BUILDING SOCIAL COHESION AND IDENTITY AGAINST RADICALIZATION AND TERRORISM Reflianto1, Farida Ariani2 and Nora Afnita3 1Post Graduate of State University of Malang,
[email protected]. 2Post Graduate of State University of Padang,
[email protected] 3STIT Syekh Burhanuddin Pariaman
[email protected] Abstract protecting the environment and building The aim of this research is to build resilience to conflicts. However, the social cohesion and identity against maintaining whatever has been achieved radicalization and terrorism activities in the and expanding the coverage of the multicultural society of Kampung Pondok in success is complicated by the recent Padang City. The subject of this study was the political reformation, compounding the entire of youth society at Kampung Pondok. Data of this research collected by using the effects of other existing conflicts and open ended interview form, observation and historically rooted social tensions. The focus group discussion. The personality and old and new conflicts, crises, and identity of subject was measured by using Big transitions threaten human security on Five Inventory. The Analysis data of this multiple levels and even appear any research used explorative analysis. Research kinds of radicalization and terrorism. findings reported that there are many ways Radicalization continues to be a in building social cohesion and identity dangerous issue for the countries in the against radicalization and terrorism those world and become an important concern, are involving all youth into positive local especially in conflict countries such as in custom activities and build a trust the Middle East and the developed framework, equal citizenship, and inclusion. The good manner for youth can be conducted countries that trigger conflict and by 1) reconstructing the deradicalization dissatisfaction due to their policies.