Elateridarium 5: 5-42, 5.2.2011 ISSN 1802-4858 http://www.elateridae.com/elateridarium Příspěvek k ochraně písčitých biotopů východních Čech s uvedením nálezů devíti vzácných psamofilních brouků Contribution to the conservation of sand biotopes of the Eastern Bohemia with citation of findings of nine rare psammophilous beetles Josef MERTLIK Pohřebačka 34, CZ-53345 Opatovice nad Labem, Czech Republic
[email protected] Abstract. A review of findings of nine psammophilous beetles from Eastern Bohemia (Czech Republic): Cardiophorus asellus Erichson, 1840; Dicronychus equisetioides Lohse, 1976; Cicindela arenaria vienensis Schrank, 1781; Harpalus flavescens (Piller et Mitterpacher, 1783); Anisoplia villosa (Goeze, 1777); Anomala dubia (Scopoli, 1763); Maladera holosericea (Scopoli, 1772); Polyphylla fullo (Linnaeus, 1758) and Omophlus betulae (Herbst, 1783). Exact position data, biotope photos and notes on biotope conservation possibilities are added to the text. Key words: Coleoptera, Elateridae, Cardiophorus asellus, Dicronychus equisetioides, Carabidae, Cicindela arenaria vienensis, Scarabaeidae, Anisoplia villosa, Anomala dubia, Maladera holosericea, Polyphylla fullo, Tenebrionidae, Omophlus betulae, habitat, protection, management, Europe, Czech Republic OBSAH Úvod………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 Metodika.....………………………………………………………………………….......................... 7-8 Výsledky............................................................................................................................................... 8-22