PaKe 3 -=

Press C/ub Me.t. MonJ.y 5,5, Clul> Meets Tonight


TRENTON, N, J" OCTOI3 EI~ -I, 19·m Xo. -I Mr" Wood, Director of Placements Forum Club Is Rider College Granted Approval Reports On Progress of Alumni Threatened By For CAA Student Flying (ourse; Rider. Trained Graduates Gain Numerous Positions Lack of Spirit Ten Undergraduates Will Take It There is a l~larkcd ,Pick -ul) in the Inter-Fraternity By Tat'S" E. Roflills Program To Be Discontinued demalld for Rlder-tramcd graduates, Durill~ Ihe Imsi fcw years the sl1;ri t M C h Ch Unleas Quota [s Rea ched (HIles Mr. Alex H. Wood. director G S t· of loyalty at I~id er has been more :11 ary US osen ~i placements. hll11 r rovc(r Imsiness roup anc Ions z;ta ke th:1II ever before... \ l~ck oi Final apllrO\'al for Rider ColleGe to conditions as we ll as the conli,lUcd 'R'bb . . I spirit has hcc,~ noticed in 1l1?ny ( ~ iffc r - H d Of SOB offer the Civi l Aeronautics Authority g d work of our alumni are rcspon- I onization t'n t ways. as III the scar':lty of mter- ea . . . studcllI flying coursc was recei\'ed sih](-," he says. eS I in ex tra-curricu lar acti\·;ties. S d C I carly this week, Dean Dillingham's "Our old friends in the Uu ited System Enables Rushees :\ few w cc ~ s ago a kindl ing spark tu ent ounei office alUI Qunced, ~~ :\~t'~ e~~ :~t r I ~;::;r~~~~ ~i~~\\~~~~~ To Eatabli@h Identities . ~~~t~~ S~~ :lt~;II SI1l~~IlI=a~~~ . i~\:I~::e n~;;~ Ten ~ tndcnts. lIIc1 udmg one girl, at es : ~Ir. Francis ~rarx of Doll;c- Ribbon s 011 their lapds! sll ll; 11\ the ForulII Club .\lread\ their at S: C;~C:::~;tll:::tlll~h~!t::d~u S~ll:::~ \\ho arc .Iblc to lIleet thc r (;(IU;re- villc. New York. and .~Ir. :\lalc~llll Defying the weather and th ", \"oglles zest 111 ,thi S o r J;a l~llatlOll SCC IllS to g I; ) ., lIIelllS, \\111 start thc cou rse 1I11Il1e(\l k Carr oi \Vells Bridge, New York: he of the seasoll. the IJJter-Fraternil\' ha\'e dWllldled cOII~ l derably . c.d office rs ~nd. lII(licated rel~re ~enta- :Itcly. To date. I'o\\ c\er, out oi the states, . COllllcil memhers voted la st Tuesda)· \Ve do II O ~ W~llt the st,udt'.llts, to tn'es for their Student COtu1e11. hlillun'{l or so stl1<1 C\lI S who answered y Arth~l r \V~I(' r ~o n & ,Colllilan .1Tl to sporl colored, identifyinl; rihbons ~~~CC(:h~tYJ llth:~clI: s B~o nlC~hlllg belllf.:" Mell\bers of the Council arc as iol- the fir st call o f candidates for. the New \ ark CII Y hlrt'd 1\\ 0 !\Cc reta nal al>OlIt school. Each fraternity, keep- ] . ' . II! .\\C do feel It lows: Thomas Bruther. Irclle Antes, . studcnts. Mr. \~' altcr Zieg ler ami ),Ir. iug alive a trend started last fa ll, will ha s nOl bee l~ gwen a talr .chanc.e. \Ve ),rar!-: 'Iret Fardlcl' Fred Whitt' Ra\'- course. only SIX ha\"e passed the first William Buzby. wea r ribbons ocaring the brother- \~ho are trYI.llg to reof/,,'d mze 1111,S club' , .• .' .'" physical exam ami obtaine(r consent The office staff .of the Lt~sc o ll1lX' hood's indi\'idual colors. ~ 1II~erdy I ~he\'e th~t s tl~den ts \~' III e.n- mond ~\ g l1d o .. ),rary Sn.u t.h. ~Iary of their 1I.1.rcIlIS. They are: Willis :\ifjllane Corpo.ratlon, a lIatlol~~II)'- "Ribbonization" oi the four college )0) .bc1onglllg. or Il sleJ llI1 g to Its .dls- Cush. b lg-ar SuljlhclI. \Vdham Roy. Locke. TI){'odore Bauries, :\fartin known co.ncenl. IS almost 10070 ~ Id er. , ..' . . CUSSIOIIS•. f or the Prog,!"am COllmliltee Hc11,'11 Stefallowicz. Erika \Vulf and . . T! ll. Itt figures show that 13 out fraterll1l1eS \\111 enable the Greek has Ilrollllsed us interesling topics for . Dllllsk)". Robert Lalllb. 1 llamas Bl"ake Of l5 a\~~ mell employed ill 'the office rushees to d! scO\'er \\"h~t members ~- di sc Li ssion. St el.Jlallle Prywata. alld John Pio:rson. sccmed their elllrloyment at Ri(f~r. :::~ ~~~d,~:~h. ~~:~: II; ~" r c~I~:~~ ~;~: . Next week's discussion will be held ~\\"O new .members were (:nro\1ed, Four other students have apillied Some of the, r('Cent Illacements wllh ternit: men \\:ho SOliit' 'Ii their p r t~- 111 Ih~ . Ilress room, ~round ~he tab l ~: w llll ~ officers were c1 ec t c(~ as 1011.ows: but h~\·e. not takell the first physica l this coml)3ny Ulc1ude : ~rr . Carl Bres- ~ _ ) and \\ 11t bc head(;(1 b) our 0\\11 Berll1e Ilres1(lellt. ~ Iary Cmh : \'Ice·llresldent, examinatIon. They ark Arnold \Vat- nahan. ~ (r . Luther Dickillsou. :\Ir, ent brot her:. arc. ' , ' . . Ber; ha~1. The t.or:ic.. f or the day will \\'illialll Roy: secrctary, Edgar Sut- rOil S, Robert :\Iiller, Peter Biro and John Gearhart. Miss l..o\·illa Lilly. Colors, of the ~1I .'" '~h'rl"' ~1'< , 'Or .. : hi •. '\VII! ~ J.lmd ~ erm . Lead . Us, to ph('n : treasurer. Ei leen ), IOlul t: and Patsy Staats. :l nd :\[jss Dorothy Sutterley. Della S l gn~a PI. purple ~I~d. gO ld ; D,ctatorsluj) . In (h sc u ss lI~g tins \'Ital Ri(/('r N /.1('s re Jresent3 ti\'e Helen It will be necessary for Ride-;' Col- l ),[r. Michae! Tyran, president ..o l~ ~a'~)I~~ ~ ~:I . :~~~II a~~:(1 \~~~~; :~: :i : : ~~~l~~lld\::I~;eo;s~~~~t;ta:ll:t ~:~~~ Stef:lllowicz, The lIew mt'lIlbers are lege to ha\"e ten students prorerly :he Class.of -10 •• w~s I l l ac;~'I'\tl_ Sigma l~ln;lx la Pi. bluc :lnd ~ o l d. \'eli. \Ve fed that meetings in this Eilee." Mount and Jean young. AI?o (IUalified to. take the train,ing o.r the Tr.anscontUl cntal Alrhnes at . I a~ ~. ~he rihboll5 are to be wom by the room will hel1 to let dOW II all bar- allPolllt~1 .was a ~ecreatlOn COIIIIIIII- program .w.III have to be dIscontinued. Ililla, and he r e~ rt s ,that I.I~ IS \('r) fralernities wltil KO\'el11ber -I. the date riers o f fOrll1! li lY, and that student s tt'e, con s l ~ tlllg o! Ellecn 1101UII, !-I eit'll Dean ~l ll l11gham. r(;(l~e s ts. that any muc h plC"a sed \\llh III ~ po~.1I11 01~V 'I' rushing tNminates. wi ll f(oc l frec 10 ex ness their own StefanOWICZ, 1 homas Brl1thcr ami studcnt lIltcrcstcd 111 tillS flyll1f,! cou~ se, r.J." Gr~!~' ra~~~111~~;:o;~l 1;·r~I~~~I1. :\ li s~ personal fee lings. I Ra~:m ond f~gud O, ~i~~~ ~~,~):a~fl~~: }~~t (;~a~c :11 a,Pphca- ),Iary Trilllbic is ill the PersOllnel De- T h ' CI b If Siudel1ls sil o\\' adl.·(luate interests. 1\0 dcfilllte 1)1?I1.s. h:l\"e ix'el: m:l.(le I ., ? t Olee. 'Iartmelll of John A. Rocblillg & SOliS eac ers U ~ ubjeet ..; which herdoforc ha\'e been as to fut ure act miles. \\ th ~ Co l~ ege wll,1 be able to ~o mpan)' Miss Ma.rgaret Steward is hell1 under cover. will be brought to ------offer flYll.~ g u? structlOll or ad- . .' R b Rib C 0111 - R t" D light in the form of discussion. R I" F. \'anccd III s( ructlon III the: future de- With PIerce 0 h~~ts r II I er 51 ecep Ion raws Wc ask ,"ou to watch the bulletin osa Ie ortuln pend.; on the success or failure of this (10"\11)" . T~el~?~~ rO/~~le ~c~:~~~~a ~ [~~: I>oard for furthe r al:noulicements. EI d P 'd first program. mallneto ISCO \\llll)3ny.or 11 S.It \II CY, New Y or k . Many Stud"nts... Th, ose who.. have s ignified their in -" eete re sl ent A pri\'atc pilot's ce rtificate. ellah- Miss "llary Sa\"o and Miss Elln.l\a .... t~nllo l l 01 beeo"IIJ11~ ; . lIlelllbe~ s 01 OF Inter-Dorm Group liug the holder to fl y Ilassengers, but Ebclhare have just bttn placed WIth The COllllllerclal J eacher5 Club J orum Club are. 1..(\\1 5 S. Bennett. (Coll/ill/n'd ou Pa!J(' Four) the Ci rcle F Manufacturing COlllpa~IY. held its annual recelltion last .Frida y ~ [ ar~' Brall~\ Qr~e Browll. F~rene Ros:tlie Fortuin o i Hamilton Hall Trenton. Mr. Jay LeVan is workmg lIil-:ht at Stewart Hall. :\I )p r Ox llllat ~ l y ~ ur~lal1d. I da ~!Ia~da, _-\t}e~t was elected presidelll of the Inter· F b II L for the Publie Scn 'ice Electric & Gas 100 students attcnded th ...· da nce wlllch ~urltul. Co~ra ~lce H c:1Ilano. \' (~, e Dormitory Co\ulci l at the fir st !lIcet- oot a eague COIllI),1.ny. Trenton. Mi ss Iris Kallf- ran from nine :0 midnight. I~u ertOIl. )'1 a.f1on 1\: .0 Illes, ~ tre la ing of the grOU I) this term. ), lond:w. y lIlan is with the Commonwealth Brew- The S l >o n so r ~ of the organization. I ~rtoll' \raf1~n lI~"e{\I ' II' u;:a St']ltember 30, at Edith \\' right Hail. Adopts R I iug Com?""y, Spr ill~fi eh l: Massachu· Dr. Thomas H. \\·inters. Professor (1~~ IlI~~;II~a IC~ab~~~~\~i~z: T~r~:a al~~ Dthl'r officer s elected wcre: ~furiel U es Sl"!IS. MI SS Ruth HiI,ls IS c?,lIIcctcd William C. Stafford. Pro~('sso r ~ hcs , RawlillS Florence Reiman Robert GH'gg, Smith Hall, \"ice-I)resident; T " I .• . Wllh Waldron & Craig of 1 renton. ter A. :\IcKinney and )'llss Sathe 1.. Rcnwick. Jean Rosensa ft . ' Bett)' Lobb. Mar)' l-h x r Hall. sec- a 1I1::~:lr\: !I~~rc..~~e~~ :~~mll~atcd .It )'Ir. J amt'~ Ferret.'e is working .for Ziegler, all('nded the d~ll~c. . Meh'in Rosens3ft. Pearl Ruane, r e ~a.ry, and :\ gncs 1:...lwards. Edith Sabres ~o n~rary SOC i!t)' ~o; a~JJ~~~~ thc .lnternatlO.nal ~ ll ver Co.rporatlOll, Refrf'shnK'nt j. COns l stlll~ of ICC Irllla Schiffman, Hilda Schlam, Na- \\' fl ght Hall. treasurer. agers of entrants in the Intramural ~Ierlden! . Co n~l ectlCllt, ~h ss J.3,ne cream, . doughn~l ts anti culer. were ollli Shulman, Helen Stcfanowitz, ~he lIe,~' pre s ~dent a])llOint~1 J ndy Football League last Friday, Rules I cderkell IS WIth J . B: Va~ SC I ~e r sen·cd 11l the hbrary. :\Iaryalice Stults. :\larie Vocaturo. Gfillo, soci31 chalrmnn; Rose Zazzara, were discus5('d and voted upon at the Company, Trenton ..~hss K~therllle Josephine Kusiak, Im:sidct1l o i the James Wiicox, Ruth Shiller, Marion IlUbJieit)' eh:l.irman: Mllti ,,1 BI:.nehet, OllC..lI mceting presided o\'er by Clyde C~ye r was placed With the Sck'C ted club. stated that about 30 JICW mem- Wrisht. Mildred Price. Ann Sechrist. hi storian, and Patty Beer, wefiare James and Lee Szetela, nls~ s Insurance Compau)', Trenton. bcrs ha\"c alrt'ady bc('11 ~ ign ('(! II]). Katherine Tonge, Mildred Ja~· ne , chairman. . . Nine teams were repr(!sented and 1here are 1I\1111eroUS other ~Iace: Horace G('Orge, James Murphy, Rlch- Those present .at the 1l1(~tlllg 1l~- passed the foll owing rules : mellts, but (rUe to lack of av,nlablc A I B ani Lamon, James Berta. Gertrude eluded Dean \Vnght, al1d the presl- f . ~ 1I.1.ce they will allilear in sllbS('quent rtl"c e 'rings Grallb:art Harold Feltman. Frank dent, vice-Ilresident and housemother 1. ...~ fi tee~l-mall roster will be cat- issucs of the Nett's, Watts al;(\ Catheri llc Hewitt. of each of the four dormitories. fled unt Il t,he . secOl,ld game, when the players list Will be pared to O Storme d Protest tw,h-,. c b.ting Socicty M" H" h N H d f S S D t 2. 0"" rna,. '" wom, but ,pikes of Ch (I d J A sCt'miugly innocent a.rticle 011 the ISS Inc I ew ea 0 •• ep. any sort are not allo ..... ed, ooses y e .mes frollt page of the last ISSlle of the I AI AD" d M .. 3. A game will constitute four 12- To Held Orglnizltion Rida Nl"1t's has b r~ught protests anti 5 SO ramatl5t an USICh1n minute JlCriods. demands for retra c tl o l~ S down u] ~n the -I. At the completion of the regular The Debating Society of Rider Col- NC1,'S staff. The art!de. cOl1t alll('(l . a 8)' Rose Za;;ara schedule. the four tOIl teams will lege held its second meeting of the list .J f the s t atesR~'t torc;gn CO\Ul!nC5 ~ Ii ss Julie A. Hinch, a talented music. An accomplished ccllist, she engage in a play-off; the winner yea r Monday, with arpro\'al of a lIew represented bl' \( er stu( (' I.IIS, . dramatist and musician. now beads the ga\'e several recitals in college and between the first and third place Mganization plan and election of offi- ~larh'3r et I' raser very 110htely ~tat('( 1 Sec retarial Science DeJl3rtment of took part in public entertai nmell ts in teams win play the victor of the cers for the coming year the lIIain 1011- that Ilawai!. ill:ludcd all!OIl~ thl' for- Rider College. Hazleton. She W"a S all acti\·c member second and fourth place outfiu. ior ics of discussion. cign counlnes. IS .not. a IM('lgn.colIlI: Graduating from IlIllllaculat:J. Col- of the college orchest ra, string en- the chnmpionship. A new constitut ion prodding fllT try, bu~ is a tcrnton:ll IJOssesslon 01 Icge, where she maj ored in English, 3emble. and glee club. She also be· 5. Two point s will be gi ven for each two n~w officers among olher articlcs thc Ul1Ited States. '. . Fren~h. and . Mi ss Hinch too.k l o tl~ ed to an ulle~.collegiate organi- victory and olle 110int for .each tic was tentatively adoptl,(1. The new offi- "Iiss Belly ~IcGol1gh Wbhes the (.\ pas.llion at McC:Uln School. of Busl- zatlon of dramatIsts that ann~~lIy in judging Ihe standings. cers elected were; Ilresidcllt, Clyde historians on the NI."'1i"s sl;1I1 10 un(k ~ - ness ~I H.azletoll. PcnnsylvaTlla. teach- sponsored one-act play competilion 6, A regulation football field will be James. alld s('CretafY. Constancc Del- st:ultl thai ahhollgl~ :\1 ~ hallla o.nce. (\ld !1l~ l ~ ng1t s.h and spce~ h. She .became amongst such coll eges :ts ~elll~le, used. piano. JOSC IMI Dreyfms. l1Ianag'~ r of secede (rolll the IIIl1 0n. It 1;:1 5 S 11lC~ ~ e - Il1ter(.'s te,1 III (o lll,n)('rc I~1 te~d\L;l;;; :!!I(I Reaver. Rosc n~o l1t and the UII1 \"erslty 7 ;" , . " .' . deb:lte. annollnc.... d Ihat arr:lllgemeJlts tllTll("ll and s l~ o llid therctore I ~c 111- went t ~ UlHv~rs lt y, wh~re of ~enn s y~val1la: . . Eight do\\ns \\1 11 be allo\\ed tor were already underway for debates 011 c1il(lctl in the Ii ~ t of states rtpr e~('n t ed she lIIaJ o~('( 1 III COllllIlCrCla l edllca tl ~ 1l ~l1 ss Hl1Ich IS all ardel~t sports- the i('Jlgth of the field. a home-and-hollle 1}o1. sis with more by Rider sllltlellts. and rceel\'('(1 a ~Iast.t'f of Arts dc- goer. As a 5pc.."1.:ta t o r ~ she likes foot- 8. Except where stated, standard Ihan a dozen collej.!es ami 1I11i\'ersi- Another eOiIlJlI .. illl calllc ;rom )'Iarc ~ree. " .. ~l l. I, basketball. and di\'il!g; as. a par- footl>.1.\1 rules will. pre\'ail. ties. . Bllrke \\"ho said that en'1I though ~he She ob t311~ed a . 1~~ltlOn as ,head of I1clpnnt, she likc!' telllllS. sWllllming Entrants and man:tgcrs of the In the future the soc ielY will mcct Kazis :tre trying thcir best to do so. ~I~e s l'C~ctan~1 dmsiOn of ~I~han oy and b.1. skctball. At Immaculata Col- league are.: .Phi Sig Greens. Jake at 4 o'clock on the second ;\lIt! fourth London has not yet IX'cII ~la s t('{ 1 o~ I uWlls lup "~Igh .School. \~' llIl e at lege she Illayed on the basketball and Myers: ~11I SIS Golds, Pdt Ciambelli: Tuesday of each mOl\lh. The next thc map of England. ~ud slllce. he 'i s ~ I a.hano)' . . MI SS H1IIch . was III. ch,a~ge hoc k~y t ea ~ll s.. '. Delta Slg~. Bill Muller: Finkk's meetin g: w'lI be held thi s coming Tues- from that city. then 1·.I).gland ~ h o~lld of Journalism and t l ~e .)e~rbook. "llIch .hhss .. 1·II.nch ~s e~~thusla s tlc a~ut Flashes. DIck Kel>lICI: College Sweet day in room 25 Al1 studellts who haw IX' li st('(1 :imong the fOfi,.·lgn countries. took three first pnzcs lI\ statc con-, I hke Rider. shc states, . es- ShoPIIC. Iby Kamery; Kaplla Phis, P3 rticipo'l t(;(1 in 'debate or who arc in- The Nf"lN stall .1 ~ l lCS that the~c tests,. , . .. I IlCC lall y the Illan. that gh'e~ the stu- Frank ~igara. : Rider Maniacs. \Valt tere5ted ill so doing are urged ,0 at- corrections ar(; suffiClelll to appease \\ IIII ~ 111 colleg~. ~h ss H,,,' ~ h 0('- d.ent an opJlOrtunll )' to put ultO prac- Boyd: SIgma lambda ~i. Arnie \Ven- tend this mttting. the wronged student s. callie II1terestcd 1Il dramatiC:. and tlce what he has leamed." del1. "and Seay Hall, Phil Ridgway. .ibn NrwB ======~======libl'r Nl'UlS Published by the sll/dents oj Rider College. T rentol', N . l ., !-GRIST rl:;E MILL . I COLLEGIANA for the dis.remjPKItjon 0/ college news. Member of the Middle Atlantic States Inter-Collegiate Newspaper Association By BERNARD O. IlERSHAD By Etaoin Shrdlu A DRUN K WADDLED and wiggled from curb to Without preliminaries your snatcher of timely building and back again as he made his way down tidbits wishes to inform one and all that Tommy LEE SZETELA, '41, Editor-ill-Chie! West 3Jrd Street toward the Pennsylvania station Orlin is wearing II ring given him by M'aTgsret Sports Editor . ... TOM DOLAN in New York. His hair was tousled; his hat sat upon Fraser. Hawaiian hearthrob.... How romantic! Ncws Editor ...... BERNARD BERSHAD hJs poll in a sidewise position, his suit was unkempt; ~ •• Pete Fedorochko is not very successful in in_ E.n~ "oll ge Edi/or . .... WI LLIAM BARTSCH and his legs were unsteady. Just a common every .. veigling Agnes Maffey to hit the date core... . Fea/llre Edilor ...... TOM l\·IORTO N day sous~, you say? No you're wrongl For this par.. Keep plugging, Peter. Mat '-up Edilor ...... J AMES GLYNN ticular inebriated soul warbled a song, A souse song Art Editor. RUSSELL COLEMAN which is more appropriate than "I'm Tired and, I 5IC\'c Sklansky, Rider's giit to the songwriter's rlro­ Adtl!'rlisiug Ma lloga ...... MARTIN SUTTA fession. is experiencing no end of woe in his !"]u est for the Wanna 00 To Bf!!!," or " Auld Lang Syne." This bit Busill esJ MOllogcr ... CARL BRADBURY henrt o f 1Iuricl Banks. typical dream girl. .. He is getting Cirel/lalioll Mlmagcr ...... ROBERT M lLLER of stewed humanity, as he wavered hither and yon, scrious eornpetion from Allic Katz, hlonde, curly-haired sputtered, with a touch of Crosby. "If I Knew Then Adonis of local origin. Arnie Wendcll. Roughrider Reporlers- Eliz abeth Magee, Kay Foote, Louella Tyler, George What I Know Now." A fit tune for the occasion, I booster, is still enthused with Harriet Rosenbaum. whom Lcvine, Leonard Rouff, earl Bradhury, Peter Fedorochko, Ralph say. Wonder what the soaked boy knew? he affectionately tcrms as his chubby armful from Beaver ~ r a hfood, Arnold WeJl(l~I I, Jean Rosensaft, Ethel J ones, Ruth Shiller, College, ... Arnie should make 'a n attempt to scare Val Corradi, Helen E. Masick, Pat Maloney. Dorothy Roscnberg, J UST AS THERE are three kinds of people politi­ someone up for his roommate. Bernie Bershad. who acts Carmi Hubbell. cally--consen'ati\'e, liberal and radical-so there arc three like a sailor without a port 1I 0W that Pearl Hart, ex­ kinds o f smokers. There is a fourth kind of smoker with Ridcrite, is some 3,000-odd mi!es away. Sporls S IlJU-Eildy J ohnson, Richar d Olmstead, Sherman London, eats ami becr and evcryth ing; but herein we're only deal­ Olive Shuetz. ing wilh individuals, not groups, The in formaticn ra­ Ted Miller, Man About College, kept his finger in tioned out be low is e~t ircl y 11ersonal, has rl\'e year5 or Alit/a lisillg Auis/mll ,f-Virginia English, Pat Florence, In'ing the social pie this week-end by squiring Alice Bro­ t·xperiencc and experimentation hehind it, and ha5 no re­ shard about in the absence of Doris Eberman. his Kelson. James Foy, Gunenl Person, lation to rillS" blowers, fictitious or dead. purported love life••. Bill Cridland, who recently Circl/h,lioli Assislllllis- Fra nk Hofoout.'r, 5 i Roumanis, Len Da\·j­ CIOARETTE PUFFER.S BY nature are nervous, CAme to a pArting of the waylt with Emma lou Sny. tlowski. Gil Rossi, Robert Fehnel, They like the smell of nicotine, although it tints der, is campaigning with Noreen Sizer, a -blonde Exchallge Assislllll/.f- James \Vall, Gerald Palaia, J ohn Bartlett, their smoking fingers brown. The cigarette user with that certain glint in her eyes. • • Jake is an ambitious cuss who craves for the new. This Myers, majordomo of the Roughrider and stuff, is Luci lle \Vineburg, Adele Fullerton, can easily be demonstrated by the fact that the con .. stant lighting of a new weed appears to him. A cig... remaining true to Ruth Bordlemay, member of the aretteer is jumpy, always on the move and doesn't recent graduating class. Member like to stay put. This can be seen by the act of toss .. ing away half.. burnt cigs and lighting another im_ At an ostentatious ceremony of his fraternit)" Jerry N;d;.i~ S;;;:"j,; i:lssociated CoIIeeiale Press mediately thereafter. As for girls, they smoke cig .. Palaia wa s pres('nlcd wi th a huge gold star with the fol­ CoIhIt p~ R,prw-wiw Distributor or a reUes, for it's the ~tyle and because it's sophisti .. low ing inscr iption: "To Gerald Pa laia for Being a Good .20 "'ADleoN A".. N.W YORK. N. Y. cated. They'd like to try a cigar or a pipe, but the Boy, Fall 19·40." ... It was a touching tribute to thi ~ C"lo:MO'_,o.·LOIAun•• ·S•• 'UllCIKO CoI1e6iale ~t \'oice of Society says no. So they're stuck with cig_ good boy, .. . The 1I10t her oi this honored lad is un­ arettes-the cork-tipped ones, no doubt. In the doubtedly prolld of her son's crowning achie\'ement .. .. world of tobacco partakers, the cigaretteer is the Jl'rry should o\'erCOllle his modl'sty and place his ci'eri~het1 liberal-the right_wing faction, 11ri7.e 011 display in the trophy ca~e of the college.

Co-operate With Student Council CIGAR CHEWERS ARE of the toughcr sort. I'To; is the tobacco radical , away O\'cr on the leit. He likes Dave "Parson" Scomp is making a pronounced a mouthful. l'le's the fe llow who cats the big 6O-eel1t mea ls play for Carol Bean, beauteous and well .. proportion_ Rider's Student Council gives promise of being a ed student leader.. • Vince Hagman and Jean Rocke_ at the Famous. I f he had the dough, I ~ 'd dri\'e a big'. doing group. This is heartening because too often in wide Lincoln. While thc cigar smoker likes his girl to feller, Rider grad working in town, are as convinced the past the representatives of the underg raduate body be thin and stunning. the cib",r biter likes his girl to be as ever that they're made for each other•. , . Bill buxom and I)relly. All this can he ev idenced by viewillg Sullivan, ex"playboy, is giving Dottie Hill a deterR have lapsed into a soporific state. a cigar follower hile into his fat, leafy stinko. The sa ti ~­ minded rush . . , Comment to the effect that Si Rou .. fying re •• ct ion he l,'"Cts Ilkl)' stum]) some and cause manis was contemplating a move in that direction However, the council can do little alone. \~J ith the ot hers to !"]lIi\'er all over, but it 's the truth. Cibrar ll K'n has spurred him on with vigor. backing of a keyed-up student body it can institute uSllally arc going stea(ly'. enga·ged or married, FeIlO\\'S ' .. with their eyes open arc afeared of injuring the o]lp()S ile S id Isr;\("1 and S\'h' ia Banks arc all Oft·seen (Iun th~'5e changes which will benefit the entire coll ege. After all, sex by using cigars. But then aga in there's that k i 5~ah l e day s, . In i;lct. il1l'y're wel l-nigh ill S\: pilrilble ... . John cig

ONCE OVER LIGHTLY Booters Defeat Tennis Tourney Women IS Sports r Fall tournaments in archery. bad- rirsf minton, tcunis and table tennis got _------Tren t on Stars Sti II In underway Tuesday, but no scores By RAY HOELTKE Journey to. Stroudsburg Roun-1 Of n .... wcre a\'ailable when this write-up Tomorrow m Quest of Win a rIa y went to press. SI'OKTS E ntTOR'S Non:: Dm' to rlu fact Ih al tilt' N C1.i' }·or k }'CIII­ k.... s los t III,' /'.'/IIlUul I"e colulI"" "as bl'/."I/ I!trltrfl m'l'r 10 t1 G II('sl . n ll?yant after thei r 1-0 "iclory o\'er Charles Allen, Joe Drey fu ss, :\lId)' s!~;fs t.J,~W; s;:\a ~ ~~ ::~e~o~:s i~I:~: IJ'rill'I' Illis 1t'I'.'~' . Ray H odlh', 'u·lt o liar Sill/g Ihe f'ra is('$ of Iii,' the 1 fe nton i\II -Stars at Hetzel Field Triallliafiloll :md Vaughan Ackman Columbia round. with p.;rtic;p.-mts raub fol' 111 1' PIlS t ),{'ar, wallted 10 make pllblic his 0/>010,(/;('$, POI' I ~ ~ t Saturday. Rider's soccer squad ha\'c been \';ctoriOlls in first round shooting four ends :1.1 fifty yards, four litis pur/'os.' hl ~ has bl'/,li Biv/'ll litis (' onul'. IVl' sll(ll/ b,' bark tt'illt of ~'OII Ih',I'I nfil ioll. ;;lll! c~~~~;c~/~t SSI~~~~II(~I:l~~gC~~~~~~f\~~ matches the alUllla] t enni ~ tourna- ~~ !~1~~~ '~iW t!:~~u~~t~lirl~yi; I!~s~c~~~ \\'in. menl. Other first round matches ha" e ing. THE DEATH OF THE BR~N?, ~OMBERS-It fi~ally Sa,turda y ' ~ seas,on opener saw a d'!- not heen Clll ilpleled, Refereeing the mixed doubles in came to an .en~-the ~ ankee ,!)mtnatlOn of the American terllllllcd Roug hndcr elc"ell hold back Postillg' a chart on the main hlll- badminton eliminations will be Olivc League, Gone IS the team that for the. pa~t five years has t~l c ~cl~catcd s urg~ s of the Trenton ,ag- leti'l which indicates how COn- Schuetz 3nd Adele Fullerton, This b ke n the hearts of fans aU over the CirCUit No longer are gregatlon, and, 111 the final tlmt)' t"pe contest is being rUI1 for the fir st ~: Bronx Bombers champions, no longer a;e the Yankees scco l1d ~ of play, . s ~ore a s ~ngle ~al1y, t ~s ta!~t s h~ve , been paired, Coach EI- time here and..!!.romi$es to brulg forth ~ ed, Baseball's most savage attack and most effective itch. Jack 1~ ~t' t 1. prOnllSl1lg' yea rlmg, kIcked hs \\arnet. ll1at matclles should be some good ~ matche s , with such sea- ear. N' h h A ' L p the all-lml)()rtallt A031 th3t g'3"e the kel)t 11J1 10 date or forfeits will be Ihe sonee] players as Freddy Allen, Agnes jng IS gone. .ot m. ten yean. as t e merlcan eague seen Pur!l~ e all,t! Gold its ciAhteenth CO II- olltcome, Result s will be placed on the Maffey, Pete Fedorochko and Bill sU,ch n ~rnmatlc fiOish to a pennant. T,wo ~ames ~eparat~d ~he St'i: utn'e "Ic tory. chari so Iltat Ihe I lroA r e s ~ of the tour- Cridland bi~dh~g for the ell:lmpionship. Tigers In first place and the Yankees 10 third. With the JUnior Co.1ch Jake Lawrence, at center- " The lelllllS Imeup has been arranged circuit developing such outstanding stars as Feller, Boudreau forward, led Ihe Ridermen, with the li e)' may be eaSily followed, by :..r.mager ROlulie Beelnarsky, L1St and ~Iack of Cleveland, ,News.o~e. Rowe, York, ~[cCos ky fas l, dcfellsi,'c ~ ea l1l w~rk of ~at Ciam- Ail, l1l atc h e~ take Illace either at the year's ,'arsity members have been nd Greenberg of Detroit; \Vllltams, Finney and Foxx of belli" Len Da"ldowsk\ and B.II Joseph :"Iar) Hoolkr or Ca {~wa,l ader Park s ~ee led, but many of the freshman C'a n· ~osto n, the finish as evidenced was a colorful one, ~:~71~:~le~l i~~:1rr~~'~~s: : ~ o~:: ,' (; :>;~~ ~:~~.IS, Student s arc IIn'lted 10 at- ~ ~~! ~t ~~ r~~r a~I~III~!p!::~e:~r~:~: , excel- The inability of such freshman. the RouAhriders, I'arr, Colemali, :..rah. Men's and women's singles in table stars ... s D onald, Kellcr, Russo vasf mmo~ league farms to bring food, Friel, :"lonleIOOlle. Bill Sned- Snedec::ker, Ruddy Luca s and Dic k lennis arc be directed by Joan ... nd Bretler and the do wnfall of on a practIcally new infield and :1 ecker, Lucas and Eitner saw action Eitner as reserves, Co.1ch R~x Ellis :"lc Naughtoll. About 24 have signed ~ u c h s::a:;o ncd stars as Di c ke ~' , Ilitching ~ taff , Boston needs lots of at olle lime or another fo r Rider in and :"Ianager Frank Nigara wi ll ac- ~1 1) and matches arc being rlln dail,Y Ruffin g:, Rolfe and Cro~tt i are pitching and th:u's all. Chicago Saturday's game, COinp3l1)' the I~id : r booters, 111 th~ basement of the School of Busl- h main reason» why the Yankees needs a few marc men likc Lukc The Trcnton All-Stars, studded ;\Ir Percy Cans has arran~ed for ''':....'':...-______-; ~,j " , ,. t From thc first game Appling and Tedd,' L\'on ' The with Olympic and pr0feBionai play- a game between Ritler and Blllc Ridge ;- . I II t, rcpc.I ,.. tI I . . t ' o ~t C " t Brownie: d I" i li. d e r ~ , J,:"3"(.' a beautiful exhibition of late in the scason, mue UidJ,:"e, hctter JV e Carry a Fr"l Line 0/ In Phl I:HI~ lp IH,I to Ie .IS c li ' . li, nee on}, t Hce goo hl oc killA' and 1I,a~ s iu g, Their captain, kllo\\'11 as th~ "Vultures," seems 10 in 'Vashtngton the Yanks could startIng pitchers, \\'llIle the Sena- Alex Chimil6 ki, a member oi th<.' enj oy 1I1 ('<.' lil1 l{ ncw teams, Their foot­ RIDER JEWELRY and nen'r !;et starred. The}' were un- tors and the Athletics need a United Stal es soccer tt'am that re- hall schedule thi ~ yea r consists of SCHOOL SUPPLIES ... ble til maintain long winning whole new team, F:lIl s in thc$c last cently Illayed teams irom Canada and eight games with schools th('), did lI ot streaks \\'hich they were so ae· t\\'o cities will not support :t team the Argt'lIlill<.', alltl hi ~ hrother, Jules pla~' last year. custonletl til enjo}" Thcir hitting and probablr \\'c will :iti ll see Chimileski. an Olympic star oi 1936. , Rid ~r's, incn';!S<.'d, succcr schL"tfulc, was of mi no r leag'lc caliber and thesc t e am ~ the soft spots for the prond to be, lIead"~ h ('~ te) _the Pur- Wll1Ch, 1I1 c I,d e llt:~l1y IS the t,ollghest 0 1lr QUI CK LUNCH C(IImll'" the;r pi[~ hin g wa$ , an y thi~ g but ?ther six. It will be "~r~' i nt c r c~t - );~: )()(~ ~;]~~tc~\· ':::I()tlll'.~; ~~~I~~ t:~w~\~;~ ~:·I~~·. n ~~~t~ :: c h~~~~sll rh(tl~i~I~ ~~)~ tr ~~~~: ; is at -,,01/1' S<'nAc~' good. One man tned y:unlr to I1lg to see what the"" ankees \\'~ II \'otctl the most "a lllahle socc <.' r player Chesler, Delaware, S<.'1011 Hall hold thcm together, but, even as do as they are the ones who WIll ill the Trenlml ah'a la5t \'ear, (away), BI lle Rid ~<.', and Ihe :\llll\1 ni, GREENFIELD'S great a:i J oe Di i\tlag~ i o is" he !lrohahly do ,thc g reatest rebuild- Ritil-r met Rut).;ers in a;\ il1l1) rOmptll ;------: State and South Clinton could not perform the ImpO'!iS lble, IIlg, Gunc wil l be Dahl ~ r e n , e ro- match :It Ihe latter's h01l1e g rounds T he strength of the othc r contend- sctti, Rolfe, Scl l.:i r~:. Knic ker- ~'~'sl<.'n la y. Ih·sults were Iloll availablc NEW FALL in~ te:l m ~, coupl :=d with the hlldcr, Sund ra, H : u.ile ~, ::: ... lI J - .. ~ ,: ... ::: 'IC the .\'.·1i'" ~"('"t to. press, Yanh' \\'eaknei's. madc the Ameri- ler and othcrs. The men of Rup- l.::st ~ · ('; I r Ih\· nou~h rld (' r s tnn1ll1e{1 HABERDASHERY can Lt'aguc once again the most pert will ha" e HI huild around Di- the S..:arlet, ... ·2. Dance Program. mlorful of the two major Icagues, :\Jaggio, Keller and G ordon. T o O~ldl 1.:lwrCllC<.' allno~ mc~'{1 that he I "terwovell Hosiery Kcxt ~' e ar lI'e c:trl loo,k for a dif- til). this the~ ', are hring:,in~ up a ~~: ;;;:l tl hi~~k~rI; 1 ~~l1 a~\r~:1tI~ :t~ ~~11 J.: ~:~~ Arrow Shirts Athletic Schedule. fen'ot world champIOn h eca u ~e p ill r of Am(,T1ca~ A:'$OCIiIW!1l tcr- t"nlOrro\\' ail erll r)()n, Th<.' proba ble Swefll ers (/no \~' th:1t the sillr tra?ing rll,lc ;~ r~ , namclr, Pnddy :lnd, RI ~zut~, lineup will inchu1c: Pal Cialllbe1li, , "'!Hch IS standard eqUIpment III I hl ~ ~eco Jl{1 hase ClI lllhl1latlort IS 1~II Ss C,)leman, 1.('11 D:I\'itlowski, R A DO .... IL. V Undergraduate the AI.11Cric:l n League will take its predicted to outshine Bou dreau "Slretch" Farr. Bill J O)sellh, Joe ., 1011 un Detroit, thc nine old men and iVIack. From !\'c\\'ark of the Fril' l, :"bhi,lOd, DOll Fernan­ WALLAC_ ILD. I ~a lllh .2 .A., nATI IT Publications of baseha ll will have to how nut I nte rrutional League rhe\' ,,·i ll get !la . Teddy Sw i('conck. Jack l~ ce d, to :l you nger crop. \Vill it be the their pitching material. ~I.: r c they Pal .\I ,J1l!eI Colw. with Bill and PelC ~======: Yanb ag;lin-no one knows, It ca n (Jhtain i' uch stars as BOrCl\\'r, ,- Collelle Year Book. \\':t~ a te rrific hlo \\' to the C hicago \Va...;hburn, Peck 'lJld Branch. P ro­ W hite Sox whcn t her learned th:!t "iding other contendin g: teallls do GOELLER'S · their brightest pitching prospect, /lilt ~ h o \\' roo mudl improwment, l\lonrc Stratton, would nc,'cr it see illS :;a fe ttl sar that the Yan· FLOWER SHOP pitch another ball game. Had it h es will gil'e a mlll:h better ~ h ll \\' ­ "Say It With Flowers" Smith Press not heen for an unfo rtunate hunt· ing: th:1Il ther did this year. We Teleg raph Fl o\\'~ r s PIUY .. MONTGOMERY Sn, ing ac(' id~nt that took place la:; t [n the National League, the Anyw here fall, it i'et'lm safe to s.' y that the class of the league won the ~::~ ~f ~~~:n~r?o~~e:h~~~~I~o h~'~~ pennant. It lo~ks as though 530 HAMILTOl': '\VE. Slo, ... '0 $61 ...... Of' ,Iwfw 9315 troit th~ n eitha thc Jndian ~ or the Reds are gOlOg to do to thc the Yanks, National League what the PHONE 9700 It is a great fo r the Yanks have d one to the AOler· H arridge loop to have a new iean League, \Vith a young champion. Fans all ov~r the tealll like the Reds have, it TIt/s W ••1e AI country were threatenu:,g to secms sure that they will n ot PALACE ~ BROAD break up the C!hamps If no . . other nieasure would be taken. let an outSider sneak 10 o n T renton Theatres Oct. 4-5 Boston admirers backed the them next season. As for the Jane Withers in THE GIRL FROM AVENUE A . Red Sox one hundred per \Vorld Series, which gets un· plus . cent, hoping that this would be der way this 'week, it looks UNCOLN College girls and budding LEOPARD MEN OF AFRICA their year. Rooters in the Mo- like Detroit all the way, It ca.reerisls lind The Barbizon Oct. 4-10 Oct, 6-8 tor City broke all past ~ttend. '·11 ke fi,'e games 10 decide Mode 01 Li vi ng slimulotes I LOVE' YOU AGAIN, 1)lus ance records for that city and \\ I ta greate r achievement. Its soci­ Deanna Durbin CHARLIE CHA N I N A WAX led the league this year in at. who 'will wear the colors next oily correct oddress ond en· SPRING PARADE ~I USEU )'I tendanee. The St. Lou i s season, but Detroit looks too vi ronment, ils cultural advan· Browns installed a lighting powerful. It wouldn't be an ta.gesare conducive 10 success. Home of college dubs, Daily sy~tem last fa.II, hoping th ~ t awful big surprise if Detroit recitals ond lectures, music CAPITOL STACY t~IS would brlOg them addl· only plays two games a t home. studios with Steinway qronds. h onal revenue so that they Now all that's lcft is to pick Library, ,ul studioslmdga.llery, Oct. 4.1() Starting Friday. Oct, 4 could purchase new players, the most valuable players of sun deck, terraces, squash PUBLIC DEB. NO. 1 court ond swimm ing pool. WYOMING and the \Vashingto n Senators each league, Feller and Der­ \,'ilh George Murphy, Breuda Convenie,nt to busin"!ss with \Vallace Beery J oyce Ami scha Auer advocated the rule that the ringcr arc dese rving of it. centers, Ia. shionable shops, pennant winning team could ______-; museums and theotres, plus not use other major league "",olesome . . . 700 rooms ~ch with a radio, ' DR.· KILDARE STRAND tcam~ as its source of new ma· BREAKFASTS, , rariU: ter ial. This of itself is the GOES HOME Oct, 6-7·8 from $2,50 daily, $12 weekly chief reason why the -Amer'i­ LUNCHES, and with Lionel Barry.more l'\EW MOON, & PIER 13 can League enjoyed its bcst PLATTERS Wro't .., fo, du",ipt,u bOok-I •• C • and Lew Ayres, year. Bco! oj Foot! Oct. 9-10 H OI11 \' CookillA . THE BRIDE CO)'IES H O ME Kej,7 t year w e will see many Sf'!,,'II: T lris /I" ','/.' and changes in all the junio r league Fresh PE:\CH SCXD,\ E STATE PHANTOM RAIDERS teams. C leveland will have to fi nd wilh \\'hipPl"'J Cream. " Oct, 11-1 2 :7k~ Oct, 5-8 WHEN THE DALTONS a more J)O werful hitting iltrack. LU,tt!GTON AVE. • • t 631d ST. ) GE NEW YORK CITY • RODE. & Detroit will have to depend on :1 COLLE THE I.OST HO RIZON, plus THE FIVE LITTLE PEPPERS bunch of untried rookies of which . . SHOPPE THE AWFUL TRUTH IN TROUBLE ·Flord Gi,b

nineteenth but not their twcnty-sixtlt to take the training. They must nCH:r Newman Club Elects birthday 011 or before October I, have b:cn f,rom ya~l~ci_ Dolen'. Doodling Odds Quoted 1940. They must neither hoM lIor 11'3\'c pat ion III the Cl\t~haTl PIlot 11"3 1!~1l1 g OFFicers At Meeting; a pilot certificate of private grade or Pr~g rall1 by AdVisory Board ACII O,I1 . On Outstar;ding Football Games I • • higher. APJllic3nu who arc un,- ~;~;"blC ~ o the sponsoring institlltioll. school training is ncar ~J50 . Thi, !s whlllPed ,Tulane, ~he contests r~n true State: 1 Ills ollght to be.~ good .\\11\ nations : D. End.ebroc!". /irst Ylce- (This means fr('shmeu cannot apply the cost. of the course If takt' n pn - to. form 111 Illost m s ta.llce ~. ThiS ,~ eck from what we can s~ . . 1 he TrOjans president; Jo se l )h~nc KII~ l ak, Marlyn for the course nntil next year.) "ately. ~\,1 11 ~e all ~ f the.gTld giants sprmg- p.,ck too milch punch 1i1 c"ery de- Ha)'lIe$, sccanu."lce-presulent ; James In addition, they IIIUSt mcct the •______, U1g 1Il10 achon. 1 hose few falthfuls p;trimelll. J to 1. . Murphy, rcrordmg secr('tary. )hvsil:a[ r('quiremelilS ior !)tud('nt inst that hoped ab.... hope that the once Northw('stern vs. Syracuse: ~ III The foll owing IlCrsons were' cI('Cl('d hiiot Certificates oi Commercial Visit the New, Modern mighty Pitt would show some SC11I- Orange sta.rted o.ff well last wcck With 10 hold office for the year: CPT grade as (1('lcrmined by a desig­ blance of its once great power s~w a substantial Wlll. It ~\'a s, howe\'('r, president, John D'A iutolo : first vice- nnled Cidl A('ronautic5 mcdical ex· DE-LUXE DINER instead a poor (' x"'" .. I!.

For TODAY'S LUNCH I CHAMBER'S TRY SHOE REPAIR HARBOURT'S DeliciOU.' QUICK SERllICE Food. All 1Vork Guaranteed At Reasonable Prices If We Please "Xou, Te.1I Others, If Not. Tell Us Chambers and Walnut HR.(@PTS Trenton 1 STATE AND STOCKTON I I------~

Copyripl.1940. MORE ~ND ~ •• AMERICA SMOKES UccnT "Nna. T ...... c.coC .. THE CIGARE"E THAT SATISFIES Who Wi//Be Sh.Jow EJitor? Support the Ittbrr NtlUll V.rsity D.n ce Z·436

Vol. II TRENTON, N. J., OCTOBER II , 1940 No. New Managuial Dramatic Guild Women's Dept. Quince Is Senior Class President;

,,~ Organization In Admits Members; Joins Association Bean, Brown, and Fedorochko Other Athletics Here Names Committee For Student Rule OfAcers Chosen In Recent Voting _ ~raT1agcrjal organization similar to Nc\': members were welcomed into At their first annual fa ll meeting, 'Shadow' Selection Awaits the system used at Notre Dame is the RIder College Dramatic Guild at the members of the \\'omen's Depart- Action by Elected Leader planned for Rider by Director of Alh- a rcgl1!a r meeting Tuesday. Plans men! of Rider College, who c in Stewart Hall by Student COlollcil ~~~ ~ ti o ~l. the senior lllallag:e!S will se- ¥aret HOII! sher, Gladys LOl~ g, Cather- b~ il,l g a ,':it~1 part, of ,Rider Col legc, 1;'~~(II1.rndar, No\'cmber I, at Stcwart rellresentati\'es, _ .' 1eet. WIth the recommcmlatloll of the me He\\'ltI, Ray MagUI re. Marc 1 hI S afilhatlOIl WI ll gl\'e us further .., C'lrol Bea n of Eta UpSIlon Gamma junior managers, eight of the fresh- Bllrk(', Ga ~e McNomee, Ste\' ~ Sklan- recDg llitiun not only in ollr own col- , Lama S l s s ~ n , dlalrnlall, of th: sorority .and the s ec r eta ri~1 de~rt ­ man applicants, At the end of the sky, BCJI 1 yran, Sey mour Smtih, Har- ieg~, but also in other colleges," Sports C1 11b, IS general chaIrman ot 1I1 enl, (lclcatcd Kay Foote, Journahsm freshman year, this !lumber will be old Feldman, T ed Baurics, George Thc Association is cOllll>osed of six . the a~air, and \~ ' ill be a.~ s i s tcd hy the SIU?e nt al~d member of Sigma I,ot ... reduced to four al1(\ those four will Forsyth, J~llIl B:1.rtlett.. Herb Ros('Jl- teen of the leading col leges o f the fO,I1 ow1I1 g eO~lHlllttccS: 11~k ets- Lal1fa ChI , so r o rt t~, for the office of \'I:e­ become junior manage rs for thc fol- f:ld, In' Nclsol1 , I?~\,ld 5~oodenough, East, Usuall y two delegates from each SISSOII , eh:urman, I'Ia~rt d \ y h e~~cr, pre s l de~lt, l':{llIally keen ,was the Ut­ low;ng year, I-.tiward Claussen, I cd l'fle{\man :1I1d college arc sent to an annual C01l\'en. Ralph Mah food and Gd ,RossI : KlIlg terest m tlmi contes!" With less, than AI the CJl d oi the Il cxt year, the Arnold \Vatrolls, tion at which addresscs arc gi\'en and and, Queen Conte st -:-Ohn~ Schuetz, a score of votes declJmg the WlIlller, junio r managers become senior mana- ,l\[)[)ointcd as m,e llll )(' r ~ of the e?lll- di s el1 ~s i ons ,are heJd IoIl~1 llertinent dmlrman, C~r?~ L'l,no;, ~I: S~ Cole- Secretary of the 19-11 grout) is gers upon reconllllendatiol! o f the \'a- ll11ttee to select tillS year 5 Ilroo llctlons Cjucstl ons III student go\'ernment, man, Sam ~Ic lhan o , J ublt~ l t}-J~o l!ll ~ra~e Brown" member o f Zeta Mll cating senior managers and the co."leh- with ~Ir, Charles Callahan arc world po lili c~, and citizenship, Heher, clJalrm,an, P ete BIro, bhe EpSI lon soront}', whose nearest op­ es of the individual sports, The Di- Thomas ~I o rt OIl , chairman, Joh,l This project will he financed bv the J? ltn so n" ROll1l1e Bednarsk,Y; D('cora- ponen! was Carol Larios of Sigma rector of Athletics, with the approval D'Ailltolo, Bil! Cridland, Carolyn WOI1 1('1I of the depar tment. . u ~n s -~ r ,l ke~ S la g ~ ~ la, . cI~a lrlll all, Fa~ I o!~ Chi, ~et e r ~ed? r oeh k o, who is of the Dean of ]\,fcn and the Academic Booth and Sle\'e Sklansky, AnllOllllce- Cl.' \~nh e lh , I reden ca :\IICJI and Belt) afilhated With :?lH SIgma. NlI frater- , Dea n, appoi.nt s the s('nior managers, Illellt of II:,' < ,-.l e c tirl1l ~ will be Illade \\',(',ISS, , ., ' I~ity , was victorious ill the competition Although the S\'5te1l1 may sound com- in the ncar fUlur~', D " S" p. I he bIg eyen t ot tIllS dance IS the lor the office of class treasurer, de- plicalC(l, it has' proved it s worth and Kay Foote was d cctcd S('l' :eta ry e ta Isma I eJection _?,i the Killg and ,Quecll ? f [c,ating ,:\rnold -,Vatrolls oi Delta can be used to advantage at Hider. o i the Gu il(1 for the comiug' year, Sports, ,bght women cauchdates w1ll Sigma P, frat,erlllt)' , Each freshman manager is awarded Plans m: re mc selllor ofllees were : preslClell,t, Ber- ger lI l.1.k~s one basketball trip with of the Guild in tercsted in that \\'ork. Dctt~ Sigma Pi fraternity wili ill - : : ~ :::f1~'ec~y w~\;e b~a:~~~t e~lt~:le~he;l~ ~~(d :::':~~l~t~as;:cr:~~rYE~;rear~ W r~:;= -c (d ied (J thers Wh i) as yet arc in a quandary ~ a c k 1', lsher, cl l~1fIl1an of t:1e chap· The ,sixtec ll :o,ntes,tan,t s wi ll be of the S~ ial CO Tlll~itt ce , p~e s id ('J1I and arc, accordi ng to rank : ( I) )'ral1ager aholll mid-term grade,. , Dr. HO\\'orts, Hy vir- o.) i all stlldellt s arc made at m;d- I>c cha(lero ll c ~ , Guests IIlcludc Dr. a member oi Sigma Iota Chi, co- Commercial T eachers Club, Boot ana ttle of hi s appointlllcnt as hasketball term The5c arCl1' t g ra(ies and don't a,ud ~Irs, J os ~ ph Scay, ~Ir. and ~rr s , captain of the basketba ll teo rt s and as a member o f the ' Ratings arc made on a three-lI v;nt held, king, CO ll1mercial Teacll('rs Club, ~, Miss -Ziegler Leaves sea l(', Th c~e arc: GO<'Ill. Fair, :Jill! Appointment oi the editor o i the I'oor. \'0 exact percentag e cltui\"ak-ut S d P"I H "I E d 19-11 SItOl!O''''., collcge anllual, is tile On Three-Week Trip () r grade lclters are, u ~c d, for ratillg tu ent I ot eartl y norse 5 maj or (Iuty awaiting the attention o f hil t i.n f,:('IK-r:d a ratm,1.!' 01 GI)O(I r('p- the senior \lresidell t, This pri\'il('ge is Through Guatamala n:;l'l!tS ;\ or a high R: ,I ~ ~!r, I ~ \I' B Trar"n,"ng OU&r"d at R,"der in Roolll -1 0, \\'ith Ber- WI ll arn\'e III Phlla{\el pll1 a S W .th M t' :Hld Donald Pu1J1am, havc yH to take ing coursc will t('11 "Oil th;lt mal~y nie 3ershad as chairman, the di scus- the 27, eason I ee Ing tit ..: exam, times they ha\'e tak~n their hands sion 011 "\Vould a th ird term lead us Th Rider College Cluh ui ';'relltOli \\'hy is it that f70 11l t,he hundred ami feet, off the,controls an ~~ the planc into a dict~ t o r s hil):" waxed heate~ly e , . _ _,' and sr'lll1l' students a1\S\\'erlllg the fir st keJlt nYI11.!{ 011 It s course, I he planes aillong' t h o~ e who attellded, The 10 - Independents Meet hdrl its l ir ~ t meeti ng 01 the ~~':h on call 01 candilfatcs for this course that used in this training \\'ill not spin by formal manller in which the meeting at F i sch~r ' s T ... a Room l a ~ t l ues- II;lliculty was encoun ter..:.: in meeting thelllsc h-es, They ha\'e to be put into was conducied permittcd e\'en the Next Wednesday d,OU, C, p, A, ~\'a s Stilt a cOll s iderab l ~ number of Stl1- It ay ~dd or , I~t~a~le fa l,l ~ i:?l1e Ii yuu have any pet "jews or ideas T regularly reserved, fo r :'l sse1l1b l)~ \'11'5' R;chcl Allerto.n was chairman to Icam arc daring and reckless, ex,penencC(1 pII ~ t ~n wntmg ot fiYl1lg ,or' if you'd just like to sit back and II: place of the lIlC'Ctlll,g \\,II~ I>c au_ " f {ioor , rizes as well as I>r izes for , Is Ii'ying t ~d ay dangerous? A: k any sa id that t~e ai r IS as Strong and as li sten, cOllle to Forum Club at 4 lic~~~ecd through bul\etlll no ~le e,'c\ling's acti\'ities, pIlot. He \\';]1 tell yOl1 "No.' Cer- (COlltWH.ll Oil Page F orlr) o'clock on M.onday, IUbfr PitW8 ======,======lttill'r Nl'Ul.!l COLLEGIANA Pllblished by the .~·udtm l s 0/ Rider College. Trt!lll on, N. J" . I lor tile dissemillation 0/ college lIeUIS, Member of the Middle Atlantic States Inter-Collegiate NeWSllaper Association By BERNARD O. BERSHAD By Etaoin Shrdlu Although this is primarily a social colum.n, your -======Purcell JJ' riles llome- anony mous correspondent would like to comment /lllt'r a lapu of 1Il 0r ...• ,hall (J }'l'llr IlIld (/ hai/, briefly on the political situation here a t Rider. , .. LEE SZ£TELA, '41, Edi/ar-ill-Cltif'f PI/red/ DC'1J/CIIIOU, //Ielllber of Ihe Pi Pi Pi Senior elections were held on Monday , and ~ h e Iml..,lIily, '«!files boc/.· !lO lII e 10 !Iis pon,'uls {II S ports litl ilol' . .,' , . TO~I DOLAN N avrom M iud_ llUlirma , (I!Joill via the R[tmR NC1.t's Ellilol' " . . . _., BER NARD BERS T·IAD ~~:c:;~h:'~se;o~e:~g:~::~. ~o.r . t~~es ~:tseuI~r~:~:,~ NF.\\'s, lit I flill l i llie Pllre " I(IS IlIl " pp.., Sopli, surprisin:;:, but the lack of or position t o t his B.rc/ulII[jc Editor .,' \V I L Ll A~ [ BART SCH II OW IIL"s a SIIPf'oud Sellior, roughshod procedure of "fixing" or, more politcly, F t'lIfun' Edilor . T O~ [ ~ IORT ON Tire series 71'(1S so "poplllar" thai I've rcai1: Ic(/ dickering. is subject to bewailment. •• • The onl\' M(I~'C-IIP Edil or ...... J A ~IE S GLYNN /'1'(11I<'sl allN I'/'ql/csl a/ler N qllesl fl'olll II dose manner in which students can combat organi1.ed /I/'t lidilor RUSSELL CO LE~[ AN frklll/ nf mille 10 eOlllilllll: PI/re's /rIle/' ,.'rit:,,!} , aUempts to railroad through a slate is to go and Atlvc/'Iisill!} J/IIIII![jcr ., ... , . .. . .•.. • . MARTI N SUTTA Fo/' "is sa/.'c , olld Pure's, it is hen'b)' COII ­ cast their votcs, e\'en jf it does mea n a climb to /JlIsiul!SS MCllwlJ('r . ". ,., ',., .,. , "' , .,. CA RL BRAD BURY lilll/,'r/, B. O. 13. Stewart Hall, .. , The very thing on which the Cir rll/nlirm M(IIW[jN . , . , ROBERT ~l l LLER machine thrives is t hi s total disregard by the in. , ~ I To Narrow Mind. Ind., dependent studcnts to t ake part in a function which I<./·po/ '<"I's- [ ~ Ii~abcth Magee, Kay Foote, Louclla T yler, Gcorge October 11. 1940. t hey feel merely wast es their- time •• , , If onl" I.c\·inc, I.conard I ~o uff , Ca rl Bradb ury. Peter Fedorochko, Ralph Oellr Mom a lld Pop: II handful vote, why then it does amount ~ o aboll"t ),Iahiood. Arnold Wcndcll, Jcan Rosensaft, Ethel J OI1 (,s, Ruth Shiller, Glad to hear thld evcryt hing in Narrow Mind just that-a waste of time. ' . , However. if evcn·. Val Comuli, Helcn E. ~ I asick. P:\! Malolley , Dorothy Hosenherg, is finc. Happy that Sadie's going t o marry Tom" one determinedly casts 8 n hO/1 {"s t ,"ote. this abuse ~ j' Carmi Ilubhc\1. Sure am glad she forgot wc were engaged. She's the democrutic procedure oi reprcsentative \'ot. the reason I havcn't been homc for ncarly four in g w ill, be terminllted, S,"orls S laff-lIildy ) ulms(ln, Richard Olmstcad. Shcnmll London, years. '.\',,:1 scared she'd want to marry me. Hec.k, O li vli.t Shl1ct1., even better looking girls than Sadi e go to Rid ..:- r, And that's saying a mouthful. Pop, Pan km mc if YO U havc b('e11 ho rel! b\' this n·~t;I:L · Atkrrlisill!} /I,uislllllis-Viq; inia English, Pat Flore[!ce, I f\'ing llIeli t of a ch r o ni ~ :lilmcnt. , .. Let's gl't '(I own to ca-\- ". Kdw n, ,1 ;UIIl'S Foy, GUllcrd PrrSO Ii . Remember wh~ l1 I wrote you about the hi g' IXlnrlre we .. . Gil Ross i. athlete of 110 mC:l 1l allility. has set hi, Cil'(JllmiQ I1 .tfssisltwls- Fr:lI1k H orb.1 I1er, Si Roumallis, Lell Davi­ had la st r ear. YOI1 know, I sa id that the rc was more sail s for thc affections of Vir,:!i nia Short, dclovclv :111 ,1 \\'ootl bUrHed in the bonfire than all thc Karro\\' :' mk(1 cal'ti\':lIing :dulllna '\'o rk irr~ in town . .. , Lucky r~]1. -\\, ! do\\'ski, Gil Hossi, I ~ obcrt Fehn el. pcoplc's houses stuck toget her. Pop must r('memhcr, hc H1l5S Colcman, :Ul other ath ktc, is Illllch inv"h ,-rl E.rr/WIIDC Assi,rlnllls-) :lrnes \Va ll, Gerald Palaia, ) olm Bart lett, wrote IIl C he dillu't bel ieve it and he w:ultc(f to kno\\' with Ro.:ne Schell. allOt her alumna working in this lllO: ­ I.uci ll c \Viudmrg, .'\dc!e Full('rt oll. bow we gOt Teachers Col1 cl,ic on top o i the wood so tl'opoli $ o i Trcntcn, \\'ho is also "cry 1Il1l(:h 0 11 the :dl we could hurn it. Gucss he didu 't IIl1llcrst;lnd Ill" letter. right sirk o _~======\Vcll, I hope we h;l YC ;lllother hOllfire this ·war.' \\'ou ld get all the students' spirits up (don't tI1{,;;1l \\'hat you George Chafe),. popular School of Business luu. Member get o\'cr at Ike'5. PO!I) {or the ha ... ketha!l season alld is rushing Peggy Eardley. beateous la ssie of t he "'II:~" II: "_ "UO '0" ....T'O ...... "0"'''''''0'''0 O~ J4ssociated Colle5iate Press it would be ill ailticipatiull o{ th o.: foothall [calll wc'r<,; National Advertising Service, Inc. non. degree school. _. Ed "Glamour" Butler is o,lIr&t Pllbliwrf Rtpn~ntaJiI't Di!lriblltor of ~~:~~~ I ;t or(J~ ~t k l':~~~' ; 'I ~~r~ o ~I~~~I (~' ~e : i il:\\:~r~~~~\\~,~as~r dRt ing BeUy Goeke among ot hers, , , , Ed Dzur. Colle5iale Di6est inko, dapperish t eacher Ira ining s tude nt , is still tru~~!Y:UO~I~.~~~n~I~~/~:~:jt":~I~~~\ . !~is~~:: si::~ looking for some comely m ll id ~ n to pursue anJ such a do-nothing body like the Town Council of Chronic Gripers Loose In Student Body Na rrow Mind. Vou a lways say a ll they do is con­ . . . duct parades and act big. \Ve ll . we got onc of those Tom Dolan jomneye" !v Ithaca Co!k gc thi s \w:ck'\IIsolution pu~c. :)~:.s ty~~~~ I:!n~~':~l~'~1 ~~r ~~~~~~~ c l~ ; ~i t .i ~ n, ~ h~ \'~.~~.\I~ ;~I ~~ J:-~ to c \;ery pro blem a n d the admini stration is willing a nd Fr~;lc~' 1~~I~~~t '~ ~IC ~~~~' ~:~~.I ~~lta tw ecl)I~~c \';I~: ~'lt o~ htoh,c" Iler wi shes to cndorse a candidate for the-editorsll ip. , even a n xio u s to do i t s part. ., the S h (l((01.C', , . • Bernic B{' rsh:l<1 is o,J ur cl'oic(' . .. Go h ave t h e c h ip knock ed off your sh o ulder. T h en, ~;~ \'~~~ct~~, Thcy still gOt \'al1{Ie\'ilJ e-and it wa s ~. !·111~r~~ ti~e~~~~~ I ~d~i~~rh~h~ a!h~~~Jt:;~~'~ ~d .o f ,d~h ~~1110: :~-; l et's havc a b o n fire o f a ll c hips to a n even greater s pirit ------:------:-:------.:.-=-:=~==.:::..~.::::..==:::::...:.~~= of cooperatio n a::t...:R= id:::e:.:r.:.. ______Book Revie w skilll nea r the cnd. be more intercstillg. O ne of the (WiV l EI~:II~~t~ V~'~I~O I~~~~~h~cI~ ~I; :g~~ ;e I ~ ~I~~ bits of \\Titil1 ~ 1 ha\'e eJlc ~uH kr ' -1 Varsity Dance. Warty , Of Support fly UIlIIr E. Sf, iller iug of studyiug two"thirds of a day reccnt ly dc sc nb~ s Salem a llcr tlil co~~ ~nue~ 1 ~ ff~ r;'a ~~i t~,~~~~~~ , ~p~ ;~~~~dc \l~ ~o ~~ ~ .:~~ Til ~E ~~:~ ~\~~:~~~~;~,li8 1 5;~I~J :: ~~ ,~'I~ :,~;~,~ I~ n~~; ';~;"f~ ,I Oa w; ;;~~~~ ~:~:":~,:~,!~~( ,:~~~~t!:~ , ;' d~~~':'::~ Men ' s Varsity C lub. It is c o nducted sole ly b y a n d for Dutton & Co .. Inc. ; Nc\\' York, The most sympiltllCt ic portrait I ghosts. the a th letes who g iye muc h o f the ir time a nd s tre n gth 1937. 550 l).l l;es. th i"k. is oi Longicllow. one of 'the The author's style is clear ami ill- to raise Rider's s tandards i n the collegia te sports world. .. . _ .. ~I o u s eho ld po~t s . who has fall en latcly cisi\'e despite the wealth of cletail ('m " . ' .' , An ct! .uca \1 on III lI ~e lt: th iS. book lI ~tO some dlsrcpute. Longfcllow is 1>lo)'ed. The footnotes are occas i Qllall~ S uppo rt by the _ e ntIre snlde nt body. '~ ill Ind icate t~~t abou ' ~d s III .famom Amen cnn lrtcrary Jllcttlr e~ a ~ a kindly pundit. whosc Tllorc intercsting than the text. \\'jt l! undergraduates a r e g r ateful a nd W lifl'flg to do thei r n~lIlc:;. It IS to be l)Cn l s~ l ~ l ow l y , t?nes 01 "olce were all so rt nrtd warm hi s gift for \'i\'id imagery, Br()llk , h ' iv in 'ust recognitio n to the athletic counte r- With a.1I eye towud lll C ~I O m_a ll on. In like a P.1 Stei ta DCs try, is almost composing poetry. :1' S a r e In g g J , !act, II took me consldcrably O\'er Em~rso n, of C O ll~ se , is gi\'cn much ". , . illsub5ta.ntial as ghosts bask- part of the college. tour hours to rcad- an d I startcd to attenllon; but [ bc lr e\'c Hawthorne to ing in the starlight." lIi ~r r NrlUB Page 3

Booters Triumph ONCE OVER LIGHTLY Sportsketch Women's Sports The), arc still talking about his fllleor ~ ::~ 1;~~~II;; ~I~~ : ~~n~:~;:: :C~:~::: At Stroudsburg; ------_____ ('x ~ l i bi li on of footwork in Philadel· fo r the past week, with ouly twO 20th Straight By T O~ [ DOLAN ~~~~ 1 ~~! II~III;~~ ~~t 1 1 ;~n~~;llc~ °1~1I~:~~~ ~ ;~n ~~~!~~~ ~I; ~~~n~~~~ ' ~ o~I~:llg t:IJ'~I);; LOCAL AND GOOD .... Coach R ex E llis has come up :lml S l~ oud s burg ' s professorial 1.)()olcrs matches were begun bill were discotl­ Swieconek. Davidowski. with an idea that really has something and it is something l1 a,\',c hun 10 th::nk for a '-0 lacmg fe- liulled because oi darkness. Ciambelli Outstandinq tha t we have needed around these parts from way back when cc\\('11 on .S:l llI rday last. In badminton, 1..0 11 Tyle r and • 1 ...... Who? ;\011(' olher than \he answer Rail)h Lott combined 10 (\;'(eal Ruth Rai n pre\'ented Hider College's ~m- ' . , A ~[ANAo.ER.S ~RGAN I ZA110N IS bemg formed, to Coach Jake L~wrcnec ' s lJr:l)'l'r f ~r Clarke :md Bryan Dougl!crty. T yler !lcieated •• )Cccr clevcn fl'?111 lI ~ak l1l g , , . T hIS o rganizatio n IS patterned after the o n e u ~e d al a per fect ccntcr tQrwJrd to s[)a rk Ill S and Lott \\..) n the galliC with a score :m altdllllt tn illcreasc theIr strmg of Notr e Dame, and h e r e are the main ideas . . , , It is n " work. hustling- cle\'cn-Ted Swk'Collek. of [5-6, Although Clarke and Dough­ cOll 3ccutin' l'iclori es 10 twenty as Up" system . . , . Now sometimes the managc l's arc lost in the SwiecOI1('k, , I~' IIO c nter ~( r I ~,id e r ill erty g:we their a ll , they w(' re ullah1c 1'nc.oI ay '.; "c ~lO:~ ( lul ed ,qa mc wilh Seto s h uffl e a nd nevcr get ,"Ct'Y fa r •.. , This, a s wc a ll know, preference to I CI1lI>1c, Umn' rslly, ha~ to rccei ,'e :md l'cturn Ih e swift ser- Jl all \H~ POl' tpol1ed, should not be thc CrlSC, ..• Thcrc wi ll b c f Olll' d i rcct hcads: (~ on e ~' l'? I1KU1. w ~ "k lor the P & S· viccs of Ihe viclOrs, [n crabbillA' Ihei,. nillCI(' Cllth con· (11 Managcl' of Baskctball, (2) ~ ' I a na gc r of Swimmin g and ~~~,tl'~ :l dllli ~tI:~II~'k~: ;;t ath~:~~ ;~ Il; ~i~ lt }~~ ad~;~':~~~ 1 :'t:~ff~i;/ ' :(~c~i: ~k r~ll~~tl1 ;;:' ~Cl:Util <: cfJlkgiatc soccer win, Te(1 Golf, . (3 ) ~1 a lla ge r o f Soccer a n d Tl'ack' ,and (4) ~i l nt~agcr o f ~J. )s t \ alllablc ,'\thlelc h OllMS, eliminating Edie Johllson alld Ca rl ~~i~ ~:_: ~~ ~;' (l :" I ~, ~ ~lt'~;~~:t~ s ~~~ ~c11: rJ~~~ Tenms and I ntramural SPOI' tS . By thc Vll'tUC 0 1 a~po l nt m el~t T his 1 \\' ~IlIY -Y (',ar-(l~11 "l\t.h F<:II <:r " I)i Gragg, Johnson and Gra!;!; werc able 1..1\lr"IU: ' hil.:h - ~ teplllll g ~occc nne l l thc Bas k e tba ll ':Vlanagcl' heco m es h cad of th e cnlll'C organl- Ihl' AmenClm ~ occc r i.C;lglll'., IS :Ul lu run "p only six aces agailli't the no"";ll • III a ~ I ron~ Stfll ud .. bllrg 5 t lie zat'o n, ~!I -ru llnd ~th[\'I ('. , \ ~ a .selllnr at wi lllu:rs, The lallcr h;\l1 lillie difiiculty l eaell,r- outht In ,I count 0 1 1-0 The fl:t'shmcn d urin,g thc fi~::t (:I ~l~~~~;:;c !~~~ :'nlh ~/I~ ~'~;~i:::nt~h ;~~ ~ ll 15C-;: il~~;il ~i S ~)tl ~I~·li ,I~: t~'11;~u~;:I~:n~;:~ .\ that wa s m:uk('II hy 11\1- Y(':lr are Judged ac..:onlmg to :Ibtl· Syracuse could m anage. , . , varsit\' I l'am~ ~inll1 haneO Il ~ h' . [ Ie was all( 1 \\c ~. , ~ Uk'P-Il' p il~·u\l~ and n(,:lr. fi ghts. 5:1\\' ity alonc, :lnd on the b:t~i" of the Cal ifornia s h o uld take \Vnsh- captain of the ~ nccc r d~\·e ll . Red g_,_,,~_." ______bot h -illall.:. ~ .e 11 1) and (Io\\'n Ihe w o rk t hey do. , . ' This will eiimi· . " • S mith's ia~t- s lc\lPim: ~ t ate ehampioll , ' ' a n e fiel d l: n,.wllIly. 1h c eXllC,rt J,:'I):!. I, lend- n:ttc :I!l\' personal i:t\.orilism, ... ~ 1,1g t o ll ~ n . a . c1~s c t . , , • . h;bkNball (l\lin ICI. ami the Trenton m ·e collegiat e soccer VlctO?'. f\I ~~, ~n i~l,!! ,I l ~ t~ Jc r.s. ace, Pat C~;un[~~I~, a l\{ ~ i\ It, I l(~~sona l d u t ~ . he re is not to I ,hc :'\ I t SSIS :~ IPPI \'c r SHS Gco r. I ligh lI ian \O "'I,'(' r ~, :\I)t ~ a t.i~ t i l'i l wi lh th~ \. ~ ~y ne ~t . da ~·., ~ I r: 5\\ 1 ~1~ ~~k \~~:: ~tr" ' I,],IJI ,n: ~ Bob R ~ ' :r , kCI t ~ 11I; 'Ii , , II 1 '! '..; ' 1 gt:l grlm c I S 3 tou g h nut to sitch :Ill acCnml)!I ~l ull ('llt. I c(llly ell- Ihe German ,\mu lcal!:> , 10 , . • ' .... crOIl'[ ',II the edt:e 01 II, re ~ p<:ct l\'e t< ~ I)u . t a )Ollt It I~H tll-te,ll . ' lernl Drown Prql in Philadelphia. over the P.rooklyn Ce h~ e s by klcklll .. ,,'a t"' t:lr"l1o;:hout the (,ntin' -:: ame, Len 10 tell you tn :-ll pp or~ It tl) ~: I)\l. r cl'uck, :l lld tillS ga m e can well where he aA:ain cuncd Id ler,. in hi ~ twO ba l!s 1)'1 5t the goahe [)a\·;!l, w·ki lk-e r\'c ~ much credit for fllllt' ~ t cxt('nt. , ...-\tt er all, It I'; b c :1 tic. H o wcvcr , we go w ay thrce fa\'orit e S ly'rt~, h.1,k.:lhall, soc­ 'Ii. timd y !)ooting a~ltl n a w~ess "fe· ~o m eth in g really worth while, ;lI1d o ut o n n lim o and lake 'Ole ((' r alii! has(']):.l1. III a,ldition to his W e Cllrry 1I Full [.;'U1 0/ ren se work lI\ front 01 the Houghnd..-::r w c d o n(,l·d a f('w thin .. ; like tklt , .. ' sc h o l a ~ tic lJcrf'}flllanc('s, ~wi c c pnek is ;:: 0al. \ t ,·ne timc. Shalk.:y. S t r o lld ~ · hcre, . . . It is lw,re ;'Ian a wt"!! t-.IIISS,. " ' ls conslIl ~ h o uld a spark' plllg in the li);hl ~ncce r ma - HIDEH .IEWELHY m,d bmb' an cC ll t(' r forward" sOll.l!,ht 10 l'i'fahli:-: hcd faCt t hat the m:ln:lgcl's r o mp in 1) 11 Iowa, hut Jus t a chiHe 0 1 ti le (;erm;[H-. \llll'rica ll S ot SCHOOL SUPPLIES ~~~",/ ;~;ll ~; I~lr:::~~t h!!~el;lel~\~:I~\\~ ::~l c~; 5101\ ·(' and more than likely ne \ ' ~r little r omp, . ' , S ymcu sc, 3 Ih\ ' ~:~ ~'~~G;II~"L~::'; ~ ~~day, '1'.,,1 gave hI' tlte ca ccy Rider left inrw;[rd. n on ge t a \\'cll dcse l" \"t: d h~ea k: ' , , S,o poo r le,tln , ~h o uld losc to [ ~id c r fatl ~ ;\ ~ I i ~ ht in.lieatinll ,,[ hi ,. !'=crn ~ll'Il' I., \\, 11 .1 wOl~ inj m l'll l'arly ill why nll t let tltl'lll 11\ tor theil' N . .... t . U .. ano lhe l· p OOl' team pr o \\"c ~~ hy h;I"'::': i 11).:· Ill re..: .,f the .'\C \'ell Our QU ICK tV.VCII C.l/IIIIN Ihe t:! aml" .tayetl ~11 to rl1li~h a w ~ l1- ~ h a rc ? i n tl umhcl' SC\'CIl . , ' , After gn:ll., Illal Ihe 1 ~'I1~).:hridt:r~ l'il: \ ~ .1I11 is {II your ur;'ir.: 1,[a Yl'dlllJl\lon lailll'[ ;,11 cd!.!t: ill 1l';J1lI\\·ork :llld l l a ~~ - J U ST TRY I N G 1'1-1 E Syracuse s s h owm g las t wcek, 111.1lch. " 'WO (lays l:llt:1". he camc m~ ,.m,'k, bU,1 !~i,'kr' ~ Olll standing _ ' \RD O l\,;ES If , i k wc w o uld n n t pick thcm OVC I' Ihrow,], wilh a mighty hoc t ill the GREENFIELD'S ,kit"l H· a11l1 ulI!J\'Ulll al Illay were I t - -' . . , ) ~ u pc, ' . 4 fi n:,1 mill11h' ~ "i Ihe SlrvllIl.lmrg J.,::lInc State and Sou th C linton ell \l ll~ h I" win out. SeVl'1J fo r seVt'U in thiS poo l ' unl OI , III ;..;i,·e l{iilcr i l ~ ui ll elcemil consccu- TIll' lidll OIl which II~(' game was you get paid 50 to 1. ... I 'm SPE ...\K I \"G O F HE:\ VE\", !======\ : :~l~:~ u~~~ :)Ila s i~o; t l~:I\~ I~~~ ~ ~lll~~lt II\~~ jus t hop i n g .3 fcw \\"ill go... , N I :' 1fI Fill-I- ticld \,a, IIJfty }·a rds longer than the Stanford Will b l.. o n S~tur~ay S' ; ~ ::D~t:('oi: hl~ l·~:,~ :: nj ~l n;~~ll; '; . \~ . cre GOEllER'S P uql l~ 5uccerlll('n '-"e re acclISlomed to. a nd p ull across th e Will sl(Je . I I I ' r . ~nd th(' 1.!.).1 1!IOSIS w('re eiJ:ht feet . ' S " CI"a ~c t til nng- uut t, Ie g: :u t1(, IIl g:~: HABERDASHERY FLOWER SHOP ,h

Student Relays Press Club fleets Sigma L.mbda Pi Doaglas Scores C d' I V' Hubbell President In.ugur.tes Durkin lews . .. with new, smart styles anaplan S W For Ensuing Year As F. culty Adviser for Fall. look them over! On resent ar Members of the Rider College Professor Edward Durkin was om · See the \"<'ingacc and those Press Club held a meeting last MOII- dally inaugurated as Faculty Adviser (EOlTOi's Non:: The writer snappy new brogues in mel- 0/ day and elected new officers. Carmi to the Sigma Lambda Pi fraternity tllI'S article tooS bom ii, tile city low antiqued finishes and of OUat(!(/, COliMa, alld rcccivl'd Hubbell was rc-clrttcd Ilrcsilknl, ilt ceremonies held at n. meeting last his illfo rl/lotio,~ Jro ,,~ corrupollll­ while other officers include: Richard \VcdJl esday c\'elling. rich grained leathers. ('lire willi a bo)'Jrood compo II' Olmste:l(I, vice-president; Rose Zaz- Pledging started at the last meet- iOll ,) By Afhlll E. Hunrlel zara, secretary, and Frank \Valts, iug with thirteen ent~ring into ~he . treasurer. ranks o f lI eophy\es. 1 hose pledglTl g pr~;:a l~~~ s r~;I~ S ~II~I~/'~~c:~tsY~:~JI~~~ President Hubbell outlinc

Collelle y ~ar Books for BEAUTY . .. visit CAMELlA'S BEAUTY SHOP 7 South C linton Ave. PHONE ·,3..13U Smith Press PERRY & MONTGOMERY Sn, Monday 10 Thursday: 4 BEAUTY lT E~IS., ,.$1.00 P,i,.ters 0/ "RIDER NEWS' Friday, Saturday, H olidays: J BEAUTY iTEMS ...... $UlO Stop iN to su IU , • or ~/ltnu 9315 PERMANENTS, $3.00 up MORE-GILL M',MO' Lou RIDEA COLL EG • 1 rO-J 'J

B. A. Club Booten Trim D.nce Tonlsltt Iltbrr NrUtll P.nzer, 7'() Z436

Vol. II TRENTON, N. J., OCTOBER 18. i940 No. 6 Student Council Suggests Change Parents Visit Coach Ernest Curtin Is Chosen Editor Coal. I Rex E!1is was visited in In Dean's li:.t Requirements hi s new ell VironlllClIt this week by Of Shadow By Elmer Quince, his p.. lrel" S. ~Ir. and ~fr ~. John ~ Parade. Bonlire Favored Ellis. who arc touri.11; the East. To Foster School Spirit The ElIis('s make t heir home in Reigning Senior Class President Ii)' E/i:;obrtll J/oyl'c Myers Transfers Grttlls Fork. Indiana. whcre ~ f r. Palaia. Quince Associates; Ellis is engaged i1l the retail g ro- Myers Advertisinq Head Enthusi:l "t ic mcmhcrs o f S t ~ lI.lcnt cery business. COllne il who mel Tuesday to d iSCUSS Ruffy Editorship King And Queen Ernest A. Curtin 11resitlent 0; Stu­ Father and son made :I iCIChill!;" \\'3)'5 and means of stimulating s lu­ 11ict url' oj athlNi..: manhood. The d~' nt COllllcil :md lIlcll1lx:r of Phi S ig­ tkol participation in college affitir ~ . To William Welch cider Ellis is a good six fect and Candidates Are lll.l :\'\1 Fraternity. the Accountants adopted three ~ \Iggesti () n s to be sul)­ Scheduled Practice Teaching built along rug!:;ed li ues without and Deb..lte Clubs, wi ll continue his mi tted to Ih:; Administration for 01 11- trace oi a middle-ag'et! man's Named by Clubs aCl i\'it ics as a Icader of the class o f ASSignment Given As Cause paunch. He has the apl)('arancc of pro\·al. 1941 by cditing Ihc S IIU(fu:;;, college :I n athlete ill tilHOp cond'ition Changes in Dean's List rC(luire-. Of Ex-Chiefs ResiqnaUo n Winners o~ the Contest rather Ihan a successfu l business annual. it was annomlccd this week ment s. add ition of a new member 0 1 To Be Crowned at Dance man. ~rr s . Ellis ga,'e e\'idCll':cs of by Elmer Quince. As 11residcTlt o f the Council. and plans ior a ",,,, Ia Ilaradc Jacob J. ~Iyer ~ . J r .. who edited· the Held at Stewart Hall containing Ihe { I llal i ti~·s of an ideal senior class. Quince had the t radi­ and bonfi r~ 10 close tlu." 19 ..10 s~ c c r Frosh 1s511C o i the RU If!lJ" ·;II,·r , has mother. S i x t ~en contt'stanlii for tht' t ill ~s o i tional privilege o f sc!ecting the ycar­ Sfason were ;1I1l('ng the, SlIggCS,tlOlH transferred Itis dmies as editor-in­ King vi S])OrH and Quccn o i SllO rtS book edito r. He will also scrve wit h recein'(\ b ~' Erucst Curtm, president ---- chid to \\'il1iam \\·(·klt. swdelll in hal"c heen nominated In' the combined Ger:tld Palaia as an a ~soc iat e editor of of Student Counci l. the Busilless Administralivn de]l:lrt­ effo rts vi thc ~ l el1' s V;rsity Club and Ihe book. Of inlcfrst to :I II students is Ihe Sororities Vie thc \\'omcu's S I)O r' $ Clu b. rC flO rts mellt ;L1Id formerly adverti sing malia ­ Staff jlosit io ll s will be hdd by the bon fire, ]Iarack. al1( l celebra tion inlro­ J olm Ileher. cllairma'n of publici!y. f o l l o \\' ill~: Jacob ~ I y(' r s , adl·ertisillg duced 1aSI year itS an annual YiCtOfY !:c r of Ihe college comic. :lcconling' to ForNewMembers The winncrs of thc conlcst wi ll be manager: J af\' i ~ Cooper, business display fOf the soccer team. Confi­ :t l' talClIlent tcm1cr CI I th~· X".'.;. crowned at the Annual Varsit )" Dance rn:mager: W illi s t ockl'. men's ath­ tkn: 01 a.nothcr "iclOriOIl :i socce r sea ­ :\I yc rs a55(' rts that he r e~ i gll e d 1.Jc ­ t('l bl' hel{1 at Stewa rt Ha ll vII X,)­ letics : Caro l Be:uI, sororities ; T ed son. th(' Counci l wcnt on record . as During Rushing \'l' mher I. calise o i hi .. 5chedul etf practice t~ "ch ­ :\Iiller. iratcrnit ics : Donald Ende­ ia\'Oring an C\'ell larger dCl1loll s!ratlOu ~ O l1l i n (' ('5 were sek ctcd so lcl ~' 0 11 hrock. art: .\Iiee J~r oshard . dflrmi- illg' a ssi.l! nm ~· nt which \I'ill C01lnnellCe oi college ~ \l i rit this year. The e \' e n~ Zetas. Ganunas. Sigmas their athletic 11rO\\'ess ami contrihu ­ to ri e~ . is planned to he held al the cl o~e o t in February. He \\" ill rCllla in ('Ill till' A ctiv~ly Pa rticipating tions to the sports e\'enl at Rider. Br~ · an Doherty and J ean ROS<" lI sait, the socct r schedule and bdorc the ., wff as :lI lvisory editor 11 1J1i t the nex t T hcl' are: Qm·.:n-I-Iarriet \\'hcclcr. (J rgani7.:litons : Qli\·c SC hllel7.. liter­ Slart uf b.lsketball. Rushing hegan ior Ihe :.ororit}" girls Bel\'c " ·eiss. Elizaocth Edith i~~ l1 e rcaches il ~ S \l b~crihcr~ ~ !a g C1..' , ary: Harriet \\,hccler. womcn's mh­ Attempting an early SIaTt on the on ~l o llda y . OClober 14. The Greek Johnson, Frederica All en. Barbara letics : C harlOIl~' \\-I1I111l' r, sccrelary Editor \\'dch il1l imateS Ihat there g- irls werc all ":;traininJ,::" at Ihe leash' bonfi re preparations. the COllllcil ell­ Todd. Shirk)' \reSl :UJd Edith Wilde : 10 editor : ;mll Ri cha d l..;ttllOIl . cir­ dorsed a \'igoro\ls ]llea by Bcrn;trd \\·ill he S('I'cral st:lfi re\·i,io n ~ to in­ wi th natty eo~ tllm es dcsigncd to set Kin !;"-1~1I S5 c1 1 Colemall. Len Dal'i­ eulatiOll. Bcrshad for cooperation o i Council. crease the d licicllcy oi the cO- work­ o ff tlR·ir rC's p·.·c ti\·e t"ITg ;t1lilativns. The Il owski. J ohn H eher. Georf:,c 1·lorn­ Following" in the i o ot S t~' I I S o f re­ sl udents. :md .'\dmini stration. Dec­ ncxt threc \\' ecb will e o n ~ titllte ill­ ~ · ak. Sam Siciliano. Harold B1oolllen­ (:fS. Comilltlli! pat ronage hy th~' ~ tu­ e('nt editors. Curt in dcclares that he orated fl oats. lUusic and dancing ha\'e formal ru,hillg' during which C\'ery ~ Iein, Bill J oseph and T homas

Phi Sig., Seay H.II, ONCE OVER LIGHTLY Tennis Toumey NEW FALL Kappa Phis Triumph . HABERDASHERY I n First Contests Is In Slow Gear By TOM DOLAN All Cavorites were victorious in first Interwove" H os;ery If you've seen two or three men on Arrow Shirts With tomorrow and Sunday all of the intramural teams in crutches, or several marked faces round match~s of th ~ tennis tourna­ the football league will get going.... This year, more than around school during thc past week. mcnt. Matches ha\'c been held up to Sweaters ever hefore, the picture has a two-fold significance• ... We you ought to know that the Intra· a great cxtent due to unsatisfactory mural Football League has begun court conditions, simply mean this .... Football will be at Rider by the time play, 5ix of the teams swung into RA Do •• IL~ the leaves turn and fall again .... It would be profitable, there­ :tction last week-end, with the rest to Coach E ll is has secn n fcw of thc WALLACM IL •• fore, to have all of the teams stress team play and follow follow this Saturday or Sunday. matches and maintains that prospl'Cls U lAST ITATI IT definite sct formaitons rather than partake in a helter-skelter Thc Phi 5 ig G r c('n~ overwhelmed for another good team next sJlring type of ball that is usually characteristic of an amateur league. the Finkle's Flashes 32-0. showing a arc I' ery promising. YOllng Chuck A I· world of speed and deception. At one .. . This formula of set plays is being worked out.... It i1'i, Iloint the ,lc1ioll \\'as so fa st that thc len, a frcshman who has :J. lrl'ady won however, rather difficult to accomplish too much with a six- winncrs were able to roll 1111 20 Jloint s his second round malch, see m ~ 10 look 1)'\ Ulan team ... . The line work that is essential to the making in fivc minutes. particularly brilliant. Chuck shollld fit , of good backfield plays is missing, not through any incapa. Se:\y Hall knocked ()\,er thc Phi in nicdy with those left from 1:tst bility on the part of the line, hut it just isn't great enough in Si!;' Golds 13 -6, John llehtards scored year's s(luad. numbers. the H alll! r's first touchdown on a Al1 soccer Illaycrs were asked by pa ~ s , and Dal'e Smith the sceond. also Thc six-man g:ame is fa st and Coach Ellis to dcf;\Ult their matches, at all than to be trod on in on a p..1SS . Ernie Curtin ~ con·d for since it would interiere lIlaterial1l' the losers. The victory Ilron.'d to be t he plars ha,"c to be fast a nd such a manner.... They lose with their reg l1l:lrl y schcdul('(1 J;occe'r ~pa r ked w ith plenrr of razzlc­ to all and any oppositi on and ~ 1 ~i~ s ~~~~ I ;~I~' : I ~~ r ~ tl;~'lt,~r ~~I~;:~a :~y;;a~ ~ Ilractice, o:\zzle if thcr arc to click. football up there is a sta nding tured his ankle and \\'il\ be lost to \Villn('r ~ oi fi r ~ t roun d matches in­ the team lor the remainder o i thc sea­ dude : j ohn I)·Ailltolo. Tim Kelty, Blocking is t hc kcy·notc that must joke. . . . They lose money at the gate and the school show s son. Bin Cridland, Charles Allell. J ack bc sounded. . For without thi ~ PierSOll , A11dr Trial ldafilou. 5tc\'e a marked deficit every year. Th ~ Kalll-':1 Phis n05('(1 (Iut the Ridcr the hacb im·oh·cll in the \":\rioll ;;; )laniaC $ 6-0, the Inne touchdown be ing Skla1l5ky. ~lcrrill l'lan 'e)', Lester It I"ill be h:lrd fo r Ridef :It scored by Jack Shorten. R;llllh Cnle­ ~ I in(' r. Vall!;lul :\dwmll, Bob I, im­ pb~'s do not ha\'c the lime to carry fir~t. ... It will be d ifficult to get m:m ~ tar r cd ;nr the winners, \\"h ilc l1\erl ),. jamcs Glynn, Joe Drey fu ss. out their :ls:,ig nlllents ( thi ;;; is al ~ o lup-nfltch Illt'n 10 COIllC to a ~ c h oo l Frau Ihldwiu :m,1 Jack C:t rrin ~ t on Rudy Lll ca ... . J ' lIu e~ Tauner. aud la st ye:lr's Chaml), Don na111 10 11 . true in major ioothall ) . Different \\·here football is in it:> infanc\'. stood onl for the l o ~ er~ . H ypc \Vill­ enborn. )1 :Uliac cenkr. ~p rain ('( l hi ~ l e a1ll ~ in Ihe league arc :'tfessing T his should not bc a l11aj~r \\ · orr~ · .. , . All C()lt('~c teams have ankle 1'1 11 the la ~ 1 pl:J. y () t lli(' game alld tliffcrent trpe:, of format inn:'. all(1 lI'i l1 he out illl!cfmit ely, heen Ihrough :lIld the l1l ajnril~ ' I h i ~ al one ought If) make I he ganll'S it GOELLER'S College- girls and 'b;;ddt;;"gl In 111\.: only othel' ~(' h ('( l l! lcd game. In ,,f thelll ha l'c come throu~ h un­ cureerists find The B.:! rbizon ' more intcre ~ tin:,:: walch. the S weet Shop!)e W fI !l hy a for k il ~ cadt('( l. . , . As I u nd erstand, t he FLOWER SHOP Mode of living sllmu lales T he t('a m ~ t in l he mt) ~ t. (10 not frolU the I ndcpc Llll e :tI ~ , greater ilchievemenl. Its soci· thing; i ~ to bc started off on a :: llIalt pl ay ~ hodd}" hall and we dare \·en­ O i c ou r ~ c ti le ~(' a ;;o n i ~ iar ti)O " Sa.\' II I V il1t Flowl'rs" rtnlll part fralefJIal li fe can play This same group went to visit the many girls regularly ate ·'Oaties·': TIH Trenton Municil1.11 Market but was how well they preferred the new food ill onc's colleg iate life. CROMWELL disappointed in that U])(J1l arri"illg. to other nationdl ly known breakfast $3.95 thc::y fo und the market desertt.'(!. foods; and how mall}' changed from The Retailing Selling class "isited eating their favorite breakfast food to S.S. Club Elects Goldberg's and was shown around eating "Oaties." If at the end of the and given information by M r. Harry period the test has proven satisfac­ Fisher President Custom aM Eiscllstaat, the assistant manager. tory, the product will be put on the fNonnal-TNCI aeries Dr. Mathews is 1)lal1l1ing to make market. This will probabl y be at thc For Ensuing Year $7.00 se"cral Illore trillS and hopes they heginning of next year. QualIty Hose, 4 polrs $1.00 will a ll prove enlightening. Simila r tests arc being carried on At n rcct'llt meeti ng o f the Sene­ at a men's dormitory at Rutgers :lnd tarial Science Club. Jack F isher was at a local children·s home. elected presidelll. Other officers are : Recent Graduates Peter Ga rn ic h. vice-pres ident : Rich­ Maintain Activities anI Lamon. secretary ; and Howard Bennett Presides Baier, treasurer. Q1J~faJ ShotJ In Outside World Mi ss Julie A. Hillch will serve ill 84 EAST STATE STREET Over Forum Club the cap.1c it y of fnc ult y atld ser to the Alumni l1 ews has it s usnal interest, groll] ). Plan s fo r an extell si\'e pro­ Optm Saturda)l Evenings \Vallach Building bll t when it concerns graduates of just Lew Bennett presided O\'cr the nK'ct­ g- ram were discussed by members of a few months p.1St. morc in terest is illg of F orum Club held in room 45 the organi zation . manifeste

Thil picture of Ch ,nterfie ld buye" inlpecting lobacco cropi in the field before ouclion lime i, one of mony lnler. s1inll scenn In the new book "TOIACCO. L... ND, U. S . .... " This fc",(inaling slOry of how Chell. e.fields ore mode, from leed 10 cigarette, is yours for 'he ...... U .,.u...... to u..o" .I .... ~.,. ' ...... 0 C."',..n),. "0 "~,, Avo.n. H_ )'0'*.1#. r. PRIOR TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE MOORE·Glll MEMOFlIAlllBFI '-IDEFI ~OlLEGE. TRENTO'l'. : ff?

Sopb.}unior Election Get Your Ticlcets IIn Stewart H.II WeJ. For V.rsity Dance Z·436

Vol. II TRENTON, N. ]., OCTOBER 25, 1940 No.7 Managers' Association Organized Annual Snowball Fourteen Candidates Are Selected And Ready to Operate Efficiently Festival Plans For Who's Who Honors I~ National Coach 'r.1lis. Don Johnson of Collegiate Leaders I Direct Destinies of Group Are Discussecl Dire ~tory > ~ ';>~'m lc r the direction of Coach Rex Soph-Junior Vote fly T OIli J)1l /au Chosen For Leadership. . Elli ~ :lIId Donald S. j ohnscul. varsity \ Vith o r without SJlOW, th e a.llnual Scholastic Achi~vemen t lJ.l skC'l hall manager, til.... "tanagers' To Be Wednesday Snowball Festival will he YO llr ~ with Dramatic Guild Fourteen candidales for Who's Who A,"ocialion of Rider College is now a ll the trimmings on Satmda\·. De­ honors in the national directory of fuJh' organized and reacTy to operate cember 14. This dance is p1:\·n·ll ed to Chooses 'Fashion' collegiate leadcrs were scl('(: ted this ior' the betterment o f sports in this At Stewart Hall · he more e'haorate than any yet held \\·cek a.t Rider by a student nominat­ coli c;,;<,. al the college. \Vith Jlr O):!~ lIl1 S an,] Sopholl1ores and juniors are re­ ing committce antI Dr, Howard I. B cc a u ~ o f his position as varsity perhaps favors for the g irls, thc com­ Dillingham. (Iue,;t ed to meet in Stewart Hall. For Production l)'lskclhall m:lllagcr, j () hmOJI will be ll1ittee is \\·(.o rking long h O \lr ~ in pre\) ­ Out standinj:!" juniors and SCJliors the slmlcl1l dir<..'C lor of the orgalliza­ \Vednesday.

merely rcmembcrillg and that confess­ Attention H UnaFFiliated Students Book ReView ing h:ls a suggestion oi something bad. ~~~;~~ ~~~~l' il~li~:~S~r ~·i~t~'~~ h~)()\~'~~I'.':~~ _ ~ and she docs.n't feel as if shc's done By 1\11111 E, SilWer of Chnstmas IKls tcrs, m the JO:- o( . Sophomol'e-Junior elections are scheduled for Wed­ wrong, giving. nesday. By now rival factions are scurrying about at­ KITTY ' FOYLE, by ChristoJliler Kitty -Forlc is one of thc most real But to me the amazillJ; thill g" alY'1It Morlcy. J. B. Li]l]li.ncott Co., characters ever pr~'sented ill fict ion. thi" no\'c! is that it is wrillell hy :l. tempting to cinch positions. It's all very regular. She hidcs 110 1\(' of hcr inllcr feclinJ,! s Phila

Booters Retain ONCE OVER LIGHTLY Three Contests Women's Sports BJ' Olive Sfl1fd::: Unbeaten Record Are Played In BASKETBALL- By TOM DOLAN About thirty candidates fo r the varsity and junior varsity women's In Weeki sPlay Not unlike a huge gorilla, Senor Anthony Galento, once the Intramural Loop basketball teams attended the organi­ zation m«ting called by Coach Rita panzer. Blue Ridq•• And blooming pride of North J ersey, blew the foam off a tanker :\t the eJld of the second wl"Ck of play. the teams in the Intramurnl Burdctt, Tuesday. Delawaro Are Defeated: of s uds and said, "Joe Louis is still a bum." ... His voice Seton HaD. Tomorrow Foothall League arc just about where \ Vith se\·cral team members rduru­ might fool one, but one look at the roly-poly body that Two­ prc-scason dOI)C placed thell1, The ing 10 action and somc Ilromising Rider's undefeated socccrmcn will T on has to call his own wouldn't fo ol the kid that shoots Collegc Sweet SholJlle, Phi S ig freshman material, the Ridcrettes hit the r0.1<1 ;n ~carch o f their twellty­ marbles with your li ttle brother. , , , Tony is far too fat to Grl~n. Delta S i ~. Seay Hall and should enjoy one of their best seasons fourth COIlSl'Cut;\'C \-ietor), ;'IS they be a fighter any more. , . , He has a paunch complete with lower Kapp,"\ Phi outfit§ are the only un­ )'et. Practices c\·cry Jlight in S tewart trarel to E li ~abcth tomorrow for a and upper berth, and some roo'o.l left over for the men's dcfl'ated tea ms and arc Icadiug tht·ir H all are IlUtti ng the women in trim 1!';\!l1C wilh SCIOJ l Ha ll . On Monday, kagues, for their tllssles' with the leading the ho)"s arc schedul eu In meet Army smoker.. . . He has a senior and junior bag under each eye Actiou last wcck ~ a\\ ' thc Delta womcJ\'s tea ms ill the East, ~ I We5t Poi nt in a practice ~ m c. that might make the original Mr. G ladstone look to his laurels S iss open hy t fOUIlc1U),: the Rider T he fi rst bid fo r court laurels wi11 \ I \ Panzcr Co\1 c/-:"c boOh: rs pro\'idc(\ and take his on the half-shell. ... Uon't get me wrong. _ .. :\I;m iacs, 21-0: Ihe $ W(·ct S hoPliers be made v ll December II , when Rider -.. "l. hc ROllghridc rs with the o!JI)(lrtun;ty After talking to the man one can see he is no sucker_ , , . walloping Sii:m:l I.ambda Pi, :?O·O: meets Kings College, :awar, Other to win their twenty-first straight con­ He might be a little dumb, but no sucker, :tIIt! th c Kappa Phis wlnnin),: ou a for­ scheduled games illc\mlc Beaver, Up­ test lasl Wednesday at Hetzel Field. movic nr it would of showcd how feit ol·er the Phi S ir;: Golers. sal:! , Panzer and Stroudsburg, It was just a little marc than The Delta Si!;'s had lillie trouble Coach Jake Lawrence's lads made Joe got to his feet: two seconds TOURNA~ I ENTS- J immy Glynn, Ray H ocltke, Jac k with the ~Iania c~ . ;\ (II1\)lIgh thcy ap­ j:!'ood the OPI)(l rtunity by trill1min~ the The ulll imeh· arr i\·al o f Sir \Vill­ Fisher and Yours Truly expectcd later and knOf.:kcd the Senor three­ Ill.'arl'il " bit I'usty {wm lack o f com­ bo\'~ frolll East Orallgc hy a 7-0 ter has 5e ri ou ~ ly hallll)Crcd the out­ fou rths of thc way b;tck to the J er­ pct ition. C;ld n radhury caught 111' 0 co;ml. Pam:cr. weak from tlu.' loss o f to sec when w e pushed through lloor tournaments in b..1d lllinl0ll, arch­ sey marshes .... A hhouJ!:h Ton}' of Bin ~ l lIlI(' r 's I)'"\s ses jur tOll ch­ six oi la ~t YC':> ad­ uprights to /:i\'c Ri,ll·r one of it~ o ne of thc fincr of the suds dis­ by the entire tca m were the o ut ~ tand­ will spend the rest of his \'cars Gllml~' \,:lllced to thc 5emis by eliminating sen'lI 1I1ark~r s . pen scr~ , . 'lou ha\·c prohably ing factors in the \'iclory, in his stand in Orange_ . _ . There Pkrson stood 0 111 for Walt n oyd·s Ba rb Todd, A dciault by Pcg H om­ Ted(h- SW ieCOII(·k ~ tar celltcr for­ hcard stor i c~ , I kn o~ \ ' I had, of in the fairly ~cc ur e con fi ncs of 1)1(' 1). sher shon-'(I Ellie J ohnson " !) into the ward i ~r Ihe Purple ;mcl Go!!1 hoot­ T onr's placc,. The rumor ran en. II ;:;CII hi 5 head 10 Iml the hall Jla st fOllr harred donrs he can rei ~ n The SlI'l'{' t S hoppe ~ h o \\'cd po wer scmis. too. Fre{ldie Allcll (Ideated No­ that it was a poor excuse for a hy r1l1luing up th r('(· tOllchdown s tll"O Pal1 zerites and tl'" ~na l ie, 1I0lle of :I},:ain a ~ king to a handful of recl! Sizer, 20-7, 21-15, chicken coop. , .. O ne look at the .. gaiust a ~ tuhl ,or n Sigma 1.:lml )([a Pi wh01l1 ('I·e ll ~ aw the lilay. [n the friends who cOllle to crv over a shinr g lassware and thc fin t' bar ddeJI ~e, Rll s ~ Cl delll:U1 allll 1,1'11 11:1.\·i­ fourth (Iuart(·r, Panzer Hli ~s l'd a g'(.nd midnight h re\\'. I ~hink w c chance to whcli who tells one different, and that is why d O Il' ~ ki scored 0 11 I'a ss c~ :11 111 Ell Lighl ~co rc ~la ~ i Hl , all owe Maxie Ihcr a mte of had been ~ i\' c l1 a 111.'11:111 ), kick, hit the wc arc to talk .. , . The po rkr onc 0 11 all Cild rUIl to aCCOllut for thl' JVe CIlrry II FilII L i lJe 0/ thanks fur ridding tilt' ring world three ~eo r cs, Ray K:lml· Q· ' ~ bu ll -like croHhar with Ih l' hall. ScorinJ,!" ill Ihe talb with easc if not ,\·ith \·crbal RIDER JEWELRY a.d IIf thi ~ gent, who ah\·ays talked it rnshcs were an imllortall1 item ill the P:mZl'r g:Ulll' wa ~ a ~ f o ll ow~: Swie­ g race, ' . . I t see m ~ a ~ though £1 up hctter than he could take it. S wect Sho l>l>e' ~ ddell ~i l'C work. SCHOOL SUPPLIES comk thr{'(' goal 5, twO ill till: fir ~ t Tum· Im·cs to ruin thc King's Iluart er alu1 olle in til(' th ird: 0011 Rut w ho are we to pa ..... this Engiish. Fl-rnamlcz, two goab : D:l\'iilowski, opinion. It's just what wc think . •me go,a l (011 a !)clla ity kick ill the The fud d ly coddler doesn't " . could," said Tony. "still Our QUICK LUNCH COlllllt , thinl period ): I. lIcas, one g' ~11 in th{' set'm to be a bad cgg, Nine Players third qu arter: and Ri.ler's '·twdith pin joe's ears back." Hoeltke is 01 YOllr strviu man," Lieder. olle goal. choked and inhaled half o( his Victo r ~· numhe r twcnty-twO for the suds, But never one to think FOR YOUR FOOTBALL Still Survive Rouc. hrilkr socc{'ritcs \\"a ~ ehalkcd up of consequences, R ay said, DISH, .. , Duke over 'Vake GREENFIFJ.D'S Sall;rda~' at the e xpcnsc of mue "Have you got any pictures o( Forest by a very thin edge. Tennis Tourney State and South C linton I~id gc. Rider dcil'ah:d their in terscc­ what happened in the Baer tiol1;1 ril· a l ~ hy the top-hea\'y COllllt fight, Tony?" I ducked, Jim , .. Tom H annon and Michi­ T he field i5 heing narrowed dowil ill the Hider Icnllis tournament, with (If 13-1. The game markl'il the first G lynn ducked, Fisher ducked, gan a sli ght nod over Frank ;" which Ri(kr'~ opponent s I'lit a hall nine I'layen sun'h'ill!> matches thus and to make a lont story Reagan and Penn.... Mis­ far. WE SERVE ... \I~~ , ~~"\I~ ~~~~~lIli:adH::~:;ei ducky, we a1l ducked, _ . . 'Ve souri to take Nebraska be­ In the third ruUIlc\ of \ll al·, Chuck tab ONLY GOOD sixteen times whi le holding' their Oil­ ducked first of all, because cause of Paul Christman_ . , , AlICJI. much publicized frcsh;nan star, we didn't know if Tony could will mcet his fir st real test in Bill FOOD! (!Olle nl S ~co rel cs~. U, C . L. A . over Oregon State The Southern cle\'en lire\\' fir ~ t take a joke, and I don't know Cricl[:lIId. Ull to this poillt :\lI en ha ~ hlood in the ~a !ll e at Hchcl Field. about F isher and Glynn, but and I don't know why. , - . 1I (,t haet milch trouble with the OP!)o­ COFFEE as Podmajersky made good a penalty Santa Clara over M ichigan sit ion, hut Cridland, who was a melll­ it has been proven that l 'lll not her of last fC;lr's varsity sqllad, kick. Rider's Tommy Blake tied it much good in a fight, In (act, State because' saw enough of D.d lip 500n after and the RouAh riders should ])ro\·iclc Ilim with plcnty of anybody can prove that, - . . Michigan State last week, .. . cO lll]lC tition, Thitl match promiscs to lI"ent ahead fo, AOOf.I a~ Teddy Swie­ Southern California vs, Stan­ DONUTS c(ll1ek Ilut the hall hetween the up' 'Ve all had visions of glasses he 0 111' of till' most ha rd-fought of thc and all miscellaneous articles ford. Here goes the coin i the tOl1rnamelit so far, ali(I il mar l)rO \·e rights. At the hali. Rider led. 6- 1. w inner, Stanford_ , . _ Penn 10 c :\11p."l renth the Blue Ridge "Vultures" coming through the air at us. to he the Corin),: bum . He can't fight," and Bannon havc 110 t a!i yet I'layed DOOD YE with fl\·e goak Gil Rossi. one of last their second rOllnd match, The four Aftcr this, just to show how players who survivc the thi((( round 230 E. STATE STREET )'ca r's otl tstanelin!-:, players, ki ck("d modest hc is, thc Porky One ga\'c Sports Editor Change of play will enter the semi-fUlals. hom{' a tri~l of !)Qi llt s, while Blake, all us the R<'Cd, Lucas. Eitner and ~I r, Murphy of a picture taken in A ~ oi next \\·eek, Bernie R('r;;;had Louis light in '39.. , . The pic­ accounted for the balance (If ).:oal ~, will rcsullIe dl1li('s a;; Sports Editor This W ••k At R. K. o. \\'edn e~e la v. the hl)\'~ Iran'led to ture shows J oe Of! the C;\I1 \,as with of the .\",-;I'S , !\l'wark, D~Ia war," i "'~ a IlI s~ k wi:" thc H a~ p oo ned \Vhal/' sta n~n g at Tommy Dolau wi ll rei urn to hi s the Gold allli Biue ,of th,' \.,"n il'ersity Trenton Theatres PALACE - BROAD attcntion abO\'c I ~m. It is a furmcr sl"t a ~ wrih'r ui Co ll c~ian". of Dda\l·are, A .lul1 tirst haH thaI Fri. & Sal. ended wilh Hiller ',III in i roll!. 1-0. Is en :ryboc\\' I,app\,; R. K. o. BRI KG 'E~ I n ACK A I.\ VE was followed h\' a thrillin).: fmak. III plus the third Cjllart ~: r , nc1aware' ~ c lptain. for REA UTY _ . . v;sit LINCOLN Peter I.orre UI !lob n oyc,', k,)!,!tl'd up Ih (' ~C "H' at Visit the New, Modern STRAKGER Or\ THE THIRD " 1\C :111. S lI'iecolI ('k g:II'C Ih,' I~ o ll),:h­ CAMEUA'S Oc'. 25-31 KN UTE ROCKNE, FLOOR riders another ka\1 ill Ihc lirst mill ­ S tartillg S llndilY \l tes of the 1:I ~ t pe riod. Ddaware's ALL·AM ER [CAN DE-LUXE DINER BEAUTY SHOP G illg('r R~cr s ;md Ronald with Pat O'Brien and Ddiciously Coo ked Foods at 7 Soulh Clinton Ave. Colman ill ~~~II',~e al~ c ::!I[ ~'~:r:J::~_~~!· I i;;~ , ~:,r, ::~tl ;:~:~ Gale Page Reasonable Prices PI·lo::-.m 3- 1311 LljCKY PAlni'\ERS, 1,lus hail, Bllt when he rd"lscel, thl' pill Brian Oonle\')' ill nJ iled Jl:l~ t him for a w,a\. I>dawarc --- ~ ~ onday to Thursday: n. K, o. TH E GREAT ~ l cG I i'\TY thell tQlC I!OW II Ihe fidd :lIIcl pilI :1 -4 BEAUTY JT E~IS,.. . ,$1.00 T ,' RLF.S FOR L ADI ES :~ al~ :~,f ll:I\~ ~1: ~k:~I I: :~1I i},~I ~ ~h~ i ~'~,~:~;~:; Friday, Salllrday, Holidays: CAPITOL --- 3 I3EAUT Y I TE~I S .. _.. , .$1.00 Oc'. 25-31 STACY time. A/jorent to til.' M oou Hofl Beg, Fri" Oct, 25 \\"ith hm a ICI\· mil1l1tl' ~ to 1: 0 • PERMANENTS, $3,00 up Myrna L oy and Melvyn CITY OF CONQUEST ~lI'it'CO nl' k was gin·n ;! !1('1I:llty kick Douglas in hl1\ Ihe usually unl:liling Ri,kr Cl'nl,'r THIRD FINGER, LEFT James Cagney :\nd Ann Sheridan iorwan1. lIli 5~ l'(1 the :l1I (' lIl"t(~ 1 kick For TODAY'S LUNCH HAND, plus h~' illches. From Ihat' poillt on it NEW FALL I Richard Dix and F lorence looked lik~ :I ti(' game and til(' eml "f TRY Rice in - STRAND )- I~id er's \'ictor\' stn'ak. The haB \\'l'lIt HARBOURT'S Deliciousj CHEROK,EE STRIP Oct. 27-28-29 hack decl1 ill·1n Ritl('r \('rritor~' ;\11(\ HABERDASHERY Ih~1I with littk !H\)re than a lIIinlll c Foods THE MAN I :\IARRIED. & left in the galill', it was 1)(10 \(,d hack Interwove" HosiPI'Y R. K. o. MY LOVE CAME BACK At Reasonabl~ Prices IOwa nl Ddawarc territor I'. Swi,'c(llwk A rrovJ Shirts Oct. 30-31 too k it at midfield :11 11 1 r;;cl'l! il I" the STATE Sweaters Saturdar thru Tusdar SPORTI NG BLOOD, & Idt of the ,·IICIllI' ),('0011. He [ookd EVERY N IGHT AT EIGHT the O!)llosition hy· passin).: to 1 ~\1(fdy Tim H olt in Lucas, aud Lucas kicked an angle WAGON TRAI N, plus No,'. 1-2 Walter P idgt'Ou & Rita Johnson in HE ST AYED FOR shot that C:III\(' within an inch of the R A DONNELLY Hnfic!VitlS uprights. The Rame cnd('il h.. : fMl' ;\ny­ WALLACH .L'. F rank Buck's 12 lAST STATI ST I STATB AND STOCKTON \ one conic! catch hi ~ hrcath with Rider SKY MURDER M1&~~.~~Fmb~M Y Oil tOil. 3-~, lI\l)rr NrWB

if you a rc anticipating a gruclling George H ornyak, Sammy Sici li::: cvcning, do not fa; : to bring

Come bJ and Visit . , , R ONNIE , . . at F. W. GRAND'S MUSIC DEPARTMENT 14\ EAST STATE STREET TRENTON For Y014r p opular m.d Classic RECORDS-SHEET MUSIC A lso Need les; Manuscript Paper; Orchestration SPECIA L I RIDE R .S T U DENTS ON L YI J oiN o ..r R ecord C lub and get y014r free record or record albllm, (Ask fo r details (It department.)