Original Series Issue13

Original Series Issue13

CONTffWNTAL JOURNAT. W'NTER 1968 No. 13 t Tu cc.&. l-r-t 'l i! n.9 e6.s. Poblish'ed by rhe Conlinenlcrl Railwoy Circle 4I3!8q l il. Durani, ?-0. lo: lr9, 1ie61, T!as@l, sd*i! idlt6. {r.! eve"'xirs ezce!1 ruropeai r's rt.r:. ) r.!. $€11, 11 l,oiior It.7.5, (i'or ni,:'io reFe it€c orlJ- ) 1?-J.K. }3vto3, trLotlloli.rtr, 29r 106! I tod Ro:d, rrh*tianlst..t, ,i6tlilutioh - r, rira, ?5 Toodcodk Ibrl lvetue, rer.i.n, Iarrv, i,!iddl:3!a .After {eat Es statcd in tbe last th!.e eiii.dars, prrvJ o " 4d oi tb .-oDa'r is " :il :i I o .-r'., h . does lot i!.lly that o a litio !:od!c1.!.n n.s b!, a..d- dorcA, brt sirllI thal erquiltes ana sgott:ttore iF taki..a 1ona6r tla cx!..i- ed. If tles€ ar co,cba6d se't*factodly, th€ char€e iil1 irrr. !1:c. ir il. dirln df 19@, full deteils will:!-ier ir ibe s!@e! 19O rdrn.1 irrc\ rill, .f oouE€r "idEizi! ile rEsent fomat. It pill t ldrte&d that, bec"!.d of iho ?.s.io1: ch.rEe ir s!:s:.it,t- ion eie, reno€l fohs €re not b..qe€. ne for oosl -p^ers, -hets:or, t . ii. t oir ., 1 I,j . is"Los - I od e'+ !. tloF ror loe e!c1o.3d. ,'i edlr seitllsnt rcuu ne :rrr.rcide,r. tult tcaSrolrs xlcEr!,}, turr,rrii Horrx4Y I]i ?oRrrrs4 by l.y- ,i!rvo!r!: 158 pasjs 5!tr i 3in, 12 *oto- s*phs, 4 @Ds; lubltsn€d by ,avid & clallcsJ prlce 30/-. Polt\al is a I)opu1a! hsolt fo! Ei1'/dJ .ntnust..rs 3.i ibe pelenr t1$, aa.tlis i!€ rtut! in the iallfy n.li{rey &:i.s slouk har . cor:;tobdinrt,- gooa Fceltio!- S@eylat *r!)?isinsly, ir vien of ihc .!ri1e, rj:i firs: trrr,. - chaplers deaf itb lortn-reEt sratn, brt t! tI€ &@ini!s seEn ilc autlor !e_ vtdes En i!fo@ti@ tucdrt of o 1957 tou! of tlo pollucuele r:ilr_r]. rrsic;. r{any aslects are co@Ed, lut ralticula! atiertior ib !6id ro ito ,zrroi sriJ d!E4s1s i.4rbl-d -_ik r.o I,r;1. &I€ ai@s coc! cp.rf,t1srica, loceotirc tiErB 04 e or ioriu;.se Eil€y tems. srbssrr lhc look t. s.enerally accr:1te, troueb rhr:r e a fe, ni!.riirr .id 1l..: on:.4 r. _".: I -,.., ; , .. , !Eba$ o" i2o7-2r6.bo ,d (rs poirr. i ) u. no, 11 .: , .,r I citlcI ftai 9870-., sd .L rc,1o b.. 1^t..r!s;.rJ .. )ia." .- _. ar,-c1a-eo to b, lo-sis 6r'---o. /tb ro-a . s o. G! y qJor '4 614c-12, ohc tr c._,ip! f-. s o -rok rs a-.ouot.d ,( 1,--)r! ^ro.kr !o1. oi :F rlr .8.:_ r rdJ b en orlt.kii by. rn s. jo: rer. rb.socr:.i.i.s.r ! )..:r. ,:.rr.._ po!'s:. Io! EvI.4- -Jo-or -blt oDjoy I :.j :.L.,_ - .!- eserl-r' tups bd i:ruot'1!iob6, ec rJ)n. ij. t e I r:r i.t .., , i -h ,,_ o_ q,o: rJs PoltLe.l :s .rrm8-J Ana.c .o oo .:: - -o r "o: !j.... r-. :. ther rt1l te a fE* nsh of risiiors.ro hsrisi." ir lio. (r.di4cd oi ?are 2?,) by !.4. Ka11+BisloP Ple l€orado da vlnci !Eeu' Via sd Vi+ios' {i1d, no' !?s a.cou6c- tion ol ijriltee! st3o.Ia fou eleotdc pftsered locoEotic., xntch aa o!6!ed to tbe rrblic i! th€ dtls of 1958. 91eE! tlat lare t€e: stoed at Ro@ tutoi*nto sbed, nost:irce ]9tt, trc la& beetr iD the n*E fo! tn6 lasi ter J€ar6, ea foa locotuti€s ooG frm stoF 61s- ylec on tne fs. h additlob tb€ th€ full+ize noA6r of '!tetrdn,,, tle filst r.conotiE to tu t! Italy in 1619' tatsen l@ t!6 o1d !@ T!tuiai 6i1@y i6eu- {hts 1att6r ns€u ls ro' c1osd, ed tLe collectiob lTdsfeued ,t!e loc@oilre collection €s ansrsed in a yald ai in6 bak ol ih6 Nseh ir 196?/68, .id a butldtng e6 th€h esct€d *ou!d it. lhe l@@oii@s 4?0.092, @ 0-10-0 ?retent &d ber;.i!e folecyltnde. ?laoher co,:r!o!nd dated 1908. I1l€ tenil.r ls a @ter tak on1y, oo:1 bebg c@i6d on th6 locouo- +ire. gbo 1st sl6d 1n 195/i ?a6 Srrmd, r.? frerstt to leni dd Carrobasso. 5t2.014, tbe last of tne 4-4-o e:lsss pdsenge: locobolrEs !ut1t 1899- 1900 fo! ile :{11a!-voni€ roed of tle old lete.{driatt@- It€ 1as! shoa in 1954 @s !reviso. fo! local fsidt F r to vede. s685.6o0, 2-G2folrcyundc!, . calrlotti EIE Aed, su!3lneated Ebutld of, a 680 c1*s 1908- Ii @ tle 1,00on1 1oc@ot'€ bu*l by Eesto Br€aa- lasi sleA tu 1958 @s Ui].! esco. @!-a22, d 4-6-2 ftbnfir in 1930 f$b tb! old 60 ole€ i,rrod!@d ia 1911, the 14sesi aad l1€.!tesi Fs dich $ofkod the 41a-vcdce dd gil e-loloau n.jr 1tE a1lJ sen't to R@ $&+@nio for !€selEtio4 but it 13 chara€d fo? 691.022. er-sto& at vot44elar durtns 1965. '146.011, a foljHylilder conldEd 2-3-2 or 1922, irie'ded s d €rlEss lassenser loodnott€ oEr routes lo! dlid i!6 40 claes Paofic F€ too leal5l. rasi sled €s talir sdistelio i! 1954. 835.186, tne fdili C-4-o iank trp€ that nas bee!.- st.nAald !s slutins 1906, ed sono or *1c! .rc st l €ao.159, a s!.*eet6d 2-6-4 talk ?itb lieton w1ws, sbuifi fM e 1912 sltite €lft nd!-sulo*.ated 875 class, .d intend6d for 1cve1 lr:ncL 1i*o. t6st shcd Es FloEr@ ln 19t?, iDt s@6 of tb6 class .s stilI i! $rvie. 94o.oo1, a 2-€-2 stde tf,nL @Eio. o3 r.}e s.andard ?4o cl:ss 2-a-o, rLal @s built tn 1921. h€rd6d fo! Dourtat! }!ae! ltms dd feielt t@efer 3. tltps- r,€t s!.d va {ila' seisterto u 1964. 3@e o9 tbe class aE stiu ir R3c1.o2, a 3ft 1&r sdse (95h) 2-6-4 tar]r fo! tbe balFF eauec 1iree in Stcilr, @d a trpc nhicn :]eo s.: sorvtce tn ?rtlolittuia, Cysmioa, Srttb3 ed ltelte S@ltlali. last snad !s Paremo Au rF@ in 1954. ?7, M 0-€-2 srde ia,k ?or tb 2tt 6t! g=-use (T60@) rri€sre-laFbzo €r1- " €y, luilt in ]i:1y l! 1922 io austrid atrtu i?i16y aranilss. t&t slod -,ras lYie€te Ca!4){ffirzto in 1935, ib J6o tho b11dy @ oloed. 4.121,012, a l-C-1 i ilt in 192? 3or'!.!e 550 v tlild-Ei1 :iila!-trla11aEte- ?orto Cort.io. Tb€ ltre ds cor6d€d to 3,o0o v d.c. overhoad i' 1951. e330.008, tle fist Fally €et&factoly inree-$se !€ss6rg€T looomti@, o f-c-t lidlt 1! 1914- r4O.1, tlo flrsr tlF.-!]r3€. looonotie to u in lt.1y, 3 !o+!o butlt ry G$z of nudalssl 1! ]902, itill ffit6sd it tbe !s-1918 style nit! !o11.!ed E)r.010, ore i.iccoll erepot:1, :be 0-:-4 yp€ ,!1r j! 1911 sho,Fd .t.! lbft6 !brs Jl cl,-f--etiod ts b!€n_y euces.fnl or l,h 1ir 2&J of trc 4+{r}e Glow itc}ttu trortl of canoe- BC 34 'rl1\rzz6n, a O-4-4 ttu locolotiG 3rd rhe rdzz-96letuo tr&€y that clos€d in 1958, tutlt in 1910, da origidlly fo. xre ]{i1e-4a11d.te 111, a 0-4-{ +€o locooo'tlc }u1}i ?.! tle Vili!-?avie ttu*y in 1912. laier d fte tliian-rsaortlcBteo t:.r]l@y gbic! closen in 19t?. 25O.O5, a l9lt-tuilt 0-6-0 F11-t3.k fsD tle rort! ]nl* Ratlmts. lLc 1@o4o1trc ts a copy of d Issl:!€en-butlt dd€ie! of thir'ly{dd cdlie!, sa.Jmreousty csries tho rcrt6 nlat6 2!63/86 oft 2rn.oL 'tzrs ft€se m the loo@ottEs ericr rare b.cn ls$fled, but ugFrefully o& ?@deF rnat FiIl ha!-!en to th6 irp6€ €aMllsd bnt &t nor sct.c+.d. Thcgo i1o1rd. 6€0.0l?, : P1-rcn r.osouA 2-r2 ib 1!s o-1e1L ctuo .ron, 640,106, llo fiF- sL!6+Eel.d ocEie! i. llzly ( lthodr! 4sJ of,be"c 2-6-Os s stlt- lMitg); 8m.oo8, 4 o-4-o rlriAlt-boiloed tabk reb:ilt in 1913 fsh e 190? begga€F Fil !oto! O-.4-2; 899.006' 0-6-4 @ll-terk butlt tn 1882 fo! tLe o1d Boze!-i,teFrelna.hn dd 1arcf, Nst?id Sxat6 !ail€$ .bd i410.oo4, r O-8-{ ret1- iatL lulrt t! 1916 for ih. xlr Eeo&eba.lr, rlr.d siE t al1 tts lilo or tbe ?60@ g:u.6 oric}lla 1rE, clos6d in 195c. mi! tbe gtorth of retl@r cnthu.1.e tn oaslny, Dil-iols atu b.cc 1r3 a! Dcsssingly p-di4 nl !.!t of tlc !rl6y sceE.

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