Copyrighted Material
Index Abdul Hadi bin Haji Hasan 9, 129, smallholder planting 108 133 Ahmad Zaidi, Tun 149, 162 Abdul Rahim Kajai 129, 143, 153, Al azhar 184, 225, 233, 241 220 Al-Attas, Syde Naquib 218–219 Abdul Rahman, Tunku 129, Alexander the Great 27, 47, 80, 99, 155–160, 164, 208, 215, 234 100–101, 139 Abdul Razak, Tun 161 All Ceylon Malay Association 117, Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir 135, 178 (Munshi) 64, 70, 73, 92, 110, Amir Hamzah, Tengku 170 112–115, 120, 127–128, 201–203, Andaya, Barbara 95, 174 209, 231, 237, 239 Andaya, Leonard 11, 82, 85, 98–99, Aceh 11, 47, 49, 51, 53, 75, 81, 99, 101, 200 100, 101, 105 Anderson, John 52, 57, 61, 63, 69, adat (custom) 4, 10, 15, 24, 65, 67, 71, 78, 125 70, 77, 113, 128, 134, 137, 139, animism 193 171, 187, 194–197, 199, anthropological work 148, 187, 208–209, 214, 217, 221–222, 189–197, 217–218, 242 228, 236 see also Malay studies determination by the raja 67–68, Anwar Ibrahim 219 137, 171 Archipelago, pre-colonial levels of, and contents 4 civilizational homogeneity 85, 96 persistence of 70 community 96–97 and protectionCOPYRIGHTED of nama 67 competition MATERIAL and fl uidity 53–55 Adtityawarman 18, 39 narrative of decline 50–51 afterlife 28, 68 political fragmentation 49–50 agriculture 55–56, 108–109 population shifts 55–58 cash cropping 109 architecture colonial 108 colonial 110 pioneering character 57, 95 Islamic 142 plantation economy 109, 137 mosques 44–45, 61, 142 276 Index architecture (cont’d) bangsa Melayu 3, 128, 131–132, 138, royal residences 60–61, 79 147–148, 151–153, 158, 160–161, see also housing
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