75c. A Y ear tx A dvance ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 27, 1891. Second Y ear —No 105

HERO OF THREE WARS- tliPipafD-r ni.idp onr i* icimpiital (piartpr- Yestenlay Mil iinele of the piiT, who re- You are invited to attend the ini'eting niastpr. sif!**s here, received ft- letter sit^ueJ “A A ViMli-nt Oetrnlt Life of the Congregational Y. 1’. S. C. E. next Ileaiit. Lllii- ' Y.oaiaiiee. \t tin- i-io.-.c of 'Mpxicaa w»ir w<* Friend, ” in which he was informed that Htmday, at 4:4.7. SiibjiHif, ‘‘The parting ______(Di-ti-m lo-ni<.;ht th.it ■Iciuiic was found at •nni; 1 had aa' ripd, and m\ the hon.sp mpntioiiP«l. Whether or not UTep. Uiii fertlam ami (>m.v purl in Kiirope. siding. .8t,a|p.-< al lay tliat sioiihl maU«‘ a voliimo wife win> a--c()mpani«*.l im*, ..ailo d in-; .pt' her abditetor lia.s lM*i'n capturt'd or his The new well is down .‘1(50 fi*et. the ti. I i. iS rJClM ] KXiSOX. of tlii illiiiK {pivoal-apoe; KutiU aec ~;m: .-iuL- tlip Lstlimus of Ihoiaiim wt-ariiiL!' a cuar it.Ienitv revealed bv the n*irl. or whether wat4^ supply is as great as that in the * (lorirpas.spil IhroiidTi 1).v imai «»T flu* alm*- itt-lotp^im**to ('apt. F. H. {-Irant. in fin? tliere wert* other .-umsafional features old wells. They think they will havi* no l«*<*iif It (•♦•al nry. bay of I’na.ima 'VP pn.dt irked on tlip; comn ‘«*ti*d with her abduction have not sfp.iniP! (iul.Ti'ii (i ilc. was -.vpia l)»*<‘n Jist*rl lined by )n*r r«*lativi*s in this trouble in striking a gi*en ter (ptanity in stale Saak oi si. JoSas. •iaiiM's I). Kl(lfi-kiii, I la* Iuto of ilin*** a few days, warn, ami ypt as «‘nM*( , vi^'orous and ac- by tin* scini!;;‘p of (-h'llpra, laU linally city. .Married, .Yugust 2(5, at the residen<*e. of COMMERCIAL and SAYINGS. tivp as ifuiiiy mon of lias passad his landed in San I'r.im-is.-i. alt ri;‘h!, /iiid | TWO GIRLS DROWNE D. w'VPiity-fi'«t birtli.(Jiiy. iiiid now iu tlin . fropt tln'rp wt-nl. to Fov4. Vam-ouveu' Rev. C. \V. Tliomus, Harvey K. Brown to Washijij'f on Tcriilory, wlmr,- 1 com- S'nl ci Uli'ji'oti'I'liii- Liiti**, Nliii* .\llle.t Miss .Tennie .McCrnmb, both of Eagle. dwliniiin: 3'pars of his life. pxtnu;ts as i-'iMiii I.eiiHlii;;. Net AtiHetM of Ktorls liolriorM, $9(N),00U.U0. mipth pajoyimait as possihh* from tin' plctpd tin* rpmaind(*r of my third tprm Rev. C. W . Tliomas p«*rformed the mar­ jrood thinjjp^ that com** to him, rnrlects of pidistnipiit, rpcpiving' my .disi ’hartrps in L.v .nsi .no , Mich., .\ufi:. U2—Dy the over- riage cemnony. POBTKR K. PERKIN, Preititlent. .IHo.'i. tiirniiiK of a rowlioat Dearl .Scliooley, There was a V4M*.v pleasant surprise GEO. F. MARVIN, Tlee-President. ovpi- tin* many stirrinfi' scniifs tlait li« has witnt*ss»*d whiii* in (In* snrviee of his While nt Fort Vancoifpr (’apt. (Jrunt the 11-year-old daiifrhter of Charles M. given .Mrs, \S. H. Watts, at her home, I». H. POWER, ('Miller. .Scliooley, of (his <*ity. and Ida Smith, II. II. FITZGERALD. Am!, ('aith. country, jilays the* old familiar tunc.s of nnnlp hip h pipspiit of an old tnotlipr Ttif'sdny evening, tin* O4;casion In-ing her ' lontr uiir, on his beloved cornet, and ; porkpi* who.-H> «*i^hl litfle sqiipalers Isold na<*d ID vPi'irs, daughter of .loseph Smith birthday. Slie was presented with a very BIBEt'TORSi—P. K. PerrlH, O. W. Munerer, Geo. a neij;hlnirin;i: farmer, was drowned in “ TTHirrTnrT: TrrTgrhlt. J. H. Pwtewa, (His s(4-oUs u,|»iic hhi fancy dicrafps with his at ^40 a}>ipc*p. tliPipby wsttiinr toircthpr hdini.sQine photo albnm. Fuller, Edward Hrawii, A. Rrtun, E. E. Whitu, thp first money 1 pvpi- saved aft‘*r.l «*n- IMne lake, nine 'iijlcM noi-rhetisr of h<‘re, One of the treats of the si'tison will Iwa C. S. .VIIiNOii, G. E. (torl)in. faithful spanipl, whicli is so stroiiKl.'' ut- tncln*d to him close* by his side. tert'd the tir .ly' this evi'aina'. 'I'le* boilies of both ^irls shadow social at the Good Templar Hull, were r(*covered within an hour aind eon 4 Per (’ent. lulereet Paid on Time llepoHlt -i.- J.a Ih-cpiiilipr, iJUj-o,: ulicit a boy of er my discliari^p in IS.iJi I wenf (IT over Uutf Bengal, hasrii-i-ivfslan tljp wor d,' ami so piilistpd in the rcuiilar troit in 'fhat .'lainp year, I joined which the families of the ^irls have been — IiK.lLKU I.V— army. Up was soon i raiisfcrrpil t<» IIpJ- the Datroit Diy,ht-(Jmirds, ofwhieh 1 have ai)pointnn*iit at tin* Ionia state prison. attending', is in proi^ress. Kittie .Me- For the present In* will oci-npy position IfH-'.K Isl.-nnl ;iinl from tliPH* was .shiiippd b<*pn a mpml)i‘r ever since, and at thoout- (’urd.v, wh4» also thrown from, the PIflBBLE AND QRflNlTE. to .Newt)rleans, witn a iiiintber of other; break of the rebellion went out with in t in* clerk's oflico.imd iat»*r on will Imi- boat at (lie time of the nccidenl, was res conic overseer ol .s4»uie ihifwirtment. r<*cruits on the vessel St. .Mary’s, which Conijiauy .\, of the l'''irst Mi.-hignn ns cneil. CEMETERY WORK. was shipwrivked on the voyaa;i*. New I ilruni major. .Snit.seipieni ly I joined tiie leav4*s .Monday to begin his diit'ms. The' Orleans was reached, however, in tin*, Fiflli .Michigan, with whom 1 served as J*: WMT.-TIT'M, Ni:ws I'Xtonds congnituhitions. CUT STONE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. cotir.se of three wi*i*ks, and what then en­ band leader until the close of the war. Business Locals . sued is best n*lat4>d in .Mr. Flderkln's ' The only wiaind 1 ever ri*ct*ived was a Rev. .1. Davis will preacli at Fowler, own hniaTiaa:»*, just as In* rcHiountedlt to ; .Vugnst .’»(), at '5 p. ni. U4-4‘h Sale (■he:i|*. SkOH Opposite the PoatolBee, bullet that entered my legut .Matnnioras, Eight swarniH of Italian' b<*4*s b«*sides- ji rejiresenlative of the Free I’ress \’(\^er- and for that injury the government al­ Frank Smith is ninong (lie visitors at 8T. .lOH.VS. (28yl) MICHKJAN da.V: I all theappliaiK-cs lor taking can* of Is'es. lows me a month pension. ” the ExjMisitioii this wi*<*k. Iso 7 4‘mpty hiv<*s and 400 s(*ctions. FRANK A.SCHOFIELD’S “From New Orlejins” said Mr. Kldcrlvin | [.Major Elderkin is a relative of (ieo. llorncij T'u»*Ki*r gels a pension, through 'all on I•alg4 ‘ne Hart, two miles sfiiith of “I went to Fort Gibson in the Cherokee 1 W. Enunons of this village, anti has been the efforts of W. .N.Stock4*r. St. .lohns. ;5*v nation, wher** I was ussifi^ned to (’om})U-1 a visitor at his home many tim(*s, and .Miss Maud .Vuderson, of Ovid, is the ny I) of the Fourth Infatitry. .Vt Fort | >llss Ciii-rii* Tiirucr, Omnibus & Hack Line, those who have made his aciiuaintance guest of .Miss Frankie Bishop. Tc'aclier of [liano and orgnn. Singing Gibson I remained about two j'ears and 1 will read the above with interest.] En. a half, rweiviiiK a thorough drilling tit! B. .4. .Ste4*l sold ft Victor cushion tired class nnd «lumb bell drill fri-e to private safety to Court Souls, of Essex. , luiliils and lo t hose other than jiri'vate LIVERY IN CONNECTION. thehands of an old British orderly w*ar- i CALLED THE JUDGE A LIAR. getit, Malonej ’ by name. .\t the expira- j W. II. Huihley and F. Wriglitaredoing pupils a fii* of two dollars for twenty 14‘8- tion of the [leriod named we were sent to i business in the nortliern part of the state, sons will be made. Fall term commoh- .tlai-k .St4*V 4*iis aiKl .Iik I];*- Xewtoii H;iv i- ces S4*pt. 7th. - 2w Spi*f;ial attention K'ven to Private Florida, where the Seminole vvarhad b(*eti i ait KxritiiiK Kii(-oiintt ‘i-. Frank .Smith has gone to visit his Calls in any part of the VilluKe, Day in progress some time. The Eighth and 1 Fi.ixt , .Mich., Aug. 21.—.Vft<*r adjourn ­ sister, I.iettie, at Lisbon, and to see how Fourth Hi*ginients were sent into the p4.*uch crop looks growing. Our Hosiery ile|>artmi‘iit will be found and Ni^ht. .Ml orders must be left at ment of court a day or t4i ago, .Judge Everghuh‘s, and tin tiwful exjierience'it Newton and .Murk W. .Stevens Imd an 4*x- Married,.-Vugnst 22, by .liisticc Smith, complete. I'jist black IIosH-y, cotton Livery Office, Two doitrs west of the was for IIS, too. We took wagons with citing word war. Stevens had presented .lohn Ridemour, of Ma)>Ie Rapids, U) Lish* and .8ilk of the best “Ilcriimdorf dye. ’’ Th4>y will not crock or turn gr(?en Steel. ns far ns we could, then left, them at a a certain witncKs in a case who had sworn .Myrtie E. Shaw, of Gn'i'iibush. absolutely fa4>(*f 1*0 in [loiKononssubstance# de[)ot we e.'^tablished, and puteverything that h4> liad [lassiHl along certain stre4*ts The Ejiworth League meets at the .loii.N H icks . in the line of stonis oti jiack mules. and r4*ached a 4*crtain objective point. E. church, .Sunday evening, to dis4*uss The Delightful FiiiuJIy the water grew 80 deep that we .Vft4'r court Newton and .Stevens came to ­ the sub}4*ct, ‘‘.Vbniidnnce of food. ” .Milch cow, .*50 lieus auid 70 chickens for nbniidoned the mules, took one day ’s gether and .Newton gniflly told Stevens Rev. B. Hamp will hold two day services sail*. Ri;v. .Iacod .MKSH.NKn, B«*ngal. rations each and plunged into the great that there was no such stri'et os his wit­ at the r. B. church, of B(*ngul,comiTuMice- ItliK-k dOOilH. swamp on a scout for the Indians. Our SUMMER “ ness laid mentioneil, and charged that ing Saturday. Sept4*mher oth, at 2 p. m. Our liim of lUai'k Dress goods is coiuplote chief article for subsistence at this time the attorney had i)ut the witness up tii The Ladles .Vid socii-t.v of Olrve will with all styles ami (jualitier of fine wool Whs [lalmetto cabliiure. without which 1, make tlie .statement.______Mild c.ilk fa-hrirs.—We eni'iy the hnest ini^" ^ESQEIS for one, would have jierish.ed. .\ft4>r a Stevens ’ nnswi*!* was very proinjit in- m4,*et with .Mrs. Froiik Vr<*41811 burg, .Sept. 2, Jit 1 o ’clock. One and all are invited. ported and domestic gooils. The cele- sev4»re battle W4‘_i*n]>tured (.'hi4‘f_Sam d(±dj ______------bratrcl •J'riestlcy’s silk warp Henrietta* -OF— •lones, tiis principal medicine man Billy List of advertiK<*rising him of .Vsi»roniptly as in the first reply, Stevens the ball game'betwiH*!! the St. .Johns nnd good ftellur and cistern. .\. Giianokh . otir victory. .Vlthough the roadTfollow ­ returned with: ‘‘You heard what 1 stiid, Ionia clubs. The undersigned has pnrchasfMl the ed in my long ride was lined with blcach- but 1 repi'at it. .Judge Newton, you are (14* 0. T’n;ker, who is in the employ of Hilliki*!* feed barn and ilesin'd to liold Th.e Fish.ing Zilne. ^ 4*d skeletons of murdered nn*ssengers an d a liar.’’ the Capital Wagon works, of Ijnnsing, all the old patrons of the barn' und get-a tln*ir liorses, 1 managed to make the The promiH4 ‘d knock <1owu and drag spent Suinhiy and Monday at rhis home host of new ones. Luther Lyon will have round trip without moh'stution. out did not follow, and the belligeriuits in .St. .lohns. chnrge. Liverj- in conuoation. “The captive Indians were sent to Si'a'' Mackinaw Island, were parted by common friends. The A number of delegates and mi'inbi'rs 'B, F. Millkk, Proprietor. Horse Keys, five milhs from Cedar Keys, ca.se was coutiuued the ne.xt nuirning, there from ; Sanlt Ste .Marie, Mariptettc, from tlie Gooil Templars’ Lodge, here, Kiiiiikiii 'm Ciller Mill. uad held as prisoners, while we acted as Les Cheneuti-x Islands, etc., and Stevens' client was found guilty. nttendinl the District Lodge at .Vshley, Will starfup Sept. 7. Cush paid for guards until shi|)s could be procured iu The sentence was “seven years at Ionia, ” y4*sterdtiy. apples. Custom work Tuesday s and Fri­ which they wen* carried away to New and it is alleged the judgi* settled with days during Sepb'mber. Petoskeyand Bay View Orleans, and from there to Fort Gib.soii. Stevens through the client's hide. .Miss Minnie Goodies left yesterday Harbor Springs, Harbor Point, Wi*- “After my first t4>rm of enlistment ex- morning for the northern part of the (irniii bags at Jolm Hicks’. state where she will teach school the quetonsing, Charlevoix, etc., located, in l^iircd I went to .fefferson barracks, St. THE LOST IS FOUND. Tu Kxehaiige fir For Sale. the itnm4*diat4* neighborhood Louis and cniistetl again, this time in (‘uming year. Six and oite-Jmlf acres of lami withia Ml'S. Cletiunie Crossmau retunietl from Company F of my old regiment. \Ve All LHiiHiiig (iirl FimiikI lit TraUBTClO fitv -MhI .Neighboring He­ four miles of Ovid villagi* to exchnngofor ll ft YCIow vllj Horts, Oinena, Old soon went to Louisiana where we built .SagliiHW. Bay View, Saturday, and will i-esume lier house and lot in St. .Johns. Good two y/^Iission, Elk Rapids, et4;. tTTinjTlsjTTutiniyniTid th4*n WTTU t rfliiaferr- T.A.\sL\t;, .M icli., .Vug. 22.—.V. m.vBtcnou3 goods hustlers. The many Lakes aiid Streams afford 0(1 to Cor[)us Christi, Tex., where we join- case of kidnaping occtired here this we<*k, titni, cellar, fruit, etc. Soil the b4*8t. 4*d the army of occupation under <*om- the (h'tails of wlm h have just been made Last Thursday, .Vugusttith, .Mrs,Susan Everj’thiiig iu b(*st repair und good r4*a- the finest of fishing. The brook trout ; Brown was ajipointed administratrix of theC4*h‘brated Gra.vlitig, Black Ba.ss, and mniid of graud old Zachary Taylor. public. Several months ago William H. soiis for selling. .1. D. Estkh, Real E.st. We spent some time a t Fort Bro\ni on Smallwood, a well-to-do farmer, nnd his theiMtate of Mos(*s D, Brown in place of itthiw V4mi!t44ss 4*f g4UU4< thih. ------Porbu- K. Pen-ln. mark Cuucretu Walks the Rio Grande, ninl W4>re only thirty wife separated, the father, by mutual Put down and warrantetl.- Prices lorr ns- The train S4»rvice of the(irand Rapids C. Pin tier, of Lisbon, siient Friday miles from then* at Point Isabella when consent, being given possession of their lK)ssible. (!has . North . A Iniliana R. R. for the seo-soii of 181^1-, the .Mexicans at .Matomorns began bom ­ only child, a handsonn* girl 12 years of night with hi#brother-in-law, WyJ. Smith. AliiHkegun Heighta. will be coiiqilete in every iiurticular. barding the .Vmerienn troojis at Fort age. and since the separation Smallwood He was looking for patrons yfo handle ('all at the News office and see plat and and the child have lieen living alone at his immense {leuch crop. / Through sl4*eping cars betwf*(*n Cinci- Brown. I was color-lM,*an*r at that ex­ invest in property that will increase in citing jieriod, and shall never forget the the farm. The father left home Wednes­ Cards are out tninoimcigg the marriage nfttti, Petoskey and Mackinaw. ]iotwcen value. .J. I). Estk.s, .Ygent, Chicago, Pctosk4*y anil .Mackinaw, via 8th and Oth of May, 1840. .Vlthough we day morning to assist a neighbor for the of W'illiam DeWitt to ^ose E. Krepps, theMichigan (7?iitral Railroad and Kala- lost a great many men, I stuck to my day, l4*aving the little girl alone. Shortl.v to-night at the resiil^ce of the bride ’s A Fine opportunity parents in this village. Tnn;:oo. Betwe<*n Detroit, PetoHk(*j ’ and colors andlcarriee piirchns4>d to the (*oming^l and wiat4*r. room and kitchen in the basement, with anyYirtlin aliova* points iiTniifticisl rates. 4^4U war simpl.v say that 1 was in all except that- over whose face was drawn a veil. The two Rev. H,; L. Chapin and family, who bath room and cellar, city water and For ilesiTiptive matter, time eards ol Bu4>na Vista. I was ^iresent at the stepisni into the buggy anil drove rapid ly have been visiting here for sotne time -large cistern. Located nicely for hoard and full information mJdress. - capture of' .Moutorey, the well-nigh im- away. It was several hours lM*foro post, fetumed yesterday morning to ing house. Tlie liest of reasons for sell­ pn*gnahle bishop’s castle, the Citj’ of Smallwood returned and upon lieing In­ theit home in Sto(*kbridge. ing. Jas . D. Esti-x . C. L. LOCKWOOD, Mexico, Vera ('nix and last hut not least formed by the neighbors of the stranger's The ri'gular business meeting of the Hath KiMinifi anil Harlier shop. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. of the famous Santa .Vnna. 1 n<*iflected visit, he hastened to the city nnd notified Congregational V. P. S. (!. K. will be held You will find my rooms the liest place to say thatwhile in ('orpus Christi, C. S. tin* iKjlice, but thi'ir bi'st efforts to find in the church, this 4*vening, after prayer iu town to g4*t a Good Bath, Shave or Grand Rapiis, Mich. Grant joiinsl my regiment nnd was soon any trace of thi* child were fruitU*ss. mc4*ting. ls*t all meiubi'rH l>e present. Hair cut. Bi^st (wrvice. JA(x>n Ferry . IUI.1.10N-D01.I.AR FIRE IR FLORIDA. convention took vtei Northwest will yield. It is rettmatod, a0.» IftAiewtIows. hnt cominNteu»t d Itself to 000.000 and other r rovluees 2.5ttu,0UU bushels, RUSSIAN RYE IS SCARCE. •Ixty-^ve PuliiiiitVM i-aM no candidate for the I'resldeney. The plat- Blasas in Otbar ClUaa. forni adopted favors the frea coinage of A Munleruus Poiiiraee. EXPORTATION OF THE CEREAL A path of biitolder ng ruins tao blocks silver. PROHIBITED. BY THE ST. JOHNS NEWS CO. wide and six blocks long is the result of a Ben Oano, a hotel-keeper at Fulton. Ohio, fire at Jackstiivtltc. Fta- Ctrtrrtwrnty-flvo GOTHAM’S 1WU LEPERS. Int/vvteated. f|iiatrele

'L; THE NEWS MRPiiWTFn WRQONS ^ BUGQIE^ MANUFACTURCO BY 7 ■'fHIIIKIlAY, TliAC H EKS’ '■ I i\STITI TE. Tile A imuiil TeuelierH* liiMtilut}* for f'llii- flit wiMi CO. toa'Coiiiity. . ' m DETROIT, OwiiiK to till* bud wmtlii.T Monday nioriiiii|i; and i thebible and a prayer fol ­ lowed f>y an inutruetivu talk on the nub- CATALOGUE SENT IF REQUESTED. jwd of “The Adaptation of TencliiiiK, ’* calling upon tin re.ielierr "from tilin ' to fTTV.st—il JU7 m |-LAK£ _ SUPERIOR TRANSIT CO. ’ mil l*rljitlii|r time for their opinions ; different quest- at this office. t I'd r reel Cl I thiK iiioriiiii(c. A uk : liU ions. Wlitte wlii-at...... ;U5i- Frank J’erkin.'. ;utp >.lt 'O •No 'J Itci! wiii'iit...... IIHc The Great Dhluth Route Snpt. ('Olivers then y:ave an able talk paint to liin re.^idein'e. ' Oat.s...... 'nt- liitciiili'U HuiliiiicH of HtciiiiicrH froiM Ilctroit THE NEWS on arithnielie, dwelling prineipiilly on inru In car...... a,'".!* for >Siiult Sti* Marie. iMiliitli auil other J.ake . All liidepciideiit Newxpaper, Mrs. 1-. Silmeiler ami tliin;;-!iter. of llctois ...... 1 .aOd/ 1 .Ta Superior I’ortH :—MoinlayM iiiiil l-'rlila.VH. m primary methods of ti'aehing. Muy...... s.lo.oo l», in.: Thurmlii.VK ami .Sat urilayH. loi.'io p. I’nIiltshed every Thnrsilay riom the Estes .V five minute reees.s was then granted .Mt'chauiesherg. Pa., an* *. i iliiig tiie fam­ I'otUlDcrf ...... •{fi III.: eeatral tiiiie. I'or Clevelaml anil ItulTalu, Block t'oriier of .State and SpriiiK Streets, by TiiHd \v...... 'Ic SuiKinvH, ^loiiilnvs, Weilaexiluyx anil Satiil*- at till* close of whieh Mr. Thonip.son gave ily of (). (>. Wil ke.-. j I-anl...... 7c' ilayH: Krie, .Mombiyaml .SatiinhiyH. H p. in. St. Johns Js’ews Co . —Ti... ,.r ;! ) ( liickciiH. live...... eeiitral time inakliiK: raUroml eonnei tionn an address on the siibjt.i:t oi leading. ----- Mile ...... 4).Utirt I f,,,- nil poiiitH Kaxt ami .South. Ilall'i-ouneet- At reutH « Year strlrtly in Advaiire. • The meeting was then twljouriietl untU iiiHii, dnmkeiieis.-. was nieil b.\ a jury ! U DDll... rt'.oiiiu t .r"s -iriiin nt Dnlnlh—ua- M__t’nnl Mliiiie.-uioUH. Midrx. .N’ortheni 1‘neilie null Hreat Northern IlnlP Yearly )UIVtd'ti Hlim rati'w iiiuile Kiinwa oft the next morning. befoiv .hist ice Hmit li, ami jie;]uit (4*11. [ '.Vdd I.. way I’oliitH, l*aellle Coaxt.ete. llaifKfaKre applieat ion. TI KSllA^ . 1‘ailt r is low oil iiccoiait ot Hunply loiil ilc- i-hei-keil throngh to ilext inatioa. For tirKetx BiisiiicKM loeals .'i eents per line eiirh time, \i ]><‘tri»ii. j lil.'Ulll. lire »cry liriii. ami inrormatloii. atiply to l.oeals among reading matter 10 eents per .\fter the opening exercises followed by .1. T. tVlirHNf a eertaiii he llrst of IliH-ember, .Mareh, .lune, and Sept. be taught to young jiupils by iH'ginniiig inortKOKe made liy Henry ^V. Clark uni lauiIcr, and all Skin Kriiptions, and positively 1HH5. and riH-orded III the otlli-'e tif the Itegls- trie.t, then taking up with the township, euii*s Piles, or no payi»ay reipiirea.reipiired; llft is n.r or 11. ...Ill fill-CUiitiin eoiiiif V In Mlehlgaii. ST. JOHNS NEWS CO., St. Johns, Mich. Lyman M'ieki's. .Mrs. .1., .M. Frisbie and on October not h, in l.lber D.) of iiiort- county, state and on up to the most ini- guuiTant**4,'d to give perfect satishwtioii gages, on page <>.‘10. oi> which mortgagcllie.it* . XioriaiiT b1Tt(T9^ ^if the governmi'iit. daughter, Mi.ss Grace .MeCnbe, Kotliiey or money refiindeil. Price ‘J.o cents js-r is claimed to lie due at the date of this n»>tice ; Business Directory . tVw k ;Uai Uy FilJew &. .Sou, the two hundred and fifteen.ikillars luidslxrrnts, j Another good way "to teach this study is Beebe, P. E. WiTt.'avurllr, "h.- TW'BTTtofTTrn ntt o rne y fee ♦g' tlfteemUiUurH. tulp- ! ___ I.N’SFU.V.VCK. eox and daiigliter, .Maggie, TIioh . Brom ­ Druggists. niated in said iiiortgage to be paid siionld to it with the otiier st u(fi«*s, as V T ■ -ri I |>roe«t*dingH lie taken to lorei-lose.:^id KD. \V. KSTKS, FJre Insurance Agent. — history and geography. ley; W. l'\ Hiver, .M!-.s. B. P. Conn, .Mrs. >ow J r.v nils. imirtgage: and no suit or proeei*dlng nt law G First-Class insurance at lowest rates. Of- |)aveSt<*el, .foiin Colilii.s, S. .\. ."stiirgis. It will »*()S| vou nolhing and will siirelv or in «*W1N II. .Xttome.v at l.nw . St. , oil the class on the subjis-t of language .trtieles known to medi -iil seietiec are iiereby given tliaf on .SepleiiilMT 2Uth. IKUl, IU .loliiiH, Olfice over H, I.. Kenilrlek's and how it should be taught to the pri­ used in preparing Hood ’s Sarsa[iarillu. (’onsumption, ('otigli,^ :ind Colds is g ’uar I at oiii* o ’cloek in the afteri.t,on. at tlie west .Store, anti*<*d to give relief or money will bt front door of tlie eonri lionse for Clinton mary pupil. Kvery ingredient ix ca •efnily seiii-li-d, |M*r- paid back. Sufferers from LaGri|>p« ' count v. in .MIclilgan. In t lit* vlllagcof .St ..lohns ' UllTON A: ilKl NS<»N. Olilce foi'iiierly I in salt'l coiint.v. tliere will la* sold at pnlilic occupied liy .\uteii A; Muss, >S|. .foliiiH. A short riH'css was then given afti'r sonally examined, niel oniy ijn* best n*- hiuinl it just the thing and under its u.si 1 veiidne to tin* lilgliest liblder tin* premises in N which Mr. Convei^st* returned again to taiiMHl. The inedirine is prepari*fl under had a spt*i*d,v ami perfect ret^overy. Try . said mortgage descrlb**d, via:: Tin* east one .M. H. C’ASTI.K, Attorney and Mom*/ Loaner, St. .luiiiis. his talks on the manner of teaching jiri- the KU|iervit ion of thoroughly eompetT*nt .sample bottle at our «*.\is*nse and learn ' lialfof tIn* Montlm*ast oiu*-tinarti*r of Mi*etioii W MKHKILL, Attorneys »it niay arithmetic.. ’ IihiirmaeistH, ami every step in the pro ­ rial hottles frit* at rildew iV .Mtllimin S ^ |,|,iae snliject to tlie'|>a.viiien1 of tin* n*miiin- IJ Law, St. .lol)lnis. ' Mr, Thompson closed tin; moriiiiig se.s- cess of maniifaeture is carefully watched *nig Store*. Large size •*)(><*. and .DD. , der of said mortgage not yet tiovi Careil. Igi.H) —Hated .hinj* UU. ISUl. ichigan MOKT(iA<;K €:<»MPANV. A n old ^rn.' *<(01111. rertrrrt front jH-ai-tdi-e. — il. Ll,0(1(1. Corner of The afternoon session was o|M*ned at iiaviiig liad iilaced in Ids iinnds liy an East Pcaui.NSA It.iMiw i.N, aity's for mortgage*-. MWalker and Spring stnsds; St. .lohns. .Mon ­ A new fema’i** piirsiiil in tlie larger India misMioiiary tin* formula of a fimi>le veg- ey to loan,III vestments made, mortgages for 1:.10 p. III. by the siuging of siiveral songs etalile remedy for the sp**edy and jiermiinent sale. X fexvjdis^ of land for sale. 1 in a very spirited manner, led .bj' the cities is collecting liiil.s. Thi.s is en­ cure of Consiimiitloll, nroiieliitis, Catnrrii, i couraging. The old feimilc pursuit in .Vsthma and all I liroat and Lung .\tl'«t*tlons. MIk .*i*ii made In the piiymenl ofthe lfiteri*st choir—Mis.ses Laphaiii and Ifunt and also a posit ive and radical cure for Nervous monev swiireU l>y a mortgage dated the PHYSICIANS. the larger cities was to run o'm up.— Delillitv and all nervous Com|ilaiiits, after elglitfi ilav of D«*4-ember in the year A. 1). AUV P. H.WKNS, M. I». OHlee over U. Messrs Lit tell. Tvler .and Holbrook. .V Norrixlvtoft JJtraUL Imviug*t**sti*d Its w oiiilcrfal curative powers 1HK7. niaile anil exei-iiteil by llii-am.\iiisli*y and Mary Aliishu'his wife,'of the...... township M .1. Woodnirf ’s store, St. .lohns. Olllee In tlionsaiids ol'cases; lias fblT tt his duty Io Waterluw-ii, Cilnton county. Miehlgan. ofl U to 11 am and 2 to .T pm. 1 _ IM'titi a; 'v* Cf Mi-;: ' Piisiiuer—"But I would rather tell make it known to Ids suffering fellows. .Aot- Jennii* Webb, the i’onuae scaooi teacher j ni} ’ own story. Don ’t you lliink it iiated liy tills iiiotlM* anil a desire to relieve till* first part, and William Appleton, of the i -» -vu, ,\ J. WKifllNS, Pliysleiun and Sur- human suflSi'Tliig, 1 will st-ml fr<*<* of charge, to ; city of Laiising, and state of.Mleldgaii. of the j,,,,,ui. Olllee ♦>ver Snill.van ’s Clothing who is involved in a law suitforthealleg- ! would l>o believed? ” Lawyer—"Yes, all who di*slri* It. this ri*cl|i(:. In Herman, ■ sec’oiid part, and recorded in the olilce of the Store. 4Ktf od unjust punishment of a scholar, which ' that’s the trouble. U would"carry con ­ French or English, with full ilins-tlons for ■ Itegister of Dis*ds of tin* l•4>llnty of Clinton, viction with it.’’—J tar kit. jircparing and using. .Si'iit by mall by ad ­ : and state of .Michigan, In liber i1» ol .Mort- O M. rifST .M. I>. Physician, .Surgeon and resulted in his death. j dressing with stamp, iiamlag thispaper. \V. i gages on page (‘IL’O,) on the (llth) day of Notary Piibllc Otilce east side o7main .\. .NoYi ’.s. siJil Powers ’ DIoek Itiicliester,N. Y. I Decenilier In t hi* year (>. tSST >11 (.■>:.‘mi *t.. Eureka, .Mk-h. Mr. ('onveixe then gave a good talk on ! An admirer said; "Of all tliat is I oVIoek p. 111. Said mortgage w as duly os- history, giving tlie misons for temdiing | given him woman is man's sweetest I signed to .los»*ph W. Wolford on the i ltli) present,” There ;ire certain .surfeited Spi-eiiiieii Cases, ! day of .Inin* A. D. IS'.ll. and the asKlgiiment S, H. Clifford, .New Cii.ssi*l, Wi.-i.. wan ‘ w-as dalt ri*<-orded on the ‘Ktlil (lay of .Inin; the study and the best im‘tiiods of sol boors to ailirm tli.it she is :ilso sweetest A. D. IH'.II, In Litter (7:D of mortgages on doing. History should be taught as a| absent.—riulnilrl/thia l^ren.s. troubh'd wilh .Npuralagaaud Rhciimatitun ' page i2t."i,l at i.si o'clock a. m. And where- his Stomac.h wjis diHoi-il»*ri*d. his Liver : as it was expressly prfivided in said mort- whole, Mr. Conversi* giving, as a sample, was affi*ct(*d to an uhirmiiig dcgris*. ap- I gage that shoiild tiny default In* made in the TIMETABLE a short history of tlie Ihiited States in 1 paviiieiit nfthi* Inlerertt'fallliig due. thereon,, IN El* FFJ T , |M*ti (* f«'ll away, tiud hi* was t**rribly n*- or any part thereof on any day when the Milwaukee diic(*d ill flofih and strength. Th.r(*i* same w as made payable ns In said mortgage 2C)i11.1891 URNICURE - fW-44’ El»»i‘i rir* P>iLtersnrrrTt him. expressinl , anil I In* siiiin* should reiiiain un- fTAILWAY Mr. Thompson, thinking that tliestiid- I f f‘lll‘l rn *»* «»■ for Ho* spno- of thirty WKSTUAlfD. Edwjiril Sii(*plH*rtl, lliirrismirg.Harrisburg. III.,iii., FiuTiimj i 4iii(i from thenceforth so miieh of ■ : IK ies of history and gr?ography siiould go pOR EVERYBODY. a rllllUing Wk b*g uf eight years ^ tin* prim-lpal sum of ♦iMMi.aa and liiten*st hand in hand, took up a class in the j stamliiig. Csiil three bottles of Ehx-trh* -----prov'liled“ ‘ for in saTil -muiTguge------ns-- tx*t----iii>lns^ -;:i c is iininrid, with nil nrrearagesof InterestshunJil j STATIO.NS. c..;3 '(is dattei* .'tiudv. dwelling upon the way it j Bitt(*rs and .s<*voii boxes of Biicklcn ’K 111 tin* lion of said inirty of tin* sis-ond might Is* taught lo priinury pupils call-! 11 Ll 1'i.i.ci v_'t. AruiraSuJve, uiid bis h>g is sound and jiart. Ids executors, inlmliilslrators or as­ tv > t JrCit'c.* "'.SI well. .lolin Sp**ak(*r, rafiiwldi, <»., had signs, l«*s-«.iin» due aii'l payable liniinHliiitely I ing uji^veral eturT.ns to illustrate the I '1' XI ? 11 > t>attyi-i thereaiter, alt hough tin* period liiirlleil for f five bu*g(* f<*ver sor(*H oil his leg,-doctors tliepavmeiit thi*in*of might not then have€*x- j n. m. It. m. p. m. p. m. p. in manner of teaching tin* diii'Ctions. The j Or tlic? 11 n)!st said he was incurable. Oui* bottle Eh*c- pired. .\nd w lierens blefnnit has In-cii mnile }-yLTB<>l I., u.Kiumi I :w) sdOKuto globe should he iifwd all along the lino of j Hfill if >lt* c'Ot- tric Bitt**rs and one box Biiekleii’s.\riiica. In lilt* iiaymeiil of tin* lii1on*Mt falling dm* on I Mllwankee tftyre*. said mortgngi*oM tlieiHthi day of 'DiTPiiiber p. Ill, gi'pgraphicui study . SalvceurciJ him (*nlircly.^ Sold by Fildew A, D. 1K av S .■>.-> 12(m A Millmaii Drugstore. iinpaiil for tin* space of thirty days anil up­ a. in. .Vt the close of a five minute recess Mr. | wards, and the said as*lgins* ofsiiitl mort ­ Holly'...... H 4:i 1247 q 14 U 4(1 1 O.Y E CARRY gage, .Insepli IV. Wolftird, has elis*ted and Durand...... 2 :(o 1 ;m c. .i." i(i2.o 2 07 Converse addres.sed the t«*a<*hers on the' does hen*by ehs-f totn*at tin* principal siiia ^OwoHso .let.. lolo 2 20 7 4.% ^ 2 50 BTiidy physiology. Primary pupils j offriOO.UO In said mortgage meiitloneil ns .SI, Julius.. to.ic ;i oc. K :i2 :i 5H /\ LARGE STOCK- due and payable thereon. And w hereas the Ionia ...... 1110 :\ .■.(•> 11 20 li?-' 5 lO should not be taught any more of aiiat- j aiiKtum Pla’liin'il to be dm * o w aaid mortgage p. ni.: _ X’s': r.o\vi ‘ii...T.. >217- 4 2-4- D t>0.-j.(5'e! The ItisHbility Kill is a I..4\V. at the date «)f this nollee Is the sum of f.'OO. omy and physiology than will enable, Oiir pric'C'w (M, of priiieipal and ♦.">:$.7U as ijiteresl and (Irand Rapids.. 1*2.50 .o OO 102.'U£ -c thepi to understand the laws of health. A.ro witliiiA Soldiers Dtsab)e4 Since the War are Entitled li*gnl costs together with an nttorney f«*e of (}. R. A 1, Jet... 1 0.5 r, i.q io .'».n ; = «« Depeiiiletif widows...... -...... and I ...... parents now ilepen-.. - i twenty-five dollars as Is by statute provided. Ferry'slinrg ...... 2 10 0 lO 112.'-.|* ’^ gi- WEIIXKSPAY. of .AH. dent w hose sons died from effei-ts of nrni.v And lio suit or proci*<*euing c.xercis<‘s, Miss spis-rlilv and Kiicci^ssfully prosiH-iiled. maliilng secured l.y said niortgagt*, or aay Chicago h.v St ...... 0 oo' ...... 1...... 1 Address ja MES TA^^NER, part tliereol. when*l»y the powt*r of sale con ­ KA.HTWAKO CarusH, by request remleriHl a very laugh­ NSPECCION tained in said mortgage has bet'ome operat ­ able recitation entitle 1, ‘•True to broth­ Late f'timmissioiier of Pensions. ive, miw therefore notice Is lieri*hygiven that jS tHE THING CO DO Wastiiiigtoii, I>. C. by virtue of the power of side in said er Spear,” Iiiortgage contained and in piirHiuinee ofthe stutnti* In such rases made and urovlded, the ST AT Mr. Converm* again n>sumed his talk said niortgai^* will be foreeloseil liy a sale of on arithmetic, taking up the methods of theproinl>*es then*lndi*scrll>ed, at pnlilk* auc­ tion to the lilg)i(>st lildder at the west front . -vJ teaching more advanced elnsses. By .Burial Caskets and eornjilcte Mrs. Robinson tloor of tlie court lituise for (linton eoiinty, ■ _a. in. a. in. p. III.-p. in. way illustration he gave a few drills in in .Michigan, on the ('.tlO day of September (Jrnnd Haven .5 45 O OO 2 2.5’ H (,5 HAITI OlIT-JMMrJlI. next, at I oVloek.ji. III. of that day. whieh Ferry'shwrg...... i pt* ^ •“d 0 05 2 .'IO. H 15 rapid additions and enlled ujmn teachers out-fit furnished on short said prenilses an* il«*scrilH*d In said mortgage as follows : All that certain plwes «»r par- O R & I Jet...... 5 ll 42 100.5 :i .52 0 .50 for their methods of teaching snbtnw^t- Cp staii'ts, Sjj; dporn went of l’oHtofll(*(*. eels of land sltnutial ami lietng lathe towii- (Irand Rapids.. ■- (> 50 1020 .'I 45 10.55 notiee. sIiTp drWalFrio w n,-ht the^eonoty tif Cllatoji. l..owell ...... ■ Sx 7 20 105.5 4 24*11.50 ion. and state of Michigan, and descrltM*!! as fol ­ |a. ni. , Mr. Thompson gave another lousing io w-s to-wit : the w<*st half of the west half of Ionia., ...... 7 45 112.5 4 52 12.T7 Sliid Fill'll the northeast Hting Five and On»»-luilf mil(*H South and nnarter of tlie southwest quarter of s(*ettOTi Pontiac ...... (t 4r> 1057 :i 05. M 55; 5 .50 talk on the subjwt of history. Eant of >St. Johns, .Michigan. t hlrtv-two. of tf»wn No. five, north of range .Mll’kee Jet. 7 :toiii;i .5 :j 45 {» :i5’ 0 50 .No. t’hree west, excepting a strip «#f land six DETROIT....Ar 7 45 1155 4 05 0 50 7 20 Mr. Thompson took up the talk on rods w ide neross said InmlH heretofim* dn**!- fajpChnlr Car. Iluffet Car and Sleeping Car BREEDERS AND SHIPPERS OF ed for right of way to the Detroit, Lansing Service. language where he had left off the day and Lake Michigan Itnilwiiy Company, Eastward, No. 12 has Pullman Sleeper, before; this he delivered-in a manlier Sbort-Horn Cattle ilnted June Mth. I8UI. Chicago to Detroit. No. 14 has "Wagner JOHEIGI \V. WOLFORD, Chair and Knffet Oar, (irand Haven to De­ which showed how much interest ho took American Merino Sheep, g. A. Smith. Assignee troit. No. IH has(Tialr Car, (Irand Rapids in this important stud^', and <‘8iK>eially Att’v for Assignee. to Defrolt. No. 82 has Wagner .Sleeper, Wyndotte and Plymouth (Irand Rapids to Itetrolt. teaching it to the primary pupil. Westw’ard. No, 11 has Chair Car, Detroit After singing several songs Mr.|Thoinp- lApampliMof I «B4l Rock Fowles, to Grand Rapids. .No. 15 has 'Wagner Par­ Mnetot tto UwsiBiowinc How 1 lor BnITet (‘or, Detroit to Grand Haven. No. son gave another of his interesting talks Obtain Pia«^ Oavaat^ ~ ' Poland China and 17 has Pullman Sleeper, Detroit to Chicago. Vltaka. No. 81 has Wagner Sleeper, Detroit to Grand on geography and the use of the map Berkshire Swine. Rapids. 1 BrMBwai JNO. W. LOFD, BEN. FLETCHER, and globe. Jiaw Tati. Trntflc Manager. Trav. Pass. Agsiit. THO.MAH BROMLEY'. Agent. Ht. Johns. Mr, Converse then talked on the man­ All .stu4-k •llgibla for register. Individnni UNDERTAKER. merit a specialty. Correspondeni-e solicit ­ ner in which physiology should be taught ed ao(( Inspection invited. Vonng OPPOSnE COURT HOUSE SQUIRE, with special reference to the young stud ­ Ntock for Hale and Kggs In St.Johns. - - - - * Mich. ent. Saason. After the usual recess, followed by aUS/A^£SS MAUD S PUMPS! singing, Secretary Winston gave one of BRAY BROsTs LOOMIS, his sound, sensible talks on the grading at CONN & BKOWN’S. of district schools, which was recieved ST. JOHNS. MICH. with applause. Mr. Thompson added O. J. PUTMAN, UCTIONRKR, ft fewexcdlant remarks to what Mr. UWiUMS ATI., Damorr, Mica. THE BEST PUMP ON THE MARKET P-X Winston hod said and the meeting od- „ lotliii ala tli«ag g|»M la -d-cM -M-Mlm rMMUly yields to the RL Johns, Mleh. HMWtaitO Sn IIo BBB* » A* aoothlt^ tnllna nces of joumod. i OwMiMi m3 AH calls prompltjr att<*n(i»»d anrt charges - —------a—; CONCLV DKD NKXT WRF.K. w. a. jtWKL. Awft. a. A iraNCRa7Sc>. onitoi* Oil, iiJlri. reasonable. GEO. MOIRO, AGEfr. - ST.JOHMS ' 1 i School Shoes!

Wi* liuvi* H l*;r->H'ASII f«»r i’SHidiiti ami aif^ ntill at il. In f-a;! Till KSDAY. AI’(U HT27, ♦ liu^ hw»n imd 1^’p «mi‘ iimM* tv K W Mil ^ IfST* M . Mph. fjee T^aiaoreaux ban laid u riia of and for sale ty Uutelici W "Buy foi* tevrT. M. l)._l'ole . of L(>well, wa-. in town, Bros., Tlaw trtkiiijj: advautim** ‘>f “’ll '^* '■* ’* ’*** ’^- Friday. W«? Woll lor 0»»li. K'nie.sL llothfonl went to LaiiHiaic, Sat­ Tiny me the gnatest wf.arers thii an lay. ':'ountry ever had. Tljey will out ­ wear 2 pail’s of any «>ther make Tliiirt we fti'e lied olilijrcd to add to tla; jiriaf* of jjcoods any lir;; ; ;' «»n ar Fd. Mattirton sjHajt Tuexdaj* with old ^riendH, Sh«,i:S. eoniit of bud dabla. DeWitt Hunt wont to' Ihdroit hint I’lieHtock in them is oak tanned throught Thumlay. 'j'hey ai’e fully warranted to give Hatis* tart ion. They are sold naarly as cheap On.1* 0^ror*oi*y I>€>pn/rtiiiout. iatb'Ht—from <’hi*!afj:o, “(Jot a wheel in us inferior gc'ods.^ What’s the reason we your head.’’ liV.'- sell so many of thinn. Ih aj. all tiia<*H filled with the Ibirst and Krenliest (IpodH and ’ LoweHl MiHH Ulauoln'(Jootte hoH bo«‘n visiting ------lit. Holding. 1 1 ,iiw- 4«i' 1 .wdieK Fitn» Fashionable Foot M cm* ‘in the vity. t loth tofis for Ladies Wear are all the rage this season. Ask to se^^ them. ThuinaK Dewey, of O wcjhmo . wjim in town, Momlay. We k(s*p nothing but first qualtity Boston and 'randej* Kubliers and »Sell Low ’er .J. Maltlu)u«e has added a coat of paint # • than the liowost, on same tpiality. Mason Fruit .lars with lioyd ('av>s. Fiids. fl.(K). tiu’^i'^w. Tw«) | 1,*,^ n-nitionce. (Jive us your Shoe I'rade and we will save money. Quarts, hcuson and children North Bingham, a daughter, the 18th. ed it. of MeiiomiiuH*, are visiting at (leo. H. .Miss^ennie Luphani and Mrs. P'rank Mrs. AA’eaver, pf Freeport, is” visiting Stephenson ’s. Weller returned from Lansing, Saturday. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cha.s. Walters, And with it comos the (iuestion, and other friends. .V. PL Dub’her will tiliish the n*st of the Master Clarence Osgood entertained a What shall I Wear ? riding season on a \Varwiok diamond numlier of his young friends lost Satur­ Mrs. .T. L. Ring, accompanied by her fraim?, cushion tired safedy. day. luotlier, left Tuesday inorninjj for a tw<3_ weeks’ visit with friends at Fredrictow ’u, Give tlic3 tailor-, We fuih'd to give the proper credit to P’lmer Ellis of Dundee has been visiting the item published in lust w’eek’s News Ohio. A call and you will be no more bis parents in Essex, Mr. and .Mrs. Natli- •• ^ about (ibisba PenneU, which belongs to anPillis. J. 1). Henderson writes to his family the Detroit News. from FIngland that he has had so far a Gardner H ttMik third money in tlai Troubled. pleasant triji and is inucli inqiroved in .V few iiivib’d friends gathered at the 2:48 trot at Charlotte. The Ixn^t time health. He sails for home naxt week. home of U. M. Steel last Saturday even­ was 2:;k3. ing, to witm*ss the opening of a iiight- The Lansing Common Council passed Dr. AV. P. Bcm h of Ovid, Avas married bloomiiig"cer«*U8. an ordinance that all truck wagons must to Miss Anna Laurence at Owosso, the have four ineli tires, but the kicking was Do You Contemplate The M. E. .Vid society of Bengal, will other (lay. meet with Mrs. Henry Hay, Thursday so hard that they made it three inches. afternoon, Sejit. ‘Id. As it is election of H. M. Lamoreanx editor of the Bepub- The farmers that trade in Lansing will Getting ’ Married? officers, wi* would like all members to be licaii at Is*sli(f, visited Ids brother Lee, catch the next dose. pix^sent. , last PTiday. Some practical joker at Lansing got WE DEAL IN — _ ___ WE SELL l‘L\i>o8ition tickets fnmi St. Johns are The .Misses Currie and Alorgia Paiiu* some bills printed anno-uncing a prize are the guests of their aunt, Mrs. .V. PL figlit to take place at some poiiit near CiHTT worth fJf.-lo for tlie round trip, and ad ­ nU mission tt) the grounds. They will b< Uicharilson. — Lansing on the night of the 14th. The sold until Sept.’4th. and good ”to return A (ihui’ch ueul'(Jlesiiidlig hUn hi‘<‘ii «Up- Nlaydf aild ‘jiolice scoured rhecouiiLry'oB j'V A. ‘5'#J up to and including Sept. oth. plietl with new isnvs by the St. Johns night without finding any prize fighters ti’ Th(s SL Johu.s Manntac.turmg Co., will Manufacturing (,’o. about, and went to bed in the small resume oiKjratiuns, next Tuesday, Sept. 1 Miss Nora Ryan htft Monday morning hours of the morning swearing venge ­ —AT— Many of the oldemploye»*shaveleft town, for Denver, Col., when; she will teach ance on fhc unknown perpetrators. but will return, os soon as the wheels school for the coming year. “Tiini the wrapping paper the other begin to turn. The fall t rade is ojwning Aliss Ella Stephens has completed her side out, ’’ said a lady in a store recently ' up lively, and it is hoiiedthcy will not lx* studies at A'alparuso, Ind., normal school as theclerk was putting her purchase in obliged to shut down again, for lack of and arrived lioine last week. wrapping jiaper. “I don ’t want to be a busimws. Married in St. Johns. Aug. 22d, 1891 walking advertisement for your store. The Detroit News has entered upon its I rend the puper, as intelligent jieople —TO— by M. N. Duncan F^st]., Henry Bushree to 19th year more newsy than ever. It is the Miss Libbie Scrubbs, both of Bingham. should, and I think that is the place to advertise your business, instead of ask­ largest duili ’ in-Detroit and takes the Miss R(Xi Temple has been visiting her lead. We do not endorse the Nows in all ing your customers to carry your sign Both Rich sister, Mrs. John A’aiiGieson. .She will around with each purchase of goods. Tell attitudes on public qut'stious, but we are teach in the city schools atDuluth, Minn. frank to su>; as a newspaper it gets to the people through the papers what you front. Its illuKtruted featui’es of hn’al Harry Coleman takes the express mu have to sell and how you sell it.”—Ex. HOME WEDDING. and Poor. from St. Johns to Detroit for ten. days events are decidedly catchy. An Oakland street lady thought she Those who failed to be at the elocu ­ in place of Mr. Knapp. Uemado hiafirst heard burglars around the house the tionary entertainment pveu at the West trij) Tuesday. other night and called to her husband to We tinist weidiiiji outnis. mgpii i 60. Bingham church, missed a rare treat We were in error when we stated that investigate. He was very sleepy and was Miss Leitie Smith had n-turned from Tlie Dress Goods Sustlers. all doing themselves great credit. Miss loth to get up, but when his better half Cobb is not only a young lady of pleas Minneapolis. She is visiting in AVestern informed him that he wos^a coward and ing manners but is a fine speaker, aud Michigan. dare not he was wide awake in an instant. J. i>. E T E S, you are all aware that Miss Morton never Henry Stei)hens, who recently enter^ He bounced out of bed and with a boo'fc- does things by halves, and to those who the training service in the II. S. Navy, is jack in hand he looked into every nook were th«*re, it will be an occiision long to stationed at Newport, it. I. and likes the aud corner in the house, and even stuck Is* remembered. ser'vice very much. his head out of doors. But there were no REAL - ESTATE - AGENT, The State Board of Health has issued AA'. D. Bishop has given up for the pres­ burglars .in sight and he went bat^k to St. JohAS, Mioliigan. in pamphlet form, a treatise by Dr. .1. B ent his contemplated Y. M. C. A. course bed saying something about a woman Pardee, of Three Oaks, on “The’ Care in Chicago. He will remain with the St. always hearing strange noises. $1,000 buys good house Two choice vacant lots in Children During Hot Weather.'’ It con Johns Manufacturing Co, Between 700 and 1,000 jieople attend ­ t-nirm infnriniitinn that every mother and three lots. St. Johns. A tramp visited the refririrncr pF A. P. ed the r. of I. picnic on the fair grounds Small house and two lots 100 acres on sec. 13, Olive should know, and can he obtained by ad Cowell, Saturday evening, in the absence last Saturday. Grand secretary J. E. dressing the secretary of the board at of the family, but w-as frightened away Taylor of Lansing delivered the principal in St. Johns for sale at $400; 60 acres improA ’cd; 40 acres Lansing. Accompanying it is a leaflet without taking anything. address. He is not in favor of seperato % down, balance in weekly white oak, hickorj" and wal- of information about the contagious and political action. He said what the farm­ installments. nut; ncAv house. communicable diseases, how to avoid The St. Johns Manufacturing Compa­ er wanted was not politics but applica- House and lot in St.Johns. and how to treat them. ny's shop will start full handed Sept. 1st. cation to business principles and that 64 acre farm 2 miles from Orders are coming in by every mail and Alphas C..Tohnson, of Orange township the place to influence politics was in the 8t. Johns; 5 lots, house, barn, etc., in the prospects are excellent for a large Ionia county, left a large property in the primaries. The farmers had combined $1,300 buj's a brick house, St. Johns, to exchange farm year’s trade. Lot and barn on Clinton hands of his family and went in the spring as others have, done and the financial and lot, on a good street in of 1873, to spend a year in Europe. He J. H. Fedewa returned from his westr beneflU to them had been great. In Johns. jivenue $650. Bargain. was never heard of again until Tuesday era trip last Friday morning. He came speaking of the credit system he said the 160 acre farm to exchange Lot and house on State st. when he came back, os one resurrected across lake Michigan and experienced a merchant would rather sell on credit Ibr small farm near St. Johns; opposite Cong ’l church 'with to And his estate probated and divided rough time. The next time he won ’t than for cash, for the reason jieople 70 acres improved, good $50 worth of stone for $800 among his heirs, much of his land sold come that way. would buy more goods if they received and the money spent and his wife mar A man in Oreenbush loaded up his old credit. Geo. Oldter of Gratiot county buildings, fruit, •water, etc. Come at once if you want ried to another man. Law suits to ob ­ sho'tgun and flred it off the other day was the next speaker, but we were called Price, $2,700. to buy or exchange. tain possession of what was formerly his when afl ,000 girl arrivei at his house. away and did not hear him. We imdcr- 21 •village lots in Fowler, To Exchange ;-Good house will follow. The romance is an interest­ There were seven boys in the house and a stand however, that his remarks were Ijne block from main street, and lot in St. Johns for 40 ing one, bnt is iaeomplote because be girl just filled the long felt want and that more heartily received by the crowd than $300.' acres of land. won ’t tdl what kept him away so long. ima why the man felt so inbilan t. HOME ANDITIK FAHM. ■caii iw will bw healthy and and sawdust should U>4t4tpto o the floor rHE JOKERS BUDGET. A NEIOIIBORLT CALL. nutritious. ; to abMrb the moisture. The hives ought Neighborly Caller—How many chil­ Oats abound In nitroKAnous, or muscle- { to be raised from the bottom boards at dren have you, Mrs. Newcomer? DEPARTMENT MADE UP FOR fornilnR matorials, and for thisreason j least one inch to M-eure eirculation of JS3TS AtrDTABHS B7 FUNNT Mrs. Newcomer (just moved In) — ^----OUH HURAL FRIENDS.------ran aluravaJui fiul tn wnrif tPumti *tid , air. If the bees get uueasy the hives ------MRW nw THB PBBSa.

Bow to Maka Farinina i*ajr —A Movabia j quantity of bran and oil meal, make one odors from rising Into the hive and caua- JXl&l Ma«k—How to Koe«l Uursaa —To —[Now York Weekly. of the vheap<‘8 t and best foods that can ing disease. —Fieltl and Farin. Reflection — At Bnr Harbor —A Bava a Mairiaa''ator \Vltli<»ut Joa—Ttia Ixi supplied to horses. They ought THE POULTRY YARD, THE SIGNAL SERVICE. Apalry. Poaltry Vartl aaU Kitohau. never to be fed more than they will eat Sudden Move« Etc., Etc. up clean at eacli meal, and will thrive Oon'l Stiiirthe Ueas. WHERE ARE TOU GOING f Ho —What do you think of the Gov» better if they are given a good variety, ernment weather service? l*rolttabl«i Fttriitiug. The capacity of a hou is limited. If “Where are you going,mv pretty maidT* (rrindiiig the feed lessens the waste and you clog the machinery it will not work She—I call it a signal failure.— T is an old adage, gives better opportunity of making up well, if you flil her with food that is un ­ “I'm going crazy, kind sir,*' she said. [Argosy. old as farming It­ complete rations than when everything “I’ll not go with you, my pretty maid. suitable she will only store up tho sur­ l*OBTRY THAT KINDLES. Iself, “There is Is fed whole."' A good ration of the rtght plus, waiting for the substances that are “You ’re there already, kind sir,' she !>./ more in the man kind of food will give much more satis­ said, Poet (to KdjtiH) —What is your opin ­ factory results than an over feed of necessary to complete tho product, and khan there is In in sodding she does not lay. Food that is A PERSONAL REKLECTION. ion of my umBSUf poetry? the laud." Every otiier mat4>riuls. unbalanced will, of course, be readily Editor —It’s too light for winter fuel, farmer of ordtna- ft- N tH>t necessary that stock should “Mistfllijee didn ’t sing to-day," re­ have roughness before th(^nJ all the time. eaten, but nature cannot be cheated. but it makes good kindling material.— u ry penetration of The excess will be voided and wasted; or marked a friend to the leader of the choir [New York Journal. ______mind will admit And by cutting and mixing with the if it abounds in tho heat-producipg ele­ of theChurch of the Offertory. the truth of the ground grain a gooosed to working More plainly and still more plainly, will venture to assert that if each boy is AT nAR HARBOR. kii.r/1 frtr Pulliire Is vcrvfro- fr.mi wi»«,»k to week Is demonstrated the given a flock of fowls. If only liantaUis, “You can ’t get your postage stamp to quetiU Thousands of times every year fact that the great runs of cattle in the ■and iio aiuiie I>av Miss Passe—Don ’t you think that this stick. Isec?"______is it made apparent where a dol ­ West and elsewhere are pressing more the receipts,—a very important adjunct lalk about seaside engagements is aTT “I can ’t, by Jupiter!" lar’s worth of good s^nind knowledge hardly iijiun every branch of the cattle —the flock of fowls will cause the. boy nonsense, Mr. Youngnooulc? “I can do it, by gum!" would bring a hundred dollars ’ worth of business than the ri|>cuiug ‘of choice to take an interest in farming from tho Mr. T'oungnoodie —Aw, do you think return. The secret of good success Is beeves. The men who are putting ilrst- start. Let him become accustomed to so? BUIUIIT FOR BESSIE. sound knowledge to begin with. When elass eattie on the markets, while not the breed and he will soon learn the 3Iis8 Passoo— Yes. Johnny, dear (to points of all bro'Mls. And. he will not “Bessie," said papa, “won't you have the farmer is willing to buy his knowl ­ receiving the prices of a few months her young brother), please stop that a little piece of this chicken?" edge, just as he does his tea, coffee, and ago, are getting so near thorn that they stop there. He will aim to know tho noise. breeds cf cattle, sheep, horses an sec of tho county fairs, and strive to win “Oh, yes. I’ll have the chicken, but I cular. don ’t want a little pioce." —[Philadelphia The following will show the result for a beef prodnetion if it paid at all must prizes. Tie wil! liave'TS love for the year with a thinking, reading Pennsyl ­ pay best and almost only where con ­ farm bn'd in him from tho start, and A SUDDEN MOVE. Record. vania farm<‘r: ducted with an eye to supplying the de ­ when lie is a man lie will yearn fur the THE DIFFERENCE. happy days spent on the farm, and will Stranger (in Iowa) —Docs a man 4,12-1 gallons of milk 8hip]>ed in mand for the higliest quality of meats. named Stackhouse live here? On leaden feet the time goes by tbs six summer months ending We ho|)e that progressive tx^ef-makers go back to it if he can, should he bo in­ Ootol>er 1, 18 j«i...... 9102.G0 duced away. When one becomes In­ Kesident —No. He moved into tho As you wait for her at the pasture 6,C1.^ gallons ct milk shipiHxl in when they n ‘ad those columns will take next State. bars; the six winter months ending this oft-repeated lesson to heart, and de ­ terested in poultry on the farm ho be­ Auril 1, Iftii...... O.Vi,4S comes educated to an interest in every­ Stranger —Well, I never. Told me But oh, how swiftly the moments fly Two thoroughbred heifer Calves cide either to be in competition with the bo had settled here for life. Must have When you ’re standing with her under (sold) ...... 100.00 best or to do something else. Wo see no thing else. As soon as your boy can Thrwrt thnr,Mn»bhre.l Jjeifer calves sDocial hone in the future for the pro- manage them, give him a few Bantams, moved on an impulse, didn ’t he? tho stars! ' -mol s»U...... litJJto tor hu is older .__start him with Resident —No,on a cyclone. —[Argosy. —[New York Press. Ten veal calves (sold) ...... 05.00 dttt*er of lnferh»r b*'ef, white the man who puts his brain into studying the some pure breed of standard size. It is A SHARP REJOINDER. A WARM DAY. Gross income of doirv.... $1,023.05 matter of furnishing prime beef to first- tho best plan for teaching tho boy to re­ class markets is as inuci) as almost any main on tho farm.—Mirror. • An old lady, brought up as a witness Mother—I’m afraid you ’ll catch cold 10 tous surplus buy...... 5000 otlier agrieultiiral producer likely to Clean Egas, before a bench of magistrates, when if you sit in that draught. Income outside of diary ...... 19O.00 paid for what he does .—Saltunat Sitock- One of the finest things fur a poultry- asked to take off her bonnet, refused to Little Boy —But, mamma, I’ll catch vutn. ______man to learn, says tlie TonmU) Olohe, Is do so, saying; “There’s no law compel ­ hot if I don ’t.—[Good News. Total Income ...... 91,bl3.0u ling a woman to take off her bonnet." KXrKSDITURKS. the fact that soiled or dirty eggs should A HINT AT 12 p. M. THE DAIRY. never be sent to market. Many of tho “Oh," said one of tho magistrates, Bent of farm...... 200 00 ‘•you know the law, do you? Perhaps Maud —Do you feel the cold? Taxes...... a>.00 A Kefrlgeretor VTItliout lee. eggs that come in are filthy—the shells Six per cent, interest on $2.50U in- frequently stained with mud or manure. you would like to come up and sit here (Jiollie —No, why do you ask? vestisl in live stock and form Tlie following is my metliod of keeping Fastidious people —tlie only ones that and teach us?" Maud —O, I don ’t know. I was just rrrTriicimatS-rr; V.. .t-. -..,. 45().Oi ♦fh'e, hard4nrttcr. fresh-jutiats... Hirca help...... 130.00 the Ijottest weather, says .1. W. Harsh- Hitig to pB-y-it-'^iHH'y-’—-pfUio^wiU. - “No, I thank jpu,_8ir/ ’ rcpjied the old ^ wondering whether you do or not, as it Fifteen tons of bran, average never .buy such eggs if they can help lady; “there are old women enough is very cold outside. —[Argosj. price $18 per ton ...... 270. (X) barger, in tijo Prac- It. Clean tho eggs before tiicy eoino to there already." One thnrotigbbreil bull eelf...... 47.50 tiail Fanner. First. IT \yOULDN’T DO. . Freight for shipping milk...... 100.00 1 arranged tho pump market. It will pav V<>u to duso. One thousand-mile passenger AN UNREASONABLE PATIENT. Photographer—Can ’t you . assume a ticket...... 20.00 and platform of iny THE HOUSEHOLD. Uiscellaneous...... 100.00 well so as to have a “Victim (after five minutes of torture) more pleasant expression than -that? *5 —You said you would have that tooth Just think of your best girl for a few Total expenditures ...... $1,142..50 clear o|>eniug of 3 feet Plakins Betitllne. by 13 Inches, then A good many liousekeeixTS seize tlio out in a second ! minutes. Balance of Income ...... $070.55 placed a box of epr- interval b<*fore the house cleaning time Dentist—So I will, so I will (giving Young Man (sadly) —It wouldn ’t do Tho farm covers eighty acres, and sup­ rospondiug si/.e over to make up bedding. Almost everyone another wrench) just os soon as I get it any good. She refused me about a w'eck ports twenty-four head of l attle and four it, 4‘feet high, with knows liow to make a cheesecloth (-‘Oin- loosened from the gum. —[Chicago ago. —[Brooklyn Life. horses. There are fourteen cows, two of slope enough to turn Herald. fortable, tlian which iiotliing at the same KNEW THEIR TRAITS. which are kept for rearing calves; eight water, and rubb<'r fait small expense is st> pretty, light and de ­ NOT UNCOMMON. of the cows are pure llolsteins. Thu for roof. The door Is sirable. But while a great many may Old Gentleman (in the park)—WTiat milk Is sold at ordinary prices, and noth­ 2 feet wide, and 3 know how to make one, they may not “Now that I have sfated them, air, are you doing, my little dear? ing Is made on accoiurt of “fancy" feet 7 indies higli, know how to manage wltli tho cotton, so don't you think my aims are lofty ?" Little Girl (with doll) —I am giving product except by the sale of spare pure­ and hung 8 indies tliat it is nearly us iiglit as eiderdown, “Yes, Mr. Hicks. Y'our aims are all Dolly a drink. bred calves,- from left hand end. says an exchange. To make a very right, but you are a very bad shot.”— “Giving Dolly a drink, eh? But the The figures arc worth extended notice, Windlass shaft 3‘4 tliick comfortable take five onc-ponnd [Puck. water is running down all over her pretty as there are several points which go t-o inche.s in diameter, rolls of cotton batting, unroll It care­ TIRED STANDING. dress. ” show how the income might have lK*eii with cogs on right fully and Iiang on a (Ti)t.|i«(sliorso in front “Yes, she sb'bbers a good deal. All increased with a corresponding increase hand end, and spring of a.register or liot fire. L(*t it get just Old Lady (in electric car)—Dear mel of profit. Tho total income includes ratchet, to liold it at as liot as possible, taking care that it We’re going to hear a thunder storm. I babies do." —[New York Weekly. ^ rent for the farm at per acre and any giv'en point. Next is tho cage, made docs not burn. The heat separates the Bad Boy (hanging to strap)—I don ’t CO.VSISTENT CRITICISM. interest on the value of the farm stock. of Hve-dghths lumber except tlio top minute linres, causing the cotton to ex­ see no signs of it, mum. Tho occupier hari the rent of the house, board, which Is t>ne im.'ii. Cage is 21 pand tu nearly twice its original iniik. Old Lady —No signs? Why, the I Poet —You always tell me that my the profits of the garden, tlio use of horses, inches wide, 3 feet 3 indies higli, and 10 Cut tlic cheesecloth into Iciigtiis of lightning is beginning. See the flashes poems are Igo long, so I havebrought one and otlier eonveniences wliich might inches deep, with four slielves. It is about two and a lialf yards (‘a(’h, two and hear tho thunder. ' of two lines only. What do you think bo easily estimated at the sum of Sl.OtX). open ill front, except a two inch strip on widtlis being enougli for each side. Bad Boy— That ain ’t outside, mum. j of it? and which would bo a charge against tho each side, and an extra pli*cci under the I’liik and baby blin* make a pretty coiii- That’s in the car, I guess something ’s : Editor —Same ns usual—it’s too long. ' income of any other business man. Tho center, whord the rope c(M's through. biiiation. If tlie l)lue is to be takiei for wrong with tho ’lectric connections. j —[Puck. balance of .?<)70 is clear cash in hand at Then two pieces 2x4, 1(5 feet long, are the under side*, spread it, after sewing to- Old Lady —Goodness me! Conductor! I ^ BADINAGE. the end of tlie year. nailed to cross piece, 4x4 12,'-j indies gether, very smcMitlily on a bed or some long, for tho lower end, hung in well, Conductor! Stop the car; I want to get I “Mizpah Say drinks sage tea because ^av0 tile Fodder. other convenient place. >«exl lay the off. For feeding sliei'p at tho stack or in and top nailed to platform joists, 21 cotton butting on lengtliwise, cutting it Bad Boy (taking her scat)—I guess tho I she thinks it will make her wise." the yard, racks are indispensable. Tlioy inches apart. At eacli lower end of tile the same length as tlie cheesecloth; it “Her parents should make her drink cage are two blocks nailed on, so as to will be found to b«* aiioutthe same width. old iady kin git into some store before should be built with an outside, siialluw she gets wet.—[Good Nows. gunpowaer tea." box to catch the <’lover leaves and broken receive the 2x4, and serve as a guidi* for The next layer should go on crt»!-swise, “Why so?" hay and to lioid grain when fceding|.it. cage. Use rope five-eights of an inch the n<4.t lengthwise, and so on till all is EYES RIGHT. “Because then she might go off." The frame of tlin bottom of tho rack thick, and about .30 feet long, witli one used. Spread the pink cover very should be of sutlicient strength to allow It end fastened to cag«‘, which weighs 3.3 smoothly over the whol«* and tuft it with Gigantic Lady (to policeman) —Sir, can DELIGHTFUL TREATMENT. to bo moved without damage. Top mav ttis., and a balance of 48 lbs. at pink woorstiMl, button-liolc stitching you nut see me across tho street? / “So you proposed to her. Accepted, be lightly formed of iuL'li strips bored to the other end, and rope so adjusted on around the edge witli tlie same. I'oliccman —See yez across de streate, is tt t Sure, Tntrrrr. i-c?rn n ;i>45 of course?" shaft, that when the cage comes up, the ^verlets made of whlto checsocloth 'Acceplcdt she tfarir€s. in cage. Ilox, four eorners of the quilt pinned to tho “Allow me to congratulate you, old cage and rope, are ail thoroughly painted clothesline, spreading it out liprizontally. “Your son flnishes his college studies fellow. I saw how she treated one the inside and out. Mv wife say.« she would next year, 1 believe?" other day, and, by Jovo, how I envied not take S.’iOO, and do witiiout it. Vseful Hints, . “Ves.” that dog." —[New York Sun. Mir.iiEW may be rei!iov«>d by nibbing “What baseball club is ho going to take whips cut fom tho woods. In tho THE APIARY. commuti yellow soap on it, then salt and ^ CROWDED OUT. great sheep feeding districts of England, join; do you know?" —[New York starch over that; ruh all in well < and lay Press. “I like this dfess very much," said racks mounted on wheels are found use­ Carefully Brerf Hnes. in tho-briglit sunsiijne. Ethel. “It is just too delightfully ful. They enable the shepherd to change There is a great difference between the TOTAL ABSTINENCE DESIRED. the place of foddering without too miicb . A ooni.KTof liot water taken just after tight. But where are the pockets?" worth of b<*es that have been bred up for rising, before breakfast, has cured Captain Cruiser—So your son is a lit­ “Here they are," said the dressmaker, labor, more craturc We sail from New York for San Fran­ . FLT TIME. crosswise to prevent splltlug, and sawed less it is in capping the lionev to show of tlie room they arc washed in, with cisco next week, and won ’t touch port into discs will make good wheels. Any­ wliite. I sometimes think this is caused wlilte soap of any kind, and rinsed six months. They pester us both night and day; thing that will save fodder and the by their working 011 the alsiko and other thoroughly in water of tlie same temper­ Anxious Mother—But, Captain, don ’t , From their attacks We're seldom free. feeder and benefit the flock will soon re­ plants that tiie native bees are unable to ature. you think brandy or any other spirit is The man is happy who can say pay Its cost. —Ilollistcr iiittjc, in Farm obtain honey from on account of their .Steaming tho face at night over a just as bad as jiort for my son? —[Phar­ Just now: “There are no flics on me!" and Home. inability to reach it. Probably the honey bowl of very hot water, and then bathing maceutical Kra. LACKING THE MOTIVE POM'KK. gathered from the same flowers bv each it with very cold water, Js a simple LIVE STOCK. race would be tin*same. They are never method of giving it a Russian bath, and SHE PLAYS FOB SMITH. “I wonder why the car doesn ’t start!" Peedinir Horses. idle. I have observed them when taking will tend to make the skin whiter and “So Smith cut you out with her, did exclaimed an impatient passenger. With horses, more than any other flights in mid-winter busily engaged in smother and tho flesli firmer. ho ? I would break every bone in his 1 “T’here are not enough people on class of stock, it pays to cut and grind bouse cleaning when eoionies of natix ’cs THE KITCHEN. skin if I were you. ” j board yet to make tho cargo, ” replied tho food, (iround grain Is the cheapest close by the side of them were only en­ “Oh, 1 nm having ' a better revenge another, who understood the situation. form in which nutriment can be given joying themselves on tho wing. Their Praetlcel Recipes. than that." —[Truth. to tho working teams. In order to se­ marked superiority is more noticeable Spanish BistiTt.—Heal tho yolks of “How?" cure tho best results in feeding ground during iHxir seasons. 8 ume think the eight eggs for half an hour, then stir in “Why,- her father has just bought her The "Word “RUm." feed It will be quite an item to mix with progeny of cross-bred queens jequal to eight spoonfuls of powdered sugar; beat a piano and Smith goes to see her three cut bay, straw, or fodder. To feed corn- fuli-blood Italians. I prefer the pure the virhites of the eggs to a very stiff times a Meek."—[Now York Press. The word “rum," in Skoal ’s recent meal alone there is always a risk that it Italians In every respect, as they cross ­ froth and work them inU) the sugar and English Dictionary, is said to have been will compa(*t in the stoniseh and prove breed soon enough with neighbors ’ hoes. yelks: mix in oigiit ounces of flour and ALL A nOAAT. derived from the Malayan language.^ more or less indigestible. Mixed with —Slorkmnn. ______the chopped peel of one lemon; beat all “Men are not born free in this He instancef its use as early as tho year some kind of ‘rough cut feed makes it Wlnterlnc Bee*. well together; drop tlu^ mixture on paper country," said Willie. “There ain ’t no 1*575, The new Century Dictionary! more porous and less liable to do this. October is the best month in which to placed in a shallow tin; bake eight or worse bulldozed slave in creation than finds it in use as early as 1*561. Lexi­ Overfeeding will impair the digestion, prepare colonies for their long winter ro- ten minutes. my baby brother.”—[Bazar. cographers would do well to read that and is really more injurious than not feed­ fiose. If short of stores they should be Frikh Tomatoes .—Cut largo tomatoes great repository of historical facts, our ing enough. Horses require less bulky given granulated syrup. If fed early into rather thick slices; drain them well AN UNPLEASANT SUIUKCT. own “Colonial Records of Connecticut." food than other classes of stock. During '( enough the bees will have this food put on a hair-sieve, then season with pepper “What shall I write this morning, In Vol, I., page 355, the “Borbadot tho winter they need some grain. If the j Into the combs and sealed over before and salt and dip in cracker dust and fry sir?’’ asked the fresh young man of the Liquor, commonly called Rum, Kill corn and oats can be ground together • cold weather. For wintering an under ­ carefully in hot fat—butter and bacon and a small quantity of oil meal be { managing editor. Deuill, or the like," is not only men­ ground cellar is best, as the fat mlx^ is best. Arrange tho tomatoes “You may try your hand on your tioned, but sufficiently defined. This added, and then the bav or fodder be cut is even. It should be well ventilated, when done on squares of buttered toasL resignation," replied thelatter. —[Epoch. aud ail mixed together, a good ration ] should have few or no vegetables in It. This la a nice dish for breakfast was in April, 1654.—[BostonTranscripL Lios« of I4f*t WHAT A CHANCE FOR THE TaocaAlfOa of cues of female disease Of tte nuaj dluitan with vbiob mankiud WINOI OUR BUDGET OF FUN. have been treated by Mra Plukbam. and b*«n Tittted, ona of tbo arortt ii tbat c U m every fact recorded. Those records sr* available to sufferlnc women: private cur- of •ilmanta irhloh, origlootloc aimply with lo> A 0.»nnwctteat Sinn with Yards and Yards HUMOROUS SAYINGS AND DO­ ‘Uerman reepondenoe solicited. aotlTltjr of th» kidneys nud bladder, oaaafee snob o*' \Vbi»krr«. ' « INGS HERE AND THERE. trlcbUul lou of life. Under ibis eppaiUnc oata. Henry C. Cook, a tailor oi Norwich. «nry If a Brazilian girl should walk with a .r^nn the lop ye-^t beard gentleman not her relative in the day- ordinary ncfpbrttle and oatarrb of tbe bladder. of auj man iu tiie world. It is sevea timo it weul4 snU has* Nn riaqg nrannlr rpQJa^i»i. o.a»ainet which feet two or throe iuoliei long. Mr. Cook. Have Been Recently Kom- Sayings aad Syrup” ^*Uoal tklll ia plttiod, to often bathes tbe ex* ZkeUigs that Are Odd* Cnrloua aad ^ 'ITSj-AU .luel frae bv Dr.Kllne’s Great U a small, wiry, withered man, only Nerve____ rmJtorer.* HoVtta after ant dsj^ nae. Msr- pert practitioner aitd seta bis skill at naaybt. t-aogbahle. ______veiioua eon*. 'AreMsa sed auSO biU do M* trer to about five feet six inches tall, as the Pttoa Send-Id-l61>r7kllo«.mi arch SC. Klls.. Pa. G. Gloger, Druggist, Watertown, £asy it It, bowerer, to arrest these direful ail* The Reason of It. inents at tbe start. The dluretio action of Hus* tail of his beard, w hen he lets it fall iu Wis. This is the opinion of a man tetter's Htomacb bitters is Juat t'aep- or, as it cho-e to keep on growing, be It's because he’s **half shot.” sla, debility, rbeuinaUsui, liver oomplaini and just lot it grow. It is now over thirty how remedies sell, and what true constipation. Acquitting I’rovUlenoe* merit they have. He hears of all years old, a waterfall of dark, silky Quester—You knovir Shrimper, don ’t 4 HI for Fuel. hair. What notoriety it has bronght to the failures and successes, aniT c^' you? That chap that’s made himself therefore judge: “I know of no Coal lu'scari'o and high In tho Argcn- him is very disbaHteful to Mr. Cook, BO conspicuous ia town affairs of late.. Cno Kopublic, and many of the locomo ­ who is one of the quietest, most retiring medicine tor Coughs, Sore Throat, tives of the Argentine («real'Western „ Jester—Oh, yes. A ery well, indeed. men in the world, never bothering his Quester—Ho* claims to be a self- or Hoarseness that had done such ef­ railroad aro being titled for . tbo u.se of head about anything in public life. In petroleum as fuel, and it will probably made mail. fective work in my supersede nil other fuel on that road. his dark little store in this ancient Jester—Good! I’m glad to be able, Coughs, family as Boschee’s The oil used is a heavy potrolem found on his own testimony, to relieve Provi ­ Sore Throat, G?™>anSyrap. at Mendoxa, near the lino of the road, Iw >• I dence of the odium of having made Winter a lady called whicli an.swers the purpose of fuel fairly such a mistake. Hoarseness, at my store, who was well, although it has been found impos ­ An unrmwl offer sible to refine it so as to make a good Not li Fnut. suffering from a very lamp oil. The economy is very consid ­ Emersonia Dorchester — Olivinia -—tho ono made by the propri ­ severe cold. She could hardly talk, erable as the railroad company can pro ­ Holmes is not the recherche girl I etors of Dr. Sage ’s Catarrh l^medy. and I told her about German Syrup cure this oil at present at a cost of S12 ' thought she was. Unusual, but made in good faitm and that a few doses would give re­ paper per ton —equivalent to about ?3 Kussellioa Waldo-What has oc­ It’s a re'ward of $500 for an incura ­ lief; but she had no confidence in gold —while’ English coal, which has curred ? ble case of Catarrh. If you have patent medicines. I told her to take been, use! ^ parts of the line, costs S20 one, the money ’s for you. But you ■p'otd iM'r ton. ------Emersonia Dorchester—I noticed to- a bottle, and if the results were not le.y tihn urn a irnnriug bar win t or wpAn* V,»1* M fhi ' you OUP, satisfactory I would make no charge Tbw Only One Ever Printecl—Can You Find tacles.—Jewelers’ Circ-ular. till you ’ve tried Dr. Sage ’s Remedy. for it. A few days after she called i'*1 the Word? Each week a different three-Inch display Such » Trlll«t. What’s incurable by any other and paid for it. saying that she is published In this paper. There are no Wooden —Mamie, if you will not means, yields to that. By its mild, would never be without it in future as two words alike in either ad., except One soothing, cleansing and healing word. This word will be found In the ad. marry me, I shall certainly lose my a few doses had given her relief.' ’ © for Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic. Little Liver mind. properties, it cures the worst cases, Pills and Wild Cherry Bitters. Look for Mamie—Well, I don ’t believe it no matter of how long standing. “Crescent ” tradp-uiurk. Read the ad. would be noticed. Th.at’8 the reason the money can bo carefully, and when you find the word send tf to them and they wiH-returu you _____ H« lt«ineiab«re