая рука означает ее заключение, левая – расторжение. Однако в Китае и Индии это приветствие не используется – у них свои традиции. Китаец и индус в лучшем случае с любопытством уставятся на вашу протянутую руку, в худшем – сочтут вас невежей. В Индии традиционное приветствие – «намасте», когда ладони складываются перед собой лодочкой и отдается легкий поклон. А чтобы поздороваться с китайцем, пожмите руку самому себе – то есть сцепите ладони вместе и потрясите ими. Символ победы – поднятые вверх средний и указательный пальцы. Этот жест стал широко известен благодаря американскому президенту Ричарду Никсону и британскому премьеру Уинстону Черчиллю, которые часто его использовали. А появился он в 1415 году благодаря английским лучникам. Во время битвы у Азенкуре французские солдаты грозили отрезать британским лучникам два пальца, которыми они держат стрелы при стрельбе. После победы британцев лучники, торжествуя, вскинули означенные два пальца вверх, чтобы показать, что угрозы соперников им не страшны. Еще один жест, когда два пальца подняты вверх (на этот раз указательный и мизинец), а остальные прижаты – знаменитая «коза», которой приветствуют друг друга рок- музыканты и их аудитория во всем мире. Сложилась байка, будто он символизирует рога дьявола, так как рок-музыканты (особенно представители стилей хард рок и хэви металл) нередко вдохновляются инфернальной тематикой. На самом же деле жест этот в обиход ввел ныне покойный певец и музыкант Ронни Джеймс Дио (экс-вокалист знаменитых групп Rainbow и Black Sabbath): он подсмотрел его у своей бабушки, не только глубоко верующей католички, но и очень суеверной женщины: «козой» бабушка «отмахивалась» от нечистой силы и сглаза. Между прочим, скрещенные пальцы, которые теперь означают «на удачу» (указательный символизирует надежду, средний – поддержку), в старину Содержание использовались как жест, отпугивающий злых духов, так как являлись символом единства веры и силы. А вот такой популярный жест, как поднятый вверх большой палец, при сжатых в кулак остальных, в разных странах трактуется по-разному. В России этот жест означает «все хорошо», «здорово», «отлично» (аналогично американскому жесту «O.K.», когда большой и указательный пальцы образуют колечко, а остальные три оттопырены вверх). В США и на Западе большой палец поднимают при ловле попутки, когда путешествуют автостопом. У арабов же, турок и греков поднятый вверх большой палец считается фаллическим символом и оскорбителен. Вообще же жест – оттопыренный большой палец – пришел к нам из Древнего Рима: им пользовалась публика во время гладиаторских боев, чтобы показать, как поступить победителю с поверженным противником: большой палец, поднятый вверх, означал помилование, опущенный вниз – смерть. Так же по-разному воспримут в разных странах и высунутый язык. Если у нас, в России, такой знак в ходу больше среди детей в качестве дразнилки, то во Франции и Италии и взрослые им не гнушаются. Причем это не воспринимается как нечто неприличное – просто вполне добродушная насмешка над чужим промахом. Но избави боже показать язык мужчине в странах Латинской Америки – рискуете не просто по шее получить, а серьезно пострадать: там подобный знак обозначает намек на недостаточную мужественность… За такое могут и ножиком пырнуть. Еще один поистине международный жест – традиционное военное приветствие – прикладывание руки к козырьку. А вот обогатила им военных во всем мире Великобритания. Раньше во многих армиях мира младшие чины приветствовали старших, снимая шляпу – и британская армия была не исключением. Однако с XVIII века головные уборы британских солдат стали такими громоздкими, что приветствие свелось к простому касанию козырька. Жест, когда грозят пальцем, предупреждая о запрете, недовольстве или недопустимости поведения, известен многим народам. Вот только в разных странах движения немного отличаются. У нас, в России, грозящий перст движется от укорителя к виновнику, причем в движении задействована вся кисть. А в Европе палец движется из стороны в сторону, как метроном. Комбинация жестов, обозначаемая как «камень, ножницы, бумага», – всемирно известное средство решения любых споров. Придумали же это китайцы – военачальники эпохи поздней династии Хань – и назвали игру шоушилин («команды рукой»). В наше время по игре проводятся чемпионаты мира со значительным призовым фондом, которые освещаются ведущими изданиями. Существуют даже международная федерация и официальные правила проведения соревнований! 5. Как распознать ложь по мимике и жестам? Жесты появились значительно раньше, чем человек научился говорить, и до того, как Содержание у него возникла необходимость лгать. Мимика и жесты могут сказать о многом, они выдают состояние собеседника, и, будучи внимательным, можно заметить многое. Как распознать ложь по мимике и жестам? Самый яркий пример языка жестов – танец. Он нагляднее, чем слова, выражает сущность человека. В танце нельзя соврать. Понаблюдайте на корпоративной вечеринке за танцующими. Вот этот дядечка широко расставил ноги и слегка притоптывает. Это явно начальник. У него прямая осанка, руки не совершают лишних движений. А кто это переминается рядом с ноги на ногу? Кто ссутулился и, согнув руки в локтях, прижал их к корпусу? Это – зам. Отношения с начальником у него не очень… Широко взмахивая руками и делая замысловатые па ногами, танцует секретарша шефа. Она – приближенная к первой особе, ей позволительно не скрывать собственного «я». К концу вечеринки шеф может пойти вприсядку, зам расправит плечи, а секретарша скинет туфли на высоченных шпильках. Когда каждый из них был неискренен? Ни в начале, ни после, просто в разные моменты времени они ощущали себя по-разному. Научившись понимать язык танца, можно узнать много нового о своих знакомых. Чем менее профессионален танцор, тем честнее он в танце. Впрочем, как и в жизни. Профессиональный лгун, как правило, сам верит в то, что говорит, поэтому его могут не выдать ни мимика, ни жесты. Жесты передаются генетически. Родственники, никогда не встречавшиеся друг с другом, могут использовать при общении одни и те же жесты. Жестами и мимикой управляет та часть подсознания, которую трудно контролировать. Именно потому, что жесты «завязаны» на генетике и воспроизводятся неосознанно, мы имеем возможность без слов понять то, что человек хочет сказать или, наоборот, пытается скрыть. Психологи выделили группу жестов, которые могут свидетельствовать о том, что человек лжет. Как распознать ложь по мимике и жестам? Мы с детства слышим: «Смотри в глаза!». Конечно, после такого категорического приказа трудно удержать взгляд, даже если ты ничего плохого не совершал, но именно глаза отражают состояние человека. Если собеседник отводит взгляд, возможно, он что-то скрывает или лжет. Не исключено, правда, что он просто застенчив по натуре. Когда человек, с которым вы разговариваете, начинает теребить аксессуары, притрагиваться к носу, уху, подбородку, он волнуется. Если у него нет оснований трепетать перед вами из соображений субординации, возможно, он лжет. Признаком обмана может быть то, что собеседник начинает часто моргать, в голосе появляется хрипота. Конечно, если вы начнете пристально вглядываться в жесты и следить за мимикой, не заморгает только обладатель суперустойчивой психики или… профессиональный лжец, поэтому первые опыты по выявлению лжи лучше проводить на тех, кто вас не видит, – например, на героях телепередач. Все люди разные, и эмоции они проявляют по-разному. Кто-то лжет из страха, кому- то просто стыдно признаться в каком-то поступке. От того, каков мотив лжи, от Содержание степени «подготовленности» обманщика, от важности подаваемой информации зависят и жесты, и мимика. 6. Как ведут себя в переговорах иностранные бизнесмены? Знаете ли вы, что в разных странах стили ведения переговоров и методы ведения дел сильно различаются? Конечно, знаете! А знаете, чем конкретно они отличаются? Не уверены? Всё правильно. Ведь на том, как люди делают бизнес в разных странах, сказывается культура. Американский стиль «Время – деньги». Страна, которая подарила нам эту фразу, буквально сама живет ей. В Америке время – это большая ценность. Люди «тратят» время и «экономят» время так же дотошно, как и деньги. Если бы время можно было положить в банк, они непременно сделали бы это. Американцы могут судить о вас по тому, как вы распоряжаетесь временем: если вы пунктуальны, значит, вы надежный и ответственный человек. Если вы нарушаете оговоренные сроки, значит, на вас нельзя положиться. Как известно, образование в США ориентировано на создание узких специалистов, для них не играет никакой роли тот факт, что вы разносторонне развитый и просто хороший человек. Если вы собираетесь на переговоры с американцем, убедитесь, что вы профессионал! Или по крайней мере возьмите с собой на встречу профессионала в том вопросе, который вы будете обсуждать. Если вы не профессионал в своем деле, с вами будут вежливы, но доверия и уважения вы не вызовете. Стиль переговоров у американцев, с одной стороны, дружелюбный и часто неформальный, с другой стороны, очень прямой, предельно конкретный, не терпящий переливания из пустого в порожнее. Одним словом, даже не пытайтесь тратить чужое время на светскую болтовню и четко придерживайтесь цели. Большинство американцев не любят светские беседы и не умеют их поддерживать, поэтому ожидайте довольно быстрого перехода к делу. Помните: все, что их интересует, – это почему им выгодно иметь дело с вами. Ключевое слово «выгодно», а не «с вами». Немецкий стиль Немцы в первую очередь – это мастера и фанаты планирования. В Германии тщательно планируют не только время встреч, повестку дня и сроки решения задач, но и буквально личную жизнь: когда придут гости, когда делать уборку, когда ехать за покупками и так далее. Вероятно, вам сейчас кажется: «Что ж тут особенного, и мы так планируем». Отличает немцев как раз то, что у них все происходит именно так, как запланировано: встречи начинаются и заканчиваются строго в назначенное время, и ни минутой позже. Обсуждают на встрече только те вопросы, которые есть на повестке дня, и никак иначе. Содержание Соблюдение правил, регламентов, уставов и законов – это как «Отче наш» для немцев. Когда все идет по плану с соблюдением всех установленных инструкций, это дает немцам чувство защищенности и, если хотите, комфорта. Поэтому если вы утвердили со своими немецкими партнерами некий план или контракт, не ожидайте, что вы сможете его потом изменить. К этому отнесутся крайне негативно. Поэтому обдумывайте все хорошо, будьте предельно пунктуальны и выполняйте обещания. Стиль переговоров очень формальный: никакой фривольности, никаких шуточек. Всё только по делу. И по плану, естественно. Хотя в неформальной обстановке – за ужином, например, – немцы совершенно свободные и раскрепощенные люди. Немцы, как и американцы, особо не нуждаются в построении взаимоотношений с вами лично. Пока вы выполняете обязательства и делаете это с той эффективностью, как от вас ожидается, у вас будет все прекрасно с вашими немецкими партнерами. Как только вы перестанете удовлетворять этим критериям, с вами распрощаются без лишних сантиментов. Японский стиль Самое главное, но далеко не единственное, что вам следует знать про японский стиль ведения переговоров, это такой культурный феномен, как «сохранять лицо». Из необходимости сохранять лицо – свое и чужое – вытекает множество неудобных для нас и для всего западного мира японских манер. Японцы считают, что если они откажут вам в чем-то или открыто выразят несогласие, то они тем самым причинят вам «потерю лица». То есть невежливо отказываться, показывать несогласие и говорить «нет». Вы никогда не услышите от японца внятное «нет». Это приводит к тому, что мы, другая половина мира, фактически не способны «угадать», что японский партнер думает на самом деле, поскольку всё, что он говорит, проходит через плотный культурный фильтр вежливости. Вторая распространенная причина непонимания японцев – это их «высокий контекст». Высокий контекст – это черта всех восточноазиатских культур, которая отличает их стиль коммуникации от западного. Если в Америке и Германии ценятся прямота, открытость и конкретика, то здесь – прямо наоборот – неясность высказывания и миллион вежливых слов, которые затуманивают мысль. Считается, что вы читаете между строк и достаточно умны, чтобы уловить мысль. Только представьте, что в такой манере ставятся задачи, отдаются распоряжения и обсуждаются перспективы сотрудничества. Проговаривать детали и высказываться прямо – непростительная грубость в Японии. Помните об этом в любой ситуации. Обязательность и ответственность – это первое, что прививается японцам с детства, и впоследствии это сказывается на всем, что они делают: обещания, качество работы, забота о коллегах и так далее. Японцы, как и немцы (даже больше, чем немцы), пожалуй, самые ответственные люди в мире. Вот почему японские и немецкие товары Содержание и автомобили – самые качественные. В речи и поведении ценится скромность. Не принято выражать яркие эмоции, активно жестикулировать, как это свойственно, скажем, итальянцам. Не принято также демонстрировать свои достоинства и достижения, как это, напротив, считается нормой в США и до определенной степени в той же Германии. Если в Германии и США бизнесмены предельно сфокусированы на эффективности бизнеса и выгоде, ради которой все затевается, то в Японии на первый план выходит перспектива долгосрочного сотрудничества. Немцы планируют на 5 лет, японцы – на 200 лет, а русские просто планируют. Так вот, поскольку японцев интересуют преимущественно длительные отношения, то построению этих отношений придается колоссальное значение. Перед деловой поездкой в Японию обязательно изучите все обычаи и ритуалы: как обмениваться визитками, как представляться, кто где сидит за столом, во что нельзя заворачивать подарки, как их правильно преподносить и многое-многое другое. Японская общественная и деловая жизнь пронизана всевозможными церемониями, которым придается большое значение. 7. Культурный шок Как таковой термин «культурный шок» был впервые представлен в 1954 году для обозначения неприятных ощущений человека, перебравшегося в совершенно новые для него условия жизни. Культурный шок полагает под собой резкую апатию ко всему происходящему, незнание, что делать, как себя вести. Культурный шок, как правило, проявляется спустя первые несколько недель пребывания в новой обстановке. Культурный шок можно также описать как физический и эмоциональный дискомфорт, который испытывает человек, который переехал жить в другую страну. В новом месте всё по-другому, а прежняя жизнь уже не считается нормой. К примеру, если вы не знаете языка, у вас будут проблемы с использованием тех простых бытовых мелочей, к которым вы так привыкли, в частности вам будет сложно говорить по телефону или воспользоваться советом прохожего. Симптомы культурного шока могут проявляться в разное время. Однако не стоит все же и забывать, что культурный шок является мощным когнитивным стимулом: вам не комфортно, значит, вы точно кинетесь познавать и изучать новый мир. Культурный шок может способствовать лучшему пониманию собственной личности и развитию креативных способностей. Культурный шок развивается ступенчато. Каждая стадия вступает в силу точно в определенное время. «Медовый месяц». В течение такого периода различия между «старой» и «новой» культурой человек воспринимает «через розовые очки» – всё кажется замечательным и красивым. Например, в таком состоянии человек может увлекаться новой для него Содержание пищей, новым местом жительства, новыми привычками людей, новой архитектурой и так далее. «Примирение». По прошествии нескольких дней, недель или месяцев человек перестаёт сосредоточиваться на незначительных различиях между культурами. Однако он снова стремится к пище, к которой привык дома, ритм жизни в новом месте пребывания может казаться слишком быстрым или слишком медленным, привычки людей могут раздражать и т. д. «Адаптация». Опять-таки после нескольких дней, недель или месяцев человек привыкает к новой для него среде. На этой стадии он больше не реагирует отрицательно или положительно, потому что адаптируется к новой культуре. Он вновь ведёт повседневную жизнь, как и ранее на своей родине. «Обратный культурный шок». Возврат к родной культуре после адаптации к новой может вновь вызвать у человека вышеописанные фазы, которые могут продолжаться не очень долго или же так долго, как первый культурный шок на чужбине. Каждый человек по-своему реагирует на каждую из стадий, в результате чего некоторые стадии могут длиться как очень долго, так и протекать очень быстро. На длительность и тяжесть прохождения культурного шока влияет множество факторов, таких как состояние психического здоровья, тип личности, опыт длительных поездок за границу, социально-экономические условия, знание языка, поддержка, уровень образования и др. 8. Ebonics-English, или Какого цвета бывает английский язык? С первого взгляда вопрос кажется несуразным. Действительно, причем тут цвет? Оказывается, в США есть язык, или диалект, с названием которого лингвисты до сих пор не определились, а называют его Black English – чёрный английский, или, по- другому, эбоникс. Название «эбоникс» (от ebony – черный и phonetics – фонетика) придумал профессор Вашингтонского университета в городе Сент-Луис Р.Л. Уильямс в 1973 году для обозначения языка, на котором разговаривало негритянское население США. Уильямс не только придумал название, но и настаивал на присуждении этому языку лингвистического статуса, так как, по его мнению, он обладал своей собственной словарной системой, грамматической структурой и морфологией, а также включал в себя местные наречия, отличающиеся в разных штатах, социальные диалекты и жаргоны. Он даже имел свой внутренний сленг – jive (джайв). То есть у эбоникса было все, что присуще настоящему, самостоятельному языку. И ещё был один аргумент, на котором акцентировал внимание Уильямс. Он заявил, что негритянским детям трудно учиться на обычном английском, ведь с детства они слышали совсем другую речь, а различие между говором чёрных американцев и общепринятым английским действительно велико. И для этого в школах, где большинство детей афроамериканцы, нужно вести преподавание на эбониксе, для чего требуется присудить ему соответствующий статус. Содержание Дебатов его заявление вызвало море. С одной стороны, если эбоникс действительно является самостоятельным языком, то можно было требовать обучения в школе на нём, так же как в свое время добились преподавания на испанском в отдельных штатах. Но, с другой стороны, если это не особый язык, а искаженный, неправильный стандартный английский, то преподавание на нём вытолкнет негритянских выпускников с рынка высококвалифицированного труда, они не смогут стать полноправными членами общества, да что там, они вряд ли смогут заполнить хоть одну анкету. В чём же особенности этой разновидности американского английского и много ли у него отличий от стандартного, на котором разговаривает белая Америка? Во-первых, произношение. В нем, как и в британском варианте, отсутствует четко произносимое “R” в словах. Грамматика у них тоже донельзя перепутанная. Вместо использования двенадцати времен они почти всегда используют форму только настоящего времени, да и то не стандартную, вроде “I have live here twelve years”. Глаголы не спрягаются, практически всегда ставится форма “be”, или она и вовсе опускается: “He be always fooling around” и “He a friend”. При отрицании не используют обычные длинные конструкции типа “I have not been trying to contact him”, а просто говорят на все вопросы – “ain’t”, и далее по тексту. Причем двойное отрицание здесь – такая же норма, как и в русском: “If the cat ain’t happy – ain’t nobody happy”. А о времени, в котором совершается или совершалось действие, порой можно догадаться только по контексту. Ещё одно отличие – это употребление общеизвестных английских слов с противоположным смыслом, то есть как бы шиворот-навыворот. Например, слово “bad” используется в смысле «гордый, непокорный». Неполиткорректное “fat” имеет значение «крутой, классный» и т. д. Так что же такое Black English? Полноценный язык, диалект или просто неправильный английский? Ведь на нем выражает себя целая раса со своей историей, культурным опытом и мировоззрением. Возможно, лингвисты смогут ответить на этот вопрос когда-нибудь, когда придет время. 9. Жёлто-голубой автобус, или Признание в любви Если знакомый американец или англичанин назовет вас жёлто-голубым автобусом, не обижайтесь и не паникуйте. Он просто хочет признаться вам в любви. Это, конечно, не тонкий индийский комплимент, вроде «дорогая, вы красивы, как корова», а игра слов, позволяющая легко запоминать иностранные слова и фразы, обыгрывая их звучание на родном языке. Так, английское выражение “yellow blue bus” (йеллоу блу бас), что и означает жёлто-голубой автобус, очень похоже на заветную фразу на русском языке «я люблю вас», если, конечно, сделать хорошую скидку на иностранный акцент. Содержание Русское слово «хорошо» созвучно английскому “horror show” (хоро шоу), но по- английски сие означает «шоу ужасов». Если ваш собеседник немного поднаторел в изучении русского языка, то тогда ему это будет нипочем, а незнающий иностранец может и испугаться. Люди, свободно владеющие двумя языками, могут сочинить великое множество подобных языковых конструкций, забавляясь, порой, как дети. Например, “chess knock” – «шахматный удар» произноситься как тчэ-е-ес нок! На что это похоже? Ну, разумеется, на чеснок, который придает такой пикантный вкус жареным гренкам или салату из тёртого сыра с майонезом. Кстати, слово «майонез» обыгрывается фразой “my on ass” – «мой на осле», один из более-менее приличных переводов. “Pale man” (пейл мэн) – «бледнолицый человек» по-английски, звучит точь-в-точь как русский «пельмень»! Конечно, подобные фантазии очень оживляют процесс изучения иностранного языка, ведь и дети в раннем возрасте занимаются тем же самым, пробуя на слух и язык любое новое слово, и им совсем не скучно учиться говорить. Другое дело, если подобное созвучие слов на разных языках и с совершенно противоположным смыслом играет с человеком злую шутку. Например, девушки с красивым русским именем Настя, перебираясь на постоянное место жительство в США, ну или даже приезжая туда в гости, срочно начинают представляться именем Стейси, или Ася, или в крайнем случае Анастасия, в английской транскрипции Энэстэйша. А всё из-за созвучия краткой формы Nastya английскому слову “nasty”, что означает «грязная, отвратительная». Кому же охота, чтобы тебя называли Грязнулей и смеялись над тобой за глаза? К тому же роду языковых неприятностей относится и идеологическая спекуляция на этнониме «славяне», позволяющем некоторым весьма злорадно насмехаться над любым славянином. Почему, спрашивается? Дело в том, что слово «славяне» очень похоже на слух на английское “slave” – «раб». Да и пишется оно похоже – “slav” («славянин»). Хотя и европейцы недалеко от нас ушли, так как название Шотландии на английском языке – Scotland, что можно вольготно перевести как «земля скотов», а это тоже неприятно, если знать значение русского слова «скот». А есть еще и матерные конструкции, когда человек, сам того не подозревая, начинает ругаться матом на чужом языке. Например, русское подтверждение слов англоговорящего «Факт!» будет звучать для последнего крайне неприлично в силу похожести с нецензурным выражением. Таким образом, игра слов на разных языках может как служить приятным развлечением, так и поставить в неловкое положение. Но пусть она не будет для вас помехой в общении с иностранцами, а лишь помощью для веселого и непринужденного изучения иностранного языка. Содержание 10. Русский язык глазами иностранцев Русский – один из самых распространенных языков в мире, он зачислен в «клуб мировых языков», в который помимо русского входят английский, французский, арабский, китайский (диалект мандарин) и испанский. Чтобы попасть в этот клуб избранных, язык должен соответствовать определенным требованиям. Во-первых, чем больше людей считает язык родным, тем лучше. Сто сорок миллионов населения в одной только России, без учёта даже русскоязычных жителей в остальных странах бывшего Советского Союза – весьма весомый аргумент. Но недостаточный. Потому что существуют и другие многочисленные народы со своими языками. Японцы, например. Во-вторых, среди тех, для кого этот язык не является родным, должно быть большое количество людей, владеющих им как иностранным или как вторым языком. На данный момент число иностранцев, изучающих русский, составляет где-то порядка 10 миллионов, а в недалёком прошлом, в советский период, – и того больше, так как он обязательно изучался во всех странах соцлагеря. В этот социалистический рай входило немалое количество стран, ныне независимых. К тому же, несмотря на все потуги наших добрых соседей, русский язык в их странах ну никак не хочет сдавать свои позиции языка общения. Ведь, действительно, можно указами запретить издавать книги и газеты на каком-то языке, преподавать на нем, показывать фильмы, но как указом заставить людей не общаться друг с другом на этом языке, вот вопрос! Третье условие гласит, что на языке должны говорить во многих странах, на нескольких континентах и в разных культурных кругах. После распада Советского Союза образовалось 14 независимых стран, где население так или иначе постоянно говорит по-русски. Это плюс к тем многим странам, расположившимся на разных континентах, где существует хоть какая-нибудь русская диаспора. Четвертое, язык должен официально изучаться как иностранный во многих странах. Конечно, за лидером, английским языком, русскому пока не угнаться, и дело тут не в мифической сложности русского языка, а в снижении интереса к самой России и ее роли в мире в последнее время. Но, как показывает жизненный опыт, дело это вполне поправимое. За всю историю существования человечества лингвистическим лидером становился, как правило, язык страны, оказывающей большое влияние на остальной мир, как в культурном плане, так и в научном. Пятым условием для присуждения языку статуса международного является его использование как официального языка в международных организациях, на международных конференциях и в крупных международных фирмах. С этим у русского языка тоже пока проблем нет. Хорошо, русский – один из языков ООН, на котором публикуется официальная документация, один из самых распространенных языков в мире и так далее… А как обстоит дело с его благозвучностью для нетренированного уха чужеземца? Что Содержание думают наши с вами современники, для которых русский язык не родной? Ведь трудно объективно оценить, как звучит язык, если ты пребываешь в нём с рождения. Да, в большинстве своем не слишком приятные высказывания. Но стоит утешиться тем, что вообще-то оценка языка как грубого или нежного – явление субъективное. В целом же в русском языке пеняют на изобилие шипящих, рычащее «р», проглатывание гласных, отчего язык кажется жестким. Да, действительно, в английском языке, например, даже твердые звуки принято сглаживать, смягчать, тогда как в русском они произносятся четко. Вспомните, как произносится звук «р» в английском и русском языках! Но куда уж русскому до исландского, вот уж где действительно «камнепад в горную реку»! Да, русский язык не прост, пожалуй, даже очень сложен для иностранцев. Вспомним хотя бы наши 6 падежей и множество падежных окончаний. Тем не менее русский, как и любой другой иностранный язык, поддается изучению. Ну а тем иностранным гражданам, которые считают русскую грамматику неизмеримо трудной… можно, улыбнувшись, доверительно сказать на ушко: «Скажите спасибо, что у нас нет тоновости, как в китайском или вьетнамском, да и пишем мы не иероглифами»! 11. Взгляд на Россию и её жителей глазами культурного европейца В августе этого года во Львове и Киеве прошли презентации украинского перевода книги финской журналистки Анны-Лени Лаурен «У них что-то с головой, у этих русских». Её автор четыре года прожила в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге, что позволило ей глубоко ознакомиться не только с официальной жизнью нашей страны, но и с культурой, отношениями людей и отчасти нашей историей. Какое же впечатление о нашей стране складывается у западного европейца – человека с совершенно иным типом воспитания, культурой и историей – после того, как он несколько лет проживёт в нашем обществе? Результат оказался совершенно неожиданным. А. Об отношениях между мужчинами и женщинами. Значительная часть произведения посвящена русским мужчинам, женщинам и их взаимоотношениям. «Русским женщинам присуще то очарование, которое резко отличает их от других женщин, особенно скандинавских. Это качество может привести мужчин-иностранцев в совершенный восторг. Особенно скандинавских мужчин. Мои финские друзья-мужчины чуть шею себе не свернули, когда навещали меня в Москве: здесь слишком много стильно одетых девиц на выданье, их можно рассматривать постоянно. Юбок короче, чем в Москве, я не видела никогда». В качестве едва ли не основной проблемы женского пола автор описывает трудности с нахождением себе такого мужчины, который бы: а) не пил, б) имел работу и в) был не женат. «В России избыток красивых, хорошо образованных, компетентных женщин – и недостаток непьющих работающих мужчин». Содержание На этом фоне журналистку особенно возмущает неравенство между полами: «Русское общество демонстрирует мужской шовинизм весьма откровенно и устойчиво. Например, в порядке вещей писать объявления о приеме на работу следующим образом: «Требуется секретарь, женщина, до 25 лет, рост не ниже 175 см». Но, несмотря на свой эгоизм, по её мнению, русские мужчины воспринимают женщину как существо более высокого порядка. «Женщины вообще считаются более культурными, образованными и утонченными, чем мужчины, – даже при том, что они в то же время эмоциональны и слабы, и поэтому им нельзя доверять ответственные дела». Русские мужчины настолько галантны, что автору пришлось привыкать к тому, что ей придерживают дверь, платят за чашку кофе или помогают положить тяжелые сумки на полку, совершенно не преследуя цели завести с ней интрижку. После такого обхождения в нашей стране иностранка невольно начинает воспринимать жителей Скандинавии как неотёсанных варваров. Но считать, что мужчины в России доминируют всегда и во всём, – глубокое заблуждение. Слабый пол лишь притворяется таковым, а на самом деле нарочно даёт мужчинам почувствовать собственную значимость и важность, в то время как они уже давно достигли вершин манипулирования русскими мужчинами и добиваются своих целей хитростью. «Жизнь становится легче, если хотя бы поддерживаешь представление о себе как о слабой, беспомощной и нуждающейся в мужской опеке». И вообще, если бы не русские женщины, Россия бы уже давно пошла на дно». Финская журналистка заключает, что в целом и мужчины, и женщины довольны своим положением и ролью в обществе, так что почвы для феминизма в нашей стране нет никакой. Б. О русской культуре. В мировом кинематографе и СМИ русских нередко выставляют не в самом лучшем облике. В этом вопросе книга Анны-Лени Лаурен является редким исключением. Финская журналистка нередко с таким восторгом рассказывает о высоком культурном уровне русских людей, что невольно берёт гордость: «В России культура, поэзия и литература встроены в жизнь. Это никакой не стереотип, а совершеннейшая правда, что все читают Пушкина в школе, и к тому же большинство в состоянии цитировать его. И не только Пушкина – русская литература настолько важный предмет в школе, что большинство моих русских ровесников знают всех крупных классиков и вовсю цитируют Некрасова или Блока. Это относится не только к тем, кто интересуется культурой, но и к тем, кто не открывал книгу с тех пор, как закончил школу». Поражается она также и искренности, с которой русские люди интересуются жизнью друг друга, глубине чувств и эмоциональности русского человека. «Русские говорят о жизни, о любви и смерти, о друзьях и врагах, родных и близких, о войне, насилии и ужасах, о литературе, поэзии и призраках, о пожарах, катастрофах и китайской мифологии. Они никогда не говорят о приземленном. Они всегда увлечены Содержание и захвачены темой беседы». «Прежде всего, они очень любопытны. Если ты – единственный финн за столом, приготовься к тому, что тебя забросают вопросами. Почему ты говоришь по- шведски, ты же родилась в Финляндии? Почему в Финляндии все так тихо, спокойно и хорошо устроено? Почему у вас такие гладкие дороги? Как здорово, что Финляндия решила не вступать в НАТО!» Большое внимание уделяется коллективизму, который, по мнению журналистки, присущ русским людям. Решили устроить пикник и пожарить шашлык? Значит, неважно, что льёт дождь и холодно – главное, что все вместе! Решили посмотреть достопримечательности города? Неважно, что не можем решить, куда ехать, и за день посещаем лишь одно место – главное, что все вместе и все довольны! Но у нашей культуры, по мнению журналистки, есть и другая сторона. «Россия – земля обетованная материализма. Большинство молодых русских почти не помнят социализма, но жажда обладать вещами, которых раньше было не достать, словно передалась по наследству». Москва – город в высшей степени несентиментальный. Каждый занят только тем, как заработать больше денег. Люди здесь озабочены вопросом выживания, так как Россия благоволит только сильным, а слабых выбрасывает на самое дно жизни. В этой гонке «жители Нью-Йорка нервно курят в сторонке». Не обходит автор и проблему алкоголизма в нашей стране. Её она называет главной причиной, по которой русские мужчины живут в среднем 59 лет (в то время как женщины – 73). Что удивительно, даже здесь при всех негативных социальных явлениях, которые в действительности вызывает этот порок, финская журналистка говорит о нём в положительном ключе: «В конце недели в парках часто встречаются компании попивающих пиво подростков. Хотя русские подростки весьма охотно употребляют спиртное, я редко вижу, чтобы они, напившись, вели себя так же буйно, как, например, их ровесники из Хельсинки. Русским подросткам совсем не интересно агрессивно орать или разбрасывать бутылки. Вместо этого они часто сидят рядышком, играют на гитаре и поют. По мне, их благовоспитанность просто бросается в глаза. Я полагаю, что причина этому одна: многовековая культура употребления водки в России. Речь идет именно о культуре, не больше и не меньше. Абсолютно каждый знает, как вести себя во время застолья, потому что люди собираются, чтобы выпить и повеселиться вместе, с акцентом на «вместе». Коллективистская русская культура одерживает убедительную победу над индивидуалистической финской». 12. Такие непонятные немцы Так же как нет в мире двух абсолютно одинаковых людей, так нет и одинаковых стран. Народ каждой страны имеет свои национальные особенности. Попадая в другую страну, зачастую чувствуешь себя «не в своей тарелке», а иногда и Содержание вовсе кажется, что ты – инопланетянин. Приезжая в Германию, мы искренне удивляемся ее жителям, так же как и они удивляются нам. Пунктуальность и порядок во всем – одна из самых характерных черт немецкого народа, ставшая давно притчей во языцех. С раннего детства немцам внушается простая истина: «Опаздывать нельзя». В Германии никто не станет вас ждать даже пять минут, не говоря уж о «джентльменских» пятнадцати, привычных для нас. Пунктуальность и правильность соблюдается абсолютно во всех аспектах жизни. В Германии никому не придет в голову переходить дорогу на красный свет светофора, даже если здесь машины на этой улице ездят раз в полчаса. На пустой улице немцы будут дисциплинированно стоять у перехода и ждать зелёного света. Они не смогут понять странных русских, идущих через дорогу по привычке – как захочется. На своем любимом средстве передвижения по улочкам маленьких городков – велосипеде – немцы будут ехать только по специально сделанным дорожкам, и никак иначе. Такие дорожки есть во всех городах, они находятся между тротуаром и мостовой и аккуратно вымощены цветной плиткой. Они предназначены специально для езды на велосипеде. По ним не следует ходить, даже в том случае, если велосипедов вокруг нет на расстоянии в несколько километров. Жизнь в Германии начинается с восходом солнца и заканчивается с заходом, что весьма отличается от привычного нам распорядка дня. Маленьких детей обычно отправляют в кровать уже в 19.00, после просмотра передачи Sandmann (немецкого аналога программы «Спокойной ночи, малыши!»). Сформированная с детства привычка рано ложиться, как правило, сохраняется на всю жизнь. Поэтому здесь не принято беспокоить людей ночными звонками – после 9 часов. Зато звонок с утра – в 7–8 часов – в будний день вполне уместен. Конечно, это не распространяется на выходные дни, когда со звонком стоит подождать хотя бы до 10 часов утра. С большой любовью и заботой немцы относятся к своему жилищу. Сначала родители сами украшают детские комнаты, делая многое своими руками, а потом учат этому малышей. Ведь дом – единственное место, где можно расслабиться и где очень хочется чувствовать себя комфортно. Как правило, молодые семьи живут отдельно, поэтому дети привыкают к определенной родительской модели воспитания. Хотя молодые родители очень трепетно относятся к своим чадам, их нельзя упрекнуть в чрезмерной опеке. Очень популярно использование слингов или «кенгуру» для переноски малышей. Никого не удивит, что мама с совсем крохотным спящим младенцем, которого, как кажется, только что принесли из роддома, спокойно прогуливается по супермаркету – это обычная картина для Германии. Ребенка с рождения приучают к тому, что у мамы, помимо заботы о нем, есть и другие дела, так что надо самому учиться справляться с трудностями. Содержание В Германии не принято оставлять ребенка на попечение бабушки и дедушки. Но если это происходит, то родители считают уместным и правильным предложить им определенную сумму. Начиная с 14 лет, многие дети покидают родительский дом и живут с тех пор отдельно. Многие родители при этом могут особо и не интересоваться, как живут-поживают их чада. Это нормальная практика – ведь не зря же они приучали детей к самостоятельности с пеленок. Если дети захотят навестить родителей, то им могут назначить определённый час, раньше которого приходить не принято, ведь с ранним визитом их могут даже не пустить в дом. На это тоже не принято обижаться. Молодые люди стараются быть самостоятельными, считается дурным тоном зависеть от родителей. Но и родители, состарившись, обычно не живут вместе со своими детьми. До глубокой старости они живут отдельно и нередко, если хватает средств, переезжают в аналоги наших домов престарелых, где их могут содержать, принимая в обмен их пенсию. Несмотря на вышеописанные «ужасы», в Германии очень высоко ценятся семейные традиции. Большим почетом пользуются семейные праздники, среди которых на первом месте, конечно же, Рождество, когда под родительской крышей собирается вся семья. Немецкий народ отличается своей экономичностью и расчетливостью. О финансах не принято говорить ни в каком контексте, кто, где и как зарабатывает – это личное дело каждого. Детям выдают очень мало карманных денег, учат копить средства на серьезные покупки. С самого начала трудовой деятельности немцы начинают откладывать деньги «на старость». Столько, сколько в состоянии отложить. Поэтому, если не случится никаких неожиданных неприятностей, к старости немцы, помимо обычной пенсии, имеют ещё специальную, накопленную за всю жизнь. Часто это весьма немалая сумма, и пожилые люди с радостью начинают ее тратить на удовольствия, в которых, возможно, отказывали себе всю жизнь. Так, например, во всех странах можно встретить очень пожилых немцев, увлекшихся на склоне лет туризмом и путешествиями. 13. Япония, люди, традиции Японская культура в основе своей не меняется с течением лет. Сегодняшняя молодежь, несмотря на современные тенденции развития и подражание Западу в образе жизни, во многом придерживается традиций своих дедов и прадедов. Японцы – вежливые и сдержанные люди. Правила этикета для них очень важны, как и для других народов мира. Японцы не рассчитывают на то, что все будут соблюдать их обычаи, однако, если вы постараетесь следовать японской манере поведения, вам будут очень благодарны. Запретов и табу – того, что делать категорически нельзя, – в Японии немного и Содержание практически все они укладываются в рамки здравого смысла. Плюс ко всему японцы необыкновенно терпимы к чужим обычаям и привычкам – порой они буквально доходят в этом до абсурда, японцам кажется, что иностранцы подобно несмышлёным детям просто неспособны понять, как нужно вести себя нормальному человеку в Японии. Японцы приветствуют друг друга поклонами. Поклоны могут быть как простым кивком головы, так и глубоким поклоном. Всё зависит от социального статуса человека, которого вы приветствуете. Например, если приходится приветствовать какого-нибудь важного начальника, надо постараться, чтобы ваш поклон был чуть глубже и длился чуть дольше. Обычно большинство иностранцев ограничиваются лёгким наклоном головы, а подавляющее большинство японцев не ожидают от иностранцев детального знания правил этикета, касающихся поклонов, поэтому, не особенно ущемляя собственное самолюбие, просто кивните головой. Поклон – это также способ поблагодарить и извиниться. Рукопожатия не приняты. Не протягивайте первым для рукопожатия руку. Конечно, можно пожать руку, если японец сам стремится поздороваться с вами привычным для вас способом. В метро, автобусе и электричке никто и никому не уступает место – независимо от возраста и пола. Даже если в вагон войдёт бабушка, едва переставляющая ноги, никто, естественно, не двинется с места. Если вы из жалости всё-таки уступите место, то вполне возможно, попадёте в комичную ситуацию, когда эта самая бабушка, отчаянно работая ручонками и отпихивая пассажиров, пойдёт за вами и будет благодарить, благодарить и благодарить, как будто вы сделали для нее что-то такое, из ряда вон выходящее. Так что если вы займете место в японском автобусе или метро, то сидите себе, сколько угодно, какие бы древние старички вас ни окружали. Только смотрите, чтоб не занять места для инвалидов, которые есть в вагонах метро. На эти места садиться нельзя никому, кроме пожилых и инвалидов. Не забывайте, что в туалете ходят в специальных тапочках. Эти тапочки стоят у двери в туалет, там вы снимаете тапочки, в которых ходите в доме, и надеваете тапочки, в которых идёте в туалет. Там же их снимаете, выходя из туалета. Не забудьте их снять! Иначе – хотя для вас разница нисколько не будет заметна – перед окружающими японцами вы предстанете в роли самого что ни на есть карикатурно глупого иностранца. Ругать вас, правда, никто не будет, но повеселятся на ваш счет от души. Не пользуйтесь носовым платком. Японцы пользуются тонкими бумажными салфетками, что советуем делать и вам, тем более что эти бумажные салфетки совершенно бесплатно раздают на каждом перекрестке. Вообще лучше вовсе не сморкаться на публике. По правилам хорошего тона, если вас одолевает насморк, вы должны шмыгать носом до тех пор, пока не окажетесь наедине с самим собой, и только тогда высморкаться. Только не подумайте, что это розыгрыш! Японцы действительно поступают именно так. Не трогайте японцев руками! Не старайтесь с ними обниматься при встрече, не Содержание хлопайте их по плечу, вообще не прикасайтесь к ним. Единственный дозволенный физический контакт – рукопожатие, да и то лучше подождать, пока японец сам протянет вам руку. В противном случае ограничьтесь поклонами. Японцы общаются друг с другом на расстоянии. Разумеется, это не относится к членам семьи или парочкам, но до тех пор, пока у вас не завяжутся настолько тесные отношения с японцами, лучше будьте сдержанны и уважайте чужое пространство. Носите с собой визитные карточки. Это, конечно, в первую очередь касается тех, кто собирается в Японии работать, но вообще об этом хорошо бы помнить всем. Вовремя врученная нужному человеку визитная карточка может сотворить чудеса. Если же у вас визиток с собой нет, то для японцев это выглядит по меньшей мере странно. Использование визиток не ограничено деловыми кругами, зачастую их имеют даже студенты. Когда визитную карточку вручают вам, её нужно взять обеими руками, изучить и только затем спрятать. Не запихивайте ее сразу в карман, как будто вам глубоко неинтересно, что на ней написано. И уж тем более не записывайте ничего на визитной карточке, которую вам вручили. В повседневной жизни японцы носят привычную для нас европейскую одежду и, обедая, сидят на таких же точно стульях и за такими же точно столами, что и мы, заходят иногда перекусить на скорую руку в Макдоналдс, сидят за чашечкой кофе в кофейне, пьют из бокалов сухое красное вино во французских ресторанах. Европейский и американский образ жизни надёжно прописался в Японии. Как это ни печально, но традиционный уклад занимает всё меньше места.