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-• • * • :. *~V • . ->>W~ ¦: - ¦> v j •- ¦ * i - ‘ v.\v: ¦ -AUTOMOBILES.^., THE SUNDAY STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C., JUNE 24, 1923-PART I. ROOMS, ETC. 27 FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOE SALE—AUTOMOBILES, FOB SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR HIRE—AUTOMOBILES. WANTED—AUTOMOBILES. 1 BENT Continued. Camtlaaed. Ceatlaaad. Cwrthww* CoßtinHa Coariaaed. 5 BOOMS—FUBNISHED. FORD sedan: (rood rendition: SSO eaab pay- Continued- SKUAS. 102t*; good tires, splendid von- FORD TOURING, 1017; good tires; car In FORD truck, new, dump body: reasonable; by ment, balance monthly. Addreaa Box 340-V, FORD condition; cash, $80; USED CARS WITH • 1387 22nd ST. Urge, nice fur- tlitlon; $276; terms desired. 65fl Pa. ave. flrst-clasa mechanical THERE ISNO day or week. Adams 378. Htar ofllce. N.W.—'Two If ¦mall weekly price, luttrTell RISK nished. cool rooms, second floor, next to bath; ».e. Lincoln 8613. payments: $75. SERVICE RENT A KOI H FIVE passenger car, nothing older housekeeping; FORD TOURING date 21); starter. 5 A-l CAB. oU li*bt private family FORD COUPE, late 1032; B good tire*. bumper wheel, CHEVROLET SALES CO. WITH A DRIVE IT YOURSELF. than 1921; atandard make; muat he willing to North 2861. appearance and tires, new battery, large lock steering take 1018 part, payment; ami other extras; excellent In full guaran- Bulck roadater aa mechanical condition; $383; terms can he ar- ventilating windshield: rebuilt: BONDED The cars offered below are in Corner 14th and W N.W. give full partlculara. Addreaa Box 297-V, 46 C ST. N.W.—For light housekeeping: teed; cash, $75; monthly, S2O; price, $275 Fords, Dodges, • bedroom, iaaged. aim Pa. are, a.e. I.lncoln 3018. rtma, used Tars. Cadillacs and Wintons. Htar ofllce. dining room and hall for cooking; FORD SEDAN, 1021; starter, dem. 5 USED CAR. excellent condition. Our guar- ATTRACTIVE hath and water; new'y (iiipered: price FORD condition, new In Oc- RATES. WILL PAY for res sedan, perfect first-class tires, new battery: fine, clean car antee a raah Ford touring car. Box aonable. - 04* tober, 1021; speedometer, dome light, door Inside and out; positively guaranteed: ready CHEVROLET is the greatest is contained in booklet of SAUNDERS SYSTEM 56. Heat I‘leaaant. Md. •_ lock and other equipment totaling S7O; price. drive away; $100; monthly, $26: The bond pro- |»0« 14th BT. N.W.. APT. I—To two men. to cash. touring car, service coupons, which will Operating in 81 cities. EXPERIENCED LADY CHAUFFEUR willrent large front room; 8400. Phone Cleveland 164H. price. $425. 1922 tection to buyers of used cars FOB BUSINESS—FOR PLEASURE. Wtllya-Knight wilio part time; reasonable twin bed*; convenient to* delivery body; good 5 Amt-class cord tires, | re- weekly rates. unlimited inet intaneous hot water: no FORD, 1018 roadster: FORD COUPE. 1021: 1921 touring car. eliminate expense of minor RENT A NEW FORD. Lincoln 0502. other roomer*. Eye * wheel, parking light, Any car bonded order: $75. 622 at. n.e. large lock steering other ever invented. DRIVE IT YOURSELF. WANTED—4 OR fl CYLINDER 1922 BlflCK. * extras; cash, $100; monthly, $25; price. $375: pairs for quite a period of time. Four-Door Sedans, Coupes, Tourings. FORD 18 model; $25. 212 B n.w, you under Roadsters. 1 CAN HELL YOUR CAR PROVIDING YOU 1330 COLUMBIA ROAD—Handsomely furnish chaaals. fully guaranteed. Open Sunday. No finance FORD by us will perform for WANT TO ed one or two room, private condition; bargain for n.w, Pay by BUY A NEW BITICK. PHONE bedrooms, living FORD coupe; excellent charges. 8. J. Monk, 33 H at. Frank. the Mile. RTOCKTON hath; water; exceptionally Col, * all conditions and is as perfect ALL Minimum Miles or Boors. GADDEHH, FRANKLIN 614, AT instantaneous hot quick sale. Apt. 300. 1401 rd. 764. 1921 coupe. LATeTmODELS No Guarantee of 6:30 P.M. NO CHARGE FOR HELLING, cool: low ratea; transients, permanent. FORD tourings, two, 1021; run and look like sale, 1921; cheap. a Deposit. ONE-TON TRUCK for sedan. as used car can be. Only $lO HUIOK, »lx-cjlimJ«T roadster; state condl* 8059 QUE ST. X.W.—2 or 3 Urge, cool rooms, new. One F. Chevrolet touring. Chevrolet 1921 price. A. • 1837 Yt. ave. n.w. 4-cyl., 6-cyl. and 8-cyl It la possible to have the urn of a car for aa and Address Box 259-V, Star nicely furnished for 1.h.k.; electricity, shower roadster. 1021: bargains. 427 K at. n.w. car. Maxwell 4-pax*, coup*. day at than 1922 touring 1822 Open •¦tire a met of leas 50c. office. 24* bath, (torches. garage if desired, in private looks like new; 1823 Maxwell touring. and Closed Models. SAUNDERS SYSTEM WASHINGTON CO.. detached • FORD touring, 11*21: runs and MUICK COUPE, 1020 or ifcylinder; home: reasonable. must sell, need cash; ask for Mr. Ricketts' BUICK 1822 Oakland 6-44 aport. 192l! Dodge coupe; new paint; five touring, Initial Payment as Low as 1206 D St. N.W. Franklin 6324. alate partlculara. Addreaa Box 156-V, Htar 933 H ST.—Single and rooms; clean, car. 427 K at. n.w. *_ 1931 Chalmers SSO. office. double USED CAR 1821 Dodge coupe. 24* nicely furnished; all outside; bath on each FORD, 1022 touring; newly painted: new top; wire wheels; excellent condition. riELL AUTOMOBILES lax floor; couples and 3526. 1221 1823 Ford coupe. Terms to reliable people. ACCESSORIES, AUCTION KVKBX gentlemen preferred. Call bargain, 3230; terms. Adams DEPARTMENT 1832 Chalmer* touring AUTO REPAIRS. §aturday,«l2 noon. A quick and satisfactory u to 8 p.m. 24* Qallatln. Oldsmobile touring, recent No charge. lla*«d MY SUCCESS IS NOT IN LUCK: IT IS BE- aala. bo Cara be- MD,—Room nne car at a Not Bonded, but Exceptional fore Thuraday advertised free. "WEBOH- CHEVY CHASE. with running FRANKLIN TOURING. 1919: a listed below are in model; very good condition ; low STEPHENS. cause I know mv work; radiator* repaired water, access to bath; low figure. Franklin Motor Car Co.. 1814 B The cars equal new; cores installed, any car. NEW- UR. 920 Pa. are. o.w. Phone Main HU also communicatinc Values. to rooms with private shower hath; breakfast if at. Main 7045. first-class mechanical condition prices. 1127 14th ST. N.W. MAN. 1740 L at. DODGEB and Forda; any year; any model; 1817 Maxwell, $l5O. will pay top price. desired. Cleveland 1091-J. HAYNES, 1921 7-passenger touring; driven 1810 TIRES, four excellent, two Royal cord; new , In for and priced right for quick sale. Overland. $126 OPEN EVENINGS AND 8535 14th N.W.—Large, bright room, miles: the biggest bargain town Terms 1830 Ford aedan, $230. I’rexto-Ilte 13-plale battery. Phone Main | A. STABLER, second $750; 2894-W. to Suit You. J. floor, next hath; electric light; plenty hot must be sold at once. Col. It willbe to your advantage to 1818 Ford coupe, $223 SUNDAY. 3945 between 3 and B week days. 23* of new 8., $l6O. water; terms reasonable; gentlemen only. HOLMES TOURING, perfect condition: over. at 1931 Chevrolet F. CRT UH HELL TOUR CAR. of any atandard Phone Columbia 1251-J. * paint; latest model: coat $3,000; must sell; look them 14th T. Potomac 135. 1818 Reo touring, SIOO. SIS—SPECIAL—SIS. make; we will put It condition, $l5O. In Bmt-claaa 3019 X ST.—ln attractive, cool house, desira <650. Callan. rear 2000 M n.w. 26* 1817 Bteam*. BARGAINS Feed motor*, general overhauled. sls. finance all term deals and And you a location; 1922 BUICK 6-CYL. ROADSTER. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY FOR 1930 Old* eight, S4OO, General repairing all cars. customer. ble Urge front double room; also HUDSON COACH, latest model, mileage 7,- on If no sale la made there will he no charge. smaller elec., 000; Essex or 1920 AUBURN TOURING. YOUR Live and dead storage. double room: bath adjoining; condition perfect; consider CONVENIENCE. Without words to describe them. & gas. phone summer rates. Hudson speedster part payment: private 1921 HAYNES TOURINO. Oar a washed and polished. 11.50. A. Stabler Son, 8497: H. B. LEARY, Jr„ ' at. J. AVE., owner. Address Box 188-V, Star office. 1920 nUICK ROADSTER These cars represent the highest Phone F. 7797. Shop rear 2112 14lh n.w. 1* _ 425 K Bt. X.W. 87* 3932 N. H. PETWOKTII—VeryUgIir . 1921 CHANDLER DISPATCH. BUICK TOURING housekeeping: cool, attractive room, off bath, HUDSON 6-40 for sale cheap. 3013 20th at. COUPE. and in excellent condidtion; very Maxwell and Chalmers use phone, electric Iron grill: *25. 28* 1920 OLDS Overhauled value for your money. See them washer. and n.e. 1019 BUICK TOURING, WINTER TOP. good tires; ready to rua; $300; SIOO caah, bal- Distributor. Business goes— FOB BENT—GARAGES. Col. 9739. HUDSON RPEEUSTF.R, run only 17.000 miles; 1920 BUICK TOURING. WINTER TOP. ance monthly, which Includes fire and theft la before you buy. brick garage on wide paved alley! 4130 ST. X.W.—Two connect- $750; been Where is invited sth desirable running on second set of tires: 1921 DODGE TOURINO. General Finance Co. 1321 14th ST. N.W. it sl3 per month. Adams 3352. 2838 28th st. ing rooms for two or three; gentlemen pre- used only by present owner. Frank E. Alte- 1020 DODGE, WINTER TOP. ferred; phone; «t. MORGAN, FORD~SEDAN, stays— REAR 1440 GIRARD separate beds; a.m.1.; excel- mus. 2744 14th 1020 FORD LIMOUSINE. SEE MR. North 4296. And HT.. PRIVATE BRICK • November; 1722-24 L St. N.W. garage: space for 1 car; $lO month. N. L. lent location. HUPMOItILK touring; new last 1019 DODGE TOURING. I a.m.