868 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9 FEBRUARY, 1937 become and be absolutely vested in and shall Council dated the i6th day of December, 1925, and may from time to time be exercised by the and published in the London Gazette on the said Nugent, Bishop of Lincoln, and by his i8th day of the same month, for effecting the successors in the same Bishopric for ever. union of the Benefice of Field Dalling and the " And we further recommend and propose Benefice of Saxlingham, one third part or share that nothing herein contained shall prevent us of and in the Advowson or perpetual right of from recommending and proposing any further Patronage of and presentation to the said United Benefice of Field Dalling with Saxling- or other measures relating to the matters afore- ham (that is to say, the second turn in every said or any of them in accordance with the series of three successive turns of presenta- provisions of the said Acts or of any of them tion or nomination to be made to the said or of any other Act of Parliament." United Benefice after the union) was assigned And whereas the said Scheme has' been to the Patron of the said Benefice of Field approved by His Majesty in Council: Dalling: Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with " And whereas the union of the said Bene- the advice of His said Council, is pleased fices of Field Dalling and Saxlingham took hereby to ratify the said Scheme, and to order effect on the ist day of December, 1931: and direct that the same and every part thereof shall be effectual in law immediately " And whereas Edwin Walker of Field from and after the time when this Order shall Dalling Hall in the County of Norfolk, Esquire, have been duly published in the London the Patron of the said Benefice of Field Gazette pursuant to the said Acts. Dalling, by his Will, dated the ist day of March, 1932, devised the Advowson or per- And His Majesty, by and with the like petual right of Patronage of and presentation advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this to such Benefice to the Bishop of Norwich for Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar the time being: of the said Diocese of Lincoln. " And whereas the said Edwin Walker died M. P. A. Hankey. on the I4th day of September, 1935: " And whereas Mary Hannah Walker of Royal Hotel, Ilkley, in the County of York, Widow, Thomas Edwin Jackson, of Hudders- field, in the said County of York, Esquire, and Frederick Maurice Rowe, of Brentwood, West Park, Leeds, in the said County of York, At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the Esquire, are the Executors of the said Will in 2nd day of February, 1937. whom but for the hereinbefore recited devise PRESENT, the said part or share of the Advowson or per- petual right of Patronage of and presentation The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. to the said United Benefice would now be vested, and they are desirous with a view to WHEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commissioners the confirmation of the said devise that such for England have, in pursuance of the Act of part or share of the said Advowson or per- the 33rd and 34th years of Her late Majesty petual right of Patronage of and. presentation Queen Victoria, Chapter 39, and of the Acts to the said United Benefice should be trans- therein mentioned, that is to say, the Act of ferred to and be vested in the Bishop of the 3rd and 4th years of Her said late Majesty, Norwich for the time being in the manner Chapter 113, the Act of the 4th and 5th years hereinafter recommended and proposed: of Her said late Majesty, Chapter 39, and " And whereas the Right Reverend Bertram, the Act of the 3ist and 32nd years of Her now Bishop of Norwich, is willing to accept said late Majesty, Chapter 114, duly pre- such transfer,, and in token ;of such his willing- pared, and laid before His Majesty in Council, ness and also in token that the same transfer a Scheme bearing date the 26th day of Novem- has that consent of the Bishop of the Diocese ber, 1936, in the words and figures following, which by the hereinbefore mentioned Acts or that is to say: — by some or one of them is made necessary he, " We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for the said Bertram, Bishop of Norwich, has England, in pursuance of the Act of the 33rd executed this Scheme as hereinafter men- and 34th years of Her late Majesty Queen tioned : Victoria, Chapter 39, and of the Acts therein mentioned, that is to say, the Act of the 3rd " And whereas the transfer of Patronage and 4th years of Her said late Majesty, Chap- which is hereinbefore mentioned and hereinafter ter 113, the Act of the 4th and 5th years of recommended and proposed will in our opinion Her said late Majesty, Chapter 39, and the Act tend to make better provision for the cure of ot the 3ist and 32nd years of Her said late souls in the Parishes or Districts in or in Majesty, Chapter 114, have prepared, and now respect of which the right of Patronage or humbly lay before Your Majesty in Council, Advowson so recommended and proposed to be the following Scheme for effecting a transfer transferred as aforesaid arises or exists, that is of the ownership of a part or share of the to say, in the Parishes of Field Dalling and Advowson or perpetual right of Patronage of Saxlingham: and presentation to the Churches and Cure " Now, therefore, with the consent of the (hereinafter called ' the said United Bene- said Mary Hannah Walker, Thomas Edwin fice ') of Field Bailing with Saxlingham, in Jackson, and Frederick Maurice Rowe (in the County of Norfolk and in the Diocese" of testimony whereof they have signed and sealed Norwich: this Scheme), and with the consent of the said " Whereas under the terms of an Order of Bertram, Bishop of Norwich (in testimony His late Majesty King George the Fifth in whereof he has signed this Scheme and sealed.
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