University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-18-1898 Eddy Current, 06-18-1898 Wm. H. Mullane Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news Recommended Citation Mullane, Wm. H.. "Eddy Current, 06-18-1898." (1898). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news/1195 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. KHOennlr flax ltO 1 di f THE EDDY CURRENT. Pucoa Vulloy to tho Front, Groakors to tho Roar. VOL. VI. EDDY, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JUNE IS, 1808. NO. 32, HaTaaa'l I'llcM, I.Wilt. Itlu Snw TIi.iii. (larmanjr'a At I It ml MHMkrkM a4 rnght, Tlnttl at Cnlmanarn. MtuatUn flravet Washington, 13. navy de Havana, June 13. Tho crisis Washington, Juno If.. The last ling- Madrid, Juno 1C Tho minister of June The has Capo Hatlen, Juno 9. Yesterday Uni Madrid, Juno 9. Tho following com partment Bat- - como and Havana Is In stato ering doubt that may have existed us forolgn aflnlrs, Duke Almodovar do Hlo, was In communication a of ter ted States troops had a skirmish with munication front CapU Uen. Augustl, ror. A repetition nets 1871 dated Manila, Juno 3, has boon publish to the presenco of Corvera'a fleet In It newspaper men yosterday tirdny with Admiral Sampson, off Santi of thn of Otn, I.lnarei and his men on the hills told tho that ed: entirety In Santiago harbor wa re- ago, by cable, with the result that It Is seems Imminent because of threatened to the west and ttorth of Santiago bay. tho Spanish government had not taken Thn situation Is vory grave. Aguln-atd- o moved when Admiral Sampson's h now known officially that tho American Spanish volunteers. Tho volunteers any stop In the direction of peuee nego Tho American want to capture tbo in up tho reached the nnvy department Inst fig floats over Cuba; that It was raised havo Issued dodgers nnd distributed has surceedod stirring Maestro hills, Iirmu San Pablo In par- country, and the telegraph lines nnd nlcht. Up to this time Information ni tiations. The minister also tald ho had by UnltPd States marines at tho month them throughout Havana blaming the so effect- railways aro being cut. I am without t ) of vmmoIs lying la the nut received niiy confirmation of the re of tiOnntnnmo bay, nnd has been ticular, as to ba able to more tho number that It Cubans for tho war with the United communication with tho provinces. shielded observation In ported third attack on Santiago do maintained thore slnco last Friday. Tho ively shell Santiago do Cuba. Sampson harbor from States and threatening revenge. Tho province of Cavlte has completely ontrnuec, Cuba. who glorified yosterday battered the forts again. Krat pnrt by the hill nt the marines have thus them- Women aro unable to go out, nor rebelled, and tha towns nnd villages of war, Can. Cornw, de wero 800 In wero Tho llelua Mercedes, sank In Mon had been obtained through Ctibnn The minister selves number. They evon can they stand nt thetr windows nro occupied by numerous bands, hiicIi Manila Is obliged In day's engagement, had Marin Chief, her Fj"rre supplemented by glimpses clared that the situation at to fight for their lives, and without being Insulted. A Spanish column holds the Zapoto former captain, and thirty-si- x other m rotild h obtained by naval ollleers bettor than was supposed. Ho said the eourro of tho fight to burn down tho Starvation Increases dally, nnd It Is line, to prevent thn enemy from Invad- men Many Spaniards were ftom the outside entrance. Now, how- - Citpt. Gen. Augustl had eoncentrntod town cltoson aa tbo site for debarka- Impossible to go to n restaurant for killed. ing tho provtneo of Manila, but tho foo killed on Tho llelua Mercedes (Tfr. according to l.ieut. Mine, the ship 10,000 men for tho defense of tho rlty tion. n meal, ns ono Is bosleged by beggars. shore. has entered througn llulaoan and Mo- was In reality a floating battery. Her Imu been actually won by an American nnd his battery of artillery are asserted bay. A llttlo Spanish gunboat oarae to nnd often eatables aro snatched from ron, ho that Manila will thus bo at- offl. er. counted and luspoeted from surh to comprise 109 long-rang- e guns. help the shore batterlM, but only stay tho tnblo. boilers wero worthies, and port of her tacked by land and sea. points of vantage ns ware afforded by It was officially announced yesterday ed long enough to turn around. Numer den. Arons has been very busy far battery transferred to Mnrro Castle. She I nm striving to raise, the courage of tii high hills surrounding the harbor thut Seuor du How. tho former Spanish ous shots wore fired by ths Spanish, the past two weeks fortifying the town wan sunk at her moorings. tho inhabitants, nnd will exhaust overy OlIMals horc nro full of praise for charge d'nffulrw nt Washington, and but no harm was dono. of Rcgla and placing smnll flold piece Calmora, forty mllos east of Santiago, means of resistance, hut I distrust tho Illue's ahclevomont. Lieut,. Carrnuxa, tho former Spanish Tho Orogon, MarblcliNul nnd Vixen on the surrounding hills. Property Is had a battlo yesterday. Five American nntlvejt and the volunteers, becauso lut. x- Lieut. Hluo landed on Saturday and naval attache at Washington, have been arrived, and tho former landed forty sold nt almost any price, and large - warships wont thoro to out cables and thoro have already been many deser- proceeded with guldoa to tho hills over invited" to lenve Canada, owing to ths mariner. Tho troop ship Pnnthor changes nrn made dnlly. the forts fired on them. Tho flro ship tions, rtneoor and Imtis have already, looking the harbor and tho olty. He Cnundlan uuthorltlos having IntorcepU brought 000 moro nnd theso also landed Tho municipal fire companies have replied, throwing shells several hours. baon solzcd by tho enemy. been well armed, and nro to ns (leu. bo- - distinctly saw and definitely located ed ii letter which Lieut Carrunza ad- - Twenty disembarked from the Marble not A large body of Spanish troops wero Thn Insurrection has reached great Ulanco's body guard. Is an accepted - I count fo'ir Spanish armored cruisers nnd two dressed to the minister of marine, glv hoad. It hind tho fortifications, and they sub- proportions, and It can not fact that lltrvana will be burned to the upon support country, tho torpedo boat destroyers. Ing nn aeoount of tho American forll-- Previous to this tho Marblehead, bornly resisted, but wero forced to re tho of tho ground before surrendering, lllunco forces my disposal will not auffico The results ho reported Monday to Ad tloutloiu." Vixen nnd Dolphin opened fire on tho trfeat at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, Tho at contlntioN to mnkn plows to the insur to hold the ground against two ene- on of the flag-- earthworks. town suffer ml some damage. Two cables mlrnl Sampson the deck gont forces to Join their mother couu mies. - tinning Lieut Hall, a natlvo Texan, was tho wcra cut. ship new York. Ho trnvolcd soventy- I.ltllo Una, try In war ngalnst the common en 10. first to land, and bo and his men start two miles, brought a paper Issued Inst Now York, Juno Tho Ilrltlsh emy, America. Charaail With MunUr. cd up the steep, rocky to Yt.a.U C'linrtnrml, Hatt'rday In Santiago In which com steamer Tyrlan, which sailed from San lilllsldo the 9. 9. Fort rtcott, Kns., Juno Kinder If. earthworks. In an hour's tlmo they . Washington, June Assistant Scre plaint Is made that tho army and navy Juan do Porto lllco June 0, arrived yes mist rim.-t- ilii'go, a full-bloo- d Semlnoln Indian, Is swung out to tho breeze an tary Molklejohn of tho war department are fulling to distribute to tho citizens terday. Captain Angrovo reports the American City of Moxlco, Juno 13 Several lives now In States flag. announced with considerable satisfac- a prisoner thn Unltod Jail their proportion of ho provisos re wero lost In n flood iiourcd down at Miami, charged with the murder of Spanish torpedo boat destroyer Terror duatanamo Is forty miles east of that tion yesterday tlita tho project of send- malnlng In the city . Mrs. Laird, whoso death two young was In the port when no sailed, with Santiago, ana is a lino location for a from the mountains on tho southwest ing an adequato number of transports for Lieut. Illue's report has definitely ox men, Sampson and McOeelsoy, wcra stonm up and stored with coal, water base of supplies. valley of Moxlco yesterday evening. An for troops to the Philippines appeared posed the fiction that any of Corvera'a burned to doath by a mob near Newark, nnd provisions. On arrival at San Juan, The ahoro wns lined with rifle pits, Imenss waterspout wns seen hovering to have been solved. Ho mado this cruisers were In thn Uahnmas or In u January. the Terror's boilers wero loaklng. The but aftor a fow shots from tho ships statement after having charterod six I. T. last posiHon to attack the transports, which over tho bills near tbo voleano of AJus The government has nil ntong main repairs were mado nnd soma tubes fit tho Spanish soldlors fled.
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