1934-11-04 [P G-7]
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MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS—RADIOS DOGS. PETS. ETC. HOUSES—FURNISHED. HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. RENT—GARAGES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. (Continued.) < Con tinned. > (Conttn»«d.) (Can timed.) COLORED—β ROOMS. TILED BATH. H- <Con t ^ (C«itlnBfti.> 1233 EUCLID—BRICK AND CEMENT, lane<■) RABBIT HOUNDS and ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED, ALMOST BEAUTIFUL CORNER HOME. w.h.: hwf.: Oolonlal type; garage. real- WASHER, Easy vacuum cup. wringer type. WANTED—Ueed grand Stelnwgy pi»no. In PAIR OF SMALL elec. UfhU; 3rd door from 13th it.; (trick· CHEVROLET 1930 town «dm. $218; thor- home In exclusive 7 room·. 2 1717 D ST. dentlal n.w. S«f>. Term», worth 9708. owner » A-l condition; sell for $25. 101 Flower good condition. Mrs. Throop. 800 Wash- excellent brush hunter*. 17 month! old; | new lection. N.Ï.—$69.50. ly white: home $!S oughly reconditioned, refinished and looks * baths: on 1st attic, Practically new home, conditio* of re- Md. 8hep. 1813-R. ington ave.. Aurora Hills. Va. Phone $26. Wilson blvd. and Norfolk av·.. Clar- lavatory floor, large COLORED. OARAGE SPACE. GARFIELD ST.-Wis- new: money-back guarantee, submit your ave.. Takoma Park. oil ; room, room. 4 Walnut 84H3-M. endon. V». Phone Clarendon 2865 fireplace, heat, garage beautifully ception hall, living dining 109 18th *t. i.e.—6 rmi consin ave. Telephone Cleveland 2659. term·: 75 others. Bell Motor (Plymouth;. bargains; call a built-in $18.5(1 WASHERS AND IRONERS. planted (rounds: lovely home for the bed rooms, kitchen, dinette, j 201 Ν st. s.w.—3 rm» $12.50 460 New York ave, η w. and service lor PIANO. Steinway grand: aacrlflclnc for ENGLISH SETTERS (reglatered). 40 young Phone screened tiled NICE BRICK GARAGES AT 9th AND _ u> before you buy; parts right party: immediate possession. Frigidaire, rear porch, bath, 1317 1st St. s.w.—4 rms S!« 6fl 14th and auick sale: excellent condition. 3U45 Con- setter· sired by the International show * rear Uoihur it· and 111. ave. and Allison CHEVROLET 1929 sedan. The former all washers. Procter & Rldgely. Adams 086.1, built-in tub and shower, garage. yard. 1224 2nd St. s.w—4 rms. ft. lOOOO necticut ave.. No. 107. 4* champion and Held trial winner Pennine $16.0(1 n.w. At the price these (traie· can be owner ha· taken wonderful care of this Newton sts. Columbia NEW MODERN «-ROOM HOUSE. COM- 1404 K. CAFRITZ. Dlst. 9080. FLOYD E. DAVIS CO 733 12th N.W. Patron. Beautiful specimens, blue belton St. rented for. tou canont afford te subject little sedan. Must be seen tc be appre- Sc IRONERS—Special warehouse furnished: large recreation room, CHIVY CHASE—CLEVELAND PARK. Nation»! 0363. WASHERS and orange belton markings. $40 and $50 pletely your car to the Winter weather. Call Na- ciated. Act quick as we won't have it sale, large discount lor cash; every appli- built-in garage, reasonable. Call Georgia We have some attractive houses avail- ft each. Ε. B. Mclntyre on Georgia ave. CO /ORF.D tional ooae. ion*. Η. B. Leary, * Bro., 1321 ance guaranteed: call at once Procter 1195. 5' to·: rent In these sections; car avail- Jr.. 10.000. pike, β miles north of Dlitrlct Une (6 miles able 1020 4th st. n.w.—5 r„ elee Ï2S.50 CHAB. D. PAGER. 14th St η,w. Rldgely. 14th it Newton sts.. Col. able so that jou may Inspect DIXIF. north of Silver Spring). Turn In at sign. CHIVY CHASE 618 20th st. n.w.—8 r.. elec 25.50 B24 14th St. N.W. opportun- REALTY CO.. Dhone Sun- ^HEVROLTT 1933 sedan: cordovan tray WASHIN3 MACHINE—Unusual Phone Kensington 245-W. η rms. bath garage. $05: 7 rms.. National B880. 1707 Beaton st. n.w.—Ô r.. elec... 28.60 on orand-r.ew Apex 7-sheet « lacquer: fine quality aeat covers, purchased ity to saie $21 bath, garage. $100; 8 rms.. 3 baths, ga- day Potomac 2712. 2148 8th st. n.w.—β r.. elec 28.60 Res. BETTER 0LASS WANTED—GARAGES. by original owner: clean interior, fine rub- models: slightly marred in shipment COLLIES, royally bred, rage $110. Call us to see these and CHEVY CHASE MODERN HOMES, 16 Patterson st. n.e.—6 r.. elec... 26.60 well marked of real ber and a quiet motor. Only $467; prob- $69.50 for $48-50 cash. Apex Electric Co., healthy pups quality; other houses. β rooms and bath to 11 rooms and 3 1072 30th St. n.w.—8 r.. b 26.60 SINOLE CAR OARAOE BETWEEN 17th $25 up. The love that ably your car will be the TOO iith at. n.w. at O. Open evenings. only money can EDW. H. JONES & CO.. baths; moderate rentals; auto service for 1027 4th st. n.w.—6 rooms 26.50 and 24th iti. and aouth of Ρ st. n.w. down payment; buy. 3401 Campbell st.. Brentwood. Md. Clev. 2300. Wise. 2573. easiest terms: 16 months If you wish; mixed, half and half: * Eves.. inspection. LESLIE D. MEA8ELL, 1817 34th st. η w.—t r.. elec 20.50 In reply give description. location and WOOD oalt and pine Phone Oreenwood 201H-W. phone money-back 8 up: full cords. $10: slab Cleveland 4733 or Rear 2215 Ga. ave.—1 r.. rent. Addreu Box 411-J. Star office guarantee. Nolan. 1111 18th ■tawed inches $75—BARGAIN: ATTRACTIVELY TORN., Cleveland 3465. elec,... 17.60 st. n.w. D. C. or suburb. 48 Defrees st. n.w.—β ~ wood. $0 cord, delivered. PUPPIES—Boston terriers, wire-haired fox modern home, near schools, churches: good LARGE JUST OFF CONN. r.. b 25.50 1' terriers HOME. AVE. insn Montello ave. ne.—β room*.. 20.60 CHEVROLET 1933 master coach. $438; Phone Decatur 0688. (little beauties), cheap; Georgia location Phone Columbia 5858. 4* 2118 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W.—$150. SALE—AUTO TRUCKS. njr. 34 Ε st. η w.—β r.. b an outstandinr value at this price; abso- scottles. best ever: also fine collies. Your rec. 30.60 WOOD, cash and carry. 5c and 3c per log. CHARMING NEW HOME IN EXCLUSIVE Beautifully decorated; hall, large 1929 1 con- A-l ; chance to get a pedigreed at a M. FRANK RUPPERT. STEUART '4-ton truck, lood lutely money-back guarantee; submit 2431 18th st. n.w. dog price. Forest Hills. 7 rooms. lavatory, living room, hall room, dining room. 9 oak and pine. ·__ if Come out to 2 baths, 1021 7th 8t. Ν W. National 0510. dition: cheap. Holleman's Garaie. 1231 your terme: 75 others. Bell Motor Lady Astor (Ply- seasoned, mixed, cut Kennels. Marl- gas heat, refrigeration, ami.: references large bed rooms. 4 complete baths, kitchen WOOD $0 cord; well boro pike. Md.. at District line. 20th it. n.w. mouthl. 460 New York ave. n.w. free delivery. Adams 36.V7-J. required. Phone Cleveland 3048. and butler's pantry: accommodations In any length, Phone Hillside · O. C also CHEVROLET 1933 sedan: we believe our a Piano? 0505. basement for butler or house man: h.-w.h.. WANTED TO RENT—HOUSES. M raoTlnc van·. 2-ton: stake Buying CHEVY D. C.. BLOCK CIRCLE— body truck; Phone car to be one of the beet ever PEKINGESE PUPPIES, CHASE. electricity. WANTED reasonable. North 2279. offered oaX or pine. 611 a beautiful black, All brick, center hall, modern home, beau- TO RENT. DECEMBER 15, Mr. » for sale. owned WOOD, cut any legnth. Then don't fall to visit our (male). $20. 722 Central 1404 K. CAFRITZ Dlst. 9080. Dey. Formerly by careful driver. 0181. ave.. Capitol tifully furnished: :i bed rooms. 2 baths. modern house. 3-4 bed rooms, maid's room cord, stored. Phone Hillside store. We carry the largest Heights. Md. · New-car appearance, performance and re- 940 INDEPENDENCE AVE. 8.W.— and bath double garage. FORD 1930 truck, l'j-ton. dual wheel», WOOD—Seasoned oak. any length. $11 per selection of pianos In Washing- [ LESLIE D. MEASELL. Cleveland 3485. 4* large plot, liability. This car must be seen to b· WANT TO BUT 8 rms $25 00 Write or telephone J stake body; reaionable. A. 8. Levy 400 cord, curb delivery; also pine and kindling. ton: such famous makes ai DOBERMAN PINSCHER. CAPITOL HILL—INDIVIDUALLY BUILT, Monday. D. CON- appreciated. Honestly priced at $525. and male or female; state fl05 C st. i f.—6 rms.. water OVER. Mayflower Col, rd. n.w. Phone Columbia 73H0-J. Dial Walnut 8487. P. W. Clark. Knabe. Fischer. Weber. Steele, lowest price. Ad- ga«. $18.50 Hotel. District 3000. It Is worth the money. Terms, trade. dress * elegantly and completely furnished Box 314-J. Star office. 1222 Pleasant it. i.e.—β r. and WANTED A IN CHEVROLET 1931 truck; stake and ex- ave. WOOD, seasoned oak and pine cut any Estey. Haines Bros., Everett, with antiaues: 10 rooms. 2 baths, hot- HOME OR NEAR WASH- Owens Motor Co.. 6323 Georgia b.. a m l $45.00 Inston. or press body: cab dual *-heels. 157-Inch w. Cable Nelson and many others. water excellent home for furnished unfurnished lona a reasonable price, immediate deliv- heat, electricity; 4th st. se-—β rms. elec * b new no CHEVROLET 1933 coach; real value for length; Our prices and terms are as 1114 $2.').00 lease and good references. Col. 6868. flnlih; lettering. Honestly priced ery Call Wisconsin 3316. SALE. Congressman. Senator or Government offi- FLOYD B. DAVIS 733 12th St. N.W. some one. New tires: paint motor and low as can be found anywhere CO.. at $325. Terms, trade. Owens Motor Co., Due to a combination of cial: $175 per mo.