CONFRATERNITY OF PILGRIMS TO ROME NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2008 No. 5 Contents 1 Editorial Alison Raju Chris George 2 Postcards from a Pilgrimage John and Wendy Beecher 7 Rome for the modern pilgrim, 3: Constantine’s building programme Howard Nelson 27 Camino de Santiago / Cammino per Roma: a comparison Alison Raju 30 Bourg St. Pierre to the Grand Saint-Bernard summit with Homo Viator Babette Gallard 32 Letter to the Editor Francis Davey 33 Letter to VF friends, Summer 2008 International Via Francigena Association 36 Additions to the CPR Library, July to October 2008 Howard Nelson 38 Secretary's Notebook Bronwyn Marques Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome Founded November 2006 Chairman William Marques
[email protected] Webmaster Ann Milner
[email protected] Treasurer Alison Payne
[email protected] Newsletter Alison Raju <
[email protected] Chris George <
[email protected] Secretary Bronwyn Marques
[email protected] Company Secretary Ian Brodrick
[email protected] AIVF Liason Joe Patterson
[email protected] Editorial This is the fifth issue of the Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome's Newsletter. For technical reasons it was not possible to publish it in December 2008 as scheduled but this delayed issue is exactly as it would have been had it appeared on time. There are four articles, two letters, a listing of new additions to the CPR library and the section entitled “Secretary's Notebook,” containing short items of information likely to be of interest to our members. John and Wendy Beecher have written a set of “postcards” of their pilgrimage, after which Howard Nelson continues his series of articles exploring the extraordinary richness that Rome presents to the modern pilgrim, with the third one dealing with Constantine’s building programme.