I . . Market I'laro All Tta Venn Ot 1 R!
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tttamaoufh Cvuuty'H 5 \ L i ."' i . Market I'laro All tta Venn ot 1 r!. l- The Begl&ler's Ctea- RED BANK V\ an& Surrounding Town* Where Uso Keller F Told Fearlessly and Without Bias. ,. ..]/ J tho llujor. Issued Weekly, Entered aa Second-Class Matter at the Post- Subscription Prlco: Ona Year $1.60 VOLUME LV, NO. 49. office at Red Hank, N. J., under the Act of March 8, 1879. KED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1933.. Six Hoiith« SI.00. Elnsla Copy if.. PAGES 1 TO 8. AUXILIARY MEETING. lig Business of the WEST POINT GRADUATE'. Says Petlngale Jsuii Mating Until Fall will 1>B Held •or Chester IJoGavro Is n Member of le Friday. Eisner Company. Rumson Council . 1933 Class. Plan in School Opens Tomorrow Tho Rcd Banlt auxiliary of Rlvcr- Chester Braddock DeGavro, port of vlcw hospital will meet Friday after- New Peddler's Ordinance Rec-Mr. and Mrs. C. J. DcGavrp nf Rer> Idea of Bartering Goods and Former Red Bank Young Mannoon, June 2, at half-past two o'clock Plant a Regular Beehive of tor place, will gradual o June 13 from Red Banlt Will Make Rev. Ernest W. Mandevilla Says Services Enthusiastically Re- Died at Riverview Hospital nt the Molly Pitcher hotel. This Activity Resembling Condi- ommended by Recorder With the United Slates military academy Next Term Because of Over- $2,850 Could be Saved fat ceived —- Merchants Endorse Sunday Morning as Result of will, be the last regular meeting of tions During the War—More Increased Fee—-Two Streets at West Ponit. At Wt^i Point he crowded Condition—No More Middletown Township Tax- the auxiliary until fall and the mite to be Resurfaced. was prominent in football, hasolkili, the Plan. Automobile Collision. boxes should bo brought to this gath- Employees, Higher Wages. lacrosse and wrestling, lie won a Part Time. payers. ering. ,. monogram at lacrosse and a loiter a', Tho Red Bank baiter exchange John J. Travels, Jr., of Long The Slgmund Eisner company ol In a report to the Rumson mayor The overcrowding nf the Red ncv. Ernest W. Mrmrlwlllc, one of The auxiliary la sponsoring a bene- Red Bank last week received a con- and council Thursday night Record- wrestling. He is captain of thn gnat will open for rmainonn tomorrow at Branch, formerly of Red Bank, died ; Bank public pchoohi has caused u lh(> newly olfteted members of tha early Sunday morning at Hivcrview fit bridge party to lie held Wednes- tract to manufacture 200,000 gar- er Jere J. Carew declared that the football team. Ho is now : etvcant gtave. condi fion which wiif he met Middletown lownUiip board of edu- nine o'clock nnd will remain open day afternoon, June 7, at half-past vice and immorality ordinance and thereafter every day cxccptlnp; Sun- hospital at Red Bank from injuries ments fnr, thfi newly organized rc- of bis company. next yonr by tho local .school au- cation, stated in talking with a Reg- received about five hours previous In two o'clock at tho home of Mrs. Wil-forestration army. This army was also the peddlers' ordinance were After his graduation he will re- thorities with a' radical change in ister reporter last weclc that. !io day. At tho last mcctlnB of tho ex- liam H.'HendHckson, Blossom Cove iccently mobilized at the Instance of obsolete and should he replaced with change committee it was announced an automobile collision at the inter- turn to Red Bank until Sentiinihnr. tho (ipi'i'iit ion nf Um junior and unnted tho neoplo of the tciwnnhin to section of the new Bayshoro boule- road. The proceeds of the party will President Roosevelt to provide work new ordinances. He recommended a Mr. DcGcivre was pjominonf, in foot- r,cninr hi#h srhoo!;:, This year the know that he thought William M, that enough money hud been con- vard and Main street at Belford. lie for the benefit of the hospital and for young men who were jobless. license fee of $25 for peddlers. His ball and track at the Red Bank high tributed to annum tho maintenance condition necessitates putt ing- sev- Petlngale nf niver Plaza nhould not Mr. Travcrs, who was a son of the public is cordially Invited. Beau- ThG Eisner company's contract calls report in as follows: school. He, joined the Red Bank eral grader; on part time and by con- be. re-elected clerk of the. board, Tho of the Elsnor store at 170 Monmouth John J. Travcrs of Leroy place, Hod tiful prizes will be awarded for high for underwear, olive drab trousers "January 1st to date. This report cavalry troop in 1927 and qualified as Street for three- months. tinuing nn the same system Red position calls for an outlay of J2.S5O, Bank, hnd been at tho homo of John acores at each table. and flannel shirta. President Roose- would have been submitted sooner marksman, sh?rp shooter and ex- Rank would bo worse off next, term of which $2,500 In for nnlnry and $331} Tho Idea of bartering Roods and Mulder of Main street, Belford. Mrs. Mrs. Thomas P. Doremus and Mrs.velt, hnn let it be known that he and in the regularly quarterly man- pert. He entered West Point after than now. Thn new system will is for (raveling expense:;. services has been (rmtcfully and en- Mulder died early Saturday morn- Henry Kohl are co-chairmen in ar- wants this clothing to bo delivered ner only there has been very little successfully passing the examinations nliminatn nil part-time cln^n.i and Hex. Mr. MnrKlevilln, who la rector thuntanUcnlly received by every mer- ing. She wa3 tho mother of Mrs. ranging the party and they will not later than Thursday, June 15, and c rim p. or nuisance during this per- through the national guard. Me also will pivn. all pt.udoni.", the advantage of Chii;t church at Middletown vll- chant to whom It haa been fully ex- Talbot Travels of Rumson. John J. havo a meeting of their committees every effort is being made at the fac- iod due io a great deal of the unus- attended Cornwall military academy. of a full school day. !aj;i\ slated, in talking with the re- plained. Mr. Fowler, owner of Fowl- at tho Molly Pitcher hotel Friday af- Travcrs, Jr., was a brother of Talbot tory to have the job dono by that ual vigilance being exercised • at j Tim Rod Bank board of education porter, that the combined salaries of er's market, upon reading tho article Travers. There was a gathering of ternoon preceding the regular auxil- time. present, by the police officers. What j F. Howard Lloyd, the township su- In Tho Hcglster, Bent word to Mrs. iary meeting. rlrcidcd after intrmiivn invent Ration relatives and friends at the homo of Not since the World war has such few caHed we have had this year | to u;:e whnt in termed the ".-;ingl<: pervisor of schools, and of the secre» William Barclny Harding, the chair- Mr. Mulder Saturday night to con- feverish activity been in evidence at have been very well presented and The Middletown soiision plan." This plan v;in revolved tary to Mr. Lloyd and of the secre- man, that ho would bo Rlati to have solo him over his wife's death. the factory aa is true now. The num-with considerable care. .;is the only logical .solution to merL tary to Mr. PctinRale amounted to tho opportunity of handling any live John J. Travertl, Jr., waa driving ber of employees has been increased "Ai tho preBcrit, time the police ; License Question t ho overcrowded condition and at nearly SW.OOO. exclusive of the 52,850 stock that was offered for barter. south on Main street when his auto- Public Matters to nearly 1,000 which is close to full are considerably handicapped in en- j t ' ^ j tho same time permit tlie admit.- paid to Air. PctinKale. He eald that Dr. Eugene Newman, tho dentist, mobile was hit by a car owned and capacity. This is the largest number forcing order due to the present Vice in his opinion the expenditure of will treat, patients from the exchange driven by Frederick Slcbcn of Key- The Township Committee Holds ;tnncc of ^out-of-town pupils, The $2,8!"/) should lie wiped out entirely in Middletown of workers the Eisner firm has had and immorality ordinance being Ki;itc bn:iI fl of and he will take in payment any of port, who was on the boulevard. Mr. since the World war. Not only has about, obsolete and ineffective to Two Meetings to Consider the! ' , creation approved and the work now done by Mr. Pet- Travers's machino was turned around 1 C 1 1 1 tho goods or services listed there. the number of employees been en- meet present day conditions. Our Matter and Decides to Defer j I11 i Jto7i'' t o tlie^m' TTi'n^'-o^'on'ui^i'^lith ingalR .should lie performed by tho Shoo repairing, for barter, will he and Its owner was flung out through The Meetings of the Township two secretaries. larged but wages have been, in- present, ordinance was passed in Action Until Friday Afternoon i nnd ninth eiatlr:; done by A, N. Bnrrasco of 130 a door which was opened by the Committee to be Held Here- creased. This is .the case nqt only 1900. Another ordinalce that is much the junior hitfh He said fuch a change would not Shrewsbury avenue.