
PaKe 3 -= Press C/ub Me.t. MonJ.y 5,5, Clul> Meets Tonight Z-436 TRENTON, N, J" OCTOI3 EI~ -I, 19·m Xo. -I Mr" Wood, Director of Placements Forum Club Is Rider College Granted Approval Reports On Progress of Alumni Threatened By For CAA Student Flying (ourse; Rider. Trained Graduates Gain Numerous Positions Lack of Spirit Ten Undergraduates Will Take It There is a l~larkcd ,Pick -ul) in the Inter-Fraternity By Tat'S" E. Roflills Program To Be Discontinued demalld for Rlder-tramcd graduates, Durill~ Ihe Imsi fcw years the sl1;ri t M C h Ch Unleas Quota [s Rea ched (HIles Mr. Alex H. Wood. director G S t· of loyalty at I~id er has been more :11 ary US osen ~i placements. hll11 r rovc(r Imsiness roup anc Ions z;ta ke th:1II ever before... \ l~ck oi Final apllrO\'al for Rider ColleGe to conditions as we ll as the conli,lUcd 'R'bb . I spirit has hcc,~ noticed in 1l1?ny ( ~ iffc r - H d Of SOB offer the Civi l Aeronautics Authority g d work of our alumni are rcspon- I onization t'n t ways. as III the scar':lty of mter- ea . studcllI flying coursc was recei\'ed sih](-," he says. eS I in ex tra-curricu lar acti\·;ties. S d C I carly this week, Dean Dillingham's "Our old friends in the Uu ited System Enables Rushees :\ few w cc ~ s ago a kindl ing spark tu ent ounei office alUI Qunced, ~~ :\~t'~ e~~ :~t r I ~;::;r~~~~ ~i~~\\~~~~~ To Eatabli@h Identities . ~~~t~~ S~~ :lt~;II SI1l~~IlI=a~~~ . i~\:I~::e n~;;~ Ten ~ tndcnts. lIIc1 udmg one girl, at es : ~Ir. Francis ~rarx of Doll;c- Ribbon s 011 their lapds! sll ll; 11\ the ForulII Club .\lread\ their at S: C;~C:::~;tll:::tlll~h~!t::d~u S~ll:::~ \\ho arc .Iblc to lIleet thc r (;(IU;re- villc. New York. and .~Ir. :\lalc~llll Defying the weather and th ", \"oglles zest 111 ,thi S o r J;a l~llatlOll SCC IllS to g I; ) ., lIIelllS, \\111 start thc cou rse 1I11Il1e(\l k Carr oi \Vells Bridge, New York: he of the seasoll. the IJJter-Fraternil\' ha\'e dWllldled cOII~ l derably . c.d office rs ~nd. lII(licated rel~re ~enta- :Itcly. To date. I'o\\ c\er, out oi the states, . COllllcil memhers voted la st Tuesda)· \Ve do II O ~ W~llt the st,udt'.llts, to tn'es for their Student COtu1e11. hlillun'{l or so stl1<1 C\lI S who answered y Arth~l r \V~I(' r ~o n & ,Colllilan .1Tl to sporl colored, identifyinl; rihbons ~~~CC(:h~tYJ llth:~clI: s B~o nlC~hlllg belllf.:" Mell\bers of the Council arc as iol- the fir st call o f candidates for. the New \ ark CII Y hlrt'd 1\\ 0 !\Cc reta nal al>OlIt school. Each fraternity, keep- ] . ' . II! .\\C do feel It lows: Thomas Bruther. Irclle Antes, . studcnts. Mr. \~' altcr Zieg ler ami ),Ir. iug alive a trend started last fa ll, will ha s nOl bee l~ gwen a talr .chanc.e. \Ve ),rar!-: 'Iret Fardlcl' Fred Whitt' Ra\'- course. only SIX ha\"e passed the first William Buzby. wea r ribbons ocaring the brother- \~ho are trYI.llg to reof/,,'d mze 1111,S club' , .• .' .'" physical exam ami obtaine(r consent The office staff .of the Lt~sc o ll1lX' hood's indi\'idual colors. ~ 1II~erdy I ~he\'e th~t s tl~den ts \~' III e.n- mond ~\ g l1d o .. ),rary Sn.u t.h. ~Iary of their 1I.1.rcIlIS. They are: Willis :\ifjllane Corpo.ratlon, a lIatlol~~II)'- "Ribbonization" oi the four college )0) .bc1onglllg. or Il sleJ llI1 g to Its .dls- Cush. b lg-ar SuljlhclI. \Vdham Roy. Locke. TI){'odore Bauries, :\fartin known co.ncenl. IS almost 10070 ~ Id er. , ..' . CUSSIOIIS•. f or the Prog,!"am COllmliltee Hc11,'11 Stefallowicz. Erika \Vulf and . T! ll. Itt figures show that 13 out fraterll1l1eS \\111 enable the Greek has Ilrollllsed us interesling topics for . Dllllsk)". Robert Lalllb. 1 llamas Bl"ake Of l5 a\~~ mell employed ill 'the office rushees to d! scO\'er \\"h~t members ~- di sc Li ssion. St el.Jlallle Prywata. alld John Pio:rson. sccmed their elllrloyment at Ri(f~r. :::~ ~~~d,~:~h. ~~:~: II; ~" r c~I~:~~ ~;~: . Next week's discussion will be held ~\\"O new .members were (:nro\1ed, Four other students have apillied Some of the, r('Cent Illacements wllh ternit: men \\:ho SOliit' 'Ii their p r t~- 111 Ih~ . Ilress room, ~round ~he tab l ~: w llll ~ officers were c1 ec t c(~ as 1011.ows: but h~\·e. not takell the first physica l this coml)3ny Ulc1ude : ~rr . Carl Bres- ~ _ ) and \\ 11t bc head(;(1 b) our 0\\11 Berll1e Ilres1(lellt. ~ Iary Cmh : \'Ice·llresldent, examinatIon. They ark Arnold \Vat- nahan. ~ (r . Luther Dickillsou. :\Ir, ent brot her:. arc. ' , ' . Ber; ha~1. The t.or:ic.. f or the day will \\'illialll Roy: secrctary, Edgar Sut- rOil S, Robert :\Iiller, Peter Biro and John Gearhart. Miss l..o\·illa Lilly. Colors, of the ~1I .'" '~h'rl"' ~1'< , 'Or .. : hi •. '\VII! ~ J.lmd ~ erm . Lead . Us, to ph('n : treasurer. Ei leen ), IOlul t: and Patsy Staats. :l nd :\[jss Dorothy Sutterley. Della S l gn~a PI. purple ~I~d. gO ld ; D,ctatorsluj) . In (h sc u ss lI~g tins \'Ital Ri(/('r N /.1('s re Jresent3 ti\'e Helen It will be necessary for Ride-;' Col- l ),[r. Michae! Tyran, president ..o l~ ~a'~)I~~ ~ ~:I . :~~~II a~~:(1 \~~~~; :~: :i : : ~~~l~~lld\::I~;eo;s~~~~t;ta:ll:t ~:~~~ Stef:lllowicz, The lIew mt'lIlbers are lege to ha\"e ten students prorerly :he Class.of -10 •• w~s I l l ac;~'I'\tl_ Sigma l~ln;lx la Pi. bluc :lnd ~ o l d. \'eli. \Ve fed that meetings in this Eilee." Mount and Jean young. AI?o (IUalified to. take the train,ing o.r the Tr.anscontUl cntal Alrhnes at . I a~ ~. ~he rihboll5 are to be wom by the room will hel1 to let dOW II all bar- allPolllt~1 .was a ~ecreatlOn COIIIIIIII- program .w.III have to be dIscontinued. Ililla, and he r e~ rt s ,that I.I~ IS \('r) fralernities wltil KO\'el11ber -I. the date riers o f fOrll1! li lY, and that student s tt'e, con s l ~ tlllg o! Ellecn 1101UII, !-I eit'll Dean ~l ll l11gham. r(;(l~e s ts. that any muc h plC"a sed \\llh III ~ po~.1I11 01~V 'I' rushing tNminates. wi ll f(oc l frec 10 ex ness their own StefanOWICZ, 1 homas Brl1thcr ami studcnt lIltcrcstcd 111 tillS flyll1f,! cou~ se, r.J." Gr~!~' ra~~~111~~;:o;~l 1;·r~I~~~I1. :\ li s~ personal fee lings. I Ra~:m ond f~gud O, ~i~~~ ~~,~):a~fl~~: }~~t (;~a~c :11 a,Pphca- ),Iary Trilllbic is ill the PersOllnel De- T h ' CI b If Siudel1ls sil o\\' adl.·(luate interests. 1\0 dcfilllte 1)1?I1.s. h:l\"e ix'el: m:l.(le I ., ? t Olee. 'Iartmelll of John A. Rocblillg & SOliS eac ers U ~ ubjeet ..; which herdoforc ha\'e been as to fut ure act miles. \\ heth.er th ~ Co l~ ege wll,1 be able to ~o mpan)' Miss Ma.rgaret Steward is hell1 under cover. will be brought to --- --- offer Ih.ls flYll.~ g u? structlOll or ad- . .' R b Rib C 0111 - R t" D light in the form of discussion. R I" F. \'anccd III s( ructlon III the: future de- With PIerce 0 h~~ts r II I er 51 ecep Ion raws Wc ask ,"ou to watch the bulletin osa Ie ortuln pend.; on the success or failure of this (10"\11)" . T~el~?~~ rO/~~le ~c~:~~~~a ~ [~~: I>oard for furthe r al:noulicements. EI d P 'd first program. mallneto ISCO \\llll)3ny.or 11 S.It \II CY, New Y ork . Many Stud"nts... Th, ose who.. have s ignified their in -" eete re sl ent A pri\'atc pilot's ce rtificate. ellah- Miss "llary Sa\"o and Miss Elln.l\a .... t~nllo l l 01 beeo"IIJ11~ ; . lIlelllbe~ s 01 OF Inter-Dorm Group liug the holder to fl y Ilassengers, but Ebclhare have just bttn placed WIth The COllllllerclal J eacher5 Club J orum Club are. 1..(\\1 5 S. Bennett. (Coll/ill/n'd ou Pa!J(' Four) the Ci rcle F Manufacturing COlllpa~IY. held its annual recelltion last .Frida y ~ [ ar~' Brall~\ Qr~e Browll. F~rene Ros:tlie Fortuin o i Hamilton Hall Trenton. Mr. Jay LeVan is workmg lIil-:ht at Stewart Hall. :\I )p r Ox llllat ~ l y ~ ur~lal1d. I da ~!Ia~da, _-\t}e~t was elected presidelll of the Inter· F b II L for the Publie Scn 'ice Electric & Gas 100 students attcnded th ...· da nce wlllch ~urltul. Co~ra ~lce H c:1Ilano. \' (~, e Dormitory Co\ulci l at the fir st !lIcet- oot a eague COIllI),1.ny. Trenton. Mi ss Iris Kallf- ran from nine :0 midnight. I~u ertOIl. )'1 a.f1on 1\: .0 Illes, ~ tre la ing of the grOU I) this term. ), lond:w. y lIlan is with the Commonwealth Brew- The S l >o n so r ~ of the organization.
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