![Original Series Issue 11](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
CONTINENTAL RAITWAY JOURNAL j1. Fir4" 1 ,P $.* !>. "i i" Published by the Continentol Roilwoy Gi rcle V. tr, @@,'i a.e. h!€t, D.o. rot 149, F geri lbatt:J], soutb Af'rie: (ft! eBrytbljs €&.ecrr6F@ Ed r1@.) J-3. $.rr, r1 croyd +.ra;,, r@do! x,{.'r (r,iC DC"r.-s eE rted odi. ) F.J.K. tvtesr ''l,ot!1die!n' 29O lo€ lrto! Boad' . AeatlaoPte.n' s6!tf6iil.!is. Dl.tlibrtior - 1- tirs, 25 floocooclr D€II r.oio, r.**, reaar-.= e.rr 4EadJ @' -!asty" Dsla.t lae left eritai!'i soGs re Lhe snd-! (tu stu&n6r) olE oe souih.lJ!ie, &a os i@diaf6 r6sdt o:r Li. yoya€B ls t!6 &c@t ol tozebiql6 FilEy€ dliph artE4 i! tn:s t3tu. llother ts tle leed to eit*t .d{itio$t *ist@ l! Ir!d@' @d€i& @i5r deased to El@ Jon! S!e1I io 1ne eait6i€3 fold. f6ee !4 re@atly b€e d eeouESi.€ ibrs6 i! tb q@Ljty of D,r!€s @l!.li& e* *eiE €ubdt-.d - so ech .o tbat @ haE ulfolt@t€ly bead @dpclled to @t.11 ifiatu ditriL uritu futerded fo! .hl€ ktu - ud Jd!. 5!611 .ii io t@ c.e cd rhrr d!3l'@!t t, fut6. }]sdt rtl1 still Aeal rlt! otler ai! Iia tt@, i.e. all dricle. ad'rsty E@gus!.d G*, ald K.tt! Daviee vt1l e!+1e to hda1e th6. rjrc! hiriays .eotao,- '!016. Recoptlo! of [b6 propsai JoE.] La. b.s g€eralu fd@ble, llotrg! a @i.r of san6ls bsE 6rl'&red diety o@r tle ttk ]ll1ood of e ilcFsad !!ic6. sa 4pbciate tn6i! E3€riwiraE, nui feel tlat tLe i!!sE: Eent !nio! *!ld ftEq1t fsa t!. *6 of a lilno ,N@es, !4tid1d1y bt riiue of +Ie AFat ilm* t! itlustEt:o! xilc! rdta !e p6sstbl€, su1a be rq)le coc!€D- .atid for @ox s tucEas. Eo*ver, !. defilite dectaloF h* J6t nee! E!.!ed, aln e frther @o*'.ceabl vt1l b6 raae ta the !.n is3e. to the J@e1 ibicl sa@te fhd 6cttolta1 3oro*, ad ihl. @o@ts fo! t!6 abe@ of tle Ires of tle lhotoglaples Esl&siblo fo! ihe ill*tettorr tn Jdnal tro.lo. Bad.rs IrE $]6d f,d in& t f,o@tion, €o here 1t ts. Xos.1 and }4 *& ta,k6! by ]]d€ (itA ea Soe.F4 by ru€ty ]:{):l.l@t! 3!re.4!-l9r-.8{9r9!i.i9!: u.. A,J. Edt 1s co4)i11ns a o.ED*bcsiE @rical scdd, eitL loca- tld, of 6dstt!€ lE&ts ste& lo6ett€3' ed drd 6L@ ljrts of obEee 'iiN fM .11 Eoelt to q)ai!. Ilf@ttd t. 3d+t@1*1y &quired 6a +Ie ert!-res1, @st od'igitoF €ouih of tbe .oEtlrt a1.o @ tle dlllB at V1l1asrde, Sa16 de los lddt*, C*tojon, !1 Pl@ dd va4o11&, o! irre aaa:€d 14o at 6dib!, ad on EgL'i9 140t€ l! PoltuSat. Idosatlo!.hoda be *!t di$ot t6 [h. Earl, at l> Clerr IF6 Avode, PoJEto!, Stockelr, oes[rft ed, iJ cnoush a€ rc@ica, i,!e lt€D odld bo sbt dl, €dIy i! 1954 oE E@1!t ol e s-o.c. x6n e\iirte! i{er€!, r'hrl!@t!s$ 25, 94 tue, D.t.}.r @+s tlfo@tior .r tlo fata of Feidtc ttu 6Esi6 99.163 €i-R€lch.nbacL, i&ich # .cnt io CF€c. aria t6da td 2 4!n sve €i@d. !uBlIc{f10r{s nm9rvD tr@! @ArlnaYs o! Ts! !'Iis! 5orr,p y!.R by r-r.K. !ev16! 1t6 !4ses 5*' r 8*", t rlro&.(ga'!5, 3t ia!. ud dte€r@t lubli3n€d bJ ,evld & Charlcs, lrico )5/-. ' Lirrl. !a at 3rJ *to tu Fo&t $aE, o! rb6 ajllralJ !ei16J: of +h6 Pi$t Eo!14 {ar, ro tlat this iook fill: u olyioa sa! in FiI- rey lit.ratuo. Olty 1i!e5 s€lvtrg Fliti.h trooF @ deafi sttl, i tn ?diic- d; thoE6 of tlc s+en .!dt' bu! t!. 1ett6t a1os, at tlctl ldiru erlcrrt' tad a 1e!4rl of 8oO nilo€. lart 1 of tlo boot AeEcnb6s tb€ €Taduel doElolrcrt of tLcaa itnog as 1!e @r I)losFs$d ard' blefly, that na!!.rcd to t$6b a.ft'r €!d.. Tn6 ft!a1 chalto! i! tlie !dt is devoi.d to t!€ 1ie!t !.11@Js selvine other f@ts - Ita1y, c€11tpo]i, s.1onitr, s&Dt, Pa1o6*ire d Dast IJltoa - eld rath€r ful1er trca*nt of tho.. iould lare !e@ rc1ctu. tart 2 si€3 de+ai16 6f tha nott€ !o@!, .tock &d t!@k tblcL €s uscd. Tn6 *.toAo!!a e ;! .r!s@1y i!t6*sti!a oolloctio! dd, ttth t!6 !@tuus Mls ald die4rds' @41t illstlaie a book rnic! slould he on !\6 slc1rc6 o? .erv ltEht dil6t etrtxlii6t' ll1lEry strErs!r91's' s/$DBooK, 1968-9: 160 pns€s 5!r r Sii' ]q photosr 'rls, l Er;iG-ii51.;6a-5t-GE; .p'i..25/-. - !!is, the tldla editioa of tho gddlook ard ih6 fi$t to t€ lflblisled !v ,. & C., cot- a d1d6 _I€€ 6f ! 16J torrcs. sd vo)_ revtoG! fiFi rll@o 'o 1-\e1y Lo b of ihbrest ro ftaa€rs of lbis J rmr. $$risinsl/, tle c.r-c. 1. not ttulueea in tle DiEctolv of lzt1Fav sodciies, tnouc! ii is :ef€red to !nde! cortisntol tlailnalE, 156 Jousal t3 sriioFa reltx3r 1! tho lisi or lortodicels no! elses,hcF''hiIst Sectton !r deals ratl co,tlrcnt:l di1- ?aF, 3od rJl,or o oliaf !ss!l. c !3 3@ srsaestioF fo! 8!(!al s:dine or l,t€ Ibo. folllop s oa liL sellcred Euft!.d coubtties. brlof€r Ffcb'- "u;iect.ces !o th\ ft:Alde!! ad'ot rinalrt reo lasos of s?allsl,ics. :rth usefrrl rnf.Is atio, ie :(lud6d, bul udon.et( b/ lb:€ is .o! il€ts kcrlL. Fror claplcr E€6rat crotricB r!o4 @ tid:tebl(s no^ ih$ oncQ ot rFlcc a Jcu. sdtkllard s nE:zi@ 3ai16F ls lub1is5ed ly tr€]son, not Iil A114' tn6r is colfuior bet@t Noft.yrs t'o ls.clta 1les' dd the 2,830 h of 5i 60 eause in Pomus?l s roDt€ bi163, dil.+ '!!e ?to ko olootrlfi6d * tr&k Et1$. otne! sacii.re of the look tot ahoAv enti6ed &al tii! lt€li !ai1€v€, lresftd 3riti6! locoloties' 4i1@y nir€ls, Britisl laileaJs' lndustrial !a11_ ;F, !a @y lhot.elelhy, Eil6y €ite6i* 1868-69 ed 3.n, sred codoE. $a@ does lot plett a &t!dl.d $adew ol t!e*, but $EFl of th€E c*ibtt e e*rla l&k of, 6cc6cy to tLe oonttsliat soo+ioe In s!o!t' tLiE iE a 8efu1 bool' }l1t Its €le as a Frk of ftfc€!€ is s€?iously ilpai*a bv tbo lldltabtlttv of tleir hoeEolk cosidola!1r b.ite! trefoE tbc er! .diti6!' !!oqi$d r! 19@. Rlr!flY EolrD:- lx rf !Y or P.i:. (al1z-Bishop: 1oo ?a€:s 5fa ! 8+'. 40 lto,e E EG;? E$l-;r'i;;;T by Dadd & cbsr s, pric6 .rol-. lla. r*I+!is}op is llre ackaoelcestd Rlitisn ex!€!} ot Itattt railraJ!' no Eurlriec ihat tnrs, ibc c+htl vo1@ tt tb€ Rldl'ay soltday sertes, i3 fro! Iis !er. llje ndlaiiE fo1lo6 tb6 uslel tatleft' iy aeecdltn8 a ioD of tL6 coutry, but ts lnt€Etclsea sith dcioils of, albost .try faoct of lail@y de€loln6rt ad opela1lon, so tlet 3 c6!s!ensi@ ?iof,us of the ltalla latlFi sJlten crc1we6, PIiBtc li!o. ed @cus to.it t!.t! tei! *e o? sttcltloq ard th6 eutno! Ias also fcurrd rooa to incluec rcfcsr@e to tle Ita1td poo!16 rit thci! @y of ljJ.. &!6&ticcs llovldo aetul 1*is of au foms of !o+i* !o@r, ud ihe lllustxaiions ducad. unsort'etely' rLo@€r, olleryise earrErfcct sslt las bocr e?oilcd by in?cquaie €!s. 4bos rc!rcdu€d @j+ af,l I)IiE+e lires' ed t!€e ig a 5o!1ou€ !.od fo' 3rndep- E€rtE sboEir8 tle conpl.ical.d @iw*3 aroud tle lareo citLes' !a:"tt@lsiy Ut1d, Ro+ ald trad6. Ao*@r' it i. to be !o!ed that tbis F1aitftly sall b}@iEh ni11 lot dtscoua€€ ttc luchase o? ebat is oth.Eiec d c*cllcnt |ook. !y 3.L Si@e I lad ofteb wndeFd he lottoed, lei aI@ "odt$latea €i!a, .b€ Lire of er.'ies cuckso e€J tu:a!le l)8 of Cood colt1berti1 4 *'col€, rr e.r: L€ Lo.1e(vI ") rd a :r5€r Erol)ed dilh 3estuon. dd i! Cbur tbls js alltfrcd in-o S€rrce"r-' 51?, atd 1!re- tbNu€b !€m a .aJ oEr th€ Sokr-. or roLre. - @ !o so trll! o€ oe t5€. It 6s ihe fo€:€l coreequelce of a lorier c!ttdi.!,!ir €ltoh rook c ro IE !@1e ?roE lesabgd, otu Jdudti !odi1g. I b3@ neer tascirat€d try striter lad uil r+s ft116Je. Lad aoli.l,bei tbe,E!€i ad @iety of rei rss"13Er coutlyi od soudr (da sti'l do) of t!e& iioati€r csssiias 4 possible. (ftert @, tnclaertally, 22 |oe-?tde crossraas fo!.inr€*riolal LErel:es, fiB defilc- ores ed lob rhtch I dis- qElfr ls '.Lt{PYs".) So :G€e, or - F*nt Jol]ltr, of soDs ro sas_e,or vauo:te, !y qife ald r t@k rFr! xo.53, rhe 12,25, $@ ?*i.s lrr!, in tle Besdgo! tlloDs! co&I- ree dlrr d6tacbed ar DiJoE ard .ftacled to s ssort- lei of 1ocal sioct on tbe 15.4? Dijo'-resago!.
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