C.J. Yardley Landscape Survey & Design LLP, Larkhill Cott, Priory Lane, Ingworth NR11 6PG 07931 434162 [email protected]

Our Ref; 21/Saxlingham/01 Your Ref: Planning Department North District Council Holt Road

20th April 2021

Dear Sir or Madam

Re: Application for hedgerow removal (Hedgerow Regulations 1997) – site at roadside (minor road not named) TG040 / 395 – NR25 7JR – Chicken Barn, Saxlingham Holt

Please find attached the application form and detailed plan (191262.1 / RLC-00-00-DR/C500 / P1 – Vision Splay and hedgerow removal) showing the proposed removal of a hedge at the above location.

The hedge forms a boundary adjacent to the minor lane to either side of an existing farm and house access to the north east side of the minor lane. The access has limited visibility in both directions resulting from the location of the hedge close to the roadway edge (with a narrow verge). It is therefore notified that the hedge is proposed to be removed for the distance of 110m to the north west and 62m to the south east to improve the vision for users of this access. As a part of the proposal and integral with it, is a commitment to replace the removed hedge in its entirety with an additional length of approx. 20m (curving into the site access) with a new hedge but set back from the edge of the vision splay by approx. 1.5m to allow for the canopy to grow towards the roadway without impeding the vision.

The new hedge will be a typical characteristic native species hedge to comprise the mix as stated on the plans (Hawthorn, Field Maple, Wild Plum, Dogwood, Hazel and Holly) as a double staggered row of plants. Any plants which fail in the first 5 years after planting will be replaced in the next available planting season – or until the hedge is established as a continuous replacement feature – whichever is the sooner.

In addition, 8 new hedgerow Oak trees will be planted within the hedge line to provide additional amenity value

The existing hedge has a fairly limited species range of Hawthorn, Bramble, Ivy and a few Dog Rose. The new hedge will present greater species diversity and provide a wider roadside verge area which will of itself provide additional ecological value. Overall the intention is to provide enhanced ecological value from the hedge and verge in the long term.

There are photos of the hedge and vision issues overleaf

Please do contact me if you have any queries regarding this notification.

Yours sincerely

Chris Yardley Photos of hedge

Figure 1 – Entrance to Chicken Barn – looking north east

Figure 2 – looking east at entrance to Chicken Barn and hedge to south east of access - part of which is proposed to be removed and replaced further into the field

Figure 3 – as for fig 2

Figure 4 – looking north west from opposite the entrance to Chicken barn at the section of hedge to be removed and replaced further into the field

Figure 5 – another view of the north western area of roadway from the entrance to Chicken Barn – showing interruption to vision from hedge located close to roadway edge

Figure 6 – looking south east from entrance and noting the interruption of the vision from the current location of the hedge close to the roadside