Kh. Dhiren Singha Mob.: 09435173346 Associate Professor
[email protected] Department of Linguistics,
[email protected] Assam University, Silchar AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: Phonology, Morpho-syntax, Language Typology and Tibeto-Burman Linguistics. MAJOR PROJECTS Presently working as a Principal Investigator (PI) for the project on ‘MEYOR LANGUAGE’of Arunachal Pradesh under the SCHEME FOR PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION OF ENDANGERED LANGUAGESof Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysore, from October, 2013 onwards. Submitted project report in the topic:A PEDAGOGICAL GRAMMAR OF DIMASA under the project DEVELOPMENT OF DIMASA LANGUAGE IN ASSAM of Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore in 2007. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Editorial Service: Journal Editor (co-editor) INDIAN LANGUAGE REVIEW (International Journal of Linguistics), 2014, July onwards. Member of Editorial Board of the JOURNAL OF ASSAM UNIVERSITY (Humanities and Social Science) 2008. Conferences/workshops organized: 1. Organised TRAINING PROGRAMME CUM WORKSHOP ON LANGUAGE TEACHING, TESTING AND EVALUATIONfor the college teachers from 23rd to 26th February 2011 in the Premises of the Department of Linguistics, Assam University Silchar in collaboration with Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of HRD, Mysore, as a co- ordinator (with Ganesh Baskaran). 2. Organised NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON TESTING AND EVALUATION OF MOTHER TONGUE EDUCATION (HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL) IN NORTHEAST INDIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ASSAM from 1stto 5th December, 2011 in the Premises of the Department of Linguistics, Assam University Silchar in collaboration with Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of HRD, Mysore, as a co-ordinator (with Ganesh Baskaran). PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS I. Life member of Dravidian Linguistics Association, St. Xavier’s College, P. O.