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TfOOMS, KTC. Strro MOBILES, ETC. THE EVENING BTATt, WASHINGTON, ft. 0., TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1926. 35 TABLE BOARD. FOR SALE—-AUTOMOBILES. MoU*r Hidda. 11l I*l6 i oU mSTaTRL). xTW/—First-class table (Continued.) OHGE WON AIME board. Southern cookinc. • fajBVELAND 4 -PASS. COEPK. Rood me- t-banical condition; disc wheels, (runt and bear bumpers, atop and parkin* lights. W in- front; price. *250. time payments, .(all RENT ROOMS—FTR ft TTVFTR. fer 11* Mr. Moss. Franklin 4456. BROOKLAND—Two communicating. Jo fcotlGE COUPE; Rood paint. 5 Rood tires' Eh.k.; detached house; am.E: reasonable Vill sell very reasonable.; pood mechanical Phone North 8416-W. 10* 1830 Calif, at. K. 7704-W. 308 7th ST. N.E.—2 largo room*, aecood [JE SEDAN. 1924. special A: perfect floor: 1.h.h.: electricity: fur. ju- unfur. ition. balloon tires, disc wheels, etc. 10th ST. rooms kiln Motor Car Co.. 1503 Conn. ave. or tO2 9.E.—2 and bath for gltion. North 1-h.k. _ _ _ B st. n.w. 3581. 5812 FAIRMONT —2 or room* (DODGE 1933 TOURlNtt—Very pood condi- separately or en ST. N.W. alter 3 tion: unusual bargain; $67.30 anil $6.73 per suite. Tall 6 pm. 9’ Ourisman Chevrolet Sales Co.. 625 st. n.e. Open nights and Sundays. FAT ROADSTER—3 or 4 passengers. This Peek. little ROOMS—LNFUCMSnED. tnonderful imported ear oos-t approxi- RENT mately S4.000; genuine Burbank top; all 8311 13th ST. N.W.—Entire third floor; two -new cord tires; 30 miles on gallon of pas: rooms and private bath: newly decorated made as fine its a watch; beautiful appear- continuous hot water. Adults. Col. 4025 ance. The price is about 20of its origi- nal cost. Ruu only Easy 5.00 U miles. 021 outside terms. Your --ar H, trade. Lincoln Sales, EMERSON ST. N.W.—Three 1132 Conn, ave. Main 2080. room*, housekeeping apartment; glass in- closed porch: ee mi-detached house: a.m.i CORD SEDAN—S good tires, good mechani- Adams 6000-J. cal condition; give any demonstration: $165. Plj. N, Cap, st. 9* 3904 IIOLMKAD N.tV.—lire*- comfort .1218 able room, next to bath, haif block from VORD TOURlN'.;—Exceptionally good con- car lines and busses; home privilege*: rea tiitlon; good rtiliber. extra equipment; $18.40 'gi. sonabl*. Phone Col. 1614-J- 10* per 'SSt; lSSin, rash and $4.81 week. Ourisman Chev- ** 636 ST.” N.W.—3 room* rolet Sales Open nights TMt LITTCt OINL FOUKO , PRINCETON Co.. 625 H st. n.e. porch: gas. ele-'tn-dtj ?•;: Sundays. MInSILF A * jJyL screened heat. reasonable; end IN MAUTtrUk UjRESINTLV am nlshed: gas range. 1.h.k.: phon- FORDS . every meadow. SHE CAME TO SHE CAME TO AN _ repossessed: cars of descrip- - APFLI-TWE ue — tion. for *he unpaid notes. Edson & Co.. 712- OVEN FULL of ORBAO. WS WEIGHED Ks BMS *MOOK THE APFLE-TREt TIU. THE AMICI s’, AN fIV QOWN WITH FRUIT AND IT CALLEO ta lßi° »l6 SEATON PL." N.E.—3 large.*linfu- 714 E s.e. Line. 8440. Terms on all T OUT ALL THE ABOUT M,R nlslied rooms, gas; entire 2nd flooi • TOOK MEAD. FtLL UKf MUt ANO 010 "0T h.-w.n.. • are. Open evenings. a .°. tOVELT UTTU ft|Hl LITTUI ONi her AS SHE PASSED: "SHAKE SHAKE Mfi reasonable rent. 11 f ORD TUDOR SEDAN—The new improved -w." UhE STOP - UNTIL EVERY APPLE WAS ON THE OROUfHL 613 PRINCETON PE. N.W.—4 romi amt latest type body: run only few miles: lock porch, all improvements. Adam* wheel, five balloon tires, parking light, etc.: cried the loavb*. OVEN DOOR. WENT ON HER Nevspipcr Syndicate eleeging »-ost $7lO. You can save a lot of money if ____________________________ ¦ - you hurry! Terms arranged if desired. 1133 1406 HOPKINS ST. N.W.. near 20ih 'and Conn, ave. 2080. P—Two second-floor communicating front Main 1.h.k.; or singly. s2l and 510 plus 0* VORD 1925 in good con- FOR FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR RENT >4O. TUDOR SEDAN. FOB SALE—AUTOMOBILES. _ ROOMS—FURNISHED. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. __ dition, many extras; S4OO cash. Address _FOR SALE—AVTOMOBIIJES. _ ' 8646 10th N.W.—2 or 4 connecting bath 451-X. Star office. 10* ENGINE HEADS exchanged REAL BARAGAIN9 in Hudson*. Dodge*. 2415 18th N.wT—Large front room, attrac- porch: clean: conveniences: adults: rcaaon Box BROKEN FORD PHELPS’ AUTO EXCHANGE Fords touring* and roadsters; reasonable tively window#, large closet: TORI) perfect all for (rood oops at S'-!.60. Cracked cylinder* STANLEY H. HORNER. ALL, Fonts: furnished. 4 able: good location. •_ COUPE. 1923: condition: , MODELS. terraa or trade. elect., hot-water heat, continuous hot water: good tires: a bargain at Tel. repaired in cars: all broken metal* welded. N.W. j E ST. S.E.—2 I. H.K. AND SCREENED extras: S2OO. 616 st. n.w. BUICK 1625 14th St. on Mt. Pleasant, Navy Yard and Potomac *I 1*609 new home Cleveland 3484, 9* Weldlt Co.. Ist 1926 Hudson Coach. Choice MANHATTAN GARAGE, Excellent meals within $4 block. porch: heat. ras. electricity: Tourings Park car*. adults; 7* TORO EORDOR SEDAN. 1933 a genuine \VTOMOBILE9 by auction at Weschler*. USED CAR 1924 Wlllys-Knixht Sedan 1" $5O to $OOO l7OO 7th st. n.w. $36.00 for two. reasonable. buy sit. se. (O' iivo. every 10 a m 1024 Chevrolet Touring. 0 Roadster* 125 to 175 23ft ST. HU.—Two rooms, kitchen at $225 Edson Cic. 713-714_E I’n. n.w.. Wed. A3»t.. • 0 ’24 2415 18th ST. Single room, attrac- 16th I irTgi $125: fs.':i> No. "0811 —FORD FORDOR, SE- DEPARTMENT. 1824 Hudson Sedan. Coupes 250 to 300 N.W.— bath, h.-u.h. rW-. screened porch, sink end FORD ROADS rKK. >od < onditinn: PAR Coach. 4 Sedans 100 to 800 tively large closet: electricity, hot- gas range: 10* Ce.. 215 Pa. ave. s.o DAN MOTOR EXCELLENT. NEW REAR. 1924 Essex REAL VALUES. heat,furnished: bright reasonable. terms. Donolioe Motor CORDS. 1924 liutok Touring. , H Light Deliveries 76 to 170 water continuous hot water: and Si'e Mr. Pierce, open Sunday*. PRACTICALLY NEW GOODYEAR LARGE, ¦ airy: $20.00: on Pleasant and Navy Yard 1207 EYE ST. N.E. —Three room* and bath FINE SHAPE: 1024 Buick Sport Touring Mt. * FORirsEDANS—Choice of two. buris- PAINT AND UPHOLSTERY ; Rlekenbacker C cyl., 4-pnsenger coupe: care. sink. heat. gas. electricity and use of tel* SIOO. MANY EXTRAS. THIS CAR PRICED TO 1P23 Hupp Sedan. 1— 11 * nan Chevrolet Sales Co.. 025 II st. n.e. MOVE CASH OR TERMS. SMALL, 1923 Hudson demonstrator. employed (young) phone QUICK. GUAR- Coach. These ears arc selling at Rlekenbacker 8 cyl., phaeton: demonstrator. CONGENIAL couple bath, Open nights. Sundays. ANTEED HO nAYS. THE R. L. TAYLOR OPEN, 1822 Buick Roadster. Rlekenbacker 6 cyl., 5-pauenger sedan: wanted to share new fumlehed house: cook- 203 G ST. N.W.—3 rooms and second FORD COUPE. 1924': practically a new car MOTOR COMPANY. 1840 14th ST. N.W. 1922 Buick Sedan. SALE PRICE with terms that overhauled and repainted. ing. etc. to be done bv hired housekeeper: floor, gas, heat, electricity. (n looks and condition; lots of extra equip- NORTH 11600. 1922 Buick Tourlnr. 6-passenger sedan. very satisfactory proposition: rent. $25. Ad- 1218 FLORIDA AVE. N.E.—3 CLOSED. Jlaynea dres* Box 4SH-X, office. II ? unfuniishA ment ; $ <2.20 cash and $7.20 per week. USED CAR No. 206-1—1926 FORD FORDOR make it easy to buy. ’lint 5-p»*»onger touring. Star rooms for light housekeeping; adults. _ Ourisman Chevrolet Sales II st. n;e. 6-passengrr touring. Co.. 025 SEDAN. NEW STYLE: CAN’T BE TOLD Terms. Studebaker nice, room 1116 7th 9T. N.W.—Three room*. unf".;X Low Prices. Reasonable FOR MEN ONLY—A large In the • Open nights and Sundays. FROM \EW: CAR PERFECT FROM TOl section, bath, heat: reasonable. TO 500. CO., downtown convenient to all Govern- nished. FORD TOURINGS—Have five to select from: BOTTOM- MILEAGE UNDER Fords, all kinds $lOO up TRIANGLE MOTOR The all in good ment office* 926 15th et. n.w. Rent only N.W.—2 rootgj per all late CASH OR TEftMS. SAVE OVfiR $lOO ON AUTHORIZED FORD DEALEB9. above cars are 4705 9th ST. unfurnished $26.80 cash and $2.68 week: THIS CAR R. L. *26 per month. Percy H. Russell Co.. 926 and porch for 1.h.k.. 1 block from cars. models: m good running condition. Ouris- GUARANTEED. THE Chevrolets, all kinds... .$lOO up HERE’S THE YEAR condition and priced right for 16tli «t. n.w. jnan n.e. TAYLOR MOTOR 1840 14th ST. N. Y. Ave. at N. Capitol St. Chevrolet Sales Co.. 025 II st. N.W, NORTH 9000.COMPANY. Vicinity tsth Open nights and Sundays. Maxwell Coupe .....$425 AND quick Terms responsi- and Columbia rd.— sale. to Large and single room, twin bed*, bath, con- Voßp TOURING. 1924. in fine condition: USED CAR No. 1973—1925 FORD COUPE. PRICE. tinuou* hot water, phone: private family. Took wheel: narking light; $145: terms. MOTOR NUMBER OVER 12.000.00 d: 6 Ford Tudor Sedan $375 THERE’S THE ble parties. Adam* 2547. ROOMS AND BOARD. Ponohoe Motor Co.. Pa. avo. s.e. See BALLOON TIRES IN PERFECT SHAPE NASH 215 Buick Touring, Master 6.. .$BOO AJAX 153 TODD PL.—Room In new house beau- THE RHODE ISLAND. 1437 B. T ave n w M r_ Pierce HAS BEEN USED VERY LITTLE AND IS —Large, warm, single and double rooms IN PERFECT MECHANICAL De NEANE MOTOR CO., tifullyfurnished, next to bath, aouthe.n ex- COUPE.