Ramblers Norfolk Area Newsletter & Walks Programme August - November 2018 http://www.norfolkra.org.uk/ AREA OFFICE: Our Area Secretary is Ken Hawkins, the address for area correspondence is 26 Hillfields, Dereham NR19 1UE. The phone number is 07505 426750 and the email address is
[email protected] Path Problems in Norfolk, where sure of your details, can be reported directly to: Rights of Way Team, Planning & Transportation Dept, Norfolk County Council, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2SG. (Telephone: 0344 800 8020.) You can also report them online via the map at http://maps.norfolk.gov.uk/highways/ - find the path, click on it, and follow the instructions. (If you need more information, go first to https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/out-and-about-in-norfolk/public-rights-of-way/about-public-rights-of-way - the map is at the bottom of the page. Where a member is unsure, or the problem is not clear, report the problem to Ian Mitchell, 5 Montcalm Road, Norwich, NR1 4HX. (Telephone: 01603 622539, email address:
[email protected]) Ian would also like to know anything directly reported to the Rights of Way Team. Acting Area News Editor: Richard May, 24 Swanton Avenue, Dereham, NR19 2HJ. Telephone 01362 709044, email address is
[email protected]. All Ramblers members are invited to take part in any walk in the Area programme. Non- members are welcome to participate and are invited to join the Ramblers if they so desire once they have sampled the variety of walks on offer. New members can join or existing members can update their details (change of group, change of name or address) by phoning Ramblers Central Office in London on 020 7339 8500 .