
THE FAOZriO THE (Commercial Slbbcrliscr! PACiriO V ' (Lflinmfrcial gbbrriiscr IS PC B LI? H tO Pl'OLIntD AT Kvory Saturday romint?. Honolulu. llawAiiats Inland. BY BLACK & AULD. Clip mm a tO.OO a ZiV. Noo-pare- lalaad oaerlalloa, Vrar. Siac amwartdli il AJ 1 a. m, 1 11 m. 9 fmr Ma l aalha-- j lyp. la. 3.00 3' M Foreiga f.7.30 SotlO a i H 4V arlptioa. rf. f Line. H (nfh) I w w uo 4 oo vn 1ft Yhe r.riwf' paper forwarded to any partof Airi-r- 11$I 00 Ul I U H Ki li Line tt iM'h) I bit 00 a tX a 00 ft (MJ 17 00 i : i-- J p--r wlktctt II innam. iarii.t the li.v.nan t l.mra (i J 00 4 oo t T fO 10 Ul 00 ac poet, will b 4 H B 3 ot... ill Mvr cbr. Lliw (3 Inche.., S OO a OU T M 18 OO I40n IS CO mi W-- i eurta which from 4 tx rC4C4 at th varies Line. (4 liKhe)..., 4 OO )!( If 00 1 00 t5 c 9 an i paper. en( i ColuiUQ. ... ..... 0 00 10 tai 14 OU l 0 M OU 40 09 CTairTfS P.VASL Ali?ll TC- - t CIuuir.. .......... Oo l: 00 14 00 ti (" S oo. M 00 C'mia.iirtlMt fr-n- a all part f th Paetfle will always i Column........... 12 OO l 00 4 ia TO l 44 00 T 00 f IT W b ry acceptable. bo) Column........ 14 00 M OO 4 00 74 VO llO 00 IM 00 XT ni rl.o ia part of th United Stste. can Advertlaer resting la the I'aiUd Plate. Aeseri- - tr - rqit rh t m Hjt of abcrlpt.oair da thi ppr la j pay f their cards by nrtn.ina-rtraUr.iilwl. r t'bli poatas. .tamp, i Slate Poatar Stamp. Ut ch amount aa the wish t paf j and their cards will be luserUd a pet abov table, tr the tls J paid f,ir. r BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. Buaine Canls, when preiwl far ftor, an aIow4 XVII-X- O. from the rate, which are for Uaruteeit dvfrtl VOL. 44. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, 3, 1S73. i ItT CAKM prmx In ih hirht tl f the art. MAY WHOLE NO. SS I. soents when pid or charf ed quarterly. We Two. 31frb.mtfal. ?onifstic proiutf. We own ih boa, w lo. n lni!. ) .liinfy rivxl urn arr prrJ, ft DR. 0. S. CUMMINGS, THOMAS SPENCER, ftgEgr THE PLACE J. M, OAT & Co., Boston B of our bruw aod loll nf our barvta OMCKOI'ATIIIST. 3 FORT Sailmakers. Board of Underwriters ! FAMILY MARKET, ivl STREET.! OLU F1RE-PK0- 0F V,' f Mlf CHANDLER. IV Cl'SfOM E11UINU. nro lfi4 pittr,re that bay oar oread. m Iluu la;j, II. I. ti(.22 DEALER To get your UOrif. AGENTS far lat llawallaa l.laada. BO V D, SHIP Mtrchandiae, Island frolucv, Jcc, and aJa. mill Xy c. BRKH r.K CO. E. II. Proprietor, Hotel Street. Arbl yrt Utc in atalp, . - c (ranJr COMMISSION M KKCF1 ANT, C? x- 1 . On tb? Wharf, Foot of Nouanu Street, Hono- ChoicMt MeaU from ttnet terds. Poaltry, Fish, Vegetable minVam auil I, fhaa th THEO. H. o millionaire DAVIES, Rtrox' Bar, Sandwich TRUNKsWORK TTim.OF ALL lulu, II. I. Philadelphia Board ! , farnUhed to order. p f Late J anion, Ureen ti Co Hilo, Islavd. KINfS, of Underwriters 4c ly Vho dio off ailTrr aa Mm plalr. j Will keep constantly on hand an extenaive assortment of every and General Repairing done with neatnea and dispatch. A GENTS No. King lor lav Hawaiian I.I..4., With Uverird Uckrya brbinl itKir ehoira. I'M PORT Eft AM COMMISSION" MER- - description of eood required by ships and other. S3 St. frS K. WHITMAN. Sails made Best whl ly f. HKKHkK A CO. CHANT. r,r.jT roa The Lisheat nrice civrn for IIanl Produce. in the Style and Fitted A SOLE AND SADDLE LEATHER, We h no rich? lo bara aol atncka. Llvyi' and the LiveTTviol Cnderwritera. Northern Aarance i Xy Money advanced for Bill f Kxchacge at reasonable ratei. & with Galvanized Clue and Thimble. VOTlCEMaSTKRS OF V ESS ELS VIS- - A cv " ' Company, auJ British and Foreign Marine Insurance - KEALOHA PANEE, Tanned Oot No bank-boo- k abowt our balance to draw, ly - - Mtonan.il Pnilactetphia OfSce roast have their ON' AND v.ompny. i Flag f nil drcriDCiaus--a- - A.XTM HAND FOR SALE. ! account certified bv ua. CO.NSI weli'kDowo Vet carry a aifc key Ilia! ar.l'trka Fire Proof Que--n IVT C?r House, Ship anci Sign Painting! Thankful tor pa.t patronage, we are wvpared to execute all report and duly to t itha Baildinea, Kaaliumana and fit, ly H Y A "M "RP H'PTTT'P Q nibl ly V. BRKWKK CO. More Irriuura ibaa C'riwsaa err aaw. HOTFC STREET. orders in our line, with dutpat?h an. I in a satisfactory wanner. h M'AI.HEA TANNERY . SOTLKV, I ly W war ut iior aaiiita Civ, HO RTERS, W II O I.KSA LG AND R ETA 1 L. rWAVING OPENED THEIR SHOP ON THE lej CLKQ1I0RN ritt S. B. DOLE, IM IN Jim above street, are prepared to do all manner of work in THE I1R1T1SII AND FOREIGN Br (ap6 ly) A.g. k CO., Aent. W in a ry bonx-- I'tALtliS tmi wir TIORXET AT OVER Dry Ooods, Clothing, ornUhing Goods, their line of buiine. Ctwrge reasonable, and all work done ! LAW. OFFICE lhu Ladies' and JAS. L. LEWIS, Itut what lumiujaa luatrva - with neatness and dUpatct. INSURANCE ah ttiinr ticbarJtoo' Store, corner of Fort and Merchnt btret. uenu Hoots and n)u- iankee Notions, arc, &.C, ja ly MARINE COMP'Y, A. S. CLECHORN & CO., bod ! mliZ3 Uji.oIu'u. ly Cooper and Ganger, at the Old Stand, (LIMITED.) About Sunbram'a fjmtm awl mj Jen (ray Capt. Snow's Building. o. o Merchant St. Honolulu. aplOly GENTS FOR THE H. THOMPSON, trrrr-- k AND RISKS AT THE LOWEST a" WAIMFA TANNF-RV- , Whm we wa'.k (we do not J. CORNER OF KING BETHEL tCCEPTS clauses in the Policies o( this Comwy are lofrtbrr rUl, i-r- Creels. A stock of OIL SHOOK and all 1) ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., Queen Unre specially advantageous. THEO. Jal lllaaall. We are too U rr-r- "iraISchardson, General Blacksmith, St., Honolulu. of Coopering constantly on hand. II. DAIES, far poor) it rare ni n' kinds Materials Agent. W r bowrd from rM PORTERS AND COMMISSION' MERC- AM IHMI.F.R IV BOOTS. HAS CONSTANTLY ON' HAND lie hope bv attention to business to merit a continuance uoto the other aide ; HANTS, IMPORTER Clothing, Furniahiutf Goody, or bale the Market Prices, crood AD of the patronage which h has hitherto enjoyed, and for wh.cn WASHINGTON MEAT MARKET! Ol the but w do Dot at wet a assort THE NOHTHERN ASSTJKANCE COMP'Y atret Vf thia car. Corner of Fort and Merchant Sirens. mhO ly Perfumery, ic. ment of the Best Refined Bar Iron, and the Best ne now returns nia manas. uio ij DOOR TO LOVE'S STEAM IIAKE-- a. J Issues and Life VKXT We are b iuoeljr, we paaa altif, j Comer of Fort and Merchant St. p!9 ly Honolulu, II. I. Blacksmith s Coal. nld ly lire Policies ry, Nuuanu Mreet, F. W. M NMt. Hanlw am and I, and yon canrvjt THK MONT LI1IERAL TERMS. ALL eet CASTLE & COOKE, HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. ON tor Leies settled with promptitmle. Beef. Mnllaa and Veal of the Brl Uaallly. We can, wtat a tail and beaatiful & CO., CHARLES SMITH. IVirk throne GEN-- WILDER uiaiy THEO. 11. DAVIES, Agent. Also, Salt Pork, Kilt Rrf, Super!. Sausage, always we AND DEALERS IX 1 nonse, Ship, Sign and Carrlase Painting, Paper on Sold Lowest MaJket Of an(rU bare fr coiujjiy. IMPORTERS .MKRCHANDI.K, TO DOWSETf At CO. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR hand, and at the Prior. SUCCESSORS Fort and Oaeen Hanging and Glazing. Mills, Boilers, Coolers, Iron, Brass and Lead BOSTON BOARD OF oc6 Meats dellverxl t all parta th City. ly No harp, no no STIIPriNO ASI COMMISSION MKRCHANT3. bt. sV UNDERWRITERS. if dulcimer, guitar. Nails, Shop on Kaahuxanu Street. The public are requested to Jt ft No. feu Kintc Street, Honolulu, li. 1. ly j Dealers in Lumber, Paint, Oil, Salt, and Building give a call. Castings. Brraka Info rmuir: at Suulteain'a tourh. np5 Materials, of every kind. pi2 3tn UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE ! ly TMIE Board HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY Rut l not tiiiak that cur rvrningi are Machinery Description made of Underwriters, notifv Master of Vraarla CHAS. LONG, CO.," of Every and others that all bill for Repairs on Vesstla, and all bill Without their mumic ; tbrre ia none auch B0LLES"& C. WEST, TO ORDER. for General Average purposes, must be approved by the Agent R. LOVE & BROTHERS, Proprietors, la th corwrrt talla, brre the palpitant air CHANDLER AND COMMISSION' Wagon and Carriage Builder, 71 and 76 King St., of the Boston Underwriters, who must also be represented oo NUL'ANU STREIT. SHIP MKKCIIANT, CHANDLERS AMI COMMISSION' b- billowa fl ; SHIP MrJHCHANTS. Particular Attention pud to Ship's Blickmuthing. all surveys, or such bill will not - allowed. lo musical .at and awim i Honolulu. (jal9 ly) Inland orders executed. Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, No. S promptly o-- Merchant I u) porter and Dealer in General Queen Street, c.
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