W'NTER 1968 No. 13

t Tu cc.&. l-r-t 'l i! n.9 e6.s.

Poblish'ed by rhe Conlinenlcrl Railwoy Circle 4I3!8q l il. Durani, ?-0. lo: lr9, 1ie61, T!as@l, sd*i! idlt6. {r.! eve"'xirs ezce!1 ruropeai r's rt.r:. ) r.!. $€11, 11 l,oiior It.7.5, (i'or ni,:'io reFe it€c orlJ- ) 1?-J.K. }3vto3, trLotlloli.rtr, 29r 106! I tod Ro:d, rrh*tianlst..t,

,i6tlilutioh - r, rira, ?5 Toodcodk Ibrl lvetue, rer.i.n, Iarrv, i,!iddl:3!a .After {eat Es statcd in tbe last th!.e eiii.dars, prrvJ o " 4d oi tb .-oDa'r is " :il :i I o .-r'., h . does lot i!.lly that o a litio !:od!c1.!.n n.s b!, a..d- dorcA, brt sirllI thal erquiltes ana sgott:ttore iF taki..a 1ona6r tla cx!..i- ed. If tles€ ar co,cba6d se't*factodly, th€ char€e iil1 irrr. !1:c. ir il. dirln df 19@, full deteils will:!-ier ir ibe s!@e! 19O rdrn.1 irrc\ rill, .f oouE€r "idEizi! ile rEsent fomat. It pill t ldrte&d that, bec"!.d of iho ?.s.io1: ch.rEe ir s!,t- ion eie, reno€l fohs €re not b..qe€. ne for oosl -p^ers, -hets:or, t . ii. t oir ., 1 I,j . is"Los - I od e'+ !. tloF ror loe e!c1o.3d. ,'i edlr seitllsnt rcuu ne :rrr.rcide,r.

tult tcaSrolrs xlcEr!,}, turr,rrii Horrx4Y I]i ?oRrrrs4 by l.y- ,i!rvo!r!: 158 pasjs 5!tr i 3in, 12 *oto- s*phs, 4 @Ds; lubltsn€d by ,avid & clallcsJ prlce 30/-. Polt\al is a I)opu1a! hsolt fo! Ei1'/dJ 3.i ibe pelenr t1$, aa.tlis i!€ rtut! in the iallfy{rey &:i.s slouk har . cor:;tobdinrt,- gooa Fceltio!- S@eylat *r!)?isinsly, ir vien of ihc .!ri1e, rj:i firs: trrr,. - chaplers deaf itb lortn-reEt sratn, brt t! tI€ &@ini!s seEn ilc autlor !e_ vtdes En i!fo@ti@ tucdrt of o 1957 tou! of tlo pollucuele r:ilr_r]. rrsic;. r{any aslects are co@Ed, lut ralticula! atiertior ib !6id ro ito ,zrroi sriJ d!E4s1s i.4rbl-d -_ik r.o I,r;1. &I€ ai@s coc! cp.rf,t1srica, loceotirc tiErB 04 e or ioriu;.se Eil€y tems. srbssrr lhc look t. s.enerally accr:1te, troueb rhr:r e a fe, ni!.riirr .id 1l..: on:.4 r. . _".: I -,.., ; , .. , !Eba$ o" ,d (rs poirr. i ) u. no, 11 .: , .,r I citlcI ftai 9870-., sd .L rc,1o b.. 1^t..r!s;.rJ .. )ia." .- _. ar,-c1a-eo to b, lo-sis 6r'---o. /tb ro-a . s o. G! y qJor '4 614c-12, ohc tr c._,ip! f-. s o -rok rs a-.ouot.d ,( 1,--)r! ^ !o1. oi :F rlr .8.:_ r rdJ b en orlt.kii by. rn s. jo: rer. rb.socr:.i.i.s.r ! )..:r. ,:.rr.._ po!'s:. Io! EvI.4- -Jo-or -blt oDjoy I :.j :.L.,_ - .!- eserl-r' tups bd i:ruot'1!iob6, ec rJ)n. ij. t e I r:r i.t .., , i -h ,,_ o_ q,o: rJs PoltLe.l :s .rrm8-J Ana.c .o oo .:: - -o r "o: !j.... r-. :. ther rt1l te a fE* nsh of hsrisi." ir lio. (r.di4cd oi ?are 2?,) by !.4. Ka11+BisloP

Ple l€orado da vlnci !Eeu' Via sd Vi+ios' {i1d, no' !?s a.cou6c- tion ol ijriltee! st3o.Ia fou eleotdc pftsered locoEotic., xntch aa o!6!ed to tbe rrblic i! th€ dtls of 1958. 91eE! tlat lare t€e: stoed at Ro@ tutoi*nto sbed, nost:irce ]9tt, trc la& beetr iD the n*E fo! tn6 lasi ter J€ar6, ea foa locotuti€s ooG frm stoF 61s- ylec on tne fs. h additlob tb€ th€ full+ize noA6r of '!tetrdn,,, tle filst r.conotiE to tu t! Italy in 1619' tatsen l@ t!6 o1d !@ T!tuiai 6i1@y i6eu- {hts 1att6r ns€u ls ro' c1osd, ed tLe collectiob lTdsfeued

,t!e loc@oilre collection €s ansrsed in a yald ai in6 bak ol ih6 Nseh ir 196?/68, .id a butldtng e6 th€h esct€d *ou!d it. lhe l@@oii@s

4?0.092, @ 0-10-0 ?retent &d ber;.i!e folecyltnde. ?laoher co,:r!o!nd dated 1908. I1l€ tenil.r ls a @ter tak on1y, oo:1 bebg c@i6d on th6 locouo- +ire. gbo 1st sl6d 1n 195/i ?a6 Srrmd, r.? frerstt to leni dd Carrobasso. 5t2.014, tbe last of tne 4-4-o e:lsss pdsenge: locobolrEs !ut1t 1899- 1900 fo! ile :{11a!-voni€ roed of tle old lete.{driatt@- It€ 1as! shoa in 1954 @s !reviso. fo! local fsidt F r to vede. s685.6o0, 2-G2folrcyundc!, . calrlotti EIE Aed, su!3lneated Ebutld of, a 680 c1*s 1908- Ii @ tle 1,00on1 1oc@ot'€ bu*l by Eesto Br€aa- lasi sleA tu 1958 @s Ui].! esco. @!-a22, d 4-6-2 ftbnfir in 1930 f$b tb! old 60 ole€ i,rrod!@d ia 1911, the 14sesi aad l1€.!tesi Fs dich $ofkod the 41a-vcdce dd gil e-loloau n.jr 1tE a1lJ sen't to R@ $&+@nio for !€selEtio4 but it 13 chara€d fo? 691.022. er-sto& at vot44elar durtns 1965. '146.011, a foljHylilder conldEd 2-3-2 or 1922, irie'ded s d €rlEss lassenser loodnott€ oEr routes lo! dlid i!6 40 claes Paofic F€ too leal5l. rasi sled €s talir sdistelio i! 1954. 835.186, tne fdili C-4-o iank trp€ that nas bee!.- st.nAald !s slutins 1906, ed sono or *1c! .rc st l

€ao.159, a s!.*eet6d 2-6-4 talk ?itb lieton w1ws, sbuifi fM e 1912 sltite €lft nd!-sulo*.ated 875 class, .d intend6d for 1cve1 lr:ncL 1i*o. t6st shcd Es FloEr@ ln 19t?, iDt s@6 of tb6 class .s stilI i! $rvie. 94o.oo1, a 2-€-2 stde tf,nL @Eio. o3 r.}e s.andard ?4o cl:ss 2-a-o, rLal @s built tn 1921. h€rd6d fo! Dourtat! }!ae! ltms dd feielt t@efer 3. tltps- r,€t s!.d va {ila' seisterto u 1964. 3@e o9 tbe class aE stiu ir

R3c1.o2, a 3ft 1&r sdse (95h) 2-6-4 tar]r fo! tbe balFF eauec 1iree in Stcilr, @d a trpc nhicn :]eo s.: sorvtce tn ?rtlolittuia, Cysmioa, Srttb3 ed ltelte S@ltlali. last snad !s Paremo Au rF@ in 1954. ?7, M 0-€-2 srde ia,k ?or tb 2tt 6t! g=-use (T60@) rri€sre-laFbzo €r1- " €y, luilt in ]i:1y l! 1922 io austrid atrtu i?i16y aranilss. t&t slod -,ras lYie€te Ca!4){ffirzto in 1935, ib J6o tho b11dy @ oloed. 4.121,012, a l-C-1 i ilt in 192? 3or'!.!e 550 v tlild-Ei1 :iila!-trla11aEte- ?orto Tb€ ltre ds cor6d€d to 3,o0o v d.c. overhoad i' 1951. e330.008, tle fist Fally €et&factoly inree-$se !€ss6rg€T looomti@, o f-c-t lidlt 1! 1914- r4O.1, tlo flrsr tlF.-!]r3€. looonotie to u in lt.1y, 3 !o+!o butlt ry G$z of nudalssl 1! ]902, itill ffit6sd it tbe !s-1918 style nit! !o11.!ed

E)r.010, ore i.iccoll erepot:1, :be 0-:-4 yp€ ,!1r j! 1911 sho,Fd .t.! lbft6 !brs Jl cl,-f--etiod ts b!€n_y euces.fnl or l,h 1ir 2&J of trc 4+{r}e Glow itc}ttu trortl of canoe- BC 34 'rl1\rzz6n, a O-4-4 ttu locolotiG 3rd rhe rdzz-96letuo tr&€y that clos€d in 1958, tutlt in 1910, da origidlly fo. xre ]{i1e-4a11d.te

111, a 0-4-{ +€o locooo'tlc }u1}i ?.! tle Vili!-?avie ttu*y in 1912. laier d fte tliian-rsaortlcBteo t:.r]l@y gbic! closen in 19t?. 25O.O5, a l9lt-tuilt 0-6-0 F11-t3.k fsD tle rort! ]nl* Ratlmts. lLc 1@o4o1trc ts a copy of d Issl:!€en-butlt dd€ie! of thir'ly{dd cdlie!, sa.Jmreousty csries tho rcrt6 nlat6 2!63/86 oft 2rn.oL 'tzrs ft€se m the loo@ottEs ericr rare ls$fled, but ugFrefully o& ?@deF rnat FiIl ha!-!en to th6 irp6€ €aMllsd bnt &t nor sct.c+.d. Thcgo i1o1rd. 6€0.0l?, : P1-rcn r.osouA 2-r2 ib 1!s o-1e1L ctuo .ron, 640,106, llo fiF- sL!6+Eel.d ocEie! i. llzly ( lthodr! 4sJ of,be"c 2-6-Os s stlt- lMitg); 8m.oo8, 4 o-4-o rlriAlt-boiloed tabk reb:ilt in 1913 fsh e 190? begga€F Fil !oto! O-.4-2; 899.006' 0-6-4 @ll-terk butlt tn 1882 fo! tLe o1d Boze!-i, dd 1arcf, Nst?id Sxat6 !ail€$ .bd i410.oo4, r O-8-{ ret1- iatL lulrt t! 1916 for ih. xlr Eeo&, rlr.d siE t al1 tts lilo or tbe ?60@ g:u.6 oric}lla 1rE, clos6d in 195c.

mi! tbe gtorth of retl@r cnthu.1.e tn oaslny, Dil-iols atu 1r3 a! Dcsssingly p-di4 nl !.!t of tlc !rl6y sceE. lasr ulIlis€.t 1"as! u0 198 oors Lr4 blrs: bL4€- yc{. }rrdy rb !(utsd. crs.l-3ct3fl, fL' r1=-"0.!" 'eotud r lroerr@c of e rours, of nn1c.h f !- 19.r,'l9 - dt Du/f r. d.a vos.rsd-s (d cless)r 23.3.69 - tlrdfa-hll od@s (tl "re al9)r 11.r,69 - rflt tB- .e!f d! q],E (4) o- 4 !d {,: sr-r)r r.5.@ - yL4,ff'bF tus b1L^id (98); 4.r.6t - R{ch ua i.r!t b {.invi.sck (64 !d x1o12). !u11 deirils 4 ohiain- ab1. l&D tle )cEc at 75 Kallsnlo t, Postftc! O63. 4' loTEs !.I10 M6

Ile lasi +*1@ Eonths laG se€n s4at€r chrlFs on tjnB. so fa! s tuti€ porer rha aar lero* t€u. electr:fi@rio; @s cotalelca tEtme, EiFda &d b:r!!€, t'i!tuhtrg tle Uadria-Iro @in 1r@, i} tle 1ai6 s1eer; e!if6 in lueust t!€ iladlid-AqAs Albct ltne, u€lectriJted, frs opeled after son6 forty F4! tulk. Xost thlou€n tFils thn rro ro r{a4r1d !o, @ tlis lie, turked erxiEly by di6so16, nd so hav6 to onds r!&tion eb ,oute ar 3u!eps. It-F !ce, eDtlc! Aeliretes of d:€se s, r,oludils: F, @di@ tJDer a@b€fd frcn to8oo. rn+ ihe nosi oas?iouous chse€ io rlar tb€F tas re6 a @r, redly cr6.n sFe, o" coalheir€ toc@ortcsr b€sisjds iE tct6 96? ard eF or iess .o!!'eta I r, ey s€prerb. i 1068 !o coalbLreF @s reDoll€d on re4lar turies. rF is!! or p1s:er€e!, *ld 1de€d tb6 o,ry ohes ;osefto an stotu tJ th6o mr s!€d o! s:* pitors, ?sty r€ qrrtedo'rd. run a r ect erc€et o! sraff tEirg. 1r scb placcs as Tsa6oG, 3ftc16@ Lsan a!d; &d p@blo rhEE, Atocha *r&s,etc, Ttis laE tua+ }ne c@?let6 aisappearee, er@!t ,noft oE of tt@ bs onded up on a p1lot's job, of slob classas 6e l,ne r;fte 2-€_os ad r-6-os, no1 to Ecn ron atr 0-6-03 and o-€-os. Lhid ,cd -o De eu os. tbe t13c6 ectr t!&e J€ars a€!. o! tne oiter b3!d, tne ectoi fo! the coalbutus b-s r€u1r€d r. a flq ra!!6r sx-?rkire coreEio6 ro ori_fl.i*- ihcrudhs Dsbers of botb rbe oos!_ ald trzA 4-8_tt€, L,o 4_r4rs fo- .!e ra;;tb h!tuch (\os. 020) ed 02otl, a.a oddly.boreh ibc /alercia e;d ol1oc, 0?0,!.0261 (er-c.btre1 of !}asn. 1398 I ) E€nce ihe stetu lictlft in slaib no 1o!€e! lEs€lts @cb cri6ty. r6&tr the r*eoer lhport:o! oF ..r.i{ srock ts !l !€ st5ldad 2_€_2s eo rlns. urrl-€6 o"b!rF* at loesi talrc a lar8! ldt .f i*. gle!cs-q.*D!-'9 (9,/68) - rilsrite elecrrrfrcerion, ihes 1s con€rdeFblc stee bo! on 1d" i.r"szs 4+-'s, 4+-4s, a,.d bo!; 2iri;d 1F}- (?ryf - A salr s:€b-ou1!o€r. di!1y dear'.,6 Fit! rlFrerig frb !&_ 6Jd rort. a_4.'s baq bre! o!€e!rcd heE as 6t1 a€ starda,-d

9:]3gglg - Ar!h.u*.t-*s+€ o-6{s (r92e s€nas) xos. 2)5?, ?5o5 e 2565 mr 6.3erce d,uE tdie t. say, oy seltat ! all brd b.;D srth_ dlatu, ad selvtc€s o. rhiE nB ?cre ,olLea by !ailc;. o4 ,ea mlki"s ia - lFvid€d ny a c? $11oe! c@ibs froD @o!ro ?isar rhrousn to sala@E, c;Decr_ ils trc!. Fiih a rlrR fron ovicdo, ard so prcvidine ror ir6 d,"r tl* ; dt;;_ rice te! o!o' o to Iaaria lta ihe Dolh €Iley. .ita aEtr tid€ !ass".Fr ir"jE @ tu! a r-F eFisbt. e sG&. ex_izl. a_€_2s tn; rcd-." r;- r{aaila &1 caqo-lrre*es de 0604 6i4 line sftt srddard"!"F ir!c., slioL also mrk asrolsa. arrhou€b i!6 $6!r1r{!ercd z:er;-oE*. 11". }* lEviouslr 1166r r.!o!r6d as all-di63e1, rte der1r 1o;a1 rM !z lueble d; Sasb:ir to zlajre sld rclum Ie, l! fdr.. a st€a. onlas. v+taaoirL (6/6€) - Tb! cocts-.t I b! ica -bo:r6r o-r-o or 189, rs srj1l l-r stoF at $e @!k, rleF rh6 prlol er€lbe is 2-4-oT 120.02,1, -he is al.o stoFd. csri 2_a_4 5. zareza 19/6) - ?ollovins electriticatid sdt!.ftst ftod iEluaa, ile 4-€-4s ;;;;E f!;h zda.qo'a *o€'as lriE de, r€liaeAaiftsa' @d ;roia 1a rlueE. srDd;rd ,2xI series 4-8-2s e also at yolt on tbese li!e!. otbeftise ihe sit- uatlon EDaire as lefos, rith tle e:-lio*e 1ireo to ;ai€lda ed llar&sa ahost rto1ly st6&, 6r-iEA 4j-4ts or tle suesca 1oo!' e@ ste@ iof,ade !&irid dd dieoels io cadtuc dd ctutnfta1. Ii IMt be a.sra t!a, the lga 4-€-os at !]calrtz laE €!8, tluah tbis is lot confimd. Irc ds *a (9,/68) - coa o1hi.s liiots e_k rt It i.r. (flolte 2J-4) tud :'a!€sa li6;a;-dir-n 25t?)! .r.beel ts 4-Grft hw b^er co-{.-ed t. oil"i-:r€ eor the B€rha3tro b!@b, tloic lotufly se@ to be atuso1-slk€d, I:@te 4-tu3 cea*d ?o!ki!€ !€€enepr iEid or +!e I€ltd+Tasalld lire in tbe s!dn€' altlone! taey coEit"uea io agpear on ]tsht frielrt dutie3 atl1 oidffi!; at ftrsl Laei ,assen€c! .€r ny 2-8-2 clrrrrs, bL. lhs ltt€F €slins d€[email protected] ms sbo-1ll6d. ds tb- ro! lo8s d'e*ls -o.d ore- s.b!G t r. gorcEr, tne cr@tts sti1l ao!.?oli4 iLd quito heaay frefult on"t ihis lirc. ollbuDfna lfz.L 4-€-41s rclk io !ob1a de s€er, ela o*-oesta 242.0221 Fs o!86rea o! a c.MrI€ltda tocal in au3ust. IeLg@ (5/68) - all sli 4_6'2 ceatts * rt'll acttE? naiblv or f€tsbt!, iu+ tnchdins tre oocasiodl !*3€ng6r tun to la l@tna. I1@da stettd (6:-c.rt!e] of !E3on) ft troF oloed, but tle :o?k: * sttlf aotie. seseloE - corlluDi.s ltlot€ oLserGd EF 030.0236 (rEblo liu6b) ad 6:6:5-t(san &d$s rclts). arthol$ th.ft 1s no etlre s+ca tu ibo s€a, t!€ drks sii11 do s@ o€*atrlB; &tab1e Lcs !e tlc aisn, cd 15r?.31O:L or, @rk6.. TLre los 2-10-2s €ft ir the rcrk3 at tne Ed ti@, althousL ii @s Gusebsted +hat tley etelt be osibaltreit to lsduce oily ore o! tF o€lhalled riadrid @d oe.t€ area (5/€) - r1i!o"$ tlis ea 1s aloost all 6te@, tlere e f€a -lorts fI@ i+. atandara typcs no@€! trc 2-10-8 haB b€€b fti'ort€d o' f*iebt3 t€t€en Xadda erd TalaEla. {o!k! ptlots at {+oc!a s 120.0202 dd 040.21113, Noltb@st slain - Altlou4! die.of,iui! or electrifi€d for so@ reaE, Sodort. so*s i! t!1E aea Ettu relais 6tetu 1oc*oti€6 (€lddera tr"€s), colaoba ed southee sFi! (9,/t9) - ft"$ is !@ Err Iitt1e ste@ ettvtty i! tLis *a. soE€r, Eia ald 4l-4s nolk tle @Joltty of fftiahtE letree. coldola a&d ?orda, dd a 2-€-2 the o7.oo Ro'a+]t1sqci* dd 18.3t eth, e* -alaaluces 2-€-{ 14O.2O!-4 is pilot at los R661es, and or-}ndel@s 2-6"{ 1lo.2o5? liloi ar !.UFctss. (s!@isn fi?otutto! lE d[e to 1. ady, J.r. Blytn, R. 38.,!.reU, t. Dis!, D. lieldira' H- erte@s' A,J. Ea!t' ald T..4. Poeuclt tlesel*etior i€ a!!@hlnA cdarlotion souti of tb. laAus, dd !s tcsu, b:t so fd not *[email protected], rcrth of tb€ ,@!o. !€t*.r tle ttu !i@r3, zb3* 1s !o 3r.e orcelt fo! tle tuoFs€ng€ ttrc6 ed 6m or tio i.olaiea m*tlas of 2-6-41k sout! f@ olodo s f4 * o€!. Relorted I 6ti11 &ilG i! selteabe! E$ a iotal of ?? broad-aaeo stca rocoEotlEs, but tlis is lErlele d rhd€F8tiD+e as e nEier of ensiss reF lot @out€d fo!. lhe iotal Fs da6 u! as fo11o6i o-4-o? (1), 2-6-2 (r), 2-8-44 (6), z-6'tr (22), 4-64 - 221 s!16s, BoEis cd4'ouEd (2), 2d sd:s, de c1er4 c@!@rd (1), 2e1 $iics, tuslde crlibde! (5), 2.r se!1es, olr.rd- cytino€r (t), l5l s!r-s. ir€ crebn c6r p@@ (1), z-tu - 70'*!tes, srmle (1r). ?r1 seriea, .oololJd i1), 2-e_2 (1), 4-G2 - 5or series (2), 551 seli€s (4)- rt re loiad r!;r iii; ii€r o!it: '- tLo refl-hrofl lete! ?e&ock 0-6-{s ald O-5-2,r'i,'i1t nare all been siihdran dd ftlfacea by diesel snu,t€n. A d'tE to €Et !1il'tic! of coal-buniB tocaEotiEs. cs ir Srain. seels lo bar- bepn r'u,achFd, dd rr a!!€a.s tlet sa" roiaie loud€ Gllpift becace tley buh oi1- "o.- sdtx of th6 4aeuE lt E€ Eporred itr tLy tlat s.r6e srttt ,o:r@n fs! BTreilo ro t\rbcl€rra (yra se-ub3I d na eajar dd b-arch€6. clsses 4€R aF 2-etl ?-&'-4t, ,aI 4-6-tt, 5.) a-e2; ,be sbaj6h-rlr'r 4-8-os lad alla*ntly been vithdFm ly sEpt.Dt€!- Nolth of olorto tteE is ucn eE st€& actio!, drt! on1, . dilority of dteset tr*tion da, rfts@!1y +o.ke6p u a !Eb€! of tlaiE c;a.€- iag _rcn dreer liBr to "otue.r,-ak slat ai.s'. -b"rc * t! rh6 opoeo ea. *yond Xeeua, tu terod ntre on the {o&ao trtu, diesel rocdottE€ did &t r€r turi j- se;t"fu"!. The$ app€ds to te.o chanee o' rt€ @orga!€€ 1tEA, dftl a laiety of stee !o€r; eyery loc@otire o! rxe books (t6re1 69) las r€en obse*d ihi; JE+, wtth o.lJ ths€ elgtnes a!!@ntly d@!ed. Bftad ana F!r, sau€e 1&@G as e@4 rhe $dead6 of c@rds ,odd ne Foud ;f th€n. (rr is stil] !e*a!s a pity tlat th€ polruelese, lil€ the Sreish, ;@ot @t as dicL enir\ugias! ilto cleaning t!€ statld la%torie€r)

SIEAM TRO'LY FOB TTIE OCDO AND ROIIILKIND BAILWAY- Bs sideii&t3 or lori!€u€s€ bodemisaiior.- !116 tbru$ Dilcd f!@ S:l@rca to Opolto aiEd at narca drli€ o! cctob6r ?t! dt! ors boaj-€ nxr- ins shilyi passengeE €r trdsfelpd to uother car, tatner tba to a sotato! trair'?o*ed ny the de c1e!n cmlouic 4-6-"0 t'nic! Las b.6r traisf€*d to tl6 dea. seconaly, the dftr ol sttndlaft locoDotivaE at Noltetl delot occulics, oddly enoueh, tle only two 't!.dks in th. ljrtc! as elootriJled at 2rkv. itu6 d€ c1€!! ooEpoud re?olt€d mrkirs'€rd at Rdsua is 1ro,238, gEvio;ry et tut&ncmnto, 0r Ootoler 1st a l@moti@ of . clas not reloltea acti@ lo! sos tils - snc'lr 0-6-0 no.16l - rclked a srEciel i, tbc ulrer rdJo €11€y, fr@ Pt n- to velselao r.d Ftud. Tn i.ain nad leen btlcd bs 1ay1o!, lldsa sd cre.t!tu, a local !or:i !ds6, do €ft ebt.:tatnibA a !'erty ol jrport6r.. fto :c!.dule callcit for crcn tje (i! k!,), *it! 6tor st69s at'utc! rua, anc €s not kelt ny a morcI drgi' tld oielt ha€ t€6n eqEci6d- (Poltulueso infoo3tion i. iluc to J.c, ?€cke+t, r.)- 31yt!, D. liaon, a.r. nart

!84e!. Atthou3! @y Jom.l eaa6$ n.t !:r ta.a to !56ne rrd eer tnilge, rcly fon 6 lloportior of tle not6E !€lo€j tLeFfore. vs cloo&d hy editoda, colr"c!io, o" lle rls*.os or olher lponl! 6 corrs...1;$, .!r i" iMbcrs c@llaii 3t t!€ir ?ocity, t!. lcedy is tr thet! otu laads. ca1ai6 - Fic locifics re& stt1l 5t rcrk t. october, conlftxy to ?rdous aoF- czsts, *d D4y cobtide atil ates611satloi of ile fteqld boat toiE s@ rt@ ia 1969, 4b6 drJficulty 3bout GtnA ]41t?s ingteatt ie ttat, 1t i+-a .s rhey are to 100 !Q!., urey caeot n! fast eroueh to g@t€. tt@lcelilg i,f tlc& are ael.J:. $!. letfics @ alio@d to go et 120 k!8., e:tks consi&rab1y Eos Elein. aAy l!.lis sork o! secoEdary rEeslser da fftieht'tic! 'tFiE; othe! cf4ses to be s€.! ai colais drc/o! Bonlos& @ Iilrq, o5orQ @d 04O!, tho4! it ir belieEa tlat .fl esda! snlhtine at cjfzis ts noi rElforcd Aesat@uL-leshs b€noh - ror Eaiy year. the *!vio. o! ttis btuL h6 co!- siaba of tno cdly lontns delartrEg froE Dcsfts, @th8 tl!d€! to 3ollo€re, dd i@ EtuE eorr.t,es tn the eadt eneli's fFE 3d16eD. r.1+rouSh stoE in !€c6rt €aittors of caatx as *rr.6d br a+oiatl., t!6e *uas s€4 io il@i.])fy Foduoe sted !o*!, lstterly 1411s, XoF ii ls Eloltea tlat tle 9s&,eex €or ?itldratu €d &!h€d by luses, thus txilerla to a 6d orc o? iho Idi st6M!k6d br:fu! !6senA6! s6rvtc6s in i@o. !:llg - Tn6 4-8-4Ts ehd oJ-o6 or [email protected] i! tlis @f, @b Eoleculed for lttndla 1 erd rcll@ebelt bt ilt€le1s in g€!te!e!. vt.ito$ ?ssils tirugb Itl1e stu e th€n ba€ ftlolt€d sceils no ste@ ir .ctton, Eo !r€oE.b1y ,!c snts+iiutto' h3s take! !1@ os !l:Dea. cla,€-.. Ihe 11lTIs scboau_od ro .aislr Fitb arruE 1969. .Eo€ r5o rent*:is n> (sse 1r ) i. bot nakin8 d€t3y tlo closr of Basrillo 1s tut ,er k&8. Daros foscrst fo! cloctliJlc- 5tjd3 1n the No.a .Ea .ftr- cFrl-?onroi$ l/4, 5t. renis-?ontoisc 5/69; !el@o!r 5/'io, sEolr-Eauboee,vab;)d;i: 19?1. lllis Ei11 '}ilay-"eFd a- sttlf l.ayc ubelecxriftud th. 1ires frcn ?ais to Enort-raulofto vin Sl.oEn ad f!@ 6!o!t to rileetrt.ui1. Possibu they nill !e t'rtu4 o%r to dioscl tlactid, ihush +!:is so.E lalbe! Eulplisiig ih ib6 1at'tc! c1s., eE th6 bancb ts a siolt oe comctirg Fh:t si}1 !o trro obotrifi.d systcbs. Lt tla Ement, a]-i€t all scwiccs on tha aborc-rer1io@d liold slburbe lies ee tur-k d by I4lTCa, litn tle e&optid of tntbs betkon Poltot* €!d C*i1, ineF diesel Ei1c4 6r hauhs6 ffi !oFa1. !e t4:$ - lha 241?s h6s s'tt11 cting to 1if., on ettra dd 41icf cp&ssc6, Dcssagericsctc-'Ibc losition at CbMolt is lefioved to be sirila!, vit! 141!s bou g_l_:-€_d_ - '!1s. rs u isollica f.iR.ot.ryi s:tb dd r' !:ssere.c rord1n€s (od . lrcarE o rrl to !,l"., ad .IoJt cs aaDr frcrsnls. C!3v - Ec!6 is sitlatca tbe locoao trc a "dora+ols of h€ Cm-llis: d- F;^hc-4mt.. !o o:otiE suer of ,ls r;s;car --r 1eL JLly r* Lr uo.e (bs.6r 38, 5!, 59, tza, 125, 1J3,741, 2or, 216, 2€1, 343, 363) &d I 1loB. ( os. 348, 439, 416), to€.ther nitb t 15ol? !ai1ce* ed 3 1€t1es. onf,y ore 13cB # not6d .+ mxk tn tle cn-y e*a i! ]!qerst, to€6thor fod ox fiv. l4ocs iE st6a aat1y. Tle F!ol6 R636.u is uhdersio.d !o f&c'1tn clos@ i. tao ad tutuF. Tna ldtt retunins fss l,tbls aJt6! t\6 Clrclci€ Vi@etE tdr oneftd tlso iodlcsg llCBs ir ilc ooEist 03 a:outlboua fftilrrt rcd rhgo!, 9rcs@j}1y 8!irg fe criy for ocdr- loulnoezts Line - Dtcsols !.@ t:kc! oEr ccf,tain .dditiorat cx!rcss tu*inss, m-;-fi;-rnie.-ts, ao@rr, !b .dly r.c:ddr rho loa-is (r.E;'r-erlrd io ?/i, (kor) o +^ss (a6 . r 1s ron r) dd ! v nids E rnLrsRx s-ir1 sedd 241? jobs, Titb.narEc ol cnglnes !t S.E?E. It is b:ltevcd that ttcse tunr Ere to be t.&c! o€! ny iliesels r@ 15!S reccn!.!. 141Rs :re st:U Elt &ii@ ir tlc arca, a.s9it. i ldga dnrp of aelclici EclorE of t&6 clss at on ficisht, includlls €roEl $trda, eorldn€5 if a dayts olsoletion at NdBE on ki n 6ai.r oz! b. t.tei.s epbsoat.ttE. On tlis aato i'o of trc secn on .1d-roFing fEiehi5 oljnliq the rnnk out of lreftG 'd& of (b!cy-1!.-Tour, ud se@d1 Eorc .!?eaea on E$a rire m*rnE!. rhe r€rlors day t- a."d_€s fru toF. ( J,zl !ari.-c o6oh. .jd 11.18 ?ri5-rlortrg s) @m :lso:4ln-p6Gftd. xolthcon-o$e1-I€ uod rorc l*a - 14186 rcrc siill Do&Lr:ry eti% at r!6 ftrsi tm o? tbese rooa!1om i! Aueuet, ard lrioltlueon stlu has thc 1.5i lufiv- ina !0 23oc, ylto! @e olscmd !i$Iy lo]tuned dd ehout to ?ork a tlain i! early S6!t rbcr. l6p1aa!.rt of 141?)s ly c.le€.l! !.s heer !!.coodibg, ald ltr so_ltenlor o!1r os datly $*jqq on tnc b Uolt ,oE brscx fts stoe. nowE!, .'be-qFnt ruous F3cbi.s +ulfc ineicpt! t!>! 11l is .o, m1l .4th rbc N?€ etoss s (b.€', a b. rd Lbpt so u r oofoN?) Jd bei .0ea los b.en sd re@lsioh io st.:n. confimattor, or otle*ise, ,oula be tulooe f!6 arv P< visitor to tlc .,rca. 3laicl lih closuros - 4!c fol1ovi.e tt@s @ nndcr coEidcftti.! fo! ctose in trr. ,.a futllI!* rts: xdcbntuau - ?asny-euFuolse, rizncois--honyil1€ _

L'14! qr_{: Br_aut6-!aL4d_r€ - 3o_roor s 3r* - c!1!arrrra!t, sioli _ s erd, !a Flecb( - \irJ. 'riorr, - por'o..y- a-CoDL , !obt- -itorc! - Quclrov 11., liontcdt -1c-4@t, - ver_rw, tE.u: - pobt-rq.rcr, S. dt-lier h

FTI.-t lxD Thc stedr €ituattor in tlis ooubtry hs d.tedoatcd 3orerdet duina tle slle!, vitl ihe artEl o? r len ol Edtu-!o*! Aouhle-logie rosa- sriicle! ir.oe di66c1st bj 5e!t6abe' ihe o!1r look d sie@ rDlkiB dt ot Se16i!k!. for crs!16, Es tle 15.05 loca1 to ri i,5lr (ritt: laojjio) da i+ i: undeF stood thpt Lb€ o,]y ssul* €t.tu !!scnsr! Jo5s in +\" codtry n. F oa l,h. seirJJor oru@ d'd celta:a l,!,i'e frs ri.kEifrirEi rd s:tudll'- -. :tor eE!, d!!ir€ tle .le.r : @he! ol sczsola1 !?*6reei t4iao rcs also st.ft-€d, ad itEirs t{ay Hv3 4-@ ]'s.l82, a rc.dbl)ftr, EE ro*ea on t}. 22.30 Clvodima-lielslrLi e fa! as Pa!ilrke1., olpoeite tle arc b&k at ?.27. ,1'!r€ usc of tudiun6is on !! tEiF 1e5 neei a pn6no€ri1 ldity fo! fiE o! sij JEds et, sd tb. obse@r El)olts ttat tbe si4t, soud :ne $a11 ol tlis locmotlr Es th. li€hl&ht of niE tri!- !.11houitr lt do63 not s€er tlat eEl. ase is rholly st€dl€ss, rclt 4ch tre bell,!!?.r of -h6 coMrrJ for.cri!. sl-::,or r€:.tbo a"oxrl Rdrclr, Pieks:il9o. J6lrfu. sfrc.l:r- se -l.r'.j- I}e ono- ub .q-i.ou3 4-44s nclv no{ r11 b6 ont of u€€t not oe @ obE€!%d i, Octoner, aA i, ay the tuodrn! r'iored looE €s llc ontJ * iF 6F.41! odad. .Ipra fndr e fae 1\1 2-8-4s, the obry lrj€ tuocbllrrs ,Eft er se fil ltsrl 2-a-a-, er eE1ly used ody for shrtrna, iltlous[ ai Jtaillokylg end Iis:hi they !:@ !6!ort d or 1oca1 ttsi€ht tuxk. 6lass!s g1:rt e.t1re re: r,!t (t4rt sauqkre, quib c€o.); v!) 0-1o-of rlo vJ hu.? slu.,!s a. X@rcl1 ud oi"^.,.i\t - h!'..ce1rr b, a16!e1s ldirnrl: P!1 2-€- { ir.oa orl/ o. 6!d4 ir -.t cd, tu rLopio): Ivl rd tk) 2-6-4s IqLrL€ i&s: \adr bul seLrjlle !n f.n !v:s i. -c!u:t r$l; Ert e6-2 (aqD u$a b.irLr on pN,;ir.r abd B-arjFly ir-.i1F. hut Losr tiLoly €:st of R hjn:.:: or dorth of KGro.a)r .jo rtl 2-6-^ (stir: dd.slFld ob al;r otulres rtqut, cty foDd ;s f"! no*n .s Roentoni, t!dr€! ftcb coEos! in ihc €rst).-I'Le ,lo-"io."lU t ry a!d: 11 Eitu4r- tul :lcre Fr lncout'Fpd u ouls ;r oao - lR .t ?i€kl &i. RusEid o14s Er O-10-O3 tu* lbto lttl1rnC et hai€r&orki vt}! t*t€!t3t at tle slFlt& cF*ina at l.tntklala flcigbt. on +le nussid slde 12. ar€ aie*1-Krked, but p.seenge! !'ai6 a!pe* to h.@ rev€lt6d to sr c1e3 2-e2s. Bo€Er, $otosEpny is lEdl@s, ald Frlyeys !q ar gelsthki Ntrte liti:er .:ltrks andt tle tsulre 06 irr$I)ld adEltus! re otrcle:, ren+:ored by n@, had c*6d ther. (ltDish i,roEati@ is due ro J.n. ?or- ) {EgE4EI ols€mtions drbibg a alid ru ttsush tne .ostly ll Jube shoyeit ely 1ttt1e clarge on rne s1ea froni, altloueb electdJicaiiq is ros coq)1ete betred i,jubljab and Zidei Xost, ed is n€ilg el'ad6d toF.its Zagreb, ,!tr; ! les class of @dib-lore! FF c!-rui]+ itiesefs stEilar to $rc:! i1i63ooo clEs is ib !!e zaer b-tLa.iior aFa. aore€! 06'le 2_€_2s. ?5 2J_{s. &d 29 '10-o. * dc! in evideke on rhls' @, &n : t54 class F6-{r €s orae-bd s ]at !i1oi at s€hica. o'e of r!€ e*-au3tiitu 10 o1a3s 4-€-oE, 1o.@1, ds I)hoio_ gT'pL, l oo L loca) st€e po*r is stitl coaob on thB ve6tje_ 9 ij

ROU?{AIiIA 1te €1€bFted Brcndest dsh-n.!' roof,-rides 3tt11 sE1@d ir Juh, d€spite tle !ft36!@ of ore$ead ri*s {rue tu be eelsiied at zrrrv i! @ltain p1ace3. !@€r, th! lEcti@ is betra st@!.d outt dourle-do.kod c@ch. e llorised to eaee +hc assL (EoE lsG i! fact b€er d.ltEred) dd nea&li1e Ei1- obsese coatiba stel)s ad naldhots usod to.1iJ! onto tl€ ! F th thict tlack Sboey oilj alaft fror this, ad tnc coltlned liotifer ation of ij€s.1s, tleN is little cb!-!g. fo! +"!e nrsc. ll4ffet 4-5-23 stitl mlk nor.ul€3st of rif,onaFst, es!.ctauy to calalrt 2J-4s ca! 6ti11 b€ f@d in tuch- @st, althorslr tr3y G c@o@st t! tle !.!t!-rest of the conntly, .slociallJ }3t*€r Cluj dd oFdeq zobody @ed e! 6lort of !8s o! C10E antrh€&, 6'-DB 52 sd resita 2-1o-os de cly c@d i! tle lort\-yest (claio\Evuloa! !ass- :rje!i. rc@cnaed); e:-Euedna 2-6'2e st 2-6-dls a& also fena on tldcbeE tr tle stue asa; tle absld *ctiob o! tre c:le5ele+suncotar6 uft rs sti11 For'Ba ny luedid 2-€-rTs (elthoud tle ftEt act of n4e Rouoiu le€cbi,g ydld ic to close it)i ea a11leg5 tbe tStS o?ttcial !d.iy @re ehoo told it €s untlk 1y io dk for s6!c ti!e, tbe CRC Eoffibial delee?tion ghoto- sralhed tt l! sctior tet*er OF-dea abC C1lj (6 a bEa,.don tdin) on Jllr 4th. It is tir& l@onotire +hat fcatles or the coEr ol tlis lssu.. sfiTzgtJnxp on ^t\ oc rl€r, clss c5lo 2-1o-{ 2969 oF }.stf.l,i v* z'i":d r. ri;r.r1,,-, rleE rr F€ rrradrdro rrr srvic€ ud hlaed to srri, Iao *i11 6r!tbi! tt ai 0b6eilt€:tbu!. ftis occ..roa nukeC tlo olftcial end ol stee t*tior or tr€ s'38. clasB c5l6 las ,-r 4?3 b..n dur- cle@ at B.lrlrzola, .!d "ress e4l4 o-€-{T 8c / &" i. c5/6 4rP sd t4/4 dcol LaK t ! ,itLCEa a olt-a, but -i loir€ Flaireo as sraLloda !ldt. 0f ot!€r s!fl:yirg 2-!o4., 445 is beir€ rcerosd at Tir+.ft]u! for €r- lititioi zt ItFtfelA, 29?8 ie at Y:I1o*e fo! oErfirei ds?lay i4 ile tuccno riusE, r:d 2971 is to 1D €:iribit.d ei !.rcr alobg mutr s$a! laoiJic 23D22. ot}.! $3 toco&tirs E+oed at vatlort -u€rL, 6ft AJ/5 J-6a 1ar. a3. a z-rL -\6 !. Ln' /4 t-a4t rq, .bj/> 2-6-zr r1rg ard tllt o-5-o{ 45i2. (srtss irfo@tion ts dD€ ro B,a, s,ore.) tttmstt Tlts coutly r.s m@sa a1F.dJ. +o t a rite-off !E far as sna@ iI- !€-st 1s -o,@lTa. .rd ^ Tnor' or 1 visl- adn :a 3 ri,€o.x t9o8 r.nde to rt. .l,rd1L gausl :d3, ll-dlde ftb.r-!ds f D? Iur:s, or. !o. 14. obeolyea o&€!+ tu Tdts tt€elj:r o!.Ettor 6€ dieEoliz€d, but soFof, tho m1line s+ock €s intessltng, de noet ee@a &.ient- Be oily !.ssenae! rEt&ils olse!- wo 6s . R;F l! lai e! h:ulins a 1a-& , +..1-d coaclr. :bc o1:r ftar'rs si4d, s€rhns iol,!- elanlald rba ls 1t !\:irt :r'clod, aboLl 1, oi1-s oul feE lrlis-vil1er tt Es fufl of diesels, lut contailcd ore il1ich *eEd *receanlc lut 6s not in u€e - . stod3lt nar le!*taert tos!.ts ity! 0-6-Os!, !]}. nzin S,1Cm {*s * at Si,tt Fat!3113, znout: Eile furtn6! ou't, abd aAlin $dtbg boib €pueB3- ]. @ler of oller s+can locoaotircs rcF.fdtrd les dlraee, the stdd.:d e3u€L onoE in !!o6ss of b.tns cut u!- Thcsc v.r: tm lorc nu.tclityn o-6-osTs, 2-10-os }oe. 228 :nd 234, brllt s.[c]x r91o, and 2-6-0!l Yo.26, luilt Satig&l1.€ 1909. 1Lo bire gf,us. loooDotir!, stiIl int3ci, trs o-4-4+ors fos.460 ea 417, tuilt satisrol]eo 1901 ala 1906, dd u cr-url :':{ar ljtJllrn 2-3-2, bulli by llco i! 1941, 11ie 0-6-4D*rs mE stardalri o&cpt fo! th. .adl+i@ of lalep nter tank ftl1crs. Tne tutft eaug. lics uibg soutlcds fF! ?ruis a!!.@d to te mlked crtiraly ny r: 6re .nd t!.:1€G, .&e!t fo! e dtesel 1oorhtu1cc Eluttla in tbe suourra rF3i rrcn rs .irr.o iJ aqe fr !eh! a1rd1ed. ft! rtealhl sau6L clc.- 'tric line to CuthaeE !!if1 ftrls, altnorAh tlc stook is lath.r.1de.1r tlid pil ts use4 on the lri€te !i€5td-€y, dd oierhead for sttuct n.ilIs. ,! buuia lodk 3t thc dLratu boot leloraire io tLe Clref dc D6pa+ .+ i..:lat lft&ed did not .iroy i't to include ile looo@tirc. srer :t th. rorb3; but tt dtd inoludc the @ts ssus! !tuif,tG, soc of r]licl 6!t io ihc lF iorl. tirc j, spai$ *ross tre !.8! *s Eitt.! s@t!ir& D!ead.b1. bnt da&a 22-11-61, s51ch 6s lFlebly tle dat€ th. ffittus E* ratldla@. (TEisia! info@tton is du. to J.4. si1]i:c) {ggg:- i coupshonsi@ 'turisizn locdotih list Fi11 b6 rDbltslcd ibc Jolr ul sboltly, !&bnb1y [email protected] 1! tbc turt issu6- 'l

'Ihc lado!.siu Rail,.JE eeF fo4 e fhb tb. fomer s.rarts $o6ts {eFr (ss), 'ho a.u Dl'c} rj.d.y of se'ra ed JaE. of rbA locdo.ibs u the list, nost c@ fr@ tle SS, tirt tn. !3:h? ceu& (?5cD) in S@t!. y.rc f .on -@ Ltjch rfty co., n1!ioo..11s!d oi :. . ---1, d.!- -..d .hc ss. Fo! sd of ta. D€ti s,oor.s l1e..!s.oe)Dir (r$t) Fd tur. ilo u.d id bo 1 s . .'i"o,er to. Lia Bs r.r:otr1.i*d 1o;S 1s! s 19)?. soth t!. Ds{ Ed tlc !?, rnicn adjoired? coeFd thc,oiin"" of s@tF" tle_.c!_ 'tla1 ard souihm Fctioas betne .r-SS. l€foe tlc sccord 7or1a 7:: urer. ns e a' 8r', s.w bat. 1irc - the nederldd.e slooftc {\]'Is), bur tlis @ conw.a"ued *o lr 6r g.uee ud.r ile rales. oodlbtion, ard rlo looorori@s dd rolrils srock mF. ir rs t 1i qd, sanr to J1!t. ft. lxcs€nr ru!.ling sJ€+eD * o! tlar of Japa, ,iti tbe 16tt6l d.s, fo.,oRd br u. o1:;s ;ob . 10 fo! +Jrt ea 50 for i..d. - cnei!"s- F.imlty coo s rhc oasaL hE_Fr,";.,;i.e;, ,ra;r€ f&n f ir ea! ctass, tlouen it vi11 be ob.csa rh.t rtcr aF . rDh;r of - aiscapaeies i! tne Ru4ins $o- collm ot thc list ?hcr ompa$d ,it! t]1o S@e r*"-'koble locoioiiyes ni1l b€ rc1ed t! tne ltst' includins the ody 31 6" s:uge t-rc1re-oor!1ed loceoti€3 6ve! htlt dd, j! 311 lrobability, ihe only 6iEli-couded liallets ct rcrk in tba eorfd toaay. ,:J tle othe! e'd o? the &a1e, su}ststi:] @bec of 0-4-o' 2-4-4 a!4 4-4-O tede! e4tes e e dist- inot rdity todry. stock &tails :Te 1. .t 31.12.67.

hs &.-ia !9-U r,.----1]tt@;;E;;:- \' 6,'€u€: J1n abd rEddrl 1884 312 01-12.25 1884 !12 71 4-34, 36-)8 1884 311 1e66 813 9 2 11 1696 315 1 I 7497 116 2 9 1l 189? 10-11 (") 6 6 1898 318 1 1896 319 3 4

1899 7-+ Ir'.4, 9-13 1 7lE 3 1899 12 15 t23 1 : 1 1904 1 325 r-5 j ) a26 t21 7' ; \6 19oo r-12 ) 13-16) 8 1880 1-3 :84r. z) 2 31 1891 143 18 38 1895 c1l l !496 1-1.1 r'l tNo R ,hr RAILWAYS tt4 SECTION (r.,.--n ra n - I t { V',.-a,< L""-i:re - ) );

du srvnlArs - Lo6tsE tlihdeh iho ttu strt@ co€ed by th13 title 6& quite ri&Iy sI€F a&a !'hlEically, theJ EF a1€rs c6nsiaeFd s a sin:le untt !y'i}l€ Cn' old *re adbiniste€d ?!@ b cn€yl4d; t!€ aepot iheE dtso aia leaw *peiE for bolh sFtes and !'ovid6{t *!l@mDi stoot for rhe lrra€ 4 Fqul$d- Bo+b co.".saio6 rer t€m-!8teil tu r968J tle 16rre d r.4.68, ed tne ui@aie oa 1.11.€.

15e enerai nlslorr ol iLis syst€E i* scorded itr t6.uo L6.1 of ile Joud1, toeptler EiiI a nar, ea FaaeF s sfetcd to tnts f.! eeele1 infor Diio!. (sds 6t !!i!t, a.a tt * EgFtt€d thai nov avalla!]€ fs tle ci&l€.) k eelose !€e a note o! tle lec€nt cRc trl!, ioeetL6! sith t€chnical &t.i1s, a *vtsd loceottft 1isi, and a €radi€li lbcbDtcal der61rs (a€ er 1.8.68.): IE!A:ih. !a v@1t€.-€rr!na!e - L C!6ytea{ - DDI}E. fOBl@ Tdeor - l€ ChoYl.Ed 53ra s@ti r i. ,6res3et 1o@.& (351oft) 1i!lo IirlM 4iius rnJi€: 1ooE vtaaucts 5I Steel blid8€6 2l td@fs 13 rlEck'cau€e!h' R!1i !jsFoles !:tl,ea, ,ot€/E qlh bBelrate* gtaereE. ?reated oaL, E @d at t4OO to 1600 !E! jd. lsrs(re]3 123, o.D!rt.t,sr ?t 31; .i6iioa .+6ff 34r tFjr cE* 24, mrkslols 24; fe@1 csssiig k66!68 10. $ratlds! C@oE rith sml! l i{oe€d s+atl@' 22 r.1t5 rit! sr61to!! 25 Celtira lointsr 12 71. IdcoEo+ire list (rcvisei!) !!q-{e: IEe *&eE Pdt of a seri63, 4l-44 eoj,.g io tlotriaFau. Scfaplei!

6a-62 2-648 /91 Seid tuilt by Pinauely, blt do lot eprEa! i! akerls 1tgt. 61 $rired dunlea

6l-64 427+th\ 63 sl)sird duE!6d uhttl aLa2 2-64! r7r4/o2 25t 0-6-2! 3272/06 4at-6/o2 401 ertot 1968; 4o2 sc!a9!€d

1493-4/a3 got! 1n sedt@ 1968. 4O5 0-G6-4! 767a/or2 scF+!€d o. 1t64. xa!e!,s xo. 3dj6ct to conJi@tior. 76',tt-J/a5 40674 sc€I,!ed. 408 dlill)6d 1968. 744>6/27 scspFa o. 1964, 1626-9 /32 4314 dulaed 1968, 4I/2 x-t. cortai! of, f21 class 2-4-4-oT €E u$d on for conEni6&€ all .r l ecca ,nd.! Lo^e, fo! {1d t]€ -1ees x o-6-ot c!,t xoarnieil aroh! ) Possilly cr 2-tu1 Y 0-6-{, 20ob! ) ros. 62 ud 81. 13 o-4oD 150r! E uonro€e. 04or403 !-3 dlesel u r /6a 400!! Pe5 4-el. P 913. 9etolai E: CFt SaAe et Iiift lloi cre!i€s)

2f1-13 3111:!d l:Orrp, ty9e ,AI.5OD i i 193?/38. a ldd 15ob, tme n1t,? " n ag'lhe. 313-15 3i11dd 10Oh!, tI?e n8o) & orarn+€s 1951/52. C FE> Vtva,q41g. ll-i *+"1 | Grer-rr_ ""11 eRoF tL 65

t >5 *F i 'i: n n T it s os qt I ui o i-'1. !J : a Clr q tq S d:l>l o { K q Q5 o 'tt oQ \ 0 t l{ t.r t s ot t o \l \l EL ccc F.EF1l ',lli! tlIL Lao ! rh! cBc r!i! to lac !iv''d: 3 poerto*d frm urs s!!:; dolid4 tecaus€ of \o Fxo@ e $kcs'! tut Loor Iudsr ?qk;olrav redld. lo' elsl iso rnthu€iasts in a-_ iiii,'tJ' i* vi*iJ' lt*il, oa $'d'r rBt se.! rbe!, nE st€!:loecd *.t;."r,"ar no lounoD "l*by a"- @!e or Fncs do roc51 sdbealts' I! co€quer€' *.-li*"i"i t'.- or !rc bdsie cBchs _ or lrdhc' s!oa1! pb to€E biclL v tr ;;;r-:i;; - ui-ogto"-e o' a ! snitur'J Es'ond r-{&elo' Md ii," il'. "1"*"t*t:"'. -u m,*o" v*t i's1f *s b*r' 5d tb€rcrr obviou€lv . l*' ."*"r*t"irr".; tr'flc fFo L C!€vla!d. 11r€ trlb took o1&o i! rcry epod ftetaet' a'Ld d aPPFdttJ dct c4ot€d - nltbouEo he iFD, ,birc libet"r tb t!.i! lbotoali9blc u"i.a t" ,'""ra- ia.' *'e..t"oLr 6!d t! gtu.lies aq|fld suroei!€s: @d ii.-v.:.- !i s*u .rco besJd eohoi.s off tnc nou'taj'6 !o daEtts6 !i* rt€ncbtu tlockils tr. !norog!a!!els! ficle of ro i"i^ ""J*"tr""r""tr.ti* o*t* ae l, ch.eldd salds' trnb€t !Er|c is urLdoubtodlr'toe' etslv i"._-. '-.e .u" ts :us- as obEouslv ur4be io s€ :n tbcir diF te! $pplios befoF th! liF cloEed. lftryoe o! th3 syEtcn F"s host lehtul a!d' ittlt a stom sle.ial of 5@c &!+ Miqon nost slrdaJb tlduelout tle @cr, baa obvionslv lad llotrtv of o"' tbo ee@tro de to Nac! Dui.n€ -i"LiL- olf"orrockits iu. **. oe:roo"t " rr,;ol) th- lasr' si 6 a ce or -at!. Fqcs rts n - sorLnl -j ! later. ]lds tEideDL tuilee"".s;d;! tlD Fogat@' and iD e!.Y oa:e tle staff c dtIndlt.-g !a!tdlv' ltakilg tr- & .+.-: *+ "a * dllr:alr. (nrraousi tu caD baK tnF blls .o..i...o.,-.**"' tu" roei s:d. b:s lrs oft 6l,1Pf' 1dd t311@t Frodol bncs @r 1s+ l?cnt€r. I !o gi@ u iaoa of rhet Es llvo1€d i, ddlh€ a elocia1 thrddout tne .Eten- ()u rr,l. : _lcns 1lo ro u-!ou drv. f,b, lCS rlrt r.l o."r-".- ^ -u -:rcr s,o:- - ! rrang:, r''s! ts !ors' !se+ " bd, tho sscold atro! lsvisJr - ad t ar cF. o.ok !i o'f : lJ.o'd-t 'b11

LE c-|r€./!ARD €s cF>. €l

{. o a trIpo ::j._-:

? $


o4e carried or to DaiaEs (nooked oriEl rls u.22) @d iten tua,kod ar t€ra b-,* ro I! cbejte,-d, a-riri-s ar 22.22. stock aailabre ar iho tie 6f oux rou incllded all rI€ 6ilcr!. oorlus 4ol md 4o4 rrh r.€ dotu ar r- cboyl.rd, dr€s€rs o/oD4olr x, r, r1, lou. bo8:je co ces. rrc€F,&d 14_nne-l saroor. rbc d6€i-ols loucoules c@rt$d lol a& t11/A- cI'p tie de 1a tozdb 1&1E b+F eaues EilRay l* a straigntfosd blatul, B@ $d nst .to E 6s 10,6 ''rlMins /.!a fr@ st. c.cile a,{!dote6 d rb€ L:sh d, BoDoturs. Tt o?ie{mllr cqutlp€d iir5 l2( ctss &11or 2-!-/-413, bere coa"h€:, da .dh! iion.1 ClD 4-+ee1 eoods srock; ald its Lis+ory t3s !ee, auire us;ed;fLl. rt 21- FLORAC aF>


,4 al€ys Egalded 4 s tltesraf !ar'l of txe R6soau du ViEals-lo;E, and botb 1@@otics, 6t@k ad !ai1ca* laE le€n free1y ercha!:pd a. the list

l]re lla @stle min lir* ditb ihe oulsiae erld for 1ts aea' petcic- tho Tae rclsor *d a thdce daily sefl4ce 6 lainiaired a14osi u! to tle ctosure ln tprtl 1968. ftere de ai Pesent 4itertiAs ab@i tow*t attEctior, lrut &ports say that FloFc stetid lad b@ aleady teetr cd€ltod i4to !&ser%tio! i3 E1tk61y to qccaed. 3943. qbe i!uo! stalted at St€.caot1e dtAldolee, a buCdle of !ds4 &d a nuee 1eE1 crossing !€rclac on tle side of a hill - . ih6 only sloe ehtc! o@s ?ound tvi@ a €ok. 'IL€ !o*e 1i& occqpied oG std6 of tle r-scl 6ratto!' €!a!t!e tle u! llatfom' @d triih its @u locoEoli@ sned alonastde the sncr lirc- rt left tn a !o/i!6r1y diftciion, bofo$ snlatlg eud tr a gsat @ ore! d el6gart store tiaduc! to clnn reE+ a1o.a the EUey of a @n !tve!, 1'!i3 is loi lidt lat1dt ooutly, ald tLe lte @ quit6 @Eiyelt engtreered as it clure to ib Eouriain 3tite, iho vi11ag.s it official1y sered b€irg son€ 6y off in th. E11et !eld. 'Ih€ bost srEctaoular rst3itr@s ile huAe horseshoo hua€ sr6p1.€ o}j-i lilo that on !!6 vi@eis Fd I!t!€. I}oE tle '!o! you could to.s s rEbble allosi stElelt do* into tle sta*ion fo&couft at Cos€- o@des, so@ mfit- lE1oY. slmit d. at col dc Jalcesto (2l2ft.) a.rd t!6se tle du€ty lat+en ftleated its€lf, ody a!i6 itle E1i! TtaG to lhe rlSlt I tle fire d€scolded tn. !ano! ve11et to its ientes at tn6 outsk*tE of !1or4, r.stlea b!€t! the Etsn€E to*!i!s 6se3 of thc Caurse riej€a. Colc @ tle Llets lc.dquort- 66' a talf, fouFsqEft, di€niJiea brildins 'ttb courrooE ,ah.fsr ia !€nco, a Eg yho , aftlou€h !e # olearlr lot &ecittrg tle deEjse of lts siee 6 e!+atnly !F!@d to ta!. .lout the6 d lboi lis Ecolts vi+! priit6. sp_re: &s !:!: !9!: sacu (3) 421r/97 18.2.]6 18.5.19 (1) €1 2-6-oT lrt/o2 8.09 12.3.16 (z) 82 2-648 1a3/o2 a4.3.E (1) (i) 25\ 0-6-2r 3212/A6 16.8.09 21-2.16 (2) 24.5-79 322 s{cu (B) 5A27ka 5.1.45

123 sac{ (}) sac{ (!) *23/@ 18.3.09 sac.r (3) 'ts24/d) 2t.ra9 Itores'- (1) li@ais locoDoci@, €iu-"d to Ld. liF. {,' 10 ce'icrt. fo- ul:ra_y se_r€ (3) us€d t, burldins !oA- 1i4. (1) Loea ro cp 1944/45 tle abore locmoiiEd, 4c8 s!€nr r?o teals (1909-11) on in€ Loz:F, ad ono €€ a lo4 tt)2 ro 1942. tire l.r -.Es re& d€srsBo rb€ bur (.oiFs "or irozFF, '1 ri re )82olo8).€6. ".]"" :he vr1,els. Dies€16: Ilo 0-6-4 )!. *lurli froo sr"d. .os. o a.d ?o. o-b-:L!DrCFadeE c"ar.'1es, 1c19. dd seit ro.loEc r" 9 (?0) u" 1953 (o2). stoFo L:cs, 204-5 3ut1t 193i: !o Floec 19t Billard car 114 also rclked on r5e liG during the 1960,s. -o-o-o o-o-o-o-{-o,o-4-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-{-{-o,a-o-o-n4+

by ?.!1. {a1b-!isto!

The firs't loh. ol tt€ lrolth Tuln p€it6y fron !u!ir !o!t€ !4osca ro for oftr rtu ree3 b€rEea 1961 ald 1965, rir is r€rreEd i, oodecttoh tutldina botomtE, Tne ebct"ic rdi6 ftre sstricr€d durrns tl€ rEiioit, "thend siE !E...@ ciesel railc* @F eqliEc flon S4titr,s Seriioo_ etc. ilre. at tle s@ ris rhe sree loconoti€s @isled f!o6 tt6 siock stettsticst their shed is abmt 50 yaa{s off rIe llarfotu end ar }onie tlosca- Sirce tle a-st.rt of fu1l electrrd t!a_1n eervies r!€ staiis,ro! do not snop selrebrer 1968 lound tleD stilt at tbe st€d ad ap!a&!ru yo!ki.€. ftet cobprtse rr 0-6.0 yelt td&s, rleda r5?5 dd t6?l of 1915, r.s. 21 ana 23, dd tne Ete6, 0-6-0 2\. q6nsoh.l side tark no.6 'Iahro", 1616 of 1883. lti! latte! locohoiive ls tech- lical1y int6lestils aE it !a6 outsido eoo.! val€ sBar. fte 44h. n6!"r! T@i! @s the fiEt i! f,ta1t to !6 €1€ctdfi6d vitb !te!-v61tae6 d-c.? in lbls case 4,ooov, dich is stil1 !e apa tle bi€lest Eed dFr!6re. fie olistul 1920- lrutlt TIBB 3o-3o el€.trio l@doti€s, Fos-11-1r, eld t$e t@ EotoFc@chos o? ab 3ii11 l! se!vt@. SATllIts lailfrlv sns 53h. rroi S€ilrlo to ?et, ritb a b@ch frob ?i!s1o, about halfFay, th. to castelld@t€, ,l'he silFy r.s o@! 12kr. .tr t!€ FS to turir Polta $sa. 'Ffains * s!L6d bj rh668 D1-!10, rtat 1962-bui1t craa ad Fd Aiesel&obaioal Ei1():s. TleF i€ al:o a diesel- electlic l-B l@@oti%, llo-!8101 of 'l5obp-, tn coaEn!:.€r knar.i ald b!o@, *d built by l!'iat ard CG! t! 1964- Ias tro etectli. Eoto!: stEA bereath tbe body, each noior dalvire a boei€ tdrolAh cadan slafts, aid p!eu- latic cort&]s ea.€ed so trat the locoEoti@ ca! rc!! in mltrple-uit fi+h the frt1c* if FquiEd. Tro ste@ locobotires a!6 stor.a ir ase!€ at the lail@yts Ri@ro1o d€pot, tot! secod-land da *qrtaea i! 1961. lbey are 0-6-4 rel1 tarkst Xo-24 e!-coEorzio coo!€Fti?e Beestae ttilraF 1o.8, ti:ilt REEs'e e Io.3r2r er-slo-est Rai r*'ts 16.l 2, cf"icrle Lrecoejcho Ih_i@e Eisao'Aq Er.r: -8n3. lss@blr t.l€.d-d ro b€ xona rulrD D6-2>.

O!q- p€66'ser $lvices e€re di.contilued or +he "irauvie*elbalnn (t!e cdind s!ou! of liEs) of the vh.!e! IET;llE:-n-od! stil1 ru. Zilteltalbah! - fbe Fe oli€nsior las t€6n tr u€ to! eo@ Eo!t[s, 06 or trc srEcial aeods !!ai!s aeily bethA !ftddeit, !:u16d ny rS o! 19. lldilM 1o.d alp6aft to le ? c@nt @gons !1us 3@ n-9. wi!s. Patlods, 18, dd €t6d ([os.2,3 a.d ,) @E all used o! !as*.ee! N]ktue - oddly rn; *€u1u stetu @rkinss tl* fi!s+ and lasi teiG in 6ac! dtsctto'l Io.1 's dtoelam! .6 am D?'€* ?N od' sour€rs- tho er-Ks:6nse!-Ostc.ode coetos (21/ ) rB b€j,s ssau€€o ir '@J ed bosi- rai od !o.2 sterd sa#c€ durlns i!. s@er after d dElhaul ed E9aitrt. f}e ex-RT( cos @ s!i1l in stoE, ela th6 e!-PaEbach €l6clrio cai awars to be seai-derelict. rtuTtalteln Tbis Irft ccI€bftt€s rrs ? Fr€a' jubilec rr la6r, M sloci -1 t-rrtr,i@ pJ@d. A ffi,l cutb:Li;a ts :o h€ n€ a i. ilunu d€!ot, ad froD el@t tl*"r€ .tddle of Jure tu tne beeiDi"g of sted tiatls ni11 m 6ac! reek. sre@ locmortyes 940, u43, x]d1l dd stai& 2 di11 le a€ilanle. d tbo€e, s'daz 2, d o-4-o? of 1892 cd be Ljf6d er dy tt$ tud &ril 19@ fo! 9!i€te d$vih€, iith a o1a pss6n€6a .oac! also if so aesiEd. !!y erthlit*t rtl1 be able to bec@ d @rcur drtE! of tble toco- !oii@ ove! the enob 1e!st! of tre }i@ (!!zEfkt ro uaureEdorf), rbe I)rte is not J€i filally ftred, te abour 4oo Ausrlis Ec!1l1ta (aba\' .64a/ot !c! hou. dil ir :s doped t!o- qrrr r"; a.c ra- i*e of tlo offe!. nrltrer doteils rtrl be a€i1ahle frcbrL tu Ede!relkehF-

24. !!A - PrrE 13 loc@orire 10?6 las tee. deli@ed to tne lire ed lae tee. in servie o! several re€Leds. lFfiic is trore€tnA satistacioriiy, but ile ld- o@eniI exiehsior is s*ilI helc !! ny fail@ to set rould a faololy a! l.clan?s rhic!.quite i11€ealty engllfee !*t of tLe JEdkb€d durine its g€Tidi of d6ft- lioiio!, r1 stocl! lar n4 bee. €*cied at 31ier. loi E8.f th6 1i!€. IRAIC' CF! Cu Vi@rais - 15e sted eelEiol o! 15.9.68 suffeFa a o? buffe! lock- ing, &i !1es fo} fultle imdialely oecelled. !\€n tle IACS trai, on 22-9,68 @s onlt able to ba€ a tok€n 6tetu sorki.s floi Claleryor io eRqAx'Y (l}n) Prsd%r id rc'r ',dy mrr co4eDllab s?L€e stock't sd e!:ous libes oe rhe $ld-c€st D€utscb6 .is€rb.j!. th€ only s€:nce Fo- Fhcb "' tu pslcu r-s .E aEil3b e ts od tlE N6Fi:Ebi rchem- Olle,iord of rhc S,lEc. lol'oF ng tt€ €p6ci.1 rl,610 *md or rtis':E :n Lat, sl[ir3r ,ra16 du:is 196t or rh€ far onns s!*ys:- .L ar '5l1:!:y, 9.o ard '!d Jure, 5!b end 2o+b Ju r, ldJ 1?.t --d 3fst Auer$t, dd 1zJ! Seltenlor. lieixAs ri1l elpear 1r tle Sane! 19@ {uFbucb

0r1 tbe ,! neo? 3pu3e 1trest ]faco1d-A1xe'steia is lift.d, the Aies€l soilg t. th6 !& dd the 0-1o-O! teirg cut urr SclusseuteA-lluobau is aiesel For.ea, drct oe o":Ier ih re*aa ".d ore o€ -t;;;:=lE;A:F;;EnlM ha. no cbais6; le4!39LEg!1E94 hc a die.el, iitn 3 o: 4 o-10-o!s siitlrclrerle at ,€i1st€tb ad o& d651iot. * flou$srrif€ rttn 34 ile nelfolne! ous ddnas}e€hrndu}ailgi!TLeEo+tca-!x!L te!6 @iloar laE of tne oliciEl I*!dr. cssLsY (rm) all lt@or eausp ts 6crredu.led ?o! soElpils by 19?r, 6-oe!r fo! rre !,jseb 1i@s dd tYo !@c!es feb zittau- !34ir eIgg=IgL - olty rios, 21-24 ale bov 3ie@h1e. ;tr€ aiil-day ri$d re f!o! c€s@ to Alr only, ri+! a lai1cd cokection to 0101. ryA The fol1.?irg notes €hoF tle losition o! Ffor e4ae lt!e. i rle s.coad hatf oitobeett-Buioa - qulte flouli8htna, rnth 1rc :t:€d t..iE cacl €y e&ll iay, Eost of tle t:affic be!r6 tiit r- nlen vis'rted, tle lire e1de!1yoJ'o!'bu'1t'3cco!a:na'lotlccnF'inoem?nyi!19 stetec ilat t]1e 1t!. 6s !o be die.e1*ed ia Jnty.

Saru {e-niosad - O-&-O terde! loctuo1ives of bolh potis\ da, it is }elieEd, loudia! oriSi! do!. ile 1t@, n.1;ied olt by a R.stta 0-4-4!- la:serelr genelal f!.igbi aa tiDi€r idffic rcle @ry leary. tocal i.fomation €s tbar ine dlole s:tr Lala sr€16r Fould be cies€1ised dtltb rrc ye-g. 25. b- Polish-)u l! oj-a t dd'_ :e'n s - F t'o ilicd toic ehilEi-a^ftud -,!aai! yolL.d iy ?olisl-but1t o_€-Os. TbEc nt$d tdi$ a dzv c-6;-*-;? ?htct eacl1 $'y conca+ tciF to alt fion set! !3ck1d out rjtn v.rtcF. Tqrda-ilod - Lro' fl:l1y die€eliscd, all tEic bein6 ?otLed bv o123s L3tl. 111 tJ!.e of idffac aE !caw. 4}}ql!U!.?!g!!a - Tle inEc !.ss.'err tr:i6 crc! dy dnily :n 811 ft11ed :xd rrclLed !y 0-6-2!s of ,tustrian dosi€:r, siailar to tbe 88.10c class but, eccordirs to ile crr' nurlt in llueblv- !:rtdt traffto ls L6avy, od rolked by s1!ru-ta1r5 -:-n!s 1€ foE_ r conl:ru.d to sldiro rr' bu( is nor closec con- ;F;tl'E;r'd . qnir .. o'ly .1 of i!. . u.sar'e o-tue tss rcld 1s. rd * ;..[ €s rr' of vse. Otb r t-ils re€ solke I ov r-tiors cks.(s ot oj-ol\. attrrdrsl"'otd ihof @ a c€r€n-1.oking 0-6-2T shdtins ai sihiu. Iit€rtifv- irs l,oe bu ld.s or !\n-:ar 'ootuo(ivs s vlti cif"i'! -. o .-.e to rle Cm babit of rlovins f, 1 fo! tsr build _'s ,'it s. conii r-ruo:r - - tg :3 o o:,n@ ?:d b ladta I1re, il is mlad by a'ty ;;;;;;; ---.r, : y e.trr !o b r sp:G. \ar"t' Es 'e?qr { ootb sr oiu 1inoE, ii+h se!.!ate frei$rt troit3 o! ile 44'ita 1ir. - Tlis i. the stbtu ttu route' da ros fo! .ev- ;c];ii;; tl-u€i 1!. sod. sdtl-rcst ot sitl!' ligli u! to tLe footli1ls of : t\. cibi, Ddntains, Ii ts r!I!.d bt sulerdrated silriu ttus. (e*!D€s! Tlr4 StFS-?eld - lha€ coEtsts of ore dei1v, lorLeil !v a i-u;4-r;-d5:fr-.n I otu loc-_ jer by , a.6ir\ 03 on. rrrjrc dc clbli - bis fil^ ! uC b'_rry. !b. t_a r "rc* Tfrgu fiuEs-L4libt3 - 1!1o$ is ore aired tra1n a3i1y, dt€lds tr thc €v.'ine and r.tD!,ine ei niglt. _1n6, - rrls :s : rery busJ ron sr -. rrt€d b. F:i us d .s ls ;;nf,-E-=. €-" d b7 .d s. r' r 'r io's, itb .Fr '''td eefosed cooch€e, llus tini.r €ssG e]loult'!h. @beF l:@ini it. xLc ataff ar. flterdlrr lut.ttd!i5 at rlotr€€*t a1 Rceltn aF a%ttcd by F?crtb€ ft.trols io tle nottb .tficd at i3elin, {lo Ff€$ tbcr to tne 1i&,s obief al R.eni!, lnro refe$ +l:i to t\o lo&etry nQ in fi!s! lirt' ald

lq4Alra Tbi @!or8iue: lin€ f!o. c.lEnbFs to olJalovo sttll lossessus st.e ln rhe slEle or txe 6oc olass 2-1G-2Ts, !1!6 : lys,lry O-1O-O? narterc4 5!3 sbDtirs 3t ce'rcbbFg- \osi p.sscnse! tkibss hoftver are lrF by r.ilc.!- The 1in€, 56!t.Dri-Dot!idshie, ts all--di.3c1?exce!t lo!€ibly 5pare 2-10-2ils-

Tne& las boo! a lines, ad tlc fofl.dins re$ closcd flo! 26tb Lrir' o! in sone cases .adic!:- nclelado (G&artca) to r,ajr."@' ?uac'iD to !orje@, Ed Pije.alr to olovo, xoe uodr:n to saljevr!., Sr!o@ to laintgt3, lazaEEc to EolEnda, P.t*eo to I€ale vodc, [email protected] to !or, Kaea,i. to vlnegtica, D.!ji aholJe io PodsGka Statid, irtulaEc to vodin e.d Dsok, IeslrE - DoooJ - Ibrotar (alEo@ ro cEidrcl. -! b: r'u ro RadojercJ Cxplija l,o S6bj.Li iud!*' loslar@ to SI. oi€'::ovi€. It is nerF .t@d. ihet tle EGilaer of tha lEra6i! to zaj66d ad Bosd3lt Bloc to,r4s!.i.6 Itaes rilf folloF aft6! s.d iE!)sEsrt3, tbe .IolusE 6f !r!is of tb.$ lir,,. '-" bac .leadX 611binex€d tlo lsiain8 2-6-fu l€tfeis ana O-G4 nos.s !ss!oc*- tE1y. Eo*F., oE zoth JE€ tlE 1at actlE locoditve or t5€ 3es1id to teF€nta - @ctlo!, ,ntch @ 4lEady |et!e derclisled, ds no3e 189-OO1, snulrrg eeF g6t1€11y 1n tlo Ja.A at Doboj, tefoF l6arlr€ equally €rele6tica11t on a c1e* ii8'u! tEih t.Frils le€lie dic! @tdistan€d Ilsuit by car (.€r & aeatsled- 1y eFa11tus sad). llis @s udount6d1J.'!h6 last of thes6 utq* ard er'.ra- ordisly @.LiFs at m!* alymeF. D€silt€ clo6c of rhe 3.-sr-@ $cJ t56 saFj€ft-caEak soti@ .@in. cry bu€r, ea althoug! loJo:ot:bs s tably 83 class o-8-2 oz 8, 2-3-24 idtle ler Ai€s61 uu $ts baE b€Ad ',hFto ap- IEa., tlle lE @ltardt tle I)sder Jug.€f.v lams g-&A6 1iE- Tb. t€!E- JaJe 1te, rlth its !6.k *clie a* 1!aBilr, Fdins but rtti a sc@c sF

icoltlea fld lase 2.) I]lluslrltr L,ocouolfvEs tlvD R:nl.1rs 0t sPln ljtD ?orTuc4 -:attud tr R_s. Fraser fo! t!€ lndu€tda1 lai1f,ay set€ty: 86 lasas 8+" o 5+r, 1@!, t6 lboio- glzlns. ObtaiBble ftd v.J. 3radleJ, m crah& ,lrcN, ct- grtrob, Fi4a1, cheslis, !!l€ 1o/- !o:t F1d. Re€!1d sad.E o? t!. Jonat ctlf e€a !o intrlductio! io Ron !bas.r, as hc cob*libuted e !c!er dttcle o! +ei€t ilaustriel l@oaoriEE lot l@s a€e. I! tbte book !e l13ts a1l kdom tntusiriat teoiotiEs, gasr dd rF3.nt, i! the Ibelie !e!i6ufa. and, rnilst ih6 ilfo@rto! is nor roo., coi!1.i., ldttalcly o! tle listori€l sld€, * s9ftsoli€ a Ery psrsem.rly.j?o?r. 86 Sldlsh ldtto! of the book is diviaed ilto lrcvin€6 (ctoalt shoa d rhe t@-!a€E @!) &a fo. €ac! loc@ot1€{Ei!6 fiE th.€ 1€ a srrei aescligiion of its Etl€t alEt@ foUored br a 1i6r of tts l@@oricg. St!flu deraii€ aF ,&v ea fo! Poltuea1, but tlese oodpy @It t@r paa€s, sucr t. t!. ! city of indu3tdar lemoti@E ta lhar c()utry. th6 rtlu€tlarioB Certcr EE i,r€ftsiir€ &d eleseEtatlE €lecrion ol r!6 1@onoilreE ltstei!. sPlfls nirroF e.a,Ucl 196?/58 - co!!l1ed nr u-i. rBlbrshier 14 !ae:s + 4 Face sut'?lert6 foolec.! du!1t.aled. Obtai@ble fh! lh6 od.File! a1 lir' rFcon I@', Grttn close, lieiasha, !ri.6 2/6d l,ost larar Bds ltst slould fultit a dofini+F reed, e€ alf t]r!€e o: rhc r:oorni.ra B'E@s of in?o@ttoD on tho Sreisn E6T gruse de loy @t 03 ?rinr 3iC! ro . €@ o:t€!t outdeieit. iste& e r!€ ste4aa, r!i]€i bt 6artnlr- aoluratc, vos i ilb o'ly lublioatlo! coE?ils the sho16 codrlr, se ft r. oh tnis tlat !!. pr- _ $!t d@nt is !aeA. Ii ligts all locoEorl@s xnor to bo siil1 i! e:lsto.oe - or !:n@ aaug6 rduic BildtE, ald tho oorForiole aa addiiicn€ t. t!. i:th ]*+ rdic! ar!6d t! a 4!r1€@nt 61tu'i*ie ho.t of ilc €ro!s. r', lsa1i3?sc.ror. f6at* o. L@ dln llsr is rbar sc 1o.ooo1rE. ,!eir loh! &+ tnot! Ieao!! @rs 6.9- it€ !rc OeC locdottEs no: oi tho S!c, dd. rxo eu*viatioE foi s@ l@o-!u'rd€!s a& lot t$o$ iosliy !sc. ;to;r!, ;r tb nodcax rrice .f 2/6&t!6 1i3+ sb@ld !!oe porula! ?iib $Er eruus:::is ttrtos3t3a i! tle [email protected] &u* in Spei!. , ;:;lr'