1918 Hudson Super Six ...950 Overland 4 ...Has Only M" Run M

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1918 Hudson Super Six ...950 Overland 4 ...Has Only M THE STTXD AT OBEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 1G. 1922 17 FOR g A 1,15 ArTOMOBHES. JPOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WOn SALF AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES, TOU SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE ArTOMOmr. ron pate ArTOMomrr. EUL VALUES. EXTRA SPECIAL BUYS. BUSINESS IS GOOD. WTLLYS-OVERLAN- D PACDJTO COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY'S USED FORDS USED FORDS. COMPANY. OBLIGATION TO THE PUBLIC. USED CAR SHORTAGE. YOUR TIMB IS VALUABLE. USED CAR 3. EASY TERMS. LOWER SPRING BARGAINS OPEN EVERY EVE. AND SUNDAYS. Because the people have found the place where they can buy the best cars Business is good with the Overland. We aim. In selling our nsed cars, THAN WERE MADE We honestly believe that be- Yon will be well paid If yoe will take BOMB to give you your fore the time to look over our stock of LIGHT, SOMB NOT fiO LIGHT, Trade in your Ford that needs over- xor tne least, money. money. the most value for vacation days roll around ow BUT hauling on a. high-grad- e reconditioned A visit to our salesroom will We don't sell PERFECT FOR there will be a shortage of good and used cars and trucks. ALL GOOD AND PRICED RIGHT. used one (if not on a new car of later Wo do not speculate In used cars or convince you of the real value we cars neither new nor used nor used cars and our advice Is to yl offer. are our used cars as good as new bar- We have In nearly all 1&18 Briscoe, 9 263 model with starter if wished). sell tor prom as tnese cars are cars. WINTER BARGAINS. BUY NOW. See these fine thera ef the 18l Diiie Flyer. in on new Hup mobiles. We don't claim that, but gains. standard makes. new 375 "WE DO OUR OWN APPRAISING" Willys -- Knight, late series. we do c'aim that our used cars are Reduced prices which more than cor- paint regular guaranty, 1922 the best value to be found in the new Model SO Overland, . 175 and always give you top price for your All used cars are placed in the best city. respond to the big reduction of 1917 Chevrolet tourlnr Roadsters. itfi7 Studebaker, car. condition In every way and sold on very license $1275 automobiles. 1918 Chevrolet buc J"i Sedans. good 193 easy 1919 Willys-Knigh- t, Al con- 1914 Buick touring I Dump True a. all terms. 675 Listed below some of re- 1918 Maxwell, 175 1916 roadster, new paint - $126 dition very are the We completely renew, overhaul or 1920 Chevrolet touring, lots Heavy Trurk. 3019 5pass. Chalmers, 425 1916 touring, new extras, D.rokerage charge. 1920 Hupmobile, Al condition 900 best conditioned cars we have. build Hudson and Essex automobiles. of . 0 Touring Cars. tires and No 3920 Buick 950 Some are completely rebuilt, guar- extras D 45 Buick, light 475 1922 license 150 by us These are In the best of mechanical 1917 Mitchell 400 Coupe. J01T Franklin, new paint... 800 1918 touring, overhauled, 1922 license 235 Full tire equipment, some with 1922 1919 Hupmobile, Al mechan- anteed to be in excellent condition ; they are also warranted 1921 Briscoe roadster 600 Delivery Trucka 1917 7 pass. Cadillac, 1000 1918 good. 1922 225 ical condition; repaint- mechanical condition others are the same as warrant new 1920 Trailers. new paint. touring, extra license license, and other extras. t high-grad- e ; new same factories L bertv 6 touring 1918 Paige, 5S0 1918 175 ed, job almost and carrv the cars; in we give 90 days 6S5 new paint chassis, overhauled, 1922 license li- guarantee. WE COM- addition 1918 Cole coupe 1918 yl 3920 225 bumper, 1922 INVITE brokerage. Oida Chummy, 475 touring with starter, '22 license 360 Ford bug $ 850 PARISONS. We appreciate op- free mechanical service. 3919 Mitchell "75 Your own term; no We 1918 Dodgft touring, 1922 license... 893 1921 touring, demountable rims, Briscoe 250 cense the 1918 Maxwell touring 225 carry our own paper. 1917 325 1920 Nash touring, Al condi- portunity of demonstrating these good Chalmers, starter. 1922 license 425 Maxwell ......... 875 cars to you. Other makes of automobiles 1918 Briscoe touring. good new paint 295 192 1 roadster, starter, demountable Chevrolet 2.a tion; refinished thoroughly overhauled, put in first-cla- ss paint 875 1918 Elgin, new paint 25 rims, 1922 license 373 Chevrolet 3io FOR YOUR COMPARISON. condition and sold with a ten 1921 Ford roadster, lots of OPEN 6UNPATS, I t 1919 Dort, '22 license, 1921 coupe, wonderful value 500 Chevrolet B. G. 60O OVER LAIRDS. days' free trial subject to being re- 475 1921 coupe, 450 extras i new top 395 wire wheels, "22 license. 575 Chevrolet B. G. rda. S00 1919 Type Winton touring, turned and full credit given on any 1918 Overland model 90 .... Soi COME AND LOOK THEM OVER. 1915 Big 4 Bulck roadster 250 102O touring, lots of new parts 275 Chevrolet rds. 2o Late series sedans very job. other car of equal price that cus- 775 1919 only 1920 300 Late series touring, guaran- fine paint may 1919 Mitchell touring Hudson speedster, run delivery, panel, '22 license and Chalmers BOO W ot!nghouse shocks, tomer select. 1921 Jordan silhoutie 1500 11,000 miles 1230 overnauiea zoo Buick D45 600 teed license, good tires $1325 3920 Ford touring ST5 AMERICAN WAREHOUSE BALF.S ope -- 1920 Late series touring, guaran- gives ample every pur- Hartford roadster, tires alone sedan, lots of extras, '22 license 5i Dodge 7d 1921 Sluts. Sport. This time for 1918 Scripps-Boot- h roadster. 350 COMl'AM, worth, more than we ask for car 150 3 bugs, all good ones, classy and ex- Dodge ov teed practically new 2350 chaser to try out the car he buys, 1920 9M 600 Model 90 touring, refinished. 375 It Inspected, Bulck DELIVERIES. tra values, from $250 to $400. Olds 8 375 1920 Coifc, repainted, gives him time to have 1919 Briscoe 425 413 East Ash Pt . Cor. F.aat 6tfc. 1918 Dodge, open exp., 450 8 o0 Model 90 Country club diso wheels 1350 and we want only satisfied cus- 510. extra value. Grant 450 Model 90 touring, good con- 1920 Mitchell 1050 Phone East 1918 Chevrolet with dandy body, all TALBOT At PASRY. TVC. Hudson 275 1921 Reo coupe, almost new, tomers. 1920 Oldsmobile 675 Good 200 Ankeny 811S, Hupp 500 dition 1922 many 1650 East and Grand Ave. East 75 225 license, extras 1918 Briscoe 20 Hupp 900 Model roadster 1916 Hudson super six.... $ 783 1575 USED FORDS, $75 AND UP. REMEMBER: Hupp coupe, 1200 Model 83 touring 200 CADILLACS. 1920 Jordan 1919 Dodge roadster, lots of 1917 Briscoe 850 You can't judge the value of a used li- 1917 Hudson euper six 825 DO YOURSELF JUSTICE. SEE OUR Any ready to home. extra equipment, 1922 , 1920 3918 Overland 30 NO LisLD CAUS carpytne price listed. See these. car drive cense, cord tires 595 Cadillac Victoria 300 1920 Chandler 1MM) STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY. 1920 Cadillac touring 2500 1918 Hudson super six ......... 950 -- today. 1917 Reo roadster. 1922 lic'se 325 1918 Touring, 1918 Mitchell cyl.. 525 SHOULD SELL See these refin- new tires, paint 1920 1325 WE WILL TRADE CARS WITH YOU. 1920 Chevrolet touring, and new top-- 2000 1919-192- 0 (model O series) Hud- Jordan sport marine.... BUY YOUR USED CAR money. ished 395 1918 1917 Mitchell . 4i0 TODAY. NOW GO Save Roadster, new tires and son spper six 1050 5'tO TALBOT A CASEY. INC., BEFORE PRICES UP. 1918 Chevrolet touring, good paint 1800 1918 Mitchell condition 233 1919 Mitchell 700 NEW CLEVELAND SIXF.S. Buick MANLEY AUTO CO. good 1917 Touring, new top and 1919 Hudson speedster 1150 East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118 touring $550 11th and Burnside. 1918 Chevrolet touring, pa.nt 1600 Dodge touring 375 --and mosj condition 300 1916 Touring, new top and 1920 Sold on easy terma A small $950 PORTLAND. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. .igin touring 450 One of Portland's oidest 375 Hudson speedster ......... 1350 EASY TERMS. coupe reliable auto dealers. 1920 Ford touring, starter... paint. 1400 payment down and balance Ford ioO 1919 Ford touring, starter... 300 1919 730 monthly. If you cannot call, A FEW LEFT HUnnY. Hupp touring ... 300 1917 Maxwell, good condition 225 Essx phone us WHY NOTT "ALWAYS write or for the details Nash touring ... 700 THE BEST CARS AT THE 1921 Essex 975 on any car in the list. If Tou Insist on a Used Car Olds 6 touring . 750 COLUMBIA CORNERS. SPECIALS. LOWEST RICES." BUY OUT OF THE HIGH RENT OJds 8 chummy . Sunday we gave you several real 895 550 Last Today 1 new Truxton truck.. 1917 Maxwell 173 Open evenings from to . Look at This List. 6 800 buvs. By noon they were sold. 1922 3- Studebaker bis 1914 Maxwell, starter. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 1920 . 300 Sundays from 10 to - DISTRICT. we give you several more, just aa good. license 65 Ford Mitchell 6 MANY OTHERS PRICED Come early. 3920 Maxwell 395 RIGHT. ALL top. plate TWO LOCATIONS. 3919 Olds six 585 MITCHELL, LEWIS ft STAVER Maxwell I can av you 10 to 20 GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. 3918 Buick, new Several serviceable automobiles Overland 4 .......... ar 3918 Buick 50 COMPANY. per cent on used cars. glass back and sides, runs and looks at your own price. Visit our used-c- Main plant, Washington at 21st. 6 S'Ht very good. $575. ' 1918 Olds eight 725 Broadway and Everett. Chalmers OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. lot. Thone Bdwy. 6244. 1920 875 89 In Northwest.
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