©Environmental Board 2012 Board ©Environmental The Lord of the Palmse Manor is said to have given grain grain given have to said is Manor Palmse the of Lord The (Heaps of Hunger) lie. lie. Hunger) of (Heaps Näljakangrud the called piles rock Printed by: Aktaprint PLC Aktaprint by: Printed In a hayfield not far from the Palmse Manor, two huge huge two Manor, Palmse the from far not hayfield a In Layout by: Akriibia Ltd. Akriibia by: Layout KAAS rocks are nuns punished by Heavenly Father for their sins. sins. their for Father Heavenly by punished nuns are rocks L. Michelson L. Front page photo: Jaani-Tooma Big Rock, Rock, Big Jaani-Tooma photo: page Front the nuns until they petrified. Another story says that the the that says story Another petrified. they until nuns the ERRATIC BOULDERS ERRATIC Compiled by: K. Kingumets K. by: Compiled century, the devils stayed waiting for for waiting stayed devils the century, 15 the in closed th nuns at the Palmse convent. After the nunnery had been been had nunnery the After convent. Palmse the at nuns Environmental Investment Centre Centre Investment Environmental National Park National www.rmk.ee that the rocks are devils who used to go and peep at the the at peep and go to used who devils are rocks the that Publication supported by supported Publication
[email protected] gigantic boulder which broke into pieces. A legend says says legend A pieces. into broke which boulder gigantic Phone +372 329 5555 +372 329 Phone LAHEMAA granite. The sharp-edged rocks probably originate from one one from originate probably rocks sharp-edged The granite.