THE FAOZriO THE (Commercial Slbbcrliscr! PACiriO V ' (Lflinmfrcial gbbrriiscr IS PC B LI? H tO Pl'OLIntD AT Kvory Saturday romint?. Honolulu. llawAiiats Inland. BY BLACK & AULD.

Clip mm a tO.OO a ZiV. Noo-pare- lalaad oaerlalloa, Vrar. Siac amwartdli il AJ 1 a. m, 1 11 m. 9 fmr Ma l aalha-- j lyp. la. 3.00 3' M Foreiga f.7.30 SotlO a i H 4V arlptioa. rf. f Line. H (nfh) I w w uo 4 oo vn 1ft Yhe r.riwf' paper forwarded to any partof Airi-r- 11$I 00 Ul I U H Ki li Line tt iM'h) I bit 00 a tX a 00 ft (MJ 17 00 i : i-- J p--r wlktctt II innam. iarii.t the li.v.nan t l.mra (i J 00 4 oo t T fO 10 Ul 00 ac poet, will b 4 H B 3 ot... ill Mvr cbr. Lliw (3 Inche.., S OO a OU T M 18 OO I40n IS CO mi W-- i eurta which from 4 tx rC4C4 at th varies Line. (4 liKhe)..., 4 OO )!( If 00 1 00 t5 c 9 an i paper. en( i ColuiUQ...... 0 00 10 tai 14 OU l 0 M OU 40 09 CTairTfS P.VASL Ali?ll TC- - t CIuuir...... Oo l: 00 14 00 ti (" S oo. M 00 C'mia.iirtlMt fr-n- a all part f th Paetfle will always i Column...... 12 OO l 00 4 ia TO l 44 00 T 00 f IT W b ry acceptable. bo) Column...... 14 00 M OO 4 00 74 VO llO 00 IM 00 XT ni rl.o ia part of th United Stste. can Advertlaer resting la the I'aiUd Plate. Aeseri- - tr - rqit rh t m Hjt of abcrlpt.oair da thi ppr la j pay f their cards by nrtn.ina-rtraUr.iilwl. r t'bli poatas. .tamp, i Slate Poatar Stamp. Ut ch amount aa the wish t paf j and their cards will be luserUd a pet abov table, tr the tls J paid f,ir. r BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. Buaine Canls, when preiwl far ftor, an aIow4 XVII-X- O. from the rate, which are for Uaruteeit dvfrtl VOL. 44. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, 3, 1S73. i ItT CAKM prmx In ih hirht tl f the art. MAY WHOLE NO. SS I. soents when pid or charf ed quarterly. We Two. 31frb.mtfal. ?onifstic proiutf. We own ih boa, w lo. n lni!. ) .liinfy rivxl urn arr prrJ, ft DR. 0. S. CUMMINGS, THOMAS SPENCER, ftgEgr THE PLACE J. M, OAT & Co., Boston B of our bruw aod loll nf our barvta OMCKOI'ATIIIST. 3 FORT Sailmakers. Board of Underwriters ! FAMILY MARKET, ivl STREET.! OLU F1RE-PK0- 0F V,' f Mlf CHANDLER. IV Cl'SfOM E11UINU. nro lfi4 pittr,re that bay oar oread. m Iluu la;j, II. I. ti(.22 DEALER To get your UOrif. AGENTS far lat llawallaa l.laada. BO V D, SHIP Mtrchandiae, Island frolucv, Jcc, and aJa. mill Xy c. BRKH r.K CO. E. II. Proprietor, Hotel Street. Arbl yrt Utc in atalp, . - c (ranJr COMMISSION M KKCF1 ANT, C? x- 1 . On tb? Wharf, Foot of Nouanu Street, Hono- ChoicMt MeaU from ttnet terds. Poaltry, Fish, Vegetable minVam auil I, fhaa th THEO. H. o millionaire DAVIES, Rtrox' Bar, Sandwich TRUNKsWORK TTim.OF ALL lulu, II. I. Philadelphia Board ! , farnUhed to order. p f Late J anion, Ureen ti Co Hilo, Islavd. KINfS, of Underwriters 4c ly Vho dio off ailTrr aa Mm plalr. j Will keep constantly on hand an extenaive assortment of every and General Repairing done with neatnea and dispatch. A GENTS No. King lor lav Hawaiian I.I..4., With Uverird Uckrya brbinl itKir ehoira. I'M PORT Eft AM COMMISSION" MER- - description of eood required by ships and other. S3 St. frS K. WHITMAN. Sails made Best whl ly f. HKKHkK A CO. CHANT. r,r.jT roa The Lisheat nrice civrn for IIanl Produce. in the Style and Fitted A SOLE AND SADDLE LEATHER, We h no rich? lo bara aol atncka. Llvyi' and the LiveTTviol Cnderwritera. Northern Aarance i Xy Money advanced for Bill f Kxchacge at reasonable ratei. & with Galvanized Clue and Thimble. VOTlCEMaSTKRS OF V ESS ELS VIS- - A cv " ' Company, auJ British and Foreign Marine Insurance - KEALOHA PANEE, Tanned Oot No bank-boo- k abowt our balance to draw, ly - - Pnilactetphia OfSce roast have their ON' AND v.ompny. i Flag f nil drcriDCiaus--a- - A.XTM HAND FOR SALE. ! account certified bv ua. CO.NSI weli'kDowo Vet carry a aifc key Ilia! ar.l'trka Fire Proof Que--n IVT C?r House, Ship anci Sign Painting! Thankful tor pa.t patronage, we are wvpared to execute all report and duly to t itha Baildinea, Kaaliumana and fit, ly H Y A "M "RP H'PTTT'P Q nibl ly V. BRKWKK CO. More Irriuura ibaa C'riwsaa err aaw. HOTFC STREET. orders in our line, with dutpat?h an. I in a satisfactory wanner. h M'AI.HEA TANNERY . SOTLKV, I ly W war ut iior aaiiita Civ, HO RTERS, W II O I.KSA LG AND R ETA 1 L. rWAVING OPENED THEIR SHOP ON THE lej CLKQ1I0RN ritt S. B. DOLE, IM IN Jim above street, are prepared to do all manner of work in THE I1R1T1SII AND FOREIGN Br (ap6 ly) A.g. k CO., Aent. W in a ry bonx-- I'tALtliS tmi wir TIORXET AT OVER Dry Ooods, Clothing, ornUhing Goods, their line of buiine. Ctwrge reasonable, and all work done ! LAW. OFFICE lhu Ladies' and JAS. L. LEWIS, Itut what lumiujaa luatrva - with neatness and dUpatct. INSURANCE ah ttiinr ticbarJtoo' Store, corner of Fort and Merchnt btret. uenu Hoots and n)u- iankee Notions, arc, &.C, ja ly MARINE COMP'Y, A. S. CLECHORN & CO., bod ! mliZ3 Uji.oIu'u. ly Cooper and Ganger, at the Old Stand, (LIMITED.) About Sunbram'a fjmtm awl mj Jen (ray Capt. Snow's Building. o. o Merchant St. Honolulu. aplOly GENTS FOR THE H. THOMPSON, trrrr-- k AND RISKS AT THE LOWEST a" WAIMFA TANNF-RV- , Whm we wa'.k (we do not J. CORNER OF KING BETHEL tCCEPTS clauses in the Policies o( this Comwy are lofrtbrr rUl, i-r- Creels. A stock of OIL SHOOK and all 1) ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Queen Unre specially advantageous. THEO. Jal lllaaall. We are too U rr-r- "iraISchardson, General Blacksmith, St., Honolulu. of Coopering constantly on hand. II. DAIES, far poor) it rare ni n' kinds Materials Agent. W r bowrd from rM PORTERS AND COMMISSION' MERC- AM IHMI.F.R IV BOOTS. HAS CONSTANTLY ON' HAND lie hope bv attention to business to merit a continuance uoto the other aide ; HANTS, IMPORTER Clothing, Furniahiutf Goody, or bale the Market Prices, crood AD of the patronage which h has hitherto enjoyed, and for WASHINGTON MEAT MARKET! Ol the but w do Dot at wet a assort THE NOHTHERN ASSTJKANCE COMP'Y atret Vf thia car. Corner of Fort and Merchant Sirens. mhO ly Perfumery, ic. ment of the Best Refined Bar Iron, and the Best ne now returns nia manas. uio ij DOOR TO LOVE'S STEAM IIAKE-- a. J Issues and Life VKXT We are b iuoeljr, we paaa altif, j Comer of Fort and Merchant St. p!9 ly Honolulu, II. I. Blacksmith s Coal. nld ly lire Policies ry, Nuuanu Mreet, F. W. M NMt. Hanlw am and I, and yon canrvjt THK MONT LI1IERAL TERMS. ALL eet CASTLE & COOKE, HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. ON tor Leies settled with promptitmle. Beef. Mnllaa and Veal of the Brl Uaallly. We can, wtat a tail and beaatiful & CO., CHARLES SMITH. IVirk throne GEN-- WILDER uiaiy THEO. 11. DAVIES, Agent. Also, Salt Pork, Kilt Rrf, Super!. Sausage, always we AND DEALERS IX 1 nonse, Ship, Sign and Carrlase Painting, Paper on Sold Lowest MaJket Of an(rU bare fr coiujjiy. IMPORTERS .MKRCHANDI.K, TO DOWSETf At CO. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR hand, and at the Prior. SUCCESSORS Fort and Oaeen Hanging and Glazing. Mills, Boilers, Coolers, Iron, Brass and Lead BOSTON BOARD OF oc6 Meats dellverxl t all parta th City. ly No harp, no no STIIPriNO ASI COMMISSION MKRCHANT3. bt. sV UNDERWRITERS. if dulcimer, guitar. Nails, Shop on Kaahuxanu Street. The public are requested to Jt ft No. feu Kintc Street, Honolulu, li. 1. ly j Dealers in Lumber, Paint, Oil, Salt, and Building give a call. Castings. Brraka Info rmuir: at Suulteain'a tourh. np5 Materials, of every kind. pi2 3tn UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE ! ly TMIE Board HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY Rut l not tiiiak that cur rvrningi are Machinery Description made of Underwriters, notifv Master of Vraarla CHAS. LONG, CO.," of Every and others that all bill for Repairs on Vesstla, and all bill Without their mumic ; tbrre ia none auch B0LLES"& C. WEST, TO ORDER. for General Average purposes, must be approved by the Agent R. LOVE & BROTHERS, Proprietors, la th corwrrt talla, brre the palpitant air CHANDLER AND COMMISSION' Wagon and Carriage Builder, 71 and 76 King St., of the Boston Underwriters, who must also be represented oo NUL'ANU STREIT. SHIP MKKCIIANT, CHANDLERS AMI COMMISSION' b- billowa fl ; SHIP MrJHCHANTS. Particular Attention pud to Ship's Blickmuthing. all surveys, or such bill will not - allowed. lo musical .at and awim i Honolulu. (jal9 ly) Inland orders executed. Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, No. S promptly o-- Merchant I u) porter and Dealer in General Queen Street, c. HREWEIl k CO., Agetita. Our are paalma, and our forehead wear kX) 1; Honolulu, 11. 1. (:Jm Merchandise. mr Job Work executed on the shortest notice. Jy20 ly MEDIUmTnD NAVV BREAD, lie Honolulu, Hawaiian Irflund. tllLOT.on baud and auad lo order. A calm, like the pearl of beautiful bymna. Agents for the Kauoakakai. Maunalua and Kakaako Salt JOHN FREDERICK KENYON, CALIFORNIA INSURANCECOMPANY. LAWRENCE Works. ly Also, II ater, &xli and Jlutttr Crackert, When cloudy weather otacure our McCULLY, ft MILITARY. XAVAL AXD CIVIL W. DUNCAN, BLACKSMITH. kie. ! UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE JKNNT LIND CUM, aa. TTORNEV AT LAW. OFFIC'E IN' THK T. HaTSELDES. F. B. . SHOP ON Company, have been And imr day darken with drop of rain, ! J. RrSKI.lEN THE ESPLANADE,; THE authorised to insure risks on on At tcrrifV lit'iitTalai rnotni. f'siurt lfaua If nnnlnln where a!l work from Ship or Shore will be attended i BREAD REBAKED the shortMt ooOce. Y to SHIP t have but to look In each other' eye. ft 1 0m HAYSELDEN BROS. King St., next doorTAILOR,to Bradley's BarberShop, Honolulu. o5 ly 'T4jj, ,n . mtnn.trt virrinl U f i ufaM infl. ia4 lv Cnrgo, Freight and Treasure, FAMILY BREAD, mad of lb Beot Flour, baked daily and And all ia balmy anil bright again. IN' DRV COODS.PAXCT from Honolulu to all ports of the world, and vice vera. alwaj s on baud. Ah oura ia the alchemy that tranamafe STEPHEN H. PHILLIPS, DEALERSGoOi3 AND CLOTHING. oo Xi.ii.xf5 Sti'oot. OO JOHN NEILL, o26 ly II. HACKKELD A Co. X. B.BKOfTX BREAD OF THK. tl EST QUALITY The druf to rlimir the droas to gold j AT LAW. Criterion Building, Fort St. (2l ly) Honolulu, H. I. NORTH GERMAN FIRE aulT ly And an we lire on Hesperian fruit, COUNSELLOR th next three months at the office M. T. DONNELL, avr .a. o xx x tsx x r: IXPOKTKR AND ABTFACTTRKB OP s rtobeani and I, ami never grow old. recently occupn-- by Hon. J. W. Austin, over Mr. Whitney' F. HORN, it . NO. 4U FORT STREET, INSURANCE COMPANY OF IIAMBURO. METROPOLITAN MARKET, THo. I. a taT ' 11 A bookstore. jal8 3m ,v ti a.ati--- ssllfn1 ffi (.FiirTsl ONFECTIONER, NO. 49 HOTEL ST., ! 7 " grow to .. ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE -- ;J iuU'e V51 rKMIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING KEEN C. WALLER, Never old, bat we lire in peace, next door C itliams, Honolulu. dl7 JL Ajcent Companv Hand-wi- ch M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., c Suitable to this market. appointed of the above for th KINO STREET. HONOLULU. r.17 ly Ami love our fellow and envy none ; JJN.V 'V LOCK. Cr. . CEXER AL REPAIR LIXE Islands, ia now prepared TO INSURE AGAINST FIRS And oar heart are the large increaa AND WHOLESALE DEAL AFONG & ACHUCK, XT Old Furniture repaired and Mattrasses of all de upon the most favoratle terms, gll at IMPilRTERS Clothing, Hats, Cap. Boot and gboea, ft. scriptions made to order. lie win give special attention to cleaning, repairing and reg- Of plentiful viriaea ander tba aun ; PO RT E RS, W II O L ES A LE AND RET A I L On Uriel, Stane. nttd AVeadrn Slare, WOLEE RICE PLANTATION, and every variety of Gentlemen's Superior Famishing Goods. Fire-pro- elsewhere ulating Sewing Machines, and all other kinds of Light Machinery IM in General Merchandise. Store, Nuua-d- u Before buying call at 86 and 8 8 Kins street And on Merchandise stored therein, PrivaU Dwellings, Furni- And the day paai on with thoughtful by A Id oc5 and Metal Work of every description, tlluckantit aluy,! kc KAILUA, KOOLAUPOKO. tread. Store formerly occulted W. A. rich, Makee' Street. dU ly ly tures, A-- All Losses adjusted and paid for here with prompt. And the ahaduw lengthen toward the weal. nlo Block, Queen Street. ly ALSO. ON HAND AND FOR SALE CHEAP, ituJo. For particulars apply at the office of VO. 1 AND NO. S RICE FROM THRABOTB But th wane of our young year bringa no dread C. BREWER & CO., C. E. WILLIAMS, A Variety of Sewing Machines, ocl9 ly THEOD. C. IIECCK, AgeoU Plantation, To break their barveat of quiet real. M. PHILLIPS & Co., MERC- Mannfacturer, Importer and Dealer in A. IT'iiti.o AND SHIPPING Gnns, Pistols, Shot, Auiinnnltion, TRANSATLANTIC Always on hand andXxl3lofur sale by Artioloi II A D E A COMMISSION HANTS. AND W OLES IE . ARK ACntTNQ, IMPORTERS oes. Hats, Men' Furnishing and Honolulu, Oahu, (aul71y) Hawaiian Island. Furnitnre MACHINE OIL. NEEDLES. Ac, A,c. All k Fancy 6in) No. 11 St. Honolulu. fft pRf INSURANCE COMPANY, Jul ly Comer of King and Nuuanu Sts. VARIETY. Good. (nl8 Kaahumanu OF EVER DESCRIPTION. cewui .viauuiiie luchcn, piuurrsi. mm ii ovuei .u. uu ALLEN & CHILLINGWORTH, fSS Furniture iVare Room on Fort street; Workshop at duplicate parts of Machines supplied oo short notice. of Tlnmbiirn;. & 1 1 ' the old stand, Hotel street, near Fort. XT Best Machine Twist. B PIOXEER ITlIMi, LAUAINA. Home E. 0. HALL SON, KAWA1HAK. HAWAII, N. B. Orders from the other islands promptly attended to. One Tne Circcit Walkiaj obout trith babj C0LB AGRST IH THIS KINGDOM FOR Capital, Million Prussian Thalers. V ia the PORTERS A N'I DEALERS IN HARD- - I H''' CONTINUE THE GENERAL aul7 ly CAMPBELL TURTON Praprleloro. niht. IMfc'AKf' Dry Goods, Paints, Oil, and General Merchandise. IV lt.RCHANDlK and SHIPPING BISINKS at the The Celebrated Florence Sewing Machines. UNDERSIGNED II 4 VINO REEN of superior quality, now couiiug lu and TMIE fur sulf to by IVblic ArcrioN. Corner Fort and King Si. above port, whcreihoy are prepared to furnish the jumly cele nSO ly Agents of the above Company are now ready to la uuKuiiiies suit At They f ropose to put the irateo nawainae roioioei, ana sucn otner recruits as are nlo tf. U. HACKFELD k CO. Unitf-- d lssnp Pollfle. against Risks of Fire, on BalMIng, Sjtiitcis Sen;ttorhi up at puMic auction ini required by whale ships, nt the shortest notice and cm the Saddle and Harness Maker, JAS. W. GIRVIN, WOOD 11 AN D. Ine nanjat Lteiiaturo hi tlie luture. moot reasonable terms. (aulT ly) FIKK ON corner, A. D. BOLSTER, Mrrrhauitiae nml Furniture, WAIKAPH IMjANTATIOIY ! M.MISSIO N M E RC II A NT AND DEA LE R Fort'.jad gfcv on terms equal to those of other respectable companies. Four mw ferry Ixm tit ate to ! put on the river C'lO General Merchandise. LAUAINA. Ilotel Streets, Uonolalo. House, Ship, Sign, Carriage & Ornamental Painting Losses paid for and adjusted here. II. Cornwell, Proprietor. Orders from the other Is:anIs promptly attended to. n2 8m W. C. JONES, For particulars apply to uh jiui3me, to act:oirjniKiiti inc wlio ' Carriages Trimmed with neatness and dispatch. Island In all its branches. OUGAR AND MOLAMKS FROM THIS inuianians ' 4 TTORN'E V AT LAW AND LAND AGENT. XT oc5 tf H. HACKFKLD k CO., Agents. Plantation for sale In lots to suit purchasers. Apply to want to drink, hut can't in their native JState, X Will practice in all the Conrt or the Kinedotu. He Orders attended to promptly. auli ly AT TIIF. OLD STAND. ON. KING 9 UEO. t). McLEAM, Agent. ' Street will execute all order a in his line with nromDtneas. oc5 ly aTa1a7 I Fir ti a t T ra fAtii ruiM n, I.. . A BROWN & CO., will attend the Circuit Courts on Kauai. Maui and I Hawaii, and visit either of those Islands at low rates, and in as good atyle as any. Ja ly IMPERIAL AND DEALERS IN ALES. on special business. pTdalton, WEST MAUI SUGAR ASSOCIATION ! Tue SrrERios Ilttx. Chiinnj IMPORTERS SPIRITS. AT WUOLMALK. " FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, aT a . Win.O aul7 Office on Merchant Street. ly ITInker, LONDON. LAIIAINA. MALI. emigrant uont in Las p' 9 Merchant o25 ly) Hooolula, 11. 1. Saddle mid .Barne OF iloriInn Iui0iiin.i, ut K1KG STREET, HONOLULU. (iMMiiulrrf SUGARS. CROP OF 1872, NOW hU cotifictionn into the foIhmin fortiuilu : E. HOFFMANN, 1I. D., I803.) CHOICE and fur sal by & co C. BREWER CO., A genu. One L'hinee iu:m lickfe four niitea ullee timee, H. E. McINTYRE BROTHER, VSICIAX AND SURGEON, CORNER . Harness, Saddle & Shoe Leath-C- & , HACKFELD & CO., CAPITAL, 8, 000,000 IN GOLD! ly k AND and Kaahumanu Sts near the Post-offic- on v y A .MtRTm fiATER. DaviJ.-wn- , FEED KTORK BAKERY, 1II er, Coutantiv Hand. to Mrs. of! GROCERV. of King ami Fort Street., aul7 ly UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARED WAILUKU PLANTATION ! Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. jv25 ly aver-acr- Green C.j, relieve in uiiJiti ocS ly Honolulu, 11. I. T1IIE policies on Fire rusks (with or without the e tln't chiMren, OFFER FOR SALS clause), on Buildings Machinery, MAUI. CR O l OF I "l5at i ! ei ! ALEX. CARTWRIGHT, j Plantation and Private 87 neverth urnlrr nrr.tit for inakmrr her J. W. FISCHER, Dwellings, Brick. Stone and Wooden stores. Merchandise, Coals. WAILUKU, by C. BREWER 4t Co., foy John repcitt the prayer lie H. HACKFELD & Co. MISSION MERCHANT AND GEN- - j I Lumber, Ships in Port, on the most favorable terms. oft 3m Agents. I.rJ until fell I j Ac, CtOM KKAL MilPPING AGENT, Cabinet Maker and French Polisher THE FOLLOWING GOODS! down in a Ct. j AGENTS. K. A-- loaoes) ENERAL COMMISSION j a29 Ilotel St., near th6 Drug Store of Strehx Co. ly ST All ndjuatr.l sand paid JCt oc5 ly HONOLULU. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands Jy27 ly far here G I For particulars apply at the office of Female l)iJ our young ! JUST RECEIVED MAKEE PLANTATION. IYlitu. renden ever & CO., WALKER k ALLFN, IJLUPALAKU A, MAUI. tlieir youny; l;tly ncipiniutanccH j G. BISHOP BANKERS, J. W. GIBBS, aul7 ly Agents for the Hawaiian Islands ark each THOS. THRUM'S, Painting in all Branches, o. 90 King Street. " " other, What 'ti your pIitic7" and then giggle, j HAWAIIAN' ISLANDS. j PER HAWAIIAN BAItK KA MOJ ! OF 1818 SUGAR 4V MOLASSES. TATIONERV, CUTLER 1 AND NEWS HONOLULU. OF EXCHANGE ON Opposite Wright & Wilson's Blacksmith Shop. AND MEECANTLLE ROP The question ba a hidlen meaning. For cir.Ja-- i Depot, CireuUting Library, (lata NORTH BRITISH oft am For hale by v. KHJCWCH 4 Co., Agents. and Blacc k-- Auld's 6m T : The San Smallest orders promptly attended to. ju8 c . a S . . a . t Bank of Francisco a.t a. f California...... XT natlOU m UTbl laaj TOU EDUW WhO r'u"""-- . .ngravmg, ,aiigrapny,cienciivutiin(c.ani vopying, ie,gr8 Waller... New York Wears I m Mf ! ll ' s INSURANCE CO., e rla..ltff t .WT fTt h fit I fr It fl j., I 11 SUGAR a laro-- oustie. Trenioot National Bank...... Boston FROM BREMEN. LONDON AND KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION i VI II.UI.I . . I K (..IVM.a...... uuuuuu OF EDINDURGH. Tuk YV Oriental Bank Corporation, payable In Sydney, Melbourne I A N C GROUND Thicke5t. A political orator. Freaking of . Jjt GREEN, J NTS F V, PINK, W II IT E COMING IN, White Shirtings, ESTABLISHKD, 109. NiV OF PRBrilliants, a certain nentloman whom he admired, naid he MERCHANT. Fl Agent for Life Company New A ND 8ALK IN LOTS TO SUIT the Manhattan Insurance of Hoi-rock- Long Cloth, Brown Cottons, FOR wa always on the field of bul- - j COMMISSIONStreet, York. CAPITA L 2,000.000 battle, wlicre tlie Denims, Ticking, x IT Honolulu, Hawaiian Island. JtM.eive Discount Firt-cla- gi Business Paper, Blue Cotton, Heavy Accumulated Fund, 8,838,1 18 PLRCIIASKRS, BV let were the tiuekev. " W here was that?" In Debits, and lurcated AFONQ , attend to Collecting, tec, kc myio ly Fine and Common Black Cobourgs, k AcnrcK. the ammunition Honolulu, June 1st, 1872. iy waon." THEOD. C. HEUCK, j Linen Dress Goods, White Linen. Sllesias, TMIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE REEN Jul V V AGENTS (or the Sandwich Islands, and are OFFER FOR SALE i i--ai i itt or tsTKUDiniox. ...gentleman goin AND COMMISSION' Blankets, Burlaps heavy and light, authorised to Insure against Fire upon favorable terms. IMPORTER (oc5 Honolulu, Oahu, H I. Risks taken in any part of the Islands on Wooden Buildings, ONOMEA PLANTATION. to Texas a.keti a friend for a introduc- - i ly) letter of and Merchandise stored Dwelling Houses and Furni- t Black Doeskin, Fine Pilot Cloth! therein. tion. The friend op.'ned a drawer, took out a A. S. CLOiHOa. jxo. s. smithies. Fine ture, Timber, Coals, Ships in harbor with or without cargoes or AND MOLASSES CROP 1871, OUT SUGAR for sal In quantities to suit purchasers, Lir an.l handoouie nprin-blade- d dagger-knif- e I NEWEST THINS - Blue Fancy Flannel, onderrepair. (apS ly KD. HJFFaCULAKGKR k CO. in, A. S. CLEGHORN & Co., 2a.5- Flannel, White Flannel, Jy8 ly By WALKER k ALLEN, AgcuU. and a eix chambered revolver, and gave tbcin to) j Bunting red, white and Blue, Bedquilts, AND WHOLESALE AND -- him. j IMPORTERS IN PER- Hickory Shirt3, White and Fancy Cotton thirls, Fire and Marine Insurance. 1873. 1873. IS'ew Kind of Divohce. A Wisconsin Justice ! Linen-boso- Shirts, Fancy Flannel Shirts, UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN PLANTATION ! Ceneral Merchandise, Fine and Common Cotton Undershirts, rjMIEJL SPEACER of the I'eoce divorced a couple recently as fol- Corner Queen and Kaahamanu duly authorised Si., KEROSENE LARflPSirjoRiNGA Linen Cotton Handkerchiefs, lows: lie plaeed them in the middle floor, vcb ly Nuuanu St., and Corner Fort And Hotel Sis. from BOSTON. and By the Firemen's Insurance Comp'y. AND MOLAKSES.CROP COMING of the Linen and Cotton Towels, Turkish Towels, Fnnd SUGAR sale In quantities to suit purchaser by backs together, and as they -- TO- of San Francisco to pre- at wulked away from A. & CO., j Barege, Woolen write both Fire and Marin risks, are Jy8 ly WALKER ALLEN, Agent. F. SCHAEFER Veil Fine Shawls, pared to accept Insurances on each other he repeated the marriage ceremony MERC- Neckties, Scarfs, Hats, backwards. AND COMMISSION Anthracite and Cumberland ; Fashionable Parasols, Dwelling, Building., IMPORTERS HANTS, Coal, Umbrellas heavy Silk with Whalebone, Merchandise. Farut PRINCEVILLE PLANTATION. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. JulS ly ! lure, lu Pari, and lake Model Verdicts. A New de- BURN WITHOUT CHI1VINEY i Common Silk Umbrellas, Cotton Umbrellas, Vfurl. Orleans jury Cargo Risks to and from title, and all Foreign Ports, Sngnr nnd Molasnen Crop 1873. clared a man to have come to his death v an " CHUIiAN & CC Copper Oakum, ! at the most Favorable Rates. IN. FOR SALE IN Q.UANT1 unknown cart." About on a pur with this is Paint, Clothing COMING purchasers, by the P O R T E R S OF A N O HEALERS IN An Asst. of Fin Ju8 ly BISHOP k CO. Philadelphia verdict refpecting a man who had CHINA GOODS jy ly WALKER k ALLEN, Agent. IM HIRST IMPORTED BV THE UNDER. Assorted Socks and Stockings. been crushed to death in a mill, when the jury re- Of all descriptions, and in all kinds of Dry flood. Also, con- SIGNED. 31 Nails, F. A. stantly on hand, a superior quality of Hawaiian Bice. Tel low eta I, Sheathing: & Linen and Cotton Threads, assorted, SCHAEFER, marked : "No blame can be attached to the ma- Board XTayZ S2S Nuuai.n Street, Honolulu. ly Assorted English Saddles, French Calfskins, AGENT Bremen of Underwriter, Iltxy! liny. chinery." Perfumery, Lubin'g Extracts, Drrsiien Board of Underwriter, It is the Only Lamp that has been made Agent-Vicun- Res-fecte- a UNDERSIGNED ARE de- D. D. S. Pepper Sauce, Finaud's Poaiatums, Hair OiL Soaps, Board of Underwriter. THE HE. bis Oatu. A wife murderer J. H. WHITNEY, Claims Companies witbio jurisdiction celving Pressed Bales of fended bis by Hair Brushes, Tooth Brashes, Clothes Brashes, against Insurance the act Baying that life with his wife OFFICE OVER DR. HOFFM- of the above Boards of Underwriters, will have to be certified Prime Maniania Hay became insupportable. "Then," raid the judge, DENTIST, ANN'S DHL G SlOKE, Tooth Combs, I. R. Dressing Combs, to by tbe Agent to make them valid. Ja ly and Merchant Streets. Office hours BURN Cider Vinegar, From Laie. which Uiey will sell In quantities to suit. 'you uii,;bt have separated from her." Corner of Kaahumanu TO KEROSENE PERFECTLY. apft WALKER ALLEN. "Ah!" ja4 from 9 A. at ti l 2 P. at. Ij ! m n n-- n m tf replied the conscieutiou9 prisoner, 44 1 could not Asst. of Real Amber Fancy Goods ii a ur; r e u n do for I swore that, to her that nothing but death C. S. BAETOW, Studs, Sleeve ButtonB, Crosses, Brooches, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 1ST should separate Quarter ISarrels Pork, us." Sets Ornaments, Meerschaum Cigar Holders, with UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BEEN -- BCT- A UCTIONEER, SALESROOM ON QUEEN ZVo Smoke, of THE Agents of the above Company, are prepared The BaVAtTiiTL Snore. 0, the enore, the beau- Xm. Jul? Street, one door from Kaahumanu. Amber Mouth Pieces, Accordeons, to insure risks against Fire on Stone and Brick Buildings, tiful bnore, filling ber chamber from ceiling to Kitts Mackerel, Heavy Silverplated Spoous and Forks, and on Merchandise stored therein, on most favorable terms. Living Yet, and has been Living Over the coverlet, under JOHN THOS. WATERHOUSE, Mother or Pearl Shirt Buttons, For particulars apply at the office of floor! the 6heet; from IV sl6 ly V. A. SCHAEFER CO. lier dimpled chin to her pretty feet! Now rising AND IN o Smell, Stationery Fine French Letter Paper, Honolulu tbe Last Fourteen Years I DEALER GENERAL Dairy Salt, Yeast Blank Shipping Receipt Books, aloft like a bee in June; now sunk to the wail of IMPORTER MKRC HAN DISK, Bbls. Powder Boos, THE OLD ESTABLISHED Blank Notes, Scissors, Pocket-knive- s, a cracked bassoon! Now, flute-lik- e, subiding, a'29 Queen Street, Honolulu. Jack knives, HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS ! then rising again, is the beautiful snore of Eliza- iVo Chimney, IIOOLl I,U SOAP WORKS PELRCE & CO., Corn Starch, BV beth Jane. A. W. YELLOW METAL AND NAILS ! (Successors to C. L. Ilichards t Co.) Sensible Woman. A woman is writing in the Sheet Z:nc, Banca Tin, W. J. RAWLINS, Manufacturer AND COM- - Tobacco, Ecangt'ast in favor of the practice of smoking. CHANDLERS GENERAL aVo Machinery. Broun Soap, Babbitt Metal, C. C. Tin Plates, Rivets, SHIlION MERCHANTS. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. i JShe would rather her husband would smoke "any- ly) Hoop Iron for Barrels and Kega, I where in the bouse than by 4ineetant hammer- Galvanized Iron Pipes, J to 1 inch, ALL KINDS OF SOAPS S. Walk a S. C. Alles. Spirits Turpentine, ing at him to stop drive Lima way to the club- J. Guarded Lanterns, F.lbows and Tees, house or some other resort, where he would suioke WALKER & ALLEN, Too Simple to get out of Order. Steam Pipes. J to J inches, Saucepans, Buyer of Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow t twice as much as he would think of do in" at Hide Poison, Rosin, C. C. Irons, Assorted Sewing Needles, And all kind at Soap Crratc. CHANTS. HONOLULU. H. I. i home." 3 roa Galvanized Iron Buckets, Washing Tubs, Have received ex late arrivals from the Lulled Btatea mod AiiisTS Europe of I Low Priced Lamps for the Cottage, supplies the How to Rectitx Joeh Hillings gives eome Hawaiian Picket Line, Spencer's Plantation. it. ; PrinceviUe Plantation. NaalehU Plantation. Mineral Coach Varnish, 4&c. & Materials In onr Line for "danafattarlat; re- I Paint, WIHES, LIQUOKS, i Btt advice to a youn lady aa to bow i REV CO., tiie should Onomea Plantation. GreenweH's Coffee. Parpoaea, You Insurance Company, London. l ceive a proposal: ought to take it kini, Iisinal fire Styles Seltzerwater, Rum, Gia, or Marine Lisurance Co., Sao Fraociico. Elegant for Dining and Drawing ' Manufacturers and Dealers And will continue to be In receipt fresh supplies by steans looking down-bil- l, with an expreshun about Merchant's Mutual in Glass, Cognac Brandy, half Nor. Western Mutual Life Iusarance Co. Brooms, Cut lYail, Fine Claret and sailing veseeis, is prepared to give axlit faction to Alt tickled and half scart. After the pop Ls over, if Scbrs. Fairy Queeo, Active and Mary Lllcn. Booms. i Champagne, Ale and Porter, Bitters, 4-- 4:c. i IN ALL KINDS OF CoDKDmen of hi Speclalitjr wants to kit you, Jiuy SOAPS! Dealers and yure luvjer I don't think I Who will favor him with their trad. would pay yes or do, but let the thing kind or take Paris Plows, Full Asst. of German, English and Leleo, Kin? Street, Honolulu. .V. F.. Alt Order a.left nt the Store of M. Mclntmy, its own course. M. McLNERNY, Importer and Dealer in Boots and fcbocs, N. B. Corner Solo Agents for Haw'n Islands, of Fort and Merchant Streets, will be thank- AND DEALER IN Groceries. I Beef Mutton and Goat Tallow Wanted ! So I'rrrE. A Yale student, who is evidently IMPORTER Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery, French fully received and promptly Uat, Axes Hatchets, to. twelve-Ter- se Hunt's and attended ia the "journalistic department, writes a Pocket Cutlery, and every description of Gent' Superior Stearine Candles, Swedish Safety Matches, Order fefc nt Ira RichnrdMa's Boot and poem for the W'e'iy Magazine, which m Furnishing Goods. XT' Beckert' Fine Calf Dress Boots, W. J. RAWLINS, always on hand. DILLINGHAM & Co., Hubbact's Pale Boiled Linseed Oil, ic. Shoe Store will meet with prompt foap entitled: "We Kirwed Each Other by the Sea. j Prnctlrnl Boiler. N. K. Coasia or Foar and MsacaaiT Stbkets. jail ly Shovels, White Lead, White Zinc, Red Lead, Cordage, spl2 Attendance. ja2i ly Leleo, King St., Uonolula. Well, what of that? I he seaside is uo better for ap5 s. 95 Ai 0? King St Green, Black and Blue Paints, Coal Tar, euch things than any other locality. In fact, we E. P. ADAMS, Stockholm Tar, Brown Pitch, Fire Clay, FOUNTAIN! PHOTOGRAPHS, PORTRAITS, VIEWS some very sweet work of kind X, THE have put in that A UCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MER-- THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL! American Scales, Fire Bricks, Roofing Slates, Wrapping Paper, on the tow path of a canal in our time, but we CHANT. Empty Barrels, Oak Boats for Coasters, AND COPYING DONE IN THE LEST STYLE, Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. ja ly CREAM LUNCH ROOM, did not eay anything about it in print. Porcelain Sets, Tumblers, Alcohol, ICE and JVDD. W. LAISE. IBemp Cosmopolitan Photograph Gallery ! EicrE Him. One Jones, employed in a man- A. W. a. Packing, Looking Glasses gilt frames, FORT STREET. At the JUDD & LAINE, s, establishment, did not put in an ap- ck-willum- fcrxul-rrwareroom- L. CHA8K ufacturing ! 0PP0ITE s 64 and 66 Fort Pt. '(Jail ly) II. pearance the other morning, but just before din AN1 PROV ISloN DEALERS, i GERMAN and HAVANA CIGARS GROCERS Grocery and Feed store. Pick and Axe Handles, - . j wife said r Sail-twin- X3y- ner his came in and in explanation: 52 Fort Street, Uoooiulu. dl4 ly Hemp Canvas and Ravenslu:k, e, n.. xYcnor-T- ! dis- - i You muet excuse him; he and I bad a little Riding Whips and Canes, RIDGEJECOXJSE & j Iced Soda and Ginger Pop always on hand. pute at the table this morning, and he won't be j LEWEES DICKSON, IItSI'jZg lsaooeii .T.eiai, tanai jsarroYfrs Wallpaper and Border, A RETREAT FOR INVALIDS. WT n. s H I J,-- ? IKM TW SK CIU1 C UV Ul UV4iC Va VUW V . fa, a A i i.' u rawt.irai.ffv-iiA.- w .? rr iE I.ERS i.i i ii in ii.nivn ry Vienna Chairs and Sofas, Walnut Sideboards, j Lsadiea' Boons oa tbe Right of The employer stated tint tbe explanation was sat- MJ Materials. Fort Street. ly .Vi Entraace. THE CLIMATE OF THESE ISLANDS iW C 'j.,. I"-" Chests of Drawers, ' V JJfCSi Wardrobes, is noted tbe world over for general salubrity, wbil isfactory, he having been married twenty-fiv- e Planter's Hoes, Writing Tables, Haircloth Sofas, certain particular localities In tbe group ar mors es- DILLINGHAH & CO., Tea and Coffee at all Hours! on years himself. lllfSfiSSAp? Centre Tables, Ac., c, c. i pecially favorably known. The district of Kona, klTSS i Ai--1- M AND DEALERS IN HARD-- 1 HOT LUNCH DAILY I tn. lee side of Hawaii, ha lonr been famed a a p)c of ! Cocoa Door Mats, Gambier and Cutch. Mark Twain publishes a card in the Hartford IMPORTERS WAKK resort for those afflicted with affections of tb lung. Not a papers explaining the arrangements for his lecture Cutlery, Dry Goods, Paints and Oil, and General Lumber, Oak PJank & White And Many Other Articles too Numerous to ! You are ne,i to give him a cau. few case have been known of peraon who had been given Merchandise. NO over as sure to die, by their yhylclan lo California, after aid the poor, and he makes these statements No. 65 King PROPRIETOR WILL SPARE In mild of Koom, reooYertof in of a29 Street, Honolulu. ly THE pains to make this Pine ; Dial Mention. )m qr few months residence tbe pure, lr as to the tcnos of admission : robust health and taking a new lease of lire. Lucca charges a ticket, and so my first R. RYCROFT, The undersigned, at hi era mortloua house at Kaawaloa, $4 D. N. FLMTNEE, Nests Trunks, JRbls. Fire Clay, South Kona, I prepared to furnish good aooosnsoodaUoo to idea was to pat our tickets at $4 too, and ran op- FOR LEASE. Begs to inform the public that all order for boarders at the low rate of per weekj Including good saddle HIS OLD BUSINESS IN THE I j $i position. But friends said no, there was a differ- CONTINUES building. Kaahomana tireet. FirstClas in Every Particular rjpHE CROWN LAND KNOWN AS THE horses when desired, and good fresh water baths, on th pres. by observation also within a short distance of An sea bathing. Tas said very Chronometers rated of the sun and star ! 44 'lixzaalblxic ise, i ence Lucca sings. I well, I would with a transit Instrument accurately adjusted to ROOMS CAX BE HID BY THE .MGOT OB WEEK Paint RrilSlieS, left at the FOUNTAIN will be promptly attendedWorlt!to. d28 ly steamer Kllauea runs regularly between Hooolula and tb th Ahupuaa of Olaa," kept ready the beach. sing too. I showed them what I could do. But meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to ITilo, is fine graiing port of Kaawaloa, and horse are at with Situated in tbe District of Hawaii. It a In way of diet. MILK they still objected, and said that a mere disturb' fine watch repairing. Eextant and quadrant or without board. land and is valuable for its pnla. For further particulars TO LET. Every accommodation and comfort tb and HONK V In abundance. Delightful rides In the neighbor, ance was not singing. So bare come down to glasses silvered and adjusted Chart and J KCg"S l?bl&. SllOOkS. apply to J NO. O. DOM IN 18, OFFICE LATELY OCCUPIED BY I nautical Instruments constantly on HALL AND LARGE ROOMS TO LET FOR and Crovn Commissioner and Land Agent. milRJL DR. OLIVF.R. Apply to hood. A.TODp. 27 Kanwaloa, B. Krnia, not. to, " a dollar, bat do it with reluctance. jj band and for sale. 1, ju?2 FCBI.IC MF.rTTIXOS. OR SOCIFTIKS. ly fe22 qr Honolulu, March 25, 1ST- -. mh-'- S nib? A. S. CLEGHORN" Co. ivii.

elW1FH,- W .1 1

0 V

' ol-ui- ! .,f o Sun- - out in - its wetfrn and northwestern NOTICE STOHB KXI'ORTS. rt,rr.M ; Xw rv.yu.ia (a : .'iomllv j - I AT THE EflElu corvuviniioi , wl.icli we nlrcaJv charactTizci J- I HKRKBV CIVE ranr ennne nnwn ennne ai. . 1,,'uiit ftf hac l Bl.lf NOTICE . - a da..-,- rS'i-- i : t i,..B.MP;,., w.vth - cvit!.fr-aor.- tJi- laiul known " I'.i. .Ni.-- I; I CI u'.u--- I'I I ir"i lV at . , , ., I th! llvr i no tn. i .VAT . 1ST3. Drt-J- , wwtern ana Any i- -r n uUUUiJ, I iV-- tht-- culiarly nud at.'rartiv-- sooaua :i.y. . E.narnt- - l hrun and throwing off frtil? ta.i ltl. urjj.o; imXi iiiuuu uuuuui t w in a. .all- -' U in WILL UK YOVSD Tula or. fv i.p sir.rt it ii arl '.V' : eawcrn j - lUa, hl-ll- I'. .nu-- l u a drift are iaTf ij ora. ff.B was in rh'-er.n- lo I".' Ml ', in ;!! sitting carfllj fiiron ui Barn. ; ;t! jlPB'l'Wl.yr'(niMirMi 0-J- , ...lM'l.(l r i n.i.a c .. . A uare of wiles oith.-- riu would j -- c TL; am lo f.r...t.-1-- irl;Uruii1.atIon th-- lur, that waj whM w bsve i l U. ha Urn in IM, 4 t nuddrn - JUST RECEIVED fcl ;.l. t tli.- - - a tmtm navl. ia fie th r y Park, labia 4 Two, or a includ- - whol hch, but. with tie iunumera- spLENDID ttv arriva-- Ik' carri-- la i.ff in a daj or NOTICE! fmil iKfl - lIthy n:ii JtJJ?! , or.l-- r. lia of Ii.,ci.-t- - opf...-- " th'ftrnto, ...V4i; F..r:n tlj. w..rt Me inUeutatioitf m the Iidc oi tnc juinsu- w-A- A M A 1 A - -- '.oTinf roDMiuurtioa that did K II I.I I'O II ta..ny articv--s Li iti ha.!- ( t - ! rv'w '." nitivp (Ut-P-i- na Ln and that divide would hardl? Steamer Costa Rica , - "-tM rjrlit-- I'T the wretched roavMr, ad o-- f..i:- rarwrV-- l ia taS:iog lb lASKUKU. NF nc ficvj GOODS! ur r m l e feCt-U- l a - mjra- -t a aaa - hArti.jr ..r ,,..i.ti t f,rtK.-t.- f lKinri" tins ttiat iurtv lilll-- was much tX JilZl AD etl- UciooJuJo. Apnl 30. lTi Ml el th? varwrut r LanUti.tie lo .uit, wAl SiiEx AM 'h-i- r oJ wti.t. lo j M-- f; ; ir.w...; w n.frtn.J i infruili.ry t fame the ty at et laaie fr tlie auj'juit of shore. KverTwhere NOTICE ! I ri.-.ii-ti- ' i t i faru-a-.- r. -- K WU.x. II J'.l.i.4..o. w.r Iln-nonlj- s. r - - rU4 capave.IT avd IV.t fu.l v-"- li r,; uig it.. i .i nifitind tl:P piihij r anripnt niOM ti d - u op a 1 K a - iVj wi 1 11 KI.KI3 A XT OI'KX At . grant that iVj oi-.l- :( i Wntitx.r. (win ( ib J v. i it r. l ' .... ' - .'r-!7iWB- J bu"'" IIOSK Fa.vt..- cm .veil, and 'i. j' ..., an,i kW.r.t ttse thcai made by wulUtc off little Ixiv or bighw bt fTi- "" with Lancn una i" inairii. Laa-g- ! rr ovr l Sawr-wi- C of tHia v at the .iciij f T w.aU.,'jnrt;t.,j)i.r..vll w H , ,,.1 h.-4- al!:. h in- - a line example of the WM"WIU". la is'.checkl. The old beaten rreiudiee" stne J ! rtm. ! ahut - Mul- - AP"'yJ- - UNDERSHIRTS . . . L"uBl- SILK edd-llo- e btnliog itler-st- a. t. , ..r.v,. ii .,r ,r.. A FINE LOT PURE ta lo itiia healthy sine our ( :...... and Barley, raatia-r- s a.'aat th- - Tbu-- e jf A Choice Lot of Oats the err n aa J iiuatia.n, r.ip wA-at- . n - -. f li c r, t.r:'ir. ki i wl.n in.'.-- .1 tLe wre availahlf wu-a- - the ton- for thce ciu.M:ways on tltcir hulJer8t NOTICE. SAIL- MAKING. aart"! wtnlvtillt om evrrpajam. heuij; aa wi at fol 'at ...... i ' building h toilw on n;iled of solid " :.. .i AVrf'ti for their f th-- l'- - W.:!f--.- a:..: .!- C l UiVUW 111 i f . . fti' - rate, a. tn Max jrfi.1 srv qu.-U-- .o i It i"r V .il , I. I.i.nn li i. l'ii'-- v .t.. nt ..J J . HIT A CIIOICK LOT Of 31 :-- J .Hr--n. ... 4 i fi?-- j.r illl TJiicloriliirt"i. - o - I l I' II i!'iiii ,- Tn we may tLe lif of lie astiaiiaa ih- aa b t bi-- kI: the Prui. I ave thus are, tty, HAlf C f. !Ari'l .N ai-.- l -h- haiy at. pm.h - rii:.'i:-- ii - air.oQDt .vt Jvm. ix.a - - s Ibia v. la-- i two wv lo Ihr vrmi. -- tt.- tin- nativi-- ot ot ..- - ! K rflo Vr, Ihat ii I I! i r! .t.vK. tu , arl m H'I1C'. nr., ,juiv vi ci lte.1 and conider-- in detail. of the wiiau j. M.ot a r u & l U ONIONS, a.,ld aft.-rnoo- n l""U'"M a if frt.&JQ ptntoU hta al full IVr KiUii'a, Ajr-.- tfi li r,...-- h-- h " llB"kin POTATOES All - ri' lui Unnwiin Pout" d.-cr- e .!.. tfvj j market of turday that tUUn, Conton Fitum!, W4 oui 11. " ar.-- Mr d the Hawaiian during SZXV" M'rino, TS. .iii.m tHu.uM h.u Lmn ikoViI iia irr2T. J I I II I M J.. .e ' ,.rT. jr. .i; y i- -- I Mr s'- Hawaiian. b- w.l. rn. nna. jf-ar- 'h no iaatt. r l r Murf lt Sail in tSie Uist Manner and at UfdBrrd h'.i Uvie I'wJrr.v.frf. lv.. krtl l- V 'Li: thirty rie. .L,...; vl.y.J Mi r ami 1'..K..." .J M, W".'' , mtit ' Ix-b- a.-- divif-i- I -, A .-r. ah-m- t cjinmenr--uien- t th weftcrly may hanarkIJ rww anl r'i,Mar s..i.ji. J" L i- M. . U :'ji V.ui-r- V'm II At the of Hk? late reign Wett pkick?. !!' ! hi-ur- r i. - M - a Br aaanit-- M H Zx.g. li.Oi t.;- J.e rct-l- At h cinIiI".aai" ai HxVi'a "a wHjir-- f a .nt .;:. i ... -- t . . e : I :.. .1 - tinniil. is and rii'i.niA lit ilrt hft.l. Tliaokful lavor. tip to a hr 4 tr lat Y. WILL BE FOUND: . . . e . , j - - . rr. Liu lli allrfwtr-- ' araa aaaw iVil Im 'K .. iny W. i. WMU-t- IN SOCKS r.' (Ih-- hu-- 1 en- - fa.! I'T l C .i:i .'.i!!i-- Vr of the nation whidi we term the oulm.i), and wn.Jirg in it Bail Irrlally lofer--- l W.iii br arral tvlt.. Mtrrty, Fi i. t'rr. !p I Juvn. Iil Thtra.1. Brirtan, 1 JF -. r.'.- . io-t- lv Uiicn i. a l g"-- ! wiocn. snores l.rtiwo Coitona. Q'l butlog ia e.HJ1itrorj 1 r- -!. r .i.i . v. n f.i;-,;Vr- Mr k.'. M jti,irv : eo teru.c-- from the fact that at trance iiie and o :..m n Cto afl. H t. Kiikt, Lto.. , Tan-I- : ,'"-'!i- lt'. m to b CTwlinvl on U"' -- l""""alljr arc TnJor the bank iTifils'-X- ' ""u'Kt' cT'-tr- J '.'.'.rmao: t!,at tlu:e irticularlv FRESH GROCERIES! CllOOHC. - :,ul TU- arrival W oir ttboa lh t hi' a. cf tl.'? win Ui tv ; Cbrirtian in snanu myriad of nannc living matures, nuge - ...w L.k,, A, ni Ui J withdrew its material aid of SI. . - I w 'b avail, freest anl J- r'-r- i u II. i:..r.L.a. i.,..ip.r A Splendid of K-e- Assortment r. W ar-w- l. aiMi t.-- t play-U.- etc., inc. 4i nmtii, Mr l li'icra th'-- U-in-g th- - nnclid,o, eight aid, mullet ktc. I!.u-fctV- , Van.Uy fcv ; tiki bark ". 4' it rightly that A aaoio, Mr. f aon Limtii-P- l':i.;i. "il !r, i FRESH GROCERIES. i l 'r Luar, fr M aivJ J.-ii- n and .Kxisionally nharks, turtle, raf,hA Rnlar I)iau-l- .th au.fa. A'1 rrnUI. Ma M K .M baa able and diriori to maintain their inj here then, r , !.;!', . .... 1 X t i ... 'I'..- - t ( ijl-- U airt !' n.--n l0r(nM C. Vrrmrt h :.. l"a r. own sAS and religion institution-- . Until- - ani iiymg oong wu. ii:e long narrow ri'.R OF GOODS .f, J- S !1 AND ALL KINDS lurnrv--r t Vf' l A .' , a Zur- - 1 , lu.! r Kiri. May dl H'O ! wih li. liar iiarx Fk4.i. ' - - of Waiiio thin from the FRENCH PLATE HAND MIRRORS v i fc -- l. ii: . viil- ar..l 2 rl.iMrvii, of liticnl wa-kl- 6 tbr u:i;a. axl rb ever may he aid of the j,liej irntrt Ibr Jra, arriJ I. I". Il w, i.- -. IIf W 1 h- - :. N I Wi::- - l'a. Mja .iiiAii. fujj -- I,k1i. In mny of the i.onks in all the x x a, , WHICH ARK TO BE FOVSD IN SSl CLOTH OA!1!:. 11 ' . l ub- Middle !M IN Bl art April OTtla. arvsa BiatM wt.atl vrrt nu, It W A , J llvmo. T inan-1'rt- Cunmin- - ti..n which f haracterize-- tho bte reign,- -a D. C. n y -- VI . . Ltr- va- - VI. rx, v-v r:. ...twt - ... r, m, u n- - ; -- loehs are Uut of oymer shelli, one a tL r.T--.- - n-- rn,ip!r. x. . e the time tcvi Our tfprlr-- have Cirt r.ri- I VI a - . - . not silent at irll! do Ermiiiw - . w a if v -l. t. ng " joi . . . Pi4 W , al ii cc b.-i- mothr-.r-a.a- t' .ma i i,ru, it IH.'J .. ju.-ti- t il Regulated" Grocery Store. i- r.i(li.It .! blllLI. d riety .right It is a fact A Well f o th a Il - ;J.,lort-,;.a,.- i. hhtory will j to the memorv of the lat FROM SAN FRANCISCO. !,.!: f: 'f'tl. j u.cL i (hat iolr. xa,.fl,n li i (he thiu i d th. n firu are I p-arl- iut grt: l thai a U: J'r t n ivl h'rt a ! biv lakn ,f the Kaa.ehainehas in that he was an eanie-.- t that were formerly often found in one varie-- mfV'mJ. lxiXa mnajuii. Iraro . OP KASTKKX SfliAU ClREl) - all thai Ta wt fwr4 nnd ty of oyst.r, but have n .w totally d:sir reare-J- j CASKS Kxtru. ! : tM !4Td sr- , !--. and tnergetie Workrr the rervuti.m ty wi) e( Sao Frivuc-i-ro- jn iT ta t.rar by it;a iir:i. .' uf Eitern llaoon. itivaky, cna e ox c, con e welfare Lis Hut bowewr mueh or lit- - At the bead cf Middle Loc! id Kwa or: t'niUfS pf .'a!ifirtii Mookil Bor, all al'aiivY. of joiie. ' -- Tilt ! Ih-r- i'v. 27llj. rMZ' r'r.p, aes of California i'r-r.- i 01ik, DRAWERS A FULL LINE. C- -tm Rut i l g t wT dooo f.r fau Mrw. A:l Mn iflV l Waiawa village. ean, be feel w j IN Mar lmrnw KAr4iu ai i Kri h. aiEa, .V ..I Mr. W,. . Tril, tie may ave b.n ueeump!Ulic.l in this direction Tlie'exrlorer if 0a of I'actQj Cfct nw. A No. 1 EXPRESS WAGON FOR SALE. will paaaniij-- r aixl the atul Jj-u- .. i w wc U ' M lirKNPK8;4 ,CARrii flacwcn, Urfr l.t, i; J i ia b.jly aivl thr. t U n.iw mi- - disDoso j, draw his licht bjat over the miniature b- i " - Btnat valuable earg t lliai - yet bcit l.p,l l Uial )ft " " . . . r...... r t I 11 I I lill HANiKKKCHItlS 4c, o. r ar ot ana tnca , i 4--0 In tl. tity. Ai ril infUM :au;!it-- larcnt io tliore who have thoughtfully watched river, iioat ueiicioubiy oegc UraCKeQ from IUU iUv, 4 bi; 7 k' auijar ia arl, aul will i'h. Kn. aiaa UailTieai. Wneat. & - ; iei?.-itude- JUDD 12r- H s for nearly Lalf a mile, between nearly ap- - LAJNE. iuUovxil tiorlug U Z. .. wttU a fall , the and studieil the charaeteri-tie- of up fctit wW t lurrt9 ral my 3 2t AHHOHTKl) (fUAliH'I JTIi Iii:.' w.U itVo t.Ur.' (SiiriJ.iy) L.VRGK A. I iail aUi. cen- - , banks drooping with wealth of tropi- - K. W. l'LOf K, SM1LL I10311W. : the Ilawoiiunj during the past quarter of a proaching al 4 o'clock, ffooi th Hftoaii Cith ! Kriemii ! ! BrIUab. bar hi nearly coii.ktc.l her rr- - , . FOR SALE Cambric Handkerchiefs ; Linen ."rnw'rc, i '(U4iuvw ii; laiuiiy ru iiivivlu IV I- . tury, tijat they have ased the cri:irt of deca-- eal foliage, hau, mango, lauhala, all Maa . " t CCl'" tinl der'co, m m-- re US. UO. S FTUltS, v kaimaipa jm ami... rtrrm"...K is mriii wii jm on and that they arc in all re feet in a either resonant with noisy miners (an introduced UUttlllg & Table Jf," ,b"In ote.1;.11' Co,oml 15orJer L5.n lUnJkerchlcfr. ; li) H. I'ATV. ; to-da- y, or runtling with the quick flight of Kngui,..f J. V! Intro Lj kllrr lr.,n f vo f tint "a boiul rtsite a remnant though they bird), bharp owiko . a a . . - J A . 1 t 1 . 1 ' assorted. l- - - .. If - . haa b4n nade ta4 calami i.l, by parti' ia THE PAOiriO arP tl;ni at anv J jrmcr i tucir uiruc urnrs, iu uyunuontM nono- ! a uuriiii Prm-rre-J R. H. STANLEY. OF SHOE WARE that city, lo umim I'm Web I, vtbich oOVr baa Loio k . " g & Co.'v Ieat, FULL LINE i OI r 1 ' st. . ; for delightful ai-- AT krwanid fcy Auvtralui. A lt di.vUli i! tnke a x.' known hirt .ry. In tho hevere un cetly procesH lulu this retreat. c f of Cnttin Co.V tlrcrn ltns. A TTOUNKV AXU C'OIT.XSKI.OR LAW. tli i rir-r- 'f Builiimjr, KatthuuiHim i ; nr UoUbat.rm ifxu by h : of Co.' Beam, Ot'UCE ia KhiMl' TKCNK3, VALISK8, diya Ij d ia Anirii4 tcvl, Lotli is from lACh Casct Cuttmc I.inii kn-w- r fv-u-:i QijommcrnniuDfnisfr. which to degree of agani, divided Iiddle Mil notatiuf will La cf tte iinv yrt. Il i they have pusMl the Cast's of Canine 4r Co.'t ap-- G Sirrt, Honolulu. (r wrril Tarni, LAM KS' KirriCfLKS", Urg anj MraaH. ruiiK.rfi that liil'a.Uy U Ihi iilikl-u.- l Ib t.lTcr." : broad peninsula, fertile and well t'ay.t Cutting r Co.'a AtpaiaKU. i maii.i: civilizatio i they now prefent, the old Hawaii of by a quite TiTnriTTTfn TiAmTt By froot thi Coaxt, tau ui:.rkct ilxa iv.l abew ar.) X loUxlIjXa 02 XVU1X1, alice barbaririn hus KoUguciKiu. and Hawaii 'watered. All ah ng the head of this loch ere! I mprorrtorcl oi!T ta lil ituotaiiViu, a : ioiiii0 F.RCII A XT TAILORS, STRF.KT, i JjV6rVtniIlC 111 , ; CASKS UlOtnillKi OP SALOON BREAD ; fukt 7-- MAY iriH-bt- fettled valleys. In the centre is an island of lionoiuia, 1. 7 ti ota QlvIdI at 10c, with a t ir- - i,fi!, n of l '.OOO SATl'iilfAY. intelligent and patriotic, appreciating its iij.II opp.ue OJl tiiow't iiu, il. mwr received ainrr April lot, atiil ur.:iil. .50() OF THE STV1.K AND rATTK.RN. La ,l,ii,,n !ir1,1 bopeful of tlie future, utand forth to some acrep, coverci with a layer of rich j C2r. IJoxea of Saloon Breail, Kick Jnasic tl,. THE HAWAIIAN S -- PAST AND PHTSFNT H. VOSS, Un al !jc ff .oi Aral haa.!. j n.iiuilute and eora? with not to f:ill before un alluvium, (how came it there?) the banks: I'ltc r TS'o. 15 6 'i'V l"-- klliu. Vlioevcr days tank ' Ierehnnt Elegant Crimean Shirts. ift-,- in undertake the coral blufl'i ten to twenty feet in height. II I dim Iry al th"e njurec&ive foreisu civilization. being POCJOCJ flT HQCJfirr Rffl flVj PliTPrJpar it".!.l. Wlle. UfW w aiw w WAV aj 4 u. wui w m MAMFlCTiRF.R AM) DEllT.R IX IlEMTIRE ; A OT wool ii.iriiiwrkrmi.r.ccii.iaii)iooiffaai i:;f of writinz the history of the Hawaiian nation, 1 vegetation on this island shows what tho FULL LINE 6-- 11 iu and inivet pigniMcant among The lie lur fcurry. r rlrku apuus.Hc l lifcJc fr ch.e. imortancc AND BKDD1N0, Tal.tow Unl! at r,'t'. ,c It. inilnt, ill f.rdi.T to a jtlft treatment of IjH Mlbjeft the of vitality in the Hawaiian jieople main land was b.fore cattle traverncd its length! Ccnsistlns of Old Furniture Repaired and Upholstered. Coif liavtaiiau ia notf Jur,TtJ. lniorta ct X Xt2 17 XJ I 3X it and a fuir understanding of the disabili- to-da- v, 1 i Aai'rtran t"T I hi wo a k.ine titu I.OjOjv") naixl. iuulbU Oi the intelligent Care and fulieitude and breadtli. Gln(fir Cakes, Graham Cracliera. Picnic, Water, Soda. Jenny The btat Curled linlr constantly cu haixi and (or tale. All R. ERY al l1ji.HK '" main . Java, while Xauila waa ami disadvantag. under which tlie race hnt Lirni Cakes,, A jsortM Cracker, Milk, ap'2(J orira i rciupily attracted to. b.t ties ! difl'erent from manifested Southeast Loch ia a branch of East Loch, weird j Wiiiif ai l'ic, vhIjuU us cliotpcr luno it ewUl txr lait the former apathy Yt ater aud lue, both Lu bin's and Cosnoll's. laforctlt be roiiMrAioed to divida' hi history into in tlie rearing of their children. They have and strange in its folitude, pushing its branches i & J McCOLCAN JOHNSON. roTTosi Calidraia qio(-- at l'ic. All from lite Crlcbralcd California Cracker Hair Urunhca, Shoe Brushes, three distincc, though comparatively ehort periods, icnrnwl th.miusrhly tho truth that foreigners have jinto the embouchures of the ravines that de- - j Merchant Tmilra, . oppoaile Tbeod. C. HcuckV Il.ese mny jinapM i appropriately...... icrmcvt ino scend each Couipanr't Bakery. Fort St., Honolulu, n. I., Nail and Tooth Brushes, POUT OT HONOLULU. II. I. .. i,(.ttcr s,uf.oos.fl lnan themselves in rearing families froM the outside of Salt Lake crater, 1 .2o ly ante-mi-fdona- ry, - , the missionary, and the post- j aml t,lQ TVQbOUH wliy lt lB now XCTy common lor with its fish pond, rapidly tiding up with mud. K. aiSTLta. Hoapi, rotniides and ' - , BDLS. GOLDEN SYRUP! ARRIVAL.. missionary periods. In no other way can a elcnr , moti,cr to aT,xlv to u,rt.un We have thrown together a lew characteristic C. SECELKEN & CO., Hair Oil. April 23 Mxry l:il n, Jiut, from!a, III waii. and correct understanding be reached of the tf tho in eases of features of the much talked of locality ; such Cases of California Onions, M ,,UM,iir :l,ice Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron Workers, C0SMETIQU1-- S, TUFF BOXES AND POWDER. SV Hcur Liliu, .iha, from KuoUn. de-- ..j i causes that have led to the great and j e fact as would present themselves to the casual U Aoi Kb Lk Nortlia-r- Llsbt. foillli, frotii IIiiA of c.liiami ihlri is :i piactii-- nt seldom in Bagg of Extra Humboldt Potatoes, Xanana Street, bet. Merttiant and Qneen, Vii f:br aVatni Ana. Kw frun Wai aloa. crease, of tho native p..pulati..u uow io ai parent ; v .,,.. lin,;i ...:.t-- n i!luf .. .a i ., cxtilorer. We understand that the survey now ml Am acar Coota, Uu'a,li, 5) day fnm Han ,i, rw A IIAVK CONSTANTLY ON HANI Wostonholm's, Onlv. I'lpn, Plain and Fri and, on the ..the band, by no other proet of j is j Extra Quality Oregon Oats, J fcloven, Lead Iron nrvt. tlUiHic8 loW tilC i:up()rtant f.iet that tho rate of! going on a part of the topographical survey l'i, t R Roy. 1 f. Uilibii, Sinp Cockia, India Hul.ber H'.ae iu 27 fvhr b o, frrni IJo.lau. j e 1 &c. tlie ; j - Cutlery, Razors, &c., examination ean satisfactorily half-caht- es is - U5 60 Coupling Tips aoio- Pocket 27 ."aa-- u. fr.iOi Kolitbi, IJawaiL. fo ,.jore.w. 0f children, while among the of the islands, and founded on the triangula- J3agS 0f California Bran, lonirthi of and with and Hi . very stock of of every Ueacrip. Java, Krll.-y- 7 Kcali- - tv-u- j plete. Alio, a larpe Tinware -- ktk inonika mil. from reasons wmcn lor a Ftrong noj oi i Of course it will bo war- - inkekaa. lylnjf off arnl on, wild 115 bl la aprnn. ensi ;t remarkahlv lar?e. amon.r tho natives is now tioil lor the main work tion. Jobbing and Repairing done to order promptly and Tat I,lnlMlia Owners n ltd given to Ship Work. Orenrrrt bk Rf.Mnaoti, 31 Jay fnt I'na-- i the recuperation and ultimate prosperous growth , some completion ; FAMILY ! ranted. Particular attention ;Am t'm.ln, fninL jn ftdvanc0 )roTi()US perio.1. Tho proper time in any way in attaining QUARTER BAGS EXTRA FLOUR Ren-- r Wrlir Nika. X iwil.viili. Kaoai. of ntiy Thankful lo the cititem of Honolulu, and the Inlawla j iend and Get a Puir of thea j we I'aP-ka- i. from Anau-4- , and of the Hawaiian raec and nation, a 6tage of progress fit for publication, modelled erully, lor their liberal patronage In the pant, hope by air let airhr MaBn'kiwai. Kanai. training and education of this rising generation i - . A MILLS, to husinee to for the future. Jrnav . lanitvrt. Ini Wiinc:t A K' lua. Kiiuai - OOLDEVCATE ' attention merit the lime I lie oi me some- j as after the U. S. Coast Survey. The j : :ifrrII iw arhr KalUalir. from 'ari.lio lolau.!. projr treatmeni topic require u tlie Erht tafik to vhich Rn (.nl,Vhten.d it is IT Order from the other Island will be carefully attended 1 1 sect i w 1: i is o o s ! , ; k uit-r- 1 li.aya to. So An hi l V Murray, A I frfia fn more careful and studied than can possibly ( ,ienf. Jliust 4urect jt8 Much is above sketch therefore may be ofhterest to the Qf LOW rli.lL-- t l'rarvfiaoi. cnr,g,Pg. linj: jyj which we Offer for Sale the Best Article ever Imported here. 30 Ka from Kahului. Mani. bo expected in a article ; and wo have j jJUt ,nu(..h t( - general reader vtr Ml. newe'aper ,j0lC morc romaina yot be unler- AT CABINET MAKER'S SHOP ! 30 !eUt Wailt. Kaukafai,!i. fraani Ijihiin.v, Mani. now Mora-- . 1 reason to think aMe pens among us arc Jn th;g ad- W Ant arftr Tan?. day front San tr.inciaro. takcil r0fJrectt before the State can be - j In Ecerythiny visually found ia all I Jict May 1 Hchr I lUtro, Rrynolila, front Kona ak Kan, Hawaii. engage. 1 the ta-dc-. (Juidetl j I XDKIISIUXKI) 1 h. In tn mitted to have fulfilled its duty. by tlu; FOR RENT. H. E. M'INTYRE Sl BRO'S, THE tictir nil, AbuihiU. from Mal:k', Maut. T f i i t. - , 4 , r -- . : gwg, to notify his friend and tli waVa xrtll 2-f- a:br i jina na, jiaui. i. ucujuh; n.c r..i.:.. a.i mu.iy ; - bera appointed ?etti Memii. t u ua ivaicui. wcwi. ol past and tho A COTT.tKE, Corner of Fort and King utrrels, I ' csrnenee1 the in light of the l'LEASAXT, withbkr- publio generally, that he has taken JicKr Kiwi Ann, Kanek'.a. from Waialui. . . . i i i ... lfj;;.i V A NT'S llo-js- lta!h-!iiiu.- e, .tc , all in exorllvnt order, ,ryi - Ctvc:!a3 J-- Aro . OI tilC WIlCIl ni- ah tk Oawuil, llajra, 10 nai cul, vriih 5W WritCM and Speakers present llay present, the resources of the Country must be and nar the h.wit,ess p.irt of the city t suitable for a N.B. Goods delirered to all parta of the City free of charge, i 3XTo. O?-- CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS - Low- - ICliig i St.. - or Kent Sliojo ?hlt".hil- lading to the Hawaiian, to represent them as ' "uiiy, two single gntlemera. nearly opposite Wright aV Co.. Blacksmiths, where he will be VV, ! rary K.iali.a, KaoaU larirelv directed to the industrial .is voll l W my 3 3t br mto. from liana!., . n,y3 ti Apply to HUGO STAN QEN ALP, M.D. round hereafter, prepared to carry on the 8T0RK8. cHt H luutkaa,, Imm Hiio, Hawaii. nn interesting, but beyond question "a M intellectual training of tho Youth of both! i i a , a 1 . " 1 ' . . I BUSINESS, i i ...... ' CABINET MAKER'S M. MclNERNY, uoome.1 race, ana me.r eAii.ici.o.i u..u 8,.SCSf wljo to w-y ' " niter are constitute tlie Hawaiian nation 4 FflR RV " "' branches and on Ih e most reasonable terms. apl2 3m Corner Fort and Merchant SlnML. PCI'lllTtllCS from face of these i O rH 55MLt THF NNnPRIRMFR j obliteration off the fair of of tho future, and rpetuate its ind. HOLD, a iN JD FURNITLR BOCGIIT AND A,r3 2T. A ra hr r'"lio, Kirrnoo, f 4 a rrui. is J U O X JJ JJ Jl f bkcono hand 21 rta hr 1MJ l'cl!..w. K.iai, fir llilo. Hawaii. llieir tieriingc, in a compuieu iime, i ppoiicn oi . 1. and S. Ur tu Merrill. Cr-a- llmlaa, Manl. ' to FROM SUPERIOR COCOAXUT OIL, BY THE :(-i- fr as a foregone conclusion. We care not here BARUEL OK GALLON. Done Expeditiously. ln bkto Lnlu. llillttt, fur THE PEARL LOCHS. r Repairing Neatly and (THEOD. C. HEUCK iH Mimi kilauata, Mcf.ric ir. for Maui and Hawaii. ! consider how far the wish may be fattier to the 11jiis.o tv ! - M.-- ; trlvo lilm Cull. JH frinraa, a.aiuaa, Kuna anal Kaa, Hawaii. Fchemes involving and experi-- STlaA.TIESi COSTA I.ICA. Rest Polar Oil, by Barrel or fJallon, l".lf-n- . tt lew enterprise H Hi'hr MarT Jim, f.r Maobvnt, Maui thought in tho minds of some who prominently J ap2d tf DANIEL McCORItlSTON. OFFERS FOR SALE r tr Mui Ialay, for Kahului, Maui. at s-- seem to take pleasure in obtruding there icwr, HJCUb IU flJ TAlllOllb Ui.1l. UrPIUII , JilUiaT rAir CJATE KXT1JA FAMILY FLOUK, Best Hawaiian Beef, warranted. JS rkbr krnni Ann. Kankn, t r Waialua. lOLDKX OV ImXXUS SS Am all Kk .N.Tibrn I.U'hi, smith, (r a cruiar. nor d'i we deprecate while we anticiate their liil than thorough, of the jirobable prospects of. I"X lr- - sacks. AUCTION SALE i'O II Hr Ki.hila, Ae'ivr. .fo, lliwaii. success. Ef era FIREWOOD, SALT, SUGAR! VA failure and would as though a Foctra Flour, qr. sks. rv-- ft. hr I ili.t. aba, ( r Krolau ridicule for venturing to hold the opinion, as we It Coblen Gate I'akers' AT TIILO. C R.ifc Roy, Jim. t Kna4an. decidedly do, the Hawaiian people of certain amount of decrying on the one part, and Golden (iafe Superfine Flour, qr. sks. KICK FROM WAIAHOLE PLANTATION, r.i Am bfe fUlwir. Colby, t r Near that t.lay, THE UNDERSIGNED WILL iUj I Orlir ilattaa. Mka. I. r ilia. III. kaual. despite the many di.Nidvantaseti with which thev ot undue and too Fanguine estimate on the other, l.oMen (rate uraiiHtn qr. sks. offer for sale by Public Auction, at 12 o'clock. A 1 Sbr K M.l. Iavua, fir Kabaloi. Maul. Noon, on Received. 1 were a necessary accompaniment ol every sueii anions. Just Aai arhr liat . Moiao. itt a flahinax rruiai. btill have tJ contend, present to the view or the . iran. Xcn.tliei of nil S Haw bjto m II A1Ut. Ha Tabid. Wheat, Chicken Feed. SATURDAY, 7th DAY OF JUNE NEXT, by m hrlvr. tr careful observer, unmistakable e!o-- ; discussion. Ihis...lias i.ieen particularly... true in Wool, and Goat Skins. 2 Ha:Kr Ki.ian. Ahuihata. (r Malikn, MtuL unprrjudicrd, nides ! At the Court House lo lido, C SVhr W Kaaaahi, lur Lahaina, Manl. tf, matter of Pearl Harbor, and its availability alU. ments of national vitality. For Sale by JAPANESE TILES, I 3 Prnr loibarrt, for Rolaat ak Waimra, Km).I. HENRY MAY. ! : y HAWAIIAN BAEK KA MOI, 'al f.- as naval station. ..Ten. chr Maruaoaawai, FaUrkai. M"l"avi anal Analanla. The Hawaiian or the first iIkmc who yocnon-avnilubilit- a Lots of Isiiicl JAPANESB BL'ILDINO AND CURB 8T0NFS. j of convenient size for building and other purposes, comprising ,,e traverse the winding channels .r I In the aggregate about Twelve Acres, situated lu the town of FROM II REM EN. Frwja-clc-d constituted tho nation at the time when the "wt IrairlMrrsM the Piccc of water known as Tearl Harlmr with-iil- l, By the Bark. D. C. Murray liilo, and now belonging to benjamin Pitman, Kj. pioneer missionaries arrived have all, or nearly j Blocks, Tom S4I rf-a-o- v ttnr t'oata Riai. sails at 12 a. Junk. For any detailed information, apply to the undersigned. r ou reeling ns if there were some important use row Kl Joinlt , aula ihia r vi. ehicls and serfs, pissed away. They met the If. IIACKFKLD It CO., Honolulu, JUST ARRIVED. 1 Kar-a- Si. ajigG 1 Foa ar Kr hr riUma,aaiis Ihia r M. incoming foreign influences, and they fell intended in tLo existence or so much land-locke- d Chains, Anchors, WILLIAM fl. RKKD, Hilo. Fob l.Miia ?cbr Nelin-- Merri!t, sail III a r w. of Foa-r- Stlmr Kilaiant, aaila on Monday. .f This is MOLESKIN, OIIKY ANI WI1ITK Fua Vitwtia licfore it. Knured to labor nnd accustomed to a depth impression heightened LOST, , "" Wire Rigging, WHITE lilue Hiinna-I- Corduroy. Llollls, Fancy ! OLDEX" ! life or activiifc in the wivape state and under n landing nt the north shore, nnd exploring the (JATt. EXTUA FAMIL rLOLK, OF A PAIR OF FLORENTINE I'riiits, VMnte and llark tiround l'rint. Nainsook, laixi VKSNELS IX I'OHT. K- - sacks. tlROI Earrings. Ktruscun Gold Selling. If left at Checks. Jaconet, Chainbray Lawn, Printed Martcilles, Extra ; VT Sails Spars, - : stern feudal ule, they were n hardy and naturally j rich bits of Arcadian attractiveness and fertility and Whitney's lionkstore, will be handsomely rewarded ap25 Heavy Ticking, Cotton and L'tiion I'rill, IIIum C'oltnti ami lilue """ a . - , lli-av- y S4TIL. I - Golden Gate Inkers" Extra Flour, qr. ski I'otton Krilling, Collon Khirtlrig, 80 and 1WI Inch 10ng-llVC- a TO CO ut Fido tho lake- "A'e lau- OLD COPPER AND COMPOSITION BOLTS, H fl atKn frlnala taliforaia. Rear Admiral A M Pennock. when the First Kamehamcha that skirt that of - aica lllack nnd Colori-- Italian Cloth, All Wool and Cotton ! ! I'lald i Fcco Pvulon,m - Golden (Jat.3 Superfine Flaur, qr. ska. AND NAILn, WOOD cliuwlai, Towels and Towelling, ItussU Cotton witirs. passed away, tlicy Fpeedily succumbel to the j The labyrinth harbor of luu- METAL SnEKTINO, SPIKE3 HAWAIIANFIRE Crash, Klnnketa, Am wh k Jlrrh Parry, Otm. Hore IllatikcM. llnrabeas, Fine lllack Coburgs, vio-- s tho title bestowed in an ancient mrc on dolden Gate trahain t lour, qr. sks. Table Covers, and Red train of and diKaKS that billowed in the 'a, h Two Good Chronometers, riMIISWOOD IS EU.UA L TO TWO CORDS lrk Hanilkerchiefs, While Cott'.n marino-terrcstri- ; Ilandkerchiffs, henunedi Corah llandkeri aitiHttrv.1. i thiH al land- - of Foreign. hiefa. Blue Twill, Am mi!'arT briff Mrnina Htar. Halhlf. foreign eomm.-rce- . His was eontr.dl- - interesting piece of Wheat, Shorts, iiciiur Ulueanil llrown Clottis. Madnpulams, Veil 1' C Ilnnaaia, rath of the For Sale by CHAS. LONQ, llurrge in Hril bk Lihilul. awaiiing orrirra. I PUiYiPS AND GEAR silk and wool. Urenadines, Ontt. d Whan hwms Muslins, Su- Haw briaj scaro. careiui exploration revcais me met tiaic PAIR BEST PATENT iowarl, uncertain. ing mind that governed his peojile stenny, but a ITeeQ No. 6, Merchant St. perior Mleslas for Tailora' use, Tailors' Trimming, I'lipa-- r Am stinr CoMa Rica. W F I butilim;. gj, Chicken Cam j in addition to its beauty as a mrt of the (Composition) suitable for a Ship of 1200 brics, frown Hullanda, White, Blue Rcbina-iti- , wisely to their 1 reservation, i ut the reign of natural ton. lied, aud Black Bunt Inf. Am bk 1'iiHil'D, di'charginjr. aVc, Ac., Ac. 1: A a com- - ; Humboldt Potatoes. Vm bk n Murnr, Fuller, Uiacbargirig. his eon and immediate successor was a time of li- - j winery of tlie Maiwls, it has capacities in A BBLS. r srhr Luka, B.iilaili'r. Oregon Oats and Bailey, FEW UMPBACK OIL and indulgence, following the overthrow of j mcrcial point of view, furnishing as it might an- - Undermentioned Vessels - ccn?e The IS TO wharf-roo- m TO WHICH NEXT SPERM. M KM A X 1 A a chorage ground and for the largest Cases .Silver .kin Onions. WILL RUN REGULARLY THE SEVERAL flffo.siery, Oft the ancient tabus. Agriculture, so carefully and For Sale by CHAS. LONG, Clothing, Hcct be concentrated at any point PORTS ON UiMiTir fTiaviaiiiVcoaVaKira.w.i.aMDo that could in: For sa!o by HENRY tVlAY. Mmy-z- No. 6, Merchant Et. i AND KALI ! Maxima. Left ihc portofSaa Franrisco at 3 3u r n on ihe nnj Jrunkenncss and debauchery abounded, this ocean. OAIIU. MAUI. MOLOKAI Hints &c. April with 1 cabin paaaenxers 93 I on a of freight. - - 17th ml I nf ri.m- Taw nra amr.laya 001 eiwonntcre.1 hetvi wind.. rn.iinK with attendant wrong, crime, misery and death. In recontioitoi ing, a pint may, TWENTY DAYS ONLY. Bupr. Illsck Poeskin Pants, dozens of Buckskin Soils, colored .irot; Sclioonorw FOR Molskin I'ants, l'i a Jackets. Cotton f sinew lime have ha.i j WALNUTS, lannel Cndershirls anil a thjU pinaant wraihcr, , ia gai. study or period be most adapted to our present purpose, rnda-rshlrts- o . this discloses the fact that j Drawers, Merino making t! ran from SHtn rrana-le- lo llonoliiln In laTaa iban EAL2.l LUKA, KINAU, HOKULELE, Wlnta Linen Iurk Hulls, Water- ThoCcstaRn-- a i niird Ktsieamaii. theu were planted ineradically, those seeds i About four miles to tho we tward of Honolulu, proof Coats and I'om hos, a variety of men's K'-l- t Hats, Indies brin?i3haea S.!i;fl,I, White CnUon Hosa of various Boys' Javjks . . . 1 , . am.-Al,- . 1 , i SOFT ALMOaDS, j qualities, Heavy Brown I.. Tvcker, Pnrst'r...... -. i -- , .1 al.i f .0 tli.... Srx-kt- uecay in tne 1110 01 Hie race inai nave since neeu om.- unuiiu mv ifin.ii.vua ..tuj ROB ROY, WAIOLA, LILIU. rL. T Cotton Men's Brown and Lltle tl bread Hocks, Kid a IDS I Dim a Mu.a , a a m.. caiirti ' li.i.Jr nf nn r hrn t seeti.mofi 1T1RESTOX 4: MERRILL'S Yrs.t WHICH HAVE BEEN IN TUB BT0RB FOR Ulovas, while and colored, for Ladiea and Uents. Doeskin Hid- StrvtT ,i.v,r; rhniieil Pwdrr s fearfully developed. i (iloves Lndia-- .i.-- M.. A,t. ..r ! ! ing for and Oenta. Lislo Ital- r ... m.k r .Ka.. i . , , . , . Tins Graham Crackers, SLOOPS LIVE YAXKEE, KAIIKI, RALAMI1ALE. Thread Oaunllets, . p.. ('loth fcilk Linen aDd r nuer-mea- ji . i . MORE THAN SIX M0NTII3, WILL BK ian and Cmbrellas, l'aier Cellars, I'apt-- ihaJTih. Had heavy pnKa from ihe atmti.war I up i April Alien came me iry, or transition wuiiii; iuiu. .'j ri-- i. " Tins Boston Urackf-rs- Cuffj, Vc. ce ihi-n- and : j SETT, :id i from uj hd iii;ht variable wiorU rain., which under the third Kameha- - anae range of mountains nnd the western slope of i Tius Milk Crackers. J. I. DOW to port hadiiltIi;hl IraUe vmuis. .jj, durin" ' - 3m Office, West Corner of Queen aDd Fort Eta. SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! Theoce , - ,. .t.--.- -.- a26 - - 1,a fv ti ro Innn maiM Ki.i f.arT:t.TmrCT-ea- llllS4.iMllla.lll.ltr, " " ' -iiionm -o . V ! lflen4 nna,.iloe s- I Bro,T.rBaD.C.M,..u1F,u,Mi.t.-U- f. ff .lonune- - Tins Wioe Crackers. ThP balance If any oo hand at the expiration of the above illisccIIaneoiiH j from I SanFrancUeo April nth. Firat two day. out hd freh winds vk hose influence with the government had now ravines descend tlie surrounding slopes, Ting Toa C;ikes. Tins .Tenny Lind Cakes, j ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. niecin':d tme will be closed out at Auction, as I intend to Meerschaum Pipes, Pcsrl Fhirt, Coat and Vest Buttons i Nic-nacs- . j keep only Fresh Custom mada Uoods from the best American ; Superior Hair I'ins, Linen and CoUon But- - from W tai X N w. Then lieht win.i fom ail d rectiona. com- - ttvoaie Taraiiiount tlie nation was nominally which arc in the main fertile at their base, barren Tins Tins Ginger Cakes, TIIEREAS, CATHF.RIXE WARREN. fins. Tapes, Sleeve i and French Manufactures ions ana Mum, lymking u issues and Hand Mirrors, Linen and ; T nias aay man? an ussigi.mi-n- i x i nw pmp-Ti- y I" j j inis Christianized, nnd really half civilized. The enough iu the middle elevation, and again form now .re all persons hav- - IRA RICHARDSON. Cotton Thread, Vn Knives, Butcher Knives, 8;ill Twine, India i.n.mon for the b?neCt of her creditors, tiieref Dressing ,,M,U" j Rubber Combs, Coin lis. Fine Ivory Tooth Vraiti., I in't claims against th said Catherine Warren, are hereby line in the Ulterior of the island, poxes ! I'spa-r- , ltr Christianity, is true, was too often with the grazing country Saloon Bread. t . ; . . 3NT letter and Bill Blank Books, it IK. m tn I'.n tin iTnal anH all Fuerior Playing Cards, " bfiTS !..: ar. Silk Riblmns, Corded ' people bo At the bottom of this amphitheatre, receiving Cases Cracked Wheat, 101b ,ons ,ndbted to the sai l Catherine Warren are hereby re- - Silk Beltings, I rtvelji.g lings. Merino inns of the an external habit to put ' and Alpaca Bindings, Feathers and Flowers, Feather l)ot-T- S, - iramasliHte to undersigned. 1 iTT 1 1 . 1 1 i- t al Cases Yellow Corn Meal, in 10 lb bags quested to make payment the J .1 J - r i.Mirwn .1 ro rr rss'. nil CiilaQ l ... srli , i i" v and fpy Glassa s. Violin Ptrli Cotton Twine In Il .noluiu. arrive.! Oa f UtU ; on anu on line tuc clonics orrocu iruui eivni- , inib. thi v... n . i3 .i1.1.1.11 nviv.a,ii mi BEiJKERT'S BOOTS 0era g: skeins Brit .hip r.o Thomrn, I ' Oatmeal, in 10 lb ba2s . . . . . : i ...... 1 . . ? I 1 . . i R C and Ladies' Corsets, Tailors' ("hears, J aau -i a...... -- a a I y a. .111 .11 I 1 1 , - ... . . 1 1 ; ...... Water Muukets. r . .1 ikkrviai itjm naaiiaai iinai n.a&iia- ojaaj. . aia.j ....a.. i ,! K n v ik imi ru i v . i' .. Ull!i'4 . iiua '....,,...... rtia a a , fiiiu.i. - iw a'lin ir. irniTH hiiA ' w t. i 1. Hooks j ' irj iaiiiiUi iu v " ' ' uiiu uihii j April 18th, 1S73. 3t and F.yts, Mater, sc., Ac, tVe. . J " a " . . . 1 1 iti'iiuiii, Honololu, apl9 - a. sail. .. a - . ! ... io l... .aiAnn....: T?XLii- . .... iiia-ii- a. 1. .1 w,i 1uu.11 , ii u.v. ..v... Vt: ?x e K-- lor iiiitmnj ni hnrp mnrMi mi 11 u it fu.i- French .hip t nrtce (.uerta? ci aox. irom laniu. ar- - ; ttiAwnrtii al.ui uaiuoi. ntuimi .12.00 s - i Boxes White Vermicelli. TO LET. ieaj ie ath, ao--i sailed oo ii ath Dec with i.too 1.11s ju- blo-xl- was freely formation; a combined resultant of marine de- - : through centuries of pupilage, THOSE DESIRABLE PREMISES NOW To close them before receiving my Summer Slock. lew, Q Xsiquors, -1 lj Kf A ; K.- at. a r.r, frl Wines, Sic subsidence, j IK Cnaitl lri Sd. and conlcrrcd upon the Hawaiians before they had pvsit, volcanic upheaval and volcanic For by HENRY MAY. U UJA UJJItTU .y rtmV.I'.'vil V'llJUl. ativi'fti Jan avk4 Salo '"1 r.s wf I . ap2o IRA RICHARDSON. . a . 1 - . - . , :1 I r.irniah.rl n tl rn 17iv.n ftrr th - H'.k. lfwK avm t IT.. ,T ... li . a.l. - , :hi Deetjen and Kchroeder's Ale, brand, i w r c vii- - t.s,M.n i ivu-u- '. umy I star nis. and Ms. Nor mmm A Ml OI FliZuiU- - fcp'ii Haa. intvc than 'Ut OniTTtncillnn ll iiuzo um'S vi iff uiuir afX - . Ut of May next. For Laniculms a(iij to j way X I CONEY, Ale, Ct risiUni Brewery, in rts. and jis. Sparkling Hock, ; J. H. or DRESS-MAKIN- G ! tho soil was - i the shapes of the old coral iwf that has j qts. and pts. Khine Wines of the following t Mockhelmer, IMPORT. ean :e ; and an AAownership in gener-CIUtrate baSKS St. LOUIS HatTlS. Citaf branfl C. 8. BARTOW n i fall.-- i risen and alternately to give form to the j tii-.- grantC' J to th common people, while as yet ! i i7. v'icTn.ty hat" I 1 bv. ,ASES op BREs,KFA ST BACON". Honolul.and ha. S i cr I'awta Rica. Airil i NOTICE ; . . V "T 2tli I , in laow - I islands, ol the ; gtrte. ,h' (lovernment offlcesl V"' Uin Books IJ F4cioThmm ; 1 tx Books to ii m vhitncv : 9 rVn flxr bad fearcclv hdv appreciation of th; maitii- coasts and iour main divisions V Sneaky. toT ' S a V 1 ! Cases Cream Cheese, . jav. t,? G.aoals C II lfickery : - j California ?.Fa,.!:!r...a?.T,.: JZ llonac pae- - fluting this period, the polit- - Loch finally converge to a deep and narrow pes mxl-r- I tude of the boon, Fi-- h, by atrict attertlon combined with good work and ' aiaiUi i l cae eaiiioer;' to Mapremo uilwttokH" Cases Eastern Cod sellti?anv Leather or matenal mad" at toe K.ALAL AO TAN charges to claim a of Lad ! a ia v 1 . j ate share their patronage. in and M.i w sta Fnutorsio a j tartwnght njvauccment the race m?--Y indeed In? saw lcjtdini; througii a break in the low flat that on account of the same, Jet Lorn lda-rl- y of " Cases Pacific Cod Fi?h. NERY, nor to Incar any expenditure U ra N J ae.U pka ljthrr lo F. li A i .1 bna'i. Collar. ! . . . children's underclothing made by hand or machine, (apfi 3ro) Hungarian Wines. -s hot-hou- se . except through the undersigned. Ualtnn ; 4o ska piMo. io Boiira Co j 10 c l igara, a a grow tli. Evcrytln g wan un- - i lies near the coast, which is mainly an on- - t Cases Fresh Lard. 5 and 10 lb tins, t termed rd J. I. DOW SETT. riucb as Chablls, Kgrl. Bodal, loro-d- ; too much was anti. ipated in i coral elevated from five to fifteen feet Honolulu, March 17, 1573. nih22 4t, FOR SALE"iOR RENT. aeTlot cirnt reef For Salo by HENRY MAY. S.shegyi. htstnorodnvl, Tokayl. Frh A' oK-v- THE DESIRABLE DWELLING Ol'SB Angostura and Hitters, Kwealish Punch, ready pre- Otttw. t t l l7rlo;'"D UII! lo.?. too brief a liriie. It was cnthusiatically declared the sea level, ieaward aain from the; lal.ln iwrimiul hr a". II I kU KIIU ailnalail r,n pared Cocktail, German aVc, A 2 I J . , Kimmel, Whiskey. pkar. IT.aWiooa. Flour. r,lo JW Urat sks lour. ( . WAIAHOLE RICE PLANTATION. r.jairt , w irMt. nr ir nlara fnnnirt nf 1 Applet. iw roume w souat t jiueio a time - us aonuun ueit oi eorat....piain, is a Kino piaui eovereu iiu 1 A a r iiawaiiiutswrrc ti tn Envel-ie- l "o i,e mai in: 5 "VO. RICE, FIXE ARTICLE. SUIT" mh2S tf LKWEKS ti DICKFON. M FhUiips Co I i r to Ilrkt-I- i Ar!' : 4 pkys . alIaiH JHa.noKfo1 llcofii l.QfinS For by , floor 1 ahls for family use. sale Md-- ai to T il iHTHs 4 c Mdse t Weils. Fargxk Co ; 6 om in a day; but to continue the metaphor, maninue gras, level as a for miles along a. J. I. D0WSETT. .1 I , mh22t bala-- s anil 1 ldae, a rrc la famoU-- bale liavaaiian l;t- -'j l,o :1. ..f .k I in th rJ.rlat Ir. iha. afiASES ASSORTED SOUPS. 2 lb. Tins, TO Perfumery, &c. 1 rVhsef-- . . o RENT. Property toTCU.uckj j ci Mdae to I a f I ll J h ' S Cases assorted Soups. 2i lb Tins. j j Camden. April th : ft came iu a night, and perished in a night." centre of this sand grass flat, are the Puuloa Salt s v TO KAHEHUNA." ON AND AFTER THE 15th MAY, Pomatum. Hair Oil. Cosmetlqoe, Toilet 8oaps, Best cr Faow Pioirfairao ivr 7iios up t assorted epetables. 2J lb Tins. LET" f . M -- the House No. 13 Kukui Street, present occupied by ; Cologne, Florida Wata-r- i e RESIDENCE OP THOS. BROWN at cheap de Cologne, Toilet Towdtr ,Mhet'M ig this , or Cases assorted Fruits. 2 lb Tins, THE j twtkXZtfErl&Tnc? AnJ tra!y it not strange that just 1'ans. The passage course finally opens ont Table on hchool fetreeU Enquire at the Mr. Robert Lewers. Apply to Puff Boxes. Macassar Oil. A c. lu 2 ! u. April surrounueu oat- - Cases Green Peas. lb Tins. ap5 3m REOIsTKY OFFICE. ap2-- St W. R. SEAL. Faow Sa c. Mnrrar. souitij- ' emeririn Irorn Daruarism, in tne tue present coral reel, lonmncca a oar ana . - . a i . . xa u '.. urjn t i Corn. 2 lb Tins, Fristrer..a, I u 11 Cases Yarmouth Susar no new or i ALSO &x. MtotoU : tie or life by the and strange elements entrance much like that or Honolulu harbor, and, Cases Quabanps nnd Clams. 2 lb Tins. itUDCC CTVTICM PTTmirQ FOR SALE OR RENT. ; 1 civilization, bav become decimated. Much was according to the British admiralty chart, just five j Cases Columbia River Salmon. and 2 lb ling, 1 111111 A JUUUl-a- V J 11.1J11 THE PREMISES SITUATED ON sy Batty' s Pickles. Preserves and cituitTV ' ! Cases Asparagus. 2A lb Tins Fruit Syrup i Gils, to t: Brevier a-- i o; hs i bv mieeionaries, J .dd Utely occupied by 8. O. Wilder, Hay. l fuird ramd d jne in in.lividual instances the iniles to the westward of the latter eutrance. The 1 Strot. Cases Fresh Lobsters, and 2 lb Tins, PER CF.YLON! Eri . with Dwelling House and outhouses there ' ! Fotai.a-- t. ft bx Ontona. ai jkga ije.'4o means at their command and in Works are e:ght miles in a line on ; on FIRE-PRO- OF Bart, loo sks qr with the limitel t iilt straight Cases Tomato Catsup, quarts. OR SALE BV Water is laid aiso. For particulars enquire of SAFES, , C C. BREWER & CO. ! view or tteir mis6ion being directe.1 Facially to from the centre orilonolulu. Cases Peeled Tom vines. lb Tins. mh21 ap26 1m M. PICO. r2MJ?..VttsM& Cises Condensed Milk. Eagle brand, F Henry Mayt Aicka iron to T i Davw. ; &o pk. :dae lo tjiC ,:riritual needs or the people, to induce sys-- i Tho Honolulu harbor is the rosult ol the .Nuu- - a -- - u . it? Crnmrva Itl kran. llIU lit fhtl. . Barrels Golden Syrup, Turkish Tobacco, til i GALLERY ! 40 sk. BsitI 60.. i'otaioea. 6 .k.Onioc. i.Joid j tematie industry among them. But thesi' efforts anu valley. This, the main gorge in the moun- - TISIT DHKSOS'S ART TO WOOL. GKOWEUS. ! For by HENRY MAY. I Sale isolated, and in the abrnce or any general tain, rurnishes a large stream of water, lt is a ; lrwS7k.1innVb g. THE UNDERSIGNED CONTINUE ; German and Havana Cigars, ift eas Breail'so awl so qr ka i well-know- j c Wia Lime,whf rioar. ST8Um 0f covcrnn;cnt aid liad no effect upon the n fact that a of fresh water I 5i-- y J UUJ tt i.Jia ai triws. t oois coming lO ska i?J C.roceries to A Pe.icc; j 6 Fort Street, for f i ring desired to make 7isk Bran. Oat. pf I ' arkct this Darticolarlv ill pka Miae to T Mnumsn av Son ; loo krc. powder, a r. m:il,9 cf the jeoplc. Ihcse wcro " trcemeu and always prevents V.Mi growth of coral, and forms a freight. . ap2S 3m C. BRKWF.R CO. wteH.Cwicn little or no incentive to labor .parage Bencrally proportioned in depth to the TomVIA SAN FRANCISCO. ! Pliotograpris, . aft CO C Oil to I'. P Aatatna; I , :.. a Iir,.i-i- ( Ira 4 M.laa haar. Polaloe. 1- ,. n 1'lia rnlliio t a t ika"- ' VCner C - ONJ UlUUIiaa...lTIe ir.la4av. ulncaa, A.xir. UUJIUUbUIA.i.arc.Arnuli aim aa iimh i iu m Z s ' Cooke , S iMtlUll PUllllllsu "'nvt. MANY Z Dk-r- 100 qr ak. Flour toCaaue nkm r irai . ' (T ELT G5 C5 ET CS HIDES, TALfiOW. OTHER GOODS M4a. : A A I SKliS. Brandy, discai-- o - Cm C 11 F sciiMtVr ca ; 4 uiae, w r ere as vet S3 few. When came, ignor- the mountains of eour?e naturally gives the deepest il Coral, Shells, i citm 4 a a . .... nti. r. i i ' WHu OMiIUIIIaaW) ii,. ! TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, rules for themselves or their ; entrance off the coast. Ia quarter and half Boxps. THE UNDERSIGNED CONTrXTTE Mdaefcweuanaikito Brown Co. children, they too often died of sheer inertia. The Pearl Harbor entrance ia a. like result of tfte ; Volcanic Specimens a to pay the highest market crice for Drr April 30th s 7 Water '"liil FOR SALE AT LOW AND Caoicst Islasb Per mil. Goat Goat Tallow. REASONABLE Fo Kovvood,20Empty l.n.'iBjrreu.7bb;anHSc true verdict w.iild e, died or ignorance. The converging streams of the amphitheatre spoken of f ForSalcby HEXRY JIAY, Ilida, Fkins and Tarts, 'J pea I n'"M",TP f?rpef. ! pr.2C, ?.m O. BRPVfFR CO mhs thp'1- T10l-hr- A largo nn.onr.t of iVrsh wafer al,o eomr If :9 Fort Curiosities PRICES. jIm" r f 'n hi rl' - "P t and The press of new adTertisements compel as own that wanti filling op i L'ndermcb circa outs ores, j THE PACIFIC xotes or tui: wekk. Tho "Jookey ClnV to rtinit our summary cf foreign news, rrcparel j gentlemen. I akc--l to-hi- hl for a scotnueut. 1 taw ' : f.r ata ( r c? M uuJiij Hf i iV.uv mi ljii iiotu ftrttl on bis ruty armor. i int. cirii.xt. v.uir.r sujumu iF!ie sy in reply, let us hTo more Itrituhcrs." Commercial ; to-da- y. S-l- . SUbcdiscr. Term, i BY May - Copies of our steamer edition of yesr- - Among the little speeches we must meotion that of BY C. S. BARTOW. E. P. ADAMS. . . . nut. poi-- l Lis thirty ltitco, it-- l I.oslaant' ! nmary for the mouth, can be had in ,.,,.,,rice, an from this i . T inspuation THANKAOars are due to Pureer Tucker, cf the , an:oi : and went forth to reliero iirtVrinjr ntue and In- - ! Y 3. j wrappers, ready for mailing. conviual oocou. He was deeply iiupmcJ with THISDAY ! SATURDA Y. MA steamship Cost Rica, forfuU files of late San Fran- - ,nnoc,nc,, h hi,camc k!m, tf vttirlJpm CapC these "magnificent hospitality and j Oxe or Tlx non notable circu instance in con- Cisco papers; aLo to Fuller of the bark D. C. j Tui. grABBOWIjMrK wiU goon for Melbourne, harrr fac. oi,r ni0tWn Knt u Vrnnt IIlorK,it . Jt(C... ; - - - - He was "proud t fc:t at such a tenth c WEDNESDAY. MAY 7th, .Vurrajf, for eimilar faTors. ; board"' - ICALO AUCTION. nection with the ccxise cekbrt which ha3 recently wiI1 afforvl fc tTpi-.ttunity- and one ubeutho redoububle Don of tfie ruflul eouote- AT Ani nt "The wreck of matter and the crush of world's 10 law-court- ' AT O'CLOCK, A. AT ROOMS, agitatM s, claim - ur "gi5n 9"OD. of mmuBictiaS nance cliargoj the wind iiulli. the Rock ON SATURDAY, MAY 3d, fji;;lith the dicputed S- We are ruested to tsy that members of liWJ TerJ miirht shike the universe elaewbere, but liere was: auli'd of of ri-e- i , I t the bos been - ith Australian friends. sheep, battled with tue Knight the AT M CIK-K- ::::::SOON. AT PALAMA, j TicM.orne baronetcy, the opptr- sUter Lodges and the public generally are iuTited to wr ' uoibrage- When be Sold rece, where the rivu'ets weandoret amid -' will for CASH! : I auQVrlng: wi!1 ! the K aC jrJed j turn, aretigoa the imaginary wronrsef Sar th U.O tunity just tor a great judicial assertion attend at the installation of ofBcer of Ultima Thule atten- hoary heads . IHKKK KAt uActU Xkw ADri;Kni:uKNTs. We bejr to direct ous groves, and the " " aed the lambs U)A-itll.l- . lL of NOW KIUS, IKuM FTCIU. . a i,Aitcrc tXI) h t0tU ,u,LlJ. u'r nla tclmm of Treedom Pft-ec- , ! the Kilo the righta of Judges. of has LoJge, No. 1, 1. O. G. T , this eveniDg at 8 o'clock, ; tiiiw wlU n iLKn tion to the advertising columns this morning, where sUdown together. He congratulated the illustrious rncbaatairnt. he but forhadowed l? e mighty and C. .. BARTOW. AiKtioner. its nn leniah'e rights, to; and in England lately, ; interesting Uecrge upon its wvrk and condition, CHOICE ASSORTMENT regular monthly meeting of II- - will be found various important and Society f St. chivalrous of the great "Joe. If the foot j Mir.-T- he dtJ in the Un .te-- States, even consideration, of the . . busiuivs ar,nounc-rnt'iits- Sandwich lalands ; . i He proposed three cheers for the oppression has coc OF wanan uouge, o. i, I . a: . win ie nei-- on ben pointed toward a lie. and the rest the world, and the orator down II a muster should have glanced at hi aer-ami- d By Order of the Administrators Monday evening next, at 7A o'clock. A full attend- - I.u-s- t S. K. cf st adaiit , The Volcanoi:. reports from side DRY G00D3, CLOTHING, irtanee tj this miirhty rTiTiIese : indeea it is bo- . B. of applause. Then there was a lively vant. if there should be the far off shadowy or THE . ance ls requested. of Iliwaii to April 21?t, represent Kilauea and the thunders coming aln? jet a oucstior- - whether the liberty of i iutf of a violation ol a lubor : Hilo 1 Meters. Walker &, Allen and for " the Shepherd." and he spoke a few pastoral contract, that doughly l acket. juramit crater Loa as both active, the of Ilis late Kajesty Kamehameha V FANCY GOODS, a man to hk-.-- s anyhow and ot.Mauna wrong W Estate kv what he anvwhere" words to this nuisy flock. He had heard much dis-- modem avenger of around, he aJjuta . . have purchased the hue schooner more an ' others Pauahi, latter than erer, and threatening overflow. l hi I wl tl at Auni.n iu front of B 6 ... cassion about "saints" lately, even this evening. armr. heWt. takes his lance from Its rest it'rm. b J ' the yacht of His late Majesty Kamehameha V. j The steamer will probably bring particulars U mighty sbeild J ti-rn- Hue apr-ear- e - i we h I St. George, St. and champions nni under tbe ef On MONDAY, : : : MAY 5th, GROCERIES, it that the right of executive law aDJ run ,or a mcliet ou the Hilo route. : morrow morninif., ether " ; n,l a.11 k,wi makes a tcrtiDirt unonnoiae VeKM-- l lu, as w;ll as that of administrators, to be . lixi-- D.C M i k ray. This favorit-- packet, now nf Christendom " as you are of St. onsiaucui . aVlMk A. M.. the KTC. KTC. KTC. our liaruor, or some tna$t'-r- , and even tin II f.rifciderel unprejudiced and unbiased in the TlIE slJtT mail from the E'4 wil1 probably be under command of Capt. A. Fuller, formerly cf the George, " yoa are all saints, by George. He was a beards Le of Lord Chancellor on hi v ool sack, and shakes bis In the above i3 Goods duti..-- s taught by the clipper bhip lf'iidM Tuptcctt. Oft net, arrived io port Wednesday morning, after4a "saint," be must confess, as was a son St. TIIOIIOllill-BuE- D IMPARTED MAKE included a lot of New formatire of their is held as limiting even ' ermine, it was thM same chivalrous spirit Irc-loi- "hlch is utiJer charter t0 ,0dJ &t Fderbury's Jonathan. As all great personages had beta toasted, u pf-ec- 8Uino passage of IS daj!. from San Francisco, having : is JCsT KKCKIVKD of Iegielators, it true, court that made him tilt a lanco in defence ot tho injured critic-inn- , IaUnJ ftnl was a the stream at San Fran- - met with light aud baffling winds the later part of and Ian Js and flags besides, he would propose " the fs-K- public for pular opinion is what; Kl OVKRLA.VI) I I u'ul innocence M." Dnt doing so, b Lady Woodbournc, I'ltOM KOI'K VIA KA ; enliveufng virtue of" ia inakes them, and it cxprethion is what guides cIsco- - APril 1Tlh- - awaiting a crew. Eark Clara R. the trip. Sse is now being rapidly discharged and ladies," the Chairman following with the Ivty WiielNmrw't dm w franklin. I.y Import.! AN1 ST MR. COSTA ! would soug. He's a Jolly Good Fellow." The even- - mownts a bogus stoed and goes oS ou bU journey RICA e 'ttil7 also, sail for this port about April I'M. will have immediate dispatch. Her dispatch in "And l,'Tv " v sirl I.y W'l'jume. Ww. them, inrefclly frc-- countries; so that rnrlia- - j in a of May he always be li t,j I j dream enchantment. -- ly ".s"0. rauJ tui The fjtl'.wii.j a offvrinj : San is noted by a as fol- ing went oU with spark'e an vim throughout, and ..irn.s by Lesiii,i'.j. Lii.Vn'; portion of the j Francisco correspondent iiu iitary jrivilege" i very cxertetl, arid present edition is hssued high priest of the Joc"key morality club, where Steamer Editiox. The " The Murray had some difficulty in obtain- was a most enjoyable occasion. The Chairman con- Sew New Fabry KUnncI Whirls. lows: Lrron-tty- . and public speakers enjoy the utmost j '2 o'clock to-da- y, mad closing (for he can indulge hi Lis monomania of Knight Ii:y lirown ;il ,ti. Mrowu Drills, A Ipaos, ncwpjn at the newspapers) ing a berth to haul to, but finally docked, after two tributed to the hilarity of the evening by his tact i LADY WOODBOURNE'S COLT. may his Lis Saticho I'hiuh, latitude tdiort of actual libel. Hut ttioKS j at 10 a. m. It has been prepared with ; "M" ha Squire, at Unmoral Piai 1 Miawls, rick Priuts, vhic days waiting in the stream, and was discharged the and vivacity, and altogether the Georges aud their (. f;, rl,. ' kianic-t- I'rntir-IU- ". sworn duty is to represent in their own rsons special reference for readers abroad, and will be found and he should not sit still oil his Hood outaldo of . or, Nrf-.U- ' Norfolk by Lexibj;-- I Whir- - Cl-t- following evening, and part of her Honolulu freight guests will have occasion to remember with much Wa s r t X..rfi!. of irt. f .ti'ifi, Ps Jwkd, Orat? h. Tickii. Lawn. tho tV;tii. whil ho ia In lilanVol. hif-ro.vT- Thn-iwl- . -, the a good number to send to friends in the East. Can be tahsl u. IV'w:.iii i. tl Norfillt are ii Perfumes. I'uiik flruut. majesty of the law declare their riht to the on board. Capt. Fuller took charge as soon as the pleasure the Society's supper of '73. .Vuok Th- - mi t -- ! r.y II s I..j-t- y from ran l'ruri.-s- . rUr.lin'-s- . Km- - f msc? i lt Teas. Wrniiu( lspr, Ptaa, j j uaJ in wrappers at the office of publication and at I do not regard tho subject our social condi- - Cslif-.rui.- - Ui.f-i.g- . character of purity, and tho of claim con- of il-- truth was the of was l tt ira Uw. txl sl. in I: i s..s, I .ir s, Vin. Cigars, OvsOrs, their freight out, and work loading fri j ir. . 'I irr.j, V h.te Ac , Ac, Ac. in the particular instance of which wc hpeak is tne tinued all night so as to get her ready lor sea by IWrittfn fr th? P. C AJvertWr I tion. prostitution and venereal diseases a Ot subject ALS OS TIIK ?AM K PAV. ' ALSO tremendou.-l-y corroborated by the public bupport Tl,E U' S" S" Califuuni v. This noble ship which this evening, (April lOihl, although she does uot The Hawaiian Reading Book Ka Buke Ao for discussion through the public pro. And It is 1 hdr,jcr sf.yfiml siPimioK saddle hoksis tiM Sm'linjr T'.trro. li l,n.I. accorded to their aesertion. j ha9 raced CQr for the thrce an J a half sail uutil morning. To t.'anL Fuller belongs no Heluhelu. Inexcusable to aggravate theevSls.tcuuginent crimr 10 ';i-- s f I lil. the fnuine article. , mouths, will sail shortly for San Francisco. Admiral US HAWAII. 10 , little credit for the quick despatch, (as it is the I'.KfU CVm I'tl .t HrtiuJ, 10 racw torn. ; e need but briefly the facta. Legal review ,.ennock anJ the plIilnt officera of tLe sh;Pt one ani iuis is tne tuie 01 tuo reaaiDK rxn now uniformly rAuy cluts are in the habit of doing. They give C. ft RTOW. E. P. ADAMd, AuctioDwr. dociKons been new- - J r ' sX t 4 lArArnroni,,..nla I ...... !. (. have lately given against the h:ive maje popular in this com- - Hawaiian "-"- "-" "- anf themslves Tcry the when com- - J T - to tl.o most ai.Mira propoMtions lor linkeriug j particularly at present time, the 7'; f.und to large estates. Various knowl- - and l aroJ au'1 I,nut1 tLe authority of Boar-- ,n ;.,.-cr-t- i niunity during their stay, their departure will munity of Honolulu have been deprived of com- - I iogMtlon. Tho last suggestion of the LAND ON WAIKIKI ROAD. edge of ut poccd facts, as well ns general love of! 1 ".of Education. It made its appearance 1S71 . and witnessed with regret. municalion with this port for po long a time." in mat men as wen as women niuuui i u.cniucu mi lair-pla- y, has csilled forth a large amount of pub-- fa copy was placed in my hands for examination. tno law to mitigate, ceriaiuiy uoserves tne re- - B' Order of Ills Ki. the .IlinNter of the Interior, Up We would tender our thanks to Capt. Fuller for bis O The to the arrival of the.inailon As I had occasion to use tho book moro - A OS lie comment upvii the ease; and the fact that the good intentions, and assure him that above shows or less, as waul of a leather niedil for a new political dlscov- the ' Sunday last, we had anticipated that the ycbraskxt a F lic-- I teacher of the schools, and in tho achi-iue- GREAT estates are at preeent J by an influential Ro- have no fault of his he did not teachers' quarterly ery. It is, however, of a class with nil would be due here from Auckland about the 2d it to been that reach SATURDAY, - - - MAY 10th, man Catholic family while the claimant is a I'rot-- j examinations, I became somewhat acquainted with 'of such impracticablu dreamers. A AaJic hik'ni inst. Intelligence now conies that she is ordered here ahead of the steamer. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON', AT MY SA LES KOOM, I its Some AT- - j pfnnt lias farther caused considerable religious telezrapb) character. errors in print, and some in would bo something new under tho sun. (bv to proceed to Ilonekonir. to take . the use of the Hawaiian language, were detected, .l 1 ; yet j H ,u aKk con- - . Will U nt an I'pft J'rlc. of S600,' ai tizaiibhip. At public meetings held in aid of hPr piace in tbe illt, between that port and Japau, Good Trmplaes Istallattoxs. This (Saturday) J00"k, if tho moral and social i there were comparatively few in the portions I read, - Ih.-s- e THAT the claimant, whose resources have been heavily us now belongs to the I. M. Company. Evening, at the Hall of Ultima Thule Lodge, No. 1," aiti.ti of th- people of Islands, U not Tar and I was regarding the hookas a very good reading ; drawn upon ny tne cost ot litigation, two mem- - the following officers for the ensuing term will be better tban it was twenty years agof Then book, quite an advance on wc had had j CERTAIN PIECE OF LAND, bers of I'ailiaiiient, one barrister ami the "claim- Hawaiian Reiorts. We learn that there is in installed by Lodc Lepnty G. II. McConnell : C. W. anything drunken men nnd women reeled nightly through AlVF.IiriSKI) FOR THIS DAY, : Situat-- d oo preparation for the press a third volume Reports before in the schools. our streets, crowding liquor saloons and j at Pawao. tht r'J to Waikiki. ant" himself have cast aspersions upon the hou- -; of Gelett, W. C. T.; Mrs. J. R. Gelett. W. V. T.; M. of Leading Cases ia the Supreme Court. The Court Mclncrny, W. R. H. S.; Mrs. M. A. Wallace, W. L. The Bible and Testament had been tho reading i houses. Then every form of loathsome disense SATURDAY, j of witnesses and the purity of judges ; wlicre-- I Containing an of 118 and Rar are daily experiencing the need of a new g.; xy. books heretofore, in the schools where the Protestant j originating from social vice was prevalent. Then Area Acres they have been arraigued for contempt be-- If. A. Carter, W. S.; W. II. Davis, W. A. P.; ujon compilation of decisions. Vol. 1 of Hawaiian Reports y. element predominated, and ia the schools where the the Station-hous- e and Police Court were crowded M i!y Ru-- b or Mnrh I. in l. now nn.tor a heae to L. J. Robertson, W. T.; F. II. Ilayselden, W. F. S ; a oencn, a re- uiid-uigh- 1 i 5 MrCully, h fir yturt to run. anl also lubjsct to taid lore lull ami complete apology and 185G, was Catholic element predominated tho Bible was ex- - with drunks, and tho brawlers from t AV , was published in and compiled by the late W. L. Clark, W. M.; Miss C. W. 1). M.: L. fill-w- Bird. J. rXcIro jl 1' vrrikxr.l as ix : tractation has resulted, with severe penance in ill j A more than six years ago, Robertson, and Vol. 2 made its 13. cludel, and iu its stead was used a email debauches. little I Part 1st At Kalla. Wnikiki, ciomncii)K at the N W cor-- I Judge appearance in Blaisdell, W. I. G.; F. Ehlers, W. O. G.; Rev. J. Catholio two cases. : I n'T of tint at junction of this lot ami Jlannica'i ami eaitcor-- I 18oG, by the late Judge Davis. P. Green, W. C; W. M. Wallace, P. W. C. T. epitome of Bihlo history, iu which tho Hawaiian A when first arrived iu the ixlaals, this slate of of John loi. nt a 0in nivrkml x 170 liuUt from went off ia and u were ignored, and I and v upcJ instead, giv- - thing existed in a modified doret. There tin i crot;r of Huuni:1 lot. Hi tKunlarjr runff, 9. 52 s K. 375 It is evidefit that great importance attached On Monday evening next, at the Hall on King links, S. 53 K. 1H links, f. 5l K. "9 liiikx. 8. 0 3J' K. 4S Oca Escapes. Twice during tiie past week we been a gradual Improvement fof tho slnco TUESDAY NEXT, MAY 6th, i in every free country to the character those who ing to the readers the appearance of a new language, better K. . 81 K. htKl of officers j links. 71 W links, 30' links. 8. 3i K. have had a on street, the following of Queen Emma Lodge, ! 'almost lire." Late Wednesday time, so now of ' links, S.nth r of lUomri'i lot, thonc N . .18 a K. 635 are chosen to administer not only must j and puzzling them much in the reading. The small that that the Honolulu, justice; cook-hous- e Xo. 2, will installed by W. B. Wright, Lodge i linkJ. N. 45 3 lo' K. 257 links aloni llnuma's tu a stone night, a in the rear of Fmiu street was te night or day, are more petceable, orderly and j children ued a small primary book, containing j nmrK- -l x on the imMi.l f a stone wall, 8. J0 3 30' K. 4cbaiD, they be negatively pure, that is, not convicted of Deputy : Henry L. Sheldon. W. C. T.; Mrs. II. W. neighbors to in a ex- i At 10 O'clock, M. at Salesroom, fencf, C. 70 3 K. 64 boundary discovered by be blaze, and words, and very easy lessons. quiet, than those of any comuercia! city in Europe A to Anakc'a lints to north t misdoing, but (since positive can only be Sheldon, W. V. T.; W. B. Wright, W. It. II. Mrs. letters, reading Naokana'j lot, . 1 Uf W. 1J0 links, S. 40 ."..' K. 324 purity tinguished with a few buckets n." war fortunately 8.; Cjtiiot j There was an acknowledged necessity or America. nnd rder prtvails even on ; i N s to 64 3 115 i thnt there n's alone mkana Kipu'i laml.S W. IIdks. assumed from the abtenen of Its mitt-Mite- thou II. N. Hart, W. L. H. S.; W. S. Wond, W. S.; S. . I? 3 at hand. On Thursday evening, a policeman goiug "1 . UAKTOW, Asset's-- !H. 76 W. lss links, 43 an' W. 170 link". S. 33 E. f.J7 rr J i be a new reading book adapted to all the schools, election. Hay oHer day passe C. i i(uih corner t lot N. 4.v K. loo links, ' Zablan, W. A. S ; J. L. King, W. T.; G. Bell, W. F. iiuk, K:.ea must be beyond suspicion. Were it possible with bis rounds, discovered some shavings on fire in a : ' - i ft''" tbe Pwllen Court, without an occusathm for N. .Kl3 'M' E. S7 links alomr Kaixiiu's to tt- wst croer of , W with which neither Protestants or Catholics could j work-sbo- p II. Smith. Jr., M.; Miss S. L. Sheldon, W. D. .s. 3 3 K. any ow of reality to impute to the judges even on the Esplanade, and put it out, with- S; i 5rHnko,ines8 KaiMk.-a- ' loi, 81 y.,zu i.nks, s. 20 so 65 link., ifind fault, to tako the place cf the Biblo and tho or lilurlln tho peter, and yet In n 443 k. ici,aiD ainU to opukaia flh M.; J. W. McGuire, W. I. 0.; James Hiton, W. ; KT1aake'. rnd tendency towards prejudice, for whatsoever out making an alarm. i f;lC0 " iMrlonliiir to Ramitkuni, J. 31 fc. 4oi links alonir Kamakam ia Catholio epitome of Bible history, not however to tho j tho of hi M tMln,ibe writers of the Jockey iVX n;. to tMiumtitry John Vounv's t 3 HO W. Johnstone, W. C; Mrs. II. B. Townsend, P. jl, KiiakriH nnrtli of iro patches. reason, there is doubt public opinion - t,,u IR O that in ; clllb- r,int ftnJ ravo ,ut T,c0 nml Immorality O S rm T.,s u o. u.r n . iiiihs. The Only Solace. A note from a friend on the W C. T. exclusion of the Bible and Testament. These are J. ' ...iiiiiifcs, ...i iiu, . I l Incit-a- .To' 1 . . So" England would havo ihti of crime. I ON THURSDAY, EIAY 8th, .. S23 W. cliaiii S3 U sso links. 8. 37 3 li. W not suetained recent action passage to on eood roadine books anvwhere. and the could bo of people. am too aIHi to AUnaio watercourse Lahaina the Betty Merrill," brought On Tuesday evening, at the Iladl on Fort street, links J. Ximuf' luil to the east with to Mr. busJr now io "tatlstlcs, but 1 1 rill do :::::: then-r- - H. 3 regard Whalley, M. P., Mr. Onslow, read in schools where it was desired, to not AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. AT SALESROOM, corner this lot; 52 W. 422 links 37 W. 4S1 links, us by a whaler, reports " Off Molokai. Sunday, the officers Honolulu Lodge, No. 6, will be in- but the "a"0 alonp cours? to st corner of Kaihiwa loi. thence N. of m futuro lMl Al0W tbo r!X oml "nion M. P., Mr. Skipworth and the " Claimant. " 1:15, v. m. Twenty-fiv- e ; exclusion of the new reading book when introduced. error. W. JUS lin. N. CS3 W. ii7 links r. 5o 3 W. 1.12 links N. hours out from Honolulu stalled by Geo. Lucas. Lodge Deputy : John Free- Jt' j which garbled .statements and extracts produce, 55 3 V. ii'J S. 67 3 W H" S. 23 3 45' K. j book ! 30' links. links, 64 The judges who made eo severe a declaration of wind up and dawn. Caught one shark this morn- The preparation of such a was a great work, i w Dry Goods waO-- r 3 man, W. C. T. ; Mrs. E. Freeman, W. V.T.jWm. .. .nn..a.:nn. i along to course 7o W. 15 r"-'-''"-"- '' Fine Selection of links Kaihiva lock t. chain Who T v nd ; two " haul on will undertake it Doubtless the Board of iilon WHir course to road to U aiktki on north side of their lofty innocence were able to do 60 with the ing more in sight will in " them Phillips, W. R. II. S.; Miss F. McGinnis, W. L. II. S ; 3 qaainlance win luu people or trie so isinnus, in liri'l--- , N. 37 30' W. 875 links on north "i'le of mail to south directly unless we get some wind. Captain Eiucation found it or would find it a very difficult - s proud consciousness of right. With no ground R. M. W. B. W. I'rints. Muslins, Prions. orti- -r of L. Kamehnm-'tia'- loi; N. M 3 3o E. 137 links, N. Brash, S.; F. Swain, A. S.; George every portioi of the group, Is moro extensive than W C is (?olace matter to procure any competent ono to 27 - ?' W. Jj7 links. N. 14 3d' .415 links, N i03 W 45J for ambition save as exccll ing in purity and wis- - j Hero.n' 6ay8 A' h3 Lucas, W. T.; Geo. Crowter, W. F. S.; II. Hart. W. undertake Alpacax, Urovvn Itlcaehed Shaftings I, N 51 3 V 17 1 links, S 7'i 3 30' W 374 links ye'fs that any Jf our physicians than that of " Joc"k inl nk. alor? lhls d C!tlm-- i tho work. But tho present Iospector General of N 3 V N 3 : ' D. of J)eninis lllin; loi lo r'd; 36 75 links, 11 30' W 640 doin, with no possible hope of gain except in that "f M.; J. Stewart, W. M. ; Geo. Trimble, W. I. G.; any of lis elub, and I assert without tho fear of and Cotton, aloii I'. Judd's thence N 61 E bS 13 to-- schools saw the necessity, and resolved he would or Inks rol loll. liw.. & Brfl8hi w. G.. Dower, W. C. ; Thos. R. that links. N 54 3 E links. N 3D- - II 7'jj link, N 'ii 3 30' K preferment which a proper discbarge of their pro !T"E IT! rring 0. j. n contraolction, based on facts reiterating what Hats, SeoM, Socks and Stockings, anu a -- .work. 1 I"- I warus completion, win dc granu ioo y undertake the Doubtless be found his inade- '.' l Inn. to lo west corner of I.. Kaniehame. fen-dona- l x"1 nuair, p tioki al nc Ju Luca e j duties might bring them, and with no i I have fiiid tbat the condition of the Hawaiian h lo:, kiwmt. tli'e, tlieti-- i .'.J 3 30" K 332 lisks. N 6.1 3 K grand indeed for our means and requirements. ( But ' quacy to tho task, yet, remembering the old adage, 3 XV io-- XV HMnHHBMnsMamssHsm to-da- N S7 30' links, N 17 3 3 i' 195 links, 8 ! is and ! .iii 1t.I,. occupation beyond the performance of their legal , peoplo better morally soc'ally, and Sugars, Cigars and Tobacco :.7 9 31' VV" 201 links alonj? L. Kan. bsoi lia's loi lo theeaxt cor. as it has been begun and so far carried forward,4 it is "nothing venture, nothing have," bo made tho Ale, ; 8 Ha- - wero ".Iimi I ii- N 3 XV N functions, for which ' St. George Society Supper at the they are freer from disease, than they - roi i T. Ju Id's ihcnce 60 30' 40 links, 63 nil of qualifications they had too late to grumble at the to us, heavy cost. resolution, and commenced the work with his cus- 3o XV o.; alonir fence to S Young's lei 5, these, links Jnll' rnrntr J. been i wauan Hotel. fa si visited islands ; and basing my conclu- e selected from a large body of lawyers, with C. S. BARTOW, Auctioneer. th-nr- N. 33 3 30' 1L 441 links alorig J. Young's loi to point of We learn that it is intended to dock one story from tomary enthusiasm. He impressed into tho work all mont. i sions on facts derived from men of Intelligence r"runu ric the nssont of that body and of the public, as the the original plan of the tower, which in point On Saturday evening, the 26th inst., the mem help he mate- of: the could easily get. He made use of condi- &J-- t In rthlch July 20, j and respectability, they are in a far better S'Sjf it Isase, expires lb8. most fit, judges in short and judges only, they architecture, will spoil the symmetrical beauty of the ber9 of this Society had a very pleasant reunion, rials already in print, and in use, he employed Real Estate A Roral rao-n- t will tc given to purchaser. tion than they havo been since the y Executor's Sale of j .v. - claimed what ought manifestly to be theirs, j lneo. II. navies, r.sq., 11. s Acting Commis- Imtl liwl SA.MK building. li. natives stio an English education to trans- ALSO, AT TI.MK A.I I'LACE, i f period. They hav6 passed tho missionary period Feiexps passengers j or-l-r I Ord-.T- , Of course wc see that in order to secure such' Rktvrxkd. Among the by sioner, iu the Chair. Seated by him at tbo tabla late selected Euglish lessons into tho Hawaiian By virtu of an of in" .f llie ?ufT.,in l"u Icr same will be soli!. and aro now in a stage of progress, and If " Joc'"k Court of Li in 1 r'o,uity f"T Itirr II in IUikIi '. W. tho .Vurmy, on Wednesday las;, was P. C. Jones, j were His Excellency II. A. Peirce, U. S. Minister language. He invoked the Hawaiian Muso to pre ..ii' , ability and of purpose as is necessary for l, unity :rj of n .si-.- I still ! only encour- Cltrk. Fiwutur rf tho lart tlc Three Kalo Patches & Kula Land & and his associates will M them and 11 Esq. of Brewer Co., returned from a visit East; Resident, M. Le Monnyer, Commissioner of Francej poetical lessons, and earnestly pleaded I'ulihc AucC en, at my rnl'r'x.ii). in Honolulu, the material of the judiciary no parsimony should pare the for li-- at IN ONE LOT, AT WAIKIKI, age them nnd not heup opprobrium 1 ro--; Capt. Jam?3 Smith, an old kanaaina, and Frank, the Lord bishop of Honolulu, His Lxcellency K. f'i help to furnish suitable dialogues, and lessons on ON miDAY, THE 16th DAY OF MAY, Known as A IN A I,Ail", and described as follows: be observes by governments in paying for the they would have some claim to philanthropy and ' ' j k-- ; Damon, son of the Rev. S. C. Danon.f By the Costa J?tirling, Minister of Finance, and about seventy Hawaiian History. The materials were prepared ! 1 nia kilii akau mauka o e pill ana ma ke quired qualities. AVc do not pretend to euy honesty of purpose. Abuse and calumny never :iO() Acre oT I,ami kili.ri.i o Kilii a nie le kulein i o Kahiuka cia ka rxdiaku 'Rica on Sunday, came Col. F. 3. Pratt, and Capt. guests. Tbe supper was ample and appetizing, and j 0nd arranged in proper order, no small work, the hoailonii;. X a hol li'raa .V; 3o' komohn.- - 41d pauku, me whether or not in our own country sufficient pro- - produced reform unless on tho principle of tho ovMitly LANK .itaitnl at MAII.E. KAMANAM'I. - j KlU 3 hikii-- a Samuel James. The cheerful fluids abundant, as proven by tho exhila- rl ink 134 ma ko Nupalii, vi.-io-n latter has keen absent for the commenced, successful W ALL A, I of OaUu, in I'aU-n- l No. TM k't Kal i. h"ma pauku. i them- - printing sheets were printed to advance At IOl a 3 made for this object; our judges Irish Major's command backward; and aksu5ti3 30 l.ikina 70 pauku. ma ko Kthluka 34 30 ; C. S. B RTiW, Aucii'Wicrr. last eight years in Japan. Somehow, those who wan- ration of tbe evening. on,i submitted for proof-readi- ng to competent persons. hikina 115 psnku. akau 57 3 30' liikin.i 3o7 pauku ma ko selves nCCCDt OT IS ofl'cred. will always be tho effect of such writers as Can decline what Still I . that k i i k- - k e kalia- - . The Chairman proposed the following toasts ; Ol.uU'iiui a hi kahua.ti o Kaiia, a holo ina kae !. . i . .i i der away from us arc attracted tack again, ere long. completed printed book made its appearance " and " M." i o Kaiia tnki i ke kiiu i hoomika ai. Malaiia 1C9 UIC U 'H. jKlILXl ouu IO Ulllb ut tnu OISSlUilliy Joe" a tka. Maiestv Queen Victoria, His Majesty L11 - 1 nlii-kT- f T1 ?r lorplsns and further pjrticuliirs, apply to Her Kine na t ki,n fiattl in nn1 lino honn iiqa in Tbe tinkering of such fellows wilb tho law to ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE ; ; of public doubt as to the of the bench we Aktekxo)ox. The Band play -' purity Mrsic this will at lho proBldent of the United States, Sti , -- or- nalil and ti, .,r.,i K. ADA.MS. Aucl'r. 1 ' hin "Mitigate,'' has produced great evil, and oil tho I. clieve to be composed of men whose single-minde- d Emma Square, commencing at 5 p. m. The follow- - Sti ! it Denis of France, ilUe the comnanion in arms of : ta hA is uiviib CAiinuaiw, n Jivir ciiiuu .a vai.u'A iui u.'i cases of syphilis In the Queen's Hospital may bo efforts arc for the proper discharge of ing the programme, to conclude with a march j Georgef w,lich wt,re enthusiastically and lit K A 1j received promised to review the book and mako aoy required attributed to such political empyrics. ESTATE! Shipping. around the square : j Private I112I1 duties. Hut it is for them and for ail accomDanied with anDronriate irlees M. j their and soncs. corrections before it was reprinted, that when rc--I reasons caused tho suspension of lho execution of of of rupr-m- e C'Mtrt By virtue ef an Order Sale. lsoJ out tho of us jealously to maintain that they shall be j "Mo8kau Le Monnyer made a few happy remarks in English, V.- - Mcianee Medrey.V.V....V."...I"I!I! it might appear without the errors in tho r,f Kvuty. loTt.ei.. II. I ivies. , 11. li. M.'s TIME-TABL- E printed tho Law, and tbe report cf the Queen's Honpltal Law .rul OF TIIE j I am iu no Vjni,fUl!if,.'ii!? ". 1". ' appreciation of tbe occasion, his Aetms ComiuissIi anil t'..ul U'Her!, known other capacity tban that of judges, ."r.".".?. f.'!? I'.V.V. V . 1 "cto"c exPressniS first edition. would exhibit the result It is concluded by t. J ij sell at I'ul.Uc liuoiiizetti i witK efforts Society, and hopes iniu and that any suspicion of unavoidable bias by Cavmina, opera Linda sympathy the of the J After reading the remarks on the book, published those in Its enforcement now is Say " Love Among Ko.scd, authority tbat ON SATURDAY, : KiLAOEA. the scholtische j of amity. Mr. responded nth. STEALER reason of mlluciiees ap;irt from that bench shall . international Peirce also in the P. C. A. a few weeks since, I entered in absolutely necessary for the health ot tho people. IK clo-- k n At Ibr lrensiea. . cnosen Ikj met bv the i.roud answer, alike (rom tartics. "The Oldest Paper is hie Pacific' The Wllu a Iew WtU remarKS. oocieucs hko t eornoor tn tlir nvnma:ol wnrlr t.f rovtamn nnd t ia Figure can bo given to show bow beneficially tli'i ! - illustrated tbe spirit of , press and people, "It is impossible." Friend, now in its Slst year, is promptly out for thU. S.- Gerge best completej. While the criticisms in the P. C. A law worked. "M.," sour and ascetic la bis closet, OF LAND! -- TWO LOTS May, and as usual, full of good reading. Two of ""ftianiy- e Poei na(l Mia man 3 ,n"u j are in the main correct, yet generally there are two knows nothing of tho operation of tho law. Al inanity to man made countless millions mourn ;"' Kconoula, .Mar oils...... Ksnn It is related that there are instances of per-- f the articles, "The New Testament Translated into j sides to a question. The though not latterly as well and thoroughly exe. Situated in l'-'lh-... ' II is srn i i i we see man s humanity to man made j Mnr ...Circuit el but here that ; C. A. presents one side, I will present the other as might have been, good Honolulu, "IT Ldllia strr-- t, and ol fchoul Hou". sons known to be lepers on the other islands, w ho the Gilbert Island Language, and a historical sketch . P. cuted it yet resulted ; i May multitudes rejoice. He would propose, in reply to : Lot 1 coi.Io.ik - .7 rt!n'ns L. J ri.ntiosr' 61 fathoms. On Xnwillwili author-- cf tllC sawc by the Rev. .Mr. Bingham, v,e have side. from it; and if revived, with proper vigilance on have recently anticipated the action of the ! ' sa of the Lt is .May Zttm...... C'irruit or Hawaii . . trari.ifVrrP,l the Compliment to his COUUtry, "the flag that for a i Book medicul of Ciovoruiuent, : to our own columns, as worthy or The consists of 210 pages. The corrections, tho part of agents the it ! it es in the rcases, by coining to Honolulu of their entire ,vn Ti,n w on thousand years had braved tbe battle nnd the fill 32-- j j soon A Small Wooden uiidin, June 21 ...Kona Fricnj"inr.T j if printed, would not over 15 pages, leaving would eradicate syphilid from theso Inlands. c. BARTOW. Auct'r. Jane II I h . .. Kons pages comparatively free from errors, mistakes, bad j I wa:i mortified and eurpt ised on Thursday morn- - eal treatment here, thus evadin? the law which i. t ijuaf lSlh ( irrull of Hanni ' 'n.loA.l ll,rn.l.m. l,o To.;fi.. nn, I ia n tT.r,lo,l a r h ouuui iliaiu auillL uv lire vuMluiail.i.: u3t native, &c. The first 23 pages is a reprint of a j ing last in seeing on thebullelin board of the present 1 1 . ItlJUIll'O It'll UI'I'ICUIUBIUIJ UIIU lAUIUlliaiiUU, illlU upon for a song, I ! NOTICE. Janr 23a Circuil of Hawaii low price of two dollars per annum. Monnyer being loudly called the small book on ao kiko, pauses, &c, prepared by proprietor of tho Unxltt. a reference to a scanda- - MR. eventual deportation. If this report, which accomplished Commissioner gave the company the - WWAVINO IM'ilCII AKI nKNFIKLJVN June SOlS Kona i some competent scholar, and printed in 1811, and j loui and scurrilous communication, evidently writ- a in in arrtic; Msiu!'arturin I'.us ness ia this 1 Ini'rst l will not take a wio-lwar- the thir l C0U1CS to US from good authority, fhould prove to The Glkxsaxxox Case. Our readers will remem- - legend of Blue Beard, which, being received with 1 ry. I am no Co all orders in my lm with Tl.? tri;to wk has Lecn in use ever since in all the schools, a very ten in Kan Francisco, and which was cut from tbo .n"ir'J ftrniw rcachin-r- y 1 I eznri-rn- ci ia May, Laviiitf i.i repair rotntL'ss and dispatch. truc iiiy 'Dtr and varifd j be correct, it is a state of things that should not ber the habeas corpus case of a Chinese Coolie, which a tempest of applause, he kindly yielded to tho very few except l)nUj (lirou'irle, and ported up in a conspicuous in th huinra will jiilr nir to , uti.f irt iud lo all Money. Office useful work, and contains errors, ri No Crrdit for Passim- Tickets at the : - ro y m- - itU nr came up betore Justice itartwea some montns wish ot tne company, ana sang tne pastoral oi " th- s h' fav.r their patronagT. , i be allowed to exist a single day. Of what use sincet typographical ones. place near the said bulletin board. Apart from O. only. Not rpir.;it for ar.y freight or acksst.-s- unless re- - 1st, tf) 1 Ilonuluiu, Jan. Ii71. WiaT. I w; it nretenap eating ana enaea in llie uiscuarge oi tne t.ooiie, neia in urpueus iu uio iiuemo nuu most mtppy eueci-- for. SAMCKL . WtlJJKK, he for ns to imke a of erad To this are added a few rulc9 for rending with the bad taste exhibited in placing such a produc- custody by the m ister of the Italian steamship Glen-- In the course of the evening, the active and 11 a) 5 ts Agnt the disease if the work is not done thoroughly? examples, taken from some English readers. The tion before the public, it was blazoning forth ' Chairman out a variety of 'o allow any person, no matter what bis rank or annox, en route from China for Central America. courteous called talent mistakes noticed here, aro very few indeed. contemptible slander upon ono whom all person . . . ,o th nn- - ! n,nn tho. -- - - haf..ra iks in war of sonc and sneoch.1 nnd kent- un an- - EBH6E&GG BOSTON & HONOLULU PACKET LINE circu instances, ol...whom there is cooa reason to riarv"" out " Mu ha lin . ; . .. ' 7 ; Then come reading lessons, selected from acknowl- should respect for high character, above reproach. A.W.F "" of numor ana enter- - ful1 Court on l ha3 bwQ fM y ; Egging spint excellent good As tho scurrilous communication alluded to was C. BBBWEU Si. CO., ACKXTS, believe that he has leprosy to continue at large edged good English reading books, and translated C. C. Esq., for the and E j tainraent. e would have to fill our .W,o.. if we .Vv Harris, counsel appellant, - natives, to be thoroughly signed "Kamaaina,' tho pos'er up of tho bulletin F ivoralde arrangements tan a!:ty be made for j among the would be the most wretched j j into Hawaiian by thought fc- to (ull of sai(1 Stor;seand Miipment of Oil, XV u.ij rlc, a atteinpted give a rpport evorjthing in order to give a false impression in said refer- , ; with the English language. These oc i.:jJ I", .11 Ho.ti-n- species ot tnUing. : acquainted Oiler for Sale j and uii.rr .Mcn h.m to.w rj, lork and and done during the evening, and can only glance - .tf rcachej weck two-thir- ence Kama- : next ds ; stated tbat "another communication of other Eastern Ports. 7 Cali Advancrf made. ! cupy about of tbe book. In comparing j Rev. Mr. Ic--J4 C. BUKWKR & CO. at a few particulars. The Mackintosh In-- ly ; the translations with the original English, I marvel &ina had appeared In tho Chronicle.'' If It was t Official Notifications. Too Mitch Water. On the last trip of the steamer j gang a hunting song and the " Honest Man Mr. ;' that the translators have succeeded so well. I found i tended to give the Impression that I wrote tbo ar- - Kau. ; ! PacLet Kona and Kilauea to Kaawaloa, one of the crew, a native, Roberts sang a tale of true loving running smooth, II A N i) 11 Y Ir Jor C. K. Kakaxi, of liana, of Mani, wa3, on myself greatly perplexed in trying to improve some tide in question, it wa not only fake, but mali SHIP L. dived to the bottom of the bay, and made a rope fast j and didn't they "seem to like it?-- ' Mr. Lomax . p. in I "Vf-s- The New Clipper Schooner j the 28th day of April, a. 1"3, appointed an Agent translation, the English being so difficult to cious. Since I have resided these inland. have to an anchor that had lain there for some years, and i gave us Collops of Bacon " and Lancashire ; the of the SJT w w ww j of the Registry Office for taking and certifying the never been a correspondent for any paper In San J ri water" j translate intelligibly. iv I s which was got on board. The depth of was brothers Frank and Godfrey Brown gave us side li a ia ia acknowledgrat-nt- to Instruments for the District of these lessons arise from Francisco. I havo never written anything pub- - j Most of the mistakes in on route, excellent accom- eight fathoms, or forty-eig- ht feet, and was too much splitting Dutch caricature and the girl whose Will run regulsrly the above harin? liana. Island of Maui. Thos. Brown, tie lack of a perfect understanding of the English lished there unless it was copied from our local for passengers and freight. j modations " for the mau, who, after making fast to the anohor " pickitoor was on the omnibus door Mr. Poole For Freight or Passage, apply to the Captain on bos.rd, Approved : Registrar of Conveyances. j language, from using a wrong word in native to papers. The article written by me last week went j ) T1UBETS & SOUEXfOM. ; condition floated to the " Old Oak Tree Mr. Walker some patriotic j of or to tv i tf K. O. Halt.. became insensible and in that the ;' express what they supposed to be the meanirig the to ,ho publishine office without anv and WHALE BOATS AND BOAT STOCK ' -.- Irtt-A.! . Vi 1 AT T - L. B.,r..y.n n.l,nn 1. n wno n trilli Gmx. annrra in finrt rnl1.. 03 fl OA Alt tl'iflQnn fr Enzlish word. For instance, dear price is found in H A R 28. 1S73. ' I told the to put any namo h to It EKl Honolulu. April ' iKn F.nirliBh? mnknmnr mean dpar. i. e.. nreeious. editor pleased ing from his nose, mouth and ears. He soon how--' Rycroft gnve Flanigan'a V.'ake with capital LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO. so tiAu mukamae must express dear prica. " Kamaaina " was placed there in tho oBlco DISPATCH i beloved, Notice is hereby given, in the settlement of many every enlivening songs y that ever recovered. humor: and other The remaining lessons of the book were prepared j of the AnvEim.-r.- n. But as the skalewag who man-b- ' GROCERIKS, C. UREWER Jt CO., AGKXTS. unascertained boundaries by the Commissioner of Sextex On Monday last the exceptions of added pleasure to :he evening, but as we took no diG'erent authors. The lessons on H iwaiian . factured the Chronicle article has assumed that : A. Merchandise receive.! STOKAGK FKKE and Biuiiidaries in the 3d Judicial Circuit. Inland of Ha- - j in the case of the notes we cannot give tbe names of ail the songs History are taken from a book of Hawaiian History, j , , counsel having been overruled n Bub tSQsTi&f liberal advances made on shipments by this ' rJbe rajst,f KfAiix. rsh some years the schools, and is very j (feS C. CRKfVKK, CO. waii. the following persons have been appointed to vs. A. M. Kahalewai, at tho last and of the songsters. The Band of course, under in use for in lino. lj) King convictel mif-.tak- and contain hardly a j the interest- - of the Hawaiian Mr. largely to pure Hawaiian JBiHrOaTVCl, represent Government Term cf manslaughter in the first degree, he was the direction of Berger, contributed j JC 3 , There are several selections from the 41 LAIIAIIVA. in the settlement ot all boundaries where tbo gov- - of the occasion. fcteameHip frista. Riri " KCGl'LAR PACKET FOIl brought up for sentence. The Court imposed the the success and pleasure i Bible, which are of course free from errors, and all j is a and notices ot may be i . " eriiment party, hearing lowest penalty prescribed by the law ten years As Mr. W. L. Green touched upon topics of espec- - very goo-i- 1 of the j 1 LIME AND CEMENT, served upon tbem. viz: J. H. Nawahi, Hilo, Hawaii; imprisonment at hard labor. Also in the case of the ial pubuc interest, we desire to give a separate ana I net not speak of the practical portions The public was agreeably surprise by the arrival THE SCHR. NETTIE KERRILL, book. They are very good selections, and with few ; gan morning liovkaco Naiole, Puna. Hawaii. vs. native lawyer) for forgery, somewhat fuller report of his remarks. Mr. Creen from Francisco on Sunday last of tho K. King Xahakualii, (a exceptions free from mistakes. , D. CRANE, Master. ElWIN O. II sl.L, are j abovc LcioLging to the Pacific Mail Company, the exceptions to the verdict were overruled, and the said in reply to a call for his views, or a sentiment : mistakes the pauses, mostly belong to the ' ) The in Will Ran Kf gnlarly between Thl Tort and Lahaina, OfTice. Minister j the command Lapt. . CALIFORNIA HAY. Interior of the Interior. prisoner was sentenced to two years imprisonment at i " It gives me great pleasure to meet so many of my comma tliat gets misplaced and displaced, &c, unIer cf I. Lapidge, LEAVING April 2 till 1613. draw-march- to-nig-ht o, , of faults. The fault, (formerly known to our community as Master of labor and to pay a fine of 8200. Andrea9 Ca- - countrymen here there is only one naturally to be expected little the hard proof-reader- s. Ilonolnla Satarda) and Lahaina every Wednesdays. : not enough of us. I however, should be ascribed to the Montana, and a favorite with the traveling public ) AND i Ewa in back that is, that there are half ' Hoy. Stepiif.x II. Punxira and fiiuily ore passen-- who killed Rosario, at October last, let the book te reprinted according!., . , . , HACKFELP Co.. ! i -- opS.lm II. Afrits. are not enough Britishers on the be suggested lhc CoiU lilca camc dowa Jn ne -- gers on the Costa Rica for San Francisco. Mr. was sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment at hard mean that there to thf corrections, and used in tbe J9. : four which ad-- j ands. We are thrown here together on a group in the waiian Government schools as the reading book, durmg of she encountcrefl a strong ! TO LET ! ' Phillip's, in leaving these Islands after a residence of labor. Pacific Ocean, and we n doubt all feel until displaced by a new and better one. L. L. verse gale. Phc showed herself an excellent seaboat. frora San Francisco, ! Majesty AT THE llOSriTAL UOT KinST S3 middle of the By Steamer , . TIIOSK rFI!IABI.E PREMISES, Xn. eight years, during which he has filled high and im- -I His 105 Nuuana avenue. Also. Cottage No. IS Kukui takes a deep the importance oi mutual assistance ana support We are informc-- that our correspondent is in ! nnd experienced paascDgcrs epeak highly of her LX tor app.y to portant ofaces under Government, takes with him mav naturally be surnoscd. interest in the When we look towards one side of this ocean, we find ' as the present edition of tho Reader being eteanness in a eea-wa- y. lnoo her arrival sue nan j j thorough esteem and good will of our entire everything that pertains to welfare of bis native err0r to the gen- subjects, and omits no opportunity to express his the Australian Colonies and New Zealand with a pop-- j about exhausted. En. P. C. A. been visiterl by many of oar residents, and the SPECIAL NOTICE. j community, as a high-mind- ed gentleman and a POTATOES, OMONS, ulation of 1 i.OJU ot our teliow countrymen, whnst eral cpinion is expressed that she ia just the vessel legal kind consideration and sympathy for those who are j ItESI'ECTFl'LLV aXNOI'XCE scholar of eminent ability. rsv-.-t jn:rre-:e-- intt-ntio- leav-imo- n AVar. For pome time ia most TWOCI.n tiiof l. my of afflicted. .'At the Queen's Hospital, a few days since, ; here we number, say a paltry 1,000 or less. There is not The Modoc the for this route. She built of iron in tbo of . - . C k Y. k ! ! r June steamer, for a visit to th States I . ... . n .1 I - iT. li I have been the Mniosty was present on one of Lis visits, (wnica enou-;- io no any goou. niau mere were o.ow oi L'nited States authorities endeavoring thorough manner, having been launched at Wil. nine or ten months. ' Prvci vtitiov. On Fridav last, two Trustees of His Indianp, called the Modocs, will please j I to cot a tribe of 18CS, appli- - Tliosr who wish to comutt me professionally, call man- here. We had almost better get a great sfV.w mington, Del., in and has all the modern . the Oueen's Hospital. Messrs. Bishop and Schacfer, he makes occasionally in a quiet, unassuming - us number . . AM n stnc a fr cr t nt-.o- fl.Atvt t at rov oOce at tbrir rarU-s- t cooTcni-nre- i.n . j few aDCC3 for SD1 colnfort of She mfc-j- 1JR. M. W HITNFA. Dowager Emma with a when an operation was performed on a native more, or let the there are leave. There has been ! AGENTH FOIl J. presented Queen Certificate ner) in northern California. The Indiana, after prom- - ; T"&r, imoD.igT-f.tio- I - 1457 tons, ond capacity of Life Membership of the Queen's Hospital, which ; mau for amputation of the arm. The kind, cheerful a great deal said and written about and rr.Tto., v,!.- iiiolr yirnm;UM a,wl measures has a carrying cf e .f-- .7" ' '. J . , . , .r r : i TAKE NOTICE! was named aftr her by her lamented consort. King words that were spoken by the King to tbe sufferer bringing Chinese and Japanese an dpeople cf other na- eventually toot up arms ana muraerea nettiers. i-- w iods cargo, ana ocuunimuuauoua ior mucij Population is wanted. Can we A of military was dispatched to bring them j cabin paesengers. She is a propeller, of a beautiful Brand's Bomb Lances, PI'R-- Kam'?hameha IV. Her Majesty received the pros" evidently had a wonderful effect, and did him more tionalities. not rwiIIE IXPERSIfiXED. HAVING ! to terms, but President Grant, wishing to treat the brig-rigge-d, and steams ten knots on hour, K chased of GLO. HOWARD Lis interest to, and in the ent with thanks, and expressed herself now, as she good than eould have been accomplished by all the induce more of our own countrymen to come? It is model, is Indians as humanely as possible ecnt Commis- Is the Pacific success i in dispensary. was a pleasant sight to true we are close to the great United States, and we ou an average. It to be hoped that always has been, deeply interested ia tbe tonics tbe It sioners to endeavor to bring them to terms without 3?, ' j fine boat, will Painkiller, institution. Tbe Certificate is framed very observe the gratified looks of the patients as His may perhaps hope for population from thai: quarter, 10th Mail Company, the owners cf this Perry Davis BARBER SH0Sr--- t. of the bloodshed. On the of last month, the Indians O N. Mrrrbaal woods, will be Majesty passed through the wards, with kindly and i But the Americans are not a colonizing people at continue her on the route, for there can be no ques- Solici!4the pstronag nf the Cit'xer.a aoJ Visitors ef Honolula. neatly with native Hawaiian and treacherously murdered two of the Commissioners How tion that the trafflo and travel will prove remu- With a determicatioa to ples all, Le Lopea to merit your valued on this account as well as being a gift from courteous words to all. By eueta acta is true nobility j least, not outside cf their own boundaries. can and mortally wounded a third, in sight nf the but favors. ' ! n greqt continent of ramp ot tbe troop. nerative, provide! thnt eh" is rnn with regularity. Patiloa Salt Works. ,nh15 .Im WM. PI.4Kr. the Triit.N nf ihe Hospitil. n.ziV. exemplified we expect them to be, wih tb?r i 1 o t THE PACIFIC In Tcbruary of commtfiiceJ the traus-- j J thank the former commander of the j xx "W XT. o n cl 1 n B Zltotrtisfmmts. i foreign 2totrtistmwts. laiion of the Now Testament for a people '; Mrn ."' xVM Cant. (Jektt, for the care An j. out ortU (Commercial SUbcrtiscr. jiiimt-ri-n? 3"0,000. ( and etlort he made to bring ine from a sic 1I.4NTKKS. TRADERS IIOl SKKKK.PKHS iXDorilEUI AVIUI. tIM AT WILLIAMS, BLAHCHAKD & CO.. lRf B 1 O. O In 163 our relation were tranrrrpI bed at Lbon when iyinj at death's door to O O somewhat more directly to the Hawaiian ! reach these more health firing climes and CASTLE & COOKE'S, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, Shipping L CouiwivHion Merc haul Board, and under its direction we have since medical aid, ere the spark of life went oat. Maij Xrw t alt thrlr Hint, and at Trim ! Salt IheTlm. SATURDAY. MAY irtlrln been Iiborinc In June of 1564 the work of I thank most sincerelv the kind physician. I, Consisting: in part of: COnTvTErt OF Dr. who. week after week into the translation was interrupted by the complete Stangenwald, ar Kt.g The New Testament Tranlated PKXIMS Fearl Klrrr and Kol.h T1CKIS6-- Alf AC,-4- t.k rani " - j bed-sid- e, Aaxkraf tt.rt, A lrHl-.n- . ai:J' Lanrrnasre. failure of mv health. At thit time the trans- gratuitously prescribed at my and tiLIK AND DRUWN t'KlLl ftiark IM Er.tJ!h i PLkJll II M rol JON? -- w.ka, k.nt Gilbert Island Kmoi. . II .KT. II 4-- 4 NBLKAt .lKL lorTX NS r..tian IWa.1 and Kn t an.J t i ." anil Queen Sf had Philippians. The first who has not ceased during the last eight .rnrkm. I la k(, l, aiwl Fort lation reached i.inl 4 reel. Am'rioio anj n!.-- h. Ti. M ami luHl inch. I I n..rrniM t nd.l. "'" Imrn, I'lttoW .in, il. S- -ar. e. and K)C'!ish and Amencun papers contain fre- - portion ever printed consisted of the first ( years to help me when suticrin under more llrat KnHb dO-S- to. olid fwy. aixl dark. tl Kl I.LI M 1' iVhr. I.h f.. L- A W ana ana OrFEIl K-- -n IC L S i.Hr. t- 1 I ' - 'i - r.1 L 1 i I'lViL Wh an4 lYinlrd. MwliM It 'Kl A.M i i r . i ..?a..a-- A rt f trio t rriil tK , f n i r riAk. nr..) tn n.Ti1 r.i n a.l Uno I'OIIU'AKUIC; 01 incr 11154 v rfw, n.uahi ri IS. 0ct).W I N I . an4 M ul . ! rrttitto. Lrc- - t ni unions to tne i ! ? rocdium. Tarxl JiuU So.. 4. 8. and aia nuii ciions iiu cirru.L gjij- l. iwnai l .vnu. i . u : - lw 11 black, pond. S-p- T ; ,l Kl.f .o I. IMOtftl - me ei Ol x nn wasuone licit: tu iu mc ruu i vi aofl brvvn inixrJ Atraian. dr.b tJ ... vbl fcri. .r.n. " .uaiUIC". wis tYl U V. of tO rvi-- and ajm risorir NKt-Knr- Mi .. Uot FQR SALE LOWEST RATES! Uicai scholars the aT?.- lUb an.l Arorrirao. biitc, armrlci. rjr .nd Mta. LIMN l'nl. .iikisciiaatn AT ot I Alexander, - KI-- alrlai.d kwriiuM , m Honolulu under the supervision Kev. thank such friends as Prof l'R!LLs--Prtnt- Kl Urnl- IVyS wrar. Ih 'lk ami Mu. i:onniio. K an4 Wo.n, im.I. ftr and r-- . LIMS kme James translation of the Bible. , an(1 ail mo. I an I an.1 wool MtL K I N I .., m i nt bit. a.wll qaalillra I'ortlttiid, improve w c, ifl 1S60 reacheJ lJS Dr. Kev. Messrs. Bissell. Chas. Tri$-t-M tm. cvtin itfi-- ll. Ktra TAHI.K 1 ATiN'.i l.Uck. ami bnxn. all w.. T A KLa L1X S I"in b ltii.. 4 .td tin 1 ! Alct-iui- .r-- HI A BERN CNO.iUKII l A LARGE STOCK OF his n doiibtNs a trrtat ami cood enterprise. Apaianir, UU.l, brousjht bv v, Uoie nd tor their rtniu-- l urn. 3 4. h t- -. nrW Ft N K UAMArK 4 4 t.4 'w-- artl rl s at June oemr lneod. uuack NAlKINS ine and ,' ""L Kl HAVING (or apwar-l- of seven year, and being - r. I1.V...I.M, ii,.,.r li iMik t iut lAbttv Llwn. twlJ"awiliua. TOW ive - lr?6-- l l.tlri brick we are J:o nd scholarly profes- Gelett. in we printed oa ; interest and aid shown in the loan vt pres- k. loCAtevi la a tr proef boiUl.nir. rpare While learned divines Capt. Early WM-.- r Liot-- UorkabtK. a;4 Ko.U a d anl IlIrUh .nl uirirarl.rd ; l'amk, CU U:h. Crh Roia .tlib Mea.-ltr- Ao4dispMof Island , eb asufar.Rice.Sjniua.Kalo, T-- - Ofni'i Coilara. S k Tim. and la an.1 otk-,i- J "T" . f-- little press Apaiaru: the whole gospd of or procuring of books especially L men Miwiaa. Unroi, Ac. Cr- Jean, l orvt., Ld..t A-- i ? hnvo thus engaged, with all the a at tntation lul C Tmj l , CoffM, . ta a4ajirxe. l'n:nnnuii eici.Iv TT HJ "on Uen I nl Cttllooi. iwa . Butuwta and Ibrrad ' . Diakra p4 otloo Hrofk j J lrmhl Nfr4!. ll tor , , me in of Greek 2, S-- 4 1 for tbA Oregoo market, to wUieh prwiitl utenttoo feil. ' .Vnr-a- nJ Matthew and the epistle to the Ephesians, adapted to help the study the Orr A McNaunbt !!.and t'craiaa. Braid ol all caUwa. Muf.air and Alara. aod loch. s repaired. lMrnin?. the tn4 epa wUcU cub dvoc-- will nvla wbea I and had verv nearly completed the reading testament, fltK'ltCM AM- - f XS! jwork of translation of the Holy henptures proof-o- I j I Sc . Bxdger Urleurrjr, Ju.Rrar:Patrick at f . of thg John, when suddenly left thank the printers, Messrs. Black I VI I WAl Cano Knirra all .! and q,tu! In Ixeo, W. T. Coleman C.. lias rogressing on the opposite side of wjtn for j Mr Whitney and the Ute Direc-th- e Cona.t:rf fUKLF HAKtVAUK ila Urff trarirtT. orlt-:P- t Axt. Krltra. Iuirer Frd. len j (japt. Bates of the Jsthmona Auid and l VTira ll'aaav. Nu 4 saiianiartl, Utuw lira.. nr. Vn at ' ot Lfkt, Hull., trrrwa, llV:i. llcok. and M .. Elevens, Baker Co. es. ' ' globe, but under entirely different cir- - Ebon in pursuit of health. The remaining ; tor of the Government Press and their Aucrr an. Auprr B.U, Umblrta aod GimbX htl, tJmoe-- .. Inrucal I'latr., milt, UI atjltratid b.ngiai;, llitaa P.istlxso BUILBIWB MATEBIALSI br-- l ... kit o.arkrt. j Kul.1, Squim, rilea, Bracra. Itracr and Utta, ChitcU ar ll Ctwa: aiul ('iciTiitoo. Leotard Own for in trying lNa.. X I 1 i Altai lw,s. Ladd pages were read by Kanoa and Mahoe. ployees, ail their patience the Coojtrr'k XuwJ D:ui Paekti.c. r. uivd. an lorh br Quality Rob The last verse of the .ew Sfunt l.crl, llaicbet. tcea, liamurra. Ac, , i.i ioLr-L- alter-.tion- s INtfkli.-,- 8 lo llraip anil I;al..o Krscj: , : be here remarked about one- - work of manv from ; (or plantation oar. aitd iucb, lack.isf. AH--n. It that insertine br Walker If COMPP.I?INO : was Giluort u?-n.- ; v-....- CUT NA118. Sd U Testament translated into the ui i-v i at, .,k LhT flntOd. 1UUIU1 Ui ail lac ttrucia nuic a mm n ? hit ; a lUiiuci uiuutri, i . ' v vv.n v, i Tur i kpick id- - AT LOWLST MARK KT KATES. atraaata language on Good Friday 11th of A-- ! for has itBLT WKDI'iJU't AtLS, 2, CJ. 3 In. $ j. v. aaa4LL. " very numerous. s our font of type was the personal interest which he shown ; under C. 31ERIHLL L Co., xoir WEST April. The peculiar circumstances very limited we were obliged to cut otf the in my labors, and for gratuitous work of I J. I ISVSPLEW1ENTS v. Hiram Bineham and wife j d's for additional a's, and to cut a nick in choice bindings on manuscript and other AGRICULTURAL Tiniter, jyMitlii:ir, I'lank, Tungued and which the lie S, trm ami AMK6' CASTPTKKL ami lflluVl;l, rsuareand and Anctioneers addi-- . PARIS PLOW eitra pulnta, baira birvdlrt; PAl.l Commiion Merchants accomplished this work are such as the right hand part of our h's for conies of the testament l..und MMttrd. !hare aitd Sc V" (rrl 'JfCt ; I FT K KL, AND IUOS HORSE PLOWS, CCLTIVATOBS, f otl.rr aakr, a.l lrtft V)i anJ Ciliforriia Stiwt. Crooved, Surfacftl, Hattens, tional k s. thank you dear brethren of the loard iu.1 Kurl.ab and Ao.rri. au kianl.n ; on ; I'laulrr't Urlo lt.e, should call forth devout thanksgivings a - The interestilig cir;:umstances of the land-- ! each one of you and all others present to-t- he HOrU'K H0E5, OX YOKtt, Kakf. IM. Ila liakra, lunc rorka, botlh.-- atd horalbt !S sx i- i m . llor, Air, Sicitga and Pick llaudln, MaiUH.kk, Pick aud IP si n c c o an IV Pickets aod Iiths. of all friends of and jn j sym-Christi- ii part missionaries jn3. Gf t;rst Gilbert Islands in night, including His Majesty, for your ! the press xie S-- OX BOWrJ, I 1 A and 2 inch. HORSE COLLARS, Axr, Minrra I'Kkt, Ac. AUfc.xr or i also, mc scholarship. Herewith we take November 1S63, and the providential provid- - ! pathy and in the occasion, interest present ! San Franciico and Honolulu Packets. UKIMVOOD "reat pleasure in publishing a history of this ing of a ship-wreck- ed printer who had sailed ; and for your attention to so much of personal IVHSTTS, AND GLASS OIL BncM, O.'i'Bl, I'amar and Carnaga Varo(h, Cnarh : ; Ua and Foiled Lineed Oil. Cantor. and Jan, al and arha l tart i s,x nunarea roues in an open ooai 10 reacn statement i asic your earnest prayers mar. Hobnck Linl w Ke.1, translation, bv Kev. Mr. - , Yellow. Yrtii Octire Vrtiiiian tl.ue, Kiw n, IU.r , svork of furnished i i i i. ,1 - Utla, lloDDUca ure nnw tine ana urta m ii. iblpa' wblabip, T'jngueJ an'! lirO'vtJ, SurfacvJ, I'witteiis, . ii l .i j. j Krnrn u:aa, Tw, cbandi, Jlix,J;l"nS Bftlillbt Lit. 11 liuuu lit iuii vk. it uivii.v...u ,1. uim 3 iij-iiii- iini uiir.m i.i.i inc. .w,i.v' erix.iuion. ran. ureru. ivaw Hum Arabic. I'uoiruite, Uerman dlg, ll'li, 1U1 ; Bmchain. It was read on the evening of . lrS'tT-iK.ri- v.o.f. )4S0 and AllrrtUM arllp at a Fraar laro. by or loth Ho of jhe sfands Teslami;nti that He u- .od iiurnt Ked. rkketf, Lrittitx, Iiirla, i flol,x ' flour, niata Li a- - f Faket.will b.f.wmtar led raaa or l.ood at one ot ttie most pleasant in ; CIIMnDICCI kra raall o.tiioa rnday, While we were in the United States, would lead many thousands to read and Enntnrled and Tinrxsl Ptur" O U IN U Ii I LO I lKnrr'a Htwtna Kenwraa 1MI, Vnaluu HooJuI- aod anid.x 3-- XT Hi:bJ"' ; ! Hoop 1 A 1 ancaasrj I 'lank and I'uatii. gatherings of ladies and gentlemen, which it 1S06, Matthew, John and Ephesians were search these scriptures. To God be all the HOLLOWWARE Pn, Kftilra, Fry lai.. Kul'lx r Co. 3 ply India rul ber lioae. Irtin, and I'otK, 1 to IS Kraa Yra Krtt'.ea, T.o inch litit.t and touch. M:eel law, 97, Hjam'n S Card C. L. Eickarda Ilnnlalu ' j lastlrou KrltKa. hoi Mwr. 0 reprintedd the Bible House in New dory. we may all continue while life sl; 1 Bar Iron, r nin.l aud flat, hwnlea II. HackMd Co - was ever our pivilego to attend, who assein-- : at That Ware, fcc. I"ail, 1 to It qta., lan. to 1) qta Co0t l"ot. lloatou Matclm, Irea, Ko, Coffee Cake Tie 2 to lo 'i in., llinjrham Xurkrta, Calilnriila lirotmi. Paiki, - V. Co " WHITE CEDAR & REDWOOD SHINGLES. York in an edition of 1,000 copies and ; to do what lies in our power to give til Tra and CatlUtr. t)iT, Tinr. - ...... ' bled attheboardingchoolof the Misses Dingh- -' lats Plates,Cu.Dint Pan. Vtaab tuiui, Orarjr strainer, Ac, c. Tuba, AC, llaltraiilt.rd Tub. I'aila. 9, 11 and 1J to , Crurhed MwkCo....nt " formed a part of the cargo of the JMornimj Life and Light to the benighted of earth is ugr, the very brat qualitjr. Haw ugr. No. 1 aud S, baga. r. B. W W .kI am, to congratulate their brother and sister, m. ii. All IlEJiWOOl) M(ii:U)LG, Star Xo 2, around Cape Horn. For the j the ardent desire of your fellow laborer in d7 t I on the accomplishment of this great under purpose of confirming my health I continued ; the Lord. H. Bingham. i A. P. EVERETT. Doors, Sasli, jt31ind.s, j Liking. in command of the vessel fourteen months, did resume literary work for the j Forwarding & Coiuoih.lon Mrrchanl We do not hesitate to speak of it as a and not A xexas ,neat company b;ts lnvn formftl for the Gilbert Islands, until 1S6S, and this was the j purpose ot maiiiiftu.-t'irin- preserved meat and t v?HAVSELDOI OTHERS FROXT BTRKKT, CORNER CL.iV. Oil, 40. Paints, Paint Turpentine! i Sixteen years ago, greit undertaking." revising and enlarging our hymn-boo- k. In ; meat extracts. TLous..nJs ot bullocks are utilized MAN" t'KAM'M'O. 2000 miles to the S. W. from . the export trade without aneCiiiiir trie WlliTKfA-I- I AND PAINT BRt'jfll I5. away nearly June of 1S6S, we printed ex racts from he j 10.-gos- Farticu'ar auatu.un ai 1 ! l'oni?tnl rf Inland Prlaee. la since there are ibout : in- -' h-a- T,. ai4 r tr.M1 Honolulu, there were living 30 or 40,000 of Luke, which we took with us th,t j oao.OOO of entile in the State. The uatuial habitants on the Kings Mill orGilbert Group same year to the Gilbert Islands. iuci'ease in the present herds supplies more animals ii. w. sKVKiMrvti: & to., In January 19, 1SG9, after our return from than can be utilized proiiubly by any process CRITEEION HOUSE of Islands. were living in the very and They I j UM I,l"ee, vins trBMPrl,n ' a missionary visit to our group, entered 'r writ- tlT co.n.mssio. .m:icciiArvT.s, lowest state of heathenism, without a upon tne revtston. oi tne nrst tnree quarters - 40- FKO.NT ! ST. ten language, reported very cruel and savage, of the Testament. was printed at the t The widonings already authorized in the Boston OF , WALL PAPER and BORDER. A:ts OPENING A PART SUMMER GOODS Comer t i;Uj P:r-l- S fHANCISCO. ' If followed burut districts are the following : Washington street, THEIR i dwelling on low coral islands, without any Government press. Next Mark, from Milk to Summer, 60 feet, SS38.547; Summer VCm. Coaattf, l, V IN DO V VI.ASS. printed by Mr. Black, in Rhodes' building. 5D0SALD . commodity except cocoanut oil to exchange S0,2SG; Devonshire frauctaco. street, S4,1S3; Lind'l street, iLa lCLtT. These portions we were able to send by from Washington to t Pnrllaiul, O. ; for articles of civilized life, and having no street, 97,056; Bedford street, , DOOK AM LOCKS. Kev. J. F. Pogue, Delegate of the Board, in Chauucy, 28,765; Otis street, 55,192. These are Aftl IIVVITi: IiSlECTIOxV. CORBITT & MACLEAY, desire for trade except for tobacco. Their estimated costs, and reach nearly a million of dollars. BI TTS, IIIXKKS, JLc. July S, 1S69, in the Morniwj fctnr, to the Importers, tlbolesale (.rocers and clothing consisted of the veriest fig-le- af ar--j Gilbert Islands, as our own health did not Before the streets are ready for business, repaved, relighted and in good condition, this sum trill be Silk Laces, Shawls, Trimmings, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Coiii!iiiMou .llercliants, Also, PUULOA SALT. rangements made of the pandanus leaf. permit of a visit that year. nearly double the amount. - Z,ukc was printed in October 1S69 by Mr. Oregon Among such a people, Mr. and Mrs. Bingh- Shippers and Dealers of Produce. Whitney, and was sent to the Gilbert Islands During the recent visit of the Presidential party to Brilliants, Prints, Materials delivered as usual in town, and j nm took up their abode in 1857, and com Underclothing, Corsets, Pique, UA.S FRANCISCO I by the Annie PorUr, about the first of Washington, a pleasant little incident occurred in the menced the study of their language, and now Governor's drawing-roo- A young lady, Miss Emma I OS any Kingdom. March, 1370. Early in that year Humans Uflco lirrla at Fort in the Worrell, advanced toward the President and said : Linen, after sixteen years have rolled away he ii'-i- s rpvipH. Tt nrinfpd Horrockses Cloths, Sheetings, Pillow PORTLtND. OREOOSi lr. was in Anril. and Mr. President PleaBe accept, on behalf of Mrs. ; has completed the translation of the entire j t 3 aaa 1ft Fraaltana IO At 12 Flral Si. taken wi,h us to the Gilbert Islands on board Heald and the ladies present, this bouquet, with our i New Testament which was finished on the U. S. S. Capt. Truxtun. thanks for your great act in excluding wine from ! the Januxtinnn, Barcaascr. Towelling, Diapers, Irish Linen, SAM'L C. WILDER, .; 11th of April 1973. They took passage to These four books were revised with the aid your New Year's receptions. Whatever act of your W. C. RaUUo. Kf.. Bank of Califrfa ?n Fraorlaco ; administration may be remembered, this act of the : those islands in the first trip of the Jlominy t'haa. dcR, t"reulnt 6. f. P.Stjar Co. rQ Franciaco of John Kanimako, one of the early converts wine will never be forgotten by the women of our Mmi. Croat Co...... tao Fran:iro ; Star, and on the filth trip of that vessel, in o Co,, a & Binkr-r- Portland, Or'-o- ' on Apaiang, now gone to his rest. We re land. Hollands from the Celebrated House of Hurry Meaara. Iuld Tlllnn, ! Dank of Britiah ColiMnblA Pun laud, Oregon 1S61, it was our privilege to visit those turned to Honolulu on the schooner Annie The President received the bouquet with a brief Miraara. L. Uuklamith A Co.. Portland, Oreiron j MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., ! islands, and there we found our good friends J expression of thanks. CnrMtk, Fatlin Co...... Portland, Oregoo 1 j in October 1S70, and on November 9,1 coin- - Belfast, ilaaara. Bubon A Co., Bankers...... Honolulu engaged in tlieir work", from our intimate mencej with the aid of Joseph Ekeuea to Ireland. oar" ivr'JSXTcr There has bein an invasion of British territory i CaaigMMarCar lalnatl j rro fC thp ...-.--hisfnrv.j nf- this misinn rtnrl .t r t.- - . j j I'radaei I - - i Slicllr. " " revise tne translation Ol JSl aim nu VOrin- on me gom chh ui iiwicin Ainwuy lueAsuan- I T,U-I1- C, Hai-no- n c I nr ntnno Vii .icc! Itfwtlu , Tho Largest and Dost Company having once seen the people for whom thisjthian3, Galatians, Mattnew, John and Ephe-- oa a diput,d boundary question. thmerit8of j U,WWWB' IS A', iniUSIilllUtl illlU mvc win- - TO I t'lllfl smns ia june these had teen printed, 1 knowi I iblf in 8t;o a nati ve oonnUtion of DAVISSOaV, - in the World. tpn, we can write ngly upon the and five hundrej copies were bound with Xut a minE LaCC Checks Qlld StriDCS, Victoria LrtWnS, Nainsooks, subject. i previous portions, and thus we had the first settlement of Cape Coast C.isile, and the natives IMPOBTKBS OF Insures at Lowest Hates aud on the most List of Gilbert Islands Literature. three quarters of the New Testament, con are celebrated for their skill in the munufuctnres of cottous. earthenware, and sword blades. The land Mulls, Grenadines, Nothingliam and Swiss Lace, YANKEE NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, favorable terms. The New Testament, translated by Rev. tained in a single volume. Ihis we took is extremely fertile, yielding the most luxuriant MILLINERY GOODS, ' Hiram Binpham. j with us in July of that year to the Gilbert vegetation, and producing largely tobacco. Migar. Office with ! Hymn JJook, edited by Rev. Hiram Islands. miilet, rice, maize, gums, dyewood. limber, and Curtains, Quilts and Counterpanes in White Goods, Perfumery, Pocket Cutlery, felSm WILDER & CO. fruits in great abundance. Human sacrifices are nostcay, zephyr wool, c, ic. Bingham. We returned to Honolulu in January of common. Reading Book, edited by Mrs. Bingham. 1S72, and on the 29th of that month, I en- Terry, Victoria, Alhambra, Marcella and KKSIIJEXt" BUTERS IN THE Bible Stories, by of HAVING io Korope, and in iiirwrt entnoianiratlna THE COMMERCIAL Old Testament written tered with great joy on the translation the wtlti ttt mmanrarture, ws are euabletl to get Uooda tn tba Mrs. Bingham. remaining quarter. The work has since heat tern aod to r.W accor.ting'jr. F. A. SCHAEFER & CO. PERIODICAL AID JEWS AGEXCf Primary Geography, prepared by Mrs. continued with very little interruption in ac- other makes. Oar Stock is the Larc-- t on the Pacific Bingham cordance with the wish of my missionary Coaat, and w InrUe I be i GOODS ! Flapecial 3f t ay Attention of Ilonolalo rrchant" American, English and Australian Bingham. God to-d- the last verse has been translated HAVE GENT'S CLOTHING, FURNISHING i v.-. i : 1 , 1 i to an examination of the aam. i, . r ii- - :: t . Particalar aueaiioo Ktvea to Order. i uii-ciiiMi- luiDuicui..i iitiiu iiawiiuuii ny ana printeu, anu it is my greai privilege io pitbicatioxs -- I Rev. J. II. Mahoe. j to the Hawaiian Board this evening TOBIN, bAVISdON CO. to present JUST1 RECEIVED Faniishttt Subwifors icithin Ten'to TictnUj Day j Smnaome j At the gathering to which we have re-- of Me entire New Testament. Corner ffatler It Streets. theyr'vtf cojy -- GENUINE FANCY GOODS, the publication. - PER- b4 iaa Fraariac, Vmlm. from tlil of ; ferred, nearly all the old missionaries resid- j Of each book of tie Testament no less than AD j W. K. LKTEBIDtia, Ami at prices I bat barely cover th cost of ubcr!ptioo and ing in Honolulu were present. It was emi- - one thousand have been printed, but i Ladies' French Satin, Bronze and French Kid Slippers, Port SIS feao pnaiaeea j Unit. fruot lit. Francisco. thrrwm. f nently a social and congratulatory occasion, the balance now remaining of some of the HAWAIIAN BARK KA MOI ! ai-- y LEVEBIDGE, WAD HAMS & CO. I'aj'trs DelirercJ Fne of ros!ige in pad of ; His Majesty honored the gathering by His j books will enable us to prepare, for present ; the Group. - : Cloth Gaiters, high concave heel j presence, ond the informal but highly appro- use, not more than 400 copies of the whole ,.03 Ladies' French j j I in He conduct-- j dromon. WholenaleAND Oroci Xe Subscription ta.rn far Less than One Tear. priate manner which Testament. A large portion of this we hope : j ed the venerable Mrs. Thurston to the to take with us by the next trip of the Jlorn-- ! i Forwarding Commission Merchants, File op fur & Boy's, Youth and Men's Assorted Straw and Felt Hats, and mle at hort notice Wbalemca Traveler j HANDSOME ASSORTMENT PURTLl.VI), OK KG ON. C adjoining room, where a generous repast was t;, AS(ar. That there may be such i SCB3CUIPTI0NS ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. i spread, was a most pleasing feature ol the ness for the Word of Life among the Gilbert -- paid OF- ; Partlcalar Attetl U CnIoDifmU f - M E II I CAN XE W SPA PERM occasion. Before partaking of the "good i Islanders, that a new and improved edition! Australian Tweeds, both Geelong and Paramatta o7 SmKlwIrh lalaa! Hrodacr. lj : S. Y. Weekly IleraM ...$5 0o things" which were provided, there were may be soon called for is our earnest wish. 7 The N. Y. DO - ... 6 t Nation...... some worthy oi note. 1'rayer was feel more than myself j ; N. Y. Weekly TirnM ... 4 00 exercises No one can deeply G- ID - 1 Case Assorted Styles White Shirts, open hack TheN. Y. I rib American...... 600 that tne present translation is not all we O O S i Salmon, N. Y. leHfrer, astory pap'r...... 600 COXSISTIXG iy PART OF: OKTIIKPACKIXO OF N. Y. Weekly Air. Pogue, Secretary of the Hawaiian Board could wish it to be. but I have the comfort of 1871. Tribune ... 400 t vamntnl la rood order, for Ml at rery Vow Jf. Y. Weekly Ziton)r HO ( Australian', All Wool Crimean Shirts. 8 00 v. dnnn" Gnnt's .. pro-Ke- to cU at of Missions most appropriately addressed the feeling that all is the best which I could I Jun, lu urler dniniiD'nc. Courier drs Ktam l'oi ... 800 pi II. IIACKFELD CO. .Mr. ; JI G X : Bstun Commercial llulletio.. 000 Bingham who read the subjoined duce in the years which have been given to Y O O Il.i-r- on Weeklr Joarual 5 00 j ... "historical sketch." One most interesting it. with weak eves and frail health, which iSrwotific 400 FANCY 3 Cases Light Ground Fancy Prints, j feature the gathering should be omit- - j ENGLISH PEINTS, WOOL, HIDES & TALLOW I a of not have not permitted more than two hours and II.M'KTIiiTt'll for- - Harper', in. Weekly .. ; oo ! ted' several Gilbert Island natives came a half of daily use FURNITURE PRINT3, - 111. 1 AU0 ; Brilliants, ii.iar ward and received each a copy ot the Acw 1 Jf Case Light Ground French Lealic' III. WeekW . . 1 1 . , OUCll 3S It IS, Commit tO your care. PURCHASED AT THE s v"00 l rr ... I - v . . white and fancy III. Z'itung l ACfAmant f nit in ir Arn Brilliant, Chminer ' en fixed at 60 cents, each one White Slnrliugs, Silesia and Lining, Brown Cottons, 1 10 9-- 8 " III. Uu lict-- t rTTj;:::::::::':: 5 P"." 5avin5 bf heIp to some mjssionary of your Board who Case pieces Embossed French Figured Pique, ,. i Heavy Denims, Bed Ticking, different qualities; HIGHEST MARKET RATES "rri.jr u,i-n..- .'...'""hoo ; paid for the Look as it was banded out. may be calIed upon to pi.epare a revision or " --- -. "-- 'ij w .AmniKr tnprn ivns tnp nnp vvno nns nppn ns- - . i : m . Tarlatans, Victoria Lawns, recherche." fc'ry fatunl-ty- . monthly parts.. 6 CO In the BV iuu.n iii.Jrapiic 14 w ",.'"on 1 1 wuiiien.iiiue anu prompi answers fj0('s word maybe blest to the conversion 2 PIECES ONLY, VERY RICH AND ELEGANT fcbl H. HACKFELO & 1 WUUH Co. JlVEMLK PERloiiKMLs " Mrcu ; and edification of some of our fellowmen BLACK AND BLUE ; ""f1 Our Young Fo'.V. rooruhl ...... 00 will take a mgn ranU among i olynesians. , wanderinsr in irross darkness uoon those n t 1 1 . . ! AKtni- ran companion. erijr ...... n e 1 HEAVY BLACK FRENCH GROSS GRAIN SILK r i to j - nr ni" : r improve congmiu-- w..ic oc ncftmu IJttle C'orjX'ril. wrt-kl- moPponunuy coral shores ShouId lt 5e the mearis of the ! Xureery, monthly 2 60 late Mr. and Mrs. Bineham on the successful conversion of a single soul, or cheering SroadLolotlis BY DR. a H. LYON'S the Black Doeskin, White Flannele, Warranted not to crack or change color in the wear. CALIFORNIA PEKKIDIC.U.S accomplishment of their iransiainon oi r ru rictinn m Irvri m rn Kis it'll t r I : other books in 1 1 JSit'tllUo U ill" A. w lo M K f.,11,. Checked ...$oo III" J II t tlin n tir Ia m tm y tif y Blue and Fancy Flannels, V lviit"iv rt Medical Compound Remedy, ,! ik I a inv t u i uc'i in in jauvi lull lVl:;;:::::::::::v--:- lcct- - -- , Sac. Weekly : Wltlx T- - - , , Union ::: 6o5 .YISSIonar" W.or" &0o,d nealtn,an'1 rewarded, and I would have occasion through IV IV C1 j-iini- A i A C K Iaily r.alimn j moiit : ...... i6oo agreeable surroundings is not always pleas- - al, BAREGE, 3IERIX0! F I E II aim Jriiis Alia Calaforoia eternity t0 bless mv Lord and Master for POL FREffll A y SMALLSl'M k (Krmcb) 00 ' "x i Li AHBMD OPEID FOR INVESTING RKl'EM A."l CHRONIC DIKASK, Curirr ...12 "'" ncaiiu, in iiian iiuiia aim nui the privilege ; and I desire here publicly to JIT k FOR Sonm, I'lcrrs. rlrurtioo. Skio RKLIGIOl'S I'AI'KRS i derances have been their lot during these Black Thibrt, Silk rmbrellHH, Alpuci rmtirrllug, ot money, or of storing mill iiv liim inr trmcinns i - . v. . . v Asthma, Sick Uiwuft or j N. T. In j rtrii.' nv ni! 11 - v i T r lledcbP. ine Thru', lrfwudent. Cnnirrmtional organ 4 00 past sixteen years. -- AT- (j I - ; J 0XE OF TIIK MOST ELI BLR rl.l.IVC LOTS Jifl.Urmr aod KMnrya ; for Fttunk Irrrgn'arilis an.1 i'ne-ra- l de- - J Christian Vnion. II. W. pafx-- r preservation of my life, and of my manu- - Brcher- i Towellugi Cotton ond L,nen u,Bdberehieft I. biiit.T Cranir.on W th sex. j been broken off, t'bsmica Adrancv. Conrngi tional 4,0 work much voyaging litis crrinte T mm rlnnrror a mnnnr tho heathen n n.l la the City of Honolulu, Is now offert by tlis L"nlTignd. Ii is desirous to dispon ot that fine and healthily siluntrd pircm Th9 Compound Remedy has no Superior ! ; accomplished. a visit to America j ToCC: "I j from aan?ers amOTlg the dep) and from 'dan. R00KS' SPOOL COTTON ! of Land adjoining the Gorernraent Garden, aod ffontlrif hchcxj jn CASTLE COOKE'S. kDd Fort htrrets at the li-- d of Ihe latter. j - so one can Vsf a Viumt bi,uj iy iL & J tr, ' cers irom fire, and especiail y for the preser- Lot Eetfini Tac:::::::::;:::::::::: Ilorn stl11 the White Sewing Cotton, Anyone wishing to purchase should af'ply soon, as the Boston Tilot. Caibolic t m j Perormed: ln S0(i vation of the life of my dear companion who ! will he aoll at a low figure. J. b. LEMON. le bans the blnnj thnce inparitiea ! S3., Superior Fancy Woolen Shawls, (a6 ivaofH cotuman to all ' tnTa aU, rrooi to tu of LONDON I'AI'KRS i to me the taunt year. .. . iT! L . T.1 stance as Cneckel Loni; Si.awir, du i 111. k t J I bar many certificates from thoa who for year wer London News $14 00 ..UC ! ' reioinennai an amanuensis of large portions of manu-- j Freuch Fancy Blankets, VALENCIENNES LACES Choazht beyond th reuch of huiaio aid. Iher are now rn-- rsphic. 1500 - REAL f Uu.ljrt-- t work of New I Jojrb.g heaJln. I'1" --Vail 12 00 translating the entire iesta- proof-read- er xL 1 1 . t scripts, and as an associate of W1TEB-PU00- CHELSEA :! meni-i- ne OI WOOLEX SHIRTS, F SHIRTS! $2,500. MD1RY j louow mg oeinff me lasi verse near, 1' entjre To the Victim of Ms Own Lust! 12 00 the Testament, and no one on Imitation Valenciennes Laces ! ' Weekly Tiroes Toa wh.1 bar-- become pvione.l hy the Tirua which ,a LlyJ's 6 00 v I y ! Weekly Time vuiui vuii ixnutt juci uuh uiuii .T'ltfta ntails apoa posterity the blisbtios care tr Uinaac and tlealh, j Inloo 600 dielect : " E na mena ana akoi te Uea are Cassimero Suits, own exisunce loath9cm, SlIepaurh 6 00 tions 0f hers nave adde(j to the ciearnes of T)infl nl joor la pionnpl Sarlrq and ho Keaolre once more to be Ihrre M""n'y al-- Iesu Kristo irouia n. kabanua. Pants! liape far rel. a oau. ; djfHcult passages. Let me thank God for ! BELOXGIXG TO ar ra 10 O0 Amene." a qtt t Xixio ash WiTIl EI EIIITIIIM Take tn Compound a Ihrrcted. j Public Opinion. 10 00 . ... Iitloiis T" : i c i i:. u i "fe Fall directioaa tne swing the Coaip.Hin-- Remedy, Liniment i v xn j' lurmcu wen I an.I P.lla is iiTen npoo ihe Wrapper t4 each. MU.TIILIKS ant translators as have found in Joseph A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 13uHincNH. i CPCMOUK&l-w- Iolo CO of translation when in Honolulu, in the old p!.onM TJ-n- , n--h ir, n DRESS SILKS! Tlie S-- .$14 onri T ld II lol- - by T. A. LLOYD. j - "iety r I. . e oo ission hence we shall hereafter ; ; vha n i FASHIONABLE C0LUR3. . 6 10 binderv. ,.1.. .u:. MAS. waHnfcq.Mai. ' i;,,, Woolen WABOX.OI'T B t'l LOINGS. iJ . All the Year Koond . 6 M look at that buildinCT With something of the 'tI1q ;0 Ires Ooods, Felt Saddle Cloths, MARSEILLES TRIMMING HORSErolishing; Mitcliines, and ail of W 1l,f,or TLoow U A "J Mth1(11 and Huilnj the eniintrrmen Socks. Stockings, Caderthirts. with lease f t premises for years, j ! same feelings rl;rt,Vo modern improvements three f that the visitor views the little ,;, ,,c'nn,l wp hnno for huco M. D.t ?nra::;::::;::;:::;;:::::::::: NW STYLE PATTERN from the 1st of April next all t'2,6i0. roaaeasinn irlren at stancenwald, ioo j cell in the Church of Bethlehem, where St. th;' A SMALL ASSORTMENT OF once. The Laundry work for the lant three years has amounted, j his joy is of Christian. I feel PHYSICIAN AND SUEOEON. rVlgraria Magazine...... that that to $12,431,50; coating MV:ib at the rate of 76 cents per dsy Tempi- - Jerome completed the translation of the Latin - Bar Magazine tj. at SDecial thanks nrp due to our Hpavpniv GERMAN AND FRENCH for nntive wom'n, and 11.00 per day for natif e ra- n. fi r th inglish Niciety GROCERIES! I TlaTint retired from C:ty and Family Practiee on ccaiit of ?!! ! vulgate.m the 4th century, or the "study "at hp hv ..A Prints for Morning Wrappers last two years I have Sient trie roost of my time io California, hi health. wiU hereafter attend to i V.'estminter Quarterly Father lhat nt him tn me th. and have there established my Mrdical Preparations, which de- I Beirut, missionary, K.linburzh Qnrter!y 4 oo , where the American Eh of the CHAMPAGNE mands my undivided attention, and that la why I offer the. UrUi-- h l .t t xv7 . . a ! a. I L T 9 1 1 I. L. . retlirn JIonil;tr Vdr. For nearIy OftlCe COn8UltatiOnS Only. j Qaarterly... Tx rx ' A ASST. OF THOSE DESIRABLE Laundry for sale. The Laund ry work placed in the hands of xransiaiea me oiyie inio ine Arauic ! & FINE omuii, t' Tar t r.-,.- . :.u . ,. LouJoo VMrteriT four months he has been most assiduous Iv of the Celebrated Brand of lleideick Co. one or two int'-rrn- d parties can be inrreaaed one-hal- f, without," rl - wwf w av uia W IOU IV bvyuil 11 IU I IZ I year. language. engaged in the revision of this last cases-- . any additional cost of labor, or at least $),Wi0 per The quarter in r lIl,m-enUOpenonr,eryyoft- HVt fbench claeet, work for Ut month at the same rate n.-- year, amounted ta .$10 oo now for His as- - j of be pat on, they from 11 o'clock. A. to 3 o'clock. 51. ; Puiwlays just the first time printed. FRENCH SACTERNE3. in Cases; ALPACA POPLI3VS $7,774. Should an additional line steamers P. by an-- Bmton raerly Magazine. 8 00 SVpfr-T- i to $1,000. as A TTistririoal tliA TrnnBlation to-nif- ht alone would add (I.SOO or $2,000 the taken : nf pointment. Patient from ioclod- - (A) I - of sistance has been invaluable, and all snfrninf I'aaosic biisxsct, fclocliC Magazineu?!""1 6 SHERRT AND PORTWINE, medium standard. Any one desiring the buslnes. will please loa; xla disease of the Ktb and Kaa. Tnaoar and " Lcsg, and Harper's Maeazioe .. 600 i TJeiii TnctanioTit trip flHl hprt. : will reioice hp heromp a IIIne and ln Colors. call at Laundry, where full particular will be given. casbs or or pre- - j the intn that wishes to HCN0ARIAN WINES, it the all othck Scrfsauo. whatitkb XATtsz. Atlantic Monthly M II. II. LYON, Proprietor. ewtirtj thrmtttrt at thai timr, ir irrniLt roa Crricc j Scrihner's Monthly 5tio ' teacner of the Word of Life to his country- - I Islands Laneuaee GERMAN PALE ALE, Key Brand ; TaxxrwasT, will receive ecial care and attention. Leslie's Maeazine. & CENT'S HOSIERY. "-v- z:vEE ALCOHOL, 93 per cent, strong; LADIES' ' New Cigar and Tobacco Store. A COMPLETE CHEMICAL LABORATORY j ; 6oo Sixteen years ago this month I arrived To those members of the Knard who have COGNAC, in demijohns; I oo 1 . , . BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED. wUl this OiBre, for a .. i.u . ' -- i i i i i beoaaeetad with the manufacture or rare OerlandMon'hlT 6 oo 'tn my wue in mese on our way to me my worw, ana Bfwl rmloable mIicle,al preparations, and for performing-- any pctersonVjIaiioe lsianas especially encouraged in GIN, in Cases. rmMIE INDERSICXEDBECS TOXOTIPT 4 (0 -- 1 the Public generally that he hat opened lo the above ical La-ly'- Micronesia, we were oeertttoo required la PaUiolof ad AnIytiol Cbeailsfry. s Majtaxine!!!".!!! wnitner going under wbo have been especially torward in voting r.ft Arthur's 400 business at the Store at ora . - . I aTUalJle.k.k.L BV XIOIIJC.ii 4lU the patronage of the American Board, to from time to time for the publication of such IVIV jFURXIT UlavE. - rkna Vaat.M O raV VIE A Grent's FORT Vl. v, a xa Wear: 44 STREET. "mrt ix.u v v v A a O tr I For Agriculturist. uuisivu vivu lil CclaillClIl ciai(.u Aoieneaa iiiut ui ij REGULATOR CLOCKS, Where he will keep constantly oo hind the best brands of Properties For Sale or Lease AUSTRALIAN tne world, ine .Micronesia mission assem- - be read v. I render esDecial thanks, and to Coatings, Silk Mixed Tweeds, PAPERS i Superior TOBACCO, TDK CELEBRATED SUGAR LA.VO 0T Australasian, weekly...... $10 00 bled at Ponape in September 1S57, assigned none more so than His Ex. E. O. Hall. I I CIGARS AM Town A CojDtrr 8 00 Bohemian Glassware MEEKSCII AUM AND OTHER PIPES, Journal...... recommend-missionari- es HAKAaVAVC.Iotfc District of Hilo, Hawaii. Melbourne III. Uews. us to the Gilbert Islands, where as yet no j thank this Board for their kind "Woven, Drills. 400 AND A VARIETY OF OTHER ARTICLES, Fine all Linen, Printed A large assortment of the latest styles. By4ney III. News... 4 00 had resided ; and on Novem- - ntion of my services to the American Bible Fjiney Fteamer Herald 5 WHICH ARE OFFERED - Pram Testa-abod- 3?op. Th Tao1, Boos, Pastarc aod ses of ACAUECAE, ber ISth of the same year we took up our j Society through whose liberality the e Soda Water and Ginger Kooa, IlawiJi. eootxloinr About "00 acrva. XT Any Periodical, not la this list, will be ordered at any t afi-- He will also be found ready to give bla prompt , Far particulars apply to ttcte. Ani snpplie et-- l charges. on Apaiang and commenced at once ment has been published an expense of AT WE WILL SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST attention to at FOR SALE LOW RATES! in his line as A Machinist and Engineer. , W L. ! orders obn 6REKX. 1 the acquisition of the language of the people. THOMAS 1.1 If. M. WIIITVEV. about 2,200. tub l i23 tf apS tr LACK. .