-• • * • :. *~V • . ->>W~ ¦: - ¦> v j •- ¦ * i - ‘ v.\v: ¦ -AUTOMOBILES.^., THE SUNDAY STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C., JUNE 24, 1923-PART I. ROOMS, ETC. 27 FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOE SALE—AUTOMOBILES, FOB SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR HIRE—AUTOMOBILES. WANTED—AUTOMOBILES. 1 BENT Continued. Camtlaaed. Ceatlaaad. Cwrthww* CoßtinHa Coariaaed. 5 BOOMS—FUBNISHED. FORD sedan: (rood rendition: SSO eaab pay- Continued- SKUAS. 102t*; good tires, splendid von- FORD TOURING, 1017; good tires; car In FORD truck, new, dump body: reasonable; by ment, balance monthly. Addreaa Box 340-V, FORD condition; cash, $80; USED CARS WITH • 1387 22nd ST. Urge, nice fur- tlitlon; $276; terms desired. 65fl Pa. ave. flrst-clasa mechanical THERE ISNO day or week. Adams 378. Htar ofllce. N.W.—'Two If ¦mall weekly price, luttrTell RISK nished. cool rooms, second floor, next to bath; ».e. Lincoln 8613. payments: $75. SERVICE RENT A KOI H FIVE passenger car, nothing older housekeeping; FORD TOURING date 21); starter. 5 A-l CAB. oU li*bt private family FORD COUPE, late 1032; B good tire*. bumper wheel, CHEVROLET SALES CO. WITH A DRIVE IT YOURSELF. than 1921; atandard make; muat he willing to North 2861. appearance and tires, new battery, large lock steering take 1018 part, payment; ami other extras; excellent In full guaran- Bulck roadater aa mechanical condition; $383; terms can he ar- ventilating windshield: rebuilt: BONDED The cars offered below are in Corner 14th and W N.W. give full partlculara. Addreaa Box 297-V, 46 C ST. N.W.—For light housekeeping: teed; cash, $75; monthly, S2O; price, $275 Fords, Dodges, • bedroom, iaaged.
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