
SPRING 2006 IssuE



No smoking, drinking, glass-break­ the course, which was ing-what? Far from being a puritani­ taught by William Fash, cal haven, early Harvard College was a Howells director of the colorful and lively place. The first Peabody Museum, and Harvard students did more than wor­ Patricia Capone and Diana ship and study: they smoked, drank, Loren, Peabody Museum and broke a lot of windows. None of associate curators. They which was allowed, except on rare were assisted by Molly occasion. In the early days, Native Fierer-Donaldson, graduate American and English youth also stud­ student in Archaeology, ied, side by side. Archaeological and and Christina Hodge, historical records of early Harvard Peabody Museum senior Students excavating outside Matthews Hall. Photo by Patricia bring to life the experiences of our curatorial assistant and Capor1e. predecessors, teaching us that not only graduate student in is there an untold story to be Archaeology at Boston unearthed, but also, that we may learn University. ALEXANDER MARSHACK new perspectives by reflecting on our Archaeological data recovered from ARCHIVE DONATED TO THE shared history: a history that reaches Harvard Yard enriches our view of the PEABODY MUSEUM beyond the university walls to local seventeenth- through nineteenth-cen­ Native American communities. tury lives of students and faculty Jiving The Peabody Museum has received the The Fall 2005 course Anthropology in Harvard Yard. In the seventeenth generous donation of the photographs 1130: The Archaeology of Harvard Yard century, Harvard Yard included among and papers of Alexander Marshack brought today's Harvard students liter­ its four buildings the Old College, the from his widow, Elaine. ally in touch with the fragments of first university building in the country, Alexander Marshack, a self-taught their shared past by providing hands­ and the Harvard Indian College. The anthropological researcher, pioneered on experience in the historical archae­ University recently commemorated the the analysis of the earliest calendars ology of Harvard Yard. Twenty-four and notation systems dating back more Harvard College students enrolled in continued on p. 2 than 30,000 years. His lifelong research on art also provided Featured in this issue: evidence that early humans communi­ cated using highly complex intellectual - Figures from Panama: A Conservation Initiative to processes in the form of small inci­ Save a Fragile Collection sions on plaques of bone dating to the SCOTT FULTON AND SYLVIA KEOCHAKIAN page 3 Upper Paleolithic period, the latter Kingdoms of part of the last Ice Age. Marshack's research also pointed toward the emer­ JEFFREY QUILTER page 5 gence of recording systems almost The Transition from Late Foragers to Early Farmers 20,000 years prior to the rise of OFER BAR-YOSEF page 9 co ntinued on p. 1 I

( 350th anniversary of the Indian The course Harvard Yard: Western Area College, which was constructed in emphasized pub­ 1655 to train Native students at lic archaeology, Harvard. Though short-lived as an especially given institution, the legacy of the Indian the course's rela­ College persisted, like its bricks­ tionship to the appropriated, fragmented, partial, and commemoration largely unrecognized, but integral to of the 350th Harvard's past, present, and future. anniversary of This field season, the class focused the Indian on two excavation areas: one at the College. An exca­ foot of Massachusetts Hall and one vation opening near present-day Matthews Hall. Both ceremony took areas are located in the oldest parts of place on October Harvard Yard. Matthews Hall is the 3, 2005 in part­ conjectured site of the Indian College nership with the and is near the site of the Old College. Harvard Course participants were hopeful of University Native some artifacts associated with American the original Indian College. Numerous Program and the historical artifacts were recovered at Wampanoag 17th-Century Structures CD Excavation area outside A. Goffe College Massachusetts Hall (F) both sites, including ceramic plates, Tribe of Gay B. President's House bone, glass, and smoking Head C. Old Stoughton Hall <1) Excavation area outside pipes. Objects found near (Aquinnah), and D. Old College Matthews Hall (G ) E. Indian Coll ege (conjectured) Massachusetts Hall dated from the cited the project's seventeenth through the nineteenth intentions to pro- Drawing by Christina Hodge. century, while the majority of objects ceed in recogni- recovered near Matthews Hall dated to tion of its many stakeholders. The resulting collections have been the eighteenth and nineteenth cen­ Benedict Gross, dean of Harvard accessioned by the Peabody Museum turies. Unfortunately no evidence of College, offered remarks in support of and are available for research and the Indian College came to light this opportunity presented to stu­ teaching. We anticipate future research because of a massive refuse deposit dents, and Carmen Lopez, executive and analysis on this season's archaeo­ dug into this location in the nine­ director of the Harvard University logical findings, as well as on material teenth century. Native American Program, spoke of from previous excavations in Harvard The course's research this fall was "indigenizing Veritas" and imbuing Yard and intend to spotlight archaeo­ guided by the frameworks of historical the Harvard community with the logical and historical research on the archaeology, regional history of Native legacy of the Indian College. Harvard Indian College in the American education, research design, Furthermore, a Results Day and exca­ Peabody's Hall of the North American and involved hands-on practice in vation closing ceremony gave students Indian in late 2006. It is also our hope, surveying, archival research, strati­ an opportunity to share their findings in the fall of 2008, to conduct excava- graphic excavations, artifact analysis, with the public. The closing event also tions on the east side of Matthews and public archaeology. All of these was conducted in partnership with the Hall, to search for the actual founda­ were carried out in the famed Yard, an Harvard University Native American tion walls of the Indian College. area traversed by students and visitors Program, the Wampanoag Tribe, and Through this course and its findings, alike on a daily basis. Thus, students descendants of the Massachusett peo­ the Peabody Museum seeks to make obtained a broad understanding of ple. Ancestors of both these commu­ the Harvard Indian College, in Fash's the nature of archaeology and the nities would have been students at the words, "part of the living history of relationship among archaeology, his­ Indian College and neighbors of the Harvard College." For an illustrated tory, and the public, while contribut­ community. Local officials including glimpse of what this Fall's project ing to our understanding of Harvard representatives of the Cambridge and accomplished, visit the student-gener­ life from its earliest days. Student Massachusetts Historical ated course web site at: projects contributed to envisioning Commissions took part, and the http://www.peabody.harvard .edu/har­ exhibitions of Harvard's material his­ efforts and cooperation of Harvard vardyard/. tory and creating a web site chroni­ Yard Operations and Harvard cling the course's progress. University Archives were gratefully Contributed by Patricia Capone and Diana recognized. Loren, Associate Curators


Scott Fulton and Sylvia Keochakian Conservators, Peabody Museum

In 2002, the Peabody Museum installed and received a grant from the Institute for placed in plastic Museum and Library Services to sup­ bags. Creating a port an ambitious and much-needed confined air­ conservation project to stabilize and space, accelerated rehouse nearly 1,600 metal artifacts in the corrosion the Central and South American col­ caused by tl1e lections. The affected artifacts were unstable cellulose drawn from general Meso- and South nitrate. American collections that are of The process of archaeological and ethnographic sig­ organizing the nificance, including precious collection and from the Sacred Cenote at Chichen stabilizing their Figure 1: Tumbaga figurines. Left to right, PM 50-19-20113294 and PM Itza, and unique early - met­ condition began 40-17-20/7554. All photography by PMAE Conservation Department. alwork from Panama and . This in 1996 with article describes a small, but signifi­ efforts to identify the constituent was broken, and the object cleaned. cant part of the larger project: 165 materials and arrest their active dete­ With each result, there was a unique gold- alloy ( tumbaga) figures, rioration. Earlier storage methods pre­ and individual . of which sixty- five were of primary sented unique problems including A process called depletion- concern and are the subject of this housings made of unsound materials ( mise-en-couleur), a gold surface­ paper. The tumbaga first came to the such as matchboxes, cigarette boxes enrichment technique, modified the museum ca. 1935 as new excavations and peanut cans; dense packing of surface color of the objects. Treatment along the Pan-American highway artifacts with little or no cushioning; either with salts or acidic plant yielded fresh evidence of prehistoric and housings that limited the accessi­ extracts to remove the cultures at several sites including Sitio bility of the objects to researchers. The from the surface of the object gave the Conte. The tumbaga figures are repre­ tumbaga collection became a focal finished piece the appearance of high­ sentative of metalwork dating from point because of the obvious evidence purity gold. Depletion-gilding pro­ preconquest Panama, 1300-1500, and of conservation issues related to duces a well-bonded, but porous and are indicative of a high level of techni­ unstable mount materials and adhe­ spongy layer only a few microns thick, cal sophistication and skilled crafts­ sives. Treatment methods and proto­ which was then burnished. The final manship. col were modified several times over surface color varied with the alloy As a result of explorations in the course of the project as the con­ content: higher copper content would Panama by Peabody Museum archae­ servators became more informed result in a reddish color; a higher gold ologist Samuel K. Lothrop, new acces­ about the fragility of the tumbaga fig- content, a yellowish color. sions of tumbaga figurines continued urines. through the 1940s and 1950s. Cast in Historical Perspective and Current zoomorphic and anthropomorphic Manufacturing Techniques Condition forms (Fig. 1) from alloyed gold and Most of the tumbaga have Non-gilded archaeological metals with copper, the artifacts were extensively an open back, but others are hollow a high percentage of copper survive in restored and mounted shortly after and could have functioned as bells or better condition than gilded metals in the collection was acquired and some rattles. Tumbaga figures were cast a damp burial environment. The less time during the early 1940s, prior to using a lost-wax method (eire perdue). noble copper will also eventually cor­ being placed in exhibit cases. The The form was modeled in wax includ­ rode: the resulting corrosion products unstable nature of the "modern" plas­ ing all details, while the reverse or will undermine the gilding, and the tics and adhesive materials used for "hollow" sides were left rough. The thin gilded layer will eventually detach restoration and conservation of the wax model was encased in a clay mold from the heavily mineralized base objects were not well understood at that was fired to bake the clay and alloy. that time. The pendants were on dis­ melt the wax form, leaving a void to Earlier experimental treatments play for more than three decades until be filled with molten metal. Once the in the 1930s and 1940s for copper the late 1970s when they were de- metal had solidified, the clay casing alloy artifacts at the Peabody Museum

Spring • 2006 • 3 (cellulose nitrate) mounts. Wax, plas­ A Conservation Strategy ter, and possibly cellulose acetate were In 1996, a pilot research project to also used, but infrequently. The condi­ determine an appropriate conserva­ tion of those figurines adhered to the tion strategy for the collection focused celluloid mounts was of primary con­ on several tumbaga figurines. A proto­ cern. Cellulose nitrate is inherently col of treatment was established to unstable; it deteriorates over time address seven goals: regardless of environmental condi­ 1. removal of the artifacts from the tions, controlled or uncontrolled. destructive celluloid mounts, Negative byproducts released by 2. reversal of excessive coatings and Figure 2: Delamination caused by the Alvar degrading cellulose nitrate include adhesives as possible, coating. nitrous and nitric acid, that, when 3. reduction of nitrate corrosion, combined with high humidity, react 4. reattachment of extant fragments, with copper alloys to form bright 5. reclaiming of detached gilding followed procedures that were in com­ blue-green basic copper-nitrate salts. from the old mounts and re-adhe- mon use at the time. A Fogg Museum Typical characteristics of cellulose­ sion to the artifacts, materials scientist, Rutherford Getten, nitrate deteriora- prescribed methods for cleaning tion include antiquities using solutions of dimensional sodium sesqui-carbonate. Another change, warping, treatment for removing extraneous embrittlement, burial accretions was sodium hexa­ cracking, sticking, metaphosphate (Calgon), referred to and color change. by Frederick Orchard, Peabody Since the mid- Museum restorer, in a 1938 communi­ 1970s, when the cation to curator H.J. Spinden at the tumbagas were Brooklyn Museum: "The thin plated taken off exhibit copper objects [tumbaga] were boiled and placed in in Calgon to remove all possible cor­ polyethylene bags rosion." The entire artifact was then, for storage (Fig. according to Orchard, "dipped into a 3 ), they had been Figure 3: Tumbagas as found in storage. 5% solution of Alvar 7-70 in acetone." trapped in a The same product in a higher concen­ micro-environ- tration was used for reattaching extant ment subject to acid off-gassing from 6. consolidation of friable core mate­ fragments and affixing the figurines to the celluloid mounts. Corrosion of the rial and delaminating gilding, and the mounts. Joins were often rein­ alloy was more prominent at points in 7. preparation of individual housings forced with cellulose nitrate strips. contact with the aging celluloid to provide safer access for During the recent condition assess­ mounts. There were many breaks researchers. ment, we found that the heavily where the celluloid sheet had warped, The first action was to remove the applied Alvar resin had turned deep and the brittle metal had failed at objects from their encapsulating plas­ yellow to brown in color and had stress points (Fig. 4). tic bags, slowing the rate of corrosion. shrunk, resulting in a mechanical Then, corrosion products and support "pulling away" of the original gilding material were examined and identi- from tl1e base metal (Fig. 2) . Over time, the Alvar had become increasingly brittle and less soluble in organic sol­ vents. Most of the tumbaga were glued to celluloid Figure 4: Damaged tumbaga figurine and its removal fro m the old mount.

4 · Symbols KINGDOMS OF GOLD Jeffrey Quilter Deputy Director, Curatorial Affairs, and Curator Intermediate Area

Gold was one of the most important the gods. Thus was born the legend of "riches of the Indies" sought by early El Dorado, "the golden-one." European explorers and conquerors in During his fourth (1502-1504) the New World. It is well known how and final voyage to the New World, peoples from modern through Columbus sailed down the Caribbean Peru fed the foreigner's appetite for coastline from Honduras to Panama. the . Cortes told In one region, he saw so many peo­ Moctezuma's envoys that the Spanish ple-young, old, male, and female­ suffered from a disease that only gold with gold jewelry that he named the could cure. In Peru, the Inca emperor, land the "rich coast," and Costa Rica Atahualpa reached high in a room in retains the name to this day. the city of Cajamarca and told Pizarro The objects that those people were that he would fill the chamber with wearing almost certainly resembled gold if he were released from captivity. the ornaments in the Peabody In these lands, temples were stripped Museum collections that Scott Fulton Figure 5: Reclaiming gilding from old ceUu­ of gold sheets, and precious orna­ and Sylvia Keochakian have recently loid mount. PM 39-90-20/6462. ments were brought to the Spanish restored. As they note, tl1e technical who melted most of them down to be skill with which such objects were recast in ingots. Only a few pieces made was impressive. The lost-wax fied, methods for separating the fig­ were saved as curiosities from the cru­ casting procedure was complex and urines from their mounts and for cibles. required great skill to be successful. It reclaiming gilding stuck to the old Although tales of gold fill accounts also required the pooling of many dif­ mounts were investigated, and various of the Spanish conquests of the Aztecs ferent resources, from the special wax rehousing options were designed and and Inca, for these peoples, gold was to make the models of the cast jew­ tested. important, but for neither was it the elry, to the clays for covering the wax most precious substance. Instead, model, to the gold and alloy metals Removal from Old Plastic Supports green , the color of growing maize that would be melted and poured into The figurines were placed in an ace­ plants, held the highest value in the molds. tone solvent chamber to gradually Mexico, while beautifully made tex­ The technology of the casting soften the mount and the adhesive. tiles and a red-colored shell, process required a complex organiza­ Remaining fragments could usually be princeps, were both considered more tion of labor. In these societies, some­ removed by direct injection of acetone valuable than gold in Peru. And while times known as chiefdoms, it is likely between the fragment and the mount the greatest amount of go ld produc­ that the secrets of gold casting were or with a fmal acetone bath. tion in the sixteenth century may well held by relatively few people, perhaps have been in the , it was in the chiefs themselves, or members of their Reducing Corrosion region between central elite families. In addition to the tech­ X-ray diffraction analysis conducted and Mexico that gold was ubiquitous. nological aspects, however, there was at the Department of Earth and The region that today comprises also the symbolic role of gold as a spe­ Planetary Sciences, Harvard the modern nation states of cial, even divine, substance. University, first identified the blue­ , Panama, Costa Rica, None of the societies of Ancient green corrosion as basic copper­ Nicaragua, and most of El Salvador America had monetary systems. The nitrate salts mixed with copper and Honduras is known as the preciousness of gold was tied to its carbonates. Corrosion was locally Intermediate Area. Despite the rather symbolic value as a material that did treated by combining mechanical and awkward designation, it was here that not degrade, that was malleable and chemical treatment methods. To keep Ancient America's "kingdoms of gold" fluid yet could be hardened, and that disruption of the gilded surface to a truly existed. In Colombia, the highest was distinctive in scent. The yellow minimum, a dilute formic acid was chief was coated in a resin, which was color we associate with gold was prob­ combined with synthetic gel materials then covered in gold dust. Ferried to ably less important than its general for better control in application to the the center of a lake inside an extinct luminosity, which partook of the surface and to limit the acid's contact volcano, he would dive into the water, power of the sun. The concept of light with the metal surface. Areas of corro- to emerge, gold-free as an offering to as a conveyor of cosmic energy was a conti nued on p. 6 continued on p. 7

Spring • 2006 • 5 reverse side of the gilding. The mount Acknowledgements with the gilding was placed in an ace­ The authors wish to acknowledge the hard tone chamber for about 12 hours. An work and commitment of the many spe­ island around the gilding was cut out cialists who participated in the project over of the softened mount and placed into the last ten years. Their individual contri­ an acetone bath for several hours to butions are greatly appreciated: Esther dissolve remaining mount material. Chao, WiLliam Croft, Glenn Gates, Amy Excess fabric material was then cut Grolea u, Cricket Harbeck, T. Rose away and the backed gilding fragment Holdcraft, Laura Lipscei, David Lange, was positioned and reattached with Steven LeBlanc, Erin McGough, Susan Paraloid B72 over the area of loss. Peschken and Tarnowski. We also extend our gratitude to the following insti­ Figure 6: New storage mounts. PM39-90- Storage Mounts tutions and their support staff who were 20/6465. After stabilization and treatment, the instrumental in the success of this project: tumbaga were placed on custom­ Institute for Museum and Library Services; TUMBAGA continued from p. 5 made mounts of archival corrugated Straus Conservation and Analytical Lab, sion that failed to respond were left board and nested in position between Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University; alone. inert polyethylene foam bumpers (Fig. Department of Earth and Planetary 6). If extant fragments or gilding Sciences, Harvard University. Reconstruction and Reclamation could not be reattached, they were Extant fragments were reattached and stored in vials, labeled accordingly and Bibliography flaking gilding and brittle core mate­ stored with the artifact on the same Bergsoe, P., 1939. "Report on Code metal­ rial were consolidated with acrylic mount. Condition and treatment lurgical investigations." Unpublished resins to improve strength and reports were entered into the Peabody typescript #996-20 from S.K. Lothrop integrity. Some joins were reinforced Museum's relational database while archives, Peabody Museum of on the reverse side of the figurine with the artifacts were returned, in new Archaeology and Ethnology, a backing strip of sheer nylon fabric housings, to collections storage (Fig. Cambridge, MA. (Cerex) adhered over the break edge. 7b ). ____ 1938. "The Gilding Process and Gilding material that had become All of the Peabody Museum tum­ the Metallurgy of Copper and Lead detached from the core material was baga artifacts have now been stabi­ Among the Pre-Colombian Indians, reclaimed from the mount and reat­ lized, repaired, and returned in new Ingenioervidenskabelige Skrifter, A46, tached to the figurine (Fig. 5). In housing to storage; the entire Latin Copenhagen. preparation for reattaching the gild­ American metals collection is now Bowman, S.G., S. La Niece, N.D. Meeks, ing, sheer nylon fabric was temporar­ safely open to future analysis and 1997. The Origins of Scientific Research ily adhered with methylcellulose to the study. at the British Museum and a Current Metallurgical Study of Pre-Colombian Gold, British Museum Press, London.

Figure 7: Before and after images of tumbaga tray storage.

6 • Symbols GOLD continued from p. 5 enhance the copper with the "essence" coastal Peru, dating to some time widespread notion in the ideologies of of gold running throughout the cast between 1400 and 1100 B.C.E. The New World peoples. object. But there also is evidence that technology appears to have gradually The majority of gold objects usu­ such alloys were valued as much or spread northward, reaching the ally have some alloy in them, partly to even more than higher-grade gold Intermediate Area somewhat before prevent the metal from being too soft objects in many places. C.E. 700. Although gold working and therefore easily bent or damaged. The percentages of copper in alloys arrived late, it became popular very Gold-copper alloy is sometimes of various peoples of the New World quickly. It is likely that, at first, only known as tumbaga, a Philippine word were not apparently tied to the relative high-ranking chiefs could wear pre­ adopted by the Spanish. Among the availability of gold versus copper. cious metal ornaments. By the time of Taino of the Caribbean, the alloy was Ratl1er, early historic accounts suggest Columbus's visit, however, in some called guanin (pronounced gwa­ that gold alloys with high-copper con­ societies, everyone could wear gold, neen). As Columbus sailed down the tent (sometimes referred to as "red although there were probably differ­ coast he complained that the first peo­ gold" because of its darker color) were ences between rich and poor in the ples he met had gold of low quality, highly prized in some places, because quantities and perhaps the ornamen­ due to its high copper content. In of the distinctive scent emitted by the tation that could be worn. more southern areas, which he named metal. While Europeans thought of Other than the shininess of the the "rich coast," he found peoples with gold primarily for its monetary value metal itself, the most striking aspects higher grade gold. But the fmt peo­ and secondarily for its power as incor­ of these objects to modern eyes are ples he met may not have thought of ruptible and unchanging, New World the representations of and their gold as lesser quality. peoples appreciated gold more for its other creatures in these miniature One theory for the use of the gold­ tactile and olfactory qualities when works of art. The symbolism of these copper alloy suggests that the process alloyed with copper. objects is perhaps the most intriguing was not intended to dilute the gold Currently, the earliest evidence for aspect in their study and also the most with a baser material but, rather, to metallurgy in the New World is in difficult to understand. In the earliest gold objects from Colombia and southern Central America, there is a widespread common suite of objects and images, including bells and ani­ TUMBAGA continued from p. 6 Orchard , F. 1938. Correspondence with mals such as long-tailed felines, frogs, Brooklyn Museums related to use of and other creatures. Later, regional Bray, W., 1992. "Sitio Conte Metalwork in "Calgon" for corroded copper alloy. styles developed of which we still its Pan-American Context." In River of Unpublished typescript from archives, know very little. Many of the images Gold: Pre-Colombian Treasures from UAV 677.62, Box 4, Peabody Museum of consist of composite animals, espe­ Sitio Conte. P. Hearne and R.J. Shearer, Archaeology and Ethnology, cially raptorial birds and bats, which eds. pp.32-47. Cambridge, MA. likely combined various powers Fleming, S. 1992. Alloying and the treat­ Scott, D.A. 1995. "Gold-Work of Pre­ desired by chiefs. Other animals, such ment of surface. In River of Gold: Pre­ Colombian Costa Rica and Panama: a as frogs and toads were references to Colombian Treasures from Sitio Conte. P. Technical Study." In Material Research rain and therefore fertility, while Hearne and R.J. Shearer, eds. P. 57. Society 352: 499-525. anthropomorphic figures depicted Gates, G. 2004. "Analysis report of display ____ 1983. "The Deterioration of gods or myiliic heroes of whom we mount and adhesive used for PMAE Gold Alloys and Some Aspects of Their know very little. Tumbaga, Straus Conservation and Conservation." In Studies in Safeguarding, conserving, and pre­ Analytical Lab," Fogg Art Museum, Conservation 28: 194-203. serving collections such as those in the Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Sease, C. 1992. The Conservation Manual Peabody Museum ensures that future ___ 2004. "Analysis report: Tumbaga for the Field Archaeologist, 2nd edition, study of such objects will inform us from the Peabody Museum of Harvard UCLA Press, 72-73. regarding many aspects of the peoples University:' Straus Conservation and Spinden, H.J. 1938. Correspondence with who made them, from technology, to Analytical Lab, Fogg Art Museum, Donald Scott, Director of PMAE, social systems, to aesthetic prefer­ Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. regarding treatment for "tumbaga". ences, to religious concepts. Gold still Lothrop, S. K. 1937-1956. Memoirs of the Unpublished typescript from archives, holds its fascination, but in scholarly Peabody Museum of Archaeology and UAV 677.62, Box 4, Peabody Museum pursuits its riches are much more than Ethnology, 7-9, Harvard University of Archaeology and Ethnology, monetary. Press: Cambridge, MA. Cambridge, MA.


During the first half of the twentieth The Peabody Museum century, several institutions undertook recently completed a four­ large-scale excavations of archaeologi­ year cataloging and digitiza­ cal sites throughout Central America tion project sponsored by and Mexico. In addition to leading the Harvard University efforts by the Peabody Museum and Library Digital Initiative. the University of Pennsylvania, the During the initial phase of Carnegie Institution of Washington this project, collections staff (CIW) sponsored excavations at created 50,000 catalog nearly 1,000 archaeological sites for records in the museum's over thirty years. These excavations database, using the old paper were supervised by notable archaeolo­ catalog cards. Staff subse­ gists such as Alfred Kidder, Sylvanus quently digitized and Morley, Harry Pollock, Eric processed over 40,000 pho­ Thompson, Ledyard Smith, Edwin tographs, added enhanced Shook, and Tatiana Proskouriakoff. descriptive data, and linked When CIW closed its anthropology all the information to the division in 1958, the Peabody database records. The major­ Museum acquired the archival records ity of the images came from of their excavations, including over a series of 35 mm copy-posi­ 50,000 black-and-white negatives and tive projection films which photographs. were digitized by a local con­ Many of these photographs show tactor, Boston Photographic, the archaeological sites before, during, Inc. Since copy-positive film Copan, Hieroglyphic Stairway. PM 58-34-20/65002. and after excavations. Contemporary does not exist for all 50,000 researchers use the images to recon­ photographs, museum staff struct the extent of previous excava­ are currently using digital cameras to University Library Visual Information tions as well as evaluate earlier photograph some 15,000 remaining Access database. In addition to pro­ conditions of the sites. Until recently, prints that are mounted on photo viding a preview-quality image to the access to this important collection of boards and stored in the Peabody's general public, researchers who photographs was limited to photo archives. request a password can access the researchers who could spend days or The processed images are now high-resolution images that support weeks literally browsing though ­ available on-line at both tl1e Peabody zooming and cropping functionality. cabinets full of pasted-up photo Museum's Collections Online website boards in the Peabody Museum ( www.peabody.harvard.edu/col/ Contributed by David Schafer, Senior archives. default.cfrn) and the Harvard Collections Manager

Hacienda Chichen ltza, Arched Gateway. PM 58-34-20/31062. Chich en ltza, Monjas, East Annex. PM 58-34-20/310 I 8.


Ofer Bar-Yosef George Grant MacCurdy and Janet G.B. MacCurdy Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology, Harvard University

During the last two years I have been man. The morphological attributes of The new project aimed to conduct involved in two field operations at this fossil are currently being recorded a meticulous study of the cave's com­ opposite ends of Asia: Kotias Klde in by Dr. Tea Djashashvili, Georgian plex stratigraphy. This was done the western region of the Republic of State Museum, and compared to sev­ through the collection of hundreds of , and Yuchanyan cave at the eral rare skeletons samples for mineralogical analysis and southern end of the Yangtze River found at other Georgian sites. blocks of sediments for producing basin, in Hunan Province, PRC. Both The Pottery Neolithic deposits pre­ thin sections for microscopic exami­ projects, we hope, will enhance our served a pit-house dug inside the cave, nation, known as micromorphology. understanding of the transition from and its fill contained shards and Micromorphology was originally used hunter/gatherer to early farming soci­ lithics. The most frequent lithic type by soil scientists to uncover the micro­ eties found there is the transverse (trape­ scopic composition of soils. It was Excavations at Kotias Klde are zoid-shaped) projectile point and a adopted some thirty years ago to yielding information on how and special type of denticulate, an evenly study deposits at archaeological sites. when the agro-pastoral economy of serrated flake. There were also a few Both mineralogy and micromorphol­ the spread from blades and a "bullet core," a ogy reveal the microscopic structure the core area in southeastern type of core from which blades were and degree of integrity of the stratig­ or eastern Anatolia, eastward to the removed by pressure flaking that char­ raphy of each layer and facilitate trac­ Black Sea area. acterizes the early Neolithic of ing residues of , phytoliths, Kotias Klde cave is located in the Western . The animal bones­ and seeds. The results obtained after rolling plateau of the studied by Dr. Guy Bar-Oz, Haifa the 2004 season enabled us to improve Caucasus foothills, some 700 m above University-do not indicate a major the selection of tl1e best charcoal sam­ sea level. The full stratigraphic change. The hunting of roe deer, red ples for radiocarbon Accelerator Mass sequence inside the cave has not been deer, and in particular wild boar con­ Spectrometry dating. The newly fully recovered. The lowest exposed tinued from the Upper Paleolithic obtained dates, to be published soon, level is an early Upper Paleolithic through the Pottery Neolithic. It confirm that the age of the two pots deposit, overlaid by a Mesolithic layer seems that even if the later occupants found previously by Prof. Yuan at the followed by a stratigraphic break and were farmers, they originally came to site, date to around 16,000-15,000 a series of Pottery Neolithic occupa­ this area as hunters. Farmers as years ago. In addition, an average date tions on top. hunters is a weU-known phenomenon of 14,000 cal B.P. was obtained for the Although the Upper Paleolithic in Western Asia and elsewhere. upper portion of the exposed layers. deposit is not yet dated, the lithic Moving from west to east, the During the field work in industry is characterized by carinated Yuchanyan cave project focuses on Yuchanyan cave, a series of fire experi­ cores from which delicate bladelets determining the possible origin of rice ments showed that most of the ashy were removed. This kind of assem­ exploitation and eventual cultivation lenses inside the cave resulted from blage is similar to a complex of layers in eastern Asia. According to a cur­ the use of wood as the main com­ uncovered by our earlier excavations rently accepted model, proposed by bustible. A few carbonized seeds of ( 1996-2003) at Dzudzuana cave, some Prof. W. Yan of Beijing University, it rice retrieved through systematic 10 km north as the crow flies. The seems that during the Late Pleistocene floatation will be dated soon. The radiocarbon dates from Dzudzuana wild rice grew in the southern reaches large coUection of animal bones found for this industry cluster around 23,000 of the Yangtze basin. To test this is currently being studied by M. cal B.P. hypothesis, Prof.]. Yuan, director of Prendergast, a graduate student at The Mesolithic layer is rich in sca­ the Hunan Institute of Archaeology, Harvard, and Prof. Yuan. During the lene triangles (microliths that possibly conducted excavations in 1993 and last season (November 2005), we had served as hafted darts), imported 1995 at Yuchanyan cave, DaoXian the pleasure of a long visit by Prof. W. obsidian blades, small limestone county, Hunan province. Among the Yan, who serves as the overall supervi­ beads, and bone objects. The first four rich faunal and artifact assemblages, sor of the project. After making his radiocarbon dates indicate an age of he found a few rice seeds and rice own inspection of the site and dis­ ca. 12,000-l 0,500 cal BP. This layer phytoliths. Ashy deposits in the cave cussing the findings with the team, he was partly disturbed by a Neolithic produced a few radiocarbon dates that concluded by encouraging us to con- grave, containing the skeleton of a tall cluster around 16,000 cal B.P. continued on p. 12

Spring • 2006 • 9 PEABODY MUSEUM 2005-2006 EXHIBITIONS AND EVENTS: Highlights

The Moche and the Weekend of the Americas Programs prostitutes. Sixty­ The museum opened three new exhibitions this past year. four black-and-white The first in October, highlighted the museum's excellent and color photo­ ceramic collections from the of ancient graphs will be on dis­ Peru. Contemporary with the Maya of Mexico and Central play through America, the Moche are less known in the . September 2006. A The Moche of Ancient Peru explores Moche artistic achieve­ lecture by Prof. ments and their cultural and cosmological meanings, as Hyung Gu Lynn of understood from the extant ceramics, textiles, murals, and the University of metal artifacts. Some 100 ceramic, textile, and metal arti­ British Columbia dis­ facts will remain on display through September 2007. cussed the Marshutz The museum con­ photographs and tinued its exploration photography in mod­ of the Moche culture ern Korean history. with its annual The Harvard Film Weekend of the Archive also worked Americas program with the Peabody's and the Founder's curators to offer a Shoeshine boy, Pusan, Korea, 1952-1953. Lecture. Seven distin­ slate of Korean and PM 2003 .1 7.3042. Photo by Roger guished scholars pre­ American film s about Marshutz. sented papers on the the Korean war in Maize god, Copan, PM 95-42-20/C727; Moche and their con­ March 2006. Moche stirrup vessel, Chicama Valley, temporaries, the Peru. PM 46-77-30/4967. Photos by Hillel Maya, in a public Burger and David Bah/. A Noble Pursuit program on October The Peabody Museum, with Tozze r Library, opened its sec­ 22 at the Peabody ond exhibition based on a new publication from the Museum. The weekend program investigated aspects of the Peabody Museum Press. The exhibition highlighted thirty­ art and communication, warfare, and politics of these two four objects from the societies. As the Peabody's 2006 Founder's Lecturer, Duchess of Christopher Donnan, professor of anthropology at UCLA, Mecklenburg collec­ presented an analysis of Moche portrait vessels, convinc­ tion, the largest col­ ingly demonstrating that many of the ceramics portrayed lection of excavated real individuals. European Iron Age (800 B. C.-A.D. 1) The Korean War in Photographs objects located out­ In February, the museum opened an exhibition of the work side of . The of Roger Marshutz, Reco nfiguring Korea, taken during his exhibition is based service in the U.S. military during the Korean war, on the Peabody 1952-1954, where he was assigned to cover Brigadier Museum Collections General Richard S. Whitcomb, commander of the 24th Series volume A Korea Base Section Pusan Military Post, who was charged Noble Pursuit by with Pusan's reconstruction. Whitcomb ran the local Gloria Polizzotti Armed Forces Assistance to Korea and other civic action Greis. The volume programs intended to foster good relations with the Korean and exhibition were population and improve the image of the U.S. military. In both supported in addition to photographing these U.S. programs, Marshutz part by the Rencll­ wandered the streets of Pusan in his spare time, photo­ Marcus Fund for the graphing Korean civilians and their daily life in the city, Conservation of Duchess of Mecklenburg at Magdalenska from street vendors and school children to refugees and Slavic Artifacts. gora, 1913. T37ll.l. Photographer unknown.

10 ·Symbols PEABODY MUSEUM 2005-2006 EXHIBITIONS AND EVENTS: Highlights

the victims of the many natural disas­ Harvard Museums Host the ters of 2005, from to New American Association of Museums Orleans to . The altars were The year 2006 marked the IOOth installed for the festivities on anniversary of the American November 2, accompanied by tradi­ Association of Museums. During the tional marimba music, played by annual meeting held in Boston, Berklee College students. The event Harvard's six museums and the was attended by some 500 students, Collection of Historic Scientific faculty, and community members. The Instruments invited 600 conference altars remained on display throughout attendees to an open house and din­ Visitor inspecting one of the altars built for the month of November. ner on April 30. Guests received a this yea r's Day of the Dead. Photos by jose passport granting them access to all Falconi. venues, where they were treated to varied, multicultural fare, and gal­ Dia de los Muertos leries and treasures galore to peruse. The Peabody Museum continued its tradition of celebrating Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead in col­ laboration with the Consulate of Mexico in Boston. This year, the museum invited Mexican Artist Eric Estrada Gasca of Mexico City to build two altars in the museum's third-floor Marimba music added to the event's festive galleries. The altars were dedicated to atmosphere. Photos by jose Falconi.

MA RSHACK continued from p. 1 agrarian societies. A skilled journalist highlighting top­ and photographer, Marshack devel­ ics in Paleolithic oped a method of photography that art ranging from utilized high-powered microscopes animals to sor­ and ultraviolet light to uncover and cery found in decipher previously obscured cave cave paintings paintings. Throughout his life, and on incised Marshack traveled the globe to study slabs and fig­ cave paintings and Paleolithic artifacts urines from in situ and in museum collections. open-air archaeo­ These studies are documented in his logical sites in epic volume, The Roots of Civilization Africa, Europe, (McGraw Hill, 1972) and numerous the Middle East, published papers. and the Archaeologist and former Harvard Americas. The ave, . PM 2005.16.57.51. Photo by Alexa nder Marshack. faculty member, Hallam L. Movius, collection appointed Mr. Marshack an honorary includes approxi- Research Fellow at the Peabody mately 20,000 slides and twelve cubic Science, is sorting and preparing an Museum in 1966, establishing a long feet of papers. Under the direction of inventory of the Marshack papers. The and distinguished association with the Spartz, Peabody Museum senior museum estimates that the collection museum. Marshack's field research archivist, Gi.iner Coskunsu, Ph.D. stu­ will be available to researchers in fall was supported in part by the dent in the Harvard Anthropology 2006 and may be found under the American School of Prehistoric Department is processing the slides museum catalogue number 2005.16. Research. and photos. In addition, Sarah The Marshack collection contains Bertovich, intern from the Simmons Contributed by India Spartz, enior the corpus of Marshack's research School of Library and Information Archivist

Spring • 2006 • 11 EARLY FARMERS continued from p. 9 Asia. This will fac ilitate the testing of The Yuchanyan cave Project is being con­ tinue the search for early rice exploita­ alternative behavioral models of how ducted with the participation of Profs. W. tion and possible cultivation in other local foragers became the first farmers Zang, S. Li, X. Wu, and Prof. Xia from of this region. in both regions. Beijing University; Prof. S. Weiner and Dr. There is as yet no one model that E. Boaretto, the Weizmann Institute of adequately explains the most impor­ The excavation of Kotias Klde cave in west­ Science, ; Prof. P. Goldberg, Boston tant step in human evolution, namely, ern Georgia is a joint endeavo r with Dr. University; Dr. T. )i ao, Bishop Museum, the emergence of agriculture. While Meshveliani, Georgian State Museum, , and Dr. D. Cohen (Boston the data sets from southwestern Asia Tbilisi, and Prof. A. Belfer-Cohen, Institute University), as well as several Chinese and are currently larger than those from of Archaeology, Hebrew University, American graduate students. eastern Asia, the result of many more jerusalem, with the participation of Nino years of field and laboratory resea rch, Djakeli, Georgian Sta te Museum, Dr. G. the new excavation and analytical Bar-Oz, Institute of Archaeology, University techniques may considerably shorten of Haifa, and Z. Matskevich, graduate stu­ the time needed to obtain comparable dent at Harvard University. information from the sites in eastern


Appointments founder of the Corpus project, Ian directed by Elizabeth Brumfiel, Barbara Fash was appointed Director Graham, who retired last year. Northwestern University. Future plans of the Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic at this site include the creation of a Inscriptions in September 2005. Staff Activities municipal archaeological museum Barbara Fash has worked with illustra­ Esther Chao, Conservator, was invited featuring the results of two decades of tion, restoration, and conservation of by the National Palace Museum fieldwork in the town. Maya monuments for nearly thirty (NPM), Taipei, Taiwan to participate yea rs. She co-directs the Copan in that museum's Scholarly Exchange Museum Grants and Awards Mosaics Project with William L. Fash, Program in November 2005. The pur­ The Peabody Museum received two directed the Hieroglyphic Stairway pose of this program is to promote grant awards in Spring 2006, both Conservation and Replica Project scholarly exchange between the from the National Endowment for the (1997-2000), the Project for National Palace Museum and Humanities. The first, from the Computeriza tion of the Research academic and cultural institutions Preservation and Access Division of Library and Archives at Copan's abroad. During her visit, she gave NEH, will support the digitizing of a Regional Center for Archaeological two public lectures and conducted core collection of nineteenth-century Investigation (1999-2001), and has several group discussions and photographs. The second, from the conceived, designed and installed the workshops with the NPM's Education Division of EH, will sup­ exhibitions in the Copan Sculpture Department of Conservation. Her port consultations in preparation for Museum (1993-96). She has been a topics concerned storage and display the reevalution and subsequesnt re­ research associate at the Peabody mounts for museum objects and envi­ installation of the Hall of the North Museum since 1995 and director of ronmental monitoring of museum American Indian. the Mesoamerican Laboratory since collections. 1998. The Corpus of Maya Departures Hieroglyphic Inscriptions project aims Jeffrey Quilter, Deputy Director for Rebecca Chetham, Deputy Director, to document and publish all the Curatorial Affairs, received funding will depart the museum at the end of inscribed monuments of the Maya from the National Science Foundation the summer for a new position as the civilization. Scattered throughout and National Endowment for the Director of Adminstration in the southern Mexico, Guatemala, Humanities for archaeological field Department of Organismic and Honduras, and , these many work at the site of Sta. Magdalena de Evolutionary Biology and Affiliated thousands of monuments are endan­ Cao Viejo, a sixteenth-century Spanish Institutions (Museum of Comparative gered and their inscriptions quickly Church Complex and Indian Zoology, Harvard University Herbaria, disappearing because of acid rain, ero­ Resettlement (Reducci6n) in the and Harvard Museum of Natural sion, vandalism, and looting. Over the Chicama Valley, Peru. History) after eleven yea rs with past thirty-five years, the Corpus has Peabody Museum. Becky Chetham published over 700 monument David Schafer, Senior Collections joined the museum staff in 1995 as inscriptions in eighteen folio volumes Manager, worked at the archaeological Assistant Director and was promoted and discovered and documented new site of Xa ltocan, Mexico, a post­ to her current position as Deputy monuments and even entire Maya Classic (Aztec) period site north of Director in 2003. cities. Barbara Fash succeeds the Mexico City. The excavation is

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Symbols is published once a year by the Peabody Museum }and the Department of Anthropology at Harvard. The yearly subscription rate is $4.50. Please make checks payable to: "Symbols--Peabody M11seum" and send to: Peabody Museum Harvard University I I Divinity Avenue Cambridge, MA 021 38.


The Council of the British Academy Rowan Flad, Assistant Professor of Fo undation for research (with David named Ofer Bar-Yosef, George Grant Anthropology, conducted brief Raichlen) on energetics and the evolu­ MacCurdy and Janet G. B. MacCurdy exploratory fieldwork during the sum­ tion of bipedalism. Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology, a mer of 2005 in Shandong and Gansu Corresponding Fellow of the British provinces in in addition to Lucien Taylor, Assistant Professor of Academy on July 29, 2005. Election to finalizing preparations for a long-term Visual and Environmental Studies and the fellowship is the highest honor survey project in the Chengdu Plain of Anthropology, together with Ilisa awarded by the Academy in recogni­ of Sichuan province in co ll aboration Barbash, Associate Curator of Visual tion of scholarly distinction. with scholars from Peking University, Anthropology, Peabody Museum, are the Chengdu City Institute of working on a long term, multi-part David Carrasco, NeilL. Rudenstine Archaeology, Washington University ethnographic film project about the Professor for the Study of Latin in St. Louis, UCLA, and Taiwan lifeworld of sheepherders in the America, was on sabbatical this year. National University. Initial fieldwork American West, concentrating on the His sabbatical research focused on the was conducted during the 2005-2006 ranchers' and herders' hybrid indigenous religious practices and Winter Break. Recent field research "naturecultures". One sequence, "In sacred architecture as narrated in has been supported by the American the Jug," was screened at Amherst in Bernal Diaz del Castillo's five-volume Philosophical Society and the Asia November and at the Dublin Institute True History of the Conquest of Mexico. Center at Harvard University. of Technology in December. In the spring of 2005, Carrasco deliv­ ered the Americo Paredes Lecture at Michael Herzfeld, Professor of Jason Ur, Assistant Professor of the University of , Austin on Anthropology, was awarded an hon­ Anthropology, spent the late summer Mexica n American art and orary doctorate at the Universite Libre in northeastern Syria, where he is doc­ Precolumbian mythology. de Bruxelles, . umenting the history of settlement at Tell Brak, the largest city of northern Peter T. Ellison, John Cowles Arthur Kleinman, Esther and Sidney Mesopotamia in the 4th millennium Professor of Anthropology, was on Rabb Professor of Anthropology and B.C. sabbatical this year after completing Chair of the Department, is principal eleven years as associate dean of the investigator on an NSF grant with Richard Wrangham, Ruth B. Moore faculty and dean of GSAS. His work health economists William Hsiao and Professor of Biological Anthropology, this year focused on developing some Winnie Yip for field research on the was named Harvard College Professor new laboratory techniques and impact of economic change and social this year, an honor recognizing distin­ exploring new research possibilities in capital on health outcomes of people guished contributions to undergradu­ the Arctic. Ellison was also honored in rural villages in Shandong ate teaching at Harvard. The five-year with selection as a fellow in the province, China. He continues as a appointment provides support for National Academy of Sciences. member of the Advisory Council of professional development. the Fogarty International Center, Engseng Ho, Frederick S. Danzinger National Institutes of Health. Obituary Associate Professor, spent summer William W. Howells (Harvard '30 ), 2005 visiting Arab- Islamic graves in C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Stephen emeritus professor of anthropology at Gujarat, Malabar, , and West Phillips Professor of Archaeology and Harvard, was a leading physical . His research focuses on the Ethnology, is currently conducting anthropologist who undertook pio­ revival of Malay-Arab-Bugis sul­ excavations in Central Asia and neering studies in human cranial vari­ tanates from Pontianak to Sambas in exploring opportunities for collabora­ ation and the analytical use of Borneo, and Arab-Chinese friendsh ips ti on in the ongoing excavations at multivariate statistical techniques, in the region. In December, Ho deliv­ Mahram Bilquis in Yemen. establishing that modern humans are ered the Koentjaraningrat Memorial one species. Howells died on Lecture in Indonesia in honor of the Daniel E. Lieberman, Professor of December 20, 2005 at the age of 97. founding figure of anthropology in Anthropology, received grants from He is survived by two children, that country. the National Science Foundation for Gurdon Metz of Manhattan and research in to head stabili zation during William Dean Howells of Washington, running and from the L.S.B. Leakey D.C., four grandchildren and five great -grandchildren.

14 · Symbols NEW IN 2006-2007

Michael Rockefeller: Photographs, 1961 Opens November 15, 2006 Next fall, the Peabody Museum will present the first solo show of the photographs of the late . These black-and-white photographs were chosen from the 117 rolls of black-and-white film (approximately 3,500 images) taken during the year that Rockefeller was a mem­ ber of the Peabody Museum's New Guinea Expedition. The photographs document the life of the Dani people dwelling in the Bali em Valley, high in the mountains of Netherlands ew Guinea, today Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In addition to their rich documentary content, these photographs reveal much about the sensibility behind the camera. Many of the photographs in the exhibition are vintage prints made in the ea rl y nineteen sixties. A few of the photographs were published in the vo lume about the expedition Gardens of War, by Robert G. Gardner (Random House, 1968), but most have never before been published or publicly dis­ pl ayed. This exhibition also celebrates the 40th anniversary of th e Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Fellowship which funds Harvard College graduates to develop their under­ standing of themselves and their world through involve­ ment with people of a culture not their own.

War leader exhorting hi s followers. PM 2006. 12. l.50.27.

Vanished Kingdoms: A Woman Explorer in Tibet, China, and Opens April 11 , 2007 In spring 2007, the museum will host Vanished Kingdoms, an exhibition of thirty-nine compelling color images of rare colored lantern slides taken by two young Americans, Janet E. and Frederick R. Wulsin, Jr. , now in the collections of the Peabody Museum. In March 1923, the Wulsins launched a nine- month Central China Expedition, spon­ sored by the National Geographic Society. Their assign­ ment was to photograph the people and places of Inner Mongolia and Gansu and Qinghai provinces, where National Geographic Society photographers had never been. During their journey, Frederick established himself as a cultural anthropologist, and Janet came into her own as an explorer. Together, they became accomplished photog­ raphers with keen eyes for detail, composition, and mood. This traveling exhibition was developed by Janet Wulsin's daughter, Mabel H. Cabot, and organized by the Peabody Essex Museum in conjunction with the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, and the Aperture Foundation.

Mongol merchant's family and you ng bride, Wang Yeh Fu, hina, May 1923. PM 56-55-60/15688.1.

Spring · 2006 • 15 Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology NONPROFIT ORG. Harvard University U.S. POSTAGE II Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 PAID CAMBRIDGE, MA PERMIT NO. 54565


Design Contest. The awa rd for the third a pioneering woman archaeologist in the volume in the Press's Peabody Museum early years of the twentieth century. Greis Collections Series recognized Joan K. and retired museum photographer Steve O'Donnell, project director for the Burger signed copies of their book at the museum, and freelance book designer opening of the exhibit, currently on view Tina Kachele of Kristina Kachele in the Tozzer Library Gallery. Design, Inc. The Peabody Press has also begun An announcement of the book award publication of a series of facsimile will appear in the summer issue of reprints of classic volumes in the NemaNews, and the book will be exhib­ museum's Papers series. The hardcover ited in November at the association's volumes-which so far include Harriet annual conference in Cromwell, and Burton Cosgrove's The Swarts Ruin, a Connecticut. catalog of Mimbres pottery designs from that site originally published in 1932, and Recent Publications Watson Smith's Kiva Mural Decorations of A Noble Pursuit: The Duchess of Awatovi and Kawaika-a (1952)-faith­ Book Prize Mecklenburg Collection from Iron Age fully reproduce the black-and-white and In April 2006, Painted by a Distant Hand: , the fourth and most recent vol­ color illustrations of the originals. Mimbres Pottery of the American ume in the collections series exhibition, Peabody Museum Press books are Southwest by Steven A. LeBlanc, the was launched in April with an exhibit, now marketed and distributed by museum's Director of Collections, was lecture, and booksigning at the museum. Harvard University Press (800-405-1619; awarded flrst place in the New England Author Gloria Greis spoke about the fas­ o rders@trili teral. o rg). Museum Association's Publications cinating life and career of the duchess,

16 • Symbols