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Table of Contents Feasibility Study for Rehabilitation and the Reconstruction of the Road Link Between Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan Project Inception Report FEBRUARY 2001 CONSORTIUM composed of KOCKS CONSULT GMBH BCEOM FINNROAD LTD. Germany France Finland represented by KOCKS CONSULT GMBH REPORT COVER PAGES Project Title : Feasibility Study for Rehabilitation and the Reconstruction of the Road Link Between Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan Project Number : SCR-E/110579/C/SV/WW Country : Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia Local Operator EC Consultant Name : Road Department of Armenia KOCKS CONSULT GMBH Consulting Engineers Address : 21 Koriun St. Stegemannstraße 32 - 38 Yerevan 375009 56068 Koblenz ARMENIA GERMANY Tel. number : (+37 42) 582712 or 583106 (+49 261) 1302-0 (operat.) (+49 261) 1302-143 (direct) Fax number : (+37 42) 151830 (+49 261) 1302 - 152 Telex number : 862807 E-mail : Contact person : Hakob Petrosyan, Werner P. Weiler, Head of Planning Department Project Manager Signatures Name : State Concern AZERAVTOYOL KOCKS CONSULT GMBH Consulting Engineers Address : 72 A, Hadjihekov Street 370010 Baku AZERBAIJAN Tel. number : (+994 12) 933556 Fax number : (+994 12) 930045 Telex number : 142272 YOL E-mail : Contact person : Nizami Garaisayev, Vice President Signatures : Local Operator EC Consultant Name : State Department of Roads, SAKAVTOGSA KOCKS CONSULT GMBH Consulting Engineers Address : 29a Gagarin Street 380060 Tbilisi GEORGIA Tel. number : (+995 32) 370666 Fax number : (+995 32) 931177 or 942618 Telex number : 212189 E-mail : Contact person : Tamaz Shaishmelashvili, Vice Chairman Signatures : Date of report : 28. February 2001 Reporting period : January 2001 until February 2001 Author of report: Werner P. Weiler / Carsten Griese (Kocks Consult GmbH) EC M & E Team (name) (signature) (date) EC Delegation (name) (signature) (date) TACIS Bureau (Task Manager) (name) (signature) (date) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PROJECT SYNOPSIS 2. ANALYSIS OF PROJECT, START SITUATION 2.1 Background 2.2 Start of project 2.3 Utilisation of the study personnel 2.4 Equipment utilised 2.5 Initial findings 2.6 Progress to date 2.7 Main problems and deficiencies 3. PROJECT PLANNING 3.1 Relation with other projects 3.2 Project objectives 3.3 Project approach 3.4 Intended results/outputs 3.5 Constrains, risks and assumptions 3.6 Planning for the next reporting period 3.7 Overall plan of operation 3.8 Overall output performance plan 3.9 Plan of operation for the next period (work programme) APPENDICIES 1. World Bank financed road rehabilitation in Georgia 2. Plan of operation for the advanced detailed design and tender documents of the Ganja to Shemkir road 3. Plan of operation for the establishment of the PMU/PIU in Azerbaijan Feasibility Study for Rehabilitation and the Reconstruction of the Road Link Between Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan 1. PROJECT SYNOPSIS Project Title : Feasibility Study for Rehabilitation and the Reconstruction of the Road Link Between Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan Project Number : SCR-E/110579/C/SV/WW Country : Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia Overall objective[s]: Improvement of the road link between Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan Project objective[s]: The objective of the project in Azerbaijan is to prepare detailed designs with bills of quantities and cost estimates, economic appraisal, environmental impact assessment and preparation of tender documents for the Ujar to Georgian bor- der road section. In Armenia and Georgia the objective of the project is to prepare a feasibility study and tender documents for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of deterio- rated sections of the road Tbilisi – Yerevan, Tbilisi – Red Bridge, Tbilisi – Marneuli and Tbilisi by-pass, in order to prepare loans by International Financial Institutions. Planned outputs : • topographical maps and information on terrain • assessment of existing road and structure condition • traffic forecast • geotechnical evaluation • environmental impact assessment • definitions of technical solutions for improvements and rehabilitation • preliminary cost estimates • economic appraisal • detailed engineering designs • quantity and cost estimates • pre-qualification and tender documents • procurement services Project activities : • arrangement of logistics (accommodation, office, transport) • commencement meetings with the recipient institutes • preparation of contract for co-operation • study of existing reports and analysing of available materials • road and bridge condition surveys • traffic surveys, data analysis and traffic forecast • topographical surveys, data evaluation and mapping • geotechnical and material investigations, incl. laboratory testing • preparation of feasibility studies describing the technical as well as eco- nomic requirements and recommendation for the rehabilitation and recon- struction of the project roads • preparation of detailed engineering designs and tender documents • presentation of designs, pre-qualification and tender documents • assistance with tendering • reporting Project starting date: Commencement of services in Azerbaijan on 03.01.2001, in Armenia on 18.01.2001 and in Georgia on 25.01.2001 Project duration: 12 months ___________________________________________________________________________________________ KOCKS CONSULT GMBH – BCEOM – FINNROAD Ltd. - 1 - Feasibility Study for Rehabilitation and the Reconstruction of the Road Link Between Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan 2. ANALYSIS OF PROJECT, START SITUATION 2.1 Background Since the independence of the Caucasian Republics from the former Soviet Union, their national economics have declined and their road rehabilitation and maintenance has been neglected. Therefore, extensive road rehabilitation and improvement programs are required throughout the region. Several International Financial Institutions (IFI) and other donors are planning major in- vestments in road works for the three Trans-Caucasian Republics. The project aims are to sustain the existing and planned World Bank and EBRD programs for fi- nancing and co-financing with other International Financing Institutions and investors of the recon- struction and rehabilitation of the road connection between the three capitals of the Trans- Caucasian Republics Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan. Three road sections are covered by the present project: • in Azerbaijan: Ujar – Georgian border (Red Bridge); • in Georgia: Tsiteli Khedi (Red Bridge) – Tbilisi – Marneuli – Tbilisi by pass • in Armenia: Vanadzor – Georgian border (Ayrum-Sadakhlo/Tashir) 2.2 Start of the project The contract for the ‘Feasibility Study for Rehabilitation and the Reconstruction of the Road Link between Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan’ was signed on 13th December 2000. Following the signing of the contract, a consortium agreement and a working programme was agreed between the consor- tium members. The first activities included the arrangement of the logistics (accommodation, office, transportation, apparatus and instrumentation) of the project. Concerning the equipment to be procured or leased, identification of the detail requirements was done, and the list of equipment together with the pro- posed procurement method was submitted to the Tacis project Task Manager with request for ap- proval. Similarly the traffic survey method and programme was compiled and submitted with re- quest for approval. Approvals were received within a short period of time. Project offices, within the premises of our local associates, were assigned to the team. Simultane- ously, personnel arrangements were made for both the foreign and the local teams, to commence concurrently in the three project countries. Communication links between the project offices, the project coordinator, and the respective Consultant’s head offices were established (address, tele- phone, fax, e-mail). Commencement meetings with the beneficiaries have been conducted by the Consultant. The general purpose of the meetings were consultation, facilitation, coordination and management of the project. The major particular purpose was to obtain the requirements of the Recipient Institu- tions, so that the needs of the Beneficiaries could be considered by adapting the work plan, taking into account the activities of other projects, and the requirements of prospective International Fi- nancing Institutions (IfI’s). In this first series of activities the Consultant studied existing reports and documents concerning the study roads and the project. A project library with relevant existing data and studies has been established in our project office in Baku. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ KOCKS CONSULT GMBH – BCEOM – FINNROAD Ltd. - 2 - Feasibility Study for Rehabilitation and the Reconstruction of the Road Link Between Baku, Tbilisi and Yerevan Armenia The service was commenced in Armenia on 18th January when the proposed Country Team Leader, Mr. Pentti Ruohonen arrived Yerevan. The Project office was established on the 29th January on the premises of Dorproject Ltd in 54 B Acharian Street, Yerevan 375040. Office is equipped with a telephone line (+3741 - 62 64 80). Internet contract was signed on the 24th January ( In co-operation with the TRACECA office a Commencement of Services meeting was held on 22nd January. Representatives of the following organisations attended the meeting - TRACECA - Armenian Roads Department SSCC - Consultant. In brief, it was agreed that the Feasibility Study should be carried out as per the World Bank’s guidelines
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