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Carlsbad , 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

6-18-1898 Eddy Current, 06-18-1898 Wm. H. Mullane

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Recommended Citation Mullane, Wm. H.. "Eddy Current, 06-18-1898." (1898).

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HaTaaa'l I'llcM, I.Wilt. Itlu Snw TIi.iii. (larmanjr'a At I It ml MHMkrkM a4 rnght, Tlnttl at Cnlmanarn. MtuatUn flravet Washington, 13. navy de Havana, June 13. Tho crisis Washington, Juno If.. The last ling- Madrid, Juno 1C Tho minister of June The has Capo Hatlen, Juno 9. Yesterday Uni Madrid, Juno 9. Tho following com partment Bat- - como and Havana Is In stato ering doubt that may have existed us forolgn aflnlrs, Duke Almodovar do Hlo, was In communication a of ter ted States troops had a skirmish with munication front CapU Uen. Augustl, ror. A repetition nets 1871 dated Manila, Juno 3, has boon publish to the presenco of Corvera'a fleet In It newspaper men yosterday tirdny with Admiral Sampson, off Santi of thn of Otn, I.lnarei and his men on the hills told tho that ed: entirety In Santiago harbor wa re- ago, by cable, with the result that It Is seems Imminent because of threatened to the west and ttorth of Santiago bay. tho Spanish government had not taken Thn situation Is vory grave. Aguln-atd- o moved when Admiral Sampson's h now known officially that tho American Spanish volunteers. Tho volunteers any stop In the direction of peuee nego Tho American want to capture tbo in up tho reached the nnvy department Inst fig floats over Cuba; that It was raised havo Issued dodgers nnd distributed has surceedod stirring Maestro hills, Iirmu San Pablo In par- country, and the telegraph lines nnd nlcht. Up to this time Information ni tiations. The minister also tald ho had by UnltPd States marines at tho month them throughout Havana blaming the so effect- railways aro being cut. I am without t ) of vmmoIs lying la the nut received niiy confirmation of the re of tiOnntnnmo bay, nnd has been ticular, as to ba able to more tho number that It Cubans for tho war with the United communication with tho provinces. shielded observation In ported third attack on Santiago do maintained thore slnco last Friday. Tho ively shell Santiago do Cuba. Sampson harbor from States and threatening revenge. Tho province of Cavlte has completely ontrnuec, Cuba. who glorified yosterday battered the forts again. Krat pnrt by the hill nt the marines have thus them- Women aro unable to go out, nor rebelled, and tha towns nnd villages of war, Can. Cornw, de wero 800 In wero Tho llelua Mercedes, sank In Mon had been obtained through Ctibnn The minister selves number. They evon can they stand nt thetr windows nro occupied by numerous bands, hiicIi Manila Is obliged In day's engagement, had Marin Chief, her Fj"rre supplemented by glimpses clared that the situation at to fight for their lives, and without being Insulted. A Spanish column holds the Zapoto former captain, and thirty-si- x other m rotild h obtained by naval ollleers bettor than was supposed. Ho said the eourro of tho fight to burn down tho Starvation Increases dally, nnd It Is line, to prevent thn enemy from Invad- men Many Spaniards were ftom the outside entrance. Now, how- - Citpt. Gen. Augustl had eoncentrntod town cltoson aa tbo site for debarka- Impossible to go to n restaurant for killed. ing tho provtneo of Manila, but tho foo killed on Tho llelua Mercedes (Tfr. according to l.ieut. Mine, the ship 10,000 men for tho defense of tho rlty tion. n meal, ns ono Is bosleged by beggars. shore. has entered througn llulaoan and Mo- was In reality a floating battery. Her Imu been actually won by an American nnd his battery of artillery are asserted bay. A llttlo Spanish gunboat oarae to nnd often eatables aro snatched from ron, ho that Manila will thus bo at- offl. er. counted and luspoeted from surh to comprise 109 long-rang- e guns. help the shore batterlM, but only stay tho tnblo. boilers wero worthies, and port of her tacked by land and sea. points of vantage ns ware afforded by It was officially announced yesterday ed long enough to turn around. Numer den. Arons has been very busy far battery transferred to Mnrro Castle. She I nm striving to raise, the courage of tii high hills surrounding the harbor thut Seuor du How. tho former Spanish ous shots wore fired by ths Spanish, the past two weeks fortifying the town wan sunk at her moorings. tho inhabitants, nnd will exhaust overy OlIMals horc nro full of praise for charge d'nffulrw nt Washington, and but no harm was dono. of Rcgla and placing smnll flold piece Calmora, forty mllos east of Santiago, means of resistance, hut I distrust tho Illue's ahclevomont. Lieut,. Carrnuxa, tho former Spanish Tho Orogon, MarblcliNul nnd Vixen on the surrounding hills. Property Is had a battlo yesterday. Five American nntlvejt and the volunteers, becauso lut. x- Lieut. Hluo landed on Saturday and naval attache at Washington, have been arrived, and tho former landed forty sold nt almost any price, and large - warships wont thoro to out cables and thoro have already been many deser- proceeded with guldoa to tho hills over invited" to lenve Canada, owing to ths mariner. Tho troop ship Pnnthor changes nrn made dnlly. the forts fired on them. Tho flro ship tions, rtneoor and Imtis have already, looking the harbor and tho olty. He Cnundlan uuthorltlos having IntorcepU brought 000 moro nnd theso also landed Tho municipal fire companies have replied, throwing shells several hours. baon solzcd by tho enemy. been well armed, and nro to ns (leu. bo- - distinctly saw and definitely located ed ii letter which Lieut Carrunza ad- - Twenty disembarked from the Marble not A large body of Spanish troops wero Thn Insurrection has reached great Ulanco's body guard. Is an accepted - I count fo'ir Spanish armored cruisers nnd two dressed to the minister of marine, glv hoad. It hind tho fortifications, and they sub- proportions, and It can not fact that lltrvana will be burned to the upon support country, tho torpedo boat destroyers. Ing nn aeoount of tho American forll-- Previous to this tho Marblehead, bornly resisted, but wero forced to re tho of tho ground before surrendering, lllunco my disposal will not auffico The results ho reported Monday to Ad tloutloiu." Vixen nnd Dolphin opened fire on tho trfeat at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, Tho at contlntioN to mnkn plows to the insur to hold the ground against two ene- on of the flag-- earthworks. town suffer ml some damage. Two cables mlrnl Sampson the deck gont forces to Join their mother couu mies. - tinning Lieut Hall, a natlvo Texan, was tho wcra cut. ship new York. Ho trnvolcd soventy- I.ltllo Una, try In war ngalnst the common en 10. first to land, and bo and his men start two miles, brought a paper Issued Inst Now York, Juno Tho Ilrltlsh emy, America. Charaail With MunUr. cd up the steep, rocky to Yt.a.U C'linrtnrml, Hatt'rday In Santiago In which com steamer Tyrlan, which sailed from San lilllsldo the 9. 9. Fort rtcott, Kns., Juno Kinder If. earthworks. In an hour's tlmo they . Washington, June Assistant Scre plaint Is made that tho army and navy Juan do Porto lllco June 0, arrived yes mist rim.-t- ilii'go, a full-bloo- d Semlnoln Indian, Is swung out to tho breeze an tary Molklejohn of tho war department are fulling to distribute to tho citizens terday. Captain Angrovo reports the American City of Moxlco, Juno 13 Several lives now In States flag. announced with considerable satisfac- a prisoner thn Unltod Jail their proportion of ho provisos re wero lost In n flood iiourcd down at Miami, charged with the murder of Spanish torpedo boat destroyer Terror duatanamo Is forty miles east of that tion yesterday tlita tho project of send- malnlng In the city . Mrs. Laird, whoso death two young was In the port when no sailed, with Santiago, ana is a lino location for a from the mountains on tho southwest ing an adequato number of transports for Lieut. Illue's report has definitely ox men, Sampson and McOeelsoy, wcra stonm up and stored with coal, water base of supplies. valley of Moxlco yesterday evening. An for troops to the Philippines appeared posed the fiction that any of Corvera'a burned to doath by a mob near Newark, nnd provisions. On arrival at San Juan, The ahoro wns lined with rifle pits, Imenss waterspout wns seen hovering to have been solved. Ho mado this cruisers were In thn Uahnmas or In u January. the Terror's boilers wero loaklng. The but aftor a fow shots from tho ships statement after having charterod six I. T. last posiHon to attack the transports, which over tho bills near tbo voleano of AJus The government has nil ntong main repairs were mado nnd soma tubes fit tho Spanish soldlors fled. ships In addition to thoao heretofore are not confidently oxpected nt un early co, and when It burst It swept through tha two Indiana burned ted In the boilers. Captain Angrovo Lieut. Nowt H. Hall is a native of named and taken the preliminary ateps tained that date tho mountain village of Santa Lucln, were innocent says that very llttlo damago was caused Texas. His homo is at Cleburne, Mid for obtaining flvo moro under certan Victor Hlue has been lone known In doing much damage and filling all the Tho prisoner waa captured In tha by tho bombardment of Admiral Samp- his father is Judgo J. M. Hall of tho conditions. If tho latter aro secured tho tho navy ns on ontorprlelng and daring ravnles and water courses, sweeping Chickasaw nation after an exciting son's ileet May 13. Tho forts wore not eighteenth Judicial district of Texas, war department will have at its dis- voting officer, but It required n good on down Into the suburban town of Mix choao of twenty-on- o days, Tho clew Injured. One church had n holo In Ho gradunted rrom tho naval ncadomy posal altogether eighteen ships for the eal of sustained courogo for him to go Annapollst in June, 1897, was oac, flooding all thn lower part of that led to his capturo nnd on which his each end, where n largo sholl passed at and Philippines' expedition, enough to ac- that niho) In it hostile country and alone commissioned it second lieutenant in pretty vlllago and several supposed guilt Is based, was ascertained through. Tho captain said ho visited commodate in round numbers as many und make this reconnaissance. He was the marino corps. mou, women and children. A brave po- from a letter which ho had written to nil tho forts to see tho result of tho as. thousand men should they be put to that In the eye of military law nothing mora Llout. Huntington nnd his marines, liceman saw tho Hood coming and rain bis sister, now attending school at Em- imult, but observed nothing unusual. use exclusively. As some of thera, how- nor less than u spy nnd had ho been who landed Friday and encamped on at the top of his spcd, warning the In- ma Hookney mU!on in tho Sumlnola At the gatowuy of one of tho forts ever, will carry cavalry and soma artil- cupt'trcd by tho Spaniards ho would tho hill, wero attacked Saturday after habitants nnd all ho came across, nnd nation, stands nn uuoxplodd American shell number of men tho ships hava been tried by drumhead court noon at 2 o'clock. Tho fight lasted un rescuing women and children floating lery the actual Tho sister bolug n friend of tho au which Is kept ns a souvenir. Thoro wers may bo somewhat and martial and executed. til Sunday morning at 0 o'clock, when In tho turbulent waters, which wero fill will take reduced thorities at the mission Informed them In tho port Alphonno and four old-styl- o some of vessols In all probabll Threo shots were sent from Mtirro reinforcements landed from Uie Mar ed with debris and timbers from the with tho of tho letter's contont and her broth gunboats. voyngo bofore upon naval pickets at tho harbor's en blohead. Four Americana wero klllod wrecked railway bridge. Ha badly In ity will make a second er's whereabouts. As a result trnnco. The Iowa throw her soarch Their loss Is unknown. Jurcd hlmsqlf and was a most mlrucu tholr charters aro canceled. Nearly 100 men uro undor Indictment Ten Co iii i nf I'm nr. ves light and the firing stopped. Tho Iowa Tho main attack was at midnight lously saved man. Flnanco Minister of the acquisition of the additional for participation In tho burning of th London, Juno 15. Sir Charles Tup Spaniards strong charge, n fitting remained within two tulles of tho bar Tho made a LlmantcAir, who has a country residence els oxtraordnary activity them two men In January, per, tho Canadian statesman, who has a desperate wero r will - bor until daylight. but nftor battle In Mlxconc, generously headed a sub out for tho work Intended Just arrived hero from Canada, Is quut pulsed. lost In Tho second attack by tho Spanish scrlptlon for tho heroic man. be started and no tlmo Mailrnn Mnttarf, In 151 ed nn Interview ns discussing longtlu lite Marblohoad's launch boat fired Indications of seml-actlvl- ty aro noted preparing for tho third and later ex City of Mexico, Juno 9, Munfo near Quantanmo ended at daybreak Colt's machlno gun with deadly of' lly tho relations between Canada und her in volcanoes Popocatupctl nnd Orizaba pedlllons for tho reinforcement of Ad (Liberal) ridicule tho proposition of Monday. Fifteen dead Spaniards wero feet. Tho United Stntcn. Ho said. as frequently happens at times of sols mlral Dewey. tho Liberal paper, Kl Tlempo, to build a found. The Spanish sont 3000 men by The estimates of tho attacking forco "Canada sympathizes very warmly mlo activity In this portion of tho coun The following are the names of tbo navy for Mexico. It say tho country train from the city of (luantanamo to vary from 200 to 1000. with tho upproachmont between Great vsssels fust chartered: no nocd for a navy becauso It Is not attack, but tho Spanish wero umtblo The adjacent country is a thicket has Ilrltuln and the United States, lias Tin Indiana, now at Seattle, capacity with colonics and docs not In to reach the earthworks. Tho Marble it and tho Spaniards fired at Intervals a nation always been our deslro to have tho 1000 men; the Morgan City, now nt with nations head shcllod tho woods, but could not nioat throughout tho night until dawn Want Oraalar Navy, tend making alliance friendly commercial rotations with 13. dan Francisco, capacity 1000 men, and A squadron of tho lorato tho Spanish line with accuracy, the wbon they disappeared. Loudon, June Ilcnr Admiral which have them. republic, but hitherto the United States Issued an tho City of Para, which wilt carry ap would bo no uso In case of an She his since been reinforced by the Lieut. Col. Huntington and Major Lord Charles Ueresford has fifth order any proximately 1500 mon. 121 con- Dolohln. hui not shown disposition to rHp Cochrano gave high praise to tho appeal to tho press for nn luereoso of European nlvaslon, and Mundo Victoria, which Is at Tacoraa Two Americans were klllod Sunday rocatc. The McKlnler and Dlnglcy bills steadiness ofllcera tho navy. Ho says: Tha cludes by saying Moxlco would have nerve and of the and Olympla, which will bo at night nnd tour wounded, nnd tho alien labor laws presented con mon, especially tho young ones, aa tbo "Tho war between tho United Stntes Wash.; tho only such a navy as It Is strictly neces Spain 19th Instant, and tho clusive evldenro of this point. I be engagement was a baptism of flro for and has taught us useful lettsons. Tacoraa on tho sary for Its roqulrementa In times of wit bo at tho same placo Trnnrrrl to Armmir. Hove, however, that the present Is a n large majority. Tho men wero In It has taught us tho nbsoluto necessity Arizona, wheh peace. IB. thorough of July. Chicago. III.. June Arrange most propitious time for the settlement In a strange land, but of compltte and organization on tha 10th Much intorest Is folt along tho west darkness and vessels belong to ments wero completed yosterduy of all questions and, In tho changed they stood to posts with courage previous to war, Instead of trusting to Theso latter three coast In the projected ship canal, which their Pacific Stoarashlp com wharebv tho load of cash wheat temper of the American people, I think and fortitude, and thcro was no aytnp chance. It has taught us tho value of tho Northern will extend through tho coast country, grain proper supply In depends on the iirnueht "the Inciter deal" to thoy can be approached with a fair pros torn of , Tho marines, though a of cruisers and tho pany, and their charter availing iUeJt of many sounds and la nractlcally effectiveness guns against to by congress oi nn termination is transferred pout of a Just tcttlement." much exhausted, were eager for moro of obsolete ranilnir them goons between Tohuantepea and Guate- St Co, plan was formed tho rango and accuracy of modern American register. Assistant Secro to Armour Tho lighting, promising to inflict heavy mala. The canal must bo completed In which have loaned money to weapons. tary Molklejohn made an original by banks l'nlnl Illowap. punishment. ten yoar nnd at least soventy-flv- o kilo an his cram. Armour & Co "No other nation has a ship on tho nroDosltlon for theeo shlpa over a week i.nlinr Ironton, 0 Juno IB. Tho Iron rail They complimented tbo daring of roust be ready la four years. muzzio-load-in- g out somo meters will take up tho deal whore Loltor way engine, John Campbell, blow effective list armed with ago, but tho company held for up tho Spaniards will characteristic camp gov- Earthquakes are reported from vari- It. by acting as agents fot guns, whereas ISngland na.i fort-flv- o. ulghter figure than tho dronned and yesterday on tho Incline above tbo city profanity. tlmo for qui sharp, carry Loltor's Any thai sent men lo fight lo give thorn. The ous points, In somo cases to tho pool of banka out Knglnoer Itoburt Hover was killed, but nation ernment proposed property merchandising grain. water pro- enUrely satis- - but no loss of life or damage to nlans for his Ar the body has not yet been found. Con What flat Dona, on blue or rollod for harbor term of the charter aro not assume tho ownership tection on such weapons would cer- dopartmont. la reported. mour docs doctor Chas. Hoyors' head was cut and Washington, June 13. Secretary At factory to tho grain In any senso, but will Dimply tainly got short department ho also tho prlvl of seriously Injured. Fireman Andy Folt ger Saturday gave out for publication shrift" The place tho machinery of hla business at nr (skint? tho Tacoma and the Co Is torrlbly scalded and will dlo. Drake-ma- n a statomont showing what has been tho disposal of tho banks, and It is be- fr.rnatton. Takon. ia of tho Northern Pacific Una If South McAlesler, I. T., Juna I. Tho Charles Tullga Is cut done by the war department up to this lumbla claims will be liquidated, and bruised Jackson, Miss., Juno 13. Tho Indian Territory grand encampment of lieved all seriously. moment In preparing tbo United States statt they aro needed. after which an equity will bo ostab- - Tho front of tho bollor was board of health has been advised that tb Orand Army of tho Itepubllo ad- blown up over tho river bank nnd army for war. The secretary said that In In 1891 1 shed botwoen Loiter nnd Armour there aro two new caaos of yollow llarf and Craw T.ol, journed hero, to meet Vlnlta through a barn, this matter of course omitted thou trans- Tho Imuortnnro of tho deal has naronly missing fever at Mollenry within tbo past 8. Juno 9. A water Considerable routtno work wo sands of details, but atlll it might con Charleston. C, considerably, owing to the dwelling. The engine was blown twenty-fou- r hours. Nu deaths have craw of flvo men, acted. Swindled vey laden barge and hor Lelter's cash holdings nro utums. The cause of the accident to the Aine.'toan people soma tdea yet been reported to tho board. ware The following grand ofllcorfl vera fact that accomplished by In tow of tho steamer Uonlda, now utated to have been only a trldo unknown. Ail the men are residents of the vast work the The town of McIInory Is quarantined Saturday night between Norfolk elected: Commander, David Rcdfleld of department up In loat over 7.000.000 bushels. This amount of Ironton, to this time assem In the most rigid manner. A gentle- The Leonldaa and her Ardmoro; senior vlco commander, Wil- bllng and equipping mighty army and Charleston. trill be easy to handle. Foreigners bid tho man with his wlfo attempted to leave cbargo wero on route from Norfolk to liam Witt of South McAlcster; Junior freely for wheat yesterday, and Mr from Hampton, which Is now ready to carry out tho will the placo Saturday night Dr. Haral- West to supply uie army snu vice commander, Ixjo Marshall of Dig country kv con- Armour expressed tho belief that a Washington, June 16. The navy de of tha In driving Spain from son, tho Btato health officer in charge, navy. The news of tho Iocs of tho Cabin; delegalo to the national Qrimth Mc- nn.l MmmVnt wmilft tin fntmtt tnr nil partment yesterday posted the follow hor last foothold in tho wostern hemls immediately disinfected himself, tari and her craw was brought to port vention, Dr. A. of South the grain plazed In his hands. Ing bulletin: phere. changed his clothing and went in pur- tho pilot boat U. H. Cow-a- n, Alesler; advocate, R. H. Earnest of yesterday by MeAlaster; medloal director, Dr. T tmlritnira In Tnlv nml Run Mole St. Nicholas, IS. Lieut Tho figures run Into vast amounts, suit and bought the refugees back. balled oft tha Jottlea by South June which was A. Orlfflth of South McAloster; chap- tember futures have, It Is understood, nine has Just returned a detour for instance, tha subsistence deparmcnt There are no signs whatever of a panic and given dispatches to nno after the Leonldaa lain, Rev. Hick of Kreba; council of bean uquiaaicu. this amounted 70 showing that It has since May 14, or in and the greatest confidence Is expreoa-e- d Dl 01 DOai was Mi- to considerably over 10,000,000 bushols of statute mites of observation of fc. unt north. The administration, J. D. Warren of upon mo the harbor of Santiago. He reports less than a month, loaded twelvo solid In tho ability of the state board to Ivan tmt little Information of tho dls ami, It. T. Kstts of Muscogee, T, II, ana was tnrown mantci aiou V. M. Savage or ana the Spanish fleet alt there. The Span miles of frolgbt cars with provisions for confine the fever to Mollenry. aster, the full details for tha telegraph Wigand of Call and day iuesaay. HarUhorne. Ish attacked vigorously the camp Undo Sam's army. This included 19, being sealed, at Strang Accident, Captur.d Two Taw as. (luantanamo. Outposts of four marines 133,943 rations for tho regular and vol Taloga, Ok., June 13.- -J. 1C. Webb, fremotar trails, '. London. Juno IS. A Shanghai corre wero killed and their bodies mutilated untoer troops, Theso weighed 01,360, rorc.d to rt; 'apondent, forwarding advlee he has living west of here, lost a dozen bead of Juna 9. Kven before London, June 9. Receiving ordtr for barbarlously. Surgeon Qlblu was 9S3 pounds. Cape Haltlen. against received from Manila up to Juno cattle in a peculiar manner. They were cables in Ouantanaroo bay had bankruptcy has been Issued killed. SAMPSON. tha Hooley, prominent as the 4 ear that on Juno 5 the insurgents Tho Santa Fo depot at Davis, I. T. standing with their heads between the Iniurod. so that they oould not be Iirnost Terah conn, forced tho pass of Zapote river and Two Spanish steamers lying W04 burglarized Saturday and' 121 wlrw of a fenco when a bolt of light- worked, tha oporatora at tho Calmanera biggest company promoter in this at Llv In bloyole, land and oth- captured Tinas and Karana. erpool taken. ning pased along ono wire, Killing them. wero forced to flea uy mo nro try, interested have sailed for 8L Johns, N. U atatlon er concerns. of tha American warahipa. Wlut Tuninr Hurl. front Madrid. Attiuipl to Hob Train. Detroit lira. 13, A Kpy. Dtpaw Iatirlwd, Berlin. June 16. Advleea received Washington, 15. Nows New Orleans, La., June des D.trolt, Mloh., Juna 13. Flra Satur- AILfiul June has K, Paris, June 9. Chnuncoy M. pepew, from Shanghai say news has been ro boon received from various points perato attempt was made by a band of day destroyed the Cass power building Atlanta. On.. Juno 9. Oeorgo that bo a In an Intervlow published In the Matin, Manila to tho effcot (lermnny Is making a monaclng eleven robbora to wreck the Queen on Cougrsat street west with all Its Kdunrd Vanderbllt, supposed to eclvod there from - Is quoted as saying that "America" en- - contents, and Imminently threatened apy and giving his address as 361 Four- that thera Is flahtln- overr nlaht at Manila. At Herlln it is the boliet and Crescent Cincinnati llmltod pas thusiasm over liugland's friendly at- tlermauy'a and In some oases damaged some of the teiiiith street F.aat Hiuo. jmow xoric around tho town. Tho insurgents, It that entire oast Asiatic son ger train Sunday evening at titude Is merely alrcumitnntlal." squadron is being finest business structure In this olty. was brought to Fort McPherson last seems, are trying to capture Manila concentrated there. o'clock at Ilast Pearl river bend, tblr "America," Mr. Depew Is further re- damago wilt be night under guard. He wns arrested and establish nn Independent govern The Gorman warships now there are ty miles out of this city. Tho bandits Tho total upwards of ported to say. "will never conclude an the Kaiser, Knlserin Augusta, Irona piled heavy crositles over railings $200,000. It is not believed that the at Tampa Mondny ns a suspicious nient before tho Americans laud. the glvo affective alliance with Hngland. Amer- two-thlrt- ls and being unable to a consul at Manila, It la and Cum urn ii, with u total of 1006 men And staked them down. Tbo suction will exceed of tha character, Hngland, The tlermati account of his movement was ican hearts are not with but Oai-mau- s The commander are to hava loss. clear g further reported, has 300 and said foreman made tha discovery a few with Fratx. Roth republic, poasess-in- startling orders as to what to do Six worti severely tent to the military prison at Atlanta Swiss on board a refugee steamer in minutes before thi limited was due flrmn burned and n the sam democratic aspirations, snouiu tue Americans bombard Ma by glass, vnndarhiit's imards state that tho harbor. ux. and removed tbu obstruction. cut Tampa up lo the time they ran twer fall to maintain tb trnoni had left most eordltil millions." of their departure on Tuesday aornlng ' ITV OI)M sleeves ml nwk after tho fathlon face, ana have ft pasted label showing THftBB HrtnOINHB. 'PHW -- DAlItY POULTRY. alKltiMMMlf iAiN LUJliMMl. 8f ma rollnr. and cuffs. Am the exact analysis ot tho oleomargarine itflfltt turnow IpUndlit (Jnndact of KnglUh Was VL "Wll VtfWI ilUli I These, it must be remombored, aro therein contained. Tho above require QUBBn TIIINQS worn exclusively by widow, and th iNTcnnsTiN'3 oMAPTRna ron ment, aaya Mr. Tucker, mutt be com- rraltrd by Unman Noelcty, and aumous A report ot the Iloyal Hu- MIM.l.ANK. Mdliher. AND EVENTS. throe cornered cap I nindo to match. oun nuADcns. piled with, aa the law Is strictly en- recent iu'ral In- acquaint- I,; mane toelety Is moro than usually l:iJ)Y, N M. Of cotirao, the ft Hula and forced. Shipments havo been received ance at the bereaved should leave which tho exportora dcolarcd wcro puro teresting. If evidence Is wanted ot the m Name How gurrrttfnt Farmer Oprrnte ThU tilting atiiMRHilill Party QHtrr card at the door vtlth their condol but whleh wcro rejeoted on account ot strength nnd courage and hardihood Mourning Ilrpartinrnt of Hi I'ariii A Ym Tloso Krnpp rutin tent a "kitchen ttntlont Alimit lltlijiirlte ence written upon them, hut only tho yollowlsh color. Tho consul also of Hngllsh young women, here It Is Allii-iiMi- i Vara furniture" (rem Germany to the Iptin-lir- dt About .Malitrni HtilnUncM thoeo connected by ilea of blood or Ih Hint at lo tli of Mt Stock emphasizes tho fact that tho Invoices with n vengeance, old folks would ndd, will probably next bo heard at ta III Human Sotr. most Ultimate friend hould ever auk and 1'oultry, ahould glvo tho composition ot the rays the Philadelphia Time. The sli- In 1'nel Barn's kitchen or In MW to co tlitHio In grief. They aro at goods, and that tho word margarine ver modal la granted to Mlts Fullorton Junk hop. home, anil many women, restrain)) by I'niillry Kate. or oleomargarine, should bo used In of Dudhope Terrace. Dundee: of such A Voire (rum n every detail Is worth note. the Writ. their tortiplca of mi Hi and honesty, nro Toullry raising all bill, rrcolpts, etc., connected with heroine hnt at last begun to MIm Fullorton wn strolling on the While the captain general at Manila London HtaMnffl. Mareh K: "The forced to aeo li:oughtle caller, be recognized by farmers as being a too importation of tho article no Ma Am Mr n mind ho lately grown familiar I Forfarshire coast, apparently, when It encouraging the ntithnrltla at when It far from nlonam, It not prominent feature of agriculture. Tho quotes tho following provisions ot tho or with the Idea of 'joiween margar- sho observed a manufacturer In grrnt drld with f An report the submis- Rngland and the Untied Hverr nlmtilutely painful. Increasing domnnd for nil products ot law: "in tho retail trade, tho por- Rial. dlstros nut at sea. We are not told sion ot Insurgent chief In nmo day bring I reek Tkltnc ( ike mm- - All enrda of Inquiry are rccognltcd tho poultry farm, even In the bad ine or oleomargarine mutt be delivered -- whether she threw off tiny of her tion of the Philippine, he discount thy rit ror rtnland in thl country.' by n return card, black hordorod, and times, has demonstrated that tho hen In tho form of n cubo nnd with a stamp thera by report of outbreak In TfrMi (pom New Tofk. should ho sent within dnya on ono margarlno clothes, hut slnco the man was seized frh I. ion ator Is mighty as n commercial factor. Tho of Ita face, cither portion ami In Caroline Is- of of Inquiry. with cramp nnd wan drowning. It is other the Wliil l lb voice I boar the reception the card cttabllshmcnta that nro manufacturing or oleomargarine, and wrapped in an en- - ta he supposed thnt she did not. Tho land. an ih wiml of '.no Welrn aVo? Letter of condolence have almost Incubators ore finding their trado ever onvelopo bearing In conspicuous anu entlnel! I laten .row distance was 300 yards and tho rra out Pai Cleor. tlrol) given way to personal cards, and expanding. Tho demand for early Indelible character tho tamo designa- Now preetou memory of n writ- And or wbt the Vote may be. nn-sw- "heavy." but Mlts Fullorton swam out the " those In jrlof nro not expected to chicks among nnd rctnu-rant- s tion, ns welt as tho natno and address 'Tl a ptfiurt free t'eofrie railing loud the hotel and "exhorting the manufacturer to er of uplifting hymna! The late Iter. lo a I'tople Irtoud and Httrh tcttor. except by tho roturn Is Increasing fast, for tho very of tho dealer." fr," re- rctcrvo his pretenco of mind" alto Henry Francis l.yto. author of "AMde II. of pnetobnnrd. Hugltih rimtoin reo ton our cities aro Increasing It tho provisions ot this law aro en sung ' And II ay that '"holding him up" ho co. oyeA 'ilm with Mo." anil other hymna the lo thein. 'Klnaman. hftilt quires a special blok bordered card for fait In population. forced, tho people ot Martinique enjoy world over, ban been itoail half a cen- W eevered hat hn too km it; this iiurparo, ongrtivotl Himowhat ns a protection tafoly until n boat picked them up mid- Mow u hav don with a worn-o- ut ngalnit fraudulent Imita tury. Ilrlxham church, Devon, where follow: "Mrs. Illank wlnhoa to thank It Is believed that mnny chicks In tion ot butter that the United Stale way. This I somthlng llko n "rec- ho ministerial for mnny year, la now Th tale of an ancient wrong. you far your kln6nn In mnklng Incubator die by reaiau of bad air In government falls to guarantee to Ita ord." Our father would not hnvo be- And our a possible n girl swim In the eon run of rebuilding. With gift friendship lam long lav nbout hor." Tho name, of the CRh chambers. It Is neceaenry that Kvcry wcok thousands of lieved it for to doth and I cltlron. mid wonla of tympathy for object, lal. mronatr ihan I be filled In. The envel- frequently a quarter of n mtlo In her clothes the I Strong.'" Itn ciiureo, to this air bo pure nnd bo pounds ot oleomargarine colored In Im come loving ami grateful oxprsatfnn ope mod should bo black bordered and changed, or, what Is better, mndo to itation of nro exposed and sold through n heavy son, but thl brave III. butter young actually supported which testify ta the terrlee the pot Answer them, gon of the mlf-oa- race, fit the card. circulate through the Incubator. It la In Chicago under tho label, "lilgln nthleto a yet fulfils. Sueh a ministry has an And blood or ih aelf-aain- e rian, While crepe la worn formal visits tnld thnt tho embryonic chick Is oxy- creamery buttor." manufacturer who inn to as u upnk with f et'h other, face lo Immortality of lie own. It aro never jialil, Invitations never ac- genated; that ha n supply of oxy- a rule In tho agony of cramp. Mlts far. l, plunged And anawer a man man, cepted. A woman can not glvo evidence gen furnished, through pore In tho Joan Harris ot Ilclfatt also lo Dill' Note. undrestlng Thin la the aonaon when even tho And loyally love and irini each other, of worno Ineto than by wearing a long tholl and from tho nlr outitdo of tho No manufacturer ot commercial Into tho sen without and aa none clrcum-atance- a war repreo but fc men an. crape vol! to a plnoo of nmusemont, coll; there I a constant ex- rescued a grown girl; further alarm of rannot the IV. that goods con hopo long to succeed It tho I change arc not given, but swimmers nf the disciple of gonial Mow, fling i out to while crape on tho dancing tloor going on of from the mnchlnory uicd In butlncs Is ot hem tho broaao, ce- his know thnt It wn a feat, anyhow. Mil Izaak Walton lly apeclal rourler from HIiHinrtirh. ThlPtle and lloee! nn abomination loo Rrent to bo consid- cubators aro placed In dump, closo low capacity. Ho must havo machines And I of Ixiulsa Ilrlght ot Heading, too did not the rnmp of Oroter Cleveland wo learn Ih Riai Riianalnl Manner unfurl ered. llar, where there no circulation that wilt turn out as a with thi-w- . work fait his In that Uie enemy In beginning to areopt Whon crnpo I tnld nsldo hlsck-lior- - air, and If tho egg boxes arc alro closed wnito time preparations when she A meeeagc competitor. Tho tamo In tho caio with Ken-ne- to friend and foee, cgreae In- saw a schoolboy drowning In tho t. proffered bait with avidity and that a tho eeon, dcrcd paper gooa with It. Till paper ro thnt there can bo no and the dairyman. A cow moro Vhrvr ail of I'eaeo are Is or less I War-vl- uy gress ot the It not many year alnco swim- general engagement with terrlflr and whrrvr Ih Mown. has regular nuntbers; Hint used of oven the Impure nlr of a machine Tho raon that have tho V. wo cxptct as to re- ming wn regarded a a dubious tort ilaughtor may be expected within a dntlghtora nnd slaters la known to the cellar, whnt can best cows will conllnuo to make money A meaaage to bond end thrall lo wake, of of accomplishment for women. few days. only aa Nn. 1, by n mother that mits tho hatch? ! The lerlou hlndrntiee Tor whrvr we pom, w twain. xtntlonem and the ones that havo tho poor cow to 'Corporal'' Cleveland' movement The of Tyrant known a No. n, while n widow mo ihroor thall rock ami Without many chick that nro will continue to loio It. There Is no on tho enemy' fort Meet Ion I tho quaKe, No. . All Jewelry Is out of taste In doubt NO TASK POR A MERE MAN. and ot tho egg. If In- telonce thnt makes It postlblo for a temporary absence nf Ida aid do oamp, And hla menace b void and vain: mourning. air carbon from dairyman Kor you aro lord of a atrong young land, born wcnkly aro o born on account to make money with poor llngaglnR n Servant and Hiring a Man Captain Hobley Kvnna, who ha ob- and w aro lord of the taiilit. of certain condition mrroundlug tho cows. Two Dlffcrrnt Kiptrlaucra, tained it furlough to whip Spain beforo VI. Alhrnlitii MmIiIvim. hatching period. Without doubt the Cows with sores on their tcatn or Any mnn who has cvor done busi- he again return to aetlvo duty. Ve. thl I th Volee on th bluff Mnreh Intelligence Hale: Woman of today nro apt to forget trouble Is with lack of vitality In the udder should never bo allowed to con ness nt an oiltoo will fret "We evretl have been toe tang: thut their slttora of nnclout tlmos wero egg, nut It mny bo a often duo en- tribute milk for uto by humans. It la a thrill of sympathy for me, n a re- I Austria, atde from Ita ruler. not Hut now we have dono with a worn-ou- t Important factors In tho world of sci- tirely to want of forethought on tho better to dry tlxim up or to dlipoto ot cent victim of that Institution, say nearly o Spanish In Ita nmypathlt) aa tal. ence, centuries before "tho now wom- part of (ho person controlling tho thorn nltogether. It tnket honer.ty and lloston Traveler, My wlfo wu mildly liaa generally euppoted. The Th tal of an ancient wrong. been And our friendship an" was over dreamed of. Aa bark hatching operation. Many a chick Is principle to do thl. It Ii always a lamenting yesterday that fato had KeUung referring lat long a Iaivo fr Deutsche of Vienna, doth laat. itntl b mroHxer than na H00 II. C. Agondlco, n fair Athenian inhered Into life with poorly oxyge- groat temptatloa to allow such ani driven away the maid icrvnnt and that to thl subject rorently. aaya: "The liath I 8lronn." maiden, dlgulnd hersolf na n man nated blood, and feel and shows tho mals to cantlnuo ta contribute to tho she would hnvo to get another. I rash- groat Norvh American republic can-itltu- -- Alfred A net In. and attended tho mcdlonl school, whteh woaknes for long months. In many supply of milk. It tho cow Is to be ly said that I would do It for her. a warning for all Huropean It wn naturally ngnlut tho law for case tho egg ha becomo moared kept In milk tho milk should be at "There Is an Intelligence office near prince and gnvernmente who (iiting ii KiiitintBHiiiii ru r if. women to do. She aftorwnrd prac with greano or with broken egg that least thrown away during tho whole my office," I said. "I'll run In thero nt for absolutism. Werf It not Tho latest thing In social futiollona ticed among the womon of Athona with hermetically seal tho pores ot tho period of troublo with tho soro. Milk, noon and send a girl out early In tho for liie Amerlran union the cnuso nf Ii the inlimKUmll party, nnd It Is real- extraordinary Miccota. Hut when lie egg nnd provont tho tree operation of being a great medium ot contnglon, afternoon." I went Into the aforesaid rtvll liberty In Kurope In our day ly a very enjoyable affair. There should r.ecrot wn know, alio was proaecutcd the law, of nature. In the face ot such may carry some ot tho worst dlteaio Intelligence offlco a I returned from would be In a bod way." It would bo twenty-eigh- t or ihlny-tw- o peraon for tiiilyliiK nnd practicing modlclne obstacle tho chick come out of tho to tho liu uin n fnmlly. lunch nnd was nt onco absorbed by n probably atirprl mnt rulora of the preaent In ortler to preserve the "har-monle- Illegally. The Athenian womon, how ihelM and for n time aoem llko other Little by llttlo wo are awaking to roomful nf femnlo. ovory one of whom morn despotic eountrloc of Iturnpo to of the ocrailou. Small card ever, ralced aurh objection to her nnd htalthlor chloka. Hut uoncr or the faet that many ot tho dUenics gated at me suspiciously. I am n I know to what extent leutlmonta aiieh tables inuat bo arranged as In what Is proaecutlon that tho law waa reprnled. later their digestion break down and common to our cow nro also common bashful man, but I nerved myself nnd- - a. n aa the above prevail In their donilu-lou- known a "progrewlvo euchro." allow- As early hh 1402 women ohtnluod tho they fall over and die. Tho poultry-ma- to tho human family. hognu talking with a young worn in mnny Whether tho ing for four guttata at each table. These degree of doctor of medicine. In tho must. expect to have lomo cow got tho dlteaio from man or man who sat near tho door. "We havo - from and will not bu uble tablea aro arranged arcnrdtui; to the Moorish universities of Spain. Tor- uth munch, from the cow will novcr bo known. four In our family, myself, wlfo und J. n. Cravath makoa aomo tmeful old Jingle, In ten- - to avoid them by any moan. two children, cold water " Solomon Oniinly: (1) Horn tuln of lluggloro the eleventh Wo first found that amall-po- x was hot nnd to owner of clectrlo-llgh- t on Mmulny; (2) on tury ICurnpcnn rcputntlnn. "Pardon me," sho Interrupted. "I nm at whonl Tuoaday; Imd n nnd neccspary common to our cows under tho mild 5.000 Heat It absolutely for the I npulo-glzc- d plant In towna of S.000 to 13) In love on Wmluemlny): (I) nmr-rlw- l practiced lu Salerno. IDnrly In the cow-po- x. looking for a servant mytolf." dovclapmtnt aa well a tho hatching form of In our own, day wo Town of thl alzo ummlly on Thursday; (5) n father on Trl- - fourteenth century Dorothy Ilocchl not nnd she nlcl;orcd. I then tackled of the chick. Tho hen I a nicely ar havo found that consumption 'In hu have an alectrtc-llgh- t plant, n water day; (A) sick on Snturdny; (7) dlwl on only received tho degro of doctor, but an applicant for a Job. I did not ranged mnchlno Is automatically man is in cows wuai wo tutu tubercu work ayatom, n amall factory or two Sunday, and thua ends tho life of Solo wn prnfeeror of modlt'luo lu the fam- that "shed light," for she asked questions. rogulatcd. o far heat I concerned. losis. Slnco two diseases nro atoam mou Orundy. university Ilnlogun. Man-roIIi- iI is I replied a "Yes four In the and a dornn or more amall ous of Anna She glvra hor chlckn nlwnya tho same common to both, may it not bo that wo follow: twenty horao-nowe- r. i no oceup'ed family tot tubs hot and cold water planla of from one lo urn two rottpira arriving are and Maria delle Donne amount of hont. To lcavo chick whoro will nnd tho of iiuch disease con given Monday Theao may lis university In 1709. llt In every room thrco miles out ot Mr. Cravath maintain tluit card. cluilra lu tho same they will bo cold for hours nt a tlnio stantly expanding. Thcso facta should I by htind painting pan town my wlfo tako caro of tho chil thoro ordinarily no good rciuon why decorated or frequently result In donth. At a hIiow bo n warning to all having charge of sup- work, w'Mi either n haby'i hand dren who does tho chamber work? I the electric light company cannot or tome Siili(iiu'i In llm Nnip, last fall a certain Incubator company cattlo, to tiro tho greatest of precau- nf the Implement of "wash ilHy." There do. Confound It. Out out." Sho didn't ply power to thoeo vnrled lndutrloi gavo the writer n number of now-bor- n tions, both lo prevent dlseaue being nit nt Monday' play A kernel of corn or n pou or othor get out. but I did. My wlfo went In moro choaply ntid more atlfartnrlly four tnble and chicks to take home and rnlso by hand. transmitted from tho cattlo to tho hu Tuesday' lmvo smnll substance guta Into a child's iimo tho noxt day nnd hi rod a girl. than under the proaont aysiem of every "lickntraw." quartet Having no proper apparatus for regu- man fumlly, and also from cards decorated with aame dealgn and the problem Ih to remove It. Wo tho humnn man for In other worda, the to lating tho hont, It wn found lmpolblo family to tho cattlo. hlmlf. aiiRgeat either achoolboy "Ironing would suggest the following method Far this reason a AN INCH FROM DEATH. power Bonoratlon for the community a or to supply n stoady hent of tho degree person having consumption day." The game. known aa fish as effectual In accomplishing the object should not nboulil bo conaolidated under tho root "the required, and both cbtck succumbed bo allowed to havo tho chnrgo ot I particularly appropriate dcalred: Inject Into the free nnatrll or to Wo were sitting on tho veranda ot uloctrlc-llch- t plant, tho men Iiond" for In n abort time. Chicks raited under of th nnd ay te- work around cattlo. Tho consumptive far-of- Wed-neaday- 's with n rommoii Huge n stream of bungalow f employed the schoolboy or Tueaday table. the hen In the spring while tho weather our one evening lu uud boiler and engine there pid water. The aide of the nostril iplts on tho bam floor nnd tho spittle I, card are to be rmbelllshsd pro-tecto- d. Ilurmah, It. A. and enjoying our to earn money twenty-fou- r hour Is still cool should bo carefully mode with Ctuplils. heart and arrow, whlb should be cloned around the p'dnt of dries up, the animal It n fow cheroot. The waters of the u day Inatead of two or three. Wo lite game of "i heike" I the one for the syringe to prevent a rellux of the hour later. fear that this sldo bay lapped lazily nt the sands at our table. Thursday'a two water. I'se a moderate degree of force ot tho question I lot night of, whllo feet, for our house wan "bullded an tho govern- this carda have Kmir .tilth fur I'liullry, That aalarle and wage are clasped, or the nnd vine," and the atrcam will make a circuit wo guard agalutt human Infection of tho thoro. All tho world hands "oak To Tho Ilevlew; A recent sand" ed by the profit of bualnea ha boot while tho game nf "tlddlcdywlnka" through the posterior nasal cavity and Farmer' from tho cow. teemed at poace, only tho plunk! of political economy number of The Fanner' Review con h rommonplaca may bo used. . Friday, either a broom paa out of the opposite iiMtril, dis- plunk! ot the monotonous night bird but of lute an interpooliiK factor bai lodging the foreign aiibatnuco. A more tained an article on feeding sour milk "Ilrnutaleil" llullrr, to ugHOt sweeping day, or a rattle ta poultry na though It wan something In tho Jungle, nnd tho occasional weird been untiaually demonstrative In lb mid baby's sock are appropriate dec simple method I thl: The patient The I'onusylvnnla dopartmont of nolo of tho Jackal, signaling In tho r. new. was any rbarartnr and dlanooltlon of the take a "deep breath," thou cloaca his Tho question asked "If ngrlculturo ha ngrcod upon tho fol- orations. The name, "crnkluole." of Its rondors are feeding milk nnd distance to hla comrade, wero heard. There are Instance whore a mouth and the free umlrll and forces lowing decision rolatlvo to tho manu- como up Saturday n plate of cookie for "bak curds, and tho roults." A to lla ef Tho moon had from behind n kharlng of a itortion of the profits of Ing day" outlined on the cards. Tho his breath through tho obatructed not-trl- l. facture ami salo ot "renovated but- rooky Island Juit over In tho bay. and employee will- fect on fowl coulluod In yard nnd tor": builHOta hna made muro Sunday, a If the child Ih old ouough to do spread flood of golden-yollo- w light gam, "parch!." wrtnth house I cnunot nnwor, a I have upon a ing, rutsMlur and tiaoful. There have mny out tho com Hotter placed tho market that nllvor-toppo- d nf (lower upon ea h card. The game of It perfectly he blow never tried it. My fowls hnvo tho run over tho breakers, roll- been counter Inatanco where tho em- pen hna found a lodg- Is produced by taking original pack "authors." or or whalovor ot an olghty-ncr- o farm, It variety ing lu over a neighboring coral . kept work- with ing stock and othor and ployer' hardneao lias hla If an additional tablo I deelred thW ment In the nasal passage. moro butter melt It wan ao calm and hoautlful that It of Yood. For than a scoro of ing tho same, so (hat men Irritable and utibuppy. to hi may be the salmaguudl Tlia yoan they hnvo had tho butter oil teemed thnt nil that was wlckod and tabl. all tho "clabber" can bo drawn off, mixed - hs well as to thelra. Strike art card decorotlnu onion, llih, radlilus and curds I could give thorn, with only with skim- bad had gone out ot tho world, and y t aggra- IIUiii in k Well Nilplillnl with (llgara. not lufriuently hrcHiKht on or Ingredient nf milk and reclaimed, or If by any sim my el- or any of the thl dish nit-mar- bcnollclal rotult. Thoro Is nothing death lurked Just at friend's by arrogance of sym- Iondon Morning header: l'rlnro process 1 produced vated the or luck A noon a the gueais aro aeated at young turkey llko bettor or makoa ilar thoro what is bow, as ho puffod unconsciously at hla I rea-eo- u has been oxuberanlly auppllod pathy of employers, und there their respective tablea the gamo begins, thorn grow like It. Tho first two wcoks commonly known as "Ilollcd" or cheroot. to bellavn that n comparatively with cigars for tho next twelve months. I fsod young turkoya stale broad, "FrocoM" butter, the samo boforo bo fifteen minutes aro allowed for play lla-vm- soft of the 138 cigar factorloa In ia roeently cottly and bloody outbreak order cornea to change. Itach ened In sweet milk. Aftor that my lus offorod or oxposcd for sale, shall Wo been dlsouislng In leisure- lug. when the manufacture a special article, had a would not have taken place had not The oniplo which wins or I moat ad dour milk Is put on tho tovo until tho bo plainly labolcd "Itonovntcd Dutter." ly manner smoothing that had hap- rrprwen-tatlv- o which it calls a "lllimarck cigar." In the superintendent met the vanced In the gamo mnvea up one ta curd farms, when tho wlioy Is strained It sold In prints or rolls this label pened nt home. To prove somo point eighty ot theso factorloa the cigars nio 1 of the work'tiKnien with curoa bib. Those holding Mondny card go off and ennrso com men! stirred In thall bo plainly printed In contplcu- - my friend arose, and stretched himself alike lu shupo and alto, but In the other Inatead of ronrlllallon. Workmen are In Tuesday' table, but In oach fjimrtet and (cabled. When cold It Is fed to on letters on tho wrappors. It paoked lazily, sauntered Into hi bedroom to forty-olK- factorlee forty-eigh- t differ- loo frequently haty In action, and that couple most behind In the gnme re tho turkey three or four time a day. In tubs, tho brand shall bo printed In got a paper bearing on tho matter we de- - ent sort of lllimarck cigar are pro- reekloaa and unreasonable In tbulr lain It place. They will soon pick tho curds boforo ono Inch lottora on tho top nnd sldoa jin,i j,oon discussing. Usually lights duced. An admirer of the old atateti-ma- n inanda. Ordinarily, howevsr. If they They rliang tlma every nitean mm oatlng tho mesh. I have novcr seen of tho package. If exposed for tale. wero placed In alt the bedrooms, buv collected ten airimena of each any evil effect though placard nro mot In a aplrlt nf conciliation, the j uleg dro,M,K their game Just whera It from it. some uncovered, a containing the thl evening, for aame unacrountablo - variety made In Havana and forwarded very pa nisi ui pwii i,ui. r.rv,., i,,,wBg Rni uicKing up uie nox wise contributor to the farm inbel shall be attached to tho masi In probably moonlight- - lapuw .t,, t0 n, to on per say mill; ronton tho tho Imtista Itself. Iteaaon to aome extent gamo wuere tne two who iibvo them the derman sour should never bo toil a manuor making It prominent and servant had not performed his duties. jui birthday. April 1. miiiu-facture- r. then oeeka onntrol. At thl point can- It. Whenever tho his laat The ta any animal, not even to hogs. Won plain to the purchaser. my moved on have left when they underatood the I could hear friend fumbling about by employer will or- it ho over oata cottage cheoco? Levi Wolls. e, did aialwenta the hostess thinks best a bait Is railed and &r on ma drrstlng-lahl- and then tud-dtnl- y dinarily bo candidly reoetved. Uy destination of the i Igara. auppllod them aunt iiAititinrr. Dairy and Food Commissioner. the records taken. (Tho quory gavo a quick cry of horror and wage-earne- gratuitously, and In inim a e packed ntkod was not aa to fowl them the r may be made The couple who made th grat-- t rushed out to tho light. them In exielleni with SaUer- - Ing sour milk, but on tho feeding of Improvement In Uniformity. We to seo moro rUarly the condition that number of forward move receive box, riguutle wageo. and which, wisely or Ina lusTlntlons to the neiabl aoiiu curd, made hard for that purpose. mike no better butler, no bettor cheete. prliee. wblle the "partners" who have . "I have been struck by a snake." ho miiki-r- Tb object of the question was to II nd our grandmothers did, hut wo tiHwIiely hooded, make to their em- will receive some than done the moot sitting out If the constant feeding of such a make It moro understanding, and gasped, and hla fuee was deadly pale. ployers the difference between lo prises. la Quick! form ot "consolation" htosey food would not have sonio bonce more uniformly. When I had to "Where It? Show me!" and a reasonable profit tttat la as Justly Tnt fur I he fHrrlgHer. I harmful effect en the dlgeetleu ot the torub and clean tho dairy for I exclaimed, a whipped nut a knife. the ewnloyrr'a duo aa aro roaaonable : utentlls lithium of Mourning. Nashville America!) A recent writer fowle,-l- w. F. It.) three week beforo the dairymaid would Ho held out hi right arm. There to tho wage-earne- r. Of coune wara e I by lu China describe the profewlotwl was no mark on the hand, which I ex- work-iHgtna- n Rngllak Mourning, ootid.. advaneo mo to the position of water- the rordlal acojutoaeonc of the (ha-ae- ic of tea- - "He et hlmaeit to critically, to be In b AhU-C4h- ing cream vat I amined but on the cuff of de-IA- ii smart mantua maaot the ai The U Ahmad. the and churn. did this In tho aUttemonts wade collect from of fotelgners the shirt wero two tiny scratch-lik- e ta heavier than before, hut Is In connection with tho antl-ealo- r work thoroughly, beeauio 1 had to. whally on their bollitf In Ike taaie. or native, andthrviitfrom the reilturaut puncture, and two little globules ot and moral tntoxrlty of worn for a charier Urn. A widow oleomargarine law whleh has Just been Now. with the bacteriological light trntntuliMM crape, and tea aloons the Ion that hav by poison sinking Into the starched linen, Hard, gnwulng am hould wear her Henrietta c!t'i. pronounced unconstitutional. It Is In thrown on the s'tbjeet a sclentltt, it their oMnwyers. . . . I I HUnMli. MH , ... Iteen already used, gad lo dry them, and leaving a sickly, greenish yellow ' teraatlng to note that In the February I much easier to do thl, beeauio wo nioren are nlway. distrusted. They - cook tbem and mix thorn with Imiti mark. one year.""''After ' t7ZL. will as- of V. ; eoniMilar report, atton understand the reaton for this painful elmnly reap whnt they have sown. tut the genuine Isaf. This process lfuo "You've had n close call, man " ( k miUoM cipe w tloua of tlon of exporters In the United State baekaehlng cleanllne. While for old (p next add plrklngi, grant sigh of end of the aecond year put completed, he duit la antl-eal- year we have known the value ot good t exclaimed, with a relief The title of the king of Spain sug- - m4 at th factory, called to the oleoma rear color sh may drslro. and weeilng from the let tne law now In force ot curing rooms, whero the maker "and I think you need a pK to brace Boot a largo port of the hlatory at the whatever ma lu the Island ha wear rrap mourning" and ttiliM th whole with foreiin Martinique. In order to save ahlp complete control of the and up your nerves, but first let u settle world. He t king of Jerusalem.whlah A daughter aa It a healthy sur- wix terlsl. so lo lend per It Is only lately sci- the snake." I Turkleh. of Navarre, whleh Is for six month, all bla ka for mor., serious trouble, Consul Tucker moisture. that our face hue. Uetly he perfumes th lot following havo thrown a scientific tight on French, of (llbf altar, which Is and then. If she wlahes, puts on colore, (lower-t- draws attention to the points entist llrltlsh: with some sweet smelling he the subject H. Monrnd. We found him willed up on a small and of the and which The aame rule applle to a slater, while of the law: J. U(t Wt ludle. rbleranUiS, oIsn, aglaln and othori. and mirror whleh lay on the tnblt . and an relatlv or friend wear "cojh-an- d 1. Oleomargarine will ho aecoptod it aro largtly llrltlsh; Duke of llrabant a dhtUnt provide n cheap fragrant and question ugly looking customer he was, too, Jiltmentary wourHlng. alt black for thus It doc not contain moro than 10 por The of fat for show ani- Count or riander. now the two cup humble I again. raoilthe. polluted for the oanaumor cent of butter. 2. Oleomargarine must mals Is ono that receiving a good ready to strike Independent kingdom of Holland and.thrw Ho a very poisonous The stinly crimped net which at one abroad. be while or nearly Is, It must deal at attention nt this time. Some waa make, llelglum; end sovereign of numerou. sothat men aay show cattlo na Deboag WOfn "wk ml not contain a slnglo partlolo of foreign that should nl known the Hustelll. but othr Und leng date Independent or nl,l,lc Yfl!!g Waterloo Vrleran, bo Judged by on ray had finished with vrltlowe I no longer u . In (s coloring matter, such a saffron, etc. the fat them, a Is after friend him. under the undliputed away of other & ease. would been dlltleult any Mead fine lawn euffs and collars, millo M. Victor Unlllot, who died In Franco S, The cue mutt show on their four often th The others answer thai it have for powers. He besrs upon 1.1s person, recently, wm ald to be the plain only by the fat on tho animals can It naturalist to have placed him la bis Indeed, an tpttoma glory bv "K '"ns measuring list of the Idea Id letter the word "oleo of th oa "P. th( Waterloo veterans, lie entered the the cans must bear the bo khown that they have the tendency proper genut. the fall o( Spain. le the margvln;" I iBt;u Infaereut Uy cn tat and roller Is a lets, and fJ la Ftcmb in; ta ISU. word, etomnlod or printed on their ear U flttk, tap. ot sleeve. tA FOE AM) HOME. at the the Rows ane replied, with dignity! "but, as WOm lace Insrrlmn trim tho skirt and nro nothing could possibly make what you Appetites-Streng- set In around tho bodlro In bolero mil 'homo' more unhappy th form or tor me, and ATEMB OP INTEnESTFOH MAIDS straight lines. Plain white the coming of n stranger, who may organdies over de- AND MATRONS. made a color nro prove n friend, will be somo com- cidedly gowns little Without tho Flrat You Cannot Havo the fashion In small fort, I any, unhesitatingly, 'Yes.'" and the pretty yokos of Insertion and tho Last. gammer lire.) for Children VTell Made He looked nt hor halt sadly. Hood's Hamparllla gives fine lacks nro daintily made by band. you both. II (lermrnta That Mlmttllfjr ilia I'rolitem "Aro really unhappy really not gently tones the itomicli and gives diges- ( happy?" ho nsked. tive power, creates Helertlon Ulottie for I.lltla Mlr Iturat Wedding Noted, an sppctlte and invig- "It living where no friendly faco orates the system. Marie Aflftr Piiililona for Ulilar folk. Wedding. Wo had n fashionable Uymikliig the blood ever smiles on mo. whero no friendly rich and purs It strengthens wedding nt tho homo of ono of our THE DAUGHTER. the nerve voice evor reaches my car, whero no and give refreshing sleep. oldest families last Thursday. Ueorgo one cat os mo or takes tho least Winter. Alloy DY CHARLOTTE M. BRAEJIE. far "Alt the world li drear married Kntlo. tho daughter ot Interest In mo, bo happiness, then I Hood's Col. Andy Sarsaparflla All tho day nro gray. Frew. Tho wedding was INTERNATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION. must bo very happy." she said, bitterly. U AnnrlcVi Htesteit Medicine. Unix Mem mat it I snowfiigf held erly In tho morning, ns tho fori. la wny. "Is It so bad ns that?" ho asked Tliat Junt the happy wed-djn- g CI I APT Hit XVIII. fcctlon was Hood's Pills art the favorlto esthattlc . Old fur cap ntut mlltafw Mwplo wlshod to tnko n between them, still It not nnd there was a shadow ot pain In his ' often And n ellimey aleak; tour ovor tho N. & 8. V. II. It. to ILDIIKIV an Id that they had nnirr wflftla. face. Willi orders Just to ran nleiw, Newport. It was New Meager nignat. The marriage wns performed Iord Cnrnvon, tho eloso nt the afternoon "It Is worse," she replied. Only n Willi feeling jmt to poke. 8:30 a, "Captain Pane when he come In, Freneh newspapers are suggesting a Snowballs fwt are rtfttig, at m. by Squire Urown. After .will and went nt onto In fow short weeks since her heart would a sumptuous dine with search of new system for the prevention ot ma- tlut If n lioy II hit bronkfast of sausage, uk this her. hnvo bontcn fast with happiness to Or has lila lw frostbitten buckwheat cakes panhnas tho evening. Try to "Hllflrod." he mid, "I hate eomo to rine accidents which proposes to place II Wt; and honr words spoken so kindly; now she mustn't tniml n bridal eouplo departed on the early got same one else apologise to you to beg ymir pardon strongly smelting chemtcnls In floating Fjr If hurt t out erring turned a wny. and from her heart to her receptacles to be Heme yi train for Nowport. returning on to meet him." for my want of civility yesterday. I attached to tho exist- boy makes it Krtmate the lips rose tho unspoken prayer, "Ilrnv-e- n Oh. I lmt the She wna In am I my ing light buoys snd bell buoys. Cliffs winter!" noon trnln tho same day. The groom tho ofrnld that lost temper," I Triad govr-ft- c. help mo, for nm beginning to hnte dangerous lltlla talked happy and the bride tinndsome. lttrntry. busily en- Rhe with cold politeness. end shoals are very often boed hlmt" hidden by fog, She Is so handsome is Mid gaged In writing "Now. Mildred." he cried. "I will not thick whleh docs not "flnanpyla the wen titer, that t nllnw light to penetrate Jnek Fwat Is about, she can mash potatoes by looking to St. be put off with n ceremonious bow. CHAPTHIl XIX. nor sound to Hoys Juu letters bo heard until too Into, nml girls toRathar at them. Tho tinxt day after tho wed- llcehe. nnd her Do you know that the fact of quarrel- II G nnme of Itnoul while the Jain In clamorous shout. fjTfp5 strong smell of somo chemical sub- la MIm ding fJoorga wns In tho store nfter husband's sudden cntronco startled hor. ing and making friends with you lii i n it ros wns There In gilding nnd ton stances would be I'nwn ttia "Hotter)1 track, silting behind the stove for nbnut two It was n bright morning, nnd the sun again makes mo feel that we ought to I! known throughout carried far away, There and would Indicate to la Joy In totting. hours, ovldontly In itop thought, ho shono on hor graceful hond. 8ho wore be on tho best of terms? Do not bow tho land; he had the seafarer with wnrm nnd Blewlne, Tmek. n keen olfnetory sense at great a pretty dainty npol-ogy- l" dlstanco Chrtatmna-tfm- e Yaar roso, stretohed hlmsolf and remarked. morning costume, to me; say that you accept my PiwlsT I'rovl himself to nml Haw - - that he Is nenrlng a dangerous coast. Kill the hanrt'a desire, "Travolln's tlraeomo." Porry County whlto laco encircling tho white throat .1 v. "CAVjy- i no a nero, it wna And the evening alerlaa (Pa.) rreomnn. and arms. A man's heart might have "I nccept It." she roplled. "nnd beg not merely In tho Among the mnny expenses borno by And tlia rearing fires. great Old woman, hurl the faultier warmed to her with oxcemllng your pinion If I Imve displeased you." government dis- railroad companies tho Ice bill figures Down from thn nail-gra- y aklaa! 1,1 kn Their Mother'. love Iird Cnrnven did not; he never "Thnt Is satisfactory. Now I have patches nnd news-pap- tr quite prominently. For Instance, on Oh. I leve Hie winter!" oven stoppod to look at her, to make to you you tho llnltlmoro nnd Ohio Railroad It la Cried ttmtling-Ky- Little girls' clotln.H lire mndo so toll that woro right and paragraphs nttla any Inquiries n expected It will 00,000 tallies It. Dakar. muoh like thoso of their mothers that about her, or to spook thnt I was wrong. Captain Fane Is thnt hn WAS take over tons It Is only necessary to get ono pat- few words of kindly greeting. n cheat and n rogue, t won a hundred 5 nrnlaml' hl nnme of Ice this year to meot tho require- ments ot Ho Ollmn to Age. tern for both and cut It down for tho "Captain Fnno dlnos with us this pounds from him last evening. I have was on men's Hps when thoy gathered the service. Th greater fiil.lfr portion Is used In connection with Even In HiiimIii, It seoma, ovenlng," ho repeated, and then Mil- returned It today I would not soil my togethor nnd talked of old Kngtand'a despotism shipment bal-anc- o dred laid dawn her pen nnd looked ringers sons; ot porlshnblo goods; the does not so to tho length of forcing n with his money. Whnt the glory and of her gallant when In tho passenger train servlco. A Into his face. he womnn to toll hor ngo or of punishing dtiehoss told you wns quite truo-- thoy told how Kugllsh soldiers fought great dcnl ot this Ice Is put up by tho her for stating It Inneourntoly. A cer- "I do not like Captain Kane," she wns detected cheating nt enrds. A long nnd died, with tho strength ot Hons, company In Its own Ice houses, but as tain Princess Eugalyteheff wna recent- said, quickly. fnrcwcll to Captnln Fane! He was tho bravery of heroes, they nlwnys tho past winter has been so warm a ly trlcnl nt Moscow nnil acntenced to "Possibly but thon, you see, that not worth quarreling nboitt, was ho. mentioned tho bravo Colonel Itnoul very large proportion will have to bo llfolong lutcrmont In tho province of has nothing to do with the mnttor." Hlldrcd?" Ijitircston. purchased. Ho spoke quite good Olonotz for embezzling 140,000 rubles. hiimorsdly, but "No," she replied, and something Ho wns not wenlthy. but ho wns the Ilia Trntii..MIalnliil lUpuiltluu nt Aftor tho proceeding In court hnil his wlfo saw a slight Hush In his face. of hnpplnMs, to which she hnd long younger son of the younger branch at Ouinlin, Neliraikn, como to an end nnd nfter the noble "Captain Kano, ytut may be surprised been n stranger, sprung up In hor the house at Cnrnven; ho hnd no great Is now open nun will oontlnua until N'orcmber lady hnif retired to country to hear, was rudo to mo when I saw because he spoke so kindly patrimony; his whole fortune amount- KMh. 1 he ItPflk inland It tfia belt nmt nuuRot tho for heart to route and ttin tinli Una linvtiu lis awn ruth all hor somowhnt prolonged rest from ur- htm at Udy Rcdsloy's ball." hor. ed to nbout five thousand pounds. Hut Ilia wny ban gnyctlos nnd "Indeed! I hnvn never heard any- In- rstriiralftti llrueu at reduced lata nro on temptations, a For n dny or two nfter thnt llttlo he wns n snldlor, bom nnd bred; he tale eTcry day. official discovered that among thing agnlnst him of that kind. If cident matters wero more pleasant could nover havo been anything clso. tr mi (it; Mhiiwlfiif mute, time nttd Allier tho papers In tho caso was tho prin- he roally was rude, you must havo an- them. Thon old He wns ns brave ns n lion; ho know not deuiU stfdroM (.'inn. II. bUMT, the Indifference U. 1' A , f. It I A Tei Ity , PUft, Worth. cess' certlftcntu of baptism, and that noyed him." onmo back, nnd the young wife's fonr. shn had changed tho dnto of It from "I did nothing of tho kind, Lord hilsery with It. He was knlghtod for his bravery; Measure your words when n supposed 1847 to 18C7. Instantly this grave Cnrnven," she replied, quietly. May was drawing to n close, when and then, as though fortune did not enemy 1b near. crlmo was brought to the notice of the "Whnt did he do or say?" he nsked. Lard Carnvon one evening know how to lavish favors upon him. rtoolvod a Mra. rln.l.tM-U,.,lli- ln authorities, embez- o and the convicted "I decline to toll. You evidently letter which appeared to give him tho ho succeeded to n large fortune, left to lOf rhtirfrrfi tIS!. iafln ihm rutni. HMiaee In. zler was summoned to meot tho charge whnt I say; but, It Captain keenest delight. Ho rend It, nnd thon him by a comparative stranger, his Ctmwtilua.tlUti rilu.eiirti wiBdauffe. JaaaSSlUc. of falsifying an ofttrlnl document. Then Fnno dlnos here, I shall not." wont with it to his wlfo. godfnther. Hut the bravesoldlcr nev- There nro two sides to a story; you a curious fact wm disclosed, nnd a "Tltnt Is as you wish." he replied. "Mildred, here Is good new; hut I er qulto roeocred from n tcrrlbio think yours the right sldo. surprising amount of light was thrown "I mean It, Lord Carnvon. It Cap- nm too hnsty pcrhgps you will not wound ho hnd received In bnttle. Tho on Husslan society. tain Pnne dines hero, I shall not enter think It good nows." sllghtost oITort, tho leryit exortjon, To Cure (!oiutlintlou 1'orerer. Tho Prince lSugalytcheff. who was the dining brought Take CsMsretn Csndr (.'atturUo. IPs or 96c, rowi." "If It pleases yoii so muoh I shall," on nn nttack ot lllnoss thnt ifC.C. V. fall to eure, drmrgUUrafund lOSHoy. cltod ns n witness by tho prosecutor. "Then I must make nn npology for sho roplled. g7ntly. was always dangerous. Ami across said whether twen- that his bride was your nbsonco, nnd say that you havo n "You have hoard me apeak of my his brqjv, Just over the right temple, delights ty years oldor or younger thnn When scandal a man, shuu her hoadacho," ho replied. cousin. Sir Itnoul Lmiroston, the 'lioro wns a deep red scar, left thoro by tho hi in ns a venomous reptile. ago nbsn-Int- o cortllled was a matter of "I will give no orders for dinner for of a hundred lights?' " bayonot of n foe. Hv wns sent to Indifference to film. All ho could sraallor woman. Everybody wears Captain Fane," shld Mildred, "No," replied Mildred. "I Imvo nev- Franco nnd to Italy. It seemed ns say was ho sum of gulmpos. The spring liavo that received tho drosses silk "I think you will, Iidy Carnvon; If er oVon heard his nnme." though his military enreor wns ondod. fl.000 rubles for giving tho lndy his ouos nnd tho summer onos will havo not, they wilt be given for you. Mind, "Thnt seems strange," sold the onrl. It had been n terrible grief to htm to name, that Immediately mar-rlag-o whlto mult or finely Scrofula, a Vile aftor tho nainsook, tucked thero Is a limit to my patlenco you "Not at nil," she replied, quietly. give up his profession nnd live abroad. ceremony ho procured for n or banded with her Insertion. Somotlme must not often abuse It. It Is plain "You forget thnt you linve never spo- Ho snld to his doctors: soparato passport, and that slnro then tho blouso Is opened down ono elite, ' that you dlsllko Captain Fnno because ken of your family to mo nil. I "Whlln I hnvo Ufa I shall hope; tho lift has ltnown nothing tnoro of his an extension of tho gulmpe, nt Inheritance. I llko him." do not u single rol-allv- o health and strength I hnvo may wlfo or her private mfalrs. Tho Jury and this Is a fashion for both young know tho name of lost "No, It Is not so, I assure you, Lord you to mo I may hold gallantly declined to convict tho ae and old. that have." return a sword Scrofula Is tho most obstlnn to of blood Carnvon. I was told not ninny days Ho looked Incredulously hor. ngnln. Hrnvon Is kind." cusod princess on tho "trivial charge Much n drees for n llttlo girl Is nt troubles, mid is ofton tho result ot nn since that Captain Fnno wns strongly "I nm very cnroluas," ho wild, I Hut for tho Inst four yenrs ho about a womnn's age." nnd sho wns mndo of n protly red mntorlal nnd "but hnd Inherited taint In tho blood. 8. B. S. suspected of somo unfair dealings at I was mo been nt Nice, nnd hnd grown went back to hor provincial exile, trimmed with braid. Tho braid did not think that bad ns wonkor; Is tho only remwly which forms , fjoca tlocp , cards, and would bo requested to I nnd gront como Princes como Una-sin- leave that. will mnko amends now by a louglngjiad over hint ovldontly cheap In three frogs on each side ot tho open- ! onoujjh to roach Scrofula; It forco.i vntiv nlnh telling you Lattroa-ton.- " to see Huglnuil I out nnd this Is perhnps the most In ing at tho ot blouso. about Sir Itnoul again. "If must dlo," loft tho Tho do not believe It," he every traco of tho disease, and cures teresting bit of news In tho wholo sleeves also havo tho frog trimming "I said, he snld, "lot mo die there.' 7iii, see- Abruptly. Is more gossip It Is bo- ing hame-slckne- tho worst oases. story. Now York Tlmos. and tho opoulots nro similarly trim- "It "rtnoul." repeated Hlldred. "la that the was n bnr not true." no, can bo recovory, My son, Olisrlle, wss nfflloted from Inrsnoy med. Thoro Is n knot of silk tp join he not a Frenchman, m to his the doctors allowed "It Is truo, for tho DiicIims nt Mor- - Cnrnven. If ho Is n him to return. It was strange tho with Barotitis. ami lio suflernlso that U was Hummer Drei fur t'lillilrrn. the belt nt tho left sldo. A rod poke relntlvo of yours." to ley told me. Shu said she would "No, but the Journey hlrn good -- be was strong- ImpoMllila dress htm While tho problem of selecting bonnet, with knots ot ribbon and n tall nnme has ptiszled many did for tli ten years. the mo whom to know nnd people. Ills chlldron's summer outfit Is still puz chiffon ruche around tho odgo, goes whom not to His mother was n French la- er when he ronrhod ltndon thnn he head sad body were s know; among wna dy, zling onough, It has been simplified nicely with this llttlo drees. The Lat- tne latter Captain of uoblo birth, and one of her an- had been for some time. Then he mass ot sorts, and tils woll-mad- Fane." cestors, named Itnoul wrote to the only relative he eyesight ycry much by the e garments est. ds Courcolles, had. Lord also breams "It Is nil nonsense," he said, but ho distinguished himself grantly In the Cnrnven, asking If he should, ns usunl, aCeoted. Ko trealmaiit of nil sorts and kinds that can be pur waa we bognn to fonr thoro might be some French wars; It was her fuusy to name make lilts home with He hnd not apareit that chasod In tho shops. Hlmpllelty wss The NrreMiir hlr Ihntllfllt unllltt TnllnvA Kan. thing In tho story. tho boy after him." heard of the earl's marriage Lord til in. wit he grew worse onco tho leading element of stylo In ot until his With tho ndvont summer weather "You nre nt liberty to believe or to Hlldred repeated the word "Itnoul." Cnrnven never wrote a letter unless he condition wm children's dress, but now It Is ox fans again beomuo Important. linked pltlAliie. t had In our dlsbollovc," tctiirncd his wlfo. naught "I llko the nnme. Iord Cnrnven," she was compelled to do so and Sir Itaoul ni in out ileialred ofhla pressed In material and design only. equnblo climate wo do crer helng not noed to fly. "I will say no more only that sold, slowly. hnd not read the notice of It In the when without being especially noticeable as have, ns thoy do In India, liytneailirleflof a fr Unit a punkah I refuso distinctly to meet Captain "And I like the man." he told her. llugllsh newspapers. Had he known we Kara him it. H. H. ono of the ruling tendencies. swinging dny IMwm'a flnraini.t ,u. nil nnd nil night, with Fnno." "I do not know any one In the world of tho marriage, he would never havo Damo Fashion Interests herself very oaveful servitors to keep It going, S'.t J JMpmvenienlwM the mult, and after lest Tho onrl thon quitted y dreamed ot going to his kinsman's " nponewnoxnew much In the little costumo. and they wo dlo for lack the rooni.renl-l- ot rr.'l"'"former dreadlu "iea, of air: but. neverthe- nngry nt Inst. Ho was naturally ot home. on display very striking evidences of less, the fan plays nn Importnnt pnrt nn oven torn per. Ho was (To be Continued.) MetfefiBl. Jar's and modern inspiration In our ordinary perhaps too comfort, says Harper' be nny Tkey must bo well out, carefully mado, Ilozar. Indolent to other, but hu wns RIO GRANDE TA9TIC3, bud beautlfltid with pretty realty angry this tlmo. SMKImUli Macon, Us, touches of No houso Is properly furnished for "A school girl llko that to defy me Itlvrr Which Make Life "fur fc I 1.4 i . 1 . .1 summor which has not a quantity of Ml.rrwl.ln , uioo ... la my own houso," he said "It Is llirrllari on IU llunka. i'or runi irouuics it is n waito the useful palm-lea- f variety ot t"""tH oxwot n euro from tho doo- - funs, qulto unendurable." "Tho lllo arnudo can prnctlco ?f which cost llttlo nnd Im- V.,ooa. fwes aro beyond tho return an Ho rang the housekeeper moro eccentric dodges !.. r mensity of comfort. Loss for nnd than any other UII. Swift's BtH'clUo, beautiful and gavo orders a stream I ornnto thnn tho Jnpaneso fnns, for rocheroho dinner. know of." said Mr. Joseph tho "8ho shall see," he thought, Copolnnd palm leaf nlwnra holds Its own for "that of Laredo, Toxas. to a Wash- thoso do ington Its llghtnoM nnd Its power ot creating airs will not with me." Post man. "Its navigable uses S.S.S.r?heBlood Mildred had gone to her room. She nro almost nil, owing to tho numerous a breeze. Little folding fans to carry donp-soatc- would not penult the sorvnnts to know sandbars that obstruct reaches all d cases whloh In tho pocket, or tho big feather fans tho channel, other remedies Imvo notffect upon. It cf lnce. silk and Ivory arc among that thoro was anything wrong. Her nnd It Isn't deep enough to lutorfcro is tho only blood tho only romixly guaranteed cltolco possessions which women love. rcsourco was to shut heriolf up to nny oxtent with smugglers, who purely vogotnblo, nnd contains no pot- No elegant toilet Is oomploto without In her room and leave them to Imagine carry on n lively trade between tho ash, mercury, or other mineral. n fan. and many women havo fans to that she had a bad henduelie. Shift two republics. It Is when n big fresh- I Hooks mulled froo to nny nddrcss by match overy costume. While ouo may up thero, she heard all that passud, et comes along that the lllo Ornndo Is Swift SHHlllo Co . Atlanta, Qa. purchase for a few cents a fan whloh Bhe heard Captain Fane's arrival, and rctlly In Its glory nnd shows to being best will glvo great satisfaction, tho re- dinner served. Sho heard the advantage. Il WllF take n atrln nt sound ot laughter then si- source of a millionaire's purse may be came a 'toxas territory nnd land It over on tho faxed far the nrtlstlc lence, nnd she knew, Just as though Lflzy and expensive Mexican sldo or put grosser soil un- fans which she had been present, that the oarl "I ACCHPT Li8f .cost Immenso sums of IT." der the protecting wing of the money and his pueets were playing whom I Ha stars and take rank In tholr owner's cards. bettor thnn Ilaonl. Yet nnd stripes with the greatest Impar- wV,U;iorV;& lovo Captain Fane did not leave tho he gtvtts HKT.H to he a yeuejiun with Jewels and laces. house himself grant airs with me. tiality. It plays no for until two In the He Is you favorltM, thnt thaw and secured t.wU relief the first trial, after morning, nnd will laugh when you hear that pursued another and was com river doesn't, when It Is In a mnml tar pleiely I auMr then Mildred heard her husband go to It he Is my master at least used to cured shall imlrfce loo ItUtakee Man Make In Wooing, transferring real estate from one gov- nucareu whenever the "pportunttr his own room. be In years gone by. Hut whnt I Nature has not been ernment to 1,p2w,ed i . lavish In the wns another. Last summer It -- -- , She deeply mortified. Of how wanted to tell you Is this he Is com- ' nit i Biiiaiipnia, I'e. amount ot tact dealt out to the mascu-lin- o played n trick on the United " "um little we. at how little value she was ing baek to Hugland, and al- States half ot tho population. he has Harrison at Fort Illiiecntil CANOV The great In tho house after all! She exprossed ways made his my ti. .ni. mistake Is to Imagine all girls home at house; he dlera get drinking are decided disapprobation of a nerson. tins never anywhere - their water from It. alike and that what pleases lived but at Hal- but a heavy one must and he was received with alt honor. by House or lUvraamere rain came along nnd when of necessity please the other. Never and flood The ma She had said she would not I hope never the subsided the channel wna jority of men make love as enter the will." though room If he were there; ho came, up awny out of IU old bed and the plpea color, contrast and finish, or they oan Inamorata were a and She looked at htm wondirlngly. TSSOS IMAM eUltTIKIO their kind of fart she was compelled to away. were left high and dry 300 feet away have mi idace on tho list. The blouse which win only be captured by remain "I understand. lint what has that strate She had no Influence no oommsnd to do with me?" from any moisture. Then dispatches waist with a yoke ot tucked lawn, or gy. This is all very woll sometimes. were sent on to over she was merely a cipher. She walked He looked somewhat contused. Washington dnd the lace satin for the older girls. Is only, Unfortunately, girls are quick- quickly up damage was repaired decidedly tho prevailing stylo and down the room, her "After all, you are the mUtrass at at considerable for thin witted much sharper thnn you aro beautiful expense. Hardly wool, gingham, and muslin gowns, yourselves, faee all Hushed, her eye the house, the chatelaine, and t should had tho works been ... CURB CONSTIPATION. ,., messieurs! nnd If they bright anger, put In Urtlei lMM4f MMiwt, urn (llrls ot all ngos wear the gulmpe, with her fingers Inter- not like to ask anyone to make condition again when here,, niwft, TM. H and discover tho strategy either they will laced. their comes home with us another rise, and once mora ho-tq.e- somo ot the blouse waists have a soft uegin to laugn nt you, which will ba who would ba at ai- l- Io "I cannot bear It mueh longer," she now me see how the stream left Itlnggold In the vest of chiffon batiste ns well. absolutely fatal to your hopes, or else let to exiiroas myself lurch .mmy said. "I am beginning for IU water supply. Thoro ara gored skirts. plain grow on tlio nearly to hate him diplomatically who would be displeas At this the com- oniry. whole m heaven help me to manding officer Bomtthtag straight skirts fulled In at the undesirable an hate him! What ing to you." waxed wroth, and sent ' waist occurrence. All girls ehall I do?" WAGON sotlrely nnd skirts with a gored front breadth hate to be made conspicuous, "Thank you," she said, briefly. n letter begging that the post be new. especial- That night no sleep, nnd straight breadths at the side and ly when their minds are not quite ri' rest came "After all, homo whether It be ban. abandoned. Life was too short, he A better Reals for made to her. She was thtnkln py waste !ei money thsa till back Doth plain and flowered tnua up. And the man In lovo Is rather like hour after or miserable Is always home, and snld. to In trying to accommo- 11 hour what she was us are used for the thin gowns, but tne in opinion to do. The pros- I should not like to make yours really date one'a self to a river that was ostriou nis that b. pect beforo frlghtoned if. the plain colors nro tho latest fancy cause he Is too muoh occupied her her. She uncomfortable. If you say that Sir able to uhauge base every time a hard to aee saw no light In the Kbon00' SCALES In these youthful dresses, as thoy are tne rost or tne worm the rest of tiia dark clouds, no itaoul will be In your way at all. I rain descended and rather than to be grown-up- s. hope, co help the years In those fur tho They are world does not see him. So he hangs stretohed out will not ask hlm- -lf you think you will subject to the vagaries of the Rio n dark and dreary, and made with gulmpo of laco Insertion over the object of his affection, never she wept the be happy with him ns without him. (lrande he preferred to move. The tMBaMtMMuamwmM I away. s. bertha collar rimmed with Insertion takes his eyes off or silent hours She fait half ner- then I shall be pleased to nee bim in war department, however, her taltte to any vous on meeting concluded and editing, and one little puff or Ml' one else. her husband again: hie old place " to give it one moro Ifllluie. SnU hr UfKUUU. wi although tbera trial, and the post wm no love, uo at "I tbaak you for your consideration," Is mil there." dm the remark of tut id nnd pest tint rent to drawn; it Is from : H; rue curksht. iinediianlori imn, but It Urn Nil the the pn duee of the piueent. It Is a WM. II. M I I. . A N I. nme loll h viiil iiHfi Ubflr eunstnutly Lumber Yard. , unit ci'iiMiiioiisry. Kvery bmw of Official Papor of Eddy County. 1 aectloimllam "iitlnilnl u Ireucea t.i ithe liuiiiiier. i very of the A. N. I'll ATT, I'ropr. THE SUGAR BOWL OF THE SOUTHWEST OBlclil Organ o( Town M Btoj. iirpcda itlaronl nul ii" trial strof d"' pick, i viiy thriisl of Ihu shut le, Lumber, 'Dtepeiipit- - county K"'d. i.f this tire every il.roli of till) steam etifii ie 1'uMHhrt Mlunlnf i lto . i ill n of Jjlltll, rrr New Mexican matter what 1 in pays ll tribute. It levies upon ie r.tlMMIn Ht-- M.eMl ultMM .Or tlioy may formerly boon Shingles, Is the Pecos Valley of New Mexico, state have warning of mutt who dtvp iindr SatUSDIT. JtlMK tit, IB08. resident. N innrt coiiioMillUn it the ground, rtok tlinlr lives and ol Boors, IKtpulRtton setll(d new ever a district those who over while surnos huti MOU inns. HUMHCKIITIU.N ItATB oflhew'twl. tlmii is tiw ffetliered In to reeling mails; It claims the Just Boicofs, Homes WKKKI.Y-- H; msll hmw.... H w. are Cheap, ter ltdily (Jfiiinty Nonrly every southern mot(H 11.00. reward of (he onpltalUt and tlio Br mill (f tli slate ll represonted and kIm'uI alt lisli, Jiito. rrulU of the . Inveiitor'a patlunt uastern mid j & Announcement. the northern mid sln'et olfurl; II tuktw Utile ohlldreu from ftlEEMAN OAMMON, nre nil kinds of ponple from' TlIK SHVHKTII llcot Sugar factory In tho United States was I bojvby asmneajnysvlU cenutiuie lor there piny mid irahuol and ouinpollH them cuMNiy a urcctcd nt Hddy, Now In titoMcot Trturr oeery sUitej nonu having h monoMiy to work beroru their boiioa me hunt AROMBH Al LAV. Mexico, 161HI,;nnd made its first "campaign" elu Collector, MHaci 10 im arcinon beginning 15th 1 no mocmflc convatitloiior mm of nil tlif Hood or all the bad elumetit. Novombor ISM, and olosthg Febrtmry 15th, 1807. tuner or their muioles aru llnnj It robs MDDY, . . - NHWMBXIOU tlci. J. I). WAI.HIlll. la theruforu very npmront that! ll the shlvurlnif from warmth; tlio Tho content of "Sugar In tho boot" of tho crop grown In tho Eddy Democratic referenocw slutos In anmiiiliig up medl-oili- oi ANKLIN Principle. to hungry of Toodi tho slok of JOHN Fit nnd Itoswcll sootlong of tho Vnllov litis proven to bo more uniformly Taken good or had In unreaeaiinblo. Frank Statement of the tnd the tlio ihu anxloiiH of ponco. H high thnn nny other part or tho United Stntes. Fortunately tho by th DemoorRia of ??w Mexteo. Within fBw yonrs a new h Ronnrsilon detmses, and vmbriilos. mid embit- ATTORNEY AT m land is bloesod with Just tho fertility to produce high grade boots, votera K will have (trowii up, whluh will know 'I'o the of MitcH: ters. urowds families of ulitht mid more fortunntolh tho Pecos Improvomont Co. It nam, - - kkw mk. Irrigation nml I he Territorial ttiHHMMlle eoMiielUe no In ml but the homitlful 1'euos 1 11 other 1.1 tun in rliuri Kiiiialld room: nnd tho Iloswoll Lnnd nnd W'ntor Co. have nn Irrigation system of of Dim territory 11 f ftaw Mexico, tltMlHlm of Vulley nnd the urrnl stote 11 'imnlii llkn hwIiii. narioilltliral I) groat magnitude, covering n lug Hlljr IftlMHiatl to III Rlijr W IIAIIMI8 M. WitfOlInK, tl vast body of tho best sugar boot lands nervn Mexico with hor bntiiidloaa riMourom i C mniittar upon 'BHeliH of Mw ,. ,.r i,,ir, n,i Riria. it. nils tho on earth. The wntor Is uppllod to tho crop when needed. ol ngrletiltiire, lire stock, tlmbor ' ut Km dstnoerntie pnilt ulti iKiluce mid uroifRory with thoto omm llssnrt, seet, a il MMmbliMl nomi- we will Tho nun Rhinos more hours In tho day mid mora days lu tho year liii in roiivtiitlon to mid mineral wealth. 'I'lien who have no oomfort In their t ond a lintel Windier a defcigal 10 aungr In Hddy uml Cliuvus counties, Now Moxloo, thitii In nal rsniMai lor hear iiotliln lHiiit;',soiitlittrii people, ludB who might bo om 1 1 10 m, sad 3 1 4 m. miy other section Ui irlitflplM ut homes; It makes lit, niitl ilMMto tii the purl or ieopiit, or Texas pnoplu, of tho West. northern j for prisons in neeorOanr Hli llmi honor ti naagM useful men oaiidldntos 11. witimiT, 11. 11 le tw or York all will be 121 uhi it mm-uti- hi tbi Umv aHi New people, but land penitentlarlesi It Alls brothels 0. lHHMAS ASS soparnto minlysto, ehlelly carload lota, showod mi average of ilia uimmuI t (tamwarntte orgMHtsa-tlui- i New Mexicans. Until nature, shall 'with girls who might have known 17.01 per cent sugnr In beet; 81.1 per cent purity. This romtirknblo within thix urrl'Of) to endeavor hjr net) luivo done Its work lot nil iiestit it Joy or mnthorhoodj It onto ss4 Ilni4ne IIsmhs St II Tsmlll Mark result was acoumpllihbd by raw nil tu tu iliti seeom-plll.niii- i ihu pure farmers, iiiinoiiialtitwl with tho hono.nbia invnRN In new nnd OilU tHwrtl ptswtitlr ot Hlskl. uf in following result! mid Islmr unlnsoii far the semis creed nnd all evil patelotiii culture of beot root, on now land nml under very trying olroutn-Btanco- s, oouiitry. In which the fortunes t:w. M. tlUKIIOll, - We desire le unite In hum tie KniwniK mnwlHiK through society as u hurd G us tho factory wns not uMiiml until Mny, mid u mnjorlty of f!t ami Hvua uf man umill iiftritil hnvn lciA.v 4tiii'itHHe.v, orgnetssttftii nit voters nt ink ui winter drivoa tho wolves to tho tho acreage was planted between Juno 1st mill August 10th. mrlltory ut Matleo who aUfiHMt Let nil soutlaimtlain Oritw is (Meosos Ihms. .Sw been oaal. Hbodosar 1110111 It darkens faith In Hid (r ami unlimited ut Slrwil t 11. A. Tho only thing loft to bo dtwlrod that thi l'soofl Valley has not on colnex Mf agitation be thrown to tlio winds. mid across tho lliMiif, rtMlli Cibmi mil Ow Hint gold nt th rnitu uf IS tu I. the htimun soul, hand In nbiitidanco Is people. Wo need 500 thrifty farmers Though manners and oiiitoini of mid muialfiil 14 Mitrioi imy r rleeoiid- - -- We nl.o to Hlitte III the lefh'otlou of a Just ins'. tWr of those who oumo htire inny differ No fnlror terms or conditions of onto tti Hllm orKlilatloii nil volWH who Creator draws tho veil of aliutd.mid of boot mill fruit hinds woro hi any over made. Write letfLbUluti mi ttrnnnd n tu main us remembor that It not for blind, and oruol fatol-lloi- iry (JoorBC. for particular. tmulurtlMHifittio principle uf taxation to say what the nentlineiitH of future mil hi th nim Um give Ui inr wool generations wl.l be; when tlio pooplo uf pro- gowlntf Inteiest eeli infture at the North, South, Itnit mid Woet WISE PARROT. City Livery per tariff lux tw loteltfii wool. Wt aa. Pecos Irrigation Improve- 14 shall hitre related by bloml mid and nut t onr lilif thai lirto wool n buei. Only Stubles. proper tiwpet of tnrilt limitluii, anil In Cnptlvllrt Vet It 1mt TiaB nmrriRKe. un Uuiiil nnd Cnatar ho lulwrprel lli tetlunliig liingliK ill th I'rltlnr ment Company, Chisago phil form: "We hold lhs infill" Tom L. .InluiMon uf Uhiols 11 million- - Sunitnr. Nobby Kif?s on Julio liiHihl Ii Uvteil lor ill pnrHi aire mid ho to frank uiiough to toll how Short Notice of unli iliillm In Im Ml HitjMlMl Hero tiro two occurrences far re- reveller, ho enmo to be so Ho nays: "What Eddy, - Now Mexico nt tooperu Hinitljr t'lmuguai ! eon 11 rich. moved from the ordinary. Tlio truth Is 3E3c3Lca.y. trjr Hint nut dicrliiiiiHi littwn oIhm or the world needs In not oherlty, but Jus- vouched far by local papers In tlio llm-lli- a. w. m 111:11 an. iionmi. ol Ion mitt tlint tiUBtlciu hfinlil Im tice. I shall refiixe the same us 1 never neighborhood whero thoy nro said to III 1 lioi. tu iimU ui lie tfiirrlilinl, issue cheek for ('heritable Institutions, have iaki-- plnoo: Mtly mill awjiiiiinlealijr niimlattrit.'' Irunton, Mr. W. H. a 8c Roger, anil 1 shall not beiiiienth mousy for In 0 Ilorton, Meehan 033C3NTEIlVtXJjai We iitwlnrK iIihi itir prtntiii tnrilt In cfc XSLXJK 02HEE3 EFL, building churchcM uml libraries. My wrlbkiiiiwn altlsen, Is the proud poi known n Hie iJInl. y U, dl.eriinlimif rnnor of n lays eggs In cap- House, Sicn and well provided for, Mrrat that unjuatlf Ui.. wool Kruwtrn uf N. family shull be but n imiiti tivity. This of Itself Is said to be ro-i- Carriage Painters. Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights and Piactical Horseshoers. llrxiro III lint' It provide n Ullff III of my m-ult- shall nerve to tin balance of 11 Unlilr, ss these tropical brsutlesget draining, (Hazing, Calclinlnlng IS 1'i'iilH pound oil tu(tfH himiU ' tr teach people how to prevent me mill ilit- - Virttl CIiihh vtlileh romppti. ulih Hit. wool i(ruwti In the mil of mid l'apor Hanging. Work at ImumI Vrlee. 1II1I .H-if- others of my kind from robbing them. Hut hi hlril more. A year ngo sho lliu tnUo, uoinbljf lli Hint of Picture and Room Moulding. MtHiurnoturlng Ileot Cultivators nnd l'lows nndllepairin OM'p, H.i-- 011 wwul As any person Is by laid an (rg nn lloml I'rlilny nml nnotlior wtill tnilir torlfn long us permitted :i)v. nkw iiKXit-- Same a Specialty. jg--j auiupttlUH Willi iH. rown In N Mel-le- the monopollxatlou of natural resources on l.nM'T Sunday. Tlmtwasall. Hits i Iml 4 stiitii it poiieil, uml private ownership of public utilltos year, irmninueritig the day and date, General Repair Work SW iltwirt-- iiImi Ut iiitlt In Hi she did the same thing, .lull how she D.WALKER, " 'limit bo-- : "j. to iiuuiimulnte wealth thai dues not mm orgonu iiiuii nil vutr uf thin Ivril-lor- kr-p-t track without an almrtnnc Is the Shop Two Doors South of . 4 lung will ienple nf Current Office. nim fnr Ifijluliitiiiii lijr uunKtHM long to him, JuM ho wonder. She will be winched ncxtycar, libollctiliiK the tlon mi ut iiiilillalillllj' of my kind lie willing to contlt such theft. nnd If the ssm thing hnppens she will LOWENBRUOK & viiiulujrer for Injiirlm In iipliijriH It is my task U open the eyes ol tlio tie looked upon as a marvel, I nil red. STONE, (llow lit iivkIIquiio uf ui people to the process whereby they fool. Down near Kvantvlllc they had a niiM((i'ii 111 llm HHinti oumnuu Tnnu thunderstorm a wooh or two ngo, A Pronriotnrs TT C! iiml w- - uur lirllef Hint Ishly permit themselves to bo robbed stroke shivered a tree It U liopilfM to t nriijiret lu our uch uml point out to thorn the way to lightning near r U. MEAT MARKET the house of Dr. HotitlcrMiu, who lives 0. lrUlniluii fliiui llitt Irrillorliil rfllHllir ntrollih n system which onrlnhea mo no liuiy im vfo Iikt it rfpuliliuaii gavartiur. iiimr the village of St, l'hllip. It not mid tmproverlshee them," only flllattcrcd the tree, but It broke IvgUUtluii Ik Fresh Meats, Sausage, VlIHrt llmluli every of gins In Some- iNiiulildriilluu uf Delegate I'lirgusson Is to bo aniupll iianc the house. !) t..rj. thing like 120 new lights of glass will nuil Jikiiu. ineiiled 011 his success In Dually 0011 lie needed to innko tint home Just ns It Live Stock Gommission Poll-vroac- y ctxxy Dcinocrallc Convention Cull. vlrielng uoiigri'MK that this territory; wan before the lightning played Its Froo to ipq.xt ol City. e should ul leasl own Its' school lauds So I'urituiuit U) un order of tint ilmno-cnill- prank. severe was the shock that Merchant. cofliiiilttnu uf tin oven if not admitted its n state, hut tlio worshipers In a church hard by It Is u most lliigraut Injustice that this thought an earthquake had added Its ooiinty of Uddy mnilu at n uiuntliiK A. KERR, territory with n groulor population terrors to tho thunderstorm then rag- Imlil lu tlu town mill county of Kdtly ing. - than Wyoming, Nevada mid Arizona, on 1 1 tit ilny or .linn- IStH, I hereby 4llu?0P,TAHT GATEWAYS lliu 1 t frtiilifit1 utmtilil MVtu iiiitilitii Miliiiiuilnii I i unll m nt ilmno OWMMMMfll 'III VlllllS Htllllll"ll county convmitloii tin PAY OF TRAIHKD e a IM-d- y us it slate. NURSES. c,rnt of alil iiounty to onn voim in f un Mm InnL Snlurilny thu HOtli - Ihiiiik Tl. University of New Moxloo has Tliclr IIiiIIpa Are Nnnietlinn Verj- .tr- day ol .Inly Co 11 1 1 11 11 11 im I im. Issued its seventh annual ontalogiio itium, unit Work The imiireiiUon will niwinlilo far Nust to ImtKimllile, which Is most complete mid well got til purpuM of deltftite to ten up, containing the courses of The average sum paid to Hiie. Uw roiuicll mid rpratnt(iltvti conveu pupil nurses for IHU8 the C3-roceri-es - study unnoiincemiint and is ten dollars a month for the first year Uon to Im- hmfafUr callml mid for tli student register. The I nlreralty is' aod III a month during the second Fancy jmrpow ut that time uml plaou of s JL. f3ip 11 lorritorial Institution located at year, wrlu-- Kllsabrth lioblnsun ricovll olcilty. iininiimtltig of. oamllilutei for coiiuly and bus a iiormnl literary In the Indies' Home Journal. The re- flem utileaa ih Mid coiivtintlou alioiilil ooiniiierclul, muneration varies In different Institu- first and second Milliliter 2-ra- ot F. tlicii dfrlile to nominate liy primnry course. tions. In a few training schools the Trains-- 2 J. MATHESON, In wlitoh ovunt tlw coiivimi-tln- nurses are iald nothing. After gradua- will tion head nurses lu hospital wards m-- DAILY than Ml tli day for tlio hold The call lor democratic prlinarlos , oolve $80 $30 lutf of auuli prlinarlot and for the im 1.U1.I.1I I.. I 1.1. All ilniiimail. from to per month; sti mission fy GHiGayo -- tmnanetion utlior bualiiMM Hhotitd For St, Lculs, 0om uf audi nt Ukeuit Interest mid uttond tlio Dlitrlot nitrsos, who aren.l',"LtaJ' may mwio the cniiretitlon. preoiiiot prlinarlos so good repres Mot that ttrloiu churches, societies, and some- liVn-tv- and the EAST. v3 And ( iMnm-ii- l n iwl in . o Utioh votiliK prtwiticl will lie Hittlllud entail vo men will be sent to the 0011 11 times by private bcncvolenae to work to 0110 rots 111 aald oonTonllon for ty ooiivoulioii. among the slak poor, receive about tlio uvory tti votea anil nil frnuttaiia ovur same salary as a head nuno In n hospi- Superb Hew Pullman Vestlbttled Hay, Grain, Seed, tlw, cut for thi Hon. II. II. rprtriiiaon Dolegute I'ergusson's bill grautliigi tal, exclusive of board, Uuflet Metpers. Itamtseme Feed, Blacksmith Ooa I I'rlvnte nurses receive $13 to $84 ut lit laat naiiaml olcctlon mid no the territory certain public hinds In ud from New Chair Car, iteets Pres.) and Ice delivered in tho City. cording to that (Mala, tli ilulna pro houses mid is now m tho Imuds of the a week. They have to jmy the rent of a room to use as a headquarter, and olnct will bo entitled to it Tutea Main president; lliore Is ever reason to their earning arc more or less pre- Only Line rtunninn Thrsuch KH 8 rutM Kddy 30 rott Sovi'ii thai tho president will sign it uml . carious. It s rare for a nurse to bo em- Oesch es siifi te Hew HB Ca.i-xtrell- Iltrera4 votea and llnpun vuIm. that it will become law very shortly. ployed nil the time, and her work Is so Sc Orleans w:titeui Clitngs, , airfield The deinortnlle ulialrmeu of tlio The bill gives to the territory suctions arduous that it would be litiposslblo for rnrloua nreelneU are hereby HI and Ml In every township for the snp- - her to stand the strain of oaittlituous rjutwl C- to cull and li d ineetlufa In tbeir Hirt of c iMimoii schools; AO sections of j work. BlltE- UK TO prnclncta mid ohooae delegatoa the unappropriated uon mineral hinds Mrs. Digger ia now ready to dp re- Arizona, Ws6ies? Liquors, Cigars. to attend nld cciiirniitlon and atwonl-it- far the erect Inn of public buildings nt pairing miil cleanlug of genu clothing tu a reaohitloii oaaaed by the e the state capital; two townships mid of all kinds, at her home opposite this New MeKico Next door to Hotel WimW, KDDY, NKW MEX. eoiHinitlee at lla aahl ineellnK M,00u additional aero for university othee. 100,1 XX) It ia MHUtttiNl tlwt Mid cblriiii hold purHjes; acres for an ngrlcul Angell A Molllles will do house mov- Calirornia. tbelr preeinet oonrentioiM on the Ith tural college; VtyUOO acres for perma- ing und draying promptly. rown & Hobcrton- - being day or nent water reservoirs for Irrigating pur- Saturday the ttrd .July . Li S, THCffNB, E. P. TURNER, Ksiotai I'okSalk: MO.UUO plants in nt a aulUble hour and plwoe dealKtiated poses; acre for the iiiiprorment I 4 season ul SfJcU par 10U aU.lfo per 1000 Sir v.. r.s'i Osawti I'ttir by them reaneettTely In will rur or the Ki t (Irmide in New Mexico; 50.. -- Hiw.1,!. SM Til. Ait.. BLACKSMITHS h that lo.ou pi ,i,vsai aim per i.uuu ror All kliitl of orw work n flpselst'r 'Uf 001) s is rt insune HU.ujuaud fiu , UAI.I.AS, TH.V.1H. J InirKMw. each for luyliiiii, a up Will deliver iduiiU at Ksrinlnu Imiilamsiits or at M UIIU W)h'o ICddy or on board onr at a S. T.JtiTTiNii, Chm. ol mlnex, an institution for the Molllllmi. Imta repaired, nu skin t noltee. J K I i deaf and dumb, au iustllutiou for the S. A. XKUWK. Tlie Cure for Involuntary I'Hverty. "U!juf"j.-ii"'- fr ii HIIOUINQ (IUAIIAN 7 yyagon maKerpr blind, a miners' hospital, a military in- UOKU Jjan4 4IIH1 labor are the two fmrtora thbi) at aba mmroM In the tiroduaUou of wealth. There stitute and a territorial penitentiary; IMUOBsl f Feed and Li very Corral ll plenty of bind awl labor. Idle IU0,0U)arrei. ure hIvi ii for the maintain, in fonnectiun. Aei'iimiundn- - iNUMa ba othera for eMnlttyment. aure uf noriuul ;.cIi.m,; uA tha palace Canon 8fc. Op. CuiTent f to tionund lU'lnll. Then why there powtyr It In Santa Fe Is hImi grantml to terri- . , nti' ' irinifilJi. qhhm our law allowing private up the SS6.00 Per Aero umeo. " tory The land i which New Mei trdiriiUoi) of ground rem i iu ..ur4f Old utti) auaUtu apeeulathin in the very Ico will he 1 nllili-- ..i :i uilmitedtottie Cultivated Land. iwita 01 iNorui exieiaiM awl tuaee Union, and which . re tint granted by , til Il'i HO all tVnoed tltf MttUt the natural tu over or all this hill will lie be towed Upon it ut tipres, and mill houw, fullv paid Ubor.lMtl of the reaeh of the worker. rirfht, nt'-four- th SANTA FE ROUTED N'. n'Ktcr milu t"on Mtutioii. Tu single tux brinita laiid nud utbor that time. u .Mixlcan. IVrinn: by deatroylnr the vacant html i. I. ilunct! niortsfiiffo for tliivt votirs THE SHORT LINE TO I Kohhery uf I'rlvnte Aaroprletlon of llHtHaUT 1 mi mile owMfe ruin era either with int'Tf.-- i it (J por cent. t hm or give un meir ni iuiiie .v tlround Kant. Ohicago, St. Louis iMMUlhe iMirUi noire the protiliui , (A or lnounUfT ftovertf ami vtee Ihu ribM i uik like the . nifatery ributr) and Kansas Oity Intempentoee and eauaed of a ln're or u nt money iMireity. 1 ou Will aee the single wtli do It. tlm' i.'Ufs Mm, i,4 set. t in On. Hotel Winder. f r.f ii ui.. i e.tii'ii.ii .us robbery. Hi. it A U - i.son who tieter mv Uiiiik it" "o 'I i) and eery Ir m I W I.I vi K, wroiif, searn-l- ever I ii.-- t A uiijihunf. It from t'.i produce of tie. I. n i I'llM. I t !. 111 J'dOU, tests. iflpaka, Kauaus. Orange Blossoms over live not counted In the ton votes, Hlg I 5torm. . rnrrlnil. LOCAL The marriage of Miss Mabel Shrove s. A. Nelson, thegardner will lie un And 11 Is further directed that tho Aloro rain again this week. and Adraln A. Drlggs Wednesday nreolnot conventions bo held on tho able to mippty his customers for the evening tho loading social event . S.S.Mendonlmllaimld Hddylto was was Uh Saturday, belmr tho Wtrtl day of next few weeks on seeoiinl nf hail III lawn Ttiesuny. of tho week nt tho home of Mr. and .1 nl v 1H1IH. nt tho hour nf 11 a. m. at a Tuesday night liavlng deatrwyell Ills Mrs. A. S. (lootz. Tho marrlago coro- - place to be designated by the rcspcctlvo garden. J. Mondia ol Sou Friuelsco was tlio precinct chairman. Motion to ad Tho storm extended from Kiiest of Clins. McCarth) this week. mony was performed by Hov. Jno. L journ carried. Seven III vera to Unite and beyond des room Mrs Ada Fennossoy formerly of JJddy Kelt In an alcovo of tho drarlnij troying tho Irotise of Mr. Fierce at a party litis pu In a millinery store nt La Luz. in the prcsouco of select Notice to Teachers. Ilcpe. of friends, at exactly 7:110, Mis Myrtle of graders nro now Notice Is hereby given that tho nor- A largo force Shrovo accompanying her sister as SupU Fred NyuiByer and l'mf. Htg. nt work on tlio extentlon of tho rail- mal Institute far the county of Kddy bridesmaid and Mr. Geo. II. Woodall ger returtiett Sunday from tliolr pres-peelin- g way tit tlio JjoswellcnU of tlio line. will begin Monday July 11 1809, All tho happy groom ns best man, At 8:30 teachers contemplating teaching trip to Akuimgordo. church enjoyed Tlio children of draco guests consisting of a largo number of should attend this normal. The fol- fc Kvcry grovo La Lu. Items. a picnic ut the ltlllco Kddy's best citizens arrived to bid tho lowing Is tho law: of Mr. and Mrs Hnrey yes-lerd- The Hit and homo newly wedded couplo much joy nnd Sec 1,01,1 of tho revised stattito or following from the Luz partake of tho excellent refreshments Now Mexloo, It shall be compulsory Chief would ludloato thut tlmosnru prepared tho occasion by tho gottlng llvoly ovor in now rallwny Dr. Wright wus elected a member for upon all teachers teaohlng within tho tho ? If of the lionrd of governors of the Union pnlnstaklng hostess Mrs. floetz. Miss county to attend tho county normal country. So, Why Not ? Glut) In place of Jus. T. Tuylor who Shrovo has resided In Kddy two or to show a cortlllcato of attendance Lu Luz Is dlfgniced with n hull hold, lias refltgned. winters with her mnthor, for health of some normal Institute held within oalled it dance hall where old hags, I If Not, Why So ? Otis do Hols tho ulllclent gardener receiving much bonoflt from tho tho year. oullod women gull the weak minded employed by A. S. (loot Is making the cllmato. Fltlltl NYMRVHK. man out uf his money. Suuli places Old W. A. Hawkins place look like a Mr. Drlgg has boon in tho employ of Supt. or Public Schools. nro closely leagued to the penitentiary paiuctt In fulry land. U10IM.& I Co and licet Sugar Co und to hell. Uamernn & Duns,1.!. J. H. Smith for several years and is one of the mpsl Hcncntlonnl Association. CommlMloneni Proceedings. 1'. White sold their wool clips reliable and energetic young men In und 0. The National Kdtioatloual Associa- The boats of county eommUlonm umelinllng to u San Aitgulo buyer at the vnlley. Tho young couplo will ro-- in wwinji JunS)HN preMtit tion meeting this your in tho national N. ('iinninapiiiH.rewilar Illm. per pound. slde in Kddy In the cottage on No. iihlic roth tn to twelve uonU Tanslll aipltul, July n to IS, will bo tho great- boWl IIUt.Tlo. I WKl - N. IIimkTiIM. N., 3. Canon street. Tho following lines Mr. Mafy a. Mann apMarn mirt ttii August Ulliluln nf Milwaukee Wis., est gathering of the Nation's greatest boanl and k ttmt 0 h- - .trlcki-- front Jb Uio owner of Windsor wore received by the bride an her wed of ih nnn in r.wy coumy Mr tin- - . r Wi now the odumloni since the Inauguration ffi iipciiuiit y ding day from a friend who has known urn on iienuniii nlM-rt- ,i J lot tl und will repair, renovate und the anine In 1801, with thut veteran ronnounly hhwmihi un lot No. "i biiM-- il We Claim Our Store To her n l.iy Ui Solilltz Jlotul from child. presi- n olratiBe the mime tlio toaoher, Zulmon ltlohardson, as li piH-n- in nu! iH.nnl ih, I IU." of Now Mexloo. TO flAtlUL. dent. Nrn no inil WlnMI ir iitht-- r irnnim i ....,,,u r, v Inratml on thr Mlltl lot, It In I In rr (..'. , ON Rl WkMHMIU?, - ,r..! Mr and Mrs. Tin Hodgson have 1 write to try to bring hoforo the ed by tho hoard that thi- mII mn I 110 Ik- - I CVHMM Mi Hartothb III town, tho uooucimi irom tin' lai mi III tut fur Hi,- - m now son at their homo who made jr mm win lratMa toaohors of Texas In this part of rear twi on mi.nuin i miu the Greatest I IMI wtnlHMlll ImI nl Til" tKiiirrt then t litB appearance a couple of woehs ago. Htato the many advuntuees offered to Abwl U(hVtkuriM. niiilne llioclituli', am iKMru nl miiibII-Hitlo- Into his arrival, but thorn by this association and if possl-t- o n tlm liro-rt)- - rt'tum n luUiiilttea Htitlior to mention 1 U IM naar llf. 9Oi'iVCO-jpVQvs.g.o- . never. Mm hm i!h f torn Induce some of them to avail them- .1. W. Stoke better lalo than uTJof uMl4t Ainn-- tieioio the boftnt Am liMI HlfliM uf ln nml n.knu timi tin- - -- uiu of re- Will thkttf Hud tb selves nf this, an opportunity of n life i rubatad Mr. Murray Hddy's now mayor fmn iMtn tho tax roll kddyinty on nt of t its chief of the lire llol I mm Irwl III weiiau'i littt time. There are to tho clc student erroiiKou nMim-n- of vlantr tcm signed his position To U my. M mvk, P.! !?."!' Kn aecountiil of irM tlio toucher, fif n muinka department Saturday night and Ooo. M I mi fNl Uwl litljr Stat enquiring presented liipliiillnii wRiorrlHlil whfiuin waterRwrriaht mU (town llijr waHMH't lift teen distinct departments, viz: U on in,, mT(I land, on motion tlm mm of 11. Woodall was alioceii clitef and IS. is wn Undnntml from tbo of Hofidqunrtora Mitt oifcy -I- ). V. MmMon, Su DMa CM. r. in for Dry Goods, mwlsUiut. Sohool superintendence, normal shoots .nAlK.J?5Taf,,F.- - adfournet! il. (lamblo 'I r inulhM UN mm mdM in o'clockI4"1a. m. of old timers, oleinentnry schools, higher Instruction, Itonnl mt purMiant lo Kdiounimnnt Clothing, Boots, ! Josso Hlloy, one the a June Shoos, Hats, Caps, Furnish- Industrial education, art education, J all tnoinU-r- nrownt and prociwlwl wiTh who held a position In tho store uf II. Allnstrcl Show Postponed. tlinuxamlnailonof uroMirtr nturi of the Pierce, In Seven Hlvors from l&Sli to kindergarten Instruction, muslo edu wmlluton on wv ing, Glasswaro, Tinwaro, Carpets,' Jirnttings, II. The "?raahoanaf Tuesday minstrel show by home talent, cation, secondary education, business, see lSbt'iirrlvcd from Olnolunattl I unfortunately met with an accident child study, physical ediiontlon, naU " olMlructlon to be rtmrnved from (he l' and in foot for ahy and ovorything used nnd will be employed on the Holt ranch hi iMHiiwnip m nu pmoiuot, 00I in compelling its poitpoiiomont until tinil science Instruction, school ud n lifisipeil nt McMillan. in haM on uraeim lllbianthTare n iistrae-li- e tho houso, U. I kitohan or pnHor or Saturday July The actors wero re All these departments 11 It It thanifon, nnlniwf. liuit - on tho tho farm. ministration. ... i . . re- Mr. .J tho owner of the old Joo niiFTCTi ) aineit hearsing hut night and In tho play Mr. rest upon the council of education. aa uroriuiMl nv me imm nl Itii itntu Nasli weln and adjoining ran go has tea.of Nfw McilCO. (Icrhurt's juw bono was iirokon by ono Those departments have their sep I nti loiiuwina nwoaamcnta wan ehamm. xontud the place recently vaoaled by nwMfau at chfl of the others ncoldently striking him arate halls for meetings, hence euch A Crawford Mr. McHumoy In U IliiorU uml will A. r. I'aiiiDbt- - with Ids heel. It Is hoped Mr. (lor toaoher or can select study move his family over from Midlund visitor that J. o. (iiicron hurt will bo able to do his tmit Sutui or subject upon which he wishes en i. j. oarman ni ITl..1 1st. Mr . W.T. tmlih auout July day night July M. t but should he not lightenment lustrtiotlon-an- d apply Ida W. Tnnnlll Davis H. I.. C. .o. Mr. Dunoau of the mountains another will take his place. time to it. J. w. jsaa 1 IF . . ti Dun-I- s 0 Toxus, father of Town Ittwordur Aside from ami tn addition to all J. J. llaaermati ind. sou Hoard nuiounw to meel Julr a. issa. visiting In Kddy with his this Tho Now Hank. these advantage fur gaining literary It. Why not donl N. ( owkn, uietk. with us? Wo proniiao to placo week. Mr. Dunoau leoontly returned Tho Hank of Kddy wus Incorporated or book knowledge, Wushliiglun City i'nninouam. mm Is SIMH-VriHKL- nicrsf-good- from a trip tn Mineral Wells and this week with a capital stock of 6110, is u great study of itself. Whether wo' TUB Y NBNVS at your disposal tho in tlio markofc loud In his prnlse of the oureMvo (XX). The stockholders nnd Incorpor turn our uttenlloii to It natural feat- nnd THU CURUIINT to ninko filio properties of the water. ator arc V')d Kuumih t'.lty Mo, ures, its streets Us parks and its water prioos right. y SPx-Jla-o Alllo LMuruo met wllb nu avoidant ('.(. liaiKli r, Mi'dlriiie Lodge Kan's fronts, or to the ono thousand and ouu a Voi-- IiOw Th ;Menil;Weiiklr Newa (Ualmtan Unl- - a couple of s - or Sutiduy white taking and 11. ,1. Hammond Kim Vegas X. M collections of art, Uh galleries, its mil- l eublUhm Tueailayi nnd IflUttM. to water riding one with a halter Kat'll IMUC nf Hlnhl iiaoMa TkIm Tho 0 Ulcers are C. O. Chandler verslltlos, Its theatres, Its hotels and Us lire UepnrtmvittM for tho fartiinn, the only. The horses beoutno nnmntmge-abl- e president, nnd H. Hammond vice numerous costly buildings; Washing iui--- j niiu mo ty ana ain. ixwiden n J. World of lttIl,-ra- l mmui inaltMp lllnM.,A.l by beldg frightened and scraping president and oushler. ton City, to Uih student the sight seer, nrllrUw, i,to. Wo oflsr Tlio Alllo oil by running under a limb of a .Newa nnd the lor I: montiin tor the The directors tiro W. S. Woods 0. 1. or tho pleasure seeker Is tho most' clubbliic prl ut ja. 74 eaali Tltla itlroa tree breaking his collar bone and l o. (.handler and wos-- vou tin a w or m iiauBran raar H.J. Hammond. wonderful city of tlio wonderful ' iorn'' rlilleuloualyiiiwr low prloo. iismi in your orating his face, Though badly u ml The hank will open and bo ready for torn world. oUlicriitiiiiitnue. IF NOT . . up he is ublo to be out on the street. business us soon after July Las Mr. Tho hotels have made reasonable Mr. Al. Freeman the barber wi o Hammond cuu get to Kddy with his rates, mid there tire morn thuu twenty Why so foolish as to ola.iin that which wo was employed here for some time y iamtly und arrange 11 suitable place hotels all go enough for anybody. ShoriiT HughuH & Wilson accompanied for the business. The railroad nave extended favornblu Vft,Tgf oannot niako good? Wo to tij Vqbk arc roady provo Stewurt to HI l'ltnu Thursday from Mr. Hammond comes to reside in rates 0110 faro plus 8'2 (X) fur the round . which point he will go to Alhuituerqi Kddy nnd will have ohurgu of the bus! trip, with tho usual lay-ove- r prlvele-gcs- with tho vory host goods andMoWost prices to assist In showing up check at.d nuss. Mr. Woods Is alio president of Once In Washington City and that Our store is a place draft transaction. It scums Mr. I'rei the Hank of Commerce nf Kansas City you are In u short ride of the great At WILL 1UY ' all ooonoinioal buyers ;nan cashed a druft which was ufle. willed bus u million una a half deposits lantic cities, tho mountain and sea- should visit. ward ralHed but by whom is at th: so the puoplo of Kddy need have no board resorts. time unknown. He therefore goes fears us to the absolute reliability of These reduced rutos nro not restric MY PLAGE IN ,to usslst In looatlng the culprit. of the new Hank. ted to teachers, but tiro open to till per- Tho examination of Jno, Fort in sons, hence It will bo 11 good oppor- 3. second case wherein he was charged Democratic Ccmmlttcc Meeting. tunity for those going oust either on with bolug uccewory to the murder Ultlce democratic executive committee business or for pleasure to avail them- os Hud Johnson wus complete! Satur- of Kddy county, Kddy N. M., Juno selves of these liberal rutos. It is sug- jHUERTA. day lust und the dofeuduut discharged II, IbUS. gested thut those Intending to attend-th- o h. IS. I'rutt wus then put on trial At a meeting of the democratic ox meeting should ut once set about and evidence wus Injustice eoutlve committee comnosed of S. T. making propurntlotiH und not to wait F. E. DRAPER, after the Hitting, chairman; C. W. Oowden, grant und uar-punte- till toaohors association Huberts relused to bait v irom pinius voting precinct; .1. 11. r lifter the state was remundHil to tint!, meeting 27th, 23 OO YBAflS' jail to remain from Malaga: U. S. Hatomun at tlalveston Juno EXPEniENCE the next term of court. From the from Kddy; I'etur Com from Seven nnd UUth. An act worthy of Imitation evidence adduced at the examination Itivers and .1. I, Kussel from Hope, was performed by the Tarrant county on this the llth duy of June. lutiS. ut It would appear the wise ngtilnst I'rutt tho hour of t! p. in., the following teachers association. They sent at THS B6ST GOOPS is u very serious one. mumuers or ine committee uemg pres- their own expense two of their mem ent: S. T. Jllttlng chulrman; V. W hers us dologates to the department Hov. 15. U Oollurd and W. F Moore (Uiwdeu. II J Carnenler and U. S. tiperlutetuieiiU' meeting ut Chutu amSMBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV from Waoo Tux the town made more Ilateman. the following proceedings Tnsot Mahkb AT LOW6ST DC8IONB THe noogu, February 22, !id and 21. This or less conspicuous as the homo nl were mm: COPVIUQHTB &C. Is commended jjrnnn can..) Moved by J. II Carpenter and sec liberal action to other Anrona ini)ln a tkctrh ami dMcrtmion mtr in Tuesday ami erected a omied by C W. Cowdon thut U. S fra big teachers, not only of our counties, but liiiciiOnn li pruhiililf rnniniuiilm. tent between the bank building Hutemuu be acting secretary. Car uuniaiiicurcvHuugiiiiiu. iinauuoaauai-aivu- of other cltios. iit frm. (tl.lMt f..r and tho llronsoii Jllook for the pur- rion. . tenej iuifiu. CASHFRICeS. I'atsiita Uken llmiuiti Slunu A rocclTO pose of giving a revival. The mor Moved by U. S. Iluteman ami sec il'" wiwf wiiiiuut cimrKa. m iii chants were requested to close their onded by L . Cowdeii, that there Very unfnrtiinutuly 111 lust weeks Scientific Httiericnn. (in be held in tho town of Kddy on tlato to paper, our boy Jim put In an Item, lu places of liustmtee for hour ouch be llxwd by A linJiomlf IlluitmUit wreklr. fJirnMt Jr hurafter this committee a which the iiutuu of Mr, Ilateman wus cuUlloti of Mf clniinn I.Miruiil, TnrnK, a to which request many amen convention or Ir.ur monlhi, IL tkilil bjrall tl the democrats of Kddy used Intending It us yiri neimlMler. ted, so the people geimrally have lit'tii county for tho purpose of electing a joke. At tho ve time It went we listening to some very necessary lec- delegate to the council and . presuu-trtti- in did not give the conventions to he iioroufivr cul- matter tures on ithe various social eubjeuts, that serious consideration that led and also for the purpose i then it should have been given to It, fur ir on texts taken from Holy Writ. e and there making nominations .or the we had It would not have uppearod. Pecos Valley Is u line vocalist and Is usslsti-- different county oillces, if the wild con- Railvny Go. We now to by loout talent of the best in town. vention does not othorwlsu direct hasten make all itosaible when so convened und in chm aaid apology und rewratlou to Mr. Hute- otnol The revival is miliar tbeniiapiees of u convention doe out tlit-- dn lde to muu und nik the public to jwrdou its the M. IS. church und will undoubtedly nominate for the varioua county of- Pocos River Railroad Cs iippuuranee assuring II r. do much tiuHit Her Lnllanee In the fices It nhl then direct u time when ilateman Hhall thut no insult whatever was Intended Timo Table tho uarnest and good work he Is so nominations he msde by primary IS, elections, llxlng the rules govern to him, public h THE BEE HIVE zeulously performing. eta and guaranteeing tho In offset . . . . lug the same, and the chulrmun be and thut no such item us this, shall again JVodrieaday, Deoeinlier lit, Is hereby authorized and imrr, at it o clock . m. Judge Ureeii oume In last Friday directed to appear iu this paper. night from the mountain country. He Itsue his oall for said convention, aim Standard Gaiiral Tin. - directed to notify all the different mem- sayn Aiati.afordo looks ns If Bd!ylmd St. Meeiian & Go, ber of thin committee to hold prt-cin- Louis Jane It AsneeUI to the jexi t N4rlS moved over when you semi the t .em conventions iu thrlrnMietlv pre Fuel Dispatch from Dallas Tex. says: of the aple. It. II. IMerce la clueta for th purpose of eliding del Jiidae II. H. Uera d was aniiiitusl be tATIoH ilnlly nwdlrtr a jury at Waoo this r. around as company agent IIhIh liml gattn to tttid eoiiuly convention the evetuur of lue niiinuer of ileh-irate- e from said ttrecin charge of murder for havlug killed just began falling wheu , W. A . viriti th Jmii eta to Ih an herafier tlxed by IMn viu-mittre- und J Hiurla, brut hem, pub r.lllHUI Tlmes-Hen- started for hom. Utd 1'unkin it- - do und lie is further nu rueti-- d to Habere of the Waco i U in t lie rt November hut. I'he tragedy Aiku Ing well. miuklHg money ami in hlpli fiubllati suld call .ind to ui. u the nniuUi r growing out uf the many of V (' l.itp spirits. Tlie people around Woe' me ni tint ailda SI each i ctitiilt-- to, und Tirana wariaro oil tlie tteyh 1 Hni'tut I'a'i ' making grand i. prepralioiui '"i the aueli other i.i.titci nu 111 iy be nev-Mu- i y. unit ereity in Hi mure IrouoriuKt uu . I II.. great camp meeting the uuiioiiiiot-weii- t of Uw to it'lii Hun IlaptUt totunron Carried ucquitul l: i I r da , J ndgf Uerald. now Friday Aug. IV. Talented pr jien ('ir)H-nlt-- unci " h bo is " FWIMIf,JJaJi QUded by ('. W ( or Ilraun leouocloet, Ilrauii haviag are from Colorado und tl-- r ihiIhi that the tiiin rvu'-uti- ut mi Killed in 4 Uuel 1Mb for Holding wld eonveiilin irel Ar t patuta who will preach to the i cop e wuc iVi 11 411 111110 1. 1.1, f In. tor the uM Silunt.i ovitii.n by a large le Ml. A J (liliu rn le building N ad- - theWtUy of ittss Im t 01 hU f 1 lend md farmer peitUau Jui un llianii. dlt' i' ! aiieudy oniom xii iw Moved by C. " 'mi a...i 1 ' ut' i Mirf in tho mount no 'tin- - d by J. . i i' .1 H. Williams will do ell kind! t cine' 'i.i i is. Dlifht niiM-i-- fin frtilt r .n wn uii-- J .s in llaewaMMi i ' ffciitg iln in.tkiiik' at Is aow In in tlm i"'. iiiiUi ivi.c vai'ijn eleettmi 1 , il tic irei ntly oorupifii h Mr. 5t the country - KurgUXhoii alul in- l.'i imt v t. uii Mis 0 iiiiiiv cnmpalgna of the Shenandoah leading i p1f"YYTH, WATQI'iV DAZED ON THE MIKADO. "01lAFTlN(r JiNSECiU up to tha battle of Flvo Forks and tho vui.imwi'uu MERR11T surrounding nnd crushing ot le. '"w' Unintentional (inne by an America! GOMIMEKEMI Cllrt Travrllng In Japan. Merrltt'a six brevet from major to ONE OF THE YOUNQKST MEN 8Enms OF tlXfaniMBNT Numerous atorie are told ot tho un major general for hi heroic nnd irre IN THE NAVY. WITH LOWER TVPBS, sistible fighting at (lettyaburff, Yellow abashed behavior of frtxa-bor- n Ameri Tavern. Hawe'a Hhop. Winchester, can girl In the presence ot royalty. Ilefept Made AMllldntl' In tlMtrlll, a Type Fisher's Hill. Five Forka and tho Ap- It W tie Wlio I.nlir.l l'srrBt In Undo Sam's daughter calmly assume Military Ruler of the Philippines of pomattox campaign nro among his un- tint Mnt nt the llnttlt of Moblla llsy thnt prlncos. kings and cmporora nr Mntlia, t'tilflirnii flili nnd Vntg dying nohlavementa In tho great war. Unlet entl Iteierveil In Manner, hut novor any better tha- n- oldom n good Mmitrmltlra CalrnUleil lit (ilr UH the Best Americanism-- He Was at HU tltlo of colonel In tha regular an Intrepid J'lglilrr. na her brother In tho land ot tin Kurt of IMiytlrnl Mglitnure. army, tho Fifth cavalry, we bestowed free, nnd as iho has no pcclal rover-one- o waa aho fnlli on him Jn 187u. Later, when ho for tho mnn nt homo Oroat Intorcat u well na curiosity One Time a Farm Hand. sought de- OMMODOnii lo see why aho meota abroad given command of the much Crittenden those hns been reused In soletitlOe nnd ty partment head- John ahotild bo any moro doferin- - ot tho Missouri, with Wit (son in point ot treated clrcloa throughntit the Unltod Stat quarter nt Leavenworth, and dally. Miss Kate Garrison, n Iluffnlo Fort year I one ot tho by name etpirlinrnU In what may be subsequently St. Louis, many to- girl, now traveling In the orlont. wrltoi at youngest rommnn-dor- s termed tho grafting" of Inaect re- Mtrritt, who geot to a Confederate ameer ami n desperate experts In military matter homo detailing n unique ex Omeral tin talled In tho United as follows cently conducted hy Prof. Crampton inUUppinM as military governor of hand to hand eonleat fallowed, lie hnrdly to boslow bo perience she had In Japan: "Today 1 thought It fair States navy. of Columbia university. New York, U Island empire ot the Paclfle, Is the waa eaberal over the head, nnd would groat nu honor to ahower tho golden went to aeo the tomplo ot Kwnnnon. ' He, like Dewey. say tho London I'oat. Without g.litg nr-ai- r- been killed hut the soft ftdt brig- - I by soond In oemntaud ot our nationttl have far atnr of war on the youngest She the goddess ot mercy, nnd say experiment iher-im- ar- longed for the sea to far as to that the Ho won fame mill honor m 't hat which he ware, containing n big general Immediately following ; paying a few ono I shown her ntller and when a boy ot ten of Prof. Crnmntou makes' It at all chief omeer In the great battlM my pocket handkerchief. In title hi promotion. coloseal statue. Tho guldo book nayt 1 1 yearn entered probable thai the prociss of grafting uf the war. He wn an unrelenting he waa surrounded and hit (loneral Merrill' military career In It I fitly feet high, mndo ot wood, troopa nearly raptured. He fought tlm tmvnl academy will ever be nude applicable to moro warrior, onee fighting nine battles In closely contested ongngemonta, In groat gilded. It I In n dark placo nnd highly ca- courage and desperation nt Anuapolle. Since thnt time ha has developed creatures than ie successive day. HI mllUnry with a that and hmmrtlnu campaign, was nlwnya j lighted by candle. I had an amusing won n groat victory, newspapers been In actual servlee nnd during the grub, caterpillar and the'r wlnfd reer li wore or les on record, but of The ot n soldier nnd a hero. He wn i oxporleuco. Tho temple I up an n that war was and nt tho relative, there In the moro bis private life little has been given to of the day were filled with hie exploit grnduatod from Wost Point July 1. civil with Fnrraeut aldo hill overlooking the plain of In Hint particular engagement, and on famou Imltlo on Slehllo bay. when the fact of the successful "gralung" of tMt public. 1800, beforo the rebellion, and nnd I reached by many atop. (Jen- - Just waa the of hit thc:e lower types promise enough to On. Weeloy Merrltt'a father. Jolm the earnest recommendation of ranched a cnplnlncy In the Second cav- - latter lahod to mat I rested frequently on nsrendlng, nnd oral llutord he waa made a brigadier-genera- l. vessel, Walean doing the lushing. warrant an Investigation of the mnn-In- r "WUlls Morrltl, wan a New York lawyer, nlry April R. 1801. nnd waa brigadier then tat down In a llttln ten house on wn In physiological phenomena which baring an office at No. Ill Nassau ot volunteer June 30, 1803. Commodore Wnitwn born top before looking at the tomplo. 1 Knd oarly have rendered tho operation poalblo. atret when the hoy waa born. Her, I, Tim ltll of III l.lfo. Frankfort. Ky., In 1812 hi closed my eye, amellod my salt, etc A Soltllrr anil Itrro. edtientlon waa obtained In the public It I no detraction that the American MM, at No. 07 North Moore itrtet. He Hip Suddenly I wo aroused by n police. Perhaps greatest ride of his life In tho army of tho Potomac, on tho four-yea- r experlmonta are not al- was one of eight brother. Twenty school there. Ho completed a mnn coming very hear me nnd glaring was hi famous dash through tho gtnff of Onernl Cooke, nnd Inter with together new. Bo far. Inde-wl- . a tho month later the law office wna at No. courso nt Annnpolli with honor Into my faeo. Ho said: 'Today, prltx. (loneral Stonomnn, In hi famous raid artificial production of Insect mon-attosltl- ta .1 Spruce streot, the family having re- nnd Immediately stnrlctl on a rruleo I turned around nnd saw a gorgeously toward Hlchmond, ho won renown. In nMlguel to I concerned, the Idea I moved to llrooklyn. nrotind tho world. He whs robed priest, followed by nn old man yearn olil coin me ihI ot onvalry he eroited tha duty on Admiral Karragut's ship at tho much older than many are nware. Moro Whon Wesley waa four hi - holding n little girl ot nbout eight Increasing llnppnhanuock and surprlxcd tho one- beginning of the civil war nnd served than 100 years ago tho German physi- father, having a large ami - yonra by the hand. Several ladle fol agriculture my, but for hour wa nonrly surround- with him throughout the entire period ologist Kchwammerdam, having itud-te- d family, abandoned law far - lowed. I looked, and supposed the po ol and once an tho point of being cap- of Ho wa n great favorlto the metamorphose of grub and and bought a farm at "honking (linn hostilities. lleemnn monnt I could not visit the near llellvlllo, III., not tar lured. A confederate officer gave him with that officer nnd wn nlso with him enlorplllnis. noticed how often both Prairie." he temple becnuso of some priests' tune attend-0.- 1 a snvngo sabre rut on the head, but on hi nrotind tho world nfter tho wing and the antennae of butter- from St. IouU. Young Merrill crulso Hon. Another policeman oanio up and gallantly, lending 1 tho school of the Christian Hrother. continued righting the close of tho war. He a grandson flies worn deformed when emerslng vie-- 1 glared, and I had no Idea of doltw? any La- his men nnd winning an nmazlng Crittenden, nulhor of the fa- from the elirysHll condition, and. a Catholic Institution, at Ilellevllle. of John J. wrong, The aforesaid party deseondod ho worked on tho farm for three tory. It waa for thl bravory that j mous Crlltcnden compromise bill, for- - thinking that these abnormal result ter - ' the stop by I naturally (loneral Huford complimented him, fol- close and might be to causes, ho yearn, helping his brothers raise corn doll- - due oxternnl - watched them, thinking. 'What n .1 ... I ... 1 . . . and pork, for whleh that snrtlon hns lowing It by recommending his prnmo- fit a r (i " t. Mrtlika l.u a I. - succeed-r- d cnte looking little girl an.l whnt a fine atwsy betn fninoti. lion. Later, (leneral Merritt ier"nf 'ho Z.m. to nertnln esperi- - rnv-nlr- looking old The guard leading (loneral Huford In command of man!' ence during the period of change. So Slnrrltt h runner. turned on ronchlng the first lauding oporntlng In central Virginia. Ho fctiecrssfiil was he that In noarly every nnd glared nt mo ngaln. When I reached Toting Morrltl often drove the farm wan In tho lllrhmond campaign In 1S0I, case ho contrived by nrllllclal Hotting tho hotel nnd told It tho pcoplo meaui ijim seventeen miles to town. fighting with Sheridan nt tho head nbout to produce the defects he had obsorved Ills noarly burst themselves lnughlng over only fifteen rents tt bushel for earn. with hi column In hi historic raid In the emerging butterflies. It In un- It. I had had the effrontery to look Everything that a farmer produced In through tho valleys, always closing In fortunate lu upon royalty. That was tho rnuso of for those Interested such those days was cheap as dirt, nnd there on the nrmlcs of tho dying confederacy. experiments thnt the mean taken by money Pnete-boar- d tho glares. Then my- most nwtul sin wan little In circulation. HI division (tha Flrat), composed of Srhwnmmrrdum to manufacture hi mer-oksB- U wn watching them go down tho step, check circulated between seventeen regiment of cnvnlry, em- Intert oddities ivere not recorded In the In a I wn higher than they nnd look and farmers some luratltlea, bracing (loneral Custer'a command. "Memolre" published by the groat m ing down upon them. My Ignorance and their merchandise seemed high won him honor for tho masterly celer- Dutch phvNlclau lloorhave, hence they It so corn pork of tho language nnd custom had car took much and to ity In which he flrove Uarly nnd hi are Inst to science. Hut the suppres- nay It. llelng lawyer mnn ried me through. Tho two little prln-ceos- o for a and a troop through Winchester. sion won probably duo to the Herman Imy'i aro now In Knmnktint. and If ot a literary turn of mind, the physiologist himself, he was Hot ItrlllUttt Arlitrrernrath they walk on the bench the whole for when lather aspired to do something besides re- ' young an Iniensely religious mtn raising corn. He started n local even- Merritt' noxt brilliant achievement placo la clonrod. No common oyo la i ligious In the Hetis understood In ing at Hellevllle, railed the MIIW LAUIIA WILLIAMS. was nt Cednrvllle. on the Shennndoah. allowed to see. It la so with the wholo newapaiier mediaeval day. He strongly hold tho Advocate, and later a weekly of the (The Chicago Olrl Soon to Heroine the Tltlo was followed by hi glorlou vic- family. If the crown prince ha gono opinion that all monatnialtles In nnl-m- ul name at Iloth were 1 1 ride ot don. Merritt.) tory at the Iwttle of Cedar Crock, to look nt a river In tho mntinttln mim Ibnnon. life were due to man's primal error Deaioeratlc organs, and, like moat of Hocky mountain, when he rode night where, without Infantry support, he tho wholo road I shut off. The em-pr- and therefore he did not care U tint Democratic Journals ot day, and day to tho rosrue of Major Thorn made Incessant cavalry charge tre- hna no children, but the omporor that stultify hlmtolf to a certain oxtrnt by were for territorial oxtenilon, the an- burgh's command, hummed In by tho mendous, overwhelming. Tho enemy linn twelve other wires, and these chil- showing those could, with- nexation of Texas, and tho settlement Ute Indians nt tho tlmo or tho Whlto could not urrtve his of tor- dren nro tholrs. There Is but one on. that freaks naull be produced artifi- ot tho vexed nnd formlUnble "Oregon Htver maaaacre. The soldiers were nado Impetuosity. With Hhorldnn nnd sovoral dnughtor; all aro very in certain limit, question" by taking possession surrounded and bolng slowly shot and Merritt dtaphiynd n dlHtlnguUhod part delicate. Thoy nro taken awny cially, and thus provide hi antagonists of the COMMODOItK JOHN C. WATSON. from powerful weapon country clear to the Pacific ocean. starved to death. A lnglo man man- In forcing tho mirrondor of roo. On tho mother vary soon anil brought up with a against what grnphlc-nll-y wna then deemed religion. Rut the Tounn Morrltt helped tits fnlhbr 'and aged to ortuvl out nno night nnd escape, that memorable nccaalon, so nttornoy-goncr- al of the Unltod In different pnlacog with uablo ladlo mor oxperlmont of M. Almo Harthelemr brothers puhllili thin Dtmoeratlc nows-paps- r. nnd nftor Incredlblo suiforlng roachod doeerlbod by (Irani nnd Hhorldan, n terms United In waiting. Tho mother nro 'net In Slate and number of uf tho Lye en nt Jau aro well known He mastered tho business ot Itawllngs Station on tho Union Pnoltle Oonornl Merritt was appointed one of sonntor Kentucky, nnd a It.' So you can see whnt an awful Stntos from to nit Ktudent of that singular branch nephew (Ion. L. nnd (loorgo thing your American trce-hor- u child of Thomns of physiology known as teratology,' II. Crittenden, both ot whom dinting did todny." nnd I no doubt thnt exampln during the civil war. there tho ulshed thomselvo he first set Inspired tho transatlantic Commodore Wntton married n A 3TUHDY LITTLE SHIP. professor of Columbia college. It In dnughtor of Judge Thornton ot Snn thnt M. Harthelemy did not has two sous. Ivdwnrd Tho recent departure of tho Wind true do Francisco and nnythlng In the wny of grafting or at Wnteon, I an onslgu on ward from ICngland for America brings It. tho alder. tempting to graft tho on the Detroit nt present with to n olose, for the present, n very creatures honrd whose bodloa he made his Investig- Hampton's fleet, and Thornton L., who Thlssturdy llttloshlp ha recently celebrated his Slat birthday, entered tho polar Ire In no fewor than ation. Hut thnt wa btrnuae lie suc- ceeded In obtaining Insect freaks by la nt tho front with the Seventh caval thirty aeasom, and. although oxpoeed simpler menus, to ex- ry. on many occasion to severe which helped plain tho manner lu which the deform Commodore Watson Is tt man of won- - hns always given a good account usually In crea durful discipline uud Is exceptionally of herself and safely tnnde home. Orig ities observed those ture wero ordinarily caused. HI ex quiet and resorved. He has never been inally a salllng-shlp- , she had the dis- periments were mode principally with, to fall In nny undertaking tinction ot being one of the first whal known grub of Ilombyx marl, pre- plnnnud by him. When appointed to ers to ho fitted up with steam. In the the sumably ordinary head1 prwKint command he was governor April. 1801. the Windward wn eold tho death's his moth. Hy slight compression oaretully the navnl home at Philadelphia to Captain Wlgglu. of Siberia fame, of applied In certain parts during where ho hnd been detailed for three but, n mouth Inter, while she was un the m ibpvibbbbbbwi of the tnotamorphlo prog v i mx w ii 'nt i i wt BsBBBBBBBBBKar.rrTaamaHk " naBBaaeaaBHT'i i a i i i i i i w years, dergoing a thorough overhnul for the continuance M. Harthclomy succeeded In ob - now trade In which she wax to ho on ress 3r- taining monstrosities with no heads, L tkl Murli Mnllgnnl Hen. gaged, she was purchased by the pro dAtttII Jackson-Harmswort- h hunch barks and rovertd antennae. J Jfl DID I motor of the ex " Tho antldoat part ot nu art gallery Somo he secured with enormous heads I pedltlon, whose aim wa to roach tho 1 not tho flippancy of the picture, it . . nr. north polo by the northwest passage nnd others consisting only ot abdomen tho lorlousnoM of tho people. If tho nnd legs, with neither head nor tall. solid, Hinging Itaolt on tho nnd, on their way, to search for tho son looks llorjorllug par He gave some Insects double, spines, cliffs, and tho rock are made ot fog. missing members of the (y. In the beginning of 1800 tho Wind caused others to devolp un enormous thing to do I not to believe It. It a tho to n trenii sup abdomen, while In yet other Instances ot enlld sea hanging on tho walls wnrd went lndon for t hit ply ot provisions, and, returning to ho suppressed the growth f needtuK of n Ilottou gnllory mndo any differ- Franz-Jose- In of tUn samo organs altogether, without, a ran to to to the sea, would be gome f land June ence there ysnr, had the honor of conveying, thVci say, otherwise affecting the creatures. roflHon for standing and alghlng and He reduced the eyes to the slxe of pin hectoring and lecturing nnd gathering head and nt will deprived them of the a group ot iHNiple all iiiout to uefettu organs of sight entirely, Other French- an ocean and the Immemorial freedom men and dormant, too. have since tho of tho wnvo. If three tinr feet at date of M. Harthelemy' Invcstlgatlona, aotunl eon at MarblohMd could ho In nbout thirty year ago. taken up tho jured by three square feet of Imimisl experiments, and the roatilt, It may club. It hie Roa at the Iloeton Art be worth pointing out to Hngllsh read- might he worth while to take It seri- left, ers, demonstrates the soundness of tho ously. There la always the sa rogardlng the development ot we have views no matter how ninny nrt clubs such lower forms of anlmni life as sea al- to pnlnt It nwny from us: the it tho caterpillar and grub which wero L there, waiting to be painted back . eOVWKNOIt-aiSNWHA- MHHIIITT. ways flrat set forth by our distinguished again. The rock of Merblehead will many countryman Harvey, who. It may bo front tho areat white thundei remembered, considered the chrysalis MO tha eommlMloner to carry out nil our and running a country tiewapeper taking rallrced, nearly mile? lo the narth. three conturlos still, when arts na physiologically Identical with on Gen- treaty. And now In a away. ttu-- looking utter petly detail, A ' hurry" telegram waa tent to the term of the all our artists have melted hla In enelrcllng egg. txMtdaa learning to Mt type aaul beesm-la-- eral Merritt, then colonel of the Fifth new and gtoho war this Uoston Traveler. wktle hut n boy. cavalry at Fort 1). A. IlUMell. neur bravo, sagacious and competent man ot an expert printer HfflrUnt (linn for Artillery. At Ute age of sixteen he went to rend Cheyenne. After reaching Itawllng the people, who In his turn waa farm- ThrriiiomMur fur Wlitmn. Sn-tee- hoy, typesetter, publisher, editor, The United States will employ a llsht law las the otllen ot Judge Hoynle In or the nearest railroad point to the er's vram tho New York Time: You THIS WINDWARD. hreeeh-loadln- g guns 3.2 He waa making rapid nrogreea White Htver Indian agency, (leneral lawyer, oadet, soldier and then a vic may oarry your awn thermometer now artillery of of fellow-adventur- er caliber. They uro the moat effective when aov. maeell. thett a member of Merrill had to ride four dnya ami torious and alwaya conquering officer and It will only cost you M eenU to months later. Nntiien mul his sup- nou fer Held purposes constructed mingreea. seeured hltn a cadetshlp for nlghta continuously with a light In the great armies ot the war, Is again buy the portable kind. They are to their homes In Norway. an - up They ran projec- Point. ply of food and ammunition. Thorn- warned at the front. Those who know round, about as large as a quarter, and Since Mr. Harmtworth bought her tor to date. deliver Wmi tile with a muaxle velocity ot a quar- Omi. Merritt baa no family. His burgh was dead and hi men were on him best agree that he has a judicial have a stick pin at the back, with the work ot his expedition the hat nephew. Baton Merritt. he t the point ot starvation, wound! and temperament and I eminently flttei them. The tittle class farted her way through neatly 2.000 ter of a mile In a second, and their ef- favorite which to fatten 1 be- , range four in ex. The pro- cheating at a Connecticut acnooi, whh barely able to cling to their guns fer aetlon In civil or military affaire ltbo maining the mercury la eotled miles ot formidable Itself a fective It nr-riv- jectiles employed are usually shrap- a view of erullng him to Weat Point. hind their Intrenebmonts. Merritt requiring wisdom and Justice, He will a serpent with the ball In the record of considerable Interest. To like nels, one lu bursting being re- Oen. Merritt waa married In 1871, In at the break of day. advanced be beard from agitin. Thl la a great scheme for the Windward will belong the honor ot earh center. solved Into about 300 fragmrnta. ISx. Murone. to Mlea Caroline Warren, ot with yell and scattered the Indians, the feminine cyclist. With a little having proved the navigability ot Ht. Ctnetnnatl. Hue died In 1801. at who were waiting like coyote for the Wmniin's llslr ImproTlng. solontlflc calculation she will be able Franx-Jos- et land seas; the two ships Weat Point, (leneral VM. and waa burled at soldiers lo die or surrender, It I now said that women's hair It to determine ut what degree of heat who had previously made that remote tin trr of Tctiinx I'hi. where the general was superintendent Merrltt'a wild ride through the Uocky becoming more beautiful in color every her faee gets nn unbecoming red. and nrehlpelago were both lost on Itt Young Man "Mr. Ootrocks, let me tor Ave year? mountains will long challenge the rec- year, nnd Is also growing thicker and then she has only to watch her ther- short. It wnt a very congratulate you on the marriege of Tne Merritu originally aprang from ord. It I considered remarkable that longer. This la said to be duo to the mometer to tee when that degree has graceful aet on the part ot Mr. Alfred ypur daughter." (lotroeks "Married I ttir brothers, who came to Amerlea he did not kill a horse or a man dur- small, light bonneta that women wear. been reached, when she ean dls-mou- nt Harmtworth to .nake a Blear pretent My daughter, married! To whom, sir. l4oo. from Ireland In their descendant ing bis mountain march. Certain It la that air and aunthlno Im- and eool off. of this ship to Lieutenant Peary, tho to whom?" Young Mon "Biouse me. HOtlllng In and from that you see, I modesty Wlnehoater. McPhersen and Sheri- prove tho color and texture of tho hair. American explorer. sir! but. er er Is said, the Merritt bern With Custer, me, taet Is. family, tt all ot boy Sun bleaches the hair, and Venetian II a forbids sir; but the air. she eonntry have deeendel. dan. Merritt was called one the Hrsitua Would lllr.l. la tU war. (Iraduatlug from Heautle alwaya dried their ruddy loek "Ylsslr," said Brastus Plnk!ey."whn Illl Ilrup Wlliim, married me." Adams Friemnn. Of General Merrltt'a military history general ot the hut a few months before In the aun, thereby tatting that tint to I goes to do wah I won't be qo awdl-nar- y Judge: Sally Day That teltow (Jrlm-sho- w Kitnrk has b(n written. A mere ree-r- d Weat Paint Why Isn't n br'dle fur a woman's admired sailed Venetian red. Ot sojer, reg-la- r "Mia-tu- h moro about women his nattlea, engagement and the civil war brake out, he Joined the much I'll be a bird." knows than course sunshine will not bleach dark Plnkley." responded Miss any ot my tongue a neceevaiy part of her har- KMlMlgM flit columns. He hat) Second dragoon and eentlnuottoly Miami other mttt acquaintance wld serv- It gives A deeper color to nil I How so? Sally Day ness? narrow eeeanea from death a himself In the cavalry hnlr. hut Drown, "Is you utln' slang, or is to DolV 8wltt He BtanT iherl-dan'- s tresses, and will brighten dul' under- Don't Judge a wan by the clothes ho one at the battle of Ileverly ice all through the war. He waa kinds of onderstan dat yen' gwintor Jlne t understands that he Jw'l notakte great brown hair. squadron?" stand theaa wsart. Instead ot by those h pays tor. Tord In 1M3, whtn he was attacked hy right hand man lu tb flyln' tho street, with something of Indian Avoid a man who seeks to pry Into WOMEN IN I'arlfylnt flplrlt of lrayer. A HARE JEWJL. v BUSINESS. tlon rising tin within his breast I hi" neighbors affairs, for ho boa an ' (From tb Frt--i Detroit. Mleh.) All sort of are only I'rta, "Madeline Joyce Is a good and bean evil heart: shun him ever. A prominent business man recently halt eomplele, unlets they so nut into "fitrawberrloat 1 Very tlful girl." he himself, fot petted tbe opinion that there l one thing prayer. Our troubles and disappoint- Strawberries raid to "and t'nn Our I'omI In ItlurmlritT Ono -- lady, plmtio buy." her sake I pco Unt will prevent women from completely ments, the great saoraments, m they and fresh have borno with these It conlldoiico onn l felt In tho opin- -- head. pie longer I filing man' plare In tha business, world havo been called, of raarrlago, birth, Hut Madeline Joyce shook liar than otherwise should ion of military ami naval oMaefs nt Uay depended i Iwntti they "No, 1 do nny, child." lint dress gayety endless can't be ixm and death, our delight In nature and not want and and the noat ot government, such Is tho e sick too of fen Thla U refuted by Mra And the strawberry girl passed on, xponsc at mountains, with f pa- - the Whlto oxten'. of our son to VV. Mansfield, n vrotnnn of M music, the Impulses of popular and oonit thnt biomlt C builuct ' Mmlollne gazed after her with sad, a year's rent due that I altogether n , Mleb., who trlollo feeling sweeping over us, tho It effectually seems Imponslblo, Whtin Farrar Ht Detroit, tayei vlolot-gra- y eyes. different matter. I have been mis "A complication of female ailments kept stories of heroism, the sudden dan it blookndeof tho bowels wxlsts, rolloro "Poor nnd proud! Proud and poor!" taken In Madeline Joyco. an ''-- e soon. me awako nlgbte end wnre mo nit. 1 could gcrs which bring us tip with a start-- oil It with liostottor's Su.mneh Mitt em, sho "Oh, my or sho A Bet no relief from medicine end hopo wrh such experiences move us tr murmured to herself. underatnnds It. the k..ter. which alio ouro Indignation, malaria, Ood! why was 1 ragged more society butterfly too proud tc -- slipping away irom me. A young lady In prayer, and are never so rich as when not yonder heumatlsm nnd kldimy trouble my employ me n ox of Dr. Williams' strawberry child who work, too to stop nnd euro they most completely merge them girl, or even the frivolous thlnkl rink 1111 for Tale People. I took thtm sweeps tho corns on And I had fanciest so different," Will womankind ever tire of those selves In the purifying spirit of prayer. crowing, nnd her and utile to reit at night for the Hint , Mrs. on lallsmnnlc words of man. "1 love you?" km seom honest penny now nnd then? Hut now Ilenjnmln's tall fontmnn put time In months. 1 bought moro and took Then our burdens shared, man's now n seom my hands arc lied hy mnmma'a supercilious grin, ns Mr. Atholmg them end they cured me a they alto cured toll and pain Interpreted, an AN OPEN LHTTHn TO MOTHERS, THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF nQS knowledge. I absurd prejudice! Well, Hoatrlee, naked for Mlm Joyce. Mitral other people to tuy access of vigor, courage, and a what Is It?" The new n Misery nnv'ncss." said he. We are sMi-rtln- tn the cetm our rlsbt to the Is think thnt If you ehould aik any of the thought seem to flow In, as though In- - duo not only to the orlif lunllty anA For her younger como "Upstairs story. back. ilrugiUti 6f Detroit vhoare the best buycrt Clod speaking chll-- slslcr had second Mktk. simplicity of tho combination, but also Williams' would mfv (Urd were to his ! please." of Dr. l'lnk Plllt they nolicloMly in. Dr. Hutnuel ltyannlsMatta-Ihuielt- i, to the enro ami skill with which It the young women. Theie pill, turtnlnlr urrti, and actual connection were I, Pitcher, of is "The bill Mr. Athellng. somewhat surprised orU-lnal- manufactured Kclcntlllo liulld tin the nervous tvetatn and mauv a made between our finite spirits and from tho bnkor's, Made was the of "IMTCIIUH'S by pnwMcm lino," nnd n little annoyed, ascended tho OASTOItlA," the tame that ba anddors known to young woman owe her life to lliem. the universal life. Prayer thus seems, beret tho C'Ai.iroiiNU Fio Hvnor "At ft Imtlneta woman I niu pleated to "Another Did you tho mnn stnlrcnio by himself. now brar the le ilr nature ot CIIAS. II. Co. only, and tvv wish to Impress at least In those moments when we bill! tell upt reromtnemi wo hnd no money, Tho door was half-ope- n and ho coulti rt.HTCIIMt on firry wrunwr. Thli In thi all tho Importance of purchnklnp; themaethey most truly pray, like the sweetest Iiontrlcol" tho "What would Imvo been Iho use, sco Madeline .Inyco. a book In her lap erltlnal 'l'lTCllllIt s CABTOItlA" which bas truo and original remedy. Aa tbo did more for symphony, to soothe and to Inspire, been uitd In the bum of ib cl nny MnddyT Of I him." nnd two or three chubby little boys muhm genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured methan 1 course. did not tell for years. Look artfully lUv. Charles Dole. Amrrtea orrr thirty t Co, physician, "And mnmmn?" swarming around her. ovldontly Intent wrapper Is you by tho CAMroiiNiA Fin Brnur and 1 nan at the and ae that It "iht kind only, knowledge A llartanl Lottery, "fiho does not know, sho Is rending on anything nnd everything but their hare always boiiclit," and baa the ilsnature ol a of thnt fact tvlti' ,n nohUt one In avoiding l'lnk As late m 1800 Harvard College was tnc iwrlorj she will not lot mo mom! !6etnns. CIIAS. II. rf.BTCIIKIl on the Wrapncr No tho worthless me ex Imitations by par- rilliforl'flle 11 the tnblccloth: she says It Is not work Hho started tin. crimson nnd con one ha authority frem to iic mr natne manufactured other raising money by n lottery. offored 11. 1'eople cred-- Indies. futed nt dark, hand cfpt The t'cnlaur roinpany, of whicl. Chai ties. Tho high atnndlnp; of tho Oaxi-ron.ii- A 0.000 tickets for sale at $6 each, with for Oh, Mmldy, what shall we the sight ot tho KletehcrU Prswldsni. for niy Via Hvhvv Co. with tho medl-c- nl do?" some face sho knew to well. 8. IW7. BAMUBt, M. D. general prlstcs ranging from $16,000 down to $7. Harch I'lTCIIUH, profession, and the sntlsfaotlos eood health ' Madeline arose and began pn'lng "It Is about Die rent," she gasped. "In the above scheme," sold the pros. A of pence which syrup Figs retioy." imtlently up nnd down the room. 'Yes, yes I knew. Wo cannot pay It pipe and a piece of a pipe tho frcnuluo of hut No d facer- - pectus, "tho Juat expectations 0f the nro different things. given to million of families, make 'Hush!" Is n ring Just yet. but hut " err of moil Sh.hIhiId Prntitnlut publlck and the Interest of the Unlvcr'i she triad: "there the name of the Company n at the boll. again. Ho smiled ns ho hand. guaranty ern time hat dona o much to enable slty Imvo been consulted. It Is worthy It is Mrs. nenjamln took hor COHMO llt'TTimMH.K TOII.ICT KOAP of tho excellence of It remedy. is. women to take proper places In Go I gono "You nro makes tho akin It their lltelir the nttenllon of adventurers that tho tell her nm engngod busy not going to tho White soft, white nud brnltby far In nitvanco of nil other their health neUr. William' out anything you stay! mountains, Hold everywhere. laxative, PinkTilla for 1'eople. Acting directly highest prize Is nearly doublo In valuo please. No then?" an It acta ou tho kidneys, liver Am! I'nte 1 on Perhaps I had better sec her, after "Yes. nm as Mri. UeuJnmln'B tr the Iduod ami nerve. Invigorating the to nny that has drawn In i Too much "pruellto" of a br.tsa band bowels without irritating or weakr-Iti- regaintlug brn thl nursery governoss. Only body, the function, they retore nil." mnmmn la a bad "practice. them, iloi-- a not the MrruKth nud to the exhausted commonwealth for ninny years pssl, nud It gripe cor health And Madeline went downstairs to doos not know. It would brenk hor nnusmtto. IU woman when eery effort of the physician though tho usual price of tickets Is pre l In order to get bcncflolal where Mrs. Joyce sat In faded silk and heart, Mr. Athellng. And tho very No.Tii.lUn fitr lflf Oiilt. prcm unnvAllliiir. served. The mnnagers solicit tho put-- (liitrmlreJ lobaeeo weak effects, pleuo remember tho imiuo at I be hiWteure, makn Tor the growing girl they are of tho darned Inee, with white, wnsted hnnd first quarter's snlnry recolvo shall 59c. All drugi-lt- tho Company ronngo of the publlck In general, and of j tncnilroHif, Uo4wie. It. greatest lienrflt. for the mother Indispensa- folded In her lap and nn embroidered forwarded Immediately to you. ble, for every woman invaluable, tho friends of Literature and tho Uni- " CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. locomotor ataxia, cttoman under her feet. For Uneasy consciences, rather than bad lor parnlyfcl. nml versity In particular, nnd, considering , other diseases long autijxitcit "It Is dream," Madeline said to "Madeline!" ho hurst forth. Im cooking, oft keep us nwako. SAM rilANClkCO, Inrtirnhle, thj object of tho Iittery, they will j liken '!. lhca pill linvn proved their efliraey In heriolf. noth- pulsively. "I have mistaken ynu I LonxTiu.c cr. .ictr voim. jt.t. combine tho prospect of gain ' "And to think there Is Urlght and n loving have thousand of case. with tho ing In Perhaps hnvo misjudged ynu altogether. Will fyra heart certainty of benefitting tho University, tho house far dinner! contentment as a counterpart. The Water tlrnr. Mrs, Benjamin will usk inntnmn to you pardon mo?" BittlOur and by lending their aid to the meant' One of thu commonest curiosities re- dine, and lico and I can send out for "I don't understand you, Mr. Athel of education will promote tho best In- by microscope In Is hnlf a pound ol crnekers. Wc can cat lng." AN OWiltATION AVOIDED. Ghainlass vealed the wator a terests of their country." New York animal thnt looks like a bear. anything." And then ho explained. Mndcllno's Dlcyloct little Tribune. MAKK extraordinary thin And through lior disjointed mvdlta- - scarlet upper Hp curved. IIII.L CMllllINO KABT An about this lllcjrrle Talent, Mro. Roan Onum Wrlton to Mm. ho Is In Hons her mother's oft, sweet volco "And you believed I could go fash Columbia tiny ireuturo li that found tho . I ...... ry t rmlAntu Plnkhum About Bho 8nya : ln.i.M. ilia- . g, plonsurc-scokln- it Chain Whteli, 76 mil Lira of llOUSCS. Wtiero lln a nnn , sounded. while nt o- - .. r.m panted nt this time re.a o to ue To tho while wo owed moony wo could ilarllordt, - . GO drv a. dust and scorched l,v . Whlto mountnlnsT With that o ' DnAn Mas. Pixkiiam: I take picas-tir- Vedellci. $40 A 35 I n,,T My dear Mrs. Ilonjnmln, you not pay? Oh. Mr. Athellng I" b axing sun. at another uctlvo and f. ? Th"? n" In writing you a few lines to In- ?r'Z, wheel ery I Mnddy Clarence of life under a refreshing shower of ? kind, nm sure, nnd Flvo minutes Inter Master form you ot tho good your Vuctnlno Pope Mfg. Co. ru - IV. m.and' muni use her own discretion nhout ac Ilonjnmln rushed down to his mother's rain. maul Compound hns dono me. 1 cannot tho wheels are used for so many put cepting. Do you darllngT Mrs boudoir. Tho water boar hns tho sclontldc hoar. thank you enough for what your medi- lumps that tiatents concerning the va Ilonjnmln wnnta yo accompany her "Mammal mamma!" ho howled, namo of turdlgrndu, beeauao he tnkea Al- ,o cine 1ms dono for me: It has. Indeed, rlom parts aro very numerous. to tho mountain; soon sho 'come quick. There's n strnngn mnn life so easily. He Is always fat and put i as has helped me wonderfully most every urc to which a wheel Is secured a nursery governess for her whispering to Miss Joyce, and who's plump, nnd spends his wnltlng period a way patent to For years I was trou- - will point the to a dear little boys. I am sure It would crying." T7"v In constantly grubbing with hl four con- bled with an the service. Then there aro be a charming opportunity you to Hut when Mrs. Ilenjamtn reached pairs of legs among whatever rubbish handlo for ovarian tumor, aC2 stant experiments In chains, see a little of llfo, far elrcumstnneM, tho scone of action tho tears were all 'comes In his way. Having eyes, brain pedals, and. ouoh year grow-Int- f bars, spokos, tiros, frames, you know, preclude mw giving drlod up. nud Mndollno was smiling nervous system, he la from worse, un- and n much ahead In fsct, every port of tho machine. It you much vnrloty." und coloring radiantly. in cm t of his tribe, nud he Is altogether many patents til nt last I of would seem thnt with fo Madeline looked up with n sudden "Oh. Mr. Atholug. It Is ynu!" cried o( the mort Interesting nnd amus- week bicycle would h'iim niimrwOlnil one Issued every tho glitter In her eyes tho lady, recognlxlng thu wealthy land'-- ing little animals known to science. soon becomo period. to connut wlh "A nursery governess? I think I noiuor. "Ann jinuiiy a physician. know ot same ono, Mrs. Ilonjnmln, "I may as well toll you," wild Made Ituniity l llluud i llalefiil Old Sinn. Ha snld Clean blood acioan tin. No beauty "And when your wheel broko down who will suit you, If If your terms nro line, softly; "Mr. Athellng has naked nothlngcoulil t.H-nrei- " without li. randy fathiiftlc ieY()n mliM from )iamc Bnlil tho "old nt nil liberal." mo to marry him, nnd bo dono for clMM yHr.ul"u1 , 5. ' by VOUWelf. "Three hundred a yenr nnd nil cx "And you will loso your nursery !,.'."!-- Ini- - ...nn.'' "inu -renalred- It all - - mo but to go under nn operation Vtlrriug up the laty liter ml all ptuioH paid," wild Mrs. Ilonjnmln. "I governess." Athollng, smiling. puniliM iroui l no ikmit. to did you?" snld lu spunking with a (rfcnil ot mine inifin ohj It nil stingy. Who Is It. gnvo up imiilth nlmnlei. lxll. fitoteliei. blaekbeads. "I did," answered the typewriter, think Im't nt Mndollno Joyce never hur about It, hhc reooiumundcil Lydla 13 ' s m yur Pent,K' u(l tint ilokly Wlloui comidextou by lakmit Mndollnot" Dc is ftis Q proudly. honest pride And sho went to tho Plnkhnin'a Vegetable Compound, Mty- -' QUICK Uiorcu,-hf.ii- iy for tcncenU. All Urut-Cltlf- s aT CWwiUllWDOIIBLE "A young lady a frlond of nilno. It was ' mtUfai'llon rant red, lUo, c, toe. "It seems mighty funny to mo, then," Whlto mountains, after all, but Inp; kIio knew It would ouro me, 1 then tun When do you wnnt hor?" aa Write CAPT. O'PARRni.L, P.mlon he continued, "thnt when tho ribbon on a bride. New York News. hent for your ineillulnu, nud nftcrtnU-hi(- f York WA.1IIINOTON.Ae.U.C. nnd wo bo off HIS Hw Arnuc. No wis for gosslpers havo; thoy your machlno needs shifting you have "At once; then can thrco IxittlcHot It, tho tumor ills-- j In i (tiiranltrd may cense to bo secrets. n book-kecp- boforo tho wilting wenthor conic lln' Cnlf fktUtM to call on that dude ot FEAntSD FOR HEn HU3DAND. appeared. Oh! you do not know how liuno c ue No loicrlvrrac iu Indian-opol- You will nctumpany us, Madeline?" OPIUM to fix It for you ovory time." ls uiui'li food your medlctno m done wmk I'ibllili)' Hkupl tr Ilutl'a Catarrh Cure "Oli, of course of course Is, - Dr Vwr Jv. D i V . Mou.tcn. Ttm. Journal. That Afrutil That Die NimiilnnU Would Cap- mo. 1 ahull recommend It to all MifTer-Inu- ; cure. Price, T.'c. 1 Is a contltuUonal If mamma approves." And Mrs, Juyco lure 1 lin. Mrs. 7i'0 HobHon's cholco could havo been n woineti. ltosi Uaiu, smiled faintly. Now York llorald: Mrs. Joaalo Mur Wall SU, Los Angeles, Cnl. 1 1 rortunnto Is ho who docs not lose tho Csrvcrn one. Vrn I klV luanui.itiuoutKlcliJce "Haw ready tho young birds nro to phy, 39 years old, llrooklyn, hanged tmpOtnUW It love of his child. of Thoifrcatund niivaryluo; miccom of :irnilliii4 .ikriia. tn.u sasH-ntrn- a fly nwny nnd Iravo tho parent nest. Drinking tot (loan not nS horself with a tablo cloth In tho dining Lydla H. Pluliham'H Vcgutublo Com- - nml WIIIHKKY llatilla rurM wnya make a child tmpudorit. room ot her apartment Inst night be- pound In every dcritiigrmcnt ut lioiun ultlioiil pnln, IttU oeth't Srup$ end other like remedies rellevluir of particular, free ylu' loulalnod sleep, but Sir. JloffrlP. cause sho htiHbanil, tho foinulu demouhtrntes it fi w... .1 1 v n. l Aiunu, n. shoos always n feared her Thomas of orgnita, O. TrtTii.A (Tftttiliiir rowdvra) Aids Woeft-le- Dsnd nun's nro not Ilcwulfttes Uu llnweU, cure the Ulitd good lit. Murphy, who Is a sen captain, would It to bo tho inwli-r- .afegua--d of wo HEW DISCOVERY: m and nikkM teeibfsr eo-- v and (or the chtW'a hnpplm-k- s rtrniinCV be taken hy the Spaniards, She wan , maii'a nud bodily atrength. &t 1 vrimB.lrtiji . U riSJ r utile uo kIto them at ot Wo I'My Mprne - i. krB'l tr Nmk of u4 JO JTB" n widow when Hh married ('apt. Mur- Moro tlinn a million women havo been Iri'M I'rrc. Pt. ll.lUatkt'tlOlt. 1Uum,W ind liberal eoHimlwloan. rofua4 tile, etwh fer tniciit phy about a year ago. He sailed on j benefited by It. Nature's nobloiuen la ho who bears all eosds not KWlag ike c ott m iu r t ii UftlOH. when AtiMictinij Advcrtlsemtats Kind!. burdens cheerfully. MiiK terois of o.sdlt. I'lmfolaM isheme April 13 with his schooner for Han Uvery wornnn who need ndvleo mlsamim wniL No bend retiulred. aim Mention This I'aptr. nliolnL-r.inh- WffArHOteeTMiti& Domingo. She was worried by the about her health la Invited to wrlto to SIhim, mailt frotn Shaba Into Vocir nttr moath oh mall ettlara. AtlilreM wlin ilamp, prospect of war at the time ot his de- Mrs, PlnUham. nt Lynn, Muwi. V. N. U. DALLAS NO. -- 26. 18BB e, Llfiiiurd Mfit. Ctty, Allen's Foot-lSas- a powder for the Co., Iewit lewa. parture and begged him not to go, say- feet. It cures calnful. swollen, smart Always und keep out ot ing aho was sure he would fall sting tell the truth, into it ing feet nnd Instantly takes tho trouljlo tho hands of tho Spaniards and bo "IRONING MADE EASY, Ml VUI Uil UUW Mumvitoi tfrav UUl l kilted. He laughed at hor fears, telling greatest comfort discovery at tho age. I'Imi'i Cure for I'onuitiintlou tbe lft of nil eotigh riirea. -- Ilwrg W. Ijj1, Fabucher, her ho did not believe thero was any- Foot-Knn- o makes tlght-flttln- g Allen's l.a.. Ausutt 'JO. lt-- thing In war or now shoos feel easy. It Is n certain tho talk, nnd that thore cure for sweating, callou and hot, Afttnft.lllata ttmt fttA rvwutBA flCD would bo no hostilities. Kven If thero iird. nervous, ochlnx toet. Try It to- -. wonmn'tf main urrars. should be war ho promised ho would day. Sold by all ilruggUts and shoo' FIT3r,r,u.D,0ll.(.UI,,,.,m,,rftw,,.f, mako the voyngo In safely and return itorofi. uy man ior sac in siampn. ut u. l Or. KH i Oitt Mm lllrr. sound. Bhe waa tint convinced, but he package FHKH. Addrtw. Allen was obliged to sail In splto or Trial J.liUliiiVi'a'fe.tS'K MAMMA!" her a nlmitnit l.a Itor. N'. Y. "MAMMA! Hit HOWLUD When he was gone she read - -- - Drown bread Ice crenm Is a delightful sho sighed. "Well, It Is but natural. duys. eagerly all the war nows, capeclally all mr.,v,.rrV nnbn nnd Ibn Snnn. doSStrt for HUllliner I ran hardly blame Mnddy for being that related to the probability so dull n placo as that lull aro tho chief topics. A bath with COHMO 11UTTKHMII.K nnxlous to leave Rpaln would prey on Amuih-n- com 80AP, oxqultltely Is toothing und this." merce. Aa tho reports breumo more n iiorfei't complozlon and a clear, Loucllolnl. Hold everywhere "Mamma," Mndellno, passion For cried and moro alarming and war seomed hrultky Jlcln. too CU.S.MU llU'lTHItMIl.K Is Oh, Kternlly may bo full ot surprises to atcly, "It not that. mamma, If nearer, sho grow moro POaP. Bold everywhere. you." tmlflcd. Ilor each and all ot us. I could only tell daughter. Maude. 10 ycara lor person who prnlsoa or old, said hor Uiok out the And sho hurried out the room mother wag unable to sleep, you to your face, but "roasts ' you in Otn'l Utiiccs I pit tut Your III. wij. choking gasp In her throat. and had Toquii tebaeto coi.Ur sad lor.ver. be mis-- i with a recently been lu the habit of lying your back. of life, hwI wk Ke-T- Mrs. nenjamln did not like scenoa; nt tic lull neiva lor, nwnke all night weeping. Sho expected IliiwtU CMionrnli. on with civil ltducals Vour 7llh itrosK All Wc. or ! Cur. uran- - sho looked wondcrmont. news uvery day Hint her ve tacwS en re eoaUipaUoa forerer. drtiirlu.,nd isniDla fraa. Address husband's Ctady Cathartic, u Hut aho understood It all after a llttlo set had been raptured, lOc.JtK'. If C'.r.C. fall, druegktti lefuiid inonwy 8 lorllng nrni(4r Ou. . Odae or New York. and that he had while. been put ta death with torture. Hhe place In All thnt wo nro responsible for Is "The landlord again!" cried Mrs Malleo nnd hatred hnvo uo Imagined that tho Spaniards would fin any mortal's mind. doing our duty. Joyce, In her soft, hy , ., . i ally end his life cutting off his head. volse. Those thoughts so upon "Mamma," said Heatrleo, hurriedly. worked her mind that when the news on me thnt "It's three months since ho was here passed you we eongretts had the losolutlons FAILING. last, and and don't remember for Cuban Independence, REQUIRES NO COOKING A FAMILY didn't pay him then?" and iHiasflge meant war waa Mr. Athellng himself followed an that their that MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF AMD NICE ' - certain, she could bear the strain no The struggle with Heredity. her footatops. Mrs. Joyee drew hor- AS WHEN FlnST.Bu.UiMl dlgnlfledly up. longer, and decided to end her life. self Her body was found by her dnughters i Intrusion Is seareely called "This at 9 o'clock. Pnlleemnn Medlnnte cut of Color Line. for, Mr. Athellng." said she, "My The Right Side the It family are In oomfurt-abl- c daughter transacts my business affairs down. The ' Irttimstnnces, anil Mro. Murphy POUND THIS STAT? CM WILL CO ol nccaaia i on-- my daughter, who Is now at ONE OP la taa traaimt.iloB maybe lome ladnm. for mo to worry ao POUND AND A HALF MiTcdlly,; U taa, w. wt .1 h. timet, aad owl ol ...... MJ mountains, or going there kad Htklng liar far aa la AS FAR AS A aeddcvilapwi"!o. a cioVhoI boaar to lh li the White except the fanelMl danger STARCH. arowlh they a Mlina. Tbai. It n(4 immediately." known, to OF ANY OTHER u.wly b.lnc .tirt4 et aacw. .bb aft huilwnd. wllhSSt fori of h.ndlly IS. I. lo kt sray n yith. Oiayutit .aiatl iton I Mr. Atheltng aikad hor of IV bt that ol the drfelcacy 61 tat caletiM WilUr whlsb "Can He her?" ui."m?n. flal. Wt - ' itrTaJraiior HMuiallv bad aUft lb. hilr II. a.laisl 1 Jflft- quietly. I P f tiafll dtictad likctheaaed. I'.cull.jltic. W mailer Pi -- V J'V U go Mrs. Where llic Air le Ture. of noj .Hi.alUd by Or. J C. li r i "I preMime so. If yett ta WIWW.W s:alilc tlti I. t (a - Ail aeronaut says (hat thore Is '.he UiWlllUUIIlWIalt MsipVr, luih tl... ale baaScd v r. 1 H ttAWiBft. Ktl Ilruco Ilenjamln'f. No. . Fifth ava- NEWHAVENtCONN w?rk.. ruauual that fir Ay? ?'viJr KE0KUKJ0WA. down luit .1 dtittrft), igMat I nue." same dlliorenee in lbs air at the COfVKI6MTtD phi.tcsl beauty. laalh.matUal .ability. to.i. t.y or UAtf W'Lit Ji'ih.'hstr nt an ot the mtntal aad ruui.l color. Beyond 5 "Thanks, madam. Pray exvttte me earth's surfaco and altitude eiainpt. ol this de- - arow. lvfa it gleet and P'! a mile there Is between teatial. cuilou. falling, removes d.aaruff. 'PJ for disturbing you." halt that el family Iralle la fBittlib.4 by firs, from pur- u m ii. ( mmm i t of water In a muddy puddle and the ValiiurtnlifrtiMluatcuei)i'. i.m i. 1. vbubitt bia reiriuf iim eiaeiUeft cenioa. us. iu wuoic cieen.e. inc .ceiii. Mrs. Joyee bowed, with tho air .unm.. r ua i iitii. Oa . He liaeria(. II rtlwrcium ua.l ini ..i imir niiurii pnntM ikiuii. limllr gray btlr btiedltary. tth. Mount Ally, write Mr. Athellng with est spring water. stntos that for liituvflslah. It i. the unt nurk uiiburi. i irnl (I r.rfr.ttr .ibt.lolox o Itb.rtll'at an and . wine; n lima one feels, after rnmlnir ilown i aiuiaeranj oiBeriHwiiaceiBiurtuui ioiiutuki)4iQifeui4o.Bfurabiir-drr- hair It htredilary la our family. "About three yean ago. my beta btctrai drew. "Oitr f..olle.l.iay motbef. btlr full ol dandruff, wmcu c.unil creat an. over, goodness," said tram an ascent, as If one were breath- For Solo by All Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Atlaagatlcan ago. ueyanca alter a Hut, the liair pegau "That's thank bis been gray About twelve Q ing "solid dust." kegaii to tliow of turnlag. lining out. The uie ol P,r. I. Aver. she, nnd burled her noso once more In -- ilint V Tiom DIRT QATHERS, WA8TE RULES."" I resolved Ayer t Ifalr Vigor, and Hair gr tttpptd the bt miioc tho pages ot a hook. Hut lies waa by 'WHERE alur aslog Jl oily a lew tlm.s my hair out. and uiidt the Kiln eteaBanca In lielleve IU wat leil.i.d to Hi natural color. 1 still -- Mil. C. M. et.s, Mount no means certain that It waa over. Ju.t IU. GREAT 8AVINO RESULTS FROM THE USE OF thlt dieulag occ.iiooil W, a b.tll. ' "Mamma might bear some ot her "Do you believe all those horrible It noted at a (ieral-dine- t.tiog me quli. a while, and iboygh over Dr. Ayet't Hair Vigor scandals you hear nhout poor r oiiyjears ol age. ny btlr lit dreulng. It li uied every ay by than, own burdens," sho murmured, "it y.illhffcl ealar and fulfaeei. To ail who tsadt wbo.i chief cl.lm b.auly rest, Isn't fair upon Maddy to send people "I am afraid I must. Hut, I w.uld SeBd lor Vt. Ayer't bava -and gray hair. bttillly on bcauillal half. what aro you saying about iietoniBi- Dr. Ayer't Hair Vlgor."-M- ri. Curebook, a story ol cures lold by Iho fhero." iliauia ricasTt. Caatoa, Oa. cured. Vi Aduriutb J.CAyerCH Mr. Athelfng himself walked along bert" U no la gityfcolr, but thus Lowell, Mtia.f . SAPOLIO Tktre tttm.

I Hfrr4 rM. Arrtva OS ftantlxe, MORE KUgxlon, Jamaloa, 10, DRUM TAPS. ArtlTXj, SKIRMISHING IN CUBA. June The Washington, Juno 10. The first BirsriRt I.lngxtoii-Hanllog- o cable was cut for Sampson's Oslvtston, Tex., June 13. State fleot havo The third Texas Infantry Monday, and the arrived off Santiago. has gone Oflleor Swearlngen arrlvtrl hero Batur-is- y Mnrblelirad. Van Theso nre the to Fort Clark. Spaniards Renewed kce and did W marine, tinder the command from Austin. Tlieir Firing on Sunday, but Wero in 8t Uuis likewise with of Thore Is the Maytlen Lieut Col. Huntington, who sailed tamo talk In naral circles "I am making my regular inspection oable, which runs Into or sending n three days ago from Key West on th fleet to Spain. of the quarantine stntlons," said tho Short Time Chased Away, nautanamo bay, Wednesday - steamer Panthor. Theso Lieut Jlobson, who sunk Merrl-mn- c, doctor. "I nave been trylnt- to sot hora Admiral marine Iib.i tho Sampson has the end of been encamped on the bench Key Is said to bo tho best for some time, but have been delayed. mo Jiaytleii at swimmer In cable, and this enables ror several weeks, undergoing tho navy. The news from Mississippi hastened The nira to wei Marblehead Took a Few Shots at oommunlrate direct with the most severe drill and military den. Agulnaldo, matUrs somewhat. On ray way dowu Them Washington. He has tho Philippine Insur- Also-T- he commended training. They am Intended not gent, Is keeping t stopptd at Houston and had con Texas on Hand. Knslgn Palmer, got for the Spaniards In n who within 1E0 distribution among tho fleet, as lively way. ference with Dr. Kutherford. yards of tho Spanish but a batteries, at landing force, puro and almplo. "What do I night, Tcxarksnn, Tex., has orcanlzed nn think of the situation irrvml Hipxlltlon. nnd ascertained (hat they wore It was pointed out by at MoIIenryT Uht Itlelltuitnt, guns. a naval off- other military company. Welt It Is undoubtedly remounting icer Sampson, Tho company wawwflUiri. June If. Arrange Mluneniwlli, Minn., June H. The that Admiral since the has been yellow fever they havo thcro. Dr. ror tlia SMnnd expedition Tho ndmlral Is trying to arrange nn arrival of tho ohrlstcnsd the Texarkana wmia of In Wg break In marine marine but. guards. Murphy, who Is ouo of tho physicians lon whMt yesterday cauicd exenango of Ilobnon and his men on for the Waal Indies nre being talllon tho Panther, baa at his dis- reporting the cases, wide ex- mueli exeltement on the tiio Vixen was sent with a flag The Oalvcston has had hurried at tint wnr department. Thani 'ohnnso and of posal what ho may regard as a sum- - rifles, In camp near perience. Ho among truse to Admiral Corvcra Wednesday Mobile, was In tho marine hospl. seema to Im no doubt Unit tht ex tho grain men. heller' failure clnnt force of mon to tnnturo nil tho Ala., rccolvcd a wagonload of tnl turoring to exohnngo for tho grocerlea, aorvlco and Is n very capable gentle- union, ir its number niiDrmetiM th to oarry the load which he attempted to lleutrn overlooking hllU nbout Santiago even fruits, canned goods, etc., ant and his party somo prisoners man. There Is no ground for apprehen- f.nt, will Im Mnt from the mitt coast handle eame aa before troops arrive. from ledles of Oalvcston. a urprlae. C. A. PHI, taken from n prlxo - sion In Texas as yet. McHenry Is a of the United StntM. The experience boat. Cervern ro- Tho 800 marines on tho Panther. Tho Texas oavalry hury. the Hour king, asked In regard to ferrcd the flrt regiment has small placo and It Is likely that with in embarking the A ret matter to the military go nded to the marines nlready been from Tnmp hla opinion na to the break. Its came with transferred from Camp Mabry, proper Isolation ernor, and ho In turn referred It to the fleet, would n and safeguarding tho demon! rated to the war depart Mid make total of nbout Austin, to Fort flam Hou.ton, An-lonl- o, result, eald: Illanru. who will paes on IU San fever can b leld In chock thero and raent outnni that other jwrt where 1800 men. Without Impairing tho ef Col, Hare Is ll . .. - . 'The came of the break In wheat Iho Inhabltanta of Hantlago commander. prevented ftom spreading. As long as n rHiinma arm outer MrllltKM are are ficiency of his ships. Admiral Samp- - yesterday wa that Mr. I.eltor attempted luilf stnrvml. All food lias Tho ofileora of the third Nobrnxkn Now Orleans Is healthy more adequate than at Tampa are been seized son could spare 1000 blue Jacket foroa and free rroiu to carry too heavy a load put lor army use, regiment nro: W. J. lirynn, colonel disease wo havo no reason rear. much mom desirable plcw for and tin the for a lauding, and with this total to the tommnndlng; lieu-tena- price of wheat too high. ho Vletor Vlfqualrl, Thore has been no ro-qu- conreMH .n .n of troop and their em Jf had ntv. forre or 3500 men. If tho Instirgonts, suggestion nor er to put Cnrpiu Vbrlill I'rncf Minn. colonel; Dr. 8. D. Moycr, sur- ror ne- oerMji.-- nm officer at Tarn attempt! the price above 11.40 who have been armed by the United a quarantine. I! there Is pi he would .Madrid. June 10. The proceaalon of geon. ror nave r Miiniiauwi that future probably have wono out great Rtatea government, do their share, It cessity establishing quarantine It eiiw money. n I was dltlon .iiipfjrhfRK any magnitude it wa legitimately worth Corim Christ one of nuiiunal auoms posslblo for Sampson to men- - The Spanish Infantry Is again being will ba put Into farco. I am consider tie splendor, matjwd aiapatr from eame other city. that. Hut whon the market did not lleslile the triumphal ear are Santiago nt short notice. around Mario!. Tho artillery ably hampered by rooson of the sroall-ne- w convoying the mounted ooeru it in my olllcer for the past rows up to expectation he kopt In- - sacrament, It Included a There neemcd to bo n very decided at Cabanas seem to have lieen of tho appropriates at my dispose unique Innovation, n removed replacod nl, wmk ii i been examining varloue Teasing hi load, and I understand liken of Our air of oxpcetnlnn among the oOlolals or In ambush. The but every possible pricaatlonavf Lady of Spanish places in the aouth with a view to there were nearly 7.000,000 bushel sold Ouodaloiipc, whoeo famous who are nrriuulnted with the govern flag no longer floats over the meaanre will be used by tne to the full tiieir i upMlloii for camping purpotee In Chicago yesterday on his neoount. shrlnn Columbus, IMnwiro, and Hernan- ment's plans In the campaign that tit old fori there. est advantage." do Corloz, nnu it u aieo stigueated that It mav "Of courxe, offering ueh an enormous as well a other bernea and warronUd a conclusion Hint nn Th censorship at Havana never was engagement eg- - take occaelon ojiSHtlty of in illicovoror of the now world. Invariably of some kind was so Jump-lug-o- to point out a desirable wheat the market nt ono severe s It Is at that southern ff HUrlrlral Htnrm. ported. pori for the embarkation of the Porto time, depressed price, and It Is strange visited before storting on their voyage. piano or tho American republic. AHcevTox., Juno 13. A terrible, elec Jlicn expedition. to me It The pfoceselon left the Since Iho deatrnrllon of the fortifi Thle board will ar that has not depressed thorn cathedral at Nothing filters ovor the wlro from or trical aterm raged over this city for -- C cations at Santiago by Sampson Ire hen morning and will more. And while this wheat is being o'elork unit traversed several streets to ojicrator, as waw tho case when many hours Friday night, but sonrco-l- y convinced the fldnilnlHtratlou n i 'wny preMre Its report for the sacrificed on the market price will be without Incident, but on Its iirtlvnl at that news escaped from Cuba. a drop of rain roll, HiourIi black. " iderution Puperta largo an unity as contemplated In thv of the president. Per temporarily as much lower than they Drisot a number of hoodlum Thollev. JP. B, Culpeppov, clouds covered tho entire heavens and is n i ovangnlUt, audlna and Savannah are looked mi legitimately should havo been. insulted the church emblems. oastsru end of Tuna waaln of men threatened a fearful downpour nt Wheat from Ooorgln preached n stirring acr-ao- n n with by ml money. President McKluley . favor the war department Is worth 15 cents more than It closed The pollco and troops charged tho has ovcry minute-- Saturday morning at ! Jfflclal aa at trc the to Iho Texnrkann, Tox light ultnlilo porta for the de In crowd musing a panic, mainly oino ronclmlon that a fierce o'clock tho city waa Intensely alarmed, yeairday, and my opinion, will be ronixed sub-Je- n parture of the Invading fight nt Santiago would probably tranrd at his Sent Sunday. His army and selling of womr a and children, who wero atmn-pedo-d. when It wa learned that both orceks, at about that much when lluuldj. th was "Ood and Flag." The light Charleston hax oIhd bwn iucswttwl. Many women cause Spaniards to blow up Cor-- one on each sldo of tho town, woro dntlons, owing to thn aciire, Is over, lu wero hurt ami vera s snimdroii, and tho president be gimrd Is n newly organized military The demrtuient la very well equipped overflowing tllo city few days the mllla will be as eager others fainted. A few children woia lieves the Vlzcaya. Ouuendn. Mnrla conspany In their bank nnd with traueporu for thu Invad- that olty. and tiny aro pr- - second $1 trampled, but escaped In-Ju- Teresa nmf f'rlstobal Colon will provo was bolng flooded. The Mexican fam- ing army. for wheat lit n buahul and upward mote scrlou par lag to take tliulr leave fo? tho oamp aa they have laeo apathetic oncom- almost miraculously. ornnmonta lo the Amerimn navy ilies In the west end wore Mooing; to i wfiru by grounds of Chlckamaugua. ing It at l. 10 There Is great pop manned Anrerlcan sailors. higher ground for safoty. Then to Tu and upward." effervescence of Sergmnt It AnntKil. Fnmol. la chnrgo tho ci add to Keller la ald to own most of th ular emotion nnd disturbance are iiulto of the terror ot tho situation tho Washington. June II. Members of Mevrn t'lNe of Veltnw Verer. lilting station at Paris. Tbx., bns or on tract wheat In Minneapolis and Uu- - poislble. Tho revolutionary heavens darkened nnd a torrent rain elements IB, (Ten. - the annate and huuee who calleil on thu Jnckwin, Mfas.. June J. P. been pkiced In chnrgo of the- Wozcn-cra- rt desconded. Later on bugglos lutli In publlr stooko. and tho I.eltor am taking advantagn of tho unreel of and president yeaterday Hunter. nrerary or the state Board of rtflos, tho new fami- and talked over the cash litlneMt will he a feature In the- - proplo military eompany horaemon wero seen conveying Hawaiian in view U the situation In lieattli. gave tfito follow Ihr; statement nrgaiilliwJ eltunlloM. stla that It U posi- trading for some tlm- - to com p. It la the at Dallas. Tx. The aergoant lies and IndlvldUnfs to varlou part, i'lilllpplnm titet night' will tively settled that the American dag U true also that Mlnn'anolle will hnve command until tbo close oC of town. All families unsafely located' be A mall steamtr that waa earning tor-- having Hwn roported' rn mo by o bo over Hawaii. dniwn upon fur export "It the war, when ho win ngaln asiiimo wero notified. From 10 a. m. until late. rald wheat from ttoiot destined for tho defense of Man- Dm. Hunilsorr nnd FoIRm. stanltory After the koin bat passed the Ha- now on, or until tho dueling U cheeked. his dutlbf with the tTventy-thlr- d' In tho evening tllo entire city wa. ila tu returned to Uareelouat. limpertors of tills board, I Hat snvnn waii ureeoliHlou Uum Miami will he at the United States army. flooded, tho water nrshlng through tho ensoe of vollow fever exlits nt y, to depttl amiMnl. whether the aemtte acta on thu .iiollirr HhlrmUli. Tho pllrn of operation against Porto-Illco- , town tho of two feet and all f!nblnl C'oiiiiiiIIi Miss.. I llnrebv declare tlie town business was auspeudud. At 12 o'clock resolution or not. Kingston. Jamaica, June It. At 3 according to nn officer thu-arm- Miiifrld. Juno 10 - or . Tho onblnutMunnoll of MWIenry lit' 'lunrntitlhr- nndor p. uourmonced to rcccdo-rapidly- It u Intended that a voto shall he clock Sunday morning the Spaniards hlfelr In authority, is to linve in. tho water was occupied with a long discussion us rhnrge of Dr. Haralson, who wllf ob-nr- tho In United I had the ennu, and that there ithall tired again on tho Amorlcans from n to til miliary situation lu. Philip- tfte qunrniitlne annltary Suites troops tend nt a. safo thn nnd' placo be no adpjouniment of north-MiH- wllllfa easy reach or oonxreM until small Island about a mile to the t. pine. Hon. Correa, minster of wnr. do-til- rules nnd regulation adopted by this San Jltan nr and to i:niitins Knisho rriiiim. hejeoljiiloii Imve been acted on. Hut Thirteen rllloe taat Capt. tloiu Augustl'a poHitlon board. "J. F. HUNTHiT. get behind tho oJty. As uoon Juno 13. Capt. H. and a threlnrli - Houston. Tex.. If la a la as the arm- has nrrlved In there protract! Unlit and It Held gnu teapiiudod. and thu Hpanlarda was dcipornto and Scnor Bagastn mlded "SecrcttiTy MIsalSslppMI stntv bonrrf of this statw J. Thavannf. a prominent member ot eglo point, a comblnod made apparent that the minority doea left. Col. Hunt lliuton thnu sunt In Dm Hint Manila had mean of dofensr until healthY naval and laud tho Knights ot Pythias nnd woll not Intend to yield, annexation will not tho Mcllcnry Is o simtll town Hi attack will' tm mado upon the city and' to militia, having nndlng for another tluce-liie- b kuii. arrVvnl of rolnforrementa. Tho owiin Hnrrl known the Toxaa locn-to- surrounding bt dolaywl. The knowledge of thin he Murbleheod sunt a few shotu In ii men miopipu importiut t.o n county, near nmilf port, nnd d formications. been n membor of tile focal nrtlllery measures, - (lulf rult-ron- d. course Ix pxtRvtod to dishearten the op. the wood. which aro kept secret. Copt. Aunon, on tho umJ Ship IMand John Illhlr- Olbhs killed it nunntun-nm- o. company, tins been commissioned by Too place wss by was 40 poiltioti. and It is thought unlikely that J.lcuts. Nnrlllo and Hhaw with thirty minister of marine, wo a authorized to visited tho years old, single and llvod' thn higher ofncenr of tho Knights of fever loot year audi there maay alono In Nl In com- ttiey will keep up for a long time a nun of company I) roturnod, but wero take what menxuro wore nncossnr for war' Vork City. At his latv Pythias the statu tu enlist a doHths. home I filibuster which ran aeomplleh nothing. exhausted with daliti'im hours of tho Philippines ami Scnor l,ulgoeler. In that city ho said to Haw pany from the ranks of tho brother- Amerlonn tlug uket duly. Hergant Hmlth bren n grndWato of tho University hood In Toxaa. Ho baa opened nn en- After the has been had been minister of the Interior, was nuthor-Izc- d or Hliot through Minx t!Uiirn WeildM. Vlrglnln. Ho-live- listing nlllco nt lly Ttnlmun'a. 1007 ;iled at llutiolulu It will he an empty the abdommi nnd killed. to aomo to nn ngrwrneiit with iho and practiced medli lent. Nwlllo'a men up llaltlmoro, Md Juno JOj Jflsa clno thcro for Preston nvemue. Ho has been an officer JiHiie nf the oppoHltlon to rotitoud kept a stonily lenders, of tho majority in thn about four years. Two re Katurdny ehnmbur Kvungelltje Clsucroa, whoso romantlo ago In thn Pythlnn and I well fitted Italuxt action by the somite on thu night, and think they for the paasago of Iho budget. monthB ho received tllo appoint indcr caenpo fnvn a. Spanish prlnon itu I!o-va- n tho work. The prealdeut feelx, do hlx killed many Spaniard. Thoy know of ment or nsslstant surgeon and was or- for ai Bonor Sagasta declared that thn nt v Spaulurds biting tho duxt. u aovoral ninnths ugn la recolted, dered to Key West. flvlier. that with the reaolutloiiH had no Intention to InMa-tl- v I he battleship Toxbh take was married yostnrtfuy to Carlos V. Paper by ,'jtreed or by the hniiite and an acknow arrived nnd pwu'c." The Cuban filibuster eases wor l'air. sunt nxhoro forty for Carbonol, who assisted In Her rcsooo. Texaikann, T June 13. A re- ledged majority In favor of In marines and two au nollod In tllo criminal bra null of tb them the tomatic Colt guua. Tho ceremony took placo nt tfotel ligious weekly papor made Its first ap- senate, aunnxatlon being regarded a Xm I'or Farelc noon, United Statuo circuit court nt New ai The Marblehead' pilot was shot CeanlrU. Ilnnnert, tit and tllo happy pearance In till city Saturday. Tho military necessity, he la In ror York by ordt?r of Attorney donernt wurrunted through one leg. Private MeUowau Washington, Juno M. (ion. A. W. couple lef Washington, am &our sheet has no special editor, but Is com- taking of the Inland for the of Orlggs. Judge Drown discharged tb feenlon company o waa shot through ono Grcoloy, chief signal ofllcor, taMUd a lator. piled by tho pastors of the different puriHwe of facllltntliiK In of following prlsonors, uteratlnnc thu . general ordor to tho who Bad been In Is callcdi his ham and It will havo to bo d. eable companion churches Texnrkanu. It Philippine, and that In doing o he will Art Siillfiu balled In $M00 eaoh: Capt ho Marblehead alio sunt that horoaftor no news concerning Jolm tho Ttollglous ICaloldoseope. be by whola 10. O'Drlon, Gtipt. a. Harry, sustained the country. more urn. i. tho movomcnt of American vessel or Mantrenr, Juno Cnrrantn and Dr. FranU iroops would bo permitted to bo sent Du Hose are awaiting' the arrival of Agramonto, Joaquin Castollo, Jiinu-t- t Tort- - Wnrlli Wedding, Hr-i- - Itiiiiml i-. to rs Qt Canadian, guvosnment MoAlcster, C. II. 1!T. the-- for Ilia .t.. 'inlcil by I'rctliUnl. foreign countries. The order eov-o- tho chief tho Dlckman, Trujllto, auantnnamo- lies four miles up expul- - J, Washington, In ne It. It la nnwcer-tai- n Wnshhui ii, June II. Tho prrmldont both pros cahlegrama and prlvato police with tho order of thclc J. Luis. Edward Murnhr. John t). Fort Worth. Tex.. .Tune 13. Tho that thn troops mossago. Uen. slou. Du Iloxc nay a will ask for and' Kmlllo Nunez, hound for Cuba yesterday v.n thexu nominations to Orcclov said that In lu Hart Th majority marriage of Mr. Hubbard Voxs, son ot loft Key Woxt yesterday tho or ex- reasonable) delay, and tho Spanish wero on Lllllo, morning. Thla the senate: enforcement tho order no tllo Carclu and Holoffl President J. T. Vosa of tho Olcnwood' Information waa Klven out by thn wnr ceptions would bo mado. Tho gnvcrnmont wilt enter a protest ensos wero continued, Polytechnic Coltego rail- Volunteor army To bo lirlgadlur order and Street department. It will ho observed applies to all movements of vessels against their removal. way, Mis Uuln TTiornton has bucm that general: James II. llnrkloy of That tho military omcora of Gov- nnd they luft Key West and not Tampa. Illinois. and troops, whether tho subject mat- Juxtloe Win. H. Atwell, attorney ernor's lulnnd and tho ofllclals of the se- consummated. So It would seem that they left ter or tho dlspatrh offered tins beon !twtpr Violent. their for northern district of Texas. cret servlco hold the arrest ef Edward I I nt of mobllliatlou Sunday or t Im published in this country or not Madrid, Juno 10. Tho newspapers Hlffnal Cnrp Hwnrii In. Treoaury Olaremont C. Drake, col- Monttsl to be highly Important Is evi- day before. Thla Information waa not aro printing violent articles demand- dnlveston, Tox., June 13. Dr. 0'. tu lector of cuxtoma for Halurla of dent In their refusal to disclose tho na. out poxxlbly on district I'ramltex ltlnpniinls, ing that tho responsibility tor the 11. U. ar- liven account of the Texas. ture ot the documents, letters and such Dyor nui N. T. Harris. 8. N.. fear that they might ha attacked on London, June lO.Unrnext T. Hooley, present situation tw determined. Po- rived lit the city yesterday and sworo Htntc Hans J. Smith of Booth Da-kol- a, llko papers taken from tho prisoner. the way to Key Went by aomo of thu the Kngllsh company promoter, who litical circles express thomsolves a the flvo mombors the signal corps to bo consul at liombay, India powers His captors stato wltUont hesitation ol Bpsnlxu gunboat which wero report- failed yesterday, promises In nn Inter- being "satisfied that tho will stationed hore Into tho United Statos (the nomination of Hans J. Hmlth, con- States to hold that Important papers wtro found In ed lait weok ae lurking noar the view to make startling revelations re- not permit thu United service. A recruiting officer will bo sul at Port Louis, Mauritius, with-drawn- ). his baggago on tho Hrltiah otcamor Tar-t- ar northern coast of Cuba, and iiiIkIiI. If garding tho extent to whloh blackmail- tho Philippines." sent to Oalveston In a tuw days to en- Prince, and that theso havo been they knew of the troopa helm; on tho ing Is prevalent In the city portion of recruits in the naval reservo force. removed tor keeping Inspec- list war Key Woal without a heavy London, Tu Meat nl t'nlnmttui, aafe and Think (Urmnnr llm dli-clo- so guard have attacked tho iranxportH. Dotlsni. Denver. Col.. Juno in. Tho Ameri- tion. Furthor than thla they will UbarUred. London, June H. Utters reealved Medlcnl Intlun decided to hold nothing concerning their prisoner. There are aomethlng over 1S.UO0 luapaclori can aao Austin, Tex., Juno 13. Tho charter here from May 26 mi Train. Manila dated soy that Ita next nnrual ronvontlon nt Colum- Severe storms provntl In tho Joointo iisio-elatio- n mm In the expedition. Only a small Mobile, Ala., Juno 10. "trallh channel of the San Flower Battle the prolonged eonfereneo between the bus, O. Dr. Joseph M. Matthews ot between Santiago do Cuba and was No Mvalry force accompanlea It. aa It waa have placed Inspectors on Jamaica. ot San Antonio tiled. Uuriuau counsel and Capt. (Jen. August! Louxlsvlle, Ky. was elected president Tho press dispatch boats encoun- glBlcult to transport the hnraea, and, trnlns to prevent the entry of any per- have capital stook. Purpose, perpotuatlng had led to the belief atsoclatlon. tered these storms for ten days, bat-tt- Jjxsldw. that part of Cuba In which that Oermany has son rrom Mollenry or of the the last SHd celebrating tho memory of tho o deslgux on the archipelago. nulfport. Miss., making tho voyages very difficult Tho Th Brat campaign la to he carried on where rover In mild form Is of San Jacinto. Incorporators. reported Hrltlsherx In Porto Hloo aro being l ucai aaus io ino aiseomior;, mil a daily y Ogden Jotx not present a Rood Held for cav-JJr- a having broken out. repeatedly Insulted. servieo is maintained. Elizabeth Ogden, Cora Wilson warfare. All of thu rough rldera Hnllnd an Hie Ninth, and Paulino Haugh. Outhrle, Ok nncls In the presence of a large assemblage itblch were located at Ban Antonio did ..June llyrne, Haiti Attauiht. furel(K rmloOlrn. and amid great . one of tho rough rider -- onthuslasm "Old dlory" not accompany the expedition Only volunteers from Atlanta, Qa., June 10 An attempt Washington, Juno 10. Santiago de Ataldxnlal Kllllaa-- two xituadrom of four troop euefi this elty, write his mother under date was flung to the breeze 10S feet from Jowett, Tex., Juno 13. The was made on the night of May 29 to en- Cuba Is to be a substation or tho New went, and theau were dUmouuted. of June !) that the regiment of rough the earthnt Tyler, Tex.,by employ wot son or Mr. Jennings, living about ter the magazine at Port Philip on olty postonioe. For tho first tlmo vol-uui- 8t York the Cotton Belt railway. Nearly every rldera with the second New York ri eleven miles west of here, was killed I'rumplly aifuml. the Mlistalppl, slxty-flv- e miles below In history ot the government postal storo was closed and SOOO peoplo at- tailed far Ouba that day. the by tho accidental dlsoharge ot a double-barr-el Waahluiton. June 11 The ((Maker New Orleans. In endeavoring to appro, station havo been established In a for- tended. shotgun. of the hooje and the vlee prealdeut Hat tMl?d. betid the two mlsereants the sentinel eign territory. Orders were Issued The Spanish war ships by Ad- algaed the war revenue hill yeeterduy. sunk Houe of representatives having re- challenged them was strutk on the head that a station would be established at miral Dewey in the harbor of Manila Jebnxan IUad, and It wa aent at one to the praaldtnt jected a bill for Increasing Santiago de Cuba. A Is land tax, It with a bar of Iron In or substation during the battle there on May 1, aro Santa Anna, Tex., June 13 Lee John- who promptly attlxed hU xlgnature. The was dUxHilved the bands a June 10. However, civil also to bo established at Manila, to bo to be raised. Three firms in San Fran, son, the Santa Fo fireman who waa esveuUon of the weaxure In raganl to hlddrn ally and seriously Injured. The ot Off- cede and supplementary budget bills a substation San Franolxoo. siseo and tho Pacin Mall Steamship shot at Colleman on the night of th the bond loeue wo then taken up by news or tho affair did not beeot&o icials ot the postofflce department will have pawed both bouses without mate, company will submit bids to raise Oth dlod Friday night, and was taken t&c treaxory deiMrttnent. known until yesterday. b with the next expedition to Manila, rial niodllleatlen. them. to Tempi tor Interment. The treasury department has notified Cumul't HUliadlull. Slreel UiMl. Tti Hon la J,lt. St. llxadquartari. Amerloan ship captains not to allow Nat aullty. St Tlmma. t) w. I.. June II Texarkaua, Ark., 14. Topeka, Kas., June 10. The shoollng Chloago, III.. June 10. At yester- June News strangers on Austin, Tex., June 13. After being Philip C Hanm. who wax United reaehaa of J. 8. Collins, a tragedy whloh day's session of Iho Social Demooraoy board their vessels whlto here from Wlnthrop. Ark., n has ngl. out nearly twenty-fou- r hours Jury Rtate roHeul at IHirui ltleo until the In Mcxlean ports, a there aro said to tho Ullage mi the Oulf road about thirty tated the people of Topeka ror four convention It was decided that tho In the Orlzzard case brought lu a ver- war between Spain and Uia United bo many fanatical Spaniards prowling miles north of hero of n street duel weeks part, headquarters ot the Social Demooraoy dict acquitting the prisoner. There was fltalee wax declarxal. aatlclpatlNK a culminated In the arrest of around all ovor that country, and they tkat occurred at that plase Sunday be In St. a largo crowd present when the verdict ohange of Porto fllco' uatloNallty. ha tho dead man's son, John Henry Col- should Louis, tnstoad ot may do damage. was read by tho District Clork Uural llteks and John Lee, Chloago. The colonization department Hart reeamHwnaletS Ute well-know- n lins, and he Is eharged (lov. vis- men haute to accept iy directly with Ilarnos of Oklahoma, who youNg men of that mih-riunl- placed Porto ItlraM ellver at in value will be under the control ot tho ited Washington to endeavor to get Uarald Aciullld. ii,trinlr Hlcka waa aUbbtxl tu dtuth the murder at his rather. Tho youth ot a enly. Vrepaiatmv u t ti Hrothcthood Common- quota ot troops Waco, Tex., Juno 13. Tho Jury adoption of and l.rc waa Hiur tally wounded, Is a ilMdwt at Uie stats university and tor that territory In tho la I ii i ' wealth, which, lu turn, will support tb Ami " '"i rhio hanajv. I president's second the oase of Col. O. H. Gerald, soon heW at the ccwuty Jail. The elder Out-JI- tall, sed sword that at i l kt--r the political party ot the goelal Mr. .irxu-- .jvi tuer-'haai- J .'iu H wax lyuibed Qraat been as oourt convened Saturday morning, llii' at llfa waa Isjswretl for of he has unable to do so and that liwOt .iutrMp' d?:J rl - flMW. lleaolutleu wero adept!, brought In a verdict acquitting the de- t( ktllMR ifyrtle Uotr- wlilak nbout mm wa no further rewgnltlen will bt shewn )aalc Mtta& la Uvor of tbi declaring that strikes and boycotts ar Olilaanma, fendant. Judge Gerald was Immediately sea. nwury weapons of Uadts iwloas. l surrouudtd by congratulating friend.