Genetics: Early Online, published on February 20, 2014 as 10.1534/genetics.113.159988 Maintaining two mating types: Structure of the mating type locus and its role in heterokaryosis in Podospora anserina Pierre Grognet*,§, Frédérique Bidard§, Claire Kuchly§,†, Laetitia Chan ,§ §,† §, Ho Tong* , Evelyne Coppin , Jinane Ait Benkhali †,Arnaud Couloux‡, §,† ,§ Patrick Wincker‡, Robert Debuchy and Philippe Silar* *Univ Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Institut des Energies de Demain, 75205 Paris cedex 13 France. §Univ Paris Sud, Institut de Génétique et Microbiologie, UMR8621, 91405 Orsay cedex, France. †CNRS, Instut de Généque et Microbiologie UMR8621, 91405 Orsay cedex France ‡CEA, DSV, IG, Genoscope, 2 rue Gaston Crémieux CP5706, 91057 Evry Cedex, France PG, FB and CK contributed equally to the work PG present address: Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Karl-von-Frisch-Straße 10 , D-35043 Marburg, Germany FB present address: IFPEN, Département Biotechnologie, 1-4 avenue de Bois-Préau, 92852 Rueil Malmaison, France CK present address: Plateforme Génomique, Génopole Toulouse/Midi-pyrénées, INRA, 24 Chemin de Borde Rouge – Auzeville, CS 52627, 31326 Castanet Tolosan cedex, France 1 Copyright 2014. Running Title: the mating type region of P. anserina Key words: mating type, mat region, heterokaryosis, filamentous fungi, Podospora anserina Correspondence to: Pr. Philippe Silar Institut des Energies de Demain (IED) Université Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Case Courrier 7040 75205, Paris cedex 13, France tel: 33 1 57 27 84 72 email:
[email protected] Abstract Pseudo-homothallism is a reproductive strategy elected by some fungi producing heterokaryotic sexual spores containing genetically-different but sexually-compatible nuclei. This life style appears as a compromise between true homothallism (self-fertility with predominant inbreeding) and complete heterothallism (with exclusive outcrossing).