-• • * • :. *~V • . ->>W~ ¦: - ¦> v j •- ¦ * i - ‘ v.\v: ¦ -AUTOMOBILES.^., THE SUNDAY STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C., JUNE 24, 1923-PART I. ROOMS, ETC. 27 FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOE SALE—AUTOMOBILES, FOB SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR HIRE—AUTOMOBILES. WANTED—AUTOMOBILES. 1 BENT Continued. Camtlaaed. Ceatlaaad. Cwrthww* CoßtinHa Coariaaed. 5 BOOMS—FUBNISHED. FORD sedan: (rood rendition: SSO eaab pay- Continued- SKUAS. 102t*; good tires, splendid von- FORD TOURING, 1017; good tires; car In FORD truck, new, dump body: reasonable; by ment, balance monthly. Addreaa Box 340-V, FORD condition; cash, $80; USED CARS WITH • 1387 22nd ST. Urge, nice fur- tlitlon; $276; terms desired. 65fl Pa. ave. flrst-clasa mechanical THERE ISNO day or week. Adams 378. Htar ofllce. N.W.—'Two If ¦mall weekly price, luttrTell RISK nished. cool rooms, second floor, next to bath; ».e. Lincoln 8613. payments: $75. SERVICE RENT A KOI H FIVE passenger car, nothing older housekeeping; FORD TOURING date 21); starter. 5 A-l CAB. oU li*bt private family FORD COUPE, late 1032; B good tire*. bumper wheel, SALES CO. WITH A DRIVE IT YOURSELF. than 1921; atandard make; muat he willing to North 2861. appearance and tires, new battery, large lock steering take 1018 part, payment; ami other extras; excellent In full guaran- Bulck roadater aa mechanical condition; $383; terms can he ar- ventilating windshield: rebuilt: BONDED The cars offered below are in Corner 14th and W N.W. give full partlculara. Addreaa Box 297-V, 46 C ST. N.W.—For light housekeeping: teed; cash, $75; monthly, S2O; price, $275 Fords, Dodges, • bedroom, iaaged. aim Pa. are, a.e. I.lncoln 3018. rtma, used Tars. and Wintons. Htar ofllce. dining room and hall for cooking; FORD SEDAN, 1021; starter, dem. 5 USED CAR. excellent condition. Our guar- ATTRACTIVE hath and water; new'y (iiipered: price FORD condition, new In Oc- RATES. WILL PAY for res sedan, perfect first-class tires, new battery: fine, clean car antee a raah Ford touring car. Box aonable. - 04* tober, 1021; speedometer, dome light, door Inside and out; positively guaranteed: ready CHEVROLET is the greatest is contained in booklet of SAUNDERS SYSTEM 56. Heat I‘leaaant. Md. •_ lock and other equipment totaling S7O; price. drive away; $100; monthly, $26: The bond pro- |»0« 14th BT. N.W.. APT. I—To two men. to cash. touring car, service coupons, which will Operating in 81 cities. EXPERIENCED LADY CHAUFFEUR willrent large front room; 8400. Phone Cleveland 164H. price. $425. 1922 tection to buyers of used cars FOB BUSINESS—FOR PLEASURE. Wtllya-Knight wilio part time; reasonable twin bed*; convenient to* delivery body; good 5 Amt-class cord tires, | re- weekly rates. unlimited inet intaneous hot water: no FORD, 1018 roadster: FORD COUPE. 1021: 1921 touring car. eliminate expense of minor RENT A NEW FORD. Lincoln 0502. other roomer*. Eye * wheel, parking light, Any car bonded order: $75. 622 at. n.e. large lock steering other ever invented. DRIVE IT YOURSELF. WANTED—4 OR fl CYLINDER 1922 BlflCK. * extras; cash, $100; monthly, $25; price. $375: pairs for quite a period of time. Four-Door Sedans, Coupes, Tourings. FORD 18 model; $25. 212 B n.w, you under Roadsters. 1 CAN HELL YOUR CAR PROVIDING YOU 1330 COLUMBIA ROAD—Handsomely furnish chaaals. fully guaranteed. Open Sunday. No finance FORD by us will perform for WANT TO ed one or two room, private condition; bargain for n.w, Pay by BUY A NEW BITICK. PHONE bedrooms, living FORD coupe; excellent charges. 8. J. Monk, 33 H at. Frank. the Mile. RTOCKTON hath; water; exceptionally Col, * all conditions and is as perfect ALL Minimum Miles or Boors. GADDEHH, FRANKLIN 614, AT instantaneous hot quick sale. Apt. 300. 1401 rd. 764. 1921 coupe. LATeTmODELS No Guarantee of 6:30 P.M. NO CHARGE FOR HELLING, cool: low ratea; transients, permanent. FORD tourings, two, 1021; run and look like sale, 1921; cheap. a Deposit. ONE-TON TRUCK for sedan. as used car can be. Only $lO HUIOK, »lx-cjlimJ«T roadster; state condl* 8059 QUE ST. X.W.—2 or 3 Urge, cool rooms, new. One F. Chevrolet touring. Chevrolet 1921 price. A. • 1837 Yt. ave. n.w. 4-cyl., 6-cyl. and 8-cyl It la possible to have the urn of a car for aa and Address Box 259-V, Star nicely furnished for 1.h.k.; electricity, shower roadster. 1021: bargains. 427 K at. n.w. car. Maxwell 4-pax*, coup*. day at than 1922 touring 1822 Open •¦tire a met of leas 50c. office. 24* bath, (torches. garage if desired, in private looks like new; 1823 Maxwell touring. and Closed Models. SAUNDERS SYSTEM WASHINGTON CO.. detached • FORD touring, 11*21: runs and MUICK COUPE, 1020 or ifcylinder; home: reasonable. must sell, need cash; ask for Mr. Ricketts' 1822 Oakland 6-44 aport. 192l! Dodge coupe; new paint; five touring, Initial Payment as Low as 1206 D St. N.W. Franklin 6324. alate partlculara. Addreaa Box 156-V, Htar 933 H ST.—Single and rooms; clean, car. 427 K at. n.w. *_ 1931 Chalmers SSO. office. double USED CAR 1821 Dodge coupe. 24* nicely furnished; all outside; bath on each FORD, 1022 touring; newly painted: new top; wire wheels; excellent condition. riELL AUTOMOBILES lax floor; couples and 3526. 1221 1823 Ford coupe. Terms to reliable people. ACCESSORIES, AUCTION KVKBX gentlemen preferred. Call bargain, 3230; terms. Adams DEPARTMENT 1832 Chalmer* touring AUTO REPAIRS. §aturday,«l2 noon. A quick and satisfactory u to 8 p.m. 24* Qallatln. touring, recent No charge. lla*«d MY SUCCESS IS NOT IN LUCK: IT IS BE- aala. bo Cara be- MD,—Room nne car at a Not Bonded, but Exceptional fore Thuraday advertised free. "WEBOH- CHEVY CHASE. with running FRANKLIN TOURING. 1919: a listed below are in model; very good condition ; low STEPHENS. cause I know mv work; radiator* repaired water, access to bath; low figure. Franklin Motor Car Co.. 1814 B The cars equal new; cores installed, any car. NEW- UR. 920 Pa. are. o.w. Phone Main HU also communicatinc Values. to rooms with private shower hath; breakfast if at. Main 7045. first-class mechanical condition prices. 1127 14th ST. N.W. MAN. 1740 L at. DODGEB and Forda; any year; any model; 1817 Maxwell, $l5O. will pay top price. desired. Cleveland 1091-J. HAYNES, 1921 7-passenger touring; driven 1810 TIRES, four excellent, two Royal cord; new , In for and priced right for quick sale. Overland. $126 OPEN EVENINGS AND 8535 14th N.W.—Large, bright room, lt.ooo miles: the biggest bargain town Terms 1830 Ford aedan, $230. I’rexto-Ilte 13-plale battery. Phone Main | A. STABLER, second $750; 2894-W. to Suit You. J. floor, next hath; electric light; plenty hot must be sold at once. Col. It willbe to your advantage to 1818 Ford coupe, $223 SUNDAY. 3945 between 3 and B week days. 23* of new 8., $l6O. water; terms reasonable; gentlemen only. HOLMES TOURING, perfect condition: over. at 1931 Chevrolet F. CRT UH HELL TOUR CAR. of any atandard Phone Columbia 1251-J. * paint; latest model: coat $3,000; must sell; look them 14th T. Potomac 135. 1818 Reo touring, SIOO. SIS—SPECIAL—SIS. make; we will put It condition, $l5O. In Bmt-claaa 3019 X ST.—ln attractive, cool house, desira <650. Callan. rear 2000 M n.w. 26* 1817 Bteam*. BARGAINS Feed motor*, general overhauled. sls. finance all term deals and And you a location; 1922 BUICK 6-CYL. ROADSTER. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY FOR 1930 Old* eight, S4OO, General repairing all cars. customer. ble Urge front double room; also HUDSON COACH, latest model, mileage 7,- on If no sale la made there will he no charge. smaller elec., 000; Essex or 1920 AUBURN TOURING. YOUR Live and dead storage. double room: bath adjoining; condition perfect; consider CONVENIENCE. Without words to describe them. & gas. phone summer rates. Hudson speedster part payment: private 1921 HAYNES TOURINO. Oar a washed and polished. 11.50. A. Stabler Son, 8497: H. B. LEARY, Jr„ ' at. J. AVE., owner. Address Box 188-V, Star office. 1920 nUICK ROADSTER These cars represent the highest Phone F. 7797. Shop rear 2112 14lh n.w. 1* _ 425 K Bt. X.W. 87* 3932 N. H. PETWOKTII—VeryUgIir . 1921 CHANDLER DISPATCH. BUICK TOURING housekeeping: cool, attractive room, off bath, HUDSON 6-40 for sale cheap. 3013 20th at. COUPE. and in excellent condidtion; very Maxwell and Chalmers use phone, electric Iron grill: *25. 28* 1920 OLDS Overhauled value for your money. See them washer. and n.e. 1019 BUICK TOURING, WINTER TOP. good tires; ready to rua; $300; SIOO caah, bal- Distributor. Business goes— FOB BENT—GARAGES. Col. 9739. HUDSON RPEEUSTF.R, run only 17.000 miles; 1920 BUICK TOURING. WINTER TOP. ance monthly, which Includes fire and theft la before you buy. brick garage on wide paved alley! 4130 ST. X.W.—Two connect- $750; been Where is invited sth desirable running on second set of tires: 1921 DODGE TOURINO. General Finance Co. 1321 14th ST. N.W. it sl3 per month. Adams 3352. 2838 28th st. ing rooms for two or three; gentlemen pre- used only by present owner. Frank E. Alte- 1020 DODGE, WINTER TOP. ferred; phone; «t. MORGAN, FORD~SEDAN, stays— REAR 1440 GIRARD separate beds; a.m.1.; excel- mus. 2744 14th 1020 FORD LIMOUSINE. SEE MR. North 4296. And HT.. PRIVATE BRICK • November; 1722-24 L St. N.W. garage: space for 1 car; $lO month. N. L. lent location. HUPMOItILK touring; new last 1019 DODGE TOURING. I a.m. to run only 11,000 miles, pleased miles; tine; looks Open p.m, late 1921, Where it is well HANHBURY CO., 1418 Eye n.w. Phones Main 1484 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.—One or two nicely driven only 6.70*1 tires like 1921 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 9 9 5903 4. furnished. communicating rooms, mechanically perfect: must sacrifice for HUDSON LIMOUSINE. AUTO SALES CO., sleeping new; 1707-i)0 $350. porch; running xvater; adjoining bath; a.m.l ; 3740-J. 14th ST. FORD DELIVERY. $06.00: motor run* fine'.’ HERRIMAN LARGE, PRIVATE BRUT?! • sl*2s. I.lncoln _____ reasonable. Studebaker roadater. $125; four new tire*; Built-in, two exits, well lighted, new. m PMORILE roadster, late 1921: appearance Evenings Sundays. We Offer Real Values in fine; DODGE~TOURING, extras; Open and looks and run* a bargain. Your Tire Man. 1410 Spring road. 26* RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W.—Can aecommo'- and condition excellent; many attrac- I'ord touring. $170; aelf-atarter; motor excel- ilnte couple with large pleasant front room tive Adams GARAGE price; cash only. 2342. GOOD USED CARS. lent; good tlrea; any demonstration. 1920 model (’l9 motor), a low 1524 L St. HPACE FOR ONE~CTU and housekeeping privileges in refined private STANLEyTT 1629 St, • HC PMORILE touring, 11*20; original paint HORNER. -Very Haynea touring, $195; 7-pas*.; in excellent R X.W. home: close in: rent. S3O per month. X. 975. At Liberal Terms. price to a quick buyer, around the from Potomac 1144. 25* must line. corner “ good: condition la perfect; HUDSON 1920 condition; motor and tlrea Just 830 7th N.E.—One Urge mom, nicely fur- mechanical io 14th Street. Main COUPES touring, economical car; ST. tie seen to be appreciated; $575; terma. 15 5296. HUDSON SEDAN 1917 Dodge $183; an in $375. “A. A. A.” quarters. 1537 Bth ST. X.W. nished; one single room; hath on same floor: North 1209. HUDSON good condition: good tlrea. Space In metal garage. gentlemen private USED CARS LIMOUSINE 1921 model; preferred: home. Line. HI PMORILE sedan. 1922; driven about 7.000 WILLYB-KNIOHT SEDAN. 1921 Ford aedan. $245: late S good tlrea; *B.OO. 25* 357-J. •Up coyer*; run* One. Chalmers CARS; miles. This car has had wonderful care, the SOLD BY US CARRY OUR BUICK TOURINGS 1918-1910 sedan—looks like GENERAL ELECTRIC SPACE FOR SEVERAL ALSO TWO 1476 CLIFTON HT.—Coolest and highest point new; CHANDLER TOUHINGB 1921 Dodge touring. $245; motor jnat overhauled; large rooms above; suitable for work or re- upholstery looks like tires and paint ? B good tlrea; general appearance good. new $550 in city; Urge sleeping porch and sitting room are perfect; good reason for selling; can ar- GUARANTEE—WHY NASH TOURINO 193! RECTIFIER. pair shop. Rear 223 F at. o.w. Call evenings, adjoining hath, second Boor; month: elec- Recall*, we are equipped with battery, RTITTZ TOURING 1918 Ford aedan, $295: completely overhauled; ( Slightly used. Suitable 5 to 0, at rear. • *3O range terms. Col. 8613. good cord tires; an boy. 42-A Oldsmobile—late for charging electric tricity. Phone Adams 2580. Also third floor repair departments. We re- LIBERTY TOWN CAR 1919 excellent vehicle* and • at paint, body and Dodge delivery. trucks or for battery service sta- NEAR mill AND MONROE— SINGLE;’ $7.50 overlooking city. JORDON, new. blue boy. driven 600 miles all oar* taken in trade. CHALMERS ROADSTER.... 1920 $323; panel body; motor and tion charging demonatrator, guarantee. leas condition and repaint tlrea excellent; very paint. model 550 work. Conn. ave. at Ordway; cement; $lO. Apply NORTH small, neatly furnished, new car S2OO Any car not proving satisfactory may he re- BTUTZ ROADSTER 1919 good U. T. 1610 Monroe n.w. WEST—A 2nd than selling price. Will take trade In. Mr. FORD 1923 TERbIS TO BUTT. six, WATTS. Adams 3325. story room, near bath, private family: gen turned within three days. Our service In- ROADSTER Winton excellent 450 Vernon 3489. 403 St. Paul place. tleman; Klein. 1063 Wisconsin are. upon delivery of car. gas, oil. driving MITCHELL ROADSTER.... 1922 WE BUY. BBIX AND EXCHANGE. 734 MORTON ST.: ONE CAR *7.50 *lO, Address T. J., Office N. G. F., cludes Light six Baltimore, Md. ith and Upshur eta., 8.00 • KISSEL SEDAN; five tires and extra wheel; lessons and securing of tags and permit. TOURING 1910 Studebaker 600 brick Navy Yard. Star office. * Most liberal In the city. CADILLAC ROADSTER 1010 MR. SLATTERY. 1402 8 at.: one car 8.00 17th AND K—Large, room, 3275 cash. Address Rox 7-H. terms 088 G BT. N.W. Westcott touring, 7-pass., ! ! 1768 Columbia road ; one car 12.00 cool front aecond 1923 Star Tonring Franklin 6888. ! ! FOUND !,! floor: handsomely furnished In mahogany; twin LEXINGTON SPORT. 1922: painted a deep Touring And Many More. ’ SHANNON A LUCHS. blue, maroon edging; 1922 Dodge See 1920 450 beds; electricity; semi-private bath; summer with black fendera and Phones: North 858—North 6868. 24* These Before You Buy. AT 718 14tb et. Main 2345. * Including 1921 Chevrolet Touring LAST rates: men or married couple. Fr. 7688. has S4OO worth of extra equipment. Stilts Buick, A place to have your wheels and tires *4 new), wind de- 1920 Touring Real Values—Liberal Terms. 1921, 7-pass., fine automobile initialed GARAGE. DOUBLE. APT. 154. THE PORTNEB. 15th and U 6 wire Tonring or monogram met! while you watt. Hlgh-clasa rent, private. flectors. two bumpers, windshield wiper, mo- 1923 Ford motor For Desirable single room: hot and cold water in on back. This CERTIFIED 650 work done in a few minutes. Bring vour 69 K at n.w. 26* elevator; to tometar. cut-out and trunk .DURANTS car In front of the MARYLAND LICENSE room; electricity, gentleman. X. ear looks and runs like new. If you like Guarantee 1920 Haynes 7-pass. tour. Cadillac coupe, it runs 100 FOR RENT. 2223 LAWRENCE HT. N.E.- 1421. • looks, see this. Carry New-Car GOLD SEAL CARS BUREAU, New Jersey are. tod C st. n.w. power and speed snd good tour. Honrs; * Large, double garage, auitable for work- 3727 NORTHAMPTON 2 Durant Tourings 1921 Haynes 7-pass. 1921, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. • HT.. Chevy Chase. D Excellent condition in every bumper, * OF WASHINGTON, INC., ST. N.W. MODEL GARAGES. 921 15th n.w. 28* • OVERLAND SEDAN, demonstrator; like new, motometer and parking lamp, cord tires: take new top. Price, $1,200. PHONE N. 7522-N. 9329. N>w; wide alley. Adam* 3495. 3620 PARK PLACE N.W. (corner Otis, facing with new car guarantee. See this car before smaller car In part payment; terms. Seaton MARMON 7-paes. sedan, rebuilt; new paint; 1111 14th ST. N.W. Frank. 5174. Soldiers' Home Park) —Two front rooms, next you buy and save money. See Mr. Wheeler, st. s2,4**o. , METAL ‘ FOR CAR. to bath, Garage. 45 Seaton n.e. touring, GARAGES. SPACE 1.h.k.. S3O. 1821 14th st. n.w. MARMON T-pa*a. rebuilt; new ONLY THE BEST. VAX NESS. (gg_F n.w. * paint; latest model; $2,100. YOU NEVER BOUGHT the of THE PORTNEh—WeII furnished, comfortable.. OVERTjA.VD TOURING, demonstrator; like CHEVROLET SEDANETTE Look over stock the room, two; New car, sell for $935; will accept salable MARMON 5-paaa. touring, rebuilt; new As Low as $5 Cash, clean one or reasonable terms. Ap- new. The price and terms ate right. See Mr. SUCH LOW-PRICED MILES largest dealers ply Apt. 334. at. used car fn part payment; terma. Seaton paint: $1,050. used car in BENT BOOMS—FUBNISHED. Wheeler. 1821 14th n.w. Garage. at. MARMON 4-past., 1922 touring; rebuilt, $7.50 Per Mo. Apt. TOURING, 45 Seaton n.e. Washington and see for yourself Phone 921 sth BT. N.W.—Two nice rooms, second 1315 CLIFTON. 22—Nicely furnished. 4- OVERLAND model 90; $76 cash repainted. Any of the splendid used cars M. 7984. Evenings Adams 3640-J. room apt., bath: first floor; electricity; outside $15.50 per See Mr. Grady. 2415 14th STUDEBAKER Sedan, floor, front and hack, next to hath; heat, light and mix SPECIAL CADILLAC model 57; fine condition; the high quality of our stock. Washington Garage to ladies; rooms. c st. n.w. $1,500. our today a Cons’t Co., and use of telephone; couple or no repainted: in stock will deliver children; desired; reasonable; U4H GIRARD Sf! X.W.—Nicely furnished, SIX WEBTCOTT 4-pata. roadster, fine condition; 701 Continental Trust Bldg. l.h.k. If very OVERLAND TOURING, a bargain; ‘5106.80 Late 1922 flre-pass.: disc wheels, big measure transportation. 1822 HUPMOBILE TOURING. private family. Inspection or telephone Frank- one room, kitchenette, dining room, hath. Api.- hnmper. of • $16.1*1 st. repainted; SSOO. * cash and per mo. 1821 14th n.w. automatic windshield wiper stop light, 1922 STEARNS-KNIGHT ROADSTER. GARAGE REPAIR SHOP—TWO- lln 2006-J. 46. Phone Col 6043 Garage. good eord TOURING. OVERLAND ~SEDAN: condition: $156 tires; perfect in every detail; practically a The price on the best one in the 1822 BUIUK atory brick building, in rear of busi- 212 titb HT. B.E.—Bedroom, kitchenette: eacii cash and $23.52 per mo. Overland-Wheeler new car;’ will accept smaller car in pay. MARMOWAGENCY 1822 DURANT TOURING. ness street, on 3<>-ft. alley; a bar- 1324 SHEPHERD ST. N.W.—Beautiful large water and electricity. Call Sun- * part set with running 2415 14th st. n.w. merit; terms. lot is so low that the mileage in 1821 BUICK TOURING. gain front room ; neatly furnished with complete Co.. j Seaton Garage. 45 Seaton at 33.000; term*. For further furniture, bath, with day. Lincoln 5483-W. cash at. n.e. M ST. N.W. 1821 NASH TOURING. particulars and inspection, see Mr. bedroom adjoining show- OVERLAND CHUMMY ROADSTER. $46 j 1909 itfigures down to street car fare. er nttachment; all modern Inprovements: new 1331 BELMONT. APT. 34.—Large room, ¦ml sl3 per mo. 241!* 14th *t. n.w. 1821 BUICK ROADSTER. W 8. RYON, with PHONE MAIN 1921 STUDEBAKER COUPE private home: unlimited telephone; rcason- (Kirch, *80; use of kitchen. Call Monday lie PAKiK TOf'KING. goo«l condition: new tire**: FORD TOURING CAR. 7767-7768. able. Adams 2720. fore 1C 3 months old: first-class leaving 1921 STUDEBAKER TOURING. N. E. RYON CO.. INC., Hear 1710 N at. n.w. Frank. 1020. condition; Come in and See for Yourself. . airy room; city, must sell at once. Can he seen evenlnga BARRY-PATE MOTOR CO. 1921 TEMPLAR SPORT Main 4597. 1423 F at. 815 A ST. N.E.—Employed couple; no chil- 220 C ST! X.W.—Large, new Is 24* 1921 PREMIER TOURING. decorated; next bathroom; large closets; nice from 6:30 to 8 PIONEER DEAI.ERS IN dren; have for • jroort or all day Sunday. Call Lin- furnished room: suitable neighborhood: adults. 1 IF/IU’K ARROW. 3ft: 5-paas.: tire*. I roln 7323. WASHINGTON FOR THE CO., 1921 AUBURN SEDAN. couple; cool and clean; If prefer housekeeping 1.h.k.: condition: also ISuick. 1922: light TRE\v"MOTOR 1820 FRANKLIN 4-PABB. QUIXET GARAGES. •rood ninnin* i ALL-STEEL FRAME—NO WOOD USED. will share use of dining room and kitchen: LUCERNE, 1539 EYE ST. X.W., Apt. 7- chassis; terms; JORDAN 7-F4BS. TOURING. » si.\ will soil cheap; cash or ' ANOTHER CHEVROLET 14th ST. N.W. 1829 will accommodate settled ladles. Extra large, cool room, uext bath; reasonable; s WONDERFUL 1509 THE MOST DURABLE AND FINEST * most roll. 1230 11th at. s.e. 24 1 2525 SHERMAN AVE. 1820 DODGE ROADSTER. elevator. BUICK TOURING. LOOKING GARAGE ON THE MARKET. LET ItKO TUCKING—New top. paint and live good BUY. COL. ITO6. MAIN4173- 1920 US SHOW DOUBLES, SINGLE-and double, large, airy and cool 1. AVE. N.W. Two large • YOU ONE. SINGLES. 1634 RHODE fire*: nearly new. Call Col. 21H3. 1919 CADILLAC ROADSTER. rooms; showers, gas and all improvements; distance; Chevrolet., 1819 CADILLAC COUPE. FLAT OR GABLE HOOF. CASH OR TIME rooms, elec, light, piano; walking ROADSTER, Callan, M 1923 DODGE BUSINESS 400 SSO Up PAYMENTS. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. piano. Vlctrola, home privileges; hoard option- suitable three girls or couple. ItEO slo*l rear 20**1* F. B. touring ( Open Evenings. 1818 PACKARD TWIN-SIX TOURING. young n.w. 25* MAN’S 1022 Chevrolet. $650 C. N. BUCKLAND, ACT. al; reasonable to people only. 1627 COUPE. 1910 Chandler 7-pttt .....$l6O 1818 FRANKLIN TOURING. Maas. 1852 BILTMORE BT.—Rooms, with or with- FRANKLIN 4825. D MASS. AVE. N.W. ave. n.w. persons REPUBLIC and Ford-Kelly tmeka. with large A-l 1014 7-paas. Cadillac S2OO 1918 CADILLAC TOURING. out board; suitable for two each; eon CONDITION. - AFTER 6 NORTH 8183-J. jyl6« bodies: very low prices: formerly used In 1021 Ford Sedan $330 | NOTICE. P.M.. } 929 N. Y. AVE. N.W.—2 Urge rooms with tlr.uous hot water. Col. 10300. delivering furniture; may be seen in rear $250 ; porch, next to hath; elegantly furnished; rooms, private bath, RUN ONLY 900 MILES. 1021 Ford Dayton 1 Sacrifice on Used Cars. AND MANY OTHERS. new; 1740 YARNCM ST.—Two of store. Peter Grogan & Sons Co., 817-823 PEERLESS GARAGES ; everything suitable for 2 persons, either or one large room adjoining bath, in new. 7th st. n.w. NEUMEYER MOTOR CO., Are All That the Name Implies. ! ladles or gents; electric lights and phone. modern home. Col. 2292. 24* These can have been left with na by ! Price reasonable. 24* 3-pass, sport; looks like OTHER FORDS, SSO UP. their OPEN EVENINGS AND Distinctive Design—Stanch Construction. SCRIPPS-ROOTH. 1823 14th ST. N.W. •wnen for quick aale at attractive prlcea. Right, 149 A ST. N.E.. Apt. 32. near Capitol—Small, new; $190; 1314 Randolph n.w. Priced With Convenient Terma. j room; terms. st. Special Discount and Terms SUNDAYS. No Interest on Monthly Payments. 2095 COLUMBIA RD.—High-class, pleasant, front attractively furnished; private Col. 0247. PHONE N. 7522-N. 9329. 1922 Hudson speedster. jreal congenial home; room with or without family. 24* During Sale, TOUR CONVENIENCE. ¦private hath and phone; one with 1.h.k.: all SIGNAL, 2-ton truck; good shape, S3OO. Zir- Rebuilding 1922 Essex touring. PEERLESS GARAGE CO.. 1212 EYE ST. X.W.—Furnished rooms, single klc's Transfer 1211 Pa. Main BARRY-PATE MOTOR CO. 1922 Essex coach. 302 Cltlaena' Bank Bldg. Main 893. J conveniences; maid service: breakfast If de- Co.. ave. n.w. Open Evenings Sundays. USED CAR SALE. ; aired; rates. and double; northern and southern exposure. 3473. 24* PIONEER DEALERS IN and 1921 Hudson 7-pass, touring. SPECIAL summer Phone North 7820. 24* WASHINGTON FOR STAR SEDAN, few weeks old; bargain. Ad- HUPMOBILES 1921 Auburn 6-paaa. touring. CHANDLER, touring. 7-paaa., 1919; $550; GARAGES. I MOUNT PLEASANT—HomeIike room on sec- 16 3rd ST. X.E., near Congressional Library—, ilrcsw Ro.v 108-V. Star office. 24* 1821 Nath 6-paaa. touring. terms, cash, $3.7 mo. | ond floor, semi-detached house; Urge closet, Room. 3rd floor, 1.h.k., weekly. call CHEVROLET. WE HAVE SEVERAL OF THESE STURDY 1922 Oakland aport touring $220 *4 STERN, 1920 model; owner leaving city. H. AVE. CARS IN Chandler touring. 7-pasa.; $273; terms, SIOO SPECIAL OFFER. jelectricity, phone; block from car and bus ' after 5. 27* 2535 SHERMAN 1821 Haynea 7-paas. touring. mo. . lines; private family; auitable one or two. Hairston. 706 L st. n.w. 25* COL. 1706. cash. $17.50 $121.00 I share apartment apart-- A. Tourings 1921 Dodge coupe. $330; term*. $l4O cash, s2l and Up, Delivered to Lot jDon't miss this. Phone Adams 3306. GENTLEMAN to in STUDEBAKER SPECIAL, first-class condl- Bulck roadster. Chandler aadai.. —in Washington or nearby suburb. Comes iu ¦ ment house near Pension office, *2O month. 490 Chevrolet*. 1920 mo. FRANKLIN. APT. 50. 1913 14th st. n.w.— tion. 31*20 13th n.w Col. 9943-J. 24* SSO Up. Roadsters 1918 Bulck touring. touring, $330; sections; bolts together. Erect It yourself. A room; Call Franklin 7227-J. after 6. 27* $650 Maxwell 1921; terms, $l4O Clieerful and airy front one or two gen- RTUDEBAKEU touring, light fenr; cash, 1922 Chevrolet. F. B. touring 1020 Chevrolet model F-B. cash, mo. Saturday afternoon pastime. We'll arrange 912 19th ST. N.W.—Two large rooms and SSO sedan, s2l you perma- tlemen; close to hath; unlimited telephone; monthly.. 1426 11th n.w. • 1919 Chandler 7-pass $l5O Sedans 1921 Tulsa touring. touring. 1820; $375; terms, for erection If wish. Guaranteed kitchenette, month; single rooms, snd balance 5-pass $350 Reo S2BO cash, ]x6-tnch . electricity; very reasonable: references ex- *45 *lB 1922 Dort touring, nent and substantial. Made of clear located. *2O electricity. 27* 1918 model,, in good condition, with 1918 Rulck 6 Roadster Coupes $34.60 mo. drop aiding. changed : centrally month: STT'TZ.. i $75 Veil* touring, 1919; $330; terms, $l4O cash, Roof guaranteed 14 years. . ST.—Lovely 2 extra wire wheels and 4 extra tires, or will 1914 7-pass. Cadillac $390 OPEN MODELS FROM $575 TO $1,060. Lambcrt-Hudson Motor Co., Painted one coat. All hardware included; LARGE FRONT ROOM In private home for 1850 BILTMORE room. with. exchange for Dodge, Ford or Chevrolet coupe. 1921 Ford Redan s2l mo. two bath; electricity; (torch. In beautiful home; twin beds; large * SBSO CLOSED MODELS FROM $875 TO $1,250. touring; exceptional condition; twenty other design* and sizes. Wood or ¦ gentlemen; shower con- Address Rox 22-V. Star office. Ford Dayton Chandler water; bay-window overlooking closet: quiet, cool: all conveniences. 24* 1921 $250 TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. 633 Mass. Ave. Fr. 7700. $350; terms, $l4O cash. s2l month. steel. tinuous hot TEMPLAR UOADSTEK. none better! oppor- & park; short block from Mt. Pleasant cars; ; 1620 Q ST. N.W.—Beautifully furnished room tunity if sold Immediately. Apt. 4, 2301 Sterrett Fleming, Inc., Cash or Easy Payments. references. Adams 8905-J. • on second floor, next to bath; every conven- »o'5;80 M., Including ience; with board. Conn, are, n.w. 24* OTHER FORDS, SSO UP. EVERY CAR"GUARANTEED WARRINGTON MOTOR Open 8:00 A. M. P. 1810 23rd ST. N.W. —One Ivory furnished room or w'thout 24* Saturday. Call, write or phone for FREE 1 VBLIE TOURING, late model; looks and runt Special Discount and Terms as represented by a pioneer Arm CAR CO., with or without use of kitchenette and tele- 1608 COLUMBIA ROAD—CooI, cheerful room, mo. Sale of Repossessed Ford Cars. with an enviable reputation. book of Simplex Sectional Garages and Sum- ' phone: entertaining privileges; very reasona- electricity; instantaneous hot water; private like new: $206.80 cash and $31.03 per • 1800 14th st. n.w. N. 9860. mer Cottages, No. 196A. Phone Main 9637. * Co., 3415 14th n.w. During Rebuilding Sale. We have tourings, sedans, roadatera, light ble; girls preferred. Call West 212SMV be- home: gentleman. Overland-Wheeler passenger can; Come and see lit. p.m. * 6 touring; Continental motor, good deliveries and some trucks on display from 9 > Four or five touring fore 6 BHACK—Water. electricity, sewer, VELIE : Open Evenings and Sundays. a.m. to p.m. at 1258 ave. day 1817 Dodge roadster 4-cyl. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! FULL SIZE GARAGE ON DISPLAY. In rear; tires; always driven hy original owner: any 6 Wise. All See Beat Sliding Door—None Like It. 1016 17th ST. N.W.—Light housekeeping Urge screens suburban dwelling; close dawn- demonstration: have your mechanic examine Sunday. 1917 Bulck 8-cyl. 1928; 8 months. front sitting-bedroom ; handsomely furnished in -1 town. Addresa Box 94-V. Star office. 14* 1918 Ford 4-cyl. Coupe. used less car. will tell you is a & Sedan, $325 mahogany; electricity; use of phone; large DUPONT CIRCLE —One single room. 1 thia he it bargain at ' OUR CARS ARE CHEAPER, EDSON CO., 1818 Cadillac ~.Brcyl. good condition kitchen, gas 1 NEAR $200; cash, balance on terms. delivery, several op SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., i with range: *3O and *35; sult- room, kitchenette; excellent location; rent rea- half Cleve. Main 6217. Light SSO • 1287. 1020 Crow Elkhart 4-cyl. Trucks, choice of three. ahle for two girls. Franklin 7588. gonable. Address Box 128-Y. Htar office. 24* ' 1821 Tulsa 4-cyl. Washington MOUBR’I HKRSON'6 Automobile Bxcuanga. Because we have no allowance REAL BARGAINS. 1349 L—Centrally located! in private apart- 1804 LAMOXT (Mt. Pleasant!—Cool, close to Dead or alive can. bought, told and can: 704 Tenth Street N.W. ment : two single and one double room; near park: transportation and' all conveniences: as- Dodge touring,'l92l; extras; Royal eord Seven-passenger touring • to on cars, SIOO Low Cash Payment. * ’ together: changed. Ist and D ata. n.w. 980. forfeit new therefore | hath: single or a.m.1.: reasonable. large front room; private family. Col. 7994. Line. tires: $575. 1920 Btetrns-Knlgbt ...... «-cyl. OARAGES. to to J2rcy METAL Call Sunday from 8 12, 6 9. See Mrs. rooms, SEDAN BODIES, two. for tale or trade. A. sell cheaper. can Dodge touring, $350. . . I 1918 Packard twin (2)..... 1. .. Low Monthly Payment. BUILT TO ENDURE. 1006 MAHS AVE N.E.—2 l.h.k. adjoin-! we can Terms - Gordon. J. Stabler. 425 K st. n.w. 27* Oakland touring, light nix, $175. 1920 Apperson 8-cyl. CASH OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Ing hath; suitable for couple: near Lincoln be arranged Ford 1922, ...8-cyl. ! 1705 IRVING ST. N.W.—Room with closed-ln Park: private family. fl-ryllnder. exceptionally rea- touring, SBOO. Term*. 1920 R. A V. Knight ASK ABOUT "NO INTEREST.” no children: 24* SEDAN In A1 condition: ideal ear MANHATTAN 1706 7th n.w. 28* 8-cyl. STEUARf’S GARAGE. sleeping porch, twin beds, all outside windows, for harking purposes; tires, battery and other GARAGE. 1921 Westcott - Ll». cheerful; 1769 COLUMBIA ROAD, Apt. 33—Nicely fur sonable. Select any of the fol- 1822 Weatcott ,6-cyl. 141 12th N.E. 0200. DURABLE GARAGE CO.. bright and continuous hot-water; accessories nearly new; price right to quick 1413 O ST. N.W. MAIM 1548. half block Mt. Pleasant cars. Phone Col. nished room for one or two gentlemen; twin buyer. A. B. C. Truck Co. 627 K at. n.w. lowing, let 1922 Btudebaker Big Six. beds: next hath: use of library. 25* us demonstrate it to ORME, 1918 Marmon 6-cyl. 7647. EMERSON~& FOR HIHfc—AmOMOBILEB. IRVING HT. —Two rooms, second TON TRUCK, cheap. Call after 10 o'clock you. 1918 Cadillac 8-cyl. STANDARD GARAGES. 1483 NEWTON N.W., Apt. 85—Clean, cool, 1233 N.W. Sunday. 1429 Perry pi. n.w. . * CADILLAC 7-pas*, touring for hire, owner- All types of construction. floor; 1.h.k., electricity; also single room. Col. 1620 M St. N.W. 1919 Cadillac 8-cyl. , bright, well furnished room Id modern apart- driver; by hour or trip; go anywhere: will next to , 24" TOP for 1921-22 Rulck roadster. Mr. Lipphard. Ford touring, Simplex body, new .$825 ! 1920 Cadillac ... ~8-cyl. & WEEDON, ment; bath: electricity, continuous 6467-W. chassis. Buick Dealers. party to Atlantic City over the 4th of water; roomers: gentle- Main 5296. 1921 Ford sedan, fine shape SB3O | take JEWELL ano Builders. hot no other Udy or 614 EABT CAPITOL ST.—L.h.k. apartment, passenger July; three-day trip; July 3. 4, S. Phone Contractor* >2O monthly. furnished, quiet home; touring, * 1920 Chandler sedan S7OO Four or live closed can: 11l St. B.E. Lincoln 1174. i man. Col. 6868-J: •_ nlcelv in two baths. YVILI-S STE. CLAIRE 1922; one of 1920 ! 1919 Bntck Coupe 8-cyl. Col. 8289. 30* B CHASE, rooms, Line. 6560. • 26* the fastest, smoothest running ran on the , j Chandler touring SSOO : WE OFFER "REAL VALUES I CHEVY MD.—Two furnished I 1922 Overland sedan demon*, mew car { 1922 Bnick Coupe 8-cyl. AERO TAXI CO.—Private appearing cam, | for housekeeping, In cool, delightful suburb; CHEVY CHASE—Large, airy room, twin beds, road. The condition of this car la like new guarantee) 1919 Peerless Coupe 8-cyl. chauffeur*; aigbtaeeieg and trips apt- month, corcumstancea $675 I 1 IN GOOD USED CARS white WANTED—GARAGES. (prefer couple without children: *37.50 suitable for two ladles, gentlemen or married In every particular; unfortunate ' 1922 Overland demons, (new Bg. elec, me to dispose of this beautiful car at a touring car I 1920 Hudson Coupe 8-cyl. elal. Une. 0 I Including gas, and phone. Cleveland I couple: garage space. Cleve. 497. 24* force | guarantee) AT VERY LIBERAL TERMS Victoria 8-cyl GARAGE NEAR FORD’S, AND sacrifice; $1,600; terms esn be srnnged s4sl* i I 1918 Cadillac GETTYSBURG; Harper* Ferry and other WANTED. 414 j 2069-W. •_ 1917 X HT.—Best furnished room, running 1921 Dodge sedan (overhauled) 1820 Cadillac Victoria 8-cyl. rates. Pa. ave.. nr space for alx cars. J. LEO through hank. Col. 8324. 1 S3OO nolata of Interest; parties; reasonable j HANDSOMELY furnished room; second floor; hot and cold water in room; semi-private hath. Wlllys six 7-pass.; 4 new cord tires. .S3OO 1921 Cadillac Victoria ...... 8-cyl. Col. 95W-J. 24* KOLB. 923 N. Y. Ave. Main 5027. ; every convenhnee; best location; strictly prl- , FIFTEEN cheap cars, ranging from SSO to > 1922 Chevrolet touring j Buick, 6-cyl. 4-pass, coupe. i 24* $275 1 1921 PER | vatc family: exclusive; If yon will phone me $150: pay you I. K 1921 Chevrolet touring REDUCED BATES—S 2.23 HOUR—NEW ' 1211 N.W.- Two rooms and or - % as ride. A. Stabler, 423 $223 ! Buick, roadster, Seven-passenger closed can: sedan, i T will give you full particulars. Phone Adams EUCLID BT. n.w. 24* Olds 6 touring ...K ...S3BO 1921 $750. Limousine 8-cyV Dodge carefully driven by owner; sight- ~roiT SALE—MOTOR CYCLES. vate bath; large closets: electric lights. Col. sl. (wire wheels) 1818 Hudson seeing. weddings, touring, Anto driv- I 1064 : gentleman only. 25* condition, paint; ; 1921 Overland eoupe 1818 Brougham... 12-cyl. funerals. 5043. 24* TOURING cari good fine touring sßso' Buick, roadster, $475. Packard ing taught; private Instruction. Call Adam* CLEVELAND. 1922. $75. If sold next week. ON CONN. AVL. near Wardman Park Hotel, Lincoln 3589. J. H. 1920 Velie ssoo i i 1918 1829 Peerless Sedan .; 8-cyl. 1334 HARVARD HT. N.W.—Two. double or leaving city. Phone 1920 Studehakcr coupe, special six $675 Buick, v Phone Potomac 1917. C. Burts, 1548 Bth n.w. with private family, one living room and one Roth. 225 East Cwnltnl st. 24* 6-cyl. touring, new 1918 Cadillac Llmoualne ....8-cyl. 200. v 25* bath, single. 2nd floor: continuous hot water; near 1931 Studehaker light 6 touring $550 i 1920 Urge bedroom, with private on aecond large closets; 24*'r EXPRESS BODY, 6-post, for Ford ton 1918 Cadillac Sedan 8-cyl. A floor, front; adulta; references. Adams 3724. hath: telephone, piano. OPEN i 1920 Bcrlpp»-Wooth tourlns $250 I paint, S6OO. 1918 Cadillac Suburban 8-cyl. RENT GAR. HABLEY-DAVIDSON, electrically equipped: truck. $55. S. J. Mcel-c' Sou. 622 G st. n.w. One model '39 Willya-Knlght touring tandem; all fine condi- 24* 2626 GARFIELD ST.—For woman. excep-‘’ $650 1819 Cadillac Suburban 8-cyl. IT YOURSELF. speedometer, side car, room, a.m.1.; references. OPEN EXPRESS body: H-post. for light de- Buick, 1920 7-pass, touring,ssso. DRIV& tion; aecriflce for $125. Col. 3476-J. YOUNG LADY can have room next to hath: tlonally pleasant Ford ( isvTolet. Dodge—Studebaker Six. suite; lovely ; Columbia 8925. 24* livery chassis, cheap. See Ludwlck, 622 G Moat of theae can bade bees overhauled and MOTOR CYCLE. Harley -Davidson, and aide mahogany new home with young Other Good Cars, SIOO and Up. Buick, 6-cyl. touring, SI.OO par boar. $1.50 par haw. couple; privileges; phone, piano: elec.: LARGE attractive corner, with sleeping st n.w. i 1922 SBSO. repainted. p.OO par day. $7.58 par day. car; complete with tandem and extra tire; home ‘ * bargain; Address porch; adjoining bath; delightful location: new, ft. 626 Buick, 1920, touring, R n.w. *4 week. Box 141V, Star ICE TRUCK BODY, 8 by 4 4. 6-cyl. $550. Co., Inc., $73. 25 at. office. * also garage. Col. 3600-W. A st. s.e. Phone Lincoln 5819. 25* * See Mr. Gordon, PRICES RIGHT. American Auto Livery 1920; ~ Buick, HARLET-DAVIDSON and aide ear. In NEAR SCOTT AND DUPONT 4117 Bth X.W.—Furnished single room, with NASH FOR SALK. 1922 4-cyl. touring. S6OO. EAST TERMS. condition; run lea* than 12,000 miles; 16th CIRCLE— 1317 L St. N.W. Main 622. fine A girl to share a cool, attractive apt.: a.m.l. , private porch. Call after 5 Saturday or any Will sacrifice 6-cylinder Nash. A-l condition . R. McREYNOLDS & SON, Chalmers coupe, 1918, UAl>. $125. 1258 Bth at. n.w. 25* • girl roommate; Urge, light, time Sunday. 24’ T S3OO. KENT A A cool room: v in every respect. Inquire 1517 Vt. a e. n.w. THE WASHINGTON IT INDIAN CHIEF used 4 months; good as cunning balcony; charming. A coxy 5 p.m. ; 1423-25-27 L ST. Ford coupe, ; extras; DHIYB TOCBBKLF. 74. room 1 APT. 24. MAURY AIT., 701 I9th st. n.w J’hone North ."i«I9-J Iwtween and 6 25* N.W. many . (7-pasa,). 1922 Fords. Bnleka new; $100; and pay $134 at S2O a month; for one nr two; southern exposure. Fr. 2835. • On June 30. comfortable room for gentleman;. CADILLACCOMPANY, par SI.BO par bear. speedometer, spotlight. 114 7tb • MAIN 7228-29. car practically new; $450. fl.oo hoar. » tandem, AVE. AND N —Bod-sitting room; next price moderate. LOOK! RUDOLPH JOSII President $5.00 per day. P»r day. at. n.e. 24* CONN. Loaier seven-passenger; perfect shape; new OPEN EVENINGS Buick sedan, excellent 1138-1140 Connecticut ave. n.w. PBOK'B OARAGE, to bath; InstanUneoua hot water, electric 1 DUPONT CIBCLfc, 1638 19th n.w.—Largs' better; AND 1920; Temporary Showroom, 14th St. R.W. North SOU. MOTOR CTOLK. Indian; almost MW: reason- light; unlimited telephone;, separate entrance; front room, well furnished: hot water, alae- . • fire*; fast and looks good; none $200; Additional SISI • cash or terms. 647 7th at. n.e SUNDAYS. shape; S7OO. 1124 Connecticut ave. n.w. Branch at Metropolitan Hotal. able. A. Obeea, Mata ITU 34* strictly private: *35. Franklin 877*. 54*v tricity ; two, *3O; three, *4O. ft- ; *_'j I i

« -• . ' - .. . , - . J 4V- •, • , ¦- 'W.sA. • ¦ 4 *!. ‘X. .Ae.V-. 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ V-