' EL PASO HERALD Tuesday, March 12, 1918. 11 Bank Building. la the First National Copyright, 1913. International News Service BY GEORGE McMANUS Die CAM. 1-- SMITH Ph. 1111. Urn, 327 BRINGING UP FATHER Real Estate and Fire Insurance. lOlOT- IT 7iEEM TO ME I - TOO DIDN'T I I I AMD VHERE OlDN'T 198 DAVIS BKOS, Phono Il I 'Wa-U-lT- ( HAVE Tnu it. 'b THAT TOO FORGET EVERT FORGET TO SbRlNtj AN UMBRELLA 24. O. BUCHOZ CO. ARE TrE THIHC I FOR30T bldg. 577. -- - VHEN "TOO Hotel Sheldon rkono WW mLn(flllTft THEM- - 1 tt TMN4- Mt UMBRELLA. WENT C- T- r SON. II GEORGE IV. CBUTCllEB J. I THOUGHT- - ' BACV- OU- Room 4. Morehouse block. Phone 989. 5r 4ETATTHE XX 7 CxUteO RIO (JKANDE REALTY CO J DRU4 tore? Ill-- It 11rl Met, Bank s c csowiu agency. Mills side. PBon lit. HORACE B. STEVENS. Real Estate and Insurance. P. W. WILLIAMS. INSURANCE. 318 First NaU. Bank Bldg. For Salt City Property. ' . BARGAIN Lota on North Oregon St Phone 771. CONTRACTORS at BUILDERS Mry size Job. Phone 2800. SALK 2 etory 8 room house, closefor in on north side. Bur direct from owner and care commission. Inquire Ekleln. 301 so. isi raso at. FOR SALC OR EXCHANGE Value $6500.00. residence property, with first class Improvements on best street ol Ciucad Juarez. Address Trader, tare Herald. POUR HOOMS and bath, sleeping oarch: on large corner lot In High land Park; S1750. S2S0 cash. Ions time on balance to euu pnrcnaser. Phone 4640J. 12700 VENDOR'S MEN NOTES for sale; part monthly payments; goon discount. Poultry Pet Stock For Sale Miscellaneous. Ready Reference Business Directory Ready Reference Business Dirtdsry iTAWKINS BROS. For Sale or Exchange Real Estate. Haeiinery, Tools, Power, EIecrxi-- .l For Sale AntoraoKtcs Waited. and 215-3- Martin Bldg. S ROCK sittings 3L25 15. fertility FOR SALE or rent. ( head horses, one 3 BUSINESS income property cost 34500. and Contractors equipment WANT to exchange Dodge 1917. pass, BARRED Adding Maddntt Key letting FOUR HOOJT BUNGALOW for Ford. No Phone 47S9. guaranteed, also cockerels, none zjzait. ton Troy trailer, 1 Ford clear, in Los Angeles. Will trade even on Sale Junk. f 1 1 player piano. Texlco features, near For & WANTED to buy Belgian and New Zea ordinary piano. BURROUGHS add, machines. 202 Mills B. Two porches, all bulltln 33500 bssls for El Paso bungaloir. lots. tOK SALE 1317 Ford truck. Marker Uo- i a. aania re. school. Immediate posses- land. P. O. Box 10SL El Paso. Yonge. 929 land rabbits. Phone 2187. Transfer - Alta Vista 1 P. K. Woods pump. largo capacity, Texas. oven gas range, excellent baker 818 sion. 5150.00. lots or auto first pay FOK type. lyiG car, good INDIAN RUNNER .duck eggs laying, HIGH Assayen LOCKS repaired, any part ot city. Safe SALE OS TKADE. special heavy FORD condition. originally coot 345. also automatic refrig- opened, combinations chaszea, Thomas, ment, balance easy. Three factory sites on Mills St street 1 Gould deep well pump, new slightly THOMAS MOTOR CO. PHONE 82. strain. 3L(9 dozen. Phone I7UJL K. l. u. erator, good condition, cheap. 603 E. Rio . M. w. 397 Key Shop. 204 N. Stanton. Ph. 1545. FAA.VK E. COX paved. Easy terms or will trade for resi- shop worn. buy Dodge car cash, bo a No. L Box 351. BECKHABTS ASSAY OFFICE San M. compressor. WILL for ilust Grande. 7B. CI- - oox a-- Phone- 6425. 219 Capita Bldg. dence property or valley land. V". New 19xS Clayton air bargain. Address 85 care Herald. HATCHING eggs from fine Rhode Island buggy, Francisco St. Phone P. Langrhlln. Herald business office. diamond drill. F P.ocks 31 set- - SALE Windmill, Studebaker a BIG INCOME. oirner. Sullivan sale. 207 South Reds, 3L19 setting. Barred trees, cedar plants, pink baby MatfasRen-r- 25 ACRES near Ysleta on pared road to S In. CentTg"! pump horiz. atyle A. LATE model Bulclt for tlng. ynone snaai. cottonwood AucSoneers. We can sell you one of the best pay' Z IC. M. hay presses (power) alfalfa Stanton Phone 2802. rambler, shasta daisies, honeysuckle, exchange for seven passenger auto and Z. & WANTED to buy a thoroughbred gams Mrs, MATTRESSES made to order and reus apartments in Paso at a big Practically new. car leas chrysanthemum and dahlia bulbs. A- lag El cottage. special. FOR SALE New driven cock. Also any kind laying bens. Phone Verde, W. - WILLIAMS. AUCTIONEER. vated. Dosang A wellborn, pnone ssis. bargain this week. Call at office for KBAKACER ZOBK & MOVES. man one mania on pticu buccm. . p. Steffen, Val Office OrndorfT Hotel 3S12R. after 3 m. ' loddt. 3560W MAKERS OT MATTKKMSKS. repairers, further information. 302 Caples. Phones 68 and 9E3 ALDRICH Quintuple! pump 4x12 In, ar- sacrifice for cash. Fnona Illi. Office phone 6226. Res, phone 411 1935 and 1979. IIEAD CO. motor drive. any battery Guaranteed. THOROUGHBRED White Wyandottea. Housekeeping Rooms FnrciilittL renovators. Phone T. E. A -- WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE ranged for direct WE repair eggs for setting, rnone 2212 Myrtle. Clark Mattress at Bug Co. Bldg. hone 3120 following: 2 Cameron Sinkers No. 5 and No. 9 B. EL PASO BATTERY STATION. cockerel and Anto Accessorlef :i Mills For all or part of the Modern 3455, 4422W. 7 room house, now renting at S40: cood 1 McGowan boiler fd. pump Inside packed 310-1- 4 W. San Antonio St. Phone FREE rooms. Phone 553SW. GENUINE SACRIFICE. 7x5x10 In. or ex Metals and Minerals SJOOO. S3750. S Bun- small business and rooming house; also FOR SALE One ton Republic truck in SIS PEK month. 1505 Wyoming. Arrrrw wrkitked tv tmr. sell Cost Boom Brick Columbus. 1 Smith Vale boiler fd. pump. as..--. tors, brooders, selling out. Langs chicken change large stock of land and house near All valued first class condition, 8750. I'Cone fror--t rooms. 1013 N. cara of all makes: galow. Full Basement. Glassed & P. 1 Gales sample grinder No. 3 styls S. G. TWO Florence. In rubber and METALS A MINERALS C- O- BUYERS at 38500. would consider sood farm for 1J02 N. Stanton. repair parts; we deal 334. t Lots. Corner. Lawn, Garage. Built part. Y. 65. care or (AUIs-Cha- WANTED to buy one dozen Barred HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 806 E. Missouri Paso Auto Wrecking Co. Ph. 210 San Francisco St. Phone a ilcraio. No. 7 3 In. EL PAbO Automobile laundry Have your metals. El Quicksilver. Me- m Features, Hardwood F. Beautiful 1 B. F. Co. Cnpola blower Rock hens. Phone Address .Mon sekee-pln- rooms. 504 Mesa. 4388. 22 Leon St. K. Trachterberc prop. Platinum. Gold. Silver. Eagle 12 H. (mounted). cara washed while you wait; cars csueu nil THREE hoi non Minerals of a Elect. Fixtures. 1 portable boiler w. tana. save money. We buy. tallic and Metallic . 6 4 In. dbL screw. for and delivered, zoo kss. rn. n. MNGLE housekeeping room. 618 Kansas. HKF.rKEn ititoL description. ash $200. BaL 355. Mb. Incld. Inst. BONQCHXO GRANT ACREAGE. drill columns HATCHING EGGS UT1LIIY White exchange cars, makes. Large McCART. A- -l Bar heated. sell and all AIKEN at BAIR One mile beyond Tslcta on bltullthlc ROBERT Jr LATE model Dodge condition. Wyandotte. Singre Comb Rhode Island HOUSEKEEPING and bedrooms parts. Highest prices paid for rub 221 Mills Bldg. El Paso. Texas. gain. Leaving city. Must reu oy ido' 417 N. El Peso St. Phone 7855. stock Ph. 3227. 815 Martin Bldg. road to Socorro, close to lnterurban. 4759. Beds ana wmte iegnoms. ber, metal ana scrap iron. Meats Ten aero tracts or more. Good soli, 359 h. p. Allia CcaL cr. corns, c to 309 day evening. Phone ROMAN'S POULTRY FARM. llftlWPTTVFPKr. mnmn rlnx In. 40SXL STAR AUTO WRECKING CO. BEST RESIDENCE BARGAIN EVER ready 3200 per acre, K. u . a. t uen. ;v v. irs. .a. FOR SALE Oakland Six roadster, good Texas. Wyoming. Phone 457L Phone 3498. CHOICEST In city. PASO. to farm. Prlc Stirling i Tslcta. Overland and meats the OFFERED IN EI. good terms. 159 IL P. water tube be!r. condition, driven less than 5090 mues. hatching HOUSEKEEPING: bedrooms. 5L59 up. KRETCHMAR3 STALL CITY MARKET. " Room Bungalow, strictly modern, Ton can do business In the city and 259 IL. P. Feed water heater. Telephone 534 rr.ni fdk eggs 75 H. P. D. motor 229 V. 709 R. P. Bred to lay. Rhode Island Red 9L25 Phone 3413. Automobile Repairing double garage, sidewalks, curbing etc enjoy country life. C WOULD consider well located lot, prefer rates, 75x120. not a house, CHARLES B. STEVENS, M. 293 Amp. 3 Panel Switch board. ex- sutler. HOUSEKEEPING apts. summer Mercantile Agencfes Lots This is just 1 (El on Hueco or near Austin Farlc In PADZNS RANCH. SPECIALISTS In our tine, a reputation for ;t Home. can sell you this so 102 Fioaeer Plaza. Phone m&ka Ttm Crusher Paso Fdrr.) change 1917 Dodge. Phone 4759. close In. 8252R. Garage,. 133 is a I 3, T. Davenport locomotive 35 In. ga"gs. Phone S32J. Tsleta. rooms, single skilled workmanship. Toltelk A. G. DUN C(X Mercantile reports. XI ou 31000 on The low 7ti 15 touring HOUSEKEEEXNO and in pt. can clear it. 10 tons Za is. relaying raus. FOR SALEZ Model Overland HATCHING eggs S. C White Leghorn. 200 591 Mesa. Phone 493L Florence. Paso office. 691 Guaranty Trust Bldg. surprise you. Terms. car, and. lights 3250 3L50, per 100 8. suite, close in, price will 1990 R. R. tics 5x8x8 in. New. electrical starter egg strain, per 15 58. C sleeping porch. Call TV. F. Kirby with TO SELL Ott TRADE. 1 R. R. track scale 10 ton. New. cash. A beauty. Brown weiamc Co. Rhode Island Reds per 15 3L73. per 69 35. NICE large room and Automobile Top LEAVKLL &. SHERMAN. My home and vacant lots in El Paso, Lot of assorted pulleys. Good. straightened on Chas. wonlcnbcrg. xmaroea. Ji. price reasonable. Phone 5413J. Musical 518.090. and 310.000 par value BENT FRONT AXLES - Ph. '226. 116 Texas St total value A. COCnCIlESNE. EL PASO. TEXAS. car. Radiators ana lenders repaixea. hatching eggs, from TWO- nice dean rooms, 595 2a 1 Paso. aitto TRnraren & SUPPLY CO. stock la corporation that will pay over IS BLACK Minorca 481-- 1625. PIANO special for beginners. Phone 8521 &CBEW cutting Eng. lathe 13 In by 6 ft. Brown welding Co. prise winners. Fertility guaranteed, Phone 211L 3 Mills St. Phone S30OO TO LOAN. "WILL DIVIDE. per cent this year, now controlled by one first DAVIS, 36 - corporations oper counter shift, all eon, with 9 In. universal FOR SALE CHEAP Three and live dollars for fifteen. Hendry. TWO rooms, bath and sleeping porch. 221 WALTER piano teacrwr, month For Trade A ?0 room house on corner of the- most successful Baths Voice, 38. Phone 2832-- X. Oregon. 8 Mocks of P. O. atlng In the aoathwest. will talcs cleur Cushman cnuclc rew maciune. FRAME BUILDING 20x40. NEW LUM Phone 5719. Detroit. Phone 3960M. will take Improved city property or good ranrn Motor Westlnghonso type A. R. BER. CALL AT 711 MILHi VWU. RANDALLS Rocks, trapnested. rooms, up to jbiiuy. cy. Barred TWO light housekeeping hot and VI RAY O BEAUTY PARLORS. trade lanas. In exenange. wnai cave your 1 H. P. A. C Sing. ph. 80 BARGAINS IN AUTOS. selected and bred for egg production. Eggs cold water. 606 E. Nevada. Phone 6147M. Painting For Trade. N. Oregon, south of Boule- In G. 90. Herald office.al 1725 R. P. M, 119229 V. Cata- Vapor baths for reducing rhetmiatlsm. cottage-Nothin- dress confidence PIONEER MOTOR CO, INC 32 per setting, fertility guaranteed. vard. 39500. "Will take In g Lone Star Motor Co. El Paso. Memphis TWO housekeeping rooms, modern, hot body msssage. 60s aiyme. rnone am a. room Down, move 418 Myrtle Ave. logue free, James Randall, 2919 and cold bath. 804 Mesa Ave. P. N. PAPPAS, painting contractor, lust into a home GOOD CAR TO TRADE FOB LOTS. McNeill and arens engineering Trucks and pleasure cars. Phone 52. St.. EI Faso. xcxsa tinted or papered 3S and trp. Ph. 3829. of your own New S room bungalow Or rooming house. COMPANY OF JOHN MARSHALL. trap- - HOUSEKEEPING room, private bath. Billiard Parlors pay 325 on NOGALES, ARIZONA TOM BARRON WHITE LEGHORNS Phone 612a in Alta Vista, monthly Bungalow, want ear or lota. MONEY LOANED on diamonds, watches. nested, bred to lay. rigorous, nealtny principal. buyer 4 room bungalow, Have to offer the following used machln nicely rooms, private MEET ME AT MATSONS. Phnabers Have for Alta Jewelry and automobiles. stock, eggs it-a- o per setting, per THREE furnished SO Monthly (New) err. all In first class condition: 3493iv. family POOL AND BILLIARD PAKLCB. Down. 20 Four Vista. generator SECURITY LOAN CO. PH. 2754. Fertility guaranteed. J. A. Ferguson. it E. Bonievarn. rn. Security 226 Meaa. SERVICE PLUMBERS- - Phone 346L room bungalow in Alta Vista, corner, Demur city property for EI Faso property 2 500 KW. turbo sets. Sts. Ave. Phone 535SM. housekeeping rooms, single or en Basement Bank. 1 825 A-- turbo generator set. Corner El Paso and San Antoiea Grand LIGHT ONTO 1063. or vatler land. lev Wlan-dott- 511 Mesa. PI PLUMBERS. Phone 32400. 3 type water IN AND SEE - BRED TO LAY AND WIN White tulte. Phone 5176 or HAWKINS BROS. WE TRADE ANYTHING ANYWHERE. 500 H.P. nine Freeman HIKE Brokerstocks WELLS-rECG- tube boners. Best line used cars in southwest. Fords to and Single Comb Rhode Island CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms. 318-21- 2S90. eggs Second Hand Fnrairare 7 Martin Bldg. Phone (17 Martin Bldg. Fh:ns 1139. 1000 tons No. 1 relaying rails. Packard s. Beds. Baby chicks and hatching cheap rent-- Ihrne 73. ew. 97LHENDOKFF & CO. ZG3 MESA. A- -l LOWJS MOTOR CO. high layers. GRAB THIS C790 IL 4 In. curing (In condition), STAR from record LIGHT housekeeping rooms; call after Private wire all exchanges. Correspondents SELL your furniture to Borschow; highea 1 American plainer. Phone 6100. ROMAN'S POULTRY FARM. Wyoming. . I- - rnone sa-- 3Ji0. Cost 34000. 5 Boom. Brick FOK EXCHANGE. Tsleta. Texas. 6:10. 307 E. F. Hotton Co. prices paid. Phone 2719. l . " S-- Stanton. Bungalow. Alta Vista district, glassed Good paying restaurant In the 109 block t 25 11. P. Nagle engine. Horizontal. FOB SALE CHEAP TWO nice front rooms, close in. private CO FLAT AUTOMO EXCHANGE NEW FURNITURE" S. P. Basement. Heating Plant, Hard- San Antonio t at a sacrifice: 310.009 to plain slide valve type. HP. WIRE WHEEL family. Phone 44I6W. Busines Colleges Co 1 S engine. BILE. GOOD TIRES. CALL 711 MILLS For second naml. Western Furniture wood P. Cash 3300. 330 mo, including lean on close in property. Vendor's Hen H. P. vertical TWO housekeeping' rooms, private family. 118-1- So. Stanton St. Ph. 1482. mst. notes for sale; new bungalow rented for 1 S IL. P. vertical engine. BLDG. atagotnn. mono DRACGHON'S college guarantees positions 149 per month for lots or can 2. acres Assorted lot numca valves. Pipe, rulings. USED CARS bcurht and sold. New and ONE mule team, harness and Traon. lies sr&. AIKEN B.UR up- 209 ft-- 2 In. shafting, dutches, pul plow. 946 CLOSE in' 2 rooms, water- - sleep Second Hand Clo thing 61S near Ysleta on pared road for lots or second hand parts lor sale. uex. our prices. hcrapers and Dave Crockett. Ph. rnnalac Carpenters Ph. 32J7. Martin. Bldg. Ft- leys, hangers, good fJU3U-.0-a- i. ing porch, West Boulevard. per vslley. Land. Cottages in - Worth condition. WANTED 19 heads of good Holsteln cows. llr property. uomvmrr kaiiu vo. 331-2- 5 W. lltao 1379. with HIGHEST PRICES paid for old dsthes HURRY; 'HURRY. for El Paso ire a niurtse San Antonio. Phone J. C Elmore. 3500 Hamilton. FUrtNlSHED housekeeping rooms FOB all kind of carpenter work call 4779. shoes. 1789. IV. K. LA1- U- 4 power Oregon. aad Ph. 4 nice Booms, extra Large glassedln 1 No. Smith Mlxerette loader. WONDER VARNISH brings back natural WOULD good teams. sleeping porch. 12IZ J. kinds, new and heat- - 302 Caples. Pbrnes tt and 911. 2 No. 4 Smith Mlxerette low charger. c per buy cr rent a few CAKPENTEK work ot all 19 E pay highest prlcea for second haaa porch, screened porch, basement color and gloss. Dries in hours. 75 Phone SJSi. LARGE housekeeping room and kitchener. repairing, guaranteed good workmanship. 33(9- rag 1 I en. ft. Dunn mixer. cent eared compared wltn paint jon. 203 Nevada. clothes. Phone - plant, Deep lor. near Atta vista. Smith paving machines, concrete FOR SALE Horse, wagoa and harness Phone 836. Mr. Zom. Biggest Buy. winner, j.i&u. THOMAS MOTOR CO. PHONE 92. rooms and sleeping porch, walk-In- LKVV pays highest prices ladles', meaa Little FT. WORTH LOTS Towers and Hoists. Call for Evana. cheap. Phone 3973R. THREE second faand clothing. Phone 1796. Terms 3309 Cash, 2S and Intst. crushers. wagon distance. Sunset Heights. Ph. 2441W. Carpets Cleaned To trade." for El Paso lots or small Telsmlth rock RADIATORS FIXED not repaired. No FOR SALE One float spring and CREEL & CANNON bungalow. Price of lota 31790. Concrete forms and clamps. TJV. I C ( ' SPLENDID svmmer location, two moms. S075 dope used. Work air tested, different De-- CARPETS, Seeds and Plants 21 Mills et. Phone JAY F. KNOX COMPANY, THE EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC. gnomes Cop la running water, .'119 Jiorttt Virginia au vacuum dried or steamed 229C. 291 Martin Bldg. El Paso. Tex. cause guaranteea. atoior FOR SALE Team and harness, call 82SIW. cleaned. Duntley Carpet Cleaning Works. HERE'S A GOOD LITTLE BUY. 301 Caples Bldg. Phone Pbone 92. Call for Evans. & Frutas St. Phone SEEDS FOK SALE Cane. 39.99: Caffle-- 39-t- n. adjoining Phone 5218. 4 Boom Bed brick: sleeping porch; TINNERS' hand rolls, take ahMts. 4 TWO extra furnished rooms acd Maize 35.99. end Sudan 339 per 190 ELEVATOR BOOT, pulley Std 11 face. WILL trade the 7 passenger body ot WANTED Pasture lower valley lor six entrance cheap to COMPRESSED AIK,isteam or vacuum car- bath; hot and cold water; good range 1918 road cows. 3413 rnone bath, front and back lbs. Theodcre Conrad. Groom, Carsba - FOR SALE OK TRADE HAND BELLOWS, good size. cylinder model Studebaker for Nsshvllle. tiiu. desirable parties. Phone 7.13 w. pet cleaning, sewing or laying Du Sang county Tex. connected with water heater; sewer. 13 ster body or same mage car ana moaei. - SLEPPINO P. en Montana, paved FIRE BOX BOILER horizontal. H.P. SO TONS rltalfa hay damaged bv rain housekeeping rooms, large closet, at Wellborn, phone 3818. gas. etc. near car. "With J300- cash and AND C B- P. I'none istzk. TWO FROST proof cabbage plants, leading va- street.IB.tlawn, shade. Tines, sacrifice for j BOILER ENG. zaounte. - during harvest cheap. Alancge uancn kitchen, laundry conveniences. 815 CARPET cleaning and rug weaving. pre- 320 monthly, can sell for J1G50. Its 1 COVEL Mfg. Co. No. 115 A BARGAIN. Texas. sink la rieties lrOO 52.50; 549 8L59; 199 89c cash-- Canutlllo. N. Oregon. Clark Mattress A Rug Co. 2212 Myrtle. paid. Let ns book ycur order for nex. worth more money. 5 K. & F.F. BLISS ST. Modern, paved AUTOMATIC Circular Saw Sharpener. MY 1917 4 CYLINDER STUDEBAKER. STOCKMEN. Jfc ATTENTION TWO rooms, sleepier Dorcfa. llcbta, water. Phone and leu. week shipment. Orders filled la rotatloa SCOTT SALES REALTY CO. street. lawn, souta front, a beauty, spe I WOOD PLANER. 18 In. adjustable. FIRST CLASS CONDITION, FIRST REA 40.000 acres grazing land In Bay coanty, 7756 7321-- 1 COLD SAW, for structural steel. SONABLE TiUOS JT. telephone furnished. 5:7.30. eei upion. Mall orders only. Fort Worth Cabbage 424 Mills Bldg. Phones & J cial price OFFER Wlnrlila. Thr runnlnr streams on tract. Chimney Sweep Farm. Fort Worth. Texas. 7 K- - MODERN BUNGALOW fall base BELT driven automatic feed. PHONE 4312. RsUroad connections. Good grass, good Phone 4313. ment. halt, double garage, east frcnt. close DARBYSnlRE-HARYl- KELLY sriUftUFlELD climate'; long term lease. Reference. First THREE rooms furnished complete In by one party, cceus FOUNDRY MACII. CO. EL PASO. adjoining bath, separate ana CHIMNEY sweep: stoves repaired and att Soda Fountains, Drag and CoEftc-iione- ry ACHE In. All these owned Factory reconstructed tires; National bank. Panama City. Florida, For home front up. Phone 1281 B 1RCAI.V 9 S50 PER some cash, but will trade either or alL NO. S Pacific Horiz, Centrers! Pump. 2590 mile guarantee and Bart-for- d further information write Moore Timber back entrance. Phone 1359 mornings. Fixtures 109 acres fine Valley Land HUPMOBILE ROADSTER sale cheap, & Mfg. Company. CHlMNEiS and furnaces cleaned; stcvee for in. Krosh Co. first grade tubes. Bay Harbor. Fla. p. Will take 37S0 cash, balance or trade. 3 In. Gould Horiz. CentTgl Pump. 22x4 Ures. .322.50 Tubes.. 54.15 t jp. polished, rep. E. M. Lopez, 3046. a ISBICK on 2 La Luz St. clear SODA FOUNTAIN, drug and confectionery easy termfc. B. lots. 2 in. Horiz. CenffET Pump. 24x4 tires.. 321.25 Tubes. .31.40 Etc. fixtures, design, exposed and. BEAUTIFUL CORNER for 4 R. bungalow up to 94M0. Pay dif- 2 In. Gould Clock Pump. tires.. 325.00 Tubes. .35.10 Dogs for Sale, Wanted, China Painting latest both 3 Eng. 359 llxi'i JS.IO .35.70 TWO rooms, private home. East Ei Paw closed Jar types, ranging In length ot 9, 5. Mundy Hts VT1U sell or trade. ference. H. P. Stover It. P. IL 3x4i tires. Tubes. 310. 8J61W. 19. 12. 18 29 yeu 29 12 CLEAR LOTS for bunga'ow. 1 Slf. contained 5 In. Pump'g Assembly. 37x3 Mres.. 335.99 Tubes.. 35.95 FOR SALE French poodle puppy, ho Phone end firing. Gnnton studio, ph. 5906. and feet. Can save 'o 300 feet trackage property. good for broken. Phone 9087J. large airy rooms in East El Paso, Lsons 49 percent; small cash payment dowc bal- Some btslness axd Charter Gasoline Eng. Driven Eng. 5x9 SEE us first: we always FOUR ance eaay payments; show- Will trade and assume as much rood farms. . lot pipe 1 in. to 1 In. have bargains in new and asc- male Alrdale pups 3 months bath, electric lights, very reasonable. can include as 315.000. XL bungalow Tiro Dentists cases, shelving, tables, chairs, carbonator HAVE TWO BUYERS for 5 1 Morris Mach. Wks. Horiz. CeatTgri end hand tires and tubes. pedigreed. Phone 7824R. Phon 1127. necessary open CLOSE IN CORNER in Manhattan Hts. Pump 5 In. BOSS RUBBER CO, la contract. All fixtures to DR. ARTHUR BURTON. up drug and confectionery store. Protnp-shipme- On Missouri St. 120x104. A bar- 40 FT. closo In on Texas st trackage, for 1 Worthlngton Duplex Pump t In. Suc- 822 Texas St. 312 Mills Bide-- . 1016. bungalows. 5 In. discharge. All very good. For Sale FanJtcre. Phone Write or wire for price lists. gain, easy term. tion GUARANTEED USED CARS & Co. 290 1000 Call the trader. F. J. THORNE EVERGREEN CEMETERY T F. Commission Herald bid". ACRES VALLEY LAND. W. Packard Twin Six, FOLDING bed for sale. Tel. 1339. TABLE board. 604 N. Oregon. Detective Agencies Agents Grosmsn Fountain Co. "Will property CHARLES HARLOW. 4 5 passenger trade for city and COI Bldg. cylinder , ROOMS 70S N. Oregon. cases, 315.000 First Nat. Bank Phone 223. Engineering Specialists Mechanical, 4 or 8 passenger Stutz. OAK desk and office chair tor sale 95. with board. SHOW wall cases, all kinds of store assume or more. 20s Bldg. or Private Inveatlgator. Add M 9. Herald. fixtures; we manufacture and equip drug BO ACRES IMPROVED 7 passenger cylinder Studebaker. Herald ll'KNIsHKD room 615 N Oregon with Electrical, Civil, Minis' and 8 rooms 8250, without boara. The Ben Williams Detective Agency stores, confectionery, dry goods, etc.: we Stock and Improvements all for Buick roadster, electric runabout. FURMTIRE of five largo on de- GRAZING LAND FOB SALE. All are guaranteed me- Is 3 original cost. Phone 7559W. FBE-S- rooms, cook- - anne i errst rest. Bank Bldg. ra. 44SS have stock band and able to make 312.000. "Will house as part Structural these cars which of clean strictly home livery vn short notice; we have com- take 2 sections north of Hneco tanks. chanically excellent, most all are new- highest Ing. 191 Nevada. Phone ? also payment. Balance easy. 5 Clint, SELL your furniture to Borschow: petent designers and they are at your sections north of WESTERN WELDING MFG. CO. ly painted with new tops. Phone 8283 prices paid. 271S. 225 S. SI anion. young men or Educational RIO GRANDE REALTY CO. In Paso and Huds- 8150. Phone KOQM suitable for two servtco for laying out and designing your Other sections El 358 or -- 211-21- Phone Engineers. 323 S. Santa Fa. 4 rooms, Will couple with poarq. a 3 upson. store room efficiently. Branch office 2 Nat'L Bank Bldg. peth counties. Will trade for El Paso WHITE-HEBBEU-D MOTOR SALES CO. FURNITURE of cost 5200. COACHING All English courses. aad First machinery-Remode- ling 1. Prices display room property. POWER plants, buildings & Montana and Campbell. sell for 390. 901 N. Virginia. Apt. FURNISHED room and sleeping porch. reasonapie Phone 3045W. JAY KNOX COMPANY. Water and Fewer systems. 213 West Rio Grande. 429 Ban Francisco. El Paso. Texaa F. USED CAR BARGAINS, FURNITURE for sale, bargain, house for board. MRS. S. C. Skldmore. 409 1st Nat. Bank. HOUSTON SHOW CASE 31FG. CO. 501 Caples Bldg. Phone 2299. Jennings Construction t Eng. Co. El raso 4 bath, cheap. 88I5R. - 707 -- Little roadster 1550 rent. rooms and Ph. STEAM heated rooms with- board. Phone 6771. Legal Instruments drawn. For Safe Country Property. EVERYTHING FOR THE ICE PLANT.' roadster, driven 3000 miles 9400 COMPLETE furnishings of six room tun-t- a Myrtle. Phone 7784W. Storage Batteries Overhauling and remodeling old plants. Brand new 5 passenger Chevrolet. low, new, cheap. 901 Street. gentlemen. H. L. Stevens. 212 W. Overland St. Rlier SMALL room with board lor Electrical Supplies LARGE tract of grazing land north ot driven 809 miles 35S WEATHER oak buffet and dining set. 1220 Montana. National Storage Battery A ignition Ca. Lordsburg. Plenty of water for stock and Machinery, Tools, Power, Electrical Specialists In General Machine Late model Maxwell, driven 1000 ml. 3575 bed room furniture, rockers. Phone 7315. MllflltH and board. Strictly first ClSTS. LAURA BEE ELECTRIC CO. Columbia service station. All work guar farming. Includes best farm lands In & builders of special machinery Maxwell 5 pass, driven 5090 miles 1550 running water. Mrs. C. P. 405 Texas St. Phone 3S23. anteed. 400 Mills St. 977. Contractors' Equipment drawings. Willys-Knig- FOR SALE Furniture. 714 Magoffin. steam heat, Phone southwestern New Mexico for wheat. and Inrentlona developed. Patent rosdster 9550 Leary. 314 W. MIssonrL feeans. corn, bar. Write T. 223 Herald. For Sale Automobile cylinders- rebored end refitted. WIllys-Knlg- 5 passenger, with wire Phone 1822. Electrolysis Distributors n Motor cycles wheels ...... 3750 BEAUTIFUL furniture, bungalow for rent, FOR RENT Furnished room with or Storage Warehonm FOR KENT li acres 'fine land near Ys- . roam on paved road, alfalfa, bal- SMITH MACHINE CO. 313 S. Kansas. Little Buick Frur 9875 miss street. Fhone 4370. without board. ni raso bu leta half in FTRE brick and fire clay. Ford truck, good conditlen...... 3275 3213. SUPERFLUOUS hair, worts and moles HOUSEHOLD goods packed, shipped or ance ready for other crops. S room adobe Bathbim Co. 390-1- Herald Bide. FURNITURE two rooms, sleeping porch, painlessly removed with electricity. Hours stored. Daniel Furo. & Mat. Fcty ph. 192j. house, cash or crop rent. Mrs. Engineering, Drafting, Assay and Maxwell 5 passenger .5150 W. Missouri. Apt. C. THE Homo Sanatorium for convalescents, Clark's ONE 900 Tank, second band. 3950 bath. heat. 626 per 9 to 11 a m. 2 to 4 p. m. Rcom 2. Cafeteria- - 203 Mesa. Gai Little Buick Six roadster wonderful climate, excellent table 330 117 - Main St. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. TRUNK.'!. ETC. BILLS. SUTTON & WHITE MFG. CO. Labratory Equipment, Supplies Hudson Super Six. 1917 model 5125 FOK SALlj Second band deaks. stands month. Box 135. Tnlaross. M. M. Stored. Furniture packing a apeclilty. Get S15 Hupp 3130 and chairs at bargain prices. Call Un-- COMMERCIAL acetyllne or all purposes. Little company. our prlcea. Lowest rates, beet s Trice. A RANCH FOR ONLY KS DOWN What EL FASO HEADLIGHT CO. and Service. HOAGLAND . COMPANY. derwood Typewriter Frtrnitare Packing FJ Paae Storage Warehemse, Ph. 21 M. do you know about that Acre tracts of 115-2- 0 West San Antonio Street, h'K are mill carina-- cash for your For Rent Stores and Offices. t garden land, In Armature winding, magneto, starter work. CQMMERCLU. drafting. tracing blue 4895. Berry-hi-utlll FURNITURE packed and stored and he finest all garden last 214 W. Sen Antonio. Phene furniture or exchanging for same. Store Repairing ar. Just below Washington Park, the PARMELEE. printing and map work. Metcalf Bine Furniture Co. 403 Texas. Ph. 3346. OFFICE space in central location. Ph. 995. shipped. DaSang Jc Wellborn. Ph. 3399. i on 5 cutters. Stover en- Print Co. Caples Bldg. El Paso. losest In lad the market, cent car KKACKAJACK S.S. NEW FURNITURE EXC1LVNOED. STOKE ROOM 17 by 39. Also basement. PACKING and shipping household goods STOE REPAIRING New parts fare, 32a down. $10 per month. gines. Samson wind mills ranch light WE CARRY a complete line ot drawing 125 N. Kansas. Phone 2337. our specialty. finishing male ar FJ Paso. for old. Will buy second hsnd goods. Your Furniture repairing, aad carried for all makes ct atoree. L, J. BAILEY LAND CO. Plants. Krakauer. Zork Store. materials surveying Instruments and 10 TO 4 SUNDAY money. "Bcrs-ne- and upholstering. R. L. M 20tt, OrEN credit Is good. Th. 1292 and save FRONT office for rent. Inquire in r Daniel Furniture Peeler, with D. ft H. Iron works, cor. East Hrsld Biar. rhons NEW 1 H. Ver. Stm. Ens. Pulley 21x6 technical books. HOME FURNITURE CO. N. Stanlon. Stndlo- - 111H El Pare St. Next to Mattress factory 1786 Texas. Ph. 1925-19- and South Florence, Phone 1396, Bcek Jfc Stntlonery Co. Ill Fifth 225 R. Located El Paso. G. IL Brlggs. Inlernatlc nal THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS IN Paso del Norte hotet WE PACK. SHIP OB For Salt Farms and Rancbes. 828 Los Angeles. USED CARS. STORE CentraL Bide. For Sale Pianos. KENT Desirable offices In the Furniture, cut glass and china: furniture Tailors WESTERN WELDING UfG. CO. Stalled Workmanship in Automobile, nut Apply repairing and refinlshlng and upholstering. FOR SALE At a bargain. If taken at Overland a pas 5159 Herald building. Reasonable rates. once, Facilities for welding largest machine Engine General Mechanical cheap, cash. to the auditor ot The Herald. Get ear prlcea. See our work. MOREUEAD THE TAILOR. truck farm 7 acres and 8 room parts. Phone 338. 323 8. Santa Fa. and FISHER piano like neir, 1403 E. First St. 4119. 22 Confes-tloner- C731W. room street, next Pknne Makes the best business suits in town for house. Phene or call Central Overland, a pas 9325 Phone FOK KENT Store Texas a. n. HnrKER co. money: 403 Ysleta. hT. LOUIS well drill new capacity 1000 Lines. door Quick Tire Service. Phone le7 Rio rrnoutTERiNn the try us at N. Oregon St. feet. Latest model. Bargain. 5 pas Grande Oil Co. WILL trade tor bouso in El Paso, fur- J. R. James, 819 N. Florence. Armatnr-- winding. Magneto, starter work, Maxwell. 5389 For Sale Mucetoeocs. Hair Cutting Taxidermisti nished or unfurnished, six room house 214 W. San Antonio. FOK RENT One atore room 12 by 80 fine 1 BLAST furnace complete, 30 tons capa- PARMELEE. Willys Kalght . 3750 business. Rokahr. :ompletely furnished at Hermosa Beach, 811 N- FOR SALE Fine vslley pinto beans for location for small Chas. comb-Inr- s. 10Q. out--ig- city, also bullion and slag pots prac- W. S. DOB1E Pattern Wcrks. - St. CniBOPODIST. switches made from MeLELLAN BRO- S- Ph. 303 Frisco 81 rallfornia. or will cell the property seed. Phone 170inL 422 E. San Antonio. 31arey Pnrdy. 10 361L price and any Information tically new A bargain. Vraln. Phone 5874. Ford 1200 Buckler. Ph. tor ether JC Co. TWO wool ranges and FOB KENT Ground, floor office In Herald leslred address John J. McCourt, care Rio El Paso Foundry Machine AUTO radiator work a specialty. coal and very estate Transfer and Storage 1:1 2 stove. 1207 Arizona. building; suitable for ral aad Hair Grande Valley B. & T. Co.. El Paso. Texas. PIPE, casing, fittings, general mine sup- raso Radiator and Lamp Co. Maxwell pas 3499 office. Apply to the auditor pf Goods Fairbanks-Mors- e HONEYSUCKLE, Pome-granat- Insurance 49 ed plies. Sheet metal and roofing. ONLY SPJUNU FACTORY S. W. Oleanders, Fruit, CATTLE ranch for sale, acres, In racer 3950 1217 Wyoming. The Herald. Wlga at Toupees. 119 N. 7628. In best dry farming section of state. engines and wind mills. Largest Springs and wheels made to order. Studebaker Lilacs, etc Kansas. Ph. In W. TRACKAGE WAREHOUSE ood grass ISO acres tillable, stock a Wheels lined up. Increasing tire efficiency WANTED to buy chickens and rabbits. at-- land, about DONNEGAN. RYAN CO. Easy terms. 0I.6.S San Francisco : two floors and so acres now under cultivation. 6 mile: MOMSEN. and ease of operation 50. Highest prices. Phone mill. basement; hydraulic elevator; reasonable Hardware Trunk Factory from station. Good well and windmill. Op- Out of town orders oromptly filled. Daisies for 245 H. Tubular boilers. Horiz. MURPHY HILUN, BCQUOR MOTOR COMPANY. DAHLIA bulbs and Shasta rent. CUT RATE Hardware and Palnta TRUNKS, suitcases, traveling bags portunity to boy additional land adja- 1 10 engine (stm.) slide valve type. sale cheap. Phone 397W. DOUGLAS U, CKOWELL AUENCI. made. cent. Price 33900. Owner, Mrs. Carver, IL EI Paso. Texas. nENRY MOUR. 303 S. EL PASO ST. repaired ana exenanged. ta raso irunx, Assorted lot pulleys, metal and wood. 5 Mesa Ave. UNDERWOOD typewriter No. 5 cheap. 224 Mills st. Phone 8a00. rc'.jcln. Arts. NAUDIN CO. Las Craees. Faetury nest to Crawford theater. Ph. 1954 MILLING Business Expansion and Additions, Phone 4781. Hardware Exchange STEAM SHOVEL Marlon, model 25 Std. Nancy Hall. Porto Klein and FOB SALE FOi: RENT STORE ROOM. Turkish Baths TALLEY FARMS WORTH THE gauge track 2 booms, 14 and 18 ft. for Changes of Location, Branches, Etc Dooley Yams, black eye peas. Laguua A. YA1TE. 409 S. El Paso. Mechanics 1 Dipper stick rexas. Best location In town. 202 N. Oregon. tools. you'll again. MONEY. H and yard. Dippers. Dairy Farm, mint, COLES "Call and call Turkish Baths 496 N. Oregon. Ph. 199 for each. Complete. Good condition. LEAVE YOUR NEXT BUNDLE at our For Sale motorcycles. range, holes, perfect A. P. BROS. Is now your serv- FOK SALE Ohio six 204 K. Oregon Street. SO acres, modern house, close to town, Bargain. New Branch, which at condition, coal and wood burner. 313 Mills Junk Dealers Typewriters city property J. M. DUDLEY. EL PASO. TEXAS. ice, la the lobby of the Security Bank TWIN THOR, motorcycle, first class con will trade for worth & Trust Bldg. Mesa Ave. We specialize St. Phone 97. the money and not overloaded with BRASS ze castings. dition. 5a cish tor quick sale. Fnone ats wood by car load HERMAN BLOCH CO. S. TYPEWRITER ft Office tjupply Co.; type brer and aluminum in one day service, making no extra ask for Black!. I OK SALE Tornlllo 406 San Francisco. Oregon at. SISX Old debt. Machine boiler abop work. any amount. Address Ivey Dale Ranch. atore...... 35a Ph. metala rubber. writers soia. oougnc rented, reps' rea. m-tl- 49 acres in Clint, cultivation, no and charge. lot. 498 San Francisco, store...... 855 rags, bones, hides, scrap Iron, etc. Second hand boners, etc. ELITE LAUNDRY SPICK AND SPAN. MOTORC1CLE for sale. Do you want Fabens. Texas. Second, supplies, rubber stampa, agts. Corona. house. 9129 per acre, A very good Cheap riding, see In 102 E. basemenl...... S7 CX). BAUMGARTEN It WYLEB. EL PASO. this machine. first FOK SALE Gold wrist watch never been 359 Myrtle, store EL PASO IRON & METAL 1503 Sao. Royal. Oliver type. 316 Mills St, P. 833. buy. class shape, good tires, bargain for cash ...... 319 Antonio Dealers In scrap Iron, rubber, eop-p- er 7 For worn. 7 Jewels. Cleo make. Sell less than 15 Morgan bldg 919 a acres near San Etizarlo, river silt, MANUFACTURERS of Ornamental Iron. Sale AmoraobDei Wanted. only. 311 Mills St. orasa. bonea. Phona 42(9 Veterinary no better land, 335 per acre. Terms. Structural Steel. Wire and Plate work, cost- - Phone z7. Overland and Stanton, store...... 310 eta Sorgeons (9 A TornWa. Best buy left In that for Mining. Mllllnc and Power Plants. WANTED To buy Ford car. Ph. 4095. DOUGLAS C. CBOWELL AGENCY. Texas Auto- - IVrecklua 49 Junk Co. 211 E. CO. Poultry and Pet Stock 55c per dozen. Phone 314 Mill Ride. Phone HOP. San Antonio. We buy old auto's rubber. C. F. PROPER, hospital for horses and district. THE 0 EKLAND cars wanted. Brown W. Co. chid flowering kind. scrap Iron, bones, dags. 2917 6613 1 know the lower valley and will El Paso, Texas. 1JI9W. - metal, etc. Ph. 3I9L Texaa Phona 335. nlrhta never offer any land that is not worth AUTO repairing. Pass City Garage, A-- o. FOR SALE Canary singers. 1725 E. Blvd. CYCLONE core drill, complete boiler and Woehler. prop. Neft-Stll- Bldg. Ph. 1240 ONE long model Frank Holton comet. Ready Reference Business Directory :he mosey. FOK SALE 12 thoroughbred -- - Kodak Finishing Vclfaniring engine, sen. trucks. Cap. 2000. silver lace cood aa new. learner case. JV1 .nasa- H. B. ELLIOTT. AXLES MADE IKlK without removing. Wyandottea. all laying. Phone 711 8 J. vlile. Phono 7879R. Clint, Texas. Quantity extra parts. Bargain. Buchanan 21t San Francisco. Ph. 3317 Accountants AnrEttrs ALEXANDER STUDIO. IDS S. El Pssa. RETREAD and Seeln- - Wk. a specialty. t Huntingdon rto. WHITE ROCK A BARRED ROCK tbor- - New 32 caL Tlrst Nttl. Bank mill 1917 five passenger FOR SALE Winchester rifle KODAK SCOTT VULCANILINH CO. 323 TEXAS. :1 Tularesa Conner Co Bent. N. M. FOR SALE One ooehbred hatching eggs. Phone 5C53J. new 59 lb. refrigerator. 4 dining room FI.NSHING Excellent work Podge tounng car, cheap. 403 Mesa Ave. Minorca hatching eggs, 8L25 2853 Bliss. Phone 8190M. EI. PASO AUDIT CO, and Quick service. Velox paper used. Mining. Milling and Power Machinery. FINE setting chairs. W IL Psyne. Accountant. FKKH FB.I.HMAN CO. Welding Shops tUK SALE-- Ft Bliss Jltne. Phone 465SJ. J 1519 E Phone 411. bulbs, chrysanthe- J. See us for immediate deliveries on en-- I - B'JH 18. I FOR SALE Dahlia Ttm. 214 Mills Bldg. Phone 3129 o:r !aU-- burjs, Auction Sales gir.es. boilers, purrps. rrinlng machinery, GOOD strain, Whjte Leghorn eggs mums, shasta daisies and canna Laundry WELDING, braa-n- g stralgMeaing FOK KLNT Ga-e- sua for ca e scao for Phcng 7123T, 214SW. a.d tar1 s p pe, We are caeh hayere of -- salf Phene BUCHANAN. 212 San Fraaclfree. Ph. S347. -- gr- 19 Architects CTIO - , grs'n i n 3 th y ana sunpl ee. "n at l1 Arizona. MATCHING eggs head, new. rf eirachlr-- tnerhsn"' fm smai pci of! SEWING machine, dron brand LE.VVE next bund'a 5 Mesa me day WELDING The way tt should be done, s ? n rn EOCT1IH CSTKKN WKKCHUNU CUlll'ANr NLW and Rebuilt Batteries (or sale. se'.- -r 'a p g Wfc . Leghorn" nothing better made, o be sold stor- - THORMAN. O. service, ex. " for H. Tfo vhr. promptly; any else Phone SOIL t J-- h. Texas. JEL PASO STATION. L--Idar S 156, 425 2359 vE Paso. BATTERY Jfci' rV5 ''i't- a. s ase ' bargee Ml'i 3 anton. Ph. First Niti, Back BJdg. Phoat ELITE LAUNDRY Spick ft Span. BROWN WELDING CO. 09 Texaa St.