
Fir4" 1

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Published by the Continentol Roilwoy Gi rcle V. tr, @@,'i a.e. h!€t, D.o. rot 149, F geri lbatt:J], soutb Af'rie: (ft! eBrytbljs €&.ecrr6F@ Ed r1@.) J-3. $.rr, r1 croyd +.ra;,, r@do! x,{.'r (r,iC DC"r.-s eE rted odi. ) F.J.K. tvtesr ''l,ot!1die!n' 29O lo€ lrto! Boad' . AeatlaoPte.n' s6!tf6iil.!is. Dl.tlibrtior - 1- tirs, 25 floocooclr D€II r.oio, r.**, reaar-.= e.rr 4EadJ @' -!asty" Dsla.t lae left eritai!'i soGs re Lhe snd-! (tu stu&n6r) olE oe souih.lJ!ie, &a os i@diaf6 r6sdt o:r Li. yoya€B ls t!6 &c@t ol tozebiql6 FilEy€ dliph artE4 i! tn:s t3tu. llother ts tle leed to eit*t .d{itio$t *ist@ l! Ir!d@' @d€i& @i5r deased to El@ Jon! S!e1I io 1ne eait6i€3 fold. f6ee !4 re@atly b€e d eeouESi.€ ibrs6 i! tb q@Ljty of D,r!€s @l!.li& e* *eiE €ubdt-.d - so ech .o tbat @ haE ulfolt@t€ly bead @dpclled to @t.11 ifiatu ditriL uritu futerded fo! .hl€ ktu - ud Jd!. 5!611 .ii io t@ c.e cd rhrr d!3l'@!t t, fut6. }]sdt rtl1 still Aeal rlt! otler ai! Iia tt@, i.e. all dricle. ad'rsty E@gus!.d G*, ald! Daviee vt1l e!+1e to hda1e th6. rjrc! hiriays .eotao,- '!016. Recoptlo! of [b6 propsai JoE.] La. b.s g€eralu fd@ble, llotrg! a @i.r of san6ls bsE 6rl'&red diety o@r tle ttk ]ll1ood of e ilcFsad !!ic6. sa 4pbciate tn6i! E3€riwiraE, nui feel tlat tLe i!!sE: Eent !nio! *!ld ftEq1t fsa t!. *6 of a lilno ,N@es, !4tid1d1y bt riiue of +Ie AFat ilm* t! itlustEt:o! xilc! rdta !e p6sstbl€, su1a be rq)le coc!€D- .atid for @ox s tucEas. Eo*ver, !. defilite dectaloF h* J6t nee! E!.!ed, aln e frther @o*'.ceabl vt1l b6 raae ta the !.n is3e. to the J@e1 ibicl sa@te fhd 6cttolta1 3oro*, ad ihl. @o@ts fo! t!6 abe@ of tle Ires of tle lhotoglaples Esl&siblo fo! ihe ill*tettorr tn Jdnal tro.lo. IrE $]6d f,d in& t f,o@tion, €o here 1t ts. Xos.1 and }4 *& ta,k6! by ]]d€ (itA ea Soe.F4 by ru€ty ]:{):l.l@t! 3!re.4!-l9r-.8{9r9!i.i9!: u.. A,J. Edt 1s co4)i11ns a o.ED*bcsiE @rical scdd, eitL loca- tld, of 6dstt!€ lE&ts ste& lo6ett€3' ed drd 6L@ ljrts of obEee 'iiN fM .11 Eoelt to q)ai!. Ilf@ttd t. 3d+t@1*1y &quired 6a +Ie ert!-res1, @st od'igitoF €ouih of tbe .oEtlrt a1.o @ tle dlllB at V1l1asrde, Sa16 de los lddt*, C*tojon, !1 Pl@ dd va4o11&, o! irre aaa:€d 14o at 6dib!, ad on EgL'i9 140t€ l! PoltuSat. Idosatlo!.hoda be *!t di$ot t6 [h. Earl, at l> Clerr IF6 Avode, PoJEto!, Stockelr, oes[rft ed, iJ cnoush a€ rc@ica, i,!e lt€D odld bo sbt dl, €dIy i! 1954 oE E@1!t ol e s-o.c. x6n e\iirte! i{er€!, r'hrl!@t!s$ 25, 94 tue, D.t.}.r @+s tlfo@tior .r tlo fata of Feidtc ttu 6Esi6 99.163 €i-R€lch.nbacL, i&ich # .cnt io CF€c. aria t6da td 2 4!n sve €i@d. !uBlIc{f10r{s nm9rvD tr@! @ArlnaYs o! Ts! !'Iis! 5orr,p y!.R by r-r.K. !ev16! 1t6 !4ses 5*' r 8*", t rlro&.(ga'!5, 3t ia!. ud dte€r@t lubli3n€d bJ ,evld & Charlcs, lrico )5/-. ' Lirrl. !a at 3rJ *to tu Fo&t $aE, o! rb6 ajllralJ !ei16J: of +h6 Pi$t Eo!14 {ar, ro tlat this iook fill: u olyioa sa! in FiI- rey lit.ratuo. Olty 1i!e5 s€lvtrg Fliti.h trooF @ deafi sttl, i tn ?diic- d; thoE6 of tlc s+en .!dt' bu! t!. 1ett6t a1os, at tlctl ldiru erlcrrt' tad a 1e!4rl of 8oO nilo€. lart 1 of tlo boot AeEcnb6s tb€ €Taduel doElolrcrt of tLcaa itnog as 1!e @r I)losFs$d ard' blefly, that na!!.rcd to t$6b a.ft'r €!d.. Tn6 ft!a1 chalto! i! tlie !dt is devoi.d to t!€ 1ie!t !.11@Js selvine other f@ts - Ita1y, c€11tpo]i, s.1onitr, s&Dt, Pa1o6*ire d Dast IJltoa - eld rath€r ful1er trca*nt of tho.. iould lare !e@ rc1ctu. tart 2 si€3 de+ai16 6f tha nott€ !o@!, .tock &d t!@k tblcL €s uscd. Tn6 *.toAo!!a e ;! .r!s@1y i!t6*sti!a oolloctio! dd, ttth t!6 !@tuus Mls ald die4rds' @41t illstlaie a book rnic! slould he on !\6 slc1rc6 o? .erv ltEht dil6t etrtxlii6t' ll1lEry strErs!r91's' s/$DBooK, 1968-9: 160 pns€s 5!r r Sii' ]q photosr 'rls, l Er;iG-ii51.;6a-5t-GE; .p'i..25/-. - !!is, the tldla editioa of tho gddlook ard ih6 fi$t to t€ lflblisled !v ,. & C., cot- a d1d6 _I€€ 6f ! 16J torrcs. sd vo)_ revtoG! fiFi rll@o 'o 1-\e1y Lo b of ihbrest ro ftaa€rs of lbis J rmr. $$risinsl/, tle c.r-c. 1. not ttulueea in tle DiEctolv of lzt1Fav sodciies, tnouc! ii is :ef€red to !nde! cortisntol tlailnalE, 156 Jousal t3 sriioFa reltx3r 1! tho lisi or lortodicels no! elses,hcF''hiIst Sectton !r deals ratl co,tlrcnt:l di1- ?aF, 3od rJl,or o oliaf !ss!l. c !3 3@ srsaestioF fo! 8!(!al s:dine or l,t€ Ibo. folllop s oa liL sellcred Euft!.d coubtties. brlof€r Ffcb'- "u;iect.ces !o th\ ft:Alde!! ad'ot rinalrt reo lasos of s?allsl,ics. :rth usefrrl rnf.Is atio, ie :(lud6d, bul b/ lb:€ is .o! il€ts kcrlL. Fror claplcr E€6rat crotricB r!o4 @ tid:tebl(s no^ ih$ oncQ ot rFlcc a Jcu. sdtkllard s nE:zi@ 3ai16F ls lub1is5ed ly tr€]son, not Iil A114' tn6r is colfuior bet@t Noft.yrs t'o ls.clta 1les' dd the 2,830 h of 5i 60 eause in Pomus?l s roDt€ bi163, dil.+ '!!e ?to ko olootrlfi6d * tr&k Et1$. otne! of the look tot ahoAv enti6ed &al tii! lt€li !ai1€v€, lresftd 3riti6! locoloties' 4i1@y nir€ls, Britisl laileaJs' lndustrial !a11_ ;F, !a @y lhot.elelhy, Eil6y €ite6i* 1868-69 ed 3.n, sred codoE. $a@ does lot plett a &t!dl.d $adew ol t!e*, but $EFl of th€E c*ibtt e e*rla l&k of, 6cc6cy to tLe oonttsliat soo+ioe In s!o!t' tLiE iE a 8efu1 bool' }l1t Its €le as a Frk of ftfc€!€ is s€?iously ilpai*a bv tbo lldltabtlttv of tleir hoeEolk cosidola!1r b.ite! trefoE tbc er! .diti6!' !!oqi$d r! 19@. Rlr!flY EolrD:- lx rf !Y or P.i:. (al1z-Bishop: 1oo ?a€:s 5fa ! 8+'. 40 lto,e E EG;? E$l-;r'i;;;T by Dadd & cbsr s, pric6 .rol-. lla. r*I+!is}op is llre ackaoelcestd Rlitisn ex!€!} ot Itattt railraJ!' no Eurlriec ihat tnrs, ibc c+htl vo1@ tt tb€ Rldl'ay soltday sertes, i3 fro! Iis !er. llje ndlaiiE fo1lo6 tb6 uslel tatleft' iy aeecdltn8 a ioD of tL6 coutry, but ts lnt€Etclsea sith dcioils of, albost .try faoct of lail@y de€loln6rt ad opela1lon, so tlet 3 c6!s!ensi@ ?iof,us of the ltalla latlFi sJlten crc1we6, PIiBtc li!o. ed @cus t!.t! tei! *e o? sttcltloq ard th6 eutno! Ias also fcurrd rooa to incluec rcfcsr@e to tle Ita1td poo!16 rit thci! @y of ljJ.. &!6&ticcs llovldo aetul 1*is of au foms of !o+i* !o@r, ud ihe lllustxaiions ducad. unsort'etely' rLo@€r, olleryise earrErfcct sslt las bocr e?oilcd by in?cquaie €!s. 4bos rc!rcdu€d @j+ af,l I)IiE+e lires' ed t!€e ig a 5o!1ou€ !.od fo' 3rndep- E€rtE sboEir8 tle conpl.ical.d @iw*3 aroud tle lareo citLes' !a:"tt@lsiy Ut1d, Ro+ ald trad6. Ao*@r' it i. to be !o!ed that tbis F1aitftly sall b}@iEh ni11 lot dtscoua€€ ttc luchase o? ebat is oth.Eiec d c*cllcnt |ook. !y 3.L Si@e

I lad ofteb wndeFd he lottoed, lei aI@ "odt$latea €i!a, .b€ Lire of er.'ies cuckso e€J tu:a!le l)8 of Cood colt1berti1 4 *'col€, rr e.r: L€ Lo.1e(vI ") rd a :r5€r Erol)ed dilh 3estuon. dd i! Cbur tbls js alltfrcd in-o S€rrce"r-' 51?, atd 1!re- tbNu€b !€m a .aJ oEr th€ Sokr-. or roLre. - @ !o so trll! o€ oe t5€. It 6s ihe fo€:€l coreequelce of a lorier c!ttdi.!,!ir €ltoh rook c ro IE !@1e ?roE lesabgd, otu Jdudti !odi1g. I b3@ neer tascirat€d try striter lad uil r+s ft116Je. Lad aoli.l,bei tbe,E!€i ad @iety of rei rss"13Er coutlyi od soudr (da sti'l do) of t!e& iioati€r csssiias 4 possible. (ftert @, tnclaertally, 22 |oe-?tde crossraas fo!.inr€*riolal LErel:es, fiB defilc- ores ed lob rhtch I dis- qElfr ls '.Lt{PYs".) So :G€e, or - F*nt Jol]ltr, of soDs ro sas_e,or vauo:te, !y qife ald r t@k rFr! xo.53, rhe 12,25, $@ ?*i.s lrr!, in tle Besdgo! tlloDs! co&I- ree dlrr d6tacbed ar DiJoE ard .ftacled to s ssort- lei of 1ocal sioct on tbe 15.4? Dijo'-resago!. ]lt D61d, off c@ 3B 25515 &d oE ce 141P499r so ?a: so s.od. fteE aE not, of, co@e, @ny pdis-lere pdsenaec usins tlis rofte, ald ole ,ust be !rep@d foi rt6 6nrb@i4!ic oo,- auotor rdo is corvi@a tna, ffi Ea1ly o!a!t to te o! dotler[' but b.s @ reEr elvay, ai ?esaoo!, fo! a codortable afu!1 ai tlc iotel de ltEulolB 6t de 1a ?ostc dd d edb sialt tbe fo116v!€ bodins. at ?.lt re €E 6! rle platfos a.t !€su9oa vio*re, t! +L6 deserred dadoess. I* *s urrwritls :uiordr rloba to b€ :3l)12, tho ?.5O to L r,ocle, aii re crbbea tu to find t@ or rbG. loBly aC cold rookils tulkds ed sordla* sltttlA tn tte slooE. Srdd6dy a of.-H"s oursiCe i't&euced 141R6X, or a 1ocal of sia-.r!661e€ fr@ !6tc, dd sr ni:reously I3o12 @s s+a.ted u?. or ctu tLe 1i€!ts, ad a cou?1e of dozer !o$ lassen€e$ clibn€d tn. ?Dctuallt at ?-7J t!. doos *re sl,med slut dd, vilt a 4ft- jqslins sii,raiio! (,b:c! contirued, :EeE11y 3leadna for rn. re*r rrc lots), E ce+ o3f for sdt+zor1@d, aos a €+cetfy d@d sinsla ltn€ aFay fer ile 3€1?ori lttrc, to s+o! at n sepdjlouil$F o! ro ra.ks of tle Eib Dorbs. At orcc rc ftle anay dd ilto a g!"irlibg c1tub as, outsid., rt Aor ligb*€! &a € lad a viev of tlc Fiadile ri€! steailrg bel@ E. rt t3 ?kr. ro saoB, th6 b3t statto!, ad 1L 40 all tne 6tr 11 n;isur6s oi lorep*d sl!adc!t!s, ,4d ob c* soc aly tn stce dalB 1t!.r took oEr 20 ltnunos b eor u! !c€. t3o12 ses quitc at Lo4i sle BE nuilt tbo mi ir 1915, liiL a 30oL!. n6ddt ereie to bove hor 31 ioc, dd 14 s?e!r noEt of !e! rrte or t!.s6 bills. &rord saoEe, tle .1inn conti!rcs soE,lai ab+ed, ttldu€N tr@i&lle, &d ot !rE6?it31 d! cc lois tn 1i* f1larly l€rcl. off, 5s F ah joi,ed by e fr6tibt rHc! ts! todE, re aft on a !1arc4, acDBE tlo ra! of tle Jud, dd lcather, se.. thce ard a f.F soattcnd €bup€ of t@se., ad n€re dd rheN a.oo.d eitilg @&s€ ilc lcatnlz,d, aa tn frort rtc gcntly l)ifring, :i6ir& ad fallils sinsle liB todrds tne oasi, subly rne P$.i !.El c*rEctcd ro !.ka iis fortl* 4. tr! LeE? Inaeed !o; tbe ?Iti foud it€ef tne u.hapty .oretucJor of ihis lle follodtng e intetmttoml ae€€@nt bel@€n F!d@ dd sritze*ard, sisned of, Jtue 14tr., 1881, to €s+ebllsr d int€FatioGl !d1e at this lbtlt rrth e4y &cers to tLe in'1ustlial ldt of tle Sris. Juras, ad tnroqb Biel to Olter ald left. tne P$j Eidt be@ boped ,o c@@te vltt tle nst for t8ffio frd Pade to {o}i!eE dd CedFl Sdtz€rlaad, yh€n tbe lihk hs establis!€d in 1884i but it @ els'3 s forroh ho9e, dd ore €us!€ots that as tte SlJCr !s!*s for a ,e, su.d of Etioulisatiob tbis @odefjlg sinei-e 1ir6 rt€ht et 16t EucI

!h:le re !!, -.r au.olail ,!u!dl6s o., 16amn6 slal,rore nlere occd- tonal pase.a€fs alig5i o! toad, rhere tle Cn6f d6 $tatlon lings tt6 del)dtl$ !€11 - a6e srtss tlan tuelch to - ad disapDearE ro t€ld dis a@ow1s uttl tle nert tlatD 4 nou:e late!, sd Eb€* all eppeffi fo&1y .!iI iteoard4g. 'Ilere is sno5 on tle l)Iat?offi at lonAsEalsoD, ad ftr tFes dai! or tbe tuofs o? tne peelirs 1aEloly ail seEral eall s!e&. At Cillet E @ sudddty $rprtscd 'to lind tle 6ing16 Ilre olEnii€ @t into lire pdal1e1 i!&ksr ed @ siop at an isl5rd pletfoe. Tlee is a bslacki !ae, coreed il sr6i but obviegly the destidiio! ol ibo do4! or so solateE on or t4ir. Ore d coar dd ti5b.r €ttud id e stdirg, dd *beE is e obtiosly f!oa! €t.lso1M. Tnis at ledt &nttrds us tnat rx3n tnes * no dtesel ai Sesdaon ?or trr6 f?6i€!+ t.t!, a 141! ray c@ up herer rlnd ctlley rs a jlm- tionr the freielt-only :@qt of a liE to Portdlier Ales off !eF. . !t iltre end of tle Jdd ine tr&!5 di!; dd re & .Gt nom e Ttrding d€sccat, laiilibs eloEd cliffE aa iito tne €11ey of ihe Doub., tb d a!n!i chan€! of .c€s, to*ais tle ?oint ::nerc it forc the sFtas/!.enon rlorrie!. :re * lov alnost in sdta-1sd, and :t ltoltcaL, 90 eirutes dd 6'Ih (4, Ei1c.) re slo? lefo= a s)bstdtjal stztlod bL:ld ing. 15 r is ekos. a.@ptete'c;dus elrd Dou@ier co@ abodd; olIy ry Ffe ard I, *d otu otte!, afrit ibe acpalt@ .n *Li., tle i!+6mti@1 ?art of ib joutuJ. lbn Didies, horcrer, @ alIotud lo. xhe for@litios of roavt.g lTdce at rlo/,.a!, aa t}6!e ie tie to look arodd. cleally t!* litr1e io has 3l,a+ai tte eoods Jafi end rrkk 6td1!F jGrife e .1o.oi.&t.u1. :tu84. 4, lhes as ro srsr lor lor ot !re c,i. R6s. e.@!r-cm-6J dric! usa to c:E tto sLr::or tard hes for Jo contoMd Ellc€ to T!6v tle-. {rrooF * barc rce teclrt€]b lcf! tuace, E aE rot tri tn s7it.erl-!d, ed * c1i!b 6rce!1y ro vi11e6 1c l@, ihc 1ar rftrcl siattor, enerc * 5aE e sudden viey o€i tho laks at Ls 3€rete, soe !u!C{as of fo.t nclov on *h. left.\l s dro! aod to L IF.1e (co} dcs Rool6s), @d $ a& 1b sdi.rdrlend. oelhead ries, a a€3/5 1n. soods rda dd tlc at! of lrosle!fty, stldrs€ly ro€1 afra! ou j;r- n11 .besei dd fe frlb ttrd€n th€ sers. !ofi@ dd dstons !a11. our lass:)orts @ rldtely .*eircn ed oefully starlcd, a lracrtce so rm.ual noF ttat i c@nt, ald tb. officlals confc! togctncr o! rte 1sr ti@ ihoy sai a 3!it*! p*srol*, t€f,o& F!1yin6. 4lEy lorc @ eljoy ou erayr ouistd. rle led and i! tlD stetion- ?eople c@ ea eor tbeF dc those heauti.ful br1s. dd jn rolk {.1/5 Ib.1O2?O o! ehat ii1l beconc or iroi! ro Xeuolerel. rle svjss k"r! d:d failt:!, srd rc sbost teaore fiB 11*1e auiorail 4, 5- eE?ty dd si1e,t, tt eaiis +o r+xq }ob soe !d!s late!. Suddenlt t!6 leathet dn ?ire tEes, ad tl6 tufa&ed sinSte 1iG @!o€E tb6 loof of ibe Juras, seen @!y fa e'ar, but ?.! E at least' T3116 51? of ob c!ai: las co@ -+-o-a-o-44-o-o-4-.o-

lele4u Las }ad a lons abd late&s'tin€ bisloly in ii6 srctu locolotl@s, tbe fist b3ing !r.€d h selvice @ €dly as 1835' xnilst such ld'!. atiomIly fddus bafts as lelpaiF ad laleh@r, telon&d'!o telgtar loconotive oas:ireeF. lelcio loconotivcs lar akaJE bean dtsxtncttG ttr a!F*noe, u laadly eles- at, ad in the 22: ]€a!s Fntn eb!$d leb ile cna o? tbe @! uxtl tle denise of stee teotiorj all tle Eein @ases ta th€ looonoti€ siek. !s1i6.t Fts tlro ok !.lrai6 deste$, curtous tnines sit! iasidc cyI- trd.Fi outsidd f@es dd uique .!on3!t 1oc@oti€. 1n that ihey rent tbidg! e ledod of xadn€ squaF c!i@t:. So& ree 6rJ ldee for lh€tr dar, a !h6r- osnon irric! tne 3€1ei* ooltnued to !re11€, d the 2-4-2 errFso dd 2-fu bled traffio loconotirs €re chTaclltlsed by €Iomo6 f,lsboGs' 3619atr ot ooure, dtl 70 sq.ft. 03 Srate *a - lase! ,re *yiblne tu Drrolc ioday-- Tbe 1a3i sEdvtng lchalre cl*s @e the ltttle tr!6 51 0-6-4!r, siill to bc fourd in tx6 19io 's. iJte} 1!a 3.1!aiF resrno c@ lle caledonlan !a!iod' etarted dt! frc 4-4-ois to tlo caleconie lail'ayrs 'DluLas+all'r desls','dtcL and butlt i! Scotldd lry llellsor Reld. Usir€ tbe s@ fcatws dd Ftainins t]1e dtstitcti€ ca16y a!:)eddo€, o@ succdssiE 4-4-Ots, o-fu, 4-fu dd 4-4-2T, tlo laile! Caleitoni& codter"art. of tlesc, onlt th6 ,1-6-0 nd diselFedd by 1945, dllst tr. 4-4-4 *ft bely t! servl@, tnt tle 6-6-4!s dd t]le talks 1:st€d tucb lo,ser, th€ latter @11 into tle 19@ts, Ild cal.t !.!i.a frs fouored by tbe d: c16l! etgn' tJl)ioally Encb deqis,s of -tldric !d 4-tu R!. ppduc-dr eir! eou_'oalouai'L€n c._trd6!e, latJsr 'ocdotiqsJ tbo class ? r-tu s, (ac.L1_lr b-i.t .ftc- tbo fonorCns tsriod) to 3avi€' @y havlag by tlen |eea brcusbt u! to dat6' es vith so bary l.:€nc! de Glel!'s, by dorble chljneys. r. r1a@6 ilcn took oft! llrc sieF, ald fttatdls for cyltdeE, he yeai in for Etnlle e{d€id @d sulclhcattus,'Ii1st aln also lor mi€!t. Hts 4-fu Eoe ald lubclin8 tr.ii ihtrAs that re.dcd snlstatial Eluilains ie?oa siytA eff.cilE ervice. rb.rc GE a.lso e pair.f 4-Gd?, ibtcn !:d a kly:no* Dfe- $osi of t>€ N1@ locoEoti€s relt Fa' lut ibe cf6s 10 !&i?to6 lir€ese on ultl 0e h.e 195ors, @{. c!€!L o .!e erd.

1,:1e fi*t mrld dr tlen l,tern ted tltns!, ald afteaelds the lelsi@ fou.d ilc$o}res Fith a 1e!€E :rml€! of reE c1as66s ircludi!€ E:iou€ le!{o tyl)es - 0-4-os?, 0-6-0?, 2-6-2s1' &d 4-6-0 - nuilt for r€1€iw' plus lddes of ce@ locono+iEs h.tdcd oGr as Er)alatioE after in. dieti@. of in$e, txe P4ssid trlcs, !ci!s tL€ qo.t uelods, booe viltuaUt 3taadard n late ' esos, (spo,*11-/ 1s tkr ftE r& b€ltcr c i€ircs rbu th" B.13iim! om. ntr Fst fie a ared bas, rrsi.s floo r^e suD "o Ba%"i1. sdo' odditi6E' ua the or]y o*s to su*iE noE tb& a ved or tm FE s@ !aa@ renks. ConrFclv. o" 1!e 3ire fidi clq€s-s to sLrvi L u sleiu' Lm 6F !_J.r'ur L!. ubiq) ror P8 4-b-o @c GBr o_&.o. fte i@ediate lost-Id lellod 3a' Bclgi& inbsting i, 1se! qwtities of risd tF.fftc 2-€-O rith 5r0n nlcelt, a lasic ttl,c rLich to pro?ide the hakboD of t\. Eoti& ro$r uiil ilre c!d, Tbc 30 ee 31 clns@s'as Es o? srit- l.tua built t}.ft' a cclo,nd Esion @ tux actElly 'lails+ clss 33. t futhcr ttle @s i!€ 38 c1s., of Aelica bui1d, dd all +he€ surira tbc @r altloush ihc o@louas rcrc tLe ft$t to d*a!)!ca. tn sally nig etgies, dd lhe 193oiE sa' tl6 a?IE@e of the trle I forcyllldc! !4tftos, the heaviest tn luole aid also !os.$ins the hea;;5+ aiL to;,1 of aly rlroled sic@ loo@ot1€- lbr ltli f,st tud. rcs built stx stedlired at1etic., as?tn th. fdgcat of tnrtu tt?. i' drrcIE, utusua] f,catrE ol i3! f@es c@bircd ritn tEide cvl_ indols. ro! the ll*Ehdlg lis a buae 2-&2 dcsiSp ds !&Cuced' elA for h.eqv ?rrelt a tulrry 2-'3.o, te+ e-ebir tle !eav16s+ of ilair tJpcs tn Euolo. l}ce 1att6! t@ cle*s lut tlo e&8.6 c1E3.s Ere quitc sood, ea. lsteit uttl *he stee rcrklnF. B*d ltd tlose destrs @E otlors re€! s6F tnc 1i€bt of day ovins to tle @, ed tbesc all had tlc r5ock o''!ich tbo so*h" tjDc sdi-s+EarililA as t]]e clss 1 lacjJicB. l'lerc 16 a a3troral lur!6$ I)sseneer 4-6-4 ri*h iside cylinders' b@d on tho zttdtics, a 1ight (!y !€1- sid s+odalds).iaa traJfic 2+.o eitl tlo se loiIcr tti ou&iit€ cylild.s, ald dotlc! 2-k Fit]] l@ oylindels at e a.thateA {ei€ht of 10? toE' TE lagpr thd bos+ Erole& 2-lcHt5.'nicl, Ibese dGi8E rcrtscnt tnc last flo*F i!e: of, 3clead loc@ottt de3ie!' .. all sun*quglt t$Es ftE iforcieFcls'. itc tetn€ oE! of lolsto sction of lh. Sold 3€le' -ai l6y b.dsnt s lnflr of o^rch xo$ lyp"s'bc l,o !t€ srsl€D' ,rus s@ a-&-o's olt8airlJ tullt for ftes souin sabs' io tloil stddaril iwe' diot .@LoE foud th€it €y to l}de ltr tho 1'beE @F tle iGttta!1. ccd Edti@ 2_1o.o's' rllc! took oer duti6s fM tlc cdlier Fr@c €Et@ ut1l clcctrilication of tle !@nbobs el! lie, ad' toE lao@ .f e11' tbe 300 Diftd tfa.fflc 2-8-a'5 of olaEs 29 rltch Fs a lodedlsed t*ioa of tlc c*lio! 38 cf@s. Thos lFr tca ad loc@otiFs @ft the laEt tr!6 tn @in 1tre &!r4@, dit oc of r!ft, Io.4.o1l b6u1cd [he Id. o?fa.b eut trai! frco Alh to ,ond€ll6oue o" 2orh frc@b"" 1966, thus brii€ina B.Ig.d sa€ to a qliet e!d.

'tr Lrsr oi s-N.c.3. qlassEs fi 4samrc! snic! 1925 xos. et 1945 &!s 101-3' 1.oo1-35 4+t1,se.t-st*elined, 1935 5OO-43 2+y1. I\)r L1lgboulg 1i6, 1930 6-oo1-05 4+d- de cbnr oon?o!.ds 6.001-42

1101-46 1201-O6 14.O01-32 1r0o-4? 15.oo1-47 " ' €up€-hea!€d, sliae elcs 4-4-lr I liston E1€s 18oq-€ 18.001-?8 1901-03 19.001-43 ,r d eleltedr€d 2001-11 tr pisio! €1G€ 2221-34 l*-:lo!d BelsP (S Cr 8O,l ty!€) 2451-6t " (slci 222rI rrre ) 254043 2r.aa7-23 lR 50 c1ass, rrllt rek:u 2a

.-l it I i

L-ns -----J- :* ,.,."i-*,"i-*'

{boE - Clss 38 2& Pase ? -!. class 12 1i-4-2

9. !!nll!Ys llr ]ozrl@rQlir

! ft€ day a{sit to loFtuo Xtlques slo*d the cru to 6e a buEv stlt€e sttl a epod @riety of locodotiEs. !n€ rai16y dthorltle3 @ helpful' ad iFiat lonits od t6 oltaired frod tlc llopa€ada &d prSliciil offioe on loF oo Udques station. O' tlc otle! !a:rd, lhe !o1t@ * latler iu4't, dld a ts he:@ i!€ eguiEitio!.f lerit tult$ 'bi1e. I,oerco l,Isqles ha3 e:t€retvo dock6' vlefti! len s!u*i!s tal€s !14 *lth tLe 2-8-2T a!3 O-10-OF. Statlor !ilo+ Is a 2-t2. l'b3 Iire as fu as daolaa ts double, and at ihis juction a llre coBes in f@ a socondanv !om, errola, foFrM a t'i.es16 riL! l,be oaib 1ie. roled' 'be lia 3!lirs. to:razl- IaJd laf_ ard Ko@,ipoort (foi soutb afrca) -istt. fto s€zildd lu" :s &tslly a s€p*ata Etlqay - t!€ Srzildd letlfry _ nlicL ss blrilt to caEy i&i ore, dd ln1ikt los.essi"€ ttu on !o11ina etooL, tt iE rciL6d by the CEL llovides tne rotire !@r. $anaald load is about 40 boete !41ed by'lich td loomotifts - d o!-?'iod€€ie RzilrdJs 4-8-2 ?luE a doEschel'a€pbs 2-10-2, or ts 2-lo-2's. @eEting or thr. line i. latber sl@k - liarques sled coltatus tne fficLs ol tles 2-10-2tE ad 3 2-6-2 inwol@d',oFloo a }€aaa sdn bei@e, tvo douue-neade6, drin€ July 196? eothet 'lsieilar eli3oae @ sta€ed betr@ a stusle and a'dtlst douue+e.aari }3 a ftsu1t of tle first cr36n, the ft& @3 short of po@!' ard a esati @ on Iod fen tle !€ib section. ?6slftb1y 6notLc! ?111 Dor !. squtEa. lLo CF!, c@pri*s sit doon€cred 1ires Mihe inlald frd tbe ooast' all tut one ieiq &r of 3! 6n eeuco. !d of thes€ '@codectedr fin.s aF' jn f&i co@ot€d plt6i€fly' tDt via eo6oe elsts €tftalY. Steriing fl& the rolth' tud s@tLdr{B, tle 1ires a&:- 'ofkins 1, c.!. 1bo@bique fron nacala dd LoElo to Ca+nr, !ea! Iako NJasa. 2- c-!. 4r.lildb, 3i.. c.r. Tst6, to 'lbte fI@ DoE lra oa tle 1L@-Zd!e€i liailEay' oo@ct- eit da the rA to the !a1F sFt€E. ]8. C,P. Bei-a. L@ BoEa ro lteLipara3. tbo@ to &ode€1a. 4. C.F. .!.h@bdo y cea (a) Ii!tu?,a-o io rmlri@ (Jr 6's{so). (t) JoEo &lo to Meu:le da ch& o (?5h sa!se). ). C.f. iLrqu 6. t!€ 1obA66l, aL' fM lolloo l:rqss !o unL€hjz (ror Rnod€sls)' less&o cscir (for sorth r.+ica) ea cob - (fo! s6zil!d). Tho oorE drarlng dcltcts loFnco i,(alques Eecttd of tle cn{, e4 illustleie. tbe aitdLtiodl b.zaarle t$oc by !!e eltlElast tn addl@s+

c.r.x. locotlor{vE cr,xssls. 1967 !9S: !x!s 4:Icer !q!q ortsn LsEeii!s-!9.9i19s 9 $9r Flescra€d loErco llarqres I.n&b@, qElirtu (r.E sulviG ) 1 19\5 3-5 2+-O 1930 6-a 2J-o 1922 lEg qiea oE€+idE sectioa 4J-O 1903 2-44 19t0 f-9 o-6-21 \9M5 c11{ 6r-E 1931-3? r-lt. 1r-72 81-84 \955 t.u. 97-96 1949 r,.I. 141-,i8 2-\a-2 19r5-44 n.. 214-19 1951 r,-:{, 257-72 1955 t.ti. 101-4t 4-6-2 19t9-23 i-l!. 33r-33 195' t.H. r.924-48 1.n. 4\5-L6 2-3-2 1955 ? 4-a-2 ? 4-€-2 4'J1-€O !+? 501-o6 1935-38 cI:6 511-12 2-e2 1935 ? 57\-72 2-6-2 1941 l,-i. 601-o2 2--3-2 1925 611-14 2-8-2 1925 'to1-o8 4-a-2 L.\. 1918 811-14 t923 901-O8 192a-e 91r-14 1921-30

921-30 3? 1937 9ra-62 2J-4 1952 911-15 7956 987-92 2-t2 + 2-3-2 1943 ?'ol"r cd€ ? ot 0-5-2 rt28 a6 2-84 192' 1919 081-€3 2-64 1916

3fi!:gxg:- o & E RailYaEr- Nolth Blttts! loco. co. lelaaoa Bay ltail€y zuid Mxtka sloorcg iaj. con€o o@d RailEy south lfli€h reil@rs sudah reihw€ (tia r4) de c@ttuctioN ]TOT!S c4cxosnv!-(I.l' EiFr* pr..t"rti."t alleaEd sile last ted ?o! tlo lrorosed iEEffi s.lae, at tbo cleb eld of tle ltn€- ill loco-]1alec tlat6 seen @E .;;*- hor tG lito tEwlled o. a sundar' a frjslt @s pas'ed t ar,""".*" r."!. classes noted's €r:- ?**.{!r - 198.0. r'5.1r rY€i8ht - 556.a, ,4.ot brutjns at cleb - 524.2. PtreL sration ' 365.a' 4J4.2, 555.3- $e ii* i"-*"y'.*":. ail it i5 a lity ih3t iL6 rotire porer a!!€ds so stdddd' ?1@!-Pra,ha - rl11 foco_haulea tlaiG €E agai! st64' ditl D@ E!'etv' Clee€e ;6;a;Ga-;; the Pl,ea-zdi@ Etletc! trcluded 498.0 &d 4?5,1 on !a6*'3ei dd 555.1 o! r€irb!. !€ F"! Zdi@ ald Psba, a Pddltlon t aboF. the folloFj nA ;* zdr- - a2\.o- a21.2. 5)5.0. 4i7-o1 BeloE - r)u.l, 52t.2, d64-ot 5rz.o:""bd.- ?ra!a - fi1.a ed Aa4-o on lokas frprj;."a *-"aj.e oFb3b r a far @jres dr o'Faa sdcbo!. aod !€ steep s"ad$'t dt .f zdi@,"* doub16-h€aed 5>t.3 c16s * c@o!, ard the dee! tbr@ty lod of a 498.0'ler cd te ledd to adtutas€- PIda (stFd)-rra"pv - i'r:s se..10! is eti,€@ -/ bcv- )x'its a lG-boJr *lgaoa ,;r;;;;;;-';T;ffiir t! be RoTtodv zaloe co r.z e3. ro l'ss ros ,5 loce lanled ilai* !€sed, coll)risiig 43 ste@ dd 3 diesel. c]4s6s loted Fridt 556-o.-555.1. 555-0r! - 4'1r.1, a9A-a,387.o 15/.?. /)6.o.'eE:- r9o.o 165,0. lX" dlevls Es o. Frel€b!. ad L\ € *e also - omber of _-Ics' classes 154.1 dd 423.0 @ts roted led stred, ad !o dount also slk tlts lt e. Prsn: tibsnoer-4lhoe - I lgied s'l.clion of .1ass6s t. to € found o1 this ;;;i;;;=;;n6-re!r fo! a ai lr tud @ded stFlc! #d naas Boresrae' lt !s rely fLt dd @in+Esstin€. SeEral c1*s.s not €eE 61se!ber Fe loted at 146i6 3o1es1ay, ckssos s;! bet@etr Plala dd fthov €s:_ !$s6!epr - 464.0, 464.r, 477-a, a54.1,354.7t F&i&i - 524.1, 524-2- 423.0 ad 434.2 reF shbttns at nad5 d 434.1 ai vseta+y.'24.O) &nov-r:bereo - Tbis seoti@ ie very sceni.c dd has le.1T :Iadss. Ih !.ltioula fia=A;5; net€6n srebrv eit ntbcrec is la€Fr"icst, Fiti€'ts, EoataiG, 'ligbt o@s, aia Ely sieep dd 1o!a glades. a day 6s s?ett in tles sufoua- tr€! sd Rtchrd, ?neF t!6 lih pa!?oms Ai1€r a tc1' 16 !as*i!, a sod te! eilut.s fate.' it ca again t€ !€aa'd 4d tle sbol€ ee!, a ree ludrea feet ato€. rne fiEt tire i}ls ballened, lhcre @ a 4sh to tx6 11!e to l,hotogdl)h 'eotlLe! ilain ecro' i't @s t4'ossille to teU rrl1cl on 16.brg u!, a s&at ?al1 o? Jet llaol @l€ €s scn,'av al)lert1y c@ing fron tle forc3t itself. c18€es notod @F:- Pa*.epi _ 4?5.1' 464.0; r'!ot!lt - 5t6.o, 555.0- or,!e! eeoa looa'tiobs * to bc foud on tle Io,s cbln @+ o? libetso to a slEit inst bcyola Joisei@. rit€Fo-iosb l,i!o - fhts lire, elthou8n lot !a!ti@141y lEy' ts 811 fft! a vieit, for it r6€e3 thda! sec DgniJic6nt nout3in scsrcty eld.bounds in €Tadients, Thilst tn6r * se€*t €pcct@ular viaducis. T!€ t st ltaco botea q€ novina' claesas 524.1 ed 5r5-o reE seen o' f*i€lt da 354.1 on !ds- €!€r, the sislt'n6- aid soud.f a ldr of Cie.f-fitt.d 354-1'3 nbstr.a *m6s $ovic virduot iE aot 6zst\ foreette'. 16 stee-tsled tlaE *E lot d it 15 xolNr llus ra:Ics. Koli!-3etislarst6ftvo - lbis E.ciioa € tdwei@d in itarl*ss, blt sin@ last te* tne Eolr; $ D$6 scctior ne eEt€:3edr anr all trais lassd sE ;leoiltcally b.ulcd. lnc Bdo to 3latislaE scilot of, thts l'rsJ 116 Eas alEost s : c ss srito -or. @1, Ja Eidnde :tet:t'111 Fi8rea 'do€' i,ie-6 n:dr sudaFst-oouad t"at! rrcE etu. ed i! the o:do€ss ii."*.r "."1.1-1. + not.q 3! Bi€claw aa Blllsrar' p16 a aor-srop .i*.i ii"t"- ,.ar,i"ti-"r o' ie uo jG61f. relTo! Nore atrLr ud s':ftb clrssos 4a6.1, 47r.t,"i 465.0" 555'0,434.1 ad 498.1 ftre noted. c-s-t- T!€ a!o@ no+es refer t6 Jre 1961. the Cbief !4i&a! tt ''!e li-0.T. ;-?rebe siat.d tbat si6d tlaotton *uld tlsirc uttl 1982' dd tlat a an6ut 2ab loconotires ?oqfe *net! on cemaitr 1i6s e&n after tha'l Jed'

Szob-Budae et - t]]1e sectton flon szot to }Ja&@Toe Viseatad is Fll F:th a, although fer clasees vil1 be foud. 424rs !redo!:irat., a fev 411' "th -oca- 6,dsfst-],okos!-21 - ! d baeb itrr€trd J to slene e* ie 1r $'table ;;a:-;="rs--:o,r., b Lle 118 # rtua o oe uber1.?ablv ..;^. ot l" dir 1tre 42,I clss asd! pftdo'bat' mL! t0e oc'4 o@L 11I on r*rJ.. s,.- cI"s*o -tsz;tea8- 2'5, tt, l2tctaEz-21>' t1'/)'i Ber;scalb _'42. )21. 111. iiii-:u""a"" ' rri. 1tre ts 61.cidried, tut ttoft @ a aule! of ste#@:ked b"d;!*i;;d classes wF rcfte as fo11o#:- cono .. 03, 15' 24, 16" 19' rrt 01, 49. vdious t1@e. - l5' 49. tlezdla-sofia - ftts sctld t5 ,ot e16ctlifi€it and ts Elv s@ltcr bnt unfortd- :t61y nost tlains are diesel-hau1cd, +loush occzsioEl 1o@1s dd fEi8nis & still stetu. Dudrs d 8-bou *sslo! @q srcsne, ll tEins Pas$d, iut onlY ? rF s+ca dd 3 f,i:€t- clss 01 local lcsrs6r tnds. Tle rcoach€sr a$ conrrt€d epode @s, ed tt is quLt. a rat. of 20 ol tles si+h 3 corErtioFl coach at cnc! chd. sofia-Pcnit - fnis lire frE tne natn obiocii€ it 3ul€sia' tne'ti€s ;@-;-G;b smke dd 3oud .ffcots o! il€ sie€! cri!! out of tle carital. Itu ;o!ie 5 ,aies on tne line 11-? !a ?ror sFlto tor lcss th& 6 ery. x'bis !-ttd1d ?oint lE not Fcolsnited for $otosEaphv as tle4 is d e b*b.d-qi' f"nd. :h' nc'r r-,i ko. to rbc au L' bor cw-,';.a;"d.r;@'de ir rcrt ,irt' vi.r'i"e. In a o-Jou 5!1d y e seion' 1 t-dG mt not.o.

uref.dc freist l":4s3!9-!:91s! 2 tiesel + 2-f2-,iT tounk ncadod 2-12-4! 3 DouEe Lecded F1F4f I Doulrle he.ded 2-12-4? + 2-1F1.1 latlra! UlFadc !4ssre! !9sseqe--Ps:!9re: 2 sinsle 2-10-4 {clds 15) 1 2-12-4r + 2-rG{ (c1€. ]t) A siailar leltod of olserEtl.r lad bcc! slEnl on tlis 1ire +lre p&lious Friday, tu! on tris occasion +!€c loot steu cdbtuattoE. ?h€ !$€ de re€isi @ @ doub+l.ess lle Surdal tGin !itl1 tbs. 2-12-4?!3' trc 3{yfitrder o@s ai tbe f!o!i tud a 2€ylinde! €rtetv at thc !&k. 13. JUC{S! 1!r4 lirrrovead-d1da - cllsses 05. 20 @d J8 ? i noted at sl,al4, 0 dd rl -t F-je-id:;i-o;-!a 52 C:tai. !ftrs€o" Lo :'d hd Bul sEia Jet di i*1- idled .nd trrachca $inlt"t lad !ai1od6- Prtj6doFzas-iob - !r!b33 lnssoba3rs xad iltusc1s, 1ocal la€ 22 clae.' ad r*leat *s dr"*r ed 3l clase, !bi13t 35 class FF slEtir€ at Pliicdo! end s. cr.s: 1z losensd Iovi. 1xi13l, Aco:drs t5c llftor, yd!.orreslorderl Fs i.-.r"" =-"r "!c 1o.el Dolle s--tlo!. lbis t(stl,ea f!o" a rcport ty ""aoe;f txc 1oca16 i]1o, ir tbc adrros.' thou&t thzt a dtenFt ds netns mde to b10q up thc o€lbrld€e red 1!c statiolr Bft 01, 03, 06, 10, 11, 22, 33, 35, 7 .,n 62. rie 22 claEE 2-G2's are k !t t! im&ul:lc oondittor' znd cd le FotoeFa$dd io .itE*a€c aod SvodF dd o' ihe €r.di6nts rcd X@stdl jke, ZaF€h-llubliae - h Jle' no:t fFt€lts *d 1ooa1 !aE.cn3!!E €s st.a lauled' tt+ Zidni :rost to njutljm ras rcdly Nady 3o! the Juico to t svitcled o!. Irc . ..c.6b -. ia f .oc, shoRd r0€ lid .e clertlf:cd. tut to .t cr-Ic locofo- cla"e-e !o la-ludca lt! "o_ioiins'- lTscnssr - 0), 06, @a d,^s(1; r'€idr - 06. 25.'o Z)z b2; DrDrrd 1r zlps+iC - 17; Lruolj@ - 06. 10, r'l' 25, 4' 3a, 36' 5J' t54' +\. lEt.fud botns dup6d. )1€ia-?ulr - ?nis is ar er@11cni 1in ald *11 @r'tb a Yi6tt. Thc sectior fq iii#_?o--5uet, t, larilorrr, is rcly aouiain@s' ana yit! tlc natur uls dd do# tbc l@oaotie. go flat out ile tlole @y. Ir.btesttc sound cffccts cd te beard. ed o! a sli'l aay It tco_d Fo- onyt.rng J! lo'0 oirul,..' ,ouol. -\c ld us rd Dlrod r-:tN *ft 28 ed 2a o! bolh lassc,€cr ald f&isht, and ol oa !e*!sc! oaly. Io.145,0OI 6s notad zrtving a, llvada on a flcisnt, but a 1itt16 cd1lc! t! tle r!a! tt bnd b.c! ohsced td dar: ming on !*screB! m!k. rE

ldierti Tr'-." 4,. eourd slccrsstul s€asodr ertbo{b @j da oblv -i€- 'hc orrB6io: ro Laaosa:l' tbe aGr * nic p-t-of tfu roula. sbou.d"..o.1t"e.. 4- oooftd !!. fb. in Jo@aI No'fo tcsltdilA re i*" i".oroti€ rri caa*odasp. dt-r'selt6au'o. @e p.@i.*' aid this e€! ;;;. t;tin rc*-" p"...t com;ss rh'o €re'1.' blt tk rire t3s -r r,o,rr o-b-or". sL^JlI€ *-$.Erjc d lichdrs Pcbdc. jd pt.losos r:" .-- , ;-r"- r." tb. tr $ rre ireh. ao""r"o tt**- *-e.=* of a c.'. oe ]a cor* rn :rlis a c&11j'! ioo o' 'h!Ir i.-.."r.". ,*"e : rcx".c t-:frio ao s€ru.' ro loss Lr* u t"ir"-a M d;' ir ea @L of c.-/ Etar:o!' fot orollc. :lt\ouah a r.r at lo_tI ihtre-rr€6vs', sLict -.t ir uc' luses""^t to cant taincE to ed fr6 tbo rdf,loE !eaon:3. 6:F5: rZ* a":r.r* (Ah1lon--u1ur 1.-. at Lllur liSE aJf.ri.l' c!5 @4 tol ;l;-In,. t ._r11@. @t also rost loca s.Fi46 lbc ]et!€! nLb rith o! crs f-oE chl'@' coo:sofi.e 4-rh. I_iicd. sxcr-Lor&d "!:ps "s Joo ;-[1l @B alr local s€ots, using fou da-s( I loco olires erb - fiJl'r co ias aL r.le.nd of {oecrbc!: dlt tbo 1a6. "ou 24"rc .d. ^.girce sCLl to dilbd_1ft' n"' t-sri*.looo b! ar!s.--acns:o: (cc€0o01)' arl, t nom a6 l'l -" "1* "tii tre b.*t.- stook.t 19.8'51 ':s: '9ro' e lics: gaahE-/)h/6. F1!! 90_n0 u$d ror !'F. Fo'k- ;;os. c113r B;2o?;' 33a3i;- 8603. 241tc. ?2/8' 4a/6. c.r.r.r. r^11 efdd: rd FDsr tor.s or \asil Ju. 196?) ifrii-t ro ctiro - $, Dazto! (ca-c-r' oFlelt odv. so.8l 19r'/12 ln.t.e {noted 10/10 rd- too1Mr c!at)- Jobjd 71. cL! - !- . rcood (or c.F- dr ....) - F"oie!|, on J' :s'v rs D1:'ric' I! sor !svi@'rc--..r1jit;-l6fr,o-arcouillctr?5//22. (ldenr'o - Esl,saf,v, c! c.F.s.) -'-lls f'_tt' *t5 lhts ?$s- :,*=:*{i;; d"trv o Pro@. R'lrce! 8D62. ?arrFd 15o l!; B-B dlcs r cr:rA iilrl" ""- i*r f\ielr' ntb.! 1/'-B rzg ot lJB s:wts Prov G.rsd asirrr 131i;29 dd l1 onal sie'r pass'a&I ties' {jfem6-) - Iteis" odjr. l111316 m.di!s. lJodlro 3pa' "Dereill€rsii!!i-fr-Ei""o.-co. 6 ('.1. c-1tr 'LF"o-tl - s.ri'c.c. !::1or* fo! ?ss rsl'' ;ffdi iiffi ij,id;" *i't;* 14oci.. ro-5r (0-6-0r I€ rcuse 265844) _ ude! e!.lr atrd a@ for c; l€necor*. jeit - E.tpvtik (.r s-e., roGl1v:6ta) - Fft dlv' 'irq ""M'r-e;"'-.tol-iz6:A'ri--.;G-- 816/4 or -crz iE s- srtcErrlv' c-i:5='Et]G:5 4' tilal 5 s."*"sc!@s {131/J/61) - oa. aair'v itui€lt' !o.3 o-tum rr!! 14r l;G!]:fu!..'...... -,r_o,Lliffi-ra ]lsv:,. 2)92/21slNr ro.2 G-tun K&!! ecla!!.d c-79n. c-r- a,ri--'"t ; Brdort et clsr (31/5/6?) - oocasronal flcisnt, EEkcd ffi;r;ZiiifiIE* tlriT-ffi:7-6:;l= .oi Eacclcr 1o416nr stored. de lvoi - Iloulisxirs' tiin oE! 1 Dilltoa toF o? It6?:--T-?I:;aiET; lo4h o-.a' t.r 6bu.inst r-6 3rti8erLes ;d u ?-8 F!:JGl-circt BB DE rot

vd"o!1e-hertlalet Elsezbala - TLis f,1s !o" b-e! a6 uc;-T;-ffi;;6:-Eia' tFfllc on1y, siib t!. tiroe ,tle$ls ex DSo- { 1r1.+!r ('ciso& - Is or:rt M:ra od o4selscr d:11,/ frd old"dorf Lo B.bte, ljost ol t!. Fitc:$ x;v: t-.o dr u?. '€cbo r'rdos-tsJab+u - 9€:oquind a foEt! DLti l600 b c: sol 10co_ rm oe :Ls throc 2-10_?1. ;:l; r;;-; D:_ch mr J- rd 1.s thomfoF '-ri'od B3d xtls.ner Kleirbann - E?204 las t.e! sold to thc lio!t.f.,.rna}!. EceiEdatblld0&K dlusll, I:o.3, sndllr 10 tho ;i;iii;-o & x 2662il61) o",1.9- 5?. telFnho*i-lleEied'l€x xtsodah! - cIoe.d to !3ss.n€pE feD 23.9-6',1. neln|ahn {a6o.1-ltau!uta - Ill tEias non u6e 4:-83.1 )3. re* ,9+rr&! - fds li!411v closod to all t!.Jfic o:45-1'ltGt ;c*oldc" rl.clnb:&n) aEits a buycr. utliehadischc - srnlisi.3lt, t]lie daclirdna coro€n !4 just &qElcd ;;;!r;-ffi;:i-i;;GT]nb - o: DB vE.9t2 feE Altelslcis. Klcin!.h tbokTn*olof€!.iGE{trfcdedt - H.s 3cqlisd a sturtsrd HIi[ 4-t!ce1 ;G;T;;F6o'1sr"rric' rI"-iri-;]}o_;-vl? inb:tn vordF.r-rL:u.b-L1:j5 '-ffi n - flnl on'-k-r? of to. D:AC ;;;:.;;"::! -?-Ei:-i]f, 5." t^n r!'nsrelre ro D3' Flo o$-'t. it ro! solc ..Li . :160. rbe tro lDl d1.6.1E 25.01/2 (! nke-to3:@-B$ca '08:/5 of 1961) .E'r.a ih €,oF ot ltrtrgca. !.3- N.$F gaw - !. !o?r in th6 last Jorsl &erdi.s lcilltd - Xarbach _ qilri Lo iei^r''on. ?'d 28.).6'EIL lror 5,u€F i!6ffrc t;cr l.. rb;.* ard s!!oz-ci tlo.1 e-, ^id €oods 11 s, tt siqatd elal ltr* to Trlleln. Tlc n.g, dtl1 not bd rcf,ored bo@ver, to dllo' of tbeu& lqioj 1,s41 trjek .n so$od, da t3u1 ! n'9. s!od- rctli4s ij-ll b. cobttuLd u"u""l ud .lls'.Jo. i1€old -.-bts- te closec d'lrc1r frm 28.1.67. ao.!9.19j"- ^.o (o-lo-i). dss1i4.n l i€tFl-;-i-E;=;;4. a. r'2o.952.$ sloc to

:.E_l-@:gt !R !a closcd for s€ rrE$s sdr€p 1iresr- nltc?:!! - PDtrG, nisferd - sch8bbnd, stratitz - lribleri s.+za6f - !rF!d6if.

(i5o T d-u4 ) ctoscd co:lrorotr oh f.i scrt.rb I le3i:-T;:-l;;:-;;-;i=-t;;!iry",-,r.'!,.<." ro s.w. lbo E dor< \t ks 3r. K.!brt1. dd Es orE!.d t! 1911, !*sc!s!r 4rvioas b6t'A in 1961. Lattorly:$ti&-rr. lorcr cohsi:rod of 'thc. hoa-bmiis 2-€-2T!5'itrdrrE so:.1-5 (rbr€lla 758]ao, 1 9A ac 2eon'\sp crlRly) on of .ir.l'" rs r4o.t3 to ! 3ch.u_cd r's llso r o-ao, (Vl:1t 6llrg).

:- eit ..". d.5! _s lotbor of lle nellrr s1_t sp€ on 8t! october- Tle u*.1 itt&Tdy raE lolloFa f!@ ludqtrst to lsib end back' but thls tbc tlc dtldd lourbcy @ tho rciun fi: Iiust€. ftc tlrir @s t'+1c-rordcd by 2-Ao! 1l dd 2j-4ts 10? ond 1oB t t*c! lDdorudt da Keolts. Dcsld d3 so ss.t tLat tld trip F.s duc to bc &p.atea t]rEc rcrj.s 16tc:. It t3 !ftt!1blc tbat fstbo! sto@ sr.oi.13 d11 @ in 1968, iut no da?in- atdlahl. at t\e ioslt. 19. E!?i!T-:.i io- trce - viseFad - s.!aj€?o - P.ss61sF! traiE aF haule: Dy5, "r#-or::;-TE-6t c,ffi;;;;s $cti)c (€-s- €' :t o/o rz c-. &o beiF€r 'ijsriprada da srabulcid). rreislrt * c@11y 8l c14s, &d clss ?2 shuni ai iataL ed tiioE U:i@- DB orly ot!e! ty!6 roieA @ 1io,189.013 dunlEd at vileslad. looalios to! lhotosrelby a* to. blerous to reltion, as tleE s sleotaculu s!*toles aU a13ng +be li@, tut €.?6cia11y d@bd litovo Uzice' ,laee$! uc ir.r1!_ea. !a!% - co1e5 - Jajo€ - r11 tlaffic lJalva-lole ls by 83 o14s' as is tle :b;;;-rcF;;.;o colea, rrut all trails epils berond'o*ed cold d u! i!€ xaak sgctio' aF tulke4 ny 9? ct$s GE at each 6nit f1@ Dolac to lolji v:kuf). elaffic te- t@e! tor\ji Vrl f and J4ce is ?orkea by 83 .tass ed LNRP.n o-3-0t:. otb€r t}?€3 noted reF 1?2.oot:n 3 sodyatr\i a+ vite' d:d 90.co5 (o-4-4-oq) as staiion !i16i dr TFEik. ts tl6 83 cla3s ca ie lxdtosd?nee on ot!e! liles, tbe section f,lm 'rlahih to to.ji vsLn? is i\e test, and JuEt neyona eole!, d16re tbe Eck star*, o*e1l€ni locatios frr llot.€ra+y aad for &corlihg tle umsla1 erhans't o? tte 9? c1as6 c* ne fourd. !}e tui, i€ i, a tor€ t1ea1, &d i€its clilhqs n! to +his t?e€I at 61ktnA ?ace- PnoloeEally ts iot nco@adad :t 1fabik' 3s tlere 1s a lds€ 4y baracks @it to tle lile sholitt afte! leavils tne statior. rdjce - srnerrca -! - r- dully pa*ruE! ttatre or '-e J..d-sr.€' oa D'.*'n=6;:ffiked br trsr: o--jis, .biis+ '+ishts '9J D?4 ra- "1a5;'" arc u G-84rs. rollosins aE also .o!.d:- 26.10 al, ?r cl-ss on !ss""8e. &A fE:en, ai P't.€d._, 4d trc tads it a bodyati ar Pooci sLa oD, r'o, Yid..7459/?2 ud 10.6Jua l olobr, G atF! b€Ds d 0-&T. ?bo UIRiA o-€-o's ap!€a! to be @rv oalabte s.!tres, ad tle ,oi3e tn6r hak6 cli!|tne the ,e€Feldtn€ €radi€lts has to be le3rn to be t€ltorea. sos d? t!6 steener sades and cures look iElossible to @sltiate, lu, ytth €-oe11ert drivirg tne it vtthoui tr&e of a 31t!. /D!€ nai! sLe'l is at seiica, xne:e a nslrer of o-8-{'E * auElcd (4 a 5) dd 29 &ts as a st?tiody boiler. Sr4ttca po5*sses, besr&s e eneine sned' a staff nostel' a ca.fg ed a fer lous€s. rlro,o ttsiitra the !1ec6 slould E&!e ror t!€ caf6' dies tb. fliendly !.ilrat@tr eai 6!a ciink. YoE co@sloden+ G €1@n a sar, df,trks da a lisxt's slee! ei tle for setts, abd !a *s @t ere! allored to luy a Nua o? d!i.ks. lot a stDg13 .oad Eblcle * seer dlrire a 24-ho!r siay, zlibowh a 'tdokt ertsts. The onll6os of coiDi@liob arisals +o be tne eai1J ilatn o! e&l 1tne, blcas ore 1s !relarea to iFEl aod tbe '!t!&kr

?x3 ab.€ not6s oa iu3pslastu refer to a ii Jle 196?. !.11 lrais ons€@'i, both I'asselse! ei rErent, rcrt st6a! lauled,'isi+ *itn xjl€ s.lttdJ erceltioa of one !ai1ca! seen @r *!ajevo,

ru - a:ttca - r'li: '16 cn ealeE 1iF of tle st€i.n'lkiscse rea.srE!ren sas artiiciy .taa opeGtrd at lhe tinc of 2 vistt ib July 196?, lut iro dtesers @ft dG for deli€Iy in oc!ob.r- Tle 1irc a!!e@d io l..ti11 olen tbrouenour, thousr ',rreaia'ea .iit! oloeure aio@ 3it fe1e. 0-4-4r Io-2 (r3a*. 2114h2), us€11y s!@ ensale on the PEdins-StaLnz 1tr4 'Fs 1l tbe dea at Tcir uder aelna sjo! orrbal. 5-a@ -'rbc rlt1< of 0- .as s-s!€I. in J,usrl Io.10. 11 p.i' s61 "-t.,ra u dse-: "r-i..r -d o,.reB rsch.. !. -{cl*o?1.fue@n+s tor ibfo@tion aF dD. to J. Ibrsrav, r. EaDiso!, K. lla:t @d J.i, Toy. Nanou Gauge 1, Vinloge 1i_) ' ./' [email protected]:a6 lb^hz| ba^t'L / ./^i.e I /,*. Porfugol' P'\'X../.:-:.).-- 6 ir,'ptu "-' rce'c i ii-r"p,,t " e t\\ iak *i#ig'7-- ;.,)r_-- '3i..<--u-

rl1os de Ibe drrcr eaus€ l@s o€rateA hJ !b€ 'rdrp3'! ia dos Crj lblfi &€5"s" (o...P.) * dll "@ad n tb€ no-lD€T pa't of ?ot-ued' rber d "or ir.,* r." u"*r bdhd Blee cu t€ dtfficul' .i".!";;';:;.;;- i-r*i" rd@:; e. qoreF'. los* a€ !o d:€.er ldoootrEs' ra tbe iij.-i".-i'i.r;";"*p"to.s or !D€ rioes # !v i!p-.sio's szr*d dr!'los.Fsrts r""iiro7Zr,-."e"'b"' ;tb @ni s oi or :lte*st r'o rcte 'n -'' ,;o (s$ta cdhlD;o - r/i*u) i"'i";; v"ei iJi.* - senadu co /oL€a - Espltuo) R@r oe,4€1ro {S'4ea - aErrcJ T[e ano€ *cti.E ca be E€::]d6d as otu tJsi@' tle br] b€tng se@da, ol"* tL *:o *"r.. ud slEd d 6itEt€d. Ib.F * sut4lGds at sata cdb+ i""- vr..". e-t"t ja a€irc. !.co.Loti€. on trie.t€t€n _oEjEl' of 2-6-4I bt n i r- ,.iirii" Deca.viue, 2-4-tur B' . s br aF.schel, r-6-ot tr a'sis i"'iJ " tlis st€r_i) ad 4,4 br Herecle1 /'1 (onrr obsc!reit o' +h€ vo@,bEo'"rt."5 rrtue). itte EoEt 3@!t. s€ction 1s 3er the laree tod of vtseu to s€4ada, con_ i,lnulh€ lbro P! u:dulatlne @u-4 c.dlEtiis a !€aatelv of pi6 ro€sts "Jd *u tJ.*a ,*r"""t'- ;rts [o the bo] idav €so! oF :s!lE11o' lbo br*a o -i""'- i" 1n nar\R, ler@oalh€ a' be 'v€ni'c of Polt.€ll" so calred teca'se of"-it- it5 oB osal sttuat€d ai t!" fa! €la ol ixe tom. ]{orkin:F @ as foUo*:- Ddo 3Etd&+2€i1car vouea ir o. t!ro4! trdre 6 ! +1 r on slom tulkins5 IEi$

Stdttrs frd tha lfindade stnilo, i! ?o!!o, 1t is 3bd dut io .A€nida sratt;!, is adjac.nt to t € sin ehcd od turks at Soarista' tbe da lraboa '!ic! forcr'tenlnus o?'tle 1tu€. o,.!ed os te ser o-fuf !*dereriot, 2-tuT nv 9sslitre! od )ecauril1e, o-4-4-O! ballets tJ xeEc!61, dd tle @€llfic€tt 2+-2T by Esbschet i4 1931 (t!e B*st loc@otires or tte C.P. t)@or szug6' sd o,ly to be foura Ler). ! tEtler 3 kr dl 'tbrcuel the srbuls btn€s !s to ihe ju&tton of sed.ra ia go!a. I{€F t}6 6inele liEs to ?orc: d€ Va:zi! 4d lbfe m lalallel ror !- 6"oE dicleiig, :t 1o" l,e lL:trotu fotully Lscd bJ l_e [e oiraloE 1,!ass (]or 4.1qt fo! ore] d year) * sti'1 -s'd br sd6 fs: oo!r' o ba:crias r!8. 'o!tsins3 Tle section of lire jst de.clibed llovldes tL €btlEiast sitn a &al r.g. dsb lor eelvice. n] tle ooeins sar irecos (51o out) frd 7.00 to 9.10 can be se6n 10 st6d lhs 2 Ei1l* arlvals dd 5 stee plus 2 ratlcar ae!a*- uEs, i! t!6 e@riDa, s. oE da lora fFn 16.39 to 19-48 ril1 lare 20 tEic aEidls ald delartr!€, of nltcl only 5 ar lailcds. FrEiSe! tntelest ts oaus6d by t'o of the stoa @*irs: tcmiEttna lEE !€fore Eiurni,s to Porto, dd tbe aeiel of a fFi€lt tEb Fooeeds to shDt tba ,ard- f,ie buffet on t\e don llatfom is Ecobenaed'!iob ?or llquid Ef!4bent dulins all tiis- F!@ sernoF da Hola ile 1in€ to Pofta orosse€ th6 agdcultn$1 ooas'tal !1aia. !!e lo stea @rr.ine! * o!.!et6d 4atu1y by ure 2-8-2?, tbe$ aF also l lailoa] Eorktn$. ThB 1i!e to cui!d&. dd lafe 9da1ie1s tbe hrc.d gau€a di, line fro! Tlofa as fd as lolsada t€tos $ttins off into tbe Li116. Thele d 2 stetu dd 5 6t1oar ?orktqs to !ale, 5 stea ana 8 Eiloa sholt {o*iteFj 0-4-4-0! ard 2J-2r olexete. 'it! F!o! trlo?a € !ara11e1 'tre @tn llle to F@1ic;o, rhee t!tuins rodld Powoa ald the coa3t, rc fom a Est 1oo!. Tle servi6 of 3 stea and 4 !ail€!. ts Ligbily loaaed, the forcr Eually cocisttue at a 2-64'I etth obly orc oo.ol. tu.d.iition to tbe Di! rblk at loa'ista' tlele are sub-slreds ai and ?ovoa- !!e rlole Eys't€r ts L*!1y leco@ded, loflins eiock is clean ',ousadasd, i! ded, rler @e a 1931 !:nscier 2-8-2{ Dodea 3tee1 bogie ooaalesr tler a! 0-4-4-4! d1I€t ?itn balcony+ndcd cl€ft.iory'it! coadss, 1886 Iss1lneen FQT on a lire of 4-F!€6ren lFs€oa tnto *e fo the sholt rorkin8E. (ro te ooltinued. )

Siroe tbe nfitc1€ o! tle atove lt@ a-!!eaFd tn JoEnal Io,10, a oorsider all€ aout of additior.l infomaiion tl. beoo& ae.tlat1., 3nd tt i6 alsa n o6ss- aly to rak6 oB dr t'o oo@cxioa. This bas been bad€ lossibte as a rcsult of rent€sr ob3er€lios, .n aficle in the nu€lst 196? Rail€y lia€azis dd sut- 3.qsat correspond€noe rith tle autbor ol t!€ s:ld altic1c - 1lr. christte!. neftn1ja ro rt. L'ord or loco-o iFS !d ror€s thcxo., tr rtu Jo-aatr- 0-6,4rrr,3 dKrlcai& ll! i'- lbe posltion as?rdina iles€ loo@otivcs, E set out in llot6 1, is a fiti16 o16a€r. ]d?. Ch.isti&scn oodtm tlat r6ti nad !:koF llat.s obtain- ed by tle tJa: (Ddrish rafl@y cht), bnt only No.3 lad a amtcr, .nd reithcr'!ci rad nde!16tes. (P&suably the eLBs platls rere t!€ one. loe ciniodr 'dt thi€ t!.y e t:E coFcct o$sr tu@ssalily). Ic .]so sars t!,1 '!l,e i.iomaiion siEI ia {. S."7rs book ob i]1i3 srnJ.ct is idoouF-}e- IFlaftnt1y' in a 6q tarisS e4:tior of tnc !ook' no.3 is quolca as *li€Tts iutcr ?60, ana lios. 1 .nd 2 as said rc na€ b.d scr.!p.d 1L \9E. "l:1j,s' o? corc' cortrttrllcts tl]6 infonation ii ,ic ?i6t .dlti.n.

Tle R. . diicf. coniir thet tbc dssli4Ea O-4-a1 te.a\.!!3 No. 2A1!,/91, .t-ttl@ie\. a]r, to.l. oui€! t,fofrlioa o.lsiFcdr also stared tn ooF6.?oraenc. tlai ,s! cla3€iftc.tion dd l.Bi:a e}!r *@ Ftaitr d on cab eide at vatby, d.] are a!!d:!tly .ti11 Ftaired. &1, 'pnvr", Fore (6) D,."" . -.?.1,-1" 3_11.d (1m b.!-) r. i,:v^ :5 .ot : ltJe bu!'h" inilla s oi _b. r-h-r Di.r I slo\r-1 .a gJtu A.1.. rfrt.ras sE c6.. (Aila3, Slootnoh - sno1n s na.ler tn Jouaal Io. lC - is i'co*ct, ) !i1. l:ote (7) TLe !,8. axiicl€ sloF !!is *;1ce! o6 betng 1OO h,-i. It si@. tlc ralc! of +hie, ad thc tro otlc! ralloaE - *o belor - * TridA€1, 0ders6. It alao* tirei this ie tlc t.ede r:r of De lorredo Auronobilfob:ilkc!' ode@. lErs.". 0-4-4m" &ie (!) Tb. oliein.l o:eci of tnts eas lania cen€nt. 2, 0-6-{,{,. ror. (9) ori€:i!.l o*e! quot.d as stoE rlilarose (!aat f4torr). :2, n4 dd 5' Iotc {10) CobftFr.t that thcse rere oligiml1y at tlre heet factoEes statea. !4 Fas '.r cdr v. eb \ I r.s io.6. ur.r1 1a61. 16r ir t^ina f.ctory 1s 34.

Txc *il@y noE las tnc fo11osi.€ notirc !oF!r, in llc lalao* alticre:- sted loco.ottr6 - ntl staiJnrd a2ia3. {e: Ue olisin.l oGt 'I 2-44't 'r.rccner-;i /@ IDDvr3-Ilybo'y'd Rly * 14 2 €z! 0d.isc-{.lloainCc-liriof t. Rry" m o-4-or t@. orisilr1 0 ix !r.i^is!l, /27 s'ilbbe!y'bilg-liyky'bils-llrstcd r. vdb-Irnli€'riybo!y'n Rry. ,) *""1,i3? OAe@-(oxtonindc P1y. ".""i., subsequenilyc@tr'.d +o r]t tn. vsD!-IFoyie-

I!.1 (above) rs s@s1r quote{t t! thc R.{.

23. i axLE Boi UNKAGE :\: : \t-Y-*,r3* :ffl'-: *z .OUPL'NC.ROD UNKA'E H.ot! or.dt ttua l.Jt.d ..G

2!. TgE g,OS! mCOIlO?IrEr t.Z' 18t Cllgs ny !.i.. gyatt h tle tctelti6. and tnin€,tes, €ere81 elteopts reF Daae io de€1o! no& loFrfuf, locoaottEs for tEe slatply-crEd ?5 cE 8et€s lin# of Sostia. So@ of these res e:otic in the eat@e in !5e co4licat€d &c!aris@ ced fo! sticdlatio! ol ihe drivi"e deeha.e' 5o iLat it sees ilcEdihle to fina

J4 os6 0-6-2: 'ocooori@s *r t ! b- t'auEs b"r*€' 1885 do 886, se€El oi rhtc! renein at rcrjr on anote parts of tle Jnsls1av !am' sauge as oodelare 1l s ze' 6 toas, qi:'9oo@ ( !rlr") 189 olss. rter * onlv ^rgr"e rLeel€ ad .r;dc!s ao : 45o (11;' r rd, ', u( ?s 4 t"f,icr .u:os1t1€3 tbey Nst no; be lFi@lred, dd tn xlose desian se6Es votxhy of attentio, dd Ecor,t laik tley ca sxl]1 te sebr. ?he vlole bDk€r uii alra Ed ha1f of the cab i. cFi€d on a loiy inck livoted tn imnt of tbe t:rnoi, dld tle nos6 llincillc uses the no@- d61t of ,lis tnck to ste6r t]]e drivirs ad€s ln frclr the se €y as a ca.t i5 st.e+d lry tts slaJts. ]lbe basi6 iB tbus fudertally diffoent ilor ibe Dtt@ sFt bs of coltel1cd a:ro stde-llayi no side-llay ts iiicnced in this acsi€!, hiri tlre centr dr1reE ft fla!geb;.. O, a ctr€ U:e Ea! trEk sid:-ftac (A d thc eiaele) on tlc tbe! !ai1 slde srin€s fodd. r!i: is liiLed io tlE drleins a!f,e-bo&s, ,ovins the ed a:i@r axle-tor or tlat side foMd' ed throwi sercrel lilks ed te@E lul1ina the l.adlrs af,le-bor l3ck. ?!us, ia th.ory the vlole loconottrc fii.

The difficulty, of oolftc, i. tnat stde co.llljns lods ruld ao lorep! f,tt, s. a "aiJ?eftntia1" derioe la3 to b. flttcd. lhis is tle plat (c) fitted to ihc c!o!-!in of tle ntddl. a:}e, dd a aouue !)da1lol-Fottor lt:lie€p tsaits ii 1o follor tlc cr"rk-ti!' ri}lle !s%!itns tilttn€' so ilat on .i$]€!t treL the coul)lins ea !tus e k.pi Ertioallt abo@ dld beloi tls c!d*-Din. Ito€re!, ihe u!!er aclolage of tle !aral1e1 hoii@ i6 the lelr (3)' iblol ts rel of, tle lirkaac colte11ed by ihe arailin€ tfrck. 0! a cjft, as tbi3 is twd, tnc dtffcrcntial plai€ (c) tilts coreseoldilsly' d4 tlc apl}olliato aad ro tno jll, or lbe co pli,g 'oos- !a!o crcv of 189.o2o at Doloi (uso!e) ih* r6ar F& n6t inlerested to ta]lr anont adtish €rrorielc. of 25lv c1€ctrfloation' 1Dt turc.thclcss cxlrFss.d adrlration for th.i! @chjn6' ad s.otud not to bo in ilre lcst distut d bt @intcadcc aFnf@, so 1c! us ho!. tlc i3os. sJFt€n 3!t11 bae som t€asr liJcl * qitl ack o?ka8.rerts to i\.E. Dlaetrs ''I1. stee locoooii'.s of

25. :rA,L-asu 1T!: ca c5 2-t.l q ny Joln Uotley &4--!!e.

-aliloush tlr6 fi!:t ElE saree tatl*y focoro'tl€s )ullt by !a :iaquini.ta l€rcsire y rre!!ti4 (lTli) of naro€lob reE trc 2-d.zTts i! 1698' t-,e!xy r€d @ft tc pass tefore tnay tu:It aiy Eoe loconotiEe of t!i. asne€nert. T5o! in tb€ 1920!3 seyenieer locoioti€3 ot tbi. tJ,-!E !€4 built'neel fox se@€1 diJfole't Slelish @tF gause ltiliaF. l!hi1€ o? serelzlly siliid a!!6€@ce, they ftft of tnse differelt deriats, ald t!ei! lrirolpal nisEi.E are s:re'

lrm etes t4l dd 142 .f 1921 vitorta a 1os ]Idtiss. xlthous! tle fi$t 18 \is of tntu lire floD Vtto:ie to salilas lad been oteeC i. 1889, tt @s rot uril 1916 tla't tle fiFt €rt€asio! bo!t!€!ds @s o!c@d, sd tle 1ire Fs cobllctea to a idotion mtl *ite ZEdaCa - L1a.1zaAa lihe of tb€ !'C veco4sdos at necolade, 2los s@t! of loe

ftese FE fo11ored ty r,EiE ]41-Ll5 of 1922 for tl€ !c ae ona'lc . 5s ?sdercio. l!li. @: a b.tuclr 6.1he il 1€r4:th, floD ile vitoEa _ rlecolade 1ift, * olc&e o! 3C+h Scltenbe:, 1923. !!€ origilal 1reine iubo!5 'ihich

]|i dN a tElol1 ol fou! focdolire., l9I 280-281 ol 1926, for t]le lc dc olot a ce.oF (oc), oznrr4 1]rBi"s lnDie= 21-24- Irle3e notives built to ibe aa11€.t ol tbe i!ree dcstss at tlcy as tbe only batcL of tb€se 2-6-2T,. *icb arc .ti11 al1 rcrkire on tnoir o!1s181 1ire. h v€t 196? tley yc'c eti1l tbe l)iircilel nott€ :ore! fo! loconotiE-n:dcd trains' .l!Io!s]] ae tle OC 7@ ta\en o€r iy t5e Ista,3o f!@ 15tn ooloncr 1963 it vil] lot be su.lrtsrr€ :f, follo'ilg lst3do Factic6 o! aost of +beit otlet linesr tlcy .s .oon lcpl#d iy dtesol locodoliEs. thc flsl eisht looolotiEs rcr I1!I39c-39?, tlG filsr sil boing dzted 1928.,lra t!. last tn.79e. w! 39o ad 391 ren* to tlre Il de vitoda a, ,!t1e tlc trild sd fourth ad thc last de rslillcb a orireda (ao) !roE. 5J. Tbcso lasi roa locdotiEs eE @.d l'I!lrlscus!,, lln/Lcos, c.irrcI eit ToM]]Zo tu !e5o! o!ds!, sd rcle tbe e'elles of tlcae 2-6-2trs io le so dtsit4!t.!cd- lhcy b.ctu oely viotis of t!. dt.scl locobottb: od latlcaF rnrich lEiEa o! tE3 ll0 alout 1950. {o,8 *3 sc!.!ncc :. euly E i959, .rd Nos.5 ed ? *F n1ldf,a$ nr 1962, :lihouell tbcir No3i6 nc?c atifl .t -!.s+il1etu qolks in July 1966. {o.6 bncisa i! s6lvice unitl at l.ast 1954 4a €. reet lot.a aE nitldlstu:t 35t3rdc! €lad ir.lnsst 196?. vory litt1e i3 knotu alout xte ot!.r trc 194 aad 395, n€ rill be seon fxo. +he t3b1. of aircnsiolr' +$y Es tlo 1o€p3t of tl1c thrcc @riciics ad FE built for tlo FC ae Irirills ebcrc thay F$ 26. Ebeftd 9l uo 92. a?f f!@ a -6Et1y reo.1€d lhotog$r! of Io.91 i! ste& !-]en at; udEoft dat€, s ol,!e. Ecolds oD ther o! 'brs 11@ 6r elseqlreF e bbtu nliloueh tlee e; t!6 Fest locoeties on t!6 1i&' thet !:d celiatdv lea dtslb*d of ny 'Arrgdt 1960 ad pbnailt ear11.!. Tbe Gtado or.aisaii@ Fs toGil to tek oIE u!!&fttab16 lalBvE ?h;cn.!t€t€ o@eia. o@1a lobl:e! o!.8t6' nut !ht.t tte $a!rs! co%@!t *isled to kee! opetu !! oe .if the ts ]l3f&v gdei tttus inic! tt @quj&d at tbl c.rec;et of lis oBstioc d 3rd Julv 1925 G tlai fM vitortE +o ilecolade, i@ludil€tle oo4te brdcb, it tecee tle o*r of tle fist fiE of rrc ai lo?te Lhs 1o:oEotl€E. ro_:a. Fdi.b mF !d&d ::nE 39o ald )91 1! 1928' tui,ler rrE sa;€ to Eslerld F. o!€6d i! 1927 @d this ad Lhe. rbcol.& rire re opcetia iv t!. Estudo uaer the tir16 of th. Ic v4co Ne!!m (,$. I5e e@n F6.-2Tts Fs MbeEd U-1? itorder of, tn ir c!4tnctt@.!a ?o11oti!a t!3 electltfldtion of th6 ql:I nnlch cl@@d i! 198, t!evloE!€6! tradera to othe! !:tano oiEEt6d 1l4E Ftdlils t!6E€ rubeE. ros.1)-15 €nr to t!6 lealid n aborc: (vnt) to susne +!r! rti€'3 oisiral Dottc pm! of rFEE o-tuT s- r:oD 1943 E!i" aldt 1956' uotbe! 6tE sau.e 11!e, tle rc F!s!.saf a col@ Yiejo' @s olast€d to tle lortl of Lr.d!4d, ad &tt€ !6*r @6 sul)lLl6it by th. Nx'f| 4t leai oe of tle 2-6-2I's s!5 led @ ibL. 11@, aa a l)tcte @ !€4. 106 0f t!6 book rtsseu on '!}e !€tloa used to t@fer 1oc@ott@ betc.! t!.6e tm ltnes- fol1oslle tle :ltloduction 6l die6el 1o@@-tt@ ala !ail.c' tbo 2_4-2Trs @re 1itt16 u€ea ad tros.l3 alit 15 s th@dt to h.E !.* .c!a!t!d Fti! nogt of tle otl€r rflrr sr@ 10cdot1€3 6d1r i! 1961. Eore@!, No.l4 @ ild€fo@d to the Ferocdtles secudartoE de castrua (rsc) 13te ia 19661 rt @! sen olt of @ et Pa13!cla l! sel)toner 1961 and Flblts ol its us o! +be FSC &d co!ti@t1@ ol tbe fate of Xos;13 a*I 15 su.1d !e relc@, r-!6 lsta4o took ole tle oreFtion of t[e !C llonnjlria a 6EE ca t F&h.res 1D 19)2' ed W 11, 12, 16 ud l? @F @b*qu€lilJ t.s