May / June 2019May METALSOCIETY OF SOUTHERN ARTS CALIFORNIA Elise Preiss MASSC Member Spotlight PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE EDITOR’S NOTES Angelina Smith John Lemieux Rose Springtime Greetings! It’s a very exciting time of year for us Metalsmiths as there are so many upcoming events and fun times. I hope everybody had a chance to finish their entries for the 2019 Metals Challenge. The deadline was April 26th, Part of the mission of The Metal so if you didn’t finish in time, you aren’t alone. I didn’t finish either. But I Arts Society of Southern Califor- still can’t wait to see the pieces that did get completed in time. They will nia is promoting our members all be on display at the Metals Challenge Luncheon on June 2nd. Thats’s and work of Southern California right! This year’s Luncheon is JUST AROUND THE CORNER! June 2nd, artists. Of course, we do that 10:00 am - 2:30 pm in Westminster. Be sure to get your tickets. We will here in our newsletter, and I’ll take the opportunity to be announcing the winner of the Nancy Monkman “Jewelry Arts Dream” invite you to be one of our Featured Artists. Just email Scholarship. The Nancy Monkman Estate Sale was well attended, thanks me a couple of photos of your work to everybody who came and purchased things, and bigger thanks to the (
[email protected] ), and I’ll take it from there. folks who spent time helping to sort, price and organize the sale. You can also show us what you are up to on Insta- Very happy to report that we conducted another successful downtown jewelry district tour this year.