
75c. A Y ear tx A dvance ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 27, 1891. Second Y ear —No 105 HERO OF THREE WARS- tliPipafD-r ni.idp onr i* icimpiital (piartpr- Yestenlay Mil iinele of the piiT, who re- You are invited to attend the ini'eting niastpr. sif!**s here, received ft- letter sit^ueJ “A A ViMli-nt Oetrnlt Life of the Congregational Y. 1’. S. C. E. next Ileaiit. Lllii- ' Y.oaiaiiee. \t tin- i-io.-.c of 'Mpxicaa w»ir w<* Friend, ” in which he was informed that Htmday, at 4:4.7. SiibjiHif, ‘‘The parting ________ (Di-ti-<ilt i'riM-I’rexM.) _________ (-.•MiiP lo TtTTpTTff and i—was riischnr;?pd theVhild could f»p found in Sajj^nHW, at of the two ways.” (Vms(H.*ration meeting. hpip. ,1 sip 1 arDetroit bari'acksas a }4;iv«*ii stn'ct and number. Tht* fatlier anti (jiiicfly itumiciiiMl iiiroia- The Cnited Breth4,*rn 4;onf4*reii4-e will be »irui;i map'i- of tin* rpi<impnt, and from nnd dejmty sherilT iinmmliately went to Ocsan Steamship Tickets Sold fort»iM«*qiiartdi-K at liriiSih stoiet is h(*ld at Grand Hajiids, Septemb4u* .’Id, lipip wp weal (o Npw York i'ify. wliPta* wp Safjriimw, ainl word was ri'ceivinl from Bv All«'n, Aiirlior. liiiiimi. (Jniou, a mail of ti^i keil milctary, atul convening at H o ’clcjirk a. m. anil holding {^iiiiitMirK. Jiml White Star liij«‘K took a .Ocatiipr f.or '.’hnatna. Ih*foii* ' th<>m lo-ni<.;ht th.it ■Iciuiic was found at •n<l tli ketn Mdhi V» tihiKjfow-. l,f>n<lentlerr». K<)l(lii*ily yfimii, who has lia<l over t he Sabbath. Bishop Dickson |rre- l<lver|»<»ol. Ilaiiilmrjr. Itremrti, Atit- wljilf '.‘.(/iii’in;: tlip iinifona of the f’nitiMi Ip.ayiii!4'f)p| I<>i; 1 had aa' ripd, and m\ the hon.sp mpntioiiP«l. Whether or not UTep. Uiii fertlam ami (>m.v purl in Kiirope. siding. .8t,a|p.-< al lay tliat sioiihl maU«‘ a voliimo wife win> a--c()mpani«*.l im*, ..ailo d in-; .pt' her abditetor lia.s lM*i'n capturt'd or his The new well is down .‘1(50 fi*et. the ti. I i. iS rJClM ] KXiSOX. of tlii illiiiK {pivoal-apoe; KutiU aec ~;m: .-iuL- tlip Lstlimus of Ihoiaiim wt-ariiiL!' a cuar it.Ienitv revealed bv the n*irl. or whether wat4^ supply is as great as that in the * (lorirpas.spil IhroiidTi 1).v imai «»T flu* alm*- itt-lotp^im**to ('apt. F. H. {-Irant. in fin? tliere wert* other .-umsafional features old wells. They think they will havi* no l«*<*iif It (•♦•al nry. bay of I’na.ima 'VP pn.dt irked on tlip; comn ‘«*ti*d with her abduction have not sfp.iniP! (iul.Ti'ii (i ilc. was -.vpia l)»*<‘n Jist*rl lined by )n*r r«*lativi*s in this trouble in striking a gi*en ter (ptanity in stale Saak oi si. JoSas. •iaiiM's I). Kl(lfi-kiii, I la* Iuto of ilin*** a few days, warn, ami ypt as «‘nM*( , vi^'orous and ac- by tin* scini!;;‘p of (-h'llpra, laU linally city. .Married, .Yugust 2(5, at the residen<*e. of COMMERCIAL and SAYINGS. tivp as ifuiiiy mon of lias passad his landed in San I'r.im-is.-i. alt ri;‘h!, /iiid | TWO GIRLS DROWNE D. w'VPiity-fi'«t birtli.(Jiiy. iiiid now iu tlin . fropt tln'rp wt-nl. to Fov4. Vam-ouveu' Rev. C. \V. Tliomus, Harvey K. Brown to Washijij'f on Tcriilory, wlmr,- 1 com- S'nl ci Uli'ji'oti'I'liii- Liiti**, Nliii* .\llle.t Miss .Tennie .McCrnmb, both of Eagle. dwliniiin: 3'pars of his life. pxtnu;ts as i-'iMiii I.eiiHlii;;. Net AtiHetM of Ktorls liolriorM, $9(N),00U.U0. mipth pajoyimait as possihh* from tin' plctpd tin* rpmaind(*r of my third tprm Rev. C. W . Tliomas p«*rformed the mar­ jrood thinjjp^ that com** to him, rnrlects of pidistnipiit, rpcpiving' my .disi ’hartrps in L.v .nsi .no , Mich., .\ufi:. U2—Dy the over- riage cemnony. POBTKR K. PERKIN, Preititlent. .IHo.'i. tiirniiiK of a rowlioat Dearl .Scliooley, There was a V4M*.v pleasant surprise GEO. F. MARVIN, Tlee-President. ovpi- tin* many stirrinfi' scniifs tlait li« has witnt*ss»*d whiii* in (In* snrviee of his While nt Fort Vancoifpr (’apt. (Jrunt the 11-year-old daiifrhter of Charles M. given .Mrs, \S. H. Watts, at her home, I». H. POWER, ('Miller. .Scliooley, of (his <*ity. and Ida Smith, II. II. FITZGERALD. Am!, ('aith. country, jilays the* old familiar tunc.s of nnnlp hip h pipspiit of an old tnotlipr Ttif'sdny evening, tin* O4;casion In-ing her ' lontr uiir, on his beloved cornet, and ; porkpi* who.-H> «*i^hl litfle sqiipalers Isold na<*d ID vPi'irs, daughter of .loseph Smith birthday. Slie was presented with a very BIBEt'TORSi—P. K. PerrlH, O. W. Munerer, Geo. s(4-oUs u,|»iic hhi fancy dicrafps with his at ^40 a}>ipc*p. tliPipby wsttiinr toircthpr a neij;hlnirin;i: farmer, was drowned in hdini.sQine photo albnm. “ TTHirrTnrT: TrrTgrhlt. J. H. Pwtewa, (His IMne lake, nine 'iijlcM noi-rhetisr of h<‘re, Fuller, Edward Hrawii, A. Rrtun, E. E. Whitu, thp first money 1 pvpi- saved aft‘*r.l «*n- One of the treats of the si'tison will Iwa C. S. .VIIiNOii, G. E. (torl)in. faithful spanipl, whicli is so stroiiKl.'' ut- tncln*d to him close* by his side. tert'd the tir .ly' this evi'aina'. 'I'le* boilies of both ^irls shadow social at the Good Templar Hull, were r(*covered within an hour aind eon 4 Per (’ent. lulereet Paid on Time llepoHlt -i.- J.a Ih-cpiiilipr, iJUj-o,: ulicit a boy of er my discliari^p in IS.iJi I wenf (IT over Uut<dn ........ ^ __ ---------------------trrr:---- ------------- v(*yed to Mazl.et te [lark, a n*sort on the ing, .Vugnst 20. B4‘fresliiiienfs will con ­ s?arcply If), Mr. ICIdprkin found himsplf San Fmncisco whei-p 1 remained three liunks of the lake, where the eaiiip meet- in Sc[ipnp<*tardy, N. Y., without, n itcnt in years nnd a half, aiid tiien enmo to De­ sist of peach»*s, cream and enk**. Fred . F. Murdock . iiiju: of the stall* spiritin ’, ist association, •M. W. Frink, 4>f Bengal, hasrii-i-ivfslan tljp wor d,' ami so piilistpd in the rcuiilar troit in 'fhat .'lainp year, I joined which the families of the ^irls have been — IiK.lLKU I.V— army. Up was soon i raiisfcrrpil t<» IIpJ- the Datroit Diy,ht-(Jmirds, ofwhieh 1 have ai)pointnn*iit at tin* Ionia state prison. attending', is in proi^ress. Kittie .Me- For the present In* will oci-npy position IfH-'.K Isl.-nnl ;iinl from tliPH* was .shiiippd b<*pn a mpml)i‘r ever since, and at thoout- (’urd.v, wh4» also thrown from, the PIflBBLE AND QRflNlTE. to .Newt)rleans, witn a iiiintber of other; break of the rebellion went out with in t in* clerk's oflico.imd iat»*r on will Imi- boat at (lie time of the nccidenl, was res conic overseer ol .s4»uie ihifwirtment. r<*cruits on the vessel St. .Mary’s, which Conijiauy .\, of the l'''irst Mi.-hignn ns cneil. CEMETERY WORK. was shipwrivked on the voyaa;i*. New I ilruni major. .Snit.seipieni ly I joined tiie leav4*s .Monday to begin his diit'ms. The' Orleans was reached, however, in tin*, Fiflli .Michigan, with whom 1 served as J*: WMT.-TIT'M, Ni:ws I'Xtonds congnituhitions. CUT STONE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. cotir.se of three wi*i*ks, and what then en­ band leader until the close of the war. Business Locals . sued is best n*lat4>d in .Mr. Flderkln's ' The only wiaind 1 ever ri*ct*ived was a Rev. .1. Davis will preacli at Fowler, own hniaTiaa:»*, just as In* rcHiountedlt to ; .Vugnst .’»(), at '5 p. ni. U4-4‘h Sale (■he:i|*. SkOH Opposite the PoatolBee, bullet that entered my legut .Matnnioras, Eight swarniH of Italian' b<*4*s b«*sides- ji rejiresenlative of the Free I’ress \’(\^er- and for that injury the government al­ Frank Smith is ninong (lie visitors at 8T. .lOH.VS. (28yl) MICHKJAN da.V: I all theappliaiK-cs lor taking can* of Is'es. lows me a month pension. ” the ExjMisitioii this wi*<*k. Iso 7 4‘mpty hiv<*s and 400 s(*ctions. FRANK A.SCHOFIELD’S “From New Orlejins” said Mr. Kldcrlvin | [.Major Elderkin is a relative of (ieo. llorncij T'u»*Ki*r gels a pension, through 'all on I•alg4 ‘ne Hart, two miles sfiiith of “I went to Fort Gibson in the Cherokee 1 W. Enunons of this village, anti has been the efforts of W. .N.Stock4*r. St. .lohns. ;5*v nation, wher** I was ussifi^ned to (’om})U-1 a visitor at his home many tim(*s, and .Miss Maud .Vuderson, of Ovid, is the ny I) of the Fourth Infatitry. .Vt Fort | >llss Ciii-rii* Tiirucr, Omnibus & Hack Line, those who have made his aciiuaintance guest of .Miss Frankie Bishop. Tc'aclier of [liano and orgnn. Singing Gibson I remained about two j'ears and 1 will read the above with interest.] En. a half, rweiviiiK a thorough drilling tit! B. .4. .Ste4*l sold ft Victor cushion tired class nnd «lumb bell drill fri-e to private safety to Court Souls, of Essex.
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