"' April_13, 1921

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--, -~ a ·· UDJoa , ··~ ;~,. • COmplete Landscape Service Responsible ~dio .Semce CLM&IFIED ADVERTIBBJIBNTB Eveqreen~hrube-Treu-Perennlals A. C. SBTS CAN ONLY BB AD.JUSTBD Black · SoD and Fertiliser by competent men, and this ..ould WE PLANT AND GUARANTEE apply to all RadiO& OUr work Ia supervtBed by a Racllo Eqlneer of ex­ LEO KARl perience. A portable unit elves a Phone Wilmette 1601YI laboratory test In your own home. We JOLTNJ9-1tc deal only In Radios, and aruarantee our service at a reasonable cost. RADIO SERVICE A INSTALLATION Winnetka-Perennial­ 4!6 Linden Ave. Wilmette 4117 Sparton, 748nlth, Crosley Dealer Garden. 4JL29-ltc Landscape p.rdenlq Cut flowers and cladlolua bulbil tor sale. fiA BA.DUTOK COVElli ~erry Kucei'(L Winnetka. 3Z9 1050 Oak street RADIATOR COVERS, CABINETS AND n--~·,·--- ~or1 ln~---.:~Clullle4 a4vel'tblemeat8 will be ao- .&nlllll> • .., 1" .... nv.•.--eepted up to WeCIDtlllllq I o'cloaiE for 20LTN!G-tfc shields, reasonably priced. High grade tbe WILJ1BTT1D LD'B or all three llaJII'II: 'l'b~ I o'clock for the workmanship & ftnlsh ; time payment WINNBTKA TALK an4 Prl~ I o'clock for the GLBNCOB H11WS. If desired. Kr. Wetsel, Ph. Wilmette TelepboDM: Wilmette 4101 or Wlimetlra 1000-•L ADAM SCOTT 2118. fJA-LTNJ6-tf9 Landscape Gardener and Contractor Avoid worry. Have your place ftxed up and taken care of by the month. Get 41 BBPAIBD'Q A BBI'INI8BilfQ my estimate on new places, also drive- ...P_E_O_P_L_E __ W_H_O--KN--0-W--A-N-D--A-P-- FOB 8ALB-AUT08 .POB 8ALB-AUT08 ways. p WI ka • • · PRECIATE EXPERT CRAFTS- • • hone nnet ""t 8""· MANSHIP, SEND THEIR FURNI- USF.J) CARS JOLTNZ9-ltc TURE TO US TO BE REPAIRED BOUGHT FROM US ARE A SAFE IN­ AND REFINISHED BY OUR EX­ vestment. PERTS. CALL US AT UNIVER­ Landscape Gardening SITY 6300. 43LTN28-tfc WERSTED MOTOR CO. WORK BY DAY OR CONTRACT. ALL IS THE NEXT 662 Lincoln Ave. Phone Winnetka 165 work guaranteed. Alek Gurchuck. 56! · 44 SERVICE DUBEAU GREATEST VALUE 4LTN29-ltc Birch St. Phone Wlnn. !306. ------TO A NEW JOLTNZ7-2tp THE BRIGGS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY· 19J7 Master Six Buick , Gold Seal FALCON MOTORS OFFER & Personal Service can furnish help Guarant.ee .•.••••...•...... •$1',1?5 192'1 Sedan ....•.•••••. $450 GERMAN GARDENER, OLD COUN­ of all nationalities. We fumlsh the 1111 Standard Country Club Coupe, .Jordan 192'1 Sedan ...... $950 try experience especially on flowers, best sort of help only. Couples, maids, rumble seat. Gold Seal Guarantee wants work by wk., day, or hr. Best butlers, chauffeurs, laundresses, etc. •.•.••••...•..•.•.•.•..•....•...... 19'16 FALCON M01~0RS of work guaranteed. T. H. Hausman, Also governesses, and nurses. Reliable 1121 Two-door master Sedan • . . . • S8'l5 619 Davis St., Evanston 891 Spruce St. Tel. Wlnn. 50!-M. help only. Call Douglas 1500. 1925 Buick 7-passenger Sedan, big bar­ DEALER 20LT39-1tp 44LTNJ9-4tp gain, has 4 new General Urea 4LTNJ8-1tc •.•....•....•.•...... •••....•..•••• $925 GENERAL REPAIRS LIBERAL TERMS BOOIS INSTRUCTION • CABINET WORK. MAKE BOOK- PRIVATE LIBRARY, 200 VOLUMES. Take Golf Lessons cases. Old floors scraped and made N(Q)rilln §Jln(Q)JrmmJPJ!UIDJ 11 BUILDING .t CONTRACTING GOLF SCHOOL •• 1030 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5961 9U Chicago Avenue Garden & Beach Umbrellas OPEN EVENINGS Drapery Hardware AND SUNDAYS HARRIS BROTHERS Phon~vt..~e~'f!!~ 48t5 Canopies Rented 4LTN29-1tc ;:Co~THll SSIDEI~ ELV~NSTdONGBRANCH NOW I~ the Time . to Have .Awnings & Window Shades e u- ea tne arages ,r G If Cl b G 0 o 1 0 S'DAGGERING COTTAGES-HOMES our open ~e~tngsone ver JHI&JrllcdlNo1B3llulUln~(C@o PRICE CUTS ON RALPH WATTS, Mgr. !5L!7-3tc GOOD USED CARS 2047 HOWARD AVE., CHICAGO 26 Prouty Annex '25 Oakland Coach ...... $395 Winnetka 1125 '25 Essex Coach ...... 176 Between Clark and Ridge !7 INTERIOR D~COBATING Waukegan Oftlce 'J'l Coach ...... 600 EVANSTON CEUCAGO ------302 S. Genesse St. '26 Chevrolet Coach ...... ; . . . . . 2'15 UNIVERSITY8950 BRIA.R[tt:g2:!t~: PARCHMENT SH.t\DES Waukegan 2087 '11 Pontiac 4 Door ...... 6'15 51LTN29-tfc '!5 Olds. Coupe ...... 296 CARPENTER AND GENERAL 'PAINTED ORDER 'Z5 Hudson Coach ...... ~ ...... 385 CONTRACTOR TO '21 Oakland 4-Door Sedan ...... 685 TO HARMONIZE WITH Y 0 U R II WINDOW W ASKING '21 Pontiac Coach ...... • 460 draperies or decorative scheme. Our T_H_E_V_A_N_D_E_R__ S_E_R_V_I_C_E_, _EX_P_E_R_T ALL THESE CARS ARE RECONDI- o o creative artists achieve perfect re- window washing, ..one-dav" house- TIONED AND NEWLY PAINTED. IF JJ IHiaclk